94-10990. Porcelain-On-Steel Cooking Ware From Mexico; Amendment to Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 87 (Friday, May 6, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-10990]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: May 6, 1994]
    Porcelain-On-Steel Cooking Ware From Mexico; Amendment to Final 
    Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
    AGENCY: International Trade Administration/Import Administration 
    ACTION: Notice of Amendment to Final Results of Antidumping Duty 
    Administrative Review.
    SUMMARY: On August 16, 1993, the Department of Commerce (the 
    Department) published in the Federal Register (58 FR 43327) the final 
    results of its administrative review of the antidumping duty order on 
    porcelain-on-steel cooking ware from Mexico. Based on corrections of 
    clerical errors, we have changed the margins for one company and are 
    now amending the final results.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: May 6, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lorenza Olivas or Rick Herring, Office 
    of Countervailing Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. 
    Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230; Telephone: (202) 482-
        On August 16, 1993, the Department published the final results of 
    its administrative review of the antidumping duty order on porcelain-
    on-steel cooking ware from Mexico (58 FR 43327). The review covered the 
    period December 1, 1989 through November 30, 1990.
        On August 24, 1993, we received a letter from counsel for CINSA, 
    S.A., alleging that the Department had made ministerial errors. 
    Petitioner submitted rebuttals to respondent's comments on September 1, 
    1993. On December 23, 1993, we determined that ministerial errors were 
    made. (See Memorandum to Joseph A. Spetrini dated December 23, 1993; 
    Corrections of Alleged Clerical/Ministerial Errors in Antidumping Duty 
    Administrative Review.) Although these final results are the subject of 
    litigation before the Court of International Trade (the Court), by 
    order dated March 31, 1994, the Court granted the Department leave to 
    correct these errors.
    Amended Final Results of Review
        After reviewing all comments, we have corrected the errors where 
        We corrected the double counting of CINSA's freight expenses for 
    U.S. sales by deducting only the U.S. dollar factor amount, instead of 
    both the dollar and pesos amounts, from U.S. prices to arrive at the 
    net price used in our price-to-price comparisons.
        We recalculated the brokerage charges on U.S. sales and used the 
    correct brokerage expense factor to derive total brokerage charges.
        We made an additional correction. We recalculated the home market 
    sales price used in our determination of sales below cost by adding the 
    value added tax to the home market price as stated in our notice of 
    final results.
        For further discussion of the Department's positions on the above 
    corrections, see Memorandum to Joseph A. Spetrini dated December 23, 
    1993; Corrections of Alleged Clerical/Ministerial Errors in Antidumping 
    Duty Administrative Review.
        As a result of our corrections of clerical errors, we determine the 
    margin for CINSA, S.A., to be 6.71 percent.
        Based on this rate, the Department will instruct the Customs 
    Service to collect cash deposits of estimated antidumping duties and to 
    assess antidumping duties on all appropriate entries in accordance with 
    the procedures discussed in the final results of this review (58 FR 
    43327). These deposit requirements, when imposed, shall remain in 
    effect until publication of the final results of the next 
    administrative review.
        This notice also serves as a final reminder to importers of their 
    responsibility under 19 CFR 353.26 to file a certificate regarding the 
    reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation of the 
    relevant entries during the review period. Failure to comply with this 
    requirement could result in the Secretary's presumption that 
    reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent 
    assessment of double antidumping duties.
        This notice is in accordance with sections 751(f) of the Tariff Act 
    of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1675(f)) and 19 CFR 353.28(c).
        Dated: April 30, 1994.
    Susan G. Esserman,
    Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    [FR Doc. 94-10990 Filed 5-5-94; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Commerce Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of Amendment to Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review.
Document Number:
May 6, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: May 6, 1994, A-201-504