98-12165. Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corporation Construction Into the Powder River Basin  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 88 (Thursday, May 7, 1998)]
    [Pages 25266-25268]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-12165]
    Surface Transportation Board
    [STB Finance Docket No. 33407]
    Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corporation Construction 
    Into the Powder River Basin 1
        \1\ This case was formerly entitled Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern 
    Railroad Corporation--Construction and Operation--in Campbell, 
    Converse, Niobrara, and Weston Counties, WY, Custer, Fall River, 
    Jackson, and Pennington Counties, SD, and Blue Earth, Nicollet, and 
    Steele Counties, MN. We have shortened the title for the sake of 
    AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board, DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of issuance of procedural schedule.
    SUMMARY: The Board has received public comments on the proposed 
    procedural schedule for issuing a decision on the transportation merits 
    of the application and applicant's reply to those comments, and the 
    Board is issuing a final procedural schedule. This schedule provides 
    for issuance of a decision within 180 days of the effective date of 
    this decision that will address the transportation issues relating to 
    this construction application and whether the proposal satisfies the 
    criteria of 49 U.S.C. 10901. Any approval would be conditioned upon 
    completion of the environmental review process and consideration of 
    environmental issues, which would be considered in a final decision on 
    whether to authorize the construction.
    DATES: The effective date of this decision is May 7, 1998. Pleadings 
    must be filed in accordance with the attached schedule. All filings, 
    except notices of intent to participate, must be concurrently served on 
    all parties of record and must be accompanied by a certificate of 
    ADDRESSES: Send an original and 10 copies of all pleadings referring to 
    STB Finance Docket No. 33407 to: Surface Transportation Board, Office 
    of the Secretary, Case Control Unit, 1925 K Street, N.W., Washington, 
    DC 20423. To permit concurrent service of pleadings on all parties of 
    record, a service list containing the names and addresses of all 
    parties of record will be issued by the Board in a subsequent notice.
    [[Page 25267]]
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joseph H . Dettmar, (202) 565-1600. 
    [TDD for the hearing impaired: (202) 565-1695.]
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: By decision served March 11, 1998, as 
    corrected, the Board published notice of a construction and operation 
    application filed by the Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad 
    Corporation (DM&E) 2 and requested comments on a procedural 
    schedule based on one proposed by DM&E for consideration of the 
    transportation issues regarding the application. 3 That 
    decision also required DM&E to cause to be published notices: (1) 
    Advising that comments would not be due until the Board establishes a 
    procedural schedule; and (2) after a schedule has been adopted by the 
    Board, setting forth the schedule, including the due date for comments 
    on the merits of the proposed transaction.
        \2\ DM&E seeks authority to construct and operate 280.09 miles 
    of new railroad line, which would extend DM&E's existing rail lines 
    into the Powder River Basin coal fields in northeastern Wyoming, and 
    DM&E also plans several related projects. Notice of the application 
    was published in the Federal Register on March 13, 1998 (63 FR 
        \3\ DM&E's proposed schedule also would have covered the 
    carrying out of the environmental review process. Our March 11, 1998 
    decision found that it would be premature to establish any sort of 
    environmental review schedule, but directed our Section of 
    Environmental Analysis (SEA) to initiate the environmental review 
    process. On March 27, 1998, SEA published a notice of intent to 
    prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), scheduling agency 
    and public scoping meetings between April 29 and June 30, 1998.
        We received over two hundred comments on the proposed procedural 
    schedule. Comments were filed by landowners, environmental groups, 
    shipper organizations, shippers and receivers (including electric 
    utilities), railroads, government entities, and rail labor unions. We 
    have reviewed all of these comments but, in light of their number, will 
    not mention each comment individually here.
        For the most part, the parties opposing the proposed schedule state 
    that the original 35-day comment period is insufficient. One group of 
    similar letters 4 (over 50) asks that we allow comments 
    throughout the EIS process. The other time period mentioned most 
    frequently is an increase in the initial public comment period to 180 
    days. There are also a few suggestions for comment periods of up to 400 
        \4\ The second largest group of similar letters (over 30) does 
    not specifically address the procedural schedule; rather, these 
    letters argue against conditional approval.
        The rationale for extending the time period for submitting comments 
    is, generally, that the proposal is extensive and that more time is 
    needed to study it and to seek help in asserting the parties' positions 
    in opposition. These parties argue that copies of the application are 
    not readily available to many landowners, and that the application set 
    out on the Internet is incomplete. 5 These parties also 
    claim that DM&E has had years to prepare its arguments and that they 
    deserve time to counter these arguments and fully understand the public 
    convenience and necessity claims of DM&E. There are also numerous 
    requests for local hearings, contentions that consideration of the 
    transportation criteria in 49 U.S.C. 10901 prior to completion of the 
    analysis of the potential environmental impacts is not appropriate, and 
    assertions that there is no public need for another rail line to serve 
    the Powder River Basin.
        \5\ DM&E placed a copy of the application on the Internet at 
        There is one specific proposal for an alternative procedural 
    schedule. It is offered by the 777 Ranch. 6 This proposal 
    would significantly extend the due dates for the various pleadings 
    7 and ultimately postpone the issuance of a decision on 
    transportation issues by slightly more than 9 months, for a total of 
    approximately 15 months until the decision on the transportation issues 
    is made.
        \6\ The 777 Ranch and the Mid-States Coalition for Progress list 
    the same PO box and phone number, and their pleadings are quite 
    similar. The SMS Ranch Partnership also submitted essentially 
    identical comments.
        \7\ The 777 Ranch would make these changes to the proposed 
    schedule (where P signifies the date of this decision): comments due 
    from P + 35 to P + 180; STB decision setting modified procedure/oral 
    hearing from P + 70 to P + 215; opposing evidence and argument from 
    P + 115 to P + 395; and STB decision from P + 180 to P + 460.
        Numerous parties support the 180 day schedule.8 These 
    parties emphasize that this schedule is reasonable and provides 
    adequate time for submitting evidence and for informed decision making 
    by the Board.
        \8\ These parties also frequently mention their support for the 
    construction project and request expedited consideration of the 
    environmental issues.
        In support of the proposed schedule, DM&E argues that many of the 
    opposing comments appear to be from parties ``implacably'' against the 
    project who see delay as a desirable end in itself. DM&E also claims 
    that many of the opposing comments are directed to environmental 
    concerns, while others address the merits of the proposal rather than 
    the amount of time needed to provide adequate opportunity for public 
    participation and for development of a sufficient record on the 
    transportation merits of the application. DM&E adds that it has 
    attempted to ensure the broad availability of the application and that 
    it went well beyond Board regulations in this regard.
        Turning to the specific requests for lengthening the proposed 
    schedule, DM&E notes that the commenters apparently did not take into 
    account that, after the initial 35-day comment period, there would be a 
    further 80-day period in which to submit transportation evidence and 
    argument in opposition. In addition, DM&E points out that, even before 
    a specific schedule is adopted, interested parties will have already 
    had nearly 2 months since the application was filed to begin 
    preparation of their transportation comments.
        We have reviewed all the comments received on the proposed 
    procedural schedule and are aware of the concerns parties have raised 
    regarding the amount of time necessary to prepare their cases as well 
    as the desire of DM&E to have an expedited schedule. Balancing these 
    competing concerns, and with fairness to all parties in mind, we have 
    decided to adopt the proposed 180-day procedural schedule for 
    consideration of transportation issues. This schedule will ensure that 
    all parties are accorded due process. It will allow for adequate public 
    participation and the development of a sufficient record on which to 
    consider the transportation implications of applicant's construction 
    proposal under 49 U.S.C. 10901. As we explained in our previous 
    decision, any approval granted would be conditioned upon consideration 
    of the environmental impacts of the proposed construction. Thus, we 
    will issue a subsequent decision after completion of the EIS process, 
    and only at that point would we allow construction to begin, if 
    appropriate, based on a consideration of the potential environmental 
    impacts of the proposed transaction. The courts have found that it does 
    not violate the environmental laws for an agency to conditionally 
    approve an action before the completion of environmental review. City 
    of Grapevine v. DOT, 17 F.3d 1502 (D.C. Cir. 1984). See generally 
    Missouri Mining Inc. v. ICC, 33 F.3d 980 (8th Cir. 1994) (affirming 
    construction authorization that had first been conditionally granted).
        Although numerous parties have requested that we extend the various 
    time periods set forth in the proposed schedule, none of these requests 
    shows any specific need for additional time in order to address 
    transportation issues under the statutory standards of section 10901. 
    We believe the proposed schedule, which allows almost 4 months (a total 
    of 115 days) in addition
    [[Page 25268]]
    to the time already elapsed since the application was filed, affords 
    ample opportunity to file evidence and argument in opposition to the 
        In addition, we note that many of the pleadings we received in 
    response to our request for comments on the procedural schedule for 
    consideration of transportation issues instead raise concerns with 
    environmental issues. As noted, we will separately address 
    environmental issues in a subsequent decision after completion of the 
    EIS process. Other comments are directed more to the transportation 
    merits of the application than the procedural schedule.
        As mentioned, our previous decision required DM&E to cause to be 
    published new notices setting forth the schedule we are adopting here 
    and certifying to us that it has done so. We are reiterating that 
    requirement here.
        In addition to setting forth the procedural schedule, the new 
    notices must clearly set forth the filing requirements we established 
    here, which we are modifying slightly from those originally 
    contemplated. These filing requirements are: first, anyone who intends 
    to file comments in this proceeding and to participate fully as a party 
    of record (POR) must file with the Secretary of the Board an original 
    and 10 copies of a notice of intent to participate in the proceeding by 
    May 27, 1998. The Board will then issue a list of those persons who 
    have given notice of their intent to participate.9All 
    documents (including comments) filed under the procedural schedule must 
    be served on each person identified on this service list as a POR and 
    each person making a filing must certify to the Secretary of the Board 
    that he or she has done so. Persons not participating as a POR may 
    obtain copies of pleadings through the Board's copy contractor, DC News 
    & Data, Inc., 1925 K Street, N.W., Suite 210, Washington, DC 20006. 
    Telephone: (202) 289-4357. [Assistance for the hearing impaired is 
    available through TDD Services (202) 565-1695.] Second, so that all 
    PORs may have the benefit of receiving all comments, we are requiring 
    that, in order to be considered, any previously submitted comments 
    addressing the transportation merits of the proposed construction must 
    be resubmitted and properly served on all PORs once we issue the 
    service list. Previously submitted transportation comments will not be 
    considered unless resubmitted and served. We recognize that this will 
    create duplicate pleadings in some circumstances, but feel it is 
    necessary to ensure complete dissemination of all comments. 
        \9\ The Office of the Secretary will start compiling the 
    official service list in this proceeding after service of this 
    decision adopting a procedural schedule. Persons named on any 
    earlier service list will not automatically be placed on the 
    official service list for this proceeding. Therefore, any person who 
    wishes to be a POR must file a notice of intent to participate by 
    May 27, 1998.
        \10\ We emphasize that interested persons that do not wish to 
    participate formally in this phase of the proceeding addressing the 
    transportation merits of the application need not become a POR to 
    participate fully in the environmental phase of the proceeding. We 
    note that cross service of comments is not ordinarily required in 
    the environmental review process.
        Board decisions and notices are available on our website at 
        This action will not significantly affect either the quality of the 
    human environment or the conservation of energy resources.
        Decided: April 30, 1998.
        By the Board, Chairman Morgan and Vice Chairman Owen.
    Vernon A. Williams,
    Procedural Schedule
        In the following schedule, the term ``P'' designates the date that 
    the Board issues this procedural schedule and ``P + n'' means ``n'' 
    days following that date.
    P--Procedural schedule established by the Board.
    P+7--Due date for publication by DM&E of newspaper notice announcing 
    the procedural schedule.
    P+20--Due date for notices of intent to participate as a party of 
    P+35--Due date for written comments on transportation aspects of the 
    P+40--Due date for DM&E's replies to written comments on transportation 
    aspects of the Application.
    P+70--Board decision ordering hearing under modified procedures.
    P+115--Due date for evidence and argument in opposition to the 
    transportation aspects of the Application.
    P+135--Due date for DM&E's reply evidence and argument in support of 
    the transportation aspects of the Application.
    P+180 (or earlier)--Service of preliminary decision on whether the 
    transportation criteria of section 10901 have been met.
    [FR Doc. 98-12165 Filed 5-6-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4915-00-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Surface Transportation Board
Entry Type:
Notice of issuance of procedural schedule.
Document Number:
The effective date of this decision is May 7, 1998. Pleadings must be filed in accordance with the attached schedule. All filings, except notices of intent to participate, must be concurrently served on all parties of record and must be accompanied by a certificate of service.
25266-25268 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
STB Finance Docket No. 33407
PDF File: