96-11306. State Program Amendments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 90 (Wednesday, May 8, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 20768-20773]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-11306]
    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    30 CFR Parts 901, 902, 904, 906, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918 and 
    RIN 1029-AB86
    State Program Amendments
    AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) 
    is proposing to amend its regulations by revising the information 
    currently reported in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) regarding 
    the OSM Director's approval of amendments to State regulatory programs 
    and abandoned mine land reclamation plans (hereafter State program 
    amendments). This information would be condensed to a tabular 
    presentation depicting the dates when State program amendments were 
    originally submitted to OSM and the dates the OSM Director's decision 
    approving all or portions of these amendments were published in the 
    Federal Register. Such a rulemaking would reduce the number of 
    unnecessary pages in the CFR. As always, people interested in getting 
    copies of the full text of the amended State regulatory program or 
    abandoned mine land reclamation plan could contact the State regulatory 
    authority office or the OSM field office with oversight authority for 
    that State.
    DATES: Written comments: We will accept written comments on the 
    proposed rule until 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on July 8, 1996.
        Public hearings: We will accept requests for a public hearing until 
    4:00 p.m. Eastern time on June 7, 1996. People who want to attend but 
    not testify at the hearing, must contact the person listed under FOR 
    FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT, beforehand to verify that we will hold a 
    hearing. Any disabled individuals who need special accommodations to 
    attend a public hearing should also contact the person listed under FOR 
    ADDRESSES: Written comments: Please hand-deliver to the Office of 
    Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Room 120, 1951 Constitution 
    Ave., NW, Washington, DC, or mail to the Office of Surface Mining 
    Reclamation and Enforcement, Administrative Record, SIB 120, 1951 
    Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20240.
        You may also sent comments through the Internet to OSM's 
    Administrative Record. Our Internet address is: [email protected] We 
    will file copies of any electronic messages received with our 
    Administrative Record.
        Public hearings: You must contact the person identified under FOR 
    FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT by the time required under DATES to request 
    a public hearing.
    John A. Trelease, Rules and Legislation Staff, Office of Surface Mining 
    Reclamation and Enforcement, 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, 
    DC 20240; Telephone (202) 208-2783.
    I. Public Comment Procedures
    II. Discussion of Proposed Rule
        Why is this rule being written?
        What would change?
        How do I get a copy of State program amendments?
    III. Procedural Matters
    I. Public Comment Procedures
    Written Comments
        If you are submitting written comments on the proposed rule please 
    be specific, limit your comments to issues pertinent to the proposed 
    rule, and explain the reason for your recommendations. If possible, 
    please submit three copies of your comments to our Administrative 
    Record (see ADDRESSES). We may not consider your comments for the final 
    rule when received after the close of the comment period (see DATES) or 
    delivered to addresses other than those listed in ADDRESSES.
    [[Page 20769]]
    Public Hearings
        We will hold public hearings on the proposed rule by request only. 
    If no one has contacted Mr. Trelease requesting a hearing by the date 
    listed in DATES, we will not hold a hearing. We will hold a public 
    meeting instead of a hearing if only one person expresses an interest. 
    We will include the results of all meetings and hearings in our 
    Administrative Record.
        If we hold a hearing, it will continue until everyone who wants to 
    testify is heard. Please provide us with an advanced copy of your 
    testimony at the address specified for the submission of written 
    comments (see ADDRESSES), and a copy to the transcriber when you arrive 
    at the hearing. This will assist us in preparing appropriate questions, 
    and ensure that the transcriber provides us with an accurate record of 
    the testimony.
    II. Discussion of Rule
    Why Is This Rule Being Written?
        On March 4, 1995, the President announced a government-wide 
    Regulatory Reinvention Initiative. The President directed each agency 
    to conduct a page-by-page review of its regulations for the purpose of 
    eliminating or revising those that are outdated or otherwise in need of 
    reform. As part of that effort, OSM is considering several means of 
    reducing the number of pages in the CFR.
        This rulemaking would result in a reduction of approximately 50 
    pages from the CFR and reduce future printing costs for the government, 
    and contribute to on-going efforts to make the CFR a more readable 
    What Would Change?
        The OSM Director's approval or approval in part of State program 
    amendments is published in the Federal Register and codified in the 
    CFR. The regulatory text documenting such decisions usually contains 
    topical outlines of the amendments and associated program citations, 
    the dates the amendments were submitted to OSM, and the dates the 
    amendments became effective. Under the revised procedures of this 
    rulemaking, the regulatory text would be limited to a tabular 
    presentation of the dates that States submitted amendments, and the 
    dates the amendments were published in the Federal Register after 
    approval, or partial approval, by the OSM Director for 30 CFR parts 
    901, 902, 904, 906, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918 and 920.
        OSM believes that there is no compelling public need to codify all 
    of the information currently found in the regulatory text of State 
    program amendment approvals. Although the topical outline of an 
    approved amendment may be a convenient reference for members of the 
    public who want to begin their research of particular provisions of 
    that program amendment, OSM believes that the public would still find 
    it necessary to refer back to the final rule's Federal Register notice 
    for a thorough preamble discussion of those provisions. As before, 
    those people who would like copies of the full text of the State 
    program amendment may contact the State regulatory authority office or 
    the OSM field office with oversight authority for that State.
    How do I Get a Copy of State Program Amendments?
        Copies of approved State program amendments may be obtained by 
    contacting the State regulatory authority or the local OSM field office 
    with oversight authority for that State. Addresses for these offices 
    are found in parts 900 through 950 of the CFR with their respective 
    State programs.
    III. Procedural Matters
    Federal Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule does not contain collections of information which require 
    approval by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of the Interior certifies that this revision would 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.)
    National Environmental Policy Act
        This rule has been reviewed by OSM and it has been determined to be 
    categorically excluded from the National Environmental Policy Act 
    (NEPA) process in accordance with the Departmental Manual 516 DM 6, 
    Appendix 8.4.A.(2).
    Executive Order 12866
        This rule is not significant under Executive Order 12866 and does 
    not require review by the Office of Management and Budget.
    Executive Order 12778
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under the applicable standards 
    of Section 2(b)(2) of Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform (56 
    FR 55195). In general, the requirements of Section 2(b)(2) of Executive 
    Order 12778 are covered by the preamble discussion of this proposed 
    rule. Additional remarks follow concerning individual elements of the 
    Executive Order:
        A. What is the preemptive effect, if any, to be given to the 
        The proposed rule would have no preemptive effect.
        B. What is the effect on existing Federal law or regulation, if 
    any, including all provisions repealed or modified?
        This rule does not modify the implementation of SMCRA, nor does it 
    modify the implementation of any other Federal statute. The preceding 
    discussion of this rule specifies the Federal regulatory provisions 
    that are affected by this rule.
        C. Does the rule provide a clear and certain legal standard for 
    affected conduct rather than a general standard, while promoting 
    simplification and burden reduction?
        The standards established by this rule are as clear and certain as 
    practicable, given the complexity of the topics covered and the 
    mandates of SMCRA.
        D. What is the retroactive effect, if any, to be given to the 
        This rule is not intended to have retroactive effect.
        E. Are administrative proceedings required before parties may file 
    suit in court? Which proceedings apply? Is the exhaustion of 
    administrative remedies required?
        No administrative proceedings are required before parties may file 
    suit in court challenging the provisions of this rule under section 
    526(a) of SMCRA, 30 U.S.C. 1276(a).
        Prior to any judicial challenge to the application of the rule, 
    however, administrative procedures must be exhausted. In situations 
    involving OSM application of the rule, applicable administrative 
    procedures may be found at 43 CFR Part 4. In situations involving State 
    regulatory authority application of provisions equivalent to those 
    contained in this rule, applicable administrative procedures are set 
    forth in the particular State program.
        F. Does the rule define key terms, either explicitly or by 
    reference to other regulations or statutes that explicitly define those 
        Terms which are important to the understanding of this rule are set 
    forth in 30 CFR 700.5 and 701.5.
        G. Does the rule address other important issues affecting clarity 
    and general draftsmanship of regulations set forth by the Attorney 
    General, with the concurrence of the Director of the Office of 
    Management and Budget, that are determined to be in accordance with the 
    purposes of the Executive Order?
        As of the date of publication, the Attorney General and the 
    Director of the
    [[Page 20770]]
    Office of Management and Budget have not issued any guidance on this 
    List of Subjects in 30 CFR Parts 901, 902, 904, 906, 913, 914, 915, 
    916, 917, 918, and 920.
        Intergovernmental relations, Surface mining, Underground mining.
    Bob Armstrong,
    Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management.
        Dated: April 20, 1996.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 30 CFR parts 901, 902, 
    904, 906, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, and 920 are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 901 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        2. Section 901.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 901.15  Approval of Alabama regulatory program amendments.
        (a) The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted 
    to OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Nov. 24, 1982..........................  July 27, 1983.                 
    Aug. 29, 1983..........................  Mar. 2, 1984.                  
    Nov. 28, 1983..........................  July 5, 1984.                  
    Jan. 9, 1984...........................  Sept. 27, 1984.                
    May 22, 1985...........................  July 19, 1985.                 
    April 2, 1985..........................  Dec. 3, 1985.                  
    May 7, 1986............................  Aug. 14, 1986.                 
    May 20, 1986...........................  Sept. 8, 1986.                 
    June 15, 1987..........................  July 7, 1988.                  
    Nov. 22, 1989..........................  Feb. 5, 1991.                  
    July 16, 1990..........................  Feb. 28, 1991.                 
    July 16, 1990..........................  July 3, 1991.                  
    Nov. 22, 1989; July 16, 1990 and Aug.    May 11, 1992.                  
     1, 1991.                                                               
    June 23, 1993..........................  Oct. 21, 1993.                 
        (b) The trial period for Alabama's excess spoil disposal plan is 
    extended from January 1, 1991, to January 1, 1993. The trial study is 
    extended with the following conditions:
        (1) The Director, at his discretion, may terminate the trial study 
    period at any time during the extended period, if sufficient data 
    becomes available. On termination of the trial study period and OSM's 
    analysis of the data, the Director may then approve or disapprove the 
    excess spoil provisions.
        (2) At any time during the trial period the Director may, at his 
    discretion, place a moratorium on new permit applications which include 
    consideration of excess spoil provisions.
        (3) The State is required to continue to report to the OSM 
    Birmingham Field Office annually on August 20, on the status of all 
    permits and permit applications which include consideration under 
    excess spoil provisions.
        3. Section 901.25 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 901.25  Approval of Alabama abandoned mine land reclamation plan 
        (a) The Alabama Amendment, submitted to OSM on June 15, 1987, was 
    approved on August 8, 1988. You may receive a copy from:
        (1) Alabama Department of Industrial Relations, 649 Monroe Street, 
    Montgomery, Alabama 36130;
        (2) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 
    Birmingham Field Office, 135 Gemini Circle, Birmingham, Alabama 35209; 
        (3) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 
    Appalachian Regional Coordinating Center, Three Parkway Center, 
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15220.
        (b) The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted 
    to OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    April 25, 1990.........................  Aug. 31, 1990.                 
    June 26, 1992..........................  Jan. 12, 1993.                 
    Oct. 1, 1993...........................  June 30, 1994.                 
    Dec. 5, 1994...........................  Aug. 15, 1995.                 
        4. The authority citation for part 902 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        5. Section 902.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 902.15  Approval of Alaska regulatory program amendments.
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Nov. 12, 1983..........................  Dec. 23, 1983.                 
    May 28, 1985 and Feb. 24, 1987.........  Feb. 22, 1988.                 
    Feb. 2, 1990...........................  Aug. 19, 1992.                 
        6. Section 902.25 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 902.25  Approval of Alaska abandoned mine land reclamation plan 
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    May 28, 1992...........................  Nov. 16, 1992.                 
        7. The authority citation for part 904 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        8. Section 904.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 904.15  Approval of Arkansas regulatory program amendments.
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Fedeal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Dec. 7, 1983...........................  March 16, 1984.                
    May 21, 1985...........................  Aug. 15, 1985.                 
    Dec. 17, 1984..........................  Dec. 2, 1985.                  
    March 10, 1986.........................  March 28, 1988.                
    Nov. 4, 1987...........................  June 1, 1988.                  
    Dec. 22, 1988..........................  Nov. 14, 1989.                 
    Dec. 18, 1989..........................  Nov. 23, 1990.                 
    Sept. 20, 1990.........................  June 14, 1991.                 
    Sept. 27, 1990.........................  July 18, 1991.                 
    Oct. 11, 1991..........................  April 23, 1992.                
    April 11, 1991 and Sept. 25, 1991......  Aug. 19, 1992.                 
    March 31, 1993.........................  Nov. 17, 1994.                 
    Aug. 26, 1994..........................  June 30, 1995.                 
        9. Section 904.25 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 904.25  Approval of Arkansas abandoned mine land reclamation plan 
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    March 31, 1993.........................  July 19, 1993.                 
    Oct. 6, 1993...........................  Jan. 5, 1994.                  
    [[Page 20771]]
        10. The authority citation for part 906 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        11. Section 906.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 906.15  Approval of Colorado regulatory program amendments.
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Jan. 11, 1982 and Feb. 25, 1982........  Dec. 16, 1982.                 
    Jan. 11, 1982 and Feb. 25, 1982; May     May 1, 1984.                   
     26, 1983 and Aug. 2, 1983.                                             
    Aug. 28, 1985..........................  Nov. 15, 1985.                 
    Aug. 28, 1984 and March 12, 1985.......  Feb. 5, 1986.                  
    Jan. 23, 1986..........................  May 30, 1986.                  
    Jan. 27, 1986 and May 13, 1986.........  July 1, 1986.                  
    Aug. 18, 1986..........................  Feb. 5, 1987.                  
    Nov. 25, 1986..........................  May 7, 1987.                   
    May 26, 1987...........................  March 31, 1989.                
    Oct. 14, 1988..........................  June 6, 1989.                  
    Aug. 23, 1988..........................  Dec. 11, 1989.                 
    July 18, 1989..........................  Jan. 14, 1991.                 
    April 11, 1991.........................  July 22, 1991.                 
    March 19, 1993.........................  Jan. 19, 1994.                 
    June 30, 1993..........................  June 1, 1994.                  
    April 18, 1994.........................  Dec. 6, 1994.                  
    March 18, 1994.........................  May 15, 1995.                  
    July 12, 1995..........................  Dec. 14, 1995.                 
        12 Section 906.25 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 906.25  Approval of Colorado abandoned mine land reclamation plan 
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    April 29, 1995.........................  Oct. 25, 1995.                 
        13. The authority citation for part 913 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1301 et seq.
        14. Section 913.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 913.15  Approval of Illinois regulatory program amendments.
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    March 3, 1980..........................  Nov. 23, 1982.                 
    Nov. 30, 1982..........................  May 25, 1983.                  
    July 27, 1983..........................  Oct. 13, 1983.                 
    Aug. 11, 1983..........................  Nov. 10, 1983.                 
    March 16, 1984.........................  Sept. 28, 1984.                
    Sept. 27, 1984.........................  Jan. 11, 1985.                 
    Dec. 23, 1983..........................  Oct 30, 1985.                  
    May 30, 1985 and June 2, 1986..........  Dec. 10, 1986.                 
    March 28, 1986.........................  Oct. 25, 1988 and Jan. 4, 1989.
    July 17, 1989..........................  Aug. 29, 1990.                 
    July 26, 1990..........................  May 6, 1991.                   
    March 5, 1991..........................  Aug. 2, 1991.                  
    Feb. 1, 1991...........................  Dec. 13, 1991.                 
    June 22, 1992..........................  Sept. 3, 1993.                 
    Aug. 17, 1993..........................  Feb. 2, 1994.                  
    Sept. 9, 1994..........................  Nov. 21, 1994.                 
    March 3, 1995..........................  July 11, 1995.                 
        15. Section 913.25 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 913.25  Approval of Illinois abandoned mine land reclamation plan 
        (a) You may receive copies of the Illinois Abandoned Mine Land 
    Reclamation Plan and amendments from the:
        (1) Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Mines and 
    Minerals, Division of Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation, 524 South 
    Second Street, Springfield, Illinois 62701-1787; or
        (2) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 
    Indianapolis Field Office, Minton-Capehart Federal Building, room 301, 
    575 North Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
        (b) The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted 
    to OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Jan. 19, 1984..........................  June 11, 1984.                 
    Sept. 6, 1989..........................  Feb. 14, 1990.                 
    June 29, 1990..........................  Nov. 2, 1990.                  
    Aug. 13, 1992..........................  Jan. 14, 1993.                 
    July 2, 1993...........................  Sept. 21, 1993.                
    April 10, 1995.........................  July 11, 1995.                 
        16. The authority citation for part 914 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        17. Section 914.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 914.15  Approval of Indiana regulatory program amendments.
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Sept. 1, 1982..........................  Dec. 17, 1982.                 
    Dec. 9, 1982...........................  March 4, 1983.                 
    April 19 and 28, 1983..................  Aug. 19, 1983.                 
    March 5, 1984..........................  July 10, 1984.                 
    March 19, 1984.........................  Oct. 19, 1984.                 
    Feb. 7, 1985...........................  May 13, 1985.                  
    Dec. 7, 1984...........................  May 15, 1985.                  
    May 29, 1984...........................  May 16, 1985.                  
    Feb. 18, 1985..........................  June 5, 1985.                  
    Dec. 10 and 16, 1985...................  March 14, 1986.                
    Sept. 4, 1985..........................  March 17, 1986.                
    Jan. 31, 1986..........................  May 13, 1986.                  
    May 29, 1986...........................  Aug. 14, 1986.                 
    Sept. 24, 1986.........................  Jan. 21, 1987.                 
    June 11, 1986 and Nov. 7, 1986.........  April 1, 1987.                 
    June 11, 1986 and May 4, 1987..........  Feb. 16, 1988.                 
    April 10, 1987.........................  March 22, 1988.                
    Aug. 13, 1987..........................  Nov. 10, 1988.                 
    Aug. 13, 1987 and June 12, 1989........  Oct. 12, 1989.                 
    Sept. 28, 1988.........................  Nov. 1, 1989.                  
    March 18, 1988.........................  Dec. 15, 1989.                 
    Nov. 8, 1989...........................  April 5, 1990.                 
    March 18, 1988.........................  April 23, 1990.                
    Dec. 5, 1989 and May 16, 1990..........  Aug. 10, 1990.                 
    Dec. 4, 1989 and Aug. 9, 1990..........  Sept. 24, 1990.                
    Aug. 15, 1989 and Dec. 5, 1989.........  Jan. 18, 1991.                 
    Oct. 24, 1990..........................  March 15, 1991.                
    Dec. 11, 1990..........................  March 21, 1991.                
    Sept. 29, 1988 and Feb. 15, 1991.......  Aug. 2, 1991.                  
    June 4, 1991...........................  Nov. 27, 1991 and Dec. 13,     
    July 11, 1991..........................  Dec. 13, 1991.                 
    March 18, 1988.........................  April 20, 1992.                
    Dec. 6, 1991...........................  May 11, 1992.                  
    May 22 and 23, 1991....................  May 29, 1992.                  
    June 4, 1991...........................  June 23, 1992.                 
    May 23, 1991...........................  Sept. 14, 1992.                
    May 7, 1992............................  Dec. 17, 1992.                 
    March 18, 1988, Feb. 15, 1991 and July   Dec. 30, 1992.                 
     10, 1991.                                                              
    July 16, 1992..........................  Jan. 14, 1993.                 
    Dec. 2, 1992...........................  May 17, 1993.                  
    Nov. 13, 1992..........................  June 24, 1993.                 
    Jan. 4, 1993...........................  Aug. 2, 1993.                  
    March 26, 1992.........................  Aug. 16, 1993.                 
    Aug. 8, 1992...........................  Sept. 3, 1993.                 
    [[Page 20772]]
    April 19, 1993.........................  Sept. 21, 1993.                
    Feb. 24, 1993..........................  Nov. 18, 1993.                 
    July 2, 1993...........................  June 16, 1994.                 
    April 2, 1993..........................  July 15, 1994.                 
    Oct. 1, 1993...........................  July 27, 1994.                 
    June 15, 1994..........................  Oct. 20, 1994.                 
    Aug. 11, 1994..........................  Dec. 13, 1994.                 
    Sept. 26, 1994.........................  Feb. 2, 1995.                  
    Dec. 7, 1994...........................  March 10, 1995.                
    March 21, 1994.........................  April 4, 1995.                 
    Jan. 31, 1995..........................  April 7, 1995.                 
    March 18, 1994 and Aug. 25, 1994.......  April 20, 1995.                
    May 3, 1995............................  Sept. 14, 1995 and Oct. 25,    
    May 11, 1995...........................  Oct. 16, 1995.                 
    Dec. 30, 1993..........................  Nov. 9, 1995.                  
        18. Section 914.25 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 914.25  Approval of Indiana abandoned mine land reclamation plan 
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Jan. 22, 1988..........................  Dec. 29, 1988, May 11, 1992 and
                                              Oct. 6, 1992.                 
    Nov. 17, 1992..........................  Oct. 26, 1994.                 
    PART 915--IOWA
        19. The authority citation for part 915 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        20. Section 915.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 915.15  Approval of Iowa regulatory program amendments.
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Sept. 28, 1982.........................  Jan. 4, 1983.                  
    May 9, 1984............................  Dec. 7, 1984.                  
    Jan. 31, 1985 and February 5, 1985.....  May 24, 1985.                  
    July 25 and 26, 1985...................  May 9, 1986.                   
    June 16, 1986..........................  Oct. 7, 1986.                  
    Aug. 12, 1986..........................  Dec. 11, 1986.                 
    April 28, 1987.........................  Oct. 7, 1987.                  
    June 9, 1988...........................  Dec. 9, 1988.                  
    Dec. 26, 1990..........................  Nov. 6, 1991.                  
    Nov. 23, 1992..........................  Feb. 8, 1994.                  
    April 13, 1994.........................  April 6, 1995.                 
    PART 916--KANSAS
        21. The authority citation for part 916 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        22. Section 916.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 916.15  Approval of Kansas regulatory program amendments.
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    May 20, 1981...........................  April 14, 1982.                
    Nov. 16, 1982..........................  March 1, 1983.                 
    March 16, 1984.........................  June 8, 1984.                  
    Dec. 21, 1984..........................  April 11, 1985.                
    April 4, 1985..........................  Nov. 15, 1985.                 
    April 23, 1986.........................  May 26, 1987.                  
    Aug. 5, 1987...........................  Dec. 31, 1987.                 
    April 29, 1988.........................   Oct. 5, 1988.                 
    Jan. 26, 1988..........................   Oct. 7, 1988.                 
    June 8, 1990 and Sept. 14 and 17, 1990.  Feb. 19, 1991.                 
    June 29, 1989; Oct. 24 and 30, 1989 and  Sept. 13, 1991.                
     Nov. 9 and 17, 1989.                                                   
    June 29, 1989; July 10, 1989; June 29,   April 13, 1992.                
     1990 and Oct. 9, 1990.                                                 
    June 3, 1991...........................   Aug. 19, 1992.                
    July 10, 1992 and Dec. 23, 1992........  June 14, 1993 and Aug. 30,     
    Sept. 14, 1993; Jan. 26, 1994 and March  June 3, 1994.                  
     10, 1994.                                                              
    July 10, 1989..........................  Sept. 9, 1994.                 
    Aug. 9, 1995...........................  Nov. 27, 1995.                 
        23. Section 916.25 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 916.25  Approval of Kansas abandoned mine land reclamation plan 
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    April 29, 1988.........................  Oct. 5, 1988.                  
    Sept. 30, 1988 and Dec. 6, 1988........  Jan. 10, 1989.                 
    June 29, 1989 and Sept. 11, 1989.......  Nov. 30, 1989.                 
    Oct. 25, 1991..........................  April 13, 1992.                
        24. The authority citation for part 917 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        25. Section 917.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 917.15  Approval of Kentucky regulatory program amendments.
        (a) The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted 
    to OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register.
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    May 28, 1982...........................  Jan. 4, 1983.                  
    May 28, 1982...........................  May 13, 1983.                  
    Jan. 11, 1983..........................  May 20, 1983.                  
    Feb. 1, 1983...........................  Oct. 12, 1983.                 
    Oct. 31, 1983..........................  Nov. 25, 1983.                 
    Jan. 10, 1984..........................  April 13, 1984.                
    May 1, 1984............................  Aug. 22, 1984.                 
    Oct. 31, 1983..........................  Sept. 25, 1984.                
    Oct. 31, 1983..........................  Oct. 3, 1984.                  
    Oct. 12, 1984..........................  March 4, 1985.                 
    Aug. 3, 1984...........................  May 30, 1985.                  
    Aug. 29, 1985..........................  Nov. 20, 1985.                 
    Dec. 4, 1984...........................  Dec. 10, 1985.                 
    June 6, 1984 and Dec. 17, 1985.........  Jan. 24, 1986.                 
    Aug. 13, 1985..........................  March 3, 1986.                 
    Sept. 16, 1985 and Dec. 10, 1985.......  March 17, 1986.                
    Dec. 10, 1985..........................  April 4, 1986.                 
    Dec. 3, 1985...........................  April 9, 1986.                 
    Aug. 3, 1984...........................  May 27, 1986.                  
    April 29, 1986.........................  July 15, 1986.                 
    Aug. 30, 1985, Sept. 16, 1985, and Feb.  Aug. 27, 1986.                 
     7, 1986.                                                               
    Sept. 5, 1986..........................  March 9, 1987.                 
    Feb. 27, 1987..........................  Dec. 31, 1987.                 
    June 17, 1987..........................  March 10, 1988.                
    May 28, 1987...........................  Oct. 7, 1988.                  
    April 29, 1988.........................  oct. 6, 1988.                  
    July 5, 1989...........................  Dec. 15, 1989.                 
    April 29, 1986.........................  April 9, 1990.                 
    April 21, 1988.........................  Aug. 10, 1990.                 
    Aug. 15, 1989..........................  Nov. 1, 1990.                  
    July 15, 1988..........................  Dec. 31, 1990.                 
    May 8, 1990............................  Feb. 6, 1991.                  
    Jan. 9, 1991...........................  April 16, 1991.                
    Jan. 24, 1991..........................  Sept. 23, 1991.                
    June 28, 1991..........................  April 15, 1992.                
    Sept. 18, 1989.........................  Aug. 18, 1992.                 
    June 28, 1991..........................  Oct. 1, 1992.                  
    March 13, 1992.........................  Dec. 9, 1992.                  
    July 30, 1992..........................  Dec. 17, 1992.                 
    June 28, 1991..........................  Jan. 12, 1993.                 
    June 28, 1991..........................  June 8, 1993.                  
    July 30, 1992..........................  March 26, 1993.                
    July 28, 1992..........................  Aug. 6, 1993.                  
    July 21, 1992..........................  Oct. 1, 1993.                  
    June 28, 1991..........................  May 26, 1994.                  
    May 21, 1993...........................  Feb. 24, 1994.                 
    [[Page 20773]]
    April 26, 1994.........................  Sept. 1, 1994.                 
    April 18, 1994.........................  Sept. 16, 1994.                
    Oct. 3, 1994...........................  Feb. 15, 1995.                 
    April 29, 1994.........................  June 27, 1995.                 
        (b) The Director is deferring his decision on the enforcement 
    provisions of section 720 of the Act from its effective date (October 
    24, 1992), to the effective date of KRS 350.421 (1) and (2) (July 15, 
        26. Section 917.21 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 917.21  Approval of Kentucky abandoned mine land reclamation plan 
        (a) The Kentucky Amendment, submitted to OSM on December 8, 1982, 
    is approved. You may receive a copy from:
        (1) Commonwealth of Kentucky, Natural Resources and Environmental 
    Protection Cabinet, Division of Abandoned Lands, 618 Teton Trail, 
    Frankfort, Kentucky 40601; or
        (2) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Lexington 
    Field Office, 2675 Regency Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40503-2922.
        (b) The Kentucky Abandoned Mine Reclamation Amendment, submitted to 
    OSM on March 25, 1985, is approved. Copies may be obtained at the 
    addresses listed in paragraph (a).
        (c) The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted 
    to OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    June 24, 1992..........................  Dec. 17, 1992.                 
    May 5, 1994............................  July 29, 1994.                 
        27. The authority citation for part 918 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        28. Section 918.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 918.15  Approval of Louisiana regulatory program amendments.
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Jan. 19, 1990..........................  May 8, 1991.                   
    Aug. 14, 1990..........................  May 21, 1991.                  
    Nov. 12, 1991..........................  Oct. 28, 1992.                 
    May 3, 1994............................  Sept. 20, 1994.                
    Nov. 2, 1994...........................  Jan. 24, 1995.                 
        29. The authority citation for part 920 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        30. Section 920.15 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 920.15  Approval of Maryland regulatory program amendments.
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Oct. 28, 1982..........................  Feb. 8, 1984.                  
    May 28, 1984 and Oct. 5, 1984..........  Jan. 22, 1985.                 
    Jan. 30, 1985..........................  Sept. 10, 1985.                
    Jan. 13, 1984; June 8, 1984; Aug. 7,     Nov. 18, 1985.                 
     1984; Oct. 10, 1984 and Nov. 9, 1984.                                  
    Jan. 14, 1986 and May 15, 1986.........  Dec. 12, 1986.                 
    March 18, 1986 and April 23, 1986......  Jan. 30, 1987.                 
    July 8, 1987 and June 10, 1988.........  June 5, 1990.                  
    March 30, 1989.........................  Jan. 11, 1991.                 
    June 15, 1989..........................  March 21, 1991.                
    Sept. 28, 1990 and Nov. 21, 1990.......  April 26, 1991.                
    March 27, 1989.........................  May 22, 1991.                  
    March 23, 1990.........................  June 21, 1991.                 
    Oct. 31, 1989..........................  Aug. 9, 1991.                  
    Dec. 6, 1990...........................  Dec. 2, 1991.                  
    June 10, 1988; June 14, 1989 and June    Dec. 5, 1991.                  
     15, 1989.                                                              
    May 7, 1991 and May 16, 1991...........  Jan. 10, 1992.                 
    Jan. 23, 1992..........................  Sept. 24, 1992.                
    June 11, 1992..........................  Nov. 16, 1992.                 
    July 14, 1992..........................  Dec. 17, 1992.                 
    June 23, 1992..........................  Dec. 30, 1992.                 
    Oct. 21, 1992..........................  May 17, 1993.                  
    Feb. 23, 1993..........................  June 17, 1993.                 
    Feb. 7, 1992...........................  June 22, 1993.                 
    Feb. 5, 1993...........................  July 6, 1993.                  
    Feb. 25, 1994..........................  June 30, 1994.                 
    May 16, 1994 and May 31, 1994..........  Nov. 14, 1994.                 
    June 16, 1995..........................  Nov. 9, 1995.                  
        31. Section 920.25 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 920.25  Approval of Maryland abandoned mine land reclamation plan 
        The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to 
    OSM and the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or 
    portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register:
       Original amendment submission date       Date of final publication   
    Sept. 4, 1992..........................  March 22, 1993.                
    Aug. 19, 1993..........................  Dec. 9, 1994.                  
    [FR Doc. 96-11306 Filed 5-7-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-05-M

Document Information

Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments: We will accept written comments on the proposed rule until 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on July 8, 1996.
20768-20773 (6 pages)
1029-AB86: State Program Amendments - Elimination of Provisions - Part I
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