E8-10229. Special Local Regulations; Recurring Marine Events in the Fifth Coast Guard District  

  • Start Preamble


    Coast Guard, DHS.


    Final rule.


    The Coast Guard is establishing special local regulations to regulate recurring marine events in the Fifth Coast Guard District. These regulations apply to all permitted events listed in the table attached to the regulation, and include events such as regattas, and marine parades. These regulations reduce the Coast Guard's administrative workload and expedite public notification of events.


    This rule is effective June 9, 2008.


    Comments and material received from the public, as well as documents mentioned in this preamble as being available in the docket, are part of docket USCG-2007-0147 and are available online at http://www.regulations.gov. This material is also available for inspection or copying at two locations: the Docket Management Facility (M-30), U.S. Department of Transportation, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays and the Fifth Coast Guard District Office, 431 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.

    Start Further Info


    If you have questions on this rule, call Dennis Sens, Project Manager, Fifth Coast Guard District, Prevention Division, at 757-398-6204 or e-mail at Dennis.M.Sens@uscg.mil. If you have questions on viewing the docket, call Renee V. Wright, Program Manager, Docket Operations, telephone 202-366-9826.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    Regulatory Information

    On March 10, 2008, we published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) entitled Special Local Regulations; Recurring Marine Events in the Fifth Coast Guard District in the Federal Register (73 FR 12669). We received no letters commenting on the proposed rule. No public meeting was requested, and none was held.

    Background and Purpose

    Marine events are frequently held on the navigable waters within the boundary of the Fifth Coast Guard District. For a description of the geographical area of each Coast Guard Sector—Captain of the Port Zone, please see 33 CFR 3.25.

    This regulation includes events such as sailing regattas, power boat races, swim races and holiday parades. Currently, there are 57 annually recurring marine events and many other non-recurring events within the district. In the past, the Coast Guard regulated these events by creating individual special local regulations on a case by case basis. Most of these events required only the establishment of a regulated area and assignment of a patrol commander to ensure safety. Issuing individual, annual special local regulations has created a significant administrative burden on the Coast Guard. From 2005 to 2007 the Coast Guard created over 100 temporary regulations for marine events in the Fifth District. The numbers are expected to increase in 2008 with the growing popularity of water sports activities.

    Additionally, for the majority of these events, the Coast Guard does not receive notification of the event, or important details of the event are not finalized by event organizers, with sufficient time to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking and final rule before the event date. The Coast Guard must therefore create temporary final rules that sometimes are not completed until only days before the event. This results in delayed notification to the public, potentially placing the public and event participants at risk.

    This rule significantly reduces the administrative burden on the Coast Guard, and at the same time allows the sponsor of the event and the Coast Guard to notify the public of these events in a timely manner. The public will be provided with notice of events through the table attached to this regulation. This table lists each recurring event that may be regulated by the Coast Guard, and indicates the sponsor, as well as the date and location of the event. Because the dates and location of these events may change slightly from year to year, the specific information on each event, including the exact dates, specific areas, and description of the regulated area, would be provided to the public through a Local Notice to Mariners published before the event, as well as through Broadcast Notice to Mariners. This table will also be updated by the Coast Guard periodically to add new recurring events, remove events that no longer occur, and update listed events to ensure accurate information is provided. The public will also be notified about many of the listed marine events by local newspapers, radio and television stations. The various methods of notification provided by the Coast Guard and local community media outlets will facilitate informing mariners so they can adjust their plans accordingly.

    Discussion of Comments and Changes

    The Coast Guard has made some minor technical revisions to this rule. Revisions to the regulatory text include the following items.

    In the Table to § 100.501, marine event No. 3 was deleted. In its place “Night in Venice” Great Egg Harbor Bay, Ocean City, New Jersey was added as marine event No. 3. This event was previously regulated by 33 CFR 100.504 for the same location. This revision does not impose any additional restrictions on vessel traffic. Start Printed Page 26008

    In the Table to § 100.501, the location description for marine event No's 31, 32, 35 and 49 were revised. All four marine events take place in the same location in the Western Branch of the Elizabeth River, Portsmouth, Virginia. The location was revised to reduce the overall size of the regulated area. This revision does not impose any additional restrictions on vessel traffic.

    Regulatory Evaluation

    This rule is not a “significant regulatory action” under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, and does not require an assessment of potential costs and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of that Order. The Office of Management and Budget has not reviewed it under that Order.

    We expect the economic impact of this rule to be so minimal that a full Regulatory Evaluation is unnecessary. The effect of this action merely establishes the dates on which the existing regulations would be enforced and consolidates them within one regulation. It would not impose any additional restrictions on vessel traffic.

    Small Entities

    Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612), we have considered whether this rule would have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The term “small entities” comprises small businesses, not-for-profit organizations that are independently owned and operated and are not dominant in their fields, and governmental jurisdictions with populations of less than 50,000.

    The Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. This rule would affect the following entities, some of which might be small entities: The owners or operators of vessels intending to transit or anchor in the areas where marine events are being held. This regulation will not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities because it will be enforced only during marine events that have been permitted by the Coast Guard Captain of the Port. The Captain of the Port will ensure that small entities are able to operate in the areas where events are occurring. Additionally, in most cases, vessels will be able to safely transit around the regulated area at all times, and, with the permission of the Patrol Commander, vessels may transit through the regulated area.

    Assistance for Small Entities

    Under section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-121), in the NPRM we offered to assist small entities in understanding the rule so that they could better evaluate its effects on them and participate in the rulemaking process.

    Small businesses may send comments on the actions of Federal employees who enforce, or otherwise determine compliance with, Federal regulations to the Small Business and Agriculture Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman and the Regional Small Business Regulatory Fairness Boards. The Ombudsman evaluates these actions annually and rates each agency's responsiveness to small business. If you wish to comment on actions by employees of the Coast Guard, call 1-888-REG-FAIR (1-888-734-3247). The Coast Guard will not retaliate against small entities that question or complain about this rule or any policy or action of the Coast Guard.

    Collection of Information

    This rule calls for no new collection of information under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520).


    A rule has implications for federalism under Executive Order 13132, Federalism, if it has a substantial direct effect on State or local governments and would either preempt State law or impose a substantial direct cost of compliance on them. We have analyzed this rule under that Order and have determined that it does not have implications for federalism.

    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531-1538) requires Federal agencies to assess the effects of their discretionary regulatory actions. In particular, the Act addresses actions that may result in the expenditure by a State, local, or tribal government, in the aggregate, or by the private sector of $100,000,000 or more in any one year. Though this rule will not result in such an expenditure, we do discuss the effects of this rule elsewhere in this preamble.

    Taking of Private Property

    This rule will not effect a taking of private property or otherwise have taking implications under Executive Order 12630, Governmental Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected Property Rights.

    Civil Justice Reform

    This rule meets applicable standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden.

    Protection of Children

    We have analyzed this rule under Executive Order 13045, Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks. This rule is not an economically significant rule and does not create an environmental risk to health or risk to safety that may disproportionately affect children.

    Indian Tribal Governments

    This rule does not have tribal implications under Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments, because it does not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian tribes.

    Energy Effects

    We have analyzed this rule under Executive Order 13211, Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use. We have determined that it is not a “significant energy action” under that order because it is not a “significant regulatory action” under Executive Order 12866 and is not likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply, distribution, or use of energy. The Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has not designated it as a significant energy action. Therefore, it does not require a Statement of Energy Effects under Executive Order 13211.

    Technical Standards

    The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) (15 U.S.C. 272 note) directs agencies to use voluntary consensus standards in their regulatory activities unless the agency provides Congress, through the Office of Management and Budget, with an explanation of why using these standards would be inconsistent with applicable law or otherwise impractical. Voluntary consensus standards are technical standards (e.g., specifications of materials, performance, design, or operation; test methods; sampling procedures; and related management systems practices) that are developed or adopted by voluntary consensus standards bodies. Start Printed Page 26009

    This rule does not use technical standards. Therefore, we did not consider the use of voluntary consensus standards.


    We have analyzed this rule under Commandant Instruction M16475.lD which guides the Coast Guard in complying with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321-4370f), and have concluded that there are no factors in this case that would limit the use of a categorical exclusion under section 2.B.2 of the Instruction. Therefore, this rule is categorically excluded, under figure 2-1, paragraph (34)(h), of the Instruction, from further environmental documentation. This rule fits the category of paragraph 34(h) because it creates special local regulations for regattas and marine parades.

    Under figure 2-1, paragraph (34)(h), of the Instruction, an “Environmental Analysis Check List” and a “Categorical Exclusion Determination” are not required for this rule.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 100

    • Marine safety
    • Navigation (water)
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, and Waterways
    End List of Subjects Start Amendment Part

    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Coast Guard amends 33 CFR part 100 as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The authority citation for part 100 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1233.

    End Authority Start Amendment Part

    2. Revise section 100.501 and add a new § 100.501 to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    Special Local Regulations; Marine Events in the Fifth Coast Guard District.

    The following regulations apply to the marine events listed in the Table to § 100.501. These regulations will be effective annually, for the duration of each event listed in the Table to § 100.501. Annual notice of the exact dates and times of the effective period of the regulation with respect to each event, the geographical area, and details concerning the nature of the event and the number of participants and type(s) of vessels involved will be published in Local Notices to Mariners and via Broadcast Notice to Mariners over VHF-FM marine band radio.

    (a) Definitions. The following definitions apply to this section:

    (1) Coast Guard Patrol Commander. A Patrol Commander is a commissioned, warrant, or petty officer of the Coast Guard who has been designated by the respective Coast Guard Sector—Captain of the Port to enforce these regulations.

    (2) Official Patrol. Any vessel assigned or approved by the respective Captain of the Port with a commissioned, warrant, or petty officer on board and displaying a Coast Guard ensign.

    (3) Spectators. All persons and vessels not registered with the event sponsor as participants or official patrol vessels.

    (b) Event Patrol. The Coast Guard may assign an event patrol, as described in § 100.40 of this part, to each regulated event listed in the table. Additionally, a Patrol Commander may be assigned to oversee the patrol. The event patrol and Patrol Commander may be contacted on VHF-FM Channel 16.

    (c) Special Local Regulations. (1) The Coast Guard Patrol Commander may forbid and control the movement of all vessels in the regulated area(s). When hailed or signaled by an official patrol vessel, a vessel in these areas shall immediately comply with the directions given. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the area, citation for failure to comply, or both.

    (2) The Coast Guard Patrol Commander may terminate the event, or the operation of any vessel participating in the event, at any time it is deemed necessary for the protection of life or property.

    (3) Only event sponsor designated participants and official patrol vessels are allowed to enter the regulated area.

    (4) Spectators are allowed inside the regulated area only if they remain within a designated spectator area. Spectators may contact the Coast Guard Patrol Commander to request permission to pass through the regulated area. If permission is granted, spectators must pass directly through the regulated area at safe speed and without loitering.

    (d) Contact Information. Questions about marine events should be addressed to the local Coast Guard Captain of the Port for the area in which the event is occurring. Contact information is listed below. For a description of the geographical area of each Coast Guard Sector—Captain of the Port zone, please see subpart 3.25 of this chapter.

    (1) Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay—Captain of the Port Zone, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: (215) 271-4944.

    (2) Coast Guard Sector Baltimore—Captain of the Port Zone, Baltimore, Maryland: (410) 576-2525.

    (3) Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads—Captain of the Port Zone, Norfolk, Virginia: (757) 483-8567.

    (4) Coast Guard Sector North Carolina—Captain of the Port Zone, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina: (252) 247-4545.

    (5) Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Wilmington—Cape Fear River Captain of the Port Zone, Wilmington, North Carolina: (910) 772-2200.

    (e) Application for Marine Events. The application requirements of § 100.15 of this part apply to all events listed in the Table to § 100.501. For information on applying for a marine event, contact the Captain of the Port for the area in which the event will occur, at the phone numbers listed above.

    Table To § 100.501.—All Coordinates Listed in the Table to § 100.501 Reference Datum NAD 1983

    Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay—COTP Zone
    1June—1st SundayAtlantic County Day at the BayAtlantic County, New JerseyThe waters of Great Egg Harbor Bay, adjacent to Somers Point, New Jersey, bounded by a line drawn along the following boundaries: The area is bounded to the north by the shoreline along John F. Kennedy Park and Somers Point, New Jersey; bounded to the east by the State Route 52 bridge; bounded to the south by a line that runs along latitude 39°18′00″ N; and bounded to the west by a line that runs along longitude 074°37′00″ W.
    Start Printed Page 26010
    2June—3rd SaturdayAnnual Escape from Fort Delaware TriathlonEscape from Fort Delaware Triathlon, IncAll waters of the Delaware River between Pea Patch Island and Delaware City, Delaware, bounded by a line connecting the following points: Latitude 39°36′35.7″ N, longitude 075°35′25.6″ W, to latitude 39°34′57.3″ N, longitude 075°33′23.1″ W, to latitude 39°34′11.9″ N, longitude 075°34′28.6″ W, to latitude 39°35′52.4″ N, longitude 075°36′33.9″ W.
    3July—4th SaturdayNight in VeniceCity of Ocean City, NJ, Night in Venice CommitteeThe waters of Great Egg Harbor Bay and Beach Thorofare along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), adjacent to Ocean City, New Jersey, bounded by a line drawn at the following points: Bounded to the north by a line that runs along longitude 074°33′35″ W, that crosses the ICW in the vicinity of the northern end of the Great Egg Harbor Inlet bridge; bounded to the south by a line that runs along longitude 074°36′30″ W, that crosses the ICW in the vicinity of day beacon #270. The regulated area includes the ICW between the northern and southern boundaries and 100 yards on either side of the ICW centerline.
    4July—On or about July 4thU.S. holiday celebrationsCity of PhiladelphiaThe waters of the Delaware River, adjacent to Philadelphia, PA, and Camden, NJ, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the south by the Walt Whitman Bridge and bounded on the north by the Benjamin Franklin Bridge.
    5August—2nd Friday, Saturday and SundayPoint Pleasant OPA/NJ Offshore Grand PrixOffshore Performance Association (OPA) and New Jersey Offshore Racing AssnThe waters of the Atlantic Ocean bounded by a line drawn from a position along the shoreline near Normandy Beach, NJ, at latitude 40°00′00″ N, longitude 074°03′30″ W, thence easterly to latitude 39°59′40″ N, longitude 074°02′00″ W, thence southwesterly to latitude 39°56′35″ N, longitude 074°03′00″ W, thence westerly to a position near the Seaside Heights Pier at latitude 39°56′35″ N, longitude 074°04′15″ W, thence northerly along the shoreline to the point of origin.
    6July—3rd Wednesday and ThursdayNew Jersey Offshore Grand PrixOffshore Performance Assn. & New Jersey Offshore Racing AssnThe waters of the Manasquan River from the New York and Long Branch Railroad to Manasquan Inlet, together with all of the navigable waters of the United States from Asbury Park, New Jersey, latitude 40°14′00″ N; southward to Seaside Park, New Jersey latitude 39°55′00″ N, from the New Jersey shoreline seaward to the limits of the Territorial Sea. The race course area extends from Asbury Park to Seaside Park from the shoreline, seaward to a distance of 8.4 nautical miles.
    7August—4th WednesdayThunder Over the Boardwalk Air showAtlantic City Chamber of CommerceThe waters of the Atlantic Ocean, adjacent to Atlantic City, New Jersey, bounded by a line drawn between the following points: Southeasterly from a point along the shoreline at latitude 39°21′31″ N, longitude 074°25′04″ W, thence to latitude 39°21′08″ N, longitude 074°24′48″ W, thence southwesterly to latitude 39°20′16″ N, longitude 074°27′17″ W, thence northwesterly to a point along the shoreline at latitude 39°20′44″ N, longitude 074°27′31″ W, thence northeasterly along the shoreline to latitude 39°21′31″ N, longitude 074°25′04″ W.
    8September—3rd SaturdayAnnual Escape from Fort Delaware TriathlonEscape from Fort Delaware Triathlon, IncAll waters of the Delaware River between Pea Patch Island and Delaware City, Delaware, bounded by a line connecting the following points: Latitude 39°36′35.7″ N, longitude 075°35′25.6″ W, to latitude 39°34′57.3″ N, longitude 075°33′23.1″ W, to latitude 39°34′11.9″ N, longitude 075°34′28.6″ W, to latitude 39°35′52.4″ N, longitude 075°36′33.9″ W.
    9September—last Friday, Saturday and Sunday; October—first Friday, Saturday and SundaySunset Lake HydrofestSunset Lake Hydrofest AssnAll waters of Sunset Lake, New Jersey, from shoreline to shoreline, south of latitude 38°58′32″ N.
    10October—2nd Saturday and SundayThe Liberty Grand PrixOffshore Performance Assn. (OPA)The waters of the Delaware River, adjacent to Philadelphia, PA, and Camden, NJ, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the south by the Walt Whitman Bridge and bounded on the north by the Benjamin Franklin Bridge.
    11October—1st Monday (Columbus Day)U.S. holiday celebrationsCity of PhiladelphiaThe waters of the Delaware River, adjacent to Philadelphia, PA, and Camden, NJ, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the south by the Walt Whitman Bridge and bounded on the north by the Benjamin Franklin Bridge.
    12December—On December 31st (New Year's Eve)U.S. holiday celebrationsCity of PhiladelphiaThe waters of the Delaware River, adjacent to Philadelphia, PA, and Camden, NJ, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the south by the Walt Whitman Bridge and bounded on the north by the Benjamin Franklin Bridge.
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    Coast Guard Sector Baltimore—COTP Zone
    13March—4th or last SaturdaySafety at Sea SeminarU.S. Naval AcademyAll waters of the Severn River from shoreline to shoreline, bounded to the northwest by a line drawn from the south shoreline at latitude 39°00′38.9″ N., longitude 076°31′05.2″ W. thence to the north shoreline at latitude 39°00′54.7″ N., longitude 076°30′44.8″ W., this line is approximately 1300 yards northwest of the U.S. 50 fixed highway bridge. The regulated area is bounded to the southeast by a line drawn from the Naval Academy Light at latitude 38°58′39.5″ N., longitude 076°28′49″ W., thence southeast to a point 700 yards east of Chinks Point, MD, at latitude 38°58′1.9″ N., longitude 076°28′1.7″ W., thence northeast to Greenbury Point at latitude 38°58′29″ N., longitude 076°27′16″ W.
    14March—last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; April and May—every Friday, Saturday, and SundayUSNA Crew RacesU.S. Naval AcademyAll waters of the Severn River from shoreline to shoreline, bounded to the northwest by a line drawn from the south shoreline at latitude 39°00′38.9″ N., longitude 076°31′05.2″ W. thence to the north shoreline at latitude 39°00′54.7″ N., longitude 076°30′44.8″ W., this line is approximately 1300 yards northwest of the U.S. 50 fixed highway bridge. The regulated area is bounded to the southeast by a line drawn from the Naval Academy Light at latitude 38°58′39.5″ N., longitude 076°28′49″ W. thence southeast to a point 700 yards east of Chinks Point, MD, at latitude 38°58′1.9″ N., longitude 076°28′1.7″ W. thence northeast to Greenbury Point at latitude 38°58′29″ N., longitude 076°27′16″ W.
    15April—2nd SaturdaySt. Mary's Seahawk SprintSt. Mary's College of MarylandAll waters of the St. Mary's River, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded to the south by a line at latitude 38°10′05″ N, and bounded to the north by a line at latitude 38°12′00″ N.
    16May—1st SundayNanticoke River Swim and TriathlonNanticoke River Swim and Triathlon, IncAll waters of the Nanticoke River, including Bivalve Channel and Bivalve Harbor, bounded by a line drawn from a point on the shoreline at latitude 38°18′00″ N, longitude 075°54′00″ W, thence westerly to latitude 38°18′00″ N, longitude 075°55′00″ W, thence northerly to latitude 38°20′00″ N, longitude 075°53′48″ W, thence easterly to latitude 38°19′42″ N, longitude 075°52′54″ W.
    17May—2nd Saturday and SundayBaltimore County Community Waterfront FestivalBaltimore CountyAll waters of Martin Lagoon that are north of a line drawn from latitude 39°19′34″ N, longitude 076°25′41″ W, thence to a position located at 39°19′33″ N, longitude 076°25′33″ W.
    18May—3rd Friday, Saturday, and SundayDragon Boat Races at Thompson Boathouse, Georgetown, Washington, DCDragon Boat Festival, IncThe waters of the Upper Potomac River, Washington, DC, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded upstream by the Francis Scott Key Bridge and downstream by the Roosevelt Memorial Bridge.
    19May—3rd Tuesday and WednesdayBlue Angels Air ShowU.S. Naval AcademyAll waters of the Severn River from shoreline to shoreline, bounded to the northwest by a line drawn from the south shoreline at latitude 39°00′38.9″ N., longitude 076°31′05.2″ W. thence to the north shoreline at latitude 39°00′54.7″ N., longitude 076°30′44.8″ W., this line is approximately 1300 yards northwest of the U.S. 50 fixed highway bridge. The regulated area is bounded to the southeast by a line drawn from the Naval Academy Light at latitude 38°58′39.5″ N., longitude 076°28′49″ W. thence southeast to a point 700 yards east of Chinks Point, MD, at latitude 38°58′1.9″ N., longitude 076°28′1.7″ W. thence northeast to Greenbury Point at latitude 38°58′29″ N., longitude 076°27′16″ W.
    20June—2nd SundayThe Great Chesapeake Bay Bridges Swim Races and Chesapeake Challenge One Mile SwimGreat Chesapeake Bay Swim, IncThe waters of the Chesapeake Bay between and adjacent to the spans of the William P. Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge shore to shore 500 yards north of the north span of the bridge from the western shore at latitude 39°00′36″ N, longitude 076°23′05″ W and the eastern shore at latitude 38°59′14″ N, longitude 076°20′00″ W, and 500 yards south of the south span of the bridge from the western shore at latitude 39°00′16″ N, longitude 076°24′30″ W and the eastern shore at latitude 38°58′38.5″ N, longitude 076°20′06″ W.
    21June—3rd Saturday or July—3rd SaturdayMaryland Swim for LifeDistrict of Columbia Aquatics ClubThe waters of the Chester River from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the south by a line drawn at latitude 39°10′16″ N, near the Chester River Channel Buoy 35 (LLN-26795) and bounded on the north at latitude 39°12′30″ N by the Maryland S.R. 213 Highway Bridge.
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    22June—last Saturday and SundayBo Bowman Memorial—Sharptown RegattaVirginia/Carolina Racing AssnAll waters of the Nanticoke River, near Sharptown, Maryland, between Maryland S.R. 313 Highway Bridge and Nanticoke River Light 43 (LLN-24175), bounded by a line drawn between the following points: Southeasterly from latitude 38°32′46″ N, longitude 075°43′14″ W, to latitude 38°32′42″ N, longitude 075°43′09″ W, thence northeasterly to latitude 38°33′04″ N, longitude 075°42′39″ W, thence northwesterly to latitude 38°33′09″ N, longitude 075°42′44″ W, thence southwesterly to latitude 38°32′46″ N, longitude 075°43′14″ W.
    23August—1st Saturday and SundayThunder on the NarrowsKent Narrows Racing AssnAll waters of Prospect Bay enclosed by the following points: Latitude 38°57′52.0″ N, longitude 076°14′48.0″ W, to latitude 38°58′02.0″ N, longitude 076°15′05.0″ W, to latitude 38°57′38.0″ N, longitude 076°15′29.0″ W, to latitude 38°57′28.0″ N, longitude 076°15′23.0″ W, to latitude 38°57′52.0″ N, longitude 076°14′48.0″ W.
    24Labor Day weekend —Saturday and Sunday, or MondayAnnual Ragin on the RiverPort Deposit, MD, Chamber of CommerceThe waters of the Susquehanna River, adjacent to Port Deposit, Maryland, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the south by the U.S. I-95 fixed highway bridge, and bounded on the north by a line running southwesterly from a point along the shoreline at latitude 39°36′22″ N, longitude 076°07′08″ W, thence to latitude 39°36′00″ N, longitude 076°07′46″ W.
    25September—2nd SaturdayDragon Boat Races in the Inner HarborAssociated Catholic Charities, IncThe waters of the Patapsco River, Baltimore, MD, Inner Harbor from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the east by a line drawn along longitude 076°36′30″ W.
    26September—2nd SundayAnnapolis Triathlon SwimCity of Annapolis and the Annapolis Triathlon ClubThe approaches to Annapolis Harbor, the waters of Spa Creek, and the Severn River, shore to shore, bounded on the south by a line drawn from Carr Point, at latitude 38°58′58.0″ N, longitude 076°27′40.0″ W, thence to Horn Point Warning Light (LLNR-17935), at 38°58′24.0″ N, longitude 076°28′10.0″ W, thence to Horn Point, at 38°58′20.0″ N, longitude 076°28′27.0″ W, and bounded on the north by the State Route 450 Bridge.
    27September—4th or last Saturday and SundayCambridge Offshore ChallengeChesapeake Bay Powerboat AssociationAll waters of the Choptank River, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded to the west by the Route 50 Bridge and bounded to the east by a line drawn along longitude 076° W, between Goose Point, MD, and Oystershell Point, MD.
    28September—last SaturdayChesapeakeman Ultra TriathlonColumbia Triathlon Assn. IncAll waters of the Choptank River within 200 yards either side of a line drawn northwesterly from a point on the shoreline at latitude 38°33′45″ N, longitude 076°02′38″ W, thence to latitude 38°35′06″ N, longitude 076°04′42″ W, a position located at Great Marsh Park, Cambridge, MD.
    29October—last Saturday or November—1st SaturdayTug of WarCity of AnnapolisThe waters of Spa Creek from shoreline to shoreline, extending 400 feet from either side of a rope spanning Spa Creek from a position at latitude 38°58′36.9″ N, longitude 076°29′03.8″ W on the Annapolis shoreline to a position at latitude 38°58′26.4″ N, longitude 076°28′53.7″ W on the Eastport shoreline.
    30December—2nd SaturdayEastport Yacht Club Boat ParadeEastport Yacht ClubThe approaches to Annapolis Harbor, the waters of Spa Creek, and the Severn River, shore to shore, bounded on the south by a line drawn from Carr Point, at latitude 38°58′58.0″ N, longitude 076°27′40.0″ W, thence to Horn Point Warning Light (LLNR-17935), at 38°58′24.0″ N, longitude 076°28′10.0″ W, thence to Horn Point, at 38°58′20.0″ N, longitude 076°28′27.0″ W, and bounded on the north by the State Route 450 Bridge.
    Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads—COTP Zone
    31March—4th or last Friday and SaturdayVirginia state hydroplane championshipsVirginia Boat Racing AssnThe waters of the Western Branch, Elizabeth River bounded by a line connecting the following points: latitude 36°50′06″ N, longitude 076°22′27″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′06″ N, longitude 076°21′57″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′15″ N, longitude 076°21′55.8″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′15″ N, longitude 076°22′27″ W, thence to point of origin.
    32April—3rd Friday and SaturdayHydroplane racesVirginia Boat Racing AssnThe waters of the Western Branch, Elizabeth River bounded by a line connecting the following points: latitude 36°50′06″ N, longitude 076°22′27″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′06″ N, longitude 076°21′57″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′15″ N, longitude 076°21′55.8″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′15″ N, longitude 076°22′27″ W, thence to point of origin.
    33April—4th Friday and SaturdayCrawford Bay Crew ClassicPort Events, IncThe waters of the Southern Branch, Elizabeth River from shoreline to shoreline bounded to the south by a line drawn from latitude 36°49′11.0″ N, longitude 076°17′33.0″ W to latitude 36°49′11.0″ N, longitude 076°17′22.0″ W and bounded to the north by a line drawn from latitude 36°50′17.5″ N, longitude 076°17′45.0″ W to latitude 36°50′17.5″ N, longitude 076°17′30.0″ W.
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    34April—4th Saturday and SundayWet Spring RegattaWindsurfing Enthusiasts of TidewaterThe waters of Willoughby Bay contained within the following coordinates: Latitude 36°58′36″ N, longitude 076°18′42″ W, to latitude 36°58′00″ N, longitude 076°18′00″ W, to latitude 36°57′49″ N, longitude 076°18′14″ W, to latitude 36°57′36″ N, longitude 076°17′55″ W, to latitude 36°57′26″ N, longitude 076°18′06″ W, to latitude 36°58′15″ N, longitude 076°19′08″ W, to latitude 36°58′36″ N, longitude 076°18′42″ W.
    35May—2nd Friday and SaturdayHydroplane racesVirginia Boat Racing AssnThe waters of the Western Branch, Elizabeth River bounded by a line connecting the following points: Latitude 36°50′06″ N, longitude 076°22′27″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′06″ N, longitude 076°21′57″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′15″ N, longitude 076°21′55.8″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′15″ N, longitude 076°22′27″ W, thence to point of origin.
    36May—last Friday, Saturday and Sunday or June—1st Friday, Saturday and SundayBlackbeard FestivalHampton Event MakersThe waters of Sunset Creek and Hampton River shore to shore bounded to the north by the C & O Railroad Bridge and to the south by a line drawn from Hampton River Channel Light 16 (LL 5715), located at latitude 37°01′03.0″ N, longitude 76°20′26.0″ W, to the finger pier across the river at Fisherman's Wharf, located at latitude 37°01′01.5″ N, longitude 76°20′32.0″ W.
    Spectator Vessel Anchorage Areas—Area A: Located in the upper reaches of the Hampton River, bounded to the south by a line drawn from the western shore at latitude 37°01′48.0″ N, longitude 76°20′22.0″ W, across the river to the eastern shore at latitude 37°01′44.0″ N, longitude 76°20′13.0″ W, and to the north by the C & O Railroad Bridge. The anchorage area will be marked by orange buoys.
    Area B: Located on the eastern side of the channel, in the Hampton River, south of the Queen Street Bridge, near the Riverside Health Center. Bounded by the shoreline and a line drawn between the following points: Latitude 37°01′26.0″ N, longitude 76°20′24.0″ W, latitude 37°01′22.0″ N, longitude 76°20′26.0″ W, and latitude 37°01′22.0″ N, longitude 76°20′23.0″ W. The anchorage area will be marked by orange buoys.
    37June—1st Friday, Saturday and SundayNorfolk HarborfestNorfolk Festevents, LtdThe waters of the Elizabeth River and its branches from shore to shore, bounded to the northwest by a line drawn across the Port Norfolk Reach section of the Elizabeth River between the northern corner of the landing at Hospital Point, Portsmouth, Virginia, latitude 36°50′51.0″ N, longitude 076°18′09.0″ W and the north corner of the City of Norfolk Mooring Pier at the foot of Brooks Avenue located at latitude 36°51′00.0″ N, longitude 076°17′52.0″ W; bounded on the southwest by a line drawn from the southern corner of the landing at Hospital Point, Portsmouth, Virginia, at latitude 36°50′50.0″ N, longitude 076°18′10.0″ W, to the northern end of the eastern most pier at the Tidewater Yacht Agency Marina, located at latitude 36°50′29.0″ N, longitude 076°17′52.0″ W; bounded to the south by a line drawn across the Lower Reach of the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River, between the Portsmouth Lightship Museum located at the foot of London Boulevard, in Portsmouth, Virginia, at latitude 36°50′10.0″ N, longitude 076°17′47.0″ W, and the northwest corner of the Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock, Berkley Plant, Pier No. 1, located at latitude 36°50′08.0″ N, longitude 076°17′39.0″ W; and to the southeast by the Berkley Bridge which crosses the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River between Berkley at latitude 36°50′21.5″ N, longitude 076°17′14.5″ W, and Norfolk at latitude 36°50′35.0″ N, longitude 076°17′10.0″ W.
    38June—1st Friday and SaturdayOcean City Maryland Offshore ChallengeOffshore Performance Assn. Racing, LLCThe waters of the Atlantic Ocean commencing at a point on the shoreline at latitude 38°25′42″ N, longitude 075°03′06″ W; thence east southeast to latitude 38°25′30″ N, longitude 075°02′12″ W, thence south southwest parallel to the Ocean City shoreline to latitude 38°19′12″ N, longitude 075°03′48″ W; thence west northwest to the shoreline at latitude 38°19′30″ N, longitude 075°05′00″ W. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean bounded by a line drawn from a position along the shoreline near Ocean City, MD, at latitude 38°22′25.2″ N, longitude 075°03′49.4″ W, thence easterly to latitude 38°22′00.4″ N, longitude 075°02′34.8″ W, thence southwesterly to latitude 38°19′35.9″ N, longitude 075°03′35.4″ W, thence westerly to a position near the shoreline at latitude 38°20′05″ N, longitude 075°04′48.4″ W, thence northerly along the shoreline to the point of origin.
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    39June—3rd SaturdayCock Island RacePorts Events, IncThe waters of the Elizabeth River and its branches from shore to shore, bounded to the northwest by a line drawn across the Port Norfolk Reach section of the Elizabeth River between the northern corner of the landing at Hospital Point, Portsmouth, Virginia, latitude 36°50′51.0″ N, longitude 076°18′09.0″ W and the north corner of the City of Norfolk Mooring Pier at the foot of Brooks Avenue located at latitude 36°51′00.0″ N, longitude 076°17′52.0″ W; bounded on the southwest by a line drawn from the southern corner of the landing at Hospital Point, Portsmouth, Virginia, at latitude 36°50′50.0″ N, longitude 076°18′10.0″ W, to the northern end of the eastern most pier at the Tidewater Yacht Agency Marina, located at latitude 36°50′29.0″ N, longitude 076°17′52.0″ W; bounded to the south by a line drawn across the Lower Reach of the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River, between the Portsmouth Lightship Museum located at the foot of London Boulevard, in Portsmouth, Virginia, at latitude 36°50′10.0″ N, longitude 076°17′47.0″ W, and the northwest corner of the Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock, Berkley Plant, Pier No. 1, located at latitude 36°50′08.0″ N, longitude 076°17′39.0″ W; and to the southeast by the Berkley Bridge which crosses the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River between Berkley at latitude 36°50′21.5″ N, longitude 076°17′14.5″ W, and Norfolk at latitude 36°50′35.0″ N, longitude 076°17′10.0″ W.
    40June—last SaturdayRRBA Spring Radar ShootoutRappahannock River Boaters Association (RRBA)The waters of the Rappahannock River, adjacent to Layton, VA, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the west by a line running along longitude 076°58′30″ W, and bounded on the east by a line running along longitude 076°56′00″ W.
    41July—3rd SundayWatermen's Heritage Festival Workboat RacesWatermen's Museum of Yorktown, VAThe waters of the York River, Yorktown, Virginia, bounded on the west by a line drawn along longitude 076°31′25″ W, bounded on the east by a line drawn along longitude 076°30′55″ W, bounded on the south by the shoreline and bounded on the north by a line drawn parallel and 400 yards north of the southern shoreline.
    42July—last Wednesday and following FridayPony Penning SwimChincoteague Volunteer Fire DepartmentThe waters of Assateague Channel from shoreline to shoreline, bounded to the east by a line drawn from latitude 37°55′01″ N, longitude 075°22′40″ W, to latitude 37°54′50″ N, longitude 075°22′46″ W, and to the west by a line drawn from latitude 37°54′54.0″ N, longitude 075°23′00″ W, to latitude 37°54′49″ N, longitude 075°22′49″ W.
    43August—1st Friday, Saturday and SundayPower boat raceEast Coast Boat Racing Club of New JerseyThe waters of the Chesapeake Bay, along the shoreline adjacent to Cape Charles, Virginia, to and including waters up to 300 yards offshore, parallel with the Cape Charles Beach shoreline in this area. The area is bounded on the south by a line running northwesterly from the Cape Charles shoreline at latitude 37°16′.2″ N, longitude 076°01′28.5″ W, to a point offshore approximately 300 yards at latitude 37°16′3.4″ N, longitude 076°01′36.6″ W, and bounded on the north by a line running northwesterly from the Cape Charles shoreline at latitude 37°16′26.2″ N, longitude 076°01′14″ W, to a point offshore approximately 300 yards at latitude 37°16′28.9″ N, longitude 076°01′24.1″ W.
    44August—2nd Friday, Saturday and SundayHampton Cup RegattaVirginia Boat Racing AssociationThe waters of Mill Creek, adjacent to Fort Monroe, Hampton, Virginia, enclosed by the following boundaries: to the north, a line drawn along latitude 37°01′00″ N, to the east a line drawn along longitude 076°18′30″ W, to the south a line parallel with the shoreline adjacent to Fort Monroe, and the west boundary is parallel with the Route 258—Mercury Boulevard Bridge.
    45September—2nd Friday and SaturdayOcean City power boat raceOffshore Performance Assn. Racing, LLCThe waters of the Atlantic Ocean commencing at a point on the shoreline at latitude 38°25′42″ N, longitude 075°03′06″ W; thence east southeast to latitude 38°25′30″ N, longitude 075°02′12″ W, thence south southwest parallel to the Ocean City shoreline to latitude 38°19′12″ N, longitude 075°03′48″ W; thence west northwest to the shoreline at latitude 38°19′30″ N, longitude 075°05′00″ W. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean bounded by a line drawn from a position along the shoreline near Ocean City, MD, at latitude 38°22′25.2″ N, longitude 075°03′49.4″ W, thence easterly to latitude 38°22′00.4″ N, longitude 075°02′34.8″ W, thence southwesterly to latitude 38°19′35.9″ N, longitude 075°03′35.4″ W, thence westerly to a position near the shoreline at latitude 38°20′05″ N, longitude 075°04′48.4″ W, thence northerly along the shoreline to the point of origin.
    46September—2nd Friday, Saturday and SundayHampton Bay Days FestivalHampton Bay Days, IncThe waters of Sunset Creek and Hampton River shore to shore bounded to the north by the C & O Railroad Bridge and to the south by a line drawn from Hampton River Channel Light 16 (LL 5715), located at latitude 37°01′03.0″ N, longitude 076°20′26.0″ W, to the finger pier across the river at Fisherman's Wharf, located at latitude 37°01′01.5″ N, longitude 076°20′32.0″ W.
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    47October—1st Saturday and SundayVirginia Boat Racing AssociationClarksville Hydroplane ChallengeThe waters of the John H. Kerr Reservoir, adjacent to the State Route 15 Highway Bridge and Occoneechee State Park, Clarksville, Virginia, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the south by a line running northeasterly from a point along the shoreline at latitude 36°37′14″ N, longitude 078°32′46.5″ W, thence to latitude 36°37′39.2″ N, longitude 078°32′08.8″ W, and bounded on the north by the State Route 15 Highway Bridge.
    48October—2nd FridayU.S. Navy Fleet Week CelebrationU.S. NavyThe waters of the Elizabeth River and its branches from shore to shore, bounded to the northwest by a line drawn across the Port Norfolk Reach section of the Elizabeth River between the northern corner of the landing at Hospital Point, Portsmouth, Virginia, latitude 36°50′51.0″ N, longitude 076°18′09.0″ W and the north corner of the City of Norfolk Mooring Pier at the foot of Brooks Avenue located at latitude 36°51′00.0″ N, longitude 076°17′52.0″ W; bounded on the southwest by a line drawn from the southern corner of the landing at Hospital Point, Portsmouth, Virginia, at latitude 36°50′50.0″ N, longitude 076°18′10.0″ W, to the northern end of the eastern most pier at the Tidewater Yacht Agency Marina, located at latitude 36°50′29.0″ N, longitude 076°17′52.0″ W; bounded to the south by a line drawn across the Lower Reach of the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River, between the Portsmouth Lightship Museum located at the foot of London Boulevard, in Portsmouth, Virginia, at latitude 36°50′10.0″ N, longitude 076°17′47.0″ W, and the northwest corner of the Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock, Berkley Plant, Pier No. 1, located at latitude 36°50′08.0″ N, longitude 076°17′39.0″ W; and to the southeast by the Berkley Bridge, which crosses the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River between Berkley at latitude 36°50′21.5″ N, longitude 076°17′14.5″ W, and Norfolk at latitude 36°50′35.0″ N, longitude 076°17′10.0″ W.
    49October—2nd Saturday and SundayHydroplane racesVirginia Boat Racing AssnThe waters of the Western Branch, Elizabeth River bounded by a line connecting the following points: latitude 36°50′06″ N, longitude 076°22′27″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′06″ N, longitude 076°21′57″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′15″ N, longitude 076°21′55.8″ W, thence to latitude 36°50′15″ N, longitude 076°22′27″ W, thence to point of origin.
    50October—2nd SundayPoquoson Seafood Festival Workboat RacesCity of PoquosonThe waters of the Back River, Poquoson, Virginia, bounded on the north by a line drawn along latitude 37°06′30″ N, bounded on the south by a line drawn along latitude 37°06′15″ N, bounded on the east by a line drawn along longitude 076°18′52″ W and bounded on the west by a line drawn along longitude 076°19′30″ W.
    51October—last Saturday and SundayHampton Roads Sailboard ClassicWindsurfing Enthusiasts of TidewaterThe waters of Willoughby Bay contained within the following coordinates: latitude 36°58′36″ N, longitude 076°18′42″ W, to latitude 36°58′00″ N, longitude 076°18′00″ W, to latitude 36°57′49″ N, longitude 076°18′14″ W, to latitude 36°57′36″ N, longitude 076°17′55″ W, to latitude 36°57′26″ N, longitude 076°18′06″ W, to latitude 36°58′15″ N, longitude 076°19′08″ W, to latitude 36°58′36″ N, longitude 076°18′42″ W.
    52November—1st Friday and SaturdayInternational Search and Rescue CompetitionU.S. Coast Guard and Canadian AuxiliariesThe waters of the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River including the North Ferry Landing, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded to the north by a line drawn along latitude 36°50′23″ N and bounded to the south by a line drawn along latitude 36°50′12″ N.
    53November—4th or last SaturdayHolidays in the CityNorfolk Festevents, LtdThe waters of the Elizabeth River and its branches from shore to shore, bounded to the northwest by a line drawn across the Port Norfolk Reach section of the Elizabeth River between the northern corner of the landing at Hospital Point, Portsmouth, Virginia, latitude 36°50′51.0″ N, longitude 076°18′09.0″ W and the north corner of the City of Norfolk Mooring Pier at the foot of Brooks Avenue located at latitude 36°51′00.0″ N, longitude 076°17′52.0″ W; bounded on the southwest by a line drawn from the southern corner of the landing at Hospital Point, Portsmouth, Virginia, at latitude 36°50′50.0″ N, longitude 076°18′10.0″ W, to the northern end of the easternmost pier at the Tidewater Yacht Agency Marina, located at latitude 36°50′29.0″ N, longitude 076°17′52.0″ W; bounded to the south by a line drawn across the Lower Reach of the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River, between the Portsmouth Lightship Museum located at the foot of London Boulevard, in Portsmouth, Virginia at latitude 36°50′10.0″ N, longitude 076°17′47.0″ W, and the northwest corner of the Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock, Berkley Plant, Pier No. 1, located at latitude 36°50′08.0″ N, longitude 076°17′39.0″ W; and to the southeast by the Berkley Bridge which crosses the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River between Berkley at latitude 36°50′21.5″ N, longitude 076°17′14.5″ W, and Norfolk at latitude 36°50′35.0″ N, longitude 076°17′10.0″ W.
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    Coast Guard Sector North Carolina—COTP Zone
    54June—2nd Saturday and SundayCarolina Cup RegattaVirginia Boat Racing AssnThe waters of the Pasquotank River, adjacent to Elizabeth City, NC, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the west by the Elizabeth City Draw Bridge and bounded on the east by a line originating at a point along the shoreline at latitude 36°17′54″ N, longitude 076°12′00″ W, thence southwesterly to latitude 36°17′35″ N, longitude 076°12′18″ W at Cottage Point.
    55August—1st Friday, Saturday and SundaySBIP—Fountain Powerboats Kilo Run and Super Boat Grand PrixSuper Boat International Productions (SBIP), IncThe waters of the Pamlico River including Chocowinity Bay, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded on the south by a line running northeasterly from Camp Hardee at latitude 35°28′23″ N, longitude 076°59′23″ W, to Broad Creek Point at latitude 35°29′04″ N, longitude 076°58′44″ W, and bounded on the north by the Norfolk Southern Railroad Bridge.
    56September—4th or last SundayCrystal Coast Super Boat Grand PrixSuper Boat International Productions, IncThe waters of Bogue Sound, adjacent to Morehead City, NC, from the southern tip of Sugar Loaf Island approximate position latitude 34°42′55″ N, longitude 076°42′48″ W, thence westerly to Morehead City Channel Day beacon 7 (LLNR 38620), thence southwest along the channel line to Bogue Sound Light 4 (LLRN 38770), thence southerly to Causeway Channel Day beacon 2 (LLNR 38720), thence southeasterly to Money Island Day beacon 1 (LLNR 38645), thence easterly to Eight and One Half Marina Day beacon 2 (LLNR 38685), thence easterly to the westernmost shoreline of Brant Island approximate position latitude 34°42′36″ N, longitude 076°42′11″ W, thence northeasterly along the shoreline to Tombstone Point approximate position latitude 34°42′14″ N, longitude 076°41′20″ W, thence southeasterly to the east end of the pier at Coast Guard Sector North Carolina approximate position latitude 34°42′00″ N, longitude 076°40′52″ W, thence easterly to Morehead City Channel Buoy 20 (LLNR 29427), thence northerly to Beaufort Harbor Channel LT 1BH (LLNR 34810), thence northwesterly to the southern tip of Radio Island approximate position latitude 34°42′22″ N, longitude 076°40′52″ W, thence northerly along the shoreline to approximate position latitude 34°43′00″ N, longitude 076°41′25″ W, thence westerly to the North Carolina State Port Facility, thence westerly along the State Port to the southwest corner approximate position latitude 34°42′55″ N, longitude 076°42′12″ W, thence westerly to the southern tip of Sugar Loaf Island the point of origin.
    57September—last SaturdayWilmington YMCA TriathlonWilmington, NC, YMCAThe waters of, and adjacent to, Wrightsville Channel, from Wrightsville Channel Day beacon 14 (LLNR 28040), located at 34°12′18″ N, longitude 077°48′10″ W, to Wrightsville Channel Day beacon 25 (LLNR 28080), located at 34°12′51″ N, longitude 77°48′53″ W.
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    Dated: April 21, 2008.

    Fred M. Rosa, Jr.,

    Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander, Fifth Coast Guard District.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. E8-10229 Filed 5-7-08; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4910-15-P

Document Information

Comments Received:
Effective Date:
Coast Guard
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective June 9, 2008.
26007-26017 (11 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. USCG-2007-0147
1625-AA08: Regatta and Marine Parade Regulations
RIN Links:
Marine safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Waterways
PDF File:
CFR: (31)
33 CFR 100.501
33 CFR 100.502
33 CFR 100.504
33 CFR 100.505
33 CFR 100.506
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