95-11174. Proposed Amendments to the List of Migratory Birds  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 89 (Tuesday, May 9, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 24686-24690]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-11174]
    [[Page 24685]]
    Part IV
    Department of the Interior
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 10
    Amendments to the List of Migratory Birds; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 9, 1995 / Proposed 
    [[Page 24686]] 
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 10
    RIN 1018-AB72
    Proposed Amendments to the List of Migratory Birds
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) proposes to amend 
    the List of Migratory Birds contained in 50 CFR 10.13. The Service 
    proposes to add 20 species, remove 1 species, and revise the English 
    (common) and/or scientific names of 23 previously listed species as 
    necessary to conform with the most recent taxonomy and nomenclature. 
    After consideration of comments received on this proposed rule a final 
    rule containing a full, up-to-date List of Migratory Birds will be 
    prepared and published.
    DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before July 10, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to Chief, Office of Migratory Bird 
    Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, 
    ms 634-ARLSQ, 1849 C Street, NW., Washington, DC 20240. Comments 
    received will be available for public inspection during normal business 
    hours in room 634, Arlington Square Building, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, 
    Arlington, Virginia.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul R. Schmidt, Chief, Office of 
    Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department 
    of the Interior, ms 634-ARLSQ, Washington, DC 20240, (703) 358-1714.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. 
    703-711) (MBTA) expressly protects any migratory bird included in the 
    terms of the Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds, August 
    16, 1916, United States--Great Britain (on behalf of Canada), 39 Stat. 
    1702, T.S. No. 628; the Convention for the Protection of Migratory 
    Birds and Game Mammals, February 7, 1936, United States--Mexico, as 
    amended, 50 Stat. 1311, T.S. No. 912; the Convention for the Protection 
    of Migratory Birds and Birds in Danger of Extinction, and their 
    Environment, March 4, 1972, United States--Japan, 25 U.S.T. 3329, 
    T.I.A.S. No. 7990 (16 U.S.C. 703); and the Convention Between the 
    United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 
    [=Russia] Concerning the Conservation of Migratory Birds and Their 
    Environment, November 26, 1976, 92 Stat. 3110, T.I.A.S. 9073 (16 U.S.C. 
    703, 712).
        The Service regulates most aspects of the taking, possession, 
    transportation, sale, purchase, barter, exportation, and importation of 
    migratory birds under the terms of the MBTA. Regulations implementing 
    the MBTA, which are found principally in Title 50 Code of Federal 
    Regulations (CFR), Parts 10, 20, and 21, may be applied to any bird 
    covered by one of the four treaties (16 U.S.C. 703, 712).
        A list of birds protected under the Canadian, Mexican, Japanese, 
    and Russian treaties is currently contained in 50 CFR 10.13, which was 
    last revised on April 5, 1985 (50 FR 13708).
        The treaties with Canada and Mexico indicate, by scientific names 
    of families or groups or by the English names of species or groups of 
    species, which birds were intended to be protected by the respective 
    treaties. As a result of increased knowledge of bird taxonomy, many of 
    the names that appear in the Canadian and Mexican treaties are now 
    obsolete. Information on currently accepted scientific terminology for 
    the groups of birds protected by each of these treaties was provided in 
    the previous final rule (50 FR 13708).
        The Japanese and Russian treaties listed individual species of 
    birds to be protected. For 35 species, the scientific (generic or 
    specific) name currently recognized by the American Ornithologists' 
    Union differs from that which appears in the treaties. The following 
    cross-reference provides a linkage between the scientific names used in 
    the List of Migratory Birds and those that appear in the appendices to 
    the Japanese and Russian treaties. The first name is the modern 
    equivalent recognized by the American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) (and 
    adopted in 50 CFR 10.13 or this proposed rule) and the second name is 
    that which appears in one or another of the treaties. This does not 
    revise the appendices to either the Japanese or the Russian treaty 
    (indicated by J or R). EXAMPLE--Chen canagica, the Emperor Goose, is 
    listed as Anser canagicus in the Japanese treaty and as Philacte 
    canagica in the Russian treaty. The latter two names are considered to 
    be synonyms of Chen canagicus.
    Accipiter gularis (Asiatic Sparrow Hawk) was listed as Accipiter 
    virgatus (J & R);
    Actitis hypoleucos (Common Sandpiper) was listed as Tringa hypoleucos 
    (J & R);
    Anas americana (American Wigeon) was listed as Mareca americana (J);
    Anas clypeata (Northern Shoveler) was listed as Spatula clypeata (J);
    Anas penelope (Eurasian Wigeon) was listed as Mareca penelope (J);
    Anthus rubescens (Water Pipit) was listed as Anthus spinoletta (J & R);
    Branta bernicla (Brant) incorporates Branta nigricans (R);
    Calidris alba (Sanderling) was listed as Crocethia alba (J);
    Calidris subminuta (Long-toed Stint) was listed as part of Calidris 
    minutilla (J);
    Carduelis flammea (Common Redpoll) was listed as Acanthis flammea (J);
    Carduelis hornemanni (Hoary Redpoll) was included as part of Carduelis 
    flammea (J), and was listed as Acanthis hornemanni (R);
    Charadrius morinellus (Eurasian Dotterel) was listed as Eudromias 
    morinellus (J & R);
    Chen canagica (Emperor Goose) was listed as Anser canagicus (J), and 
    Philacte canagica (R);
    Chen caerulescens (Snow Goose) was listed as Anser caerulescens (J);
    Cyclorrhynchus psittaculus (Parakeet Auklet) was listed as Aethia 
    psittacula (J);
    Cygnus columbianus (Tundra Swan) incorporates Cygnus bewickii (R);
    Egretta sacra (Pacific Reef Heron) was listed as Demigretta sacra (J);
    Fratercula cirrhata (Tufted Pufin) was listed as Lunda cirrhata (J & 
    Gallinago gallinago (Common Snipe) was listed as Capella (=Gallinago) 
    gallinago (R);
    Gallinago megala (Swinhoe's Snipe) was listed as Capella (=Gallinago) 
    megala (R);
    Gallinago stenura (Pin-tailed Snipe) was listed as Capella (=Gallinago) 
    stenura (R);
    Heterosceles brevipes (Gray-tailed Tattler) was included as part of 
    Tringa incana [=incanus] (J);
    Heterosceles incanus (Wandering Tatter) was listed as Tringa incana 
    Hirundo pyrrhonota (Cliff Swallow) was listed as Petrochelidon 
    pyrrhonota (R);
    Luscinia calliope (Siberian Rubythroat) was listed as Erithacus 
    calliope (J);
    Melanitta fusca (White-winged Scoter) incorporates Melanitta deglandi 
    Mergellus albellus (Smew) was listed as Mergus albellus (J & R);
    Milvus migrans (Black Kite) was listed as Milvus korschun 
    Motacilla lugens (Black-backed Wagtail) was included as part of 
    Motacilla alba (J & R);
    Numenius borealis (Eskimo Curlew) was included as part of Numenius 
    minutus (J);
    Nycticorax goisagi (Japanese Night-Heron) was listed as Gorsachius 
    goisagi (J); [[Page 24687]] 
    Nycticorax melanolophus (Malay Night-Heron) was listed as Gorsachius 
    melanolophus (J);
    Phalaropus lobatus (Northern Phalarope) was listed as Lobipes lobatus 
    Pterodroma hypoleuca (Bonin Petrel) was listed as Pterodroma leucoptera 
    (=hypoleuca) (R);
    Tachycineta bicolor (Tree Swallow) was listed as Iridoprocne bicolor 
    Turdus obscurus (Eyebrowed Thrush) was listed as Turdus pallidus 
    (=obscurus) (R);
        The amendments proposed here are necessary to:
        (i) Add species protected under the Japanese and Russian treaties 
    that are not currently listed;
        (ii) Bring the list into conformity with the English (common) and 
    scientific names given in the 6th Edition of the AOU's Check-list of 
    North American Birds (1983), as revised;
        (iii) Add species that are of regular occurrence in the United 
    States that were not included on the last list; and
        (iv) Remove species that are no longer considered to be 
    taxonomically valid.
        Since the last publication of the List of Migratory Birds (50 FR 
    13708), the AOU has published five supplements to the 6th (1983) 
    edition of the Check-list of North American Birds. These supplements 
    (Auk 102: 680-686, 1985; 104: 591-596, 1987; 106: 532-538, 1989; 108: 
    750-754, 1991; 110: 675-682, 1993) represent decisions by the AOU's 
    Committee on Classification and Nomenclature regarding the validity of 
    certain distributional records that would add species to the list of 
    North American birds and on systematic and/or nomenclatural proposals 
    that affect the English (common) or scientific names of species in the 
    6th Edition of the Check-list. Decisions published in the supplements 
    will be incorporated into the next edition of the Check-list.
        Twenty species are proposed to be added to the list of protected 
        Two species would be added because of recent distributional records 
    that indicate they are a part of the avifauna of the United States on a 
    regular basis:
    Sandpiper, Green, Tringa ochropus; and
    Turtle-Dove, Oriental, Streptopelia orientalis.
        Two species would be added because they are included in the 
    Appendix of the Russian treaty and in the Annex to the Japanese treaty, 
    respectively (failure to include these species in the current list is 
    considered an oversight):
    Duck, Spot-billed, Anas poecilorhyncha; and
    Gull, Black-tailed, Larus crassirostris.
        One species would be added because it is a regular member of the 
    U.S. avifauna and belongs to a taxonomic group (subfamily Sylviinae, 
    formerly family Sylviidae) covered by the Canadian and Mexican 
    Millerbird, Acrocephalus familiaris.
        Fifteen species would be added on the basis of recent taxonomic 
    changes; what had been considered a single species is now regarded as 
    two or more species. There would be no change in protection because of 
    the change of listing. EXAMPLE--what was formerly considered to be the 
    Arctic Loon, Gavia arctica, is now considered to be two species, the 
    Arctic Loon, Gavia arctica, and the Pacific Loon, Gavia pacifica, both 
    of which would be listed:
    Coot, Hawaiian, Fulica alai (formerly included in F. americana, 
    American Coot);
    Flycatcher, Cordilleran, Empidonax occidentalis (formerly included in 
    E. difficilis, Western [=Pacific-slope] Flycatcher);
    Golden-Plover, Pacific, Pluvialis fulva (formerly included in P. 
    dominica, Lesser [=American] Golden Plover);
    Gnatcatcher, California, Polioptila californica (formerly included in 
    P. melanura, Black-tailed Gnatcatcher);
    Grebe, Clark's, Aechmophorus clarkii (formerly included in A. 
    occidentalis, Western Grebe);
    Kamao, Myadestes myadestinus (formerly included in Phaeornis 
    [=Myadestes] obscurus, Hawaiian Thrush [=Omao]);
    Loon, Pacific, Gavia pacifica (formerly included in G. arctica, Arctic 
    Olomao, Myadestes lanaiensis (formerly included in Phaeornis 
    [=Myadestes] obscurus, Hawaiian Thrush [=Omao]);
    Petrel, White-necked, Pterodroma cervicalis (formerly included in P. 
    externa, White-necked [=Juan Fernandez] Petrel);
    Rosy-Finch, Black, Leucosticte atrata (formerly included in L. arctoa, 
    Rosy Finch);
    Rosy-Finch, Brown-capped, Leucosticte australis (formerly included in 
    L. arctoa, Rosy Finch);
    Rosy-Finch, Gray-crowned, Leucosticte tephrocotis (formerly included in 
    L. arctoa, Rosy Finch);
    Sapsucker, Red-naped, Sphyrapicus nuchalis (formerly included in S. 
    varius, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker);
    Towhee, California, Pipilo crissalis (formerly included in P. fuscus, 
    Brown Towhee); and
    Vireo, Yellow-green, Vireo flavoviridis (formerly included in V. 
    olivaceus, Red-eyed Vireo).
        One species would be removed because of questions about its 
    taxonomic validity in reference to North American taxa:
    Finch, Rosy, Leucosticte arctoa.
        Finally, the English (common) and/or scientific (generic or 
    specific) names of 23 species would be revised to conform with the most 
    recent nomenclature. EXAMPLE--The English name of the Common Barn-Owl, 
    Tyto alba, would be changed to Barn Owl. None of these strictly 
    nomenclatural revisions would affect the protection afforded any 
    Barn-Owl, Common, would be changed to Owl, Barn;
    Bittern, Chinese, would be changed to Bittern, Yellow;
    Caracara, Crested, Polyborus plancus, would be changed to Caracara 
    Cormorant, Olivaceous, Phalacrocorax olivaceus, would be changed to 
    Cormorant, Neotropic, Phalacrocorax brasilianus;
    Curlew, Least, would be changed to Curlew, Little;
    Egret, Plumed, Egretta intermedia, would be changed to Egret, 
    Intermediate, Mesophoyx intermedia;
    Flycatcher, Western, would be changed to Flycatcher, Pacific-slope;
    Gannet, Northern, Sula bassanus, would be changed to Morus bassanus;
    Golden-Plover, Lesser, would be changed to Golden-Plover, American;
    Goose, Hawaiian, Nesochen sandvicensis, would be changed to Branta 
    Hawk-Owl, Northern, would be changed to Owl, Northern Hawk;
    Heron, Green-backed, Butorides striatus would be changed to Heron, 
    Green, Butorides virescens;
    Kite, Black-shouldered, Elanus caeruleus, would be changed to Kite, 
    White-tailed, Elanus leucurus;
    Night-Heron, Yellow-crowned, Nycticorax violaceus, would be changed to 
    Nyctanassa violacea;
    Owl, Burrowing, Athene cunicularia, would be changed to Speotyto 
    Pauraque, Common, would be changed to Pauraque;
    Petrel, White-necked, Pterodroma externa, would be changed to Petrel, 
    Juan Fernandez;
    Pipit, Water, Anthus spinoletta, would be changed to Pipit, American, 
    Anthus rubescens;
    Storm-Petrel, Sooty, would be changed to Storm-Petrel, Tristram's;
    Thrush, Eye-browed, would be changed to Thrush, Eyebrowed;
    Thrush, Hawaiian, Phaeornis obscurus, would be changed to Omao, 
    Myadestes obscurus; [[Page 24688]] 
    Thrush, Small Kauai, Phaeornis palmeri, would be changed to Puaiohi, 
    Myadestes palmeri; and,
    Towhee, Brown, would be changed to Towhee, Canyon.
        In total, the proposed amendments would involve 44 species and 
    result in a net addition of 19 species to the list. The names of the 
    species that are proposed to be added, removed, or revised are arranged 
    in the same way as in the current List of Migratory Birds, that is, 
    alphabetical by English (common) name under their respective group 
    names (e.g., Flycatcher, Cordilleran).
        Note: Corresponding amendments to the Taxonomic Listing will be 
    incorporated into the Final Rule, as appropriate).
        After consideration of comments received on this proposed rule, a 
    final decision document containing a full, up-to-date List of Migratory 
    Birds will be prepared and published.
    Statement of Effects
        Because the proposed revision of the List of Migratory Birds merely 
    redescribes the birds already protected by the Federal treaties with 
    Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Russia, the Department of the Interior has 
    determined that this document will not have a significant economic 
    effect on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.)
    Executive Order (E.O.) 12866 and Paperwork Reduction Act
        This document was not subject to Office of Management and Budget 
    review under E.O. 12866. This rule does not contain information 
    collection requirements which require approval by the Office of 
    Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        Based on the fact that these regulations merely redescribe the 
    birds already protected by the Federal treaties with Canada, Mexico, 
    Japan, and Russia, the Service has determined that revision of the List 
    of Migratory Birds in 50 CFR 10.13 is not a major Federal action which 
    would significantly affect the quality of the human environment within 
    the meaning of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy 
    Act of 1969. Accordingly, the preparation of an environmental impact 
    statement on such regulation is not required.
    Endangered Species Act Consideration
        A number of species appearing on the List of Migratory Birds are 
    also designated as Endangered or Threatened under provisions of the 
    Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531-1544). No legal complications 
    arise from the dual listing inasmuch as the two lists are developed by 
    separate authorities and for different purposes.
    Primary Authors
        The primary author of this proposed rule is John L. Trapp, U.S. 
    Fish and Wildlife Service.
    Public Comments Invited
        The policy of the Department of the Interior is, whenever 
    practical, to afford the public an opportunity to participate in the 
    rulemaking process. Accordingly, interested persons may submit written 
    comments, suggestions, or objections regarding this proposal to the 
    location identified in the address section above. Comments must be 
    received on or before July 10, 1995. Following review and consideration 
    of the comments, the Service will issue a final rule on these proposed 
    amendments to the List of Migratory Birds.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 10
        Exports, Birds, Imports, Law enforcement officers, Wildlife.
    Proposed Regulations Promulgation
        Accordingly, the Service hereby proposes to amend part 10, subpart 
    B of chapter I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set 
    forth below:
    PART 10--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 10 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 18 U.S.C. 42; 16 U.S.C. 703-712; 16 U.S.C. 668a-d; 19 
    U.S.C. 1202; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C. 1361-1389, 1401-1407; 16 
    U.S.C. 742a-742j-l; 16 U.S.C. 3371-3378.
        2. Amend Sec. 10.13 by revising the last sentence of the 
    introductory text to read as follows:
    Sec. 10.13  List of Migratory Birds.
        * * * Taxonomy and nomenclature follows the American 
    Ornithologists' Union's Check-list of North American Birds (6th 
    Edition, 1983, as revised through 1993).
    * * * * *
        3. Amend Sec. 10.13 by adding, and removing certain entries and 
    subheadings in the Alphabetical Listing as indicated in the table 
                   Remove                        Add (alphabetically)       
    REMOVE Barn-Owl, Common, Tyto alba.  ADD Barn-Owl (see Owl, Barn)       
    Under ``Bittern:'' REMOVE entry      Under ``Bittern:'' ADD             
                                          alphabetically entries            
      Chinese, Ixobrychus sinensis.....    Chinese (see Yellow)             
                                           Yellow, Ixobrychus sinensis      
    REMOVE Caracara, Crested, Polyborus  ADD Caracara, Crested, Caracara    
     plancus.                             plancus                           
                                         Under ``Coot:'' ADD alphabetically 
                                           Hawaiian, Fulica alai            
    Under ``Cormorant:'' REMOVE entry    Under ``Cormorant:'' ADD           
                                          alphabetically entries            
        Olivaceous, Phalacrocorax          Olivaceous (see Neotropic)       
                                           Neotropic, Phalacrocorax         
    Under ``Curlew (see Whimbrel):''     Under ``Curlew (See Whimbrel:'' ADD
     REMOVE entry                         alphabetically entries            
        Least, Numenius nimutus........     Least (see Little)              
                                           Little, Numenius minutus         
                                         Under ``DUCKS:'' ADD alphabetically
                                           Spot-billed Duck, Anas           
    Under ``Egret:'' REMOVE entry        Under ``Egret:'' ADD alphabetically
        Plumed, Egretta intermedia.....    Intermediate, Mesophoyx          
                                           Plumed (see Intermediate)        
    Under ``Finch:'' REMOVE entry                                           
        Rosy, Leucosticte arctoa                                            
    Under ``Flycatcher:'' REMOVE entry   Under ``Flycatcher:'' ADD          
                                          alphabetically entries            
        Western, Empidonax difficilis..    Cordilleran, Empidonax           
                                           Pacific-slope, Empidonax         
                                           Western (see Cordilleran and     
    [[Page 24689]]
    REMOVE Gannet, Northern, Sula          ADD Gannet, Northern, Morus      
     bassanus.                              bassanus                        
                                           Under ``Gnatcatcher:'' ADD       
                                            alphabetically entry            
                                             California, Polioptila         
    REMOVE Golden-Plover, Lesser,          ADD Golden-Plover:               
     Pluvialis dominica.                                                    
                                           Under ``Golden-Plover:'' ADD     
                                            alphabetically entries          
                                             American, Pluvialis dominica   
                                             Lesser (see American and       
                                             Pacific, Pluvialis fulva       
    Under ``Goose:'' REMOVE entry          Under ``Goose:'' ADD             
                                            alphabetically entries          
        Hawaiian, Nesochen sandvicensis      Hawaiian, Branta sandvicensis  
                                           Under ``Grebe:'' ADD             
                                            alphabetically entry            
                                             Clark's, Aechmophorus clarkii  
                                           Under ``Gull:'' ADD              
                                            alphabetically entry            
                                             Black-tailed, Larus            
    REMOVE Hawk-Owl, Northern, Surnia      ADD Hawk-Owl (see Owl, Northern  
     ulula.                                 Hawk)                           
    Under ``Heron:'' REMOVE entry          Under ``Heron:'' ADD             
                                            alphabetically entries          
        Green-backed, Butorides              Green, Butorides virescens     
                                             Green-backed (see Green)       
                                           ADD Kamao, Myadestes myadestinus 
                                            (formerly included wiith        
                                            Hawaiian Thrush [= Omao],       
                                            Phaeornis obscurus)             
    Under ``Kite:'' REMOVE entry           Under ``Kite:'' ADD              
                                            alphabetically entries          
        Black-shouldered, Elanus             Black-shouldered (see White-   
         caeruleus.                           tailed)                       
                                             White-tailed, Elanus leucurus  
                                           Under ``Loon:'' ADD              
                                            alphabetically entry            
                                             Pacific, Gavia pacifica        
                                           ADD Millerbird, Acrocephalus     
    Under ``Night-Heron:'' REMOVE entry    Under ``Night-Heron:'' ADD       
                                            alphabetically entry            
        Yellow-crowned, Nycticorax           Yellow-crowned, Nyctanassa     
         violaceus.                           violacea                      
                                           ADD Olomao, Myadestes lanaiensis 
                                            (formerly included with Hawaiian
                                            Thrush [= Omao], Phaeornis      
                                           ADD Omao, Myadestes obscurus     
                                            (formerly Hawaiian Thrush,      
                                            Phaeornis obscurus)             
    Under ``Owl:'' REMOVE entries          Under ``Owl:'' ADD alphabetically
        Barn (see Barn-Owl)............      Barn, Tyto alba                
        Burrowing, Athene cunicularia..      Burrowing, Speotyto cunicularia
        Hawk (see Hawk-Owl)............      Northern Hawk, Surnia ulula    
    REMOVE Pauraque, Common,               ADD Pauraque, Nyctidromus        
     Nyctidromus albicollis.                albicollis                      
    Under ``Petrel:'' REMOVE entry         Under ``Petrel:'' ADD            
                                            alphabetically entries          
        White-necked, Pterodroma             Juan Fernandez, Pterodroma     
         externa.                             externa                       
                                             White-necked, Pterodroma       
    Under ``Pipit:'' REMOVE entry          Under ``Pipit:'' ADD             
                                            alphabetically entries          
        Water, Anthus spinoletta.......      American, anthus rubescens     
                                             Water (see American)           
                                           ADD Puaiohi, Myadestes palmeri   
                                            (formerly Small Kauai Thrush,   
                                            Phaeornis palmeri)              
                                           ADD Rosy-Finch:                  
                                           Under ``Rosy-Finch:'' ADD        
                                            alphabetically entries          
                                             Black, Leucosticte atrata      
                                             Brown-capped, Leucosticte      
                                             Gray-crowned, Leucosticte      
                                           Under ``Sandpiper:'' ADD         
                                            alphabetically entry            
                                             Green, Tringa ochropus         
                                           Under ``Sapsucker:'' ADD         
                                            alphabetically entry            
                                             Red-naped, Sphyrapicus nuchalis
    Under ``Storm-Petrel:'' REMOVE         Under ``Storm-Petrel:'' ADD      
     entry                                  alphabetically entries          
        Sooty, Oceanodroma tristrami...      Sooty (see Tristram's)         
                                             Tristram's, Oceanodroma        
    Under ``Thrush:'' REMOVE entries       Under ``Thrush:'' ADD            
                                            alphabetically entries          
        Eye-browed, Turdus obscurus....      Eyebrowed, Turdus obscurus     
        Hawaiian, Phaeornis obscurus...      Hawaiian (see Kamao, Olomao,   
                                              and Omao)                     
        Small Kauai Phaeornis palmeri..      Small Kauai (see Puaiohi)      
    Under ``Towhee:'' REMOVE               Under ``Tohwee:'' ADD            
                                            alphabetically entries          
        Brown, Pipilo fuscus...........      Brown (see California and      
                                             California, Pipilo crissalis   
                                             Canyon, Pipilo fuscus          
                                           Add Turtle-Dove, Oriental,       
                                            Streptopelia orientalis         
                                           Under ``Vireo:'' ADD             
                                            alphabetically entry            
                                             Yellow-green, Vireo            
    [[Page 24690]]
        Dated: March 18, 1995.
    George T. Frampton, Jr.,
    Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 95-11174 Filed 5-8-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be submitted on or before July 10, 1995.
24686-24690 (5 pages)
1018-AB72: List of Migratory Birds
RIN Links:
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CFR: (1)
50 CFR 10.13