94-13302. Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 104 (Wednesday, June 1, 1994)]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-13302]
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    [Federal Register: June 1, 1994]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 642
    [Docket No. 940553-4153; I.D. 050394A]
    RIN 0648-AE98
    Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of the Gulf of Mexico and 
    South Atlantic
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: NMFS issues this proposed rule to implement Amendment 7 to the 
    Fishery Management Plan for the Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of 
    the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic (FMP). Amendment 7 would divide 
    the eastern zone commercial quota for the Gulf migratory group of king 
    mackerel into equal quotas for the Florida east and west coast 
    fisheries, further divide the quota for the west coast sub-zone into 
    equal quotas for hook-and-line and run-around gillnet harvesters, and 
    allow persons to fish under the gillnet quota in the west coast sub-
    zone only aboard vessels that have endorsements on their Federal 
    commercial mackerel permits to fish with gillnets in that sub-zone. The 
    intended effect of this rule is to equitably allocate the eastern zone 
    commercial quota among users and avoid the negative social and economic 
    emergencies related to a recent, disproportionately large, west coast 
    harvest in the commercial fishery for Gulf group king mackerel off 
    DATES: Written comments must be received on or before July 11, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on the proposed rule must be sent to the Southeast 
    Regional Office, NMFS, 9721 Executive Center Drive, St. Petersburg, FL 
        Requests for copies of Amendment 7, which includes a regulatory 
    impact review/initial regulatory flexibility analysis (IRFA) and an 
    environmental assessment should be sent to the Gulf of Mexico Fishery 
    Management Council, 5401 W. Kennedy Boulevard, suite 331, Tampa, FL 
    33609-2486, FAX 813-225-7015, or to the South Atlantic Fishery 
    Management Council, Southpark Building, One Southpark Circle, suite 
    306, Charleston, SC 29407-4699, FAX 803-769-4520.
        Comments regarding the collection-of-information requirement 
    contained in this proposed rule should be sent to Edward E. Burgess, 
    Southeast Regional Office, NMFS, 9721 Executive Center Drive, St. 
    Petersburg, FL 33702 and to the Office of Information and Regulatory 
    Affairs, OMB, Washington, DC 20503 (Attention: NOAA Desk Officer).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mark F. Godcharles, 813-893-3161.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The fishery for coastal migratory pelagic 
    resources (king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, cero, cobia, little tunny, 
    dolphin, and, in the Gulf of Mexico only, bluefish) is managed under 
    the FMP. The FMP was prepared by the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic 
    Fishery Management Councils (Councils) and is implemented through 
    regulations at 50 CFR part 642 under the authority of the Magnuson 
    Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson Act).
        During the previous fishing year (July 1, 1992, through June 30, 
    1993), the commercial quota for king mackerel from the eastern zone of 
    the Gulf of Mexico migratory group was reached, and the fishery was 
    closed, on January 13, 1993, before fishermen on the east coast of 
    Florida could harvest an equitable share. The record low catch of the 
    east coast king mackerel fishery constituted social and economic 
    emergencies. Accordingly, by emergency interim rule (58 FR 10990, 
    February 23, 1993), the commercial king mackerel fishery in the 
    exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off the east coast of Florida was 
    reopened from February 18 through March 26, 1993, under a possession 
    limit of 25 fish per vessel per day.
        To avoid a similar, disproportionately large harvest on Florida's 
    west coast during the 1993/94 fishing year and to allow sufficient time 
    for the Councils to develop more permanent remedial action, the eastern 
    zone commercial quota for the Gulf migratory group of king mackerel was 
    divided into equal quotas for the Florida east and west coast sub-zones 
    by an emergency interim rule (58 FR 51789, October 5, 1993). Additional 
    regulations, which established daily vessel trip limits in each of the 
    sub-zones, were implemented under the framework procedure for adjusting 
    FMP management measures (58 FR 58509, November 2, 1993). The daily 
    vessel trip limits were intended to reduce daily catches, thus 
    preventing market gluts, extending the harvest season, and reducing the 
    likelihood of exceeding king mackerel quotas.
    Amendment 7
        Amendment 7 proposes to: (1) Continue in effect the division of the 
    eastern zone commercial quota for Gulf migratory group king mackerel 
    into equal quotas for the Florida east and west coast sub-zones that 
    were established in the emergency interim rule of October 5, 1993; (2) 
    divide the Florida west coast sub-zone quota equally between the hook-
    and-line and run-around gillnet harvesters; and (3) allow persons to 
    fish under the gillnet quota in the Florida west coast sub-zone only 
    aboard vessels that have endorsements on their Federal commercial 
    mackerel permits to fish with gillnets in that sub-zone.
        Rationale supporting the division of the eastern zone commercial 
    quota for the Gulf migratory group of king mackerel into equal quotas 
    for the Florida east and west coast sub-zones was included in the 
    emergency interim rule and is not repeated here. Rationale for 
    implementation of equal sub-quotas for hook-and-line and gillnet 
    sectors in the Florida west coast sub-zone and for allowing the use of 
    gillnets in the west coast sub-zone only aboard vessels with permits 
    with endorsements for use of such gear is discussed below.
        Equal quotas in the west coast sub-zone for hook-and-line and 
    gillnet fishermen, as proposed in this rule, will provide equitable 
    sharing of the harvest of the annual quota between users of these two 
    gear types, which are the only gears allowed to harvest Gulf group king 
    mackerel. Depending on seasonal arrival of migrating schools and 
    prevailing fishing conditions, the fishing power of either gear sector 
    is sufficient to harvest a major and disproportionate share of the 
    quota before the other sector could take an equitable share. The recent 
    daily production of the 16-20 large gillnet vessels in the fishery and 
    weekly catches of 80-100 hook-and-line vessels have demonstrated 
    capacity of either gear sector to take the west coast sub-zone quota 
    quickly. The daily harvesting capability of the hook-and-line users is 
    not as great as that of gillnets. In December 1993, within a 24-hour 
    period, the gillnet fleet landed in the lower Florida Keys 
    approximately 250,000 pounds (lb) (113,398 kilograms (kg)) of king 
    mackerel, which was 29 percent of the west coast sub-zone quota. Total 
    gillnet production could easily double if catches for most of the large 
    gillnet vessels approach their maximum holding capacity, which may be 
    50,000 pounds (22,690 kg) for the largest of these vessels. During the 
    last two weeks of December 1992, the Key West hook-and-line fleet 
    harvested approximately 380,000 pounds (172,365 kg) of king mackerel, 
    which was 44 percent of the quota.
        Implementation of the requirement for a gillnet endorsement on the 
    Federal commercial mackerel permit would promote equitable harvest by 
    the two gear harvesting sectors of the west coast sub-zone quota. The 
    endorsement would restrict the gillnet users to their respective quota 
    by counting all Gulf group king mackerel from the Florida west coast 
    sub-zone harvested by vessels with gillnet endorsements against the 
    gillnet quota. Except in the initial year of implementation, a vessel 
    owner or any succeeding owner would have an opportunity to obtain the 
    endorsement only during June each year, immediately prior to the July 1 
    commencement of the next fishing year. Once an owner or a succeeding 
    owner obtains a gillnet endorsement, that individual and the designated 
    vessel would be bound by the requirements of the endorsement for the 
    entire fishing year in which it is issued, i.e., the endorsement could 
    not be rescinded within the year issued. In 1994, the time frame for 
    obtaining the endorsement would be immediately following publication of 
    the final rule to implement Amendment 7.
        Implementation of Amendment 7 would ensure equitable access to the 
    king mackerel resource by fishermen in the Florida east and west coast 
    fisheries, and equitable access by gear type in the west coast fishery. 
    If approved, this rule would be effective early in the 1994/95 fishing 
    year, which commences July 1, 1994, before a substantive commercial 
    king mackerel fishery begins in the east coast sub-zone off Florida.
        Additional background and rationale for the measures discussed 
    above are contained in Amendment 7, the availability of which was 
    announced in the Federal Register on May 6, 1994 (59 FR 23681).
        This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
        The Councils prepared an IRFA as part of Amendment 7, which 
    concludes that this proposed rule, if adopted, may have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    Specifically, equal division of the eastern zone quota of Gulf group 
    king mackerel between the east and west coast sub-zones is expected to 
    redistribute revenues among the participants in the fishery. Such 
    redistribution is expected to approximate the historical distribution 
    of revenues but may result in individual redistributions exceeding five 
    percent of the revenues of some participants during the 1994/95 fishing 
    year. All participants in the fishery are small entities. Copies of the 
    IRFA are available (see ADDRESSES).
        Section 642.4(m) of this proposed rule, concerning applications for 
    gillnet endorsements on vessel permits, contains a collection-of-
    information requirement subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act. A 
    request to collect this information has been submitted to the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) for approval. The public reporting burden 
    for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes 
    per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching 
    existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and 
    completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments 
    regarding this reporting burden estimate or any other aspect of this 
    collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this 
    burden, to NMFS and OMB (see ADDRESSES).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 642
        Fisheries, Fishing, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: May 26, 1994.
    Charles Karnella,
    Acting Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 642 is 
    proposed to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 642 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
        2. In Sec. 642.4, new paragraph (m) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 642.4  Permits and fees.
    * * * * *
        (m) Gillnet endorsement.
        (1) For a vessel to use a run-around gillnet for king mackerel in 
    the Florida west coast sub-zone (see Sec. 642.25(a)(1)(i)(B)), a vessel 
    for which a king and Spanish mackerel permit has been issued under this 
    section must have a gillnet endorsement on such permit. Such permit and 
    endorsement must be on board the vessel.
        (2) An owner of a permitted vessel may add or delete a gillnet 
    endorsement on a permit by returning to the Regional Director the 
    vessel's existing permit with a written request for addition or 
    deletion of the gillnet endorsement. Such request must be postmarked or 
    hand delivered during June, each year.
        (3) A gillnet endorsement may not be added or deleted from July 1 
    through May 31 each year, any renewal of the permit during that period 
    notwithstanding. From July 1 through May 31, a permitted vessel that is 
    sold, if permitted by the new owner for king and Spanish mackerel, will 
    receive a permit with or without the endorsement as was the case for 
    the vessel under the previous owner. From July 1 through May 31, the 
    initial king and Spanish mackerel permit issued for a vessel new to the 
    fishery will be issued without a gillnet endorsement.
        (4) The provisions of paragraph (m)(3) of this section 
    notwithstanding, the initial requests for gillnet endorsements must be 
    postmarked or hand delivered during the 45-day period commencing on the 
    first day of effectiveness of the final rule implementing this measure.
        3. In Sec. 642.7, paragraphs (p), (s), and (u) are revised, 
    paragraph (t) is redesignated as paragraph (w), and new paragraphs (t) 
    and (v) are added to read as follows:
    Sec. 642.7  Prohibitions.
    * * * * *
        (p) After a closure specified in Sec. 642.26(a), sell, purchase, 
    trade, or barter, or attempt to sell, purchase, trade, or barter a king 
    or Spanish mackerel of the closed species/ migratory group/zone/sub-
    zone/gear type, as specified in Secs. 642.22(c), 642.24(a)(4), and 
    * * * * *
        (s) In the eastern zone, possess or land Gulf group king mackerel 
    in or from the EEZ in excess of an applicable trip limit, as specified 
    in Sec. 642.28(a) or Sec. 642.28(b)(1)(ii), or transfer at sea such 
    king mackerel, as specified in Sec. 642.28(e).
        (t) In the Florida west coast sub-zone, possess or land Gulf group 
    king mackerel in or from the EEZ aboard a vessel that uses or has 
    aboard a run-around gillnet on a trip when such vessel does not have on 
    board a commercial permit for king and Spanish mackerel with a gillnet 
    endorsement, as specified in Sec. 642.28(b)(2)(i).
        (u) In the Florida west coast sub-zone, transfer at sea Gulf group 
    king mackerel taken by a vessel for which a commercial permit for king 
    and Spanish mackerel with a gillnet endorsement has been issued, as 
    specified in Sec. 642.28(e).
        (v) Violate any prohibitions or restrictions for the prevention of 
    gear conflicts that may be specified in accordance with Sec. 642.29.
    * * * * *
        4. In Sec. 642.25, paragraph (c) is removed and paragraphs (a)(1) 
    introductory text and (a)(1)(i) are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 642.25  Commercial allocations and quotas.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (1) The commercial allocation for the Gulf migratory group of king 
    mackerel is 2.50 million pounds (1.13 million kg) per fishing year. The 
    Gulf migratory group is divided into eastern and western zones 
    separated by a line extending directly south from the Alabama/Florida 
    boundary (87 deg.31'06''W. longitude) to the outer limit of the EEZ. 
    Quotas for the eastern and western zones are as follows:
        (i) 1.73 million pounds (0.78 million kg) for the eastern zone, 
    which is further divided into quotas as follows:
        (A) 865,000 pounds (392,361 kg) for the Florida east coast sub-
    zone, which is that part of the eastern zone north of a line extending 
    directly east from the Dade/Monroe County, Florida boundary 
    (25 deg.20.4'N. latitude); and
        (B) 865,000 pounds (392,361 kg) for the Florida west coast sub-
    zone, which is that part of the eastern zone south and west of the 
    Dade/Monroe County, Florida boundary (25 deg.20.4'N. latitude), which 
    is further divided into quotas by gear types as follows:
        (1) 432,500 pounds (196,179 kg) for vessels fishing with hook-and-
    line gear; and
        (2) 432,500 pounds (196,179 kg) for vessels fishing with run-around 
    * * * * *
        5. Section 642.26 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 642.26  Closures.
        (a) Notice of closure. The Assistant Administrator, by filing a 
    notice with the Office of the Federal Register, will close the 
    commercial fishery in the EEZ for king mackerel from a particular 
    migratory group, zone, sub-zone, or gear type, and for Spanish mackerel 
    from the Gulf migratory group, when the allocation or quota under 
    Sec. 642.25(a) or Sec. 642.25(b)(1) for that migratory group, zone, 
    sub-zone, or gear type has been reached or is projected to be reached. 
    The commercial fishery for Atlantic group Spanish mackerel is managed 
    under the commercial trip limits specified in Sec. 642.27 in lieu of 
    the closure provisions of this section.
        (b) Fishing after a closure. On and after the effective date of a 
    closure invoked under paragraph (a) of this section, for the remainder 
    of the appropriate fishing year for commercial allocations specified in 
    Sec. 642.20(a)--
        (1) A person aboard a vessel in the commercial fishery may not fish 
    for king or Spanish mackerel in the EEZ or retain fish in or from the 
    EEZ under a bag limit specified in Sec. 642.24(a)(1) for the closed 
    species, migratory group, zone, sub-zone, or gear type, except as 
    provided for under paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
        (2) A person aboard a vessel, the permit for which indicates both 
    commercial king and Spanish mackerel and charter vessel for coastal 
    migratory pelagic fish, may continue to retain fish under a bag and 
    possession limit specified in Sec. 642.24 (a)(1) and (a)(2) provided 
    the vessel is operating as a charter vessel.
        (3) The sale, purchase, trade, or barter or attempted sale, 
    purchase, trade, or barter of king or Spanish mackerel of the closed 
    species, migratory group, zone, sub-zone, or gear type is prohibited. 
    This prohibition does not apply to trade in king or Spanish mackerel 
    harvested, landed, and sold, traded, or bartered prior to the closure 
    and held in cold storage by dealers or processors.
        6. Section 642.31 is removed; Secs. 642.28 through 642.30 are 
    redesignated as Secs. 642.29 through 642.31; and new Sec. 642.28 is 
    added to read as follows:
    Sec. 642.28  Additional limitations for Gulf group king mackerel in the 
    eastern zone.
        (a) Florida east coast sub-zone. In the Florida east coast sub-
    zone, king mackerel in or from the EEZ may be possessed aboard or 
    landed from a vessel for which a commercial permit has been issued for 
    king and Spanish mackerel under Sec. 642.4,
        (1) From November 1, each fishing year, until 50 percent of the 
    sub-zone's fishing year quota of king mackerel has been harvested--in 
    amounts not exceeding 50 king mackerel per day; and
        (2) From the date that 50 percent of the sub-zone's fishing year 
    quota of king mackerel has been harvested until a closure of the 
    Florida east coast sub-zone has been effected under Sec. 642.26--in 
    amounts not exceeding 25 king mackerel per day.
        (b) Florida west coast sub-zone. (1) In the Florida west coast sub-
    zone, king mackerel in or from the EEZ may be possessed aboard or 
    landed from a vessel for which a commercial permit has been issued for 
    king and Spanish mackerel under Sec. 642.4,
        (i) From July 1, 1994, until 75 percent of the sub-zone's fishing 
    year quota of king mackerel has been harvested--in unlimited amounts of 
    king mackerel; and
        (ii) From the date that 75 percent of the sub-zone's fishing year 
    quota of king mackerel has been harvested until a closure of the 
    Florida west coast sub-zone has been effected under Sec. 642.26--in 
    amounts not exceeding 50 king mackerel per day.
        (2) In the Florida west coast sub-zone,
        (i) King mackerel in or from the EEZ may be possessed aboard or 
    landed from a vessel that uses or has aboard a run-around gillnet on a 
    trip only when such vessel has on board a commercial permit for king 
    and Spanish mackerel with a gillnet endorsement; and
        (ii) King mackerel from the west coast sub-zone landed by a vessel 
    for which such commercial permit with endorsement has been issued will 
    be counted against the run-around gillnet quota of 
    Sec. 642.25(a)(1)(i)(B)(2).
        (c) Notice of trip limit changes. The Assistant Administrator, by 
    filing a notice with the Office of the Federal Register, will effect 
    the trip limit changes specified in paragraphs (a) and (b)(1)(ii) of 
    this section when the requisite harvest levels have been reached or are 
    projected to be reached.
        (d) Combination of trip limits. A person who fishes in the EEZ may 
    not combine a trip limit of this section with any trip or possession 
    limit applicable to state waters.
        (e) Transfer at sea. A person for whom a trip limit specified in 
    paragraph (a) or (b)(1)(ii) of this section or a gear limitation 
    specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section applies may not transfer 
    at sea from one vessel to another a king mackerel--
        (1) Taken in the EEZ, regardless of where such transfer takes 
    place; or
        (2) In the EEZ, regardless of where such king mackerel was taken.
    [FR Doc. 94-13302 Filed 5-26-94; 3:12 pm]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments must be received on or before July 11, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 1, 1994, Docket No. 940553-4153, I.D. 050394A
CFR: (8)
50 CFR 642.25(a)
50 CFR 642.20(a)--
50 CFR 642.25(a)(1)(i)(B)(2)
50 CFR 642.4
50 CFR 642.7
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