94-13306. Issuance of Decisions and Orders; Week of April 4 Through April 8, 1994  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 104 (Wednesday, June 1, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-13306]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: June 1, 1994]
    Issuance of Decisions and Orders; Week of April 4 Through April 
    8, 1994
        During the week of April 4 through April 8, 1994, the decisions and 
    orders summarized below were issued with respect to applications for 
    exception or other relief filed with the Office of Hearings and Appeals 
    of the Department of Energy. The following summary also contains a list 
    of submissions that were dismissed by the Office of Hearings and 
    Requests for Exception
    Christian County Farmers Supply Co., 4/7/94, LEE-0073 
        Christian County Farmers Supply Co. (CCFSC) filed an Application 
    for Exception from the provisions of the Energy Information 
    Administration (EIA) reporting requirements in which the firm sought 
    relief from filing Form EIA-782B, entitled ``Resellers'/Retailers' 
    Monthly Petroleum Product Sales Report.'' In considering the request, 
    the DOE found that the firm was not adversely affected by the reporting 
    burden in a way that is significantly different from the burden borne 
    by similar reporting firms and was not experiencing a serious hardship 
    or gross inequity. Accordingly, exception relief was denied.
    Decatur Cooperative Association, 4/5/94, LEE-0068
        Decatur Cooperative Association (Decatur) filed an Application for 
    Exception from the provisions of the Energy Information Administration 
    (EIA) reporting requirements in which the firm sought relief from 
    filing Form EIA-782B, entitled ``Resellers'/Retailers' Monthly 
    Petroleum Product Sales Report.'' The DOE determined that Decatur did 
    not meet the standards for exception relief because it was not 
    experiencing a serious hardship or gross inequity as a result of the 
    reporting requirements. Accordingly, exception relief was denied.
    Minneola CO-OP, Inc., 4/6/94, LEE-0071
        Minneola Co-op, Inc. (Minneola) filed an Application for Exception 
    from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) requirement that it 
    file Form EIA-782B, the ``Resellers'/Retailers' Monthly Petroleum 
    Product Sales Report.'' In considering this request, the DOE found that 
    the firm was not suffering a gross inequity or serious hardship. On 
    February 15, 1994, the DOE issued a Proposed Decision and Order 
    determining that the exception request should be denied. No Notice of 
    Objection to the Proposed Decision and Order was filed within the 
    prescribed time period. Therefore, on April 6, 1994, the DOE issued the 
    Proposed Decision and Order in final form, denying Minneola's 
    Application for Exception.
    Ranchers Supply, Inc. 4/7/94, LEE-0072
        Ranchers Supply, Inc. (Ranchers Supply) filed an Application for 
    Exception from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) requirement 
    that it file Form EIA-782B, the ``Resellers'/Retailers' Monthly 
    Petroleum Product Sales Report.'' In considering this request, the DOE 
    found that the firm was not suffering a gross inequity or serious 
    hardship. On February 15, 1994, the DOE issued a Proposed Decision and 
    Order determining that the exception request should be denied. No 
    Notice of Objection to the Proposed Decision and Order was filed within 
    the prescribed time period. Therefore, the DOE issued the Proposed 
    Decision and Order in final form, denying Ranchers Supply's Application 
    for Exception.
    Schaal Oil Co., 4/6/94, LEE-0069
        Schaal Oil Co. (Schaal) filed an Application for Exception from the 
    provisions of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reporting 
    requirements in which the firm sought relief from filing Form EIA-782B, 
    entitled ``Resellers'/Retailers' Monthly Petroleum Product Sales 
    Report.'' In considering the request, the DOE found that the firm was 
    not adversely affected by the reporting burden in a way that is 
    significantly different from the burden borne by similar reporting 
    firms and was not experiencing a serious hardship or gross inequity. 
    Accordingly, exception relief was denied.
    Star-Lite Propane Gas Corp., 4/8/94, LEE-0065
        Star-Lite Propane Gas Corp. filed an Application for Exception from 
    the requirement that it file Form EIA-782B entitled ``Resellers'/
    Retailers' Monthly Petroleum Product Sales Report.'' In considering the 
    request, the DOE found that the firm had failed to show that it 
    suffered any burden significantly different from similarly situated 
    reporting firms. Accordingly, exception relief was denied. The 
    important issue discussed in the Decision and Order was that at the 
    time it filed the Application, Star-Lite had not yet attempted to 
    complete the form. Therefore, its claims of hardship regarding the time 
    and effort needed to complete the form were speculative.
    Motion for Reconsideration and/or Rescission
    Energy Refunds, Inc., 4/5/94, LFR-0013
        The DOE issued a Decision and Order concerning a Motion for 
    Reconsideration filed by Energy Refunds, Inc. (ERI). In its Motion, ERI 
    requested that the DOE terminate the ERI's disqualification from 
    representing refund applicants in OHA proceedings. See Energy Refunds, 
    Inc., 23 DOE 85,151 (1993); Energy Refunds, Inc., 23 DOE 85,076 
        In considering ERI's Motion, the DOE noted ERI's expressed 
    commitment to accuracy in its submissions, as well as its proposed 
    remedial procedures which, if conscientiously implemented, would 
    prevent the repetition of the types of conduct for which it had been 
    disqualified. Based on ERI's representations, the DOE determined that 
    ERI should be reinstated, subject to OHA's further review of the firm's 
    implementation of the procedures in question. Accordingly, the Motion 
    for Reconsideration was granted.
    Implementation of Special Refund Procedures
    J.R. Cone, 4/5/94, LEF-0118
        The DOE issued a final Decision and Order setting forth refund 
    procedures for distributing $610,000, plus accrued interest, in alleged 
    overcharges obtained from J. R. Cone (Cone). These funds were remitted 
    by Cone to the DOE pursuant to a Consent Order resolving possible price 
    violations with respect to sales of crude oil during the period 
    September 1, 1973 through December 31, 1976. The DOE determined that 
    the funds will be distributed in accordance with the DOE's Modified 
    Statement of Restitutionary Policy Concerning Crude Oil Overcharges 
    (MSRP). Under the MSRP, crude oil overcharge monies are divided among 
    the states (40%), the Federal Government (40%), and injured purchasers 
    of refined products (20%). In this case, $244,000, plus accrued 
    interest, was remitted to the states, $244,000, plus accrued interest, 
    was remitted to the Federal government, and $122,000, plus interest 
    accrued, has been reserved for direct restitution to injured purchasers 
    of petroleum products. Applications for Refund from this fund will now 
    be accepted. The specific information to be included in the 
    Applications for Crude Oil Refunds, which must be submitted by June 30, 
    1994, is included in the Decision.
    Refund Applications
    Donco Carriers, Inc., 4/5/94, RC272-234
        The DOE issued a Decision and Order concerning an Application for 
    Refund submitted in the Subpart V crude oil refund proceeding by Donco 
    Carriers, Inc. This Decision adjusted the original refund granted to 
    Donco Carriers in the Decision and Order issued on November 30, 1993, 
    Donco Carriers, Inc. (Case No. RF272-78471). The original refund was 
    adjusted to account for subtracting owner-operator miles from the 
    gallonage claim and for recalculating the dollars to gallons conversion 
    using average annual prices for distillate fuel. Accordingly, this 
    Decision rescinded in part the original refund granted to Donco 
    Carriers, Inc. in Case No. RF272-78471.
    Gulf Oil Corporation/Dennis Lee Lay, 4/6/94, RF300-21298
        The DOE issued a Decision and Order concerning an Application for 
    Refund submitted in the Gulf Oil Corporation special refund proceeding 
    by Frances Carolyn Lee Perry on behalf of her ex-husband Dennis Lee 
    Lay. Ms. Perry applied for purchases of petroleum products made by her 
    ex-husband Mr. Lay when he operated a Gulf station during the refund 
    period. In addition to providing information that she and Mr. Lay 
    formed an economic unit and that she helped operate the station, Ms. 
    Perry also submitted a court order directing that the entire refund be 
    granted to her because of her ex-husband's delinquency on child support 
    payments. Based on these considerations, the DOE determined that the 
    entire refund should be granted to Ms. Perry.
    Gulf Oil Corporation/Siegel Oil Co., 4/7/94, RF300-9356
        Siegel Oil Company filed an application for Refund in the Gulf Oil 
    Corporation special refund proceeding. Siegel requested an above-
    volumetric refund based on two alternative theories: 1) that Gulf's use 
    of a substitute supplier for Siegel violated the price and allocation 
    regulations, causing Siegel injury and 2) that Gulf's use of a 
    substitute supplier, even if lawful, caused Siegel to suffer injury 
    which should be remedied through the refund process. In considering 
    Siegel's Application, the DOE determined that Siegel had not made a 
    reasonable demonstration that Gulf committed a regulatory violation and 
    that, absent such a demonstration, there was no basis for an above-
    volumetric refund. Finally, the DOE determined that Siegel was eligible 
    for a refund of $5,000 plus interest based on its indirect purchases of 
    Gulf product and the small claims injury presumption.
    Texaco Inc./Todd's Texaco, 4/8/94, RR321-124
        Barbara Todd, the owner of Todd's Texaco, filed a Motion for 
    Reconsideration of a Decision and Order that denied duplicate refund 
    applications that Mrs. Todd had filed in the Texaco refund proceeding. 
    Mrs. Todd stated that she had signed the second application, and 
    certified that no other application had been filed, because she had 
    asked her representative to cancel the first application. The DOE 
    granted the Motion, finding that Mrs. Todd's explanation for filing the 
    second application was credible. In considering Mrs. Todd's refund 
    claim, the DOE found that, as an indirect purchaser of Texaco motor 
    gasoline, she was eligible for a refund since her suppliers had not 
    shown that they absorbed the Texaco overcharges. The total amount of 
    the refund granted in this case was $1,828.
    Texaco Inc./Tom's Texaco, 4/6/94, RR321-153
        The DOE issued a Decision and Order denying a Motion for 
    Reconsideration filed on behalf of Tom's Texaco in the Texaco in 
    special refund proceeding. In this motion, Mr. Cirafici, owner of Tom's 
    Texaco, attempted to show that the refund granted to Tom's Texaco was 
    less than the refund for which Tom's Texaco is eligible. Mr. Cirafici 
    relied solely on his memory to formulate additional gallonage 
    estimates. The DOE found that Mr. Cirafici did not present sufficient 
    evidence to support his estimates and that therefore he had not 
    presented any new or overlooked information that would cause the DOE to 
    alter its previous decision. Accordingly, the Motion for 
    Reconsideration was denied.
    Refund Applications
        The Office of Hearings and Appeals issued the following Decisions 
    and Orders concerning refund applications, which are not summarized. 
    Copies of the full texts of the Decisions and Orders are available in 
    the Public Reference Room of the Office of Hearings and Appeals.
                     Name                          Case No.           Date  
    Atlantic Richfield Company/D&B Arco et  RF304-13386             04/07/94
    Bassett Mirror Co. et al..............  RF272-92000             04/08/94
    Charter Oil Co./California............  RF23-266                04/08/94
    California............................  RF3-267                .........
    City of Richland, Missouri et al......  RF272-85395             04/07/94
    Gulf Oil Corp./Beard's Gulf Service et  RF300-20548             04/08/94
    Gulf Oil Corp./Blue Flame Gas Co. of    RF300-19655             04/05/94
     Polk County.                                                           
    Blue Flame Gas Company................  RF300-21781            .........
    Gulf Oil Corp./Eastern Express, Inc...  RF300-21775             04/08/94
    Gulf Oil Corp./WJT Oil................  RF300-16244             04/08/94
    Livonia Public Schools et al..........  RF272-82146             04/06/94
    McDowell County School District.......  RF272-127               04/06/94
    Talbot County School District et al...  RF272-81295             04/06/94
    Texaco Inc./Bill & Charlie's Texaco et  RF321-7705              04/05/94
    Texaco Inc./Gallaway Texaco Truck Stop  RF321-155               04/08/94
    Texaco Inc./Hope Service Station, Inc.  RF321-7486              04/05/94
     et al.                                                                 
    Winston County School District........  RF272-80647             04/08/94
    Midview Local School District.........  RF272-80818            .........
    Humboldt Community School.............  RF272-81161            .........
        The following submissions were dismissed:
                           Name                               Case No.      
    Barberton City School District....................  RF272-82232         
    Betteroads Asphalt Corp...........................  RF315-9162          
    Bill's ARCO.......................................  RF304-12132         
    Cathedral City, CA................................  RF272-85581         
    Dave's Texaco.....................................  RF321-8603          
    De Ruyter Central School..........................  RF272-93109         
    Downtown Texaco...................................  RF321-992           
    Georgetown Schools................................  RF272-80039         
    Green Oil Corporation.............................  RF304-12125         
    Greenwood Lake Union Free School District.........  RR272-106           
    Hipolex Corporation...............................  RF272-67876         
    M&M Shell Station.................................  RF315-5215          
    Manley Texaco.....................................  RF321-7175          
    Mike's Texaco & U-Haul............................  RF321-12604         
    Tri-State Homes, Inc..............................  RF272-92520         
        Copies of the full text of these decisions and orders are available 
    in the Public Reference Room of the Office of Hearings and Appeals, 
    room 1E-234, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20585, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 1 
    p.m. and 5 p.m., except federal holidays. They are also available in 
    Energy Management: Federal Energy Guidelines, a commercially published 
    loose leaf reporter system.
        Dated: May 25, 1994.
    George B. Breznay,
    Director, Office of Hearings and Appeals.
    [FR Doc. 94-13306 Filed 5-31-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 1, 1994