98-14363. Notice of Funding Availability for Service Coordinator Funds for Fiscal Year 1998  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 104 (Monday, June 1, 1998)]
    [Pages 29874-29879]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-14363]
    [[Page 29873]]
    Part X
    Department of Housing and Urban Development
    Notice of Funding Availability for Service Coordinator Funds for Fiscal 
    Year 1998; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 104 / Monday, June 1, 1998 / 
    [[Page 29874]]
    [Docket No. FR-4366-N-01]
    Notice of Funding Availability for Service Coordinator Funds for 
    Fiscal Year 1998
    AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing 
    Commissioner, and Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and 
    Indian Housing, HUD.
    ACTION: Notice of funding availability (NOFA) for Service Coordinators 
    for Fiscal Year 1998.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces the availability of $13 million for the 
    Service Coordinator Program. This program provides funding for the 
    employment and support of service coordinators in public and assisted 
    housing developments (including conventional public housing, Rural 
    Housing Service (RHS) Section 515/8, Section 8 existing project-based 
    and moderate rehabilitation developments, Section 202 and 202/8, 
    221(d)(3) and 236 developments) designated for the elderly and persons 
    with disabilities. Service coordinators help residents obtain 
    supportive services from the community that are needed to enable 
    independent living and aging in place.
        Eligible applications will be funded through separate lotteries, 
    one for Public Housing developments and one for assisted housing 
    developments. Public Housing developments with expiring Fiscal Year 
    (FY) 1995 Elderly Service Coordinator grants that have expended at 
    least 80 percent (80%) of their grant funds by the application deadline 
    date will be funded as an Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) 
    priority prior to doing a general lottery. (One-year renewal funding 
    for FY 1992 Section 202 and Section 202/8 projects is currently 
    available under a December 5, 1997 memorandum from Albert Sullivan to 
    the Field Office Multifamily Housing Directors.)
        This NOFA contains information concerning: the purpose and 
    background of the NOFA, and the funding level provided; eligible 
    applicants and activities and award requirements; and the application 
    requirements and steps involved in the application process.
    APPLICATION DUE DATE: Completed applications (an original and two 
    copies) must be submitted no later than 6:00 pm, local time, on August 
    4, 1998 to the addresses shown below. See below for specific procedures 
    governing the form of application submissions (e.g., mailed 
    applications, express mail, overnight delivery, or hand carried).
    ADDRESSES: Applications must be submitted to the appropriate 
    Multifamily HUB or Multifamily Program Center, or Public Housing Field 
    Office (a list of these offices is found in Attachment A to this 
    notice). Applicants should submit one original and two copies of the 
    application to their HUD Field Office. Applicants should not submit any 
    copies of their applications to HUD Headquarters.
        Application Procedures. Mailed Applications. Applications will be 
    considered timely filed if postmarked on or before 12:00 midnight on 
    the application due date and received by the designated HUD Office on 
    or within ten (10) days of the application due date.
        Applications Sent by Overnight/Express Mail Delivery. Applications 
    sent by overnight delivery or express mail will be considered timely 
    filed if received before or on the application due date, or upon 
    submission of documentary evidence that they were placed in transit 
    with the overnight delivery service by no later than the specified 
    application due date.
        Hand Carried Applications. Hand carried applications to HUD Field 
    offices will be accepted during normal business hours before the 
    application due date. On the application due date, business hours will 
    be extended to 6 pm.
        For Application Kits. Application kits and any supplemental 
    information may be obtained as follows: Multifamily assisted housing 
    owners should contact the Multifamily Housing Clearinghouse at 1-800-
    MULT70 (1-800-685-8470); Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) should call the 
    PIH Resource Center at 1-800-955-2232. Persons with hearing or speech 
    impairments may call the Center's TTY number at 1-800-483-2209 to 
    obtain an application kit. The application kit will also be available 
    on the Internet through the HUD web site at http://www.hud.gov. When 
    requesting the application kit, please refer to the Service Coordinator 
    Program. Please make sure to provide your name, address (including zip 
    code), and telephone number (including area code).
        For Further Information and Technical Assistance: Assisted housing 
    owners should contact Multifamily HUB or Multifamily Program Center 
    staff and PHAs should contact the PIH Resource Center at 1-800-955-
    2232. Owners of Section 515 developments funded through the Rural 
    Housing Service should contact the Multifamily HUB or Multifamily 
    Program Center in the HUD Field Office that normally provides asset 
    management to that development. Additionally, all potential applicants 
    may want to review Handbook 4381.5 REV-2, CHG-2, ``The Management Agent 
    Handbook,'' for further guidance on service coordinators. While HUD 
    staff may assist applicants in identifying those parts of their 
    applications that need substantive improvement, HUD regulations forbid 
    field office staff from advising applicants how to make such 
    improvements (24 CFR 4.26).
        All program documents referred to in this NOFA are accessible 
    through HUDCLIPS on HUD's web site. The URL for the HUDCLIPS Database 
    Selection Screen is http://www.hudclips.org/subscriber/cgi/legis.cgi. 
    These notices are in the Handbooks and Notices--Housing Notices 
    database. Enter only the number without the letter prefix (e.g., 94-99) 
    in the ``Document Number'' to retrieve the program notice.
    Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
        The information collection requirements contained in this notice 
    were submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for review under 
    the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-
    3520) and have been assigned OMB control number 2577-0198. An agency 
    may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, 
    a collection of information unless the collection displays a valid 
    control number.
    I. Authority; Purpose, Amount Allocated; and Eligibility
    (A) Authority
        (1) For Multifamily Assisted Housing Developments. Section 808 of 
    the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (Pub. L. 101-625, 
    approved November 28, 1990), as amended by sections 671, 674, 676, and 
    677 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-
    550, approved October 28, 1992), provides authority for service 
    coordinators in multifamily assisted housing developments.
        (2) For PHAs. Section 673 of the Housing and Community Development 
    Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 1437g) provides that PHAs may receive additional 
    annual contributions for any development to cover the cost of employing 
    or otherwise retaining the services of a service coordinator.
    [[Page 29875]]
    (B) Purpose
        The Service Coordinator Program provides funding for the employment 
    and support of service coordinators in public and assisted housing 
    developments designated for the elderly and persons with disabilities. 
    Service coordinators help residents obtain supportive services from the 
    community that are needed to enable independent living and aging in 
        A service coordinator is a social service staff person hired or 
    contracted by the development's owner/management company or the PHA. 
    The coordinator is responsible for assuring that elderly residents, 
    especially those who are frail or at risk, and those non-elderly 
    residents with disabilities are linked to the supportive services they 
    need to continue living independently in that development. The service 
    coordinator, however, may not require any elderly or disabled family to 
    accept the supportive services.
    (C) Amounts Allocated
        This NOFA makes available a total of $13,000,000 in FY 1998 funding 
    from the $55,000,000 earmark in the Community Development Block Grants 
    Fund account, 110 Stat. 2887, September 26, 1997. This $13,000,000, 
    which will be equally allocated to programs administered by PIH and the 
    Office of Housing is from the amount appropriated for public and 
    assisted housing self-sufficiency programs. This $13,000,000 is being 
    made available to provide service coordinators for conventional public 
    housing, Section 8 existing project-based or moderate rehabilitation 
    developments, and 202, 202/8, 221(d)(3) and 236 developments. All 
    requests must be for eligible developments which are housing for the 
    elderly and persons with disabilities.
        (1) Exhaustion of Public Housing Service Coordinator Program Funds. 
    When the funding for public housing developments under the Service 
    Coordinator Program is exhausted, PHAs may use other eligible funds 
    such as PIH grants (e.g., Comprehensive Grants, Economic Development 
    and Supportive Services (EDSS) funds, or other operational funds) to 
    employ a service coordinator.
        (2) Exhaustion of Multifamily Assisted Housing Service Coordinator 
    Program Funds. When the funding for multifamily assisted housing 
    developments under the Service Coordinator Program is exhausted, owners 
    may request processing under Housing's Management Agent Handbook 
    4381.5, REV-2, CHG-4, Chapter 8. This Handbook provides procedures for 
    requesting funding for a coordinator using residual receipts, the 
    budget-based rent increase process, contract rents adjusted by the 
    Annual Adjustment Factor (AAF) or the Project Rental Assistance 
    Contract (PRAC). Section 8 approvals must be consistent with current 
        (3) Renewal of Grants. All grants funded under this NOFA are 
    renewable, subject to the availability of funds.
    (D) Eligibility
        (1) General. PHAs and owners of eligible multifamily assisted 
    housing developments may request Service Coordinator Program funding. 
    To be eligible, a development must have frail or at-risk elderly 
    residents and/or non-elderly residents with disabilities who together 
    total at least 25 percent of the building's residents (not applicable 
    to expiring FY 1995 Elderly Service Coordinator Grants).
        (2) Single applicants. A PHA or an assisted housing owner may 
    submit an application for one or more developments that it owns.
        (3) Joint Applications.
        (a) Two or more owners and/or PHAs may join together to share a 
    service coordinator and so submit joint applications. In the past, 
    joint applications have been used by small developments who joined 
    together to meet the minimum number of units required for eligibility.
        (b) A PHA and an assisted housing owner may submit a joint 
    application and share a service coordinator among developments. The 
    application will be entered into the program lottery corresponding to 
    the organizational type of the designated lead applicant (i.e., if the 
    lead applicant is a PHA, the joint application will be entered in the 
    PIH lottery and all developments in that application will be funded 
    through PIH's allotment of funds).
        (4) Public Housing Eligibility Criteria.
        (a) Eligible developments must be conventional public housing, 
    including those with expiring FY 1995 Elderly Service Coordinator 
        (b) An eligible development (or group of developments) having at 
    least 50 units. A sole or joint application with two or more 
    developments having at least 50 rental units together may also apply. 
    (Not applicable to expiring FY 1995 Elderly Service Coordinator 
        (c) A PHA must have a passing Public Housing Management Assessment 
    Program (PHMAP) score. In the case of a PHA that is designated as 
    ``troubled,'' as a result of its PHMAP score, the PHA must provide 
    certification that a Contract Administrator (or equivalent organization 
    qualified to administer Federal grants) will be administering the 
    proposed Service Coordinator Program grant. (A Contract Administrator 
    is not needed to administer an extended FY 1995 Elderly Service 
    Coordinator grant.)
        (d) To renew an FY 1995 Elderly Service Coordinator Grant, the PHA 
    must demonstrate that it has spent 80 percent (80%) of grant funds by 
    the application deadline date, and has field office approval of 
    satisfactory performance.
        (e) By the date of execution of the grant agreement an applicant 
    must have secured online access to the internet as a means to 
    communicate with HUD on grant matters and shall have provided at least 
    75 percent (75%) of the required Multifamily Tenant Characteristics 
    System (MTCS) occupancy data to HUD.
        (f) An applicant may not have unresolved, outstanding Inspector 
    General audit findings.
        (5) Multifamily Assisted Housing Eligibility Criteria. Eligible 
    developments are those that meet the following criteria:
        (a) Are one of the following program types: Section 202 and 202/8, 
    existing Section 8 project-based and moderate rehabilitation 
    developments (including RHS Section 515/8), and Section 221(d)(3) and 
    236 developments which are insured or assisted.
        (b) Are designated elderly only or housing for the elderly and 
    persons with disabilities. This includes any building within a mixed-
    use development that was designated for occupancy by elderly persons or 
    persons with disabilities at its inception or consistent with title VI, 
    subtitle D of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992. If not 
    so designated, a development in which the owner gives preferences in 
    tenant selection (with HUD approval) to eligible elderly persons or 
    persons with disabilities, for all units in that development.
        (c) Have at least 50 rental units. An eligible application with two 
    or more developments having at least 50 rental units together may also 
        (d) Be finally closed.
        (e) Be current in mortgage payments or have a current workout 
        (f) Are not on the list of ``troubled'' developments, consistent 
    with Notice H-97-50, ``Contract Non-Renewal Notice.'' Section 202 or 
    Section 8 developments must meet housing quality standards, based on 
    most recent physical inspection report and responses thereto. Section 
    221(d)(3) and Section 236 developments must be in good repair, based on 
    most recent physical inspection report and responses thereto.
    [[Page 29876]]
        (g) An applicant may not have unresolved, outstanding Inspector 
    General audit findings.
    (E) Eligible Activities
        Service Coordinator Program grant funds may be used to pay for the 
    salary, fringe benefits, and related administrative costs for employing 
    a service coordinator. Administrative costs may include, but are not 
    limited to, purchase of furniture, office equipment and supplies, 
    training, quality assurance, travel, and utilities.
    (F) Ineligible Developments
        (1) A PHA may not apply for Service Coordinator Program funding if 
    it has an expiring FY 1995 service coordinator grant, under which it 
    has spent LESS THAN 80 percent (80%) of the grant's available funds by 
    the application deadline date, and/or does NOT have field office 
    approval of satisfactory performance.
        (2) A PHA may not apply for Service Coordinator Program funding for 
    any development that has a service coordinator funded by an EDSS grant.
        (3) A PHA that has not met its obligations under the Annual 
    Contributions Contract (ACC) to furnish required reports. Any PHA whose 
    number of family reports in the MTCS has not reached 75 percent (75%) 
    or more of the number of occupied low-income units.
        (4) An Indian Housing Authority (IHA) development is not eligible 
    for this program.
        (5) Section 202/811 Supportive Housing Projects with PRAC 
    developments may not receive funds under the Service Coordinator 
    Program. Owners of Section 202 PRAC projects may obtain funding by 
    requesting an amendment to their PRAC contract, if necessary, or 
    approval within the existing budget.
        (6) Assisted housing applicants with existing service coordinator 
    grants may NOT apply for renewal or extension of such grants.
        (7) Assisted housing applicants may NOT have outstanding contract 
    violations of a contractual or regulatory nature.
        (8) Any applicant must comply with all applicable statutory and 
    regulatory fair housing and civil rights laws as enumerated in 24 CFR 
    5.105(a). If the applicant has been charged with a violation of the 
    Fair Housing Act by the Department or the Department of Justice or if 
    an applicant has received a letter of noncompliance findings under 
    Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the 
    Rehabilitation Act, or Section 109 of the Housing and Community 
    Development Act, the applicant is not eligible to apply for funding 
    under this NOFA until the applicant resolves such charge or letter of 
    findings to the satisfaction of the Department.
    (G) Ineligible Activities
        (1) PHAs and assisted housing owners cannot use funds available 
    under this NOFA to extend or replace an expiring Service Coordinator 
    Program grant or contract, except as provided under Section II(C) of 
    this NOFA.
        (2) Applicants may not use these monies to replace current funding 
    from other sources for a service coordinator or for some other staff 
    person who performs service coordinator functions.
        (3) CHSP grantees may not use these funds to meet statutory program 
    match requirements and may not use these funds to replace current CHSP 
    program funds to continue the employment of a service coordinator.
    (H) Grant Term
        HUD will award new funds as three year grants, renewable subject to 
    the availability of funds. Any renewals of existing FY 1995 PIH service 
    coordinator grants will be for ONE year, consistent with existing 
    renewal policy.
    II. Application Selection Process
    (A) General
        Service Coordinator Program grant funds will not be awarded through 
    a rating and ranking process. Instead, HUD will hold lotteries for all 
    approvable applications forwarded from appropriate Multifamily HUB or 
    Multifamily Program Center, or Public Housing Field Office (a list of 
    these offices is found in Attachment A to this notice).
    (B) Threshold Eligibility Review
        (1) HUD Public Housing and Multifamily Field Office staff will 
    review applications for completeness and compliance with the 
    eligibility criteria set forth in Section I of this NOFA. Field Office 
    staff will forward an application to Headquarters for entry into the 
    lotteries if the application was received by the deadline date, meets 
    all eligibility criteria, proposes reasonable costs for eligible 
    activities, and includes all technical corrections by the designated 
    deadline date.
        (2) ``Reasonable costs'' are further discussed in the application 
    kit, but are generally those that are consistent with salaries and 
    administrative costs of similar programs in the jurisdiction of the HUD 
    Field Office.
    (C) Set-Aside
        PIH will first fund any expiring FY 1995 Elderly Service 
    Coordinator grants which meet the stipulations of Section I(D)(4) of 
    this NOFA, except as otherwise specified. All remaining PIH funds will 
    then go to the general PIH lottery (see Section II(D) of this NOFA, 
    which follows).
    (D) Lotteries
        HUD will hold one separate lottery for each respective group of 
    applicants. HUD staff will randomly select applications through these 
    lotteries and will continue the process until each Office's allotment 
    of approximately $6.5 million is exhausted.
    (E) Pooling of Excess Funds
        At the conclusion of the two lotteries, any remaining funds from 
    both the PIH and assisted housing allocations will be pooled. Pooling 
    these excess funds will allow HUD to determine if one or more 
    additional grants are possible. In order to use as many of the residual 
    funds as possible, HUD will conduct an additional lottery for any 
    unfunded applicants (i.e., from both PIH and assisted housing) 
    requesting a grant in an amount equal to or less than the pooled 
    III. Application Submission Requirements
    (A) General
        Each application must be submitted in one original and two copies. 
    Applications may not be sent by facsimile (FAX).
    (B) Required Certifications, Assurances and Other Forms
        All applications for funding under the Service Coordinator Program 
    must contain the following documents and information:
        (1) Transmittal letter and request, using the designated format;
        (2) Service Coordinator Certifications;
        (3) Evidence of comparable salaries in local area;
        (4) If quality assurance is included in the proposed budget, a 
    justification and explanation of how this work will be performed;
        (5) Applicant checklist;
        (6) For multifamily assisted housing owners, a bank statement 
    showing the current residual receipts balance in the development's 
        (7) For multifamily assisted housing developments with AAF, a 
    completed form HUD-9833B;
        (8) For PHAs, the PHA's PHMAP Score;
        (9) For PHAs with expiring FY 1995 Elderly Service Coordinator 
    [[Page 29877]]
    evidence of grant expenditures that total at least 80 percent (80%) of 
    grant funds by the application deadline date;
        (10) Lead agency letter format (if appropriate);
        (11) For PHAs: Certification of Non-Duplication of Funding Request;
        (12) Certification from an Independent Public Accountant or the 
    cognizant government auditor stating that the financial management 
    system employed by the applicant meets proscribed standards for fund 
    control and accountability required by the pertinent OMB Circular.
        (13) Each applicant must also submit signed copies of the following 
    forms, assurances and certifications:
        a. Standard form (SF) 424, Standard Form for Application for 
    Federal Assistance;
        b. Standard Form (SF) 424-B, Assurances for Non-construction 
        c. Drug-Free Workplace Certification (HUD-50070);
        d. Certification and Disclosure Form Regarding Lobbying Activities 
    (SF-LLL); and
        e. Applicant/Recipient Disclosure Update Report (HUD-2880).
    (C) Corrections to Deficient Applications
        After the application due date, HUD may not, consistent with 24 CFR 
    part 4, subpart B, consider unsolicited information from an applicant. 
    HUD may contact an applicant, however, to clarify an item in the 
    application or to correct technical deficiencies. Applicants should 
    note, however, that HUD may not seek clarification of items or 
    responses that improve the substantive quality of the applicant's 
    response to any eligibility or selection criterion. Examples of curable 
    technical deficiencies include failure to submit proper certifications 
    or failure to submit the application containing an original signature 
    by an authorized official. In each case HUD will notify the applicants 
    by facsimile or by return receipt requested. Applicants must submit 
    clarifications or corrections of technical deficiencies in accordance 
    with the information provided by HUD within 14 calendar days of the 
    date of receipt of the HUD notification. If the deficiency is not 
    corrected within this time period, HUD will reject the application as 
    IV. Promoting Comprehensive Approaches to Housing and Community 
        HUD believes the best approach for addressing community problems is 
    through a community-based process that provides a comprehensive 
    response to identified needs. In this spirit, it may be helpful for 
    applicants under this NOFA to be aware of other related HUD NOFAs that 
    have been published or are expected to be published this fiscal year. 
    On March 31, 1998 (63 FR 15490), HUD published in the Federal Register 
    its SuperNOFA on Housing and Community Development Programs, which 
    covered nineteen HUD Housing and Community Development programs. The 
    second SuperNOFA and consolidated application process, which covered 
    ten of HUD's Economic Development and Empowerment Programs, was 
    published in the Federal Register on April 30, 1998 (63 FR 23876). The 
    third SuperNOFA and consolidated application process, also published in 
    the Federal Register on April 30, 1998 (63 FR 23988), covered six of 
    HUD's Targeted Housing and Homeless Assistance Programs.
        In addition to the three SuperNOFAs, HUD also published on April 
    30, 1998 (63 FR 23958) a consolidated NOFA and application process (the 
    National SuperNOFA) for three national competition programs: the Fair 
    Housing Initiatives Program national Competition; the National Lead 
    Hazard Awareness Campaign; and the Housing Counseling national 
        By reviewing the SuperNOFAs and other individual NOFAs that HUD may 
    publish with respect to their program purposes and the eligibility of 
    applicants and activities, applicants may be able to relate the 
    activities proposed for funding under this NOFA to upcoming NOFAs and 
    the community's Consolidated Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair 
    Housing Choice. Applicants and interested parties may find out more 
    about HUD's NOFAs through the HUD web site on the Internet.
        For help in obtaining a copy of your community's Consolidated Plan, 
    please contact the community development office of your municipal 
    V. Findings and Certifications
    Environmental Review
        This NOFA does not direct, provide for assistance or loan and 
    mortgage insurance for, or otherwise govern or regulate, real property 
    acquisition, disposition, leasing, rehabilitation, alteration, 
    demolition, or new construction, or establish, revise or provide for 
    standards for construction or construction materials, manufactured 
    housing, or occupancy. Accordingly, under 24 CFR 50.19(c)(1), this NOFA 
    is categorically excluded from environmental review under the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321).
    Federalism, Executive Order 12612
        The General Counsel, as the Designated Official under section 6(a) 
    of Executive Order 12612, Federalism, has determined that the policies 
    and procedures contained in this notice will not have substantial 
    direct effects on States or their political subdivisions, or the 
    relationship between the federal government and the States, or on the 
    distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
    government. This notice merely invites applications from existing PHAs 
    and assisted housing developments for service coordinator grants. As a 
    result, the notice is not subject to review under the Order.
    Prohibition Against Lobbying Activities
        Applicants for funding under this SuperNOFA are subject to the 
    provisions of section 319 of the Department of Interior and Related 
    Agencies Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 1991, 31 U.S.C. 1352 (the 
    Byrd Amendment), which prohibits recipients of Federal contracts, 
    grants, or loans from using appropriated funds for lobbying the 
    executive or legislative branches of the Federal Government in 
    connection with a specific contract, grant, or loan. Applicants are 
    required to certify, using the certification found at Appendix A to 24 
    CFR part 87, that they will not, and have not, used appropriated funds 
    for any prohibited lobbying activities. In addition, applicants must 
    disclose, using Standard Form LLL, ``Disclosure of Lobbying 
    Activities,'' any funds, other than Federally appropriated funds, that 
    will be or have been used to influence Federal employees, members of 
    Congress, and congressional staff regarding specific grants or 
    contracts. Tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) 
    established by an Indian tribe as a result of the exercise of the 
    tribe's sovereign power are excluded from coverage of the Byrd 
    Amendment, but tribes and TDHEs established under State law are not 
    excluded from the statute's coverage.)
    Section 102 of the HUD Reform Act; Documentation and Public Access 
        Section 102 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development 
    Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3545) (HUD Reform Act) and the 
    regulations codified in 24 CFR part 4, subpart A, contain a number of 
    provisions that are designed to ensure greater accountability and 
    integrity in the
    [[Page 29878]]
    provision of certain types of assistance administered by HUD. On 
    January 14, 1992 (57 FR 1942), HUD published a notice that also 
    provides information on the implementation of section 102. The 
    documentation, public access, and disclosure requirements of section 
    102 apply to assistance awarded under this NOFA as follows:
        (1) Documentation and public access requirements. HUD will ensure 
    that documentation and other information regarding each application 
    submitted pursuant to this NOFA are sufficient to indicate the basis 
    upon which assistance was provided or denied. This material, including 
    any letters of support, will be made available for public inspection 
    for a 5-year period beginning not less than 30 days after the award of 
    the assistance. Material will be made available in accordance with the 
    Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and HUD's implementing 
    regulations in 24 CFR part 15.
        (2) Disclosures. HUD will make available to the public for 5 years 
    all applicant disclosure reports (HUD Form 2880) submitted in 
    connection with this NOFA. Update reports (also Form 2880) will be made 
    available along with the applicant disclosure reports, but in no case 
    for a period less than 3 years. All reports--both applicant disclosures 
    and updates--will be made available in accordance with the Freedom of 
    Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and HUD's implementing regulations at 24 
    CFR part 15.
    Publication of Recipients of HUD Funding
        HUD's regulations at 24 CFR 4.7 provide that HUD will publish a 
    notice in the Federal Register on at least a quarterly basis to notify 
    the public of all decisions made by the Department to provide:
        (i) Assistance subject to section 102(a) of the HUD Reform Act; or
        (ii) Assistance that is provided through grants or cooperative 
    agreements on a discretionary (non-formula, non-demand) basis, but that 
    is not provided on the basis of a competition.
    Section 103 HUD Reform Act
        HUD's regulations implementing section 103 of the Department of 
    Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3537a), 
    codified in 24 CFR part 4, apply to this funding competition. The 
    regulations continue to apply until the announcement of the selection 
    of successful applicants. HUD employees involved in the review of 
    applications and in the making of funding decisions are limited by the 
    regulations from providing advance information to any person (other 
    than an authorized employee of HUD) concerning funding decisions, or 
    from otherwise giving any applicant an unfair competitive advantage. 
    Persons who apply for assistance in this competition should confine 
    their inquiries to the subject areas permitted under 24 CFR part 4.
        Applicants or employees who have ethics related questions should 
    contact the HUD Ethics Law Division at (202) 708-3815. (This is not a 
    toll-free number.) For HUD employees who have specific program 
    questions, the employee should contact the appropriate field office 
    counsel, or Headquarters counsel for the program to which the question 
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
        The Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance number for this 
    program is: 14.191, Multifamily Service Coordinator Program.
        Dated: May 20, 1998.
    Art Agnos,
    Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing-Deputy Federal 
    Housing Commissioner.
    Deborah Vincent,
    General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing.
    Appendix A--HUD Offices
        Note: The first line of the mailing address for all offices is 
    Department of Housing and Urban Development. Telephone numbers 
    listed are not toll-free.
    HUD--Boston HUB
    Hartford Office, First Floor, 330 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06106-
    1860, (203) 240-4523, TTY Number: (860) 240-4665
    Boston Office, Room 375, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Federal Building, 10 
    Causeway Street, Boston, MA 02222-1092, (617) 565-5234, TTY Number: 
    (617) 565-5453
    Manchester Office, Norris Cotton Federal Building, 275 Chestnut 
    Street, Manchester, NH 03101-2487, (603) 666-7681, TTY Number: (603) 
    Providence Office, Sixth Floor, 10 Weybosset Street, Providence, RI 
    02903-3234, (401) 528-5351, TTY Number: (401) 528-5403
    HUD--New York HUB
    New York Office, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278-0068, (212) 
    264-6500, TTY Number: (212) 264-0927
    HUD--Buffalo HUB
    Buffalo Office, Fifth Floor, Lafayette Court, 465 Main Street, 
    Buffalo, NY 14203-1780, (716) 551-5755, TTY Number: (716) 551-5787
    HUD--Philadelphia HUB
    Philadelphia Office, The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East, 
    Philadelphia, PA 19107-3390, (215) 656-0600, TTY Number: (215) 656-
    Charleston Office, Suite 708, 405 Capitol Street, Charleston, WV 
    25301-1795, (304) 347-7000, TTY Number: (304) 347-5332
    Newark Office, Thirteenth Floor, One Newark Center, Newark, NJ 
    07102-5260, (201) 622-7900, TTY Number: (201) 645-3298
    Pittsburgh Office, 339 Sixth Avenue, Sixth Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 
    15222-2515, (412) 644-6428, TTY Number: (412) 644-5747
    HUD--Baltimore HUB
    Baltimore Office, Fifth Floor, City Crescent Building, 10 South 
    Howard Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-2505, (410) 962-2520, TTY Number: 
    (410) 962-0106
    Washington Office, 820 First Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-
    4502, (202) 275-9200, TTY Number: (202) 275-0772
    Richmond Office, The 3600 Centre, 3600 West Broad Street, P.O. Box 
    90331, Richmond, VA 23230--0331, (804) 278-4507, TTY Number: (804) 
    HUD--Greensboro HUB
    Greensboro Office, Koger Building, 2306 West Meadowview Road, 
    Greensboro, NC 27407-3707, (919) 547-4001, TTY Number: (919) 547-
    Columbia Office, Strom Thurmond Federal Building, 1835-45 Assembly 
    Street, Columbia, SC 29201-2480, (803) 765-5592, TTY Number: (803) 
    HUD--Atlanta HUB
    Atlanta Office, Richard B. Russell, Federal Building, 75 Spring 
    Street, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30303-3388, (404) 331-5136, TTY Number: 
    (404) 730-2654
    San Juan Office, New San Juan Office Building, 159 Carlos Chardon 
    Avenue, San Juan, PR 00918-1804, (809) 766-6121, TTY Number: (809) 
    Louisville Office, 601 West Broadway, P.O. Box 1044, Louisville, KY 
    40201-1044, (502) 582-5251, TTY Number: 1-800-648-6056
    Knoxville Office, Third Floor, John J. Duncan Federal Building, 710 
    Locust Street, Knoxville, TN 37902-2526, (423) 545-4384, TTY Number: 
    (423) 545-4559
    Nashville Office, Suite 200, 251 Cumberland Bend Drive, Nashville, 
    TN 37228-1803, (615) 736-5213, TTY Number: (615) 736-2886
    HUD--Jacksonville HUB
    Jacksonville Office, Suite 2200, Southern Bell Tower, 301 West Bay 
    Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202-5121, (904) 232-2626, TTY Number: 
    (904) 232-1241
    Birmingham Office, Suite 300, Beacon Ridge Tower, 600 Beacon 
    Parkway, West, Birmingham, AL 35209-3144, (205) 290-7617, TTY 
    Number: (205) 290-7630
    Jackson Office, Suite 910, Doctor A.H. McCoy Federal Building, 100 
    West Capitol Street, Jackson, MS 39269-1096, (601) 965-5308, TTY 
    Number: (601) 965-4171
    HUD--Chicago HUB
    Chicago Office, Ralph H. Metcalfe Federal Building, 77 West Jackson 
    Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604-3507, (312) 353-5680, TTY Number: (312) 
    [[Page 29879]]
    Indianapolis Office, 151 North Delaware Street, Indianapolis, IN 
    46204-2526, (317) 226-6303, TTY Number: (317) 226-7081
    Detroit Office, Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building, 477 Michigan 
    Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226-2592, (313) 226-7900, TTY Number: (313) 
    HUD--Columbus HUB
    Columbus Office, 200 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215-2499, 
    (614) 469-5737, TTY Number: (614) 469-6694
    Cleveland Office, Fifth Floor, Renaissance Building, 1350 Euclid 
    Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1815, (216) 522-4065, TTY Number: (216) 
    HUD--Minneapolis HUB
    Minneapolis Office, 220 Second Street, South, Minneapolis, MN 55401-
    2195, (612) 370-3000, TTY Number: (612) 370-3186
    Milwaukee Office, Suite 1380, Henry S. Reuss Federal Plaza, 310 West 
    Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203-2289, (414) 297-3214, TTY 
    Number: (414) 297-3123
    HUD--Ft. Worth HUB
    Little Rock Office, Suite 900, TCBY Tower, 425 West Capitol Avenue, 
    Little Rock, AR 72201-3488, (501) 324-5931, TTY Number: (501) 324-
    New Orleans Office, Ninth Floor, Hale Boggs Federal Building, 501 
    Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130-3099, (504) 589-7200, TTY 
    Number: (504) 589-7279
    Ft. Worth Office, 1600 Throckmorton Street, P.O. Box 2905, Fort 
    Worth, TX 76113-2905, (817) 978-9000, TTY Number: (817) 978-9273
    Houston Office, Suite 200, Norfolk Tower 2211 Norfolk, Houston, TX 
    77098-4096, (713) 313-2274, TTY Number: (713) 834-3274
    San Antonio Office, Washington Square, 800 Dolorosa Street, San 
    Antonio, TX 78207-4563, (210) 472-6800, TTY Number: (210) 472-6885
    HUD--Great Plains
    Des Moines Office, Room 239, Federal Building 210 Walnut Street, Des 
    Moines, IA 50309-2155, (515) 284-4512, TTY Number: (515) 284-4728
    Kansas City Office, Room 200, Gateway Tower II, 400 State Avenue, 
    Kansas City, KS 66101-2406, (913) 551-5462, TTY Number: (913) 551-
    Omaha Office, Executive Tower Centre 10909 Mill Valley Road, Omaha, 
    NE 68154-3955, (402) 492-3100, TTY Number: (402) 492-3183
    Saint Louis Office, Third Floor, Robert A. Young Federal Building, 
    1222 Spruce Street, St. Louis, MO 63103-2836, (314) 539-6583, TTY 
    Number: (314) 539-6331
    Oklahoma City Office, 500 Main Plaza 500 West Main Street, Suite 
    400, Oklahoma City, OK 73102-2233, (405) 553-7400, TTY Number: (405) 
    HUD--Denver HUB
    Denver Office, 633 17th Street, Denver, CO 80202-3607, (303) 672-
    5440, TTY Number: (303) 672-5248
    HUD--San Francisco HUB
    Phoenix Office, Suite 1600, Two Arizona Center, 400 North 5th 
    Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004-2361, (602) 379-4434, TTY Number: (602) 
    San Francisco Office, Philip Burton Federal Building and U.S. 
    Courthouse, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, P.O. Box 36003, San Francisco, 
    CA 94102-3448, (415) 436-6532, TTY Number: (415) 436-6594
    Honolulu Office, Suite 500, 7 Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana 
    Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96813-4918, (808) 522-8175, TTY Number: 
    (808) 522-8193
    HUD--Los Angeles HUB
    Los Angeles Offfice, 1615 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 
    90015-3801, (213) 894-8000, TTY Number: (213) 894-8133
    HUD--Seattle HUB
    Portland Office, 400 Southwest Sixth Avenue, Suite 700, Portland, OR 
    97204-1632, (503) 326-2561, TTY Number: (503) 326-3656,
    [FR Doc. 98-14363 Filed 5-29-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4210-27-P

Document Information

Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Notice of funding availability (NOFA) for Service Coordinators for Fiscal Year 1998.
Document Number:
Completed applications (an original and two copies) must be submitted no later than 6:00 pm, local time, on August
29874-29879 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FR-4366-N-01
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