[Federal Register Volume 63, Number 104 (Monday, June 1, 1998)]
[Pages 29852-29857]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 98-14367]
[[Page 29851]]
Part VII
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Fiscal Year 1998 Notice of Funding Availability for the Demolition of
Severely Distressed Public Housing (HOPE VI Demolition); Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 104 / Monday, June 1, 1998 /
[[Page 29852]]
[Docket No. FR-4350-N-01]
Fiscal Year 1998 Notice of Funding Availability for the
Demolition of Severely Distressed Public Housing (HOPE VI Demolition)
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian
Housing, HUD.
ACTION: Notice of funding availability (NOFA) for Fiscal Year (FY)
SUMMARY: This notice announces the availability of funding for FY 1998
for the demolition of obsolete and/or severely distressed public
housing units without revitalization, hereafter referred to as HOPE VI
Demolition, as provided in the Departments of Veterans Affairs and
Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations
Act, 1998. The 1998 Appropriations Act continued funding of the HOPE VI
program, including funding to assist in the demolition of obsolete and/
or severely distressed public housing projects or portions thereof.
Purpose. HOPE VI Demolition grants will fund demolition, minimal
site restoration, and related relocation and administrative costs.
Available funding. Up to $60 million is available to fund HOPE VI
Demolition grants.
Eligible Applicants. PHAs that own public housing units are
eligible to apply. Indian Housing Authorities, Tribes, and Tribally
Designated Entities are not eligible to apply.
This NOFA contains information on eligible applicants, program
requirements, and application submission requirements, solely for the
funding of demolition of public housing. Information about the funding
for Section 8 tenant-based assistance and for HOPE VI Revitalization,
with or without demolition, has been provided by separate Federal
Register Notice and NOFA.
APPLICATION DUE DATE: Completed applications must be submitted to HUD
no later than September 3, 1998 at the times described in the following
section. Applications may not be sent by e-mail or facsimile (FAX).
Applications to HUD Headquarters. One copy of the completed application
must be submitted to HUD Headquarters, 451 Seventh Street, SW, Room
4138, Washington, DC 20410, Attention: Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Public Housing Investments. For Applications to HUD Field Offices. In
addition, 2 copies of the application must be submitted to the
appropriate HUD Field Office. Please see Appendix A to this NOFA for a
listing of addresses and hours of operation for the HUD Field Offices.
HUD requests additional copies in order to expeditiously review your
application and appreciates your assistance in providing the copies.
Please note that for those applications for which copies are being
submitted to the Field Offices and HUD Headquarters, timeliness of
submission will be based on the time the application is received at HUD
Application Procedures. Mailed Applications. Applications will be
considered timely filed if postmarked on or before 12:00 midnight on
the application due date and received by HUD Headquarters on or within
ten (10) days of the application due date.
Applications Sent by Overnight/Express Mail Delivery. Applications
sent by overnight delivery or express mail will be considered timely
filed if received before or on the application due date, or upon
submission of documentary evidence that they were placed in transit
with the overnight delivery service by no later than the specified
application due date.
Hand-Carried Applications. For applications submitted to HUD
Headquarters, hand-carried applications must be brought to the
specified location and room number between the hours of 8:45 am to 5:15
pm, Eastern time. For applications submitted to the HUD Field Offices,
hand carried applications will be accepted during normal business hours
before the application due date.
Application Kits. A HOPE VI Demolition Application Kit will be mailed
to each eligible applicant. The HOPE VI Demolition NOFA and Application
Kit are also available through the HUD web site on the Internet at
For Further Information and Technical Assistance. For answers to
your questions, you may call Mr. Milan Ozdinec, Director, Office of
Urban Revitalization, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451
Seventh Street, SW, Room 4142, Washington, DC 20410; telephone (202)
401-8812 (this is not a toll free number). Persons with hearing or
speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the
Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339. HUD staff will be
available to provide general guidance and technical assistance about
this NOFA before the application due date. Current law does not permit
HUD staff to assist in preparing the application. Following selection
of applicants, but prior to award, HUD staff will be available to
assist in clarifying or confirming information that is a prerequisite
to the offer of an award or Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) by HUD.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement.
The information collection requirements contained in this notice
have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520) and assigned
approval number is 2577-0075. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection displays a valid control number.
I. Authority; Purpose; Amount Allocated; and Eligibility
(A) Authority
The funding for HOPE VI Demolition grants made available under this
NOFA is provided by the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and
Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998
(Pub.L. 105-65; approved October 27, 1997) (the 1998 Appropriations
Act), under the heading ``Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public
Housing (HOPE VI).''
(B) Purpose of HOPE VI Demolition
The Demolition component of the HOPE VI Program has as its purpose
to expedite the demolition of obsolete and/or severely distressed
public housing units without subsequent new construction or
revitalization of any remaining units.
(C) Amount Allocated
Up to $60 million in HOPE VI funding is available for grants to
Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) for the demolition of obsolete and/or
severely distressed public housing without subsequent new construction
or revitalization of any remaining units.
(D) Eligible Applicants
PHAs that own public housing units are eligible to apply. Indian
Housing Authorities, Tribes, and Tribally Designated Entities are not
eligible to apply.
[[Page 29853]]
(E) Eligible Units
PHAs may request funds for the demolition of units that:
(1) Are approved by HUD for demolition in accordance with 24 CFR
part 970, but the approved units have not yet been demolished,
including those funded for demolition by an FY 1996 or FY 1997 HOPE VI
Demolition grant but require supplemental funds to cover unanticipated
costs related to the activities funded under the previous grant; or
(2) Are covered by a conversion plan (i.e., a plan for removal of
the obsolete and/or severely distressed development from the public
housing inventory in accordance with the requirements at 24 CFR
971.7(b)) that is either approved by or submitted to HUD on or before
the HOPE VI demolition application due date.
(F) Eligible Activities
Eligible activities and costs include:
(1) Demolition, including any required asbestos and/or lead-based
paint abatement, of dwelling units and nondwelling facilities;
(2) Minimal site restoration after demolition and subsequent site
improvements to benefit the remaining portion of the project to provide
project accessibility, or to make the site more saleable;
(3) Demolition of nondwelling facilities, only where related to the
demolition of dwelling units;
(4) Necessary administrative costs; and
(5) Relocation and other assistance related to the permanent
relocation of families under the approved demolition, conducted in
accordance with 24 CFR 970.5.
(G) Grant Limitations
(1) Per Unit Limitations. Applicants may receive no more than:
(a) $5,000 per vacant unit; and
(b) $6,500 per unit occupied as of the date of HOPE VI demolition
application submission. This amount includes relocation costs.
(2) Total Grant Amount.
(a) A PHA may submit multiple applications. However, the total
amount requested by a single PHA for all applications may not exceed
$7.5 million.
(b) Notwithstanding the fact that a PHA may submit multiple
applications, each individual application may include a request for
funds for only one public housing development. Developments immediately
adjacent to one another or in the same neighborhood will be considered
one development for the purposes of this NOFA. There is no minimum or
maximum number of housing units for which funds may be requested in a
single application. However, there is a limit of $7.5 million total for
all applications from a PHA.
(3) Reductions in Grant Amount. HUD may select an application for
funding but make an award in an amount lower than the amount requested
by the applicant, or adjust line items in the proposed budget within
the amount requested (or both), if HUD determines that partial funding
is a viable option, and:
(a) The amount requested for one or more eligible activities is not
supported in the application or is not reasonably related to the
service or activity to be carried out;
(b) An activity proposed for funding does not qualify as an
eligible activity and can be separated from the budget;
(c) The amount requested exceeds the grant limitations established
in this NOFA; or
(d) Insufficient funds are available to fund the full amount.
(4) Program Income. Where a plan contemplates the receipt of
program-related income prior to grant closeout (e.g., the disposition
of improved land), such income must be reflected in the budget and used
for program purposes.
II. Application Selection Process
(A) Threshold Criteria for Funding Consideration
(1) The applicant must be an eligible PHA;
(2) The targeted public housing development or portion thereof must
have either:
(a) An approved demolition application in conformance with the
requirements specified in Section I.(E) of this NOFA; or
(b) A conversion plan (i.e., a plan for removal of the obsolete
and/or severely distressed development from the public housing
inventory), approved by or submitted to HUD on or before the HOPE VI
demolition application due date, in accordance with the requirements at
24 CFR 971.7(b));
(3) The application must include all required certifications and
assurances, properly signed and executed;
(4) Except for applications submitted in accordance with Section
I.E above, the applicant must not have an executed demolition contract
or have demolished the targeted units.
(5) The applicant must be in compliance with all Fair Housing and
civil rights laws, statutes, regulations, and executive orders as
enumerated in 24 CFR 5.105(a) and Section IV (C), (D), (E), and (F) of
this NOFA. Until the applicant has resolved any charge, lawsuit, or
letter of finding to the satisfaction of the Department, an applicant
is ineligible to apply for funding if it:
(a) Has been charged with a violation of the Fair Housing Act by
the Secretary of HUD;
(b) Is the defendant in a Fair Housing Act lawsuit filed by the
Department of Justice; or
(c) Has received a letter of noncompliance finding under Title VI
of the Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, or
Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act.
(B) Application Evaluation
(1) Applications will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis
within the three priority groups listed in section 2 below.
(a) Upon receipt, each application will be assigned an ordinal
(i.e., ranking number), based on the date received at HUD Headquarters.
All applications received on the same date will be considered received
at the same time on that date and therefore will receive the same
(b) Each application in Priority Group 1 will be screened for
eligibility and completeness.
(c) Applications found to be ineligible for consideration will be
rejected and the applicant will be notified in writing of the reason
for rejection.
(d) If an eligible application in Priority Group 1 is found to be
incomplete, HUD will contact the applicant in writing to request the
missing information. In such case, the application's ordinal will be
changed to the date the requested information is received by HUD.
Applicants whose applications have been assigned the same ordinal will
be notified of all incomplete applications with that ordinal on the
same day.
(e) Based on fund availability, all eligible applications receiving
the same ordinal will be funded. If there are insufficient funds to
fund all applications with the same ordinal, HUD will conduct a lottery
among those applications to determine funding.
(f) If funds remain after all eligible applications in Priority
Group 1 have been funded, each application in Priority Group 2 will be
processed in accordance with the procedures in subsections (b) through
(e) above.
(g) If funds remain after all eligible applications in Priority
Group 2 have been funded, each application in Priority Group 3 will be
processed in
[[Page 29854]]
accordance with the procedures in subsections (b) through (e) above.
(h) If funds remain after all eligible applications in Priority
Group 3 have been funded, HUD may publish a subsequent NOFA for this
program to allow submission of additional applications.
(2) Priority Groups.
(a) Priority Group 1.
(i) Applications targeting sites for which HOPE VI Revitalization
applications were submitted in FY 1996 but not funded, and for which
demolition applications have been approved by HUD; or
(ii) Applications targeting sites for which a conversion plan
(i.e., plan for removal of the obsolete and/or severely distressed
development from the public housing inventory) has been approved by HUD
on or before the HOPE VI demolition application due date under this
NOFA, in accordance with the requirements at 24 CFR 971.7(d)); or
(iii) Applications targeting sites for which HOPE VI Demolition
grants were received in the FY 1996 or FY 1997 funding round and which
request supplemental funds to cover unanticipated costs related to the
activities funded under the previous grants in conformance with the
grant limitations provided in this NOFA.
(b) Priority Group 2. (i) Applications targeting sites for which
HOPE VI Demolition applications were submitted in FY 1997 but not
funded, and for which demolition applications have been approved by
(ii) Applications targeting sites for which a conversion plan
(i.e., plan for removal of the obsolete and/or severely distressed
development from the public housing inventory), has been submitted to
HUD on or before the HOPE VI demolition application due date under this
NOFA, in accordance with the requirements at 24 CFR 971.7(b)).
(c) Priority Group 3. All other applications targeting sites for
which a demolition application has been approved by HUD.
(C) Applicant Notification and Award Procedures
(1) Written Notification. In accordance with the HUD Reform Act,
HUD may not notify applicants as to whether or not they have been
selected to participate until the announcement of the selection of all
recipients under this NOFA. HUD will provide written notification to
all applicants.
(2) Environmental Review. Selection for participation (preliminary
approval) does not constitute approval of the proposed site(s). Each
proposed site will be subject to a HUD environmental review, in
accordance with 24 CFR part 50. Except to the extent that HUD approval
has already been given in connection with previous HOPE VI funding for
a demolition proposal, the PHA must not demolish or convert a property,
or commit HUD or local funds to fund these activities, until written
approval is received from the appropriate HUD Environmental Clearance
Officer in its area, certifying that the proposed activities have been
approved and the PHA is released from all environmental conditions. The
results of the environmental review may require that proposed
activities be modified or the proposed site(s) rejected.
(3) ACC Amendment. Because the HOPE VI Program does not have
Federal Regulations, upon selection HUD and the recipient will execute
an ACC Amendment setting forth the amount of the grant. The ACC
Amendment will provide that the recipient agrees that:
(a) The demolition and relocation work shall be carried out in
accordance with the funding NOFA, applicable law including all HUD
regulations, the approved HOPE VI Demolition Application and Demolition
Application approval, and all other applicable requirements. In
addition, the PHA agrees to comply with such other terms and
conditions, including recordkeeping and reports, as HUD may establish
for the purposes of administering, monitoring, and evaluating the
program in an effective and efficient manner.
(b) Subject to the provisions of Part A of the ACC, and to assist
in the demolition and relocation, HUD agrees to disburse to the PHA
from time to time as needed, up to the amount of funding assistance
specified above.
(4) Failure to Proceed. In the event that an applicant selected to
receive HOPE VI demolition funding does not proceed in a manner
consistent with its application or as required by the ACC Amendment,
HUD may withdraw any unobligated balances of funding and make this
funding available, subject to applicable law, in HUD's discretion, to a
subsequent applicant, in conformance with the priorities set forth in
Section II.(B)(2) of this NOFA. Failure to proceed with respect to
obligated funds will be governed by the terms of the ACC amendment.
(D) No funds provided under this NOFA shall be used directly or
indirectly to provide competitive advantage in awards to settle
litigation or pay judgments. (E) Duplicative funding is prohibited for
any demolition activity previously funded by HOPE VI funds.
III. Application Submission Requirements
Each HOPE VI Demolition application must conform to the
requirements of the HOPE VI Demolition Application Kit, both in format
and content. Each application must include the following, as directed
by the application kit:
(A) OMB Standard Form 424. Standard Form 424, Request for Federal
Assistance, signed by a person legally authorized to enter into an
agreement with the Department;
(B) Site Information and Proposed Activities. Information and
description of the proposed demolition and related activities.
(C) Documentation of Eligibility. Evidence of HUD approval of a
demolition/disposition application (approval letter) or approval by HUD
or submission to HUD by the HOPE VI demolition application due date of
an obsolete and/or severely distressed public housing conversion plan
in conformance with the requirements of 24 CFR part 971;
(D) Program Financing. A description of program financing,
including a program budget submitted on Form HUD-52825-A and third-
party certification of reasonable and accurate costs; and
(E) Required Certifications and Assurances. Required certifications
and assurances as provided in the HOPE VI Demolition application kit.
IV. Applicability of Other Federal Requirements
(A) Fair Housing Requirements. Recipients must comply with the
requirements of the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-19) and the
regulations in 24 CFR part 100; Executive Order 11063 (Equal
Opportunity in Housing) and the regulations in 24 CFR part 107; the
fair housing poster regulations in 24 CFR part 110; and Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d) and the regulations in 24
CFR part 1.
(B) Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age or Disability. Recipients
must comply with the prohibitions against discrimination on the basis
of age pursuant to the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6101-
07) and the regulations in 24 CFR part 146; the prohibitions against
discrimination against, and reasonable, accommodation and accessibility
requirements for, persons with disabilities under section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and the regulations in 24
CFR part 8; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42
U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) and regulations issued pursuant thereto (28 CFR
part 35); and
[[Page 29855]]
the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4151) and the
regulations in 24 CFR part 40.
(C) Section 3 Employment Opportunities. Recipients must comply with
section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C.
1701u) (Employment Opportunities for Lower Income Persons in Connection
with Assisted Projects) and its implementing regulations at 24 CFR part
135. Recipients must ensure that training, employment and other
economic opportunities are directed, to the greatest extent feasible,
toward low and very low income persons, particularly those who are
recipients of government assistance for housing and to business
concerns that provide economic opportunities to low and very low income
persons. Recipients must comply with the reporting and recordkeeping
requirements found at 24 CFR part 135, subpart E.
(D) Minority and Women's Business Enterprises. The requirements of
Executive Orders 11246, 11625, 12432, and 12138 apply to this program.
Consistent with HUD's responsibilities under these orders, recipients
must make efforts to encourage the use of minority and women's business
enterprises in connection with funded activities.
(E) OMB Circulars. The policies, guidelines, and requirements of
OMB Circular Nos. A-87 (Cost Principles Applicable to Grants, Contracts
and Other Agreements with State and Local Governments) and 24 CFR part
85 (Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements
to State, Local, and Federally-Recognized Indian Tribal Governments),
apply to the award, acceptance, and use of assistance under the program
by PHAs, and to the remedies for noncompliance, except when
inconsistent with the provisions of the 1998 Appropriations Act, other
Federal statutes, or this NOFA. Recipients are also subject to the
audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133. Copies of OMB Circulars may
be obtained from E.O.P. Publications, room 2200, New Executive Office
Building, Washington, DC 20503, telephone (202) 395-7332 (this is not a
toll-free number). There is a limit of two free copies. OMB circulars
are also available on the WEB at www.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/OMB/Grants/.
(F) Drug-Free Workplace. Applicants must certify that they will
provide a drug-free workplace, in accordance with the Drug-free
Workplace Act of 1988 and HUD's implementing regulations at 24 CFR part
24, subpart F.
(G) Debarred or Suspended Contractors. The provisions of 24 CFR
part 24 apply to the employment, engagement of services, awarding of
contracts, subgrants, or funding of any recipients, or contractors or
subcontractors, during any period of debarment, suspension, or
placement in ineligibility status.
(H) Conflict of Interest. In addition to the conflict of interest
requirements in 24 CFR part 85 and Section 19 of the ACC, no person who
is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected or appointed
official and who exercises or has exercised any functions or
responsibilities with respect to activities assisted by HOPE VI funds,
or who is in a position to participate in a decisionmaking process or
gain inside information with regard to such activities, may obtain a
financial interest or benefit from the activity, or have an interest in
any contract, subcontract, or agreement with respect thereto, or the
proceeds thereunder, either for himself or herself or for those with
whom he or she has family or business ties, during his or her tenure or
for one year thereafter.
(I) Labor Standards. Davis-Bacon wage rates apply to demolition
followed by construction on the site. HUD-determined wage rates apply
to demolition followed only by filling in the site and establishing a
(J) Lead-Based Paint Testing and Abatement. PHAs shall comply with
the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4821 et seq.)
and 24 CFR part 35; 24 CFR part 965, subpart H; and 24 CFR 968.110(k).
Tenant-based assistance provided to PHAs under this program will be
subject to 24 CFR 982.401 and 24 CFR part 35. Unless otherwise
provided, PHAs shall be responsible for testing and abatement
activities before demolition as appropriate to meet state and Federal
V. Findings and Certifications
(A) Environmental Impact. This NOFA provides funding under, and
does not alter the environmental provisions of, regulations in 24 CFR
part 970, which have been published previously in the Federal Register.
Accordingly, under 24 CFR 50.19(c)(5), this NOFA is categorically
excluded from environmental review under the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321). The environmental review
provisions of 24 CFR part 970 are found in Sec. 970.4.
(B) Federalism Impact. The General Counsel, as the Designated
Official under section 6(a) of Executive Order 12612, Federalism, has
determined that this NOFA will not have substantial, direct effects on
States, on their political subdivisions, or on their relationship with
the Federal Government, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities between them and other levels of government. Where
this NOFA offers financial assistance to PHAs that are units of general
local government, none of its provisions will have an effect on the
relationship between the Federal Government and the States, or the
States' political subdivisions.
(C) Accountability in the Provision of HUD Assistance. Section 102
of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989
(HUD Reform Act) and the final rule codified at 24 CFR part 4, subpart
A, published on April 1, 1996 (61 FR 1448), contain a number of
provisions that are designed to ensure greater accountability and
integrity in the provision of certain types of assistance administered
by HUD. On January 14, 1992, HUD published, at 57 FR 1942, a notice
that also provides information on the implementation of section 102.
The documentation, public access, and disclosure requirements of
section 102 are applicable to assistance awarded under this NOFA as
Documentation and public access requirements. HUD will ensure that
documentation and other information regarding each application
submitted pursuant to this NOFA are sufficient to indicate the basis
upon which assistance was provided or denied. This material, including
any letters of support, will be made available for public inspection
for a five-year period beginning not less than 30 days after the award
of the assistance. Material will be made available in accordance with
the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and HUD's implementing
regulations at 24 CFR part 15. In addition, HUD will include the
recipients of assistance pursuant to this NOFA in its Federal Register
notice of all recipients of HUD assistance awarded on a competitive
Disclosures. HUD will make available to the public for five years
all applicant disclosure reports (HUD Form 2880) submitted in
connection with this NOFA. Update reports (also Form 2880) will be made
available along with the applicant disclosure reports, but in no case
for a period less than three years. All reports--both applicant
disclosures and updates--will be made available in accordance with the
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and HUD's implementing
regulations at 24 CFR part 15.
(D) Section 103 of the HUD Reform Act. HUD's regulation
implementing section 103 of the Department of Housing and Urban
[[Page 29856]]
Reform Act of 1989, codified as 24 CFR part 4, applies to the funding
competition announced today. The requirements of the rule continue to
apply until the announcement of the selection of successful applicants.
HUD employees involved in the review of applications and in the making
of funding decisions are limited by part 4 from providing advance
information to any person (other than an authorized employee of HUD)
concerning funding decisions, or from otherwise giving any applicant an
unfair competitive advantage. Persons who apply for assistance in this
competition should confine their inquiries to the subject areas
permitted under 24 CFR part 4.
Applicants or employees who have ethics related questions should
contact the HUD Office of Ethics (202) 708-3815. (This is not a toll-
free number.) For HUD employees who have specific program questions,
such as whether particular subject matter can be discussed with persons
outside HUD, the employee should contact the appropriate Field Office
Counsel, or Headquarters counsel for the program to which the question
(E) Prohibition Against Lobbying Activities. The use of funds
awarded under this NOFA is subject to the disclosure requirements and
prohibitions of section 319 of the Department of the Interior and
Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1990 (31 U.S.C.
1352) (the Byrd Amendment) and the implementing regulations in 24 CFR
part 87. These authorities prohibit recipients of Federal contracts,
grants, or loans from using appropriated funds for lobbying the
executive or legislative branches of the Federal Government in
connection with a specific contract, grant, or loan. The prohibition
also covers the awarding of contracts, grants, cooperative agreements,
or loans unless the recipient has made an acceptable certification
regarding lobbying. Under 24 CFR part 87, applicants, recipients, and
subrecipients of assistance exceeding $100,000 must certify that no
Federal funds have been or will be spent on lobbying activities in
connection with the assistance.
(F) Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number. The Catalog of
Federal Domestic Assistance number for the HOPE VI Program is 14.866.
Dated: May 19, 1998.
Deborah Vincent,
General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing.
Appendix A--HUD Field Office Contact Information
Not all Field Offices listed handle all of the programs
contained in the SuperNOFAs. Applicants should look to the
SuperNOFAs for contact numbers for information on specific programs.
Office hour listings are local time. Persons with hearing or speech
impediments may access any of these numbers via TTY by calling the
Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.
New England
Connecticut State Office, One Corporate Center, 19th Floor,
Hartford, CT 06103-3220, 860-240-4800, Office Hours: 8:00-4:30 PM
Maine State Office, 99 Franklin Street, Third Floor, Suite 302,
Bangor, ME 04401-4925, 207-945-0467, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Massachusetts State Office, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Federal Building,
10 Causeway Street, Room 375, Boston, MA 02222-1092, 617-565-5234,
Office Hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
New Hampshire State Office, Norris Cotton Federal Building 275
Chestnut Street, Manchester, NH 03101-2487, 603-666-7681, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Rhode Island State Office, Sixth Floor, 10 Weybosset Street, 6th
floor, Providence, RI 02903-2808, 401-528-5230, Office Hours: 8:00
AM-4:30 PM
Vermont State Office, U.S. Federal Building, Room 237, 11 Elmwood
Avenue, P.O. Box 879, Burlington, VT 05402-0879, 802-951-6290,
Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
New York/New England
Albany Area Office, 52 Corporate Circle, Albany, NY 12203-5121, 518-
464-4200, Office Hours: 7:30 AM-4:00 PM
Buffalo Area Office, Lafayette Court, 465 Main Street, Fifth Floor,
Buffalo, NY 14203-1780, 716-551-5755, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Camden Area Office, Hudson Building, 800 Hudson Square, Second
Floor, Camden, NJ 08102-1156, 609-757-5081, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-
4:30 PM
New Jersey State Office, One Newark Center, 13th Floor, Newark, NJ
07102-5260, 973-622-7900, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
New York State Office 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278-0068,
212-264-6500, Office Hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
Mid Atlantic
Delaware State Office, 824 Market Street, Suite 850, Wilmington, DE
19801-3016, 302-573-6300, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
District of Columbia Office, 820 First Street, N.E., Suite 450,
Washington, DC 20002-4205, 202-275-9200, Office Hours: 8:30 AM-4:30
Maryland State Office, City Crescent Building, 10 South Howard
Street, Fifth Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201-2505, 410-962-2520, Office
Hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Pennsylvania State Office, The Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square
East, Philadelphia, PA 19107-3380, 215-656-0600, Office Hours: 8:30
AM-4:30 PM
Pittsburgh Area Office, 339 Sixth Avenue, Sixth Floor, Pittsburgh,
PA 15222-2515, 412-644-6428, Office Hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Virginia State Office, The 3600 Centre, 3600 West Broad Street,
Richmond, VA 23230-4920, 804-278-4539, Office Hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
West Virginia State Office, 405 Capitol Street, Suite 708,
Charleston, WV 25301-1795, 304-347-7000, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30
Alabama State Office, Beacon Ridge Tower, 600 Beacon Parkway West,
Suite 300, Birmingham, AL 35209-3144, 205-290-7617, Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Caribbean Office, New San Juan Office Building, 159 Carlos E.
Chardon Avenue, San Juan, PR 00918-1804, 787-766-5201, Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Florida State Office, Gables One Tower, 1320 South Dixie Highway,
Coral Gables, FL 33146-2926, 305-662-4500, Office Hours: 8:30 AM-5
Georgia State Office, Richard B. Russell Federal Building, 75 Spring
Street, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30303-3388, 404-331-5136, Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Jacksonville Area Office, Southern Bell Tower, 301 West Bay Street,
Suite 2200, Jacksonville, FL 32202-5121, 904-232-2627, Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Kentucky State Office, 601 West Broadway, P.O. Box 1044, Louisville,
KY 40201-1044, 502-582-5251, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:45 PM
Knoxville Area Office, John J. Duncan Federal Building, 710 Locust
Street, 3rd Floor, Knoxville, TN 37902-2526, 423-545-4384, Office
Hours: 7:30 AM-4:15 PM
Memphis Area Office, One Memphis Place, 200 Jefferson Avenue, Suite
1200, Memphis, TN 38103-2335, 901-544-3367, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-
4:30 PM
Mississippi State Office, Doctor A. H. McCoy Federal Building, 100
West Capital Street, Room 910, Jackson, MS 39269-1096, 601-965-4738,
Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:45 PM
North Carolina State Office, Koger Building, 2306 West Meadowview
Road, Greensboro, NC 27407-3707, 910-547-4000, Office Hours: 8:00
AM-4:45 PM
Orlando Area Office, Langley Building, 3751 Maguire Blvd, Suite 270,
Orlando, FL 32803-3032, 407-648-6441, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
South Carolina State Office, Strom Thurmond Federal Building, 1835
Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201-2480, 803-765-5592, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:45 PM
Tampa Area Office, Timberlake Federal Building Annex, 501 East Polk
Street, Suite 700, Tampa, FL 33602-3945, 813-228-2501, Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Tennessee State Office, 251 Cumberland Bend Drive, Suite 200,
Nashville, TN 37228-1803, 615-736-5213, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30
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Cincinnati Area Office, 525 Vine Street, 7th Floor, Cincinnati, OH
45202-3188, 513-684-3451, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:45 PM
Cleveland Area Office, Renaissance Building, 1350 Euclid Avenue,
Suite 500, Cleveland, OH 44115-1815, 216-522-4065, Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:40 PM
Flint Area Office, The Federal Building, 605 North Saginaw, Suite
200, Flint, MI 48502-2043, 810-766-5108, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30
Grand Rapids Area Office, Trade Center Building, 50 Louis Street,
NW, 3rd Floor, Grand Rapids, MI 49503-2648, 616-456-2100, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM -4:30 PM
Illinois State Office, Ralph H. Metcalfe Federal Building, 77 West
Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60604-3507, 312-353-5680, Office Hours:
8:15 AM-4:45 PM
Indiana State Office, 151 North Delaware Street, Indianapolis, IN
46204-2526, 317-226-6303, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:45 PM
Michigan State Office, Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building, 477
Michigan Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226-2592, 313-226-7900, Office Hours:
8:00 AM -4:30 PM
Minnesota State Office, 220 Second St., South, Minneapolis, MN
55401-2195, 612-370-3000, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Ohio State Office, 200 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215-2499,
614-469-5737, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:45 PM
Wisconsin State Office, Henry S. Reuss Federal Plaza, 310 West
Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1380, Milwaukee, WI 53203-2289, 414-297-
3214, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Arkansas State Office, TCBY Tower, 425 West Capitol Avenue, Suite
900, Little Rock, AR 72201-3488, 501-324-5931, Office Hours: 8:00
AM-4:30 PM
Dallas Area Office, Maceo Smith Federal Building, 525 Griffin
Street, Room 860, Dallas, TX 75202-5007, 214-767-8359, Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Houston Area Office, Norfolk Tower, 2211 Norfolk, Suite 200,
Houston, TX 77098-4096, 713-313-2274, Office Hours: 7:45 AM-4:30 PM
Louisiana State Office, Hale Boggs Federal Building, 501 Magazine
Street, 9th Floor, New Orleans, LA 70130-3099, 504-589-7201, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Lubbock Area Office, George H. Mahon Federal Building and United
States Courthouse, 1205 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79401-4093, 806-
472-7265, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:45 PM
New Mexico State Office, 625 Truman Street, N.E., Albuquerque, NM
87110-6472, 505-262-6463, Office Hours: 7:45 AM-4:30 PM
Oklahoma State Office, 500 West Main Street, Suite 400, Oklahoma
City, OK 73102, 405-553-7401, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
San Antonio Area Office, Washington Square, 800 Dolorosa Street, San
Antonio, TX 78207-4563, 210-472-6800, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Shreveport Area Office, 401 Edwards Street, Suite 1510, Shreveport,
LA 71101-3289, 318-676-3385, Office Hours: 7:45 AM-4:30 PM
Texas State Office, 1600 Throckmorton Street, P.O. Box 2905, Fort
Worth, TX 76113-2905, 817-978-9000, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Tulsa Area Office, 50 East 15th Street, Tulsa, OK 74119-4030, 918-
581-7434, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Great Plains
Iowa State Office, Federal Building, 210 Walnut Street, Room 239,
Des Moines, IA 50309-2155, 515-284-4512, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30
Kansas/Missouri State Office, Gateway Tower II, 400 State Avenue,
Kansas City, KS 66101-2406, 913-551-5462, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30
Nebraska State Office, Executive Tower Centre, 10909 Mill Valley
Road, Omaha, NE 68154-3955, 402-492-3100, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30
St. Louis Area Office, Robert A. Young Federal Building, 1222 Spruce
Street, 3rd Floor, St. Louis, MO 63103-2836, 314-539-6583, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Rocky Mountains
Colorado State Office, 633--17th Street, Denver, CO 80202-3607, 303-
672-5440, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Montana State Office, Federal Office Building, 301 South Park, Room
340, Drawer 10095, Helena, MT 59626-0095, 406-441-1298, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
North Dakota State Office, Federal Building, P. O. Box 2483, Fargo,
ND 58108-2483, 701-239-5136, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
South Dakota State Office, 2400 West 49th Street, Suite I-201, Sioux
Falls, SD 57105-6558, 605-330-4223, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Utah State Office, 257 Tower Building, 257 East-200 South, Suite
550, Salt Lake City, UT 84111-2048, 801-524-3323, Office Hours: 8:00
AM-4:30 PM
Wyoming State Office, Federal Office Building, 100 East B Street,
Room 4229, Casper, WY 82601-1918, 307-261-6250, Office Hours: 8:00
AM-4:30 PM
Arizona State Office, Two Arizona Center, 400 North 5th Street,
Suite 1600, Phoenix, AZ 85004, 602-379-4434, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-
4:30 PM
California State Office, Philip Burton Federal Building and U.S.
Courthouse, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102-3448,
415-436-6550, Office Hours: 8:15 AM-4:45 PM
Fresno Area Office, 2135 Fresno Street, Suite 100, Fresno, CA 93721-
1718, 209-487-5033, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Hawaii State Office, Seven Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana
Boulevard, Suite 500, Honolulu, HI 96813-4918, 808-522-8175, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Los Angeles Area Office, 611 West 6th Street, Suite 800, Los
Angeles, CA 90017-3127, 213-894-8000, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Nevada State Office, 333 North Rancho Drive, Suite 700, Las Vegas,
NV 89106-3714, 702-388-6525, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Reno Area Office, 1575 Delucchi Lane, Suite 114, Reno, NV 89502-
6581, 702-784-5356, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Sacramento Area Office, 777 12th Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA
95814-1997, 916-498-5220, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
San Diego Area Office, Mission City Corporate Center, 2365 Northside
Drive, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92108-2712, 619-557-5310, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Santa Ana Area Office, 3 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 500, Santa Ana,
CA 92707-5764, 714-957-3745, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Tucson Area Office, Security Pacific Bank Plaza, 33 North Stone
Avenue, Suite 700, Tucson, AZ 85701-1467, 520-670-6237, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Alaska State Office, University Plaza Building, 949 East 36th
Avenue, Suite 401, Anchorage, AK 99508-4135, 907-271-4170, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Idaho State Office, Plaza IV, 800 Park Boulevard, Suite 220, Boise,
ID 83712-7743, 208-334-1990, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Oregon State Office, 400 Southwest Sixth Avenue, Suite 700,
Portland, OR 97204-1632, 503-326-2561, Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Spokane Area Office, Farm Credit Bank Building, Eighth Floor East,
West 601 First Avenue, Spokane, WA 99204-0317, 509-353-2510, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Washington State Office, Seattle Federal Office Building, 909 1st
Avenue, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98104-1000, 206-220-5101, Office
Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
[FR Doc. 98-14367 Filed 5-29-98; 8:45 am]