99-12479. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Polyether Polyols Production  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 104 (Tuesday, June 1, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 29420-29487]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-12479]
    [[Page 29419]]
    Part II
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Part 63
    National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Polyether 
    Polyols Production; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 104 / Tuesday, June 1, 1999 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 29420]]
    40 CFR Part 63
    RIN 2060-AE-86
    National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for 
    Polyether Polyols Production
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This rule promulgates national emission standards for 
    hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for new and existing plant sites that 
    manufacture polyether polyols. The hazardous air pollutants (HAP) 
    emitted by the facilities covered by this rule include ethylene oxide 
    (EO), propylene oxide (PO), hexane, toluene, and incidental emissions 
    of several other HAP. Some of these pollutants are considered to be 
    probable human carcinogens when inhaled, and all can cause toxic 
    effects following exposure. The rule is estimated to reduce emissions 
    of these pollutants by 1,810 Megagrams per year (Mg/yr) (2,000 tons per 
    year (tons/yr)). Because all of the pollutants are also volatile 
    organic compounds (VOC), which are precursors to ambient ozone, the 
    promulgated rule will also aid in the reduction of tropospheric ozone.
    DATES: This regulation is effective on June 1, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Docket. Docket No. A-96-38, containing information 
    considered by the EPA in development of the promulgated standards, is 
    available for public inspection from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday 
    through Friday, at the following address in room M-1500, Waterside Mall 
    (ground floor): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW, 
    Washington, DC 20460, telephone number (202) 260-7548. A reasonable fee 
    may be charged for copying docket materials.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information concerning this final 
    rule or the analyses performed in developing this rule, contact Mr. 
    David Svendsgaard, Organic Chemicals Group, Emission Standards Division 
    (MD-13), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. EPA, 
    Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, telephone number (919) 
    541-2380, facsimile number (919) 541-3470, electronic mail address 
    svendsgaard.dave@epa.gov. For information concerning applicability and 
    rule determinations, contact your State or local representative or the 
    appropriate EPA Regional Office representatives. For a listing of EPA 
    Regional contacts, see the following.
    Electronic Access
        These final standards and all other information considered by the 
    EPA in the development of these final standards are available in Docket 
    Number A-96-38 by request from the EPA's Air and Radiation Docket and 
    Information Center (see ADDRESSES). Electronic versions of documents 
    from the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) are available through the 
    EPA's OAR Technology Transfer Network Web site (TTNWeb). The TTNWeb is 
    a collection of related Web sites containing information about many 
    areas of air pollution science, technology, regulation, measurement, 
    and prevention. The TTNWeb is directly accessible from the Internet via 
    the World Wide Web location at the following address: http://
    www.epa.gov/ttn. Electronic versions of this preamble and rule are 
    located under the OAR Policy and Guidance Information Web site, at 
    http://www.epa.gov/ttn/oarpg/, under the Federal Register notices 
    section. If more information on the TTNWeb is needed, contact the 
    Systems Operator at (919) 541-5384.
    EPA Regional Office Contacts
    Director, Office of Environmental Stewardship, Attn: Air Compliance 
    Clerk, U.S. EPA Region I, 1 Congress Street, Suite 1100 (SEA), Boston, 
    MA 02114-2023 (617) 918-1740
    Umesh Dholakia, U.S. EPA Region II, 290 Broadway Street, New York, NY 
    10007-1866, (212) 637-4023
    Dianne Walker, U.S. EPA Region III, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 
    19103, (215) 814-3297
    Lee Page, U.S. EPA, Region IV, 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 
    30303-3104, (404) 562-9131
    Bruce Varner, U.S. EPA, Region V, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 
    IL 60604-3507, (312) 886-6793
    Jim Yang, U.S. EPA, Region VI, 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200 (6EN-AT), 
    Dallas, TX 75202, (214) 665-7578
    Gary Schlicht, U.S. EPA, Region VII, 726 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, 
    KS 66101, (913) 551-7097
    Tami Thomas-Burton, U.S. EPA, Region VIII, 999 18th Street, Suite 500, 
    Denver, CO 80202, (303) 312-6581
    Ken Bigos, U.S. EPA, Region IX, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 
    94105, (415) 744-1200
    Dan Meyer, U.S. EPA, Region X, 1200 Sixth Street, Seattle, WA 98101, 
    (206) 553-4150
    Regulated Entities
        Entities regulated by this action are polyether polyols production 
    facilities. Regulated categories and entities include:
                                                                                                 North American industrial classification system
                   Category                   Standard industrial classification (SIC) codes                      (NAICS) codes                        Examples of potentially regulated entities
    Industry..............................  Typically, 2843 and 2869..........................  Typically, 325199 and 325613.....................  Producers of polyether polyols and polyether mono-
    This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this 
    action. This table lists the types of entities that the EPA is now 
    aware could potentially be regulated by this action. Other types of 
    entities not listed in the table could also be regulated. To determine 
    whether your facility, company, business organization, etc., is subject 
    to this rule, you should carefully examine the applicability criteria 
    in 40 CFR 63.1420. If you have questions regarding the applicability of 
    this action to a particular entity, consult the person listed in the 
    Judicial Review
        National emission standards for polyether polyols production were 
    proposed in the Federal Register on September 4, 1997 (62 FR 46804). 
    Today's Federal Register action announces the EPA's final decision on 
    the rule. Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act (CAA), judicial 
    review of the final rule is available by filing a petition for review 
    in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit 
    within 60 days of today's publication of this final rule. Under section 
    307(b)(2) of CAA, the requirements that are the subject of today's 
    final rule may not be challenged later in civil or criminal proceedings 
    brought by the EPA to enforce these requirements.
    [[Page 29421]]
        The following outline is provided to aid in reading the preamble to 
    the final rule.
    I. List of Source Categories
    II. Summary of Considerations Made in Developing This Standard
        A. Background and Purpose of the Regulation
        B. Source of Authority
        C. Stakeholder and Public Participation
    III. Summary of Promulgated Standards
        A. Affected Sources
        B. Storage Vessels
        C. Process Vents
        D. Wastewater Operations
        E. Equipment Leaks
        F. Heat Exchangers
        G. General Testing Requirements
        H. Monitoring Levels and Excursions
        I. General Provisions
        J. General Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
    IV. Control Technology Basis of the Standard
    V. Summary of Impacts
        A. Air Impacts
        B. Other Environmental Impacts
        C. Energy Impacts
        D. Cost Impacts
        E. Economic Impacts
    VI. Significant Comments and Changes to the Proposed Standards
        A. Primary Product Determination
        B. Definition of ``Polyether Polyol''
        C. Definition of ``Process Vent''
        D. Outlet Concentration Limit as an Alternative Epoxide Process 
    Vent Emission Limit for New Sources
        E. Flares as a Reference Control Technology
        F. Group Determination on an Individual Process Vent Basis for 
    Nonepoxide Organic HAP Emissions from Making or Modifying the 
        G. Possibility of Dual Controls for Nonepoxide Organic HAP 
    Emissions from Making or Modifying the Product
        H. Worst-Case Testing Requirements
        I. Engineering Calculations as an Alternative to Performance 
        J. Allowable Test Methods for Control Efficiency Determinations
        K. Site-Specific Onset of Extended Cookout
        L. Parameter Monitoring Excursion Definitions
        M. Monitoring During Start-ups, Shutdowns, and Malfunctions
        N. Process Vent Control Requirement for Epoxide Emissions from 
    New Sources
    VII. Administrative Requirements
        A. Docket
        B. Executive Order 12866
        C. Executive Order 13045
        D. Paperwork Reduction Act
        E. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        F. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General
        G. Unfunded Mandates
        H. Executive Order 12875
        I. Executive Order 13084
        J. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
    I. List of Source Categories
        The EPA identified a total of approximately 84 plant sites 
    producing polyether polyols. Of the 84 facilities, 78 were considered 
    in the analysis supporting the proposed rule and are believed to be 
    major sources according to the 1990 CAA Amendments' criteria of having 
    the potential to emit 10 tons/yr (9.1 Mg/yr) of any one HAP or 25 tons/
    yr (22.7 Mg/yr) of combined HAP. Today's final rule applies to all 
    major sources that produce polyether polyols. Area sources are not 
    subject to today's final rule.
        In developing the background information to support the proposed 
    rule, the EPA decided it was appropriate to subcategorize the source 
    category for purposes of analyzing the maximum achievable control 
    technology (MACT) floors and regulatory alternatives. The subcategories 
    were: polyether polyols made from the polymerization of epoxides, and 
    polyether polyols made from the polymerization of tetrahydrofuran 
    (THF). An ``epoxide'' is a chemical compound consisting of a three-
    membered cyclic ether. Ethylene oxide and propylene oxide are the only 
    epoxides that are listed as HAP under section 112(b) of the CAA. 
    Subcategorization was necessary due to the distinctively different 
    nature of the epoxide and THF processes and their effect on the 
    applicability of controls. One noteworthy distinction between the two 
    subcategories is that the first group, polyols made with epoxides, uses 
    a HAP as the monomer, whereas the second group, polyols made with THF, 
    does not use a HAP monomer. Additionally, the first group (epoxide 
    reactants) performs the reaction primarily on a batch basis, while the 
    second group (THF) performs the reaction on a continuous basis.
        The Agency obtained data from facilities that make polyether 
    products by polymerizing a compound having multiple reactive hydrogen 
    atoms, resulting in the formation of a ``polyol,'' and from facilities 
    that make polyethers by polymerizing a compound with a single reactive 
    hydrogen, which forms a ``mono-ol.'' The Agency then investigated the 
    distinctions between the production units and the emissions controls 
    for products from these two groups. The Agency found no fundamental 
    difference between the processes, the chemistry, the emissions, or the 
    types of control equipment. Further, many producers use the same 
    process equipment to produce polyols and mono-ols, yet they generically 
    refer to both types of products as ``polyols.'' Therefore, for the 
    purposes of this regulation, the Agency uses the term ``polyether 
    polyols'' to represent both polyether polyols and polyether mono-ols.
    II. Summary of Considerations Made in Developing This Standard
    A. Background and Purpose of the Regulation
        The CAA was created in part ``to protect and enhance the quality of 
    the Nation's air resources so as to promote the public health and 
    welfare and the productive capacity of its population.'' (section 
    101(b)(1)). Section 112(b) of the CAA, as revised in 61 FR 30816 (June 
    18, 1996), lists 188 HAP believed to cause adverse health or 
    environmental effects. Section 112(d) requires that emission standards 
    be promulgated for all categories and subcategories of ``major'' 
    sources of these HAP, and for many smaller ``area'' sources listed for 
    regulation, pursuant to section 112(c). Major sources are defined as 
    those that emit or have the potential to emit at least 10 tons/yr (9.1 
    Mg/yr) of any one HAP or 25 tons/yr (22.7 Mg/yr) of any combination of 
        On July 16, 1992 (57 FR 31576), the EPA published a list of 
    categories of sources slated for regulation. This list included the 
    polyether polyol production source category regulated by the standards 
    being promulgated today. The statute requires emissions standards for 
    the listed source categories to be promulgated between November 1992 
    and November 2000. On December 3, 1993, the EPA published a schedule 
    for promulgating these standards (58 FR 63941). Standards for the 
    polyether polyols production source category covered by this rule were 
    proposed on September 4, 1997 (62 FR 46804).
        The final standards give existing affected sources 3 years from the 
    date of promulgation to comply with the emission limitations for 
    storage vessels, process vents, wastewater, and heat exchangers. 
    Subject to certain limited exceptions, this is the maximum amount of 
    time allowed under the CAA. The final standards give existing affected 
    sources 6 months to comply with the equipment leak provisions. New 
    affected sources are required to comply with the standards upon initial 
    startup. The EPA believes these standards to be achievable for all 
    affected sources within the time provided.
        Monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements are also 
    included in this final rule. All of these components are necessary to 
    ensure that sources will comply with the standards both initially and 
    over time. However, the EPA has made every effort to simplify the 
    requirements in the rule.
    [[Page 29422]]
    B. Source of Authority
        The amended CAA requires the EPA to promulgate national emission 
    standards for sources of HAP. Section 112(d) provides that these 
    standards must reflect:
    * * * the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of the HAP * * * 
    that the Administrator, taking into consideration the cost of 
    achieving such emission reduction, and any nonair quality health and 
    environmental impacts and energy requirements, determines is 
    achievable for new or existing sources in the category or 
    subcategory to which such emission standard applies. * * * (42 
    U.S.C. Sec. 7412(d)(2)).
    This level of control is referred to as the MACT. The CAA goes on to 
    establish the least stringent level of control for MACT; this level is 
    termed the ``MACT floor.''
        According to the CAA, new source standards for a source category or 
    subcategory ``shall not be less stringent than the emission control 
    that is achieved in practice by the best controlled similar source, as 
    determined by the Administrator'' (section 112(d)(3)). Existing source 
    standards shall be no less stringent than the average emission 
    limitation achieved by the best performing 12 percent of the existing 
    sources for source categories and subcategories with 30 or more 
    sources, or the average emission limitation achieved by the best 
    performing 5 sources for sources or subcategories with fewer than 30 
    sources (section 112(d)(3)). These two minimum levels of control define 
    the MACT floor for new and existing sources. When the EPA considers 
    control levels more stringent than the MACT floor described above, the 
    selection of MACT must take into consideration the cost of achieving 
    the emission reduction, any non-air quality, health, and environmental 
    impacts, and energy requirements.
    C. Stakeholder and Public Participation
        Numerous representatives of the polyether polyol production 
    industry were consulted during the development of this standard. 
    Industry representatives have included both trade associations and 
    polyether polyol producers. The EPA also received input from 
    representatives from State environmental agencies. Representatives from 
    other EPA offices and programs participated in the regulatory 
    development process as members of the work group. The work group was 
    involved in the regulatory development process and was given 
    opportunities to review and comment on the standards before proposal 
    and promulgation. Therefore, the EPA believes that the impact on other 
    EPA offices and programs has been adequately considered during the 
    development of these standards. Finally, industry representatives, 
    regulatory authorities, environmental groups, and the public, as a 
    whole, had the opportunity to comment on the proposed standards and to 
    provide additional information during the public comment period that 
    followed proposal.
        The Polyether Polyols NESHAP was proposed in the Federal Register 
    on September 4, 1997 (62 FR 46804). The preamble and Basis and Purpose 
    Document for the proposed standards for polyether polyols sources 
    (published on September 4, 1997) described the rationale for the 
    proposed standards. Public comments on the Polyether Polyols NESHAP 
    were solicited at the time of its proposal.
        In addition, amendments to the Polymers and Resins I NESHAP (which 
    some of the requirements in this final rule cross-reference that 
    existing rule) were proposed on March 9, 1999 (63 FR 11560). Public 
    comments were solicited by the EPA regarding how those proposed 
    amendments, and the incorporation of concepts in the Polymers and 
    Resins proposed rule into subpart PPP, would affect sources subject to 
    the Polyether Polyols final rule.
        To provide interested individuals the opportunity for oral 
    presentation of data, views, or arguments concerning the proposed 
    standards, a public hearing was offered at proposal of these 
    requirements. However, the public did not request a hearing and, 
    therefore, one was not held. The public comment period for the proposed 
    rule was from September 4, 1997 to December 3, 1997. A total of 11 
    comment letters were received during the public comment period, and 4 
    comment letters were received after the end of the public comment 
    period. Commenters included industry representatives and trade 
    organizations. The comments were carefully considered, and changes were 
    made in the promulgated standards when determined by the EPA to be 
    appropriate. A detailed discussion of these comments and responses can 
    be found in the Basis and Purpose Document for Final Standards, which 
    is referenced in Section V of this preamble and serves as the basis for 
    the revisions that have been made to these standards between proposal 
    and promulgation. Section V of this preamble discusses some of the 
    major changes made to the proposed standards.
    III. Summary of Promulgated Standards
        This section provides a summary of the final standards contained in 
    subpart PPP. The full regulatory text is printed in today's final rule 
    and is also available in Docket No. A-96-38, directly from the EPA, or 
    from the Technology Transfer Network (TTN) on the EPA's electronic 
    bulletin boards. More information on how to obtain a copy of the 
    proposed regulation is provided at the beginning of the SUPPLEMENTARY 
    INFORMATION section of this document.
    A. Affected Sources
        For this final rule, an affected source is defined as each group of 
    one or more polyether polyols manufacturing process units (PMPUs) that 
    is located at a plant site that is a major source. Polyether polyols 
    are defined as the products formed by the reaction of EO, PO, or other 
    cyclic ethers with compounds having one or more reactive hydrogens 
    (i.e., a hydrogen atom bonded to nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, phosphorous, 
    etc.) to form polyethers (i.e., compounds with two or more ether 
    bonds). The definition of ``polyether polyol'' excludes hydroxy ethyl 
    cellulose and materials regulated under the Hazardous Organics NESHAP 
    (HON), such as glycols and glycol ethers.
        An existing affected source is any affected source that is not a 
    new affected source. A new affected source can be created by one of 
    four ways. If a plant site with an existing polyols-affected source 
    adds one or more new PMPUs, the added group of one or more new PMPUs is 
    a new affected source if the added group of one or more new PMPUs has 
    the potential to emit more than 10 tons/yr (9.1 Mg/yr) of any one HAP 
    or 25 tons/yr (22.7 Mg/yr) of all HAP. In this situation, the plant 
    site would have an existing affected source and a new affected source. 
    Each subsequent set of one or more added PMPUs with potential HAP 
    emissions above the 10/25 levels cited above would be a separate new 
    affected source.
        New affected sources are also created when one or more PMPUs are 
    constructed at a major source plant site where polyether polyols were 
    not previously produced (with no consideration of the potential HAP 
    emissions from the PMPU). Another instance where a new affected source 
    is created is if one or more PMPUs are constructed at a new plant site 
    (i.e., green field site) that will be a major source. The final manner 
    in which a new affected source is created is when
    [[Page 29423]]
    an existing affected source undergoes reconstruction.
        Affected sources covered by the promulgated rule emit a variety of 
    HAP from several different types of emission points. The most 
    significant emissions are of the following HAP: EO, PO, hexane, and 
    toluene. These final standards regulate emissions of these compounds, 
    as well as all other organic HAP that are emitted during the production 
    of polyether polyols.
        Emissions from the following types of emission points (i.e., 
    emission source types) are being covered by the promulgated rule: 
    storage vessels, process vents, heat exchange systems, equipment leaks, 
    and wastewater operations. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the level of 
    control for existing and new affected sources, respectively, for each 
    of these types of emission points. Where the applicability criteria and 
    required level of control are the same as the HON (40 CFR Part 63, 
    subparts F, G, and H), this is indicated in Tables 1 and 2 as ``HON.'' 
    ``Epoxides,'' in Tables 1 and 2, refer to EO and PO. ``Nonepoxide 
    organic HAP'' refers to organic HAP other than EO and PO that are used 
    in the polyether polyols production process. The following sections 
    describe these standards in more detail, by emission source type.
                        Table 1.--Summary of Level of the Standards for Existing Affected Sources
                                   Emission   ---------------------------------------------  Heat exch.     Equip.
                                   sources              Process vents           Wastewater     syst.        leaks
    Polyether Polyols made      HON..........  HON...........................  HON........  HON........  HON.
     with tetrahydro-furan.
                                                                         Nonepoxide organic
                                                                         HAP emissions from  Nonepoxide organic
                                                      Epoxide emissions       making or        HAP in catalyst
                                                                          modifying product      extraction
    Polyether Polyols made with    HON.............  98 percent          Group 1             90 percent          HON..........  HON..........  HON.
     epoxides.                                        aggregate           combination of      aggregate
                                                      emission            process vents       emission
                                                      reduction; or       from batch unit     reduction; or
                                                      flare emissions     operations: 90      flare emissions
                                                      from all vents;     percent aggregate   from all vents.
                                                      or maintain         emission
                                                      outlet conc.  20 ppmv;    flare emissions
                                                      or maintain         from all vents..
                                                      emiss. factor < group="" 1="" process="" 1.69="" x="">-2 kg    vents from
                                                      epox./Mg product.   continuous unit
                                                                          operations: 98
                                                                          percent emission
                                                                          reduction; or
                                                                          flare emissions.
                          Table 2.--Summary of Level of the Standards for New Affected Sources
                                                     Emission sources
                               ------------------------------------------------------------  Heat exch.     Equip.
                                   Storage              Process vents          Waste-water     syst.        leaks
    Polyether Polyols made      Existing       HON...........................  Exist.       HON........  HON.
     with tetrahydro-furan.      source HON.                                    source HON.
                                                                         Nonepoxide organic
                                                                         HAP emissions from  Nonepoxide organic
                                                      Epoxide emissions       making or        HAP in catalyst
                                                                          modifying product      extraction
    Polyether Polyols made with    Existing source   99.9 percent        Group 1             90 percent          Exist. source  HON..........  HON.
     epoxides.                      HON.              aggregate           combination of      aggregate           HON.
                                                      emission            process vents       emission
                                                      reduction; or       from batch unit     reduction; or
                                                      maintain outlet     operations: 90      flare emissions
                                                      conc.    percent aggregate   from all vents.
                                                      20 ppmv; or         emission
                                                      maintain emiss.     reduction; or
                                                      factor < 4.43="" x="" flare="" emissions="">-3 kg epox./Mg    from all vents..
                                                      product.           Group 1 process
                                                                          vents from
                                                                          continuous unit
                                                                          operations: 98
                                                                          percent emission
                                                                          reduction; or
                                                                          flare emissions..
    B. Storage Vessels
        For polyether polyols made with either epoxides or THF, the storage 
    vessel requirements at new and existing affected sources are nearly 
    identical to the HON storage vessel requirements in subpart G for 
    existing sources. The final rule specifies procedures for determining 
    whether a storage vessel is assigned to a PMPU. Group 1 storage vessels 
    require control, while Group 2 storage vessels do not. If a storage 
    vessel has a capacity below 75 cubic meters, it is Group 2. For vessels 
    with capacities
    [[Page 29424]]
    between 75 and 151 cubic meters, they are Group 1 if the vapor pressure 
    of the liquid being stored is 13.1 kilopascals or greater. Storage 
    vessels with capacities greater than 151 cubic meters are Group 1 if 
    the vapor pressure of the liquid being stored is 5.2 kilopascals or 
        The storage vessel provisions require that one of the following 
    control systems be applied to Group 1 storage vessels: (1) An internal 
    floating roof with proper seals and fittings; (2) an external floating 
    roof with proper seals and fittings; (3) an external floating roof 
    converted to an internal floating roof with proper seals and fittings; 
    or (4) a closed vent system with a 95 percent efficient combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture device. The storage vessel provisions give 
    details on the types of seals and fittings required. Monitoring and 
    compliance provisions include periodic visual inspections of vessels, 
    roof seals, and fittings, as well as internal inspections. If a closed 
    vent system and combustion, recovery, or recapture device is used, the 
    owner or operator must establish appropriate monitoring procedures. 
    Reports and records of inspections, repairs, and other information 
    necessary to determine compliance are also required by the storage 
    vessel provisions.
    C. Process Vents
        There are separate process vent provisions for affected sources 
    that produce polyether polyols using epoxide reactants and affected 
    sources that produce polyether polyols using THF. The control 
    requirements for each type of affected source are discussed below, 
    followed by a discussion of the monitoring, reporting, and 
    recordkeeping provisions.
    1. Polyether Polyols That Use Epoxides as a Reactant
        For the polyether polyols that use epoxides as a reactant, the 
    process vent provisions are separated into three groups that are based 
    on the function of the organic HAP in the production process. These 
    groups are: (1) Epoxide (i.e., EO and PO) emissions resulting from the 
    use of these chemicals as reactants; (2) emissions of organic HAP other 
    than EO or PO (i.e., ``nonepoxide organic HAP'') resulting from their 
    use in making or modifying the polyether polyol product; and (3) 
    emissions of nonepoxide organic HAP resulting from their use in 
    catalyst extraction.
        a. Requirements for epoxide emissions. The existing source 
    requirement for epoxide emissions from process vents is to reduce 
    epoxide emissions by 98 weight-percent. For new sources, this 
    requirement is 99.9 weight-percent. This is an aggregated percent 
    reduction applied to all process vents that emit epoxides in the PMPU. 
    Therefore, the owner or operator has the flexibility to select which 
    vents to control, provided that the overall epoxide emission reduction 
    from the PMPU is equal to, or greater than, the required efficiency.
        In addition to using a combustion, recovery, or recapture device to 
    achieve the 98 percent reduction (or 99.9 percent for new sources), the 
    final rule allows the use of ``extended cookout'' (ECO) as a means of 
    reducing emissions by the required percentage. This pollution 
    prevention technique reduces emissions by extending the time of 
    reaction, thus leaving less unreacted epoxides to be emitted 
        Instead of complying with the 98 (or 99.9) weight-percent reduction 
    limitation, an owner or operator may comply by demonstrating that each 
    outlet stream has a concentration of 20 parts per million by volume 
    (ppmv) epoxide or total organic compound (TOC). This option is 
    available for existing and new affected sources, but only if a 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device is used.
        As another alternative to the 98 percent emission reduction, owners 
    or operators of existing affected sources may maintain an epoxide 
    emission factor from the PMPU of no more than 1.69  x  10 -2 
    kilograms of epoxide emissions per megagram of product made (kg/Mg), or 
    1.69  x  10 -2 pounds of epoxide emissions per 1,000 pounds 
    of product made (lb/1000 lb). The corresponding emission factor for new 
    affected sources is 4.43  x  10 -3 kg/Mg (4.43  x  10 
    -3 lb/1000 lb). Compliance with this alternative limitation 
    is achieved by developing and following an epoxide annual emissions 
    plan, which must include provisions for the monitoring of the process 
    and any combustion, recovery, or recapture device parameters to 
    demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitation.
        Finally, for affected existing sources, if a flare is used to 
    reduce epoxide HAP emissions from all process vents in the PMPU, then a 
    demonstration of 98 percent epoxide emission reduction is not required. 
    If an owner or operator of an new affected source wants to use only a 
    flare, a demonstration that the flare will achieve 99.9 percent epoxide 
    emission reduction is required.
        An owner or operator can also choose to use a combination of the 
    percent reduction, 20 ppmv, and flare compliance options discussed 
    above in a single PMPU.
        b. Requirements for emissions resulting from the use of nonepoxide 
    organic HAP to make or modify the product. For nonepoxide organic HAP 
    emissions that result from the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or 
    modify the product, the final rule uses a ``group'' approach, where 
    those vents that are classified as Group 1 are required to be 
    controlled. This provision only applies if a nonepoxide organic HAP is 
    used to make or modify the product.
        In many instances, the process vent stream containing these 
    nonepoxide organic HAP will also contain epoxides. The combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture device used to comply with the epoxide emission 
    provisions discussed above may also reduce nonepoxide emissions. It is 
    for this reason that the final rule requires that the group 
    determination for nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from making or 
    modifying the product be conducted after the emissions exit the epoxide 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device (or after the ECO). 
    Therefore, any nonepoxide emission reduction that is coincidentally 
    achieved in the epoxide combustion, recovery, or recapture device will 
    impact whether the process vent is classified as Group 1.
        The group determination approach for process vents from batch unit 
    operations differs from that for process vents from continuous unit 
    operations. Each approach is discussed below.
        For process vents from batch unit operations, the approach is to 
    determine if the collection of process vents in each PMPU that is 
    associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the 
    product is Group 1 or Group 2. If the combination of batch process 
    vents is determined to be Group 1, the aggregate nonepoxide organic HAP 
    emissions are required to be reduced by 90 weight-percent. As with the 
    epoxide percent emission reduction requirement, this requirement is on 
    an aggregated basis. Therefore, the owner or operator has the 
    flexibility to select which vents to control, provided that the overall 
    nonepoxide emission reduction from the PMPU is equal to, or greater 
    than, 90 weight-percent. If a flare is used to reduce these nonepoxide 
    organic HAP emissions from all process vents associated with the use of 
    a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product, then a 
    demonstration of 90 weight-percent emission reduction is not required. 
    These requirements are the same for new and existing affected sources.
        The group status for the combination of batch vents in a PMPU is 
    determined by calculating the annual emissions
    [[Page 29425]]
    from all of the applicable vents. If the total nonepoxide organic HAP 
    emissions are less than 11,800 kilograms per year (26,000 pounds per 
    year), then the collection of vents is classified as Group 2, and no 
    control is required. If the emissions are greater than 11,800 kilograms 
    per year (26,000 pounds per year), they are used to calculate a ``cut-
    off'' flow rate. This cutoff flow rate is then compared to the actual 
    combined annual average flow rate for all the vents. If the actual 
    combined annual average flow rate is less than the cutoff flow rate, 
    the group of vents is Group 1.
        For process vents from continuous unit operations, the approach is 
    to determine if each process vent in the PMPU that is associated with 
    the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product is 
    Group 1. If a continuous process vent is determined to be Group 1, the 
    nonepoxide organic HAP emissions are required to be reduced by using a 
    flare or by 98 weight-percent. As with batch vents, these requirements 
    are the same for new and existing affected sources.
        A continuous process vent is Group 1 if it has a flow rate greater 
    than or equal to 0.005 standard cubic meters per minute, a HAP 
    concentration greater than or equal to 50 ppmv, and a total resource 
    effectiveness (TRE) index value less than or equal to 1.0. The final 
    rule directly refers to the HON TRE equation in subpart G.
        c. Requirements for nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from catalyst 
    extraction. This provision only applies if a nonepoxide organic HAP is 
    used in the catalyst extraction process. The promulgated process vent 
    provisions require the owner or operator of existing affected sources 
    using epoxides to reduce the aggregate total nonepoxide organic HAP 
    emissions by 90 weight-percent from process vents associated with 
    catalyst extraction at new or existing affected sources. This is also 
    an aggregate emission reduction requirement for the PMPU. If a flare is 
    used to reduce these nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from all process 
    vents associated with catalyst extraction, then a demonstration of 90 
    weight-percent emission reduction is not required.
        Uncontrolled nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from continuous or 
    batch catalyst extraction unit operations are measured after the exit 
    from the continuous or batch unit operation, but before any recovery 
    devices; and controlled emissions are measured at the outlet of the 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device. Primary condensers operating 
    as reflux condensers are considered to be part of the unit operation 
    and are not considered to be recovery devices.
    2. Polyether Polyols That Use THF as a Reactant
        The promulgated rule directly references the HON process vent 
    provisions in subpart G for polyether polyols processes that use THF as 
    a reactant. These provisions require a Group 1/Group 2 determination. A 
    group 1 process vent is one with a flow rate greater than or equal to 
    0.005 standard cubic meters per minute, a HAP concentration greater 
    than or equal to 50 ppmv, and a TRE less than or equal to 1.0. Owners 
    or operators of Group 1 process vents at THF facilities are required to 
    either reduce organic HAP emissions by 98 weight-percent, maintain an 
    outlet concentration of 20 ppmv, or route emissions to a flare.
    3. Monitoring, Reporting, and Recordkeeping Provisions for Process 
        Monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping provisions necessary to 
    demonstrate compliance are also included in the process vent 
    provisions. Compliance with the monitoring provisions is based on 
    parametric monitoring of the combustion, recovery, or recapture device, 
    or monitoring of the process parameters if ECO is used to control 
    epoxide emissions.
    D. Wastewater Operations
        The final wastewater provisions in subpart PPP refer directly to 
    the HON wastewater provisions. Water that is discarded from a PMPU is 
    considered to be wastewater if the water has an annual average 
    concentration of organic HAP of 5 parts per million by weight (ppmw) or 
    greater and an annual average flow rate of 0.02 liters per minute 
    (0.0053 gallons per minute) or greater, or an annual average 
    concentration of organic HAP of at least 10,000 ppmw at any flow rate. 
    There are two types of wastewater: maintenance wastewater and process 
    wastewater. The requirements for each type of wastewater are discussed 
    1. Maintenance Wastewater
        The final rule directly incorporates the HON requirements in 
    Sec. 63.105 of subpart F for maintenance wastewater. The provisions of 
    Sec. 63.105 require owners or operators to prepare a description of 
    procedures that will be used to manage HAP-containing wastewater 
    created during maintenance activities and to implement these 
    2. Process Wastewater
        The final rule also directly incorporates HON provisions for 
    process wastewater, which are contained in Sec. 63.132 through 
    Sec. 63.149 of subpart G. These provisions employ a Group 1/Group 2 
    approach with Group 1 process wastewater streams requiring control. 
    However, subpart PPP does not incorporate the HON new source Group 1 
    process wastewater stream criteria. That is, the Group 1 process 
    wastewater stream criteria for new and existing affected sources are 
    equivalent to the HON existing source Group 1 criteria. These criteria 
    are as follows. A Group 1 wastewater stream is a wastewater stream with 
    a total annual average concentration of organic HAP greater than or 
    equal to 10,000 ppmw at any flow rate, or a total annual average 
    concentration greater than or equal to 1,000 ppmw and an annual average 
    flow rate greater than or equal to 10 liters per minute (2.6 gallons 
    per minute).
        An owner or operator may determine the organic HAP concentration 
    and flow rate of wastewater streams either (1) at the point of 
    determination (where the wastewater exits the PMPU); or (2) downstream 
    of the point of determination, provided that adjustments are made for 
    changes that occur to the stream from the point of determination to the 
    downstream location. Both the applicability determination and the Group 
    1/Group 2 determination must reflect the wastewater characteristics 
    before losses due to volatilization, a concentration differential due 
    to dilution, or a change in organic HAP concentration or flow rate due 
    to treatment.
        There are requirements for wastewater tanks, surface impoundments, 
    containers, individual drain systems, and oil/water separators that 
    handle Group 1 wastewater streams. These provisions require either that 
    specified measures be undertaken to suppress organic emissions from the 
    wastewater stream, or that emissions be vented to a control device.
        There are also treatment requirements for Group 1 wastewater 
    streams to reduce the organic HAP content in the wastewater prior to 
    placement in units without air emissions controls. There are a number 
    of treatment options for Group 1 wastewater streams. These include 
    reducing the total concentration of organic HAP to a level less than 50 
    ppmw, treating the stream in a steam stripper meeting specified design 
    criteria, reducing the organic HAP mass flow rate by 99 percent (or by 
    the fraction removed, or Fr, value for the HAP), achieving 
    the required mass
    [[Page 29426]]
    removal (RMR) for the HAP, achieve a RMR of 95 percent in a biological 
    treatment process, or treating the stream in a unit complying with 
    specified Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requirements. 
    Also, there is an exemption if the total source organic HAP mass flow 
    rate is less than 1 Mg/yr (1.1 tons/yr).
        The rule requires that inspections be conducted on waste management 
    units. It also requires that design steam strippers and biological 
    treatment units be monitored, along with control devices on waste 
    management units. The rule also contains extensive provisions outlining 
    how to demonstrate compliance, including reporting and recordkeeping 
    provisions. For more information regarding the wastewater provisions in 
    this final rule, consult the January 17, 1997 amendments to the HON (62 
    FR 2722).
    E. Equipment Leaks
        The equipment leak provisions in the promulgated rule refer 
    directly to the HON requirements contained in 40 CFR part 63, subpart 
    H. These final standards apply to equipment in organic HAP service for 
    300 or more hours per year that is associated with a PMPU, including 
    valves, pumps, connectors, compressors, pressure relief devices, open-
    ended valves or lines, sampling connection systems, instrumentation 
    systems, surge control vessels, bottoms receivers, and agitators. The 
    provisions also apply to closed-vent systems and combustion, recovery, 
    or recapture devices used to control emissions from any of the listed 
        The promulgated standard requires leak detection and repair (LDAR) 
    for pumps in light liquid service and for valves in gas or light liquid 
    service. The LDAR program involves a periodic check for organic vapor 
    leaks with a portable instrument using Method 21 of appendix A of part 
    60. If leaks are found, they must be repaired within a certain period 
    of time. These provisions contain programs where owners or operators 
    that have demonstrated success in eliminating leaking equipment can 
    increase the interval between leak inspections.
        The final rule also requires LDAR of connectors in gas or light 
    liquid service. The monitoring frequency for connectors is determined 
    by the percent leaking connectors in the process unit and the 
    consistency of performance.
        Subpart H also contains standards for compressors, open-ended 
    lines, pressure relief devices, and sampling connection systems. 
    Compressors are required to be controlled using a barrier-fluid seal 
    system, by a closed vent system to a combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    device, or must be demonstrated to have no leaks greater than 500 parts 
    per million (ppm) HAP. Sampling connections must be a closed-purge or 
    closed-loop system, or must be controlled using a closed vent system to 
    a combustion, recovery, or recapture device. Agitators must either be 
    monitored for leaks or use systems that are better designed such as 
    dual mechanical seals. Pumps, valves, connectors, and agitators in 
    heavy liquid service; instrumentation systems; and pressure relief 
    devices in liquid service are subject to instrumental monitoring only 
    if evidence of a potential leak is found through sight, sound, or 
    smell. Instrumentation systems consist of smaller pipes and tubing that 
    carry samples of process fluids to be analyzed to determine process 
    operating conditions or systems for measurement of process conditions.
        Surge control vessels and bottoms receivers are required to be 
    controlled using a closed vent system vented to a combustion, recovery, 
    or recapture device. However, the applicability of controls to surge 
    control vessels and bottoms receivers is based on the size of the 
    vessel and the vapor pressure of the contents. The criteria for 
    determining whether controls are required for surge control vessels and 
    bottoms receivers are the same as the criteria for determining whether 
    controls are required for storage vessels.
        The standards require certain records to demonstrate compliance 
    with the standard, and the records must be retained in a readily 
    accessible recordkeeping system. Subpart H requires that the following 
    records be maintained for equipment that would be subject to the 
    standards: records of testing associated with batch processes; design 
    specifications of closed vent systems and combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture devices; and test results from performance tests.
    F. Heat Exchangers
        The final standards for heat exchange systems directly refer to the 
    heat exchange provisions listed in subpart F of the HON at Sec. 63.104. 
    These provisions require that the owner or operator monitor heat 
    exchange systems for leaks and repair any leaks that are detected.
    G. General Testing Requirements
        Specific testing requirements related to each emission source type 
    are included in the applicable sections of the final rule. Section 
    63.1437 of the final rule addresses conditions for performance tests 
    and compliance determination procedures for flares.
        Section 63.1437 requires that performance testing be conducted 
    during maximum operating conditions for all emissions sources except 
    for process vents from batch unit operations. Tests for process vents 
    from batch unit operations are to be performed at worst-case 
        This section limits the time frame for the maximum operating and 
    worst-case conditions to either the 6-month period that ends 2 months 
    before the Notification of Compliance Status is due, or the 6-month 
    period that begins 3 months before the performance test and ends 3 
    months after the performance test. This section also indicates that 
    tests should not be performed under conditions that: (1) Cause damage 
    to equipment, (2) necessitate that product made does not meet an 
    existing specification for sale to a customer, (3) necessitate that 
    product made is in excess of demand, or (4) cause plant or testing 
    personnel to be subject to unsafe conditions.
        This section clarifies that a performance test is not required for 
    flares, and requires that a compliance determination be conducted for 
    flares in accordance with Sec. 63.11(b) of the General Provisions.
    H. Monitoring Levels and Excursions
        Specific monitoring requirements related to each emission source 
    type are included in the applicable sections of the final rule. Section 
    63.1438 of the final rule addresses the establishment of parameter 
    monitoring levels and excursions.
        This section specifies how parameter monitoring levels are to be 
    established. The three methods are: (1) To establish parameter levels 
    based exclusively on performance testing; (2) to establish parameter 
    monitoring levels based on performance tests, supplemented by 
    engineering assessments and/or manufacturer's recommendations; and (3) 
    to establish parameter monitoring levels based on engineering 
    assessments and/or manufacturer's recommendations.
        This section also provides definitions of excursions and how 
    excursions are related to compliance. Table 3 in this preamble 
    illustrates instances that are defined as excursions.
    [[Page 29427]]
                         Table 3.--Summary of Excursions
                                                           Description of
         Emission source type       Type of excursion        excursion
    Storage vessels, where          Daily average      When the daily
     continuous monitoring is        exceedance.        average of a
     required.                                          monitored parameter
                                                        is above the
                                                        maximum, or below
                                                        the minimum,
                                                        established level.
                                    Insufficient       Depends on the
                                     monitoring data.   monitoring plan.
    Storage vessels, where          If monitoring      When the average
     continuous monitoring is not    plan specifies     value of one or more
     required.                       monitoring a       parameters, averaged
                                     parameter, a       over the duration of
                                     filling period     the filling period
                                     exceedance.        for the storage
                                                        vessel, is above the
                                                        maximum level or
                                                        below the minimum
                                    If monitoring      When measured values
                                     plan specifies     are not available
                                     that a value       for at least 75
                                     must be recorded   percent of the
                                     at specific        specific intervals
                                     intervals,         at which parameters
                                     insufficient       are to be monitored
                                     monitoring data.   and recorded,
                                                        according to the
                                                        monitoring plan,
                                                        during the filling
                                                        period for the
                                                        storage vessel.
    Process wastewater streams,     [See the HON]....  [See the HON
     heat exchange systems, or                          Requirements.]
     equipment leaks.
    Continuous process vents using  Daily average      When the daily
     combustion, recovery, or        exceedance.        average of a
     recapture devices.                                 monitored parameter
                                                        is above the
                                                        maximum, or below
                                                        the minimum,
                                                        established level.
                                    Insufficient       Insufficient
                                     monitoring data.   monitoring data is
                                                        when an owner or
                                                        operator fails to
                                                        obtain a valid hour
                                                        of data for at least
                                                        75 percent of the
                                                        operating hours
                                                        during an operating
                                                        day. Four 15-minute
                                                        measurements must be
                                                        obtained to
                                                        constitute a valid
                                                        hour of data.
    Batch process vents using       Daily average      When the daily
     combustion, recovery, or        exceedance.        average of a
     recapture devices.                                 monitored parameter
                                                        is above the
                                                        maximum, or below
                                                        the minimum,
                                                        established level.
                                    Insufficient       Insufficient
                                     monitoring data.   monitoring data is
                                                        when an owner or
                                                        operator fails to
                                                        obtain valid
                                                        measurements for at
                                                        least 75 percent of
                                                        the 15-minute
                                                        periods during an
                                                        operating day.
    Process vents using ECO.......  Batch cycle        If time is monitored,
                                     parameter          when the time from
                                     exceedance.        the end of the
                                                        epoxide feed to the
                                                        end of an ECO is
                                                        shorter than the
                                                        minimum duration
                                                        established for the
                                                        product class.
                                                       If reactor partial
                                                        pressure is
                                                        monitored, when the
                                                        reactor epoxide
                                                        partial pressure at
                                                        the end of an ECO is
                                                        above the maximum
                                                        pressure established
                                                        for the product
                                                       If epoxide
                                                        concentration is
                                                        monitored, when the
                                                        concentration in the
                                                        reactor at the end
                                                        of an ECO is above
                                                        the maximum epoxide
                                                        established for the
                                                        product class.
        The owner or operator is allowed a certain number of ``excused'' 
    excursions. In the first semiannual period, the owner or operator is 
    allowed to excuse six excursions. This diminishes to one excused 
    excursion for each semiannual period after the sixth semiannual period.
        For each excursion that is not excused, the owner or operator is 
    deemed to be out of compliance with the provisions of the final rule. 
    If a condenser is used and temperature is the parameter monitored, or 
    if another recovery or recapture device is used and organic HAP 
    concentration is the parameter monitored, then the excursion is a 
    violation of the emission limitation. For all other parameter 
    monitoring situations, an excursion is a violation of the operating 
    I. General Provisions
        The final rule incorporates by reference the General Provisions in 
    subpart A as promulgated on March 13, 1994. However, the EPA is in the 
    process of drafting amendments to the General Provisions. After the 
    promulgation of the amendments to the General Provisions, the amended 
    General Provisions will be automatically considered to be incorporated 
    into this subpart. For that reason, as amendments are proposed for the 
    General Provisions, owners and operators are encouraged to comment on 
    how those amendments could potentially affect owners and operators 
    subject to subpart PPP of part 63.
        The final rule references the start-up, shutdown, and malfunction 
    plan requirements in Sec. 63.6(e)(3) of the General Provisions. The 
    start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan developed for each affected 
    source must describe procedures for operating and maintaining the 
    affected source during periods of start-up, shutdown, and malfunction, 
    and must describe procedures and a program for corrective action for 
    malfunctioning process and air pollution equipment used to comply with 
    this subpart.
    J. General Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
        Specific recordkeeping and reporting requirements related to each 
    emission source type are included in the applicable sections of the 
    final rule. Section 63.1439 of the final rule provides more general 
    reporting, recordkeeping, and testing requirements. The following are 
    the types of reports that must be submitted to the Administrator, as 
    appropriate: Initial Notification, Precompliance Report, Notification 
    of Compliance Status, Periodic Reports, and Other Reports. The 
    requirements for each of the types of reports are summarized below.
        Section 63.1434 of the final rule incorporates the reporting 
    requirements of subpart H. The subpart H reporting requirements include 
    an Initial Notification, a Notification of Compliance Status, and 
    Periodic Reports. The information required by subpart H should be 
    submitted along with the information specified in subpart PPP for the 
    applicable report.
    1. Initial Notification
        For existing sources, the Initial Notification is required to be 
    submitted June 1, 2000. For new sources, the due date is dependent on 
    the date of initial start-up date. The Initial Notification must 
    include the following information:
        a. The name and address of the owner or operator.
    [[Page 29428]]
        b. The address (i.e., physical location) of the affected source.
        c. An identification of the relevant standard, or other 
    requirement, that is the basis of the notification and the source's 
    compliance date.
        d. An identification of the kinds of emission points within the 
    affected source.
        e. A statement of whether or not the affected source is a major 
    2. Precompliance Report
        Affected sources making one or more of the following requests must 
    submit a Precompliance Report 1 year before their compliance date: (1) 
    Requesting an extension for compliance; (2) requesting approval to use 
    alternative monitoring parameters, alternative continuous monitoring 
    and recordkeeping, or alternative controls; (3) requesting approval to 
    incorporate a provision for ceasing to collect monitoring data, during 
    a start-up, shutdown, or malfunction, into the start-up, shutdown, and 
    malfunction plan, when that monitoring equipment would be damaged if it 
    did not cease to collect monitoring data; or (4) requesting to 
    establish parameter monitoring levels based on engineering assessments 
    and manufacturing recommendations. Supplements to the Precompliance 
    Report may also be submitted after the due date of the Precompliance 
    Report, if the owner or operator finds it necessary to clarify or 
    modify information previously submitted under the original 
    Precompliance Report. In addition, the final rule provides that, unless 
    the Administrator has objected to a request made in the Precompliance 
    Report or a supplement to the Precompliance Report within 45 days of 
    its receipt, the request shall be automatically deemed ``approved.''
        An owner or operator who submits an operating permit application 
    may submit the information specified in the Precompliance Report, as 
    applicable, with the operating permit application, in addition to any 
    other information required to be included in the operating permit 
    3. Notification of Compliance Status
        The Notification of Compliance Status is required to be submitted 
    within 150 days after the source's compliance date. The information 
    required to show compliance for each emission point must be included in 
    the Notification of Compliance Status. Such information includes, but 
    is not limited to, results of any performance tests, design analyses, 
    and parameter monitoring levels for each emission point and supporting 
    data for the designated level.
    4. Periodic Reports
        Generally, Periodic Reports are required to be submitted 
    semiannually. However, if a combustion, recovery, or recapture device 
    for a particular emission point or process section has more than the 
    excused number of excursions, or if the regulatory authority requests 
    it of the owner or operator, quarterly reports may be required for 1 
    year for that emission point. After 1 year, semiannual reporting may be 
    resumed, if no additional excursions occur.
        The Periodic Report must report when excursions occur, as well as 
    results of any performance tests conducted during the reporting period. 
    For equipment leaks, Periodic Reports must contain summary information 
    on the LDAR program, changes in monitoring frequency or monitoring 
    alternatives, and/or initiation of a quality improvement program (QIP).
    5. Other Reports
        Other reports required under the final rule include: (1) Reports of 
    process changes that change the compliance status of process vents; (2) 
    reports of changes to the primary product of a PMPU or process unit 
    that becomes a PMPU as a result of the change; (3) reports of the 
    addition of a new PMPU or emission point (other than an equipment 
    leak); (4) reports of reconstruction or new source construction; (5) 
    requests for approval to use alternative monitoring parameters, 
    alternative continuous monitoring or recordkeeping, or alternative 
    controls; and (5) requests for extensions of the allowable repair 
    period and notifications of inspections for storage vessels and 
    IV. Control Technology Basis of the Standard
        The rule requirements are based on the MACT floor level of control 
    for the following emission types for polyether polyols made with 
    epoxides: storage vessels, process vent epoxide emissions, process vent 
    nonepoxide emissions from catalyst extraction, and equipment leaks. The 
    Agency selected requirements more stringent than the floor for 
    wastewater emissions and for nonepoxide organic HAP process vent 
    emissions from making or modifying the product. For polyether polyols 
    made with THF, the Agency selected requirements more stringent than the 
    MACT floor level of control for all of the emission types (i.e., 
    storage, process vent emissions, equipment leaks and wastewater). These 
    MACT control levels have not changed since the September 4, 1997 
    proposal (62 FR 46804).
        The HON control basis establishes MACT for both polyether polyols 
    made with epoxides and polyether polyols made with THF, although for 
    polyether polyols made with THF, the HON control level is above the 
    floor. The only exception to this HON control basis is where control 
    levels established in the ``Control of Volatile Organic Compound 
    Emissions From Batch Processes--Alternative Control Techniques 
    Information Document,'' Document No. EPA-453/R-94-020 (i.e., the Batch 
    ACT), are the above the floor control basis for process vents from 
    batch unit operations.
        The HON level of control establishes the basis for MACT for this 
    standard because the continuous unit operations in polyether polyols 
    manufacturing plants are fairly similar to the process units at sources 
    that are subject to the HON. Given the similarity of PMPUs to process 
    units subject to the HON and the fact that the HON level of control had 
    received extensive evaluation during the development of the HON, the 
    EPA concluded that the cost and other impacts of the HON levels were 
    representative of those that could be expected for the polyether 
    polyols production industry. The estimated cost effectiveness for the 
    Batch ACT was determined to be comparable to the cost effectiveness of 
    the HON continuous vent provisions and is expected to be comparable to 
    the cost effectiveness of the process vent requirements in this final 
    V. Summary of Impacts
        The impacts discussed in this section are presented relative to a 
    baseline reflecting the level of control in the absence of the rule. 
    See the baseline emissions memorandum in the Supplementary Information 
    Document for Proposed Standards (EPA-453/R-97-010c, May 1997) for a 
    detailed discussion of this approach. The impacts for existing sources 
    were estimated by bringing each facility's control level up to the 
    levels of the standards. According to industry representatives, no new 
    sources were projected to be constructed in the next 5 years. 
    Therefore, no new source impacts were estimated.
    A. Air Impacts
        These promulgated standards are estimated to reduce HAP emissions 
    from all existing sources of polyether polyols by 1,810 Mg/yr (2,000 
    tons/yr). This represents a 47 percent reduction from the baseline 
    level of emissions. This reduction is relatively low, since
    [[Page 29429]]
    several affected facilities have already installed stringent pollution 
    controls in response to State air toxics rules.
    B. Other Environmental Impacts
        All the HAP being reduced by this regulation are also volatile 
    organic compounds (VOC); thus, a reduction of 1,810 Mg/yr (2,000 tons/
    yr) of VOC is anticipated as a result of implementing these standards. 
    However, emissions of other criteria pollutants are estimated to 
    increase by 80 Mg/yr (88 tons/yr) as a result of operating process vent 
    and wastewater emission control systems to comply with the standards. 
    Therefore, the net reduction in criteria pollutants resulting from this 
    regulation is anticipated to be 1,730 Mg/yr (1,900 tons/yr).
    C. Energy Impacts
        The total nationwide energy demands that will result from 
    implementing the process vent and wastewater requirements are around 
    4.7  x  10 \10\ British thermal units annually (Btu/yr).
    D. Cost Impacts
        Cost impacts include the capital costs of new control equipment, 
    the cost of energy (supplemental fuel, steam, and electricity) required 
    to operate control equipment, operation and maintenance costs, and the 
    cost savings generated by reducing the loss of valuable raw materials 
    in the form of emissions. Also, cost impacts include the costs of 
    monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting associated with these 
    promulgated standards.
        Under the final rule, it is estimated that total capital costs for 
    existing sources will be $10.2 million (August 1996 dollars) and that 
    total annual costs will be $7.7 million per year. The actual compliance 
    cost impacts of the final rule could be less than estimated, due to the 
    potential to use common combustion, recovery, or recapture devices, 
    upgrade existing combustion, recovery, or recapture devices, use other 
    less expensive control technologies, or implement pollution prevention. 
    Because the effect of such practices is highly site-specific and data 
    were unavailable to estimate how often the lower cost compliance 
    practices could be utilized, it is not possible to quantify the amount 
    by which actual compliance costs will be reduced.
    E. Economic Impacts
        The goal of the economic impact analysis (EPA Document No. EPA-453/
    R-97-013, May 1997) is to estimate the market response of the polyether 
    polyols industry to the emission standards and determine any adverse 
    effects that may result from the regulation. Approximately 78 
    facilities owned by 36 different companies producing polyether polyols 
    domestically may potentially be affected by the regulation.
        Since the nationwide annualized cost of this regulation of $7.7 
    million represents approximately 0.06 percent of the estimated 1996 
    sales revenues for domestically produced polyether polyols, the EPA 
    determined that the regulation is not likely to have a significant 
    economic impact on this industry as a whole. For this reason, a 
    streamlined economic analysis was performed to determine facility-
    specific impacts. Facility-specific impacts were examined by 
    calculating the ratio of the estimated annualized costs of controls for 
    each facility to the estimated revenues per facility (i.e., cost-to-
    sales ratio) to assess the likelihood of facility closures and 
    employment impacts. A cost-to-sales ratio exceeding 1 percent was 
    determined to be an initial indicator of the potential for a 
    significant facility impact.
        Costs exceeded 1 percent of sales for only one facility out of the 
    78 facilities affected by the regulation. This firm is estimated to 
    potentially experience a cost-to-sales ratio of 1.5 percent. Based on 
    an analysis of the costs of compliance compared to facility and company 
    financial data for this firm, the EPA concluded that it was unlikely 
    that the company owning this facility would choose to close it. The 
    company is financially robust and the costs are a small share of the 
    total company sales and net income. Therefore, the facility-specific 
    impacts are not considered to be significant for any facility affected 
    by this promulgated regulation. The generally small scale of the 
    impacts suggests that there will also be no significant impacts on 
    markets for the products made using polyether polyols, such as 
    polyurethanes. For more information, consult the economic impact report 
    entitled ``Economic Analysis Of Air Pollution Regulations: Polyether 
    Polyols Production, May 1997'' in the docket for today's rule.
    VI. Significant Comments and Changes to the Proposed Standards
        Comments on the proposed rule were received from industry and trade 
    organizations. A detailed discussion of these comments and responses 
    can be found in the Basis and Purpose Document for the Final Standards 
        There were a number of comments submitted that were considered to 
    be significant by the EPA. These significant comments covered many 
    aspects of the rule. The Agency's review of the significant issues 
    raised by the commenters resulted in changes to the proposed rule in 
    many instances. This section summarizes the significant comments raised 
    and provides the EPA's response.
    A. Primary Product Determination
        One commenter expressed confusion over aspects of the primary 
    product determination in the proposed rule, particularly the provision 
    that specified how a non-PMPU could become a PMPU after the initial 
    determination based on actual production. The EPA agrees that this 
    portion of the proposed primary product provisions needed 
    clarification. In fact, the EPA conducted an overall review of the 
    proposed primary product provisions, and concluded that several 
    structural and clarifying changes were needed. In addition, the EPA 
    noted some potential situations that could occur that were not 
    addressed in the proposed provisions.
        The specific concern raised by the commenter was addressed by 
    clearly stipulating how owners or operators of non-PMPUs are to 
    determine whether they have become subject to the rule after the 
    initial primary product determination. The final rule specifies that 
    non-PMPUs that have produced polyether polyols in the past 5 years are 
    to annually re-determine the primary product using actual production 
    values. The rule also specifies how a non-PMPU process unit is to 
    determine the primary product if it has not produced polyether polyols 
    in the past 5 years, but plans to produce polyether polyols in the 
        The proposed provisions required that initial primary product 
    determination be based on a 5-year prediction of anticipated production 
    by the owner or operator. The EPA is aware that, in some instances, the 
    owner or operator may not be able to make such a prediction. 
    Clarifications and/or revisions were made to the primary product 
    provisions to address this situation. First, in the initial 
    determination, the time frame for which production must be anticipated 
    for new process units was changed to 1 year. Also, provisions were 
    added for owners or operators that cannot determine their primary 
    product based on anticipated 5-year (or 1-year) production. To 
    summarize, if polyether polyols have been produced in an existing 
    process unit for 5 percent or greater of the time since September 4, 
    1997, then the process unit is designated as a PMPU and is subject to 
    the existing source provisions of subpart PPP. For new process units, 
    if polyether polyols will be produced at any time during the first
    [[Page 29430]]
    year of production, then the unit is a PMPU and is subject to the new 
    source provisions of subpart PPP.
        In addition to the provisions discussed above that specify how non-
    PMPUs are to determine if they become PMPUs (i.e., subject to subpart 
    PPP), the EPA has also clarified and expanded the provisions that 
    specify how the PMPU designation can be removed from a process unit. 
    The first case, which is retained from the proposed rule, is where 
    production of polyether polyols ceases and the owner or operator does 
    not anticipate the production of polyether polyols in the future. Also, 
    the EPA has added provisions that specify procedures for a primary 
    product reevaluation based on actual production. If an owner or 
    operator of a PMPU finds that another product has been produced for a 
    greater amount of time than polyether polyols over a specified time 
    period (previous 5 years or since beginning the production of polyether 
    polyols), then the PMPU designation could possibly be removed. The 
    stipulation is that production of the ``new'' primary product must make 
    the process unit subject to another part 63 NESHAP. If the new primary 
    product is not subject to another part 63 NESHAP and polyether polyols 
    continue to be produced, the process unit continues to be classified as 
    a PMPU and continues to be subject to subpart PPP.
        The EPA has also added provisions addressing the determination of 
    the primary product in situations where two or more products are 
    produced simultaneously. Also, clarifications were made in the 
    reporting and recordkeeping requirements associated with the primary 
    product determination. A more in-depth explanation of the primary 
    product determination procedures in Sec. 63.1420(e) can be found in the 
    preamble to the proposed amendments to the Polymers and Resins I and IV 
    NESHAP (64 FR 11563). The primary product provisions in Sec. 63.1420(e) 
    mirror those proposed in Secs. 63.480(f) and 63.1310(f).
    B. Definition of ``Polyether Polyol''
        In the proposed rule a ``Polyether Polyol'' was defined as:
    * * * a compound formed through the polymerization of ethylene oxide 
    (EO) or propylene oxide (PO) or other cyclic ethers with compounds 
    having one or more reactive hydrogens (i.e., a hydrogen atom bonded 
    to nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, etc.) to form polyethers. 
    This definition excludes materials regulated under the HON, such as 
    glycols and glycol ethers.
        One commenter requested that the EPA revise the definition of 
    ``polyether polyol'' to clarify that the production of typical 
    alkanolamines, which lack repeating ether units, is not regulated under 
    subpart PPP. Another commenter explained that hydroxy ethyl cellulose 
    is formed through the reaction of EO on cellulose polymer molecules. 
    This commenter requested that the EPA clarify whether hydroxy ethyl 
    cellulose manufacturing is included or excluded from the definition of 
    ``polyether polyol.''
        The EPA has revised the definition of ``polyether polyol'' in the 
    final rule addressing both of these issues by excluding the production 
    of hydroxy ethyl cellulose and by specifying that a polyether must have 
    two or more ether bonds.
    C. Definition of ``Process Vent''
        The definition of ``process vent'' in the proposed rule did not 
    include any cutoffs based on the flow or HAP concentration of the 
    process vent. One commenter was concerned that the definition of 
    ``process vent'' did not have a de minimis cutoff, as does the 
    definition of ``process vent'' in the HON. The cutoff suggested by the 
    commenter (0.005 weight-percent total organic HAP) has been 
    incorporated into the final definition of a process vent, for process 
    vents from continuous unit operations. This decision was based on the 
    fact that the EPA considers it to be impractical to impose requirements 
    for process vent streams with such low HAP concentrations (less than 
    0.005 weight percent organic HAP). For similar reasons, a de minimis 
    cutoff for process vents from batch unit operations was also added in 
    the final rule. In the Polymers and Resins I and IV NESHAP, the batch 
    process vent definition contains a de minimis cutoff of 225 kg/yr 
    uncontrolled HAP emissions. The EPA believes that this level is also an 
    appropriate de minimis level for process vents from batch unit 
    operations in the polyether polyols industry.
    D. Outlet Concentration Limit as an Alternative Epoxide Process Vent 
    Emission Limit for New Sources
        The proposed rule did not include a concentration limit as an 
    alternative epoxide process vent emission limit for new sources. The 
    preamble to the proposed rule solicited comments on this subject, to 
    which four commenters responded. All four recommended a 20 ppmv 
    alternative concentration limit. The commenters indicated that the 
    preambles for the New Source Performance Standards for VOC Emissions 
    from Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) 
    Distillation Operations (40 CFR part 60, subpart NNN), and the HON (40 
    CFR part 63, subpart G) provided rationales for a 20 ppmv limitation 
    that also are applicable to the polyether polyols rule.
        In subpart NNN's preamble (48 FR 48932, October 21, 1983), the EPA 
    stated that the outlet concentration of 20 ppmv was established based 
    on kinetic calculations of incinerators. It was demonstrated that, at a 
    given temperature and residence time, a stream with a low inlet 
    concentration could not demonstrate an outlet concentration below 20 
    ppmv. In the preamble to the proposed amendments to the HON (61 FR 
    43698, August 26, 1996), the EPA expanded the application of this lower 
    bound concentration performance standard to control/recovery devices 
    other than incinerators. In the HON preamble, the EPA explained that 
    recovery devices are designed to typically reduce emissions to the same 
    outlet concentration level given a relatively wide range of inlet 
    concentrations. When the inlet concentration is substantially below the 
    design maximum leading conditions (and begins to approach the residual 
    level in the outlet stream), the recovery device efficiency will 
        The EPA agrees that the rationales for the 20 ppmv concentration 
    limit provided in the preambles discussed above are also applicable to 
    subpart PPP. Further, the technological limitations that form the basis 
    for this alternative 20 ppmv limit are applicable to combustion, 
    recovery, and recapture devices that may be used at existing affected 
    sources or new affected sources. Therefore, the EPA believes it is 
    appropriate to also allow this alternative for new sources.
        Therefore, the final rule contains an alternative concentration 
    limit of 20 ppmv for both new and existing sources. This concentration 
    is measured at the outlet of the combustion, recovery, or recapture 
        Another commenter advocated that the alternative 20 ppmv 
    concentration limit should apply more broadly to process vents that do 
    not utilize a combustion, recovery, or recapture device to reduce 
    epoxide emissions. The examples provided by the commenter included 
    vents from equipment practicing a very long ECO or vents from equipment 
    where the epoxide content is very low and emissions are very small.
        As discussed above, the lower outlet concentration limit recognizes 
    that there is a lower outlet concentration boundary, below which 
    combustion, recapture and control devices cannot achieve. The EPA 
    understands that the outlet concentration after ECO may be
    [[Page 29431]]
    as low as that after a combustion, recovery, or recapture device. 
    However, this is not based on technological limitations of ECO, as is 
    the basis for the 20 ppmv concentration limit for combustion, recovery, 
    and recapture devices. Therefore, the EPA believes that allowing the 20 
    ppmv concentration limit for ECO is not appropriate.
        Further, the EPA does not believe that it is appropriate to use 
    this alternative concentration requirement as a de minimis cutoff for 
    vents where the epoxide content is very low and emissions are very 
    small. The EPA believes that the HAP concentration and emission de 
    minimis cutoffs in definition of the process vent (discussed above in 
    Section V.C) adequately address these vents.
        Finally, the proposed existing source concentration limit was 20 
    ppmv of total epoxides. Other rules, such as the HON, allow the option 
    of determining outlet concentration limits on a TOC basis. In many 
    instances in the polyether polyols industry, the EPA believes that all 
    the TOC in the emission stream will be epoxides, making the TOC and 
    epoxide concentration equivalent. In fact, if there were other TOC in 
    the stream, compliance with a 20 ppmv TOC limit would mean that the 
    epoxide concentration would necessarily be less than 20 ppmv. For these 
    reasons, the EPA believes that having the alternative concentration 
    limits based on total epoxides or TOC is appropriate for this rule. As 
    discussed later in Section V.J, the EPA decided to allow Method 25A 
    (which is designed to measure TOC) to determine compliance with the 
    alternative concentration limits.
    E. Flares as a Reference Control Technology
        Two commenters requested that the EPA allow flares as a reference 
    control technology for process vents at existing and new sources. The 
    EPA agreed with the commenters that flares are an acceptable reference 
    control technology for situations where the required organic HAP 
    emission reduction is 98 percent or less. The final rule allows flares 
    as a reference control technology for epoxide process vent emissions at 
    existing sources, for Group 1 nonepoxide organic HAP process vent 
    emissions at new and existing sources, and for nonepoxide organic HAP 
    process vent emissions from catalyst extraction at new and existing 
    sources. However, the data presented by the commenters do not support a 
    destruction efficiency of 99.9 percent for flares combusting EO and PO, 
    which is the equivalent percent reduction efficiency for the epoxide 
    process vent limitation for new sources. Therefore, the EPA cannot 
    allow flares as a reference control technology for epoxide process vent 
    emissions at new sources.
    F. Group Determination on an Individual Process Vent Basis for 
    Nonepoxide Organic HAP Emissions From Making or Modifying the Product
        In addition to the use of epoxides reactants, some polyether polyol 
    producers use organic HAP as initiators, solvents, viscosity adjusters, 
    or in other ways to provide special properties to the final products. 
    To address emissions of these nonepoxide organic HAP, the proposed rule 
    contained requirements for ``nonepoxide organic HAP used in making or 
    modifying the product.'' To determine whether control of these 
    nonepoxide organic HAP emissions was required, the proposed rule used a 
    ``group'' applicability approach, where vents that were classified as 
    Group 1 were required to be controlled by 90 percent. The proposed rule 
    required that the group determination be performed on an aggregate 
    basis. That is, the stream characteristics for all process vents from 
    continuous unit operations within the PMPU that were associated with 
    the use of the nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product 
    were combined and the group criteria applied to the theoretical 
    combined stream. Similarly, the batch vent group determined was on an 
    aggregate basis.
        Two commenters raised the point that the equations and other 
    criteria for deciding whether a vent is Group 1 or Group 2 were based 
    on cost-effectiveness decisions related to controlling individual 
    process vents, and that those equations were borrowed from other rules, 
    where they were applied on an individual vent basis. The commenters 
    requested that owners or operators have the option of making the group 
    determinations for nonepoxide process vents on a vent-by-vent basis, 
    rather than being required to do the group determination for the 
    combination of all process vents.
        The EPA agrees with the statement that the Group 1 criteria are 
    essentially cost-effectiveness decisions. The group determination 
    criteria in other MACT standards, specifically the HON (for process 
    vents from continuous unit operations) and Polymers and Resins I and IV 
    (for process vents from batch unit operations), are based on cost 
    effectiveness. Prior to proposal, the EPA concluded that the cost-
    effectiveness based group criteria from the HON and the Polymers and 
    Resins rules were also appropriate measures of the cost effectiveness 
    of controlling process vent streams at polyether polyols facilities, 
    given the similarities in the process vent stream parameters between 
    the affected industries. Therefore, these group determination criteria 
    were borrowed for the proposed subpart PPP. However, the EPA does 
    recognize that in all three of the rules cited above, the group 
    determination is applied to individual process vents.
        The EPA agrees that the TRE index approach was developed for, and 
    has been applied to, individual vents. The EPA further agrees that 
    applying the TRE approach to the combination of process vents from 
    continuous unit operations in a PMPU is not appropriate without 
    conducting an analysis to validate the equations for the combination of 
    vents, or developing new equations. Rather than take this approach, the 
    EPA has decided, in the final rule, to apply the Group 1 criteria for 
    process vents from continuous unit operations that use nonepoxide 
    organic HAP to make or modify the product to individual process vents.
        For process vents from batch unit operations that use nonepoxide 
    organic HAP to make or modify the product, the Group 1 equations are 
    the same equations employed in the Polymers and Resins I and IV MACT 
    standards (40 CFR part 63, subparts U and JJJ, respectively). The EPA 
    agrees with the commenters that in these polymers and resins standards, 
    the Group criteria are applied to individual vents. However, unlike the 
    TRE for process vents from continuous unit operations, the group 
    determination approach that is used in subparts U, JJJ, and PPP, was 
    originally developed to be used for either individual vents or the 
    combination of vents.
        The original source of the batch vent group determination approach 
    is the Batch ACT document. On page 7-5 of that document, the EPA states 
    ``The control option requirements presented in Chapter 6 apply to (1) 
    individual batch VOC process vents to which the annual mass emissions 
    and average flowrate cutoffs are applied directly, and (2) aggregated 
    VOC process vents for which a singular annual mass emission total and 
    average flowrate cutoff value is calculated and for which the option is 
    applied across an aggregate of sources.'' Therefore, for process vents 
    from batch unit operations, the EPA disagrees with the statements that 
    the group determination equations are being used ``in a totally 
    different context'' and that there is no supporting rationale for using 
    them. The final rule retains the requirement that the Group criteria be 
    applied to the nonepoxide organic HAP
    [[Page 29432]]
    emissions from the combination of process vents from batch unit 
    operations associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or 
    modify the product.
    G. Possibility of Dual Controls for Nonepoxide Organic HAP Emissions 
    From Making or Modifying the Product
        As discussed above, the proposed rule required group determinations 
    for the nonepoxide organic HAP process vent emissions from making or 
    modifying the product. One commenter pointed out that the proposed rule 
    was not clear about when and where to make this group determination. 
    The commenter also noted that a process vent that uses a control 
    technique for epoxides only (e.g., a scrubber or ECO) would require a 
    second control technique for the nonepoxide organic HAP emissions.
        The EPA considered the commenter's points and the options suggested 
    by the commenter. The final rule requires that the group determination 
    for nonepoxide organic HAP emissions be made after the stream has been 
    controlled for the epoxide emissions. The EPA believes that this 
    approach addresses the situation regarding the possibility of dual 
    control. If the epoxide control device also reduces nonepoxide 
    emissions, then that control would impact whether the vent (or group of 
    batch vents) is Group 1. Therefore, control of nonepoxide emissions 
    along with the epoxides will impact whether controls are required at 
    all. If the vent (or group of vents) still has sufficient nonepoxide 
    organic HAP emissions after the epoxide control device to satisfy the 
    Group 1 criteria, the EPA does not believe it is unreasonable to 
    require an additional control device to achieve the specified percent 
    reduction of the nonepoxide emissions.
    H. Worst-Case Testing Requirements
        The proposed rule required that performance tests for process vents 
    be conducted during worst-case operating conditions for the process. 
    Four commenters requested that this requirement be deleted from the 
        Worst-case testing requirements were not deleted from the final 
    rule, but were revised. The EPA's reason for requiring compliance 
    testing under worst-case conditions is so that the reduction efficiency 
    of the control device is documented under the most challenging 
    conditions for that control device, especially since commenters noted 
    how difficult it is to represent a typical venting episode. The phrase 
    ``worst-case'' in the proposed rule referred to the operating 
    conditions of the process (or PMPU). The worst-case testing requirement 
    has been revised to require testing during the worst-case conditions 
    with respect to the combustion, recovery, or recapture (i.e., control) 
        Presumably, the control device should function as well or better 
    under conditions that are not as challenging. By revising the rule to 
    require testing during the worst-case conditions with respect to the 
    control device, continuous monitoring of operating parameters 
    established during the test provides a reasonable measure of continuous 
    compliance with the efficiency requirement under all conditions.
        The commenters asserted that there is no obvious technological 
    difference that would require a different approach to performance 
    testing in this rule from other regulations that have allowed 
    performance tests during representative operating conditions. The EPA 
    disagrees with the commenters' rationale. The EPA believes that there 
    are obvious technological differences from the polyether polyols 
    industry to industries previously regulated (particularly SOCMI type 
    industries) since polyether polyols are produced on a batch basis. 
    There is much more variance in the process vent parameters (i.e., flow 
    and concentration) for process vent streams from batch unit operations, 
    compared to process vents from continuous unit operations. In fact, 
    this point was stressed by commenters. The EPA believes that it is more 
    appropriate to compare the requirements of this rule with other rules 
    that also regulate industries that operate on a batch basis. For this 
    rule, the EPA not only compared the worst-case testing conditions with 
    other rules regulating batch processes, but adopted similar language to 
    that which is contained in the Pharmaceutical Production NESHAP (40 CFR 
    part 63, subpart GGG).
        The EPA would like to clarify a misconception related to these 
    worst-case testing provisions. It is not the intent that production 
    schedules be significantly altered, or that impractical scenarios be 
    created for testing that would never occur in actual production. In 
    other words, the EPA intends that testing be conducted for the worst-
    case situation that can reasonably be expected to occur during normal 
    production. In order to clarify this intent, the EPA has added language 
    in Sec. 63.1438, the general testing section of the rule. This new 
    language specifies that absolute worst case testing conditions does not 
    include situations that could cause damage to equipment, situations 
    that necessitate that the owner or operator make products that do not 
    meet an existing specification for sale to a customer, or situations 
    that necessitate that the owner or operator make products in excess of 
        The added language in Sec. 63.1438 also specifies the time period 
    in which the worst-case conditions are to be determined. This time 
    period is either the 6-month period that ends 2 months before the 
    Notification of Compliance Status is due, or the 6-month period that 
    begins 3 months before the performance test and ends 3 months after the 
    performance test. By limiting the worst-case conditions to one of these 
    6-month periods, the rule eliminates the need for an owner or operator 
    to consider endless possible production scenarios, and allows them to 
    focus on those production scenarios in the 6-month period selected by 
    the owner or operator.
        In conclusion, the EPA believes that requiring that performance 
    tests for process vents from batch unit operations during absolute 
    worst-case conditions is necessary to ensure that the emission 
    limitations in the rule are achieved. The EPA also believes that, with 
    the modifications to the rule made after proposal, that the worst-case 
    provisions are reasonable and workable for the polyether polyols 
    I. Engineering Calculations as an Alternative to Performance Testing
        Three commenters voiced concern over the feasibility, accuracy, 
    expense, and safety of measuring emissions from process vents from 
    batch unit operations. The commenters stated that a performance test on 
    these short duration, variable vents is likely to be very inaccurate 
    and potentially dangerous. Two of the commenters recommended that a 
    material balance based on common engineering calculations should be 
    allowed in the final rule as a compliance demonstration option. The 
    commenters stated that engineering calculations would provide a more 
    accurate, less costly, and significantly safer means to verify 
        The EPA recognizes that there are issues related to the 
    feasibility, accuracy, and expense of testing process vents from batch 
    unit operations. The EPA would refer readers to Section 7.3 of the 
    Batch ACT for a detailed discussion of these issues. However, the EPA 
    does believe that accurate emission tests can be conducted for these 
    process vents.
        One reason that the EPA has historically required performance 
    testing for control devices that reduce emissions from process vents, 
    when engineering analyses are allowed for
    [[Page 29433]]
    other emission sources (such as storage vessels), is that emissions 
    from process vents are typically significantly larger than those from 
    other emission sources. When emissions are larger, the EPA believes 
    that it is important that the effectiveness of the control device be 
    accurately determined by a performance test.
        Given that the magnitude of the emissions was a part of the basis 
    for requiring performance tests, the EPA believes that it is reasonable 
    to allow an alternative to performance testing for a process vent 
    control device if emissions being routed to the device are comparable 
    to the emissions that would be vented to control devices for other 
    emission sources for which performance tests are not required. 
    Therefore, the EPA decided that engineering assessments could be 
    allowed in lieu of performance testing for ``small'' control devices 
    that reduce HAP emissions from process vents. For the Pharmaceutical 
    Production NESHAP, the EPA also determined that it was appropriate to 
    allow engineering calculations as an alternative to performance testing 
    for small control devices, where a small control device is defined as 
    one with uncontrolled annual HAP emissions of less than 10 tons/yr (9.1 
    Mg/yr). The EPA believes that this level of uncontrolled emissions is 
    also appropriate to define a small control device for the polyether 
    polyols industry. Therefore, the final rule allows the use of a design 
    evaluation instead of a performance test if the control device receives 
    less than 10 tons/yr (9.1 Mg/yr) uncontrolled emissions from one or 
    more PMPUs.
        The exemption from performance testing for small control devices 
    discussed above should help to alleviate some of the concerns raised by 
    the commenters. Many of the concerns related to the feasibility, 
    accuracy, and expense of testing these batch vents are due to the short 
    duration, variable nature of batch venting episodes. The EPA believes 
    that if a control device receives more than 10 tons/yr (9.1 Mg/yr) of 
    uncontrolled HAP emissions, it is likely that the vent streams being 
    routed to the device are of longer duration and less variable, thus 
    making it easier to conduct the performance test.
        However, the EPA also recognizes that the small control device 
    exemption will not totally eliminate the concerns raised by the 
    commenters. Therefore, the EPA made other changes to the testing 
    requirements to address potential problems related to the testing of 
    batch process vents, which are briefly discussed below.
        Since batch emission episodes can be less than 1 hour, the rule was 
    changed to specify that test runs be conducted for the complete 
    duration of the batch venting episode or 1 hour, whichever is less. 
    Other references to 1-hour periods were also removed.
        The proposed rule required the use of Method 1 or 1A to select 
    sampling sites. Commenters claimed that, in many instances, neither 
    method would be appropriate for the batch vent streams. The rule was 
    restructured by separating the paragraph addressing the use of Method 1 
    or 1A for sample or velocity traverses from the paragraphs specifying 
    the sampling site location. In other words, if the owner or operator 
    conducts a sample or velocity traverse, the final rule requires that 
    Method 1 or 1A be used. However, it does not require that these methods 
    be used to select sampling sites.
        With regard to the safety issue, the final rule states that, in 
    cases where it is imperative to limit any leakage of emissions into the 
    work atmosphere, a sampling port with a double seal should be installed 
    so that the probe can be inserted and removed without any leakage of 
    exhaust gas into the work atmosphere. Further, the final rule requires 
    that permanent sampling ports be installed at the inlet to the control 
    device during a period when it is most convenient (or least disruptive) 
    to shut the process down (e.g., during a scheduled maintenance outage). 
    In addition to these specific requirements, a general requirement was 
    added that allows owners or operators to eliminate potential testing 
    scenarios if the test could create a situation which could cause plant 
    or testing personnel to be subject to unsafe conditions.
        In conclusion, the EPA acknowledges that issues exist with regard 
    to the testing of emissions from batch process units. Changes have been 
    made to the final rule to address these issues. However, the Agency 
    maintains that numerous other industries that utilize batch processes 
    are regulated by MACT standards, and are able to conduct performance 
    tests. The EPA believes that the commenters did not provide sufficient 
    rationale why the polyether polyols industry presents unique testing 
    problems that are not present in these other industries that utilize 
    batch processes. Therefore, the final rule requires that control 
    devices that receive more than 10 tons/yr (9.1 Mg/yr) of uncontrolled 
    organic HAP emissions conduct tests to demonstrate control device 
    J. Allowable Test Methods for Control Efficiency Determinations
        The proposed rule required test Method 18 (40 CFR part 60, appendix 
    A), or any other method or data that have been validated according to 
    Method 301 (40 CFR part 63, appendix A) for control device efficiency 
    determinations. Three commenters noted that this requirement was 
    inconsistent with the test methods used by the facility whose data 
    established the new source MACT floor for epoxide process vent 
    emissions (Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, was used). These 
    commenters also discussed the expense of Method 301 validations, and 
    noted that the proposed rule relied on Method 25A in other parts of the 
    rule (for wastewater), and that other rules (such as the Polymers and 
    Resins IV rule) allow Method 25A without Method 301 validation.
        The EPA agrees that allowing of the use of Method 25A would provide 
    more flexibility, and potentially provide the opportunity for less 
    costly testing. However, the EPA believes that Method 25A should be 
    used only after an accurate response factor has been determined. The 
    importance of calibrating a flame ionization detector (FID) reading 
    obtained using Method 25A with respect to a certain compound 
    (adjustment by response factor) depends on how the Method will be used 
    to demonstrate compliance with the standard. In general, the EPA 
    believes that an accurate response factor is necessary in cases where 
    Method 25A is used to demonstrate control efficiency across a device 
    where the composition of the stream may change, or in situations where 
    multiple components, including non-HAP VOC, are present. Because the 
    relative proportion of organic compounds may change across the control 
    device, appropriate response factors are needed to accurately quantify 
    TOC at the inlet and outlet of a control device. In addition, the EPA 
    believes that owners and operators should have the opportunity to 
    demonstrate compliance at the outlet of a control device by measuring 
    20 ppmv TOC or less. Therefore, the final rule does allow the use of 
    Method 25A under certain conditions. The following describes the 
    choices of test methods allowed in the final rule: (1) Method 18 (40 
    CFR part 60, appendix A) to determine HAP concentration in any control 
    device efficiency determination; (2) Method 25 (40 CFR part 60, 
    appendix A) to determine total gaseous nonmethane organic concentration 
    for control efficiency determinations in combustion devices; (3) Method 
    25A (40 CFR part
    [[Page 29434]]
    60, appendix A) to determine the HAP or TOC concentration for control 
    device efficiency determinations under the conditions specified in 
    Method 25 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A) for direct measurement of an 
    effluent with a flame ionization detector, or in demonstrating 
    compliance with the 20 ppmv TOC outlet standard. As an alternative, any 
    other method or data that have been validated according to the 
    applicable procedures in Method 301 (40 CFR part 63, appendix A) may be 
    K. Site-Specific Onset of Extended Cookout
        In the proposed rule, the EPA recognized that extended cookout, or 
    ECO, is a pollution prevention alternative used by some polyether 
    polyols producers to reduce epoxide emissions. The proposed rule 
    required that owners or operators of existing sources using ECO achieve 
    the same 98 percent emission reduction (99.9 percent for new sources) 
    that was required for owners or operators using combustion, recovery, 
    or recapture devices. In order to demonstrate a percent efficiency, it 
    was necessary to designate the basis, or the ``uncontrolled'' 
    emissions, for assessing the percent reduction. The point where 
    uncontrolled emissions were to be assessed, called the ``onset'' of the 
    ECO, was defined in the proposed rule as the point when the epoxide 
    concentration in the reactor liquid is equal to 25 percent of the 
    concentration of epoxide in the liquid at the end of the epoxide feed. 
    Commenters supported this default ECO onset, and it has been retained 
    in the final rule.
        In addition to using this ``default'' definition of the ECO onset, 
    the proposed rule allowed owners and operators the option of defining 
    the onset of the ECO for their specific process, at another point. The 
    factors required to allow an owner or operator to set a site-specific 
    ECO onset were the profit variable margin (the difference between 
    variable costs (raw materials and energy) of the product and the cost 
    of the raw material). One commenter objected to allowing the 
    establishment of a site-specific ECO onset based on economics, stating 
    that economics can be subjective, making it easy to demonstrate a 98-
    percent emission reduction.
        A late submittal from one commenter challenged the first 
    commenter's argument that the onset of ECO is subjective, noting that 
    one of the pieces of economic information, the price of the raw 
    material, comes from the Chemical Market Reporter. However, the other 
    variable in defining the onset of ECO, the product variable margin and 
    the selling price, was the variable that provoked the original 
    commenter's concern. In fact, the commenter providing the late comment 
    stated that the product variable margin has ``a much stronger 
    correlation between product profitability and the economic onset of 
        Due to the subjectivity of the product variable margin, and the 
    strong correlation between the product variable margin and the ECO 
    onset, the EPA agreed with the first commenter. The EPA revised the 
    final rule, removing the option of setting site-specific ECO onsets. 
    Allowing the determination of a site-specific ECO onset is not 
    consistent with the concept of MACT, since, given the subjectivity of 
    this approach, it could effectively result in different levels of 
    control for facilities in the same source category.
    L. Parameter Monitoring Excursion Definitions
        As a result of public comments, the EPA decided to restructure and 
    expand the sections associated with parameter monitoring excursions in 
    order to simplify and clarify these provisions in subpart PPP. The goal 
    of these revisions was to include all of the necessary information 
    about excursions and compliance in one location.
        At proposal, the definitions of excursions and the statement that 
    owners and operators were out of compliance for each parameter 
    monitoring excursion were located in separate paragraphs. In the final 
    rule, these concepts are combined into the same paragraph 
    (Sec. 63.1438(f)).
        Basically, there are two ways for excursions to occur. The first is 
    if the average parameter value measured is above a maximum, or below a 
    minimum, established value. The second is if insufficient monitoring 
    data are collected. Revisions were made for both of these instances.
        Provisions were added specifying that monitoring data recorded 
    during start-ups, shutdowns, and malfunctions, and during periods of 
    non-operation of the affected source (or portion thereof) are not to be 
    included in any average computed. In addition, the EPA has added 
    paragraphs that describe the periods that are not to be included when 
    determining the period of control or recovery device operation, for 
    purposes of determining whether sufficient monitoring data were 
    collected. Under the new provisions, the following periods are not to 
    be used when determining if sufficient monitoring data are available 
    for the owner or operator to avoid having an excursion: periods of 
    monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero 
    (low-level) and high-level adjustments; start-ups; shutdowns; 
    malfunctions; and periods of non-operation of the affected source that 
    result in the cessation of emissions to which the monitoring applies.
    M. Monitoring During Start-ups, Shutdowns, and Malfunctions
        The proposed rule required that monitoring data be collected during 
    periods of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM). Commenters 
    requested that the EPA allow a provision for ceasing to collect 
    monitoring data at a particular control device if operating that 
    monitoring device during periods of SSM would damage the monitoring 
    device. The EPA revised the final rule to allow the owner or operator 
    to cease collecting monitoring data if the owner or operator has 
    illustrated that the monitoring device would be damaged or destroyed if 
    it were not shut down during the SSM period. Such a provision must be 
    included in the Start-up, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan. Getting such 
    a provision in the Start-up, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan is 
    accomplished by submitting a request, and rationale defending the 
    request, in the Precompliance Report or in a supplement to the 
    Precompliance Report.
    N. Process Vent Control Requirement for Epoxide Emissions From New 
        A major issue raised in the public comments that did not result in 
    a rule change was related to the new source limitation for process vent 
    epoxide emissions. The proposed rule included a requirement that 
    epoxide emissions from process vents at new affected sources be reduced 
    by 99.9 percent or greater. Several commenters objected to this 
    requirement, and provided numerous reasons supporting their objections. 
    Most of these reasons were related to the facility identified by the 
    EPA as the ``best performing facility,'' upon which this new source 
    limitation was based. The commenters felt that this facility was not 
    representative of the industry, and that a separate subcategory should 
    be created for this facility. The commenters also pointed out that 
    there were inconsistencies between the test methods used by this best 
    performing facility to verify their epoxide emission reduction and the 
    test methods that were contained in the proposed rule. Further, the 
    commenters stated that the 99.9 percent limitation would force new 
    sources to utilize combustion technology, which would
    [[Page 29435]]
    increase criteria pollutants and create potential safety hazards.
        The EPA spent a great deal of time evaluating all aspects of this 
    issue. The EPA concluded that the available data do not support the 
    assertion that the polyether polyols source category should be 
    subcategorized in the manner suggested by the commenters. Also, the 
    fact that specific test data (which were analyzed in detail by the 
    Agency) are available for this facility and that permit conditions are 
    in place requiring compliance at the 99.9 percent level leaves the 
    Agency little latitude in establishing new source MACT at a less 
    stringent level. Discussion of each of the individual points raised by 
    commenters is provided below.
    1. Subcategorization
        As noted above, several commenters stated their belief that the 
    facility that formed the basis for the 99.9 percent new source epoxide 
    emission requirement was not representative of the industry, and that a 
    separate subcategory should be created for this facility. The 
    commenters discussed three characteristics of this facility to support 
    this assertion. The first was the method of operation. The other two 
    were the facility's size and the fact that the facility utilized two 
        By ``method of operation,'' commenters were referring to the 
    venting method employed during the reaction phase of the production 
    process. The commenters stated that the best performing facility is not 
    a similar source, due to the fact that the reactor vents during the 
    epoxide feed step of the reaction. The commenters claimed that such an 
    operation would send high concentrations of epoxides to the control 
    device as a continuous or semi-continuous stream, resulting in an 
    artificially high destruction efficiency (compared to a facility that 
    does not vent unreacted epoxides continuously).
        Prior to the development of the proposed rule, the EPA understood 
    the technical merits of this argument, but did not have sufficient data 
    to allow a comparison of the venting and emission characteristics of 
    this facility with other polyether polyols production facilities. 
    Therefore, the EPA requested additional data in order to conclude 
    whether or not subcategorization was warranted on this basis. 
    Therefore, the preamble to the proposed rule stated this data need and 
    specifically requested facility-specific information, in order to allow 
    for further evaluation of this issue (62 FR 46814).
        In response to this request, one commenter presented a comparison 
    of uncontrolled and controlled epoxide emissions for a facility owned 
    by the commenter that does not vent during the epoxide feed (i.e., a 
    ``nonvented'' facility) with the best controlled facility, which does 
    vent during the epoxide feed (i.e., ``vented''). Another commenter 
    provided a comparison of two facilities owned by the same company that 
    were reported to be similar in most aspects, except with respect to 
    when the facility vents the reactor (one was vented and one was 
    nonvented). In addition, one commenter presented a hypothetical 
    comparison between a venting facility and a nonventing facility. All of 
    these comparisons led to conclusions by these commenters that 
    uncontrolled emissions at vented facilities are much higher than 
    uncontrolled emissions at nonvented facilities, which would give vented 
    facilities an unfair advantage in achieving a higher epoxide emission 
        The EPA appreciated these comparisons. However, several 
    inconsistencies and assumptions were identified that caused the Agency 
    to conclude that these comparisons do not, independently, provide a 
    sufficient basis for subcategorizing the polyether polyols source 
    category into vented and nonvented subcategories. Some of EPA's 
    concerns with these comparisons are discussed below.
        With regard to the comparison of an actual facility with the best 
    performing facility, the EPA found that the epoxide emission estimates 
    used for the best performing facility in the commenter's comparison 
    were drastically different from the emission data that were directly 
    submitted to the EPA by the best performing facility. Also, the 
    emission data from the commenter's facility had been updated from the 
    data originally submitted during an EPA plant site visit to that 
    facility. The estimates provided in the comments were lower than the 
    original estimates due to process improvements at the facility (that 
    were not related to the method of operation). The EPA conducted a 
    similar comparison of the uncontrolled epoxide emissions at these same 
    two facilities using the data originally submitted to the EPA by the 
    two companies. The results were not in accordance with those presented 
    by the commenter. In fact, the uncontrolled emission factor for the 
    commenter's facility was higher than the best controlled facility's 
    factor. Clearly, the analysis of the data available to the Agency does 
    not support this commenter's analysis.
        The actual facility analysis conducted by a second commenter stated 
    that their analysis consisted of two facilities owned by the commenter 
    that were ``similarly sized units.'' However, the EPA found that the 
    production capacity for the nonvented reactor was larger than that for 
    the vented reactor, and the emissions were not adjusted accordingly.
        Finally, the hypothetical analysis assumed that a water-cooled 
    condenser was used at the reactor vent. The EPA believes that the use 
    of more efficient refrigerated condensers, which would result in 
    considerably lower uncontrolled emissions, is more representative of 
    practice in the industry.
        Given these and other inconsistencies in the facility comparisons 
    provided by commenters, the EPA could not conclude that 
    subcategorization was necessary.
        No commenters submitted the facility-specific data that were 
    requested in the proposal preamble. Therefore, even if the examples 
    provided by the commenters had led to the conclusion that 
    subcategorization was warranted, the EPA did not have sufficient 
    facility information to allow a complete subcategorization evaluation.
        However, the Agency still wanted to attempt to address the 
    commenters' concerns on this issue. Given the lack of facility-specific 
    data provided by the industry prior to proposal and during the public 
    comment period, the EPA conducted a brief telephone survey to inquire 
    specifically about the method of operation at polyether polyol 
    production facilities. Representatives from all the facilities in the 
    process vent database were called and asked to describe their method of 
    venting during epoxide feed. Of the facilities for which the EPA was 
    able to collect method-of-venting data, 24 percent (including the best-
    controlled facility) reported venting during the epoxide feed step, and 
    76 percent reported that their facilities did not vent during the 
    epoxide feed step. Therefore, the EPA concluded that the manner of 
    operation of the best-controlled facility was not ``unique,'' as was 
    claimed by several of the commenters.
        The EPA then sought to determine whether the different venting 
    modes during epoxide feed resulted in differences in the amount and 
    pattern of emissions and the achievable degree of emission reduction. 
    The EPA determined that using a facility's uncontrolled emission factor 
    (mass uncontrolled epoxide emissions per mass of polyol product 
    produced) was the best method of comparison, and calculated such a 
    factor for each facility for which sufficient information was 
    available. For the vented facilities, the median uncontrolled emission 
    [[Page 29436]]
    was 0.17 lb epoxide emissions per 1000 lb of product. The mean 
    uncontrolled emission factor was considered to be an inadequate measure 
    of central tendency, because the data points for vented facilities had 
    a widely varied distribution, with two orders of magnitude difference 
    between the ends of the range. For the nonvented facilities, the median 
    uncontrolled emission factor was 1.09. The commenters asserted that 
    uncontrolled epoxide emissions at vented facilities are considerably 
    higher than those at nonvented facilities. However, the results of the 
    EPA's analysis, based on the best information available, clearly do not 
    support this assertion, since the median uncontrolled emission factor 
    calculated for nonvented facilities is over six times higher than the 
    median uncontrolled emission factor for vented facilities.
        In conclusion, based on all of the information available to the 
    Agency, the EPA was unable to determine a different emission trend 
    between the vented and nonvented groups from the data made available to 
    the Agency between proposal and promulgation. Therefore, the EPA did 
    not subcategorize the industry based on the method of operation.
        The commenters' second rationale for supporting their claim that 
    the best-controlled facility is not a similar source was that the 
    facility's production capacity is many times that of other sources in 
    the source category. It is the EPA's policy (57 FR 31576; July 16, 
    1992) that subcategories, or subsets of similar emission sources within 
    a source category, be defined if technical differences in emissions 
    characteristics, processes, control device applicability, or 
    opportunities for pollution prevention exist within the source 
    category. The EPA does not believe that the fact that the best-
    controlled facility has a larger production capacity satisfies any of 
    these criteria. Further, since one facility in the process vent 
    database has a capacity that is 83 percent of the best-controlled 
    facility's capacity, the EPA also disagrees that the production 
    capacity at the best-controlled facility is unusually large in 
    comparison to the rest of the source category.
        The third argument given by the commenters to support their claim 
    that the best-controlled facility is not similar to other affected 
    sources was that this facility has two incinerators, and that no other 
    source uses incineration. The EPA disagrees with the commenters' claim 
    that the best-controlled facility is the only source using an 
    incinerator to control epoxide emissions, since there is another 
    facility in the database that also uses incineration. Further, the fact 
    that a source has a better control than all other facilities in the 
    source category through the use of one or more incinerators is not a 
    sufficient basis for asserting that the source should be 
    subcategorized. The purpose of MACT is to ensure that regulated sources 
    meet the control standards achieved by the best performing sources in 
    the category. Subcategorization on the basis of the control technology 
    utilized would undermine the very concept of MACT.
        In addition to the evaluation of the individual points raised by 
    commenters, the EPA also considered whether these characteristics of 
    the best-controlled facility collectively form a basis for 
    subcategorization. The EPA concluded that, based on the facility-
    specific process, emissions, and emissions control information provided 
    to the Agency by the polyether polyol industry, a separate subcategory 
    should not be created solely for the best-controlled facility.
    2. Inconsistency in Test Methods
        An additional concern raised by two commenters was that the data 
    from the best-controlled facility do not support the new source 
    standard because the Agency used information from the State permit and 
    its corresponding performance test reports as data for the best-
    controlled facility. The commenters claimed that these data were 
    submitted to the State agency to demonstrate compliance with permit 
    emission limitations for VOC, not HAP, and to document that the 
    incinerators were meeting the required VOC destruction efficiency. They 
    noted that there are several significant inconsistences between the 
    test methods used and the methods required in the proposed standards.
        The EPA disagrees with the commenters' statement that the data from 
    the best-controlled facility do not support the new source standard 
    because the performance test was conducted to determine VOC destruction 
    efficiency instead of epoxide emission destruction efficiency, and that 
    the permit conditions are specific to VOC. The primary pollutant in the 
    stream was propylene oxide (PO), and this is the pollutant for which 
    Method 18, at the inlet of the incinerator, and Method 25A, at the 
    outlet of the incinerator, were calibrated during the test at the best-
    controlled facility. Therefore, even though the test and permit cite 
    VOC destruction efficiency, it is clear that it is the destruction of 
    PO that was tested and regulated at the best-controlled facility. The 
    commenters' concerns about inconsistencies between the test reports and 
    the proposed standards was discussed in greater detail earlier in this 
    document, in relation to the changes to the test method requirements.
    3. Increase in Criteria Pollutant Emissions
        Two commenters explained that the combustion technology utilized by 
    the best-controlled facility (which would be necessary to meet the 99.9 
    percent requirement) results in an increase in criteria pollutants, 
    which were not included in EPA's MACT floor analysis, while alternative 
    control technologies, such as scrubbers or ECO, would be expected to 
    cause significantly lower nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions. 
    The EPA is aware that incineration has secondary criteria pollutant 
    emissions. However, MACT floor decisions, under the Clean Air Act, are 
    based on the reduction of HAP emissions, and not on their secondary 
    impacts. The EPA also realizes that an increase in criteria pollutants 
    could trigger Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and/or New 
    Source Review (NSR). The EPA has addressed this issue in previous 
    NESHAP, by referring to a July 1, 1994 guidance memorandum issued by 
    the EPA (available on the Technology Transfer Network; see ``Pollution 
    Control Projects (PCP) and NSR Applicability'' from John S. Seitz, 
    Director, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards to EPA Regional 
    Air Division Directors). In that memorandum, the EPA provided guidance 
    for permitting authorities regarding their ability to approve the PCP 
    exemptions (from PSD review and major NSR) for source categories other 
    than electric utilities that use add-on controls and switching to less-
    polluting fuels to reduce emissions of toxic pollutants. In the July 1, 
    1994 guidance memorandum, the EPA specifically identified the 
    combustion of organic toxic pollutants as an example of an add-on 
    control that could be considered a PCP and an appropriate candidate for 
    a case-by-case exclusion from major NSR. The EPA is alert to potential 
    NSR conflicts and feels that this memorandum will alleviate most NSR/
    PSD review concerns. In the event that it will not, the EPA will 
    attempt to create implementation flexibility on a case-by-case basis.
    4. Safety Concerns
        The commenters claimed that the EPA has failed to account for 
    potential process safety considerations associated with the combustion 
    of ethylene oxide (EO). The safety issues of incineration of epoxides 
    were adequately addressed at
    [[Page 29437]]
    the best-controlled facility and the other facility in the database 
    that has incineration. Therefore, the EPA did not find these reasons to 
    be sufficient to justify eliminating the data from the best-controlled 
    facility when determining the MACT floor for new sources.
    VII. Administrative Requirements
    A. Docket
        The docket is an organized and complete file of all the information 
    submitted to or otherwise considered by the EPA in the development of 
    the final standards. The principal purposes of the docket are:
        (1) To allow interested parties to readily identify and locate 
    documents so that they can intelligently and effectively participate in 
    the rulemaking process; and
        (2) To serve as the record in case of judicial review (except for 
    interagency review materials (section 307(d)(7)(A))).
    B. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), the EPA 
    must determine whether the regulatory action is ``significant'' and 
    therefore subject to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review and 
    the requirements of the Executive Order. The Executive Order defines 
    ``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely to result in 
    standards that may:
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect, in a material way, the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
        (2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlement, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
        The EPA has determined that this rule does not meet any of the 
    criteria enumerated above and therefore, does not constitute a 
    ``significant regulatory action'' under the terms of Executive Order 
    C. Executive Order 13045
        Executive Order 13045, ``Protection of Children from Environmental 
    Health Risks and Safety Risks'' (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), applies 
    to any rule that: (1) Is determined to be ``economically significant'' 
    as defined under Executive Order 12866, and (2) concerns an 
    environmental health or safety risk that the EPA has reason to believe 
    may have a disproportionate effect on children. If the regulatory 
    action meets both criteria, the Agency must evaluate the environmental 
    health or safety effects of the planned rule on children, and explain 
    why the planned regulation is preferable to other potentially effective 
    and reasonably feasible alternatives considered by the Agency.
        The EPA interprets Executive Order 13045 as applying only to those 
    regulatory actions that are based on health or safety risks, such that 
    the analysis required under section 5-501 of the Order has the 
    potential to influence the regulation. This final rule falls into that 
    category only in part: The minimum rule stringency is set according to 
    a congressionally-mandated, technology-based lower limit called the 
    ``floor,'' while a decision to increase the stringency beyond this 
    floor can be based on risk considerations. Only to the extent that the 
    Agency may consider the inherent toxicity of a regulated pollutant, and 
    any differential impact such a pollutant may have on children's health, 
    in deciding whether to adopt control requirements more stringent than 
    the floor level.
        This final rule is not subject to Executive Order 13045 because it 
    is not economically significant as defined in Executive Order 12866. No 
    children's risk analysis was performed for this rulemaking because no 
    alternative technologies exist that would provide greater stringency at 
    a reasonable cost, and therefore the results of any such analysis would 
    have no impact on the stringency decision.
    D. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The information collection requirements in this rule have been 
    submitted for approval to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. An 
    Information Collection Request (ICR) document has been prepared by EPA 
    (ICR No. 1811.02) and a copy may be obtained from Sandy Farmer by mail 
    at OP Regulatory Information Division; U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency (2137); 401 M St., SW.; Washington, DC 20460, by email at 
    farmer.sandy@epa.gov, or by calling (202) 260-2740. A copy may also be 
    downloaded off the internet at http://www.epa.gov/icr. The information 
    requirements are not effective until OMB approves them.
        The public recordkeeping and reporting burden for this collection 
    of information is estimated to average 1,046 hours per respondent for 
    the first year and 162 hours for each of the second and third years 
    (following promulgation of the rule). Burden means the total time, 
    effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, 
    maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information to or for a 
    Federal agency. This includes the time needed to review instructions; 
    develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the 
    purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information, 
    processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and providing 
    information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously 
    applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to 
    respond to a collection of information; search data sources; complete 
    and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise 
    disclose the information.
        An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
    currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's 
    regulations are listed in 40 CFR part 9 and 48 CFR Chapter 15.
    E. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The EPA has determined that it is not necessary to prepare a 
    regulatory flexibility analysis in connection with this final rule. The 
    EPA has also determined that this rule will not have a significant 
    adverse economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses. 
    Consistent with Small Business Administrative (SBA) size standards, a 
    polyether polyols producing firm is classified as a small entity if it 
    has less than 750 employees and is unaffiliated with a larger domestic 
    entity. Based upon this standard, 7 of the 36 polyether polyol 
    producing firms are classified as small entities (i.e., having fewer 
    than 750 employees). The EPA determined that none of these seven small 
    entities will experience an increase in costs as a result of the 
    promulgation of today's rule that is greater than one percent of 
    revenues. This does not qualify as a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small businesses.
    F. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General
        The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the 
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally 
    [[Page 29438]]
    that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating the rule 
    must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, to each 
    House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United 
    States. The EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other 
    required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
    Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior 
    to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. This rule is not a 
    ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. Sec. 804(2).
    G. Unfunded Mandates
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Pub. 
    L. 104-4, establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
    effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
    governments and the private sector. Under section 202 of the UMRA, the 
    EPA generally must prepare a written statement, including a cost-
    benefit analysis, for proposed and final rules with ``Federal 
    mandates'' that may result in expenditures to State, local, and tribal 
    governments, in the aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 
    million or more in any 1 year. Before promulgating an EPA rule for 
    which a written statement is needed, section 205 of the UMRA generally 
    requires the EPA to identify and consider a reasonable number of 
    regulatory alternatives and adopt the least costly, most cost-effective 
    or least burdensome alternative that achieves the objectives of the 
    rule. The provisions of section 205 do not apply when they are 
    inconsistent with applicable law. Moreover, section 205 allows the EPA 
    to adopt an alternative other than the least costly, most cost-
    effective, or least burdensome alternative if the Administrator 
    publishes with the final rule an explanation why that alternative was 
    not adopted. Before the EPA establishes any regulatory requirements 
    that may significantly or uniquely affect small governments, including 
    tribal governments, it must have developed under section 203 of the 
    UMRA a small government agency plan. The plan must provide for 
    notifying potentially affected small governments, enabling officials of 
    affected small governments to have meaningful and timely input in the 
    development of EPA regulatory proposals with significant Federal 
    intergovernmental mandates, and informing, educating, and advising 
    small governments on compliance with the regulatory requirements.
        The EPA has determined that this rule does not contain a Federal 
    mandate that may result in expenditures of $100 million or more for 
    State, local, and tribal governments, in aggregate, or the private 
    sector in any 1 year, nor does the rule significantly or uniquely 
    impact small governments, because it contains no requirements that 
    apply to such governments or impose obligations upon them. Thus, the 
    requirements of the UMRA do not apply to this rule.
    H. Executive Order 12875
        Under Executive Order 12875, EPA may not issue a regulation that is 
    not required by statute and that creates a mandate upon a State, local 
    or tribal government, unless the Federal government provides the funds 
    necessary to pay the direct compliance costs incurred by those 
    governments or EPA consults with those governments. If EPA complies by 
    consulting, Executive Order 12875 requires EPA to provide to the Office 
    of Management and Budget a description of the extent of EPA's prior 
    consultation with representatives of affected State, local and tribal 
    governments, the nature of their concerns, copies of any written 
    communications from the governments, and a statement supporting the 
    need to issue the regulation. In addition, Executive Order 12875 
    requires EPA to develop an effective process permitting elected 
    officials and other representatives of State, local and tribal 
    governments ``to provide meaningful and timely input in the development 
    of regulatory proposals containing significant unfunded mandates.''
        Today's rule implements requirements specifically set forth by the 
    Congress in section 112 of the CAA without the exercise of any 
    discretion by the EPA. Accordingly, the requirements of section 1(a) of 
    Executive Order 12875 do not apply to this rule.
    I. Executive Order 13084
        Under Executive Order 13084, EPA may not issue a regulation that is 
    not required by statute, that significantly or uniquely affects the 
    communities of Indian tribal governments, and that imposes substantial 
    direct compliance costs on those communities, unless the Federal 
    government provides the funds necessary to pay the direct compliance 
    costs incurred by the tribal governments, or EPA consults those 
    governments. If EPA complies by consulting, Executive Order 13084 
    requires EPA to provide to the Office of Management and Budget, in a 
    separately identified section of the preamble to the rule, a 
    description of the extent of EPA's prior consultation with 
    representatives of affected tribal governments, a summary of the nature 
    of their concerns, and a statement supporting the need to issue the 
    regulation. In addition, Executive Order 13084 requires EPA to develop 
    an effective process permitting elected officials and other 
    representatives of Indian tribal governments ``to provide meaningful 
    and timely input in the development of regulatory policies on matters 
    that significantly or uniquely affect their communities.''
        Today's rule does not significantly or uniquely affect the 
    communities of Indian tribal governments. The rule does not affect 
    these entities because they do no own or operate sources subject to 
    this rule and therefore are not required to purchase control systems to 
    meet the requirements of this rule. Accordingly, the requirements of 
    section 3(b) of Executive Order 13084 do not apply to this rule.
    J. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
        Section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement 
    Act (NTTAA), Pub. L. 104-113 (March 7, 1996), directs all Federal 
    agencies to use voluntary consensus standards in regulatory and 
    procurement activities unless to do so would be inconsistent with 
    applicable law or otherwise impracticable. Voluntary consensus 
    standards are technical standards (e.g., materials specifications, test 
    methods, sampling procedures, and business practices) developed or 
    adopted by one or more voluntary consensus bodies. The NTTAA requires 
    Federal agencies to provide Congress, through annual reports to OMB, 
    with explanations when an agency does not use available and applicable 
    voluntary consensus standards. This section summarizes the EPA's 
    response to the requirements of the NTTAA for the analytical and test 
    methods to be required by this final rule.
        Consistent with the NTTAA, the EPA conducted a search to identify 
    voluntary consensus standards. The search identified 15 voluntary 
    consensus standards that appeared to have possible use in lieu of EPA 
    standard reference methods in this rule. However, after reviewing 
    available standards, EPA determined that eight of the candidate 
    consensus standards identified for measuring emissions of the HAP or 
    surrogates subject to emission standards in the rule would not be 
    practical due to lack of equivalency, documentation, validation data or 
    other important technical and policy considerations. Seven of the 
    remaining candidate consensus standards are new standards under 
    development that EPA plans to follow, review and consider adopting at a 
    later date.
    [[Page 29439]]
        One consensus standard, ASTM Z7420Z, is potentially practical for 
    EPA use in lieu of EPA Method 18 (See 40 CFR part 60, appendix A). At 
    the time of EPA's search, the ASTM standard was still under development 
    and EPA had provided comments on the method. The EPA also compared a 
    draft of this ASTM standard to methods previously approved as 
    alternatives to EPA Method 18 with specific applicability limitations. 
    These methods, designated as ALT-017 and CTM-028, are available through 
    EPA's Emission Measurement Center Internet site at www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/
    tmethods.html. The proposed ASTM Z7420Z standard is very similar to 
    these approved alternative methods. When finalized and adopted by ASTM, 
    the standard may be equally suitable for specific applications. 
    However, today's rule does not adopt the ASTM standard at this time as 
    it is not practical to do so until the potential candidate is final and 
    EPA has reviewed the final standard. The EPA plans to continue to 
    follow the progress of the standard and will consider adopting the ASTM 
    standard at a later date.
        This rule requires standard EPA methods known to the industry and 
    States. Approved alternative methods also may be used with prior EPA 
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 63
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hazardous 
    substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: May 12, 1999.
    Carol M. Browner,
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, part 63 of title 40, 
    chapter I of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 63 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, et. seq.
        2. Part 63 is amended by adding subpart PPP to read as follows:
    Subpart PPP--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant 
    Emissions for Polyether Polyols Production
    63.1420  Applicability and designation of affected sources.
    63.1421  Delegation of authority.
    63.1422  Compliance dates and relationship of this rule to existing 
    applicable rules.
    63.1423  Definitions.
    63.1424  Emission standards.
    63.1425  Process vent control requirements.
    63.1426  Process vent requirements for determining organic HAP 
    concentration, control efficiency, and aggregated organic HAP 
    emission reduction for a PMPU.
    63.1427  Process vent requirements for processes using extended 
    cookout as an epoxide emission reduction technique.
    63.1428  Process vent requirements for group determination of PMPUs 
    using a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product.
    63.1429  Process vent monitoring requirements.
    63.1430  Process vent reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    63.1431  Process vent annual epoxides emission factor plan 
    63.1432  Storage vessel provisions.
    63.1433  Wastewater provisions.
    63.1434  Equipment leak provisions.
    63.1435  Heat exchanger provisions.
    63.1436  [Reserved]
    63.1437  Additional requirements for performance testing.
    63.1438  Parameter monitoring levels and excursions.
    63.1439  General recordkeeping and reporting provisions.
    Table 1 to Subpart PPP of Part 63--APPLICABILITY OF GENERAL 
    Table 2 to Subpart PPP of Part 63--APPLICABILITY OF SUBPARTS F, G, 
    Table 3 to Subpart PPP of Part 63--GROUP 1 STORAGE VESSELS AT 
    Table 4 to Subpart PPP of Part 63--KNOWN ORGANIC HAP FROM POLYETHER 
    Table 5 to Subpart PPP of Part 63--PROCESS VENTS FROM BATCH UNIT 
    Table 6 to Subpart PPP of Part 63--PROCESS VENTS FROM CONTINUOUS 
    Table 7 to Subpart PPP of Part 63--OPERATING PARAMETERS FOR WHICH 
    Table 8 to Subpart PPP of Part 63--ROUTINE REPORTS REQUIRED BY THIS 
    Subpart PPP--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air 
    Pollutant Emissions for Polyether Polyols Production
    Sec. 63.1420  Applicability and designation of affected sources.
        (a) Definition of affected source. The provisions of this subpart 
    apply to each affected source. Affected sources are described in 
    paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section.
        (1) An affected source is either an existing affected source or a 
    new affected source. Existing affected source is defined in paragraph 
    (a)(2) of this section, and new affected source is defined in paragraph 
    (a)(3) of this section.
        (2) An existing affected source is defined as the group of one or 
    more polyether polyol manufacturing process units (PMPUs) and 
    associated equipment, as listed in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, 
    that is not part of a new affected source, as defined in paragraph 
    (a)(3) of this section, and that is located at a plant site that is a 
    major source.
        (3) A new affected source is defined as a source that meets the 
    criteria of paragraph (a)(3)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section. The 
    situation described in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section is distinct 
    from those situations described in paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) and (iii) of 
    this section.
        (i) At a site without organic HAP emission points before September 
    4, 1997 (i.e., a ``greenfield'' site), the group of one or more PMPUs 
    and associated equipment, as listed in paragraph (a)(4) of this 
    section, that is part of a major source, and on which construction for 
    the PMPU(s) commenced after September 4, 1997;
        (ii) The group of one or more PMPUs meeting the criteria in 
    paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section; or
        (iii) A reconstructed affected source meeting the criteria in 
    paragraph (g)(2)(i) of this section.
        (4) The affected source also includes the emission points and 
    equipment specified in paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through (vi) of this 
    section that are associated with a PMPU (or a group of PMPUs) making up 
    an affected source, as defined in Sec. 63.1423.
        (i) Each waste management unit.
        (ii) Maintenance wastewater.
        (iii) Each heat exchange system.
        (iv) Equipment required by or utilized as a method of compliance 
    with this subpart which may include control techniques and recovery 
        (v) Product finishing operation.
        (vi) Each feed or catalyst operation.
        (b) PMPUs without organic HAP. The owner or operator of a PMPU that 
    is part of an affected source, as defined in paragraph (a) of this 
    section, but that does not use or manufacture any organic HAP during 
    the production of one or more products is only subject to the 
    provisions of this subpart as specified in paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of 
    this section, as applicable. Products or raw material(s) containing 
    organic HAP as impurities
    [[Page 29440]]
    only are not considered organic HAP for the purposes of this paragraph.
        (1) If an organic HAP is not used or manufactured in the production 
    of polyether polyols, the PMPU is not subject to any provisions of this 
    subpart, except that the owner or operator shall comply with either 
    paragraph (b)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section. The owner or operator is 
    not required to comply with the provisions of 40 CFR part 63, subpart A 
    (the General Provisions) for that PMPU.
        (i) Retain information, data, and analyses used to document the 
    basis for the determination that the PMPU does not use or manufacture 
    any organic HAP. Types of information that could document this 
    determination include, but are not limited to, records of chemicals 
    purchased for the process, analyses of process stream composition, 
    engineering calculations, or process knowledge.
        (ii) When requested by the Administrator, demonstrate that the PMPU 
    does not use or manufacture any organic HAP.
        (2) If an organic HAP is used or manufactured in the production of 
    polyether polyols, but an organic HAP is not used in the production of 
    one or more products that are not polyether polyols, the PMPU is not 
    subject to any provision of this subpart other than paragraph (b)(1)(i) 
    or (ii) of this section during the production of the non-polyether 
    polyol products that do not use or manufacture any organic HAP.
        (c) Emission points included in the affected source but not subject 
    to the provisions of this subpart. The affected source includes the 
    emission points listed in paragraphs (c)(1) through (12) of this 
    section, but these emission points are not subject to the requirements 
    of this subpart or the provisions of 40 CFR part 63, subpart A.
        (1) Equipment that does not contain organic HAP or that contains 
    organic HAP as impurities only and is located at a PMPU that is part of 
    an affected source.
        (2) Stormwater managed in segregated sewers.
        (3) Water from fire-fighting and deluge systems in segregated 
        (4) Spills.
        (5) Water from safety showers.
        (6) Water from testing of deluge systems.
        (7) Water from testing of firefighting systems.
        (8) Vessels that store and/or handle material that contains no 
    organic HAP or organic HAP as impurities only.
        (9) Equipment that operates in organic HAP service for less than 
    300 hours during the calendar year.
        (10) Loading racks, loading arms, or loading hoses that only 
    transfer liquids containing HAP as impurities.
        (11) Loading racks, loading arms, or loading hoses that vapor 
    balance during all loading operations.
        (12) Utility fluids, such as heat transfer fluids.
        (d) Processes exempted from the affected source. The processes 
    specified in paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section are not part 
    of the affected source and are exempted from the requirements of both 
    this subpart and subpart A of this part.
        (1) Research and development facilities.
        (2) Solvent reclamation, recovery, or recycling operations at 
    hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDF) 
    requiring a permit under 40 CFR part 270 that are not part of a PMPU to 
    which this subpart applies.
        (3) Reactions or processing that occur after the epoxide 
    polymerization is complete and after all catalyst removal steps, if 
    any, are complete.
        (e) Primary product determination and applicability. An owner or 
    operator of a process unit that produces or plans to produce a 
    polyether polyol shall determine if the process unit is subject to this 
    subpart in accordance with this paragraph.
        (1) Initial primary product determination. The owner or operator 
    shall initially determine the primary product of each process unit in 
    accordance with paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.
        (i) If a process unit manufactures only one product, then that 
    product shall represent the primary product of the process unit.
        (ii) If a process unit produces more than one intended product at 
    the same time, the primary product shall be determined in accordance 
    with paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(A) or (B) of this section.
        (A) The product for which the process unit has the greatest annual 
    design capacity on a mass basis shall represent the primary product of 
    the process unit, or
        (B) If a process unit has the same maximum annual design capacity 
    on a mass basis for two or more products and if one of those products 
    is a polyether polyol, then the polyether polyol shall represent the 
    primary product of the process unit.
        (iii) If a process unit is designed and operated as a flexible 
    operation unit, the primary product shall be determined as specified in 
    paragraph (e)(1)(iii)(A) or (B) of this section based on the 
    anticipated operations for the 5 years following September 4, 1997 for 
    existing process units, or for the first year after the process unit 
    begins production of any product for the new process units. If 
    operations cannot be anticipated sufficiently to allow the 
    determination of the primary product for the specified period, 
    applicability shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (e)(2) 
    of this section.
        (A) If the flexible operation unit will manufacture one product for 
    the greatest operating time over the specified 5-year period for 
    existing process units, or the specified 1-year period for new process 
    units, then that product shall represent the primary product of the 
    flexible operation unit.
        (B) If the flexible operation unit will manufacture multiple 
    products equally based on operating time, then the product with the 
    greatest expected production on a mass basis over the specified 5-year 
    period for existing process units, or the specified 1-year period for 
    new process units shall represent the primary product of the flexible 
    operation unit.
        (iv) If, according to paragraph (e)(1)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this 
    section, the primary product of a process unit is a polyether polyol, 
    then that process unit shall be designated as a PMPU. If the plant site 
    is a major source, that PMPU and associated equipment, as listed in 
    paragraph (a)(4) of this section, is either an affected source or part 
    of an affected source comprised of one or more other PMPUs and 
    associated equipment, as listed in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, 
    and subject to this subpart. If the primary product of a process unit 
    is not a polyether polyol, then that process unit is not a PMPU.
        (2) Provisions if primary product cannot be determined. If the 
    primary product cannot be determined for a flexible operation unit in 
    accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section, applicability 
    shall be determined in accordance with this paragraph.
        (i) If the owner or operator can determine that a polyether polyol 
    is not the primary product, then that flexible operation unit is not a 
        (ii) If the owner or operator cannot determine that a polyether 
    polyol is not the primary product as specified in paragraph (e)(2)(i) 
    of this section, applicability shall be determined in accordance with 
    paragraph (e)(2)(ii)(A) or (B) of this section.
        (A) If the flexible operation unit is an existing process unit, the 
    flexible operation unit shall be designated as a PMPU if a polyether 
    polyol was produced for 5 percent or greater of the total operating 
    time of the flexible operation unit since September 4, 1997.
    [[Page 29441]]
        (B) If the flexible operation unit is a new process unit, the 
    flexible operation unit shall be designated as a PMPU if the owner or 
    operator anticipates that a polyether polyol will be manufactured in 
    the flexible operation unit at any time in the first year after the 
    date the unit begins production of any product.
        (3) Annual applicability determination for non-PMPUs that have 
    produced a polyether polyol. Once per year beginning June 1, 2004 the 
    owner or operator of each flexible operation unit that is not 
    designated as a PMPU, but that has produced a polyether polyol at any 
    time in the preceding 5-year period or since the date that the unit 
    began production of any product, whichever is shorter, shall perform 
    the evaluation described in paragraphs (e)(3)(i) through (iii) of this 
        (i) For each product produced in the flexible operation unit, the 
    owner or operator shall calculate the percentage of total operating 
    time over which the product was produced during the preceding 5-year 
        (ii) The owner or operator shall identify the primary product as 
    the product with the highest percentage of total operating time for the 
    preceding 5-year period.
        (iii) If the primary product identified in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) is 
    a polyether polyol, the flexible operation unit shall be designated as 
    a PMPU. The owner or operator shall notify the Administrator no later 
    than 45 days after determining that the flexible operation unit is a 
    PMPU, and shall comply with the requirements of this subpart in 
    accordance with paragraph (g)(1) of this section for the flexible 
    operation unit.
        (4) Applicability determination for non-PMPUs that have not 
    produced a polyether polyol. The owner or operator that anticipates the 
    production of a polyether polyol in a process unit that is not 
    designated as a PMPU, and in which no polyether polyol products have 
    been produced in the previous 5-year period or since the date that the 
    process unit began production of any product, whichever is shorter, 
    shall use the procedures in paragraph (e)(1) or (2) of this section to 
    determine if the process unit is designated as a PMPU, with the 
    exception that for existing process units, owners or operators shall 
    project production for the 5 years following the date that the owner or 
    operator anticipates initiating the production of a polyether polyol, 
    instead of the 5 years following September 4, 1997. If the unit is 
    designated as a PMPU, the owner or operator shall comply in accordance 
    with paragraph (g)(1) of this section.
        (5) Applicability of requirements for PMPUs that are flexible 
    operation units. The owner or operator of PMPUs that are flexible 
    operation units shall comply with the provisions of this subpart in 
    accordance with paragraphs (e)(5)(i) through (iii) of this section.
        (i) Control requirements. The owner or operator shall comply with 
    the control requirements of this subpart in accordance with paragraphs 
    (e)(5)(i)(A) and (B) of this section.
        (A) During periods when the PMPU produces polyether polyols, the 
    owner or operator shall comply with the provisions of this subpart.
        (B) During periods when the PMPU produces products other than 
    polyether polyols, the owner or operator is not required to install 
    additional combustion, recovery, or recapture devices (to otherwise 
    demonstrate compliance). However, the owner or operator shall continue 
    to operate any existing combustion, recovery, or recapture devices that 
    are required for compliance during the production of polyether polyols, 
    with the exceptions provided in paragraph (e)(5)(iv) of this section. 
    If extended cookout (ECO) is the control technique chosen for epoxide 
    emission reduction, then ECO or a control technique providing an 
    equivalent reduction in epoxide emissions should continue to be used 
    for epoxide emission reduction, if the non-polyether polyol being 
    produced uses epoxide monomers.
        (ii) Monitoring requirements. The owner or operator shall comply 
    with the monitoring requirements of this subpart in accordance with 
    paragraphs (e)(5)(ii)(A) and (B) of this section, and paragraph 
    (e)(5)(ii)(C) of this section if applicable.
        (A) The owner or operator shall establish a single parameter 
    monitoring level (for each parameter required to be monitored at each 
    device subject to monitoring requirements) in accordance with 
    Sec. 63.1438(a) based on emission point and control technique 
    characteristics when polyether polyol is being produced.
        (B) The owner or operator shall monitor each parameter at each 
    device subject to monitoring requirements at all times (during periods 
    when the PMPU produces polyether polyols, and during periods when the 
    PMPU produces products other than polyether polyols), with the 
    exceptions provided in paragraph (e)(5)(iv) of this section.
        (C) If ECO is used to reduce epoxide emissions, a parameter 
    monitoring level shall be established for the production of non-
    polyether polyol products as the average of the established parameter 
    levels for all product classes produced. During periods when products 
    other than polyether polyols are produced, the ECO shall be performed 
    so that the parameter monitoring level established for the production 
    of non-polyether polyol products is maintained when the ECO is used as 
    a control technique.
        (iii) Group determinations. For emission points where the owner or 
    operator is required to determine if the emission point is Group 1 
    according the definitions in Sec. 63.1423 (storage vessels, process 
    vents for nonepoxide organic HAP emissions used to make or modify the 
    product, and wastewater), the owner or operator shall determine the 
    group status based on emission point characteristics when polyether 
    polyol is being manufactured. Group 1 emission points shall be 
    controlled in accordance with paragraph (e)(5)(i) of this section.
        (iv) Exceptions. During periods when products described in 
    paragraphs (e)(5)(iv)(A) and (B) of this section are produced, the 
    owner or operator is not required to comply with the provisions of this 
        (A) Products in which no organic HAP is used or manufactured, 
    provided that the owner or operator comply with paragraph (b)(2) of 
    this section.
        (B) Products that make the PMPU subject to 40 CFR part 63, subpart 
    GGG (Pharmaceuticals Production NESHAP).
        (6) [Reserved]
        (7) [Reserved]
        (8) Requirements for process units that are not PMPUs. If it is 
    determined that a process unit is not subject to this subpart, the 
    owner or operator shall either retain all information, data, and 
    analysis used to document the basis for the determination that the 
    process unit is not a PMPU, or, when requested by the Administrator, 
    demonstrate that the process unit is not a PMPU.
        (9) PMPUs terminating production of polyether polyols products. If 
    a PMPU terminates the production of polyether polyol and does not 
    anticipate the production of a polyether polyol in the future, the 
    process unit is no longer a PMPU and is not subject to this subpart 
    after notification is made to the Administrator. This notification 
    shall be accompanied by a rationale for why it is anticipated that no 
    polyether polyol will be produced in the process unit in the future.
        (10) Redetermination of applicability to PMPUs that are flexible 
    operation units. Whenever changes in production occur that could 
    reasonably be expected to change the primary product of a PMPU that is 
    operating as a flexible operation unit from a polyether polyol to a 
    product that would make the process unit subject to another subpart of 
    this part, the owner or operator shall
    [[Page 29442]]
    reevaluate the primary product, in accordance with paragraphs (e)(3)(i) 
    and (ii) of this section. If the conditions in paragraphs (e)(10)(i) 
    through (iii) of this section are met, the flexible operation unit 
    shall no longer be designated as a PMPU after the compliance date of 
    the other subpart, and shall no longer be subject to the provisions of 
    this subpart after the date that the process unit is required to be in 
    compliance with the provisions of the other subpart. If the conditions 
    in paragraphs (e)(10)(i) through (iii) of this section are not met, the 
    flexible operation unit shall continue to be considered a PMPU and 
    subject to the requirements of this subpart.
        (i) The product identified as the primary product is not polyether 
        (ii) The production of the product identified as the primary 
    product is subject to another subpart of this part; and
        (iii) The owner or operator submits a notification to the 
    Administrator of the pending change in applicability.
        (f) Storage vessel ownership determination. The owner or operator 
    shall follow the procedures specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through (7) 
    of this section to determine to which process unit a storage vessel 
    shall be assigned.
        (1) If a storage vessel is already subject to another subpart of 40 
    CFR part 63 (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants 
    for Source Categories) on June 1, 1999, that storage vessel shall be 
    assigned to the process unit subject to the other subpart, and none of 
    the other provisions in this subpart shall apply to that storage 
        (2) If a storage vessel is dedicated to a single process unit, the 
    storage vessel shall be assigned to that process unit.
        (3) If a storage vessel is shared among process units, then the 
    storage vessel shall be assigned to that process unit located on the 
    same plant site as the storage vessel that has the greatest input into 
    or output from the storage vessel (i.e., the process unit that has the 
    predominant use of the storage vessel.)
        (4) If predominant use cannot be determined for a storage vessel 
    that is shared among process units and if only one of those process 
    units is a PMPU subject to this subpart, the storage vessel shall be 
    assigned to that PMPU.
        (5) If predominant use cannot be determined for a storage vessel 
    that is shared among process units and if more than one of the process 
    units are PMPUs that have different primary products and that are 
    subject to this subpart, then the owner or operator shall assign the 
    storage vessel to any one of the PMPUs sharing the storage vessel.
        (6) If the predominant use of a storage vessel varies from year to 
    year, then predominant use shall be determined based on the utilization 
    that occurred during the year preceding June 1, 1999 or based on the 
    expected utilization for the 5 years following June 1, 1999 for 
    existing affected sources, whichever is more representative of the 
    expected operations for that storage vessel, and based on the expected 
    utilization for the 5 years after initial start-up for new affected 
    sources. The determination of predominant use shall be reported in the 
    Notification of Compliance Status, as required by 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(5)(v).
        (7) Where a storage vessel is located at a major source that 
    includes one or more process units which place material into or receive 
    material from the storage vessel, but the storage vessel is located in 
    a tank farm (including a marine tank farm), the applicability of this 
    subpart shall be determined according to the provisions in paragraphs 
    (f)(7)(i) through (iv) of this section.
        (i) The storage vessel may only be assigned to a process unit that 
    utilizes the storage vessel and does not have an intervening storage 
    vessel for that product (or raw materials, as appropriate). With 
    respect to any process unit, an intervening storage vessel means a 
    storage vessel connected by hard-piping to both the process unit and 
    the storage vessel in the tank farm so that product or raw material 
    entering or leaving the process unit flows into (or from) the 
    intervening storage vessel and does not flow directly into (or from) 
    the storage vessel in the tank farm.
        (ii) If there is no process unit at the major source that meets the 
    criteria of paragraph (f)(7)(i) of this section with respect to a 
    storage vessel, this subpart does not apply to the storage vessel.
        (iii) If there is only one process unit at the major source that 
    meets the criteria of paragraph (f)(7)(i) of this section with respect 
    to a storage vessel, the storage vessel shall be assigned to that 
    process unit.
        (iv) If there are two or more process units at the major source 
    that meet the criteria of paragraph (f)(7)(i) of this section with 
    respect to a storage vessel, the storage vessel shall be assigned to 
    one of those process units according to the provisions of paragraphs 
    (f)(3) through (6) of this section. The predominant use shall be 
    determined among only those process units that meet the criteria of 
    paragraph (f)(7)(i) of this section.
        (8) If the storage vessel begins receiving material from (or 
    sending material to) a process unit that was not included in the 
    initial determination, or ceases to receive material from (or send 
    material to) a process unit that was included in the initial 
    determination, the owner or operator shall reevaluate the applicability 
    of this subpart to that storage vessel.
        (g) Changes or additions to plant sites. The provisions of this 
    paragraph apply to the owner or operator that changes or adds to their 
    plant site or affected source.
        (1) Adding a PMPU to a plant site. The provisions of paragraphs 
    (g)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section apply to the owner or operator that 
    adds one or more PMPUs to a plant site. A PMPU may be added to a plant 
    site by constructing or reconstructing a process unit to produce 
    polyether polyols. A PMPU may also be added to a plant site due to 
    changes in production (anticipated production or actual past 
    production) such that a polyether polyol becomes the primary product of 
    a process unit that was not previously a PMPU.
        (i) If a group of one or more PMPUs is added to a plant site, the 
    added group of one or more PMPUs and their associated equipment, as 
    listed in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, shall be a new affected 
    source and shall comply with the requirements for a new affected source 
    in this subpart upon initial start-up or by June 1, 1999, whichever is 
    later, if the criteria specified in paragraph (g)(1)(i)(A) is met and 
    either the criteria in paragraph (g)(1)(i)(B) or (C) of this section 
    are met.
        (A) The process units are new process units, as defined in 
    Sec. 63.1423.
        (B) The added group of one or more PMPUs and associated equipment, 
    as listed in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, has the potential to 
    emit 10 tons per year (9.1 megagrams per year) or more of any organic 
    HAP or 25 tons per year (22.7 megagrams per year) or more of any 
    combination of organic HAP, and polyether polyols are currently 
    produced at the plant site as the primary product of an affected 
        (C) A polyether polyol is not currently produced at the plant site 
    as the primary product of an affected source, and the plant site meets, 
    or after the addition is constructed will meet, the General Provisions' 
    definition of a major source in Sec. 63.2.
        (ii) If a group of one or more PMPUs is added to a plant site, and 
    the added group of one or more PMPUs does not meet the criteria 
    specified in paragraph (g)(1)(i)(A) of this section and one of the 
    criteria specified in either paragraph (g)(1)(i)(B) or (C) of this 
    section, and the plant site meets, or after the addition will meet, the 
    definition of a major source, the owner or operator of the added group 
    of one or more PMPUs and associated equipment, as listed in
    [[Page 29443]]
    paragraph (a)(4) of this section, shall comply with the requirements 
    for an existing affected source in this subpart upon initial start-up; 
    by June 1, 2002; or by 6 months after notifying the Administrator that 
    a process unit has been designated as a PMPU (in accordance with 
    paragraph (g)(3) of this section), whichever is later.
        (2) Adding emission points or making process changes to existing 
    affected sources. The provisions of paragraphs (g)(2)(i) and (ii) of 
    this section apply to the owner or operator that adds emission points 
    or makes process changes to an existing affected source.
        (i) If any process change or addition is made to an existing 
    affected source that meets the criteria specified in paragraphs 
    (g)(2)(i)(A) and (B) of this section, the entire affected source shall 
    be a new affected source and shall comply with the requirements for a 
    new affected source in this subpart upon initial start-up or by June 1, 
        (A) It is a process change or addition that meets the definition of 
    reconstruction in Sec. 63.1423(b). For purposes of determining whether 
    the fixed capital cost of the new components exceeds 50 percent of the 
    fixed capital cost that would be required to construct an entire 
    affected source, the equivalent capital cost shall be the entire 
    potentially affected source; and
        (B) Such reconstruction commenced after September 4, 1997.
        (ii) If any process change is made or emission point is added to an 
    existing affected source, and the process change or addition does not 
    meet the criteria specified in paragraph (g)(2)(i)(A) of this section, 
    the resulting emission point(s) shall be subject to the requirements 
    for an existing affected source in this subpart. The resulting emission 
    point(s) shall be in compliance upon initial start-up or by the 
    appropriate compliance date specified in Sec. 63.1422 (i.e., December 
    1, 1999 for most equipment leak components, and June 1, 2002 for 
    emission points other than equipment leaks).
        (3) Determining what are and are not process changes. For purposes 
    of paragraph (g) of this section, examples of process changes include, 
    but are not limited to, additions in process equipment resulting in 
    changes in production capacity; production of a product outside the 
    scope of the compliance demonstration; or whenever there is a 
    replacement, removal, or addition of recovery equipment. For purposes 
    of paragraph (g) of this section, process changes do not include: 
    Process upsets, unintentional temporary process changes, and changes 
    that are within the equipment configuration and operating conditions 
    documented in the Notification of Compliance Status report required by 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(5).
        (4) Reporting requirements for owners or operators that change or 
    add to their plant site or affected source. An owner or operator that 
    changes or adds to their plant site or affected source, as discussed in 
    paragraphs (g)(1) and (2) of this section, shall submit a report as 
    specified in Sec. 63.1439(e)(7)(ii).
        (h) Applicability of this subpart during periods of start-up, 
    shutdown, malfunction, or non-operation. Paragraphs (h)(1) through (4) 
    of this section shall be followed during periods of start-up, shutdown, 
    malfunction, and non-operation of the affected source or any part 
        (1) The emission limitations set forth in this subpart and the 
    emission limitations referred to in this subpart shall apply at all 
    times except during periods of non-operation of the affected source (or 
    specific portion thereof) resulting in cessation of the emissions to 
    which this subpart applies. These emission limitations shall not apply 
    during periods of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction, during which the 
    owner or operator shall follow the applicable provisions of the start-
    up, shutdown, and malfunction plan required by Sec. 63.6(e)(3). 
    However, if a start-up, shutdown, malfunction, or period of non-
    operation of one portion of an affected source does not affect the 
    ability of a particular emission point to comply with the emission 
    limitations to which it is subject, then that emission point shall 
    still be required to comply with the applicable emission limitations of 
    this subpart during the start-up, shutdown, malfunction, or period of 
    non-operation. For example, if there is an overpressure in the reactor 
    area, a storage vessel that is part of the affected source would still 
    be required to be controlled in accordance with the storage tank 
    provisions in Sec. 63.1432. Similarly, the degassing of a storage 
    vessel would not affect the ability of a process vent to meet the 
    emission limitations for process vents in Secs. 63.1425 through 
        (2) The emission limitations set forth in 40 CFR part 63, subpart 
    H, as referred to in the equipment leak provisions in Sec. 63.1434, 
    shall apply at all times except during periods of non-operation of the 
    affected source (or specific portion thereof) in which the lines are 
    drained and depressurized resulting in cessation of the emissions to 
    which Sec. 63.1434 applies, or during periods of start-up, shutdown, 
    malfunction, or process unit shutdown (as defined in Sec. 63.161).
        (3) The owner or operator shall not shut down items of equipment 
    that are required or utilized for compliance with this subpart during 
    periods of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction during times when 
    emissions (or, where applicable, wastewater streams or residuals) are 
    being routed to such items of equipment if the shutdown would 
    contravene requirements applicable to such items of equipment. This 
    paragraph does not apply if the item of equipment is malfunctioning. 
    This paragraph also does not apply if the owner or operator shuts down 
    the compliance equipment (other than monitoring systems) to avoid 
    damage due to a contemporaneous start-up, shutdown, or malfunction of 
    the affected source or portion thereof. If the owner or operator has 
    reason to believe that monitoring equipment would be damaged due to a 
    contemporaneous start-up, shutdown, or malfunction of the affected 
    source or portion thereof, the owner or operator shall provide 
    documentation supporting such a claim in the Precompliance Report or in 
    a supplement to the Precompliance Report, as provided for in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(4). Once approved by the Administrator in accordance 
    with Sec. 63.1439(e)(4)(vii), the provision for ceasing to collect, 
    during a start-up, shutdown, or malfunction, monitoring data that would 
    otherwise be required by the provisions of this subpart shall be 
    incorporated into the start-up, shutdown, malfunction plan for that 
    affected source, as stated in Sec. 63.1439(b)(1).
        (4) During start-ups, shutdowns, and malfunctions when the emission 
    limitations of this subpart do not apply pursuant to paragraphs (h)(1) 
    through (3) of this section, the owner or operator shall implement, to 
    the extent reasonably available, measures to prevent or minimize excess 
    emissions to the extent practical. For purposes of this paragraph, the 
    term ``excess emissions'' means emissions in excess of those that would 
    have occurred if there were no start-up, shutdown, or malfunction and 
    the owner or operator complied with the relevant provisions of this 
    subpart. The measures to be taken shall be identified in the applicable 
    start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan, and may include, but are not 
    limited to, air pollution control technologies, recovery technologies, 
    work practices, pollution prevention, monitoring, and/or changes in the 
    manner of operation of the affected source. Use of back-up control 
    techniques is not required, but is allowed, if available.
    Sec. 63.1421  Delegation of authority.
        (a) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority to a 
    State under section 112(l) of the Act, the authorities
    [[Page 29444]]
    contained in paragraph (b) of this section shall be retained by the 
    Administrator and not transferred to a State.
        (b) Authorities which will not be delegated to the States: the 
    permission to use an alternative means of emission limitation, from 
    Sec. 63.6(g), and the authority of Sec. 63.177.
    Sec. 63.1422  Compliance dates and relationship of this rule to 
    existing applicable rules.
        (a) [Reserved]
        (b) New affected sources that commence construction or 
    reconstruction after September 4, 1997 shall be in compliance with this 
    subpart upon initial start-up or by June 1, 1999, whichever is later, 
    as provided in Sec. 63.6(b).
        (c) Existing affected sources shall be in compliance with this 
    subpart (except for Sec. 63.1434 for which compliance is covered by 
    paragraph (d) of this section) no later than June 1, 2002, as provided 
    in Sec. 63.6(c), unless an extension has been granted as specified in 
    paragraph (e) of this section.
        (d) Except as provided for in paragraphs (d)(1) through (5) of this 
    section, existing affected sources shall be in compliance with 
    Sec. 63.1434 no later than December 1, 1999 unless an extension has 
    been granted as specified in paragraph (e) of this section.
        (1) Compliance with the compressor provisions of Sec. 63.164 shall 
    occur no later than June 1, 2000 for any compressor meeting one or more 
    of the criteria in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section, 
    if the work can be accomplished without a process unit shutdown, as 
    defined in Sec. 63.161.
        (i) The seal system will be replaced.
        (ii) A barrier fluid system will be installed.
        (iii) A new barrier fluid will be utilized which requires changes 
    to the existing barrier fluid system.
        (iv) The compressor shall be modified to permit connecting the 
    compressor to a closed vent system.
        (2) Compliance with the compressor provisions of Sec. 63.164 shall 
    occur no later than December 1, 2000, for any compressor meeting all 
    the criteria in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section.
        (i) The compressor meets one or more of the criteria specified in 
    paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section.
        (ii) The work can be accomplished without a process unit shutdown 
    as defined in Sec. 63.161.
        (iii) The additional time is necessary, due to the unavailability 
    of parts beyond the control of the owner or operator.
        (iv) The owner or operator submits the request for a compliance 
    extension to the appropriate U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
    Regional Office at the addresses listed in Sec. 63.13 no later than 45 
    days before December 1, 1999. The request for a compliance extension 
    shall contain the information specified in Sec. 63.6(i)(6)(i)(A), (B), 
    and (D). Unless the EPA Regional Office objects to the request for a 
    compliance extension within 30 days after receipt of the request, the 
    request shall be deemed approved.
        (3) If compliance with the compressor provisions of Sec. 63.164 
    cannot reasonably be achieved without a process unit shutdown, as 
    defined in Sec. 63.161, the owner or operator shall achieve compliance 
    no later than June 1, 2001. The owner or operator who elects to use 
    this provision shall submit a request for an extension of compliance in 
    accordance with the requirements of paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this 
        (4) Compliance with the compressor provisions of Sec. 63.164 shall 
    occur not later than June 1, 2002 for any compressor meeting one or 
    more of the criteria in paragraphs (d)(4)(i) through (iii) of this 
    section. The owner or operator who elects to use these provisions shall 
    submit a request for an extension of compliance in accordance with the 
    requirements of paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this section.
        (i) Compliance cannot be achieved without replacing the compressor.
        (ii) Compliance cannot be achieved without recasting the distance 
        (iii) Design modifications are required to connect to a closed-vent 
        (5) Compliance with the surge control vessel and bottoms receiver 
    provisions of Sec. 63.170 shall occur no later than June 1, 2002.
        (e) Pursuant to section 112(i)(3)(B) of the Act, an owner or 
    operator may request an extension allowing the existing affected source 
    up to 1 additional year to comply with section 112(d) standards. For 
    purposes of this subpart, a request for an extension shall be submitted 
    to the permitting authority as part of the operating permit application 
    or to the Administrator as a separate submittal or as part of the 
    Precompliance Report. Requests for extensions shall be submitted no 
    later than 120 days prior to the compliance dates specified in 
    paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section, except as discussed in 
    paragraph (e)(3) of this section. The dates specified in Sec. 63.6(i) 
    for submittal of requests for extensions shall not apply to this 
        (1) A request for an extension of compliance shall include the data 
    described in Sec. 63.6(i)(6)(i)(A), (B), and (D).
        (2) The requirements in Sec. 63.6(i)(8) through (14) shall govern 
    the review and approval of requests for extensions of compliance with 
    this subpart.
        (3) An owner or operator may submit a compliance extension request 
    after the date specified in paragraph (e) of this section, provided 
    that the need for the compliance extension arose after that date, and 
    the need arose due to circumstances beyond reasonable control of the 
    owner or operator. This request shall include, in addition to the 
    information specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, a statement 
    of the reasons additional time is needed and the date when the owner or 
    operator first learned of the problem.
        (f) Table 1 of this subpart specifies the requirements in 40 CFR 
    part 63, subpart A (the General Provisions) that apply and those that 
    do not apply to owners and operators of affected sources subject to 
    this subpart. For the purposes of this subpart, Table 3 of 40 CFR part 
    63, subpart F is not applicable.
        (g) Table 2 of this subpart summarizes the provisions of 40 CFR 
    part 63, subparts F, G, and H (collectively known as the ``HON'') that 
    apply and those that do not apply to owners and operators of affected 
    sources subject to this subpart.
        (h)(1) After the compliance dates specified in this section, an 
    affected source subject to this subpart that is also subject to the 
    provisions of 40 CFR part 63, subpart I, is required to comply only 
    with the provisions of this subpart.
        (2) Sources subject to the provisions in 40 CFR part 63, subpart I, 
    that have elected to comply through a quality improvement program, as 
    specified in Sec. 63.175 or Sec. 63.176 or both, may elect to continue 
    these programs without interruption as a means of complying with this 
    subpart. In other words, becoming subject to this subpart does not 
    restart or reset the ``compliance clock'' as it relates to reduced 
    burden earned through a quality improvement program.
        (i) After the compliance dates specified in this section, a storage 
    vessel that is assigned to an affected source subject to this subpart 
    that is also subject to the 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb (Standards of 
    Performance for Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including 
    Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, 
    Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced after July 23, 1984) is 
    required to comply only with the provisions of this subpart. After the 
    compliance dates specified in this section, that storage vessel shall 
    no longer be subject to 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb.
    [[Page 29445]]
        (j) After the compliance dates specified in this subpart, if any 
    combustion device, recovery device or recapture device subject to this 
    subpart is also subject to monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting 
    requirements for hazardous waste, disposal, and treatment facilities in 
    40 CFR part 264, subpart AA (Air Emission Standards for Process Vents) 
    or subpart CC (Air Emission Standards for Tanks, Surface Impoundment, 
    and Containers), the owner or operator may comply with either paragraph 
    (j)(1) or (2) of this section. If, after the compliance dates specified 
    in this subpart, any combustion device, recovery device, or recapture 
    device subject to this subpart is subject to monitoring and 
    recordkeeping requirements hazardous waste treatment, storage, and 
    disposal facilities in 40 CFR part 265, subpart AA (Air Emission 
    Standards for Process Vents) or subpart CC (Air Emission Standards for 
    Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers), the owner or operator may 
    comply with either paragraph (j)(1) or (3) of this section. If the 
    owner or operator elects to comply with either paragraph (j)(2) or (3) 
    of this section, the owner or operator shall notify the Administrator 
    of this choice in the Notification of Compliance Status required by 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(5).
        (1) The owner or operator shall comply with the monitoring, 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this subpart.
        (2) The owner or operator shall comply with the monitoring, 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements in 40 CFR part 264, with the 
    following exception. All excursions, as defined in Sec. 63.1438(f), 
    shall be reported in the periodic report. Compliance with this 
    paragraph shall constitute compliance with the monitoring, 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this subpart.
        (3) The owner or operator shall comply with the monitoring and 
    recordkeeping requirements of 40 CFR part 265, subpart AA or subpart 
    CC, and the periodic reporting requirements under 40 CFR part 264, 
    subpart AA or subpart CC, that would apply to the device if the 
    facility had final-permitted status, with the following exception. All 
    excursions, as defined in Sec. 63.1438(f), shall be reported in the 
    periodic report. Compliance with this paragraph shall constitute 
    compliance with the monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting 
    requirements of this subpart.
        (k) Paragraphs (k)(1) and (2) of this section address instances in 
    which requirements from other regulations overlap for the same heat 
    exchange system(s) or waste management unit(s) that are subject to this 
        (1) After the applicable compliance date specified in this subpart, 
    if a heat exchange system subject to this subpart is also subject to a 
    standard identified in paragraph (k)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section, 
    compliance with the applicable provisions of the standard identified in 
    paragraph (k)(1)(i) or (ii) shall constitute compliance with the 
    applicable provisions of this subpart with respect to that heat 
    exchange system.
        (i) 40 CFR part 63, subpart F.
        (ii) A subpart of this part which requires compliance with the HON 
    heat exchange system requirements in Sec. 63.104 (e.g., 40 CFR part 63, 
    subpart JJJ or U).
        (2) After the applicable compliance date specified in this subpart, 
    if any waste management unit subject to this subpart is also subject to 
    a standard identified in paragraph (k)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section, 
    compliance with the applicable provisions of the standard identified in 
    paragraph (k)(2)(i) or (ii) shall constitute compliance with the 
    applicable provisions of this subpart with respect to that waste 
    management unit.
        (i) 40 CFR part 63, subpart G.
        (ii) A subpart of this part which requires compliance with the HON 
    process wastewater provisions in Secs. 63.132 through 63.147 (e.g., 
    subpart JJJ or U).
        (l) All terms in this subpart that define a period of time for 
    completion of required tasks (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annual), unless 
    specified otherwise in the section or subsection that imposes the 
    requirement, refer to the standard calendar periods, unless altered by 
    mutual agreement between the owner or operator and the Administrator in 
    accordance with paragraph (l)(1) of this section.
        (1) Notwithstanding time periods specified in this subpart for 
    completion of required tasks, such time periods may be changed by 
    mutual agreement between the owner or operator and the Administrator, 
    as specified in the General Provisions in 40 CFR part 63, subpart A 
    (e.g., a period could begin on the compliance date or another date, 
    rather than on the first day of the standard calendar period). For each 
    time period that is changed by agreement, the revised period shall 
    remain in effect until it is changed. A new request is not necessary 
    for each recurring period.
        (2) Where the period specified for compliance is a standard 
    calendar period, if the initial compliance date occurs after the 
    beginning of the period, compliance shall be required according to the 
    schedule specified in paragraphs (l)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section, as 
        (i) Compliance shall be required before the end of the standard 
    calendar period within which the compliance deadline occurs, if there 
    remains at least 2 weeks for tasks that shall be performed monthly, at 
    least 1 month for tasks that shall be performed each quarter, or at 
    least 3 months for tasks that shall be performed annually; or
        (ii) In all other cases, compliance shall be required before the 
    end of the first full standard calendar period after the period within 
    which the initial compliance deadline occurs.
        (3) In all instances where a provision of this subpart requires 
    completion of a task during each of multiple successive periods, an 
    owner or operator may perform the required task at any time during the 
    specified period, provided that the task is conducted at a reasonable 
    interval after completion of the task during the previous period.
    Sec. 63.1423  Definitions.
        (a) The following terms used in this subpart shall have the meaning 
    given them in subparts A (Sec. 63.2), F (Sec. 63.101), G (Sec. 63.111), 
    and H (Sec. 63.161) as specified after each term:
    Act (subpart A)
    Administrator (subpart A)
    Automated monitoring and recording system (subpart G)
    Boiler (subpart G)
    Bottoms receiver (subpart H)
    By-product (subpart F)
    Car-seal (subpart G)
    Closed-vent system (subpart G)
    Combustion device (subpart G)
    Commenced (subpart A)
    Compliance date (subpart A)
    Continuous monitoring system (subpart A)
    Emission standard (subpart A)
    EPA (subpart A)
    Equipment (subpart H)
    Flow indicator (subpart G)
    Fuel gas (subpart F)
    Fuel gas system (subpart F)
    Hard-piping (subpart G)
    Heat exchange system (subpart F)
    Impurity (subpart F)
    Incinerator (subpart G)
    Major source (subpart A)
    Malfunction (subpart A)
    Open-ended valve or line (subpart H)
    Operating permit (subpart F)
    Organic monitoring device (subpart G)
    Owner or operator (subpart A)
    Performance evaluation (subpart A)
    Performance test (subpart A)
    Permitting authority (subpart A)
    Plant site (subpart F)
    Potential to emit (subpart A)
    Primary fuel (subpart G)
    Process heater (subpart G)
    Process unit shutdown (subpart H)
    Reactor (subpart G)
    Recapture device (subpart G)
    Relief valve (subpart G)
    [[Page 29446]]
    Research and development facility (subpart F)
    Run (subpart A)
    Secondary fuel (subpart G)
    Sensor (subpart H)
    Specific gravity monitoring device (subpart G)
    Start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan (subpart F)
    State (subpart A)
    Surge control vessel (subpart H)
    Temperature monitoring device (subpart G)
    Test method (subpart A)
    Total resource effectiveness index value (subpart G)
    Treatment process (subpart G)
    Visible emission (subpart A)
        (b) All other terms used in this subpart shall have the meaning 
    given them in this section.
        Annual average concentration, as used in conjunction with the 
    wastewater provisions, means the flow-weighted annual average 
    concentration and is determined by the procedures in Sec. 63.144(b), 
    except as provided in Sec. 63.1433(a)(2).
        Annual average flow rate, as used in conjunction with the 
    wastewater provisions, is determined by the procedures in 
    Sec. 63.144(c).
        Batch cycle means the step or steps, from start to finish, that 
    occur in a batch unit operation.
        Batch unit operation means a unit operation involving intermittent 
    or discontinuous feed into equipment, and, in general, involves the 
    emptying of equipment after the batch cycle ceases and prior to 
    beginning a new batch cycle. Mass, temperature, concentration and other 
    properties of the process may vary with time. Addition of raw material 
    and withdrawal of product do not simultaneously occur in a batch unit 
        Catalyst extraction means the removal of the catalyst using either 
    solvent or physical extraction method.
        Construction means the on-site fabrication, erection, or 
    installation of an affected source. Construction also means the on-site 
    fabrication, erection, or installation of a process unit or a 
    combination of process units which subsequently becomes an affected 
    source or part of an affected source due to a change in primary 
        Continuous record means documentation, either in hard copy or 
    computer readable form, of data values measured at least once during 
    approximately equal intervals of 15 minutes and recorded at the 
    frequency specified in Sec. 63.1439(d).
        Continuous recorder is defined in Sec. 63.111, except that when the 
    definition in Sec. 63.111 reads ``or records 15-minute or more frequent 
    block average values,'' the phrase ``or records 1-hour or more frequent 
    block average values'' shall apply for purposes of this subpart.
        Continuous unit operation means a unit operation where the inputs 
    and outputs flow continuously. Continuous unit operations typically 
    approach steady-state conditions. Continuous unit operations typically 
    involve the simultaneous addition of raw material and withdrawal of the 
        Control technique means any equipment or process control used for 
    capturing, recovering, or oxidizing organic hazardous air pollutant 
    vapors. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, absorbers, 
    adsorbers, boilers, condensers, flares, incinerators, process heaters, 
    and scrubbers, or any combination thereof. Process control includes 
    extended cookout (as defined in this section). Condensers operating as 
    reflux condensers that are necessary for processing, such as liquid 
    level control, temperature control, or distillation operation, shall be 
    considered inherently part of the process and will not be considered 
    control techniques.
        Emission point means an individual process vent, storage vessel, 
    wastewater stream, or equipment leak.
        Epoxide means a chemical compound consisting of a three-membered 
    cyclic ether. Only emissions of epoxides listed in Table 4 of this 
    subpart (i.e., ethylene oxide and propylene oxide) are regulated by the 
    provisions of this subpart.
        Equipment leak means emissions of organic HAP from a pump, 
    compressor, agitator, pressure relief device, sampling connection 
    system, open-ended valve or line, valve, surge control vessel, bottoms 
    receiver, or instrumentation system in organic HAP service.
        Extended Cookout (ECO) means a control technique that reduces the 
    amount of unreacted ethylene oxide (EO) and/or propylene oxide (PO) 
    (epoxides) in the reactor. This is accomplished by allowing the product 
    to react for a longer time period, thereby having less unreacted 
    epoxides and reducing epoxides emissions that may have otherwise 
        Flexible operation unit means a process unit that manufactures 
    different chemical products by periodically alternating raw materials 
    fed to the process unit or operating conditions at the process unit. 
    These units are also referred to as campaign plants or blocked 
        Group 1 combination of batch process vents means a collection of 
    process vents in a PMPU from batch unit operations that are associated 
    with the use of a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product 
    that meet all of the following conditions:
        (1) Has annual nonepoxide organic HAP emissions, determined in 
    accordance with Sec. 63.1428(b), of 11,800 kg/yr or greater, and
        (2) Has a cutoff flow rate, determined in accordance with 
    Sec. 63.1428(e), that is greater than or equal to the annual average 
    flow rate, determined in accordance with Sec. 63.1428(d).
        Group 2 combination of batch process vents means a collection of 
    process vents in a PMPU from batch unit operations that are associated 
    with the use of a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product 
    that is not classified as a Group 1 combination of batch process vents.
        Group 1 continuous process vent means a process vent from a 
    continuous unit operation that is associated with the use of a 
    nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product that meets all of 
    the following conditions:
        (1) Has a flow rate greater than or equal to 0.005 standard cubic 
    meters per minute,
        (2) Has a total organic HAP concentration greater than or equal to 
    50 parts per million by volume, and
        (3) Has a total resource effectiveness index value, calculated in 
    accordance with Sec. 63.1428(h)(1), less than or equal to 1.0.
        Group 2 continuous process vent means a process vent from a 
    continuous unit operation that is associated with the use of a 
    nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product that is not 
    classified as a Group 1 continuous process vent.
        Group 1 storage vessel means a storage vessel that meets the 
    applicability criteria specified in Table 3 of this subpart.
        Group 2 storage vessel means a storage vessel that does not fall 
    within the definition of a Group 1 storage vessel.
        Group 1 wastewater stream means a process wastewater stream at an 
    existing or new affected source that meets the criteria for Group 1 
    status in Sec. 63.132(c), with the exceptions listed in 
    Sec. 63.1433(a)(2) for the purposes of this subpart (i.e., for organic 
    HAP listed on Table 4 of this subpart only).
        Group 2 wastewater stream means any process wastewater stream as 
    defined in Sec. 63.101 at an existing affected source that does not 
    meet the definition (in this section) of a Group 1 wastewater stream.
        In organic hazardous air pollutant service or in organic HAP 
    service means that a piece of equipment either contains or contacts a 
    fluid (liquid or gas) that is at least 5 percent by weight of total 
    organic HAP (as defined in this
    [[Page 29447]]
    section), as determined according to the provisions of Sec. 63.180(d). 
    The provisions of Sec. 63.180(d) also specify how to determine that a 
    piece of equipment is not in organic HAP service.
        Initial start-up means the first time a new or reconstructed 
    affected source begins production, or, for equipment added or changed 
    as described in Sec. 63.1420(g), the first time the equipment is put 
    into operation to produce a polyether polyol. Initial start-up does not 
    include operation solely for testing equipment. Initial start-up does 
    not include subsequent start-ups of an affected source or portion 
    thereof following malfunctions or shutdowns or following changes in 
    product for flexible operation units. Further, for purposes of 
    Sec. 63.1422, initial start-up does not include subsequent start-ups of 
    affected sources or portions thereof following malfunctions or process 
    unit shutdowns.
        Maintenance wastewater is defined in Sec. 63.101, except that the 
    term ``polyether polyol manufacturing process unit'' shall apply 
    whenever the term ``chemical manufacturing process unit'' is used. 
    Further, the generation of wastewater from the routine rinsing or 
    washing of equipment in batch operation between batches is not 
    maintenance wastewater, but is considered to be process wastewater, for 
    the purposes of this subpart.
        Make or modify the product means to produce the polyether polyol by 
    polymerization of epoxides or other cyclic ethers with compounds having 
    one or more reactive hydrogens, and to incorporate additives (e.g., 
    preservatives, antioxidants, or diluents) in order to maintain the 
    quality of the finished products before shipping. Making and modifying 
    the product for this regulation does not include grafting, polymerizing 
    the polyol, or reacting it with compounds other than EO or PO.
        Maximum true vapor pressure is defined in Sec. 63.111, except that 
    the terms ``transfer'' and ``transferred'' shall not apply for the 
    purposes of this subpart.
        New process unit means a process unit for which the construction or 
    reconstruction commenced after September 4, 1997.
        On-site or on site means, with respect to records required to be 
    maintained by this subpart or required by another subpart referenced by 
    this subpart, a location within the plant site where the affected 
    source is located. On-site storage of records includes, but is not 
    limited to, a location at the affected source or PMPU to which the 
    records pertain or a location elsewhere at the plant site where the 
    affected source is located.
        Operating day refers to the 24-hour period defined by the owner or 
    operator in the Notification of Compliance Status required by 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(5). That 24-hour period may be from midnight to 
    midnight or another 24-hour period. The operating day is the 24-hour 
    period for which daily average monitoring values are determined.
        Organic hazardous air pollutant(s) (organic HAP) means one or more 
    of the chemicals listed in Table 4 of this subpart, or any other 
    chemical which:
        (1) Is knowingly produced or introduced into the manufacturing 
    process other than as an impurity; and
        (2) Is listed in Table 2 of 40 CFR part 63, subpart F in the HON.
        Polyether polyol means a compound formed through the polymerization 
    of EO or PO or other cyclic ethers with compounds having one or more 
    reactive hydrogens (i.e., a hydrogen atom bonded to nitrogen, oxygen, 
    phosphorus, sulfur, etc.) to form polyethers (i.e., compounds with two 
    or more ether bonds). This definition of ``polyether polyol'' excludes 
    hydroxy ethyl cellulose and materials regulated under 40 CFR part 63, 
    subparts F, G, and H (the HON), such as glycols and glycol ethers.
        Polyether polyol manufacturing process unit (PMPU) means a process 
    unit that manufactures a polyether polyol as its primary product, or a 
    process unit designated as a polyether polyol manufacturing unit in 
    accordance with Sec. 63.1420(e)(2). A polyether polyol manufacturing 
    process unit consists of more than one unit operation. This collection 
    of equipment includes purification systems, reactors and their 
    associated product separators and recovery devices, distillation units 
    and their associated distillate receivers and recovery devices, other 
    associated unit operations, storage vessels, surge control vessels, 
    bottoms receivers, product transfer racks, connected ducts and piping, 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture devices or systems, and the 
    equipment (i.e., all pumps, compressors, agitators, pressure relief 
    devices, sampling connection systems, open-ended valves or lines, 
    valves, connectors, and instrumentation systems that are associated 
    with the PMPU) that are subject to the equipment leak provisions as 
    specified in Sec. 63.1434.
        Pressure decay curve is the graph of the reactor pressure versus 
    time from the point when epoxide feed is stopped until the reactor 
    pressure is constant, indicating that most of the epoxide has reacted 
    out of the vapor and liquid phases. This curve shall be determined with 
    no leaks or vents from the reactor.
        Primary product is defined in and determined by the procedures 
    specified in Sec. 63.1420(e).
        Process unit means a collection of equipment assembled and 
    connected by pipes or ducts to process raw materials and to manufacture 
    a product.
        Process vent means a point of emission from a unit operation having 
    a gaseous stream that is discharged to the atmosphere either directly 
    or after passing through one or more combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    devices. A process vent from a continuous unit operation is a gaseous 
    emission stream containing more than 0.005 weight-percent total organic 
    HAP. A process vent from a batch unit operation is a gaseous emission 
    stream containing more than 225 kilograms per year (500 pounds per 
    year) of organic HAP emissions. Unit operations that may have process 
    vents are condensers, distillation units, reactors, or other unit 
    operations within the PMPU. Process vents exclude pressure relief valve 
    discharges, gaseous streams routed to a fuel gas system(s), and leaks 
    from equipment regulated under Sec. 63.1434. A gaseous emission stream 
    is no longer considered to be a process vent after the stream has been 
    controlled and monitored in accordance with the applicable provisions 
    of this subpart.
        Process wastewater means wastewater which, during manufacturing or 
    processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the 
    production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished 
    product, by-product, or waste product. Examples are product tank 
    drawdown or feed tank drawdown; water formed during a chemical reaction 
    or used as a reactant; water used to wash impurities from organic 
    products or reactants; equipment washes between batches in a batch 
    process; water used to cool or quench organic vapor streams through 
    direct contact; and condensed steam from jet ejector systems pulling 
    vacuum on vessels containing organics.
        Product means a compound or material which is manufactured by a 
    process unit. By-products, isolated intermediates, impurities, wastes, 
    and trace contaminants are not considered products.
        Product class means a group of polyether polyols with a similar 
    pressure decay curve (or faster pressure decay curves) that are 
    manufactured within a given set of operating conditions representing 
    the decline in pressure versus time. All products within a product 
    class shall have an essentially similar pressure decay curve, and 
    operate within a given set of
    [[Page 29448]]
    operating conditions. These operating conditions are: a minimum 
    reaction temperature; the number of -OH groups in the polyol; a minimum 
    catalyst concentration; the type of catalyst (e.g., self-catalyzed, 
    base catalyst, or acid catalyst); the epoxide ratio, or a range for 
    that ratio; and the reaction conditions of the system (e.g., the size 
    of the reactor, or the size of the batch).
        Reactor liquid means the compound or material made in the reactor, 
    even though the substance may be transferred to another vessel. This 
    material may require further modifications before becoming a final 
    product, in which case the reactor liquid is classified as an 
    ``intermediate.'' This material may be complete at this stage, in which 
    case the reactor liquid is classified as a ``product.''
        Reconstruction means the replacement of components of an affected 
    source or of a previously unaffected stationary source that becomes an 
    affected source as a result of the replacement, to such an extent that:
        (1) The fixed capital cost of the new components exceeds 50 percent 
    of the fixed capital cost that would be required to construct a 
    comparable new source; and
        (2) It is technologically and economically feasible for the 
    reconstructed source to meet the provisions of this subpart.
        Recovery device means an individual unit of equipment capable of 
    and normally used for the purpose of recovering chemicals for fuel 
    value (i.e., net positive heating value), use, reuse, or for sale for 
    fuel value, use, or reuse. Examples of equipment that may be recovery 
    devices include absorbers, carbon adsorbers, condensers (except reflux 
    condensers), oil-water separators or organic-water separators, or 
    organic removal devices such as decanters, strippers, or thin film 
    evaporation units. For the purposes of the monitoring, recordkeeping, 
    or reporting requirements of this subpart, recapture devices are 
    considered to be recovery devices.
        Residual is defined in Sec. 63.111, except that when the definition 
    in Sec. 63.111 uses the term ``Table 9 compounds,'' the term ``organic 
    HAP listed in Table 9 of subpart G'' shall apply, for the purposes of 
    this subpart.
        Shutdown means the cessation of operation of an affected source, a 
    PMPU within an affected source, a waste management unit or unit 
    operation within an affected source, equipment required or used to 
    comply with this subpart, or the emptying or degassing of a storage 
    vessel. The purposes for a shutdown may include, but are not limited 
    to, periodic maintenance, replacement of equipment, or equipment 
    repairs. Shutdown does not include the normal periods between batch 
    cycles. For continuous unit operations, shutdown includes transitional 
    conditions due to changes in product for flexible operation units. For 
    batch unit operations, shutdown does not include transitional 
    conditions due to changes in product for flexible operation units. For 
    purposes of the wastewater provisions, shutdown does not include the 
    routine rinsing or washing of equipment between batch cycles.
        Start-up means the setting into operation of an affected source, a 
    PMPU within the affected source, a waste management unit or unit 
    operation within an affected source, equipment required or used to 
    comply with this subpart, or a storage vessel after emptying and 
    degassing. For all processes, start-up includes initial start-up and 
    operation solely for testing equipment. Start-up does not include the 
    recharging of batch unit operations. For continuous unit operations, 
    start-up includes transitional conditions due to changes in product for 
    flexible operation units. For batch unit operations, start-up does not 
    include transitional conditions due to changes in product for flexible 
    operation units.
        Steady-state conditions means that all variables (temperatures, 
    pressures, volumes, flow rates, etc.) in a process do not vary 
    significantly with time; minor fluctuations about constant mean values 
    may occur.
        Storage vessel means a tank or other vessel that is used to store 
    liquids that contain one or more organic HAP. Storage vessels do not 
        (1) Vessels permanently attached to motor vehicles such as trucks, 
    railcars, barges, or ships;
        (2) Pressure vessels designed to operate in excess of 204.9 
    kilopascals and without emissions to the atmosphere;
        (3) Vessels with capacities smaller than 38 cubic meters;
        (4) Vessels and equipment storing and/or handling material that 
    contains no organic HAP, or organic HAP as impurities only;
        (5) Surge control vessels and bottoms receiver tanks;
        (6) Wastewater storage tanks; and
        (7) Storage vessels assigned to another process unit regulated 
    under another subpart of part 63.
        Total organic compounds (TOC) are those compounds, excluding 
    methane and ethane, measured according to the procedures of Method 18 
    or Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.
        Unit operation means one or more pieces of process equipment used 
    to make a single change to the physical or chemical characteristics of 
    one or more process streams. Unit operations include, but are not 
    limited to, reactors, distillation units, extraction columns, 
    absorbers, decanters, condensers, and filtration equipment.
        Vent stream, as used in reference to process vents, means the 
    emissions from a process vent.
        Waste management unit is defined in Sec. 63.111, except that when 
    the definition in Sec. 63.111 uses the term ``chemical manufacturing 
    process unit,'' the term ``PMPU'' shall apply for the purposes of this 
        Wastewater means water that:
        (1) Contains either
        (i) An annual average concentration of organic HAP listed in Table 
    4 of this subpart of at least 5 parts per million by weight and has an 
    annual average flow rate of 0.02 liter per minute or greater, or
        (ii) An annual average concentration of organic HAP listed on Table 
    4 of this subpart of at least 10,000 parts per million by weight at any 
    flow rate; and that
        (2) Is discarded from a PMPU that is part of an affected source. 
    Wastewater is process wastewater or maintenance wastewater.
    Sec. 63.1424  Emission standards.
        (a) Except as provided under paragraph (b) of this section, the 
    owner or operator of an existing or new affected source shall comply 
    with the provisions in:
        (1) Sections 63.1425 through 63.1430 for process vents;
        (2) Section 63.1432 for storage vessels;
        (3) Section 63.1433 for wastewater;
        (4) Section 63.1434 for equipment leaks;
        (5) Section 63.1435 for heat exchangers;
        (6) Section 63.1437 for additional test methods and procedures;
        (7) Section 63.1438 for monitoring levels and excursions; and
        (8) Section 63.1439 for general reporting and recordkeeping 
        (b) When emissions of different kinds (i.e., emissions from process 
    vents subject to Secs. 63.1425 through 63.1430, storage vessels subject 
    to Sec. 63.1432, process wastewater, and/or in-process equipment 
    subject to Sec. 63.149) are combined, and at least one of the emission 
    streams would require control according to the applicable provision in 
    the absence of combination with other
    [[Page 29449]]
    emission streams, the owner or operator shall comply with the 
    requirements of either paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section.
        (1) Comply with the applicable requirements of this subpart for 
    each kind of emission in the stream as specified in paragraphs (a)(1) 
    through (5) of this section; or
        (2) Comply with the most stringent set of requirements that applies 
    to any individual emission stream that is included in the combined 
    stream, where either that emission stream would be classified as 
    requiring control in the absence of combination with other emission 
    streams, or the owner chooses to consider that emission stream to 
    require control for the purposes of this paragraph.
    Sec. 63.1425  Process vent control requirements.
        (a) Applicability of process vent control requirements. For each 
    process vent at an affected source, the owner or operator shall comply 
    with the provisions of this section. Owners and operators of all 
    affected sources using epoxides in the production of polyether polyols 
    are subject to the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section. 
    Owners or operators are subject to the requirements of paragraph (c) of 
    this section only if epoxides are used in the production of polyether 
    polyols and nonepoxide organic HAP are used to make or modify the 
    product. Similarly, owners or operators are subject to the requirements 
    of paragraph (d) of this section only if epoxides are used in the 
    production of polyether polyols and organic HAP are used in catalyst 
    extraction. The owner or operator of an affected source where polyether 
    polyol products are produced using tetrahydrofuran shall comply with 
    paragraph (f) of this section.
        (b) Requirements for epoxide emissions. The owner or operator of an 
    affected source where polyether polyol products are produced using 
    epoxides shall reduce epoxide emissions from process vents from batch 
    unit operations and continuous unit operations within each PMPU in 
    accordance with either paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section.
        (1) For new affected sources, the owner or operator shall comply 
    with paragraph (b)(1)(i), (ii), or (iii) this section. The owner or 
    operator also has the option of complying with a combination of 
    paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section. If the owner or operator 
    chooses to comply with a combination of paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) 
    of this section, each process vent not controlled in accordance with 
    paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section shall be part of the group of 
    applicable process vents that shall then comply with paragraph 
    (b)(1)(i) of this section.
        (i) Reduce the total epoxide emissions from the group of applicable 
    process vents by an aggregated 99.9 percent;
        (ii) Maintain an outlet concentration of total epoxides or TOC 
    after each combustion, recapture, or recovery device of 20 ppmv or 
    less; or
        (iii) Maintain an emission factor of no greater than 4.43  x  
    10-3 kilogram epoxide emissions per megagram of product 
    (4.43  x  10-3 pounds epoxide emissions per 1,000 pounds of 
    product) for all process vents in the PMPU.
        (2) For existing affected sources, the owner or operator shall 
    comply with either paragraph (b)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this 
    section. The owner or operator also has the option of complying with a 
    combination of paragraphs (b)(2)(ii) and (iii) of this section. If the 
    owner or operator chooses to comply with a combination of paragraphs 
    (b)(2)(ii) and (iii) of this section, each process vent that is not 
    controlled in accordance with paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section 
    shall be part of the group of applicable process vents that shall then 
    comply with paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section. The owner or operator 
    also has the option of complying with a combination of paragraphs 
    (b)(2)(i) and (iii) of this section.
        (i) Reduce the total epoxide emissions from each process vent using 
    a flare;
        (ii) Reduce the total epoxide emissions from the group of 
    applicable process vents by an aggregated 98 percent;
        (iii) Maintain an outlet concentration of total epoxides or TOC 
    after each combustion, recapture or recovery devices of 20 ppmv or 
    less; or
        (iv) Maintain an emission factor of no greater than 1.69  x  
    10-2 kilogram epoxide emissions per megagram of product 
    (1.69  x  10-2 pounds epoxide emissions per 1,000 pounds of 
    product) for all process vents in the PMPU.
        (c) Requirements for nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from making 
    or modifying the product. The owner or operator of a new or existing 
    source where polyether polyols are produced using epoxides, and where 
    nonepoxide organic HAP are used to make or modify the product, shall 
    comply with this paragraph. For each process vent from a continuous 
    unit operation that is associated with the use of a nonepoxide organic 
    HAP to make or modify the product, the owner or operator shall 
    determine if the process vent is a Group 1 continuous process vent, as 
    defined in Sec. 63.1423. For the combination of process vents from 
    batch unit operations that are associated with the use of a nonepoxide 
    organic HAP to make or modify the product, the owner or operator shall 
    determine if the combination of process vents is a Group 1 combination 
    of batch process vents, as defined in Sec. 63.1423.
        (1) Requirements for Group 1 combinations of batch process vents. 
    For each Group 1 combination of batch process vents, as defined in 
    Sec. 63.1423, the owner or operator shall comply with either paragraph 
    (c)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section.
        (i) Reduce nonepoxide organic HAP emissions using a flare.
        (ii) Reduce nonepoxide organic HAP emissions by 90 percent using a 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device.
        (2) Requirements for Group 2 combinations of batch process vents. 
    For each Group 2 combination of batch process vents, as defined in 
    Sec. 63.1423, the owner or operator reassess the group status when 
    process changes occur, in accordance with the provisions of 
    Sec. 63.1428(g). No control requirements apply to these process vents.
        (3) Requirements for Group 1 continuous process vents. For each 
    Group 1 continuous process vent, as defined in Sec. 63.1423, the owner 
    or operator shall comply with either paragraph (c)(3)(i) or (ii) of 
    this section.
        (i) Reduce nonepoxide organic HAP emissions using a flare.
        (ii) Reduce nonepoxide organic HAP emissions by 98 percent using a 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device.
        (4) Requirements for Group 2 continuous process vents. For each 
    Group 2 continuous process vent, as defined in Sec. 63.1423, the owner 
    or operator shall comply with either paragraph (c)(4)(i) or (ii) of 
    this section.
        (i) If the TRE for the process vent is greater than 1.0 but less 
    than 4.0, the owner or operator shall comply with the monitoring 
    provisions in Sec. 63.1429, the recordkeeping provisions in 
    Sec. 63.1430(d), and recalculate the TRE index value when process 
    changes occur, in accordance with the provisions in Sec. 63.1428(h)(2).
        (ii) If the TRE for the process vent is greater than 4.0, the owner 
    or operator shall recalculate the TRE index value when process changes 
    occur, in accordance with the provisions in Sec. 63.1428(h)(2).
        (d) Requirements for nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from catalyst 
    extraction. The owner or operator of a new or existing affected source 
    where polyether polyol products are produced using epoxide compounds 
    shall comply with either paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this
    [[Page 29450]]
    section. A PMPU that does not use any nonepoxide organic HAP in 
    catalyst extraction is exempt from the requirements of this paragraph.
        (1) Reduce emissions of nonepoxide organic HAP from all process 
    vents associated with catalyst extraction using a flare; or
        (2) Reduce emissions of nonepoxide organic HAP from the sum total 
    of all process vents associated with catalyst extraction by an 
    aggregated 90 percent for each PMPU.
        (e) [Reserved]
        (f) Requirements for process vents at PMPUs that produce polyether 
    polyol products using tetrahydrofuran. For each process vent in a PMPU 
    that uses tetrahydrofuran (THF) to produce one or more polyether polyol 
    products that is, or is part of, an affected source, the owner or 
    operator shall comply with the HON process vent requirements in 
    Secs. 63.113 through 63.118, except as provided for in paragraphs 
    (f)(1) through (10) of this section.
        (1) When December 31, 1992 is referred to in the HON process vent 
    requirements in Sec. 63.113, it shall be replaced with September 4, 
    1997, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (2) When Sec. 63.151(f), alternative monitoring parameters, and 
    Sec. 63.152(e), submission of an operating permit application, are 
    referred to in Secs. 63.114(c) and 63.117(e), Sec. 63.1439(f), 
    alternative monitoring parameters, and Sec. 63.1439(e)(8), submission 
    of an operating permit application, respectively, shall apply for the 
    purposes of this subpart.
        (3) When the Notification of Compliance Status requirements 
    contained in Sec. 63.152(b) are referred to in Secs. 63.114, 63.117, 
    and 63.118, the Notification of Compliance Status requirements 
    contained in Sec. 63.1439(e)(5) shall apply for the purposes of this 
        (4) When the Periodic Report requirements contained in 
    Sec. 63.152(c) are referred to in Secs. 63.117 and 63.118, the Periodic 
    Report requirements contained in Sec. 63.1439(e)(6) shall apply for the 
    purposes of this subpart.
        (5) When the definition of excursion in Sec. 63.152(c)(2)(ii)(A) is 
    referred to in Sec. 63.118(f)(2), the definition of excursion in 
    Sec. 63.1438(f) shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.
        (6) When Sec. 63.114(e) specifies that an owner or operator shall 
    submit the information required in Sec. 63.152(b) in order to establish 
    the parameter monitoring range, the owner or operator shall comply with 
    the provisions of Sec. 63.1438 for establishing the parameter 
    monitoring level and shall comply with Sec. 63.1439(e)(5)(ii) or 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(8) for the purposes of reporting information related to 
    the establishment of the parameter monitoring level, for the purposes 
    of this subpart. Further, the term ``level'' shall apply whenever the 
    term ``range'' is used in Secs. 63.114, 63.117, and 63.118.
        (7) When reports of process changes are required under 
    Sec. 63.118(g), (h), (i), or (j), paragraphs (f)(7)(i) through (iv) of 
    this section shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.
        (i) For the purposes of this subpart, whenever a process change, as 
    defined in Sec. 63.115(e), is made that causes a Group 2 process vent 
    to become a Group 1 process vent, the owner or operator shall submit a 
    report within 180 days after the process change is made or the 
    information regarding the process change is known to the owner or 
    operator. This report may be included in the next Periodic Report. A 
    description of the process change shall be included in this report.
        (ii) Whenever a process change, as defined in Sec. 63.115(e), is 
    made that causes a Group 2 process vent with a TRE greater than 4.0 to 
    become a Group 2 process vent with a TRE less than 4.0, the owner or 
    operator shall submit a report within 180 days after the process change 
    is made or the information regarding the process change is known to the 
    owner or operator, unless the flow rate is less than 0.005 standard 
    cubic meters per minute. This report may be included in the next 
    Periodic Report. A description of the process change shall be included 
    in this report.
        (iii) Whenever a process change, as defined in Sec. 63.115(e), is 
    made that causes a Group 2 process vent with a flow rate less than 
    0.005 standard cubic meter per minute (scmm) to become a Group 2 
    process vent with a flow rate of 0.005 scmm or greater and a TRE index 
    value less than or equal to 4.0, the owner or operator shall submit a 
    report within 180 days after the process change is made or the 
    information regarding the process change is known to the owner or 
    operator, unless the organic HAP concentration is less than 50 ppmv. 
    This report may be included in the next Periodic Report. A description 
    of the process change shall be submitted with the report.
        (iv) Whenever a process change, as defined in Sec. 63.115(e), is 
    made that causes a Group 2 process vent with an organic HAP 
    concentration less than 50 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to become 
    a Group 2 process vent with an organic HAP concentration of 50 ppmv or 
    greater and a TRE index value less than or equal to 4.0, the owner or 
    operator shall submit a report within 180 days after the process change 
    is made or the information regarding the process change is known to the 
    owner or operator, unless the flow rate is less than 0.005 standard 
    cubic meters per minute. This report may be included in the next 
    Periodic Report. A description of the process change shall be submitted 
    with this report.
        (8) When Sec. 63.118 refers to Sec. 63.152(f), the recordkeeping 
    requirements in Sec. 63.1439(d) shall apply for the purposes of this 
        (9) When Secs. 63.115 and 63.116 refer to Table 2 of 40 CFR part 
    63, subpart F, the owner or operator shall only consider organic HAP as 
    defined in this subpart.
        (10) When the provisions of Sec. 63.116(c)(3) and (4) specify that 
    Method 18, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A shall be used, Method 18 or 
    Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A may be used for the purposes of 
    this subpart. The use of Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A shall 
    comply with paragraphs (f)(10)(i) and (ii) of this section.
        (i) The organic HAP used as the calibration gas for Method 25A, 40 
    CFR part 60, appendix A shall be the single organic HAP representing 
    the largest percent by volume of the emissions.
        (ii) The use of Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A is 
    acceptable if the response from the high-level calibration gas is at 
    least 20 times the standard deviation of the response from the zero 
    calibration gas when the instrument is zeroed on the most sensitive 
    Sec. 63.1426  Process vent requirements for determining organic HAP 
    concentration, control efficiency, and aggregated organic HAP emission 
    reduction for a PMPU.
        (a) Use of a flare. When a flare is used to comply with 
    Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(i) (in combination with other control techniques), 
    (b)(2)(i), (c)(1)(i), (c)(3)(i), or (d)(1), the owner or operator shall 
    comply with Sec. 63.1437(c), and is not required to demonstrate the 
    control efficiency for the flare, if the owner or operator chooses to 
    assume a 98 percent control efficiency for that flare, as allowed under 
    paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section. In order to use only a flare to 
    comply with Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(i), or to use a flare and apply a 
    control efficiency greater than 98 percent, an owner or operator shall 
    submit a request in accordance with Sec. 63.6(g) in either the 
    Precompliance Report described in Sec. 63.1439(e)(4), or in a 
    supplement to the precompliance report, as described in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(4)(vii).
        (b) Exceptions to performance tests. An owner or operator is not 
    required to conduct a performance test when a combustion, recovery, or 
    [[Page 29451]]
    device specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this section is 
    used to comply with Sec. 63.1425(b), (c), or (d).
        (1) A boiler or process heater with a design heat input capacity of 
    44 megawatts or greater.
        (2) A boiler or process heater where the process vent stream is 
    introduced with the primary fuel or is used as the primary fuel.
        (3) A combustion, recovery, or recapture device for which a 
    performance test was conducted within the preceding 5-year period, 
    using the same Methods specified in this section and either no 
    deliberate process changes have been made since the test, or the owner 
    or operator can demonstrate that the results of the performance test, 
    with or without adjustments, reliably demonstrate compliance despite 
    process changes. The operating parameters reported under the previous 
    performance test shall be sufficient to meet the parameter monitoring 
    requirements in this subpart.
        (4) A boiler or process heater burning hazardous waste for which 
    the owner or operator:
        (i) Has been issued a final hazardous waste permit under 40 CFR 
    part 270 and complies with the requirements for hazardous waste burned 
    in boilers and industrial furnaces in 40 CFR part 266, subpart H; or
        (ii) Has certified compliance with the interim status requirements 
    for hazardous waste burned in boilers and industrial furnaces in of 40 
    CFR part 266, subpart H.
        (5) A hazardous waste incinerator for which the owner or operator 
    has been issued a final permit under 40 CFR part 270 and complies with 
    the requirements for incinerators in 40 CFR part 264, subpart O, or has 
    certified compliance with the interim status requirements for 
    incinerators in 40 CFR part 265, subpart O.
        (6) Combustion, recovery or recapture device (except for 
    condensers) performance may be determined by using the design 
    evaluation described in paragraph (f) of this section, provided that 
    the combustion, recovery or recapture device receives less than 10 tons 
    per year (9.1 megagrams per year) of uncontrolled organic HAP emissions 
    from one or more PMPUs, determined in accordance with paragraph (d) of 
    this section. If a combustion, recovery or recapture device exempted 
    from testing in accordance with this paragraph receives more than 10 
    tons per year (9.1 megagrams per year) of uncontrolled organic HAP 
    emissions from one or more PMPUs, the owner or operator shall comply 
    with the performance test requirements in paragraph (c) of this section 
    and shall submit the test report in the next Periodic Report.
        (c) Determination of organic HAP concentration and control 
    efficiency. Except as provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this 
    section, an owner or operator using a combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device to comply with an epoxide or organic HAP percent 
    reduction efficiency requirement in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(i), (b)(2)(ii), 
    (c)(1)(ii), (c)(3)(ii), or (d)(2); an epoxide concentration limitation 
    in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(ii) or (b)(2)(ii); or an annual epoxide emission 
    limitation in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(iii) or (b)(2)(iv), shall conduct a 
    performance test using the applicable procedures in paragraphs (c)(1) 
    through (4) of this section. The organic HAP or epoxide concentration 
    and percent reduction may be measured as total epoxide, total organic 
    HAP, or as TOC minus methane and ethane according to the procedures 
    specified. When conducting testing in accordance with this section, the 
    owner or operator is only required to measure HAP of concern for the 
    specific requirement for which compliance is being determined. For 
    instance, to determine compliance with the epoxide emission requirement 
    of Sec. 63.1425(b), the owner or operator is only required to measure 
    epoxide control efficiency or outlet concentration.
        (1) Sampling site location. The sampling site location shall be 
    determined as specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (ii) of this 
        (i) For determination of compliance with a percent reduction of 
    total epoxide requirement in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(i), (b)(2)(ii), or a 
    percent reduction of total organic HAP requirement in 
    Sec. 63.1425(c)(1)(ii), (c)(3)(ii), or (d)(2), sampling sites shall be 
    located at the inlet of the combustion, recovery, or recapture device 
    as specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i)(A), (B), and (C) of this section, 
    and at the outlet of the combustion, recovery, or recapture device.
        (A) For process vents from continuous unit operations, the inlet 
    sampling site shall be determined in accordance with either paragraph 
    (c)(1)(i)(A)(1) or (2) of this section.
        (1) To demonstrate compliance with either the provisions for 
    epoxide emissions in Sec. 63.1425(b) or the provisions for nonepoxide 
    organic HAP emissions from catalyst extraction in Sec. 63.1425(d), the 
    inlet sampling site shall be located after the exit from the continuous 
    unit operation but before any recovery devices, or
        (2) To demonstrate compliance with the requirements for nonepoxide 
    organic HAP emissions from the use of nonepoxide organic HAP in making 
    or modifying the product in Sec. 63.1425(c), the inlet sampling site 
    shall be located after all control techniques to reduce epoxide 
    emissions and after the final nonepoxide organic HAP recovery device.
        (B) For process vents from batch unit operations, the inlet 
    sampling site shall be determined in accordance with either paragraph 
    (c)(1)(i)(B)(1) or (2) of this section.
        (1) To demonstrate compliance with either the provisions for 
    epoxide emissions in Sec. 63.1425(b) or the provisions for nonepoxide 
    organic HAP emissions from catalyst extraction in Sec. 63.1425(d), the 
    inlet sampling site shall be located after the exit from the batch unit 
    operation but before any recovery device.
        (2) To demonstrate compliance with the requirements for nonepoxide 
    organic HAP emissions in making or modifying the product in 
    Sec. 63.1425(c), the inlet sampling site shall be located after all 
    control techniques to reduce epoxide emissions but before any 
    nonepoxide organic HAP recovery device.
        (C) If a process vent stream is introduced with the combustion air 
    or as a secondary fuel into a boiler or process heater with a design 
    capacity less than 44 megawatts, selection of the location of the inlet 
    sampling sites shall ensure the measurement of total organic HAP or TOC 
    (minus methane and ethane) concentrations in all process vent streams 
    and primary and secondary fuels introduced into the boiler or process 
        (ii) To determine compliance with a parts per million by volume 
    total epoxide or TOC limit in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(ii) or (b)(2)(iii), 
    the sampling site shall be located at the outlet of the combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture device.
        (2) [Reserved]
        (3) Testing conditions and calculation of TOC or total organic HAP 
    concentration. (i) Testing conditions shall be as specified in 
    paragraphs (c)(3)(i)(A) through (E) of this section, as appropriate.
        (A) Testing of process vents from continuous unit operations shall 
    be conducted at maximum representative operating conditions, as 
    described in Sec. 63.1437(a)(1). Each test shall consist of three l-
    hour runs. Gas stream volumetric flow rates shall be measured at 
    approximately equal intervals of about 15 minutes during each 1-hour 
    run. The organic HAP concentration (of the HAP of concern) shall be 
    determined from samples collected in an integrated sample over the 
    duration of each l-hour
    [[Page 29452]]
    test run, or from grab samples collected simultaneously with the flow 
    rate measurements (at approximately equal intervals of about 15 
    minutes). If an integrated sample is collected for laboratory analysis, 
    the sampling rate shall be adjusted proportionally to reflect 
    variations in flow rate. For gas streams from continuous unit 
    operations, the organic HAP concentration or control efficiency used to 
    determine compliance shall be the average organic HAP concentration or 
    control efficiency of the three test runs.
        (B) Testing of process vents from batch unit operations shall be 
    conducted at absolute worst-case conditions or hypothetical worst-case 
    conditions, as defined in paragraphs (c)(3)(i)(B)(1) through (5) of 
    this section. Worst-case conditions are limited to the maximum 
    production allowed in a State or Federal permit or regulation and the 
    conditions specified in Sec. 63.1437(a)(1). Gas stream volumetric flow 
    rates shall be measured at 15-minute intervals, or at least once during 
    the emission episode. The organic HAP or TOC concentration shall be 
    determined from samples collected in an integrated sample over the 
    duration of the test, or from grab samples collected simultaneously 
    with the flow rate measurements (at approximately equal intervals of 
    about 15 minutes). If an integrated sample is collected for laboratory 
    analysis, the sampling rate shall be adjusted proportionally to reflect 
    variations in flow rate.
        (1) Absolute worst-case conditions are defined by the criteria 
    presented in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(B)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section if 
    the maximum load is the most challenging condition for the control 
    device. Otherwise, absolute worst-case conditions are defined by the 
    conditions in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(B)(1)(iii) of this section.
        (i) The period in which the inlet to the control device will 
    contain at least 50 percent of the maximum HAP load (in lbs) capable of 
    being vented to the control device over any 8-hour period. An emission 
    profile as described in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(B)(3)(i) of this section 
    shall be used to identify the 8-hour period that includes the maximum 
    projected HAP load.
        (ii) A period of time in which the inlet to the control device will 
    contain the highest HAP mass loading rate capable of being vented to 
    the control device. An emission profile as described in paragraph 
    (c)(3)(i)(B)(3)(i) of this section shall be used to identify the period 
    of maximum HAP loading.
        (iii) The period of time when the HAP loading or stream composition 
    (including non-HAP) is most challenging for the control device. These 
    conditions include, but are not limited to the following: periods when 
    the stream contains the highest combined VOC and HAP load described by 
    the emission profiles in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(B)(3) of this section; 
    periods when the streams contain HAP constituents that approach limits 
    of solubility for scrubbing media; or periods when the streams contain 
    HAP constituents that approach limits of adsorptivity for carbon 
    adsorption systems.
        (2) Hypothetical worst-case conditions are simulated test 
    conditions that, at a minimum, contain the highest hourly HAP load of 
    emissions that would be predicted to be vented to the control device 
    from the emissions profile described in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(B)(3)(ii) 
    or (iii) of this section.
        (3) The owner or operator shall develop an emission profile for the 
    vent to the control device that describes the characteristics of the 
    vent stream at the inlet to the control device under worst case 
    conditions. The emission profile shall be developed based on any one of 
    the procedures described in paragraphs (c)(3)(i)(B)(3) (i) through 
    (iii) of this section, as required by paragraph (c)(3)(i)(B) of this 
        (i) The emission profile shall consider all emission episodes that 
    could contribute to the vent stack for a period of time that is 
    sufficient to include all processes venting to the stack and shall 
    consider production scheduling. The profile shall describe the HAP load 
    to the device that equals the highest sum of emissions from the 
    episodes that can vent to the control device in any given period, not 
    to exceed 1 hour. Emissions per episode shall be divided by the 
    duration of the episode only if the duration of the episode is longer 
    than 1 hour, and emissions per episode shall be calculated using the 
    procedures specified in Equation 1:
    E = Mass of HAP emitted.
    V = Purge flow rate at the temperature and pressure of the vessel vapor 
    R = Ideal gas law constant.
    T = Temperature of the vessel vapor space (absolute).
    Pi = Partial pressure of the individual HAP.
    Pj = Partial pressure of individual condensable VOC 
    compounds (including HAP).
    PT = Pressure of the vessel vapor space.
    MWi = Molecular weight of the individual HAP.
    t = Time of purge.
    n = Number of HAP compounds in the emission stream.
    i = Identifier for a HAP compound.
    j = Identifier for a condensable compound.
    m = Number of condensable compounds (including HAP) in the emission 
        (ii) The emission profile shall consist of emissions that meet or 
    exceed the highest emissions that would be expected under actual 
    processing conditions. The profile shall describe equipment 
    configurations used to generate the emission events, volatility of 
    materials processed in the equipment, and the rationale used to 
    identify and characterize the emission events. The emissions may be 
    based on using compounds more volatile than compounds actually used in 
    the process(es), and the emissions may be generated from all equipment 
    in the process(es) or only selected equipment.
        (iii) The emission profile shall consider the capture and control 
    system limitations and the highest emissions that can be routed to the 
    control device, based on maximum flow rate and concentrations possible 
    because of limitations on conveyance and control equipment (e.g., fans, 
    LEL alarms and safety bypasses).
        (4) Three runs, each at a minimum of the complete duration of the 
    batch venting episode or 1 hour, whichever is shorter, and a maximum of 
    8 hours, are required for performance testing. Each run shall occur 
    over the same worst-case conditions, as defined in paragraph 
    (c)(3)(i)(B) of this section.
    [[Page 29453]]
        (5) If a condenser is used to control the process vent stream(s), 
    the worst case emission episode(s) shall represent a period of time in 
    which a process vent from the batch cycle or combination of cycles (if 
    more than one cycle is vented through the same process vent) will 
    require the maximum heat removal capacity, in Btu/hr, to cool the 
    process vent stream to a temperature that, upon calculation of HAP 
    concentration, will yield the required removal efficiency for the 
    entire cycle. The calculation of maximum heat load shall be based on 
    the emission profile described in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(B)(3) of this 
    section that will allow calculation of sensible and latent heat loads.
        (ii) The concentration of either TOC (minus methane or ethane) or 
    total organic HAP (of the HAP of concern) shall be calculated according 
    to paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(A) or (B) of this section.
        (A) The TOC concentration (CTOC) is the sum of the 
    concentrations of the individual components and shall be computed for 
    each run using Equation 2:
    CTOC = Concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane), dry 
    basis, parts per million by volume.
    Cji = Concentration of sample components j of sample i, dry 
    basis, parts per million by volume.
    n = Number of components in the sample.
    x = Number of samples in the sample run.
        (B) The total organic HAP concentration (CHAP) shall be 
    computed according to Equation 2, except that only the organic HAP 
    species shall be summed.
        (iii) The concentration of TOC or total organic HAP shall be 
    corrected to 3 percent oxygen if a combustion device is used.
        (A) The emission rate correction factor or excess air, integrated 
    sampling and analysis procedures of Method 3B of 40 CFR part 60, 
    appendix A shall be used to determine the oxygen concentration 
    (%02d). The samples shall be taken during the same time that 
    the TOC (minus methane or ethane) or total organic HAP samples are 
        (B) The concentration corrected to 3 percent oxygen shall be 
    computed using Equation 3, as follows:
    Cc = Concentration of TOC or organic HAP corrected to 3 
    percent oxygen, dry basis, parts per million by volume.
    Cm = Concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane) or 
    organic HAP, dry basis, parts per million by volume.
    %02d = Concentration of oxygen, dry basis, percent by 
        (4) Test methods. When testing is conducted to measure emissions 
    from an affected source, the test methods specified in paragraphs 
    (c)(4)(i) through (iv) of this section shall be used, as applicable.
        (i) For sample and velocity traverses, Method 1 or 1A of appendix A 
    of part 60 shall be used, as appropriate, except that references to 
    particulate matter in Method 1A do not apply for the purposes of this 
        (ii) The velocity and gas volumetric flow rate shall be determined 
    using Method 2, 2A, 2C, or 2D of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, as 
        (iii) The concentration measurements shall be determined using the 
    methods described in paragraphs (c)(4)(iii) (A) through (C) of this 
        (A) Method 18 of appendix A of part 60 may be used to determine the 
    HAP concentration in any control device efficiency determination.
        (B) Method 25 of appendix A of part 60 may be used to determine 
    total gaseous nonmethane organic concentration for control efficiency 
    determinations in combustion devices.
        (C) Method 25A of appendix A of part 60 may be used to determine 
    the HAP or TOC concentration for control device efficiency 
    determinations under the conditions specified in Method 25 of appendix 
    A of part 60 for direct measurements of an effluent with a flame 
    ionization detector, or in demonstrating compliance with the 20 ppmv 
    standard, the instrument shall be calibrated on methane or the 
    predominant HAP. If calibrating on the predominant HAP, the use of 
    Method 25A of appendix A of part 60 shall comply with paragraphs 
    (c)(4)(iii)(C) (1) through (3) of this section.
        (1) The organic HAP used as the calibration gas for Method 25A of 
    appendix A of part 60 shall be the single organic HAP representing the 
    largest percent by volume.
        (2) The use of Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, is 
    acceptable if the response from the high level calibration gas is at 
    least 20 times the standard deviation of the response from the zero 
    calibration gas when the instrument is zeroed on the most sensitive 
        (3) The span value of the analyzer shall be less than 100 ppmv.
        (iv) Alternatively, any other method or data that have been 
    validated according to the applicable procedures in 40 CFR part 63, 
    appendix A, Method 301 may be used.
        (5) Calculation of percent reduction efficiency. The following 
    procedures shall be used to calculate percent reduction efficiency:
        (i) Test duration shall be as specified in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) (A) 
    through (B) of this section, as appropriate.
        (ii) The mass rate of either TOC (minus methane and ethane) or 
    total organic HAP of the HAP of concern (Ei, Eo) 
    shall be computed.
        (A) The following equations shall be used:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR01JN99.003
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR01JN99.004
    Cij, Coj = Concentration of sample component j of 
    the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device, respectively, dry basis, parts per million by volume.
    Ei, Eo = Mass rate of TOC (minus methane and 
    ethane) or total organic HAP at the inlet and outlet of the combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture device, respectively, dry basis, kilogram per 
    Mij, Moj = Molecular weight of sample component j 
    of the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the combustion, recovery, 
    or recapture device, respectively, gram/gram-mole.
    Qi, Qo = Flow rate of gas stream at the inlet and 
    outlet of the combustion, recovery, or recapture device, respectively, 
    dry standard cubic meter per minute.
    K2 = Constant, 2.494  x  10 -6 (parts per 
    million) -1 (gram-mole per standard cubic meter) (kilogram/
    gram) (minute/hour), where standard temperature (gram-mole per standard 
    cubic meter) is 20  deg.C.
        (B) Where the mass rate of TOC is being calculated, all organic 
    compounds (minus methane and ethane) measured by Method 18 of 40 CFR 
    part 60, appendix A are summed using Equations 4 and 5 in paragraph 
    (c)(5)(ii)(A) of this section.
    [[Page 29454]]
        (C) Where the mass rate of total organic HAP is being calculated, 
    only the organic HAP species shall be summed using Equations 4 and 5 in 
    paragraph (c)(5)(ii)(A) of this section.
        (iii) The percent reduction in TOC (minus methane and ethane) or 
    total organic HAP shall be calculated using Equation 6 as follows:
        R = Control efficiency of combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    device, percent.
        Ei = Mass rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) or 
    total organic HAP at the inlet to the combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device as calculated under paragraph (c)(5)(ii) of this 
    section, kilograms TOC per hour or kilograms organic HAP per hour.
    Eo = Mass rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) or total 
    organic HAP at the outlet of the combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    device, as calculated under paragraph (c)(5)(ii) of this section, 
    kilograms TOC per hour or kilograms organic HAP per hour.
        (iv) If the process vent stream entering a boiler or process heater 
    with a design capacity less than 44 megawatts is introduced with the 
    combustion air or as a secondary fuel, the weight-percent reduction of 
    total organic HAP or TOC (minus methane and ethane) across the device 
    shall be determined by comparing the TOC (minus methane and ethane) or 
    total organic HAP in all combusted process vent streams and primary and 
    secondary fuels with the TOC (minus methane and ethane) or total 
    organic HAP, respectively, exiting the combustion device.
        (d) Determination of uncontrolled organic HAP emissions. For each 
    process vent at a PMPU that is complying with the process vent control 
    requirements in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(i), (b)(1)(iii), (b)(2)(ii), 
    (b)(2)(iv), (c)(1)(ii), or (d)(2) using a combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device, the owner or operator shall determine the 
    uncontrolled organic HAP emissions in accordance with the provisions of 
    this paragraph, with the exceptions noted in paragraph (d)(1) of this 
    section. The provisions of Sec. 63.1427(c)(1) shall be used to 
    calculate uncontrolled epoxide emissions prior to the onset of an 
    extended cook out.
        (1) Exemptions. The owner or operator is not required to determine 
    uncontrolled organic HAP emissions for process vents in a PMPU if the 
    conditions in paragraph (d)(1)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section are 
        (i) For PMPUs where all process vents subject to the epoxide 
    emission reduction requirements of Sec. 63.1425(b) are controlled at 
    all times using a combustion, recovery, or recapture device, or 
    extended cookout, the owner or operator is not required to determine 
    uncontrolled epoxide emissions.
        (ii) For PMPUs where the combination of process vents from batch 
    unit operations associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to 
    make or modify the product is subject to the Group 1 requirements of 
    Sec. 63.1425(c)(1), the owner or operator is not required to determine 
    uncontrolled nonepoxide organic HAP emissions for those process vents 
    if every process vent from a batch unit operation associated with the 
    use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product in the PMPU 
    is controlled at all times using a combustion, recovery, or recapture 
        (iii) For PMPUs where all process vents associated with catalyst 
    extraction that are subject to the organic emission reduction 
    requirements of Sec. 63.1425(d)(2) are controlled at all times using a 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device, the owner or operator is not 
    required to determine uncontrolled organic HAP emissions for those 
    process vents.
        (2) Process vents from batch unit operations. The uncontrolled 
    organic HAP emissions from an individual batch cycle for each process 
    vent from a batch unit operation shall be determined using the 
    procedures in the NESHAP for Group I Polymers and Resins (40 CFR part 
    63, subpart U), Sec. 63.488(b)(1) through (9). Uncontrolled emissions 
    from process vents from batch unit operations shall be determined after 
    the exit from the batch unit operation but before any recovery device.
        (3) Process vents from continuous unit operations. The uncontrolled 
    organic HAP emissions for each process vent from a continuous unit 
    operation in a PMPU shall be determined at the location specified in 
    paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section, using the procedures in paragraph 
    (d)(3)(ii) of this section.
        (i) For process vents subject to either the provisions for epoxide 
    emissions in Sec. 63.1425(b) or the provisions for organic HAP 
    emissions from catalyst extraction in Sec. 63.1425(d), uncontrolled 
    emissions shall be determined after the exit from the continuous unit 
    operation but before any recovery device.
        (ii) The owner or operator shall determine the hourly uncontrolled 
    organic HAP emissions from each process vent from a continuous unit 
    operation in accordance with paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section, 
    except that the emission rate shall be determined at the location 
    specified in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section.
        (e) Determination of organic HAP emission reduction for a PMPU. (1) 
    The owner or operator shall determine the organic HAP emission 
    reduction for process vents in a PMPU that are complying with 
    Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(i), (b)(2)(ii), (c)(1)(ii), or (d)(2) using Equation 
    7. The organic HAP emission reduction shall be determined for each 
    group of process vents subject to the same paragraph (i.e., paragraph 
    (b), (c), or (d)) of Sec. 63.1425. For instance, process vents that 
    emit epoxides are subject to paragraph (b) of Sec. 63.1425. Therefore, 
    if the owner or operator of an existing affected source is complying 
    with the 98 percent reduction requirement in Sec. 63.1425(b)(2)(ii), 
    the organic HAP (i.e., epoxide) emission reduction shall be determined 
    for the group of vents in a PMPU that are subject to this paragraph.
        REDPMPU = Organic HAP emission reduction for the group 
    of process vents subject to the same paragraph of Sec. 63.1425, 
        Eunc,i = Uncontrolled organic HAP emissions from process 
    vent i that is controlled using a combustion,
    [[Page 29455]]
    recovery, or recapture device, or extended cookout, kg/batch cycle for 
    process vents from batch unit operations, kg/hr for process vents from 
    continuous unit operations.
    n = Number of process vents in the PMPU that are subject to the same 
    paragraph of Sec. 63.1425 and that are controlled using a combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture device, or extended cookout.
        Ri = Control efficiency of the combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device, or extended cookout, used to control organic HAP 
    emissions from vent i, determined in accordance with paragraph (e)(2) 
    of this section.
        Eunc,j = Uncontrolled organic HAP emissions from process 
    vent j that is not controlled using a combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device, kg/batch cycle for process vents from batch unit 
    operations, kg/hr for process vents from continuous unit operations.
    m = Number of process vents in the PMPU that are subject to the same 
    paragraph of Sec. 63.1425 and that are not controlled using a 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device.
        (2) The control efficiency, Ri, shall be assigned as 
    specified below in paragraph (e)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this 
        (i) If the process vent is controlled using a flare (and the owner 
    or operator has not previously obtained approval to assume a control 
    efficiency greater than 98 percent in accordance with Sec. 63.6(g)) or 
    a combustion device specified in paragraph (b)(1), (2), (4), or (5) of 
    this section, and a performance test has not been conducted, the 
    control efficiency shall be assumed to be 98 percent.
        (ii) If the process vent is controlled using a combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture device for which a performance test has been 
    conducted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of this 
    section, or for which a performance test that meets the requirements of 
    paragraph (b)(3) of this section has been previously performed, the 
    control efficiency shall be the efficiency determined by the 
    performance test.
        (iii) If epoxide emissions from the process vent are controlled 
    using extended cookout, the control efficiency shall be the efficiency 
    determined in accordance with Sec. 63.1427(e).
        (iv) If the process vent is controlled using a flare, and the owner 
    or operator has obtained approval to assume a control efficiency 
    greater than 98 percent in accordance with Sec. 63.6(g), the control 
    efficiency shall be the efficiency approved in accordance with 
    Sec. 63.6(g).
        (f) Design evaluation. A design evaluation is required for those 
    control techniques that receive less than 10 tons per year (9.1 
    megagrams per year) of uncontrolled organic HAP emissions from one or 
    more PMPU, if the owner or operator has chosen not to conduct a 
    performance test for those control techniques in accordance with 
    paragraph (b)(6) of this section. The design evaluation shall include 
    documentation demonstrating that the control technique being used 
    achieves the required control efficiency under worst-case conditions, 
    as determined from the emission profile described in 
    Sec. 63.1426(c)(3)(i)(B)(3)(i).
        (1) Except for ECO whose design evaluation is presented in 
    paragraph (f)(2) of this section, to demonstrate that a control 
    technique meets the required control efficiency, a design evaluation 
    shall address the composition and organic HAP concentration of the vent 
    stream, immediately preceding the use of the control technique. A 
    design evaluation shall also address other vent stream characteristics 
    and control technique operating parameters, as specified in any one of 
    paragraphs (f)(1)(i) through (vi) of this section, depending on the 
    type of control technique that is used. If the vent stream is not the 
    only inlet to the control technique, the owner or operator shall also 
    account for all other vapors, gases, and liquids, other than fuels, 
    received into the control technique from one or more PMPUs, for 
    purposes of the efficiency determination.
        (i) For an enclosed combustion technique used to comply with the 
    provisions of Sec. 63.1425(b)(1), (c)(1), or (d), with a minimum 
    residence time of 0.5 seconds and a minimum temperature of 760 deg. C, 
    the design evaluation shall document that these conditions exist.
        (ii) For a combustion control technique that does not satisfy the 
    criteria in paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section, the design evaluation 
    shall document the control efficiency and address the characteristics 
    listed in paragraphs (f)(1)(ii)(A) through (C) of this section, 
    depending on the type of control technique.
        (A) For a thermal vapor incinerator, in the design evaluation the 
    owner or operator shall consider the autoignition temperature of the 
    organic HAP, shall consider the vent stream flow rate, and shall 
    establish the design minimum and average temperatures in the combustion 
    zone and the combustion zone residence time.
        (B) For a catalytic vapor incinerator, in the design evaluation the 
    owner or operator shall consider the vent stream flow rate and shall 
    establish the design minimum and average temperatures across the 
    catalyst bed inlet and outlet.
        (C) For a boiler or process heater, in the design evaluation the 
    owner or operator shall consider the vent stream flow rate; shall 
    establish the design minimum and average flame zone temperatures and 
    combustion zone residence time; and shall describe the method and 
    location where the vent stream is introduced into the flame zone.
        (iii) For a condenser, in the design evaluation the owner or 
    operator shall consider the vent stream flow rate, relative humidity, 
    and temperature, and shall establish the design outlet organic HAP 
    compound concentration level, design average temperature of the exhaust 
    vent stream, and the design average temperatures of the coolant fluid 
    at the condenser inlet and outlet. The temperature of the gas stream 
    exiting the condenser shall be measured and used to establish the 
    outlet organic HAP concentration.
        (iv) For a carbon adsorption system that regenerates the carbon bed 
    directly onsite as part of the control technique (such as a fixed-bed 
    adsorber), in the design evaluation the owner or operator shall 
    consider the vent stream flow rate, relative humidity, and temperature, 
    and shall establish the design exhaust vent stream organic compound 
    concentration level, adsorption cycle time, number and capacity of 
    carbon beds, type and working capacity of activated carbon used for the 
    carbon beds, design total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow 
    over the period of each complete carbon bed regeneration cycle, design 
    carbon bed temperature after regeneration, design carbon bed 
    regeneration time, and design service life of the carbon. For vacuum 
    desorption, the pressure drop shall also be included.
        (v) For a carbon adsorption system that does not regenerate the 
    carbon bed directly onsite as part of the control technique (such as a 
    carbon canister), in the design evaluation the owner or operator shall 
    consider the vent stream mass or volumetric flow rate, relative 
    humidity, and temperature, and shall establish the design exhaust vent 
    stream organic compound concentration level, capacity of the carbon 
    bed, type and working capacity of activated carbon used for the carbon 
    bed, and design carbon replacement interval based on the total carbon 
    working capacity of the control technique and source operating 
        (vi) For a scrubber, in the design evaluation the owner or operator 
    shall consider the vent stream composition, constituent concentrations, 
    [[Page 29456]]
    vapor ratio, scrubbing liquid flow rate and concentration, temperature, 
    and the reaction kinetics of the constituents with the scrubbing 
    liquid. The design evaluation shall establish the design exhaust vent 
    stream organic compound concentration level and shall include the 
    additional information in paragraphs (f)(1)(vi) (A) and (B) of this 
    section for trays and a packed column scrubber.
        (A) Type and total number of theoretical and actual trays.
        (B) Type and total surface area of packing for entire column and 
    for individual packed sections, if the column contains more than one 
    packed section.
        (2) For ECO, the design evaluation shall establish the minimum 
    duration (time) of the ECO, the maximum pressure at the end of the ECO, 
    or the maximum epoxide concentration in the reactor liquid at the end 
    of the ECO for each product class.
    Sec. 63.1427  Process vent requirements for processes using extended 
    cookout as an epoxide emission reduction technique.
        (a) Applicability of extended cookout requirements. Owners or 
    operators of affected sources that produce polyether polyols using 
    epoxides, and that are using ECO as a control technique to reduce 
    epoxide emissions in order to comply with percent emission reduction 
    requirements in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(i) or (b)(2)(ii) shall comply with 
    the provisions of this section. The owner or operator that is using ECO 
    in order to comply with the emission factor requirements in 
    Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(iii) or Sec. 63.1425(b)(2)(iv) shall demonstrate 
    that the specified emission factor is achieved by following the 
    requirements in Sec. 63.1431. If additional control devices are used to 
    further reduce the HAP emissions from a process vent already controlled 
    by ECO, then the owner or operator shall also comply with the testing, 
    monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements associated with 
    the additional control device, as specified in Secs. 63.1426, 63.1429, 
    and 63.1430, respectively.
        (1) For each product class, the owner or operator shall determine 
    the batch cycle percent epoxide emission reduction for the most 
    difficult to control product in the product class, where the most 
    difficult to control product is the polyether polyol that is 
    manufactured with the slowest pressure decay curve.
        (2) The owner or operator may determine the batch cycle percent 
    epoxide emission reduction by directly measuring the concentration of 
    the unreacted epoxide, or by using process knowledge, reaction 
    kinetics, and engineering knowledge, in accordance with paragraph 
    (a)(2)(i) of this section.
        (i) If the owner or operator elects to use any method other than 
    direct measurement, the epoxide concentration shall be determined by 
    direct measurement for one product from each product class and compared 
    with the epoxide concentration determined using the selected estimation 
    method, with the exception noted in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this 
    section. If the difference between the directly determined epoxide 
    concentration and the calculated epoxide concentration is less than 25 
    percent, then the selected estimation method will be considered to be 
    an acceptable alternative to direct measurement for that class.
        (ii) If uncontrolled epoxide emissions prior to the end of the ECO 
    are less than 10 tons per year (9.1 megagrams per year), the owner or 
    operator is not required to perform the direct measurement required in 
    paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section. Uncontrolled epoxide emissions 
    prior to the end of the ECO shall be determined by the procedures in 
    paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
        (b) Define the end of epoxide feed. The owner or operator shall 
    define the end of the epoxide feed in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) 
    or (2) of this section.
        (1) The owner or operator shall determine the concentration of 
    epoxide in the reactor liquid at the point in time when all epoxide has 
    been added to the reactor and prior to any venting. This concentration 
    shall be determined in accordance with the procedures in paragraph 
    (f)(1)(i) of this section.
        (2) If the conditions in paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii) of 
    this section are met, the end of the epoxide feed may be defined by the 
    reactor epoxide partial pressure at the point in time when all epoxide 
    reactants have been added to the reactor. This reactor epoxide partial 
    pressure shall be determined in accordance with the procedures in 
    paragraph (g) of this section.
        (i) No epoxide is emitted before the end of the ECO;
        (ii) Extended cookout is the only control technique to reduce 
    epoxide emissions; and
        (iii) The owner or operator elects to determine the percent epoxide 
    emission reduction for the ECO using reactor epoxide partial pressure 
    in accordance with paragraph (e)(2) of this section.
        (c) Define the onset of the ECO. The owner or operator shall 
    calculate the uncontrolled emissions for the batch cycle by calculating 
    the epoxide emissions, if any, prior to the onset of the ECO, plus the 
    epoxide emissions at the onset of the ECO. The onset of the ECO is 
    defined as the point in time when the combined unreacted epoxide 
    concentration in the reactor liquid is equal to 25 percent of the 
    concentration of epoxides at the end of the epoxide feed, which was 
    determined in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
        (1) The uncontrolled epoxide emissions for the batch cycle shall be 
    determined using Equation 8.
    Ee,u = Uncontrolled epoxide emissions at the onset of the 
    ECO, kilograms per (kg/)batch.
    Cliq,i = Concentration of epoxide in the reactor liquid at 
    the onset of the ECO, which is equal to 25 percent of the concentration 
    of epoxide at the end of the epoxide feed, determined in accordance 
    with paragraph (b)(1) of this section, weight percent.
    Vliq,i = Volume of reactor liquid at the onset of the ECO, 
    Dliq,i = Density of reactor liquid, kg/liter.
    Cvap,i = Concentration of epoxide in the reactor vapor space 
    at the onset of the ECO, determined in accordance with paragraph (f)(2) 
    of this section, weight percent.
    Vvap,i = Volume of the reactor vapor space at the onset of 
    the ECO, liters.
    Dvap,i = Vapor density of reactor vapor space at the onset 
    of the ECO, kg/liter.
        Eepox,bef = Epoxide emissions that occur prior to the 
    onset of the ECO, determined in accordance with the provisions of 
    Sec. 63.1426(d), kilograms.
        (2) If the conditions in paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii) of 
    this section are met, the owner or operator may define the onset of the 
    ECO as the point in time
    [[Page 29457]]
    when the reactor epoxide partial pressure equals 25 percent of the 
    reactor epoxide partial pressure at the end of the epoxide feed, and is 
    not required to determine the uncontrolled epoxide emissions in 
    accordance with paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
        (d) Determine emissions at the end of the ECO. The owner or 
    operator shall calculate the epoxide emissions at the end of the ECO, 
    where the end of the ECO is defined as the point immediately before the 
    time when the reactor contents are emptied and/or the reactor vapor 
    space purged to the atmosphere or to a combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device.
        (1) The epoxide emissions at the end of the ECO shall be determined 
    using Equation 9.
    Ee,E = Epoxide emissions at the end of the ECO, kg.
    Cliq,f = Concentration of epoxide in the reactor liquid at 
    the end of the ECO, determined in accordance with paragraph (f)(1) of 
    this section, weight percent.
    Vliq,f = Volume of reactor liquid at the end of the ECO, 
    Dliq,f = Density of reactor liquid, kg/liter.
    Cvap,f = Concentration of epoxide in the reactor vapor space 
    as it exits the reactor at the end of the ECO, determined in accordance 
    with paragraph (f)(2) of this section, weight percent.
    Vvap,f = Volume of the reactor vapor space as it exits the 
    reactor at the end of the ECO, liters.
    Dvap,f = Vapor density of reactor vapor space at the end of 
    the ECO, kg/liter.
        (2) If the conditions in paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii) of 
    this section are met, the owner or operator may determine the reactor 
    epoxide partial pressure at the end of the ECO instead of determining 
    the uncontrolled epoxide emissions at the end of the ECO in accordance 
    with paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
        (e) Determine percent epoxide emission reduction. (1) The owner or 
    operator shall determine the percent epoxide emission reduction for the 
    batch cycle using Equation 10.
    Rbatchcycle = Epoxide emission reduction for the batch 
    cycle, percent.
    Ee,E = Epoxide emissions at the end of the ECO determined in 
    accordance with paragraph (d)(1) of this section, kilograms.
    Raddon,i = Control efficiency of combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device that is used to control epoxide emissions after the 
    ECO, determined in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 63.1426(c), 
    percent .
    Ee,o = Epoxide emissions that occur before the end of the 
    ECO, determined in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 63.1426(d), 
    Raddon,j = Control efficiency of combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device that is used to control epoxide emissions that occur 
    before the end of the ECO, determined in accordance with the provisions 
    of Sec. 63.1426(c), percent.
    Ee,u = Uncontrolled epoxide emissions determined in 
    accordance with paragraph (c)(1) of this section, kilograms.
        (2) If the conditions in paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii) of 
    this section are met, the owner or operator may determine the percent 
    epoxide emission reduction for the batch cycle using reactor epoxide 
    partial pressure and Equation 11, instead of using the procedures in 
    paragraph (e)(1) of this section.
        Rbatchcycle = Epoxide emission reduction for the batch 
    cycle, percent.
        Pepox,i = Reactor epoxide partial pressure at the onset 
    of the ECO, determined in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this 
    section, mm Hg.
        Pepox,f = Reactor epoxide partial pressure at the end of 
    the ECO, determined in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this 
    section, mm Hg.
        (f) Determination of epoxide concentrations. The owner or operator 
    shall determine the epoxide concentrations in accordance with the 
    procedures in this paragraph.
        (1) The owner or operator shall determine the concentration of 
    epoxide in the reactor liquid using either direct measurement in 
    accordance with paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section, or reaction 
    kinetics in accordance with paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section. An 
    owner or operator may also request to use an alternative methodology in 
    accordance with paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this section.
        (i) The owner or operator shall submit a standard operating 
    procedure for obtaining the liquid sample, along with the test method 
    used to determine the epoxide concentration. This information shall be 
    submitted in the Precompliance Report.
        (ii) Determine the epoxide concentration in the reactor liquid 
    using Equation 12. [Equation 12]
        Cliq,f = Concentration of epoxide in the reactor liquid 
    at the end of the time period, weight percent.
        Cliq,i = Concentration of epoxide in the reactor liquid 
    at the beginning of the time period, weight percent.
    k = Reaction rate constant, 1/hr.
    t = Time, hours.
        Note: This equation assumes a first order reaction with respect 
    to epoxide concentration. where:
        (iii) If the owner/operator deems that the methods listed in 
    paragraphs (f)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section are not appropriate for 
    the reaction system for a PMPU, then the owner/operator may submit a 
    request for the use of an alternative method.
        (2) The owner or operator shall determine the concentration of 
    epoxide in the reactor vapor space using either direct measurement in 
    accordance with paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section, or by engineering 
    estimation in accordance
    [[Page 29458]]
    with paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this section. An owner or operator may 
    also request to use an alternative methodology in accordance with 
    paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of this section.
        (i) The owner or operator shall take two representative samples 
    from a bleed valve off the reactor's process vent. The owner or 
    operator shall determine the total epoxide concentration using 40 CFR 
    part 60, appendix A, Method 18.
        (ii) Determine the epoxide concentration in the vapor space using 
    Raoult's Law or another appropriate phase equilibrium equation and the 
    liquid epoxide concentration, determined in accordance with paragraph 
    (f)(1) of this section.
        (iii) If the owner/operator deems that the methods listed in 
    paragraphs (f)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section are not appropriate for 
    the reaction system for a PMPU, then the owner/operator may submit a 
    request for the use of an alternative method.
        (g) Determination of pressure. The owner or operator shall 
    determine the total pressure of the system using standard pressure 
    measurement devices calibrated according to the manufacturer's 
    specifications or other written procedures that provide adequate 
    assurance that the equipment would reasonably be expected to monitor 
        (h) Determination if pressure decay curves are similar. The owner 
    or operator shall determine the pressure decay curve as defined in 
    Sec. 63.1423. Products with similar pressure decay curves constitute a 
    product class. To determine if two pressure decay curves are similar 
    when the pressure decay curves for products have different starting and 
    finishing pressures, the owner or operator shall determine the time 
    when the pressure has fallen to half its total pressure by using 
    Equation 13:
    Phalf 1 = Half the total pressure of the epoxide 
    for product 1.
    Time (Phalf 1) = Time when the pressure has fallen to half 
    its total pressure for product 1.
    Phalf 2 = Half the total pressure of the epoxide 
    for product 2.
    Time (Phalf 2) = Time when the pressure has 
    fallen to half its total pressure for product 2.
    TAVG PAVG = The average time to cookout to the 
    point where the epoxide pressure is 25 percent of the epoxide pressure 
    at the end of the feed step for products 1 and 2.
        (i) ECO monitoring requirements. The owner or operator using ECO 
    shall comply with the monitoring requirements of this paragraph to 
    demonstrate continuous compliance with this subpart. Paragraphs (i)(1) 
    through (3) of this section address monitoring of the extended cookout.
        (1) To comply with the provisions of this section, the owner or 
    operator shall monitor one of the parameters listed in paragraphs 
    (i)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section, or may utilize the provision 
    in paragraph (i)(1)(iv) of this section.
        (i) Time from the end of the epoxide feed;
        (ii) The epoxide partial pressure in the closed reactor;
        (iii) Direct measurement of epoxide concentration in the reactor 
    liquid at the end of the ECO, when the reactor liquid is still in the 
    reactor, or after the reactor liquid has been transferred to another 
    vessel; or
        (iv) An owner or operator may submit a request to the Administrator 
    to monitor a parameter other than the parameters listed in paragraphs 
    (i)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section, as described in 
    Sec. 63.1439(f).
        (2) During the determination of the percent epoxide emission 
    reduction in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, the owner or 
    operator shall establish, as a level that shall be maintained during 
    periods of operation, one of the parameters in paragraphs (i)(2)(i) 
    through (iii) of this section, or may utilize the procedure in 
    paragraph (i)(2)(iv) of this section, for each product class.
        (i) The time from the end of the epoxide feed to the end of the 
        (ii) The reactor epoxide partial pressure at the end of the ECO;
        (iii) The epoxide concentration in the reactor liquid at the end of 
    the ECO, when the reactor liquid is still in the reactor, or after the 
    reactor liquid has been transferred to another vessel; or
        (iv) An owner or operator may submit a request to the Administrator 
    to monitor a parameter other than the parameters listed in paragraphs 
    (i)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section, as described in 
    Sec. 63.1439(f).
        (3) For each batch cycle where ECO is used to reduce epoxide 
    emissions, the owner or operator shall record the value of the 
    monitored parameter at the end of the ECO. This parameter is then 
    compared with the level established in accordance with paragraph (i)(2) 
    of this section to determine if an excursion has occurred. An ECO 
    excursion is defined as one of the situations described in paragraphs 
    (i)(3)(i) through (v) of this section.
        (i) When the time from the end of the epoxide feed to the end of 
    the ECO is less than the time established in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of 
    this section;
        (ii) When the reactor epoxide partial pressure at the end of the 
    ECO is greater than the partial pressure established in paragraph 
    (i)(2)(ii) of this section;
        (iii) When the epoxide concentration in the reactor liquid at the 
    end of the ECO is greater than the epoxide concentration established in 
    paragraph (i)(2)(iii) of this section;
        (iv) When the parameter is not measured and recorded at the end of 
    the ECO; or
        (v) When the alternative monitoring parameter is outside the range 
    established under Sec. 63.1439(f) for proper operation of the ECO as a 
    control technique.
        (j) Recordkeeping requirements. (1) The owner or operator shall 
    maintain the records specified in paragraphs (j)(1)(i) and (ii) of this 
    section, for each product class. The owner or operator shall also 
    maintain the records related to the initial determination of the 
    percent epoxide emission reduction specified in paragraphs (j)(1)(iii) 
    through (x) of this section, as applicable, for each product class.
        (i) Operating conditions of the product class, including:
    (A) Pressure decay curve;
    (B) Minimum reaction temperature;
    (C) Number of reactive hydrogens in the raw material;
    (D) Minimum catalyst concentration;
    (E) Ratio of EO/PO at the end of the epoxide feed; and
    (F) Reaction conditions, including the size of the reactor or batch.
        (ii) A listing of all products in the product class, along with the 
    information specified in paragraphs (j)(1)(i)(A) through (F) of this 
    section, for each product.
        (iii) The concentration of epoxide at the end of the epoxide feed, 
    determined in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
        (iv) The concentration of epoxide at the onset of the ECO, 
    determined in
    [[Page 29459]]
    accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
        (v) The uncontrolled epoxide emissions at the onset of the ECO, 
    determined in accordance with paragraph (c)(1) of this section. The 
    records shall also include all the background data, measurements, and 
    assumptions used to calculate the uncontrolled epoxide emissions.
        (vi) The epoxide emissions at the end of the ECO, determined in 
    accordance with paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The records shall 
    also include all the background data, measurements, and assumptions 
    used to calculate the epoxide emissions.
        (vii) The percent epoxide reduction for the batch cycle, determined 
    in accordance with paragraph (e)(1) of this section. The records shall 
    also include all the background data, measurements, and assumptions 
    used to calculate the percent reduction.
        (viii) The parameter level, established in accordance with 
    paragraph (i)(3) of this section.
        (ix) If epoxide emissions occur before the end of the ECO, the 
    owner or operator shall maintain records of the time and duration of 
    all such emission episodes that occur during the initial demonstration 
    of batch cycle efficiency.
        (x) If the conditions in paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii) of 
    this section are met, the owner or operator is not required to maintain 
    the records specified in paragraphs (j)(1)(iii) through (iv) of this 
    section, but shall maintain the records specified in paragraphs 
    (j)(1)(x)(A), (B), and (C) of this section.
        (A) The reactor epoxide partial pressure at the following times:
        (1) At end of the epoxide feed, determined in accordance with 
    paragraph (b)(2) of this section;
        (2) At the onset of the ECO, established in accordance with 
    paragraph (c)(2) of this section; or
        (3) At the end of the ECO, determined in accordance with paragraph 
    (d)(2) of this section.
        (B) The percent epoxide reduction for the batch cycle, determined 
    in accordance with paragraph (e)(2) of this section. The records shall 
    also include all the measurements and assumptions used to calculate the 
    percent reduction.
        (C) The reactor epoxide partial pressure at the end of the ECO.
        (2) The owner or operator shall maintain the records specified in 
    paragraphs (j)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section.
        (i) For each batch cycle, the product being produced and the 
    product class to which it belongs.
        (ii) For each batch cycle, the owner or operator shall record the 
    value of the parameter monitored in accordance with paragraph (i)(3) of 
    this section.
        (iii) If a combustion, recovery, or recapture device is used in 
    conjunction with ECO, the owner or operator shall record the 
    information specified in Sec. 63.1430(d) and comply with the monitoring 
    provisions in Sec. 63.1429.
        (iv) If a combustion, recovery, or recapture device is used to 
    reduce emissions, the owner or operator shall maintain the records 
    specified in Sec. 63.1430(d).
        (v) If epoxide emissions occur before the end of the ECO, the owner 
    or operator shall maintain records of the time and duration of all such 
    emission episodes.
        (k) Reporting requirements. The owner or operator shall comply with 
    the reporting requirements in this paragraph.
        (1) The information specified in paragraphs (k)(1)(i) through (ii) 
    of this section shall be provided in the Precompliance Report, as 
    specified in Sec. 63.1439(e)(4).
        (i) A standard operating procedure for obtaining the reactor liquid 
    sample and a method that will be used to determine the epoxide 
    concentration in the liquid, in accordance with paragraph (f)(1)(i) of 
    this section.
        (ii) A request to monitor a parameter other than those specified in 
    paragraph (i)(1)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section, as provided for in 
    paragraph (i)(1)(iv) of this section.
        (2) The information specified in paragraphs (k)(2)(i) through (iv) 
    of this section shall be provided in the Notification of Compliance 
    Status, as specified in Sec. 63.1439(e)(5).
        (i) For each product class, the information specified in paragraphs 
    (k)(2)(i)(A) through (C) of this section.
        (A) The operating conditions of this product class, as specified in 
    paragraph (j)(1)(i) of this section.
        (B) A list of all products in the product class.
        (C) The percent epoxide emission reduction, determined in 
    accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.
        (ii) The parameter for each product class, as determined in 
    accordance with paragraph (i)(2) of this section.
        (iii) If a combustion, recovery, or recapture device is used in 
    addition to ECO to reduce emissions, the information specified in 
    Sec. 63.1430(g)(1).
        (iv) If epoxide emissions occur before the end of the ECO, a 
    listing of the time and duration of all such emission episodes that 
    occur during the initial demonstration of batch cycle efficiency.
        (3) The information specified in paragraphs (k)(3)(i) through (iii) 
    of this section shall be provided in the Periodic Report, as specified 
    in Sec. 63.1439(e)(6).
        (i) Reports of each batch cycle for which an ECO excursion 
    occurred, as defined in paragraph (i)(3) of this section.
        (ii) Notification of each batch cycle when the time and duration of 
    epoxide emissions before the end of the ECO, recorded in accordance 
    with paragraph (j)(2)(iv) of this section, exceed the time and duration 
    of the emission episodes during the initial epoxide emission percentage 
    reduction determination, as recorded in paragraph (j)(1)(viii) of this 
        (iii) If a combustion, recovery, or recapture device is used to 
    reduce emissions, the information specified in Sec. 63.1430(h).
        (l) New polyether polyol products. If an owner or operator wishes 
    to utilize ECO as a control option for a polyether polyol not 
    previously assigned to a product class and reported to the Agency in 
    accordance with either paragraph (k)(2)(i)(B), (l)(1)(ii), or 
    (l)(2)(iii) of this section, the owner or operator shall comply with 
    the provisions of paragraph (l)(1) or (2) of this section.
        (1) If the operating conditions of the new polyether polyol are 
    consistent with the operating conditions for an existing product class, 
    the owner or operator shall comply with the requirements in paragraphs 
    (l)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.
        (i) The owner or operator shall update the list of products for the 
    product class required by paragraph (j)(1)(ii) of this section, and 
    shall record the information in paragraphs (j)(1)(i)(A) through (F) of 
    this section for the new product.
        (ii) Within 180 days after the production of the new polyether 
    polyol, the owner or operator shall submit a report updating the 
    product list previously submitted for the product class. This 
    information may be submitted along with the next Periodic Report.
        (2) If the operating conditions of the new polyether polyol do not 
    conform with the operating characteristics of an existing product 
    class, the owner or operator shall establish a new product class and 
    shall comply with provisions of paragraphs (l)(2)(i) through (iii) of 
    this section.
        (i) The owner or operator shall establish the batch cycle percent 
    epoxide emission reduction in accordance with paragraphs (b) through 
    (g) of this section for the product class.
        (ii) The owner or operator shall establish the records specified in
    [[Page 29460]]
    paragraph (j)(1) of this section for the product class.
        (iii) Within 180 days of the production of the new polyether 
    polyol, the owner or operator shall submit a report containing the 
    information specified in paragraphs (k)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.
        (m) Polyether polyol product changes. If a change in operation, as 
    defined in paragraph (m)(1) of this section, occurs for a polyether 
    polyol that has been assigned to a product class and reported to the 
    Agency in accordance with paragraph (k)(2)(i)(B), (l)(1)(ii), or 
    (l)(2)(iii) of this section, the owner or operator shall comply with 
    the provisions of paragraphs (m)(2) through (3) of this section.
        (1) A change in operation for a polyether polyol is defined as a 
    change in any one of the parameters listed in paragraphs (m)(1)(i) 
    through (ix) of this section.
        (i) A significant change in reaction kinetics;
        (ii) Use of a different oxide reactant;
        (iii) Use of a different EO/PO ratio;
        (iv) A lower reaction temperature;
        (v) A lower catalyst feed on a mole/mole fraction OH basis;
        (vi) A shorter cookout;
        (vii) A lower reactor pressure;
        (viii) A different type of reaction, (e.g., a self-catalyzed vs. 
    catalyzed reaction); or
        (ix) A marked change in reaction conditions (e.g., a markedly 
    different liquid level).
        (2) If the operating conditions of the product after the change in 
    operation remain within the operation conditions of the product class 
    to which the product was assigned, the owner or operator shall update 
    the records specified in paragraphs (j)(1)(i)(A) through (F) of this 
    section for the product.
        (3) If the operating conditions of the product after the change in 
    operation are outside of the operating conditions of the product class 
    to which the product was assigned, the owner or operator shall comply 
    with the requirements in paragraph (m)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section, 
    as appropriate.
        (i) If the new operating conditions of the polyether polyol are 
    consistent with the operating conditions for another existing product 
    class, the owner or operator shall comply with the requirements in 
    paragraphs (m)(3)(i)(A) and (B) of this section.
        (A) The owner or operator shall update the list of products for the 
    product class that the product is leaving, and for the product class 
    that the product is entering, and shall record the new information in 
    paragraphs (j)(1)(i)(A) through (F) of this section for the product.
        (B) Within 180 days after the change in operating conditions for 
    the polyether polyol product, the owner or operator shall submit a 
    report updating the product lists previously submitted for the product 
    class. This information may be submitted along with the next Periodic 
        (ii) If the new operating conditions of the polyether polyol 
    product do not conform with the operating characteristics of an 
    existing product class, the owner or operator shall establish a new 
    product class and shall comply with provisions of paragraphs 
    (m)(3)(ii)(A) through (C) of this section.
        (A) The owner or operator shall establish the batch cycle percent 
    epoxide emission reduction in accordance with paragraphs (b) through 
    (g) of this section for the product class.
        (B) The owner or operator shall establish the records specified in 
    paragraph (j)(1) of this section for the product class.
        (C) Within 180 days of the change in operating conditions for the 
    polyether polyol, the owner or operator shall submit a report 
    containing the information specified in paragraphs (k)(2)(i) and (ii) 
    of this section.
    Sec. 63.1428  Process vent requirements for group determination of 
    PMPUs using a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product.
        (a) Process vents from batch unit operations. The owner or operator 
    shall determine, for each PMPU located at an affected source, if the 
    combination of all process vents from batch unit operations that are 
    associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the 
    product is a Group 1 combination of batch process vents, as defined in 
    Sec. 63.1423. The annual uncontrolled nonepoxide organic HAP emissions, 
    determined in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, and annual 
    average flow rate, determined in accordance with paragraph (c) of this 
    section, shall be determined for all process vents from batch unit 
    operations associated with the use of a nonepoxide organic HAP to make 
    or modify the product, with the exception of those vents specified in 
    paragraph (i) of this section, at the location after all applicable 
    control techniques have been applied to reduce epoxide emissions in 
    accordance with paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section.
        (1) If the owner or operator is using a combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device to reduce epoxide emissions, this location shall be at 
    the exit of the combustion, recovery, or recapture device.
        (2) If the owner or operator is using ECO to reduce epoxide 
    emissions, this location shall be at the exit from the batch unit 
    operation. For the purpose of these determinations, the primary 
    condenser operating as a reflux condenser on a reactor or distillation 
    column shall be considered part of the unit operation.
        (b) Determination of annual nonepoxide organic HAP emissions. The 
    owner or operator shall determine, for each PMPU, the total annual 
    nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from the combination of all process 
    vents from batch unit operations that are associated with the use of a 
    nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product in accordance with 
    paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section.
        (1) The annual nonepoxide organic HAP emissions for each process 
    vent from a batch unit operation associated with the use of a 
    nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product shall be 
    determined using the batch process vent procedures in the NESHAP for 
    Group I Polymers and Resins (40 CFR part 63, subpart U), 
    Sec. 63.488(b).
        (2) The owner or operator shall sum the annual nonepoxide organic 
    HAP emissions from all individual process vents from batch unit 
    operations in a PMPU, determined in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of 
    this section, to obtain the total nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from 
    the combination of process vents associated with the use of a 
    nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product, for the PMPU.
        (c) Minimum emission level exemption. If the annual emissions of 
    TOC or nonepoxide organic HAP from the combination of process vents 
    from batch unit operations that are associated with the use of 
    nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify a polyether polyol for a PMPU 
    are less than 11,800 kg/yr, the owner or operator of that PMPU is not 
    required to comply with the provisions in paragraphs (d) and (e) of 
    this section.
        (d) Determination of average flow rate and annual average flow 
    rate. The owner or operator shall determine, for each PMPU, the total 
    annual average flow rate for the combination of all process vents from 
    batch unit operations that are associated with the use of a nonepoxide 
    organic HAP to make or modify a product in accordance with paragraphs 
    (d)(1) and (2) of this section.
        (1) The annual average flow rate for each process vent from batch 
    unit operations that is associated with the use of nonepoxide organic 
    HAP to make or modify the product shall be determined using the batch 
    process vent
    [[Page 29461]]
    procedures in the NESHAP for Group I Polymers and Resins (40 CFR part 
    63, subpart U), Sec. 63.488(e).
        (2) The owner or operator shall sum the annual average flow rates 
    from the individual process vents from batch unit operations in a PMPU, 
    determined in accordance with paragraph (d)(1) of this section, to 
    obtain the total annual average flow rate for the combination of 
    process vents associated with the use of a nonepoxide organic HAP to 
    make or modify the product, for the PMPU.
        (e) Determination of cutoff flow rate. For each PMPU at an affected 
    source that uses nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product, 
    the owner or operator shall calculate the cutoff flow rate using 
    Equation 14.
    CFR = Cutoff flow rate, standard cubic meters per minute (scmm).
    AE = Annual TOC or nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from the 
    combination of process vents from batch unit operations that are 
    associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the 
    product, as determined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, kg/yr.
        (f) [Reserved]
        (g) Process changes affecting Group 2 combinations of process vents 
    in a PMPU that are from batch unit operations. Whenever process 
    changes, as described in paragraph (g)(1) of this section, are made 
    that affect a Group 2 combination of batch process vents and that could 
    reasonably be expected to change the group status from Group 2 to Group 
    1, the owner or operator shall comply with paragraphs (g)(2) and (3) of 
    this section.
        (1) Examples of process changes include, but are not limited to, 
    increases in production capacity or production rate, changes in 
    feedstock type or catalyst type; or whenever there is replacement, 
    removal, or modification of recovery equipment considered part of the 
    batch unit operation. Any change that results in an increase in the 
    annual nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from the estimate used in the 
    previous group determination constitutes a process change for the 
    purpose of these provisions. Process changes do not include: process 
    upsets; unintentional, temporary process changes; and changes that are 
    within the margin of variation on which the original group 
    determination was based.
        (2) For each process affected by a process change, the owner or 
    operator shall redetermine the group status by repeating the procedures 
    specified in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, as applicable, 
    and determining if the combination of process vents is a Group 1 
    combination of batch process vents, as defined in Sec. 63.1423. 
    Alternatively, engineering assessment, as described in 
    Sec. 63.488(b)(6)(i), may be used to determine the effects of the 
    process change.
        (3) Based on the results of paragraph (g)(2) of this section, the 
    owner or operator shall comply with either paragraph (g)(3)(i) or (ii) 
    of this section.
        (i) If the redetermination described in paragraph (g)(2) of this 
    section indicates that the group status of the combination of process 
    vents from batch unit operations in a PMPU that are associated with the 
    use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product changes 
    from Group 2 to Group 1 as a result of the process change, the owner or 
    operator shall submit a report as specified in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(6)(iii)(D)(1) and shall comply with Group 1 combination 
    of batch process vents provisions in this subpart, as specified in 
    Sec. 63.1420(g)(3).
        (ii) If the redetermination described in paragraph (g)(2) of this 
    section indicates no change in group status, the owner or operator is 
    not required to submit a report.
        (h) Process vents from continuous unit operations. (1) The owner or 
    operator shall determine the total resource effectiveness (TRE) index 
    value for each process vent from a continuous unit operation that is 
    associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the 
    product. To determine the TRE index value, the owner or operator shall 
    conduct a TRE determination and calculate the TRE index value according 
    to the HON process vent group determination procedures in 
    Sec. 63.115(d)(1) or (2) and the TRE equation in Sec. 63.115(d)(3). The 
    TRE index value shall be determined at the location after all 
    applicable control techniques have been applied to reduce epoxide 
    emissions in accordance with paragraph (h)(1)(i), (ii), or (iii) of 
    this section.
        (i) If the owner or operator uses one or more nonepoxide recovery 
    devices after all control techniques to reduce epoxide emissions, this 
    location shall be after the last nonepoxide recovery device.
        (ii) If the owner or operator does not use a nonepoxide recovery 
    device after a combustion, recovery, or recapture device to reduce 
    epoxide emissions, this location shall be at the exit of the 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device.
        (iii) If the owner or operator does not use a nonepoxide recovery 
    device after extended cookout to reduce epoxide emissions, this 
    location shall be at the exit from the continuous unit operation. For 
    the purpose of these determinations, the primary condenser operating as 
    a reflux condenser on a reactor or distillation column shall be 
    considered part of the unit operation.
        (2) The owner or operator of a Group 2 continuous process vent 
    shall recalculate the TRE index value as necessary to determine whether 
    the process vent is Group 1 or Group 2, whenever process changes are 
    made that could reasonably be expected to change the process vent to 
    Group 1. Examples of process changes include, but are not limited to, 
    increases in production capacity or production rate, changes in 
    feedstock type or catalyst type, or whenever there is replacement, 
    removal, or addition of recovery equipment. For purposes of this 
    paragraph, process changes do not include: process upsets; 
    unintentional, temporary process changes; and changes that are within 
    the range on which the original TRE calculation was based.
        (i) The TRE index value shall be recalculated based on measurements 
    of process vent stream flow rate, TOC, and nonepoxide organic HAP 
    concentrations, and heating values as specified in the HON process vent 
    group determination procedures in Sec. 63.115(a), (b), (c), and (d), as 
    applicable, or on best engineering assessment of the effects of the 
    change. Engineering assessments shall meet the specifications in 
    Sec. 63.115(d)(1).
        (ii) Where the recalculated TRE index value is less than or equal 
    to 1.0, or, where the TRE index value before the process change was 
    greater than 4.0 and the recalculated TRE index value is less than or 
    equal to 4.0 but greater than 1.0, the owner or operator shall submit a 
    report as specified in the process vent reporting and recordkeeping 
    provisions in Sec. 63.1430(j) or (k), and shall comply with the 
    appropriate provisions in the process vent control requirements in 
    Sec. 63.1425 by the dates specified in
    [[Page 29462]]
    Sec. 63.1422 (the section describing compliance dates for sources 
    subject to this subpart).
        (iii) Where the recalculated TRE index value is greater than 4.0, 
    the owner or operator is not required to submit a report.
        (i) Combination of process vents from batch unit operations and 
    process vents from continuous unit operations. If an owner or operator 
    combines a process vent from a batch unit operation that is associated 
    with the use of a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product 
    with a process vent from a continuous unit operation that is associated 
    with the use of a nonepoxide prior to the epoxide control technique, or 
    prior to a nonepoxide recovery device that is after the epoxide control 
    technique, then the provisions in paragraphs (i)(1) and (2) of this 
    section shall apply.
        (1) The process vent from the batch unit operation is not required 
    to be included in the group determination required by paragraphs (a) 
    through (e) of this section.
        (2) The TRE index value of the combined stream shall be determined 
    in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section, and the TRE index 
    value shall be calculated during a period when nonepoxide organic HAP 
    emissions are being generated by the batch unit operation.
    Sec. 63.1429  Process vent monitoring requirements.
        (a) Monitoring equipment requirements. The owner or operator of a 
    process vent that uses a combustion, recovery, or recapture device to 
    comply with the process vent control requirements in 
    Sec. 63.1425(b)(1), (b)(2), (c)(1), (c)(3), or (d) shall install 
    monitoring equipment specified in paragraph (a)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), 
    (6), or (7) of this section, depending on the type of device used. 
    Also, the owner or operator that uses a recovery or recapture device to 
    comply with Sec. 63.1425(c)(4) shall install monitoring equipment as 
    specified in paragraph (a)(4), (5), (6), or (7) of this section. All 
    monitoring equipment shall be installed, calibrated, maintained, and 
    operated according to manufacturers' specifications or other written 
    procedures that provide adequate assurance that the equipment would 
    reasonably be expected to monitor accurately.
        (1) Where an incinerator is used, a temperature monitoring device 
    equipped with a continuous recorder is required.
        (i) Where an incinerator other than a catalytic incinerator is 
    used, a temperature monitoring device shall be installed in the firebox 
    or in the ductwork immediately downstream of the firebox in a position 
    before any substantial heat exchange occurs.
        (ii) Where a catalytic incinerator is used, temperature monitoring 
    devices shall be installed in the gas stream immediately before and 
    after the catalyst bed.
        (2) Where a flare is used, the following monitoring equipment is 
    required: a device (including but not limited to a thermocouple, ultra-
    violet beam sensor, or infrared sensor) capable of continuously 
    detecting the presence of a pilot flame.
        (3) Where a boiler or process heater of less than 44 megawatts 
    design heat input capacity is used, the following monitoring equipment 
    is required: a temperature monitoring device in the firebox equipped 
    with a continuous recorder. Any boiler or process heater in which all 
    process vent streams are introduced with primary fuel or are used as 
    the primary fuel is exempt from this requirement.
        (4) Where an absorber is used, a scrubbing liquid flow rate meter 
    or a pressure monitoring device is required and should be equipped with 
    a continuous recorder. If an acid or base absorbent is used, a pH 
    monitoring device to monitor scrubber effluent is also required. If two 
    or more absorbers in series are used, a scrubbing liquid flow rate 
    meter, or a pressure monitoring device, equipped with a continuous 
    recorder, is required for each absorber in the series. An owner or 
    operator may submit a request to instead install the scrubbing liquid 
    flow rate meter, or a pressure monitoring device, equipped with a 
    continuous recorder, on only the final absorber in a series, in 
    accordance with the alternative parameter monitoring reporting 
    requirements in Sec. 63.1439(f).
        (5) Where a condenser is used, a condenser exit temperature 
    (product side) monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder is 
        (6) Where a carbon adsorber is used, an integrating regeneration 
    stream flow monitoring device having an accuracy of +10 percent or 
    better, capable of recording the total regeneration stream mass or 
    volumetric flow for each regeneration cycle, and a carbon bed 
    temperature monitoring device, capable of recording the carbon bed 
    temperature after each regeneration and within 15 minutes of completing 
    any cooling cycle are required.
        (7) As an alternative to paragraphs (a)(4) through (6) of this 
    section, the owner or operator may install an organic monitoring device 
    equipped with a continuous recorder.
        (b) Alternative parameters. An owner or operator of a process vent 
    may request approval to monitor parameters other than those listed in 
    paragraph (a) of this section. The request shall be submitted according 
    to the procedures specified in the process vent reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements in Sec. 63.1430(j) and the alternative 
    parameter monitoring reporting requirements in Sec. 63.1439(f). 
    Approval shall be requested if the owner or operator:
        (1) Uses a combustion device other than an incinerator, boiler, 
    process heater, or flare; or
        (2) For a Group 2 continuous process vent, maintains a TRE greater 
    than 1.0 but less than or equal to 4.0 without a recovery device or 
    with a recovery device other than the recovery devices listed in 
    paragraph (a) of this section; or
        (3) Uses one of the combustion, recovery, or recapture devices 
    listed in paragraph (a) of this section, but seeks to monitor a 
    parameter other than those specified in paragraph (a) of this section.
        (c) Monitoring of bypass lines. The owner or operator of a process 
    vent using a process vent system that contains bypass lines that could 
    divert a process vent stream away from the combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device used to comply with the process vent control 
    requirements in Sec. 63.1425(b), (c), or (d) shall comply with 
    paragraph (c)(1) or (2) of this section. Equipment such as low leg 
    drains, high point bleeds, analyzer vents, open-ended valves or lines, 
    and pressure relief valves needed for safety purposes are not subject 
    to paragraphs (c)(1) or (2) of this section.
        (1) Properly install, maintain, and operate a flow indicator that 
    takes a reading at least once at approximately equal intervals of about 
    15 minutes. Records shall be generated as specified in the process vent 
    reporting and recordkeeping provisions in Sec. 63.1430(d)(3). The flow 
    indicator shall be installed at the entrance to any bypass line that 
    could divert emissions away from the combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    device and to the atmosphere; or
        (2) Secure the bypass line valve in the non-diverting position with 
    a car-seal or a lock-and-key type configuration. A visual inspection of 
    the seal or closure mechanism shall be performed at least once every 
    month to ensure that the valve is maintained in the non-diverting 
    position and emissions are not diverted through the bypass line. 
    Records shall be generated as specified in the process
    [[Page 29463]]
    vent reporting and recordkeeping provisions in Sec. 63.1430(d)(4)(i).
        (d) Establishment of parameter monitoring levels. Parameter 
    monitoring levels for process vents from continuous or batch unit 
    operations using a combustion, recovery, or recapture device to comply 
    with the process vent control requirements in Sec. 63.1425(b), (c), or 
    (d) shall be established as specified in paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) 
    of this section.
        (1) For each parameter monitored under paragraph (a) or (b) of this 
    section, the owner or operator shall establish a level, defined as 
    either a maximum or minimum operating parameter as denoted in Table 5 
    of this subpart (the table listing the monitoring, recordkeeping, and 
    reporting requirements for process vents from batch unit operations), 
    that indicates that the combustion, recovery, or recapture device is 
    operated in a manner to ensure compliance with the provisions of this 
    subpart. The level shall be established in accordance with the 
    procedures specified in the process vent control requirements in 
    Sec. 63.1430(d). The level may be based upon a prior performance test 
    conducted for determining compliance with a regulation promulgated by 
    the EPA, and the owner or operator is not required to conduct a 
    performance test under the process vent requirements for determining 
    organic HAP concentration, control efficiency, and aggregated organic 
    HAP emission reductions in Sec. 63.1426, provided that the prior 
    performance test meets the conditions of Sec. 63.1426(b)(3).
        (2) The established level, along with supporting documentation, 
    shall be submitted in the Notification of Compliance Status or the 
    operating permit application as required in the Notification of 
    Compliance Status requirements in Sec. 63.1439(e)(5) or in the 
    operating permit application requirements in Sec. 63.1439(e)(8), 
        (3) The operating day shall be defined as part of establishing the 
    parameter monitoring level and shall be submitted with the information 
    in paragraph (d)(2) of this section. The definition of operating day 
    shall specify the time(s) at which an operating day begins and ends.
    Sec. 63.1430  Process vent reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        (a) [Reserved]
        (b) Records to demonstrate compliance. The owner or operator 
    complying with the process vent control requirements in 
    Sec. 63.1425(b), (c), or (d) shall keep the following records, as 
    applicable, readily accessible:
        (1) When using a flare to comply with the process vent control 
    requirements in Sec. 63.1425(b)(2)(i), (c)(1)(i), (c)(3)(i), or (d)(1):
        (i) The flare design (i.e., steam-assisted, air-assisted, or non-
        (ii) All visible emission readings, heat content determinations, 
    flow rate determinations, and exit velocity determinations made during 
    the flare specification determination required by Sec. 63.1437(c); and
        (iii) All periods during the flare specification determination 
    required by Sec. 63.1437(c) when all pilot flames are absent.
        (2) The following information when using a combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device (other than a flare) to achieve compliance with the 
    process vent control requirements in Sec. 63.1425(b), (c), or (d):
        (i) For a combustion, recovery, or recapture device being used to 
    comply with a percent reduction requirement of Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(i), 
    (b)(2)(ii), (c)(1)(ii), (c)(3)(ii), or (d)(2), or the annual epoxide 
    emission limitation in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(iii) or (b)(2)(iv), the 
    percent reduction of organic HAP or TOC achieved, as determined using 
    the procedures specified in the process vent requirements in 
    Sec. 63.1426;
        (ii) For a combustion device being used to comply with an outlet 
    concentration limitation of Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(ii) or (b)(2)(iii), the 
    concentration of organic HAP or TOC outlet of the combustion device, as 
    determined using the procedures specified in the process vent 
    requirements in Sec. 63.1426;
        (iii) For a boiler or process heater, a description of the location 
    at which the process vent stream is introduced into the boiler or 
    process heater;
        (iv) For a boiler or process heater with a design heat input 
    capacity of less than 44 megawatts and where the process vent stream is 
    introduced with combustion air or is used as a secondary fuel and is 
    not mixed with the primary fuel, the percent reduction of organic HAP 
    or TOC achieved, as determined using the procedures specified in 
    Sec. 63.1426.
        (c) Records related to the establishment of parameter monitoring 
    levels. For each parameter monitored according to the process vent 
    monitoring requirements in Sec. 63.1429(a) and Table 5 of this subpart, 
    or for alternate parameters and/or parameters for alternate control 
    techniques monitored according to the alternative parameter monitoring 
    reporting requirements in Sec. 63.1439(f) as allowed under 
    Sec. 63.1429(b), maintain documentation showing the establishment of 
    the level that indicates that the combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    device is operated in a manner to ensure compliance with the provisions 
    of this subpart, as required by the process vent monitoring 
    requirements in Sec. 63.1429(d).
        (d) Records to demonstrate continuous compliance. The owner or 
    operator that uses a combustion, recovery, or recapture device to 
    comply with the process vent control requirements in Sec. 63.1425(b), 
    (c), or (d) shall keep the following records readily accessible:
        (1) Continuous records of the equipment operating parameters 
    specified to be monitored under the process vent monitoring 
    requirements in Sec. 63.1429(a) as applicable, and listed in Table 5 of 
    this subpart, or specified by the Administrator in accordance with the 
    alternative parameter monitoring reporting requirements in 
    Sec. 63.1439(f), as allowed under Sec. 63.1429(b). These records shall 
    be kept as specified under Sec. 63.1439(d), except as specified in 
    paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.
        (i) For flares, the records specified in Table 5 of this subpart 
    shall be maintained in place of continuous records.
        (ii) For carbon adsorbers used for process vents from batch unit 
    operations, the records specified in Table 5 of this subpart shall be 
    maintained in place of daily averages.
        (2) Records of the daily average value for process vents from 
    continuous unit operations or batch unit operations of each 
    continuously monitored parameter, except as provided in paragraphs 
    (d)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.
        (i) Monitoring data recorded during periods of monitoring system 
    breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero (low-level) and high-
    level adjustments shall not be included in computing the daily 
    averages. In addition, monitoring data recorded during periods of non-
    operation of the process (or specific portion thereof) resulting in 
    cessation of organic HAP emissions, (or periods of start-up, shutdown, 
    or malfunction) shall not be included in computing the daily averages.
        (ii) If all recorded values for a monitored parameter during an 
    operating day are above the minimum or below the maximum parameter 
    monitoring level established in accordance with the process vent 
    monitoring requirements in Sec. 63.1429(d), the owner or operator may 
    record that all values were above the
    [[Page 29464]]
    minimum or below the maximum level established, rather than calculating 
    and recording a daily average for that operating day.
        (3) Hourly records of whether the flow indicator for bypass lines 
    specified under Sec. 63.1429(c)(1) was operating and whether a 
    diversion was detected at any time during the hour. Also, records of 
    the time(s) of all periods when the process vent was diverted from the 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device, or the flow indicator 
    specified in Sec. 63.1429(c)(1) was not operating.
        (4) Where a seal or closure mechanism is used to comply with the 
    process vent monitoring requirements for bypass lines in 
    Sec. 63.1429(c)(2), hourly records of flow are not required. For 
    compliance with Sec. 63.1429(c)(2), the owner or operator shall record 
    whether the monthly visual inspection of the seals or closure mechanism 
    has been done, and shall record the occurrence of all periods when the 
    seal mechanism is broken, the bypass line valve position has changed, 
    or the key for a lock-and-key type configuration has been checked out, 
    and records of any car-seal that has been broken.
        (5) Records specifying the times and duration of periods of 
    monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero 
    (low-level) and high level adjustments. In addition, records specifying 
    any other periods of process or combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    device operation when monitors are not operating.
        (e) Records related to the group determination for process vents 
    that are associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or 
    modify the product. (1) Process vents from batch unit operations. 
    Except as provided in paragraphs (e)(1)(vi) and (vii) of this section, 
    the owner or operator of an affected source shall maintain the records 
    specified in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (v) of this section for each 
    PMPU that uses a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product 
    in batch unit operations. The records required to be maintained by this 
    paragraph are limited to the information developed and used to make the 
    group determination under the process vent requirements for processes 
    using a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product in 
    Sec. 63.1428(a) through (e), as appropriate. If an owner or operator 
    did not need to develop certain information (e.g., annual average flow 
    rate) to determine the group status, the owner or operator is not 
    required to develop additional information. The owner or operator may 
    elect Group 1 status for process vents without making a Group 1/Group 2 
    determination. In such event, none of the records specified in 
    paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (v) are required.
        (i) A description of, and an emission estimate for, each batch 
    emission episode, and the total emissions associated with one batch 
    cycle for each unique product class made in the PMPU.
        (ii) Total annual uncontrolled TOC or nonepoxide organic HAP 
    emissions from the combination of process vents from batch unit 
    operations associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or 
    modify the product, as determined in accordance with the process vent 
    requirements for group determinations in Sec. 63.1428(b).
        (iii) The annual average flow rate for the combination of process 
    vents from batch unit operations associated with the use of organic HAP 
    to make or modify the product, as determined in accordance with the 
    process vent requirements for group determinations in Sec. 63.1428(d).
        (iv) The cutoff flow rate, determined in accordance with the 
    process vent requirements for group determinations in Sec. 63.1428(e).
        (v) The results of the PMPU group determination (i.e., whether the 
    combination of process vents is Group 1 or Group 2).
        (vi) If the combination of all process vents from batch unit 
    operations associated with the use of an organic HAP to make or modify 
    the product is subject to the Group 1 batch process vent control 
    requirements for nonepoxide HAP emissions from making or modifying the 
    product in Sec. 63.1425(c)(1), none of the records in paragraphs 
    (b)(1)(i) through (v) of this section are required.
        (vii) If the total annual emissions from the combination of process 
    vents from batch unit operations associated with the use of an organic 
    HAP to make or modify the product are less than 11,800 kg per year, 
    only the records in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section are 
        (2) Process vents from continuous unit operations. The owner or 
    operator of an affected source that uses nonepoxide organic HAP to make 
    or modify the product in continuous unit operations shall keep records 
    regarding the measurements and calculations performed to determine the 
    TRE index value of each process vent stream. The owner or operator of 
    Group 1 continuous process vents that are subject to the control 
    requirements of Sec. 63.1425(c)(3) is not required to keep these 
        (f) Records for Group 2 process vents that are associated with the 
    use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product. The 
    following records shall be maintained for PMPUs with a Group 2 
    combination of batch process vents and/or one or more Group 2 
    continuous process vents.
        (1) Process vents from batch unit operations--emission records. The 
    owner or operator shall maintain records of the combined total annual 
    nonepoxide organic HAP emissions from process vents associated with the 
    use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product for each 
    PMPU where the combination of these process vents is classified as 
    Group 2.
        (2) Process vents from continuous unit operations--monitoring 
    records for vents with TRE between 1.0 and 4.0. The owner or operator 
    using a recovery device or other means to achieve and maintain a TRE 
    index value greater than 1.0 but less than 4.0 as specified in the HON 
    process vent requirements in Sec. 63.113(a)(3) or Sec. 63.113(d) shall 
    keep the following records readily accessible:
        (i) Continuous records of the equipment operating parameters 
    specified to be monitored under Sec. 63.114(b) and listed in Table 5 of 
    this subpart or specified by the Administrator in accordance with 
    Sec. 63.114(c) and Sec. 63.117(e); and
        (ii) Records of the daily average value of each continuously 
    monitored parameter for each operating day determined according to the 
    procedures specified in Sec. 63.152(f). If carbon adsorber regeneration 
    stream flow and carbon bed regeneration temperature are monitored, the 
    records specified in Table 5 of this subpart shall be kept instead of 
    the daily averages.
        (3) Process vents from continuous unit operations--records related 
    to process changes. The owner or operator subject to the provisions of 
    this subpart who has elected to demonstrate compliance with the TRE 
    index value greater than 4.0 under Sec. 63.113(e) or greater than 1.0 
    under Sec. 63.113(a)(3) or Sec. 63.113(d) shall keep readily accessible 
    records of:
        (i) Any process changes as defined in Sec. 63.115(e); and
        (ii) Any recalculation of the TRE index value pursuant to 
    Sec. 63.115(e).
        (4) Process vents from continuous unit operations--records for 
    vents with a flow rate less than 0.005 standard cubic meter per minute. 
    The owner or operator who elects to comply by maintaining a flow rate 
    less than 0.005 standard cubic meter per minute under Sec. 63.113(f), 
    shall keep readily accessible records of:
        (i) Any process changes as defined in Sec. 63.115(e) that increase 
    the process vent stream flow rate;
    [[Page 29465]]
        (ii) Any recalculation or measurement of the flow rate pursuant to 
    Sec. 63.115(e); and
        (iii) If the flow rate increases to 0.005 standard cubic meter per 
    minute or greater as a result of the process change, the TRE 
    determination performed according to the procedures of Sec. 63.115(d).
        (5) Process vents from continuous unit operations--records for 
    vents with an organic HAP concentration less than 50 parts per million. 
    The owner or operator who elects to comply by maintaining an organic 
    HAP concentration less than 50 parts per million by volume organic HAP 
    concentration under Sec. 63.113(g) shall keep readily accessible 
    records of:
        (i) Any process changes as defined in Sec. 63.115(e) that increase 
    the organic HAP concentration of the process vent stream;
        (ii) Any recalculation or measurement of the concentration pursuant 
    to Sec. 63.115(e); and
        (iii) If the organic HAP concentration increases to 50 parts per 
    million by volume or greater as a result of the process change, the TRE 
    determination performed according to the procedures of Sec. 63.115(d).
        (g) Notification of Compliance Status. The owner or operator of an 
    affected source shall submit the information specified in paragraphs 
    (g)(1) through (3) of this section, as appropriate, as part of the 
    Notification of Compliance Status specified in Sec. 63.1439(e)(5).
        (1) For the owner or operator complying with the process vent 
    control requirements in Sec. 63.1425(b), (c)(1), (c)(3), or (d), the 
    information specified in paragraph (b) of this section related to the 
    compliance demonstration, and the information specified in paragraph 
    (c) of this section related to the establishment of parameter 
    monitoring levels,
        (2) For each PMPU where the combination of process vents from batch 
    unit operations that are associated with the use of nonepoxide organic 
    HAP to make or modify the product is Group 2, the information related 
    to the group determination specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this 
        (3) For each process vent from a continuous unit operation that is 
    associated with the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the 
    product that is Group 2, the information related to the group 
    determination specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this section.
        (h) Periodic Reports. The owner or operator of an affected source 
    shall submit Periodic Reports of the recorded information specified in 
    paragraphs (h)(1) through (6) of this section, as appropriate, 
    according to the schedule for submitting Periodic Reports in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(6)(i).
        (1) Reports of daily average values of monitored parameters for all 
    operating days when the daily average values recorded under paragraph 
    (d)(2) of this section were above the maximum, or below the minimum, 
    level established in the Notification of Compliance Status or operating 
        (2) Reports of the duration of periods when monitoring data are not 
    collected for each excursion caused by insufficient monitoring data as 
    defined in Sec. 63.1438(f)(1)(iv), (f)(2)(i)(B), or (f)(3)(ii).
        (3) Reports of the times and durations of all periods recorded 
    under paragraph (d)(3) of this section when the process vent stream is 
    diverted from the combustion, recovery, or recapture device through a 
    bypass line.
        (4) Reports of all periods recorded under paragraph (d)(4) of this 
    section in which the seal mechanism is broken, the bypass line valve 
    position has changed, or the key to unlock the bypass line valve was 
    checked out.
        (5) Reports of the times and durations of all periods recorded 
    under paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section in which all pilot flames of 
    a flare were absent.
        (6) Reports of all carbon bed regeneration cycles during which the 
    parameters recorded under paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section were 
    above the maximum, or below the minimum, levels established in the 
    Notification of Compliance Status or operating permit.
        (i) Reports of process changes. Whenever a process change, as 
    defined in Sec. 63.1420(g)(3), is made that causes a Group 2 
    combination of batch process vents at a PMPU that are associated with 
    the use of nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product to 
    become Group 1, the owner or operator shall submit a report within 180 
    days after the process change is made or the information regarding the 
    process change is known to the owner or operator. This report may be 
    included in the next Periodic Report or in a separate submittal to the 
    Administrator, as specified in Sec. 63.1439(e)(6)(iii)(D)(1). A 
    description of the process change shall be submitted with the report.
        (j) Reporting requirements for Group 2 continuous process vents. 
    (1) Whenever a process change, as defined in Sec. 63.1420(g)(3), is 
    made that causes a Group 2 continuous process vent with a TRE greater 
    than 4.0 to become a Group 2 continuous process vent with a TRE less 
    than 4.0, the owner or operator shall submit a report within 180 
    calendar days after the process change is made or the information 
    regarding the process change is known, unless the flow rate is less 
    than 0.005 standard cubic meters per minute. The report may be 
    submitted as part of the next periodic report. The report shall 
        (i) A description of the process change;
        (ii) The results of the recalculation of the TRE index value 
    required under Sec. 63.1428(h)(2), and recorded under paragraph (f)(3) 
    of this section; and
        (iii) A statement that the owner or operator will comply with the 
    process vent monitoring requirements specified in Sec. 63.1429, as 
        (2) Whenever a process change, as defined in Sec. 63.1420(g)(3), is 
    made that causes a Group 2 continuous process vent with a flow rate 
    less than 0.005 standard cubic meters per minute to become a Group 2 
    continuous process vent with a flow rate of 0.005 standard cubic meters 
    per minute or greater, the owner or operator shall submit a report 
    within 180 calendar days after the process change is made or the 
    information regarding the process change is known, unless the organic 
    HAP concentration is less than 50 ppmv. The report may be submitted as 
    part of the next periodic report. The report shall include:
        (i) A description of the process change;
        (ii) The results of the calculation of the TRE index value required 
    under Sec. 63.1428(h)(2), and recorded under paragraph (f)(3) of this 
    section; and
        (iii) A statement that the owner or operator will comply with the 
    process vent monitoring requirements specified in Sec. 63.1429, as 
        (3) Whenever a process change, as defined in Sec. 63.1420(g)(3), is 
    made that causes a Group 2 continuous process vent with an organic HAP 
    concentration less than 50 ppmv to become a Group 2 continuous process 
    vent with an organic HAP concentration of 50 ppmv or greater and a TRE 
    index value less than 4.0, the owner or operator shall submit a report 
    within 180 calendar days after the process change is made or the 
    information regarding the process change is known, unless the flow rate 
    is less than 0.005 standard cubic meters per minute. The report may be 
    submitted as part of the next periodic report. The report shall 
        (i) A description of the process change;
        (ii) The results of the calculation of the TRE index value required 
    under Sec. 63.1428(h)(2), and recorded under paragraph (f)(3) of this 
    section; and
        (iii) A statement that the owner or operator will comply with the 
    [[Page 29466]]
    vent monitoring requirements specified in Sec. 63.1429, as appropriate.
        (k) Alternative requests. If an owner or operator uses a 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device other than those specified in 
    the process vent monitoring requirements in Sec. 63.1429(a)(1) through 
    (7) and listed in Table 5 of this subpart; requests approval to monitor 
    a parameter other than those specified in Sec. 63.1429(a)(1) through 
    (7) and listed in Table 5 of this subpart; or uses ECO and requests to 
    monitor a parameter other than those listed in Sec. 63.1427(i)(1)(i) 
    through (iii), as allowed under Sec. 63.1427(i)(1)(iv), the owner or 
    operator shall submit a description of planned reporting and 
    recordkeeping procedures, as specified in Sec. 63.1439(f)(3), as part 
    of the Precompliance Report as required under Sec. 63.1439(e)(4), or to 
    the Administrator as a separate submittal. The Administrator will 
    specify appropriate reporting and recordkeeping requirements as part of 
    the review of the Precompliance Report.
    Sec. 63.1431  Process vent annual epoxides emission factor plan 
        (a) Applicability of emission factor plan requirements. An owner or 
    operator electing to comply with an annual epoxide emission factor 
    limitation in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(iii) or (b)(2)(iv) shall develop and 
    implement an epoxides emission factor plan in accordance with the 
    provisions of this section.
        (b) Emission factor plan requirements. The owner or operator shall 
    develop an epoxides emission factor plan.
        (1) If epoxide emissions are maintained below the epoxide emission 
    factor limitation through the use of a combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device (without extended cookout), the owner or operator 
    shall develop and implement the plan in accordance with paragraph (c) 
    of this section.
        (2) If epoxide emissions are maintained below the epoxide emission 
    factor limitation through the use of extended cookout (without a 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device), the owner or operator shall 
    develop and implement the plan in accordance with paragraph (d) of this 
        (3) If epoxide emissions are maintained below the epoxide emission 
    factor limitation through the use of extended cookout in conjunction 
    with a combustion, recovery, or recapture device, the owner or operator 
    shall develop and implement the plan in accordance with paragraph (e) 
    of this section.
        (c) Compliance with epoxide emission factor limitation using a 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device. (1) The owner or operator 
    shall notify the Agency of the intent to use a combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device to comply with the epoxide emission factor limitation 
    in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(iii) or (b)(2)(iv). The owner or operator shall 
    prepare an estimate of the annual epoxide emissions and the actual 
    production rate in accordance with paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iv) of 
    this section. This notification and emission estimate shall be 
    submitted in the Precompliance Report as specified in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(4), or in the operating permit application, as allowed 
    in Sec. 63.1439(e)(8).
        (i) Annual uncontrolled epoxide emissions. These emission estimates 
    shall be determined in accordance with the batch process vent group 
    determination procedures in the NESHAP for Group I Polymers and Resins 
    (40 CFR part 63, subpart U, Sec. 63.488(b)) and shall be based on 
    anticipated production.
        (ii) A description of the combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    device, along with the expected percent efficiency.
        (iii) Annual emissions after the combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    device. The expected annual emissions after control shall be determined 
    using Equation 15.
    AEcontrol = Annual epoxide emissions after control, kg/yr.
    AEuncontrolled = Annual uncontrolled epoxide emissions, 
    determined in accordance with paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, kg/
    R = Expected control efficiency of the combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device, percent, as determined in Sec. 63.1426(c).
        (iv) The actual annual production rate means the annual mass of 
    polyether polyol product produced from the applicable PMPU. This 
    production rate shall be for the same annual time period as the annual 
    emission estimate as calculated in accordance with paragraph 
    (c)(1)(iii) of this section.
        (2) The owner or operator shall conduct a performance test in 
    accordance with Sec. 63.1426(c) to determine the epoxide control 
    efficiency of the combustion, recovery, or recapture device. The owner 
    or operator shall then recalculate the annual epoxide emissions after 
    control using Equation 15, except that the control efficiency, R, shall 
    be the measured control efficiency. This information shall be submitted 
    as part of the Notification of Compliance Status, as provided in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(5).
        (3) The owner or operator shall comply with the process vent 
    monitoring provisions in Sec. 63.1429.
        (4) The owner or operator shall comply with the process vent 
    recordkeeping requirements in paragraphs Sec. 63.1430(b) through (d), 
    and the process vent reporting requirements in Sec. 63.1430(g)(1) and 
        (d) Compliance with epoxide emission factor limitation using 
    extended cookout. (1) The owner or operator shall notify the Agency of 
    the intent to use extended cookout to comply with the epoxide emission 
    factor limitation in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(iii) or (b)(2)(iv). The owner 
    or operator shall prepare an estimate of the annual epoxide emissions 
    after the extended cookout. This notification and emission estimate 
    shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report as specified in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(4), or in the operating permit application, as allowed 
    in Sec. 63.1439(e)(8).
        (2) The owner or operator shall determine the annual epoxide 
    emissions in accordance with Sec. 63.1427(d), based on anticipated 
    production. This information shall be submitted as part of the 
    Notification of Compliance Status, as provided in Sec. 63.1439(e)(5).
        (3) The owner or operator shall comply with the ECO monitoring 
    provisions in Sec. 63.1427(i).
        (4) The owner or operator shall comply with the process vent 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements in Sec. 63.1430.
        (e) Compliance with the epoxide emission factor limitation through 
    the use of extended cookout in conjunction with one or more combustion, 
    recovery, and/or recapture device. (1) The owner or operator shall 
    notify the Agency of the intent to use extended cookout in conjunction 
    with one or more combustion, recovery, and/or recapture device to 
    comply with the annual
    [[Page 29467]]
    epoxide emission factor limitation in Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(iii) or 
    (b)(2)(iv). The owner or operator shall prepare an estimate of the 
    annual epoxide emissions after control. This notification and emission 
    estimate shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report as specified in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(4), or in the operating permit application, as allowed 
    under Sec. 63.1439(e)(8).
        (2) The owner or operator shall determine the annual epoxide 
    emissions after control. This information shall be submitted as part of 
    the Notification of Compliance Status, as provided in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(5).
        (3) The owner or operator shall comply with the ECO monitoring 
    provisions in Sec. 63.1427(i).
        (4) The owner or operator shall comply with the ECO recordkeeping 
    and reporting requirements in Sec. 63.1427(j) and (k).
        (f) Compliance with epoxide emission factor limitation without 
    using extended cookout or a combustion, recovery, or recapture device. 
    (1) The owner or operator shall notify the Agency of the intent to 
    comply with the epoxide emission factor limitation in 
    Sec. 63.1425(b)(1)(iii) or (b)(2)(iv) without the use of ECO or a 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device. The owner or operator shall 
    prepare an estimate of the annual epoxide emissions. This notification 
    and emission estimate shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report as 
    specified in Sec. 63.1439(e)(4), or in the operating permit 
    application, as allowed in Sec. 63.1439(e)(8).
        (2) Each year after the compliance date, the owner or operator 
    shall calculate the epoxides emission factor for the previous year. 
    This information shall be submitted in the second Periodic Report 
    submitted each year, as specified in Sec. 63.1439(e)(6).
    Sec. 63.1432  Storage vessel provisions.
        (a) For each storage vessel located at an affected source, the 
    owner or operator shall comply with the HON storage vessel requirements 
    of Secs. 63.119 through 63.123 and the HON leak inspection provisions 
    in Sec. 63.148, with the differences noted in paragraphs (b) through 
    (p) of this section, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (b) When the term ``storage vessel'' is used in the HON storage 
    vessel requirements in Secs. 63.119 through 63.123, the definition of 
    this term in Sec. 63.1423 shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.
        (c) When the term ``Group 1 storage vessel'' is used in the HON 
    storage vessel requirements in Secs. 63.119 through 63.123, the 
    definition of this term in Sec. 63.1423 shall apply for the purposes of 
    this subpart.
        (d) When the term ``Group 2 storage vessel'' is used in the HON 
    storage vessel requirements in Secs. 63.119 through 63.123, the 
    definition of this term in Sec. 63.1423 shall apply for the purposes of 
    this subpart.
        (e) When the HON storage vessel requirements in Sec. 63.119 refer 
    to ``December 31, 1992,'' the phrase ``September 4, 1997'' shall apply 
    instead, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (f) When the HON storage vessel requirements in Sec. 63.119 refer 
    to ``April 22, 1994,'' the phrase ``June 1, 1999,'' shall apply 
    instead, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (g) The owner or operator of an affected source shall comply with 
    this paragraph instead of Sec. 63.120(d)(1)(ii) for the purposes of 
    this subpart. If the combustion, recovery, or recapture device used to 
    comply with Sec. 63.119(e) is also used to comply with any of the 
    requirements found in Secs. 63.1425 through 63.1431 and/or 
    Sec. 63.1433, the performance test required in or accepted by 
    Secs. 63.1425 through 63.1431 and/or Sec. 63.1433 is acceptable for 
    demonstrating compliance with the HON storage vessel requirements in 
    Sec. 63.119(e), for the purposes of this subpart. The owner or operator 
    will not be required to prepare a design evaluation for the combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture device as described in Sec. 63.120(d)(1)(i), if 
    the performance test meets the criteria specified in paragraphs (g)(1) 
    and (2) of this section.
        (1) The performance test demonstrates that the combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture device achieves greater than or equal to the 
    required control efficiency specified in the HON storage vessel 
    requirements in Sec. 63.119(e)(1) or (2), as applicable; and
        (2) The performance test is submitted as part of the Notification 
    of Compliance Status required by Sec. 63.1439(e)(5).
        (h) When the HON storage vessel requirements in 
    Sec. 63.120(d)(3)(i) uses the term ``operating range,'' the term 
    ``level,'' shall apply instead, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (i) For purposes of this subpart, the monitoring plan required by 
    the HON storage vessel requirements in Sec. 63.120(d)(2) shall specify 
    for which combustion, recovery, or recapture device the owner or 
    operator has selected to follow the procedures for continuous 
    monitoring specified in Sec. 63.1438. For the combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device(s) for which the owner or operator has selected not to 
    follow the procedures for continuous monitoring specified in 
    Sec. 63.1438, the monitoring plan shall include a description of the 
    parameter(s) to be monitored to ensure that the combustion, recovery, 
    or recapture device is being properly operated and maintained, an 
    explanation of the criteria used for selection of that parameter(s), 
    and the frequency with which monitoring will be performed (e.g., when 
    the liquid level in the storage vessel is being raised), as specified 
    in Sec. 63.120(d)(2)(i).
        (j) For purposes of this subpart, the monitoring plan required by 
    Sec. 63.122(b) shall be included in the Notification of Compliance 
    Status required by Sec. 63.1439(e)(5).
        (k) When the HON Notification of Compliance Status requirements 
    contained in Sec. 63.152(b) are referred to in Secs. 63.120, 63.122, 
    and 63.123, the Notification of Compliance Status requirements 
    contained in Sec. 63.1439(e)(5) shall apply for the purposes of this 
        (l) When the HON Periodic Report requirements contained in 
    Sec. 63.152(c) are referred to in Secs. 63.120, 63.122, and 63.123, the 
    Periodic Report requirements contained in Sec. 63.1439(e)(6) shall 
    apply for the purposes of this subpart.
        (m) When other reports as required in Sec. 63.152(d) are referred 
    to in Sec. 63.122, the reporting requirements contained in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(7) shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.
        (n) When the HON Initial Notification requirements contained in 
    Sec. 63.151(b) are referred to in Sec. 63.119 through Sec. 63.123, the 
    owner or operator shall comply with the Initial Notification 
    requirements contained in Sec. 63.1439(e)(3), for the purposes of this 
        (o) When the determination of equivalence criteria in 
    Sec. 63.102(b) are referred to in the HON storage vessel requirements 
    in Sec. 63.121(a), the General Provisions' alternative nonopacity 
    emission provisions in Sec. 63.6(g) shall apply for the purposes of 
    this subpart.
        (p) The compliance date for storage vessels at affected sources 
    subject to the provisions of this section is specified in Sec. 63.1422.
        (q) In addition to the records required by Sec. 63.123, the owner 
    or operator shall maintain records of all times when the storage tank 
    is being filled (i.e., when the liquid level in the storage vessel is 
    being raised). These records shall consist of documentation of the time 
    when each filling period begins and ends.
    Sec. 63.1433  Wastewater provisions.
        (a) Process wastewater. Except as specified in paragraph (c) of 
    this section, the owner or operator of each
    [[Page 29468]]
    affected source shall comply with the HON wastewater requirements in 
    Secs. 63.132 through 63.147 for each process wastewater stream 
    originating at an affected source, with the HON leak inspection 
    requirements in Sec. 63.148, and with the HON requirements in 
    Sec. 63.149 for equipment that is subject to Sec. 63.149, with the 
    differences noted in paragraphs (a)(1) through (20) of this section. 
    Further, the owner or operator of each affected source shall comply 
    with the requirements of Sec. 63.105(a) for maintenance wastewater, as 
    specified in paragraph (b) of this section.
        (1) Owners and operators of affected sources are not required to 
    comply with the HON new source wastewater requirements in 
    Sec. 63.132(b)(1) and Sec. 63.132(d), for the purposes of this subpart. 
    Owners or operators of all new affected sources, as defined in this 
    subpart, shall comply with the HON requirements for existing sources in 
    Secs. 63.132 through 63.149.
        (2) When the HON requirements in Secs. 63.132 through 63.149 refer 
    to Table 9 or Table 36 of 40 CFR part 63, subpart G, the owner or 
    operator is only required to consider organic HAP listed in Table 9 or 
    Table 36 of 40 CFR part 63, subpart G, that are also listed on Table 4 
    of this subpart, for the purposes of this subpart. Owners and operators 
    are exempt from all requirements in Secs. 63.132 through 63.149 that 
    pertain solely and exclusively to organic HAP listed on Table 8 of 40 
    CFR part 63, subpart G. In addition, when Secs. 63.132 through 63.149 
    refer to List 1 or List 2, as listed in Table 36 of 40 CFR part 63, 
    subpart G, the owner or operator is only required to consider organic 
    HAP contained in those lists that are also listed on Table 4 of this 
    subpart, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (3) When the determination of equivalence criteria in 
    Sec. 63.102(b) is referred to in Secs. 63.132, 63.133, and 63.137, the 
    General Provisions' alternative nonopacity emission standard provisions 
    in Sec. 63.6(g) shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.
        (4) When the HON storage vessel requirements contained in 
    Secs. 63.119 through 63.123 are referred to in Secs. 63.132 through 
    63.148, the HON storage vessel requirements in Secs. 63.119 through 
    63.123 are applicable, with the exception of the differences referred 
    to in the storage vessel requirements in Sec. 63.1432, for the purposes 
    of this subpart.
        (5) When the HON process wastewater reporting requirements in 
    Sec. 63.146(a) require the submission of a request for approval to 
    monitor alternative parameters according to the procedures specified in 
    Sec. 63.151(g) or Sec. 63.152(e), the owner or operator requesting to 
    monitor alternative parameters shall follow the procedures specified in 
    Sec. 63.1439(f), for the purposes of this subpart.
        (6) When the HON process wastewater recordkeeping requirements in 
    Sec. 63.147(d) require the owner or operator to keep records of the 
    daily average value of each continuously monitored parameter for each 
    operating day as specified in the HON recordkeeping provisions in 
    Sec. 63.152(f), the owner or operator shall instead keep records of the 
    daily average value of each continuously monitored parameter as 
    specified in Sec. 63.1439(d), for the purposes of this subpart.
        (7) When the HON requirements in Secs. 63.132 through 63.149 refer 
    to an ``existing source,'' the term ``existing affected source,'' as 
    defined in Sec. 63.1420(a)(3) shall apply, for the purposes of this 
        (8) When the HON requirements in Secs. 63.132 through 63.149 refer 
    to a ``new source,'' the term ``new affected source,'' as defined in 
    Sec. 63.1420(a)(4) shall apply, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (9) When the HON process wastewater provisions in Sec. 63.132 (a) 
    and (b) refer to the ``applicable dates specified in Sec. 63.100 of 
    subpart F of this part,'' the applicable compliance dates specified in 
    Sec. 63.1422 shall apply, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (10) Whenever the HON process wastewater provisions in Secs. 63.132 
    through 63.147 refer to a Group 1 wastewater stream or a Group 2 
    wastewater stream, the definitions of these terms contained in 
    Sec. 63.1423 shall apply, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (11) When the HON control requirements for certain liquid streams 
    in open systems, in Sec. 63.149(d), refer to ``Sec. 63.100(f) of 
    subpart F,'' the phrase ``Sec. 63.1420(c),'' shall apply for the 
    purposes of this subpart. In addition, where Sec. 63.149(d) states 
    ``and the item of equipment is not otherwise exempt from controls by 
    the provisions of subparts A, F, G, or H of this part,'' the phrase 
    ``and the item of equipment is not otherwise exempt from controls by 
    the provisions of subparts A, F, G, H, or PPP of this part,'' shall 
    apply for the purposes of this subpart.
        (12) When the HON control requirements for certain liquid streams 
    in open systems, in Sec. 63.149(e) (1) and (2), refer to ``a chemical 
    manufacturing process unit subject to the new source requirements of 40 
    CFR 63.100(l) (1) or (2),'' the phrase ``a new affected source as 
    described in Sec. 63.1420(a)(4),'' shall apply for the purposes of this 
        (13) When the HON Notification of Compliance Status requirements 
    contained in Sec. 63.152(b) are referred to in the HON process 
    wastewater provisions in Sec. 63.138 or Sec. 63.146, the Notification 
    of Compliance Status requirements contained in Sec. 63.1439(e)(5) shall 
    apply for the purposes of this subpart. In addition, when the HON 
    process wastewater provisions in Sec. 63.138 or Sec. 63.146 require 
    that information be reported according to Sec. 63.152(b) in the HON 
    Notification of Compliance Status, owners or operators of affected 
    sources shall report the specified information in the Notification of 
    Compliance Status required by Sec. 63.1439(e)(5), for the purposes of 
    this subpart.
        (14) When the HON Periodic Report requirements contained in 
    Sec. 63.152(c) are referred to in the HON process wastewater provisions 
    in Sec. 63.146, the Periodic Report requirements contained in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(6) shall apply for the purposes of this subpart. In 
    addition, when Sec. 63.146 requires that information be reported in the 
    HON Periodic Reports required in Sec. 63.152(c), owners or operators of 
    affected sources shall report the specified information in the Periodic 
    Reports required in Sec. 63.1439(e)(6), for the purposes of this 
        (15) When the term ``range'' is used in the HON requirements in 
    Secs. 63.132 through 63.149, the term ``level'' shall be used instead, 
    for the purposes of this subpart. This level shall be determined using 
    the procedures specified in parameter monitoring procedures in 
    Sec. 63.1438.
        (16) When the HON process wastewater monitoring and inspection 
    provisions in Sec. 63.143(f) specify that the owner or operator shall 
    establish the range that indicates proper operation of the treatment 
    process or control technique, the owner or operator shall instead 
    comply with the requirements Sec. 63.1438 (c) or (d) for establishing 
    parameter level maximums/minimums, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (17) When the HON process wastewater provisions in Sec. 63.146(b) 
    (7) and (8) require that ``the information on parameter ranges 
    specified in Sec. 63.152(b)(2)'' be reported in the HON Notification of 
    Compliance Status, owners and operators of affected sources are instead 
    required to report the information on parameter levels in the 
    Notification of Compliance Status as specified in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(5)(ii), for the purposes of this subpart.
        (18) For the purposes of this subpart, the owner or operator is not 
    required to comply with the HON process wastewater emission reduction 
    provisions in Sec. 63.138(g).
    [[Page 29469]]
        (19) When the provisions of HON process wastewater provisions in 
    Sec. 63.139(c)(1)(ii), Sec. 63.145(d)(4), or Sec. 63.145(i)(2) specify 
    that Method 18, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A shall be used, Method 18 or 
    Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A may be used for the purposes of 
    this subpart. The use of Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A shall 
    comply with paragraphs (a)(19) (i) and (ii) of this section.
        (i) The organic HAP used as the calibration gas for Method 25A, 40 
    CFR part 60, appendix A shall be the single organic HAP representing 
    the largest percent by volume of the emissions.
        (ii) The use of Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A is 
    acceptable if the response from the high-level calibration gas is at 
    least 20 times the standard deviation of the response from the zero 
    calibration gas when the instrument is zeroed on the most sensitive 
        (20) The owner or operator of a facility which receives a Group 1 
    wastewater stream, or a residual removed from a Group 1 wastewater 
    stream, for treatment pursuant to the HON provisions in Sec. 63.132(g) 
    is subject to the requirements of Sec. 63.132(g), with the differences 
    identified in this section, and is not subject to the NESHAP from off-
    site waste and recovery operations in 40 CFR part 63, subpart DD, with 
    respect to the received material.
        (b) Maintenance wastewater. The owner or operator of each affected 
    source shall comply with the HON maintenance wastewater requirements in 
    Sec. 63.105, with the exceptions noted in paragraphs (b) (1), (2), and 
    (3) of this section.
        (1) When the HON maintenance wastewater provisions in 
    Sec. 63.105(a) refer to ``organic HAPs,'' the definition of ``organic 
    HAP'' in Sec. 63.1423 shall apply, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (2) When the term ``maintenance wastewater'' is used in the HON 
    maintenance wastewater provisions in Sec. 63.105, the definition of 
    ``maintenance wastewater'' in Sec. 63.1423 shall apply, for the 
    purposes of this subpart.
        (3) When the term ``wastewater'' is used in the HON maintenance 
    wastewater provisions in Sec. 63.105, the definition of ``wastewater'' 
    in Sec. 63.1423 shall apply, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (c) Compliance date. The compliance date for the affected source 
    subject to the provisions of this section is specified in Sec. 63.1422.
    Sec. 63.1434  Equipment leak provisions.
        (a) The owner or operator of each affected source shall comply with 
    the HON equipment leak requirements in 40 CFR part 63, subpart H for 
    all equipment in organic HAP service, except as specified in paragraphs 
    (b) through (g) of this section.
        (b) The compliance date for the equipment leak provisions in this 
    section is provided in Sec. 63.1422(d).
        (c) Affected sources subject to the HON equipment leak provisions 
    in 40 CFR part 63, subpart I shall continue to comply with 40 CFR part 
    63, subpart I until the compliance date specified in Sec. 63.1422. 
    After the compliance date in Sec. 63.1422, the source shall be subject 
    to this subpart (40 CFR part 63, subpart PPP), and shall no longer be 
    subject to 40 CFR part 63, subpart I. However, sources subject to 40 
    CFR part 63, subpart I that have elected to comply through a quality 
    improvement program, as specified in the HON quality improvement plans 
    for valves or pumps in Sec. 63.175 or Sec. 63.176 or both, may elect to 
    continue these programs without interruption as a means of complying 
    with this subpart. In other words, becoming subject to this subpart 
    does not restart or reset the ``compliance clock'' as it relates to 
    reduced burden earned through a quality improvement program.
        (d) When the HON equipment leak Initial Notification requirements 
    contained in Sec. 63.182(a)(1) and Sec. 63.182(b) are referred to in 40 
    CFR part 63, subpart H, the owner or operator shall comply with the 
    Initial Notification requirements contained in Sec. 63.1439(e)(3), for 
    the purposes of this subpart. The Initial Notification shall be 
    submitted no later than June 1, 2000 for existing sources, as stated in 
    Sec. 63.1439(e)(3)(ii)(A).
        (e) The HON equipment leak Notification of Compliance Status 
    required by Sec. 63.182(a)(2) and Sec. 63.182(c) shall be submitted 
    within 150 days (rather than 90 days) of the applicable compliance date 
    specified in Sec. 63.1422 for the equipment leak provisions. The 
    notification may be submitted as part of the Notification of Compliance 
    Status required by Sec. 63.1439(e)(5).
        (f) The Periodic Reports required by Sec. 63.182(a)(3) and 
    Sec. 63.182(d) may be submitted as part of the Periodic Reports 
    required by Sec. 63.1439(e)(6).
        (g) If specific items of equipment, comprising part of a process 
    unit subject to this subpart, are managed by different administrative 
    organizations (e.g., different companies, affiliates, departments, 
    divisions, etc.), those items of equipment may be aggregated with any 
    PMPU within the affected source for all purposes under subpart H, 
    providing there is no delay in achieving the applicable compliance 
        (h) The phrase ``the provisions of subparts F, I, or PPP of this 
    part'' shall apply instead of the phrase ``the provisions of subparts F 
    or I of this part,'' and instead of the phrase ``the provisions of 
    subpart F or I of this part'' throughout Secs. 63.163 and 63.168, for 
    the purposes of this subpart. In addition, the phrase ``subparts F, I, 
    and PPP'' shall apply instead of the phrase ``subparts F and I'' in 
    Sec. 63.174(c)(2)(iii), for the purposes of this subpart.
    Sec. 63.1435  Heat exchanger provisions.
        (a) The owner or operator of each affected source shall comply with 
    the requirements of Sec. 63.104 for heat exchange systems, with the 
    exceptions noted in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section.
        (b) When the term ``chemical manufacturing process unit'' is used 
    in Sec. 63.104, the term ``polyether polyols manufacturing process 
    unit'' shall apply for the purposes of this subpart. Further, when the 
    phrase ``a chemical manufacturing process unit meeting the conditions 
    of Sec. 63.100(b)(1) through (3) of this subpart, except for chemical 
    manufacturing process units meeting the condition specified in 
    Sec. 63.100(c) of this subpart'' is used in Sec. 63.104(a), the term 
    ``PMPU, except for PMPU meeting the conditions specified in 
    Sec. 63.1420(b)'' shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.
        (c) When the HON heat exchange system requirements in 
    Sec. 63.104(c)(3) and Sec. 63.104(f)(1) specify that the monitoring 
    plan and records required by Sec. 63.104(f)(1)(i) through (iv) shall be 
    kept as specified in the HON general compliance, reporting, and 
    recordkeeping provisions in Sec. 63.103(c), the provisions of the 
    general recordkeeping and reporting requirements in Sec. 63.1439(a) and 
    the applicable provisions of the General Provisions in 40 CFR part 63, 
    subpart A, as specified in Table 1 of this subpart, shall apply for the 
    purposes of this subpart.
        (d) When the HON heat exchange system requirements in 
    Sec. 63.104(f)(2) require information to be reported in the Periodic 
    Reports required by the HON general reporting provisions in 
    Sec. 63.152(c), the owner or operator shall instead report the 
    information specified in Sec. 63.104(f)(2) in the Periodic Reports 
    required by the general reporting requirements in Sec. 63.1439(e)(6), 
    for the purposes of this subpart.
        (e) When the HON heat exchange system requirements in Sec. 63.104 
    refer to Table 4 of 40 CFR part 63, subpart F or Table 9 of 40 CFR part 
    63, subpart G, the owner or operator is only required to consider 
    organic HAP listed in Table 4
    [[Page 29470]]
    of 40 CFR part 63, subpart F or 40 CFR part 63, Table 9 of subpart G 
    that are also listed on Table 4 of this subpart, for the purposes of 
    this subpart.
    Sec. 63.1436  [Reserved]
    Sec. 63.1437  Additional requirements for performance testing.
        (a) Performance testing shall be conducted in accordance with 
    Sec. 63.7(a)(1), (a)(3), (d), (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(4), (g), and (h), 
    with the exceptions specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this 
    section and the additions specified in paragraph (b) of this section.
        (1) Performance tests shall be conducted according to the General 
    Provisions' performance testing requirements in Sec. 63.7(e)(1) and 
    (2), except that for all emission sources except process vents from 
    batch unit operations, performance tests shall be conducted during 
    maximum representative operating conditions for the process achievable 
    during one of the time periods described in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this 
    section, without causing any of the situations described in paragraph 
    (a)(1)(ii) or (iii) of this section to occur. For process vents from 
    batch unit operations, performance tests shall be conducted at absolute 
    worst-case conditions, as defined in Sec. 63.1426(c)(3)(i)(B), that are 
    achievable during one of the time periods described in paragraph 
    (a)(1)(i) of this section, without causing any of the situations 
    described in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) or (iii) of this section to occur.
        (i) The 6-month period that ends 2 months before the Notification 
    of Compliance Status is due, according to Sec. 63.1439(e)(5); or the 6-
    month period that begins 3 months before the performance test and ends 
    3 months after the performance test.
        (ii) Causing damage to equipment; necessitating that the owner or 
    operator make a product that does not meet an existing specification 
    for sale to a customer; or necessitating that the owner or operator 
    make a product in excess of demand.
        (iii) Causing plant or testing personnel to be subject to unsafe 
    conditions. Owners or operators that limit testing based on this 
    paragraph shall maintain documentation that demonstrates the nature of 
    the unsafe conditions and explains measures considered by the owner or 
    operator to overcome these conditions. If requested, this documentation 
    shall be provided to the Administrator.
        (2) When the General Provisions' data analysis, recordkeeping, and 
    reporting requirements in Sec. 63.7(g) refer to the Notification of 
    Compliance Status requirements in Sec. 63.9(h), the Notification of 
    Compliance Status requirements in Sec. 63.1439(e)(5) shall instead 
    apply, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (3) Because the General Provisions' site-specific test plan in 
    Sec. 63.7(c)(3) is not required, the General Provisions' requirement 
    for the Administrator to approve or deny site-specific test plans, in 
    Sec. 63.7(h)(4)(ii), is not applicable for the purposes of this 
        (4) The owner or operator of an affected source shall provide the 
    Administrator at least 30 days prior notice of any performance test, 
    except as specified under other subparts, to afford the Administrator 
    the opportunity to have an observer present. If after 30 days notice 
    for an initially scheduled performance test, there is a delay (due to 
    operational problems, etc.) in conducting the scheduled performance 
    test, the owner or operator of an affected source shall notify the 
    Administrator (or delegated State or local agency) as soon as possible 
    of any delay in the original test date, either by providing at least 7 
    days prior notice of the rescheduled test date of the performance test, 
    or by arranging a rescheduled date with the Administrator (or delegated 
    State or local agency) by mutual agreement.
        (b) Data shall be reduced in accordance with the EPA approved 
    methods specified in the applicable subpart or, if other test methods 
    are used, the data and methods shall be validated according to the 
    protocol in Method 301, 40 CFR part 63, appendix A.
        (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subpart, if an 
    owner or operator of an affected source uses a flare to comply with any 
    of the requirements of this subpart, the owner or operator shall comply 
    with paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section. The owner or 
    operator is not required to conduct a performance test to determine 
    percent emission reduction or outlet organic HAP or TOC concentration. 
    If a compliance demonstration has been conducted previously for a 
    flare, using the techniques specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) 
    of this section, that compliance demonstration may be used to satisfy 
    the requirements of this paragraph if either no deliberate process 
    changes have been made since the compliance demonstration, or the 
    results of the compliance demonstration reliably demonstrate compliance 
    despite process changes.
        (1) Conduct a visible emission test using the techniques specified 
    in Sec. 63.11(b)(4) of the General Provisions;
        (2) Determine the net heating value of the gas being combusted, 
    using the techniques specified in Sec. 63.11(b)(6) of the General 
    Provisions; and
        (3) Determine the exit velocity using the techniques specified in 
    either Sec. 63.11(b)(7)(i) (and Sec. 63.11(b)(7)(iii), where 
    applicable) or Sec. 63.11(b)(8) of the General Provisions, as 
    Sec. 63.1438  Parameter monitoring levels and excursions.
        (a) Establishment of parameter monitoring levels. The owner or 
    operator of a combustion, recovery, or recapture device that has one or 
    more parameter monitoring level requirements specified under this 
    subpart shall establish a maximum or minimum level for each measured 
    parameter. If a performance test is required by this subpart for a 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device, the owner or operator shall 
    use the procedures in either paragraph (b) or (c) of this section to 
    establish the parameter monitoring level(s). If a performance test is 
    not required by this subpart for a combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    device, the owner or operator may use the procedures in paragraph (b), 
    (c), or (d) of this section to establish the parameter monitoring 
    levels. When using the procedures specified in paragraph (c) or (d) of 
    this section, the owner or operator shall submit the information 
    specified in Sec. 63.1439(e)(4)(viii) for review and approval, as part 
    of the Precompliance Report.
        (1) The owner or operator shall operate combustion, recovery, and 
    recapture devices such that the daily average value of monitored 
    parameters remains at or above the minimum established level, or 
    remains at or below the maximum established level, except as otherwise 
    provided in this subpart.
        (2) As specified in Sec. 63.1439(e)(5)(ii), all established levels, 
    along with their supporting documentation and the definition of an 
    operating day, shall be submitted as part of the Notification of 
    Compliance Status.
        (3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow a 
    monitoring parameter excursion caused by an activity that violates 
    other applicable provisions of 40 CFR part 63, subparts A, F, G, or H.
        (b) Establishment of parameter monitoring levels based exclusively 
    on performance tests. In cases where a performance test is required by 
    this subpart, or the owner or operator of the affected source elects to 
    do a performance test in accordance with the provisions of this 
    subpart, and an owner or operator elects to establish a
    [[Page 29471]]
    parameter monitoring level for a combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    device based exclusively on parameter values measured during the 
    performance test, the owner or operator of the affected source shall 
    comply with the procedures in paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section, 
    as applicable.
        (1) Process vents from continuous unit operations. During initial 
    compliance testing, the appropriate parameter shall be continuously 
    monitored during the required 1-hour runs for process vents from 
    continuous unit operations. The monitoring level(s) shall then be 
    established as the average of the maximum (or minimum) point values 
    from the three 1-hour test runs. The average of the maximum values 
    shall be used when establishing a maximum level, and the average of the 
    minimum values shall be used when establishing a minimum level.
        (2) Process vents from batch unit operations. For process vents 
    from batch unit operations, during initial compliance testing, the 
    appropriate parameter shall be monitored continuously during the entire 
    test period. The monitoring level(s) shall be those established during 
    from the compliance test.
        (c) Establishment of parameter monitoring levels based on 
    performance tests, supplemented by engineering assessments and/or 
    manufacturer's recommendations. Parameter monitoring levels established 
    under this paragraph shall be based on the parameter values measured 
    during the performance test supplemented by engineering assessments 
    and/or manufacturer's recommendations. Performance testing is not 
    required to be conducted over the entire range of expected parameter 
    values. The information specified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this 
    section shall be provided in the Notification of Compliance Status.
        (1) The specific level of the monitored parameter(s) for each 
    emission point.
        (2) The rationale for the specific level for each parameter for 
    each emission point, including any data and calculations used to 
    develop the level and a description of why the level indicates proper 
    operation of the combustion, recovery, or recapture device.
        (d) Establishment of parameter monitoring based on engineering 
    assessments and/or manufacturer's recommendations. If a performance 
    test is not required by this subpart for a combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device, the maximum or minimum level may be based solely on 
    engineering assessments and/or manufacturers' recommendations. As 
    required in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the determined level and 
    all supporting documentation shall be provided in the Notification of 
    Compliance Status.
        (e) Monitoring violations. (1) With the exception of excursions 
    excused in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section, each 
    excursion, as defined in paragraphs (f)(1)(i), (f)(2)(i)(A), 
    (f)(2)(ii), (f)(3)(i), and (f)(4) of this section, constitutes a 
    violation of the provisions of this subpart in accordance with 
    paragraph (e)(1)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section.
        (i) For each condenser, each excursion constitutes a violation of 
    the emission limit.
        (ii) For each recovery or recapture device other than a condenser, 
    where an organic monitoring device is used to monitor concentration, 
    each excursion constitutes a violation of the emission limit.
        (iii) For each combustion, recovery, or recapture device other than 
    a condenser, each excursion constitutes a violation of the operating 
        (2) With the exception of excursions excused in accordance with 
    paragraph (g) of this section, each excursion, as defined in paragraphs 
    (f)(1)(ii), (f)(1)(iii), (f)(2)(i)(B), and (f)(3)(ii) of this section 
    constitutes a violation of the operating limit.
        (f) Parameter monitoring excursion definitions. Parameter 
    monitoring excursions are defined in paragraphs (f)(1) through (3) of 
    this section.
        (1) With respect to storage vessels (where the applicable 
    monitoring plan specifies continuous monitoring), process vents from 
    continuous unit operations using combustion, recovery, or recapture 
    devices for purposes of compliance, and for process wastewater streams, 
    an excursion means any of the three cases listed in paragraphs 
    (f)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.
        (i) The daily average value of one or more monitored parameters is 
    above the maximum level or below the minimum level established for the 
    given parameters.
        (ii) The period of combustion, recovery, or recapture device 
    operation, with the exception noted in paragraph (f)(1)(v) of this 
    section, is 4 hours or greater in an operating day and monitoring data 
    are insufficient, as defined in paragraph (f)(1)(iv) of this section, 
    to constitute a valid hour of data for at least 75 percent of the 
    operating hours.
        (iii) The period of combustion, recovery, or recapture device 
    operation, with the exception noted in paragraph (f)(1)(v) of this 
    section, is less than 4 hours in an operating day and more than 2 of 
    the hours during the period of operation do not constitute a valid hour 
    of data due to insufficient monitoring data, as defined in paragraph 
    (f)(1)(iv) of this section.
        (iv) Monitoring data are insufficient to constitute a valid hour of 
    data, as used in paragraphs (f)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this section, if 
    measured values are unavailable due to monitoring system breakdowns, 
    repairs, calibrated checks, or zero (low-level) and high level 
    adjustments, for any of the 15-minute periods within the hour. For data 
    compression systems approved under Sec. 63.1439(g)(3), monitoring data 
    are insufficient to calculate a valid hour of data if there are less 
    than four data measurements made during the hour.
        (v) The periods listed in paragraphs (f)(1)(v)(A) through (D) of 
    this section are not considered to be part of the period of combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture device operation, for the purposes of paragraphs 
    (f)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this section.
        (A) Start-ups;
        (B) Shutdowns;
        (C) Malfunctions; or
        (D) Periods of non-operation of the affected source (or portion 
    thereof), resulting in cessation of the emissions to which the 
    monitoring applies.
        (2) For storage vessels where the applicable monitoring plan does 
    not specify continuous monitoring, an excursion is defined in paragraph 
    (f)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section, as applicable.
        (i) If the monitoring plan specifies monitoring a parameter and 
    recording its value at specific intervals (such as every 15 minutes or 
    every hour), either of the cases listed in paragraph (f)(2)(i)(A) or 
    (B) of this section is considered a single excursion for the combustion 
        (A) When the average value of one or more parameters, averaged over 
    the time during which the storage vessel is being filled (i.e., when 
    the liquid level in the storage vessel is being raised), is above the 
    maximum level or below the minimum level established for the given 
        (B) When monitoring data are insufficient. Monitoring data shall be 
    considered insufficient when measured values are not available, due to 
    monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, or zero 
    (low-level) and high-level adjustments, for at least 75 percent of the 
    specific intervals at which parameters are to be monitored and 
    recorded, according to the storage vessel's monitoring plan, during 
    which the storage vessel is being filled.
        (ii) If the monitoring plan does not specify monitoring a parameter 
    [[Page 29472]]
    recording its value at specific intervals (for example, if the relevant 
    operating requirement is to exchange a disposable carbon canister 
    before expiration of its rated service life), the monitoring plan shall 
    define an excursion in terms of the relevant operating requirement.
        (3) With respect to process vents from batch unit operations, an 
    excursion means one of the two cases listed in paragraphs (f)(3)(i) and 
    (ii) of this section.
        (i) When the daily average value of one or more monitored 
    parameters is above the maximum or below the minimum established level 
    for the given parameters.
        (ii) When monitoring data are insufficient for an operating day. 
    Monitoring data shall be considered insufficient when measured values 
    are not available, due to monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, 
    calibration checks, or zero (low-level) and high-level adjustments, for 
    at least 75 percent of the 15-minute periods when batch emission 
    episodes selected to be controlled are being vented to the control 
    device during the operating day, using the procedures specified in 
    paragraphs (f)(3)(ii)(A) through (D) of this section.
        (A) Determine the total amount of time during the operating day 
    when batch emission episodes selected to be controlled are being vented 
    to the control device.
        (B) Subtract the time during the periods listed in paragraphs 
    (f)(3)(ii)(B)(1) through (4) of this section from the total amount of 
    time determined above in paragraph (f)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, to 
    obtain the operating time used to determine if monitoring data are 
        (1) Start-ups;
        (2) Shutdowns;
        (3) Malfunctions; or
        (4) Periods of non-operation of the affected source (or portion 
    thereof), resulting in cessation of the emissions to which the 
    monitoring applies.
        (C) Determine the total number of 15-minute periods in the 
    operating time used to determine if monitoring data are insufficient, 
    as was determined in accordance with paragraph (f)(3)(ii)(B) of this 
        (D) If measured values are not available for at least 75 percent of 
    the total number of 15-minute periods determined in paragraph 
    (f)(3)(ii)(C) of this section, the monitoring data are insufficient for 
    the operating day.
        (4) With respect to process vents using ECO to reduce epoxide 
    emissions, an excursion means any of the situations described in 
    Sec. 63.1427(i)(3)(i) through (v). For each excursion, the owner or 
    operator shall be deemed out of compliance with the provisions of this 
    subpart, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section, except as 
    provided in paragraph (g) of this section.
        (g) Excused excursions. A number of excused excursions shall be 
    allowed for each combustion, recovery, or recapture device for each 
    semiannual period. The number of excused excursions for each semiannual 
    period is specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through (6) of this section. 
    This paragraph applies to affected sources required to submit Periodic 
    Reports semiannually or quarterly. The first semiannual period is the 
    6-month period starting the date the Notification of Compliance Status 
    is due.
        (1) For the first semiannual period--six excused excursions.
        (2) For the second semiannual period--five excused excursions.
        (3) For the third semiannual period--four excused excursions.
        (4) For the fourth semiannual period--three excused excursions.
        (5) For the fifth semiannual period--two excused excursions.
        (6) For the sixth and all subsequent semiannual periods--one 
    excused excursion.
    Sec. 63.1439  General recordkeeping and reporting provisions.
        (a) Data retention. Unless otherwise specified in this subpart, the 
    owner or operator of an affected source shall keep copies of all 
    applicable records and reports required by this subpart for at least 5 
    years. All applicable records shall be maintained in such a manner that 
    they can be readily accessed. The most recent 6 months of records shall 
    be retained on site or shall be accessible from a central location by 
    computer or other means that provide access within 2 hours after a 
    request. The remaining 4 and one-half years of records may be retained 
    offsite. Records may be maintained in hard copy or computer-readable 
    form including, but not limited to, on microfilm, computer, floppy 
    disk, magnetic tape, or microfiche. If an owner or operator submits 
    copies of reports to the applicable EPA Regional Office, the owner or 
    operator is not required to maintain copies of reports. If the EPA 
    Regional Office has waived the requirement of Sec. 63.10(a)(4)(ii) for 
    submittal of copies of reports, the owner or operator is not required 
    to maintain copies of reports.
        (b) Subpart A requirements. The owner or operator of an affected 
    source shall comply with the applicable recordkeeping and reporting 
    requirements in 40 CFR part 63, subpart A (the General Provisions) as 
    specified in Table 1 of this subpart. These requirements include, but 
    are not limited to, the requirements specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and 
    (2) of this section.
        (1) Start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan. The owner or operator 
    of an affected source shall develop and implement a written start-up, 
    shutdown, and malfunction plan as specified in the General Provisions' 
    requirements for a Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan in 
    Sec. 63.6(e)(3). This plan shall describe, in detail, procedures for 
    operating and maintaining the affected source during periods of start-
    up, shutdown, and malfunction and a program for corrective action for 
    malfunctioning process and air pollution control equipment used to 
    comply with this subpart. A provision for ceasing to collect, during a 
    start-up, shutdown, or malfunction, monitoring data that would 
    otherwise be required by the provisions of this subpart may be included 
    in the start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan only if the owner or 
    operator has demonstrated to the Administrator, through the 
    Precompliance Report or a supplement to the Precompliance Report, that 
    the monitoring system would be damaged or destroyed if it were not shut 
    down during the start-up, shutdown, or malfunction. The owner or 
    operator of the affected source shall keep the start-up, shutdown, and 
    malfunction plan on site. In addition, if the start-up, shutdown, and 
    malfunction plan is revised, the owner or operator shall keep previous 
    (i.e., superseded) versions of the start-up, shutdown, and malfunction 
    plan for a period of 5 years after each revision to the plan. If the 
    new version of the start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan includes a 
    provision for ceasing to collect, during a start-up, shutdown, or 
    malfunction, monitoring data that would otherwise be required, the 
    owner or operator shall submit a supplement to the Precompliance Report 
    to the Administrator for the Administrator's approval, documenting that 
    the monitoring system would be damaged or destroyed if it were not shut 
    down during the start-up, shutdown, or malfunction. Records associated 
    with the plan shall be kept as specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)(A) and 
    (B) of this section. Reports related to the plan shall be submitted as 
    specified in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section.
        (i) The owner or operator shall keep the records specified in 
    paragraphs (b)(1)(i)(A) and (B) of this section.
        (A) Records of the occurrence and duration of each start-up, 
    [[Page 29473]]
    and malfunction of operation of process equipment or combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture devices or continuous monitoring systems used to 
    comply with this subpart during which excess emissions (as defined in 
    Sec. 63.1420(h)(4)) occur.
        (B) For each start-up, shutdown, or malfunction during which excess 
    emissions (as defined in Sec. 63.1420(h)(4)) occur, records reflecting 
    whether the procedures specified in the affected source's start-up, 
    shutdown, and malfunction plan were followed, and documentation of 
    actions taken that are not consistent with the plan. For example, if a 
    start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan includes procedures for 
    routing a combustion, recovery, or recapture device to a backup 
    combustion, recovery, or recapture device, records shall be kept of 
    whether the plan was followed. These records may take the form of a 
    ``checklist,'' or other form of recordkeeping that confirms conformance 
    with the start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan for the event.
        (ii) For the purposes of this subpart, the semiannual start-up, 
    shutdown, and malfunction reports shall be submitted on the same 
    schedule as the Periodic Reports required under paragraph (e)(6) of 
    this section instead of according to the General Provisions' Periodic 
    Reporting schedule specified in Sec. 63.10(d)(5)(i). The reports shall 
    include the information specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)(A) and (B) of 
    this section and shall contain the name, title, and signature of the 
    owner or operator or other responsible official who is certifying its 
        (2) Application for approval of construction or reconstruction. For 
    new affected sources, the owner or operator shall comply with the 
    General Provisions' requirements for the application for approval of 
    construction or reconstruction, as specified in Sec. 63.5, excluding 
    the provisions specified in Sec. 63.5(d)(1)(ii)(H), (d)(1)(iii), 
    (d)(2), and (d)(3)(ii).
        (c) Subpart H requirements. The owner or operator of an affected 
    source shall comply with the HON equipment leak reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements in 40 CFR part 63, subpart H, except as 
    specified in Sec. 63.1434(b) through (g).
        (d) Recordkeeping and documentation. The owner or operator required 
    to keep continuous records shall keep records as specified in 
    paragraphs (d)(1) through (7) of this section, unless an alternative 
    recordkeeping system has been requested and approved as specified in 
    paragraph (g) of this section, and except as provided in paragraph (h) 
    of this section. If a monitoring plan for storage vessels pursuant to 
    Sec. 63.1432(i) requires continuous records, the monitoring plan shall 
    specify which provisions, if any, of paragraphs (d)(1) through (7) of 
    this section apply. As described in Sec. 63.1432(i), certain storage 
    vessels are not required to keep continuous records as specified in 
    this paragraph. The owner or operator of such storage vessels shall 
    keep records as specified in the monitoring plan required by 
    Sec. 63.1432(i).
        (1) The monitoring system shall measure data values at least once 
    during approximately equal 15-minute intervals.
        (2) The owner or operator shall record either each measured data 
    value or block average values for 1 hour or shorter periods calculated 
    from all measured data values during each period. If values are 
    measured more frequently than once per minute, a single value for each 
    minute may be used to calculate the hourly (or shorter period) block 
    average instead of all measured values. The owner or operator of 
    process vents from batch unit operations shall record each measured 
    data value.
        (3) Daily average values of each continuously monitored parameter 
    shall be calculated for each operating day as specified in paragraphs 
    (d)(3)(i) through (ii) of this section, except as specified in 
    paragraphs (d)(6) and (7) of this section.
        (i) The daily average value shall be calculated as the average of 
    all parameter values recorded during the operating day, except as 
    specified in paragraph (d)(7) of this section. The calculated average 
    shall cover a 24-hour period if operation is continuous. If 
    intermittent emissions episodes occur resulting in emissions being 
    vented to a combustion, recapture, or recovery device for a period of 
    less than 24 hours in the operating day, the daily average shall be 
    calculated based only on the period when emissions are being vented to 
    the combustion, recapture, or recovery device. For example, if a batch 
    unit operation operates such that emissions are vented to a combustion 
    device for 6 hours, then the daily average is the average of the 
    temperature measurements taken during those 6 hours.
        (ii) The operating day shall be the 24-hour period that the owner 
    or operator specifies in the operating permit or the Notification of 
    Compliance Status, for purposes of determining daily average values.
        (4) [Reserved]
        (5) [Reserved]
        (6) If all recorded values for a monitored parameter during an 
    operating day are above the minimum level or below the maximum level 
    established in the Notification of Compliance Status or operating 
    permit, the owner or operator may record that all values were above the 
    minimum level or below the maximum level rather than calculating and 
    recording a daily average for that operating day.
        (7) Monitoring data recorded during periods identified in 
    paragraphs (d)(7)(i) through (v) of this section shall not be included 
    in any average computed under this subpart. Records shall be kept of 
    the times and durations of all such periods and any other periods 
    during process or combustion, recovery, or recapture device operation 
    when monitors are not operating.
        (i) Monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and 
    zero (low-level) and high-level adjustments;
        (ii) Start-ups;
        (iii) Shutdowns;
        (iv) Malfunctions; or
        (v) Periods of non-operation of the affected source (or portion 
    thereof), resulting in cessation of the emissions to which the 
    monitoring applies.
        (8) For continuous monitoring systems used to comply with this 
    subpart, records documenting the completion of calibration checks, and 
    records documenting the maintenance of continuous monitoring systems 
    that are specified in the manufacturer's instructions or that are 
    specified in other written procedures that provide adequate assurance 
    that the equipment would reasonably be expected to monitor accurately.
        (9) The owner or operator of an affected source granted a waiver of 
    recordkeeping or reporting requirements under the General Provisions' 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements in Sec. 63.10(f) shall 
    maintain the information, if any, specified by the Administrator as a 
    condition of the waiver of recordkeeping or reporting requirements.
        (e) Reporting and notification. In addition to the reports and 
    notifications required by 40 CFR part 63, subpart A, as specified in 
    this subpart, the owner or operator of an affected source shall prepare 
    and submit the reports listed in paragraphs (e)(3) through (8) of this 
    section, as applicable. All reports required by this subpart, and the 
    schedule for their submittal, are listed in Table 8 of this subpart.
        (1) Violation of reporting requirements. Owners and operators shall 
    not be in violation of the reporting requirements of this paragraph (e) 
    for failing to submit information required to
    [[Page 29474]]
    be included in a specified report if the owner or operator meets the 
    requirements in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section. 
    Examples of circumstances where this paragraph may apply include 
    information related to newly-added equipment or emission points, 
    changes in the process, changes in equipment required or utilized for 
    compliance with the requirements of this subpart, or changes in methods 
    or equipment for monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting.
        (i) The information was not known in time for inclusion in the 
    report specified by this subpart.
        (ii) The owner or operator has been diligent in obtaining the 
        (iii) The owner or operator submits a report according to the 
    provisions of paragraphs (e)(1)(iii)(A) through (C) of this section.
        (A) If this subpart expressly provides for supplements to the 
    report in which the information is required, the owner or operator 
    shall submit the information as a supplement to that report. The 
    information shall be submitted no later than 60 days after it is 
    obtained, unless otherwise specified in this subpart.
        (B) If this subpart does not expressly provide for supplements, but 
    the owner or operator must submit a request for revision of an 
    operating permit pursuant to the State operating permit programs in 
    part 70 or the Federal operating permit programs in part 71, due to 
    circumstances to which the information pertains, the owner or operator 
    shall submit the information with the request for revision to the 
    operating permit.
        (C) In any case not addressed by paragraph (e)(1)(iii)(A) or (B) of 
    this section, the owner or operator shall submit the information with 
    the first Periodic Report, as required by this subpart, which has a 
    submission deadline at least 60 days after the information is obtained.
        (2) Submittal of reports. All reports required under this subpart 
    shall be sent to the Administrator at the applicable address listed in 
    the General Provisions' list of addresses of State air pollution 
    control agencies and EPA Regional Offices, in Sec. 63.13. If acceptable 
    to both the Administrator and the owner or operator of a source, 
    reports may be submitted on electronic media.
        (3) Initial Notification. The owner or operator of an existing or 
    new affected source shall submit a written Initial Notification to the 
    Administrator, containing the information described in paragraph 
    (e)(3)(i) of this section, according to the schedule in paragraph 
    (e)(3)(ii) of this section. The General Provisions' Initial 
    Notification requirements in Sec. 63.9(b)(2), (3), and (6) shall not 
    apply, for the purposes of this subpart.
        (i) The Initial Notification shall include the following 
        (A) The name and address of the owner or operator;
        (B) The address (physical location) of the affected source;
        (C) An identification of the kinds of emission points within the 
    affected source;
        (D) An identification of the relevant standard, or other 
    requirement, that is the basis of the notification and the source's 
    compliance date; and
        (E) A statement of whether or not the affected source is a major 
        (ii) The Initial Notification shall be submitted according to the 
    schedule in paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(A), (B), or (C) of this section, as 
        (A) For an existing source, the Initial Notification shall be 
    submitted no later than June 1, 2000.
        (B) For a new source that has an initial start-up on or after 
    August 30, 1999, the application for approval of construction or 
    reconstruction required by the General Provisions in Sec. 63.5(d) shall 
    be submitted in lieu of the Initial Notification. The application shall 
    be submitted as soon as practical before construction or reconstruction 
    is planned to commence (but it need not be sooner than August 30, 
        (C) For a new source that has an initial start-up prior to August 
    30, 1999, the Initial Notification shall be submitted no later than 
    August 30, 1999. The application for approval of construction or 
    reconstruction described in the General Provisions' requirements in 
    Sec. 63.5(d) is not required for these sources.
        (4) Precompliance Report. The owner or operator of an affected 
    source requesting an extension for compliance; requesting approval to 
    use alternative monitoring parameters, alternative continuous 
    monitoring and recordkeeping, or alternative controls; requesting 
    approval to incorporate a provision for ceasing to collect monitoring 
    data, during a start-up, shutdown, or malfunction, into the start-up, 
    shutdown, and malfunction plan, when that monitoring equipment would be 
    damaged if it did not cease to collect monitoring data, as permitted 
    under Sec. 63.1420(h)(3); or requesting approval to establish parameter 
    monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in 
    Sec. 63.1438(c) or (d) shall submit a Precompliance Report according to 
    the schedule described in paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this section. The 
    Precompliance Report shall contain the information specified in 
    paragraphs (e)(4)(ii) through (viii) of this section, as appropriate.
        (i) The Precompliance Report shall be submitted to the 
    Administrator no later than 12 months prior to the compliance date. 
    Unless the Administrator objects to a request submitted in the 
    Precompliance Report within 45 days after its receipt, the request 
    shall be deemed approved. For new affected sources, the Precompliance 
    Report shall be submitted to the Administrator with the application for 
    approval of construction or reconstruction required in paragraph (b)(2) 
    of this section. Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be 
    submitted as specified in paragraph (e)(4)(vii) of this section.
        (ii) A request for an extension for compliance, as specified in 
    Sec. 63.1422(e), may be submitted in the Precompliance Report. The 
    request for a compliance extension shall include the data outlined in 
    the General Provisions' compliance requirements in 
    Sec. 63.6(i)(6)(i)(A), (B), and (D), as required in Sec. 63.1422(e)(1).
        (iii) The alternative monitoring parameter information required in 
    paragraph (f) of this section shall be submitted in the Precompliance 
    Report if, for any emission point, the owner or operator of an affected 
    source seeks to comply through the use of a control technique other 
    than those for which monitoring parameters are specified in this 
    subpart or in 40 CFR part 63, subpart G, or seeks to comply by 
    monitoring a different parameter than those specified in this subpart 
    or in 40 CFR part 63, subpart G.
        (iv) If the affected source seeks to comply using alternative 
    continuous monitoring and recordkeeping as specified in paragraph (g) 
    of this section, the owner or operator shall submit a request for 
    approval in the Precompliance Report.
        (v) The owner or operator shall report the intent to use 
    alternative controls to comply with the provisions of this subpart in 
    the Precompliance Report. The Administrator may deem alternative 
    controls to be equivalent to the controls required by the standard, 
    under the procedures outlined in the General Provisions' requirements 
    for use of an alternative nonopacity emission standard, in 
    Sec. 63.6(g).
        (vi) If the owner or operator is requesting approval to incorporate 
    a provision for ceasing to collect monitoring data, during a start-up, 
    shutdown, or malfunction, into the start-up, shutdown, and malfunction 
    plan, when that monitoring equipment would be damaged if it did not 
    cease to collect monitoring data, the information specified in 
    paragraphs (e)(4)(vi)(A) and
    [[Page 29475]]
    (B) of this section shall be supplied in the Precompliance Report or in 
    a supplement to the Precompliance Report. The Administrator shall 
    evaluate the supporting documentation and shall approve the request 
    only if, in the Administrator's judgment, the specific monitoring 
    equipment would be damaged by the contemporaneous start-up, shutdown, 
    or malfunction.
        (A) Documentation supporting a claim that the monitoring equipment 
    would be damaged by the contemporaneous start-up, shutdown, or 
    malfunction; and
        (B) A request to incorporate such a provision for ceasing to 
    collect monitoring data during a start-up, shutdown, or malfunction, 
    into the start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan.
        (vii) Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted as 
    specified in paragraph (e)(4)(vii)(A) of this section, or as specified 
    in paragraph (e)(4)(vii)(B) of this section. Unless the Administrator 
    objects to a request submitted in a supplement to the Precompliance 
    Report within 45 days after its receipt, the request shall be deemed 
        (A) Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted to 
    clarify or modify information previously submitted.
        (B) Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted to 
    request approval to use alternative monitoring parameters, as specified 
    in paragraph (e)(4)(iii) of this section; to use alternative continuous 
    monitoring and recordkeeping, as specified in paragraph (e)(4)(iv) of 
    this section; to use alternative controls, as specified in paragraph 
    (e)(4)(v) of this section; or to include a provision for ceasing to 
    collect monitoring data during a start-up, shutdown, or malfunction, in 
    the start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan, when that monitoring 
    equipment would be damaged if it did not cease to collect monitoring 
    data, as specified in paragraph (e)(4)(vi) of this section.
        (viii) If an owner or operator establishes parameter monitoring 
    levels according to the procedures contained in the parameter 
    monitoring provisions in Sec. 63.1438(c) or (d), the following 
    information shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report:
        (A) Identification of which procedures (i.e., Sec. 63.1438(c) or 
    (d)) are to be used; and
        (B) A description of how the parameter monitoring level is to be 
    established. If the procedures in Sec. 63.1438(c) are to be used, a 
    description of how performance test data will be used shall be 
        (5) Notification of Compliance Status. For existing and new 
    affected sources, a Notification of Compliance Status shall be 
    submitted within 150 days after the compliance dates specified in 
    Sec. 63.1422. For equipment leaks subject to Sec. 63.1434, the owner or 
    operator shall submit the information specified in the HON equipment 
    leak Notification of Compliance Status requirements in Sec. 63.182(c), 
    in the Notification of Compliance Status required by this paragraph. 
    For all other emission points, including heat exchange systems, the 
    Notification of Compliance Status shall contain the information listed 
    in paragraphs (e)(5)(i) through (vii) of this section.
        (i) The results of any emission point group determinations, process 
    section applicability determinations, performance tests, inspections, 
    continuous monitoring system performance evaluations, any other 
    information required by the test method to be in the test report used 
    to demonstrate compliance, values of monitored parameters established 
    during performance tests, and any other information required to be 
    included in a Notification of Compliance Status under the requirements 
    for overlapping regulations in Sec. 63.1422(j), the HON storage vessel 
    reporting provisions in Sec. 63.122 and the storage vessel provisions 
    in Sec. 63.1432, and the HON process wastewater reporting provisions in 
    Sec. 63.146. In addition, the owner or operator shall comply with 
    paragraphs (e)(5)(i)(A) and (B) of this section.
        (A) For performance tests, group determinations, or determination 
    that controls are needed, the Notification of Compliance Status shall 
    include one complete test report, as described in paragraph 
    (e)(5)(i)(B) of this section, for each test method used for a 
    particular kind of emission point. For additional tests performed for 
    the same kind of emission point using the same method, the results and 
    any other information required by the test method to be in the test 
    report shall be submitted, but a complete test report is not required.
        (B) A complete test report shall include a brief process 
    description, sampling site description, description of sampling and 
    analysis procedures and any modifications to standard procedures, 
    quality assurance procedures, record of operating conditions during the 
    test, record of preparation of standards (if the owner or operator 
    prepares the standards), record of calibrations, raw data sheets for 
    field sampling, raw data sheets for field and laboratory analyses, 
    documentation of calculations, and any other information required by 
    the test method to be in the test report.
        (ii) For each monitored parameter for which a maximum or minimum 
    level is required to be established under the HON process vent 
    monitoring requirements in Sec. 63.114(e) and the process vent 
    monitoring requirements in Sec. 63.1429(d), the HON process wastewater 
    parameter monitoring requirements in Sec. 63.143(f), paragraph (e)(8) 
    of this section, or paragraph (f) of this section, the information 
    specified in paragraphs (e)(5)(ii)(A) through (C) of this section shall 
    be submitted. Further, as described in the storage vessel provisions in 
    Sec. 63.1432(k), for those storage vessels for which the parameter 
    monitoring plan (required to be submitted under the HON Notification of 
    Compliance Status requirements for storage vessels in 
    Sec. 63.120(d)(3)) specifies compliance with the parameter monitoring 
    provisions of Sec. 63.1438, the owner or operator shall provide the 
    information specified in paragraphs (e)(5)(ii)(A) through (C) of this 
    section for each monitoring parameter. For those storage vessels for 
    which the parameter monitoring plan required to be submitted under the 
    HON Notification of Compliance Status requirements for storage vessels 
    in Sec. 63.120(d)(2) does not require compliance with the provisions of 
    Sec. 63.1438, the owner or operator shall provide the information 
    specified in Sec. 63.120(d)(3) as part of the Notification of 
    Compliance Status.
        (A) The required information shall include the specific maximum or 
    minimum level of the monitored parameter(s) for each emission point.
        (B) The required information shall include the rationale for the 
    specific maximum or minimum level for each parameter for each emission 
    point, including any data and calculations used to develop the level 
    and a description of why the level indicates that the combustion, 
    recovery, or recapture device is operated in a manner to ensure 
    compliance with the provisions of this subpart.
        (C) The required information shall include a definition of the 
    affected source's operating day, as specified in paragraph (d)(3)(ii) 
    of this section, for purposes of determining daily average values of 
    monitored parameters.
        (iii) The determination of applicability for flexible operation 
    units as specified in Sec. 63.1420(e)(1)(iii).
        (iv) The parameter monitoring levels for flexible operation units, 
    and the basis on which these levels were selected, or a demonstration 
    that these levels are appropriate at all times, as specified in 
    Sec. 63.1420(e)(7).
    [[Page 29476]]
        (v) The results for each predominant use determination made under 
    Sec. 63.1420(f)(1) through (7), for storage vessels assigned to an 
    affected source subject to this subpart.
        (vi) If any emission point is subject to this subpart and to other 
    standards as specified in Sec. 63.1422(j), and if the provisions of 
    Sec. 63.1422(j) allow the owner or operator to choose which testing, 
    monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping provisions will be followed, 
    then the Notification of Compliance Status shall indicate which rule's 
    requirements will be followed for testing, monitoring, reporting, and 
        (vii) An owner or operator who transfers a Group 1 wastewater 
    stream or residual removed from a Group 1 wastewater stream for 
    treatment pursuant to Sec. 63.132(g) shall include in the Notification 
    of Compliance Status the name and location of the transferee and a 
    description of the Group 1 wastewater stream or residual sent to the 
    treatment facility.
        (6) Periodic Reports. For existing and new affected sources, the 
    owner or operator shall submit Periodic Reports as specified in 
    paragraphs (e)(6)(i) through (viii) of this section. In addition, for 
    equipment leaks subject to Sec. 63.1434, the owner or operator shall 
    submit the information specified in the HON periodic reporting 
    requirements in Sec. 63.182(d), and for heat exchange systems subject 
    to Sec. 63.1434, the owner or operator shall submit the information 
    specified in the HON heat exchange system reporting requirements in 
    Sec. 63.104(f)(2), as part of the Periodic Report required by this 
    paragraph (e)(6).
        (i) Except as specified in paragraphs (e)(6)(viii) of this section, 
    a report containing the information in paragraph (e)(6)(ii) of this 
    section or paragraphs (e)(6)(iii) through (vii) of this section, as 
    appropriate, shall be submitted semiannually no later than 60 days 
    after the end of each 180-day period. The first report shall be 
    submitted no later than 240 days after the date the Notification of 
    Compliance Status is due and shall cover the 6-month period beginning 
    on the date the Notification of Compliance Status is due. Subsequent 
    reports shall cover each preceding 6-month period.
        (ii) If none of the compliance exceptions in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii) 
    through (vii) of this section occurred during the 6-month period, the 
    Periodic Report required by paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this section shall 
    be a statement that there were no compliance exceptions, as described 
    in this paragraph, for the 6-month period covered by that report and 
    that none of the activities specified in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii) through 
    (vii) of this section occurred during the period covered by that 
        (iii) For an owner or operator of an affected source complying with 
    the provisions of Secs. 63.1432 through 63.1433 for any emission point, 
    Periodic Reports shall include:
        (A) All information specified in the HON periodic reporting 
    requirements in Sec. 63.122(a)(4) for storage vessels and in 
    Sec. 63.146(c) through Sec. 63.146(f) for process wastewater.
        (B) The daily average values of monitored parameters for all 
    excursions, as defined in Sec. 63.1438(f).
        (C) The periods when monitoring data were not collected shall be 
    specified; and
        (D) The information in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii)(D)(1) through (3) of 
    this section, as applicable:
        (1) Notification if a process change is made such that the group 
    status of any emission point changes from Group 2 to Group 1. The owner 
    or operator is not required to submit a notification of a process 
    change if that process change caused the group status of an emission 
    point to change from Group 1 to Group 2. However, until the owner or 
    operator notifies the Administrator that the group status of an 
    emission point has changed from Group 1 to Group 2, the owner or 
    operator is required to continue to comply with the Group 1 
    requirements for that emission point. This notification may be 
    submitted at any time.
        (2) Notification if one or more emission points (other than 
    equipment leak components subject to Sec. 63.1434), or one or more PMPU 
    is added to an affected source. The owner or operator shall submit the 
    information contained in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii)(D)(2)(i) and (ii) of 
    this section.
        (i) A description of the addition to the affected source.
        (ii) Notification of the group status or control requirement for 
    the additional emission point or all emission points in the PMPU.
        (3) For process wastewater streams sent for treatment pursuant to 
    Sec. 63.132(g), reports of changes in the identity of the treatment 
    facility or transferee.
        (E) The information in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section for 
    reports of start-up, shutdown, and malfunction.
        (iv) If any performance tests are reported in a Periodic Report, 
    the following information shall be included:
        (A) One complete test report shall be submitted for each test 
    method used for a particular kind of emission point tested. A complete 
    test report shall contain the information specified in paragraph 
    (e)(5)(i)(B) of this section.
        (B) For additional tests performed for the same kind of emission 
    point using the same method, results and any other information required 
    by the test method to be in the test report shall be submitted, but a 
    complete test report is not required.
        (v) The results for each change made to a primary product 
    determination for a PMPU made under Sec. 63.1420(e)(3) or (10).
        (vi) The results for each reevaluation of the applicability of this 
    subpart to a storage vessel that begins receiving material from (or 
    sending material to) a process unit that was not included in the 
    initial determination, or a storage vessel that ceases to receive 
    material from (or send material to) a process unit that was included in 
    the initial determination, in accordance with Sec. 63.1420(f)(8).
        (vii) The Periodic Report required by the equipment leak provisions 
    in Sec. 63.1434(f) shall be submitted as part of the Periodic Report 
    required by paragraph (e)(6) of this section.
        (viii) The owner or operator of an affected source shall submit 
    quarterly reports for particular emission points and process sections 
    as specified in paragraphs (e)(6)(viii)(A) through (D) of this section.
        (A) The owner or operator of an affected source shall submit 
    quarterly reports for a period of 1 year for an emission point or 
    process section if the emission point or process section meets the 
    conditions in paragraph (e)(6)(viii)(A)(1) or (2) of this section.
        (1) A combustion, recovery, or recapture device for a particular 
    emission point or process section has more excursions, as defined in 
    Sec. 63.1438(f), than the number of excused excursions allowed under 
    Sec. 63.1438(g) for a semiannual reporting period; or
        (2) The Administrator requests the owner or operator to submit 
    quarterly reports for that emission point or process section.
        (B) The quarterly reports shall include all information specified 
    in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii) through (vii) of this section, as applicable 
    to the emission point or process section for which quarterly reporting 
    is required under paragraph (e)(6)(viii)(A) of this section. 
    Information applicable to other emission points within the affected 
    source shall be submitted in the semiannual reports required under 
    paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this section.
        (C) Quarterly reports shall be submitted no later than 60 days 
    after the end of each quarter.
        (D) After quarterly reports have been submitted for an emission 
    point for 1 year without more excursions occurring
    [[Page 29477]]
    (during that year) than the number of excused excursions allowed under 
    Sec. 63.1438(g), the owner or operator may return to semiannual 
    reporting for the emission point or process section.
        (7) Other reports. The notifications of inspections required by the 
    storage vessel provisions in Sec. 63.1432 shall be submitted, as 
    specified in the HON storage vessel provisions in Sec. 63.122(h)(1) and 
    (2), and in paragraphs (e)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section.
        (i) When the conditions in the HON storage vessel provisions in 
    Secs. 63.1420(e)(3)(i) or 63.1420(e)(4)(i) are met, reports of changes 
    to the primary product for a PMPU or process unit, as required by 
    Sec. 63.1420(e)(3)(ii) or Sec. 63.1420(g)(3), respectively, shall be 
        (ii) Owners or operators of PMPU or emission points (other than 
    equipment leak components subject to Sec. 63.1434) that are subject to 
    provisions for changes or additions to plant sites in 
    Sec. 63.1420(g)(1) or (2) shall submit a report as specified in 
    paragraphs (e)(7)(ii)(A) and (B) of this section.
        (A) Reports shall include:
        (1) A description of the process change or addition, as 
        (2) The planned start-up date and the appropriate compliance date, 
    according to Sec. 63.1420(g)(1) or (2); and
        (3) Identification of the group status of emission points (except 
    equipment leak components subject to the requirements in Sec. 63.1434) 
    specified in paragraphs (e)(7)(ii)(A)(3)(i) through (iii) of this 
    section, as applicable.
        (i) All the emission points in the added PMPU, as described in 
    Sec. 63.1420(g)(1).
        (ii) All the emission points in an affected source designated as a 
    new affected source under Sec. 63.1420(g)(2)(i).
        (iii) All the added or created emission points as described in 
    Sec. 63.1420(g)(2)(ii).
        (4) If the owner or operator wishes to request approval to use 
    alternative monitoring parameters, alternative continuous monitoring or 
    recordkeeping, alternative controls, or wishes to establish parameter 
    monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in 
    Sec. 63.1438(c) or (d), a Precompliance Report shall be submitted in 
    accordance with paragraph (e)(7)(ii)(B) of this section.
        (B) Reports shall be submitted as specified in paragraphs 
    (e)(7)(ii)(B)(1) through (3) of this section, as appropriate.
        (1) Owners or operators of an added PMPU subject to 
    Sec. 63.1420(g)(1) shall submit a report no later than 180 days prior 
    to the compliance date for the PMPU.
        (2) Owners or operators of an affected source designated as a new 
    affected source under Sec. 63.1420(g)(2)(i) shall submit a report no 
    later than 180 days prior to the compliance date for the affected 
        (3) Owners and operators of any emission point (other than 
    equipment leak components subject to Sec. 63.1434) subject to 
    Sec. 63.1420(g)(2)(ii) shall submit a report no later than 180 days 
    prior to the compliance date for those emission points.
        (8) Operating permit application. An owner or operator who submits 
    an operating permit application instead of a Precompliance Report shall 
    submit the information specified in paragraph (e)(4) of this section, 
    as applicable, with the operating permit application.
        (f) Alternative monitoring parameters. The owner or operator who 
    has been directed by any section of this subpart, or any section of 
    another subpart referenced by this subpart, that specifically 
    references this paragraph to set unique monitoring parameters, or who 
    requests approval to monitor a different parameter than those listed in 
    Sec. 63.1432 for storage vessels, Sec. 63.1427 for ECO, Sec. 63.1429 
    for process vents, or Sec. 63.143 for process wastewater shall submit 
    the information specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through (3) of this 
    section in the Precompliance Report, as required by paragraph (e)(4) of 
    this section. The owner or operator shall retain for a period of 5 
    years each record required by paragraphs (f)(1) through (3) of this 
        (1) The required information shall include a description of the 
    parameter(s) to be monitored to ensure the combustion, recovery, or 
    recapture device; control technique; or pollution prevention measure is 
    operated in conformance with its design and achieves the specified 
    emission limit, percent reduction, or nominal efficiency, and an 
    explanation of the criteria used to select the parameter(s).
        (2) The required information shall include a description of the 
    methods and procedures that will be used to demonstrate that the 
    parameter indicates proper operation, the schedule for this 
    demonstration, and a statement that the owner or operator will 
    establish a level for the monitored parameter as part of the 
    Notification of Compliance Status report required in paragraph (e)(5) 
    of this section, unless this information has already been included in 
    the operating permit application.
        (3) The required information shall include a description of the 
    proposed monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting system, to include 
    the frequency and content of monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting. 
    Further, the rationale for the proposed monitoring, recordkeeping, and 
    reporting system shall be included if either condition in paragraph 
    (f)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section is met:
        (i) If monitoring and recordkeeping is not continuous; or
        (ii) If reports of daily average values will not be included in 
    Periodic Reports when the monitored parameter value is above the 
    maximum level or below the minimum level as established in the 
    operating permit or the Notification of Compliance Status.
        (g) Alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping. An owner 
    or operator choosing not to implement the continuous parameter 
    operating and recordkeeping provisions listed in Sec. 63.1429 for 
    process vents, and Sec. 63.1433 for wastewater, may instead request 
    approval to use alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping 
    provisions according to the procedures specified in paragraphs (g)(1) 
    through (4) of this section. Requests shall be submitted in the 
    Precompliance Report as specified in paragraph (e)(4)(iv) of this 
    section, and shall contain the information specified in paragraphs 
    (g)(2)(ii) and (g)(3)(ii) of this section, as applicable.
        (1) The provisions in the General Provisions requirements for the 
    use of an alternative monitoring method in Sec. 63.8(f)(5)(i) shall 
    govern the review and approval of requests.
        (2) An owner or operator of an affected source that does not have 
    an automated monitoring and recording system capable of measuring 
    parameter values at least once during approximately equal 15-minute 
    intervals and that does not generate continuous records may request 
    approval to use a nonautomated system with less frequent monitoring, in 
    accordance with paragraphs (g)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.
        (i) The requested system shall include visual reading and recording 
    of the value of the relevant operating parameter no less frequently 
    than once per hour. Daily averages shall be calculated from these 
    hourly values and recorded.
        (ii) The request shall contain:
        (A) A description of the planned monitoring and recordkeeping 
        (B) Documentation that the affected source does not have an 
    automated monitoring and recording system;
        (C) Justification for requesting an alternative monitoring and 
    recordkeeping system; and
        (D) Demonstration that the proposed monitoring frequency is 
    sufficient to represent combustion, recovery, or
    [[Page 29478]]
    recapture device operating conditions, considering typical variability 
    of the specific process and combustion, recovery, or recapture device 
    operating parameter being monitored.
        (3) An owner or operator may request approval to use an automated 
    data compression recording system that does not record monitored 
    operating parameter values at a set frequency (for example, once at 
    approximately equal intervals of about 15 minutes), but that records 
    all values that meet set criteria for variation from previously 
    recorded values, in accordance with paragraphs (g)(3)(i) and (ii) of 
    this section.
        (i) The requested system shall be designed to:
        (A) Measure the operating parameter value at least once during 
    approximately equal 15-minute intervals;
        (B) Record at least four values each hour during periods of 
        (C) Record the date and time when monitors are turned off or on;
        (D) Recognize unchanging data that may indicate the monitor is not 
    functioning properly, alert the operator, and record the incident;
        (E) Calculate daily average values of the monitored operating 
    parameter based on all measured data; and
        (F) If the daily average is not an excursion, as defined in 
    Sec. 63.1438(f), the data for that operating day may be converted to 
    hourly average values and the four or more individual records for each 
    hour in the operating day may be discarded.
        (ii) The request shall contain:
        (A) A description of the monitoring system and data compression 
    recording system, including the criteria used to determine which 
    monitored values are recorded and retained;
        (B) The method for calculating daily averages; and
        (C) A demonstration that the system meets all criteria in paragraph 
    (g)(3)(i) of this section.
        (4) An owner or operator may request approval to use other 
    alternative monitoring systems according to the procedures specified in 
    the General Provisions' requirements for using an alternative 
    monitoring method in Sec. 63.8(f)(4).
        (h) Reduced recordkeeping program. For any parameter with respect 
    to any item of equipment, the owner or operator may implement the 
    recordkeeping requirements in paragraph (h)(1) or (2) of this section 
    as alternatives to the continuous operating parameter monitoring and 
    recordkeeping provisions that would otherwise apply under this subpart. 
    The owner or operator shall retain for a period of 5 years each record 
    required by paragraph (h)(1) or (2) of this section.
        (1) The owner or operator may retain only the daily average value, 
    and is not required to retain more frequent monitored operating 
    parameter values, for a monitored parameter with respect to an item of 
    equipment, if the requirements of paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iv) of 
    this section are met. An owner or operator electing to comply with the 
    requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section shall notify the 
    Administrator in the Notification of Compliance Status or, if the 
    Notification of Compliance Status has already been submitted, in the 
    Periodic Report immediately preceding implementation of the 
    requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section.
        (i) The monitoring system is capable of detecting unrealistic or 
    impossible data during periods of operation other than start-ups, 
    shutdowns or malfunctions (e.g., a temperature reading of -200 deg.C on 
    a boiler), and will alert the operator by alarm or other means. The 
    owner or operator shall record the occurrence. All instances of the 
    alarm or other alert in an operating day constitute a single 
        (ii) The monitoring system generates, updated at least hourly 
    throughout each operating day, a running average of the monitoring 
    values that have been obtained during that operating day, and the 
    capability to observe this running average is readily available to the 
    Administrator on-site during the operating day. The owner or operator 
    shall record the occurrence of any period meeting the criteria in 
    paragraphs (h)(1)(ii)(A) through (C) of this section. All instances in 
    an operating day constitute a single occurrence.
        (A) The running average is above the maximum or below the minimum 
    established limits;
        (B) The running average is based on at least six 1-hour average 
    values; and
        (C) The running average reflects a period of operation other than a 
    start-up, shutdown, or malfunction.
        (iii) The monitoring system is capable of detecting unchanging data 
    during periods of operation other than start-ups, shutdowns or 
    malfunctions, except in circumstances where the presence of unchanging 
    data are the expected operating condition based on past experience 
    (e.g., pH in some scrubbers), and will alert the operator by alarm or 
    other means. The owner or operator shall record the occurrence. All 
    instances of the alarm or other alert in an operating day constitute a 
    single occurrence.
        (iv) The monitoring system will alert the owner or operator by an 
    alarm or other means, if the running average parameter value calculated 
    under paragraph (h)(1)(ii) of this section reaches a set point that is 
    appropriately related to the established limit for the parameter that 
    is being monitored.
        (v) The owner or operator shall verify the proper functioning of 
    the monitoring system, including its ability to comply with the 
    requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section, at the times 
    specified in paragraphs (h)(1)(v)(A) through (C) of this section. The 
    owner or operator shall document that the required verifications 
        (A) Upon initial installation.
        (B) Annually after initial installation.
        (C) After any change to the programming or equipment constituting 
    the monitoring system, which might reasonably be expected to alter the 
    monitoring system's ability to comply with the requirements of this 
        (vi) The owner or operator shall retain the records identified in 
    paragraphs (h)(1)(vi)(A) through (D) of this section.
        (A) Identification of each parameter, for each item of equipment, 
    for which the owner or operator has elected to comply with the 
    requirements of paragraph (h) of this section.
        (B) A description of the applicable monitoring system(s), and how 
    compliance will be achieved with each requirement of paragraphs 
    (h)(1)(i) through (v) of this section. The description shall identify 
    the location and format (e.g., on-line storage, log entries) for each 
    required record. If the description changes, the owner or operator 
    shall retain both the current and the most recent superseded 
    description, as specified in paragraph (h)(1)(vi)(D) of this section.
        (C) A description, and the date, of any change to the monitoring 
    system that would reasonably be expected to affect its ability to 
    comply with the requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section.
        (D) The owner or operator subject to paragraph (h)(1)(vi)(B) of 
    this section shall retain the current description of the monitoring 
    system as long as the description is current. The current description 
    shall, at all times, be retained on-site or be accessible from a 
    central location by computer or other means that provides access within 
    2 hours after a request. The owner or operator shall retain all 
    superseded descriptions for at least 5 years after the date of their 
    creation. Superseded descriptions shall be retained on-site (or 
    accessible from a central location by computer or other means that 
    provides access within 2 hours after a request) for
    [[Page 29479]]
    at least 6 months after their creation. Thereafter, superseded 
    descriptions may be stored off-site.
        (2) If an owner or operator has elected to implement the 
    requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section for a monitored 
    parameter with respect to an item of equipment and a period of 6 
    consecutive months has passed without an excursion as defined in 
    paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section, the owner or operator is no 
    longer required to record the daily average value, for any operating 
    day when the daily average is less than the maximum, or greater than 
    the minimum established limit. With approval by the Administrator, 
    monitoring data generated prior to the compliance date of this subpart 
    shall be credited toward the period of 6 consecutive months, if the 
    parameter limit and the monitoring accomplished during the period prior 
    to the compliance date was required and/or approved by the 
        (i) If the owner or operator elects not to retain the daily average 
    values, the owner or operator shall notify the Administrator in the 
    next Periodic Report. The notification shall identify the parameter and 
    unit of equipment.
        (ii) If, on any operating day after the owner or operator has 
    ceased recording daily average values as provided in paragraph (h)(2) 
    of this section, there is an excursion as defined in paragraph 
    (h)(2)(iv) of this section, the owner or operator shall immediately 
    resume retaining the daily average value for each operating day and 
    shall notify the Administrator in the next Periodic Report. The owner 
    or operator shall continue to retain each daily average value until 
    another period of 6 consecutive months has passed without an excursion 
    as defined in paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section.
        (iii) The owner or operator shall retain the records specified in 
    paragraph (h)(1) of this section, for the duration specified in 
    paragraph (h) of this section. For any calendar week, if compliance 
    with paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section does not result 
    in retention of a record of at least one occurrence or measured 
    parameter value, the owner or operator shall record and retain at least 
    one parameter value during a period of operation other than a start-up, 
    shutdown, or malfunction.
        (iv) For the purposes of paragraph (h) of this section, an 
    excursion means that the daily average of monitoring data for a 
    parameter is greater than the maximum, or less than the minimum 
    established value, except as provided in paragraphs (h)(2)(iv)(A) and 
    (B) of this section.
        (A) The daily average value during any start-up, shutdown, or 
    malfunction shall not be considered an excursion for purposes of 
    paragraph (h)(2) of this section, if the owner or operator follows the 
    applicable provisions of the start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan 
    required by the General Provisions in Sec. 63.6(e)(3).
        (B) An excused excursion, as described in Sec. 63.1438(g), shall 
    not be considered an excursion for the purposes of paragraph (h)(2) of 
    this section.
     Table 1 to Subpart PPP of Part 63.--Applicability of General Provisions
                         To Subpart PPP Affected Sources
                                        Applies to
               Reference               subpart PPP          Explanation
    63.1(a)(1)....................  Yes..............  Sec.  63.1423
                                                        definitions in
                                                        addition to or that
                                                        apply instead of
                                                        definitions in Sec.
    63.1(a)(2)....................  Yes..............
    63.1(a)(3)....................  Yes..............  Sec.  63.1422(f)
                                                        through (k) of this
                                                        subpart and Sec.
                                                        63.160(b) identify
                                                        those standards
                                                        which overlap with
                                                        the requirements of
                                                        subparts PPP and H
                                                        and specify how
                                                        compliance shall be
    63.1(a)(4)....................  Yes..............  Subpart PPP (this
                                                        table) specifies the
                                                        applicability of
                                                        each paragraph in
                                                        subpart A to subpart
    63.1(a)(5)....................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.1(a)(6)-(8)................  Yes..............
    63.1(a)(9)....................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.1(a)(10)...................  Yes..............
    63.1(a)(11)...................  Yes..............
    63.1(a)(12)-(14)..............  Yes..............
    63.1(b)(1)....................  No...............  Sec.  63.1420(a)
                                                        contains specific
    63.1(b)(2)....................  Yes..............
    63.1(b)(3)....................  Yes..............
    63.1(c)(1)....................  Yes..............  Subpart PPP (this
                                                        table) specifies the
                                                        applicability of
                                                        each paragraph in
                                                        subpart A to subpart
    63.1(c)(2)....................  No...............  Area sources are not
                                                        subject to subpart
    63.1(c)(3)....................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.1(c)(4)....................  Yes..............
    63.1(c)(5)....................  Yes..............  Except that affected
                                                        sources are not
                                                        required to submit
                                                        overridden by this
    63.1(d).......................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.1(e).......................  Yes..............
    63.2..........................  Yes..............  Sec.  63.1423
                                                        specifies those
                                                        subpart A
                                                        definitions that
                                                        apply to subpart
    63.3..........................  Yes..............
    63.4(a)(1)-(3)................  Yes..............
    63.4(a)(4)....................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.4(a)(5)....................  Yes..............
    63.4(b).......................  Yes..............
    63.4(c).......................  Yes..............
    63.5(a)(1)....................  Yes..............  Except the terms
                                                        ``source'' and
                                                        source'' should be
                                                        interpreted as
                                                        having the same
                                                        meaning as
                                                        ``affected source''.
    63.5(a)(2)....................  Yes..............
    63.5(b)(1)....................  Yes..............  Except Sec.
                                                        63.1420(g) defines
                                                        when construction or
                                                        reconstruction is
                                                        subject to new
                                                        source standards.
    [[Page 29480]]
    63.5(b)(2)....................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.5(b)(3)....................  Yes..............
    63.5(b)(4)....................  Yes..............  Except that the
                                                        Initial Notification
                                                        requirements in Sec.
                                                         63.1439(e)(3) shall
                                                        apply instead of the
                                                        requirements in Sec.
    63.5(b)(5)....................  Yes..............
     63.5(b)(6)...................  Yes..............  Except that Sec.
                                                        63.1420(g) defines
                                                        when construction or
                                                        reconstruction is
                                                        subject to the new
                                                        source standards.
    63.5(c).......................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.5(d)(1)(i).................  Yes..............
    63.5(d)(1)(ii)................  Yes..............  Except that Sec.
                                                        does not apply.
    63.5(d)(1)(iii)...............  No...............  Sec.  63.1439(e)(5)
                                                        and Sec.  63.1434(e)
                                                        specify Notification
                                                        of Compliance Status
    63.5(d)(2)....................  No...............
    63.5(d)(3)....................  Yes..............  Except Sec.
                                                        63.5(d)(3)(ii) does
                                                        not apply, and
                                                        equipment leaks
                                                        subject to Sec.
                                                        63.1434 are exempt.
    63.5(d)(4)....................  Yes..............
    63.5(e).......................  Yes..............
    63.5(f)(1)....................  Yes..............
    63.5(f)(2)....................  Yes..............  Except that where
                                                        Sec.  63.9(b)(2) is
                                                        referred to, the
                                                        owner or operator
                                                        need not comply.
    63.6(a).......................  Yes..............
    63.6(b)(1)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(b)(2)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(b)(3)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(b)(4)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(b)(5)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(b)(6)....................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.6(b)(7)....................  No...............
    63.6(c)(1)....................  Yes..............  Sec.  63.1422
                                                        specifies the
                                                        compliance date.
    63.6(c)(2)....................  No...............
    63.6(c)(3)....................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.6(c)(4)....................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.6(c)(5)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(d).......................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.6(e).......................  Yes..............  Except as otherwise
                                                        specified for
                                                        paragraphs (below),
                                                        and Sec.  63.6(e)
                                                        does not apply to
                                                        Group 2 emission
    63.6(e)(1)(i).................  No...............  This is addressed by
                                                        Sec.  63.1420(h)(4).
    63.6(e)(1)(ii)................  Yes..............
    63.6(e)(1)(iii)...............  Yes..............
    63.6(e)(2)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(e)(3)(i).................  Yes..............  For equipment leaks
                                                        (subject to Sec.
                                                        63.1434), the start-
                                                        up, shutdown, and
                                                        malfunction plan
                                                        requirement of Sec.
                                                        63.6(e)(3)(i) is
                                                        limited to
                                                        recovery, or
                                                        recapture devices
                                                        and is optional for
                                                        other equipment. The
                                                        start-up, shutdown,
                                                        and malfunction plan
                                                        may include written
                                                        procedures that
                                                        identify conditions
                                                        that justify a delay
                                                        of repair.
    63.6(e)(3)(i)(A)..............  Yes..............  This is also
                                                        addressed by Sec.
    63.6(e)(3)(i)(B)..............  Yes..............
    63.6(e)(3)(i)(C)..............  Yes..............
    63.6(e)(3)(ii)................  Yes..............
    63.6(e)(3)(iii)...............  No...............  Recordkeeping and
                                                        reporting are
                                                        specified in Sec.
    63.6(e)(3)(iv)................  No...............  Recordkeeping and
                                                        reporting are
                                                        specified in Sec.
    63.6(e)(3)(v).................  No...............  Requirement is
                                                        specified in Sec.
    63.6(e)(3)(vi)................  Yes..............
    63.6(e)(3)(vii)...............  Yes..............
    63.6(e)(3)(vii)(A)............  Yes..............
    63.6(e)(3)(vii)(B)............  Yes..............  Except the plan shall
                                                        provide for
                                                        operation in
                                                        compliance with Sec.
    63.6(e)(3)(vii)(C)............  Yes..............
    63.6(e)(3)(viii)..............  Yes..............
    63.6(f)(1)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(f)(2)....................  Yes..............  Except 63.7(c), as
                                                        referred to in Sec.
                                                        does not apply, and
                                                        except that Sec.
                                                        63.6(f)(2)(ii) does
                                                        not apply to
                                                        equipment leaks
                                                        subject to Sec.
    63.6(f)(3)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(g).......................  Yes..............
    63.6(h).......................  No...............  Subpart PPP does not
                                                        require opacity and
                                                        visible emission
    63.6(i)(1)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(i)(2)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(i)(3)....................  Yes..............
    63.6(i)(4)(i)(A)..............  Yes..............
    63.6(i)(4)(i)(B)..............  No...............  Dates are specified
                                                        in Sec.  63.1422(e)
                                                        and Sec.
                                                        63.1439(e)(4)(i) for
                                                        all emission points
                                                        except equipment
                                                        leaks, which are
                                                        covered under Sec.
    [[Page 29481]]
    63.6(i)(4)(ii)................  No...............
    63.6(i)(5)(14)................  Yes..............
    63.6(i)(15)...................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.6(i)(16)...................  Yes..............
    63.6(j).......................  Yes..............
    63.7(a)(1)....................  Yes..............
    63.7(a)(2)....................  No...............  Sec.  63.1439(e)(5)
                                                        and Sec.
                                                        specify the
                                                        submittal dates of
                                                        performance test
                                                        results for all
                                                        emission points
                                                        except equipment
                                                        leaks; for equipment
                                                        leaks, compliance
                                                        results are reported
                                                        in the Periodic
    63.7(a)(3)....................  Yes..............
    63.7(b).......................  No...............  Sec.  63.1437(a)(4)
    63.7(c).......................  No...............  Except if the owner
                                                        or operator chooses
                                                        to submit an
                                                        nonopacity emission
                                                        standard for
                                                        approval under Sec.
    63.7(d).......................  Yes..............
    63.7(e)(1)....................  Yes..............  Except that all
                                                        performance tests
                                                        shall be conducted
                                                        during worst case
    63.7(e)(2)....................  Yes..............
    63.7(e)(3)....................  No...............  Subpart PPP specifies
    63.7(e)(4)....................  Yes..............
    63.7(f).......................  Yes..............  Since a site specific
                                                        test plan is not
                                                        required, the
                                                        deadline in Sec.
                                                        63.7(f)(2)(i) shall
                                                        be 60 days prior to
                                                        the performance
                                                        test, and in Sec.
                                                        63.7(f)(3) approval
                                                        or disapproval of
                                                        the alternative test
                                                        method shall not be
                                                        tide to the site
                                                        specific test plan.
    63.7(g).......................  Yes..............  Except that
                                                        references to the
                                                        Notification of
                                                        Compliance Status
                                                        report in Sec.
                                                        63.9(h) are replaced
                                                        with the
                                                        requirements in Sec.
                                                         63.1439(e)(5). In
                                                        addition, equipment
                                                        leaks subject to
                                                        Sec.  63.1434 are
                                                        not required to
                                                        conduct performance
    63.7(h).......................  Yes..............  Except Sec.
                                                        63.7(h)(4)(ii) is
                                                        not applicable,
                                                        since the site-
                                                        specific test plans
                                                        in Sec.  63.7(c)(2)
                                                        are not required.
    63.8(a)(1)....................  Yes..............
    63.8(a)(2)....................  No...............
    63.8(a)(3)....................  No...............  Reserved.
    63.8(a)(4)....................  Yes..............
    63.8(b)(1)....................  Yes..............
    63.8(b)(2)....................  No...............  Support PPP specifies
                                                        locations to conduct
    63.8(b)(3)....................  Yes..............
    63.8(c)(1)....................  Yes..............
    63.8(c)(1)(i).................  Yes..............
    63.8(c)(1)(ii)................  No...............  For all emission
                                                        points except
                                                        equipment leaks,
                                                        comply with Sec.
                                                        for equipment leaks,
                                                        comply with Sec.
    63.8(c)(1)(iii)...............  Yes..............
    63.8(c)(2)....................  Yes..............
    63.8(c)(3)....................  Yes..............
    63.8(c)(4)....................  No...............  Sec.  63.1438
                                                        specifies monitoring
                                                        requirements; not
                                                        applicable to
                                                        equipment leaks,
                                                        because Sec.
                                                        63.1434 does not
                                                        require continuous
                                                        monitoring systems.
    63.8(c)(5)-(8)................  No...............
    63.8(d).......................  No...............
    63.8(e).......................  No...............
    63.8(f)(1)-(3)................  Yes..............
    63.8(f)(4)(i).................  Yes..............  Except the timeframe
                                                        for submitting
                                                        request is specified
                                                        in Sec.  63.1439(f)
                                                        or (g); not
                                                        applicable to
                                                        equipment leaks,
                                                        because Sec.
                                                        63.1434 (through
                                                        subpart H) specifies
                                                        alternative methods.
    63.8(f)(4)(ii)................  Yes..............
    63.8(f)(4)(iii)...............  Yes..............
    63.8(f)(5)(i).................  Yes..............
    63.8(f)(5)(ii)................  No...............
    63.8(f)(5)(iii)...............  Yes..............
    63.8(f)(6)....................  No...............  Subpart PPP does not
                                                        require CEM's.
    63.8(g).......................  No...............  Data reduction
                                                        procedures specified
                                                        in Sec.  63.1439(d)
                                                        and (h); not
                                                        applicable to
                                                        equipment leaks.
    63.9(a).......................  Yes..............
    63.9(b).......................  No...............  The Initial
                                                        requirements are
                                                        specified in Sec.
    63.9(c).......................  Yes..............
    63.9(d).......................  Yes..............
    63.9(e).......................  No...............  Sec.  63.1437(a)(4)
    63.9(f).......................  No...............  Subpart PPP does not
                                                        require opacity and
                                                        visible emission
    63.9(g).......................  No...............
    63.9(h).......................  No...............  Sec.  63.1439(e)(5)
                                                        Notification of
                                                        Compliance Status
    63.9(i).......................  Yes..............
    63.9(j).......................  No...............
    63.10(a)......................  Yes..............
    [[Page 29482]]
    63.10(b)(1)...................  No...............  Sec.  63.1439(a)
                                                        specifies record
    63.10(b)(2)...................  No...............  Subpart PPP specifies
    63.10(b)(3)...................  Yes..............
    63.10(c)......................  No...............  Sec.  63.1439
    63.10(d)(1)...................  Yes..............
    63.10(d)(2)...................  No...............  Sec.  63.1439(e)(5)
                                                        and Sec.
                                                        specify performance
                                                        test reporting
                                                        requirements; not
                                                        applicable to
                                                        equipment leaks.
    63.10(d)(3)...................  No...............  Subpart PPP does not
                                                        require opacity and
                                                        visible emission
    63.10(d)(4)...................  Yes..............
    63.10(d)(5)...................  Yes..............  Except that reports
                                                        required by Sec.
                                                        63.10(d)(5)(i) shall
                                                        be submitted at the
                                                        same time as
                                                        Periodic Reports
                                                        specified in Sec.
                                                        63.1439(e)(6). The
                                                        start-up, shutdown,
                                                        and malfunction
                                                        plan, and any
                                                        records or reports
                                                        of start-up,
                                                        shutdown, and
                                                        malfunction do not
                                                        apply to Group 2
                                                        emission points.
    63.10(e)......................  No...............  Sec.  63.1439
                                                        specifies reporting
    63.10(f)......................  Yes..............
    63.11.........................  Yes..............
    63.12.........................  Yes..............  Except that the
                                                        authority of Sec.
                                                        63.177 (for
                                                        equipment leaks)
                                                        will not be
                                                        delegated to States.
    63.13-63.15...................  Yes .............
    a The plan, and any records or reports of start-up, shutdown, and
      malfunction do not apply to Group 2 emission points.
      Table 2 to Subpart PPP of Part 63.--Applicability of Subparts F, G, H, and U to Subpart PPP Affected Sources
                                                                                               Applicable section of
                 Reference                Applies to subpart PPP          Explanation               subpart PPP
    Subpart F:
        63.100.........................  No.....................
        63.101.........................  Yes....................  Several definitions from     63.1423.
                                                                   63.101 are referenced at
        63.102-63.103..................  No.....................
        63.104.........................  Yes....................  With the differences noted   63.1435.
                                                                   in 63.1435(b) through (d).
        63.105.........................  Yes....................  With the differences noted   63.1433.
                                                                   in 63.1433(b).
        63.106.........................  No.....................
    Subpart G:
        63.110.........................  No.....................
        63.111.........................  Yes....................  Several definitions from     63.1423.
                                                                   63.111 are incorporated by
                                                                   reference into 63.1423.
        63.112.........................  No.....................
        63.113-63.118..................  Yes....................  For THF facilities, with     63.1425.
                                                                   the differences noted in
                                                                   63.1425(f)(1) through
                                         No.....................  For epoxide facilities,      63.1428.
                                                                   except that 63.115(d) is
                                                                   used for TRE
        63.119-63.123..................  Yes....................  With the differences noted   63.1432.
                                                                   in 63.1432(b) through
        63.124-63.125..................  No.....................  Reserved...................
        63.126-63.130..................  No.....................
        63.131.........................  No.....................  Reserved...................
        63.132-63.147..................  Yes....................  With the differences noted   63.1433.
                                                                   in 63.1433(a)(1) through
        63.148-63.149..................  Yes....................  With the differences noted   63.1432 and 63.1433.
                                                                   in 63.1432(b) through
                                                                   63.1432(p) and
                                                                   63.1433(a)(1) through
        63.150.........................  No.....................
        63.151-63.152..................  No.....................
    Subpart H:
        63.160-63.182..................  Yes....................  Subpart PPP affected         63.1434.
                                                                   sources shall comply with
                                                                   all requirements of
                                                                   subpart H, with the
                                                                   differences noted in
                                                                   63.1422(d), 63.1422(h),
                                                                   and 63.1434(b) through (g).
    Subpart U:
        63.480-63.487..................  No.....................
        63.488.........................  Yes....................  Portions of 63.488(b) and
                                                                   (e) are cross-referenced
                                                                   in subpart PPP..
        63.489-63.506..................  No.....................
    [[Page 29483]]
     Table 3 to Subpart PPP of Part 63.--Group 1 Storage Vessels at Existing
                            and New Affected Sources
                                                            Vapor Pressure a
               Vessel capacity  (cubic meters)               (kilopascals)
    75  capacity < 151........................=""> 13.1
      capacity  151...........................    5.2
    a Maximum true vapor pressure of total organic HAP at storage
       Table 4 to Subpart PPP of Part 63--Known Organic Hap From Polyether
                                 Polyol Products
                      Organic HAP/Chemical Name  (CAS No.)
                             1,3 Butadiene (106990)
                             Ethylene Oxide (75218)
                                n-Hexane (110543)
                                Methanol (67561)
                             Propylene Oxide (75569)
                                Toluene (108883)
    CAS No. = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
        Table 5 to Subpart PPP of Part 63.--Process Vents From Batch Unit
        Operations--Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements
                                                         Recordkeeping and
                                     Parameter to be         reporting
           Control technique            monitored         requirements for
                                                        monitored parameters
    Thermal Incinerator...........  Firebox            1. Continuous records
                                     temperature a.     as specified in Sec.
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the average firebox
                                                        temperature measured
                                                        during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        average firebox
                                                        temperature as
                                                        specified in Sec.
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        average temperatures
                                                        that are below the
                                                        minimum operating
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit and all
                                                        instances when
                                                        monitoring data are
                                                        not collected--PR.d
    Catalytic Incinerator.........  Temperature        1. Continuous records
                                     upstream and       as specified in Sec.
                                     downstream of       63.1429.b
                                     the catalyst bed. 2. Record and report
                                                        the average upstream
                                                        and downstream
                                                        temperatures and the
                                                        average temperature
                                                        difference across
                                                        the catalyst bed
                                                        measured during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        average upstream
                                                        temperature and
                                                        difference across
                                                        catalyst bed as
                                                        specified in Sec.
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        average upstream
                                                        temperatures that
                                                        are below the
                                                        minimum upstream
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit--PR.d e
                                                       5. Report all daily
                                                        average temperature
                                                        differences across
                                                        the catalyst bed
                                                        that are below the
                                                        minimum difference
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit--PR.d e
                                                       6. Report all
                                                        instances when
                                                        monitoring data are
                                                        not collected.e
    Boiler or Process Heater with   Firebox            1. Continuous records
     a design heat input capacity    temperature a.     as specified in Sec.
     less than 44 megawatts and                          63.1429.b
     where the process vents are                       2. Record and report
     not introduced with or used                        the average firebox
     as the primary fuel.                               temperature measured
                                                        during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                        NCS c
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        average firebox
                                                        temperature as
                                                        specified in Sec.
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        average temperatures
                                                        that are below the
                                                        minimum operating
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit and all
                                                        instances when
                                                        monitoring data are
                                                        not collected--PR.d
    Flare.........................  Presence of a      1. Hourly records of
                                     flame at the       whether the monitor
                                     pilot light.       was continuously
                                                        operating during
                                                        batch emission
                                                        episodes selected
                                                        for control and
                                                        whether a flame was
                                                        continuously present
                                                        at the pilot light
                                                        during each hour.
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the presence of a
                                                        flame at the pilot
                                                        light over the full
                                                        period of the
                                                       3. Record the times
                                                        and durations of all
                                                        periods during batch
                                                        emission episodes
                                                        when all flames at
                                                        the pilot light of a
                                                        flare are absent or
                                                        the monitor is not
                                                       4. Report the times
                                                        and durations of all
                                                        periods during batch
                                                        emission episodes
                                                        selected for control
                                                        when all flames at
                                                        the pilot light of a
                                                        flare are absent--
    Absorber f....................  Liquid flow rate   1. Records every 15
                                     into or out of     minutes, as
                                     the scrubber, or   specified in Sec.
                                     the pressure       63.1429.b
                                     drop across the   2. Record and report
                                     scrubber.          the average liquid
                                                        flow rate into or
                                                        out of the scrubber,
                                                        or the pressure drop
                                                        across the scrubber,
                                                        measured during the
                                                        performance test--
    [[Page 29484]]
                                                       3. Record the liquid
                                                        flow rate into or
                                                        out of the scrubber,
                                                        or the pressure drop
                                                        across the scrubber,
                                                        every 15 minutes, as
                                                        specified in Sec.
                                                       4. Report all
                                                        scrubber flow rates
                                                        or pressure drop
                                                        values that are
                                                        below the minimum
                                                        operating value
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit and all
                                                        instances when
                                                        monitoring data are
                                                        not collected--PR..d
                                    pH of the          1. Once daily records
                                     scrubber.          as specified in Sec.
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the average pH of
                                                        the scrubber
                                                        effluent measured
                                                        during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                       3. Record at least
                                                        once daily the pH of
                                                        the scrubber
                                                       4. Report all pH
                                                        scrubber effluent
                                                        readings out of the
                                                        range established in
                                                        the NCS or operating
                                                        permit and all
                                                        instances when
                                                        monitoring data are
                                                        not collected--
                                                        PR.d,e If a base
                                                        absorbent is used,
                                                        report all pH values
                                                        that are below the
                                                        minimum operating
                                                        values. If an acid
                                                        absorbent is used,
                                                        report all pH values
                                                        that are above the
                                                        maximum operating
    Condenser f...................  Exit (product      1. Continuous records
                                     side)              as specified in Sec.
                                     temperature.        63.1429.b
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the average exit
                                                        temperature measured
                                                        during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        average exit
                                                        temperature as
                                                        specified in Sec.
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        average exit
                                                        temperatures that
                                                        are above the
                                                        maximum operating
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit and all
                                                        instances when
                                                        monitoring data are
                                                        not collected--PR.d
    Carbon Adsorber f.............  Total              1. Record of total
                                     regeneration       regeneration stream
                                     stream mass or     mass or volumetric
                                     volumetric flow    flow for each carbon
                                     during carbon      bed regeneration
                                     bed regeneration   cycle.
                                     cycle(s), and.    2. Record and report
                                                        the total
                                                        regeneration stream
                                                        mass or volumetric
                                                        flow during each
                                                        carbon bed
                                                        regeneration cycle
                                                        during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                       3. Report all carbon
                                                        bed regeneration
                                                        cycles when the
                                                        total regeneration
                                                        stream mass or
                                                        volumetric flow is
                                                        above the maximum
                                                        flow rate
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit--PR.d e
                                    Temperature of     1. Record the
                                     the carbon bed     temperature of the
                                     after              carbon bed after
                                     regeneration and   each regeneration
                                     within 15          and within 15
                                     minutes of         minutes of
                                     completing any     completing any
                                     cooling cycle(s).  cooling cycle(s).
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the temperature of
                                                        the carbon bed after
                                                        each regeneration
                                                        and within 15
                                                        minutes of
                                                        completing any
                                                        cooling cycle(s)
                                                        measured during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                       3. Report all carbon
                                                        bed regeneration
                                                        cycles when the
                                                        temperature of the
                                                        carbon bed after
                                                        regeneration, or
                                                        within 15 minutes of
                                                        completing any
                                                        cooling cycle(s), is
                                                        above the maximum
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit--PR.d e
    Absorber, Condenser, and        Concentration      1. Continuous records
     Carbon Adsorber (as an          level or reading   as specified in Sec.
     alternative to the above).      indicated by an     63.1429.b
                                     organic           2. Record and report
                                     monitoring         the average
                                     device at the      concentration level
                                     outlet of the      or reading measured
                                     recovery device.   during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        concentration level
                                                        or reading as
                                                        specified in Sec.
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        concentration levels
                                                        or readings that are
                                                        above the maximum
                                                        concentration or
                                                        reading established
                                                        in the NCS or
                                                        operating permit and
                                                        all instances when
                                                        monitoring data are
                                                        not collected--PR.d
    All Combustion, recovery, or    Diversion to the   1. Hourly records of
     recapture devices.              atmosphere from    whether the flow
                                     the combustion,    indicator was
                                     recovery, or       operating during
                                     recapture device   batch emission
                                     or.                episodes selected
                                                        for control and
                                                        whether a diversion
                                                        was detected at any
                                                        time during the
                                                        hour, as specified
                                                        in Sec.  63.1429.
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the times of all
                                                        periods during batch
                                                        emission episodes
                                                        selected for control
                                                        when emissions are
                                                        diverted through a
                                                        bypass line, or the
                                                        flow indicator is
                                                        not operating--PR.d
                                    Monthly            1. Records that
                                     inspections of     monthly inspections
                                     sealed valves.     were performed as
                                                        specified in Sec.
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        all monthly
                                                        inspections that
                                                        show that valves are
                                                        in the diverting
                                                        position or that a
                                                        seal has been
    [[Page 29485]]
    ECO...........................  Time from the end  1. Records at the end
                                     of the epoxide     of each batch, as
                                     feed, or the       specified in Sec.
                                     epoxide partial    63.1427(i).
                                     pressure in the   2. Record and report
                                     reactor or         the average
                                     direct             parameter value of
                                     measurement of     the parameters
                                     epoxide            chosen, measured
                                     concentration in   during the
                                     the reactor        performance test.
                                     liquid at the     3. Record the batch
                                     end of the ECO.    cycle ECO duration,
                                                        epoxide partial
                                                        pressure, or epoxide
                                                        concentration in the
                                                        liquid at the end of
                                                        the ECO
                                                       4. Report all batch
                                                        cycle parameter
                                                        values outside of
                                                        the ranges
                                                        established in
                                                        accordance with Sec.
                                                         63.1427(i)(3) and
                                                        all instances when
                                                        monitoring data were
                                                        not collected--PR.d
    a Monitor may be installed in the firebox or in the ductwork immediately
      downstream of the firebox before any substantial heat exchange is
    b ``Continuous records'' is defined in Sec.  63.111.
    c NCS = Notification of Compliance Status described in Sec.  63.1429.
    d PR = Periodic Reports described in Sec.  63.1429.
    e The periodic reports shall include the duration of periods when
      monitoring data are not collected as specified in Sec.  63.1439.
    f Alternatively, these devices may comply with the organic monitoring
      device provisions listed at the end of this table.
     Table 6 to Subpart PPP of Part 63.--Process Vents From Continuous Unit
        Operations--Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements
                                                         Recordkeeping and
                                     Parameter to be         reporting
           Control technique            monitored         requirements for
                                                        monitored parameters
    Thermal Incinerator...........  Firebox            1. Continuous records
                                     temperaturea.      as specified in Sec.
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the average firebox
                                                        temperature measured
                                                        during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        average firebox
                                                        temperature for each
                                                        operating day.
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        average temperatures
                                                        that are below the
                                                        minimum operating
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit and all
                                                        instances when
                                                        monitoring data are
                                                        not collected--PR.d
    Catalytic Incinerator.........  Temperature        1. Continuous records
                                     upstream and       as specified in Sec.
                                     downstream of       63.1429.b
                                     the catalyst bed. 2. Record and report
                                                        the average upstream
                                                        and downstream
                                                        temperatures and the
                                                        average temperature
                                                        difference across
                                                        the catalyst bed
                                                        measured during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                        NCS c
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        average upstream
                                                        temperature and
                                                        difference across
                                                        catalyst bed for
                                                        each operating day.
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        average upstream
                                                        temperatures that
                                                        are below the
                                                        minimum upstream
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit--PR.d e
                                                       5. Report all daily
                                                        average temperature
                                                        differences across
                                                        the catalyst bed
                                                        that are below the
                                                        minimum difference
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit--PR.d e
                                                       6. Report all
                                                        operating days when
                                                        monitoring data are
    Boiler or Process Heater with   Firebox            1. Continuous records
     a design heat input capacity    temperature a.     as specified in Sec.
     less than 44 megawatts and                          63.1429.b
     where the process vents are                       2. Record and report
     not introduced with or used                        the average firebox
     as the primary fuel.                               temperature measured
                                                        during the
                                                        performance test--
                                                        NCS c
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        average firebox
                                                        temperature for each
                                                        operating day.d
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        average temperatures
                                                        that are below the
                                                        minimum operating
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit and all
                                                        instances when
                                                        monitoring data are
                                                        collected--PR.d e
    Flare.........................  Presence of a      1. Hourly records of
                                     flame at the       whether the monitor
                                     pilot light.       was continuously
                                                        operating and
                                                        whether a flame was
                                                        continuously present
                                                        at the pilot light
                                                        during each hour.
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the presence of a
                                                        flame at the pilot
                                                        light over the full
                                                        period of the
                                                       3. Record the times
                                                        and durations of all
                                                        periods when all
                                                        flames at the pilot
                                                        light of a flare are
                                                        absent or the
                                                        monitor is not
                                                       4. Report the times
                                                        and durations of all
                                                        periods when all
                                                        flames at the pilot
                                                        light of a flare are
    Absorber f....................  Exit temperature   1. Continuous records
                                     of the absorbing   as specified in Sec.
                                     liquid, and.        63.1429.b
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the exit temperature
                                                        of the absorbing
                                                        liquid averaged over
                                                        the full period of
                                                        the TRE
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        average exit
                                                        temperature of the
                                                        absorbing liquid for
                                                        each operating day.
                                                       4. Report all the
                                                        daily average exit
                                                        temperatures of the
                                                        absorbing liquid
                                                        that are below the
                                                        minimum operating
                                                        value established in
                                                        the NCS or
                                                        operating--PR.d e
    [[Page 29486]]
                                    Exit specific      1. Continuous records
                                     gravity for the    as specified in Sec.
                                     absorbing liquid.   63.1429.b
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the exit specific
                                                        gravity averaged
                                                        over the full period
                                                        of the TRE
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        average exit
                                                        specific gravity for
                                                        each operating day.
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        average exit
                                                        specific gravity
                                                        values that are
                                                        below the minimum
                                                        operating value
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating--
                                                        PR.d e
    Condenser f...................  Exit (product      1. Continuous records
                                     side)              as specified in Sec.
                                     temperature.        63.1429.b
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the exit temperature
                                                        averaged over the
                                                        full period of the
                                                        TRE determination--
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        average exit
                                                        temperature for each
                                                        operating day.
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        average exit
                                                        temperatures that
                                                        are above the
                                                        maximum operating
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating--
                                                        PR.d e
    Carbon Adsorber f.............  Total              1. Record of total
                                     regeneration       regeneration stream
                                     stream mass or     mass or volumetric
                                     volumetric flow    flow for each carbon
                                     during carbon      bed regeneration
                                     bed regeneration   cycle.
                                     cycle(s), and.    2. Record and report
                                                        the total
                                                        regeneration stream
                                                        mass or volumetric
                                                        flow during each
                                                        carbon bed
                                                        regeneration cycle
                                                        during the period of
                                                        the TRE
                                                       3. Report all carbon
                                                        bed regeneration
                                                        cycles when the
                                                        total regeneration
                                                        stream mass or
                                                        volumetric flow is
                                                        above the maximum
                                                        flow rate
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
                                                        permit--PR.d e
                                    Temperature of     1. Record the
                                     the carbon bed     temperature of the
                                     after              carbon bed after
                                     regeneration and   each regeneration
                                     within 15          and within 15
                                     minutes of         minutes of
                                     completing any     completing any
                                     cooling cycle(s).  cooling cycle(s).
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the temperature of
                                                        the carbon bed after
                                                        each regeneration
                                                        during the period of
                                                        the TRE
                                                       3. Report all carbon
                                                        bed regeneration
                                                        cycles when the
                                                        temperature of the
                                                        carbon bed after
                                                        regeneration is
                                                        above the maximum
                                                        established in the
                                                        NCS or operating
    Absorber, Condenser, and        Concentration      1. Continuous records
     Carbon Adsorber (as an          level or reading   as specified in Sec.
     alternative to the above).      indicated by an     63.1429.b
                                     organic           2. Record and report
                                     monitoring         the concentration
                                     device at the      level or reading
                                     outlet of the      averaged over the
                                     recovery device.   full period of the
                                                        TRE determination--
                                                       3. Record the daily
                                                        concentration level
                                                        or reading for each
                                                        operating day.
                                                       4. Report all daily
                                                        concentration levels
                                                        or readings that are
                                                        above the maximum
                                                        concentration or
                                                        reading established
                                                        in the NCS or
                                                        operating--PR.d e
    All Combustion, recovery, or    Diversion to the   1. Hourly records of
     recapture devices.              atmosphere from    whether the flow
                                     the combustion,    indicator was
                                     recovery, or       operating and
                                     recapture device   whether a diversion
                                     or.                was detected at any
                                                        time during each
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        the times of all
                                                        periods when the
                                                        vent stream is
                                                        diverted through a
                                                        bypass line, or the
                                                        flow indicator is
                                                        not operating--PR.d
                                    Monthly            1. Records that
                                     inspections of     monthly inspections
                                     sealed valves.     were performed as
                                                        specified in Sec.
                                                       2. Record and report
                                                        all monthly
                                                        inspections that
                                                        show that valves are
                                                        in the diverting
                                                        position or that a
                                                        seal has been
    a Monitor may be installed in the firebox or in the ductwork immediately
      downstream of the firebox before any substantial heat exchange is
    b ``Continuous records'' is defined in Sec.  63.111.
    c NCS = Notification of Compliance Status described in Sec.  63.1429.
    d PR = Periodic Reports described in Sec.  63.1429.
    e The periodic reports shall include the duration of periods when
      monitoring data are not collected as specified in Sec.  63.1439.
    f Alternatively, these devices may comply with the organic monitoring
      device provisions listed at the end of this table.
       Table 7 to Subpart PPP of Part 63.--Operating Parameters For Which
       Monitoring Levels Are Required To Be Established For Process Vents
          Control technique         Parameters to be          operating
                                        monitored           parameter(s)
    Thermal incinerator.........  Firebox temperature.  Minimum temperature.
    Catalytic incinerator.......  Temperature upstream  Minimum upstream
                                   and downstream of     temperature; and
                                   the catalyst bed.     minimum temperature
                                                         difference across
                                                         the catalyst bed.
    Boiler or process heater....  Firebox temperature.  Minimum temperature.
    Absorber....................  Liquid flow rate or   Minimum flow rate or
                                   pressure drop; and    pressure drop; and
                                   pH of scrubber        maximum pH if an
                                   effluent, if an       acid absorbent is
                                   acid or base          used, or minimum pH
                                   absorbent is used.    if a base absorbent
                                                         is used.
    Condenser...................  Exit temperature....  Maximum temperature.
    [[Page 29487]]
    Carbon adsorber.............  Total regeneration    Maximum mass or
                                   stream mass or        volumetric flow;
                                   volumetric flow       and maximum
                                   during carbon bed     temperature.
                                   regeneration cycle;
                                   and temperature of
                                   the carbon bed
                                   after regeneration
                                   (and within 15
                                   minutes of
                                   completing any
                                   cooling cycle(s)).
    Extended Cookout (ECO)......  Time from the end of  Minimum duration, or
                                   the epoxide feed to   maximum partial
                                   the end of the ECO,   pressure at the end
                                   or the reactor        of ECO, or maximum
                                   epoxide partial       epoxide
                                   pressure at the end   concentration in
                                   of the ECO, or the    the reactor liquid
                                   epoxide               at the end of ECO.
                                   concentration in
                                   the reactor liquid
                                   at the end of the
    Other devices (or as an       HAP concentration     Maximum HAP
     alternate to the above). a    level or reading at   concentration or
                                   outlet of device.     reading.
    a Concentration is measured instead of an operating parameter.
      Table 8 to Subpart PPP of Part 63.--Routine Reports Required By This
                                      Description of
               Reference                  Report              Due Date
    Sec.  63.1439(b) and Subpart A  Refer to Sec.      Refer to subpart A.
                                     Table 1 of this
                                     subpart, and to
                                     subpart A.
    Sec.  63.1439(e)(3)...........  Initial            Existing affected
                                     notification.      sources: by 120 days
                                                        after June 1, 1999.
                                                       New affected sources
                                                        w/initial start-up
                                                        at least 90 days
                                                        after June 1, 1999:
                                                        submit the
                                                        application for
                                                        approval of
                                                        construction or
                                                        reconstruction in
                                                        lieu of the Initial
                                                       New affected sources
                                                        w/initial start-up
                                                        prior to 90 days
                                                        after June 1, 1999:
                                                        by 90 days after
                                                        June 1, 1999.
    Sec.  63.1439(e)(4)...........  Precompliance      Existing affected
                                     Report a.          sources: 12 months
                                                        prior to compliance
                                                       New affected sources:
                                                        with the application
                                                        for approval of
                                                        construction or
    Sec.  63.1439(e)(5)...........  Notification of    Within 150 days after
                                     Compliance         the compliance date.
                                     Status b.
    Sec.  63.1439(e)(6)...........  Periodic Reports.  Semiannually, no
                                                        later than 60 days
                                                        after the end of
                                                        each 6-month period.
                                                        See Sec.
                                                        63.1439(e)(6)(i) for
                                                        the due date for
                                                        this report.
    Sec.  63.1439(e)(6)(v)(iii)...  Quarterly reports  No later than 60 days
                                     for sources with   after the end of
                                     excursions (upon   each quarter.
                                     request of the
    Sec.  63.506(e)(7)(i).........  Storage Vessels    At least 30 days
                                     Notification of    prior to the
                                     Inspection.        refilling of each
                                                        storage vessel or
                                                        the inspection of
                                                        each storage vessel.
    a There may be two versions of this report due at different times; one
      for equipment subject to Sec.  63.1434 and one for other emission
      points subject to this subpart.
    b There will be two versions of this report due at different times; one
      for equipment subject to Sec.  63.1434 and one for other emission
      points subject to this subpart.
    [FR Doc. 99-12479 Filed 5-28-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This regulation is effective on June 1, 1999.
29420-29487 (68 pages)
Docket Numbers:
2060-AE86: NESHAP: Flexible Polyurethane Foam Production
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CFR: (153)
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