94-14149. Notice of Proposed Modification of Airport Improvement Program Grant Assurances  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 111 (Friday, June 10, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-14149]
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    [Federal Register: June 10, 1994]
    Federall Aviation Administration
    Notice of Proposed Modification of Airport Improvement Program 
    Grant Assurances
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), (DOT).
    SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to modify the standard grant assurances 
    required of a sponsor receiving a grant under the Airport Improvement 
    Program (AIP). This modification is due to changes in existing 
    legislation. The Secretary of Transportation is required to provide 
    notice in the Federal Register and an opportunity for the public to 
    comment upon proposals to modify assurances or to require any 
    additional assurances under AIP pursuant to subsection 511(f) of the 
    Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, as amended.
    DATES: These proposed modifications to the Grant Assurances will be 
    effective July 11, 1994. Comments must be submitted on or before June 
    27, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Comments may be delivered or mailed to the FAA, Airports 
    Financial Assistance Division, APP-500, room 615, 800 Independence Ave, 
    SW., Washington, DC 20591.
    Ms. Leslie S. Haener (Management and Program Analyst) Telephone (202) 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Secretary must receive certain 
    assurances from a sponsor (applicant) under the Airport and Airway 
    Improvement Act of 1982, as amended. These assurances are submitted as 
    part of a sponsor's application for Federal Assistance and are 
    incorporated in all grant agreements. The current assurances were 
    published on February 3, 1988, at 53 FR 3104 and amended on September 
    6, 1988, at 53 FR 34361, and on August 29, 1989, at 54 FR 35748. As 
    need dictates, these assurances are modified from time to time to 
    reflect new Federal requirements. Notice of such proposed modifications 
    are published in the Federal Register and an opportunity provided for 
    comment by the public. FAA is planning to modify the assurances 
    currently in use to reflect some changes in the general requirements.
        FAA uses three separate sets of standard assurances: Airport 
    Sponsors (owners/operators); Planning Agency Sponsors; and Nonairport 
    Sponsors Undertaking Noise Compatibility Program Projects (herein after 
    referred to as Nonairport Sponsor Assurances).
        Assurance 1, General Federal Requirements, of the Airport Sponsor 
    Assurances and Nonairport Sponsor Assurances is modified to add 
    Executive Order 12699--Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted 
    New Building Construction, to the Executive Orders section of both sets 
    of assurances. Further, Assurance 1 is modified to add 49 CFR part 41, 
    Seismic safety of Federal and federally assisted or regulated new 
    building construction, to the Federal Regulations section of both sets 
    of assurances.
        Assurance 1 is also modified to add 49 CFR Part 20, New 
    restrictions on lobbying, to the Federal Regulations section of all 
    three sets of assurances. The addition of this regulation will 
    alleviate the need for project sponsors to file with the FAA, a 
    separate certification stating that they have not made, and will not 
    make, any payment prohibited by paragraph (a), Sec. 20.100 of 49 CFR 
    part 20. A disclosure of lobbying activities form, however, must still 
    be filed with the FAA if required by paragraph (c), Sec. 20.100 of 49 
    CFR part 20.
        Assurance 1 of all three sets of assurances is also modified to 
    correct the titles of certain Federal Regulations.
        Assurance 9 of the Airport Sponsor Assurances has been rewritten to 
    incorporate the provision of Public Law 102-581, which requires the 
    sponsor to certify that the airport management board either has voting 
    representation from the communities where the project is located or has 
    advised the communities that they have the right to petition the 
    Secretary concerning a proposed project.
        Assurance 23 of the Airport Sponsor Assurances has been rewritten 
    to bring this assurance into conformance with section 511(a)(2) of the 
    Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, as amended.
        Assurance 26 of the Airport Sponsor Assurances has been rewritten 
    to incorporate the provision of Public Law 102-581, which requires that 
    the airport sponsor assure that a report of the airport budget is 
    available to the public at reasonable times and places.
        Assurance 31 of the Airport Sponsor Assurances, and Assurance 20 of 
    the Nonairport Sponsor Assurances, titled Disposal of Land, have been 
    rewritten to incorporate the provisions of Public Law 101-236, which 
    relaxed the requirement that an airport sponsor must dispose of land 
    which was originally acquired with Federal grant funds for airport 
    development purposes but is no longer needed for such purposes.
        Assurance 36 of the Airport Sponsor Assurances, Assurance 13 of the 
    Planning Agency Sponsor Assurances, and Assurance 22 of the Nonairport 
    Sponsor Assurances have been deleted. The grant applicant's 
    requirements for compliance are set forth in the Drug-Free Workplace 
    Act of 1988--41 U.S.C. 702 through 706 and 49 CFR Part 29--
    Governmentwide debarment and suspension (non-procurement) and 
    governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (grants), which are 
    included in Assurance 1. Therefore a separate assurance detailing these 
    requirements is unnecessary.
        Issued in Washington, DC on May 13, 1994.
    Paul L. Galis,
    Director, Office of Airport Planning and Programming.
    Airport Improvement Program Grant Assurances
        1. The Airport Sponsor Assurances are amended as follows:
        a. Assurance C.1. is revised as follows:
    C.1. General Federal Requirements
    * * * * *
    Executive Orders
    Executive Order 12699--Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted 
    New Building Construction
    Federal Regulations
        f. 49 CFR Part 29--Governmentwide debarment and suspension (non-
    procurement) and governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace 
        i. 29 CFR Part 3--Contractors and subcontractors on public building 
    or public work financed in whole or part by loans or grants from the 
    United States.
        m. 49 CFR Part 41--Seismic safety of Federal and federally assisted 
    or regulated new building construction.
        n. 49 CFR Part 20--New restrictions on lobbying.
        b. Assurance 9 is revised to read:
        9. Public Hearings. In projects involving the location of an 
    airport, an airport runway, or a major runway extension, it has 
    afforded the opportunity for public hearings for the purpose of 
    considering the economic, social, and environmental effects of the 
    airport or runway location and its consistency with goals and 
    objectives of such planning as has been carried out by the community 
    and it shall, when requested by the Secretary, submit a copy of the 
    transcript of such hearings to the Secretary. Further, for such 
    projects, it has on its management board either voting representation 
    from the communities where the project is located or has advised the 
    communities that they have the right to petition the Secretary 
    concerning a proposed project.
        c. Assurance 23 is revised to read:
        23. Exclusive Rights. It will permit no exclusive right for the use 
    of the airport by any person providing, or intending to provide, 
    aeronautical services to the public.
        For purposes of this paragraph, the providing of the services at an 
    airport by a single fixed-based operator shall not be construed as an 
    exclusive right if both of the following apply:
        a. It would be unreasonably costly, burdensome, or impractical for 
    more than one fixed-based operator to provide such services, and
        b. If allowing more than one fixed-based operator to provide such 
    services would require the reduction of space leased pursuant to an 
    existing agreement between such single fixed-based operator and such 
        It further agrees that it will not, either directly or indirectly, 
    grant or permit any person, firm, or corporation, the exclusive right 
    at the airport to conduct any aeronautical activities, including, but 
    not limited to charter flights, pilot training, aircraft rental and 
    sightseeing, aerial photography, crop dusting, aerial advertising and 
    surveying, air carrier operations, aircraft sales and services, sale of 
    aviation petroleum products whether or not conducted in conjunction 
    with other aeronautical activity, repair and maintenance of aircraft, 
    sale of aircraft parts, and any other activities which because of their 
    direct relationship to the operation of aircraft can be regarded as an 
    aeronautical activity, and that it will terminate any exclusive right 
    to conduct an aeronautical activity now existing at such an airport 
    before the grant of any assistance under the Airport and Airway 
    Improvement Act of 1982.
        d. Assurance 26 is revised to read:
        26. Reports and Inspections. It will submit to the Secretary such 
    annual or special financial and operations reports as the Secretary may 
    reasonably request. A report of the airport budget will be available to 
    the public at reasonable times and places. For airport development 
    projects, it will also make the airport and all airport records and 
    documents affecting the airport, including deeds, leases, operation and 
    use agreements, regulations and other instruments, available for 
    inspection by any duly authorized agent of the Secretary upon 
    reasonable request. For noise compatibility program projects, it will 
    also make records and documents relating to the project and continued 
    compliance with the terms, conditions, and assurances of the grant 
    agreement including deeds, leases, agreements, regulations, and other 
    instruments, available for inspection by any duly authorized agent of 
    the Secretary upon reasonable request.
        e. Assurance 31 is revised to read:
        31. Disposal of Land.
        a. For land purchased under a grant for airport noise compatibility 
    purposes, it will dispose of the land, when the land is no longer 
    needed for such purposes, at fair market value, at the earliest 
    practicable time. That portion of the proceeds of such disposition 
    which is proportionate to the United States' share of acquisition of 
    such land will, at the discretion of the Secretary, (1) be paid to the 
    Secretary for deposit in the Trust Fund, or (2) be reinvested in an 
    approved noise compatibility project as prescribed by the Secretary.
        b. (1) For land purchased under a grant for airport development 
    purposes (other than noise compatibility), it will, when the land is no 
    longer needed for airport purposes, dispose of such land at fair market 
    value or make available to the Secretary an amount equal to the United 
    States' proportionate share of the fair market value of the land. That 
    portion of the proceeds of such disposition which is proportionate to 
    the United States' share of the cost of acquisition of such land will, 
    (a) upon application to the Secretary, be reinvested in another 
    eligible airport improvement project or projects approved by the 
    Secretary at that airport or within the national airport system, or (b) 
    be paid to the Secretary for deposit in the Trust Fund if no eligible 
    project exists.
        (2) Land shall be considered to be needed for airport purposes 
    under this assurance if (a) it may be needed for aeronautical purposes 
    (including runway protection zones) or serve as noise buffer land, and 
    (b) the revenue from interim uses of such land contributes to the 
    financial self-sufficiency of the airport. Further, land purchased with 
    a grant received by an airport operator or owner before December 31, 
    1987, will be considered to be needed for airport purposes if the 
    Secretary or Federal agency making such grant before December 31, 1987, 
    was notified by the operator or owner of the uses of such land, did not 
    object to such use, and the land continues to be used for that purpose, 
    such use having commenced no later than December 15, 1989.
        c. Disposition of such land under (a) or (b) will be subject to the 
    retention or reservation of any interest or right therein necessary to 
    ensure that such land will only be used for purposes which are 
    compatible with noise levels associated with operation of the airport.
        f. Assurance 36 is deleted:
        36. Drug-Free Workplace. It will provide a drug-free workplace at 
    the site of work specified in the grant application in accordance with 
    49 CFR part 29 by (1) publishing a statement notifying its employees 
    that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or 
    use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the sponsor's workplace 
    and specifying the action that will be taken against its employees for 
    violation of such prohibition; (2) establishing a drug-free awareness 
    program to inform its employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the 
    workplace and any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and 
    employees' assistance programs; (3) notifying the FAA within 10 days 
    after receiving notice of an employee criminal drug statute conviction 
    for a violation occurring in the workplace; and (4) making a good faith 
    effort to maintain a drug-free workplace.
        2. The Planning Agency Sponsor Assurances are amended as follows:
        a. Assurance C.1. is revised as follows:
    C. 1. General Federal Requirements
    * * * * *
    Federal Regulations
        d. 49 CFR Part 29--Governmentwide debarment and suspension (non-
    procurement) and governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace 
        n. 49 CFR Part 20--New restrictions on lobbying.
        b. Assurance 13 is deleted:
        13. Drug-Free Workplace. It will provide a drug-free workplace at 
    the site of work specified in the grant application in accordance with 
    49 CFR part 29 by (1) publishing a statement notifying its employees 
    that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or 
    use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the sponsor's workplace 
    and specifying the actions that will be taken against its employees for 
    violation of such prohibition; (2) establishing a drug-free awareness 
    program to inform its employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the 
    workplace and any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and 
    employees' assistance programs; (3) notifying the FAA within 10 days 
    after receiving notice of an employee criminal drug statute conviction 
    for a violation occurring in the workplace; and (4) making a good faith 
    effort to maintain a drug-free workplace.
        3. The Nonairport Sponsor Assurances are amended as follows:
        a. Assurance C.1. is revised as follows:
    C.1. General Federal Requirements
    * * * * *
    Executive Orders
    Executive Order 12699--Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted 
    New Building Construction
    Federal Regulations
        f. 49 CFR Part 29--Governmentwide debarment and suspension (non-
    procurement) and governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace 
        i. 29 CFR Part 3--Contractors and subcontractors on public building 
    or public work financed in whole or part by loans or grants from the 
    United States.
        m. 49 CFR Part 41--Seismic safety of Federal and federally assisted 
    or regulated new building construction.
        n. 49 CFR Part 20--New restrictions on lobbying.
        b. Assurance 20 is revised to read:
        20. Disposal of Land.
        a. For land purchased under a grant for airport noise compatibility 
    purposes, it will dispose of the land, when the land is no longer 
    needed for such purposes, at fair market value, at the earliest 
    practicable time. That portion of the proceeds of such disposition 
    which is proportionate to the United States' share of acquisition of 
    such land will, at the discretion of the Secretary, 1) be paid to the 
    Secretary for deposit in the Trust Fund, or 2) be reinvested in an 
    approved noise compatibility project as prescribed by the Secretary.
        b. Disposition of such land under (a) will be subject to the 
    retention or reservation of any interest or right therein necessary to 
    ensure that such land will only be used for purposes which are 
    compatible with noise levels associated with operation of the airport.
        c. Assurance 22 is deleted.
        22. Drug-Free Workplace. It will provide a drug-free workplace at 
    the site of work specified in the grant application in accordance with 
    49 CFR part 29 by (1) publishing a statement notifying its employees 
    that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or 
    use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the sponsor's workplace 
    and specifying the actions that will be taken against its employees for 
    violation of such prohibition; (2) establishing a drug-free awareness 
    program to inform its employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the 
    workplace and any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and 
    employees' assistance programs; (3) notifying the FAA within 10 days 
    after receiving notice of an employee criminal drug statute conviction 
    for a violation occurring in the workplace; and (4) making a good faith 
    effort to maintain a drug-free workplace.
    [FR Doc. 94-14149 Filed 6-9-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
These proposed modifications to the Grant Assurances will be effective July 11, 1994. Comments must be submitted on or before June 27, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 10, 1994