94-14172. Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; Redesignation of the Parkersburg, WV Ozone Nonattainment Area to Attainment and Approval of the Area's Maintenance Plan  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 111 (Friday, June 10, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-14172]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: June 10, 1994]
    40 CFR Parts 52 and 81
    [WV24-1-6423, WV24-2-6424 FRL-4895-6]
    Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; 
    Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; Redesignation 
    of the Parkersburg, WV Ozone Nonattainment Area to Attainment and 
    Approval of the Area's Maintenance Plan
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: On November 13, 1992, the West Virginia Department of 
    Commerce, Labor & Environmental Resources; Division of Environmental 
    Protection; Office of Air Quality (WVOAQ) submitted a request to EPA to 
    redesignate the Parkersburg moderate ozone nonattainment area from 
    nonattainment to attainment. On November 13, 1992, the WVOAQ also 
    submitted a maintenance plan for the Parkersburg area as a revision to 
    the West Virginia State Implementation Plan (SIP). On February 28, 
    1994, West Virginia submitted an update to its November 13, 1994 
    submittal. The EPA is proposing to redesignate the Parkersburg ozone 
    nonattainment area from nonattainment to attainment and proposing to 
    approve the maintenance plan submitted by the WVOAQ as a revision to 
    the West Virginia SIP because the relevant requirements set forth in 
    the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990, have been met. This proposal to 
    approve the redesignation is contingent upon West Virginia's submittal 
    of a revision to its maintenance plan's provisions for implementation 
    of contingency measures.These actions are being taken in accordance 
    with the Clean Air Act. The approved maintenance plan will become a 
    federally enforceable part of the SIP for the Parkersburg area.
    DATES: Comments must be received on July 11, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments should be sent to Thomas J. Maslany, 
    Director, Air, Radiation, and Toxics Division, U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, Region III, 841 Chestnut Building, Philadelphia, 
    Pennsylvania 19107. The state submittal and EPA's Technical Support 
    Document (TSD) prepared on these proposed actions is available for 
    public review at the above address and at the West Virginia Division of 
    Environmental Protection, Office of Air Quality 1558 Washington Street, 
    East Charleston, West Virginia, 25311-2599:
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Dubowe at (215) 597-1109, Todd 
    Ellsworth at (215) 597-2906.
    I. Background
        The Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977 (1977 Act), required areas 
    that were designated nonattainment based on a failure to meet the ozone 
    national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) to develop SIPs with 
    sufficient control measures to expeditiously attain and maintain the 
    standard. (1977 Act, sections 110(a)(1) and 172.) The Parkersburg, West 
    Virginia nonattainment area was designated under section 107 of the 
    1977 Act as nonattainment with respect to the ozone NAAQS on September 
    12, 1978. (40 CFR 81.347) In accordance with section 110 of the 1977 
    Act, West Virginia submitted a part D ozone SIP on November 15, 1979 
    which EPA approved as meeting the requirements of section 110 and part 
    D of the 1977 Act. In its SIP, the State of West Virginia projected 
    that the Parkersburg, West Virginia nonattainment area would attain the 
    ozone standard by December 31, 1982. The area failed to attain the 
        On November 15, 1990, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 
    (hereafter the Act) were enacted. Public Law 101-549, 104 Stat. 2399, 
    codified at 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q. The nonattainment designation of the 
    Parkersburg, West Virginia area continued by operation of law according 
    to section 107(d)(1)(C)(i) of the Act, furthermore, it was classified 
    by operation of law as moderate for ozone pursuant to section 181(a)(1) 
    of the Act. See 56 FR 56694 (November 6, 1991) and 57 FR 56762 (Nov. 
    30, 1992), codified at 40 CFR 81.347.
        The Parkersburg, West Virginia ozone nonattainment area more 
    recently has attained the ozone NAAQS, based on air quality data from 
    1989 through 1991. In an effort to comply with the Act and to ensure 
    continued attainment of the NAAQS, on November 13, 1992 the WVOAQ 
    submitted an ozone maintenance plan for the Parkersburg West Virginia 
    area as a revision to the West Virginia SIP.
        On November 13, 1992, the State of West Virginia also requested 
    that EPA redesignate the Parkersburg, West Virginia area to attainment 
    with respect to the ozone NAAQS. In addition, on February 28, 1994, 
    West Virginia submitted an update to its November 13, 1992 submittal, 
    collectively referred to hereafter as the ``State of West Virginia's 
    redesignation request.''
    II. Evaluation Criteria
        According to section 107(d)(3)(E) of the Act, five specific 
    requirements must be met in order for EPA to redesignate an area from 
    nonattainment to attainment:
        1. The area must have attained the applicable NAAQS;
        2. The area has met all relevant requirements under section 110 and 
    part D of the Act;
        3. The area has a fully approved SIP under section 110(k) of the 
        4. The air quality improvement must be permanent and enforceable; 
        5. The area must have a fully approved maintenance plan pursuant to 
    section 175A of the Act.
    III. Review of West Virginia's Submittal
        The State of West Virginia's redesignation request for the 
    Parkersburg, West Virginia area included information and documentation 
    sufficient for EPA to determine that the five requirements of section 
    107, noted above have been met. Following is a brief description of how 
    the each of these requirements has been fulfilled. Because the 
    maintenance plan is a critical element of the redesignation request, 
    EPA will discuss its evaluation of the maintenance plan under its 
    analysis of the redesignation request. A Technical Support Document 
    (TSD) has also been prepared by EPA on these rulemaking actions. That 
    TSD is available for public inspection at the EPA Regional Office 
    listed in the ADDRESSES section of this document.
    1. Attainment of the Ozone NAAQS
        The submittal contains an analysis of ozone air quality data which 
    is relevant to the maintenance plan and to the redesignation request. 
    Ambient ozone monitoring data for 1989 through 1991 show attainment of 
    the ozone NAAQS in the Parkersburg, West Virginia area. See 40 CFR 50.9 
    and appendix H. The State of West Virginia's redesignation request 
    included documentation that the Parkersburg, West Virginia ozone 
    nonattainment area has complete, quality-assured data showing 
    attainment of the standard over the most recent consecutive three 
    calendar year period. Therefore, the Parkersburg, West Virginia area 
    has met the first statutory criterion for redesignation to attainment 
    of the ozone NAAQS found at section 107(d)(3)(E)(i) of the Act.
        It is important to note that EPA has also reviewed the ozone data 
    monitored during the 1992 and 1993 ozone seasons in the Parkersburg 
    area and determined that no violations of the standard were monitored 
    during those years. Therefore, there have been no violations of the 
    ozone standard monitored in the Parkersburg area since the 1988 ozone 
    2. Meeting Applicable Requirements of Section 110 and Part D
        As previously stated, EPA fully approved the State of West Virginia 
    SIP for the Parkersburg, West Virginia area as meeting the requirements 
    of section 110(a)(2) and part D of the 1977 Act. The amended Act, 
    however, modified section 110(a)(2) and, under part D, revised section 
    172 and added new requirements for all nonattainment areas. Therefore, 
    for purposes of redesignation, EPA has reviewed the SIP to ensure that 
    it contains all measures that were due under the Act as of November 13, 
    1992, the date the State of West Virginia submitted its redesignation 
    2.A. Section 110 Requirements
        Although section 110 of the 1977 Act was amended in 1990, the 
    Parkersburg, West Virginia SIP meets the requirements of section 
    110(a)(2) of the amended Act. A number of the requirements did not 
    change in substance and, therefore, EPA believes that the pre-amendment 
    SIP met these requirements. As to those requirements that were amended, 
    See 57 FR 27936 and 23939 (June 23, 1993), many are duplicative of 
    other requirements of the Act.
        EPA has analyzed the SIP and determined that it is consistent with 
    the requirements of section 110(a)(2) of the Act. It contains 
    enforceable emission limitations, it requires monitoring, compiling, 
    and analyzing ambient air quality data, it requires preconstruction 
    review of new major stationary sources and major modifications to 
    existing ones, it provides for adequate funding, staff, and associated 
    resources necessary to implement its requirements, and requires 
    stationary source emissions monitoring and reporting.
    2.B. Part D Requirements
        Before the Parkersburg, West Virginia ozone nonattainment area may 
    be redesignated to attainment, it also must have fulfilled applicable 
    requirements of part D due as of the date of the State's redesignation 
    request. Under part D, an area's classification indicates the 
    requirements to which it will be subject. Subpart 1 of part D sets 
    forth the basic nonattainment requirements applicable to all 
    nonattainment areas, classified as well as nonclassifiable. Subpart 2 
    of part D establishes additional requirements for nonattainment areas 
    classified under table 1 of section 181(a). The Parkersburg, West 
    Virginia ozone nonattainment area was classified as moderate. (See 56 
    FR 56694, codified at 40 CFR 81.347.) Therefore, in order to be 
    redesignated to attainment, West Virginia must meet the applicable 
    requirements of subpart 1 of part D--specifically sections 172(c) and 
    176--as well as the applicable requirements of subpart 2 of part D--due 
    as of the date of the State's November 13, 1992 request for 
    redesignation. EPA interprets section 107(d)(3)(E)(v) to mean that for 
    a redesignation request to be approved, the State has met all 
    requirements that applied to the subject area prior to or at the time 
    of the submission of a complete redesignation request. Requirements of 
    the Act that come due subsequently continue to be applicable to the 
    area at those later dates (see section 175A(c)) and, if the 
    redesignation of the area is disapproved, the State remains obligated 
    to fulfill those requirements.
    2.B.1. Subpart 1 of Part D--Section 172(c) Provisions
        Under section 172(b), the section 172(c) requirements are 
    applicable no later than 3 years after an area has been designated as 
    nonattainment under the Act. EPA has determined that these requirements 
    were not applicable to ozone nonattainment areas on or before November 
    13, 1992, the date the State of West Virginia, submitted a complete 
    redesignation request and maintenance plan for Parkersburg. Therefore, 
    the State of West Virginia is not required to meet these requirements 
    for purposes of redesignation. West Virginia has, however, completed 
    and submitted a 1990 base year emissions inventory for its ozone 
    nonattainment areas (including the Parkersburg area) in accordance with 
    EPA's guidance. It is also important to note that upon redesignation to 
    attainment, the preconstruction new source review requirements for 
    prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) would apply in the 
    Parkersburg area. EPA approved West Virginia's PSD SIP program on April 
    11, 1986 (51 FR 12517).
    2.B.2. Subpart 1 of Part D--Section 176 Conformity Provisions
        Section 176(c) of the Act requires States to revise their SIPs to 
    establish criteria and procedures to ensure that Federal actions, 
    before they are taken, conform to the air quality planning goals in the 
    applicable State SIP. The requirement to determine conformity applies 
    to transportation plans, programs and projects developed, funded or 
    approved under title 23 U.S.C. or the Federal Transit Act 
    (``transportation conformity''), as well as to all other Federal 
    actions (``general conformity''). Section 176 further provides that the 
    conformity revisions to be submitted by States must be consistent with 
    Federal conformity regulations that the Act required EPA to promulgate. 
    Congress provided for the State revisions to be submitted one year 
    after the date for promulgation of final EPA conformity regulations. 
    When that date passed without such promulgation, USEPA's General 
    Preamble for the Implementation of title I informed States that its 
    conformity regulations would establish a submittal date (see 57 FR 
    13498, 13557 (April 16, 1992)).
        The USEPA promulgated final transportation conformity regulations 
    on November 24, 1993 (58 FR 62188) and general conformity regulations 
    on November 30, 1993 (58 FR 63214). These conformity rules require that 
    States adopt both transportation and general conformity provisions in 
    the SIP for areas designated nonattainment or subject to a maintenance 
    plan approved under CAA section 175A. Pursuant to Sec. 51.396 of the 
    transportation conformity rule and Sec. 51.851 of the general 
    conformity rule, the State of West Virginia is required to submit a SIP 
    revision containing transportation conformity criteria and procedures 
    consistent with those established in the Federal rule by November 25, 
    1994. Similarly, West Virginia is required to submit a SIP revision 
    containing general conformity criteria and procedures consistent with 
    those established in the Federal rule by December 1, 1994. Because the 
    deadlines for these submittals have not yet come due, they are not 
    applicable requirements under section 107(d)(3)(E)(v) and, thus, do not 
    affect approval of this redesignation request.
    2.B.3. Subpart 2 of Part D--Section 182 Provisions for Ozone 
    Nonattainment Areas
        The Parkersburg, West Virginia nonattainment area is classified as 
    moderate and is subject to the requirements of section 182(b) of the 
    Act. As of November 13, 1992, the date West Virginia submitted a 
    complete redesignation request for the Parkersburg, West Virginia 
    nonattainment area, the Parkersburg, West Virginia area was required to 
    meet the provisions of section 182(a)(2)(A) to correct its Reasonably 
    Available Control Technology (RACT) requirements in effect prior to 
    enactment of the 1990 amendments to the Act. The State of West Virginia 
    submitted those RACT corrections as SIP revisions to EPA on June 4, 
    1991. A notice of final rulemaking approving these RACT corrections was 
    published on September 17, 1992 (57 FR 42895).
        On January 15, 1993, EPA notified the Governor of West Virginia 
    that it had made a finding that West Virginia had failed to submit 
    either a full or committal SIP revision for a basic inspection and 
    maintenance (I/M) program for its ozone nonattainment areas. On January 
    18, 1994, EPA notified the Governor of West Virginia that it had made a 
    finding that West Virginia had failed to submit a 15% rate of progress 
    plan SIP revision for its ozone nonattainment areas. Upon the effective 
    date of a final approval by EPA of West Virginia's redesignation 
    request, these findings will be automatically rescinded in the 
    Parkersburg nonattainment area.
    3. Fully Approved SIP Under Section 110(k) of the Act
        As stated previously, EPA has approved the RACT corrections noted 
    above. Therefore, the State of West Virginia has a fully approved SIP 
    under section 110(k), which also meets the applicable requirements of 
    section 110 and part D as discussed above. Therefore, the redesignation 
    requirement of section 107(d)(3)(E)(ii) has been met.
    4. Improvement in Air Quality Due to Permanent and Enforceable Measures
        Under the 1977 Act, EPA approved the State of West Virginia SIP 
    control strategy for the Parkersburg, West Virginia nonattainment area. 
    EPA determined that the rules and the emission reductions achieved as a 
    result of those rules were enforceable. Since enactment of the 1990 
    amendments, the State of West Virginia submitted corrections to its 
    RACT regulations as identified above. EPA finds that these additional 
    measures contribute to the permanence and enforceability of reductions 
    in ambient ozone levels in the Parkersburg, West Virginia area.
        Between 1988 and 1990, because of permanent and enforceable state 
    and federal provisions, emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 
    were reduced by 2.28 tons/day and emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) 
    were reduced by 1.0 tons/day in Parkersburg. Most of the reductions 
    came from mobile sources and gasoline marketing-related activities. The 
    Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP), of gasoline marketed for use in the 
    Parkersburg, West Virginia area decreased from 10.5 RVP to 9.5 RVP in 
    1990 and was reduced to 9.0 in 1992. In addition, due to automobile 
    fleet turnover, there was an increase in the percent of automobile 
    operated in the Parkersburg area meeting more stringent emission 
    standards as required by the Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program 
    (FMVCP). It must be noted here that since 1992 the federal RVP 
    requirement of 9.0 has been the applicable standard in the Parkersburg, 
    West Virginia area.
        The State of West Virginia maintenance plan requires the 
    continuation of the federal RVP program. These reductions due to lower 
    RVP and more stringent tailpipe standards resulting from the Federal 
    Motor Vehicle Control Program were determined using the mobile emission 
    inventory model MOBILE 5.0a and the relevant vehicle miles traveled 
        Permanent and enforceable decreases in VOCs at stationary sources 
    contributed a small amount to the total VOC reduction in the 
    Parkersburg, West Virginia area. In association with its emission 
    inventory, the State of West Virginia demonstrated that point source 
    VOC emissions were not artificially low due to local economic downturn 
    during the period in which the Parkersburg, West Virginia area's 
    ambient air quality came into attainment. Reductions due to decreases 
    in production levels or from other unenforceable scenarios such as 
    voluntary reductions were not included in the determination of the 
    emission reductions.
        EPA finds that the combination of measures contained in the SIP and 
    federal measures have resulted in permanent and enforceable reductions 
    in ozone precursors that have allowed the Parkersburg, West Virginia 
    area to attain the NAAQS, and therefore, that the redesignation 
    criterion of section 107(d)(3)(E)(iii) has been met.
    5. Fully Approved Maintenance Plan Under Section 175A
        EPA is proposing approval of the State of West Virginia maintenance 
    plan for the Parkersburg, West Virginia area because EPA finds that 
    West Virginia's submittal meets the requirements of section 175A of the 
    Act. If EPA determines after notice and comment that it should give 
    final approval to the maintenance plan, the Parkersburg, West Virginia 
    nonattainment area will have a fully approved maintenance plan in 
    accordance with section 175A of the Act.
        Section 175A of the Act sets forth the elements of a maintenance 
    plan for areas seeking redesignation from nonattainment to attainment. 
    The plan must demonstrate continued attainment of the applicable NAAQS 
    for at least ten years after the area is redesignated. Eight years 
    after the redesignation, the state must submit a revised maintenance 
    plan which demonstrates attainment for the ten years following the 
    initial ten-year period.
        To provide for the possibility of future NAAQS violations, the 
    maintenance plan must contain contingency measures, with a schedule for 
    implementation, adequate to assure prompt correction of any air quality 
    5.A. Emissions Inventory--Base Year Inventory
        On November 13, 1992, the State of West Virginia submitted 
    comprehensive inventories of VOC and NOx emissions from area, 
    stationary, and mobile using 1990 as the base year for calculations to 
    demonstrate maintenance. The 1990 VOC inventory is considered most 
    representative of attainment conditions because no violations occurred 
    in 1990 and it reflects the typical inventory for the three-year period 
    demonstrating attainment of the standard.
        The State of West Virginia submittal contains detailed inventory 
    data and summaries by source categories. The State of West Virginia 
    submittal also contains information related to how it comported with 
    EPA's guidance, which model and emission factors were used (note MOBILE 
    5.0a was used), how Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) data was generated, 
    what RVP was considered in the base year, and other technical 
    information verifying the validity of the Parkersburg, West Virginia 
    emission inventory.
        The State of West Virginia submittal contains the detailed 
    inventory data and summaries by source category. This inventory was 
    prepared in accordance with EPA guidance. A summary of the base year 
    and projected maintenance year inventories are shown in the following 
    six tables. The TSD which has been prepared for this action contains 
    more in-depth details regarding the base year for the Parkersburg area.
     Summary of Emissions From The Parkersburg Nonattainment Area for 1990  
                                                     VOC       CO      NOx  
                   Source category                  (tpd)    (tpd)    (tpd) 
    Area.........................................     10.2     29.0      6.1
    Point........................................     34.9      3.1     13.9
    Highway Mobile...............................      8.0     63.6      6.9
      Total Emissions............................     53.2     95.7     26.9
     Summary of Emissions From The Parkersburg Nonattainment Area for 1993  
                                                     VOC       CO      NOx  
                   Source category                  (tpd)    (tpd)    (tpd) 
    Area.........................................     10.5     29.3      6.1
    Point........................................     33.7      3.0     13.4
    Highway Mobile...............................      6.6     53.9      6.7
      Total Emissions............................     50.8     86.2    26.2 
    All Emissions in Tons Per Day (tpd).                                    
      Summary of Emissions From The Parkersburg Nonattainment Area for 1996 
                                                     VOC       CO      NOx  
                   Source category                  (tpd)    (tpd)    (tpd) 
    Area.........................................      9.9     29.7      6.1
    Point........................................     32.6      2.9     13.0
    Highway mobile...............................      6.3     50.1      6.5
      Total emissions............................     48.8     82.6     25.6
      Summary of Emissions From The Parkersburg Nonattainment Area for 1999 
                                                     VOC       CO      NOx  
                   Source category                  (tpd)    (tpd)    (tpd) 
    Area.........................................     10.2     30.3      6.2
    Point........................................     31.5      2.8     12.6
    Highway mobile...............................      6.1     47.6      6.3
      Total emissions............................     47.8     80.7     25.1
    All Emissions in Tons Per Day (tpd).                                    
      Summary of Emissions From The Parkersburg Nonattainment Area for 2002 
                                                     VOC       CO      NOx  
                   Source category                  (tpd)    (tpd)    (tpd) 
    Area.........................................     10.4     30.6      6.2
    Point........................................     31.0      2.7     12.4
    Highway mobile...............................      6.0     47.5      6.2
      Total emissions............................     47.3     80.8     24.8
      Summary of Emissions From The Parkersburg Nonattainment Area for 2005 
                                                     VOC       CO      NOx  
                   Source category                  (tpd)    (tpd)    (tpd) 
    Area.........................................     10.6     31.2      6.3
    Point........................................     30.0      2.6     12.0
    Highway mobile...............................      6.0     49.1      6.4
      Total emissions............................     46.7     82.9     24.7
    All Emissions in Tons Per Day (tpd).                                    
    5.B. Demonstration of Maintenance--Projected Inventories
        In addition to the continued use of lower RVP gasoline (7.8) and 
    fleet turnover to automobiles meeting more stringent emission 
    standards, mobile source emission projections are dependent upon the 
    implementation of the federal reformulated gasoline program. Total VOC 
    and NOx emissions were projected from the 1990 base year to year 
    2005. These projected inventories were prepared in accordance with EPA 
    guidance. The projections demonstrate that the ozone standard will be 
    maintained i.e., emissions are not expected to exceed the level of the 
    base year inventory during this time period. EPA believes that the 
    emissions projections demonstrate that the area will continue to 
    maintain the ozone NAAQS because this area achieved attainment through 
    VOC controls and reductions.
    5C. Verification of Continued Attainment
        Continued attainment of the ozone NAAQS in the Parkersburg, West 
    Virginia area depends, in part, on the State of West Virginia effort 
    toward tracking indicators of continued attainment during the 
    maintenance period. The State of West Virginia will track the status 
    and effectiveness of the maintenance plan by periodically updating the 
    emissions inventory every three years. The WVOAQ has committed to 
    perform this tracking on an annual basis in order to enable the State 
    of West Virginia to implement the contingency measures of its 
    maintenance plan as expeditiously as possible.
        The State of West Virginia annual update will indicate new source 
    growth, as indicated by annual emission statements. The State of West 
    Virginia will continue to monitor ambient ozone levels by operating its 
    ambient ozone air quality monitoring network in accordance with 40 CFR 
    part 58.
    5D. Contingency Plan
        The level of VOC and NOx emissions in the Parkersburg area 
    will largely determine its ability to stay in compliance with the ozone 
    NAAQS in the future. Despite the State of West Virginia's best efforts 
    to demonstrate continued compliance with the NAAQS, the Parkersburg 
    area may exceed or violate the NAAQS. Therefore, West Virginia has 
    provided contingency measures with a schedule for implementation in the 
    event of future ozone air quality problems. In the event that 
    exceedances of the ozone NAAQS are measured such that nonattainment is 
    indicated in any of the areas or in the event that periodic emission 
    inventory updates or major permitting activity reveals that excessive 
    or unanticipated growth in ozone precursor emissions has occurred or 
    will occur, West Virginia will accordingly select and adopt measures 
    including the following to assure continued attainment:
        1. Extend the applicability of 45CSR21 (VOC/RACT rule) to include 
    source categories previously exclude
        2. Revised new source permitting requirements requiring more 
    stringent emissions control technology and/or emissions offsets.
        3. NOx RACT requirements, if such requirements are not already 
        4. Stage II Vapor Recovery Regulations.
        5. Regulations to establish plant-wide emission caps (potentially 
    with emissions trading provisions).
        6. Implementation of basic (or enhanced) programs for motor vehicle 
    inspection and maintenance.
        One or more of these regulatory revisions would be selected within 
    three (3) months after verification of a monitored ozone standard 
    violation and a draft rule submitted to the WVOAQ.
        Quality assurance procedures must confirm the monitored violation 
    within 45 days of occurrence. The WVOAQ will be requested to adopt the 
    control measure(s) as emergency rule(s) which will be implemented 
    within six (6) months after adoption. EPA's approval of West Virginia's 
    redesignation request is contingent upon West Virginia promulgating a 
    revision to its contingency plan that includes a schedule for the 
    mandatory implementation of the selected contingency measures.
    5E. Subsequent Maintenance Plan Revisions
        In accordance with Section 175A(b) of the Act, the State of West 
    Virginia has agreed to submit a revised maintenance SIP eight years 
    after the area is redesignated to attainment. Such revised SIP will 
    provide for maintenance for an additional ten years. EPA has determined 
    that the maintenance plan adopted by the State of West Virginia and 
    submitted to EPA on November 13, 1992 meets the requirements of section 
    175A of the CAA. Therefore, EPA is proposing to approve the maintenance 
    plan submittal. In addition, EPA has determined that upon final 
    approval of the maintenance plan the provisions of section 
    107(d)(3)(E)(iv) for redesignation will have been met.
    Proposed Action
        EPA proposes to approve the ozone maintenance plan for the 
    Parkersburg, West Virginia area submitted by the State of West Virginia 
    on November 13, 1992 as a revision to the West Virginia SIP because it 
    meets the requirements of section 175A. In addition, EPA is proposing 
    to redesignate the Parkersburg, West Virginia nonattainment area to 
    attainment, subject to final approval of the maintenance plan, because 
    the Agency has determined that the provisions of section 107(d)(3)(E) 
    of the Act for redesignation of nonattainment areas to attainment have 
    been met.
        EPA is soliciting public comments on this notice and on issues 
    relevant to EPA's proposed action. Comments will be considered before 
    taking final action. Interested parties may participate in the federal 
    rulemaking procedure by submitting written comments to the person and 
    address listed in the ADDRESSES section at the beginning of this 
        Nothing in this action should be construed as permitting or 
    allowing or establishing a precedent for any future request for 
    revision to any SIP. Each request for revision to the SIP shall be 
    considered separately in light of specific technical, economic, and 
    environmental factors and in relation to relevant statutory and 
    regulatory requirements. Ozone State Implementation Plans (SIPs) are 
    designed to satisfy the requirements of part D of the Clean Air Act and 
    to provide for attainment and maintenance of the ozone NAAQS. Today's 
    proposed redesignation action should not be interpreted as authorizing 
    the State of West Virginia to delete, alter, or rescind any of the VOC 
    emission limitations and restrictions contained in the currently 
    approved ozone SIP. Changes to the ozone SIP's regulations rendering 
    them less stringent than those contained in the EPA approved plan 
    cannot be made unless a revised plan for attainment and maintenance is 
    submitted to and approved by EPA. Unauthorized relaxations, deletions, 
    and changes could result in both a finding of nonimplementation under 
    section 173(b) of the Act and in a SIP deficiency call made pursuant to 
    section 110(k)(5).
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 600 et seq., EPA 
    must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the impact of 
    any proposed or final rule on small entities. 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604. 
    Alternatively, EPA may certify that the rule will not have a 
    significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Small 
    entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises, 
    and government entities with jurisdiction over populations of less than 
    50,000. SIP approvals under section 110 and subchapter I, part D of the 
    CAA do not create any new requirements, but simply approve requirements 
    that the State is already imposing. Therefore, because the federal SIP-
    approval does not impose any new requirements, it does not have any 
    economic impact on any small entities. Redesignation of an area to 
    attainment under section 107(d)(3)(E) of the Act does not impose any 
    new requirements on small entities. Redesignation is an action that 
    affects the status of a geographical area and does not impose any 
    regulatory requirements on sources. Accordingly, I certify that EPA's 
    approval of West Virginia's request to redesignate the Parkersburg 
    ozone nonattainment area to attainment and the associated maintenance 
    plan will not have an impact on any small entities.
        The Office of Management and Budget has exempted this rule from the 
    requirements of section 6 of Executive Order 12866.
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 52
        Air pollution control, Hydrocarbons, Intergovernmental relations, 
    and Ozone.
    40 CFR Part 81
        Air pollution control, National Parks, Wilderness areas.
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
        Dated: March 28, 1994.
    Stanley L. Laskowski,
    Acting Regional Administrator, Region III.
    [FR Doc. 94-14172 Filed 6-9-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on July 11, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 10, 1994, WV24-1-6423, WV24-2-6424 FRL-4895-6
CFR: (2)
40 CFR 52
40 CFR 81