96-14623. Certain Refrigeration Compressors from the Republic of Singapore; Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 112 (Monday, June 10, 1996)]
    [Pages 29348-29350]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-14623]
    Certain Refrigeration Compressors from the Republic of Singapore; 
    Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review
    AGENCY: International Trade Administration/Import Administration/
    Department of Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty 
    Administrative Review.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce is conducting an administrative 
    review of the agreement suspending the countervailing duty 
    investigation on certain refrigeration compressors from the Republic of 
    Singapore. We preliminarily determine that the signatories have 
    complied with the terms of the suspension agreement during the period 
    April 1, 1993, through March 31, 1994. We invite interested parties to 
    comment on these preliminary results. Parties who submit arguments in 
    this proceeding are requested to submit with their argument (1) a 
    statement of the issue and (2) a brief summary of the argument.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: June 10, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rick Johnson or Jean Kemp, Office of 
    Agreements Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. 
    Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
        On November 30, 1994, the Government of the Republic of Singapore 
    (GOS), Matsushita Refrigeration Industries (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 
    (MARIS), and Asia Matsushita Electric (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (AMS), 
    requested an administrative review of the agreement suspending the 
    countervailing duty investigation on certain refrigeration compressors 
    from the Republic of Singapore (48 FR 51167, November 7, 1983). We 
    initiated the review, covering the period April 1, 1993, through March 
    31, 1994, on December 15, 1994 (59 FR 64650-1). The Department of 
    Commerce (the Department) sent out a questionnaire on February 27, 
    1995, and received a joint questionnaire response from the GOS, MARIS, 
    and AMS, on April 26, 1995. Subsequently, the Department sent out a 
    supplemental questionnaire on July 31, 1995 and received a joint 
    supplemental questionnaire response on August 25, 1995. Finally, the 
    Department sent out a second supplemental questionnaire on September 
    21, 1995 and received a joint supplemental questionnaire response on 
    October 2, 1995.
        The final results of the last administrative review in this case 
    were published on March 13, 1996 (60 FR 10315-18), which is on file in 
    the Central Records Unit (room B-099 of the Main Commerce Building).
    Applicable Statute and Regulations
        Unless otherwise indicated, all citations to the statute and to the 
    Department's regulations are in reference to the provisions as they 
    existed on December 31, 1994. However, references to the Department's 
    Countervailing Duties; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Request for 
    Public Comments (54 FR 23366; May 31, 1989) (Proposed Regulations), are 
    provided solely for further explanation of the Department's 
    countervailing duty practice. Although the Department has withdrawn the 
    particular rulemaking proceeding pursuant to which the Proposed 
    Regulations were issued, the subject matter of these regulations is 
    being considered in connection with an ongoing rulemaking proceeding 
    which, among other things, is intended to conform the Department's 
    regulations to the Uruguay Round Agreements Act. See 60 FR 80 (January 
    3, 1995).
    Scope of Review
        Imports covered by this review are shipments of hermetic 
    refrigeration compressors rated not over one-quarter horsepower from 
    Singapore. This merchandise is currently classified under Harmonized 
    Tariff Schedule (HTS) item number 8414.30.40. The HTS item number is 
    provided for convenience and Customs purposes. The written description 
    remains dispositive.
        The review period is April 1, 1993 through March 31, 1994, and 
    includes 6 programs. The review covers one producer and one exporter of 
    the subject merchandise, MARIS and AMS, respectively. These two 
    companies, along with the GOS, are the signatories to the suspension 
        Under the terms of the suspension agreement, the GOS agrees to 
    offset completely the amount of the net bounty or grant determined by 
    the Department in this proceeding to exist with respect to the subject 
    merchandise. The offset entails the collection by the GOS of an export 
    charge applicable to the subject merchandise exported on or after the 
    effective date of the agreement. See Certain Refrigeration Compressors 
    from the Republic of Singapore: Suspension of Countervailing Duty 
    Investigation, 48 FR 51167, 51170 (November 7, 1983).
    Analysis of Programs
    (1) The Economic Expansion Incentives Act--Part VI
        The Production for Export Programme under Part VI of the Economic 
    Expansion Incentives Act allows a 90-percent tax exemption on a 
    company's export profit if the GOS designates a company as an export 
    enterprise. In the investigation, the Department preliminarily found 
    this program to be countervailable because ``this tax exemption is 
    provided only to certified export enterprises.'' See Preliminary 
    Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination: Certain Refrigeration 
    Compressors from the Republic of Singapore, 48 FR 39109, 39110 (August 
    29, 1983). MARIS is designated as an export enterprise and used this 
    tax exemption during the period of review. AMS was not designated an 
    export enterprise under Part VI of the Economic Expansion Incentives 
    Act for the period of review.
        According to the Export Enterprise Certificate awarded to MARIS in 
    a letter dated May 12, 1981, MARIS is to receive this benefit on the 
    production of compressors, electrical parts and accessories for 
    refrigerators, and plastic refrigerators. To calculate the benefit, we 
    divided the tax savings claimed by MARIS under this program by the 
    f.o.b. value of total exports of products receiving the benefit, for 
    the period of review.
        MARIS' response to the Department's countervailing duty 
    questionnaire for this review indicated that MARIS deducted export 
    charges levied pursuant to the suspension agreement in
    [[Page 29349]]
    arriving at an adjusted profit figure, which was then used to calculate 
    exempt export profit for the review period. In the eighth 
    administrative review, the Department determined that the amount of the 
    export charge deduction must be added ``back to MARIS' export profit in 
    calculating MARIS' tax savings in order to offset the deduction of the 
    export charges in the review period.'' See Preliminary Results of 
    Countervailing Duty Review: Certain Refrigeration Compressors from 
    Singapore, 57 FR 31175 (July 14, 1992), upheld in Final Results of 
    Countervailing Duty Review: Certain Refrigeration Compressors from 
    Singapore, 57 FR 46539 (October 9, 1992). Therefore, as the Department 
    did in the tenth administrative review, in calculating the benefit from 
    this program, we have added back this deduction. On this basis, we 
    preliminarily determine the benefit from this program during the review 
    period to be 2.20 percent of the f.o.b. value of the merchandise.
    (2) Finance & Treasury Center (FTC)
        The Finance & Treasury Center Program allows for the taxation at a 
    concessionary rate of 10 percent on certain income earned by companies 
    providing treasury, investment, or financial services in Singapore for 
    their subsidiaries/affiliates outside Singapore. The FTC program under 
    Section 43E of the Singapore Income Tax Act has been in effect since 
    April 1, 1989 (since Singapore tax ``year of assessment 1991''). 
    According to the response, 10 companies' applications to the FTC 
    program had been received and approved by March 31, 1994, including 
    AMS. Every company which has applied to the program has been accepted. 
    MARIS did not participate in the program for the period of review.
        The Department examined this program in the tenth review and found 
    it to be de facto specific, and therefore countervailable. See Certain 
    Refrigeration Compressors from Singapore; Final Results of 
    Countervailing Duty Administrative Review (``Final Results''), 60 FR 
    10315-16 (March 13, 1996). The Department also stated in its 
    preliminary results for the tenth review that, ``(b)ecause it is 
    probable that participation in the FTC program by MNCs in Singapore 
    could change over time, in future reviews we may re-examine the 
    circumstances which have led the Department to find the program de 
    facto specific, should any new information about the program's 
    specificity arise.'' See Certain Refrigeration Compressors from the 
    Republic of Singapore: Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty 
    Administrative Review (``Preliminary Results''), 59 FR 59749, 59750 
    (November 18, 1994).
        Because the numbers for firms and industries participating remain 
    unchanged from the tenth review, the Department continues to find the 
    FTC program de facto specific, and therefore countervailable.
        To calculate the benefit, we divided the tax savings attributable 
    to the subject merchandise under this program by the value of all AMS 
    product sales for the period of review. On this basis, we preliminarily 
    determine the benefit from this program during the review period to be 
    0.02 percent of the f.o.b. value of the merchandise.
    (3) The Investment Allowance Program
        The Investment Allowance Program under Part X of the Economic 
    Expansion Incentives Act provides tax allowances for investment in 
    automated/mechanized systems. The program is available to companies 
    engaged in the manufacturing of any product, the provision of services, 
    or any of a wide variety of additional activities. In the tenth 
    administrative review, the Department determined that this program is 
    not countervailable. (See Preliminary Results at 59751, upheld in the 
    Final Results, 10315). Additionally, according to the response, AMS 
    (which has qualified for this program) did not use this program for the 
    period of review. Therefore, barring new information, the Department 
    will not consider this program in future reviews.
    (4) Technical Assistance Fees/Royalty Payments
        Under Part IX of the Economic Expansion Incentives Act, payment by 
    Singaporean companies of license, royalty, and technical assistance 
    fees to offshore companies is exempted from withholding tax in 
    Singapore. MARIS receives tax exempt treatment for its payment of 
    technical assistance fees to its Japanese parent and to another related 
    party in Japan. AMS did not use this program during the period of 
        However, in the tenth administrative review, the Department 
    concluded that there was no evidence on the record to indicate that the 
    TAF program provided any direct or indirect benefits, including 
    countervailable benefits, for the period of review. See Final Results 
    at 10317-18. The Department has no evidence that the program operated 
    differently for this review period. Therefore, absent new information, 
    the Department will not consider this program in future reviews.
    (5) Operational Headquarters Program
        The Operational Headquarters Program (OHQ) is a program under which 
    companies are eligible to receive certain tax concessions for up to ten 
    years on income arising from a company's overseas affiliated companies. 
    Income arising from the provision of qualifying services is subject to 
    a concessionary tax rate of 10 percent. AMS had OHQ status during the 
    period of review, while MARIS did not.
        In the Final Results (at 10317) of the tenth review, the Department 
    stated that it ``found in previous reviews and verified in [the tenth] 
    review that no benefits are conferred upon the subject merchandise.'' 
    For the current period of review, the Department notes that the terms 
    of the program regarding qualifying income in the case of AMS have not 
    changed in such a way as to qualify any of AMS' income related to 
    subject merchandise. Therefore, the Department preliminarily determines 
    that because AMS has not used this program in connection with the 
    subject merchandise, the OHQ program confers no benefits which would be 
    countervailable under the terms of the suspension agreement.
    (6) Financing through the Monetary Authority of Singapore
        Under the terms of the suspension agreement, MARIS and AMS agreed 
    not to apply for or receive any financing provided by the rediscount 
    facility of the Monetary Authority of Singapore for shipments of the 
    subject merchandise to the United States. We determined during the 
    review that neither MARIS nor AMS received any financing through the 
    Monetary Authority of Singapore on the subject merchandise exported to 
    the United States during the review period. Therefore, we preliminarily 
    determine that both companies have complied with this clause of the 
    Preliminary Results of Review
        The suspension agreement states that the GOS will offset completely 
    with an export charge the net bounty or grant calculated by the 
    Department. As a result of our review, we preliminarily determine that 
    the signatories have complied with the terms of the suspension 
    agreement, including the payment of the provisional export charges in 
    effect for the period April 1, 1993 through March 31, 1994. We also 
    preliminarily determine the net bounty or grant to be 2.22 percent of 
    the f.o.b. value of the merchandise for the April
    [[Page 29350]]
    1, 1993 through March 31, 1994 review period.
        Following the methodology outlined in section B.4 of the agreement, 
    the Department preliminarily determines that, for the period April 1, 
    1993 through March 31, 1994, a negative adjustment may be made to the 
    provisional export charge rate in effect. The adjustments will equal 
    the difference between the provisional rate in effect during the review 
    period and the rate determined in this review, plus interest. This 
    rate, established in the notice of the final results of the eighth 
    administrative reviews of the suspension agreement, was 5.52 percent. 
    See Certain Refrigeration Compressors from the Republic of Singapore; 
    Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review, 57 FR 46540 
    (October 9, 1992). The GOS may refund or credit, in accordance with 
    section B.4.c of the agreement, the difference, plus interest, 
    calculated in accordance with section 778(b) of the Tariff Act, within 
    30 days of notification by the Department. The Department will notify 
    the GOS of these adjustments after publication of the final results of 
    this review.
        If the final results of this review remain the same as these 
    preliminary results, the Department intends to notify the GOS that the 
    provisional export charge rate on all exports to the United States with 
    Outward Declarations filed on or after the date of publication of the 
    final results of this administrative review shall be 2.22 percent of 
    the f.o.b. value of the merchandise.
        The agreement can remain in force only as long as shipments from 
    the signatories account for at least 85 percent of imports of the 
    subject refrigeration compressors into the United States. Information 
    on the record of this review indicates that the two signatory companies 
    accounted for 100 percent of imports into the United States from 
    Singapore of this merchandise during the review period.
        Parties to the proceeding may request disclosure of the calculation 
    methodology and interested parties may request a hearing not later than 
    10 days after the date of publication of this notice. Pursuant to 19 
    CFR 355.38(c), interested parties may submit written comments in case 
    briefs on these preliminary results within 30 days of the date of 
    publication. Rebuttal briefs, limited to arguments raised in case 
    briefs, may be submitted seven days after the time limit for filing the 
    case brief. Any hearing, if requested, will be held seven days after 
    the scheduled date for submission of rebuttal briefs. Copies of case 
    briefs and rebuttal briefs must be served on interested parties in 
    accordance with 19 CFR 355.38(e).
        Representatives of parties to the proceeding may request disclosure 
    of proprietary information under administrative protective order no 
    later than 10 days after the representative's client or employer 
    becomes a party to the proceeding, but in no event later than the date 
    the case briefs are due.
        The Department will publish the final results of this 
    administrative review, including the results of its analysis of issues 
    raised in any case or rebuttal brief, or at a hearing.
        This administrative review and notice are in accordance with 
    section 751(a)(1) of the Tariff Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(a)(1)) and 19 CFR 
        Dated: June 4, 1996.
    Paul L. Joffe,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    [FR Doc. 96-14623 Filed 6-7-96; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
Commerce Department
Entry Type:
Notice of Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review.
Document Number:
June 10, 1996.
29348-29350 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: