[Federal Register Volume 64, Number 112 (Friday, June 11, 1999)]
[Pages 31651-31652]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 99-14875]
[Notice 99-075]
National Environmental Policy Act; Ames Research Center;
Aerodynamics Testing Program
AGENCY: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
ACTION: Notice of availability of the final environmental impact
statement (FEIS) for the NASA Ames Aerodynamics Testing Program.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the Council on
Environmental Quality Regulations for Implementing the Procedural
Provisions of NEPA (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508), and NASA policy and
procedures (14 CFR Part 1216 Subpart 1216.3), NASA has prepared and
issued a FEIS for the proposed NASA Ames Aerodynamics Testing Program
(ATP). The FEIS addresses environmental issues associated with proposed
wind tunnel testing of high performance aircraft powered by engines
with supersonic jet exhaust and powered-lift systems in the National
Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC) at NASA Ames Research Center
(ARC), Santa Clara County, California. The ATP proposes to define the
envelope of future wind tunnel testing in the NFAC and change the
operational parameters for testing in two facilities at ARC: the 40- by
80-foot Wind Tunnel and the 80- by 120-Foot Wind Tunnel. This program
would increase maximum noise levels but would not increase the number
of wind tunnel operation hours.
NASA's preferred alternative, Alternative 2, would allow 600 hours
annually of full-scale wind tunnel testing of advanced aircraft
technologies, but would limit the higher noise aerodynamic testing to
daytime hours (i.e., between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.).
NASA has developed and issued a Mitigation Implementation Plan for
the Agency's preferred alternative.
DATES: NASA will take no final action on the proposed ATP before July
12, 1999 or 30 days from the date of publication in the Federal
Register of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's notice of
availability of the ATP FEIS, whichever is later.
ADDRESSES: The FEIS and Mitigation Implementation Plan can be reviewed
at the following locations:
(a) Mountain View Public Library, Reference Section, 585 Franklin
Street, Mountain View, CA (650-903-6887).
(b) Sunnyvale Public Library, Reference Section, 665 West Olive
Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA (408-730-7300).
(c) NASA Headquarters, Library, Room lJ20, 300 E Street SW,
Washington, DC 20546 (202-358-0167).
(d) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Visitors Lobby, Building 249, 4800
Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109 (818-354-5179).
(e) NASA, Spaceport USA, Room 2001, John F. Kennedy Space Center,
FL 32899. Please call Lisa Fowler beforehand at 407-867-2497, so that
arrangements can be made.
In addition, the FEIS and Mitigation Implementation Plan can be
examined at the following NASA locations by contacting the pertinent
Freedom of Information Act Office:
(a) NASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035 (650-604-
(b) NASA, Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards AFB, (661-258-
(c) NASA, Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, 21000 Brookpark
Road, Cleveland, OH 44135 (216-433-2755).
(d) NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771(301-286-
(e) NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058 (281-483-8612).
(f) NASA, Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23665 (757-864-
(g) NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812 (256-
(h) NASA, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529 (228-688-2164).
Limited copies of the FEIS and Mitigation Implementation Plan are
available, on a first request basis, by contacting Sandra Olliges at
the address, telephone number, or electronic mail address provided
Research Center, M.S. 218-1/Building 218, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000;
telephone 650-604-3355; electronic mail (solliges@mail.arc.nasa.gov).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Better performance and decreased operational
costs are necessary and critical components of future generations of
high-performance military and civil aircraft development programs.
High-performance aircraft share common requirements for testing with
propulsion systems of very high thrust and increased jet exhaust
velocities, which will tend to produce noise levels greater than
present airplanes. These include new vertical take-off and landing
fighter jets, as well as future generation supersonic civil transports.
The key to the successful development of these future generation
aircraft is testing of the actual propulsion systems installed in full-
scale models. The NFAC at ARC is the only test facility in the world
that has this capability. Conducting such tests would provide a key
capability for helping ensure the long-term dominance of U.S. aircraft
in both the military environment and commercial marketplace.
The X-32/X-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) testing project could be
one of the first projects implemented under the ATP. The X-32/X-35 test
aircraft and associated proposed testing project established the
operational boundaries of high-noise testing in the NFAC wind tunnel
facilities for the ATP. Testing at ARC for the High Speed Civil
Transport program, which is developing new technology for supersonic
civilian airliners that are economically viable and more
environmentally friendly, is another program that could fall under the
envelope of the ATP.
The JSF program is investigating the technical feasibility of
fielding an affordable, military viable, multi-service aircraft in the
2010 time frame. This program currently has a dual experimental
aircraft designation of X-32 and X-35. The JSF concept currently has
three variations: (1) A Short Takeoff Vertical Landing attack aircraft
for the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.K. Royal Navy; (2) a U.S. Air Force
Conventional Takeoff and Landing multi-role fighter aircraft; and (3)
an aircraft carrier capable fighter/attack aircraft for the U.S. Navy.
The X-32/X-35 JSF program provides a unique opportunity to potentially
develop a truly common and affordable aircraft for expeditionary naval
forces and fixed-base land use.
It is important to note that the specific tests discussed in the
FEIS may be representative of future test requirements not specifically
identified to date. Therefore, this ATP FEIS will serve as a baseline
document for the environmental evaluation of subsequent testing at Ames
Research Center. The FEIS addresses common elements of such testing in
a single document and provides detailed information on each
[[Page 31652]]
aspect of the ATP to the extent that such data are available.
Programmatic and test specific alternatives for this proposed
testing that were considered include, but are not necessarily limited
to: (1) Alternative daily time periods for typical testing activities;
(2) modification of the testing procedures to reduce noise levels; (3)
tests at a location other than Ames Research Center; and (4)
elimination of the proposed ATP--``no action.'' As a result of
preliminary analysis, the FEIS considers four alternatives in detail,
including the ``no action'' alternative. The three action alternatives
considered in detail would create the same maximum noise levels but
differ primarily in the number of testing hours permitted annually and
the daily time periods for different testing noise levels.
The FEIS considers the potential environmental impacts associated
with the proposed ATP. Particular emphasis is placed on potentially
incurred noise impacts and air emissions associated with the testing.
The FEIS is a program-level Environmental Impact Statement and
thus, analyzes the environmental impacts of implementing a proposed new
operational protocol for aerodynamics testing at ARC in the NFAC wind
tunnel complex. The ATP would be made up of smaller, specific, limited
duration and scope projects, such as the X-32/X-35 JSF testing project.
If the ATP were adopted, any future testing project would be required
to comply with the parameters of the ATP. NASA would be required to
determine whether each proposed aerodynamics testing project is
consistent with the ATP. If such a proposed aerodynamics testing
project does not comply the ATP, assuming that ATP were adopted,
additional environmental analysis and NEPA documentation would be
prepared, as appropriate, before any final decision is made.
Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) were
solicited from Federal, State, and local agencies, organizations, and
the general public through: (a) notices published in the Federal
Register--NASA notice on June 28, 1995, (60 FR 33438) and U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency notice on June 30, 1995, (60 FR 34246),
(b) notices in the San Jose Mercury News and the La Oferta Review, (c)
direct mailing of a fact sheet to persons within the proposed noise
contours, and (d) a series of public participation meetings. A total of
13 written and 32 oral comments (arising during public meetings on the
DEIS), primarily related to noise, were provided on the DEIS. These
comments have been addressed in the FEIS.
Jeffrey E. Sutton,
Associate Administrator for Management Systems.
[FR Doc. 99-14875 Filed 6-10-99; 8:45 am]