96-14896. Notice of Intent To Prepare Environmental Impact Statement; Shutdown of the River Water System at the Savannah River Site  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 114 (Wednesday, June 12, 1996)]
    [Pages 29744-29745]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-14896]
    Notice of Intent To Prepare Environmental Impact Statement; 
    Shutdown of the River Water System at the Savannah River Site
    AGENCY: Department of Energy.
    ACTION: Notice of intent.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (DOE) announces its intent to prepare 
    an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), pursuant to the National 
    Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, for the proposed shutdown of 
    the River Water System at the Savannah River Site (SRS). The River 
    Water System was originally constructed to pump large quantities of 
    cooling water from the Savannah River to five nuclear reactors at SRS. 
    Since all of the reactors are shut down, no cooling water is required. 
    DOE invites the public, organizations, and agencies to present oral or 
    written comments concerning (1) the scope of the EIS, (2) the issues 
    the EIS should address, and (3) the alternatives the EIS should 
    DATES: The public scoping period will continue until July 12, 1996. 
    Written comments submitted by mail should be postmarked by that date to 
    ensure consideration. DOE will consider comments mailed after that date 
    to the extent practicable. On June 27, 1996, DOE will conduct a public 
    scoping meeting to assist in defining the appropriate scope of the EIS 
    and identifying significant environmental issues to be addressed. This 
    meeting will be held at the following times and location: June 27, 
    1996; 1-4 and 6-9 pm; North Augusta Community Center, 495 Brookside 
    Drive, North Augusta, S.C.
    ADDRESSES: Please direct comments or suggestions on the scope of the 
    EIS, requests to speak at the public scoping meeting, and questions 
    concerning the project to: Mr. Andrew R. Grainger, U.S. Department of 
    Energy, Savannah River Operations Office, P.O. Box A, Aiken, S.C. 
    29802, 1-800-242-8269, E-mail: nepa@barms036.br.com
        Mark the envelopes: ``River Water System EIS Comments''.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information on the DOE 
    NEPA process, please contact: Ms. Carol M. Borgstrom, Director, Office 
    of NEPA Policy and Assistance (EH-42), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 
    Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20585, telephone: 202-586-
    4600 or leave a message at 1-800-472-2756.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SRS is an 800-square-kilometer (300 square 
    mile) controlled area located in southwestern South Carolina. The Site 
    is approximately 25 miles southeast of Augusta, Georgia, and 20 miles 
    south of Aiken, South Carolina. Since its establishment, the mission of 
    SRS has been to produce nuclear materials that support the defense, 
    research, and medical programs of the United States.
        Because of the end of the Cold War and the reduction in the size of 
    the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, the need for production of new 
    nuclear materials has been reduced dramatically. As a result, 
    activities at SRS have shifted from nuclear material production to 
    cleanup and environmental restoration. DOE developed the Savannah River 
    Operations Office Strategic Plan in order to guide SRS in meeting this 
    changing mission. The Strategic Plan directs SRS to identify excess 
    infrastructure and develop action plans for its disposition. DOE has 
    identified the River Water System as potential surplus infrastructure.
        The River Water System was originally constructed to pump large 
    quantities of cooling water from the Savannah River to all five 
    production reactors at SRS. Heated discharge water from the reactors 
    was returned to the Savannah River via several onsite streams and 
    creeks. In 1958, Par Pond was constructed to dissipate the thermal 
    effluent from P- and R-Reactors. In 1984, L-Lake was constructed to 
    dissipate the thermal effluent from L-Reactor. However, all production 
    reactors are now shut down. Operationally, there is no longer a need to 
    provide cooling water, except for some small air conditioning and 
    equipment cooling loads in K-, L-, and P-Reactor Areas.
        The River Water System maintains L Lake and Par Pond water levels 
    at their normal operating values. As analyzed in an Environmental 
    Assessment performed in 1995 (Environmental Assessment for the Natural 
    Fluctuation of Water Level in Par Pond and Reduced Water Flow in Steel 
    Creek Below L Lake at the Savannah River Site, DOE/EA-1070), Par Pond 
    water level is currently allowed to fluctuate naturally, but the River 
    Water System is used to prevent the water level from falling below 195 
    feet above mean sea level.
    Proposed Action and Alternatives
        The Department proposes to shut down the River Water System and to
    [[Page 29745]]
    place all or part of the system in standby condition. Under the 
    proposed ``standby'' alternative, portions of the River Water System 
    could be placed in a variety of conditions. For example, surplus 
    portions of the River Water System could be shut down and deactivated. 
    Those portions of the River Water System that are deactivated would not 
    be capable of being restarted. However, other portions of the River 
    Water System could be placed in a ``layup'' condition in order to 
    support potential future missions. In the layup condition, equipment 
    would be shut down, but preserved so that restart would be possible.
        Alternatively, some portions of the River Water System could be 
    placed in a higher state of readiness than in ``layup'' condition; such 
    portions of the River Water System could be restarted in a relatively 
    short period of time. Short term cost savings would be minimal, but 
    this condition would allow DOE to maintain a great degree of 
    flexibility. Unlike the ``shutdown and deactivate'' alternative 
    described below, the River Water System could be available to mitigate 
    or even reverse the impacts of the proposed action, if deemed 
        Two alternatives to the proposed action are under consideration. 
    The first alternative is to continue current River Water System 
    operation (this is the no-action alternative). Under this alternative, 
    the River Water System would continue to provide water to maintain L 
    Lake and Par Pond water levels. The second alternative is to shut down 
    and deactivate the entire River Water System. Under this alternative, 
    alternative water sources (such as from ground water) would be needed 
    to provide for minor non-reactor cooling requirements (air 
    conditioning, small equipment cooling, etc.) The cessation of river 
    water input to L Lake would result in the gradual disappearance of the 
    lake and its return to original creek conditions over the next several 
    Preliminary Identification of Environmental and Other Issues
        The Department has identified the following issues for analysis for 
    proposed and alternative actions in the EIS. Additional issues may be 
    identified as a result of the scoping process.
        (1) Public and Worker Safety and Health Risk Assessment: 
    radiological and nonradiological impacts of the proposed action and 
    alternatives, including projected effects on workers and the public 
    from expected and potential conditions.
        (2) Impacts from releases to air, water, and soil.
        (3) Impacts to plants, animals, and habitat, including impacts to 
    wetlands, and threatened or endangered species and their habitat.
        (4) The consumption of natural resources and energy including 
    water, natural gas, and electricity.
        (5) Socioeconomic impacts to affected communities from operation 
    labor forces and support services in the SRS area.
        (6) Environmental justice: disproportionately high and adverse 
    human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income 
        (7) Impacts to cultural resources such as historic, archaeological, 
    scientific, or culturally important sites.
        (8) Status of compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and 
    local statutes and regulations; required Federal and state 
    environmental consultations and notifications; and DOE Orders on waste 
    management, waste minimization initiatives, and environmental 
        (9) Cumulative impacts from the proposed action and other past, 
    present, and reasonably foreseeable actions at the Savannah River Site.
        (10) Potential irreversible and irretrievable commitments of 
    Related NEPA Documentation
        Completed and ongoing environmental reviews may affect the scope of 
    this EIS. Background information and documents, listed below, on past, 
    present, and future activities at the Savannah River Site are available 
    in DOE public reading rooms.
    Continued Operation of K-, L-, and P-Reactors (DOE/EIS-0147, 1990).
    Interim Management of Nuclear Materials (DOE/EIS-0220, 1995).
    L-Reactor Operation (DOE/EIS-0108, 1984).
    Environmental Assessment for the Natural Fluctuation of Water Level in 
    Par Pond and Reduced Water Flow in Steel Creek Below L-Lake at the 
    Savannah River Site (DOE/EA-1070, 1995).
    Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management (DOE/EIS-0203, 1995).
    Proposed Nuclear Weapons Nonproliferation Policy Concerning Foreign 
    Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel (DOE/EIS-0218, 1996).
    Savannah River Site Waste Management (DOE/EIS-0217, 1995).
        Please direct written comments assisting DOE in identifying 
    significant environmental issues and defining the appropriate scope of 
    the EIS to Mr. Andrew R. Grainger at the address indicated above. DOE 
    also invites agencies, organizations, and the general public to present 
    oral comments pertinent to the preparation of this EIS at the public 
    scoping meeting on the date indicated above. Organizations and 
    individuals wishing to participate in the public meeting can call 1-
    800-242-8269 between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM (Eastern time zone) Monday 
    through Friday, or submit their requests to Mr. Grainger at the address 
    indicated above. DOE requests that anyone who wishes to speak at the 
    scoping meeting preregister by contacting Mr. Grainger, either by phone 
    or in writing. Preregistration should occur at least two days before 
    the designated meeting. Persons who have not preregistered to speak may 
    register at the meeting and will be called on to speak as time permits. 
    In addition, DOE will accept comments electronically via voice mail or 
    facsimile transmission by calling 1-800-242-8269. DOE is committed to 
    providing opportunities for the involvement of interested individuals 
    and groups in this and other DOE planning activities; consequently, DOE 
    will give equal consideration to all comments.
        Issued in Washington, D.C., this 5th day of June, 1996.
    Peter N. Brush,
    Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Environment, Safety and Health.
    [FR Doc. 96-14896 Filed 6-11-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Notice of intent.
Document Number:
The public scoping period will continue until July 12, 1996. Written comments submitted by mail should be postmarked by that date to ensure consideration. DOE will consider comments mailed after that date to the extent practicable. On June 27, 1996, DOE will conduct a public scoping meeting to assist in defining the appropriate scope of the EIS
29744-29745 (2 pages)
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