98-15697. National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research; Notice of Final Funding Priorities for Fiscal Years 1998-1999 for Certain Centers  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 113 (Friday, June 12, 1998)]
    [Pages 32526-32539]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-15697]
    [[Page 32525]]
    Part IV
    Department of Education
    National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research; Notice of 
    Final Funding Priorities for Fiscal Years 1998-1999 for Certain Centers 
    and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services; Notice 
    Inviting Applications for New Rehabilitation Research and Training 
    Centers and New Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers for Fiscal 
    Year 1998
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 113 / Friday, June 12, 1998 / 
    [[Page 32526]]
    National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research; 
    Notice of Final Funding Priorities for Fiscal Years 1998-1999 for 
    Certain Centers
    SUMMARY: The Secretary announces funding priorities for three 
    Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (RRTCs) and four 
    Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) under the National 
    Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) for fiscal 
    years 1998-1999. The Secretary takes this action to focus research 
    attention on areas of national need. These priorities are intended to 
    improve rehabilitation services and outcomes for individuals with 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This priority takes effect on July 13, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Donna Nangle. Telephone: (202) 205-
    5880. Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf 
    (TDD) may call the TDD number at (202) 205-5516. Internet: 
        Individuals with disabilities may obtain this document in an 
    alternate format (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer 
    diskette) on request to the contact person listed in the preceding 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice contains final priorities under 
    the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program 
    for three RRTCs related to: aging with a disability, arthritis 
    rehabilitation, and stroke rehabilitation. The notice also contains 
    final priorities for four RERCs related to: prosthetics and orthotics, 
    wheeled mobility, technology transfer, and telerehabilitation.
        These final priorities support the National Education Goal that 
    calls for every adult American to possess the skills necessary to 
    compete in a global economy.
        The authority for the Secretary to establish research priorities by 
    reserving funds to support particular research activities is contained 
    in sections 202(g) and 204 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as 
    amended (29 U.S.C. 761a(g) and 762).
        Note: This notice of final priorities does not solicit 
    applications. A notice inviting applications is published in this 
    issue of the Federal Register.
    Analysis of Comments and Changes
        On March 3, 1998, the Secretary published a notice of proposed 
    priorities in the Federal Register (62 FR 10428-10437). The Department 
    of Education received forty-five letters commenting on the notice of 
    proposed priority by the deadline date. Technical and other minor 
    changes--and suggested changes the Secretary is not legally authorized 
    to make under statutory authority--are not addressed.
    Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers--General
        Comment: One commenter suggested that NIDRR should do more than 
    encourage all Centers to involve individuals with disabilities as 
    recipients of research training and clinical training. A second 
    commenter suggested that RRTCs should be required to hire individuals 
    with disabilities.
        Discussion: Involvement of individuals with disabilities is one of 
    the general requirements that apply to all RRTCs. All RRTCs must 
    ``involve individuals with disabilities and, if appropriate, their 
    representatives, in planning and implementing its research, training, 
    and dissemination activities, and in evaluating the Center.'' 
    Applications for RRTCs are evaluated, in part, on the extent to which 
    the applicant encourages individuals with disabilities to apply for 
        Changes: None.
        Comment: NIDRR received a comment in response to the proposed 
    priority on Arthritis Rehabilitation that suggested that NIDRR require 
    the RRTC to collaborate with arthritis-related organizations as well as 
    other RRTCs.
        Discussion: This comment prompted a general review of all of the 
    collaboration and coordination requirements contained in the proposed 
    RRTC and RERC priorities to determine their appropriateness and 
    consistency. That review revealed some inconsistency in language 
    requiring clarification.
        Changes: The RRTC priorities have been revised to clarify that 
    having met the stated collaboration or coordination requirements, each 
    RRTC has the authority to collaborate or coordinate with other entities 
    carrying out related activities.
        Comment: NIDRR received comments in a preceding FY 98 RERC 
    competition that suggested that the requirements for conducting a 
    state-of-the-science conference and publishing a final report should be 
    more flexible.
        Discussion: As a result of this comment, NIDRR revised the general 
    state-of-the-science conference and final report requirement in the 
    preceding priority. The following reason was provided for this change: 
    ``Information from the state-of-the-science conference will be used, in 
    conjunction with NIDRR's programs reviews and other inputs in the 
    determination of future research issues and as part of NIDRR's 
    Government Performance Results Act database. The budget planning 
    process requires this information to be available during the fourth 
    year of a five year grant. As long as the report is available in the 
    fourth year of the grant, grantees should have as much flexibility as 
    possible in regard to the scheduling of the state-of-the-science 
        Changes: To be consistent with the state-of-the-science conference 
    requirement used in the previous priority, it has been revised in the 
    RRTC and RERC priorities to allow grantees total discretion in 
    scheduling the conference.
    Priority 1: Aging With a Disability
        Comment: Research and training on aging with a disability should be 
        Discussion: An applicant could propose to carry out the RRTC's 
    research and training activities using an interdisciplinary model. The 
    peer review process will evaluate the merits of the proposal. However, 
    NIDRR has no basis to determine that all applicants should be 
    prohibited from proposing other models.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The priority should include health promotion and wellness 
    programs in the second activity on reducing aging's impact on health 
        Discussion: An applicant could propose to include health promotion 
    and wellness programs in the second activity of the priority. The peer 
    review process will evaluate the merits of the proposal. However, NIDRR 
    has no basis to determine that all applicants should be required to 
    include health promotion and wellness programs in their efforts to 
    address reducing aging's impact on health status.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The fourth activity on psychosocial adjustment should be 
    expanded to include community integration in order to address broader 
    community resource issues such as access to health care and employment.
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees that expanding the scope of the fourth 
    activity to include community integration will enable the RRTC to 
    address a wider range of important issues. It will also provide 
    applicants with more discretion to propose activities that address a 
    wider range of issues related to psychosocial adjustment.
        Changes: Community integration has been added to the fourth 
    activity of the priority.
    [[Page 32527]]
    Priority 2: Arthritis Rehabilitation
        Comment: The RRTC should study managed care in order to enable 
    persons with expertise in arthritis to contribute to this burgeoning 
    field of interest.
        Discussion: The impact of managed care on the provision of services 
    to persons with arthritis is an important area. However, it is not 
    feasible, considering the complexity of the topic, for the RRTC to 
    address managed care in addition to the current requirements in the 
        Changes: None.
    Priority 3: Stroke Rehabilitation
        Comment: The RRTC should address reducing the incidence and impact 
    of coexisting and secondary conditions on stroke survivors. These 
    conditions are not only common in all age groups of stroke survivors, 
    but also have a significant impact on the course, care, and outcome of 
    stroke rehabilitation efforts.
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees that including coexisting and secondary 
    conditions within the activities of the RRTC constitutes a more 
    comprehensive approach to stroke rehabilitation.
        Changes: The first activity has been revised to include coexisting 
    and secondary conditions.
    Rehabilitation Engineering and Research Centers--General
        Comment: The priorities should be broadened to include a field-
    initiated activity for grants smaller in scope.
        Discussion: NIDRR's field-initiated projects competition is held 
    annually. Therefore, including a field-initiated activity within an 
    RERC priority is unnecessary.
        Changes: None.
    Priority 4: Prosthetics and Orthotics (P and O)
        Comment: The RERC should be required to address the human-
    technology interface.
        Discussion: The second activity requires the RERC to address 
    selecting and fitting prosthetic and orthotic devices. The human-
    technology interface is a required step in this process. Therefore, an 
    additional requirement addressing human-technology interface is 
        Changes: None.
    Priority 5: Wheeled Mobility
        Comment: Three commenters suggested broadening the priority to 
    address new technologies in the area of wheeled mobility. One commenter 
    specifically suggested requiring the RRTC to investigate advanced 
    electric powered wheelchair controls and develop new wheelchair 
    technology to increase performance and accessibility while reducing 
    cost and preventing secondary disability.
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees that research on new technologies in the 
    area of wheeled mobility is needed. NIDRR believes that applicants 
    should have as much discretion as possible in this emerging area. Under 
    the revised priority (see below) an applicant could propose to 
    investigate advanced electric powered wheelchair controls or develop 
    new wheelchair technology to increase performance and accessibility 
    while reducing cost and preventing secondary disability. The peer 
    review process will evaluate the merits of these proposals. NIDRR also 
    has no basis to determine that all applicants should be required to 
    investigate advanced electric powered wheelchair controls or develop 
    new wheelchair technology to increase performance and accessibility 
    while reducing cost and preventing secondary disability.
        Changes: The priority has been revised to require the RRTC to 
    develop and evaluate new technologies in the area of wheeled mobility.
        Comment: Thirteen commenters expressed concern about the need for 
    continued research activities related to wheelchair transportation 
    safety issues.
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees with the commenters that issues remain to 
    be addressed in regard to wheelchair transportation safety. An 
    applicant could propose to include wheelchair transportation safety 
    issues in the activity to develop and evaluate new technologies in the 
    area of wheeled mobility. The peer review process will evaluate the 
    merits of the proposal. However, NIDRR has no basis to determine that 
    all applicants should be required to carry out research on wheelchair 
    transportation safety issues.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The fifth activity should be expanded to include voluntary 
    performance standards for wheelchairs, and the sixth activity should be 
    expanded to include outcome measurement tools or quantifying seating 
    and mobility interventions.
        Discussion: Expanding the fifth and sixth activities as suggested 
    by the commenter is not necessary because an applicant could propose 
    the commenter's suggestions under the new requirement to develop and 
    evaluate new technologies in the area of wheeled mobility.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Researchers have recently demonstrated wheelchair control 
    systems that augment human motion control. Given the relevance of this 
    area of research and the success of state-of-the-art prototypes, it is 
    recommended that the commercialization of augmented wheelchair control 
    systems be a requirement of this priority.
        Discussion: The RERC can carry out research on augmented wheelchair 
    control systems, however, commercialization of augmented wheelchair 
    control systems is outside the scope and purpose of the RERC.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: It may be unclear to applicants why it is important to 
    integrate external devices with wheelchairs. The priority could be 
    improved by adding the word ``control'' to the second activity.
        Discussion: The background section elaborates on the importance of 
    control systems for external devices. NIDRR agrees that including 
    ``control'' in the second activity will clarify the purpose of the 
    second activity.
        Changes: The second activity has been revised to include control of 
    external devices.
        Comment: A fundamental need before outcome measures can be 
    developed for wheelchair seating is to develop the standardized 
    measures and terminology that will define and allow communication about 
    the quantification of the wheelchair seated posture. The sixth activity 
    regarding the development and evaluation of outcome measurement tools 
    should be revised to include standardized measures and terminology of 
    seated posture.
        Discussion: An applicant could propose to develop and evaluate 
    standardized measures and terminology of seated posture under the sixth 
    activity of the priority. The peer review process will evaluate the 
    merits of this proposal. However, NIDRR has no basis to determine that 
    all applicants should be required to develop and evaluate standardized 
    measures and terminology of seated posture.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The RERC should be required to investigate injury risk and 
    assess technologies and strategies that will enhance wheelchair safety.
        Discussion: An applicant could propose to investigate injury risk 
    and assess technologies and strategies that will enhance wheelchair 
    safety under the new requirement to develop and evaluate new 
    technologies in the area of wheeled mobility. The peer review process 
    will evaluate the merits of the proposal. However, NIDRR has no basis 
    to determine that all applicants should be required to investigate 
    injury risk and assess technologies and strategies that will enhance 
    wheelchair safety.
        Changes: None.
    [[Page 32528]]
    Priority 6: Technology Transfer
        Comment: The background section should be expanded to discuss 
    technology commercialization and technology utilization.
        Discussion: Commercialization and technology utilization are key 
    components of technology transfer. Commercialization and technology 
    utilization are referred to in a variety of ways throughout the 
    background section.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The words ``technology transfer'' should be added to the 
    third and fourth activities in order to clarify that the RERC is 
    expected to address the continuum of technology transfer activities.
        Discussion: The third and fourth activities address specific 
    development, evaluation, design, and dissemination tasks. It is not 
    necessary to include the words ``technology transfer'' in order to 
    understand these requirements or ensure that the continuum of 
    technology transfer activities will be pursued by applicants.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The RERC should be required to carry out demonstration 
    activities. Technology transfer needs to be demonstrated using 
    assistive technology products that are consumer and market responsive.
        Discussion: As reflected in the priority and the selection criteria 
    that will be used to evaluate applications, the RERC is required to 
    carry out research, development, training, dissemination, utilization, 
    and technical assistance activities. Having met the requirements to 
    complete these activities, an applicant could propose to carry out 
    related demonstration activities. However, NIDRR has no basis to 
    determine that all applicants should be required to carry out 
    demonstration activities.
        Changes: None.
    Proposed Priority 7: Telerehabilitation
        Comment: Four commenters feel the priority should be broadened to 
    include the development of strategies and techniques necessary to 
    provide and monitor vocational rehabilitation services.
        Discussion: The priority purposefully refers to ``rehabilitation 
    services'' in general in order to be applicable to all types of 
    rehabilitation services. Therefore, the RERC is expected to address 
    vocational rehabilitation services as well as other rehabilitation 
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The four activities do not contain the words ``research,'' 
    ``engineering,'' or ``science'' and could be misinterpreted as simply 
    calling for demonstrations of existing technologies without 
    significantly advancing the state-of-the-art. The wording of the 
    priority should be modified to strengthen the commitment to scientific 
    and engineering investigation.
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees that the priority should be revised in 
    order to reinforce the RERC's commitment to scientific and engineering 
        Changes: An investigation requirement has been added to the second 
    and third activities.
        Comment: A new activity should be added to require the RERC to 
    serve as the national focal point for telerehabilitation and virtual 
    reality related to individuals with disabilities and to maintain links 
    with the much larger international and national telemedicine and 
    virtual reality communities.
        Discussion: RERCs are national in scope and expected to take a 
    leadership position within the field. The RERC is also expected to 
    communicate and coordinate with other entities carrying out related 
    research and development activities. Unless the RERC could not achieve 
    its purposes without a requirement to coordinate or collaborate with 
    specific entities, NIDRR provides applicants with the discretion to 
    propose the partners for coordination and collaboration activities.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Two commenters indicated that, too often, patients in 
    rural areas who experience communication disorders are unable to obtain 
    state-of-the-art speech and language therapy in geographically 
    accessible centers. These commenters suggested that scope of this RERC 
    should be expanded to include the rehabilitation of individuals with 
    communication disorders in rural settings.
        Discussion: Unless noted otherwise in a priority, any NIDRR-funded 
    project or center must address the needs of all persons with 
    disabilities, including those with communication disorders.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Two commenters indicated that the background statement 
    mentions ``spinal cord injury, stroke, and traumatic brain injury'' as 
    examples of disabling conditions to which telerehabilitation techniques 
    might usefully be applied. To avoid ambiguity and an unnecessarily 
    narrow mandate, the background statement should be broadened to include 
    a broad range of disabilities.
        Discussion: The fact that background statement mentions ``spinal 
    cord injury, stroke, and traumatic brain injury'' as examples of 
    disabling conditions to which telerehabilitation techniques might 
    usefully be applied, is not intended to suggest that the RERC limit its 
    activities to these conditions. This RERC is expected to address the 
    rehabilitation needs of all persons with disabilities.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Five commenters indicated the priority focuses too 
    narrowly on individuals who lack easy access to outpatient 
    rehabilitation care due to geographic remoteness. The commenters 
    pointed out that many people in metropolitan areas have geographical 
    access problems due, in part, from a lack of accessible transportation. 
    The commenters suggest that the first activity be broadened to include 
    all consumers of rehabilitation services who encounter barriers to 
    receiving continued care through conventional means.
        Discussion: The communication systems that the RERC will identify 
    and evaluate to connect comprehensive rehabilitation facilities with 
    therapists, individuals, and family members living in remote areas will 
    be applicable to all consumers of rehabilitation and settings, 
    including metropolitan areas.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Two commenters feel the last sentence of the third 
    paragraph in the background statement appears to limit monitoring 
    capabilities to only video and audio technologies. The commenters 
    suggested that the sentence should be broadened to include a variety of 
    promising sensor technologies.
        Discussion: The RERC will include sensor technologies in its 
    activities, and these technologies are referenced in the second 
    paragraph of the background statement.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The word ``diagnostic'' in the second activity is too 
    limiting and should be replaced with either ``assessment'' or 
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees that ``assessment'' is a more appropriate 
        Changes: The second activity has been revised by substituting the 
    word ``assessment'' for ``diagnostic.''
        Comment: The second activity should be expanded beyond 
    rehabilitation to include post-rehabilitation health services.
        Discussion: Having met all the requirements of the priority, an 
    applicant could propose to include post-rehabilitation health services 
    within the scope of its activities. The peer review process will 
    evaluate the merits of the proposal. However, NIDRR has no basis
    [[Page 32529]]
    to determine that all applicants should be required to include post-
    rehabilitation health services within the scope of the RERC's 
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Managed care will have a major impact on the extent to 
    which telerehabilitation will be used once these technologies are 
    developed. Therefore, this RERC should be required to coordinate its 
    activities with the NIDRR funded RRTC on Managed Health Care for 
    Individuals with Disabilities.
        Discussion: An applicant could propose to coordinate with the RRTC 
    on Managed Health Care. The peer review process will evaluate the 
    merits of this proposal. However, it is not necessary for the RERC to 
    coordinate with the RRTC on Managed Health Care in order to carry out 
    its purposes.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Three commenters suggested that the priority should 
    identify relevant rehabilitation disciplines such as occupational 
    therapy, physical therapy, speech pathology and nursing. A fourth 
    commenter indicated that nurses are the most common caregivers in the 
    home setting and suggested that nurses should be included in the first 
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees that the use of the term ``therapists'' in 
    the first activity may be interpreted narrowly. ``Providers of 
    rehabilitation services'' is a broader category would clearly include 
        Changes: The first activity has been revised by substituting 
    ``providers of rehabilitation services'' for ``therapists.''
        Comment: In regard to the second and fourth activities, the RERC 
    should provide a testbed environment to demonstrate concepts prior to 
    investment, including simulating telecommunication links to test 
    bandwidth performance and simulating new rehabilitation strategies and 
    devices in virtual reality software. Specifically the RERC should: 
    demonstrate the application of tools via pilot tests with regional 
    rehabilitation service partners; demonstrate the application of 
    technology to establish on-line rehabilitation services communities; 
    and provide collaborative virtual reality capabilities establishing on-
    line communities via the Internet to provide job postings, 
    rehabilitation news, tips and best practices, virtual reality 3D chat 
    rooms, push technology features to reach remote users, and education 
    and training simulations.
        Discussion: All of the proposals contained in this comment are 
    within the scope of the priority and could be proposed by an applicant 
    to achieve the purposes of the second and fourth activity. The peer 
    review process will evaluate the merits of the proposals. There is 
    insufficient evidence to warrant requiring all applicants to carry out 
    the activities suggested in the comment.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Although telerehabilitation and virtual reality are new 
    technologies, they have little in common. Virtual reality is a therapy, 
    while telerehabilitation is a health care delivery and educational 
    system. The fourth activity requiring the RERC to investigate the use 
    of virtual reality should be deleted from this priority. Virtual 
    reality deserves a separate priority.
        Discussion: NIDRR disagrees that virtual reality is a therapy. 
    NIDRR believes that it is an emerging technology with significant 
    therapeutic potential. In light of substantial work that is being 
    supported elsewhere in the public and private sector on virtual reality 
    applications, NIDRR believes that authorizing this RERC to undertake 
    one activity investigating the use of virtual reality in rehabilitation 
    is a proper course of action.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The RERC should be required to implement the concepts of 
    universal design and universal access in all facets of their research.
        Discussion: NIDRR supports the promotion of universal design and 
    universal access through a variety of research, training, technical 
    assistance, and information dissemination activities. An applicant 
    could propose to carry out its activities consistent with concepts of 
    universal design and access. The peer review process will evaluate the 
    merits of this approach. However, NIDRR declines to require all 
    applicants to implement these concepts because the RERC's purpose could 
    be achieved without adherence to these concepts.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The RERC should not only research strategies that employ 
    remote technologies to deliver services, but also strategies to collect 
    and analyze process and outcome data over time.
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees with the commenter and points out that the 
    RERC is required to develop and evaluate these strategies under the 
    third activity in the priority. No further changes are necessary in the 
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Although some systems may already be in place to 
    facilitate the delivery of telerehabilitation services, new 
    technologies are emerging every day. The word ``develop'' should be 
    included in the first activity.
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees that the RERC should not only identify and 
    evaluate, but also develop communications systems under the first 
    activity in the priority.
        Changes: The priority has been revised to require the RERC to 
    develop communications systems under the first activity in the 
        Comment: The priority does not mention the potential that 
    telecommunication technology has in promoting organizational and 
    multidisciplinary team collaboration. NIDRR should place an emphasis on 
    evaluation of telecommunications technology in fostering collaboration.
        Discussion: An applicant could propose to place an emphasis on 
    telecommunications technology that fosters collaboration. The peer 
    review process will evaluate the merits of this emphasis. However, 
    NIDRR has no basis to determine that all applicants should be required 
    to place an emphasis on telecommunications technology that promotes 
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Given that shorter lengths-of-stay are becoming common 
    place throughout the rehabilitation community, the RERC should be 
    required to explore techniques for extending rehabilitation programs in 
    the home and other settings (e.g., day care centers, senior centers, 
    independent living centers).
        Discussion: An applicant could propose to explore techniques for 
    providing rehabilitation services through telerehabilitation in a 
    variety of settings, including day care centers, senior centers, and 
    independent living centers. The peer review process will evaluate the 
    merits of this proposal. However, NIDRR has no basis to determine that 
    all applicants should be required to propose extending rehabilitation 
    programs through telerehabilitation in a variety of settings, including 
    day care centers, senior centers, and independent living centers.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Virtual reality is a costly technology and activities 
    related to virtual reality development and testing could engage a 
    disproportionately high portion of the resources available for this 
    RERC. A relatively modest project involving applications of virtual 
    reality could easily account for all of the funds proposed to support 
    this RERC. It would be disappointing to see a focus on such a high 
    profile application deter development of lower cost technologies that 
    may have more immediate and broader payoff.
        Discussion: NIDRR recognizes that the emerging field of virtual 
    reality could
    [[Page 32530]]
    easily overwhelm the resources of the RERC and has purposefully limited 
    the fourth activity to research related to virtual reality rather than 
        Changes: None.
        Comment: Care should be taken to ensure that technologies developed 
    under this RERC can be used in settings without state-of-the-art 
    hardware and software. Developing technology applications that take 
    advantage of the existing communication infrastructure has the 
    potential to put state-of-the-art rehabilitation services within reach 
    of all people, regardless of the wealth of the community.
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees that the RERC should develop technologies 
    with the broadest application. The selection criteria used in the peer 
    review process will address this issue by evaluating the impact of the 
    proposed activities on the target population.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The priority should be broadened to require the RERC to 
    study policy issues (e.g., reimbursement issues and selection criteria) 
    that will affect the implementation of telerehabilitation.
        Discussion: NIDRR agrees that there are policy issues that will 
    affect the implementation of telerehabilitation. An applicant could 
    propose to integrate policy issues into the first, third, and fourth 
    activities of the priority. The peer review process will evaluate the 
    merits of the proposal. However, there is insufficient evidence to 
    require that all applicants address policy issues related to the 
    implementation of telerehabilitation.
        Changes: None.
        Comment: The third activity appears to focus on remote therapeutic 
    interventions while the second activity focuses on evaluation tools. Is 
    this interpretation correct?
        Discussion: The commenter's interpretation is correct.
        Changes: None.
    Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers
        The authority for RRTCs is contained in section 204(b)(2) of the 
    Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 760-762). Under this 
    program, the Secretary makes awards to public and private 
    organizations, including institutions of higher education and Indian 
    tribes or tribal organizations, for coordinated research and training 
    activities. These entities must be of sufficient size, scope, and 
    quality to effectively carry out the activities of the Center in an 
    efficient manner consistent with appropriate State and Federal laws. 
    They must demonstrate the ability to carry out the training activities 
    either directly or through another entity that can provide that 
        The Secretary may make awards for up to 60 months through grants or 
    cooperative agreements. The purpose of the awards is for planning and 
    conducting research, training, demonstrations, and related activities 
    leading to the development of methods, procedures, and devices that 
    will benefit individuals with disabilities, especially those with the 
    most severe disabilities.
    Description of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers
        RRTCs are operated in collaboration with institutions of higher 
    education or providers of rehabilitation services or other appropriate 
    services. RRTCs serve as centers of national excellence and national or 
    regional resources for providers and individuals with disabilities and 
    the parents, family members, guardians, advocates or authorized 
    representatives of these individuals.
        RRTCs conduct coordinated, integrated, and advanced programs of 
    research in rehabilitation targeted toward the production of new 
    knowledge to improve rehabilitation methodology and service delivery 
    systems, to alleviate or stabilize disabling conditions, and to promote 
    maximum social and economic independence of individuals with 
        RRTCs provide training, including graduate, pre-service, and in-
    service training, to assist individuals to more effectively provide 
    rehabilitation services. They also provide training including graduate, 
    pre-service, and in-service training, for rehabilitation research 
        RRTCs serve as informational and technical assistance resources to 
    providers, individuals with disabilities, and the parents, family 
    members, guardians, advocates, or authorized representatives of these 
    individuals through conferences, workshops, public education programs, 
    in-service training programs and similar activities.
        RRTCs disseminate materials in alternate formats to ensure that 
    they are accessible to individuals with a range of disabling 
        NIDRR encourages all Centers to involve individuals with 
    disabilities and individuals from minority backgrounds as recipients of 
    research training, as well as clinical training.
        The Department is particularly interested in ensuring that the 
    expenditure of public funds is justified by the execution of intended 
    activities and the advancement of knowledge and, thus, has built this 
    accountability into the selection criteria. Not later than three years 
    after the establishment of any RRTC, NIDRR will conduct one or more 
    reviews of the activities and achievements of the Center. In accordance 
    with the provisions of 34 CFR 75.253(a), continued funding depends at 
    all times on satisfactory performance and accomplishment.
    General RRTC Requirements
        The following requirements apply to these RRTCs pursuant to these 
    absolute priorities unless noted otherwise. An applicant's proposal to 
    fulfill these requirements will be assessed using applicable selection 
    criteria in the peer review process.
        The RRTC must provide: (1) applied research experience; (2) 
    training on research methodology; and (3) training to persons with 
    disabilities and their families, service providers, and other 
    appropriate parties in accessible formats on knowledge gained from the 
    Center's research activities.
        The RRTC must develop and disseminate informational materials based 
    on knowledge gained from the Center's research activities, and 
    disseminate the materials to persons with disabilities, their 
    representatives, service providers, and other interested parties.
        The RRTC must involve individuals with disabilities and, if 
    appropriate, their representatives, in planning and implementing its 
    research, training, and dissemination activities, and in evaluating the 
        The RRTC must conduct a state-of-the-science conference and publish 
    a comprehensive report on the final outcomes of the conference. The 
    report must be published in the fourth year of the grant.
        Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3), the Secretary gives an absolute 
    preference to applications that meet the following priorities. The 
    Secretary will fund under this competition only applications that meet 
    one of these absolute priorities.
    Priority 1: Aging with a Disability
        Advances in medical care, rehabilitation technology, and 
    rehabilitative treatment have made aging a routine event for persons 
    with a disability. The rapid increase in the number of people with a 
    physical disability who are growing older has been well documented 
    (McNeil, J., ``Americans With Disabilities,'' U.S. Bureau of the 
    Census, Statistical Brief,
    [[Page 32531]]
    SB/94-1, 1994). Many persons aging with a disability face significant 
    new challenges to their health, daily functioning, and independence. 
    These challenges may come from onset of chronic conditions such as 
    hypertension or from secondary conditions such as post-polio. For 
    example, approximately 70 percent of people with polio experience some 
    form of ``post-polio syndrome,'' a condition that impairs functioning 
    (Halstead, L., ``Assessment Differential Diagnosis for Post-Polio 
    Syndrome,'' Orthopedics, 14, pgs. 1209-1222, 1991).
        The problems resulting from aging with a disability can be grouped 
    into four areas: (1) Decline in health status due to onset of new 
    chronic conditions or development of secondary conditions; (2) decline 
    in functional abilities due to changed health status; (3) difficulty 
    maintaining psychological well-being and life satisfaction; and (4) 
    diminished capacity of family and community support networks to 
    accommodate changes associated with aging with a disability.
        Aging with a disability is a complex phenomenon, influenced by both 
    normal and injury-related biological processes, by medical and 
    rehabilitative developments, and by changing social, cultural and 
    physical environments (De Vivo, M., et al., ``Causes of Death During 
    the First 12 Years After Spinal Cord Injury,'' Archives of Physical 
    Medicine and Rehabilitation, 74, pgs. 248-254, 1991). Although some 
    progress has been made in systematically assessing the ``natural 
    course'' of aging with a physical disability (Whiteneck, G., ``Learning 
    from Empirical Investigations,'' Perspectives on Aging with Spinal Cord 
    Injury, pgs. 23-27, 1992), this work is not complete.
        Persons aging with a disability face significant health problems 
    because of the onset of new conditions associated with the aging 
    process itself and potentially complicated by the disability condition. 
    Research suggests that chronic diseases such as cardiovascular 
    illnesses and diabetes occur at earlier than expected ages and in 
    substantially higher percentages among persons who acquired a 
    disability in early life (Pope, A. and Flemming, C., Disability in 
    America: Toward a National Agenda for Prevention, pg. 191, 1991). 
    Significant bone loss (osteoporosis) is higher in people with complete 
    spinal cord lesions than in age-matched controls (Garland, D., et al., 
    ``Osteoporosis After Spinal Cord Injury,'' Journal of Orthopedic 
    Research, 10, pgs. 371-378, 1992). Other age-related health problems 
    may be impairment-specific secondary conditions such as hip 
    dislocations in people with cerebral palsy or respiratory problems for 
    persons with post-polio syndrome. One study found that 50 percent of 
    people with a 40-year history of cerebral palsy had severe joint, back 
    or neck pain (Murphy, K., ``Medical and Social Issues in Adults with 
    Cerebral Palsy, The California Study,'' Developmental Medicine and 
    Child Neurology, Vol. 37, pgs. 1075-1084, 1995).
        Fatigue, loss of strength, increased pain, and other health-related 
    changes associated with aging may affect function so that capacity to 
    perform activities of daily living (ADL) (e.g., mobility, bathing, and 
    transfers), is diminished. Fatigue and weakness may affect 60 to 70 
    percent of people with spinal cord injury (SCI) or post-polio (Gerhart, 
    K., et al., ``Long-term Spinal Cord Injury: Functional Changes Over 
    Time,'' Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 74, pgs. 
    1030-1035, 1993).
        In addition to facing new physical challenges, some people aging 
    with a disability also develop psychological conditions. In the general 
    aging population, depression is often an unrecognized corollary of the 
    aging process (Lebowitz, B., et al., ``Diagnosis and Treatment of 
    Depression in Late Life,'' Journal of the American Medical Association, 
    278 (14), pgs. 1186-1190, 1997). At least one study has found that 
    between 25 and 40 percent of persons aging with a disability show high 
    distress, especially as expressed in symptoms of depression (Fuhrer, 
    M., et al., ``The Relationship of Life Satisfaction to Impairment, 
    Disability and Handicap Among Persons with Spinal Cord Injury Living in 
    the Community,'' Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 73, 
    pgs. 552-557, 1992). Treatment of depression for persons aging with a 
    disability is difficult to obtain because of the failure of health 
    professionals to recognize depression in persons aging with a 
    disability (Krause, J. and Crewe, N., ``Chronological Age Time Since 
    Injury and Time of Measurement: Effect on Adjustment After Spinal Cord 
    Injury,'' Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 72, pgs. 
    91-100, 1991).
        Families may experience new stresses because of age-related 
    conditions acquired by their family members with disabilities. In 
    addition, aging of family caregivers may affect their ability to 
    continue caregiving roles, thus reducing the ability of a person aging 
    with a disability to remain in the family setting. The importance of 
    this issue is reinforced by the fact that family caregivers provide 
    most of the personal assistance to persons with disabilities (Nosek, 
    M., ``Life Satisfaction of People with Physical Disabilities: 
    Relationship to Personal Assistance, Disability Status and Handicap,'' 
    Rehabilitation Psychology, 40, pgs. 191-197, 1995). Helping families 
    cope can include options like expanding respite care or training 
    related to age-related changes.
        The increase in the numbers of persons aging with a disability has 
    increased the need for rehabilitation personnel trained in providing 
    services to this population. Serving an aging population may also 
    require new treatment and other service delivery models. Research on 
    effective accommodations, including the use of assistive technology, 
    for this aging population has been limited.
    Priority 1
        The Secretary will establish an RRTC on Aging with a Disability to 
    promote the health, functional abilities, psychological well-being, and 
    independence of persons aging with a disability. The RRTC shall:
        (1) Investigate the natural course of aging with a disability;
        (2) Identify, develop, and evaluate methods to reduce aging's 
    impact on health status, including onset of new chronic conditions and 
    secondary conditions associated with the primary disability;
        (3) Identify, develop, and evaluate rehabilitation techniques, 
    including the effective use of assistive technology, to maintain 
    functional independence;
        (4) Investigate and evaluate methods to improve community 
    integration and psychosocial adjustment; and
        (5) Conduct studies to identify the extent to which aging affects 
    the ability of families to support persons aging with a disability in 
    family and community settings and evaluate strategies that will enhance 
    the ability of families to cope.
        In carrying out these priorities, the RRTC must coordinate with 
    aging with disability research and demonstration activities sponsored 
    by the National Center on Medical Rehabilitation Research, the 
    Department of Veterans Affairs, the Social Security Administration, the 
    Health Care Financing Administration, and the RRTCs on Health Care for 
    Individuals with Disabilities--Issues in Managed Health Care, Aging 
    with Spinal Cord Injury, and Aging with Mental Retardation, the RERC on 
    Assistive Technology for Older Persons with Disabilities, and other 
    entities carrying out related research or training activities.
    [[Page 32532]]
    Priority 2: Arthritis Rehabilitation
        ``Arthritis'' means joint inflammation and encompasses a large 
    family of more than 100 so-called rheumatic diseases that can affect 
    people of all ages. The prevalence of many of these diseases tends to 
    increase with age and several occur predominantly in women; others are 
    more common in men. These diseases can affect joints, muscles, tendons, 
    ligaments, and the protective coverings of some internal organs. Onset 
    is usually in middle age, and arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions 
    typically present a cluster of chief complaints including, but not 
    limited to, pain, muscle impairments, and joint impairments. Arthritis 
    and musculoskeletal conditions typically result in functional 
    limitations in ADL. While individuals with arthritis experience most of 
    their limitations in physical functional activities, the concept of 
    function has psychological and social dimensions as well (Guccione, A. 
    A., ``Arthritis and the Process of Disablement,'' Physical Therapy, 
    Vol. 74, No. 5, May, 1994). For the purpose of this priority, arthritis 
    and musculoskeletal diseases must include, but are not limited to, 
    rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), juvenile rheumatoid 
    arthritis (JRA), osteoporosis, and fibromyalgia syndrome.
        Physical activity may provide significant physical and mental 
    health benefits for persons with arthritis and musculoskeletal 
    diseases. In recognizing that regular physical activity can help 
    control joint swelling and pain, the U.S. Surgeon General's 1996 Report 
    on Physical Activity and Health, urges people with arthritis to 
    exercise. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has indicated 
    that most persons with arthritis and other rheumatic conditions should 
    engage in physical activity because exercise helps people with 
    arthritis maintain normal muscle strength and joint function and 
    reduces the risk of premature death, heart disease, diabetes, high 
    blood pressure, colon cancer, depression, and anxiety (Krucoff, C., 
    ``Taking Action Against Arthritis,'' The Washington Post Health 
    Section, October 21, 1997). Maintenance of health and wellness is 
    important when dealing with the problems of arthritis and 
    musculoskeletal diseases. A number of factors, such as understanding 
    and managing fatigue and conserving energy, developing relaxation 
    techniques, participating in exercise programs, and learning about 
    weight control and proper nutrition, aid in the goal of achieving a 
    quality of life for individuals who cope with the various problems 
        Pain is a major concern for individuals with arthritis and 
    musculoskeletal diseases. Pain can affect the ability to work or 
    function independently in the home or community. The increased 
    dependency encountered, the thoughts of progressive deformities, and 
    feelings of frustration through loss of control often lead to 
    psychosocial difficulties. Rehabilitation interventions can reduce 
    pain, depression and improve functional abilities.
        Musculoskeletal conditions are among the top-ranked conditions 
    causing limitations in the ability to perform work and reported as 
    causes of actual work loss. Estimates for prevalence of work 
    disability, defined as ceasing to work, ranges from 51 percent to 59 
    percent. Clinical studies have indicated that when RA is in a severe 
    form, this rate could be as high as 60 percent a decade after diagnosis 
    (Felts, W. and Yelin, E., ``The Economic Impact of the Rheumatic 
    Diseases in the United States,'' Journal of Rheumatology, 16, pgs. 867-
    884, 1989). Decreased work satisfaction has been reported by persons 
    with RA; 59 percent are unable to maintain gainful employment. In 
    addition, patients with RA are significantly more likely to have lost 
    their job or to have retired early due to their illness, and are the 
    most likely to have reduced their work hours or stopped working 
    entirely due to their illness (Gabriel S. E., et al., ``Indirect and 
    Nonmedical Costs Among People with RA and OA Compared with Nonarthritic 
    Controls,'' Journal of Rheumatology, 24(1), pgs. 43-48, January, 1997). 
    Reasonable job accommodations for people with arthritis and 
    musculoskeletal diseases to manage fatigue, stress, job performance 
    issues, allowances for medical treatments and individual-related 
    modifications are areas for employers to consider.
        More than 200,000 children in the U.S. are affected with some form 
    of arthritis (Cassidy, J. T., et al., ``Juvenile Rheumatoid 
    Arthritis,'' Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology, pgs. 133-233, 1995). 
    JRA is the most common childhood connective tissue disease (Chaney, J. 
    and Peterson, L., Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Vol. 14, No. 3, 
    1989). JRA affects the physical, psychological and social development 
    of children and adolescents. Assessing needs and developing strategies 
    to aid in the promotion of improved medical, educational, psychosocial, 
    and vocational services is essential with this population.
    Priority 2
        The Secretary will establish an RRTC on Arthritis Rehabilitation to 
    improve the functional abilities and promote the independence of 
    individuals with arthritis and musculoskeletal diseases. The RRTC 
        (1) Identify, develop, and evaluate exercise and fitness programs;
        (2) Identify, develop, and evaluate rehabilitation interventions to 
    increase psychological well-being and reduce pain;
        (3) Identify, develop, and evaluate job accommodations to maintain 
    employment; and
        (4) Identify, develop, and evaluate programs to maintain health and 
        In carrying out the purposes of the priority, the RRTC must:
         Address the needs of children and youth; and
         Coordinate with arthritis activities sponsored by the 
    National Institute on Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, 
    the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, and other 
    entities carrying out related research or training activities.
    Priority 3: Stroke Rehabilitation
        In the U.S., there are approximately three million stroke survivors 
    and 400,000 to 500,000 new or recurrent stroke cases annually 
    (Gorelicj, P., ``Stroke Prevention,'' Archives of Neurology, 52(4), 
    pgs. 347-355, 1995). Stroke survivors are the largest population in 
    rehabilitation hospitals, and an estimated $30 billion is spent on 
    stroke treatment each year (Alberts, M., et al., ``Hospital Charges for 
    Stroke Patients,'' Stroke, 27 (10) pgs. 1825-1828, 1996). Previous 
    NIDRR-funded stroke rehabilitation research has focused on prevention 
    and treatment of secondary conditions of stroke; enhancing functional 
    capacity following stroke; improving social and community functioning; 
    and studying the natural history of impairment, disability, and quality 
    of life after stroke.
        Rehabilitation goals for stroke patients focus on maximizing 
    physical and psychological function, teaching patients about prevention 
    of recurrent stroke, and working with family members to facilitate 
    integration of the person recovering from stroke back into family and 
    community settings. Stroke patients potentially face a number of 
    functional problems resulting from the paralysis, dysphagia, 
    neurological, and other health-related sequelae of stroke.
    [[Page 32533]]
        Higher order cognitive deficits, such as incomprehension and short-
    term memory loss, have been shown to have a primary role in predicting 
    rehabilitation length of stay, functional outcome and long-term care 
    needs of stroke survivors. Early, comprehensive assessment of cognitive 
    deficits has been shown to play a significant role in effecting better 
    rehabilitation outcomes (Galski, T., et al., ``Predicting Length of 
    Stay, Functional Outcome, and Aftercare in the Rehabilitation of Stroke 
    Patients. The Dominant Role of Higher-Order Cognition,'' Stroke, 24 
    (12), pgs. 1794-1800, December, 1993).
        Endurance exercise is recognized as an important component of 
    rehabilitation for stroke patient recovery of sensorimotor function. 
    The ability of stroke patients to participate in exercise is 
    compromised because they have lowered motor functional ability as a 
    result of both reduced oxidative capacity and reduced availability of 
    motor units. Traditional methods of measuring aerobic capacity are not 
    appropriate for this population, nor are exercise training protocols 
    that do not reflect stroke patient capacity for exercise (Potempa, K., 
    et al., ``Benefits of Aerobic Exercise After Stroke,'' Sports Medicine, 
    21(5), pgs. 337-346, 1996).
        Changes in personality, mood, and temperament can be confusing and 
    distressing for stroke survivors and their caregivers. Depression can 
    be a significant problem for both survivors and caregivers (Kumar, A., 
    et al., ``Quantitative Anatomic Measures and Comorbid Medical Illness 
    in Late-life Major Depression,'' American Journal of Geriatrics 
    Psychiatry, 5(1), pgs. 15-25, 1997). Effective treatment of 
    psychological and behavioral problems may require more standardized 
    approaches that incorporate psychopharmacological, behavioral, and 
    psychological interventions.
        Although stroke is predominantly a phenomenon that strikes persons 
    aged 65 and over, five percent occur in persons under age 45. 
    Individuals in this age cohort are generally employed, have a longer 
    life expectancy than older stroke patients, and generally have better 
    underlying health status and incur less brain injury related to the 
    stroke (Ferro, J. and Crespo, M., ``Prognosis After Transient Ischemic 
    Attack and Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults,'' Stroke, (8), pgs. 1611-
    1616, August, 1994). Rehabilitation for younger patients may emphasize 
    vocational options, sexuality, and social functioning (Roth, E., ``From 
    the Editor,'' Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation--The Young Stroke 
    Survivor, Vol. 1, pg. vi, Spring, 1994). In addition, complications 
    such as drug use or pregnancy may complicate rehabilitation strategies 
    (Meyer, J., et al., ``Etiology and Diagnosis of Stroke in the Young 
    Adult,'' Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation--The Young Stroke Survivor, 
    Vol. 1, pgs. 1-14, Spring, 1994).
        Persons at the other end of the age spectrum, those over age 75 who 
    comprise 41.8 percent of stroke rehabilitation patients (Personal 
    communication with Samuel J. Markello, Ph.D. and Carl V. Granger, M.D., 
    Director, National Rehabilitation Outcomes Database, maintained by the 
    Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation, University of Buffalo, 
    January, 1998), are at risk for poor rehabilitation outcomes possibly 
    because of the effects of frailty and co-morbid disease (Falconer, J., 
    et al., ``Stroke Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Comparison Across Age 
    Groups,'' Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 42(1), pgs. 39-44, 
    January, 1994). In this population, presence of a healthy and caring 
    spouse, bladder and bowel continence, and ability to feed oneself have 
    predicted better outcomes (Reddy, M. and Reddy, V., ``After a Stroke: 
    Strategies to Restore Function and Prevent Complications,'' Geriatrics, 
    52(9), pgs. 59-62, September, 1997).
        Prevention of stroke recurrence is increasingly a goal of medical 
    rehabilitation stroke treatment programs (Gorelick, P., ``Stroke 
    Prevention,'' Archives of Neurology, 52(4), pgs. 347-355, April, 1995). 
    Prevention methods include teaching individuals to monitor their blood 
    pressure, raising awareness of the importance of nutrition and 
    exercise, and educating family members about stroke.
        Medical research shows promise for dramatically improving the 
    diagnosis and treatment of stroke in acute care settings. New drug 
    therapies may significantly limit the impact of the initial stroke. 
    Better diagnostic tools, such as using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 
    to determine stroke type, size, and location, will result in earlier 
    diagnosis and treatment (Centofanti, M., ``Fighting Back Against Brain 
    Attack,'' Johns Hopkins Magazine, pgs. 18-24, November, 1997). The 
    consequences of improved initial stroke treatment for rehabilitation 
    treatment and service delivery mechanisms are unknown.
        Changes in financing and service delivery models of stroke 
    rehabilitation have created different rehabilitation treatment setting 
    options for stroke patients. Increasingly, stroke patients are 
    receiving rehabilitation in post-acute service settings (e.g., nursing-
    home based rehabilitation programs). As a consequence of these changes, 
    there are questions about the impact on outcomes of stroke patients. 
    For instance, how does treatment intensity vary across settings; does 
    treatment intensity affect outcomes across settings; do population 
    characteristics differ across settings? Initial research indicates that 
    outcomes may not differ dramatically when comparing acute to post-acute 
    rehabilitation settings (Cramer A., et al., ``Outcomes and Costs After 
    Hip Fracture and Stroke--A Comparison of Rehabilitation Settings,'' 
    JAMA, Vol. 277, pgs. 396-404, 1997); however, knowledge about long-term 
    outcomes of treatment in these different settings is still 
        Another development affecting stroke rehabilitation is 
    implementation of practice guidelines. In 1996, the Agency for Health 
    Care Policy and Research published stroke treatment guidelines (Post-
    Stroke Rehabilitation: A Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians, Pub. 95-
    0663, 1996). These guidelines aim to minimize variation in treatment 
    across acute care and rehabilitation settings (Ringel, S. and Hughes, 
    R., ``Evidence-based Medicine, Critical Pathways, Practice Guidelines, 
    and Managed Care. Reflections on the Prevention and Care of Stroke,'' 
    Archives of Neurology, 53(9), pgs. 867-871, 1996). The rate of adoption 
    of these guidelines and their impact on rehabilitation service and 
    outcomes is not yet known.
    Priority 3
        The Secretary will establish an RRTC for Stroke Rehabilitation to 
    develop and evaluate rehabilitation approaches to improve stroke 
    rehabilitation treatment for all patients. The RRTC shall:
        (1) Identify, develop, and evaluate rehabilitation techniques to 
    address coexisting and secondary conditions and improve outcomes for 
    all stroke patients, giving specific emphasis to rehabilitation needs 
    of older and younger patient groups and to methods that incorporate 
    cognition in the treatment protocols;
        (2) Develop and evaluate standard aerobic exercise protocols; and
        (3) Identify and evaluate methods to identify and treat depression 
    and other psychological problems associated with stroke;
        (4) Determine the effectiveness of stroke prevention education 
    provided in medical rehabilitation settings;
        (5) Evaluate the impact of changes in diagnosis and medical 
    treatment of stroke on rehabilitation needs;
        (6) Evaluate long-range outcomes for stroke rehabilitation across 
    different treatment settings;
    [[Page 32534]]
        (7) Evaluate the impact of stroke practice guidelines on delivery 
    and outcomes of rehabilitation services.
        In carrying out the purposes of the priority, the RRTC must:
         Collaborate with RRTCs on Health Care for Individuals with 
    Disabilities--Issues in Managed Health Care, and Aging with a 
    Disability; and
         Coordinate with stroke activities sponsored by the 
    National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, the National 
    Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and other entities 
    carrying out related research or training activities.
    Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers
        The authority for RERCs is contained in section 204(b)(3) of the 
    Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 762(b)(3)). The 
    Secretary may make awards for up to 60 months through grants or 
    cooperative agreements to public and private agencies and 
    organizations, including institutions of higher education, Indian 
    tribes, and tribal organizations, to conduct research, demonstration, 
    and training activities regarding rehabilitation technology in order to 
    enhance opportunities for meeting the needs of, and addressing the 
    barriers confronted by, individuals with disabilities in all aspects of 
    their lives. An RERC must be operated by or in collaboration with an 
    institution of higher education or a nonprofit organization.
    Description of Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers
        RERCs carry out research or demonstration activities by:
        (a) Developing and disseminating innovative methods of applying 
    advanced technology, scientific achievement, and psychological and 
    social knowledge to (1) solve rehabilitation problems and remove 
    environmental barriers, and (2) study new or emerging technologies, 
    products, or environments;
        (b) Demonstrating and disseminating (1) innovative models for the 
    delivery of cost-effective rehabilitation technology services to rural 
    and urban areas, and (2) other scientific research to assist in meeting 
    the employment and independent living needs of individuals with severe 
    disabilities; or
        (c) Facilitating service delivery systems change through (1) the 
    development, evaluation, and dissemination of consumer-responsive and 
    individual and family-centered innovative models for the delivery to 
    both rural and urban areas of innovative cost-effective rehabilitation 
    technology services, and (2) other scientific research to assist in 
    meeting the employment and independent needs of individuals with severe 
        Each RERC must provide training opportunities to individuals, 
    including individuals with disabilities, to become researchers of 
    rehabilitation technology and practitioners of rehabilitation 
    technology in conjunction with institutions of higher education and 
    nonprofit organizations.
        The Department is particularly interested in ensuring that the 
    expenditure of public funds is justified by the execution of intended 
    activities and the advancement of knowledge and, thus, has built this 
    accountability into the selection criteria. Not later than three years 
    after the establishment of any RERC, NIDRR will conduct one or more 
    reviews of the activities and achievements of the Center. In accordance 
    with the provisions of 34 CFR 75.253(a), continued funding depends at 
    all times on satisfactory performance and accomplishment.
    General RERC Requirements
        The following requirements apply to the RERCs pursuant to these 
    absolute priorities unless noted otherwise. An applicant's proposal to 
    fulfill these requirements will be assessed using applicable selection 
    criteria in the peer review process.
        The RERC must have the capability to design, build, and test 
    prototype devices and assist in the transfer of successful solutions to 
    relevant production and service delivery settings. The RERC must 
    evaluate the efficacy and safety of its new products, instrumentation, 
    or assistive devices.
        The RERC must disseminate research results and other knowledge 
    gained from the Center's research and development activities to persons 
    with disabilities, their representatives, disability organizations, 
    businesses, manufacturers, professional journals, service providers, 
    and other interested parties.
        The RERC must develop and carry out utilization activities to 
    successfully transfer all new and improved technologies developed by 
    the RERC to the marketplace.
        The RERC must involve individuals with disabilities and, if 
    appropriate, their representatives, in planning and implementing its 
    research, development, training, and dissemination activities, and in 
    evaluating the Center.
        The RERC must conduct a state-of-the-science conference and publish 
    a comprehensive report on the final outcomes of the conference. The 
    report must be published in the fourth year of the grant.
        Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3), the Secretary gives an absolute 
    preference to applications that meet the following priorities. The 
    Secretary will fund under this competition only applications that meet 
    one of these absolute priorities.
    Priority 4: Prosthetics and Orthotics
        Prosthetic limbs (also called artificial or replacement limbs) 
    perform functions previously performed by lost or absent limbs or 
    portions of limbs. Orthoses (also called braces or anatomical 
    technology devices) are devices applied to limbs or other parts of the 
    body that have either lost or impaired function to compensate for 
    certain differences in anatomical shape or size, muscle weakness, or 
    paralysis. Appropriately fitted prosthetic and orthotic (P and O) 
    devices improve functional abilities for work and ADL.
        The National Health Interview Survey of 1992 reported a prevalence 
    in the United States of 102,000 individuals with upper extremity loss 
    or absence, and 256,000 individuals with lower extremity loss or 
    absence (LaPlante, M. and Carlson, D., ``Disability in the United 
    States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992'' Disability Statistics Report No. 
    7, NIDRR, pg. 29, 1996). The majority of these individuals use or need 
    prosthetic limbs. It is more difficult to estimate the prevalence of 
    individuals who use or need orthotic devices because orthoses are used 
    in a wide variety of disabilities, and unlike loss or absence of a 
    limb, have not historically been a specific category in national 
    surveys. However, the National Health Interview Survey on Assistive 
    Devices (NHIS-AD) of 1990 reported that 3,514,000 individuals in the 
    United States used anatomical technology devices, categorized as braces 
    for either the leg, foot, arm, hand, neck, back or other (LaPlante, M. 
    P., et al., ``Assistive Technology Devices and Home Accessibility 
    Features: Prevalence, Payment, Need, and Trends,'' Advance Data from 
    Vital and Health Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, No. 
    217, pg. 6, 1992).
        According to the Institute of Medicine, there is a lack of a 
    complete and widely accepted base of scientific and engineering data to 
    support the process of individuals obtaining the optimum device for 
    their particular need. The lack of an effective scientific and 
    theoretical foundation for human gait inhibits the engineering design 
    of technology to aid ambulation. More
    [[Page 32535]]
    work is also needed in research and development directed to the 
    problems of arm and hand replacement (Enabling America: Assessing the 
    Role of Rehabilitation Science and Engineering, Institute of Medicine 
    Report, pgs. 111-117, 1997).
        The enormous diversity of P and O devices to address many different 
    muscular, neuromuscular, and skeletal issues, adds to the complexity of 
    this field and supports the need for quantitative documentation to 
    improve the process by which individuals obtain the most appropriate P 
    and O device for their need (Esquenazi, A. and Meier, R. H., 
    ``Rehabilitation in Limb Deficiency. 4. Limb Amputation,'' Archives of 
    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vol. 77, pgs. s18-s28, 1996). For 
    example, there are approximately 100 commercially available prosthetic 
    knees capable of being used in transfemoral prostheses (Michael, J. W., 
    ``Prosthetic Knee Mechanisms,'' Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: 
    State of the Art Reviews, Vol. 8, pgs. 147-164, 1994), making it 
    difficult to evaluate all possible options. The trend in health care 
    toward evidence-based decision making will require the collection and 
    analysis of data that may not have occurred in the past (Guyatt, G., et 
    al., ``Evidence-Based Medicine: A New Approach to Teaching the Practice 
    of Medicine,'' JAMA, Vol. 268, pgs. 2420-2425, 1992).
        Evaluations will play a key role in shaping the services available 
    in the future (Hailey, D. M., ``Orthoses and Prostheses,'' 
    International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, Vol. 11, 
    pgs. 214-234, 1995). As more quantitative measurements are being made 
    at the individual level with respect to device selection, there is a 
    need to collect data on use of devices by individuals in a uniform 
    format for archival reference and research purposes. A database that 
    could be used to evaluate the outcomes of individuals using P and O 
    devices does not exist. Such a database might include, but would not be 
    limited to: technical specifications and details of the device; 
    appropriate performance and outcome measures; relevant anthropometric 
    measurements of the wearer; appropriate medical and demographic data, 
    and payment information.
        The increased attention to prosthetic technology in developing 
    nations (Day, H. J. B., ``A Review of the Consensus Conference on 
    Appropriate Prosthetic Technology in Developing Countries,'' 
    Prosthetics and Orthotics International, Vol. 20, pgs. 15-23, 1996) 
    along with the advanced state of science in many European nations, 
    provides opportunity and impetus for the development of international 
    standards in P and O. In addition, increased international exchanges of 
    both information and technology, as a result of comparative work, are 
    highly likely to be beneficial to both the United States and other 
    Priority 4
        The Secretary will establish an RERC on Prosthetics and Orthotics 
    to strengthen and expand the scientific and engineering basis for the 
    field, and develop new ways to use information technology that will 
    ultimately result in delivery of improved service to individuals who 
    can benefit from prosthetic and orthotic devices. The RERC shall:
        (1) Increase the understanding of the scientific and engineering 
    principles for human locomotion, reaching, prehension, and 
    manipulation, and incorporate these principles into the design of P and 
    O devices;
        (2) Develop and evaluate a prototype computer-based system to 
    select the most appropriate P and O device (or combination of devices), 
    and fit the device to an individual;
        (3) Develop a prototype database of individuals using P&O devices 
    in collaboration with industry including, but not limited to, technical 
    details of the device, appropriate performance and outcome measures, 
    relevant anthropometric measurements of the wearer, appropriate medical 
    and demographic data, and cost and payment information; and
        (4) Maintain an international exchange of scientific information 
    and participate in the development of international standards.
        In carrying out these purposes, the RERC must coordinate on 
    activities of mutual interest with the RERC on Land Mines and other 
    entities carrying out related research or development activities.
    Priority 5: Wheeled Mobility
        Approximately 1.4 million Americans use a wheelchair as their 
    primary source of mobility (Kraus, L., et al., Chartbook on Disability 
    in the United States, InfoUse, Berkeley, CA, 1996), including 
    approximately 600,000 Americans who live in skilled nursing facilities 
    and are over the age of 65 (Shaw, G. and Taylor, S. J., ``A Survey of 
    Wheelchair Seating Problems of the Institutionalized Elderly,'' 
    Assistive Technology, Vol. 3, RESNA Press, pgs. 5-10, 1991). The number 
    of Americans who use wheelchairs nearly doubled between 1980 and 1990 
    while the general population increased by 13 percent during that same 
    period (LaPlante, M. P., et al., ``Assistive Technology Devices and 
    Home Accessibility Features: Prevalence, Payment, Need, and Trends,'' 
    Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics, No. 217, U.S. Department 
    of Health and Human Services, September, 1992). The number of 
    wheelchair users increases as a population ages (Ohlin, P., et al., 
    ``Technology Assisting Disabled and the Older People in Europe,'' The 
    Swedish Handicap Institute, Stockholm, 1995). As the American 
    population continues to grow older, the number of individuals who will 
    require the use of a wheelchair for mobility is expected to increase.
        Wheelchairs and wheelchair seating systems have dramatically 
    improved over the past decade due in part to advances in lightweight, 
    high-strength materials, improved mechanical designs, and improved 
    microprocessor control technologies, and more efficient drive train 
    systems for powered chairs. There are virtually hundreds of options 
    available to wheelchair users (e.g., frame sizes and designs, castors, 
    hand rims, seat sizes, and seat backs). Selecting the appropriate 
    options when either prescribing or purchasing a wheelchair or 
    wheelchair seating system can be complicated and difficult for 
    therapists and consumers.
        Individuals who use powered wheelchairs often rely on external 
    devices (e.g., ventilators, augmentative communication devices, and 
    environmental control systems) for respiratory support or to help them 
    function during the day. Improvements in electronic technologies have 
    led to the development of sophisticated wheelchair controllers with 
    built-in flexibility and adjustability. Typical controllers are based 
    on microcomputers and allow for the adjustment of parameters (e.g., 
    acceleration and deceleration control, speed control, and tremor 
    dampening) to improve the user's ability to control the wheelchair 
    safely (Cook, A. M. and Hussey, S. M., Assistive Technologies: 
    Principles and Practice, pg. 549, 1995). These controllers are also 
    capable of directly controlling external devices. Most external devices 
    are made by companies other than wheelchair manufacturers. As a result, 
    compatibility between external devices and powered wheelchairs is often 
        Wheelchairs and wheelchair seating systems combine to provide 
    mobility, pressure relief, postural support, deformity management, and 
    increased comfort, function and tolerance
    [[Page 32536]]
    (Hobson, D. A., ``Seating and Mobility for the Severely Disabled,'' 
    Rehabilitation Engineering, pgs. 193-252, 1990). Most wheelchair users 
    are candidates for seating and positioning interventions. Typical 
    seating systems statically control an individual's posture by 
    constraining the individual to a fixed position using modular or custom 
    fit devices and systems such as foam wedges, hand shaped foams, ``foam-
    in-place,'' vacuum consolidation, and CAD-CAM (Cook, A. M. and Hussey, 
    S. M., op. cit., pgs. 237-239). For individuals who have a high degree 
    of muscle tone or spasticity, staying in a fixed position can be 
    uncomfortable and cause pressure sores. An alternative to static 
    seating is dynamic seating. A recent case study in this area of 
    research looked at the benefits of a dynamic seating system for an 
    adolescent with cerebral palsy with a high degree of extensor tone. 
    This system allowed the individual to extend during spasms, then 
    returned the individual to a functional seating posture upon relaxation 
    resulting in a reduction of generalized tone and improved posture 
    (Ault, H. K., et al., ``Design of a Dynamic Seating System for Clients 
    with Extensor Spasms,'' Proceedings of the RESNA 1997 Annual 
    Conference, pgs. 187-189, 1997).
        Pressure relief is critical for individuals who have little or no 
    sensation in weight bearing areas, such as persons with spinal cord 
    injury and some elderly, or those who are unable to shift their weight 
    to relieve pressure (Bergen, A., et al., Positioning for Function: 
    Wheelchairs and Other Assistive Technologies, p. 4, 1990). Without 
    proper pressure relief, individuals are prone to develop pressure sores 
    (decubitus ulcers) that can result in tremendous costs for treatment 
    and in time lost from work (Ditunno, J. F., Jr. and Formal, C. S., 
    ``Chronic Spinal Cord Injury,'' New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 
    330, pgs. 550-556, 1994). The incidence for pressure sores has remained 
    fairly static (Stover, S. L., et al., Spinal Cord Injury: Clinical 
    Outcomes from the Model Systems, pgs. 109-113, 1995). There are many 
    factors that contribute to the development of pressure sores. External 
    forces (i.e., tension, compression, and shear) applied to localized 
    areas are the primary causes of pressure sores. Other factors affecting 
    pressure sore development include, but are not limited to, stress, 
    friction, body size, posture, nutrition, age, blood circulation, and 
    the microclimate between one's body and the seating surface (Cook, A. 
    M. and Hussey, S. M., op. cit., pgs. 282-285). Understanding the 
    interactions between these factors is paramount to improving seating 
    and positioning systems.
        Decisions made during seating evaluations are often subjective in 
    nature and are based upon observational analyses and past experience of 
    the therapists involved. There are over 300 commercially available 
    cushions on the market (HyperABLEDATA, 1997), as well as a myriad of 
    wheelchair options. Understanding these options and knowing when to use 
    them is difficult for therapists and consumers. Voluntary performance 
    standards for seating and clinical measurement devices would allow for 
    objective comparison of products based upon standardized test results 
    from each manufacturer.
        A number of outcome measurement tools may be used to measure 
    functional outcomes of individuals during the rehabilitation process. 
    However, many of these tools do not consider assistive technology 
    interventions, including seating and mobility, when rating an 
    individual's overall performance. For example, in order to get a 
    maximum score using the Functional Independence Measure, the individual 
    cannot rely on assistive technology; thereby implying that a person 
    cannot be totally functionally independent if he or she uses assistive 
    technology devices (Scherer, M. J. and Galvin, J. C., ``An Outcomes 
    Perspective of Quality Pathways to the Most Appropriate Technology,'' 
    Evaluating, Selecting, and Using Appropriate Assistive Technology, pg. 
    21, 1996). A number of clinical measurement devices (e.g., pressure 
    monitoring devices, and seating simulators) may be used in seating and 
    mobility clinic environments, however, they do not systematically 
    measure and record outcomes of wheelchair and seating interventions.
    Priority 5
        The Secretary will establish an RERC on Wheeled Mobility to improve 
    the efficiency and selection of wheelchairs and wheelchair seating 
    systems and investigate new seating system strategies including dynamic 
    seating systems and pressure sore prevention. The RERC shall:
        (1) Develop and evaluate strategies that can be used to aid 
    therapists and consumers in making informed decisions when prescribing 
    or purchasing new wheelchairs and wheelchair seating systems;
        (2) Develop and evaluate strategies in collaboration with industry 
    to promote the integration of external devices with powered wheelchairs 
    and the control of these external devices, ensuring their compatibility 
    and usability;
        (3) Develop and evaluate new technologies in the area of wheeled 
        (4) Investigate the viability of dynamic seating systems;
        (5) Investigate the factors that contribute to the development of 
    pressure sores and develop and evaluate tools, devices and strategies 
    to prevent them from occurring;
        (6) Investigate the use of voluntary performance standards for 
    wheelchair seating devices and clinical measurement devices and, if 
    appropriate, develop in collaboration with industry strategies to 
    facilitate the implementation of those standards; and
        (7) Develop and evaluate outcome measurement tools for quantifying 
    seating clinic intervention results.
        In carrying out the purposes of the priority, the RERC must 
    coordinate on activities of mutual interest with all the RRTCs 
    addressing Spinal Cord Injury, the RRTC on Aging with a Disability, and 
    other entities carrying out related research or development activities.
    Priority 6: Technology Transfer
        Technology transfer is a means of capitalizing on and increasing 
    the value of an initial investment in research of a particular 
    technology through new applications. Technology transfer also involves 
    moving conceptualizations and new inventions from a potential 
    application into a working prototype and, ultimately, into a commercial 
    product. There has been an increased interest in developing assistive 
    technology in recent years. Basic research has yielded innovations 
    developed with the disability population in mind and more generic 
    applied research has resulted in new ways to transfer existing 
    technologies initially developed for different purposes into assistive 
    technology products. In addition, there are an increasing number of 
    entrepreneurs and inventors developing devices specifically for persons 
    with disabilities.
        Approximately 13 million people with disabilities use assistive 
    technology devices to assist them with major life activities (Kraus, 
    L., et al., Chartbook on Disability in the United States, InfoUse, 
    Berkeley, CA, 1996). Understanding the functional needs of persons with 
    disabilities, translating those needs into technical solutions, 
    identifying the markets and determining which technologies may be 
    successfully transferred into usable assistive technology products is 
    critical to the
    [[Page 32537]]
    technology transfer process (Spaepen, A. J., ``Technology Transfer and 
    Service Delivery in Rehabilitation Technology,'' Journal of 
    Rehabilitation Sciences, Vol. 4, pgs. 84-87, 1991). The assistive 
    technology market is expected to grow dramatically over the next two 
    decades as the American population ages and as the survival rate of 
    accident victims continues to climb (Federal Laboratory Consortium, 
    ``Federal Laboratory Technologies Enable the Disabled,'' Technology 
    Transfer Business, Vol. 4, p. 11, 1997).
        There are models of technology transfer that are routinely utilized 
    by government, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, universities 
    and industry (Rouse, D., ``Technology Identification and Partnership 
    Development,'' Research Triangle Institute, 1997). These models assume 
    a market that is identifiable and definable, somewhat homogeneous, 
    visible, and well-financed. Transferring promising technologies and new 
    inventions to the assistive technology arena presents unique 
    challenges. Devices that either have the potential for use by persons 
    with disabilities, or were invented for consumers with disabilities 
    often are not successfully commercialized because of the limited number 
    of potential users or the developer's inexperience and limited 
    understanding of disabilities and the assistive technology marketplace 
    (Gilden, D., ``Moving from Naive to Knowledgeable on the Road to 
    Technology Transfer,'' Technology and Disability, Vol. 7, pgs. 115-125, 
        Frequently, inventions and prototypes of devices require 
    considerable engineering, modification and redesign. The vast majority 
    of assistive technology companies are very small and have limited 
    access to knowledge, resources, markets, funds, skills and finance 
    (Swanson, D., ``Determining the Government's Responsibilities in 
    Technology,'' Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 20 (2), pgs. 3-4, 
    1995). Companies and entrepreneurs interested in transferring 
    inventions and existing technologies into new products for persons with 
    disabilities require technical assistance to make sound and profitable 
    decisions and to do a better job of analyzing the viability of 
    potential products.
        Proper screening of devices is critical to the assistive technology 
    transfer process and requires a feasibility study to be performed for 
    each device prior to any significant investment of time and financial 
    resources. Typical questions to ask include: Does the device already 
    exist in some other form? Do consumers have alternate and satisfactory 
    ways to perform the same function that would negate the need for 
    another device? Would the required investment justify the development 
    of the new device? Is the market too small? Are consumers interested in 
    using the device? (Newroe, B. N. and Oskardottir, A. Y., 
    ``Identification and Networking of Assistive Technology-Related 
    Transfer Resources Through the Consumer Assistive Technology Network 
    (CATN),'' Technology and Disability, Vol. 7, pgs. 31-45, 1997).
        Assistive technology evaluation involves activities beyond the 
    initial screening of new products and innovations. It is important to 
    identify and include all other stakeholders in the evaluation process 
    including, but not limited to, technology experts, engineers, 
    developers, manufacturers, corporations, community organizations, 
    providers and potential purchasers. In addition to evaluation studies, 
    it is necessary to provide an estimate of the resources required and of 
    the product's readiness for commercialization in order to attract a 
    developer or manufacturer. Safety, reliability, cost, customer 
    satisfaction and durability must also be measured (Sheredos, S., et 
    al., ``The Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation Research and 
    Development Service's Technology Process,'' Technology and Disability, 
    Vol. 7, pgs. 25-30, 1997).
        Most assistive technology devices are considered orphan products 
    (devices used by very small populations and having limited market 
    appeal). In anticipation of a products' low volume and unproven market 
    demand, potential manufacturers and suppliers must be offered a well 
    researched device prospectus that will act as an incentive for 
    production. Products incorporating the principles of universal design 
    are developed with built-in flexibility so they are usable by all 
    people, regardless of age and ability, at no additional cost (Mace, R., 
    et al., ``Accessible Environments: Toward Universal Design,'' Design 
    Interventions: Toward Universal Design, p. 156, 1991). The evaluation 
    phase should include an assessment of whether a product may have 
    universal application, thereby increasing its marketability.
    Priority 6
        The Secretary will establish an RERC on technology transfer to 
    facilitate and improve the process of moving new, useful and better 
    assistive technology inventions and applications of existing 
    technologies from the prototype phase to the marketplace to benefit 
    persons with disabilities. The RERC shall:
        (1) Identify and evaluate models of technology transfer that are 
    applicable to assistive technology;
        (2) Identify the needs and provide technical assistance, including 
    engineering design and support, to inventors, entrepreneurs, small 
    companies, research laboratories, and industry and university labs to 
    facilitate the transfer of assistive technology with particular 
    emphasis on orphan products;
        (3) Develop and implement methodologies to screen promising 
    assistive technology and to evaluate the potential for 
    commercialization, including an assessment of principles of universal 
    design of prototypes developed by individual inventors, small 
    businesses and public or private research laboratories for use by 
    persons with disabilities; and
        (4) Design and disseminate protocols for technical, user and market 
    evaluations of promising inventions and new uses for existing 
        In carrying out the purposes of the priority, the RERC must:
        Conduct activities in consultation with industry, public and 
    private research facilities, small businesses, entrepreneurs, 
    university-based research laboratories and consumers; and
        Provide technical assistance and support to all RERC's on issues 
    pertaining to technology evaluation and transfer.
    Priority 7: Telerehabilitation
        One of the most notable changes in the nation's health care system 
    is a dramatic downward shift in the average length of stay for patients 
    admitted to rehabilitation hospitals. According to the National Spinal 
    Cord Injury Statistical Center, the average length of stay for patients 
    admitted into the Model SCI Care System dropped from 115 days in 1974 
    to 49 days in 1995 (``Spinal Cord Injury: Facts and Figures at a 
    Glance,'' National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, University of 
    Alabama at Birmingham, August, 1997). Individuals living in rural areas 
    may have less of an opportunity to continue their rehabilitation than 
    do individuals living in urban settings due to a lack of rehabilitation 
    outpatient centers in rural regions. Given that individuals are being 
    discharged earlier in the rehabilitation process, there is tremendous 
    need for new and innovative therapeutic devices and strategies that can 
    be used to continue therapy for individuals living in remote settings 
    who may not have access to outpatient therapy.
        For more than 30 years, clinicians, researchers, and others have 
    [[Page 32538]]
    investigating the use of advanced telecommunications and information 
    technologies to improve health care, resulting in the advent of 
    telemedicine. Telemedicine has a variety of applications including 
    patient care, education, research, administration and public health 
    (Telemedicine: A Guide to Assessing Telecommunications in Health Care, 
    Institute of Medicine Report, National Academy Press, p. 16, 1996). At 
    least 10 States have established Medicaid payment mechanisms for 
    medical services provided through telemedicine (U.S. Department of 
    Commerce, ``Telemedicine Report to Congress,'' January 31, 1997). 
    Technological advances in medicine, sensor technologies, 
    telecommunications and information technologies provide unique 
    opportunities for expanding upon the field of telemedicine to further 
    develop the field of telerehabilitation. By using technology, 
    telerehabilitation enables rehabilitation professionals to provide 
    rehabilitation services to individuals when distance separates the 
    participants (Temkin, A. J., et al., ``Telerehab: A Perspective of the 
    Way Technology is Going to Change the Future of Patient Treatment,'' 
    REHAB Management, p. 28, February/March, 1996). Telecommunication and 
    information technologies used in telemedicine are modernizing medical 
    rehabilitation services and are beginning to be used in other aspects 
    of the rehabilitation process. For example, ongoing experiments to 
    provide effective delivery of therapeutic counseling from the offices 
    of professional psychologists to clients physically located elsewhere, 
    using modified video-conferencing techniques, are under study by the 
    American Psychological Association (Sleek, S., ``Providing Therapy from 
    a Distance,'' APA Monitor, American Psychological Association, Vol. 28, 
    No. 8, August, 1997).
        Two very important aspects of comprehensive rehabilitation are 
    education and training. Rehabilitation practitioners work closely with 
    individuals and family members to enhance their functional abilities, 
    assist them in adjusting to their disability (Haas, J., ``Ethical 
    Issues in Rehabilitation Medicine,'' Rehabilitation Medicine: 
    Principles and Practice, Second Edition, p. 34, 1993), and lessen the 
    likelihood of secondary complications (Stover, S., et al., Spinal Cord 
    Injury: Clinical Outcomes from the Model Systems, p. 322, 1995). 
    Secondary complications from acute trauma, such as spinal cord injury, 
    stroke, and traumatic brain injury, are a leading cause for re-
    hospitalization. One way of reducing the likelihood of contracting 
    secondary complications is through education, training, and monitoring. 
    This can be achieved using portable, low-cost communication devices 
    capable of providing video and audio connection between comprehensive 
    rehabilitation facilities and individuals living in rural communities. 
    Those devices can enable individuals to communicate with rehabilitation 
    professionals while at home or in remote clinical settings, and to 
    continue with the educational and training components of the 
    rehabilitation process. These devices also allow physicians and other 
    clinicians to monitor the progress of these individuals and offer 
    clinical diagnoses and interventions when appropriate.
        Traditional therapeutic interventions include the use of heat, 
    cold, light, friction, and pressure to facilitate healing and relieve 
    pain in affected areas. Many of these therapy techniques require costly 
    equipment and can be used only by trained therapists. Given that 
    individuals are being discharged earlier in the rehabilitation process, 
    there is tremendous need for new, innovative and cost-effective 
    therapeutic devices and strategies that can be used to safely continue 
    therapy for individuals living in remote settings who may not have 
    access to comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation therapy.
        Virtual reality is an interactive computer-based technology capable 
    of simulating complex three-dimensional (3-D) environments. The number 
    of virtual reality applications has risen dramatically over this past 
    decade and includes flight simulators, 3-D medical imaging 
    technologies, and entertainment systems (Hayward, T., Adventures in 
    Virtual Reality, pgs. 41-48, 1993). The benefits of combining virtual 
    reality with rehabilitation interventions are potentially extensive. 
    Virtual reality technologies are being used to convert sign language 
    into speech and to develop barrier-free designs for people with 
    physical disabilities. Biosensors that provide qualitative and 
    quantitative data about muscle activity, pressure and movements are 
    also capable of being integrated into virtual reality systems for use 
    in rehabilitation.
    Priority 7
        The Secretary will establish an RERC on telerehabilitation to 
    identify and develop technologies capable of supporting rehabilitation 
    services for individuals who do not have access to comprehensive 
    outpatient rehabilitation services. The RERC shall:
        (1) Identify, develop, and evaluate communication systems capable 
    of connecting comprehensive rehabilitation facilities with providers of 
    rehabilitation services, individuals and family members living in 
    remote settings to provide ongoing rehabilitation education and 
    training services;
        (2) Develop, investigate, and evaluate monitoring and assessment 
    tools that can be used in the provision of rehabilitation services 
    through telerehabilitation;
        (3) Develop, investigate, and evaluate strategies and devices to 
    provide and monitor therapeutic interventions in remote settings; and
        (4) Investigate the use of virtual reality in rehabilitation 
    including, but not limited to, education, monitoring, diagnosing, and 
        In carrying out the purposes of the priority, the RERC must 
    coordinate on activities of mutual interest with the RERCs on 
    Telecommunications and Information Technologies Access, the RRTC on 
    Rural Rehabilitation Services, and other entities carrying out related 
    research or development activities.
    Electronic Access to This Document
        Anyone may view this document, as well as all other Department of 
    Education documents published in the Federal Register, in text or 
    portable document format (pdf) on the World Wide Web at either of the 
    following sites:
    To use the pdf you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader Program with 
    Search, which is available free at either of the preceding sites. If 
    you have questions about using the pdf, call the U.S. Government 
    Printing Office at (202) 512-1530 or, toll free at 1-888-293-6498.
        Anyone may also view these documents in text copy only on an 
    electronic bulletin board of the Department. Telephone: (202) 219-1511 
    or, toll free, 1-800-222-4922. The documents are located under Option 
    G--Files/Announcements, Bulletins and Press Releases.
        Note: The official version of this document is the document 
    published in the Federal Register.
        Applicable Program Regulations: 34 CFR Part 350.
        Program Authority: 29 U.S.C. 760-762.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers 84.133B, 
    Rehabilitation Research
    [[Page 32539]]
    and Training Centers, and 84.133E Rehabilitation Engineering 
    Research Centers)
        Dated: June 8, 1998.
    Curtis L. Richards,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative 
    [FR Doc. 98-15697 Filed 6-11-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4000-01-P

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