
  02-14500. Clean Water Act Section 303(d): Final Agency Action on 151 Determinations That TMDLs Are Not Needed  

  • Start Preamble


    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


    Notice of availability.


    This notice announces final agency action removing 151 waterbody/pollutant combinations listed in Louisiana's Calcasieu and Ouachita river basins, under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) because TMDLs are not needed. The EPA evaluated these waters in response to a consent decree entered in the lawsuit Sierra Club, et al. v. Clifford et al., No. 96-0527, (E.D. La.). Documents from the administrative record files for the 151 determinations that TMDLs are not needed, including responses to comments, may be viewed at​region6/​water/​tmdl.htm. The administrative record files may be obtained by calling or writing Ms. Caldwell at the above address. Please contact Ms. Caldwell to schedule an inspection.

    Start Further Info


    Ellen Caldwell at (214) 665-7513.

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    In 1996, two Louisiana environmental groups, the Sierra Club and Louisiana Environmental Action Network (plaintiffs), filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the EPA, styled Sierra Club, et al. v. Clifford et al., No. 96-0527, (E.D. La.). Among other claims, plaintiffs alleged that EPA failed to establish Louisiana TMDLs in a timely manner.

    Final Agency Action Removing 149 Waterbody/Pollutant Combinations for Waters Located Within the Calcasieu and Ouachita River Basins From the Louisiana 303(d) List Because TMDLs Are Not Needed

    SubsegmentWaterbody namePollutant
    030103Calcasieu—Rapides-Allen Parish line to confluence with Marsh Bayou (Scenic)Cadmium.
    030201Calcasieu River—Confluence with Marsh Bayou to Salt-water BarrierCadmium.
    030801West Fork Calcasieu River—From confluence of Beckwith Creek and Hickory Branch to Calcasieu RiverCadmium.
    030103Calcasieu River—Rapides-Allen Parish line to confluence with Marsh Bayou (Scenic)Copper.
    030201Calcasieu River—Confluence with Marsh Bayou to Salt-water BarrierCopper.
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    030801West Fork Calcasieu River—From confluence of Beckwith Creek and Hickory Branch to Calcasieu RiverCopper.
    030702English Bayou—Headwaters to Calcasieu RiverLead.
    030801West Fork Calcasieu River—From confluence of Beckwith Creek and Hickory Branch to Calcasieu RiverLead.
    030702English Bayou—Headwaters to Calcasieu RiverMercury.
    030306Bayou Verdine (Estuarine)Oil & Grease.
    030901Bayou D'Inde—Headwaters to Calcasieu River (Estuarine)Oil & Grease.
    030301Calcasieu River and Ship Channel—Salt-water Barrier to below Moss Lake (Estuarine, includes Coon Island and Clooney Island Loops)Pathogen Indicators.
    030302Lake Charles (Estuarine)Pathogen Indicators.
    030401Calcasieu River—Calcasieu Ship Channel below Moss Lake to the Gulf of Mexico (Estuarine, includes Monkey Island Loop)Pathogen Indicators.
    030402Calcasieu Lake (Estuarine)Pathogen Indicators.
    030901Bayou D'Inde—Headwaters to Calcasieu River (Estuarine)Pathogen Indicators.
    030201Calcasieu River—Confluence with Marsh Bayou to Salt-water BarrierSuspended Solids.
    030103Calcasieu River—Rapides-Allen Parish line to confluence with Marsh Bayou (Scenic)Suspended Solids.
    030201Calcasieu River—Confluence with Marsh Bayou to Salt-water BarrierTurbidity.
    030103Calcasieu River—Rapides-Allen Parish line to confluence with Marsh Bayou (Scenic)Turbidity.
    080301Black River—Jonesville to Corps of Engineers Control Structure (at mile 25, Serena)Cadmium.
    081501Castor Creek—Headwaters to Little RiverCadmium.
    081401Dugdemona River—Headwaters to junction with Big CreekCadmium.
    081601Little River—Confluence of Castor Creek and Dugdemona River to junction with Bear Creek (Scenic)Cadmium.
    081602Little River—From Bear Creek to Catahoula Lake (Scenic)Cadmium.
    080101Ouachita River—Arkansas State Line to Columbia Lock and Dam (Scenic from the Arkansas state line to intersection with Bayou Bartholomew—22 miles)Cadmium.
    080501Bayou de L'Outre—Arkansas State Line to Ouachita River (Scenic)Chlorides.
    081611Bayou Funny LouisChlorides.
    080903Big Creek—Headwaters to Boeuf River (including Big Colewa Bayou)Chlorides.
    080901Boeuf River—Arkansas State Line to Ouachita RiverChlorides.
    081603Catahoula LakeChlorides.
    080609Corney Bayou—From Corney Lake to Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (Scenic)Chlorides.
    081402Dugdemona River—From Big Creek to Little RiverChlorides.
    081601Little River—Confluence of Castor Creek and Dugdemona River to junction with Bear Creek (Scenic)Chlorides.
    081602Little River—From Bear Creek to Catahoula Lake (Scenic)Chlorides.
    080610Middle Fork of Bayou D'Arbonne—From origin to Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (Scenic)Chlorides.
    081201Tensas River—Headwaters to Jonesville (including Tensas Bayou)Chlorides.
    080301Black River—Jonesville to Corps of Engineers Control Structure (at mile 25, Serena)Copper.
    081501Castor Creek—Headwaters to Little RiverCopper.
    081604Catahoula Lake Diversion Canal—Catahoula Lake to Black RiverCopper.
    081402Dugdemona River—From Big Creek to Little RiverCopper.
    081401Dugdemona River—Headwaters to junction with Big CreekCopper.
    081601Little River—Confluence of Castor Creek and Dugdemona River to junction with Bear Creek (Scenic)Copper.
    081602Little River—From Bear Creek to Catahoula Lake (Scenic)Copper.
    080101Ouachita River—Arkansas State Line to Columbia Lock and Dam (Scenic from the Arkansas state line to intersection with Bayou Bartholomew—22 miles)Copper.
    080201Ouachita River—Columbia Lock and Dam to JonesvilleCopper.
    080101Ouachita River—Arkansas State, Line to Columbia Lock and Dam (Scenic from the Arkansas state line to intersection with Bayou Bartholomew—22 miles)Dioxins, Priority Organics.
    080401Bayou Bartholomew—Arkansas State Line to Dead Bayou (Lake Bartholomew Scenic)Lead.
    080605Bayou D'Arbonne—From Bayou D'Arbonne Lake to Ouachita River (Scenic)Lead.
    080603Bayou D'Arbonne—From Lake Claiborne to Bayou D'Arbonne LakeLead.
    080604Bayou D'Arbonne LakeLead.
    080501Bayou de L'Outre—Arkansas State Line to Ouachita River (Scenic)Lead.
    081503Beaucoup Creek—Headwaters to Castor CreekLead.
    080301Black River—Jonesville to Corps of Engineers Control Structure (at mile 25, Serena)Lead.
    081501Castor Creek—Headwaters to Little RiverLead.
    081604Catahoula Lake Diversion Canal—Catahoula Lake to Black RiverLead.
    080609Corney Bayou—From Corney Lake to Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (Scenic)Lead.
    081402Dugdemona River—From Big Creek to Little RiverLead.
    081401Dugdemona River—Headwaters to junction with Big CreekLead.
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    081601Little River—Confluence of Castor Creek and Dugdemona River to junction with Bear Creek (Scenic)Lead.
    081602Little River—From Bear Creek to Catahoula Lake (Scenic)Lead.
    080610Middle Fork of Bayou D'Arbonne—From origin to Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (Scenic)Lead.
    080101Ouachita River—Arkansas State Line to Columbia Lock and Dam (Scenic from the Arkansas state line to intersection with Bayou Bartholomew—22 miles)Lead.
    080201Ouachita River—Columbia Lock and Dam to JonesvilleLead.
    081201Tensas River—Headwaters to Jonesville (including Tensas Bayou)Lead.
    080605Bayou D'Arbonne—From Bayou D'Arbonne Lake to Ouachita River (Scenic)Mercury.
    080501Bayou de L'Outre—Arkansas State Line to Ouachita River (Scenic)Mercury.
    080904Bayou Lafourche—Near Oakridge to Boeuf River near ColumbiaMercury.
    080301Black River—Jonesville to Corps of Engineers Control Structure (at mile 25, Serena)Mercury.
    080901Boeuf River—Arkansas State Line to Ouachita RiverMercury.
    081501Castor Creek—Headwaters to Little RiverMercury.
    081402Dugdemona River—From Big Creek to Little RiverMercury.
    081401Dugdemona River—Headwaters to junction with Big CreekMercury.
    080201Ouachita River—Columbia Lock and Dam to JonesvilleMercury.
    081401Dugdemona River—Headwaters to junction with Big CreekNon-Priority Organics.
    081601Little River—Confluence of Castor Creek and Dugdemona River to junction with Bear Creek (Scenic)Non-Priority Organics.
    081203Lake Bruin (Oxbow Lake)Nutrients.
    081501Castor Creek—Headwaters to Little RiverOil & Grease.
    081601Little River—Confluence of Castor Creek and Dugdemona River to junction with Bear Creek (Scenic)Oil & Grease.
    081602Little River—From Bear Creek to Catahoula Lake (Scenic)Oil & Grease.
    081611Bayou Funny LouisOil & Grease.
    081603Catahoula LakeOil & Grease.
    081001Bayou Macon—Arkansas State Line to Tensas RiverOrganic Enrichment/Low DO.
    081203Lake Bruin (Oxbow Lake)Organic Enrichment/Low DO.
    080401Bayou Bartholomew—Arkansas State Line to Dead Bayou (Lake Bartholomew Scenic)Other Inorganics.
    080603Bayou D'Arbonne—From Lake Claiborne to Bayou D'Arbonne LakeOther Inorganics.
    081201Tensas River—Headwaters to Jonesville (including Tensas Bayou)Other Inorganics.
    080905Turkey Creek—Headwaters to Turkey Creek Cutoff and Turkey Creek Cutoff to Big Creek including Glade SloughOther Inorganics.
    080401Bayou Bartholomew—Arkansas State Line to Dead Bayou (Lake Bartholomew Scenic)Pathogen Indicators.
    080904Bayou Lafourche—Near Oakridge to Boeuf River near ColumbiaPathogen Indicators.
    081501Castor Creek—Headwaters to Little RiverPathogen Indicators.
    081609Hemphill Creek—Headwaters to Catahoula Lake (includes Hair Creek)Pathogen Indicators.
    080902Bayou Bonne Idee—Headwaters to Boeuf RiverPesticides.
    080301Black River—Jonesville to Corps of Engineers Control Structure (at mile 25, Serena)Pesticides.
    080302Black River—Corps of Engineers Control Structure to Red RiverPesticides.
    080910Clear LakePesticides.
    080909Crew LakePesticides.
    081202Lake St. Joseph (Oxbow Lake)Pesticides.
    080101Ouachita River—Arkansas State Line to Columbia Lock and Dam (Scenic from the Arkansas state line to intersection with Bayou Bartholomew—22 miles)Pesticides.
    080201Ouachita River—Columbia Lock and Dam to JonesvillePesticides.
    080905Turkey Creek—Headwaters to Turkey Creek Cutoff and Turkey Creek Cutoff to Big Creek including Glade SloughPesticides.
    080401Bayou Bartholomew—Arkansas State Line to Dead Bayou (Lake Bartholomew Scenic)Pesticides.
    080904Bayou Lafourche—Near Oakridge to Boeuf River near ColumbiaPesticides.
    080202Bayou LouisPesticides.
    081203Lake Bruin (Oxbow Lake)Pesticides.
    080102Bayou ChauvinpH.
    080501Bayou de L'Outre—Arkansas State Line to Ouachita River (Scenic)Salinity/TDS.
    080903Big Creek—Headwaters to Boeuf River (including Big Colewa Bayou)Salinity/TDS.
    081603Catahoula LakeSalinity/TDS.
    080609Corney Bayou—From Corney Lake to D'Arbonne LakeSalinity/TDS.
    081402Dugdemona River—From Big Creek to Little RiverSalinity/TDS.
    081601Little River—Confluence of Castor Creek and Dugdemona River to junction with Bear Creek (Scenic)Salinity/TDS.
    081602Little River—From Bear Creek to Catahoula Lake (Scenic)Salinity/TDS.
    080610Middle Fork of Bayou D'Arbonne—From origin to Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (Scenic)Salinity/TDS.
    081201Tensas River—Headwaters to Jonesville (including Tensas Bayou)Salinity/TDS.
    080901Boeuf River—Arkansas State Line to Ouachita RiverSalinity/TDS.
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    081611Bayou Funny LouisSalinity/TDS.
    080302Black River—Corps of Engineers Control Structure to Red RiverSiltation.
    081602Little River—From Bear Creek to Catahoula Lake (Scenic)Siltation.
    080201Ouachita River—Columbia Lock and Dam to JonesvilleSiltation.
    080501Bayou de L'Outre—Arkansas State Line to Ouachita River (Scenic)Sulfates.
    081611Bayou Funny LouisSulfates.
    080903Big Creek—Headwaters to Boeuf River (including Big Colewa Bayou)Sulfates.
    080901Boeuf River—Arkansas State Line to Ouachita RiverSulfates.
    081501Castor Creek—Headwaters to Little RiverSulfates.
    081603Catahoula LakeSulfates.
    080609Corney Bayou—From Corney Lake to Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (Scenic)Sulfates.
    081402Dugdemona River—From Big Creek to Little RiverSulfates.
    081601Little River—Confluence of Castor Creek and Dugdemona River to junction with Bear Creek (Scenic)Sulfates.
    081602Little River—From Bear Creek to Catahoula Lake (Scenic)Sulfates.
    080610Middle Fork of Bayou D'Arbonne— From origin to Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (Scenic)Sulfates.
    081201Tensas River—Headwaters to Jonesville (including Tensas Bayou)Sulfates.
    080401Bayou Bartholomew—Arkansas State Line to Dead Bayou (Lake Bartholomew Scenic)Suspended Solids.
    080902Bayou Bonne Idee—Headwaters to Boeuf RiverSuspended Solids.
    080605Bayou D'Arbonne—From Bayou D'Arbonne Lake to Ouachita River (Scenic)Suspended Solids.
    080603Bayou D'Arbonne—From Lake Claiborne to Bayou D'Arbonne LakeSuspended Solids.
    081501Castor Creek—Headwaters to Little RiverSuspended Solids.
    080609Corney Bayou—From Corney Lake to Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (Scenic)Suspended Solids.
    080905Turkey Creek—Headwaters to Turkey Creek Cutoff and Turkey Creek Cutoff to Big Creek including Glade SloughSuspended Solids.
    080101Ouachita River—Arkansas State Line to Columbia Lock and Dam (Scenic from the Arkansas state line to intersection with Bayou Bartholomew—22 miles)Suspended Solids.
    081402Dugdemona River—From Big Creek to Little CreekTurbidity.
    081601Little River—Confluence of Castor Creek and Dugdemona River to junction with Bear Creek (Scenic)Turbidity.
    081602Little River—From Bear Creek to Catahoula Lake (Scenic)Turbidity.
    080905Turkey Creek—Headwaters to Turkey Creek Cutoff and Turkey Creek Cutoff to Big Creek including Glade SloughTurbidity.
    080401Bayou Bartholomew—Arkansas State Line to Dead Bayou (Lake Bartholomew Scenic)Turbidity.
    081611Bayou Funny LouisTurbidity.
    080610Middle Fork of Bayou D'Arbonne—From origin to Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (Scenic)Turbidity.
    080101Ouachita River—Arkansas State Line to Columbia Lock and Dam (Scenic from the Arkansas state line to intersection with Bayou Bartholomew—22 miles)Turbidity.
    080301Black River—Jonesville to Corps of Engineers Control Structure (at mile 25, Serena)Unknown Toxicity.

    EPA requested the public to provide EPA with any significant data or information that may impact the determinations that 149 TMDLs are not needed in 67 FR 6922 (February 14, 2002). The comments received and EPA's response to comments may be found at​region6/​water/​tmdl.htm.

    Final Agency Action Removing 2 Waterbody/Pollutant Combinations for Waters Located Within the Calcasieu River Basin From the Louisiana 303(d) List Because TMDLs Have Been Previously Received from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and approved by EPA

    SubsegmentWaterbody namePollutant
    030702English Bayou—Headwaters to Calcasieu RiverOrganic enrichment/low DO, Nutrients.
    Start Signature
    Start Printed Page 40742

    Dated: May 30, 2002.

    Oscar Ramirez, Jr.,

    Acting Director, Water Quality Protection Division, Region 6.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 02-14500 Filed 6-12-02; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of availability.
Document Number:
40738-40742 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: