2016-13875. Special Local Regulations; Marine Events in the Seventh Coast Guard District  

  • Start Preamble


    Coast Guard, DHS.


    Final rule.


    The Coast Guard is updating the regulation that governs recurring special local regulations in the Seventh Coast Guard District. These regulations will apply to all recurring events held on navigable waters of the Seventh District, such as regattas and parades. This update is to ensure that all known Start Printed Page 38072recurring marine events are included in the final regulation and to allow respective Captains of the Port greater ease in enacting or modifying those portions of the regulation which apply to their respective areas.


    This rule is effective July 13, 2016.


    To view documents mentioned in this preamble as being available in the docket, go to http://www.regulations.gov, type USCG-2013-0272 in the “SEARCH” box and click “SEARCH.” Click on Open Docket Folder on the line associated with this rule.

    Start Further Info


    If you have questions about this final rulemaking, call or email Eugene Stratton, Coast Guard District Seven Waterways Management, (305) 415-6750, email Eugene.Stratton@uscg.mil or Lieutenant Commander Brendan Sullivan, Coast Guard District Seven Legal, U.S. Coast Guard; telephone (305) 415-6957, email Brendan.Sullivan@uscg.mil.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    I. Table of Abbreviations

    CFR Code of Federal Regulations

    DHS Department of Homeland Security

    E.O. Executive order

    FR Federal Register

    NPRM Notice of proposed rulemaking

    Pub. L. Public Law

    § Section

    U.S.C. United States Code

    COTP Captain of the Port

    II. Background, Purpose, and Legal Basis

    On January 25, 2008, 33 CFR 100.701 was published in the Federal Register (73 FR 4461) to provide permanent notice of recurring marine events in the Seventh Coast Guard District. Since that time, it was amended, (March 14, 2012 (77 FR 14962)) to remove several lines in Table 100.701 with incorrect information and to add lines regarding marine event dates, geographic locations, and corresponding regulated areas. The Coast Guard is now revising the table of events contained within this regulation to ensure that it accurately captures all recurring marine events in the Seventh Coast Guard District and to allow respective Captains of the Port greater ease in managing events occurring in their zones.

    On January 21, 2016, the Coast Guard published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) titled Special Local Regulations; Marine Events in the Seventh Coast Guard District; 81 FR 3362. There we stated why we issued the NPRM, and invited comments on our proposed regulatory action related to this fireworks display. During the comment period that ended February 22, 2016, we received zero comments.

    III. Legal Authority and Need for Rule

    33 U.S.C. 1233 provides the legal basis for the Coast Guard's authority to establish special local regulations. The purpose of the rule is to provide for the safety of life on the navigable waters of the Seventh Coast Guard District during recurring marine events.

    IV. Discussion of Comments, Changes, and the Rule

    As noted above, we received no comments on our NPRM published January 21, 2016. The final regulatory text implemented through this rule made two minor changes to the table proposed rule in the NPRM. First, the Gasparilla Boat Parade proposed under the COTP Zone St. Petersburg, 33 CFR 100.701(d)(2), was deleted because it is largely duplicative of the Annual Gasparilla Marine Parade regulation currently implemented under 33 CFR 100.734. Second, language describing the location of the Charleston Harbor Christmas Parade of Boats in 33 CFR 100.734(g)(6) was changed to reflect the renaming of “Shutes Folly” to “Bennis Reach.” No other changes were made to the text proposed in the NPRM.

    This rule revises the list of permanent special regulations contained in 33 CFR 100.701 for recurring marine events within the geographic boundary of the Seventh Coast Guard District. In general, the Seventh Coast Guard District is comprised of the land areas and U.S. navigable waters adjacent to South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Puerto Rico. For a detailed description of the geographical area of the District and each Coast Guard Sector, please refer to 33 CFR 3.35.

    At present, there are many annually recurring marine events within the Seventh Coast Guard District. These events are currently listed in a single table, with no demarcation by which to easily identify specific events. This amendment to the regulation includes breaking the table into seven distinct sections, one for each Captain of the Port (COTP) zone. Each event within each COTP section will be assigned a line number, which will result in each event being easily identifiable based on its location within a table and line thereby making future editing or enforcement of any event a more streamlined process.

    Additionally, the Coast Guard seeks to update the regulation to ensure that it accurately reflects all recurring events within the Seventh District, to include marine events which started on a recurring basis since the last revision of this regulation and any marine events which may have been left off of the last revision.

    Amendments to this rule will reduce the administrative burden on the Coast Guard by ensuring all recurring events are represented in the table and by minimizing the need to duplicate the rulemaking process for repeat events. Generally, the public will be advised of these events and specific information, including exact dates, specific areas, and description of the regulated area, through Local Notice to Mariners and Broadcast Notice to Mariners. The notices will contain the following information:

    (i) Name and sponsoring organization of event;

    (ii) Expected number of participants;

    (iii) Course of event;

    (iv) Regulated area;

    (v) Spectator Area, if applicable; and

    (vi) Dates and times of event and enforcement of regulations.

    The Coast Guard realizes that some large scale events, such as those with many participants or spectators, or those that could severely restrict navigation or pose a significant hazard, may still require separate special local regulations or safety zones that address the specific peculiarities of the event. In those situations, the Coast Guard will create special local regulations or safety zones specifically for the event, and those regulations will supersede the final regulations in this rule. However, the Coast Guard believes that a majority of the events held on the waters of the Seventh Coast Guard District may be adequately regulated by the requirements of this final rule.

    Due to the activities involved, the large number of participants and spectators present, and event locations, the Coast Guard has determined that the events listed in this rule could pose a risk to participants or waterway users if normal vessel traffic were to interfere with the event. Possible hazards include risks of participant injury or death resulting from near or actual contact with non-participant vessels transiting through the regulated areas. In order to protect the safety of all waterway users including event participants and spectators, this final rule would establish special local regulations for the time and location of each marine event.

    This final rule will prevent vessels from entering, transiting, mooring or anchoring within areas specifically designated as regulated areas during the periods of enforcement unless authorized by the Captain of the Port, or Start Printed Page 38073designated Coast Guard Patrol Commander. A designated “Patrol Commander” includes Coast Guard commissioned, warrant, or petty officers who have been designated by the Captain of the Port to act on their behalf. Patrol Commanders may be augmented by local, State, or Federal officials authorized to act in support of the Coast Guard.

    Only event sponsors, designated participants, and official patrol vessels will be allowed to enter regulated areas unless otherwise given permission by the Patrol Commander or the Captain of the Port. Spectators may be confined to a designated spectator area to view events. Spectators may contact the Coast Guard Patrol Commander to request permission to pass through the regulated area. If permission is granted, spectators must pass directly through the regulated area at safe speed and without loitering.

    The Coast Guard revises 33 CFR 100.701 by adding 18 new recurring marine events as special local regulations listed in this section. Furthermore, the Coast Guard modifies 14 existing regulated areas and removes 111 regulated areas that are no longer active.

    V. Regulatory Analyses

    We developed this final rule after considering numerous statutes and executive orders (E.O.s) related to rulemaking. Below we summarize our analyses based on a number of these statutes and E.O.s, and we discuss First Amendment rights of protestors.

    A. Regulatory Planning and Review

    E.O.s 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess the costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits. E.O. 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting flexibility. This rule has not been designated a “significant regulatory action,” under E.O. 12866. Accordingly, the rule has not been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.

    This regulatory action determination is based on the following factors: (1) The regulations will be enforced for short, predefined periods of time; (2) persons and vessels may enter, transit through, anchor in or otherwise access the restricted areas with authorization from the respective Captains of the Port; (3) the Coast guard will provide advance notification of the regulations to the local community by issuing Notice of Enforcements, Broadcast Notice to Mariners, and Patrol Commanders. Moreover, in the majority of cases, vessels will be able to safely transit around restricted areas.

    B. Impact on Small Entities

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C. 601-612, as amended, requires Federal agencies to consider the potential impact of regulations on small entities during rulemaking. The term “small entities” comprises small businesses, not-for-profit organizations that are independently owned and operated and are not dominant in their fields, and governmental jurisdictions with populations of less than 50,000. The Coast Guard received no comments from the Small Business Administration on this rulemaking. The Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that this final rule would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

    While some owners or operators of vessels intending to transit the safety zone may be small entities, for the reasons stated in section IV.A above this final rule would not have a significant economic impact on any vessel owner or operator.

    Under section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-121), we want to assist small entities in understanding this final rule. If the rule would affect your small business, organization, or governmental jurisdiction and you have questions concerning its provisions or options for compliance, please contact the person listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section. The Coast Guard will not retaliate against small entities that question or complain about this final rule or any policy or action of the Coast Guard.

    C. Collection of Information

    This final rule would not call for a new collection of information under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520).

    D. Federalism and Indian Tribal Governments

    A rule has implications for federalism under E.O. 13132, Federalism, if it has a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. We have analyzed this final rule under that Order and have determined that it is consistent with the fundamental federalism principles and preemption requirements described in E.O. 13132.

    Also, this final rule does not have tribal implications under E.O. 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments, because it would not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian tribes. If you believe this final rule has implications for federalism or Indian tribes, please contact the person listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section above.

    E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531-1538) requires Federal agencies to assess the effects of their discretionary regulatory actions. In particular, the Act addresses actions that may result in the expenditure by a State, local, or tribal government, in the aggregate, or by the private sector of $100,000,000 (adjusted for inflation) or more in any one year. Though this final rule would not result in such an expenditure, we do discuss the effects of this rule elsewhere in this preamble.

    F. Environment

    We have analyzed this final rule under Department of Homeland Security Management Directive 023-01 and Commandant Instruction M16475.lD, which guide the Coast Guard in complying with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321-4370f), and have made a preliminary determination that this action is one of a category of actions that do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment. This final rule involves amending and republication of a table of recurring marine events for special regulations issued in conjunction with a regatta or marine parade. The events themselves are permitted by the Coast Guard before this regulation would be utilized and the permitting process involves a thorough environmental review. Normally such actions are categorically excluded from further review under paragraph 34(h) of Figure 2-1 of Commandant Instruction M16475.lD. A preliminary environmental analysis checklist and Categorical Exclusion Determination are available in the docket where indicated under ADDRESSES. We seek any comments or information that may lead to the discovery of a significant environmental impact from this final rule.Start Printed Page 38074

    G. Protest Activities

    The Coast Guard respects the First Amendment rights of protesters. Protesters are asked to contact the person listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section to coordinate protest activities so that your message can be received without jeopardizing the safety or security of people, places, or vessels.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 100

    • Marine safety
    • Navigation (water)
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
    • Waterways
    End List of Subjects

    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Coast Guard amends 33 CFR part 100 as follows:

    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The authority citation for part 100 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1233.

    End Authority Start Amendment Part

    2. Amend section 100.701 by revising Table 1 to Sec. 100.701 to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    Special Local Regulations; Marine Events in the Seventh Coast Guard District.
    * * * * *

    Table to § 100.701

    1. 2nd or 3rd Weekend in JuneRotary Club of Fort Lauderdale New River Raft RaceRotary Club of Fort LauderdaleAll waters of the New River contained within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 26°07′10″ N., 80°08′52″ W.; thence southeast to Point 2 in position 26°07′05″ N., 80°08′34″ W.; thence southwest to Point 3 in position 26°07′04″ N., 80°08′35″ W.; thence northwest to Point 4 in position 26°07′08″ N., 80°08′52″ W.; thence north back to origin.
    2. 2nd or 3rd weekend in AprilStuart Sailfish RegattaStuart Sailfish, IncAll waters of Indian River located northeast of Ernest Lyons Bridge and south of Joes Cove that are encompassed within a line connecting the following points, with the exception of the spectator area: Starting at Point 1 in position 27°12′47″ N., 80°11′43″ W.; thence southeast to Point 2 in position 27°12′22″ N., 80°11′28″ W.; thence northeast to Point 3 in position 27°12′35″ N., 80°11′00″ W.; thence northwest to Point 4 in position 27°12′47″ N., 80°11′04″ W.; thence northeast to Point 5 in position 27°13′05″ N., 80°11′01″ W.; thence southeast back to origin.
    3. 2nd or 3rd week in AprilFt. Lauderdale Air ShowLauderdale Air Show LLC(1) Exclusion area. All waters of the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of Fort Lauderdale, Florida that are encompassed within a line connecting the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 26°10′39″ N., 80°05′47″ W.; thence southeast to Point 2 in position 26°10′32″ N., 80°04′39″ W.; thence southwest to Point 3 in position 26°06′33″ N., 80°05′08″ W.; thence northwest to Point 4 in position 26°06′40″ N., 80°06′15″ W.; thence northeast back to origin. All persons and vessels, except those persons and vessels participating in the event, are prohibited from entering, transiting through, anchoring in, or remaining within the exclusion area.
    (2) Limited access area. All waters of the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of Fort Lauderdale, Florida that are encompassed within a line connecting the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 26°05′41″ N., 80°06′59″ W.; thence southeast to Point 2 in position 26°05′26″ N., 80°06′51″ W.; thence northeast to Point 3 in position 26°05′32″ N., 80°05′24″ W.; thence north to Point 4 in position 26°05′42″ N., 80°05′24″ W.; thence southwest back to origin. All vessels 500 gross tons or greater are prohibited from entering, transiting through, anchoring in, or remaining within the regulated area unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Miami or a designated representative.
    4. 2nd or 3rd weekend in AprilRed Bull CandolaRed Bull North AmericaAll waters of the New River between the Esplanade Park and slightly east of the South Andrews Avenue Bascule Bridge encompassed between the following points: Point 1 in position 26°07′09″ N., 80°08′52″ W. and Point 2 in position 26°07′04″ N., 80°08′34″ W.
    5. 2nd or 3rd weekend in MayMiami Superboat Grand PrixSuper Boat International Productions, IncAll waters of the Atlantic Ocean east of Miami Beach, FL encompassed within a line connecting the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 25°49′14″ N., 80°07′13″ W.; thence east to Point 2 in position 25°49′13″ N., 80°06′48″ W.; thence southwest to Point 3 in 25°46′00″ N., 80°07′26″ W.; thence west to Point 4 in position 25°46′00″ N., 80°07′51″ W.; thence northeast back to origin.
    Start Printed Page 38075
    6. 1st or 2nd weekend in JuneWest Palm Beach TriathlonGame On Sports Marketing GroupAll waters of the Intracoastal Waterway in West Palm Beach, Florida between the Flagler Memorial Bridge to the Royal Palm Way Bridge.
    7. 2nd or 3rd weekend in SeptemberPublix Escape to Miami TriathlonUS Road Sports and Entertainment of Florida, LLCAll waters of Biscayne Bay, east of Margaret Pace Park, Miami, FL encompassed within a line connecting the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 25°47′40″ N., 80°11′07″ W.; thence northeast to Point 2 in position 25°48′13″ N., 80°10′48″ W.; thence southeast to Point 3 in 25°47′59″ N., 80°10′34″ W.; thence south to Point 4 in position 25°47′52″ N., 80°10′34″ W.; thence southwest to Point 5 in position 25°47′33″ N., 80°11′07″ W.; thence north back to origin.
    8. 2nd or 3rd weekend in OctoberIronman 70.3Miami Tri EventsAll waters of Biscayne Bay located east of Bayfront Park and encompassed within a line connecting the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 25°46′44″ N., 080°11′00″ W.; thence southeast to Point 2 in position 25°46′24″ N., 080°10′44″ W.; thence southwest to Point 3 in position 25°46′18″ N., 080°11′05″ W.; thence north to Point 4 in position 25°46′33″ N., 080°11′05″ W.; thence northeast back to origin. All coordinates are North American Datum 1983.
    9. 2nd or 3rd week in OctoberWest Palm Beach World ChampionshipOffshore Powerboat Association LLCAll waters of the Atlantic Ocean east of Jupiter, FL encompassed within a line connecting the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 26°56′06″ N., 80°04′06″ W.; thence northeast to Point 2 in position 26°56′11″ N., 80°03′38″ W.; thence southeast to Point 3 in 26°53′11″ N., 80°02′35″ W.; thence southwest to Point 4 in position 26°53′03″ N., 80°03′06″ W.; thence northwest back to origin.
    10. 1st or 2nd weekend in NovemberRed Bull FlugtagRed Bull North AmericaAll waters of Biscayne Bay, Miami, FL between Bayfront Park and the Intercontinental-Miami Hotel encompassed within a line connecting the following points: Starting at point 1 in position 25°46′32″ N., 80°11′06″ W.; thence southeast to point 2 in position 25°46′30″ N., 80°11′04″ W.; thence south to point 3 in position 25°46′26″ N., 80°11′04″ W.; thence southwest to point 4 in position 25°46′25″ N., 80°11′06″ W.; thence north back to origin.
    11. 1st or 2nd weekend in DecemberBoynton & Delray Holiday Boat ParadeBoynton Reach Community Redevelopment AgencyAll waters within a moving zone that will begin at Boynton Inlet and end at the C-15 Canal, which will include a buffer zone extending 50 yards ahead of the lead parade vessel and 50 yards astern of the last participating vessel and 50 yards on either side of the parade.
    12. 1st or 2nd weekend in DecemberPalm Beach Holiday Boat ParadeMarine Industries Association of Palm Beach CountyAll waters within a moving zone that will begin at Lake Worth Daymarker 28 in North Palm Beach and end at Loxahatchee River Daymarker 7 east of the Glynn Mayo Highway Bridge in Jupiter, FL, which will include a buffer zone extending 50 yards ahead of the lead parade vessel and 50 yards astern of the last participating vessel and 50 yards on either side of the parade.
    13. 2nd or 3rd weekend in DecemberMiami Outboard Club Holiday Boat ParadeMiami Outboard ClubAll waters within a moving zone that will transit as follows: the marine parade will begin at the Miami Outboard Club on Watson Island, head north around Palm Island and Hibiscus Island, head east between Di Lido Island, south through Meloy Channel, west through Government Cut to Bicentennial Park, south to the Dodge Island Bridge, south in the Intracoastal Waterway to Claughton Island, circling back to the north in the Intracoastal Waterway to end at the Miami Outboard Club. This will include a buffer zone extending to 50 yards ahead of the lead vessel and 50 yards astern of the last participating vessel and 50 yards on either side of the parade.
    14. 2nd or 3rd weekend in DecemberSeminole Hard Rock Winterfest Holiday Boat ParadeWinterfest, IncAll waters within a moving zone that will begin at Cooley's Landing Marina and end at Lake Santa Barbara, which will include a buffer zone extending 50 yards ahead of the lead parade vessel and 50 yards astern of the last participating vessel and 50 yards on either side of the parade.
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    15. 2nd or 3rd weekend in DecemberCity of Pompano Beach Holiday Boat ParadeGreater Pompano Beach Chamber of CommerceAll waters within a moving zone that will begin at Lake Santa Barbara and head north on the Intracoastal Waterway to end at the Hillsboro Bridge, which will include a buffer zone extending 50 yards ahead of the lead parade vessel and 50 yards astern of the last participating vessel and 50 yards on either side of the parade.
    (b) COTP Zone San Juan; Special Local Regulations
    1. 1st Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of FebruaryCNSJ International RegattaClub Nautico de San JuanSan Juan, Puerto Rico; (1) Outer Harbor Race Area. All waters of Bahia de San Juan within a line connecting the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 18°28.4′ N., 66°07.6′ W.; then south to Point 2 in position 18°28.1′ N., 66°07.8′ W.; then southeast to Point 3 in position 18°27.8′ N., 66°07.4′ W.; then southeast to point 4 in position 18°27.6′ N., 66°07.3′ W.; then west to point 5 in position 18°27.6′ N., 66°07.8′ W.; then north to point 6 in position 18°28.4′ N., 66°07.8′ W.; then east to the origin.
    (2) Inner Harbor Race Area; All waters of Bahia de San Juan within a line connecting the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 18°27.6′ N., 66°07.8′ W.; then east to Point 2 in position 18°27.6′ N., 66°07.1′ W.; then southeast to Point 3 in position 18°27.4′ N., 66°06.9′ W.; then west to point 4 in position 18°27.4′ N., 66°07.7′ W.; then northwest to the origin.
    2. Last Full Weekend of MarchSt. Thomas International RegattaSt. Thomas Yacht ClubSt. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands; All waters of St. Thomas Harbor encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 18°19.9′ N., 64°55.9′ W.; thence east to Point 2 in position 18°19.97′ N., 64°55.8′ W.; thence southeast to Point 3 in position 18°19.6′ N., 64°55.6′ W.; thence south to point 4 in position 18°19.1′ N., 64°55.5′ W.; thence west to point 5 in position 18°19.1′ N., 64°55.6′ W.; thence north to point 6 in position 18°19.6′ N., 64°55.8′ W.; thence northwest back to origin at Harbor, St. Thomas, San Juan.
    3. Last week of AprilSt. Thomas CarnivalVirgin Islands Carnival CommitteeSt. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands; (1) Race Area. All waters of the St. Thomas Harbor located around Hassel Island, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Island encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 18°20.2′ N., 64°56.1′ W.; thence southeast to Point 2 in position 18°19.7′ N., 64°55.7′ W.; thence south to Point 3 in position 18°19.4′ N., 64°55.7′ W.; thence southwest to point 4 in position 18°19.3′ N., 64°56.0′ W.; thence northwest to point 5 in position 18°19.9′ N., 64°56.5′ W.; thence northeast to point 6 in position 18°20.2′ N., 064°56.3′ W.; thence east back to origin.
    (2) Jet Ski Race Area. All waters encompassed the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 18°20.1′ N., 64°55.9′ W.; thence west to Point 2 in position 18°20.1′ N., 64°56.1′ W.; thence north to Point 3 in position 18°20.3′ N., 64°56.1′ W.; thence east to Point 4 in position 18°20.3′ N., 64°55.9′ W.; thence south back to origin.
    (3) Buffer Zone. All waters of the St. Thomas Harbor located around Hassel Island, encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 18°20.3′ N., 64°55.9′ W.; thence southeast to Point 2 in position 18°19.7′ N., 64°55.7′ W.; thence south to Point 3 in position 18°19.3′ N., 64°55.72′ W.; thence southwest to Point 4 in position 18°19.2′ N., 64°56′ W.; thence northwest to Point 5 in position 18°19.9′ N., 64°56.5′ W.; thence northeast to Point 6 in position 18°20.3′ N., 64°56.3′ W.; thence east back to origin.
    (4) Spectator Area. All waters of the St. Thomas Harbor located east of Hassel Island, encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 18°20.3′ N., 64°55.8′ W.; thence southeast to Point 2 in position 18°19.9′ N., 64°55.7′ W.; thence northeast to Point 3 in position 18°20.2′ N., 64°55.5′ W.; thence northwest back to origin.
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    4. 1st Sunday of MayIronman 70.3 St. CroixProject St. Croix, IncSt. Croix (Christiansted Harbor), U.S. Virgin Islands; All waters encompassed within the following points: point 1 on the shoreline at Kings Wharf at position 17°44′51″ N., 064°42′16″ W., thence north to point 2 at the southwest corner of Protestant Cay in position 17°44′56″ N., 064°42′12″ W., then east along the shoreline to point 3 at the southeast corner of Protestant Cay in position 17°44′56″ N., 064°42′08″ W., thence northeast to point 4 at Christiansted Harbor Channel Round Reef Northeast Junction Lighted Buoy RR in position 17°45′24″ N., 064°41′45″ W., thence southeast to point 5 at Christiansted Schooner Channel Lighted Buoy 5 in position 17°45′18″ N., 064°41′43″ W., thence southwest to point 6 at Christiansted Harbor Channel Buoy 15 in position 17°44′56″ N., 064°41′56″ W., thence southwest to point 7 on the shoreline north of Fort Christiansted in position 17°44′51″ N., 064°42′05″ W., thence west along the shoreline to origin.
    5. July 4thFireworks DisplaySt. John Festival & Cul., OrgSt. John (West of Cruz Bay/Northeast of Steven Cay), U.S. Virgin Islands; All waters from the surface to the bottom for a radius of 200 yards centered around position 18°19′55″ N., 064°48′06″ W.
    6. 3rd Week of July, SundaySan Juan Harbor SwimMunicipality of CatañoSan Juan Harbor, San Juan, Puerto Rico; All waters encompassed within the following points: point 1: La Puntilla Final, Coast Guard Base at position 18°27′33″ N., 066°07′00″ W., then south to point 2: Cataño Ferry Pier at position 18°26′36″ N., 066°07′00″ W., then northeast along the Cataño shoreline to point 3: Punta Cataño at position 18°26′40″ N., 066°06′48″ W., then northwest to point 4: Pier 1 San Juan at position 18°27′40″ N., 066°06′49″ W., then back along the shoreline to origin.
    7. 1st Sunday of SeptemberCruce A Nado InternationalCruce a Nado IncPonce Harbor, Bahia de Ponce, San Juan; All waters of Bahia de Ponce encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 17°58.9′ N., 66°37.5′ W.; thence southwest to Point 2 in position 17°57.5′ N., 66°38.2′ W.; thence southeast to Point 3 in position 17°57.4′ N., 66°37.9′ W.; thence northeast to point 4 in position 17°58.7′ N., 66°37.3′ W.; thence northwest along the northeastern shoreline of Bahia de Ponce to the origin.
    8. 2nd Sunday of OctoberSt. Croix Coral Reef SwimThe Buccaneer ResortSt. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands; All waters of Christiansted Harbor within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 18°45.7′ N., 64°40.6′ W.; then northeast to Point 2 in position 18°47.3′ N., 64°37.5 W.; then southeast to Point 3 in position 17°46.9′ N., 64°37.2′ W.; then southwest to point 4 in position 17°45.51′ N., 64°39.7′ W.; then northwest to the origin.
    9. December 31stFireworks St. Thomas, Great BayMr. Victor Laurenza, Pyrotecnico, New Castle, PASt. Thomas (Great Bay area), U.S. Virgin Islands; All waters within a radius of 600 feet centered around position 18°19′14″ N., 064°50′18″ W.
    10. December—1st weekChristmas Boat ParadeSt. Croix Christmas Boat CommitteeSt. Croix (Christiansted Harbor), U.S. Virgin Islands; 200 yards off-shore around Protestant Cay beginning in position 17°45′56″ N., 064°42′16″ W., around the cay and back to the beginning position.
    11. December—2nd weekChristmas Boat ParadeClub Nautico de San JuanSan Juan, Puerto Rico; Parade route. All waters of San Juan Harbor within a moving zone that will begin at Club Nautico de San Juan, move towards El Morro and then return, to Club Nautico de San Juan; this zone will at all times extend 50 yards in front of the lead vessel, 50 yards behind the last vessel, and 50 yards out from all participating vessels.
    (c) COTP Zone Key West; Special Local Regulations
    1. January 1stBlessing of the FleetIslamorada Charter Boat AssociationFrom Whale Harbor Channel to Whale Harbor Bridge, Islamorada, Florida.
    2. January through April, last Monday or TuesdayWreckers Cup RacesSchooner Wharf BarKey West Harbor to Sand Key, Florida (Gulf of Mexico side).
    3. 3rd Week of January, Monday-FridayYachting Key West Race WeekPremiere Racing, IncInside the reef on either side of main ship channel, Key West Harbor Entrance, Key West, Florida.
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    4. 1st Saturday of FebruaryThe BogeyFlorida Bay OutfittersBlackwater Sound (entire sound), Key Largo, Florida.
    5. 1st Sunday of FebruaryThe BacallFlorida Bay OutfittersBlackwater Sound (entire sound), Key Largo, Florida.
    6. 3rd Weekend of AprilMiami to Key Largo Sailboat RaceMYC Youth Sailing Foundation, IncBiscayne Bay and Intracoastal Waterway from the Rickenbacker Causeway in Miami, Florida to Key Biscayne to Cape Florida to Soldier Key to Sands Key to Elliot Key to Two Stacks to Card Sound to Barnes Sound to Blackwater Sound in Key Largo, Florida no closer than 500 feet from each vessel.
    7. Last Friday of AprilConch Republic Navy Parade and BattleConch RepublicAll waters approximately 150 yards offshore from Ocean Key Sunset Pier, Mallory Square and the Hilton Pier within the Key West Harbor in Key West, Florida.
    8. 1st Weekend of JuneSwim around Key WestFlorida Keys Community CollegeBeginning at Smather's Beach in Key West, Florida. The regulated area will move, west to the area offshore of Fort Zach State Park, north through Key West Harbor, east through Flemming Cut, south on Cow Key Channel and west back to origin. The center of the regulated area will at all times remain approximately 50 yards offshore of the island of Key West Florida; extend 50 yards in front of the lead safety vessel preceding the first race participants; extend 50 yards behind the safety vessel trailing the last race participants; and at all times extend 100 yards on either side of the race participants and safety vessels.
    9. 2nd Week of November, Wednesday-SundayKey West World ChampionshipSuper Boat International Productions, IncIn the Atlantic Ocean, off the tip of Key West, Florida, on the waters of the Key West Main Ship Channel, Key West Turning Basin, and Key West Harbor Entrance.
    10. 1st Thursday of DecemberBoot Key Harbor Christmas Boat ParadeDockside MarinaBoot Key Harbor (entire harbor), Marathon, Florida.
    11. 2nd Sunday of DecemberKey Colony Beach Holiday Boat ParadeKey Colony Beach Community AssociationKey Colony Beach, Marathon, Florida, between Vaca Cut Bridge and Long Key Bridge.
    12. 3rd Saturday of DecemberKey Largo Boat ParadeKey Largo Boat ParadeFrom Channel Marker 41 on Dusenbury Creek in Blackwater Sound to tip of Stillwright Point in Blackwater Sound, Key Largo, Florida.
    13. 3rd Saturday of DecemberKey West Lighted Boat ParadeSchooner Wharf BarAll waters between Christmas Tree Island and Coast Guard Station thru Key West Harbor to Mallory Square, approximately 35 yards from shore.
    (d) COTP Zone St. Petersburg; Special Local Regulations
    1. 3rd Saturday of JanuaryGasparilla Children's Parade Air showAir Boss and ConsultingAll waters of Hillsborough Bay north of an line drawn at 27°55′ N., west of Davis Islands, and south of the Davis Island Bridge.
    2. Last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of MarchHonda Grand PrixHonda Motor Company and City of St. PetersburgDemens Landing St. Petersburg Florida; All waters within 100 ft. of the seawall.
    3. Last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of MarchSt. Pete Grand Prix Air showHonda Motor Company and City of St. PetersburgSouth Yacht Basin, Bayboro Harbor, Gulf of Mexico, St. Petersburg, Florida, within two nautical miles of the Albert Whitted Airport.
    4. Last Sunday of AprilSt. Anthony's TriathlonSt. Anthony's HealthcareGulf of Mexico, St. Petersburg, Florida within one nautical mile of Spa Beach.
    5. July 4thFreedom SwimNonePeace River, St. Petersburg, Florida within two nautical miles of the US 41 Bridge.
    6. 1st Sunday of JulySuncoast Offshore Grand PrixSuncoast Foundation for the HandicappedGulf of Mexico in the vicinity of Sarasota, Florida from New Pass to Siesta Beach out to eight nautical miles.
    7. 3rd Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of SeptemberHomosassa Raft RaceCitrus 95 FM radioHomosassa River in Homosassa, Florida Between Private Green Dayboard 81 east located in approximate position 28°46′58.937″ N., 082°37′25.131″ W. to private Red Dayboard 2 located in approximate position 28°47′19.939″ N., 082°36′44.36″ W.
    8. September 30thClearwater Superboat RaceSuperboat International(1) Race Area; All waters of the Gulf of Mexico near St. Petersburg, Florida, contained within the following points: 27°58.96′ N., 82°50.05′ W., thence to position 27°58.60′ N., 82°50.04′ W., thence to position 27°58.64′ N., 82°50.14′ W., thence to position 28°00.43′ N., 82°50.02′ W., thence to position 28°00.45′ N., 82°50.13′ W., thence back to the start/finish position;
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    (2) Buffer Area; All waters of the Gulf of Mexico encompassed within the following points: 27°58.4′ N., 82°50.2′ W., thence to position 27°58.3′ N., 82°49.9′ W., thence to position 28°00.6′ N., 82°50.2′ W., thence to position 28°00.7′ N., 82°49.7′ W., thence back to position 27°58.4′ N., 82°50.2′ W.
    (3) Spectator Area; All waters of Gulf of Mexico seaward of the following points: 27°58.6′ N., 82°50.2′ W., thence to position 28°00.5′ N., 82°50.2′ W.
    9. Last weekend of SeptemberCocoa Beach Grand Prix of the SeasPowerboat P1-USA, LLCAtlantic ocean at Cocoa Beach, Florida. Sheppard Park. All waters encompassed within the following points: Starting at point 1 in position 28°22.285′ N., 80°36.033′ W.; thence east to Point 2 in position 28°22.253′ N., 80°35.543′ W.; thence south to Point 3 in position 28°21.143′ N., 80°35.700′ W.; thence west to Point 4 in position 28°21.195′ N., 80°36.214′ W.; thence north back to the origin.
    10. 2nd Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of OctoberSt. Petersburg AirfestCity of St. PetersburgSouth Yacht Basin, Bayboro Harbor, Gulf of Mexico, St. Petersburg, Florida all waters within 2 nautical miles of the Albert Whitted Airport.
    11. 3rd Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of NovemberIronman World Championship TriathlonCity of Clearwater & Ironman North AmericaGulf of Mexico, Clearwater, Florida within 2 nautical miles of Clearwater Beach FL.
    (e) COTP Zone Jacksonville; Special Local Regulations
    1. Last Saturday of FebruaryEl Cheapo Sheepshead TournamentJacksonville Offshore Fishing ClubMayport Boat Ramp, Jacksonville, Florida; 500 foot radius from the boat ramp.
    2. 1st Saturday of MarchJacksonville InvitationalStanton Rowing Foundation (May vary)Ortega River Race Course, Jacksonville, Florida; South of Timuquana Bridge.
    3. 1st Saturday of MarchStanton Invitational (Rowing Race)Stanton Rowing FoundationOrtega River Race Course, Jacksonville, Florida; South of Timuquana Bridge.
    4. 1st weekend of MarchHydro X TourH2X Racing PromotionsLake Dora, Tavares, Florida; All waters encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 28°47′59″ N., 81°43′41″ W.; thence south to Point 2 in position 28°47′53″ N., 81°43′41″ W.; thence east to Point 3 in position 28°47′53″ N., 81°43′19″ W.; thence north to Point 4 in position 28°47′59″ N., 81°43′19″ W.; thence west back to origin.
    5. 2nd Full Weekend of MarchTICO Warbird Air ShowValiant Air CommandTitusville; Indian River, FL: All waters encompassed within the following points: Starting at the shoreline then due east to Point 1 at position 28°31′25.15″ N., 080°46′32.73″ W., then south to Point 2 located at position 28°30′55.42″ N., 080°46′32.75″ W., then due west to the shoreline.
    6. 3rd Weekend of MarchTavares Spring Thunder RegattaClassic Race Boat AssociationLake Dora, Florida, waters 500 yards seaward of Wooten Park.
    7. Palm Sunday in March or AprilBlessing of the Fleet—JacksonvilleCity of Jacksonville Office of Special EventsSt. Johns River, Jacksonville, Florida in the vicinity of Jacksonville Landing between the Main Street Bridge and Acosta Bride.
    8. Palm Sunday in March or AprilBlessing of the Fleet—St. AugustineCity of St. AugustineSt. Augustine Municipal Marina (entire marina), St. Augustine Florida.
    9. 1st Full Weekend of April (Saturday and Sunday)Mount Dora Yacht Club Sailing RegattaMount Dora Yacht ClubLake Dora, Mount Dora, Florida—500 feet off Grantham Point.
    10. 3rd Saturday of AprilJacksonville City ChampionshipsStanton Rowing FoundationOrtega River Race Course, Jacksonville, Florida; South of Timuquana Bridge.
    11. 3rd weekend of AprilFlorida Times Union Redfish RoundupThe Florida Times-UnionSister's Creek, Jacksonville, Florida; All waters within a 100 yard radius of Jim King Park and Boat Ramp at Sister's Creek Marina, Sister's Creek.
    12. 2nd Weekend in MaySaltwater Classic—Port CanaveralCox Events GroupAll waters of the Port Canaveral Harbor located in the vicinity of Port Canaveral, Florida encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 28°24′32″ N., 080°37′22″ W., then north to Point 2 28°24′35″ N., 080°37′22″ W., then due east to Point 3 at 28°24′35″ N., 080°36′45″ W., then south to Point 4 at 28°24′32″ N., 080°36′45″, then west back to the original point.
    13. 1st Friday of MayIsle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festival Pirate Landing and FireworksCity of Fernandina BeachAll waters within a 500 yard radius around approximate position 30°40′15″ N., 81°28′10″ W.
    14. 1st Saturday of MayMug RaceThe Rudder Club of Jacksonville, IncSt. Johns River; Palatka to Buckman Bridge.
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    15. 3rd Friday—Sunday of MaySpace Coast Super Boat Grand PrixSuper Boat International Productions, IncAtlantic Ocean in the vicinity of Cocoa Beach, Florida includes all waters encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 28°22′16″ N., 80°36′04″ W.; thence east to Point 2 in position 28°22′15″ N., 80°35′39″ W.; thence south to Point 3 in position 28°19′47″ N., 80°35′55″ W.; thence west to Point 4 in position 28°19′47″ N., 80°36′22″ W.; thence north back to origin.
    16. 4th weekend of MayMemorial Day RiverFestCity of Green Cove SpringsSt. Johns River, Green Cove Springs, Florida; All waters within a 500-yard radius around approximate position 29°59′39″ N., 081°40′33″ W.
    17. Last full week of May (Monday-Friday)Bluewater Invitational TournamentNortheast Florida Marlin AssociationThere is a no-wake zone in affect from the St. Augustine City Marina out to the end of the St. Augustine Jetty's 6 a.m.-8 a.m. and 3 p.m.-5 p.m. during the above days.
    18. 2nd weekend of JuneHydro X TourH2X Racing PromotionsLake Dora, Tavares, Florida; All waters encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 28°47′59″ N., 81°43′41″ W.; thence south to Point 2 in position 28°47′53″ N., 81°43′41″ W.; thence east to Point 3 in position 28°47′53″ N., 81°43′19″ W.; thence north to Point 4 in position 28°47′59″ N., 81°43′19″ W.; thence west back to origin.
    19. 1st Saturday of JuneFlorida Sport Fishing Association Offshore Fishing TournamentFlorida Sport Fishing AssociationPort Canaveral, Florida from Sunrise Marina to the end of Port Canaveral Inlet.
    20. 2nd weekend of June (Saturday and Sunday)Kingfish ChallengeAncient City Game Fish AssociationThere is a no-wake zone in affect from the St. Augustine City Marina in St. Augustine, Florida out to the end of the St. Augustine Jetty's 6 a.m.-8 a.m. and 3 p.m.-5 p.m.
    21. 3rd Friday-Sunday of JuneDaytona Beach Grand Prix of the SeaPowerboat P1-USAAll waters of the Atlantic Ocean East of Cocoa Beach, Florida encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 29°14′60″ N., 81°00′77″ W.; thence east to Point 2 in position 29°14′78″ N., 80°59′802″ W.; thence south to Point 3 in position 28°13′860″ N., 80°59′76″ W.; thence west to Point 4 in position 29°13′68″ N., 81°00′28″ W.; thence north back to origin.
    22. 3rd Saturday of JulyHalifax Rowing Association Summer RegattaHalifax Rowing AssociationHalifax River, Daytona, Florida, south of Memorial Bridge—East Side.
    23. 3rd week of JulyGreater Jacksonville Kingfish TournamentJacksonville Marine Charities, IncJacksonville, Florida; All waters of the St. Johns River, from lighted buoy 10 (LLNR 2190) in approximate position 30°24′22″ N., 081°24′59″ W. to Lighted Buoy 25 (LLNR 7305).
    24. Last weekend of SeptemberJacksonville Dragon Boat FestivalIn the Pink Boutique, IncSt. John's River, Jacksonville, Florida. In front of the Landing, between the Acosta & Main Street bridges From approximate position 30°19′26″ N., 081°39′47″ W. to approximate position 30°19′26″ N., 81°39′32″ W.
    25. 2nd week of OctoberFirst Coast Head RaceStanton Rowing FoundationSt. Johns River and Arlington River, Jacksonville, Florida, starting near the Arlington Marina and ending on the Arlington River near the Atlantic Blvd. Bridge.
    26. 1st weekend of NovemberHydro X TourH2X Racing PromotionsLake Dora, Tavares, Florida; All waters encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 28°47′59″ N., 81°43′41″ W.; thence south to Point 2 in position 28°47′53″ N., 81°43′41″ W.; thence east to Point 3 in position 28°47′53″ N., 81°43′19″ W.; thence north to Point 4 in position 28°47′59″ N., 81°43′19″ W.; thence west back to origin.
    27. 3rd Weekend of NovemberTavares Fall Thunder RegattaClassic Race Boat AssociationLake Dora, Florida, waters 500 yards seaward of Wooten Park.
    28. 2nd Saturday of DecemberSt. Johns River Christmas Boat ParadeSt. Johns River Christmas Boat Parade, IncSt. Johns River, Deland, Florida; Whitehair Bridge, Deland to Lake Beresford.
    29. 2nd Saturday of DecemberChristmas Boat Parade (Daytona Beach/Halifax River)Halifax River Yacht ClubDaytona Beach, Florida; Halifax River from Seabreeze Bridge to Halifax Harbor Marina.
    (f) COTP Zone Savannah; Special Local Regulations
    1. May, 2nd weekend, SundayBlessing of the Fleet—BrunswickKnights of Columbus—BrunswickBrunswick River from the start of the East branch of the Brunswick River (East Brunswick River) to the Golden Isles Parkway Bridge.
    2. 3rd full weekend of JulyAugusta Southern Nationals Drag Boat RacesAugusta Southern NationalsSavannah River, Augusta, Georgia, from the US Highway 1 (Fifth Street) Bridge at mile 199.5 to Eliot's Fish Camp at mile 197.
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    3. Last weekend of SeptemberIronman 70.3IronmanAll waters of the Savannah River encompassed within the following points: Starting at Point 1 in position 33°28′44″ N., 81°57′53″ W.; thence northeast to Point 2 in position 33°28′50″ N., 81°57′50″ W.; thence southeast to Point 3 in position 33°27′51″ N., 81°55′36″ W.; thence southwest to Point 4 in position 33°27′47″ N., 81°55′43″ W.; thence northwest back to origin.
    4. 1st Saturday after Thanksgiving Day in NovemberSavannah Harbor Boat Parade of Lights and FireworksWestin Resort, SavannahSavannah River, Savannah Riverfront, Georgia, Talmadge bridge to a line drawn at 146 degrees true from Dayboard 62.
    5. 2nd Saturday of NovemberHead of the South RegattaAugusta Rowing ClubSavannah River, Augusta, Georgia; All waters within a moving zone, beginning at Daniel Island Pier in approximate position 32°51′20″ N., 079°54′06″ W., South along the coast of Daniel Island, across the Wando River to Hobcaw Yacht Club, in approximate position 32°49′20″ N., 079°53′49″ W., South along the coast of Mt. Pleasant, S.C., to Charleston Harbor Resort Marina, in approximate position 32°47′20″ N., 079°54′39″ W. There will be a temporary Channel Closer from 0730 to 0815 on June 01, 2013 between Wando River Terminal Buoy 3 (LLNR 3305), and Wando River Terminal Buoy 5 (LLNR 3315). The zone will at all times extend 75 yards in front of the lead safety vessel preceding the first race participants; 75 yards behind the safety vessel trailing the last race participants; and at all times extending 100 yards on either side of the race participants and safety vessels.
    (g) COTP Zone Charleston; Special Local Regulations
    1. 2nd and 3rd weekend of AprilCharleston Race WeekSperry Top-SiderCharleston Harbor and Atlantic Ocean, South Carolina, All waters encompassed within an 800 yard radius of position 32°46′39″ N., 79°55′10″ W., All waters encompassed within a 900 yard radius of position 32°45′48″ N., 79°54′46″ W., All waters encompassed within a 900 yard radius of position 32°45′44″ N., 79°53′32″ W.
    2. 1st week of MayLow Country SplashLogan RutledgeWando River, Cooper River, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, including the waters of the Wando River, Cooper River, and Charleston Harbor from Daniel Island Pier, in approximate position 32°51′20″ N., 079°54′06″ W., south along the coast of Daniel Island, across the Wando River to Hobcaw Yacht Club, in approximate position 32°49′20″ N., 079°53′49″ W., south along the coast of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, to Charleston Harbor Resort Marina, in approximate position 32°47′20″ N., 079°54′39″ W., and extending out 150 yards from shore.
    3. 2nd week of JuneBeaufort Water FestivalCity of BeaufortAtlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Bucksport, South Carolina; All waters of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway encompassed within the following points; starting at point 1 in position 33°39′11.5″ N., 079°05′36.8″ W.; thence west to point 2 in position 33°39′12.2″ N., 079°05′47.8″ W.; thence south to point 3 in position 33°38′39.5″ N., 079°05′37.4″ W.; thence east to point 4 in position 33°38′42.3″ N., 79°05′30.6″ W.; thence north back to origin.
    4. 3rd week of SeptemberSwim Around CharlestonKathleen WilsonWando River, main shipping channel of Charleston Harbor, Ashley River, Charleston, South Carolina; A moving zone around all waters within a 75-yard radius around Swim Around Charleston participant vessels that are officially associated with the swim. The Swim Around Charleston swimming race consists of a 10-mile course that starts at Remley′s Point on the Wando River in approximate position 32°48′49″ N., 79°54′27″ W., crosses the main shipping channel of Charleston Harbor, and finishes at the General William B. Westmoreland Bridge on the Ashley River in approximate position 32°50′14″ N., 80°01′23″ W.
    5. 2nd week of NovemberHead of the SouthAugusta Rowing ClubUpper Savannah River mile marker 199 to mile marker 196, Georgia.
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    6. 2nd week DecemberCharleston Harbor Christmas Parade of BoatsCity of CharlestonCharleston harbor, South Carolina, from Anchorage A through Bennis Reach, Horse Reach, Hog Island Reach, Town Creek Lower Reach, Ashley River, and finishing at City Marina.
    Start Signature

    Dated: June 2, 2016.

    S.A. Buschman,

    Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2016-13875 Filed 6-10-16; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 9110-04-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Coast Guard
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective July 13, 2016.
38071-38082 (12 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket Number USCG-2013-0272
1625-AA08: Regatta and Marine Parade Regulations
RIN Links:
Marine safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Waterways
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
33 CFR 100.701