95-14532. Minimum Filing Requirements for FERC Form No. 6, Annual Report for Oil Pipelines  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 114 (Wednesday, June 14, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 31262-31265]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-14532]
    Proposed Rules
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
    the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
    notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
    the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 14, 1995 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 31262]]
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    18 CFR Parts 357 and 382
    [Docket No. RM95-12-000]
    Minimum Filing Requirements for FERC Form No. 6, Annual Report 
    for Oil Pipelines
    June 8, 1995.
    AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, DOE.
    ACTION: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Commission is proposing to revise the filing requirements 
    for FERC Form No. 6, Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies, and to 
    exempt certain oil pipeline companies with minimal jurisdictional 
    revenues from paying annual charges. The proposed rule would exempt 
    from filing Form No. 6 those pipelines whose jurisdictional operating 
    revenues are at or below $100,000 for each of the three preceding 
    calendar years. Those companies that will be exempt from filing Form 
    No. 6 must nevertheless prepare and file page 700 of Form No. 6. The 
    Commission also proposes to relieve those companies not required to 
    file Form No. 6 from the obligation to pay annual charges to the 
    DATES: Comments are due on or before July 14, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: An original and 14 copies of written comments on this 
    proposed rule must be filed in Docket No. RM95-12-000 and should be 
    addressed to: Office of the Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Harris S. Wood, Office of the General 
    Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 825 North Capitol 
    Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20426, Telephone: (202) 208-0224.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In addition to publishing the full text of 
    this document in the Federal Register, the Commission also provides all 
    interested persons an opportunity to inspect or copy the contents of 
    this document during normal business hours in Room 3104, 941 North 
    Capitol Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. The Commission Issuance 
    Posting System (CIPS), an electronic bulletin board service, provides 
    access to the texts of formal documents issued by the Commission. CIPS 
    is available at no charge to the user and may be accessed using a 
    personal computer with a modem by dialing (202) 208-1397. To access 
    CIPS, set your communications software to 19200, 14400, 12000, 9600, 
    7200, 4800, 2400 or 1200 bps, full duplex, no parity, 8 data bits, and 
    1 stop bit. The full text of this document will be available on CIPS 
    for 60 days from the date of issuance in ASCII and WordPerfect 5.1 
    format. After 60 days the document will be archived, but still 
        The complete text on diskette in WordPerfect format may also be 
    purchased from the Commission's copy contractor, La Dorn Systems 
    Corporation, also located in Room 3104, 941 North Capitol Street, NE., 
    Washington, DC 20426.
    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
        The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) proposes to 
    revise the filing requirements for FERC Form No. 6, Annual Report of 
    Oil Pipeline Companies (Form No. 6), and exempt certain oil pipeline 
    companies with minimal jurisdictional revenues from the requirement for 
    paying annual charges. These changes are proposed to become effective 
    30 days after the publication of a final rule in this proceeding in the 
    Federal Register.
        The Commission proposes to exempt from the requirements to prepare 
    and file Form No. 6, those pipelines whose jurisdictional operating 
    revenues are at or below $100,000 for each of the three preceding 
    calendar years.1 For the reasons appearing below, those companies 
    that will be exempt from filing Form No. 6 must nevertheless prepare 
    and file page 700 of Form No. 6.
        \1\Notwithstanding the Commission's proposal to establish a 
    threshold exemption from filing FERC Form No. 6, all jurisdictional 
    oil pipelines will continue to be subject to the Commission's 
    accounting and recordkeeping requirements (e.g., 18 CFR Parts 351, 
    352, and 356).
        The Commission also proposes to relieve those companies not 
    required to file Form No. 6 from the obligation to pay annual charges 
    to the Commission.
    I. Background
        Order No. 561\2\ was issued on October 22, 1993, to comply with the 
    Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Act of 1992),\3\ which required that the 
    Commission establish a simplified and generally applicable method of 
    oil pipeline rate regulation. Thereafter, on October 28, 1994, the 
    Commission issued Order No. 571, which established certain filing 
    requirements for oil pipelines seeking cost-of-service rate treatment 
    and promulgated changes to Form No. 6.\4\
        \2\Revisions to Oil Pipeline Regulations Pursuant to the Energy 
    Policy Act of 1992, Order No. 561, III FERC Stats. & Regs. para. 
    30,985 (1993); Order on Rehearing, Order No. 561-A, III FERC Stats. 
    & Regs. para. 31,000 (1994).
        \3\42 U.S.C. 7172 note (West Supp. 1993).
        \4\Cost-of-Service Reporting and Filing Requirements for Oil 
    Pipelines, III FERC Stats. & Regs. para. 31,006 (1994).
        The Commission's regulations currently require each jurisdictional 
    oil pipeline company to submit Form No. 6 annually, reflecting the 
    operating results and the financial condition of the company involved, 
    irrespective of the size of the company.\5\
        \5\18 CFR 357.2.
    II. Public Reporting Burden
        The Commission estimates the public reporting burden for the 
    collections of information under the proposed rule will be reduced for 
    Form No. 6 by about 14 percent. These estimates include the time for 
    reviewing instructions, researching existing data sources, gathering 
    and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the 
    collection of information. The current annual reporting burden 
    associated with these information collection requirements is as 
    Form No. 6: 22,572 hours, 148 responses, and 148 respondents.\6\
        \6\These numbers are based on an average of respondents expected 
    to file Form No. 6. The number of respondents actually filing the 
    Form No. 6 may vary slightly each year.
        The proposed rule will reduce the existing reporting burden 
    associated with Form No. 6 by an estimated 2,838 hours annually, or an 
    average of 129 hours per response based on an 
    [[Page 31263]]
    estimated 22 oil pipelines who will be exempt from the filing 
    requirements of Form No. 6 but not from the filing requirements of page 
        Comments regarding these burden estimates or any other aspect of 
    these collections of information, including suggestions for reducing 
    this burden, can be sent to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 
    941 North Capitol Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20426 [Attention: 
    Michael Miller, Information Services Division, (202) 208-1415]; and to 
    the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB (Attention: 
    Desk Officer for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), FAX: (202) 395-
    III. Discussion
    A. Form No. 6
        Form No. 6 provides the Commission with financial and operational 
    data for the proper administration of the Commission's responsibilities 
    for rate regulation of oil pipelines under the Interstate Commerce Act, 
    as amended,\7\ and the Act of 1992. In a like manner, the Commission 
    requires the other entities it regulates to submit annual financial and 
    operational data. However, the Commission has established minimum 
    filing thresholds for submission of annual reports for both electric 
    utilities and natural gas companies.\8\ For example, a natural gas 
    pipeline is only required to submit an annual report if its total gas 
    sales or volumes transported exceeds 200,000 Mcf in each of the three 
    previous calendar years. This has allowed the Commission to maintain 
    data on the more significant pipelines and yet has allowed those whose 
    operations are minimal to avoid the regulatory expense and burden of 
    filing reports which would be of limited statistical importance to the 
    Commission. The Commission here intends to provide the same type of 
    relief from the annual filing burden and expense for oil pipelines with 
    limited jurisdictional activity.
        \7\49 App. U.S.C. 1 (1988).
        \8\For electric utilities and licensees, see 18 CFR 141.1 and 
    141.2 and General Instruction 1, Classification of Utilities of the 
    Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Public Utilities and 
    Licensees, 18 CFR Part 101.
        For natural gas companies, see 18 CFR 260.1 and 260.2 and 
    General Instruction 1, Classification of Utilities of the Uniform 
    System of Accounts Prescribed for Natural Gas Companies, 18 CFR Part 
        The Commission proposes to establish a filing threshold for Form 
    No. 6 based on the annual jurisdictional operating revenues of an oil 
    pipeline company. While the filing thresholds for electric utilities 
    and natural gas companies are stated in volumes, the Commission 
    believes that a volumetric threshold is not appropriate for oil 
        \9\In establishing annual charges for the companies it 
    regulates, the Commission considered the use of a volumetric 
    standard in setting annual charges for oil pipelines, but rejected 
    such an approach. It found, for the reasons stated in that 
    proceeding, that the operating revenue approach for setting annual 
    fees would most fairly and equitably distribute the oil program 
    cost. See Annual Charges Under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 
    of 1986, FERC Stats. & Regs., Preambles (1986-1990) para. 30,746 
    (1987) at pp. 30,631-30,634. For the reasons stated in that 
    proceeding, the Commission believes that jurisdictional operating 
    revenues is the appropriate basis for exemption of filing Form No. 
        Analysis of the 146 oil pipelines that filed Form No. 6 for the 
    1993 reporting year indicates three natural breaks in jurisdictional 
    operating revenues that could be used to establish a minimum filing 
        $100,000 level--22 oil pipelines, or 15 percent of the 1993 
    total, had jurisdictional operating revenues at or below this level.
        $300,000 level--32 oil pipelines, or 22 percent of the 1993 
    total, had jurisdictional operating revenues at or below this level.
        $1,000,000 level--38 oil pipelines, or 26 percent of the 1993 
    total, had jurisdictional operating revenues at or below this level.
        The Commission proposes to establish the minimum reporting 
    threshold for oil pipeline companies to file Form No. 6 at the $100,000 
    level of jurisdictional operating revenues. This level will exempt 
    companies with minimal jurisdictional transactions from the burdens 
    associated with preparation of the annual report, yet the Commission 
    should continue to have statistically valid data for its use in oil 
    pipeline rate regulation.
        For both electric utilities and natural gas companies, the 
    Commission's regulations require a company to look to its three 
    immediately preceding reporting years to determine, inter alia, whether 
    it is exempt from filing an annual report with the Commission.\10\ If a 
    regulated company had been exempt from reporting and exceeds the 
    minimum filing threshold for each of the three immediately preceding 
    calendar years, it would be required to file an annual report for the 
    current reporting year. Thereafter, the company would be required to 
    file an annual report until the level of its operations falls below the 
    established threshold for the three immediately preceding calendar 
    years, at which time it would again become exempt from the annual 
    report requirement. This three-year approach was established to guard 
    against anomalies in the operations of a regulated company and to 
    provide some measure of stability in the annual reports, while not 
    imposing an undue burden on companies which were clearly showing a 
    pattern of operations below the established minimum thresholds.
        \10\In the case of a newly established jurisdictional entity, 
    the projected data of the company would be the basis for determining 
    whether an annual report would be required for its first year of 
    operations. See 18 CFR Parts 101 and 201, General Instruction 1, 
    Classification of Utilities, paragraph C.
        The Commission proposes to require the same three-year test for oil 
    pipelines to see if they meet the minimum exemption. That is, a 
    pipeline will be exempt from preparing and filing FERC Form No. 6 if 
    its jurisdictional operating revenues for the three calendar years 
    immediately preceding the current reporting year were $100,000 or less 
    per reporting year. For a newly established pipeline without three 
    years of operations, the company, as is now required for electric 
    utilities and natural gas companies, would use projected data to 
    determine whether Form No. 6 needs to be filed.
        Order No. 571 amended Form No. 6 by requiring, inter alia, that a 
    new page 700 be incorporated into Form No. 6. This page requires an oil 
    pipeline to report its total annual cost of service as calculated under 
    the Opinion No. 154-B methodology,\11\ its operating income, and its 
    throughput in barrels and barrel-miles. This page is an integral part 
    of the Commission's data collection efforts to ensure that the index 
    prescribed by Order No. 561 properly tracks industry costs. Page 700 
    provides shippers with the necessary information to serve as a 
    preliminary screening tool for pipeline rate filings. It is designed to 
    enable shippers to compare proposed changes in rates against the change 
    in the level of a pipeline's cost of service, to compare the change in 
    a shipper's individual rate with the change in a pipeline's average 
    company-wide barrel-mile rate, and to determine whether to challenge a 
    pipeline's indexed rate increase filings. As such, page 700 provides 
    the Commission and the public with information beyond the financial and 
    accounting data found in the rest of Form No. 6. Because the 
    information found on page 700 is not readily available elsewhere, the 
    Commission proposes to require those pipelines that would be exempt 
    from filing Form No. 6 to prepare and file page 700 at the time that 
    other pipelines are required to 
    [[Page 31264]]
    file Form No. 6 (i.e., on or before March 31st of each year for the 
    previous calendar year).
        \11\The Opinion No. 154-B methodology is derived from the 
    Commission's opinions in Williams Pipe Line Company, Opinion No. 
    154-B, 31 FERC para. 61,377 (1985), on rehearing, Opinion No. 154-C, 
    Williams Pipeline Company, 33 FERC para. 61,327 (1985); and ARCO 
    Pipe Line Company, Opinion No. 351, 52 FERC para. 61,055 (1990), on 
    rehearing, Opinion No. 351-A, ARCO Pipe Line Company, 53 FERC para. 
    61,398 (1990).
    B. Annual Charges
        Annual charges are assessed on all jurisdictional companies who 
    file annual reports with the Commission to assist in defraying the cost 
    of regulation of those companies. For public utilities and natural gas 
    companies, those companies who fall below the reporting thresholds for 
    those industries are not required to file annual reports, and therefore 
    they do not pay annual charges to the Commission. Currently, all oil 
    pipelines reporting jurisdictional operating revenues in Form No. 6 are 
    subject to annual charges.\12\ The Commission proposes to provide the 
    same type of relief from annual charges as it provides with respect to 
    other entities it regulates, by exempting from the requirement to pay 
    annual charges those oil pipelines whose annual jurisdictional revenues 
    are at or below the $100,000 threshold.
        \12\However, on a case by case basis, certain oil pipelines have 
    been granted waiver of the Form 6 filing requirements.
        Annual charges for oil pipelines are calculated on the basis of 
    jurisdictional operating revenues. If an oil pipeline company has no 
    jurisdictional operating revenues, it pays no annual charge. For the 
    1993 reporting year, 22 of the 146 oil pipeline companies filing Form 
    No. 6 either had no jurisdictional operating revenues, or their 
    jurisdictional operating revenues were under $100,000. The remaining 
    124 oil pipelines with jurisdictional operating revenues over $100,000 
    paid annual charges with the smallest annual charge amount being $132. 
    If the proposed change in filing requirements for Form No. 6 had been 
    in effect for that reporting year, 22 companies would have been 
    exempted from paying annual charges. The total annual charges involved 
    based on 1993 jurisdictional operating revenues would amount to $77 for 
    those companies, a de minimis amount.
        Based on the foregoing, the Commission proposes to require annual 
    charges only of those oil pipelines that are required to file Form No. 
    6. This would be consistent with the treatment accorded public 
    utilities and natural gas companies.
    IV. Environmental Analysis
        The Commission is required to prepare an Environmental Assessment 
    or an Environmental Impact Statement for any action that may have a 
    significant adverse effect on the human environment.13 The 
    Commission has categorically excluded certain actions from these 
    requirements as not having a significant effect on the human 
    environment.14 The action proposed here is procedural in nature 
    and therefore falls within the categorical exclusions provided in the 
    Commission's regulations.15 Therefore, neither an environmental 
    impact statement nor an environmental assessment is necessary and will 
    not be prepared in this rulemaking.
        \13\Order No. 486, Regulations Implementing the National 
    Environmental Policy Act, 52 FR 47897 (Dec. 17, 1987), FERC Statutes 
    and Regulations, Regulations Preambles 1986-1990 para.30,783 (1987).
        \14\18 CFR 380.4.
        \15\See 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii).
    V. Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act16 generally requires the 
    Commission to describe the impact that a proposed rule would have on 
    small entities or to certify that the rule will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. An analysis 
    is not required if a proposed rule will not have such an impact.17
        \16\5 U.S.C. 601-612.
        \17\5 U.S.C. 605(b).
        Pursuant to section 605(b), the Commission certifies that the 
    proposed rules and amendments, if promulgated, will not have a 
    significant adverse economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. Rather, the proposed rules will relieve small entities of the 
    burden of preparing and filing annual reports and of paying annual 
    charges to the Commission.
    VI. Comment Procedures
        Copies of this notice of proposed rulemaking can be obtained from 
    the Office of Public Information, Room 3104, 941 North Capitol Street, 
    N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426. Any person desiring to file comments 
    should submit an original and fourteen (14) copies of such comments to 
    the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, 
    N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426, not later than 30 days after the date of 
    publication in the Federal Register.
        The full text of this notice of proposed rulemaking also is 
    available through the Commission Issuance Posting System (CIPS), an 
    electronic bulletin board service, which provides access to the texts 
    of formal documents issued by the Commission. CIPS is available at no 
    charge to the user and may be accessed using a personal computer with a 
    modem by dialing (202) 208-1397. To access CIPS, communications 
    software should be set to use 300, 1200, or 2400 bps, full duplex, no 
    parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. CIPS can also be accessed at 9600 
    bps by dialing (202) 208-1781. The full text of this notice will be 
    available on CIPS for 30 days from the date of issuance. The complete 
    text on diskette in WordPerfect format may also be purchased from the 
    Commission's copy contractor, La Dorn Systems Corporation, also located 
    in Room 3104, 941 North Capitol Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426.
    VII. Information Collection Requirements
        Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations require OMB to 
    approve certain information collection requirements imposed by agency 
    rules.18 While these proposed rules and amendments contain no new 
    information collection requirements, we expect the proposed rule will 
    revise and reduce the reporting requirements under existing Form No. 6.
        \18\5 CFR 1320.13.
        The Commission uses the data collected under Form No. 6 to monitor 
    the financial and operating data of oil pipeline companies subject to 
    its jurisdiction, and to assist in determining the reasonableness of 
        Because of the proposed revisions and expected reduction in public 
    reporting burden under Form No. 6, the Commission is submitting a copy 
    of the proposed rule to OMB for its review and approval. Interested 
    persons may obtain information on these reporting requirements by 
    contacting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 941 North Capitol 
    Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20426 (Attention: Michael Miller), 
    Information Policy and Standards Branch, (202) 208-1415, FAX (202) 208-
    2425; and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office 
    of Management and Budget (Attention: Desk Officer for Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission), Washington, D.C. 20503.
    List of Subjects
    18 CFR Part 357
        Pipelines, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Uniform System 
    of Accounts.
    18 CFR Part 382
        Annual Charges.
        By direction of the Commission.
    Lois D. Cashell,
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Commission gives notice of 
    its proposal to amend Parts 357 and 382, Chapter I, 
    [[Page 31265]]
    Title 18, Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for Part 357 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 49 U.S.C. 60502; 49 App. U.S.C. 
        2. Section 357.2 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 357.2  FERC Form No. 6, Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies.
        Each pipeline carrier subject to the provisions of section 20 of 
    the Interstate Commerce Act whose annual jurisdictional operating 
    revenues has been more than $100,000 for each of the three previous 
    calendar years must prepare and file with the Commission copies of FERC 
    Form No. 6, ``Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies,'' pursuant to 
    the General Instructions set out in that form. This report must be 
    filed on or before March 31st of each year for the previous calendar 
    year. Newly established entities must use projected data to determine 
    whether FERC Form No. 6 must be filed. One copy of the report must be 
    retained by the respondent in its files. The conformed copies may be 
    produced by any legible means of reproduction. Notwithstanding the 
    exemption provided above, those carriers exempt from filing Form No. 6 
    must prepare and file page 700 of FERC Form No. 6 on or before March 
    31st of each year for the previous calendar year, beginning with the 
    year ending December 31, 1995, including the subscription required by 
    Sec. 385.2005(a) of this chapter.
        1. The authority citation for Part 382 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 551-557; 15 U.S.C. 717-717w; 3301-3432; 16 
    U.S.C. 791a-825r, 2601-2645; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 49 U.S.C. 60502; 
    49 App. U.S.C. 1-85.
        2. Section 382.102(c) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 382.102  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (c) Oil pipeline company means any person engaged in the 
    transportation of crude oil and petroleum products subject to the 
    Commission's jurisdiction under the Interstate Commerce Act with annual 
    operating revenues greater than $100,000 in any of the three calendar 
    years immediately preceding the fiscal year for which the Commission is 
    assessing annual charges.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 95-14532 Filed 6-13-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-P

Document Information

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments are due on or before July 14, 1995.
31262-31265 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. RM95-12-000
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
18 CFR 385.2005(a)
18 CFR 357.2
18 CFR 382.102