95-14541. Offer To Assist Insurers in Underwriting Flood Insurance Using the Standard Flood Insurance Policy  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 114 (Wednesday, June 14, 1995)]
    [Pages 31360-31366]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-14541]
    [[Page 31359]]
    Part IV
    Federal Emergency Management Agency
    Offer To Assist Insurers in Underwriting Flood Insurance Using the 
    Standard Flood Insurance Policy; Notices
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 14, 1995 / 
    [[Page 31360]]
    Offer To Assist Insurers in Underwriting Flood Insurance Using 
    the Standard Flood Insurance Policy
    AGENCY: Federal Insurance Administration, FEMA.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The Federal Insurance Administration is publishing in this 
    notice the Financial Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement for 1995-1996 
    governing the duties and obligations of insurers participating in the 
    Write Your Own Program (WYO) of the National Flood Insurance Program 
    (NFIP). The Financial Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement sets forth the 
    responsibilities of the Government to provide financial and technical 
    assistance to the insurers. It is verbatim with what is set out as 
    appendix A to 44 CFR part 62 and is republished for information and 
        This notice relates to the final rule which was published in the 
    Federal Register regarding changes in the National Flood Insurance 
    Program's regulations dealing with the issuance of flood insurance 
    policies and the adjustment of claims and the establishment of a 
    program of assistance to private sector property insurance companies in 
    underwriting flood insurance using the Standard Flood Insurance Policy. 
    In 1985, a copy of the offer to participate in the Arrangement was 
    incorporated in a final rule and, this year, as in the years since, a 
    copy of the offer is being published as a Notice.
    DATES: The offer is effective June 14, 1995. The Financial Assistance/
    Subsidy Arrangement is effective with respect to flood insurance 
    policies written under the Arrangement with an effective date of 
    October 1, 1995, and later.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: By way of background, the Federal Insurance 
    Administration (FIA), working with insurance company executives, FEMA's 
    Office of Financial Management and FEMA's Office of the Inspector 
    General, addressed the operating and financial control procedures for 
    the Write Your Own Program. The Transaction Record Reporting and 
    Processing Plan, Accounting Procedures, and the Financial Control Plan 
    were specifically referenced in the final rule, as amended, and, in 
    addition, procedural manuals have been issued by the FIA in aid of 
    implementation by the WYO companies of the procedures published in the 
    final rule, as amended, such as the Flood Insurance Manual, Flood 
    Insurance Adjuster's Manual, and FEMA Letter of Credit Procedures, all 
    of which comprise the operating framework for the WYO Program.
        The purposes of this Notice are:
        (1) To offer, publicly, financial assistance to protect against 
    underwriting losses resulting from floods on Standard Flood Insurance 
    Policies written by private sector insurers;
        (2) To provide a method by which the offer may be accepted; and
        (3) To provide notice of the duties and obligations under the 
    Financial Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement for the Arrangement year 1995-
    Method of Acceptance of Offer
        1. Acceptance of this offer shall be by telegraphed or mailed 
    notice of acceptance or signed Arrangement to the Administrator prior 
    to midnight EDT September 30, 1995.
        2. The telegraphed or mailed notice of acceptance to the 
    Administrator must be authorized by an official of the insurance 
    company who has the authority to enter into such arrangements.
        3. A duly signed original copy of the Notice of Acceptance must be 
    on file with the Administrator by November 16, 1995.
        4. If 1., 2., or 3. above are not satisfied, the acceptance will be 
    considered by the Administrator as conditional and the commitment of 
    NFIP resources to fulfill the ``Undertakings of the Government'' under 
    Article IV of the Arrangement will take a lower priority than those 
    needed to fulfill the requirement of the other participating insurance 
        5. Send all acceptances of this offer to: Federal Emergency 
    Management Agency, Attn: Federal Insurance Administrator, WYO Program, 
    Washington, DC 20472.
    Offer To Provide Financial Assistance
        Pursuant to the provisions of the National Flood Insurance Act of 
    1968, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq., Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
    1978, 43 FR 41943, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329, and Executive Order 12127 
    of March 31, 1979, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376, Federal 
    Emergency Management Agency, subject to all regulations promulgated 
    thereunder, and to the duties, obligations and rights set forth in the 
    Financial Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement as printed below, the Federal 
    Insurance Administrator, herein the ``Administrator,'' offers to enter 
    into the Financial Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement with any individual 
    private sector property insurance company. This offer is effective only 
    in a State in which such private sector insurance company is licensed 
    to engage in the business of property insurance. Federal Emergency 
    Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Financial 
    Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement.
        Purpose: To assist the company in underwriting flood insurance 
    using the Standard Flood Insurance Policy.
        Accounting Data: Pursuant to section 1310 of the Act, a Letter of 
    Credit shall be issued for payment as provided for herein from the 
    National Flood Insurance Fund.
        Effective Date: October 1, 1995.
        Issued By: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance 
    Administration, Washington, DC 20472.
    Article I--Findings, Purpose, and Authority
        Whereas, the Congress in its ``Finding and Declaration of Purpose'' 
    in the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, (``the Act'') 
    recognized the benefit of having the National Flood Insurance Program 
    (the Program) ``carried out to the maximum extent practicable by the 
    private insurance industry''; and
        Whereas, the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) recognizes this 
    Arrangement as coming under the provisions of section 1345 of the Act; 
        Whereas, the goal of the FIA is to develop a program with the 
    insurance industry where, over time, some risk-bearing role for the 
    industry will evolve as intended by the Congress (section 1304 of the 
    Act); and
        Whereas, the Program, as presently constituted and implemented, is 
    subsidized, and the insurer (hereinafter the ``Company'') under this 
    Arrangement shall charge rates established by the FIA; and
        Whereas, this Arrangement will subsidize all flood policy losses by 
    the Company; and
        Whereas, this Financial Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement has been 
    developed to involve individual Companies in the Program, the initial 
    step of which is to explore ways in which any interested insurer may be 
    able to write flood insurance under its own name; and
        Whereas, one of the primary objectives of the Program is to provide 
    coverage to the maximum number of structures at risk and because the 
    insurance industry has marketing access through its existing facilities 
    not directly available to the FIA, it has been concluded that coverage 
    will be extended to those who would not 
    [[Page 31361]]
    otherwise be insured under the Program; and Whereas, flood insurance 
    policies issued subject to this Arrangement shall be only that 
    insurance written by the Company in its own name pursuant to the Act; 
        Whereas, over time, the Program is designed to increase industry 
    participation, and, accordingly, reduce or eliminate Government as the 
    principal vehicle for delivering flood insurance to the public; and
        Whereas, the direct beneficiaries of this Arrangement will be those 
    Company policyholders and applicants for flood insurance who otherwise 
    would not be covered against the peril of flood.
        Now, therefore, the parties hereto mutually undertake the 
    Article II--Undertakings of the Company
        A. In order to be eligible for assistance under this Arrangement 
    the Company shall be responsible for:
    1.0  Policy Administration, including
    1.1  Community Eligibility/Rating Criteria
    1.2  Policyholder Eligibility Determination
    1.3  Policy Issuance
    1.4  Policy Endorsements
    1.5  Policy Cancellations
    1.6  Policy Correspondence
    1.7  Payment of Agents Commissions
        The receipt, recording, control, timely deposit and disbursement of 
    funds in connection with all the foregoing, and correspondence relating 
    to the above in accordance with the Financial Control Plan 
        2.0  Claims processing in accordance with general Company standards 
    and the Financial Control Plan. The Write Your Own Claims Manual, the 
    Federal Emergency Management Agency Adjuster Manual, the FIA National 
    Flood Insurance Program Policy Issuance Handbook, the Write Your Own 
    Operational Overview, and other instructional material also provide 
    guidance to the Company.
        3.0  Reports
        3.1  Monthly Financial Reporting and Statistical Transaction 
    Reporting shall be in accordance with the requirements of National 
    Flood Insurance Program Transaction Record Reporting and Processing 
    Plan for the Write Your Own (WYO) Program and the Financial Control 
    Plan for business written under the WYO Program. These data shall be 
    validated/edited/audited in detail and shall be compared and balanced 
    against Company financial reports.
        3.2  Monthly financial reporting shall be prepared in accordance 
    with the WYO Accounting Procedures.
        3.3  The Company shall establish a program of self audit acceptable 
    to the FIA or comply with the self audit program contained in the 
    Financial Control Plan for business written under the WYO Program. The 
    Company shall report the results of this self-audit to the FIA 
        B. The Company shall use the following time standards of 
    performance as a guide:
        1.0  Application Processing - 15 days (Note: If the policy cannot 
    be mailed due to insufficient or erroneous information or insufficient 
    funds, a request for correction or added monies shall be mailed within 
    10 days);
        1.1  Renewal Processing--7 days;
        1.2  Endorsement Processing--7 days;
        1.3  Cancellation Processing--15 days;
        1.4  Correspondence, Simple and/or Status Inquiries--7 days;
        1.5  Correspondence, Complex Inquiries--20 days;
        1.6  Supply, Materials, and Manual Requests--7 days;
        1.7  Claims Draft Processing--7 days from completion of file 
        1.8  Claims Adjustment--45 days average from receipt of Notice of 
    Loss (or equivalent) through completion of examination.
        1.9  For the elements of work enumerated above, the elapsed time 
    shown is from the date of receipt through the date of mail out. Days 
    means working, not calendar days.
        In addition to the standards for timely performance set forth 
    above, all functions performed by the Company shall be in accordance 
    with the highest reasonably attainable quality standards generally 
    utilized in the insurance and data processing industries.
        These standards are for guidance. Although no immediate remedy for 
    failure to meet them is provided under this Arrangement, nevertheless, 
    performance under these standards and the marketing guidelines provided 
    for in Section G. below can be a factor considered by the Federal 
    Insurance Administrator (the Administrator) in requiring corrective 
    action by the Company, in determining the continuing participation of 
    the Company in the Program, or in taking other action, e.g., limiting 
    the Company's authority to write new business.
        C. To ensure maximum responsiveness to the National Flood Insurance 
    Program's (NFIP) policyholders following a catastrophic event, e.g., a 
    hurricane, involving insured wind and flood damage to policyholders, 
    the Company shall agree to the adjustment of the combined flood and 
    wind losses utilizing one adjuster under an NFIP-approved Single 
    Adjuster Program in the following cases and under procedures issued by 
    the Administrator:
        1.0  Where the flood and wind coverage is provided by the Company;
        2.0  Where the flood coverage is provided by the Company and the 
    wind coverage is provided by a participating State Property Insurance 
    Plan, Windpool Association, Beach Plan, Joint Underwriting Association, 
    FAIR Plan, or similar property insurance mechanism;
        3.0  Where the flood coverage is provided by the Company and the 
    wind coverage is provided by another WYO Company and the necessary 
    information on the dual coverage is part of the Claims Coordinating 
    Office (CCO) system; and
        4.0  Where the flood coverage is provided by the Company and the 
    wind coverage is provided by another property insurer and the State 
    Insurance Regulator has determined that such property insurer shall, in 
    the interest of consumers, facilitate the adjustment of its wind loss 
    by the adjuster engaged to adjust the flood loss of the Company.
        The Government shall provide for the direct business flood losses 
    to be adjusted by a single adjuster where the wind damage coverage is 
    insured by a state market mechanism described in 2.0, above, or by a 
    WYO Company as described in 3.0 above, or by a property insurer, as 
    described in 4.0 above.
        Except for 1.0, above, the Company shall submit its flood losses 
    that are reasonably believed to involve wind damage to the Single 
    Adjuster Program's Stationary CCO in Lanham, Maryland at the following 
    address: National Flood Insurance Program, Stationary Claims 
    Coordinating Office, 10115 Senate Drive, Lanham, Maryland 20706.
        Such flood losses shall be reported on the ACORD Notice of Loss 
    form, ``ACORD 1 (1/93),'' or a like form calling for the reporting of 
    losses involving both flood and wind damage arising out of a single 
    hurricane event under the following procedures:
         Where flood losses reasonably believed to involve wind 
    damage are reported by property insurance agents of brokers, the 
    Company shall instruct its agents or brokers to mail or preferably send 
    by facsimile the ACORD Notice of Loss form, with complete details 
    regarding flood and, if available, wind insurance policies covering the 
    property, to the Single Adjuster Program Stationary CCO for assignment 
    to a 
    [[Page 31362]]
    single adjuster. The Stationary CCO will also accept loss information 
    directly from the agent by modem in CCO format where the Company has 
    arranged for its agents to provide the information in this fashion.
         Where flood losses reasonably believed to involve wind 
    damage are reported directly to the Company by its policyholders or 
    agents, by telephone, the Company shall report the flood loss, with the 
    wind property insurer information, if available, to the Single Adjuster 
    Program Stationary CCO, by modem transfer in CCO format as such flood 
    losses are reported to the Company. Transfer by facsimile from the 
    Company can also be arranged where circumstances warrant it.
        Upon receipt of the Notice of Loss, the Stationary CCO shall effect 
    immediate entry of all relevant data into the stand-alone CCO System 
    (i.e., not part of the NFIP mainframe computer system) for 
    instantaneous relay to the Catastrophe CCO established in the field. At 
    the Catastrophe CCO, which will be sited and fully operational within 
    24 hours of landfall, in coordination with the State Insurance 
    Regulator, a qualified loss adjustment organization shall be promptly 
    selected for each loss, and participating insurers shall be promptly 
    advised of the selection for their assignment of the loss to that 
        In respect to the foregoing, the Administrator will continue to 
    implement existing and future CCO Arrangements with State Insurance 
    Regulators and their State Property Insurance Plans, Windpool 
    Associations, Beach Plans, Joint Underwriting Associations, FAIR Plans, 
    or similar property insurance mechanisms, for example, as has been done 
    with the Insurance Department of the State of South Carolina.
        D. Policy Issuance.
        1.0  The flood insurance subject to this Arrangement shall be only 
    that insurance written by the Company in its own name pursuant to the 
        2.0  The Company shall issue policies under the regulations 
    prescribed by the Administrator in accordance with the Act;
        3.0  All such policies of insurance shall conform to the 
    regulations prescribed by the Administrator pursuant to the Act, and be 
    issued on a form approved by the Administrator;
        4.0  All policies shall be issued in consideration of such premiums 
    and upon such terms and conditions and in such States or areas or 
    subdivisions thereof as may be designated by the Administrator and only 
    where the Company is licensed by State law to engage in the property 
    insurance business;
        5.0  The Administrator may require the Company to immediately 
    discontinue issuing policies subject to this Arrangement in the event 
    Congressional authorization or appropriation for the National Flood 
    Insurance Program is withdrawn.
        E. The Company shall establish a bank account, separate and apart 
    from all other Company accounts, at a bank of its choosing for the 
    collection, retention and disbursement of funds relating to its 
    obligation under this Arrangement, less the Company's expenses as set 
    forth in Article III, and the operation of the Letter of Credit 
    established pursuant to Article IV. All funds not required to meet 
    current expenditures shall be remitted to the United States Treasury, 
    in accordance with the provisions of the WYO Accounting Procedures 
        F. The Company shall investigate, adjust, settle and defend all 
    claims or losses arising from policies issued under this Arrangement. 
    Payment of flood insurance claims by the Company shall be binding upon 
    the FIA.
        G. The Company shall market flood insurance policies in a manner 
    consistent with the marketing guidelines established by the Federal 
    Insurance Administration.
    Article III--Loss Costs, Expenses, Expense Reimbursement, and Premium 
        A. The Company shall be liable for operating, administrative and 
    production expenses, including any taxes, dividends, agent's 
    commissions or any board, exchange or bureau assessments, or any other 
    expense of whatever nature incurred by the Company in the performance 
    of its obligations under this Arrangement.
        B. The Company shall be entitled to withhold, on a provisional 
    basis, as operating and administrative expenses, including agents' or 
    brokers' commissions, an amount from the Company's written premium on 
    the policies covered by this Arrangement in reimbursement of all of the 
    Company's marketing, operating and administrative expenses, except for 
    allocated and unallocated loss adjustment expenses described in C. of 
    this Article, which amount shall be 32.6% of the Company's written 
    premium on the policies covered by this Arrangement. The final amount 
    retained by the Company shall be determined by an increase or decrease 
    depending on the extent to which the Company meets the marketing goals 
    for the combined 1994-1995 and 1995-1996 Arrangement years contained in 
    marketing guidelines established pursuant to Article II. G.
        The decrease or increase in the amount retained by the Company 
    shall be made after the end of the 1995-1996 Arrangement year. Any 
    decrease from 32.6% made as a result of a Company not meeting its 
    marketing goals shall be directly related to the extent to which the 
    Company's goal was not achieved, but shall not exceed two (2) 
    percentage points (providing for a minimum of 30.6%). The amount of any 
    decrease shall be calculated for each month, and each month's decrease 
    shall be subject to interest compounded at rates provided for by 31 
    U.S.C. 3717(a)(1). Upon notice of the cumulative monthly decreases and 
    interest, the Company agrees to promptly remit to the Government the 
    total amount due.
        The increase, which shall be distributed among the Companies 
    exceeding their marketing goals, shall be drawn from a pool composed of 
    the difference between 32.6% of all WYO Companies' written premium in 
    Arrangement years 1994-1995 and 1995-1996, and the total amount, prior 
    to the increase, provided to the Companies on the basis of the extent 
    to which they have met their marketing goals. A distribution formula 
    will be developed and distributed to WYO Companies which will consider 
    the extent to which the Company has exceeded its goal and the size of 
    the Company's book of business in relation to the total number of WYO 
    policies. The amount of any increase shall be paid promptly to the 
    Company after the end of the 1995-1996 Arrangement year.
        If the Company does not enter into the Arrangement for 1995-1996, 
    the extent to which the Company met its goals shall be based upon its 
    Arrangement year 1994-1995 performance, and the final amount retained 
    shall be determined after the end of the 1994-1995 Arrangement year, 
    but the Company shall not be entitled to any increase above the 
    provisional amount.
        Premium income net of provisional reimbursement (net premium 
    income) and Federal Policy Fee shall be deposited in a special account 
    for the payment of losses and loss adjustment expenses (see Article II, 
    Section E).
        The Company, with the consent of the Administrator as to terms and 
    costs, shall be entitled to utilize the services of a national rating 
    organization, licensed under state law, to assist the FIA in 
    undertaking and carrying out such studies and investigations on a 
    community or individual risk basis, and in determining more equitable 
    and accurate estimates of flood insurance risk premium rates as 
    authorized under 
    [[Page 31363]]
    the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended. The Company shall 
    be reimbursed in accordance with the provisions of the WYO Accounting 
    Procedures Manual for the charges or fees for such services.
        C. Loss Adjustment Expenses shall be reimbursed as follows:
        1. Unallocated loss adjustment shall be an expense reimbursement of 
    3.3% of the incurred loss (except that it does not include ``incurred 
    but not reported'').
        2. Allocated loss adjustment expense shall be reimbursed to the 
    Company pursuant to Exhibit A, entitled ``Fee Schedule.''
        3. Special allocated loss expenses shall be reimbursed to the 
    Company for only those expenses the Company has obtained prior approval 
    of the Administrator to incur.
        D.1. Loss payments under policies of flood insurance shall be made 
    by the Company from funds retained in the bank account established 
    under Article II, Section E and, if such funds are depleted, from funds 
    derived by drawing against the Letter of Credit established pursuant to 
    Article IV.
        2. Loss payments will include payments as a result of awards or 
    judgments for damages arising under the scope of this Arrangement, 
    policies of flood insurance issued pursuant to this Arrangement, and 
    the claims processing standards and guides set forth at Article II, 
    Section A, 2.0 of this Arrangement. Prompt notice of any claim for 
    damages as to claims processing or other matters arising outside the 
    scope of this section (D)(2) shall be sent to the Assistant 
    Administrator of the FIA's Office of Insurance Policy Analysis and 
    Technical Services (OIPATS), along with a copy of any material 
    pertinent to the claim for damages arising outside of the scope of the 
    matters set forth in this section (D)(2).
        Following receipt of notice of such claim, the General Counsel 
    (OGC), FEMA, shall review the cause and make a recommendation to FIA as 
    to whether the claim is grounded in actions by the Company which are 
    significantly outside the provisions of this section (D)(2). After 
    reviewing the General Counsel's recommendation, the Administrator will 
    make her decision and the Company will be notified, in writing, within 
    thirty (30) days of the General Counsel's recommendation, if the 
    decision is that any award or judgment for damages arising out of such 
    actions will not be recognized under Article III of this Arrangement as 
    a reimbursable loss cost, expense or expense reimbursement. In the 
    event that the Company wishes to petition for reconsideration of the 
    notification that it will not be reimbursed for the award or judgment 
    made under the above circumstances, it may do so by mailing, within 
    thirty days of the notice declining to recognize any such award or 
    judgment as reimbursable under Article III, a written petition to the 
    Chairman of the WYO Standards Committee established under the Financial 
    Control Plan. The WYO Standards Committee will, then, consider the 
    petition at its next regularly scheduled meeting or at a special 
    meeting called for that purpose by the Chairman and issue a written 
    recommendation to the Administrator, within thirty days of the meeting. 
    The Administrator's final determination will be made, in writing, to 
    the Company within thirty days of the recommendation made by the WYO 
    Standards Committee.
        E. Premium refunds to applicants and policyholders required 
    pursuant to rules contained in the National Flood Insurance Program 
    (NFIP) ``Flood Insurance Manual'' shall be made by the Company from 
    funds retained in the bank account established under Article II, 
    Section E and, if such funds are depleted, from funds derived by 
    drawing against the Letter of Credit established pursuant to Article 
    Article IV--Undertakings of the Government
        A. Letter(s) of Credit shall be established by the Federal 
    Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) against which the Company may 
    withdraw funds daily, if needed, pursuant to prescribed procedures as 
    implemented by FEMA. The amounts of the authorizations will be 
    increased as necessary to meet the obligations of the Company under 
    Article III, Sections (C), (D), and (E). Request for funds shall be 
    made only when net premium income has been depleted. The timing and 
    amount of cash advances shall be as close as is administratively 
    feasible to the actual disbursements by the recipient organization for 
    allowable Letter of Credit expenses.
        Request for payment on Letters of Credit shall not ordinarily be 
    drawn more frequently than daily nor in amounts less than $5,000, and 
    in no case more than $5,000,000 unless so stated on the Letter of 
    Credit. This Letter of Credit may be drawn by the Company for any of 
    the following reasons:
        1. Payment of claim as described in Article III, Section D; and
        2. Refunds to applicants and policyholders for insurance premium 
    overpayment, or if the application for insurance is rejected or when 
    cancellation or endorsement of a policy results in a premium refund as 
    described in Article III, Section E; and
        3. Allocated and unallocated Loss Adjustment Expenses as described 
    in Article III, Section C.
        B. The FIA shall provide technical assistance to the Company as 
        1. The FIA's policy and history concerning underwriting and claims 
        2. A mechanism to assist in clarification of coverage and claims 
        3. Other assistance as needed.
    Article V--Commencement and Termination
        A. Upon signature of authorized officials for both the Company and 
    the FIA, this Arrangement shall be effective for the period October 1 
    through September 30. The FIA shall provide financial assistance only 
    for policy applications and endorsements accepted by the Company during 
    this period pursuant to the Program's effective date, underwriting and 
    eligibility rules.
        B. By June 1, of each year, the FIA shall publish in the Federal 
    Register and make available to the Company the terms for the re-
    subscription of this Financial Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement. In the 
    event the Company chooses not to re-subscribe, it shall notify the FIA 
    to that effect by the following July 1.
        C. In the event the Company elects not to participate in the 
    Program in any subsequent fiscal year, or the FIA chooses not to renew 
    the Company's participation, the FIA, at its option, may require (1) 
    The continued performance of this entire Arrangement for one (1) year 
    following the effective expiration date only for those policies issued 
    during the original term of this Arrangement, or any renewal thereof, 
    or (2) the transfer to the FIA of:
        a. All data received, produced, and maintained through the life of 
    the Company's participation in the Program, including certain data, as 
    determined by FIA, in a standard format and medium; and
        b. A plan for the orderly transfer to the FIA of any continuing 
    responsibilities in administering the policies issued by the Company 
    under the Program including provisions for coordination assistance; and
        c. All claims and policy files, including those pertaining to 
    receipts and disbursements which have occurred during the life of each 
    policy. In the event of a transfer of the services provided, the 
    Company shall provide the FIA with a report showing, on a policy basis, 
    any amounts due from or 
    [[Page 31364]]
    payable to insureds, agents, brokers, and others as of the transition 
        D. Financial assistance under this Arrangement may be cancelled by 
    the FIA in its entirety upon 30 days written notice to the Company by 
    certified mail stating one of the following reasons for such 
    cancellation: (1) Fraud or misrepresentation by the Company subsequent 
    to the inception of the contract, or (2) nonpayment to the FIA of any 
    amount due the FIA. Under these very specific conditions, the FIA may 
    require the transfer of data as shown in Section C., above. If transfer 
    is required, the unearned expenses retained by the Company shall be 
    remitted to the FIA.
        E. In the event the Act is amended, or repealed, or expires, or if 
    the FIA is otherwise without authority to continue the Program, 
    financial assistance under this Arrangement may be cancelled for any 
    new or renewal business, but the Arrangement shall continue for 
    policies in force which shall be allowed to run their term under the 
        F. In the event that the Company is unable to, or otherwise fails 
    to, carry out its obligations under this Arrangement by reason of any 
    order or directive duly issued by the Department of Insurance of any 
    Jurisdiction to which the Company is subject, the Company agrees to 
    transfer, and the Government will accept, any and all WYO policies 
    issued by the Company and in force as of the date of such inability or 
    failure to perform. In such event the Government will assume all 
    obligations and liabilities owed to policyholders under such policies 
    arising before and after the date of transfer and the Company will 
    immediately transfer to the Government all funds in its possession with 
    respect to all such policies transferred and the unearned portion of 
    the Company expenses for operating, administrative and loss adjustment 
    on all such policies.
    Article VI--Information and Annual Statements
        The Company shall furnish to the FIA such summaries and analyses of 
    information in its records as may be necessary to carry out the 
    purposes of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, in 
    such form as the FIA, in cooperation with the Company, shall prescribe. 
    The Company shall be a property/casualty insurer domiciled in a State 
    or territory of the United States. Upon request, the Company shall file 
    with the FIA a true and correct copy of the Company's Fire and Casualty 
    Annual Statement, and Insurance Expense Exhibit or amendments thereof, 
    as filed with the State Insurance Authority of the Company's 
    domiciliary State.
    Article VII--Cash Management and Accounting
        A. FEMA shall make available to the Company during the entire term 
    of this Arrangement and any continuation period required by FIA 
    pursuant to Article V, Section C., the Letter of Credit provided for in 
    Article IV drawn on a repository bank within the Federal Reserve System 
    upon which the Company may draw for reimbursement of its expenses as 
    set forth in Article IV which exceed net written premiums collected by 
    the Company from the effective date of this Arrangement or continuation 
    period to the date of the draw.
        B. The Company shall remit all funds not required to meet current 
    expenditures to the United States Treasury, in accordance with the 
    provisions of the WYO Accounting Procedures Manual.
        C. In the event the Company elects not to participate in the 
    Program in any subsequent fiscal year, the Company and FIA shall make a 
    provisional settlement of all amounts due or owing within three months 
    of the termination of this Arrangement. This settlement shall include 
    net premiums collected, funds drawn on the Letter of Credit, and 
    reserves for outstanding claims. The Company and FIA agree to make a 
    final settlement of accounts for all obligations arising from this 
    Arrangement within 18 months of its expiration or termination, except 
    for contingent liabilities which shall be listed by the Company. At the 
    time of final settlement, the balance, if any, due the FIA or the 
    Company shall be remitted by the other immediately and the operating 
    year under this Arrangement shall be closed.
    Article VIII--Arbitration
        A. If any misunderstanding or dispute arises between the Company 
    and the FIA with reference to any factual issue under any provisions of 
    this Arrangement or with respect to the FIA's non-renewal of the 
    Company's participation, other than as to legal liability under or 
    interpretation of the standard flood insurance policy, such 
    misunderstanding or dispute may be submitted to arbitration for a 
    determination which shall be binding upon approval by the FIA. The 
    Company and the FIA may agree on and appoint an arbitrator who shall 
    investigate the subject of the misunderstanding or dispute and make a 
    determination. If the Company and the FIA cannot agree on the 
    appointment of an arbitrator, than two arbitrators shall be appointed, 
    one to be chosen by the Company and one by the FIA.
        The two arbitrators so chosen, if they are unable to reach an 
    agreement, shall select a third arbitrator who shall act as umpire, and 
    such umpire's determination shall become final only upon approval by 
    the FIA.
        The Company and the FIA shall bear in equal shares all expenses of 
    the arbitration. Findings, proposed awards, and determinations 
    resulting from arbitration proceedings carried out under this section, 
    upon objection by FIA or the Company, shall be inadmissible as evidence 
    in any subsequent proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction.
        This Article shall indefinitely succeed the term of this 
    Article IX--Errors and Omissions
        The parties shall not be liable to each other for damages caused by 
    ordinary negligence arising out of any transaction or other performance 
    under this Arrangement, nor for any inadvertent delay, error, or 
    omission made in connection with any transaction under this 
    Arrangement, provided that such delay, error, or omission is rectified 
    by the responsible party as soon as possible after discovery.
        However, in the event that the Company has made a claim payment to 
    an insured without including a mortgagee (or trustee) of which the 
    Company had actual notice prior to making payment, and subsequently 
    determines that the mortgagee (or trustee) is also entitled to any part 
    of said claim payment, any additional payment shall not be paid by the 
    Company from any portion of the premium and any funds derived from any 
    Federal Letter of Credit deposited in the bank account described in 
    Article II, section E. In addition, the Company agrees to hold the 
    Federal Government harmless against any claim asserted against the 
    Federal Government by any such mortgagee (or trustee), as described in 
    the preceding sentence, by reason of any claim payment made to any 
    insured under the circumstances described above.
    Article X--Officials Not To Benefit
        No Member or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Commissioner, shall 
    be admitted to any share or part of this Arrangement, or to any benefit 
    that may arise therefrom; but this provision shall not be construed to 
    extend to this Arrangement if made with a corporation for its general 
    Article XI--Offset
        At the settlement of accounts the Company and the FIA shall have, 
    and may exercise, the right to offset any 
    [[Page 31365]]
    balance or balances, whether on account of premiums, commissions, 
    losses, loss adjustment expenses, salvage, or otherwise due one party 
    to the other, it successors or assigns, hereunder or under any other 
    Arrangements heretofore or hereafter entered into between the Company 
    and the FIA. This right of offset shall not be affected or diminished 
    because of insolvency of the Company.
        All debts or credits of the same class, whether liquidated or 
    unliquidated, in favor of or against either party to this Arrangement 
    on the date of entry, or any order of conservation, receivership, or 
    liquidation, shall be deemed to be mutual debts and credits and shall 
    be offset with the balance only to be allowed or paid. No offset shall 
    be allowed where a conservator, receiver, or liquidator has been 
    appointed and where an obligation was purchased by or transferred to a 
    party hereunder to be used as an offset. Although a claim on the part 
    of either party against the other may be unliquidated or undetermined 
    in amount on the date of the entry of the order, such claim will be 
    regarded as being in existence as of the date of such order and any 
    credits or claims of the same class then in existence and held by the 
    other party may be offset against it.
    Article XII--Equal Opportunity
        The Company shall not discriminate against any applicant for 
    insurance because of race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, marital 
    status, or national origin.
    Article XIII--Restriction on Other Flood Insurance
        As a condition of entering into this Arrangement, the Company 
    agrees that in any area in which the Administrator authorizes the 
    purchase of flood insurance pursuant to the Program, all flood 
    insurance offered and sold by the Company to persons eligible to buy 
    pursuant to the Program for coverages available under the Program shall 
    be written pursuant to this Arrangement.
        However, this restriction applies solely to policies providing only 
    flood insurance. It does not apply to policies provided by the Company 
    of which flood is one of the several perils covered, or where the flood 
    insurance coverage amount is over and above the limits of liability 
    available to the insured under the Program.
    Article XIV--Access to Books and Records
        The FIA and the Comptroller General of The United States, or their 
    duly authorized representatives, for the purpose of investigation, 
    audit, and examination shall have access to any books, documents, 
    papers and records of the Company that are pertinent to this 
    Arrangement. The Company shall keep records which fully disclose all 
    matters pertinent to this Arrangement, including premiums and claims 
    paid or payable under policies issued pursuant to this Arrangement. 
    Records of accounts and records relating to financial assistance shall 
    be retained and available for three (3) years after final settlement of 
    accounts, and to financial assistance, three (3) years after final 
    adjustment of such claims. The FIA shall have access to policyholder 
    and claim records at all times for purposes of the review, defense, 
    examination, adjustment, or investigation of any claim under a flood 
    insurance policy subject to this Arrangement.
    Article XV--Compliance with Act and Regulations
        This Arrangement and all policies of insurance issued pursuant 
    thereto shall be subject to the provisions of the National Flood 
    Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 
    1973, as amended, and Regulations issued pursuant thereto and all 
    Regulations affecting the work that are issued pursuant thereto, during 
    the term hereof.
    Article XVI--Relationship Between the Parties (Federal Government and 
    Company) and the Insured
        Inasmuch as the Federal Government is a guarantor hereunder, the 
    primary relationship between the Company and the Federal Government is 
    one of a fiduciary nature, i.e., to assure that any taxpayer funds are 
    accounted for and appropriately expended.
        The Company is not the agent of the Federal Government. The Company 
    is solely responsible for its obligations to its insured under any 
    flood policy issued pursuant hereto.
        In witness whereof, the parties hereto have accepted this 
    Arrangement on this ____________ day of ____________ , 1995.
    The United States of America
    Federal Emergency Management Agency
                             Exhibit A--Fee Schedule                        
                       Range (by covered loss)                        Fee   
    Erroneous assignment.........................................     $40.00
    Closed without payment.......................................     125.00
    Minimum for Upton-Jones claims...............................     800.00
    $0.01 to $600.00.............................................     150.00
    $600.01 to $1,000.00.........................................     175.00
    $1,000.01 to $2,000.00.......................................     225.00
    $2,000.01 to $3,500.00.......................................     275.00
    $3,500.01 to $5,000.00.......................................     350.00
    $5,000.01 to $7,000.00.......................................     425.00
    $7,000.01 to $10,000.00......................................     500.00
    $10,000.01 to $15,000.00.....................................     550.00
    $15,000.01 to $25,000.00.....................................     600.00
    $25,000.01 to $35,000.00.....................................     675.00
    $35,000.01 to $50,000.00.....................................     750.00
    $50,000.01 to $100,000.00....................................   1,000.00
    $100,000.01 to $150,000.00...................................   1,300.00
    $150,000.01 to $200,000.00...................................   1,600.00
    $200,000.01 to limits........................................  2,000.00 
    Allocated fee schedule entry value is the covered loss under the policy 
      based on the standard deductibles ($500 and $500) and limited to the  
      amount of insurance purchased.                                        
        Notice of Acceptance Form 1995-1996; Federal Emergency Management 
    Agency; Federal Insurance Administration; Financial Assistance/Subsidy 
    Arrangement (Arrangement)
        Whereas, in 1995, there was published a Notice of Offer by the 
    Federal Emergency Management Agency to enter into a Financial 
    Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement (hereafter the Arrangement).
        Whereas, the above cited Arrangement, as published in and reprinted 
    from the Federal Register, does not provide sufficient space to type in 
    the name of the Company.
        Whereas, the Arrangement may include several individual companies 
    within a Company Group and the Arrangement as published in and 
    reprinted from the Federal Register does not provide sufficient space 
    to type in a list of companies.
        Therefore, the parties hereby agree that this Notice of Acceptance 
    form is incorporated into and is an integral part of the entire 
    Arrangement and is substituted in place of the signature block 
    contained in the Federal Register under Article XVI of the Arrangement. 
    The above mentioned Arrangement is effective in the States in which the 
    insurance company (ies) listed below is (are) duly licensed to engage 
    in the business of property insurance:
        In witness whereof, the parties hereto have accepted this 
    Arrangement on this ____________ day of ______________, 1995.
    [[Page 31366]]
    The United States of America
    Federal Emergency Management Agency
    Title: Federal Insurance Administrator
        Dated: June 6, 1995.
    Elaine A. McReynolds,
    Administrator, Federal Insurance Administration.
    [FR Doc. 95-14541 Filed 6-13-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6718-05-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
The offer is effective June 14, 1995. The Financial Assistance/ Subsidy Arrangement is effective with respect to flood insurance policies written under the Arrangement with an effective date of October 1, 1995, and later.
31360-31366 (7 pages)
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