95-14703. Appliance and Equipment Energy Efficiency Standards: Evaluation Criteria for the Voluntary Program To Provide Energy Efficiency Information for Luminaires  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 115 (Thursday, June 15, 1995)]
    [Pages 31456-31459]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-14703]
    Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    Appliance and Equipment Energy Efficiency Standards: Evaluation 
    Criteria for the Voluntary Program To Provide Energy Efficiency 
    Information for Luminaires
    AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of 
    ACTION: Notice of evaluation criteria and call for program description.
    SUMMARY: The Energy Policy Act of 1992 requires the Department of 
    Energy (DOE or Department) to support the development of a voluntary 
    national testing and information program by an appropriate organization 
    of interested parties for those types of luminaires that are widely 
    used, and show potential for significant energy savings. Not later than 
    October 24, 1995, DOE must determine whether the voluntary program, 
    thus created, is consistent with the objectives set forth in the 
    legislation. After consulting with stakeholders in two public meetings 
    to discuss the progress and evaluation of the program, the Department 
    has developed a set of criteria that will be used as the basis for 
    making the determination on the effectiveness of the luminaire testing 
    and information program. With the support of the Department, the 
    National Lighting Collaborative has developed such a program, and the 
    Department requests that it, or any other appropriate organization that 
    has participated in developing the program, submit a program 
    description before July 14, 1995, for evaluation by DOE, by means of 
    the criteria published in this notice. The submitted report should 
    describe the voluntary national testing and information program for 
    luminaires in detail, specifying how the program meets each of the 
    evaluation criteria listed in this notice. The report should also 
    provide a comprehensive status update on the different components of 
    the program.
    DATES: Description and status report of the voluntary national testing 
    and information program for luminaires must be received by the 
    Department of Energy by July 14, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Five copies of the reports on the status of the voluntary 
    national testing and information program for luminaires should be 
    submitted to: Ms. Sandy Cooper, Office of Energy Efficiency and 
    Renewable Energy, Mail Station EE-431, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 
    Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585. Telephone: (202) 586-
    7574. [[Page 31457]] 
        Copies of reports submitted will be available in the DOE Freedom of 
    Information Reading Room, U.S. Department of Energy, Forrestal 
    Building, Room E-190, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC, 
    (202) 586-6020, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday 
    through Friday, except Federal holidays.
    Barbara Twigg, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency 
    and Renewable Energy, Forrestal Building, Mail Station EE-431, 1000 
    Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-8714
    Eugene Margolis, Esq., U.S. Department of Energy, Office of General 
    Counsel, Forrestal Building, Mail Station GC-72, 1000 Independence 
    Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-9507.
    1. Authority
        Part B of Title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 
    Public Law 94-163, created the Energy Conservation Program for Consumer 
    Products other than Automobiles. The most recent amendment, the Energy 
    Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT), Public Law 102-486, identified several new 
    categories of products and equipment for inclusion in various required 
    and voluntary testing and information programs to promote energy 
    efficiency. Voluntary programs were specified for commercial office 
    equipment, windows, and luminaires. A luminaire is a complete lighting 
    unit consisting of a fluorescent lamp(s), together with parts designed 
    to distribute the light, to position and protect such lamps, and to 
    connect such lamps to the power supply through the ballast.
        Section 126 of EPACT directed the Secretary of Energy, after 
    consulting with industry associations and other interested 
    organizations, to provide technical and financial assistance to support 
    a voluntary national testing and information program for those types of 
    luminaires that are widely used, and for which there is a potential for 
    significant energy savings as a result of such programs. Under section 
    126, such program would provide information that, when conveyed to 
    consumers, will enable purchasers of the equipment to make more 
    informed decisions about the energy efficiency and costs of competing 
        The voluntary program would determine the luminaires to be covered; 
    include specifications for testing procedures; and include information 
    which may be disseminated through catalogs, trade publications, labels, 
    or other mechanisms, that will allow consumers to assess the energy 
    consumption and potential cost savings of competing products. Such 
    program would be developed by an appropriate organization (composed of 
    interested persons), according to commonly accepted procedures for the 
    development of national testing procedures and labeling programs.
        Not later than three years after the date of enactment of EPACT 
    (October 24, 1995), the Secretary shall make a determination as to 
    whether the voluntary program is positioned to achieve the objectives 
    established for the testing and rating of luminaires. If the Secretary 
    determines that the voluntary program is not consistent with the 
    objectives of the legislation, the Secretary shall, after consultation 
    with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, develop test 
    procedures for luminaires. One year later, the Federal Trade Commission 
    would prescribe labeling rules.
    2. Background
        Since the passage of EPACT, the Department of Energy has monitored 
    the efforts of the luminaire industry to develop a testing and 
    information program through the National Lighting Collaborative (NLC or 
    Collaborative), a working group composed of the National Electrical 
    Manufacturers Association (NEMA), the American Lighting Association, 
    lighting manufacturers, environmental organizations, designers, 
    national laboratories, and other lighting professionals. The Department 
    has provided technical and financial assistance to the Collaborative to 
    help launch and publicize the program. On May 24, 1994, DOE held a 
    public meeting, at which interested persons were invited to offer 
    suggestions concerning methods of evaluation, and to obtain updates on 
    the progress of the Collaborative's voluntary program. A transcript of 
    the meeting was made available to the public, and comments were 
        Comments submitted at the meeting focused on several areas. 
    Regarding the specifications for testing procedures, it was proposed by 
    the National Lighting Collaborative that NEMA Standard LE5, the 
    ``Procedure for Determining Luminaire Efficacy Ratings for Fluorescent 
    Luminaires,'' be accepted as the standard testing and rating method for 
    the program. This Luminaire Efficacy Rating known as ``LER'' is 
    expressed in lumens per watt (the ratio of light output from the 
    luminaire in lumens, to the energy input to the luminaire in watts), 
    and is proposed to be reported in the voluntary consumer information 
    program. The Collaborative reported that the selection of the Luminaire 
    Efficacy Rating test procedure has received consensus support within 
    the luminaire industry, having been balloted according to the formal 
    standards-making balloting procedures per the by-laws of NEMA, as 
    accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Based 
    on that consensus, the Department of Energy will accept the efficacy 
    rating known as the ``LER'' as the fundamental comparative measure of 
    the voluntary luminaire program.
        NEMA Standard LE5 also contains a suggested format for other 
    information related to the luminaire and its photometric data, 
    including luminaire efficiency (the percentage of light output from the 
    luminaire compared with the light output from the lamp(s) without the 
    luminaire). As noted by the New York State Energy Office, NEMA Standard 
    LE5 will also permit the alternative of separate reporting of the 
    luminaire lumen output by its components (luminaire efficiency, total 
    lamp lumens, and ballast factor). Manufacturers will continue to report 
    luminaire efficiency as part of their photometric reports.
        In addition to including an indicator for the luminaire category 
    and the LER in lumens per watt, the International Association of 
    Lighting Designers proposed that the LE5 reporting format be modified 
    to include a measure for the quality of light. The Collaborative 
    agreed, but since the quality of light metric needs to be developed, 
    the LE5 will at first include an acknowledgement in the foreword that a 
    numerical value for lighting quality will accompany the LER after the 
    development of the measure is completed and balloted. The reporting 
    format also provides information on the estimated annual lighting 
    energy cost per 1,000 lumens of light output, assuming 3,000 luminaire 
    operating hours per year, and 8 cents per kilowatt-hour electricity 
    cost (the 1993 average commercial sector electricity rate).
        It was recommended by the Collaborative that luminaires be tested 
    according to prescribed test procedures in laboratories that are 
    accredited through the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation 
    Program of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
        The Collaborative identified the following luminaires as widely 
    used, with a potential for significant energy [[Page 31458]] savings 
    for inclusion in the program: (1) Recessed Lensed 2'x4' (4 lamps); (2) 
    Recessed Lensed 2'x4' (3 lamps); (3) Recessed 2'x4' (2 lamps); (4) 
    Recessed Parabolic Louvered 2'x4' (4 lamps); (5) Recessed Parabolic 
    Louvered 2'x4' (3 lamps); (6) Recessed Parabolic Louvered 2'x4' (2 
    lamps); (7) Wraparound (2 and 4 lamps); (8) Strip (1 lamp); (9) Strip 
    (2 lamps); and (10) Industrial (2 lamps). The Department supports the 
    Collaborative's suggestion that the covered luminaires should 
    collectively represent approximately 80 percent of the fluorescent 
    luminaire market to satisfy EPACT's requirement to cover luminaires 
    that are ``widely used.'' If the data submitted to the Department in 
    the program description support previous claims that these categories 
    represent 80 percent of the fluorescent luminaire market, and show 
    potential for significant energy savings, their selection appears to 
    provide a reasonable base for the initial phase of the program.
        The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (Council) 
    addressed issues concerning the long-term operation of the voluntary 
    program, and the ability to confirm market targets and percentages. 
    With respect to the information to be provided to consumers, it said 
    that information in catalogs and other marketing materials should 
    explain that the use of lower-efficacy lamps as replacements in 
    luminaires would lower the energy efficiency. Regarding the selection 
    of luminaires to be included in the program, the Council urged that a 
    mechanism be established to add new luminaire types that gain market 
    share in the future. The Council also brought up data collection and 
    tracking energy efficiency trends as possible areas of information 
    needed. Finally, it urged that the voluntary program meet specified 
    percentage targets of manufacturer participation over time: 25 percent 
    of luminaires covered by the program after the first year, 50 percent 
    the second year, and 75 percent the third year. The Department agrees 
    that participation levels should be included in the report on the 
    voluntary luminaire program. These issues are addressed in the 
    evaluation criteria, infra.
        Other public meeting comments centered on how to verify that 80 
    percent of the fluorescent luminaire market is covered by the 10 
    categories selected for the program, and how to evaluate whether the 
    new energy efficiency information is reaching its target audiences. To 
    address these issues, the Collaborative submitted a revised program 
    description on July 28, 1994. It proposed that NEMA would collect data 
    on luminaire market shares from manufacturers to verify that the 
    categories selected for the program represent 80 percent of the market. 
    Regarding future data collection on sales of LER-rated luminaires, it 
    was suggested that manufacturers provide sales data to the Bureau of 
    Census. NEMA would also inform DOE of the number of companies whose 
    catalogs show the new energy information. The International Association 
    of Lighting Designers, a member of the Collaborative, would be 
    responsible for tracking press coverage, and would develop a survey on 
    awareness of the program to be used by manufacturers' representatives, 
    distributors, and specifiers. The Department views these data 
    collection methods as appropriate for tracking the development of the 
        On January 5, 1995, DOE held another public meeting to discuss the 
    Department's proposed evaluation criteria with persons interested in 
    the development of the voluntary program. Members of the National 
    Lighting Collaborative asked that the means by which manufacturer 
    participation would be measured be clarified in the evaluation 
    criteria. That section has been changed to reflect the suggestions of 
    the Collaborative that manufacturer participation be measured as a 
    percentage of the sales of LE5-tested fixtures (measured in dollars) to 
    the total sales of listed products covered by the program.
    3. Evaluation Criteria and Procedures
        The Department of Energy will evaluate voluntary consumer 
    information programs for luminaires against the following criteria. In 
    order to make its determination, the Department is requesting that any 
    program description be submitted to the Department no later than July 
    14, 1995. The submitted description should include information 
    explaining how the voluntary national testing and information program 
    for luminaires addresses each of the elements described below.
        a. Program Organization: Since the Energy Policy Act specifies that 
    the voluntary program should be developed by an ``appropriate 
    organization (composed of interested parties),'' the Department will 
    assess the composition and procedures of the group developing the 
    program to determine if it reflects a consensus position within a broad 
    spectrum of the lighting community.
        b. Coverage: In order to determine which luminaires are widely used 
    and show a potential for significant energy savings, the Department 
    will require data supporting the selection of the specific luminaire 
    categories to be included in the initial phase of the voluntary 
    program, and for verifying the stated market coverage with documented 
    data sources. Those luminaires selected shall comprise approximately 80 
    percent of the fluorescent luminaire market. In anticipation of new 
    products gaining market share and replacing some of those included in 
    the initial phase of the program, a plan should be shown for including 
    new products in the future.
        c. Testing and Rating: In order to evaluate the program's testing 
    procedures, the Department will compare the proposed test procedures to 
    existing test procedures, such as those published by the Illuminating 
    Engineering Society (IES), and the American National Standards 
    Institute (ANSI), to verify the accuracy and validity of the 
    procedures. The proposed testing and rating program should provide 
    consumers with a consistent standard of measurement for comparing the 
    energy efficiency of the luminaires covered by the program.
        d. Information Program: In order to assess the effectiveness of the 
    energy efficiency information provided to consumers, the Department 
    will evaluate the implementation plan to determine how different 
    audiences, such as managerial, technical, and procurement, have been 
    targeted. Provisions in the program for the use of catalogs, labels, or 
    other materials shall be explained. Concerns over the possible 
    substitution of lower-efficacy replacement lamps and other components 
    shall be addressed. Examples of new energy efficiency information 
    materials shall be submitted.
        e. Manufacturer Participation: In order to assess whether the 
    voluntary program proposed is a broad-based, national program, the 
    Department will require some indication of manufacturer participation. 
    Recognizing that a national program takes both time and resources to 
    achieve its objective, it is reasonable to establish targets of 
    manufacturer participation, which would gradually increase as the 
    program expands over time. Expectations are that approximately 25 
    percent of the industry wide shipments (measured in dollars) of the 
    listed products (total) will have energy efficiency information 
    published in the supporting sales literature by one year from the date 
    of publication of this notice. The percentage would become 
    approximately 50 percent in 2 years, and approximately 75 percent in 3 
    years. A plan for documenting the [[Page 31459]] participation levels 
    shall be submitted by July 14, 1995.
        f. Publicity: If the voluntary program is to be effective, a 
    companion effort must be made to inform a wide range of lighting 
    decision-makers of the new energy efficiency rating for luminaires. The 
    Department will assess what strategies have been developed and launched 
    to promote the program. A plan for evaluating professional awareness of 
    the program shall be submitted.
        g. Market Data: To establish a baseline and provide a means to 
    track luminaire efficacy over time, a system for data collection and 
    reporting, such as reporting to the Bureau of Census, should be 
    established. A plan for this data collection and reporting shall be 
    submitted, along with recommendations for ways DOE might evaluate 
    energy savings and energy efficiency trends in the industry.
        h. Continuation of the Program: A plan should be established that 
    will enable the luminaire testing and information program to be self-
    perpetuating, and to include new products as they become significant in 
    the marketplace. A second evaluation by DOE in 1 to 2 years may be 
    necessary to monitor the progress of the program.
        Issued in Washington, DC, on June 12, 1995.
    Christine A. Ervin,
    Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
    [FR Doc. 95-14703 Filed 6-14-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Comments Received:
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office
Entry Type:
Notice of evaluation criteria and call for program description.
Document Number:
Description and status report of the voluntary national testing and information program for luminaires must be received by the Department of Energy by July 14, 1995.
31456-31459 (4 pages)
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