97-15659. Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; At-Sea Scale Certification Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 115 (Monday, June 16, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 32564-32578]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-15659]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 679
    [Docket No. 960206024-7123-02; I.D. 043097A]
    RIN 0648-AG32
    Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; At-Sea Scale 
    Certification Program
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: NMFS proposes amendments to the regulations implementing the 
    Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska and the 
    Fishery Management Plan for the Groundfish Fishery of the Bering Sea 
    and Aleutian Islands Area (FMPs). This proposed regulatory amendment 
    would implement the requirements for certification and at-sea testing 
    of scales used to weigh groundfish catch at sea. This action is 
    intended to promote the objectives of the FMPs.
    DATES: Comments must be received by July 16, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on the proposed rule should be sent to Ronald J. 
    Berg, Chief, Fisheries Management Division, Alaska Region, NMFS, P.O. 
    Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802, Attn: Lori J. Gravel, or delivered to the 
    Federal Building, 709 West 9th Street, Juneau, AK.
        Send comments regarding burden estimates or any other aspect of the 
    data requirements, including suggestions for reducing the burdens, to 
    NMFS and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB), Washington, D.C. 20503, Attn: NOAA Desk 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sally Bibb, 907-586-7228.
        Fishing for groundfish by U.S. vessels in the exclusive economic 
    zone of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and the Bering Sea and Aleutian 
    Islands Management Area (BSAI) is managed by NMFS according to the 
    FMPs. The FMPs were prepared by the North Pacific Fishery Management 
    Council (Council) under authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery 
    Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act). Fishing by U.S. 
    vessels is governed by regulations implementing the FMPs at subpart H 
    of 50 CFR part 600 and 50 CFR part 679.
        In 1990 the Council requested that NMFS analyze a requirement to 
    weigh catch processed at sea. NMFS implemented regulations on May 16, 
    1994 (59 FR 25346), requiring processor vessels in the pollock 
    Community Development Quota (CDQ) fisheries to either provide certified 
    bins for volumetric estimates of catch or scales to weigh catch. In 
    September 1994, the Council recommended that NMFS require processor 
    vessels participating in the BSAI pollock fisheries to weigh their 
    catch before discard or processing. In response to this request, NMFS 
    published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), which 
    requested public comment on a three-part scale evaluation and approval 
    process on February 20, 1996 (61 FR 6337). Public comment was invited 
    through March 21, 1996. Comments relevant to this proposed rulemaking 
    are summarized and responded to below in the ``Response to Comments'' 
        The proposed at-sea scale certification program described in this 
    rulemaking is designed in response to comments on the ANPR, NMFS 
    research evaluating the use of scales on processor vessels, further 
    experience using scales on two processor vessels in the CDQ fisheries, 
    and the recommendations of a technical advisor hired by NMFS.
        NMFS specifically seeks public comment on the proposed process for 
    determining whether a particular scale is capable of weighing 
    accurately at sea, the performance and technical requirements in the 
    At-Sea Scales Handbook, and the proposed procedures for testing scales 
    at sea.
    Specifying Which Processors Must Weigh
        This proposed rulemaking does not require specific processors or 
    vessels to use certified scales to weigh catch at sea. NMFS currently 
    is considering proposing requirements for at-sea weighing in the 
    proposed multispecies CDQ fisheries and in the BSAI pollock fisheries 
    as recommended by the Council. However, a program for inspecting and 
    certifying scales for use in weighing at sea must be established before 
    NMFS proceeds with proposed requirements for specific processors or 
    vessels to weigh catch at sea.
    Response to Comments
        Six letters were received in response to the request for public 
    comment on the ANPR. Many of the comments in these letters related to 
    whether NMFS should require processor vessels in the BSAI pollock 
    fisheries to weigh catch at
    [[Page 32565]]
    sea. Eight comments related to specific questions in the ANPR about the 
    technical or operational aspects of a certified scale program, which is 
    the subject of this proposed rulemaking. These comments are addressed 
        Comment 1. Any method of evaluating a scale must first establish 
    specifications in detail.
        Response. NMFS concurs. NMFS hired a technical advisor with 
    expertise in developing specifications for many different types of 
    scales to revise the specifications originally proposed in the ANPR. 
    NMFS believes that the level of detail and the applicability of 
    performance and technical requirements for scales used to weigh catch 
    at sea have been improved in the proposed rule and the At-Sea Scales 
    Handbook. NMFS continues to seek public comment in this regard.
        Comment 2. Personnel with the National Type Evaluation Program 
    (NTEP) do not have the expertise to evaluate at-sea scales.
        Response. NMFS concurs that NTEP personnel have not evaluated a 
    scale designed to compensate for vessel motion, although appropriate 
    expertise and test procedures could be developed at accredited 
    laboratories in the future. Unlike the ANPR, the proposed rule would 
    allow laboratory tests to be conducted at any accredited laboratory.
        Comment 3. It is not feasible to use groundfish as a test material 
    for the initial inspection of motion-compensated belt scales on vessels 
    because it would require travel to Alaska well in advance of the 
    fishing seasons to harvest a small amount of fish for the tests.
        Response. NMFS concurs. The proposed rule would allow initial and 
    periodic scale inspections to be conducted at any time during the year 
    in either Seattle or Dutch Harbor. Because fish would not be available 
    at the time of initial inspection, the proposed rule would allow the 
    use of alternative material. However, fish could still be used in daily 
    materials tests conducted during the fishing seasons.
        Comment 4. The fishing industry is unwilling to fund the inspection 
    and certification program for scales used to weigh catch in the open 
    access fisheries.
        Response. The proposed rule does not include a provision that would 
    require the fishing industry to pay for scale inspections and 
    certifications, although provisions to recover the costs of the scale 
    inspections could be added by NMFS in the future if the collection of 
    fees for this service were authorized by the Magnuson-Stevens Act. NMFS 
    would not pay for laboratory tests conducted under type approval 
    requirements. These tests would be the responsibility of the scale 
        Comment 5. Knowledgeable inspectors must be available to conduct 
    scale tests.
        Response. NMFS concurs and intends to designate an agency such as 
    the State of Alaska, Division of Measurement Standards, to provide 
    trained personnel to inspect and certify at-sea scales. Weights and 
    measures inspectors would require little additional training to inspect 
    hopper scales, platform scales, and hanging scales as they regularly 
    certify these types of scales for use on land. The inspectors are less 
    familiar with belt scales. However, the specific requirements listed in 
    the At-Sea Scales Handbook combined with written procedures for 
    conducting the inspections would assist the inspectors. In addition, 
    training on inspecting and certifying belt scales would be provided.
        Comment 6. Results of initial experience with motion-compensating 
    scales are not good.
        Response. NMFS has had experience with scales used to weigh catch 
    on three processor vessels. In one case, the processor vessel installed 
    the scale voluntarily and used it to monitor product recovery rates. 
    This processor has reported no problems with the scale in over 5 years 
    of use. The other two processor vessels installed scales during the 
    1995 pollock nonroe season in order to comply with regulations 
    governing the pollock CDQ program. One of these scales was improperly 
    installed. An initial inspection of the scale as described in this 
    proposed rule would have identified the installation problem before the 
    vessel went fishing. The other scale was modified during the fishing 
    season in a manner that prevented it from weighing accurately. 
    Education of the vessel crew as to how the scale operates appears to 
    have resolved this problem.
        Since the ANPR was published, NMFS has contracted with a processor 
    vessel to use a motion-compensated belt scale to evaluate the accuracy 
    of various methods for making volumetric estimates of catch weight in 
    the pollock fisheries. The belt scale was tested nearly every day for 
    approximately 14 weeks and weighed the test material within 3 percent 
    of its known weight each time it was tested.
        Comment 7. Daily tests of the scale would be costly to industry in 
    terms of the lost production time.
        Response. Based on experience testing the scale, NMFS estimates 
    that the time required for daily scale tests would be 15 minutes or 
    less. NMFS believes testing the scales each day is necessary to 
    determine whether they are continuing to weigh accurately at sea.
        Comment 8. Only one scale company manufactures a scale reliable 
    enough to accurately weigh catch at sea. This will result in high costs 
    for the scale and scale repair and a shortage of qualified technicians.
        Response. NMFS agrees that, thus far, only one company has 
    demonstrated that its scale can weigh large quantities of fish at sea 
    and pass daily accuracy tests. However, several scale companies are 
    developing at-sea scales of various types including belt scales and 
    automatic hopper scales. Implementation of specific performance and 
    technical requirements is expected to provide the information necessary 
    for other scale companies to develop competing products.
    At-Sea Scale Certification Program
        Scales used in commerce in the United States are regulated by state 
    and local government agencies, based on national standards established 
    by the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) and published 
    by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute for Standards 
    and Technology (NIST) in Handbook 44. Handbook 44 includes design, use, 
    and performance standards for many different weighing and measuring 
    devices, including several different types of scales. Scales used by 
    processors buying fish in Alaska are required to be certified by the 
    State of Alaska, Division of Measurement Standards, based on Alaska 
    regulations and Handbook 44.
        Although Handbook 44 contains standards for scales of the general 
    description of those that will be used to weigh catch at sea (i.e., 
    belt, hopper, platform, and hanging scales), it does not provide 
    adequate standards for at-sea scales for several reasons. First, it 
    contains no requirement for motion compensation technology, which NMFS 
    believes is necessary to weigh accurately at sea. Second, it contains 
    no standards appropriate to evaluate the type of belt scale that has 
    been designed for use on processor vessels. NMFS believes this type of 
    scale should be an option for vessel owners. Finally, accuracy 
    standards or tolerances for scales used in commerce are higher than 
    NMFS believes can be achieved at sea.
        The lack of appropriate standards for at-sea scales led NMFS to 
    develop the proposed standards for at-sea scale certification in the 
    At-Sea Scales Handbook. This handbook was prepared by NMFS with the 
    assistance of a technical advisor who was formerly employed with NIST. 
    The proposed standards are modeled after
    [[Page 32566]]
    requirements in Handbook 44 and other international scale standards but 
    have been modified to reflect the unique environment in which at-sea 
    weighing will occur.
        The proposed rule would add a new Sec. 679.28 to 50 CFR part 679, 
    titled ``Equipment and Operational Requirements for Catch Weight 
    Measurement'' and would codify the At-Sea Scales Handbook as Appendix A 
    to part 679. Section 679.28 would contain vessel owner and operator 
    responsibilities for scale certification, at-sea testing, and 
    recordkeeping and reporting and would define a scale certified to weigh 
    at sea as one that meets the performance and technical requirements in 
    Appendix A to part 679, the At-Sea Scales Handbook.
        Compliance with the performance and technical requirements in the 
    At-Sea Scales Handbook would be evaluated through both laboratory tests 
    and scale inspections. First, the model of scale would be tested in a 
    laboratory to verify that it meets technical requirements and weighs 
    accurately under some of the environmental factors expected on 
    commercial fishing and processing vessels. This process is know as 
    ``type evaluation''.
        Second, each installed scale would be certified by an inspector 
    authorized by the Administrator, Alaska Region, NMFS (Regional 
    Administrator) in initial and periodic inspections. A certified scale 
    would be required to be recertified each year. In addition, the scale 
    would have to be recertified if it is modified or removed from the 
    vessel and reinstalled. Further, to being certified, the scale would be 
    required to weigh accurately at sea as determined by tests performed 
    each day by the vessel crew and witnessed by the NMFS-certified 
        Compliance with Sec. 679.28 would require successful completion of 
    all three elements described above. The scale would be required to 
    successfully meet both the type evaluation and inspection requirements 
    to be certified. Once certified, the scale would be required to 
    continue to weigh accurately at sea. A certified scale that did not 
    pass daily scale performance tests would not comply with the 
    regulations and an uncertified scale could not be used even if it 
    passed daily scale tests.
        NMFS believes that the three-part scale testing and inspection 
    process is necessary to prevent the installation and use of equipment 
    that is not suited for the environment in which it will be used and to 
    minimize the number of scales that develop problems during a fishery. 
    The type-evaluation process would evaluate how a scale performs under 
    laboratory simulation of the at-sea environment--tests that cannot be 
    performed by a scale inspector on the vessel. Type evaluation also 
    would provide the vessel owners added assurance that the model of scale 
    they are purchasing has been designed to perform on a vessel and that 
    it meets some of the minimum technical and performance requirements for 
    at-sea scales. The initial and periodic inspections would verify that 
    each scale installed on a particular vessel complies with all technical 
    requirements and weighs test material or test weights accurately. The 
    inspection also would identify improper installations or malfunctioning 
    scales and verify that the vessel owner has provided the test material 
    required for the at-sea scale tests. The at-sea scales tests would be 
    the only tests that would determine whether the scale weighs accurately 
    at sea. NMFS is not proposing to require laboratory simulation of 
    vessel motion due to the complexity and cost of this type of testing. 
    The scale inspections would occur at the dock, under conditions of 
    minimal vessel motion.
        The At-Sea Scales Handbook contains requirements for four different 
    types of scales that may be used to weigh fish on a vessel. They are 
    (1) belt scales, (2) automatic hopper scales, (3) platform scales, and 
    (4) hanging scales. The handbook has a separate section for belt scales 
    and automatic hopper scales. The requirements for platform and hanging 
    scales are combined in a third section. Type evaluation requirements 
    for all scales are included in an annex to Appendix A.
        Only these four types of scales could be certified under the 
    proposed program. No other type of weighing or measuring device could 
    be certified under this program until certification standards are 
    developed and added to Sec. 679.28 and Appendix A.
        Performance standards and technical requirements for four different 
    types of scales are necessary because of the many possible applications 
    for at-sea scales. Belt scales are most appropriate for high volume, 
    continuous flow operations such as trawl catcher/processors or 
    motherships. However, these scales may not weigh as accurately in low 
    volume or discontinuous flow operations such as on longline or pot 
    catcher/processors. Automatic hopper scales could be used for both 
    types of operations because they accumulate fish in a hopper until a 
    certain target weight is reached, then fish are released back onto the 
    factory line. Platform and hanging scales are included because they 
    could be used to weigh fish in small quantities.
    Type Evaluation
        Type evaluation is a one-time test of a model or type of scale to 
    determine whether the scale meets technical requirements and functions 
    within specified parameters under the environmental conditions expected 
    on a vessel. In order to obtain type approval, a scale company would 
    submit one scale of a particular model or type for laboratory tests. If 
    that scale met the performance and technical requirements, the 
    laboratory certification would cover all scales of this particular 
    model. The proposed regulations would not require laboratory testing of 
    each individual scale.
        One of the most important technical requirements that would be 
    verified by the laboratory would be whether the scale was designed to 
    compensate adequately for the effect of motion on the weight indicated 
    by the scale. NMFS proposes to require that scales be equipped with 
    automatic means to compensate for the motion of a vessel at-sea in the 
    form of a reference load cell and a reference mass weight or other 
    equally effective means. The reference mass weight would be weighed by 
    the reference load cell and a motion-compensation adjustment factor 
    would be calculated and applied to the fish weight. For example, assume 
    that the reference mass weight actually weighed 10 kg, but the motion 
    of the vessel was such that the reference load cell sensed that it 
    weighed only 9.9 kg. In this case, the scale would adjust the weight of 
    the fish it was weighing by the same ratio as the indicated error in 
    the reference weight (see sections,, and in the 
    At-Sea Scales Handbook). Scale manufacturers who wish to use a 
    different but at least as effective means of motion-compensation as 
    described above would be required to provide NMFS with laboratory or 
    field test results demonstrating that the scale is capable of weighing 
    accurately at sea.
        One scale manufacturer has submitted laboratory test results to 
    NMFS for a motion-compensated belt-conveyor scale. The tests were 
    performed at a Danish laboratory and would comply with many of the 
    requirements proposed in this rulemaking. Other types of motion-
    compensated scales would have to be submitted to a laboratory for 
    evaluation, which could take up to 3 months to complete. Certification 
    of successful completion of laboratory tests would be required before 
    the an inspector could test and certify a scale installed on a vessel.
        Requirements for the laboratory tests are contained in two 
    different areas of the handbook. Requirements specific to
    [[Page 32567]]
    a particular type of scale are found in sections 2, 3, and 4. Test 
    procedures common to all scales are found in the annex to the handbook. 
    For example, section 2 contains specific requirements for belt scales. 
    Section 2.2 contains performance standards for belt scales. Section 
    2.2.1 contains the maximum permissible errors (mpe) for tests of the 
    belt scale and section contains the mpes for the laboratory 
    tests of the belt scale. Similarly, section contains the mpes 
    for the laboratory tests of automatic hopper scales and section 
    contains the mpes for laboratory tests for platform and hanging scales.
        The laboratory tests, described in the annex, are divided into 
    disturbance tests and influence quantity tests. Disturbances refer to 
    events that may occur while the scale is being used, but that are not 
    within the rated operating conditions of the scale, such as short time 
    power reduction, power bursts, electrostatic discharge, and 
    electromagnetic susceptibility. Influence quantities refer to factors 
    that may affect the accuracy of the scale weight and are within the 
    rated operating conditions of the scale, such as temperature, humidity, 
    and power voltage fluctuations.
        Each scale submitted for type evaluation would be tested for 
    disturbances and influence quantities based on the performance 
    requirements of applicable sections of the handbook and on the test 
    procedures in the annex. The scales also would be evaluated for 
    compliance with the technical requirements in each section, such as 
    scale markings, printed output, display units and capacity, permanence 
    of marking, event loggers to record scale adjustments, and means to 
    retain information in memory in the event of a power loss.
        Complete, signed type-evaluation certification documents would be 
    required to be received by the Regional Administrator before any scale 
    of the particular model could undergo an initial inspection by the 
    authorized inspector. The Regional Administrator would maintain a list 
    of scales that had successfully completed type-evaluation requirements 
    and make this list available to the public upon request. The type-
    evaluation certification documents would include an application form, 
    checklists to verify compliance with all performance and technical 
    requirements, and test report forms to record the results of specific 
    tests. NMFS would provide the blank forms to scale manufacturers, 
    laboratories, and vessel owners upon request.
        Laboratories certifying compliance with type-evaluation 
    requirements would have to be accredited by the U.S. Government or by 
    the government of the country in which the laboratory is located. For 
    example, in the United States, a laboratory may be accredited by 
    programs recognized by the NIST such as the National Voluntary 
    Laboratory Accreditation Program. Information about laboratory 
    accreditation must be provided on the type evaluation certification 
    documents and would be evaluated by the Regional Administrator through 
    consultation with NIST or the national weights and measures agency of 
    the country in which the laboratory is located.
        The performance and technical requirements for laboratory tests for 
    belt scales specified in the At-Sea Scales Handbook are based, in part, 
    on the International Organization of Legal Metrology's (OIML) 
    international recommendations for continuous totalizing automatic 
    weighing instruments (R-50). Manufacturers of belt scales may request 
    that the Regional Administrator accept laboratory tests performed to 
    demonstrate compliance with OIML R-50 standards in lieu of laboratory 
    tests in the At-Sea Scales Handbook. These manufacturers would have to 
    submit written and signed copies of the laboratory test results. Any 
    requirements in the At-Sea Scales Handbook that are not in the OIML R-
    50 standards would be required to be verified by an independent 
    laboratory. NMFS would have these requests reviewed by a technical 
    advisor to verify that the proposed laboratory test results met the 
    requirements of the At-Sea Scales Handbook.
        NMFS seeks public comment on whether existing laboratory 
    certification processes in the United States or elsewhere could 
    similarly be used in lieu of the proposed type evaluation certification 
    requirements for automatic hopper scales, platform scales, or hanging 
    scales. Comments must specifically address the source of the 
    alternative laboratory test specifications and the type of 
    certification documents that could be accepted by NMFS.
    Initial and Periodic Inspections
        The initial inspection of each scale installed on a vessel would be 
    performed by an authorized weights and measures inspector designated by 
    the Regional Administrator based on the performance and technical 
    requirements in the At-Sea Scales Handbook. The inspector would 
    complete certification forms including a checklist and test report 
    forms. The vessel owner would be required to maintain a copy of the 
    scale certification documents on the vessel at all times when a 
    certified at-sea scale was required to be used and to submit a copy to 
    NMFS. NMFS would maintain a list of vessels with current scale 
        The initial inspection would occur while the vessel is in drydock 
    or tied up in either Seattle or Dutch Harbor. The vessel owner would be 
    responsible to schedule inspections with the authorized weights and 
    measures inspectors designated by the Regional Administrator. The 
    vessel owner would be required to give the scale inspectors at least 10 
    working day's notice prior to the inspection to allow for scheduling 
    and travel from anchorage to Seattle or Dutch Harbor. At the time of 
    the inspection, the vessel owner would be required to assist the 
    inspector in moving test equipment to and from the inspector's vehicle 
    and the location on the vessel where the scale is installed.
        Each scale would be inspected to determine compliance with 
    technical requirements such as level installation; proper marking of 
    information such as name, model designation, and serial number; the 
    required indicators and printer; and the proper sealing of adjustable 
    components. A ``zero test'' would be performed on all scales to 
    determine whether the scale accumulated weight while empty.
        Each scale would be tested for accuracy based on the procedures 
    appropriate for the particular type of scale. Belt scales would be 
    tested with a ``materials test'' in which an amount of material would 
    be first weighed on a certified scale to determine its known weight and 
    then weighed on the belt scale. The difference between the known weight 
    and the weight indicated by the belt scale would be the error of the 
    belt scale. Belt scales would be required to weigh material to within 1 
    percent of its known weight in the initial and periodic inspections in 
    stationary installations.
        Automatic hopper scales, platform scales, and hanging scales would 
    be tested by placing standard test weights in or on the scale in 
    different amounts and locations. These scales would be required to 
    weigh the standard test weights to within 1 percent of their known 
    weight. All test material and weights needed for scales tests during 
    the inspection would be provided by the scale inspector.
        Each scale would be tested to determine compliance with 
    requirements for printed output. Printed output of the catch weight 
    including vessel name and Federal fisheries or processor permit number, 
    haul or set number, date and time weighing catch
    [[Page 32568]]
    from haul or set started and ended, and the weight of fish in each haul 
    or set would be required for all scales. In addition, a printed record 
    of any tests, adjustments, calibrations, or other procedures performed 
    on the scale including month, day, year, and time of procedure, name or 
    description of procedure, and result of procedure would be required. 
    The inspector also would verify that the test material required to be 
    provided by the vessel owner for the at-sea scale tests was on board 
    the vessel and in compliance with requirements discussed below.
        Each scale would be required to be certified every year, within 12 
    months of the date of the most recent certification. An inspection also 
    would be required if the scale is moved to a different location on the 
    vessel, undergoes major modifications, or is reinstalled after being 
    removed from the vessel.
    At-Sea Scale Tests
        At-sea scale tests would be required to determine whether the scale 
    weighed accurately in motion. Tests would be performed each day by the 
    vessel crew and witnessed by the observer. Each scale would be required 
    to weigh the test material within 3 percent of its known weight. If the 
    scale did not meet this performance standard, it would be required to 
    be recalibrated or repaired and retested. Any material or test weights 
    required for the at-sea tests would be provided and maintained by the 
    vessel owner. Test material other than fish or any standard test 
    weights that will be used to test the scale at sea must be inspected 
    and approved by the authorized weights and measures inspector at the 
    time of initial or periodic inspections.
        The vessel operator may conduct the scale test at any time that 
    does not interfere with the observer's sampling or related duties, 
    however, the observer must be notified of a test at least 15 minutes 
    before it is conducted and the observer must be present for the test. 
    The observer would not be required to determine the time of the test or 
    to perform any of the physical labor associated with the test.
        The Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and Regulation of the 
    Department of Commerce certified to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of 
    the Small Business Administration that this proposed rule, if adopted, 
    would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities, as follows:
        The proposed rule would establish a testing and certification 
    program for scales to weigh catch at sea in the groundfish fisheries 
    off Alaska. It does not include any requirements for specific 
    vessels or processors to install or use at-sea scales.
        Because there are no requirements imposed on vessel operators or 
    processors, it does not affect the way they do business. There are 
    no compliance costs, and there will be no impact on revenues. It 
    merely establishes a procedure to be used in the future, if such 
    requirements are imposed on vessels and/or processors. Therefore, no 
    Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis was prepared.
        This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
        This proposed rule contains a new collection-of-information 
    requirement subject to review and approval by OMB under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act (PRA). This collection-of-information requirement has 
    been submitted to OMB for approval. The new information requirements 
    include the following: (1) Scale manufacturers must submit completed 
    At-Sea Scales Type Evaluation Certification documents to the Regional 
    Administrator prior to being placed on the list of eligible at-sea 
    scales; (2) vessel owners must submit a copy of the scale certification 
    document issued by a scale inspector approved by the Regional 
    Administrator to NMFS prior to participating in a fishery in which a 
    certified at-sea scale is required; (3) vessel operators must maintain 
    a record of the results of daily at-sea scale tests; and (4) vessel 
    operators must maintain printed output from the scale. The public 
    reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to 
    average 176 hours per response for the type evaluation certification 
    documents, 15 minutes per response to submit the scale certification to 
    NMFS, 45 minutes per response for the at-sea scale tests, and 3 minutes 
    per response for the printed output from the scale. These estimates 
    include the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data 
    sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and 
    reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding these 
    burden estimates or any other aspect of the data requirements including 
    suggestions for reducing the burden, to NMFS (see ADDRESSES) and to the 
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Washington, DC 20503 
    (Attention: NOAA Desk Officer).
        Public comment is sought regarding: Whether this proposed 
    collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of 
    the functions of the agency, including whether the information has 
    practical utility; the accuracy of the burden estimate; ways to enhance 
    the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; 
    and ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information, 
    including through the use of automated collection techniques or other 
    forms of information technology.
        Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is 
    required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty 
    for failure to comply with, a collection-of-information subject to the 
    requirements of the PRA, unless that collection-of-information displays 
    a currently valid OMB control number.
        The Regional Administrator determined that fishing activities 
    conducted under this rule will not affect endangered and threatened 
    species listed or critical habitat designated pursuant to the 
    Endangered Species Act in any manner not considered in prior 
    consultations on the groundfish fisheries of the GOA or BSAI.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 679
        Fisheries, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: June 10, 1997.
    David L. Evans,
    Deputy Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 679 is 
    proposed to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 679 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 773 et seq., 1801 et seq., and 3631 et seq.
    Sec. 679.27  [Reserved]
        2. In subpart B, Sec. 679.27 is reserved.
        3. In subpart B, Sec. 679.28 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 679.28  Equipment and operational requirements for catch weight 
        (a) Applicability. This section contains the requirements for 
    motion-compensated, NMFS-certified scales to weigh catch at sea. This 
    section applies only to vessels required to use at-sea scales elsewhere 
    in the regulations.
        (b) At-sea scales certification program--(1) List of eligible at-
    sea scales. The model of scale must be on the Regional Administrator's 
    list of eligible at-sea scales before an inspector will test or certify 
    a scale installed on a vessel under paragraph (b)(2) of this section. A 
    scale will be included on the list of eligible at-sea scales when the
    [[Page 32569]]
    Regional Administrator receives the information specified in paragraph 
    (b)(1) (i) or (ii) of this section from a testing laboratory accredited 
    by the government of the country in which the tests are conducted. Each 
    model of scale on the list of eligible at-sea scales will be assigned a 
    NMFS type evaluation certification number by the Regional 
        (i) Type evaluation certification documents. The following 
    information must be submitted on forms provided by the Regional 
        (A) Type Evaluation Certificate--(1) Information about the scale. 
    (i) Name of scale manufacturer.
        (ii) Name of manufacturer's representative.
        (iii) Mailing address of scale manufacturer and manufacturer's 
        (iv) Telephone and facsimile number of manufacturer's 
        (v) Model of scale.
        (vi) Serial number of scale being tested.
        (vii) Type of scale, choosing among belt, automatic hopper, 
    platform or hanging scale.
        (2) Information about the certifying laboratory. (i) Name of 
    laboratory. (ii) Mailing address of laboratory. (iii) Telephone and 
    facsimile number of laboratory's representative. (iv) Name and address 
    of government agency accrediting the laboratory. (v) Name and signature 
    of person responsible for type evaluation certification and date of 
        (B) Type Evaluation Checklist. The certifying laboratory's 
    representative must indicate on the Type Evaluation Checklist form 
    whether the scale met applicable performance and technical requirements 
    specified in Appendix A (At-Sea Scales Handbook).
        (C) Type Evaluation Test Report Forms. The certifying laboratory's 
    representative must provide the results of each applicable test 
    specified in Appendix A (At-Sea Scales Handbook) on the Type Evaluation 
    Test Report Form.
        (ii) Alternative type evaluation certification documents. Scale 
    manufacturers may request that the Regional Administrator consider 
    tests performed on belt scales to meet the International Organization 
    of Legal Metrology's recommendations for continuous totalizing 
    automatic weighing instruments (OIML R-50) in accuracy class 2 as a 
    substitute for the requirements specified in Appendix A (At-Sea Scales 
    Handbook). The Regional Administrator will review these proposals to 
    determine whether the proposed test procedures and results comply with 
    the requirements in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
        (2) At-sea scale inspection certificate. Each scale or scale system 
    used to weigh catch at sea must be tested and certified by a scale 
    inspector authorized by the Regional Administrator upon initial 
    installation. The scale must be recertified each year within 12 months 
    of the date of the most recent certification. The scale also must be 
    certified after major modification or installation of the scale at a 
    different location on the vessel. An at-sea scale inspection 
    certificate will be issued by the inspector if the scale meets all 
    applicable requirements specified in Appendix A (At-Sea Scales 
    Handbook). In order to obtain an at-sea scale inspection certification, 
    the vessel owner must:
        (i) Make the vessel and scale available for inspection by a scale 
    inspector authorized by the Regional Administrator after the vessel 
    owner has installed a model of scale on the Regional Administrator's 
    list of eligible at-sea scales described in paragraph (b)(1) of this 
    section. The time and place of the inspection may be arranged by 
    contacting the authorized scale inspectors. Scale inspections will be 
    scheduled no later than 10 working days after the day that the vessel 
    owner requests an inspection. Identity of authorized scale inspectors 
    can be obtained from NMFS.
        (ii) Transport test weights, test material, and equipment required 
    to perform the test to and from the inspector's vehicle and the 
    location on the vessel where the scale is installed.
        (iii) Apply test weights to the scale or convey test materials 
    across the scale, as requested by the scale inspector.
        (iv) Assist the scale inspector in performing the scale inspection 
    and testing.
        (v) Submit a copy of scale certification documents signed by the 
    weights and measures inspector to the Regional Administrator and 
    maintain a copy of these documents on board the vessel at all times 
    when the processor or vessel is required to use a certified scale. 
    These documents must be made available to the observer, NMFS personnel, 
    or an authorized officer upon request.
        (vi) Make test material or test weights required for the at-sea 
    scale tests under paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section available to the 
    inspector at the time of the inspection.
        (3) At-sea scale tests. Each scale or scale system used to weigh 
    catch at sea must be tested each 24-hour period in which fish are 
    weighed on the scale to verify that the scale is weighing test material 
    within 3 percent of its known weight. The vessel operator must:
        (i) Notify the observer at least 15 minutes before the test will be 
    conducted and conduct the test while the observer is present.
        (ii) Provide and maintain the following equipment or materials to 
    conduct the test on board the vessel at all times while a daily test is 
        (A) Belt scales. The vessel operator must provide one of the 
    following to conduct a daily materials test.
        (1) At least 400 kg of fish whose weight has been determined to the 
    nearest kg on a scale other than the scale under test. The scale used 
    to determine the known weight of the fish must weigh test weights to 
    within 1 percent of their known weight, or
        (2) At least 400 kg of test material whose weight has been 
    determined to the nearest kg on a scale certified under this section or 
    certified by a state or local weights and measures official. The test 
    material must be described in writing. If the test material is 
    comprised of more than one package or unit of test material, each unit 
    must have a unique identification number or letter, and weight of the 
    unit indelibly marked on the exterior of the unit. The identification 
    number and weight of each unit of test material must be certified in 
    writing by the authorized scale inspector at the time of initial or 
    periodic inspection. Replacement units of test material manufactured on 
    board the vessel must be marked and weighed on a scale that meets the 
    requirements of paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(A)(1) of this section. The NMFS-
    certified observer must witness the weighing of the replacement test 
    material. Written information including the date the replacement 
    material was weighed, the identification number and weight of the 
    replacement material, and the identification number and weight of test 
    material being replaced must be signed by the vessel operator and 
    maintained with the original scale certification documents on the 
        (B) Other Types of Scales. The vessel operator must provide 
    certified test weights in an amount equal to the largest amount of fish 
    that will be weighed on the scale in one weighment. Each test weight 
    must have its weight stamped on or otherwise permanently affixed to it. 
    The weight of each test weight must be verified annually at the initial 
    or periodic scale inspection required under paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    section by the authorized weights and measures inspector.
        (iii) Conduct the scale test by placing the test material or test 
    weights on or across the scale and recording the
    [[Page 32570]]
    following information on the at-sea scale test report form.
        (A) Vessel name.
        (B) Month, day, and year of test.
        (C) Time test started to the nearest minute.
        (D) Known weight of test material or test weights.
        (E) Weight of test material or test weights recorded by scale.
        (F) Percent error as determined by subtracting the known weight of 
    the test material or test weights from the weight recorded on the 
    scale, dividing that amount by the known weight of the test material or 
    test weights, and multiplying by 100.
        (iv) Verify that the percent error in each scale test as determined 
    in paragraph (b)(3)(iii)(F) of this section is less than or equal to 3 
    percent. If the error exceeds this amount the scale may be retested, 
    recalibrated, or repaired. A scale test verifying that the scale is 
    weighing accurately must be conducted and recorded before the vessel 
    can continue weighing catch.
        (v) Maintain the test report form on board the vessel until the end 
    of the fishing year during which the tests were conducted and make the 
    report forms available to observers, NMFS personnel, or an authorized 
    officer. In addition, the scale test report forms must be retained by 
    the vessel owner for 3 years after the end of the fishing year during 
    which the tests were performed. All scale test report forms must be 
    signed by the vessel operator.
        (4) Scale maintenance. The vessel operator must maintain the scale 
    in proper operating condition throughout the period of its use and 
    assure that adjustments made to the scale are made so as to bring the 
    performance errors as close as practicable to a zero value.
        (5) Printed reports from the scale. Printed reports from the scale 
    must be maintained on board the vessel until the end of the fishing 
    year during which the reports were made and be made available to 
    observers, NMFS personnel, or an authorized officer. In addition, 
    printed reports must be retained by the vessel owner for 3 years after 
    the end of the fishing year during which the printouts were made. All 
    printed reports from the scale must be signed by the vessel operator.
        (i) Reports of catch weight. Reports must be printed at least once 
    each 24-hour period in which the scale is being used to weigh catch or 
    before any information stored in the scale computer memory is replaced. 
    The printed catch report must include the information specified in 
    Appendix A, sections,, or The haul or set 
    number recorded on the scale print-out must correspond with haul or set 
    numbers recorded in the processor's daily cumulative production 
    logbook. Scale weights indicated by the scale may not be adjusted.
        (ii) Printed report of scale tests or adjustments. The printed 
    report must include the information specified in Appendix A, sections,, and 3. Appendix A to Part 679 is 
    added to read as follows:
    Appendix A to Part 679--At-Sea Scales Handbook: Performance and 
    Technical Requirements for At-Sea Scales in the Groundfish Fisheries 
    off Alaska
    Table of Contents
    1.0  Introduction
    2.0  Belt Scales
        2.1  Applicability
        2.2  Performance Requirements
        2.2.1  Maximum Permissible Errors (mpe)  Laboratory Tests  Zero Load Tests  Material Tests
        2.2.2  Minimum Flow Rate (Qmin)
        2.2.3  Minimum Totalized Load (min)
        2.2.4  Influence Quantities  Temperature  Power Supply
        2.3  Technical Requirements
        2.3.1  Indicators and Printers  General  Values Defined  Units  Value of the Scale Division  Range of Indication  Resettable  Rate of Flow Indicator  Printed Information  Permanence of Markings  Power Loss  Adjustable Components
    2.3.2  Weighing Elements  Speed Measurement  Conveyer Belt  Overload Protection  Speed Control  Adjustable Components  Motion Compensation
        2.3.3  Installation Conditions
        2.3.4  Marking  Presentation
        2.4  Tests
        2.4.1  Minimum Test Load
        2.4.2  Laboratory Tests  Influence Quantity and Disturbance Tests  Zero Load Tests  Material Tests
    2.4.3  Initial and Periodic Scale Inspections  Zero Load Tests  Material Tests
    3.0  Automatic Hopper Scales
        3.1  Applicability
        3.2  Performance Requirements
        3.2.1  Maximum Permissible Errors (mpe)  Laboratory Tests  Increasing and Decreasing Load Tests
        3.2.2  Minimum Weighment (min)
        3.2.3  Minimum Totalized Load (Lot)
        3.2.4  Influence Quantities  Temperature  Power Supply
        3.3  Technical Requirements
    3.3.1  Indicators and Printers  General  Values Defined  Units  Value of the Scale Division  Weighing Sequence  Printing Sequence  Printed Information  Permanence of Markings  Range of Indication  Non-resettable Values  Power Loss  Adjustable Components  Zero-Load Adjustment  Damping Means
        3.3.2  Interlocks and Gate Control
        3.3.3  Overfill Sensor
        3.3.4  Weighing Elements  Overload Protection  Adjustable Components  Motion Compensation
        3.3.5  Installation Conditions
        3.3.6  Marking  Presentation
        3.4  Tests
        3.4.1  Standards
        3.4.2  Laboratory Tests  Influence Quantity and Disturbance Tests  Performance Tests
        3.4.3  Initial and Periodic Scale Inspections
    4.0  Platform Scales and Hanging Scales
        4.1  Applicability
        4.2  Performance Requirements
        4.2.1  Maximum Permissible Errors (mpe)  Laboratory Tests  Increasing and Decreasing Load and Shift Tests
        4.2.2  Minimum Load
        4.2.3  Influence Quantities  Temperature  Power Supply
        4.3  Technical  Requirements
        4.3.1  Indicators and Printers  General  Values Defined  Units  Value of the Scale Division  Printed Information  Permanence of Markings  Power Loss  Adjustable Components  Zero-Load Adjustment  Damping Means
        4.3.2  Weighing Elements  Overload Protection  Adjustable Components  Motion Compensation
        4.3.3  Installation Conditions
        4.3.4  Marking  Presentation
        4.4  Tests
        4.4.1  Standards
        4.4.2  Laboratory Tests  Influence Quantities and Disturbance Tests  Performance Tests
        4.4.3  Initial and Periodic Scale Inspections
    5.0  Definitions
        Annex A to Appendix A of Part 679--Influence Quantity and 
    Disturbance Tests
    [[Page 32571]]
        A.1  General
        A.2  Test considerations
        A.3  Tests
        A.3.1  Static Temperatures
        A.3.2  Damp Heat, Steady State
        A.3.3  Power Voltage Variation
        A.3.4  Short Time Power Reduction
        A.3.5  Bursts
        A.3.6  Electrostatic Discharge
        A.3.7  Electromagnetic Susceptibility
    1.0  Introduction
        (a) This handbook contains the performance and technical 
    requirements for scales required under 50 CFR part 679 to weigh, at 
    sea, catch from the groundfish fisheries off Alaska. These 
    commercial fisheries are managed under the Fishery Management Plan 
    for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska and the Fishery Management Plan 
    for the Groundfish Fishery of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands 
    Area which were prepared by the North Pacific Fishery Management 
    Council under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
    Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.).
        (b) This handbook was prepared by the National Marine Fisheries 
    Service, Alaska Regional Office, with the assistance of a contracted 
    technical advisor. The performance and technical requirements in 
    this document have not been reviewed or endorsed by the National 
    Conference on Weights and Measures. The handbook is published by 
    NMFS because specifications for scales used to weigh at sea have not 
    been developed by any national or international weights and measures 
    agency or organization.
        (c) Revisions, amendments, or additions to this document may be 
    made by notification in the Federal Register and an opportunity for 
    public comment prior to a final decision on the amendments. Persons 
    wishing to propose amendments should submit proposals in writing to 
    the Administrator, Alaska Region, NMFS, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 
        (d) Types of scales covered by handbook--This handbook contains 
    performance and technical requirements for four types of scales. 
    Section 2 contains requirements for belt scales. Section 3 contains 
    requirements for automatic hopper scales. Section 4 contains 
    requirements for platform and hanging scales. Certification of any 
    other devices for use to weigh catch at sea will require an 
    amendment to Sec. 679.28 and this handbook (Appendix A).
        (e) Testing and Certification Requirements for At-Sea Scales--
    Scales used to weigh catch at sea are required to comply with 
    performance and technical requirements in four categories:
        (1) Type evaluation or laboratory tests of each model of scale,
        (2) initial inspection by an authorized weights and measures 
    inspector of each scale installed on a vessel; (3) periodic re-
    inspection by an authorized weights and measures inspector; and (4) 
    at-sea tests of the scale's accuracy performed by vessel crew and 
    witnessed by a NMFS-certified observer. This handbook contains only 
    the performance and technical requirements for type evaluation and 
    certification by a weights and measures inspector. Regulations 
    implementing the requirements in this handbook and additional 
    requirements for scales certified to weigh catch at sea are found at 
    Sec. 679.28.
    2.0  Belt Scales
        2.1  Applicability. The requirements in this section apply to a 
    scale or scale system that employs a conveyor belt in contact with a 
    weighing element to determine the weight of a bulk commodity being 
    conveyed across the scale.
        2.2  Performance Requirements--2.2.1 Maximum Permissible Errors 
    (mpe). The following mpes are specified for laboratory tests and 
    initial and periodic inspections of scales in a stationary 
    installation. A stationary vessel refers to a vessel that is tied up 
    at a dock or anchored near shore and is not under power at sea.  Laboratory Tests. Procedures for disturbance tests and 
    influence factors are in Annex A. The following mpes are specified 
    for these tests.
        a. Disturbances. The mpe is 0.18 percent of the 
    weight of the load totalized.
        b. Influence Factors. The mpe is 0.25 percent of the 
    weight of the load totalized.
        c. Temperature Effect at Zero Flow Rate. The difference between 
    the values obtained at zero flow rate taken at temperatures that 
    differ by 10 deg. C must not be greater than 0.035 percent of the 
    weight of the load totalized at the maximum flow-rate for the time 
    of the test.  Zero Load Tests. The mpe for zero load tests conducted 
    in a laboratory or on a scale installed on a stationary vessel is 
    0.1 percent or 1 scale division (d).  Material Tests. The mpe for material tests conducted in 
    a laboratory or on a scale installed on a stationary vessel is 
    1.0 percent of the known weight of the test material.
        2.2.2  Minimum Flow Rate (Qmin). The minimum flow rate must be 
    specified by the manufacturer and must not be greater than 35 
    percent of the rated capacity of the scale in kilograms (kg) or 
    metric tons per hour (mt/hr).
        2.2.3  Minimum Totalized Load (min). The minimum 
    totalized load must not be less than the greater of:
        a. 2 percent of the load totalized in 1 hour at the maximum flow 
        b. the load obtained at the maximum flow rate in 1 revolution of 
    the belt, or
        c. a load equal to 800 scale divisions (d).
        2.2.4  Influence Quantities. The following requirements apply to 
    influence factor tests conducted in the laboratory.  Temperature. A belt scale must comply with the 
    performance and technical requirements at a range of temperatures 
    from -10 deg. C to +40 deg. C. However, for special applications the 
    temperature range may be different, but the range must not be less 
    than 30 deg. C and must be so specified on the descriptive markings.  Power Supply. A belt scale must comply with the 
    performance and technical requirements when operated within a range 
    of -15 percent to +10 percent of the power supply specified on the 
    descriptive markings.
        2.3  Technical Requirements.
        2.3.1  Indicators and Printers.  General. A belt scale must be equipped with a primary 
    indicator in the form of a master weight totalizer, a printer, and a 
    rate of flow indicator. It must also be equipped with auxiliary 
    means to indicate or print values for specified partial loads. The 
    indications and printed representations must be clear, definite, 
    accurate, and easily read under any conditions of normal operation 
    of the belt scale.  Values Defined. If indications or printed 
    representations are intended to have specific values, these must be 
    defined by a sufficient number of figures, words, or symbols, 
    uniformly placed with reference to the indications or printed 
    representations and as close as practicable to the indications or 
    printed representations, but not so positioned as to interfere with 
    the accuracy of reading.  Units. The weight units indicated must be in terms of 
    kilograms.  Value of the Scale Division. The value of the scale 
    division (d) expressed in a unit of weight must be equal to 1, 2, or 
    5, or a decimal multiple or sub-multiple of 1, 2, or 5.  Range of Indication. The master weight totalizer must 
    be capable of indicating at least 99,999,999 kilograms. The 
    auxiliary means must be capable of indicating at least the weight of 
    the amount of fish that can be harvested in 1 haul or set.  Resettable. The master weight totalizer must not be 
    resettable to zero without breaking a security means. The auxiliary 
    means to indicate or print specified partial loads must be 
    resettable to zero.  Rate of Flow Indicator. Permanent means must be 
    provided to produce an audio or visual signal when the rate of flow 
    is less than the minimum flow rate or greater than 98 percent of the 
    maximum flow rate.  Printed Information. The information printed must 
        a. For fish weight:
        i. the Federal fisheries or processor permit number;
        ii. the haul or set number;
        iii. month, day, year, and time (to the nearest minute) weighing 
    catch from the haul or set started;
        iv. month, day, year, and time (to the nearest minute) weighing 
    catch from the haul or set ended; and
        v. the total cumulative weight of catch in the haul or set for 
    each haul or set.
        b. For the event logger: information specified in Section  Permanence of Markings. All required indications, 
    markings, and instructions must be distinct and easily readable and 
    must be of such character that they will not tend to become 
    obliterated or illegible.  Power Loss. In the event of a power failure, means 
    must be provided to retain in a memory the totalized load.  Adjustable Components.
        a. An adjustable component that can affect the performance of 
    the scale must be held securely in position and must not be capable 
    of adjustment without breaking a security means, or
        b. An audit trail in the form of an event logger must provide 
    the following information in electronic and printed form:
    [[Page 32572]]
        1. a unique identifying number from 000 to 999 to identify the 
    type of adjustment being made to any parameter that affects the 
    performance of the scale,
        2. the parameter and amount of change,
        3. the source of the change, and
        4. the date and time (to the nearest minute) of the change.
        2.3.2  Weighing Elements.  Speed Measurement. A belt scale must be equipped with 
    means to accurately sense the belt travel and/or speed whether the 
    belt is loaded or empty.  Conveyer Belt. The weight per unit length of the 
    conveyor belt must be practically constant. Belt joints must be such 
    that there are no significant effects on the weighing results.  Overload Protection. The load receiver must be equipped 
    with means so that an overload of 150 percent or more of the 
    capacity must not affect the metrological characteristics of the 
    belt scale.  Speed Control. The speed of the belt must not vary by 
    more than 5 percent of the nominal speed.  Adjustable Components. An adjustable component that can 
    affect the performance of the belt scale must be held securely in 
    position and must not be capable of adjustment without breaking a 
    security means.  Motion Compensation. A belt scale must be equipped with 
    automatic means to compensate for the motion of a vessel at sea so 
    that the weight values indicated are within the maximum permissible 
    errors. Such means shall be a reference load cell and a reference 
    mass weight or other equally effective means. When equivalent means 
    are utilized, the manufacturer must provide NMFS with laboratory or 
    field test results demonstrating that the scale can weigh accurately 
    at sea.
        2.3.3  Installation Conditions. A belt scale must be rigidly 
    installed in a level condition.
        2.3.4  Marking. A belt scale must be marked with the following:
        a. Name, initials, or trademark of the manufacturer or 
        b. Model designation.
        c. Non-repetitive serial number.
        d. Maximum flow rate (Qmax).
        e. Minimum flow rate (Qmin).
        f. Minimum totalized load (min).
        g. Belt speed.
        h. Weigh length.
        i. Maximum capacity (Max).
        j. Temperature range (if applicable).
        k. Mains voltage.  Presentation. The markings must be reasonably permanent 
    and of such size, shape, and clarity to provide easy reading in 
    normal conditions of use. They must be grouped together in a place 
    visible to the operator.
        2.4  Tests.
        2.4.1  Minimum Test Load. The minimum test load must be the 
    greater of:
        a. 2 percent of the load totalized in 1 hour at the maximum flow 
        b. the load obtained at maximum flow rate in one revolution of 
    the belt, or
        c. a load equal to 800 scale divisions.
        2.4.2  Laboratory Tests.  Influence Quantity and Disturbance Tests. Tests must be 
    conducted according to Annex A and the results of these tests must 
    be within the values specified in section  Zero Load Tests. A zero load test must be conducted for 
    a time equal to that required to deliver the minimum totalized load 
    (min). At least two zero load tests must be conducted prior 
    to a material test. The results of these tests must be within the 
    values specified in section  Material Tests. At least one material test must be 
    conducted with the weight of the material or simulated material 
    equal to or greater than the minimum test load. The results of these 
    tests must be within the values specified in section
        2.4.3  Initial and Periodic Scale Inspections.  Zero Load Tests. A zero load test must be conducted for 
    a time equal to that required to deliver the minimum totalized load 
    (min). At least one zero load test must be conducted prior 
    to each material test. The results of this test must be within the 
    values specified in section  Material Tests. At least one material or simulated 
    material test must be conducted with the weight of the material or 
    simulated material equal to or greater than the minimum test load. 
    The results of these tests must be within the values specified in 
    3.0  Automatic Hopper Scales
        3.1  Applicability. The requirements in this section apply to a 
    scale or scale system that is designed for automatic weighing of a 
    bulk commodity in predetermined amounts.
        3.2  Performance Requirements--3.2.1 Maximum Permissible Errors 
    (mpe). The following mpes are specified for laboratory tests and 
    initial and periodic inspections of scales in a stationary 
    installation. A stationary vessel refers to a vessel that is tied up 
    at a dock or anchored near shore and is not under power at sea.  Laboratory Tests. Procedures for disturbance tests and 
    influence factors are in Annex A. The following mpes are specified 
    for these tests.
        a. Disturbances. Significant fault (sf) (1 scale 
        b. Influence Factors. The mpe is 0.1 percent of test 
    load.  Increasing and Decreasing Load Tests. The mpe for 
    increasing and decreasing load tests conducted in a laboratory or on 
    a scale installed on a stationary vessel is 1.0 percent 
    of the test load.
        3.2.2  Minimum Weighment (min). The minimum weighment 
    must not be less than 20 percent of the weighing capacity, or a load 
    equal to 100 scale intervals (d), except for the final weighment of 
    a lot.
        3.2.3  Minimum Totalized Load (Lot). The minimum totalized load 
    must not be less than 4 weighments.
        3.2.4  Influence Quantities. The following requirements apply to 
    influence factor tests conducted in the laboratory.  Temperature. A hopper scale must comply with the 
    metrological and technical requirements at temperatures from 
    -10 deg. C to +40 deg. C. However, for special applications the 
    temperature range may be different, but the range must not be less 
    than 30 deg. C and must be so specified on the descriptive markings.  Operating Temperature. A hopper scale must not 
    display or print any usable weight values until the operating 
    temperature necessary for accurate weighing and a stable zero-
    balance condition have been attained.  Power Supply. A hopper scale must comply with the 
    performance and technical requirements when operated within -15 
    percent to +10 percent of the power supply specified on the 
    descriptive markings.
        3.3  Technical Requirements--3.3.1 Indicators and Printers-- General. A hopper scale must be equipped with an indicator 
    and a printer that indicates and prints the weight of each load and 
    a no-load reference value and also the total accumulated weight of a 
    lot. It must also be equipped with auxiliary means to indicate or 
    print values for a final partial load. The indications and printed 
    information must be clear, definite, accurate, and easily read under 
    any conditions of normal operation of the hopper scale.  Values Defined. If indications or printed 
    representations are intended to have specific values, these must be 
    defined by a sufficient number of figures, words, or symbols, 
    uniformly placed with reference to the indications or printed 
    representations and as close as practicable to the indications or 
    printed representations but not so positioned as to interfere with 
    the accuracy of reading.  Units. The weight units indicated must be in terms of 
    kilograms.  Value of the Scale Division. The value of the scale 
    division (d) expressed in a unit of weight must be equal to 1, 2, or 
    5, or a decimal multiple or sub-multiple of 1, 2, or 5.  Weighing Sequence. For hopper scales used to receive 
    (weigh in), the no-load reference value must be determined and 
    printed only at the beginning of each weighing cycle. For hopper 
    scales used to deliver (weigh out), the no-load reference value must 
    be determined and printed only after the gross load weight value for 
    each weighing cycle has been indicated and printed.  Printing Sequence. Provision must be made so that all 
    weight values are indicated until the completion of the printing of 
    the indicated values.  Printed Information. The information printed must 
        a. For fish weight:
        i. The Federal fisheries or processor permit number.
        ii. The haul or set number.
        iii. Month, day, year, and time (to the nearest minute) that 
    weighing catch from the haul or set started.
        iv. Month, day, year, and time (to the nearest minute) that 
    weighing catch from the haul or set ended.
        v. Net weight of the individual loads and the totalized weight 
    of the fish in a haul or set.
        b. For the event logger: Information specified in Section  Permanence of Markings. All required indications, 
    markings, and instructions must be distinct and easily readable and 
    must be of such character that
    [[Page 32573]]
    they will not tend to become obliterated or illegible.  Range of Indication. The total accumulated weight 
    indicator and printer must be capable of indicating and printing at 
    least 99,999,999 kg. The auxiliary means must be capable of 
    indicating at least the weight of the amount of fish that can be 
    harvested in 1 haul or set.  Non-resettable Values. The totalized accumulated 
    weight must not be resettable to zero without breaking a security 
    means.  Power Loss. In the event of a power failure, means 
    must be provided to retain in a memory the total accumulated weight.  Adjustable Components.
        a. An adjustable component that can affect the performance of 
    the hopper scale must be held securely in position and must not be 
    capable of adjustment without breaking a security means, or
        b. An audit trail in the form of an event logger must provide 
    the following information in electronic and printed form:
        1. A unique identifying number from 000 to 999 to identify the 
    type of adjustment being made to any parameter that affects the 
    performance of the scale.
        2. The parameter and amount of change.
        3. The source of the change.
        4. The date and time (to the nearest minute) of the change.  Zero-Load Adjustment. A hopper scale must be equipped 
    with a manual or semi-automatic (push-button) means that can be used 
    to adjust the zero-load balance or no-load reference value.  Manual. A manual means must be operable or 
    accessible only by a tool outside of, or entirely separate from, 
    this mechanism or enclosed in a cabinet.  Semi-automatic. A semi-automatic means must only be 
    operable when the indication is stable within 1 scale 
    division, and cannot be operated during a weighing cycle 
    (operation).  Damping Means. A hopper scale must be equipped with 
    effective automatic means to bring the indications quickly to a 
    readable stable equilibrium. Effective automatic means must also be 
    provided to permit the recording of weight values only when the 
    indication is stable within plus or minus one scale division.
        3.3.2  Interlocks and Gate Control. A hopper scale must have 
    operating interlocks so that:
        a. Product cannot be weighed if the printer is disconnected or 
    subject to a power loss.
        b. The printer cannot print a weight if either of the gates 
    leading to or from the weigh hopper is open.
        c. The low paper sensor of the printer is activated.
        d. The system will operate only in the sequence intended.
        e. If the overfill sensor is activated, this condition is 
    indicated to the operator and printed.
        3.3.3  Overfill Sensor. The weigh hopper must be equipped with 
    an overfill sensor that will cause the feed gate to close, activate 
    an alarm, and stop the weighing operation until the overfill 
    condition has been corrected.
        3.3.4  Weighing Elements.  Overload Protection. The weigh hopper must be equipped 
    with means so that an overload of 150 percent or more of the 
    capacity of the hopper must not affect the metrological 
    characteristics of the belt scale.  Adjustable Components. An adjustable component that can 
    affect the performance of the hopper scale must be held securely in 
    position and must not be capable of adjustment without breaking a 
    security means.  Motion Compensation. A hopper scale must be equipped 
    with automatic means to compensate for the motion of a vessel at sea 
    so that the weight values indicated are within the maximum 
    permissible errors. Such means shall be a reference load cell and a 
    reference mass weight or other equally effective means. When 
    equivalent means are utilized, the manufacturer must provide NMFS 
    with laboratory or field test results demonstrating that the scale 
    can weigh accurately at sea.
        3.3.5  Installation Conditions. A hopper scale must be rigidly 
    installed in a level condition.
        3.3.6  Marking. A hopper scale must be marked with the 
        a. Name, initials, or trademark of the manufacturer or 
        b. Model designation.
        c. Non-repetitive serial number.
        d. Maximum capacity (Max).
        e. Minimum capacity (min).
        f. Minimum totalized load (min).
        g. Minimum weighment.
        h. Value of the scale division (d).
        i. Temperature range (if applicable).
        j. Mains voltage.  Presentation. Descriptive markings must be reasonably 
    permanent and grouped together in a place visible to the operator.
        3.4  Tests.
        3.4.1  Standards. The error of the standards used must not 
    exceed 25 percent of the mpe to be applied.
        3.4.2  Laboratory Tests.  Influence Quantity and Disturbance Tests. Tests must be 
    conducted according to Annex A and the results of these tests must 
    be within the values specified in section  Performance Tests. Performance tests must be conducted 
    as follows:
        a. Increasing load test. At least five increasing load tests 
    must be conducted with test loads at the minimum load, at a load 
    near capacity, and at 2 or more critical points in between.
        b. Decreasing load test. A decreasing load test must be 
    conducted with a test load approximately equal to one-half capacity 
    when removing the test loads of an increasing load test.
        3.4.3  Initial and Periodic Scale Inspections.
        At least two increasing load tests and two decreasing load tests 
    must be conducted as specified in Additionally, tests must 
    be conducted with test loads approximately equal to the weight of 
    loads at which the scale is normally used.
    4.0  Platform Scales and Hanging Scales
        4.1  Applicability. The requirements in this section apply to 
    platform and hanging scales.
        4.2  Performance Requirements.
        4.2.1  Maximum Permissible Errors (mpe). The following mpes are 
    specified for laboratory tests and initial and periodic inspections 
    of scales in a stationary installation. A stationary vessel refers 
    to a vessel that is tied up at a dock or anchored near shore and is 
    not under power at sea.  Laboratory Tests. Procedures for disturbance tests and 
    influence factors are in Annex A. The following mpes are specified 
    for these tests.
        a. Disturbances. Significant fault (1 scale 
        b. Influence Factors. Mpes are in Table 1 below.  Increasing and Decreasing Load and Shift Tests. The 
    mpes for increasing and decreasing load and shift tests conducted in 
    a laboratory or on a scale installed on a stationary vessel are in 
    Table 1.
                                     Table 1                                
            Test load in scale divisions (d)           Maximum permissible  
    ------------------------------------------------        error (d)       
           Class III               Class IIII         Evaluation      In-   
                                                      and Initial   service 
    0 < m*=""> 500   0 < m=""> 50            0.5           1
    500 < m="">      50 < m=""> 200          1.0           2
    2000 < m="" 200="">< m="" 1.5="" 3="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------="" *="" mass="" or="" weight="" of="" the="" test="" load.="" [[page="" 32574]]="" 4.2.2="" minimum="" load:="" class="" iii="" scale="" 20="" d,="" class="" iii="" scale="" 10="" d.="" 4.2.3="" influence="" quantities.="" the="" following="" requirements="" apply="" to="" influence="" factor="" tests="" conducted="" in="" the="" laboratory.="""" temperature.="" a="" scale="" must="" comply="" with="" the="" performance="" and="" technical="" requirements="" at="" temperatures="" from="" -10="" deg.="" c="" to="" +40="" deg.="" c.="" however,="" for="" special="" applications="" the="" temperature="" range="" may="" be="" different,="" but="" the="" range="" must="" not="" be="" less="" than="" 30="" deg.="" c="" and="" must="" be="" so="" specified="" on="" the="" descriptive="" markings.="""" operating="" temperature.="" a="" scale="" must="" not="" display="" or="" print="" any="" usable="" weight="" values="" until="" the="" operating="" temperature="" necessary="" for="" accurate="" weighing="" and="" a="" stable="" zero-balance="" condition="" have="" been="" attained.="""" power="" supply.="" a="" scale="" must="" comply="" with="" the="" performance="" and="" technical="" requirements="" when="" operated="" within="" -15="" percent="" to="" +10="" percent="" of="" the="" power="" supply="" specified="" on="" the="" descriptive="" markings.="" 4.3="" technical="" requirements--4.3.1="" indicators="" and="" printers--="""" general.="" a="" scale="" must="" be="" equipped="" with="" an="" indicator="" and="" a="" printer.="" the="" indications="" and="" printed="" information="" must="" be="" clear,="" definite,="" accurate,="" and="" easily="" read="" under="" any="" conditions="" of="" normal="" operation="" of="" the="" scale.="""" values="" defined.="" if="" indications="" or="" printed="" representations="" are="" intended="" to="" have="" specific="" values,="" these="" must="" be="" defined="" by="" a="" sufficient="" number="" of="" figures,="" words,="" or="" symbols,="" uniformly="" placed="" with="" reference="" to="" the="" indications="" or="" printed="" representations="" and="" as="" close="" as="" practicable="" to="" the="" indications="" or="" printed="" representations,="" but="" not="" so="" positioned="" as="" to="" interfere="" with="" the="" accuracy="" of="" reading.="""" units.="" the="" weight="" units="" indicated="" must="" be="" in="" terms="" of="" kilograms="" and="" decimal="" subdivisions.="""" value="" of="" the="" scale="" division.="" the="" value="" of="" the="" scale="" division="" (d)="" expressed="" in="" a="" unit="" of="" weight="" must="" be="" equal="" to="" 1,="" 2,="" or="" 5,="" or="" a="" decimal="" multiple="" or="" sub-multiple="" of="" 1,="" 2,="" or="" 5.="""" printed="" information.="" the="" information="" printed="" must="" include:="" a.="" for="" fish="" weight:="" i.="" the="" federal="" fisheries="" or="" processor="" permit="" number.="" ii.="" the="" haul="" or="" set="" number.="" iii.="" month,="" day,="" year,="" and="" time="" (to="" the="" nearest="" minute)="" of="" weighing.="" iv.="" net="" weight="" of="" the="" fish.="" v.="" for="" the="" event="" logger:="" information="" specified="" in="" section="""""" permanence="" of="" markings.="" all="" required="" indications,="" markings,="" and="" instructions="" must="" be="" distinct="" and="" easily="" readable="" and="" must="" be="" of="" such="" character="" that="" they="" will="" not="" tend="" to="" become="" obliterated="" or="" illegible.="""" power="" loss.="" in="" the="" event="" of="" a="" power="" failure,="" means="" must="" be="" provided="" to="" retain="" in="" a="" memory="" the="" weight="" of="" the="" last="" weighment="" if="" it="" is="" a="" non-repeatable="" weighment.="""" adjustable="" components.="" a.="" an="" adjustable="" component="" that="" can="" affect="" the="" performance="" of="" the="" scale="" must="" be="" held="" securely="" in="" position="" and="" must="" not="" be="" capable="" of="" adjustment="" without="" breaking="" a="" security="" means,="" or="" b.="" an="" audit="" trail="" in="" the="" form="" of="" an="" event="" logger="" must="" provide="" the="" following="" information="" in="" electronic="" and="" printed="" form:="" 1.="" a="" unique="" identifying="" number="" from="" 000="" to="" 999="" to="" identify="" the="" type="" of="" adjustment="" being="" made="" to="" any="" parameter="" that="" affects="" the="" performance="" of="" the="" scale.="" 2.="" the="" parameter="" and="" amount="" of="" change.="" 3.="" the="" source="" of="" the="" change.="" 4.="" the="" date="" and="" time="" (to="" the="" nearest="" minute)="" of="" the="" change.="""" zero-load="" adjustment.="" a="" scale="" must="" be="" equipped="" with="" a="" manual="" or="" semi-automatic="" (push-button)="" means="" that="" can="" be="" used="" to="" adjust="" the="" zero-load="" balance="" or="" no-load="" reference="" value.="""" manual.="" a="" manual="" means="" must="" be="" operable="" or="" accessible="" only="" by="" a="" tool="" outside="" of="" or="" entirely="" separate="" from="" this="" mechanism="" or="" enclosed="" in="" a="" cabinet.="""" semi-automatic.="" a="" semi-automatic="" means="" must="" meet="" the="" provisions="" of="" 3.1.8="" or="" must="" only="" be="" operable="" when="" the="" indication="" is="" stable="" within="">1 scale division and cannot be operated 
    during a weighing cycle (operation).  Damping Means. A scale must be equipped with effective 
    automatic means to bring the indications quickly to a readable 
    stable equilibrium. Effective automatic means must also be provided 
    to permit the recording of weight values only when the indication is 
    stable within plus or minus one scale division.
        4.3.2  Weighing Elements-- Overload Protection. The scale 
    must be so designed that an overload of 150 percent or more of the 
    capacity must not affect the metrological characteristics of the 
    scale.  Adjustable Components. An adjustable component that can 
    affect the performance of the scale must be held securely in 
    position and must not be capable of adjustment without breaking a 
    security means.  Motion Compensation. A hopper scale must be equipped 
    with automatic means to compensate for the motion of a vessel at sea 
    so that the weight values indicated are within the maximum 
    permissible errors. Such means shall be a reference load cell and a 
    reference mass weight or other equally effective means. When 
    equivalent means are utilized, the manufacturer must provide NMFS 
    with laboratory or field test results demonstrating that the scale 
    can weigh accurately at sea.
        4.3.3  Installation Conditions. A platform scale must be rigidly 
    installed in a level condition. A hanging scale must be freely 
    suspended from a fixed support or a crane when in use.
        4.3.4  Marking. A scale must be marked with the following:
        a. Name, initials, or trademark of the manufacturer or 
        b. Model designation.
        c. Non-repetitive serial number.
        d. Maximum capacity (Max).
        e. Minimum capacity (min).
        f. Temperature range (if applicable).
        g. Mains voltage.  Presentation. Descriptive markings must be reasonably 
    permanent and grouped together in a place visible to the operator.
        4.4  Tests.
        4.4.1  Standards. The error of the standards used must not 
    exceed 25 percent of the mpe applied.
        4.4.2  Laboratory Tests-- Influence Quantities and 
    Disturbance Tests. Tests must be conducted according to Annex A and 
    the results of these tests must be within the values specified in 
    section  Performance Tests. Performance tests must be conducted 
    as follows:
        a. Increasing load test. At least five increasing load tests 
    must be conducted with test loads at the minimum load, at a load 
    near capacity, and at 2 or more critical points in between.
        b. Shift test (platform scales only). A shift test must be 
    conducted during the increasing load test at one-third capacity test 
    load centered in each quadrant of the platform.
        c. Decreasing load test. A decreasing load test must be 
    conducted with a test load approximately equal to one-half capacity 
    when removing the test loads of an increasing load test.
        4.4.3  Initial and Periodic Scale Inspections.
        At least two increasing load tests, shift tests, and decreasing 
    load tests must be conducted as specified in Additionally 
    tests must be conducted with test loads approximately equal to the 
    weight of loads at which the scale is normally used. The results of 
    all tests must be as specified in Table 1.
    5.0  Definitions
        Audit trail--An electronic count and/or information record of 
    the changes to the values of the calibration or configuration 
    parameters of a device.
        Automatic Hopper Scale--A hopper scale adapted to the automatic 
    weighing of a bulk commodity (fish) in predetermined amounts. 
    Capacities vary from 50 lb (22.7 kg) to 100,000 lb (45.36 mt). 
    Generally equipped with a control panel, with functions to be set by 
    an operator, including the start of an automatic operation. (See 
    definition of hopper scale).
        Belt Scale--A scale that employs a conveyor belt in contact with 
    a weighing element to determine the weight of a bulk commodity being 
    conveyed. It is generally a part of a system comprised of an input 
    conveyor, the flow scale, and an output conveyor. The conveyor belt 
    may be constructed of various materials, including vulcanized 
    rubber, canvas, and plastic. The capacity is generally specified in 
    terms of the amount of weight that can be determined in a specified 
    time, and can vary from for example 1 ton per hour to 100 or more 
    tons per hour. An operator generally directs the flow of product 
    onto the input conveyor.
        Calibration Mode--A means by which the span of a scale can be 
    adjusted by placing a known ``test weight'' on the scale and 
    manually operating a key on a key board.
        Disturbances--An influence that may occur during the use of a 
    scale but is not within the rated operating conditions of the scale.
        Event logger--A form of audit trail containing a series of 
    records where each record contains the number from the event counter 
    corresponding to the change to a
    [[Page 32575]]
    sealable parameter, the identification of the parameter that was 
    changed, the time and date when the parameter was changed, and the 
    new value of the parameter.
        Final Weighment--The last partial load weighed on a hopper scale 
    that is part of the weight of many loads (haul, set, etc.).
        Hanging Scale--A scale that is designed to weigh a load that is 
    freely suspended from an overhead crane or it may be permanently 
    installed in an overhead position. The load receiver may be a part 
    of the scale such as a pan suspended on chains, or simply a hook 
    that is used to ``pick-up'' the container of the commodity to be 
    weighed. The technology employed may be mechanical, electro-
    mechanical, or electronic. The loads can be applied either manually 
    or by such means as a crane.
        Hopper Scale--A scale designed for weighing individual loads of 
    a bulk commodity (fish). The load receiver is a cylindrical or 
    rectangular container mounted on a weighing element. The weighing 
    element may be mechanical levers, a combination of levers and a load 
    cell, or all load cells. The capacity can vary from  50 
    lb (22.7 kg) to > 100,000 lb (45.36 mt). The loads are applied from 
    a bulk source by such means as a conveyor or storage hopper. Each 
    step of the weighing process, that is the loading and unloading of 
    the weigh hopper, is controlled by an operator.
        Indicator--That part of a scale that indicates the quantity that 
    is being weighed.
        Influence Factor--A value of an influence quantity, e.g., 
    10 deg., that specifies the limits of the rated operating conditions 
    of the scale.
        Influence Quantity--A quantity that is not the subject of the 
    measurement but which influences the measurement obtained within the 
    rated operating conditions of the scale.
        Influence Quantity and Disturbance Tests--Type evaluation tests 
    conducted in a laboratory to determine the capability of the scale 
    under test to perform correctly in the environmental influences in 
    which they are used and when subjected to certain disturbances that 
    may occur during the use of the scale.
        Initial Verification--The first evaluation (inspection and test) 
    of a production model of a weighing instrument that has been type 
    evaluated to determine that the production model is consistent with 
    the model that had been submitted for type evaluation.
        Known Weight Test--A test in which the load applied is a test 
    weight with a known value simulating the weight of the material that 
    is usually weighed.
        Load Receiver--That part of the scale in which the quantity is 
    placed when being weighed.
        Material Test--A test using a material that is the same or 
    similar to the material that is usually weighed, the weight of which 
    has been determined by a scale other than the scale under test.
        Maximum flow-rate--The maximum flow-rate of material specified 
    by the manufacturer at which a belt scale can perform correctly.
        Minimum flow-rate--The minimum flow-rate specified by the 
    manufacturer at which a belt scale can perform correctly.
        Minimum Load--The smallest weight load that can be determined by 
    the scale that is considered to be metrologically acceptable.
        Minimum Totalized Load--The smallest weight load that can be 
    determined by a belt scale that is considered to be metrologically 
        Minimum Weighment--The smallest weight that can be determined by 
    a hopper scale that is considered to be metrologically acceptable.
        Motion Compensation--The means used to compensate for the motion 
    of the vessel at sea.
        No-load Reference Value--A weight value obtained by a hopper 
    scale when the load receiver (hopper) is empty of the product that 
    was or is to be weighed.
        Non-repeatable Weighment--A process where the product after 
    being weighed is disposed with in such a manner that it cannot be 
    retrieved to be reweighed.
        Number of Scale Divisions (n)--The number of scale divisions of 
    a scale in normal operation. It is the quotient of the scale 
    capacity divided by the value of the scale division. n = Max/d
        Performance Requirements--A part of the regulations or standards 
    that applies to the weighing performance of a scale, e.g., maximum 
    permissible errors.
        Performance Test--A test conducted to determine that the scale 
    is performing within the maximum permissible errors applicable.
        Periodic Verification--A verification of a weighing instrument 
    at an interval that is specified by regulation or administrative 
        Platform Scale--A scale by the nature of its physical size, 
    arrangement of parts, and relatively small capacity (generally 500 
    lb (226.8 kg) or less) that is adapted for use on a bench or counter 
    or on the floor. Load receiver dimensions include, for example, 5 
    x  5 inches (12.25  x  12.24 cm), 18  x  24 inches (45.7  x  61.0 
    cm), and 30  x  30 inches (76.2  x  76.2 cm). A platform scale can 
    be self contained, that is, the indicator and load receiver and 
    weighing elements are all comprised of a single unit, or the 
    indicator can be connected by cable to a separate load receiver and 
    weighing element. The technology used may be mechanical, electro-
    mechanical, or electronic. Loads are applied manually.
        Rated Capacity--The maximum flow-rate in terms of weight per 
    unit time specified by the manufacturer at which a belt scale can 
    perform correctly.
        Scale Division (d)--The smallest digital subdivision in units of 
    mass that is indicated by the weighing instrument in normal 
        Sealing--A method used to prevent the adjustment of certain 
    operational characteristics or to indicate that adjustments have 
    been made to those operational characteristics.
        Security Seals or Means--A physical seal such as a lead and wire 
    seal or a key or code that when a change is made in the operating or 
    performance characteristics of a scale it becomes evident.
        Significant Fault--An error greater than the value specified for 
    a particular scale. For a belt scale: A fault greater than 0.18 
    percent of the weight value equal to the minimum totalized load. For 
    all other scales: 1 scale division (d). A significant fault does not 
    include faults that result from simultaneous and mutually 
    independent causes in the belt scale; faults that imply the 
    impossibility of performing any measurement; transitory faults that 
    are momentary variations in the indications that cannot be 
    interpreted, memorized, or transmitted as a measurement result; 
    faults so serious that they will inevitably be noticed by those 
    interested in the measurement.
        Simulated Material Test--A test in which the load applied is 
    test material simulating the weight of the material that is usually 
        Simulated Test--A test in which the weight indications are 
    developed by means other than weight, e.g., a load cell simulator.
        Stationary Installation--An installation of a scale in a 
    facility on land or a vessel that is tied-up to a dock or in dry 
        Subsequent Verification--Any evaluation of a weighing instrument 
    following the initial verification.
        Suitability for Use--A judgement that must be made that certain 
    scales by nature of their design are appropriate for given weighing 
        Technical Requirements--A part of the regulations or standards 
    that applies to the operational functions and characteristics of a 
    scale, e.g., capacity, scale division, tare.
        Testing Laboratory--A facility for conducting type evaluation 
    examinations of a scale that can establish its competency and 
    proficiency by such means as ISO Guide 25, ISO 9000, EN 45011, 
        Type Evaluation--A process for evaluating the compliance of a 
    weighing instrument with the appropriate standard or regulation.
        User Requirements--A part of the regulations or standards that 
    applies to the operator/owner of the scale.
        Weighment--A single complete weighing operation.
    Annex A to Appendix A--Influence Quantity and Disturbance Tests
        A.1  General--Included in this Annex are tests that are intended 
    to ensure that electronic scales can perform and function as 
    intended in the environment and under the conditions specified. Each 
    test indicates, where appropriate, the reference condition under 
    which the intrinsic error is determined.
    A.2  Test Considerations
        A.2.1  All electronic scales of the same category must be 
    subjected to the same performance test program.
        A.2.2  Tests must be carried out on fully operational equipment 
    in their normal operational state. When connected in other than a 
    normal configuration, the procedure must be mutually agreed to by 
    NMFS and the applicant.
        A.2.3  When the effect of one factor is being evaluated, all 
    other factors are to be held relatively constant, at a value close 
    to normal.
        A.2.3.1  The temperature is deemed to be practically constant 
    when the difference between the extreme temperatures noted during 
    the test does not exceed 5 deg. C and the variation in time does not 
    exceed 5 deg. C per hour.
    [[Page 32576]]
        A.2.4  Energize the equipment under test (EUT) for a period of 
    time at least equal to the warm-up time specified by the 
    manufacturer and maintain throughout the duration of the test.
    A.3 Tests
                                        Characteristics        Conditions   
                  Test                     under test           applied     
    A.3.1  Static temperatures......  Influence factor...  mpe              
    A.3.2  Damp heat, steady state..  Influence factor...  mpe              
    A.3.3  Power voltage variation..  Influence factor...  mpe              
    A.3.4  Short time power           Disturbance........  sf               
    A.3.5  Bursts...................  Disturbance........  sf               
    A.3.6  Electrostatic discharge..  Disturbance........  sf               
    A.3.7  Electromagnetic            Disturbance........  sf               
    A.3  Tests
    A.3.1  Static Temperatures
        Test method: Dry heat (non condensing) and cold.
        Object of the test: To verify compliance with the applicable 
    maximum permissible under conditions of high and low temperature.
        Reference to standard: See Bibliography (1).
        Test procedure in brief: The test consists of exposure of the 
    EUT to the high and low temperatures specified in section 
    for belt scales, section for automatic hopper scales, and 
    section for platform scales and hanging scales, under ``free 
    air'' condition for a 2-hour period after the EUT has reached 
    temperature stability. The EUT must be tested during a weighing 
    operation consisting of:
        For belt scales--the totalization of the 
    min, 2 times each at approximately the minimum 
    flow rate, an intermediate flow rate, and the maximum flow rate.
        For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--tested with 
    at least five different test loads or simulated loads under the 
    following conditions:
        a. At a reference temperature of 20  deg.C following 
        b. At the specified high temperature, 2 hours after achieving 
    temperature stabilization.
        c. At the specified low temperature, 2 hours after achieving 
    temperature stabilization.
        d. At a temperature of 5 deg. C, 2 hours after achieving 
    temperature stabilization.
        e. After recovery of the EUT at the reference temperature of 
    20 deg. C.
        Test severities: Duration: 2 hours.
        Number of test cycles: At least one cycle.
        Maximum allowable variations:
        All functions must operate as designed.
        All indications must be within the applicable maximum 
    permissible errors.
        Conduct of test: Refer to the International Electrotechnical 
    Commission (IEC) Publications mentioned in Bibliography (1) for 
    detailed test procedures.
        Supplementary information to the IEC test procedures
        Preconditioning: 16 hours.
        Condition of EUT: Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time 
    period equal to or greater than the warm-up time specified by the 
    manufacturer. Power is to be ``on'' for the duration of the test.
        Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable 
    prior to the test.
        Test sequence:
        Stabilize the EUT in the chamber at a reference temperature of 
    20 deg. C. Conduct the tests as specified in the test procedure in 
    brief and record the following data:
        a. Date and time.
        b. Temperature.
        c. Relative humidity.
        d. Test load.
        e. Indication.
        f. Errors.
        g. Functions performance.
        Increase the temperature in the chamber to the high temperature 
    specified. Check by measurement that the EUT has reached temperature 
    stability and maintain the temperature for 2 hours. Following the 2 
    hours, repeat the tests and record the test data indicated above.
        Reduce the temperature in the chamber as per the IEC procedures 
    to the low temperature specified. After temperature stabilization, 
    allow the EUT to soak for 2 hours. Following the 2 hours, repeat the 
    tests and record the test data as indicated above.
        Raise the temperature in the chamber as per the IEC procedures 
    to 5 deg. C. After temperature stabilization, allow the EUT to soak 
    for 2 hours. Following the 2 hours, repeat the tests and record the 
    test data as indicated above. Note: This test relates to a -10 deg. 
    C to +40 deg. C range. For special ranges, it may not be necessary.
        Raise the temperature in the chamber as per the IEC procedures 
    and to the 20 deg. C reference temperature. After recovery, repeat 
    the tests and record the test data as indicated above.
    A.3.2  Damp Heat, Steady State
        Test method: Damp heat, steady state.
        Object of the test: To verify compliance with the applicable 
    maximum permissible errors under conditions of high humidity and 
    constant temperature.
        Reference to standard: See Bibliography (2).
        Test procedure in brief: The test consists of exposure of the 
    EUT to a constant temperature at the upper limit of the temperature 
    range and a constant relative humidity of 85 percent for a two day 
    period. The EUT must be tested during a weighing operation 
    consisting of:
        For belt scales--the totalization of the 
    min, 2 times each at approximately the minimum 
    flow rate, an intermediate flow rate, and the maximum flow rate.
        For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--tested with 
    at least five different test loads or simulated loads at a reference 
    temperature of 20 deg. C and a relative humidity of 50 percent 
    following conditioning, and at the upper limit temperature and a 
    relative humidity of 85 percent, 2 days following temperature and 
    humidity stabilization.
        Test severities:
        Temperature: upper limit.
        Humidity: 85 percent (non-condensing).
        Duration: 2 days.
        Number of test cycles: At least one test.
        Maximum allowable variations:
        All functions must operate as designed.
        All indications must be within the applicable maximum 
    permissible errors.
        Conduct of the test: Refer to the IEC Publications mentioned in 
    Bibliography (2) for detailed test procedures.
        Supplementary information to the IEC test procedures
        Preconditioning: None required.
        Condition of EUT:
        Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or 
    greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer. Power 
    is to be ``on'' for the duration of the test.
        The handling of the EUT must be such that no condensation of 
    water occurs on the EUT.
        Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable 
    prior to the test.
        Test sequence:
        Allow 3 hours for stabilization of the EUT at a reference 
    temperature of 20 deg. C and a relative humidity of 50 percent. 
    Following stabilization, conduct the tests as specified in the test 
    procedures in brief and record the following data:
        a. Date and time.
        b. Temperature.
        c. Relative humidity.
        d. Test load.
        e. Indication.
        f. Errors.
        g. Functions performance.
        Increase the temperature in the chamber to the specified high 
    temperature and a relative humidity of 85 percent. Maintain the EUT 
    at no load for a period of 2 days. Following the 2 days, repeat the 
    tests and record the test data as indicated above.
        Allow full recovery of the EUT before any other tests are 
    A.3.3  Power Voltage Variation
    A.3.3.1  AC power supply
        Test method: Variation in AC mains power supply (single phase).
        Object of the test: To verify compliance with the applicable 
    maximum permissible errors under conditions of varying AC mains 
    power supply.
        Reference to standard: See Bibliography (3)
        Test procedure in brief: The test consists of subjecting the EUT 
    to AC mains power during a weighing operation consisting of:
        For belt scales--while totalizing the min at 
    the maximum flow rate.
        For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--at no load 
    and a test load between 50 percent and 100 percent of weighing 
        Test severities: Mains voltage: upper limit U (nom) +10 percent; 
    lower limit U (nom) -15 percent.
        Number of test cycles: At least one cycle.
        Maximum allowable variations:
    [[Page 32577]]
        All functions must operate correctly.
        All indications must be within maximum permissible errors 
    specified in sections 2, 3, or 4 of this handbook.
        Conduct of the test:
        Preconditioning: None required.
        Test equipment: Variable power source, Calibrated voltmeter, 
    Load cell simulator, if applicable.
        Condition of EUT:
        Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or 
    greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer.
        Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable 
    prior to the test.
        Test sequence:
        Stabilize the power supply at nominal voltage 2 
        Conduct the tests specified in the test procedure in brief and 
    record the following data:
    date and time,
    relative humidity,
    power supply voltage,
    test load,
    functions performance.
        Reduce the power supply to -15 percent nominal.
        Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated above.
        Increase the power supply to +10 percent nominal.
        Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated above.
        Unload the EUT and decrease the power supply to nominal power 
    2 percent.
        Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated above.
        Note: In case of three phase power supply, the voltage variation 
    must apply for each phase successively. Frequency variation applies 
    for all phases simultaneously.
    A.3.3.2  DC power supply 
        Under consideration.
    A.3.4  Short Time Power Reduction
        Test method: Short time interruptions and reductions in mains 
        Object of the test: To verify compliance with the applicable 
    significant fault under conditions of short time mains voltage 
    interruptions and reductions.
        Reference to standard: See Bibliography (4) IEC Publication 
    1000-4-11 (1994).
        Test procedure in brief: The test consists of subjecting the EUT 
    to voltage interruptions from nominal voltage to zero voltage for a 
    period equal to 8-10 ms, and from nominal voltage to 50 percent of 
    nominal for a period equal to 16-20 ms. The mains voltage 
    interruptions and reductions must be repeated ten times with a time 
    interval of at least 10 seconds. This test is conducted during a 
    weighing operation consisting of:
        For belt scales--while totalizing at the maximum flow rate at 
    least the min (or a time sufficient to complete 
    the test).
        For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--tested with 
    one small test load or simulated load.
        Test severities: One hundred percent voltage interruption for a 
    period equal to 8-10 ms. Fifty percent voltage reduction for a 
    period equal to 16-20 ms.
        Number of test cycles: Ten tests with a minimum of 10 seconds 
    between tests.
        Maximum allowable variations: The difference between the weight 
    indication due to the disturbance and the indication without the 
    disturbance either must not exceed 1 d or the EUT must detect and 
    act upon a significant fault.
        Conduct of the test:
        Preconditioning: None required.
        Test equipment:
        A test generator suitable to reduce the amplitude of the AC 
    voltage from the mains. The test generator must be adjusted before 
    connecting the EUT.
        Load cell simulator, if applicable.
        Condition of EUT:
        Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or 
    greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer.
        Adjust the EUT as close to zero indication as practicable prior 
    to the test.
        Test sequence:
        Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.
        Totalize as indicated above and record the following data:
    date and time,
    relative humidity,
    power supply voltage,
    test load,
    functions performance.
        Interrupt the power supply to zero voltage for a period equal to 
    8-10 ms. During interruption observe the effect on the EUT and 
    record, as appropriate.
        Repeat the above 4 additional times making sure that there is a 
    10 second interval between repetitions. Observe the effect on the 
        Reduce the power supply to 50 percent of nominal voltage for a 
    period equal to 16-20 ms. During reduction observe the effect on the 
    EUT and record, as appropriate.
        Repeat the above 4 additional times making sure that there is a 
    10 second interval between repetitions. Observe the effect on the 
    A.3.5  Bursts
        Test method: Electrical bursts.
        Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions in 
    this manual under conditions where electrical bursts are 
    superimposed on the mains voltage.
        Reference to standard: See Bibliography (5)
        Test procedure in brief:
        The test consists of subjecting the EUT to bursts of double 
    exponential wave-form transient voltages. Each spike must have a 
    rise in time of 5 ns and a half amplitude duration of 50 ns. The 
    burst length must be 15 ms, the burst period (repetition time 
    interval) must be 300 ms. This test is conducted during a weighing 
    operation consisting of:
        For belt scales--while totalizing at the maximum flow rate at 
    least the min (or a time sufficient to complete 
    the test).
        For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--tested with 
    one small test load or simulated load.
        Test severities: Amplitude (peak value) 1000 V.
        Number of test cycles: At least 10 positive and 10 negative 
    randomly phased bursts must be applied at 1000 V.
        Maximum allowable variations: The difference between the 
    indication due to the disturbance and the indication without the 
    disturbance either must not exceed the values given in section 
    T.5.5, or the EUT must detect and act upon a significant fault.
        Conduct of the test: Refer to the IEC Publication referenced in 
    Bibliography (5) for detailed test procedures.
        Supplementary information to the IEC test procedures:
        Test equipment:
        A burst generator having an output impedance of 50 ohms.
        Test conditions:
        The burst generator must be adjusted before connecting the EUT. 
    The bursts must be coupled to the EUT both on common mode and 
    differential mode interference.
        Condition of EUT: Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time 
    period equal to or greater than the warm-up time specified by the 
        Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable 
    prior to the test.
        Test sequence:
        Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.
        Conduct the test as indicated above and record the following 
    date and time,
    relative humidity,
    test load,
    functions performance.
        Subject the EUT to at least 10 positive and 10 negative randomly 
    phased bursts at the 1000 V mode. Observe the effect on the EUT and 
    record, as appropriate.
        Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.
        Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated above.
    A.3.6  Electrostatic Discharge
        Test method: Electrostatic discharge (ESD).
        Object of the test: To verify compliance with the provisions of 
    this manual under conditions of electrostatic discharges.
        Reference to standard: See Bibliography (6)
        Test procedure in brief:
        A capacitor of 150 pF is charged by a suitable DC voltage 
    source. The capacitor is then discharged through the EUT by 
    connecting one terminal to ground (chassis) and the other via 150 
    ohm to surfaces which are normally accessible to the operator. This 
    test is conducted during a weighing operation consisting of:
        For belt scales--while totalizing at the maximum flow rate at 
    least the min (or a time sufficient to complete 
    the test).
        For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--test with 
    one small test load or simulated load.
        Test severities:
        Air Discharge: up to and including 8 kV.
        Contact Discharge: up to and including 6 kV.
    [[Page 32578]]
        Number of test cycles: At least 10 discharges must be applied at 
    intervals of at least 10 seconds between discharges.
        Maximum allowable variations:
        The difference between the indication due to the disturbance and 
    the indication without the disturbance either must not exceed the 
    values indicated in section T.5.5, or the EUT must detect and act 
    upon a significant fault.
        Conduct of the test: Refer to the IEC Publication mentioned in 
    Bibliography (4) for detailed test procedures.
        Supplementary information to the IEC test procedures
        Preconditioning: None required.
        Condition of EUT:
        The EUT without a ground terminal must be placed on a grounded 
    plate which projects beyond the EUT by at least 0.1 m on all sides. 
    The ground connection to the capacitor must be as short as possible.
        Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time period equal to or 
    greater than the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer. Power 
    is to be ``on'' for the duration of the test.
        The EUT must be operating under standard atmospheric conditions 
    for testing.
        Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable 
    prior to the test.
        Test sequence:
        Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.
        Conduct test as indicated above and record and the following 
    date and time,
    relative humidity,
    power supply voltage,
    test load,
    functions performance.
        Approach the EUT with the discharge electrode until discharge 
    occurs and then remove it before the next discharge. Observe the 
    effect of the discharge on the EUT and record, as appropriate.
        Repeat the above step at least 9 more times, making sure to wait 
    at least 10 seconds between successive discharges. Observe the 
    effect on the EUT and record as appropriate.
        Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.
        Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated above.
    A.3.7  Electromagnetic Susceptibility
        Test method: Electromagnetic fields (radiated).
        Object of the test:
        To verify compliance with the provisions in this manual under 
    conditions of electromagnetic fields.
        Reference to standard: See Bibliography (7)
        Test procedure in brief:
        The EUT is placed in an EMI chamber and tested under normal 
    atmospheric conditions. This test is first conducted at one load in 
    a static mode and the frequencies at which susceptibility is evident 
    are noted. Then tests are conducted at the problem frequencies, if 
    any, during a weighing operation consisting of:
        For belt scales--while totalizing at the maximum flow rate at 
    least the  (or a time 
    sufficient to complete the test). It is then exposed to 
    electromagnetic field strengths as specified in the ``Test 
    severities'' section below.
        For platform, hanging, and automatic hopper scales--tested with 
    one small test load.
        The field strength can be generated in various ways:
        1. the strip line is used at low frequencies (below 30 MHz or in 
    some cases 150 MHz) for small EUT's;
        2. the long wire is used at low frequencies (below 30 MHz) for 
    larger EUT's;
        3. dipole antennas or antennas with circular polarization placed 
    1 m from the EUT are used at high frequencies.
        Under exposure to electromagnetic fields the EUT is again tested 
    as indicated above.
        Test severities: Frequency range: 26--1000 MHz
        Field strength: 3 V/m
        Modulation: 80 percent AM, 1 kHz sine wave
        Number of test cycles: Conduct test by continuously scanning the 
    specified frequency range while maintaining the field strength.
        Maximum allowable variations: The difference between the 
    indication due to the disturbance and the indication without the 
    disturbance either must not exceed the values given in this manual, 
    or the EUT must detect and act upon a significant fault.
        Conduct of the test: Refer to the IEC Publication referenced in 
    Bibliography (7) for detailed information on test procedures.
        Supplementary information to the IEC test procedures.
        Test conditions:
        The specified field strength must be established prior to the 
    actual testing (without the EUT in the field). At least 1 m of all 
    external cables must be included in the exposure by stretching them 
    horizontally from the EUT.
        The field strength must be generated in two orthogonal 
    polarizations and the frequency range scanned slowly. If antennas 
    with circular polarization, i.e., log-spiral or helical antennas, 
    are used to generate the electromagnetic field, a change in the 
    position of the antennas is not required. When the test is carried 
    out in a shielded enclosure to comply with international laws 
    prohibiting interference to radio communications, care needs to be 
    taken to handle reflections from the walls. Anechoic shielding might 
    be necessary.
        Condition of EUT: Normal power supplied and ``on'' for a time 
    period equal to or greater than the warm-up time specified by the 
    manufacturer. Power is to be ``on'' for the duration of the test. 
    The EUT must be operating under standard atmospheric conditions for 
        Adjust the EUT as close to a zero indication as practicable 
    prior to the test.
        Test sequence: Stabilize all factors at nominal reference 
        Conduct the test as indicated above and record the following 
    date and time,
    relative humidity,
    test load,
    functions performance.
        Following the IEC test procedures, expose the EUT at zero load 
    to the specified field strengths while slowly scanning the three 
    indicated frequency ranges.
        Observe and record the effect on the EUT.
        Repeat the test as indicated above and observe and record the 
        Stabilize all factors at nominal reference conditions.
        Repeat the test and record the test data as indicated above.
        Below are references to Publications of the International 
    Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), where mention is made in the 
    tests in Annex A.
        1. IEC Publication 68-2-1 (1974): Basic environmental testing 
    procedures. Part 2: Tests, Test Ad: Cold, for heat dissipating 
    equipment under test (EUT), with gradual change of temperature.
        IEC Publication 68-2-2 (1974): Basic environmental testing 
    procedures, Part 2: Tests, Test Bd: Dry heat, for heat dissipating 
    equipment under test (EUT) with gradual change of temperature.
        IEC Publication 68-3-1 (1974): Background information, Section 
    1: Cold and dry heat tests.
        2. IEC Publication 68-2-56 (1988): Environmental testing, Part 
    2: Tests, Test Cb: Damp heat, steady state. Primarily for equipment.
        IEC Publication 68-2-28 (1980): Guidance for damp heat tests.
        3. IEC Publication 1000-4-11 (1994): Electromagnetic 
    compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques, 
    Section 11. Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations 
    immunity tests. Section 5.2 (Test levels--Voltage variation). 
    Section 8.2.2 (Execution of the test-voltage variation).
        4. IEC Publication 1000-4-11 (1994): Electromagnetic 
    compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques, 
    Section 11. Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations 
    immunity tests. Section 5.1 (Test levels--Voltage dips and short 
    interruptions. Section 8.2.1 (Execution of the test-voltage dips and 
    short interruptions) of the maximum transit speed and the range of 
    operating speeds.
        5. IEC Publication 1000-4-4 (1995): Electromagnetic 
    compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques--
    Section 4: Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test. Basic EMC 
        6. IEC Publication 1000-4-2 (1995): Electromagnetic 
    compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques--
    Section 2: Electrostatic discharge immunity test. Basic EMC 
        7. IEC Publication 1000-4-3 (1995): Electromagnetic 
    compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques--
    Section 3: Radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity 
    [FR Doc. 97-15659 Filed 6-13-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
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Proposed rule; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by July 16, 1997.
32564-32578 (15 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 960206024-7123-02, I.D. 043097A
0648-AG32: Regulatory Amendment To Establish a Certification Program for At-Sea Scales
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