99-15281. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know; Notice of Availability of Guidance Documents  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 115 (Wednesday, June 16, 1999)]
    [Pages 32232-32234]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-15281]
    [OPPTS-400142; FRL-6077-9]
    Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know; Notice of 
    Availability of Guidance Documents
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of availability.
    SUMMARY: EPA has prepared and is making available several guidance 
    documents to assist industries in understanding their compliance 
    responsibilities in association with section 313 of the Emergency 
    Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA). One of the 
    documents is an expanded and updated version of the 1997 EPCRA Section 
    313 Questions and Answers document which provides guidance on commonly 
    asked questions. EPA is also making available a crosswalks document 
    which lists the source of the question and answer and a description of 
    and revisions to the original. Another document EPA is making available 
    is the ``Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Forms and 
    Instructions: Revised 1998 Version Crosswalks Document'' which outlines 
    clarifications made to the current instructions package. In addition to 
    these documents, EPA has updated several industry-specific guidance 
    documents developed for facilities in the industry groups recently 
    added to the list of industries covered under EPCRA section 313. These 
    documents are intended to assist these recently added industries in 
    understanding the requirements under EPCRA section 313 and to help them 
    more easily determine if their facility is likely to have reporting 
    responsibilities under EPCRA section 313.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sara Hisel McCoy, 202-260-7937, e-
    mail: hisel-mccoy.sara@epa.gov for questions related to the Questions 
    and Answers document, its Crosswalks document or the Forms and 
    Instructions Crosswalks document. For specific information regarding 
    the industry-specific guidance documents, contact Velu Senthil, 202-
    260-3943, e-mail: senthil.velu@epa.gov. For more information on EPCRA 
    section 313, contact the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know 
    Hotline, Environmental Protection Agency, Mail Code 5101, 401 M St., 
    SW., Washington, DC 20460, Toll free: 1-800-535-0202, in Virginia and 
    Alaska: 703-412-9877 or Toll free TDD: 1-800-553-7672.
    I. General Information
    A. Does this Notice Apply to Me?
        You may be interested in this notice if you manufacture, process, 
    or otherwise use any of the chemicals covered by EPCRA section 313. 
    Potentially affected categories and entities may include, but are not 
    limited to:
                                                   Examples of Potentially
                     Category                         Affected Entities
    Industry                                    Manufacturing, metal mining,
                                                 coal mining, electric
                                                 utilities, commercial
                                                 hazardous waste treatment,
                                                 chemicals and allied
                                                 petroleum bulk terminals
                                                 and plants wholesale, and
                                                 solvent recovery services.
        This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities likely to be interested in these 
    documents. Other types of entities not listed in the table could also 
    be interested. To determine whether your facility would be interested 
    in these documents, you should carefully examine the applicability 
    criteria in part 372, subpart B of Title 40 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations. If you have questions regarding the applicability of these 
    documents to a particular entity, consult the appropriate person listed 
    in the preceding ``FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT'' section.
    B. How Can I Get Additional Information or Copies of These Documents?
        1. Electronically. You may obtain electronic copies of these 
    documents from the EPA internet Home Page at http://www.epa.gov. On the 
    Home Page select in the following order: ``Offices, Labs and Regions,'' 
    ``Offices,'' ``Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances,'' 
    ``Right-to-Know,'' and then look up the entry for these documents under 
    ``TRI Forms, Reporting Requirements and Guidance.'' You can also go 
    directly to the ``TRI Forms, Reporting Requirements and Guidance'' 
    listing at http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/tri.
        2. By mail. Copies of these documents are also available from the 
    National Center for Environmental Publications and Information (NCEPI), 
    P.O. Box 42419, Cincinnati, OH 45242-2419.
    [[Page 32233]]
        3. In person or by phone. If you have any questions or need 
    additional information about these documents, please contact the 
    appropriate technical person identified in the ``FOR FURTHER 
    II. Additional Documentation and Clarification
    A. What Documents are Being Made Available?
        EPA is making available the 1998 ``Emergency Planning and Community 
    Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Section 313 Questions and Answers Document,'' 
    the 1998 ``EPCRA Section 313 Questions and Answers Crosswalks 
    Document,'' and the ``Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Forms 
    and Instructions: Revised 1998 Version Crosswalks Document.'' In 
    addition, EPA is making available several updated guidance documents 
    specific to the seven industries recently added to the list of 
    industrial sectors covered by EPCRA section 313 and section 6607 of the 
    Pollution Prevention Act. The titles and document numbers for these six 
    documents are as follows:
         ``Section 313 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-
    Know Act Guidance Document for Metal Mining Facilities'' (EPA 745-B-99-
         ``Section 313 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-
    Know Act Guidance Document for Coal Mining Facilities'' (EPA 745-B-99-
         ``Section 313 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-
    Know Act Guidance Document for Electricity Generating Facilities'' (EPA 
         ``Section 313 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-
    Know Act Guidance Document for RCRA Subtitle C TSD Facilities and 
    Solvent Recovery Facilities'' (EPA 745-B-99-004)
         ``Section 313 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-
    Know Act Guidance Document for Chemical Distribution Facilities'' (EPA 
         ``Section 313 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-
    Know Act Guidance Document for Petroleum Bulk Facilities'' (EPA 745-B-
        The revised 1998 ``EPCRA Section 313 Questions and Answers 
    Document'' and the six new industry guidance documents are effective 
    beginning with the l999 reporting year. However, to ensure consistency 
    in reporting and the integrity of the data, the Agency would prefer 
    that covered facilities use these documents as guidance for the 1998 
    reporting year as well.
    B. How Has EPA Updated the ``EPCRA Section 313 Questions and Answers 
    Document'' and What is the ``EPCRA Section 313 Questions and Answers 
    Crosswalks Document''?
        The revised 1998 ``EPCRA Section 313 Questions and Answers 
    Document'' assists regulated facilities in complying with the reporting 
    requirements of EPCRA section 313. This updated document presents 
    guidance in the form of answers to many commonly asked questions on 
    compliance with EPCRA section 313 and is intended to help covered 
    facilities understand various issues associated with completing the 
    Form R and the Alternate Threshold Certification Statement (Form A).
        In an effort to make the ``1998 EPCRA Section 313 Questions and 
    Answers Document'' as complete as possible, EPA has added over 150 
    questions and answers (Q&As) to the updated document. These additional 
    Q&As were derived from: (1) The ``EPCRA Section 313 Addendum to the 
    Guidance Documents for the Newly Added Industries''; (2) recent 
    interpretive guidance letters produced by EPA's Toxics Release 
    Inventory Branch on EPCRA section 313; and (3) inquiries by the 
    regulated community from the 1997 spring EPCRA section 313 training 
    sessions. Facilities covered by EPCRA section 313 should review the 
    entire updated document to understand compliance with the regulations.
        In addition to adding new Q&As, in some instances EPA edited some 
    of the 1997 Q&As for clarity. To highlight any edits EPA has made 
    between the 1998 Q&As and the original version, EPA has also prepared 
    the 1998 ``Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) 
    Section 313 Questions and Answers Crosswalks Document.'' This 
    crosswalks document includes the 1998 Q&A number, the source of the 
    Q&A, if there have been any edits other than punctuation, whether the 
    edit was minor or more significant, and if the edits are significant, a 
    rationale for the edit.
        In most of the Q&As where EPA made edits, the Agency simply added 
    language to provide a more complete picture of the reporting 
    requirements associated with issues presented in the question. However, 
    there are a few cases in which the answer has been modified from the 
    original. These modifications include:
        1. EPA has made revisions to many of the laboratory activities 
    exemption Q&As (see section 2D of the documents or the 1998 Q&A numbers 
    292 through 314). As made clear in the EPCRA section 313 regulations, 
    for toxic chemicals to be exempted from reporting under the laboratory 
    activities exemption, the activities must take place inside the 
    laboratory (40 CFR 372.38(d)(3)). Some Q&As on this exemption may have 
    been unclear on this point. These Q&As have been modified to clarify 
    that activities must be conducted inside a laboratory to be eligible 
    for this exemption.
        2. The answer to Q&A number 189 in the 1997 ``EPCRA Section 313 
    Questions and Answers Document'' on the motor vehicle exemption has 
    also been modified in the 1998 ``EPCRA Section 313 Questions and 
    Answers Document.'' In the 1997 Q&A number 189, a covered facility 
    allows motor vehicles from other facilities to come on-site to refuel. 
    In this 1997 Q&A, the facility was instructed to exempt the quantity of 
    the toxic chemicals in the fuel used to refuel the motor vehicles from 
    off-site. However, the activity in the 1997 Q&A number 189 was 
    misidentified as an otherwise use of the toxic chemical. To be 
    consistent with other reporting guidance on this topic, the answer has 
    been changed in the 1998 Q&A number 287 to reflect the fact that the 
    facility is actually processing the toxic chemicals in the gasoline and 
    therefore is not eligible for the motor vehicle exemption.
        3. The answer to Q&A number 161 in the 1997 ``EPCRA Section 313 
    Questions and Answers Document'' has been modified in the 1998 ``EPCRA 
    Section 313 Questions and Answers Document'' (1998 Q&A number 246). In 
    the 1997 Q&A number 161, a facility which has exceeded the threshold 
    for ammonia is instructed to discount the releases and other waste 
    management of ammonia in the quantities of sewage derived from the 
    employees working at the facility under the personal use exemption. 
    However the quantities of ammonia derived from the employee waste have 
    been coincidentally manufactured as a result of the degradation of the 
    waste. Therefore, because only quantities of the toxic chemical that 
    are otherwise used are eligible for the personal use exemption, the 
    quantities of ammonia coincidentally manufactured cannot be exempt 
    under the personal use exemption. The updated 1998 Q&A number 246 (1997 
    Q&A 161) reflects this more accurate interpretation.
        4. The answer to Q&A number 88 in the 1997 ``EPCRA Section 313 
    Questions and Answers Document'' has been clarified in the 1998 ``EPCRA 
    Section 313 Questions and Answers Document'' (1998 Q&A number 133) to 
    reflect that ammonia produced from the decomposition of animal products 
    used to produce feed is to be counted towards
    [[Page 32234]]
    the manufacturing as well as processing thresholds.
        5. In the ``EPCRA Section 313 Addendum to the Guidance Documents 
    for the Newly Added Industries'' Q&A number 67 (1998 Q&A 171) a 
    facility which receives reusable containers with residual amounts of a 
    toxic chemical adds more toxic chemical to the containers on-site and 
    sends the containers to customers. The answer in the Addendum Q&A 
    directed the facility to consider the residual amounts in these 
    containers towards the facility's processing threshold. Because these 
    residual amounts remain in the original container in which they were 
    first placed, they are not being repackaged. EPA therefore modified the 
    answer in the 1998 Q&A number 171 to indicate that these residual 
    amounts need not be counted towards the facility's processing threshold 
    because they do not meet the definition of processing.
        6. The ``EPCRA Section 313 Addendum to the Guidance Documents for 
    the Newly Added Industries'' Q&A number 92 has been modified in the 
    1998 ``EPCRA Section 313 Questions and Answers Document'' (1998 Q&A 
    number 251) to reflect that while storm water drawn from the 
    environment may qualify for the intake water exemption in 40 CFR 
    372.38(c)(5), toxic chemicals acquired by storm water after the storm 
    water has run onto and off of facility equipment and buildings are to 
    be considered toward threshold determinations and release and other 
    waste management calculations.
        7. The ``EPCRA Section 313 Addendum to the Guidance Documents for 
    the Newly Added Industries'' Q&A number 48 has been modified in the 
    1998 ``EPCRA Section 313 Questions and Answers Document'' (1998 Q&A 
    number 530) to clarify that although the use of a temporary storage 
    pile may not be considered a reportable release to the land provided 
    certain conditions are met, the volatilizing or leaching of toxic 
    chemicals from the pile is considered reportable releases and is to be 
    reported if the EPCRA section 313 thresholds have been met by the 
    facility for the toxic chemical in the storage pile.
        8. The answer to Q&A number 394 in the 1997 ``EPCRA Section 313 
    Questions and Answers Document'' has been updated in the 1998 ``EPCRA 
    Section 313 Questions and Answers Document'' (1998 Q&A number 540) to 
    reflect EPA's modified interpretation of the term otherwise use. In the 
    EPCRA section 313 facility expansion rulemaking (62 FR 23834, May 1, 
    1997) (FRL-5578-3), EPA reinterpreted the term otherwise use to include 
    on-site treatment for destruction, disposal and stabilization of toxic 
    chemicals in materials received from off-site for the purposes of 
    further waste management. This change to the regulations became 
    effective in the 1998 reporting year. The answer to the 1998 Q&A number 
    540 reflects this change in the regulations.
        9. The answer to Q&A number 435 in the 1997 ``EPCRA Section 313 
    Questions and Answers Document'' has been edited in the 1998 ``EPCRA 
    Section 313 Questions and Answers Document'' (1998 Q&A number 588) to 
    clarify that although a toxic chemical may not undergo any releases or 
    other waste management activities, a Form R or Form A may still be 
    required if thresholds have been met for the chemical.
        10. The Hotline Monthly Report Question from November 1997 was 
    modified in the 1998 ``EPCRA Section 313 Questions and Answers 
    Document'' (1998 Q&A number 664) to clarify that a Form R submitted 
    after the submission of a Form A for the same chemical and reporting 
    year is considered a late submission of the Form R and a request to 
    withdraw the previously filed Form A.
    C. Why is EPA Updating the New Industry Sector Guidance Documents?
        As a result of the final rule to add seven new industrial sectors 
    to EPCRA section 313 reporting (62 FR 32834), EPA has received numerous 
    inquiries from representatives of these newly added industries. In 
    response to these questions, EPA has made several determinations 
    clarifying how activities conducted by these new industries should be 
    considered under EPCRA section 313. EPA would like to provide all 
    facilities with this additional information and is making it available 
    in these documents for use in preparing the first years reports for 
    those industries.
    D. What is the ``Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Forms and 
    Instructions: Revised 1998 Version Crosswalks Document''?
        To clarify various reporting issues and to provide additional 
    guidance for the industrial sectors newly regulated under EPCRA section 
    313 (62 FR 32834), EPA has made some changes to the EPCRA Section 313 
    Forms and Instructions for the 1998 reporting year. The Agency has 
    received requests from the regulated community to identify what exactly 
    has changed in the instructions. EPA is making available the ``Toxic 
    Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Forms and Instructions: Revised 
    1998 Version Crosswalks Document'' which outlines the areas in the 
    instructions that have been amended to reflect these clarifications.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 372
        Environmental protection, Community right-to-know, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, and Toxic chemicals.
        Dated: June 8, 1999.
    Joseph A. Carra,
    Acting Director, Environmental Assistance Division, Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxics.
    [FR Doc. 99-15281 Filed 6-15-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Comments Received:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of availability.
Document Number:
32232-32234 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPPTS-400142, FRL-6077-9
PDF File: