Start Preamble
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has submitted the information collection request titled Validated Interview and Survey of Outpatient Providers on Antibiotic Stewardship Interventions to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. CDC previously published a “Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations” notice on March 31, 2023, to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies. CDC received two comments related to the previous notice. This notice serves to allow an additional 30 days for public and affected agency comments. Start Printed Page 39433
CDC will accept all comments for this proposed information collection project. The Office of Management and Budget is particularly interested in comments that:
(a) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility;
(b) Evaluate the accuracy of the agencies estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected;
(d) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including, through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses; and
(e) Assess information collection costs.
To request additional information on the proposed project or to obtain a copy of the information collection plan and instruments, call (404) 639–7570. Comments and recommendations for the proposed information collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of this notice to www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAMain. Find this particular information collection by selecting “Currently under 30-day Review—Open for Public Comments” or by using the search function. Direct written comments and/or suggestions regarding the items contained in this notice to the Attention: CDC Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20503 or by fax to (202) 395–5806. Provide written comments within 30 days of notice publication.
Proposed Project
Validated Interview and Survey of Outpatient Providers on Antibiotic Stewardship Interventions (OMB Control No. 0920–1308)—Reinstatement—National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of its continuing effort to reduce public burden and maximize the utility of Government information, invites the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on a proposed and/or continuing information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This notice invites comment on a proposed information collection project titled Validated Follow-up Interview of Clinicians on Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship Interventions. This collection aims to perform an interview of outpatient clinicians regarding the acceptability and perceived clinician-level barriers associated with our year-long implementation of interventions designed around the Core Elements of Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship.
Data will be collected through semi-structured, in-person interviews with a sample of 40 clinicians, including nine clinicians from our original qualitative study to determine changes in perceptions over time from this baseline. In addition, we are proposing to sample an additional 31 clinicians to ensure that we do not introduce unnecessary bias and limit generalizability of the deep contextual information that would put our results at risk with a smaller sample size. Data will also be collected through a validated survey disseminated to clinicians employed by Intermountain. CDC expects about 250 clinicians to respond to our survey. Information gained from respondents to the two methods of collection will be used to refine, enhance and improve our stewardship program while allowing us to more deeply understand the unique environment and barriers found in clinics.
CDC requests OMB approval for an estimated 123 annual burden hours. There is no cost to respondents other than their time to participate.
Start SignatureEstimated Annualized Burden Hours
Type of respondents Form name Number of respondents Number of responses per respondent Average burden per response (in hours) Urgent Care Clinician Interview Guide 40 1 1 Urgent Care Clinician Survey 250 1 20/60 Jeffrey M. Zirger,
Lead, Information Collection Review Office, Office of Public Health Ethics and Regulations, Office of Science, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2023–12937 Filed 6–15–23; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 06/16/2023
- Department:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Document Number:
- 2023-12937
- Pages:
- 39432-39433 (2 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- 30Day-23-1308
- PDF File:
- 2023-12937.pdf