94-14715. Acceptance of Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 116 (Friday, June 17, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-14715]
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    [Federal Register: June 17, 1994]
    12 CFR Part 412
    Acceptance of Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel 
    AGENCY: Export-Import Bank of the United States.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule implements the statutory authority of the 
    Export-Import Bank of the United States (Eximbank) to accept from non-
    Federal sources reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses 
    incurred by Eximbank employees in connection with official travel to a 
    meeting or similar event. Authorized meetings or similar events under 
    this final rule do not include those described in the Federal Travel 
    Regulations permitting Federal agencies to accept payments from non-
    Federal sources for travel expenses. This final rule, by effectuating 
    Eximbank's statutory gift acceptance authority, will further the 
    mission of Eximbank by enabling Eximbank to issue more official travel 
    orders for employees to conduct agency business than Eximbank would 
    otherwise be able to issue under its authorized annual travel budget.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: June 17, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Paul W. Boyer, Export-Import Bank 
    of the United States, Office of The General Counsel, telephone (202) 
    I. Background
        Section 2(a)(1) of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as amended 
    (12 U.S.C. 635(a)), enables Eximbank, subject to regulations issued 
    pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553, to accept reimbursement for travel and 
    subsistence expenses incurred by a director, officer or employee of 
    Eximbank in accordance with subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, 
    United States Code. In order to implement this statutory authority, 
    Eximbank is issuing a regulation that sets forth the parameters for 
    accepting payment from a non-Federal source for an Eximbank employee's 
    travel and subsistence expenses to attend or participate in an event 
    relating to the employee's official duties. The regulation applies to 
    events other than a ``meeting or similar function'' as defined in 41 
    CFR 304-1.2(c)(3). The rule enables Eximbank to accept travel expense 
    payments in order to send employees to such functions as meetings, 
    formal gatherings, site visits, negotiation sessions and other similar 
    events in which the employee's participation would further the mission 
    of Eximbank.
        In order to avoid any actual impropriety or appearance of 
    impropriety in the acceptance of travel expense payments, the 
    regulation requires that the employee's supervisor and the designated 
    agency ethics official or his/her designee determine that Eximbank's 
    interest in the employee's attendance at the meeting or similar event 
    outweighs concern that acceptance of the payment by Eximbank may cause 
    a reasonable person to question the integrity of Eximbank's programs or 
    operations. As provided in the authorizing statute, the regulation 
    limits payments from a non-Federal source for travel and subsistence 
    payments to the maximum per diem or actual service limitations 
    prescribed in 41 CFR chapter 301.
    II. Matters of Regulatory Procedure
    Administrative Procedure Act
        As General Counsel of Eximbank, I have found good cause pursuant to 
    5 U.S.C. 553(b) and (d)(3) for waiving, as unnecessary and contrary to 
    the public interest, the general notice of proposed rulemaking and the 
    30-day delay in effectiveness as to this final rule. The reason for 
    this determination is that this rulemaking is related to Eximbank 
    organization, procedure and practice.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        As General Counsel of Eximbank, I have determined under the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 6) that this regulation 
    will not have a significant impact on small business entities.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        As General Counsel of Eximbank, I have determined that the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35) does not apply because 
    this regulation does not contain any information collection 
    requirements that require the approval of the Office of Management and 
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 412
        Government employees, Travel and transportation expenses.
        Dated: June 13, 1994.
    Carol F. Lee,
    General Counsel, Export-Import Bank of the United States.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Export-Import Bank 
    of the United States is amending title 12, chapter IV, of the Code of 
    Federal Regulations, by adding a new part 412 to read as follows:
    412.1  Authority.
    412.3  General.
    412.5  Policy.
    412.7  Conditions for acceptance.
    412.9  Conflict of interest analysis.
    412.11  Payment guidelines.
    412.13  Limitations and penalties.
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5701-5709; 12 U.S.C. 635(2)(a)(1).
    Sec. 412.1  Authority.
        This part is issued under the authority of 5 U.S.C. 553, 5 U.S.C. 
    5701-5709 and 12 U.S.C. 635(2)(a)(1).
    Sec. 412.3  General.
        (a) Applicability. This part applies to acceptance by the Export-
    Import Bank of the United States (Eximbank) of payment from a non-
    Federal source for travel, subsistence, and related expenses with 
    respect to the attendance of an employee in a travel status at any 
    meeting or similar event relating to the official duties of the 
    employee, other than those described in 41 CFR 304-1.2. This part does 
    not authorize acceptance of such payments by an employee in his/her 
    personal capacity.
        (b) Solicitation prohibited. An employee shall not solicit payment 
    for travel, subsistence and related expenses from a non-Federal source. 
    However, after receipt of an invitation from a non-Federal source to 
    attend a meeting or similar event, Eximbank or the employee may inform 
    the non-Federal source of this authority.
        (c) Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions 
        (1) Conflicting non-Federal source. Conflicting non-Federal source 
    means any person who, or entity other than the Government of the United 
    States which, has interests that may be substantially affected by the 
    performance or nonperformance of the employee's duties.
        (2) Employee. Employee means any director, officer or other 
    employee of Eximbank.
        (3) Meeting or similar event. Meeting or similar event means a 
    meeting, formal gathering, site visit, negotiation session or similar 
    event that takes place away from the employee's official station and 
    which is directly related to the mission of Eximbank. This term does 
    not include any meeting or similar function described in 41 CFR 304-1.2 
    or sponsored by Eximbank. A meeting or similar event need not be widely 
    attended for purposes of this definition.
        (4) Non-Federal source. Non-Federal source means any person or 
    entity other than the Government of the United States. The term 
    includes any individual, private or commercial entity, nonprofit 
    organization or association, state, local, or foreign government, or 
    international or multinational organization.
        (5) Payment. Payment means funds paid or reimbursed to Eximbank by 
    a non-Federal source for travel, subsistence, and related expenses by 
    check or similar instrument, or payment in kind.
        (6) Payment in kind. Payment in kind means goods, services or other 
    benefits provided by a non-Federal source for travel, subsistence, and 
    related expenses in lieu of funds paid to Eximbank by check or similar 
    instrument for the same purpose.
        (7) Travel, subsistence and related expenses. Travel, subsistence 
    and related expenses means the same types of expenses payable under 41 
    CFR chapter 301.
    Sec. 412.5  Policy.
        As provided in this part, Eximbank may accept payment from a non-
    Federal source (or authorize an employee to receive such payment on its 
    behalf) with respect to attendance of the employee at a meeting or 
    similar event which the employee has been authorized to attend in an 
    official capacity on behalf of Eximbank. The employee's immediate 
    supervisor and Eximbank's designated agency ethics official or his/her 
    designee (DAEO) must approve any offer and acceptance of payment under 
    this part in accordance with the procedures described below. If the 
    employee is a member of Eximbank's Board of Directors, only the DAEO's 
    approval is required. Any employee authorized to travel in accordance 
    with this part is subject to the maximum per diem or actual subsistence 
    expense rates and transportation class of service limitations 
    prescribed in 41 CFR chapter 301.
    Sec. 412.7  Conditions for acceptance.
        (a) Eximbank may accept payment for employee travel from a non-
    Federal source when a written authorization to accept payment is issued 
    in advance of the travel following a determination by the employee's 
    supervisor (except in the case of Board members) and the DAEO that the 
    payment is:
        (1) For travel relating to an employee's official duties under an 
    official travel authorization issued to the employee;
        (2) For attendance at a meeting or similar event as defined in 
    Sec. 412.3(c)(3):
        (i) In which the employee's participation is necessary in order to 
    further the mission of Eximbank;
        (ii) Which cannot be held at the offices of Eximbank for 
    justifiable business reasons in light of the location and number of 
    participants and the purpose of the meeting or similar event; and
        (iii) Which is taking place at a location and for a period of time 
    that is appropriate for the purpose of the meeting or similar event;
        (3) From a non-Federal source that is not a conflicting non-Federal 
    source or from a conflicting non-Federal source that has been approved 
    under Sec. 412.9; and
        (4) In an amount which does not exceed the maximum per diem or 
    actual subsistence expense rates and transportation class of service 
    limitations prescribed in 41 CFR chapter 301.
        (b) An employee requesting approval of payment of travel expenses 
    by a non-Federal source under this part shall submit to the employee's 
    supervisor (except in the case of Board members) and the DAEO a written 
    description of the following: the nature of the meeting or similar 
    event and the reason that it cannot be held at Eximbank, the date(s) 
    and location of the meeting or similar event, the identities of all 
    participants in the meeting or similar event, the name of the non-
    Federal source offering to make the payment, the amount and method of 
    the proposed payment, and the nature of the expenses.
        (c) Payments may be accepted from multiple sources under paragraph 
    (a) of this section.
    Sec. 412.9  Conflict of interest analysis.
        Eximbank may accept payment from a conflicting non-Federal source 
    if the conditions of Sec. 412.7 are met and the employee's supervisor 
    (except in the case of Board members) and the DAEO determine that 
    Eximbank's interest in the employee's attendance at or participation in 
    the meeting or similar event outweighs concern that acceptance of the 
    payment by Eximbank may cause a reasonable person to question the 
    integrity of Eximbank's programs and operations. In determining whether 
    to accept payment, Eximbank shall consider all relevant factors, 
    including the purpose of the meeting or similar event, the importance 
    of the travel for Eximbank, the nature and sensitivity of any pending 
    matter affecting the interests of the conflicting non-Federal source, 
    the significance of the employee's role in any such matter, the 
    identity of other expected participants, and the location and duration 
    of the meeting or similar event.
    Sec. 412.11  Payment guidelines.
        (a) Payments from a non-Federal source, other than payments in 
    kind, shall be by check or similar instrument made payable to Eximbank. 
    Payments from a non-Federal source, including payments in kind, are 
    subject to the maximum per diem or actual subsistence expense rates and 
    transportation class of service limitations prescribed in 41 CFR 
    chapter 301.
        (b) If Eximbank determines in advance of the travel that a payment 
    covers some but not all of the per diem costs to be incurred by the 
    employee, Eximbank shall authorize a reduced per diem rate, in 
    accordance with 41 CFR part 301-7.12.
    Sec. 412.13  Limitations and penalties.
        (a) This part is in addition to and not in place of any other 
    authority under which Eximbank may accept payment from a non-Federal 
    source or authorize an employee to accept such payment on behalf of 
    Eximbank. This part shall not be applied in connection with the 
    acceptance by Eximbank of payment for travel, subsistence, and related 
    expenses incurred by an employee to attend a meeting or similar 
    function described in and authorized by 41 CFR part 304-1.
        (b) An employee who accepts any payment in violation of this part 
    is subject to the following:
        (1) The employee may be required, in addition to any penalty 
    provided by law and applicable regulations, to repay for deposit to the 
    general fund of the Treasury, an amount equal to the amount of the 
    payment so accepted; and
        (2) When repayment is required under paragraph (b)(1) of this 
    section, the employee shall not be entitled to any payment or 
    reimbursement from Eximbank for such expenses.
    [FR Doc. 94-14715 Filed 6-16-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6690-01-P

Document Information

Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
June 17, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 17, 1994
CFR: (8)
12 CFR 412.3(c)(3)
12 CFR 412.1
12 CFR 412.3
12 CFR 412.5
12 CFR 412.7
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