96-15331. International Regulatory Harmonization, Motor Vehicle Safety; Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Engines and the Environment  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 117 (Monday, June 17, 1996)]
    [Pages 30657-30667]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-15331]
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
    [Docket No. 96-43; Notice 1]
    International Regulatory Harmonization, Motor Vehicle Safety; 
    Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Engines and the Environment
    AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT; 
    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of public meetings and request for comments.
    SUMMARY: This document announces two public meetings to seek comments 
    from a broad spectrum of participants on recommendations by the U.S. 
    and European automotive industry for actions by the U.S. and European 
    Union governments concerning international harmonization of motor 
    vehicle safety and environmental regulation, the intergovernmental 
    regulatory process necessary to achieve such harmonization, and 
    coordination of vehicle safety and environmental research. The industry 
    recommendations were made at the Transatlantic Automotive Industry 
    Conference on International Regulatory Harmonization, held in 
    Washington, DC, on April 10-11, 1996. The comments will assist NHTSA 
    and EPA both in deciding how to respond to those recommendations as 
    well as in ensuring that harmonization does not result in any 
    degradation of safety or environmental protection in the United States.
    DATES: Public meetings: The meetings will be held July 10 and 11, 1996. 
    The safety and regulatory process meeting will start at 9 a.m. on July 
    10 and may extend over to July 11, starting at 9 a.m. The environmental 
    meeting will start at 10 a.m. on July 11.
        Oral statements and written comments:
        Safety and regulatory process issues: Persons or organizations 
    desiring to make oral statements at the safety and regulatory process 
    meeting should advise the NHTSA contact person listed below of their 
    intent by July 5, 1996. Copies of the oral statements, or an
    [[Page 30658]]
    outline thereof, should be submitted to the NHTSA contact person not 
    later than July 8, 1996. All written comments should be received by 
    NHTSA's docket section no later than July 25, 1996.
        Environmental issues: Persons or organizations desiring to make 
    oral statements at the environmental meeting should advise the EPA 
    contact person listed below of their intent by July 5, 1996. Copies of 
    the oral statements, or an outline thereof, should be submitted to the 
    EPA contact person not later than July 8, 1996. All written comments 
    should be received by NHTSA's docket section no later than July 25, 
    ADDRESSES: Public meetings: Both meetings will be held in Room 2230 of 
    the Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC.
        Written comments: Written comments on all issues should refer to 
    the docket and notice number shown above and be submitted to: Docket 
    Section, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Room 5111, 400 
    Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. Docket room hours are from 
    9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
        To facilitate the distribution and reading of comments relating to 
    a particular issue area, commenters are requested to divide their 
    written comments into two different sections: (1) Safety and regulatory 
    process, and (2) environment.
        Written copies of oral statements:
        Safety and regulatory process issues: Written copies of oral 
    statements should be provided to the NHTSA contact person at the 
    address below.
        Environmental issues: Written copies of oral statements should be 
    provided to the EPA contact person at the address below.
        NHTSA: Stanley C. Feldman, Office of Chief Counsel, National 
    Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Room 
    5219, Washington, DC 20590, telephone (202) 366-5265, fax (202) 366-
        EPA: Kenneth E. Feith, Office of Air and Radiation, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460, 
    telephone (202) 260-4996, fax (202) 260-9766.
    Table of Contents
    I. Transatlantic Business Dialogue Meeting in Seville, Spain
    II. U.S.-EU Summit in Madrid, Spain
    III. Transatlantic Automotive Industry Conference on International 
    Regulatory Harmonization in Washington, DC.
        A. Industry Principles and Recommendations
        B. U.S. Government Statements
    IV. Public Meetings
        A. Discussion of Safety and Process Issues
        1. Harmonized Research
        2. Mutual Recognition
        a. Functional Equivalence of Regulatory Requirements
        b. Certification
        c. UN/ECE 1958 Agreement
        B. Topics for the Public Meetings
        1. Safety and Process Issues
        a. Harmonized Research
        b. Mutual Recognition
        c. UN/ECE 1958 Agreement
        2. Environmental Issues
        3. Other Issues
        D. Procedural Matters regarding the Public Meetings and Written 
        1. Public Meeting Procedures
        2. Written Comment Procedures
    I. Transatlantic Business Dialogue Meeting in Seville, Spain
        In November 1995, the Transatlantic Business Dialogue (TABD), a 
    forum comprised of U.S. and European industry leaders, met in Seville, 
    Spain, to begin a process for achieving increased bilateral regulatory 
    and economic cooperation in key industrial sectors. The forum was 
    organized at the initiatives of the late U.S. Department of Commerce 
    Secretary Ron Brown, the European Union (EU) Trade Commissioner Sir 
    Leon Brittan and the EU Industry Commissioner Martin Bangemann. Its 
    initial purpose was to generate recommendations for consideration at 
    the U.S.-EU Summit in Madrid, Spain, one month later. The TABD issued 
    recommendations concerning regulatory policy, trade liberalization, 
    investment and cooperation with developing countries. Among its 
    regulatory recommendations were the issuance of common standards of 
    design, performance and/or controls in a number of industry sectors, 
    including the motor vehicle industry.
    II. U.S.-EU Summit in Madrid, Spain
        Many of the TABD recommendations were endorsed at the Madrid Summit 
    in December 1995 by President Clinton, European Commission (EC) 
    President Jacques Santer, and Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez 
    (President of the European Union Council of Ministers). Those 
    recommendations are codified in a ``Transatlantic Agenda'' and ``Action 
    Plan'' signed by President Clinton and the European Union officials for 
    the purpose of creating a ``New Transatlantic Marketplace.'' The Action 
    Plan includes a call for regulatory harmonization; mutually recognizing 
    regulatory certification procedures; cooperating in the international 
    standard setting process; cooperatively developing and implementing 
    regulations; and taking a collaborative approach in testing and 
    certification procedures.
        As Secretary Brown noted, the Transatlantic Agenda and Action Plan 
    were intended to continue the momentum for trade liberalization from 
    the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations and ``instill a 
    new dynamic'' to the efforts of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The 
    WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade includes requirements 
         Using international standards and conformity assessment 
    procedures as a basis for national regulations and procedures, unless 
    the international standards and procedures would be ineffective or 
    inappropriate. (Articles 2.4 and 5.4)
         Participating in the preparation by international 
    standardizing bodies of international standards, with a view towards 
    harmonizing regulations. (Article 2.6)
         Giving consideration to accepting as equivalent technical 
    regulations of other WTO members, even if these regulations differ from 
    their own, provided they are satisfied that these regulations 
    adequately fulfill the objectives of their own regulations. (Article 
    III. Transatlantic Automotive Industry Conference on International 
    Regulatory Harmonization in Washington, DC
        At the prompting of some participants in the Seville Conference and 
    Madrid Summit, a broad cross-section of industry representatives, 
    including the American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA), the 
    Association of European Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA), the Engine 
    Manufacturers Association (EMA), automotive suppliers, and their 
    respective associations met at the Transatlantic Automotive Industry 
    Conference on International Regulatory Harmonization in Washington, DC, 
    on April 10-11, 1996. Representatives from NHTSA, EPA, U.S. Department 
    of Commerce, Office of the U. S. Trade Representative, agencies of 
    various European countries, and the European Commission's Directorate-
    General III--Industry, participated in the Conference as advisors to 
    the industry participants to facilitate understanding of government 
    objectives, priorities, and regulatory process.
    A. Industry Principles and Recommendations
        At the conclusion of the Washington Conference, the industry 
    conferees issued ``Overall Conclusions'' and ``Working Papers on the 
    Regulatory Process, Safety and Environment.'' (Copies of these 
    documents have been
    [[Page 30659]]
    placed in the docket for this notice.) These documents contain industry 
    recommendations for actions by the U.S. and EU in three specific areas: 
    (1) Regulatory process; (2) safety; and (3) the environment. They also 
    set forth principles to guide those recommended actions.
        With respect to the need for harmonization, the industry conferees 
    concluded in Section I of the Working Papers (p. 4) that:
        Compliance with diverse national and regional requirements 
    imposes substantial cost penalties, engineering, design and 
    manufacturing constraints, as well as being fundamentally 
    inconsistent with the reality of a global auto market, and have 
    therefore adversely affected world trade. These inconsistencies in 
    turn, diminish the potential to achieve societal objectives, notably 
    in the field of safety and environment, and also reduce vehicle 
    affordability and customer choice. With the rapid development of new 
    markets in developing nations, there is a great risk that the number 
    of new and differing regulatory requirements world wide will 
    escalate quickly, creating new technical barriers to trade.
        European and U.S. automakers believe that this strategically 
    uncoordinated approach no longer is sustainable either in terms of 
    resources or results. It must be emphasized that industry is still 
    committed to abide to the high levels of safety and environmental 
    protection offered by today's standards. Yet it seems difficult to 
    comprehend the need for multiple differing approaches to address the 
    same objectives.
        To guide future harmonization discussions and efforts involving 
    U.S. and EU governments and industry, the industry conferees set forth 
    the following set of principles representing their thinking on the 
    subject in Section II of the Working Papers (p. 6):
    Ten First Principles for EU/US Contribution to Global Harmonization
        1. Commit to global regulatory harmonization by becoming 
    Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement 1 and participating in 
    the development of new UN-ECE regulations with the intent of adopting 
    them to the maximum extent feasible.2
        \1\ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Agreement 
    Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for 
    Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be 
    Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal 
    Recognition of Approvals granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions 
    (as amended). (For a brief explanation of this Agreement, whose 
    membership is currently primarily European, see the section IV.A.3. 
    ``UN/ECE 1958 Agreement'' below.)
        \2\ NHTSA has indicated that the U.S. government is willing to 
    sign the Agreement if it is revised so that the forum functions in a 
    truly international manner and adopts truly international standards. 
    Discussions are ongoing. (For additional details, see sections 
    III.B. ``U.S. Government Statements'' and IV.A.3. ``UN/ECE 1958 
    Agreement'' below.)
        2. Work through and strengthen Working Party 29 to expand it into a 
    broadly recognized body for the development of global vehicle 3 
    regulatory requirements.
        \3\ Vehicle is defined as including equipment and parts.
        3. Establish a work program to globally harmonize existing 
    differences, to the maximum feasible extent.
        4. Continue the process of global harmonization of vehicle 
    regulatory requirements and expand these discussions to all countries.
        5. Establish mutual recognized certification processes.
        6. In the process of global harmonization: establish means to 
    incorporate functional equivalence of alternative vehicle regulatory 
    requirements in the regulatory process; and establish means to achieve 
    mutual recognition of corresponding regulatory requirements.
        7. Coordinate pre-regulatory research on need for and development 
    of new regulatory requirements, thereby minimizing the likelihood of 
    future divergence.
        8. Avoid developing unique new national or regional technical 
    requirements without adequate justification.4
        \4\ As defined in WTO, Articles 2.1-2.5.
        9. Improve processes for informing the public about the development 
    of harmonized regulatory requirements.
        10. Encourage a policy of accepting vehicles fully meeting ECE or 
    U.S. or EU requirements as equivalent. (EU, Australia, Canada, Japan 
    and South Africa have already accepted UN-ECE regulations.) The 
    adoption of hybrid requirements for vehicles (selectively combining 
    elements of different jurisdictions) should be avoided.
        The industry conferees made the following recommendations regarding 
    regulatory process, safety, and the environment (except as otherwise 
    noted, the recommendations are contained in their ``Overall 
    Regulatory Process
        The industry conferees recommended that the following actions be 
    taken by the U.S. and EU prior to the November 1996 TABD meeting:
         Develop a process for agreeing upon ``functional 
    equivalence'' of dissimilar existing standards addressing the same 
    aspect of performance;
         Develop a process for mutual recognition of (1) similar 
    standards addressing the same aspect of performance and (2) 
    certification procedures;
         Develop a plan for coordinating research, both by industry 
    and government; and
         Revise the role and structure of the UN Economic 
    Commission for Europe (ECE) Working Party 29 so that it can function as 
    the forum for global regulatory harmonization.
        The industry conferees recommended that a second series of longer-
    term regulatory process actions be initiated in November 1996, 
         Cooperation in developing new testing procedures and 
    regulations; and
         Coordination of views on emerging market regulations.
        The industry conferees agreed that they would complete, by the time 
    of the November 1996 TABD meeting, an evaluation of the functional 
    equivalence of existing overlapping requirements, in conjunction with 
    the appropriate regulatory bodies. In addition, the industry 
    recommended the following four actions by the U.S. and EU:
         Initiate a process to develop cooperative programs in the 
    areas of common regulatory matters and regulatory research programs 
    prior to the 15th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced 
    Safety of Vehicles (ESV) conference in May 1996.
         Mutually recognize certain items currently regulated by 
    the U.S. and EU. These include, but are not limited to, windshield 
    wiping systems, safety belts, steering control system impact 
    protection, and seating systems. (The industry conferees suggested that 
    this action be completed by November 1997.)
         Mutual recognition of functional equivalence for those 
    requirements that mandate unique equipment design or performance but do 
    not provide meaningful differences in motor vehicle safety. As 
    explained by the industry conferees in Section IV of the Working Papers 
    (p. 28): ``mutual recognition is the process whereby two or more 
    countries/regions recognize each other's regulatory requirements on a 
    specific subject as satisfying the requirements of both/all parties.'' 
    (The industry conferees suggested that this action be completed by 
    November 1997.)
         Consideration of harmonizing other items including, theft 
    protection systems, controls and displays, crash protection, bumper 
    systems, and fuel system integrity.
        Additional discussion and recommendations about safety were 
    included in Section IV of the Working Papers (p. 31). Among them were:
         By June 1996, initiate a process to establish 
    collaborative development and
    [[Page 30660]]
    exchange of NHTSA-EU regulatory agendas.
         By October 1996, complete bilateral agreement for periodic 
    (at least semi-annual) NHTSA-EU meetings pre-regulatory matters and 
    pre-regulatory research. Such meetings should allow for industry 
        With respect to international research projects to support 
    regulatory harmonization, the industry conferees suggested the 
    following in Section IV of the Working Papers (p. 49):
         Develop a project to identify technical and performance 
    differences between selected existing Federal motor vehicle safety 
    standards and ECE/EU regulatory requirements on the same aspects of 
    motor vehicle systems, and determine the significance of the 
    performance differences with respect to motor vehicle safety 
         Develop a project to determine traffic targets and 
    maneuvers that need to be seen and recognized that could form the basis 
    for a performance based common regulation on vehicle lighting.
         Develop a project for the next generation of side impact 
    testing, including dummy development and injury tolerance criteria.
         Develop a project for globally acceptable frontal impact 
         Develop a project for a globally acceptable child dummy 
    for child restraint testing.
         Develop a project to determine the cause of injuries 
    resulting from rear impacts that could form the basis for a performance 
    based common regulation on seat strength and head restraint design.
         Develop a project to define a common procedure for 
    gathering accident data and uniform analysis.
         Coordinate global research on glazing performance 
         Math model development and validation.
        The industry conferees recommended that the following actions be 
    taken in two phases. First, they recommended that the U.S. and EU take 
    the following actions before November 1996:
         Prepare work plans to harmonize noise, electromagnetic 
    compatibility, and smoke test procedures; and
         Seek to establish formal cooperation on the recognition of 
    the principle of functional equivalence of regulations, streamlining of 
    the certification processes, fuel harmonization, and harmonization of 
    heavy duty requirements.
        Second, they recommended that the following actions be taken 
    beginning in November 1996:
         Conduct cooperative pre-regulatory research leading to 
    regulatory harmonization.
         Cooperate in developing markets to eliminate use of ozone-
    depleting substances and leaded fuels, and adopt consistent control 
    B. U.S. Government Statements
        NHTSA Administrator Ricardo Martinez, M.D., told the conferees that 
    the agency is sympathetic to working toward the goal of harmonization 
    of existing and future motor vehicle safety standards, subject to the 
    following conditions--
         Assuring that there is no degradation of motor vehicle 
         Preserving the quality and transparency of NHTSA's 
    regulatory process by inviting all interested parties to be heard and 
    duly considered, including the general public. In furtherance of this 
    objective, Dr. Martinez announced plans for an outreach meeting to 
    ensure that consumer and public interest organizations and other 
    members of the public not present at the Conference would have the 
    opportunity to state their views.
         Preserving NHTSA's ability to respond, through future 
    rulemaking, to changing motor vehicle safety technology and problems.
        Dr. Martinez also indicated that the agency strongly supports the 
    coordination of international vehicle safety research. Given that the 
    human body and mechanics by which trauma occurs in vehicle crashes 
    follow the universal laws of science, Dr. Martinez stressed the 
    importance of seeking common or complementary research approaches by 
    all interested countries, and noted that the recent 15th ESV Conference 
    would provide an opportunity to begin that effort.
        Finally, Dr. Martinez stated that the U.S. intends to sign the UN/
    ECE 1958 Agreement once the structure and activities of the Agreement's 
    forum, the Working Party on the Construction of Vehicles (WP29), are 
    revised to ensure that the WP29 forum's primary focus will be the 
    development of truly international regulations. Among the changes 
    necessary are those ensuring that--
         The major vehicle producing countries and/or regions have 
    an appropriate voice in setting and implementing priorities;
         Equal and transparent consideration is given to all 
    relevant existing national regulations in establishing international 
    regulations; and
         Only those regulations supported by careful analysis and 
    good science are established as international regulations.
    U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
        The EPA Chief of Staff Peter Robertson, representing Administrator 
    Browner, stated that the EPA is committed to strengthening multilateral 
    efforts to protect the global environment and to develop environmental 
    policy strategies for sustainable world-wide growth with particular 
    attention to air pollution issues.
        Mr. Robertson noted that since 1970, the U. S. Clean Air Act has 
    dramatically reduced air pollution. Of particular note is--
         The 98 percent reduction of lead emissions that are known 
    to cause infant mortality, reduced birth weights and childhood IQ loss. 
    These pollution reductions occurred largely because of the phase-out of 
    lead in gasoline, and controls on industrial lead sources.
         The significant reductions in other fuel combustion 
    related pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NOX), known to cause 
    lung tissue damage and increased respiratory illness; sulfur dioxide 
    (SO2), known to cause increased respiratory illness, especially in 
    asthmatics, and to be a major contributor to acid rain; and carbon 
    monoxide (CO), known to cause reduced circulation and heart damage. EPA 
    believes the global community can realize similar benefits.
        Mr. Robertson commended the automotive industries' recognition that 
    fuel quality plays a key role, not only in vehicle performance, but 
    also in vehicle pollution. Clearly, significant global reductions in 
    vehicle exhaust emissions will depend on the use of catalytic converter 
    technology. EPA therefore supported industries' recommendations for the 
    global phase-out of leaded gasoline and the harmonization of improved 
    fuel quality, and expressed hope that their efforts would be expanded 
    to promote clean alternative fuels for vehicles.
        EPA agrees with the industry assessment that more should be done to 
    eliminate both the use and production of ozone-depleting substances, 
    particularly in developing countries.
        The U.S. phase-out of CFC's and other ozone-depleting substances, 
    in combination with international restrictions, has already produced 
    improvements in the upper atmosphere's ozone layer. The automotive 
    industry has played a significant role in fostering the development of 
    alternatives to ozone-depleting substances through its influence in the 
    market place. EPA encourages the U.S. automotive
    [[Page 30661]]
    industries to continue their efforts to develop products and 
    manufacturing processes that are free of ozone-depleting substances.
        EPA recognizes that harmonization of regulatory test protocols, 
    conformity assessments and, where possible, environmental standards are 
    several of the key elements in the equation for uniform global 
    regulations. Absent efforts to effect a level of harmonization between 
    divergent national regulations, one may anticipate the expenditure of 
    valuable resources, both national and private, to address resultant 
    trade issues. EPA has committed--
         To continue to actively pursue and support the concept of 
    ``technical harmonization'' in its development of product performance 
    standards and regulations. To this end, comments and recommendations 
    are solicited from all interested parties as to how EPA might improve 
    public participation in its rulemaking activities.
         To continue to exercise care in assessing potential 
    adverse impacts that a specific harmonization action may have on 
    current or future environmental goals.
         As a matter of policy, not to undertake the harmonization 
    of environmental standards or regulations if such harmonization will 
    result in decreased environmental benefits.
         To participate, to the extent possible, in any 
    harmonization activity that contributes to improving the global 
         To give careful consideration to policies on trade and the 
    environment that are mutually supportive, thus satisfying both 
    environmental as well as trade objectives.
        EPA believes that, in order for the U.S. to become a contracting 
    party to the UN/ECE 1958 Agreement, the Agreement should be revised to 
    incorporate the following principles--
         Open membership.
         Transparent proceedings.
         Equitable voting structure.
         Consideration of relevant national regulations in the 
    development of global regulations.
    Department of Commerce
         Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Stuart 
    Eizenstat identified some of the parameters of harmonization efforts. 
    He emphasized the importance of continuing dialogue and stated that the 
    aim of such efforts should be harmonizing differing standards, without 
    lowering them to achieve unity. Further, he stressed that harmonization 
    should be pursued on a bilateral basis between the U.S. and EU before 
    multilateralizing it to include other countries.
    IV. Public Meetings
        Before NHTSA and EPA decide how to respond to the recommendations 
    by the industry conferees, they want to obtain the views of a broad 
    spectrum of the public regarding the manner in which their regulatory 
    harmonization efforts should proceed. Among the groups not present at 
    the Washington Conference were motor vehicle equipment manufacturers, 
    motor vehicle insurance companies, consumer interest groups, the 
    medical community, state and local officials, and the public. The 
    agencies wish to obtain the views of all interested parties, including 
    individual motor vehicle manufacturers.
        To provide a focus for the public comments, this document briefly 
    discusses the broad subject areas and then sets forth a series of 
    questions and issues that the agencies would like the public to 
    address. The agencies believe that while there are problems and risks 
    associated with harmonization, properly conducted efforts to harmonize 
    vehicle research and regulation have the potential for enabling the 
    vehicle regulatory agencies around the world to regulate ``smarter and 
    cheaper,'' while increasing levels of safety and environmental 
    A. Discussion of Safety and Process Issues
    1. Harmonized Research
        NHTSA has advanced the concept of a harmonized research agenda 
    since the 1970's. The agency made several efforts in the late 1970's 
    and early 1980's to develop a harmonized test procedure for measuring 
    side impact performance. However, the rapidly changing regulatory 
    priorities during that period on both sides of the Atlantic precluded 
    the achievement of harmonized requirements for side impact protection.
        The globalization of the motor vehicle industry and the budgetary 
    constraints imposed on all government activities are leading regulatory 
    agencies to cooperate in developing the supporting technical basis for 
    new regulations and significant amendments to existing regulations. 
    NHTSA's renewed push for harmonized research began in February 1995 
    when the agency issued a letter proposing the possibility of using the 
    recent 15th ESV Conference to reach agreement on a globally harmonized 
    research agenda. Dr. Martinez followed that initiative by presenting a 
    multi-point plan for harmonized research at the 107th meeting of WP29 
    in November 1995. On a parallel track, the vehicle industry recommended 
    at the TABD conference in Spain and the follow-up conference in 
    Washington that serious effort be made to achieving a harmonized pre-
    regulatory research agenda.
        These combined efforts culminated at the 15th ESV Conference in May 
    1996 in an agreement on a globally harmonized research agenda that 
    draws upon government and industry expertise around the world in 
    vehicle safety issues. Agreement on a harmonized research agenda should 
    enable the vehicle safety regulatory agencies around the world to 
    develop future regulations in a harmonized fashion, reduce duplicative 
    research and thus obtain more information for the same expenditure, and 
    address the most pressing safety problems on a consistent, world wide 
    basis. As a result, the participating countries will be able to 
    minimize the differences between countries in regulatory requirements 
    without lowering safety or environmental protection, thus providing 
    economies of scale in the manufacturing arena and reducing costs for 
    the consumer.
        The agreement identifies 6 research priorities and designates a 
    lead country or organization for each--
         Biomechanics--(U.S.) Efforts will be made to develop 
    injury measurement surrogates for the head, neck, face, thorax, and 
    lower limbs and to develop test procedures for all crash modes. The 
    fact that these parts of the human anatomy do not differ from continent 
    to continent is a powerful argument for cooperative effort in the 
    development of such surrogates.
         Functional equivalence--(U.S./Australia) The U.S., in 
    cooperation with Australia, will seek to develop the technical and 
    scientific aspects of an acceptable model for determining the 
    functional equivalence of existing regulatory requirements.
         Advanced Offset Frontal Crash Protection--(EC/European 
    Experimental Vehicle Committee (EEVC)) Europe has been working for some 
    time to develop and establish a frontal crash protection regulation and 
    has chosen the route of an offset crash test as the means of achieving 
    improved frontal protection. The U.S. has been cooperating in that 
    development because it is concerned about the high number of fatalities 
    that occur in frontal crashes that are not being mitigated by the 
    existing frontal protection regulation. Thus, the development of 
    harmonized test procedures based on real world crashes to assess safety 
    performance and compatibility for offset frontal crashes should serve 
    as a common basis for
    [[Page 30662]]
    further development of frontal crash protection regulations.
         Vehicle Compatibility--(EC/EEVC) This issue will be 
    explored in two stages: car-to-car compatibility; and then car-to-truck 
    compatibility. Recent and upcoming changes to vehicle structures and 
    restraint systems in response to requirements for frontal and side 
    impact protection will increase the importance of questions about the 
    compatibility of small and large light vehicles.
         Pedestrian Safety--(Japan) Pedestrian fatality and injury 
    levels are a serious safety problem worldwide. Thus, efforts will be 
    made to develop a harmonized test procedure based on real world crashes 
    to assess the safety performance of passenger vehicles in their 
    interaction with pedestrians. The results should form the basis for a 
    harmonized approach to regulations applicable worldwide.
        Intelligent Transportation Systems--(Canada) This effort will be 
    aimed at developing test procedures to assess driver/vehicle 
    interaction of crash avoidance and driver enhancement in-vehicle 
    systems. Although the systems may be different in different parts of 
    the world, the standards measuring their crash avoidance and driver 
    enhancement performance should be common to all.
        Although the schedule varies for the 6 priority areas, all are 
    intended to be pursued urgently. None of the priority activities are to 
    take more than 5 years. Some, including the functional equivalence 
    effort, are on a much faster track.
        To ensure steady progress and adherence to schedule, follow-up 
    meetings will be held on a roughly semi-annual basis. An implementation 
    review meeting will be held in conjunction with, but not as part of, 
    the November 1996 meeting of WP29. International meetings of the 
    Society of Automotive Engineers and various international forums as 
    well as future ESV meetings will also be used to report on progress in 
    implementing the research plans developed by the lead countries and 
    2. Mutual Recognition
        The industry conferees recommended the development of a process for 
    ``mutual recognition'' of regulatory requirements and certification 
    procedures. They stated that it is an essential feature of the 
    harmonization process that products complying to a harmonized 
    requirement are accepted, or ``mutually recognized,'' by all countries 
    that are party to the harmonization agreement. Mutual recognition is a 
    process, based largely on an assessment of ``functional equivalence'' 
    of comparable regulatory requirements, under which two or more 
    countries or regions recognize each other's regulatory requirements on 
    a specific subject as satisfying each other's policy objectives.
        The industry conferees concluded that once a process for mutual 
    recognition is developed, it should then be applied, by November 1997, 
    to certain items currently regulated by both the U.S. and EU. These 
    items include, but are not limited to, windshield wiping systems, 
    safety belts, steering control system impact protection, and seating 
    systems. The industry conferees also concluded that mutual recognition 
    should be accorded, by November 1997, to functionally equivalent 
    requirements that mandate unique equipment design or performance but do 
    not provide meaningful differences in motor vehicle safety.
        a. Functional Equivalence of Regulatory Requirements. The industry 
    conferees in Washington recommended the development of a process for 
    agreeing upon functional equivalence of regulatory standards. The 
    industry conferees suggested further that the following five criteria 
    be considered for use by regulatory agencies in determining functional 
    equivalence for motor vehicle safety requirements:
        1. Same/equivalent regulatory language or same/equivalent intent or 
        2. Same/equivalent design execution to meet regulatory 
        3. Substantial and substantive successful prior experience with 
    acceptance of differing regulations, concerning the same systems in a 
    single jurisdiction.
        4. Same/equivalent test performance levels.
        5. No substantive safety performance difference based upon field 
    crash injury data assessment.
        The industry conferees noted that where divergent requirements 
    exist, more objective comparative assessments could be needed to 
    provide a determination of functional equivalence. For example, 
    additional criteria may have to be developed with respect to analytical 
    modeling, jury assessment, comparative testing, and real world crash 
    data analysis.
        The industry conferees stated that AAMA and ACEA are committed to 
    completing functional equivalence assessments for all regulatory 
    requirements listed in Attachment IV-1 to the Safety Working Paper. 
    (See the Appendix to this notice.)
        At the 15th ESV Conference, Dr. Martinez discussed some of the 
    challenges in making functional equivalence determinations. He noted 
    that the purpose of determining whether existing standards are 
    ``functionally equivalent'' is that--
        (I)f two different countries have regulations addressing the 
    same aspect of a problem and accomplishing similar results, 
    compliance with either regulation should be acceptable to both 
        While determining functional equivalence sounds simple in 
    concept, it may not necessarily be easy to do in practice. There is 
    a need to define what is meant by saying that two regulations 
    ``accomplish essentially the same purpose'' and to agree on what 
    methods should be used to determine when that definition is 
    satisfied. If two different regulations addressing the same problem 
    are stated in nearly identical terms, it should be relatively easy 
    to obtain agreement on whether they are functionally equivalent.
        Typically, however, regulatory requirements are not stated in 
    identical terms. Some regulations are based on performance, while 
    others are based on design. Even if the two regulations addressing 
    the same general problem are both based on performance, they may 
    reflect entirely different approaches to solving the underlying 
    safety problem. Finally, the regulations may differ substantially in 
    their test procedures, and may cover different specific aspects of a 
    general safety problem.
        Before any regulatory body can reasonably conclude that a 
    regulation of another country is functionally equivalent to one of 
    its own regulations and permit compliance with the foreign 
    regulation as an alternative to its existing regulation, it must 
    assess and consider the safety consequences of granting that 
    permission. Once ``functional equivalence'' is defined, many 
    scientific techniques, such as crash data analysis, analytic 
    modeling and comparative testing, can be used to help assess whether 
    different requirements are functionally equivalent.
        b. Certification. The processes for certification of compliance 
    with motor vehicle safety and environmental regulations in the U.S. and 
    Europe are based on fundamentally different principles. In Europe, and 
    in the U.S. so far as emission regulations are concerned, manufacturers 
    obtain type approval certificates from governmental agencies that their 
    vehicles comply with the requirements before they are offered for sale 
    or allowed to be driven on the road. In the U.S., although 
    manufacturers must self-certify that they comply with the Federal motor 
    vehicle safety and noise emission standards before their vehicles are 
    offered for sale, they have no initial obligation to prove compliance 
    with the regulations to a governmental agency.
        The industry conferees noted that while global harmonization may 
    proceed on the basis of common
    [[Page 30663]]
    technical requirements alone, e.g., by means of findings of functional 
    equivalence, it may also be desirable to have one mutually acceptable 
    certification process.
    3. UN-ECE 1958 Agreement
        NHTSA and EPA are participating, on behalf of the United States 
    Government, in negotiations regarding a U.S. proposed revision to the 
    UN/ECE 1958 Agreement. The current Agreement provides procedures for 
    establishing uniform regulations regarding new motor vehicles and motor 
    vehicle equipment and for reciprocal recognition of type approvals 
    issued pursuant to such regulations primarily for use in Europe. It has 
    succeeded in harmonizing many of the European vehicle safety and noise 
    emission standards. In addition, some ECE Regulations are recognized or 
    applied by some countries in non-European areas such as Asia, 
    Australia, South Africa and South America. The Agreement is 
    administered by the Working Party on the Construction of Vehicles 
    (WP29), a subsidiary group of the ECE.
        NHTSA and EPA recognize the value of a truly global standards 
    harmonization forum, but believe that WP29 has not yet evolved into 
    one. Accordingly, while the U.S. is a member of the UN/ECE, it is not a 
    Contracting Party to the Agreement.
        In November 1995, at the 107th session of WP29 in Geneva, 
    Switzerland, the U.S. stated its criteria for revising the 1958 
    Agreement to create a truly global forum, which would include a process 
    for developing globally harmonized regulations. These criteria 
    addressed both the process of harmonization in which nations could 
    engage if they so choose and the rights of nations on voting, adoption 
    of global technical regulations, and accession to the agreement. Dr. 
    Martinez declared the intent of the U.S. to sign an agreement if it 
    satisfied those criteria.
        NHTSA and EPA note that signing such an agreement would not commit 
    the U.S. to adopting regulations harmonized under that agreement. 
    Adoption of those standards would be voluntary. The U.S. would sign a 
    revised agreement only under terms that reserve the decision about 
    adoption of any harmonized regulation contingent upon the normal U.S. 
    rulemaking processes under the Administrative Procedure Act and 
    authorizing statutes of NHTSA and EPA.
        NHTSA and EPA revised and expanded upon their criteria at the 
    Washington Conference. Those criteria are contained in a document, 
    ``Synopsis of Principal Elements of U.S. Proposed Amendments to the 
    WP29 Agreement,'' which has been placed in the docket for this notice.
    B. Topics for the Public Meetings
    1. Safety and Process Issues
        a. Harmonized Research.
        1. What actions are needed by the U.S. to ensure a continuing 
    commitment to coordinated research?
        2. What kinds of data would be necessary to evaluate the effect on 
    highway deaths and injuries of different standards addressing similar 
    safety issues (e.g., frontal crashes, side impact, safety belt 
    strength, etc.)?
        3. If government agencies are to cooperate in their research on 
    future rulemaking, must there be a single set of data to serve as the 
    basis of such rulemaking?
        4. Could governments expect to derive any financial benefits from 
    such cooperative research programs, as compared with independently 
    funding independent research?
        5. Please comment on the research priorities agreed to at the 15th 
    ESV Conference.
        6. Are there other research issues, in addition to the six 
    designated as priorities at the 15th ESV Conference, that should be on 
    the agenda of globally harmonized research? If so, please explain why 
    they should be added.
        7. What steps should be taken to inform and involve the vehicle 
    industry, the insurance companies, consumers groups, medical community 
    and other interested groups and individuals regarding each priority 
    research area?
        b. Mutual Recognition. (If a commenter believes that its answer to 
    any question would be the same for both crash avoidance standards and 
    crashworthiness standards and/or air and noise emission standards, 
    please so indicate. Conversely, if the answer would be different, 
    please indicate how, and why. Similarly, please indicate if an answer 
    would be the same with respect to standards that yield relatively high 
    benefits and standards that yield relatively low benefits.)
        8. How should ``functional equivalence'' be defined?
        9. What criteria should be used in determining the functional 
    equivalence of two standards?
        10. Are the criteria suggested by the industry conferees suitable 
    for use by regulatory agencies in determining functional equivalence 
    for both motor vehicle safety and environmental requirements?
        11. Where divergent requirements exist, more objective comparative 
    assessments could be needed to provide a determination of functional 
    equivalence. For example, would additional criteria have to be 
    developed with respect to analytical modeling, jury assessment, 
    comparative testing, and real world crash data analysis?
        12. Should ``functional equivalence'' serve as the basis for mutual 
    recognition by two or more countries of their regulatory requirements?
        13. Although there is general agreement that harmonization must not 
    result in a reduction in real world safety or environmental 
    performance, on what basis should this judgment be made?
        14. Can the ``harm reduction'' analysis mentioned in the Section IV 
    of the Working Papers and used by the Australian Federal Office of Road 
    Safety in comparing the benefits of the U.S. side impact standard 
    (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 214) and EU side 
    impact standard (ECE R95) be used generally to compare the benefits of 
    U.S. and EU standards? The harm reduction method adopts a ``systematic 
    approach to estimating benefits by body region injured for a range of 
    suitable variables and uses objective performance data to establish 
    likely injury reductions.''
        Another methodology for estimating benefits is NHTSA's ``cost per 
    equivalent life saved.'' 5 In the environmental area, there is the 
    EPA's ``cost per ton of pollution removed'' methodology. Are there 
    other comparative methods that might be considered? What practical 
    problems or limitations would those methods have? How could those 
    problems and limitations be overcome or at least minimized?
        \5\ In addressing the impact of proposed regulations, NHTSA 
    performs a cost effectiveness analysis in which nonfatal injuries 
    are valued relative to a fatality. These ``equivalent fatalities'' 
    are then added to fatalities to determine the total equivalent 
    fatalities prevented. Any monetary impacts which are not directly 
    associated with bodily injury, such as property damage or travel 
    delay, are deducted from the cost of the countermeasure. The 
    remaining net cost is then divided by the total equivalent 
    fatalities to determine the net cost per equivalent fatality. This 
    represents the money society must spend under the proposed 
    countermeasure to prevent one death, or its equivalent in nonfatal 
    injuries. Policy makers assess this cost in light of current 
    economic, social, and political considerations before determining 
    whether to require new safety features.
        NHTSA notes that the harm reduction analysis of the side impact 
    regulations mentioned above considered benefits only. While the primary 
    question in determining functional equivalence would be the relative 
    benefits of two regulations addressing the same issue, NHTSA must 
    consider costs as well as
    [[Page 30664]]
    benefits in issuing or amending a FMVSS.
    (A copy of the analysis, ``Harm Reduction for Estimating Countermeasure 
    Benefits,'' by Brian Fildes and Kennerly Digges, has been placed in the 
    docket for this notice.)
        15. Is the process underlying the format for making a functional 
    equivalence determination shown in Attachment IV-2 to the Safety 
    Working Paper a suitable basis for determining functional equivalence 
    between U.S. and EU standards? For an example of the process format, 
    see the Appendix to this notice.
        16. If there were an accepted body of data that describes the real 
    world performance of a given requirement, would a regulatory agency 
    have the ability to justify a statement that two different regulations, 
    addressing the same aspect of motor vehicle safety or environmental 
    pollution, are functionally equivalent?
        17. If scientific techniques such as crash data analysis, analytic 
    modeling, and comparative testing were applied to understanding real 
    world safety performance of differing regulatory requirements, would 
    there be an objective basis for defending a judgment of a functional 
        18. How are the problems of harmonization between a regulatory 
    system based on self-certification and one based on type approval to be 
    minimized? Is it practicable to have one mutually acceptable 
    certification process? If so, what steps should be taken to move in 
    that direction?
        19. What impact would mutual recognition have on NHTSA's and/or 
    EPA's compliance testing? What implications would amending the FMVSSs 
    to permit compliance with functionally equivalent ECE regulations have 
    for NHTSA's compliance testing costs and enforcement? What implications 
    would amending the EPA air and noise emission regulations have for 
    EPA's compliance testing costs and enforcement?
        c. UN/ECE 1958 Agreement. (The first two questions below are based 
    on recommendations by the industry conferees in Section III of the 
    Working Papers.)
        20. Would it be possible for the U.S. to participate in the 
    development of new regulatory requirements through WP29 with the intent 
    of adopting them into national or regional laws, to the extent 
        21. What actions are statutorily or administratively necessary to 
    permit the U.S. to participate in the development of new regulatory 
    requirements through WP29 with the intent of adopting them into law, to 
    the extent possible, and for WP29 to fulfill this task?
        22. The statutory provisions authorizing NHTSA's and EPA's standard 
    setting and the Administrative Procedures Act would prevent both 
    agencies from committing to adopt international regulations adopted by 
    WP29, now or in the future. However, it would be permissible to 
    establish a policy of publishing notices requesting public comment on 
    new regulations as they are adopted by WP29. Were the UN/ECE 1958 
    Agreement revised sufficiently to make it appropriate for the U.S. to 
    become a Contracting Party, should NHTSA and EPA consider establishing 
    such a policy?
        4. Environmental Issues. The public meeting on July 11 will focus 
    on the issues in the Working Paper on the Environment (Section V).
        5. Other Issues. NHTSA and EPA invite comment on any other issues 
    raised by the ``Overall Conclusions'' and ``Working Papers'' of the 
    Washington Conference and any other issue relevant to international 
    C. Procedural Matters regarding the Public Meetings and Written 
    1. Public Meeting Procedures
        All interested persons and organizations are invited to attend the 
    meetings. Persons wishing to speak at the public meeting regarding 
    safety and regulatory process issues should so inform the NHTSA contact 
    person by July 5, 1996. Persons wishing to speak at the public meeting 
    regarding environmental issues should so inform the EPA contact person 
    by July 5, 1996. A schedule of persons making oral statements will be 
    available in the designated meeting room at the beginning of the 
        Oral statements should be limited to 20 minutes. If the number of 
    requests for oral statements exceeds the available time, the agencies 
    may ask prospective speakers and organizations with similar views to 
    combine or summarize their statements. If the statement will include 
    slides, motion pictures, or other visual aids, please inform the NHTSA 
    contact person so that the proper equipment may be made available. 
    NHTSA will place a copy of any written statement for oral presentation 
    in the docket for this notice. A verbatim transcript of the meetings 
    will be prepared and also placed in the docket as soon as possible 
    after the meeting.
        The presiding officials may ask questions of any person making an 
    oral statement. The public may not directly question persons making 
    oral statements. However, the public may submit, in writing, suggested 
    questions for the officials to consider addressing to the presenters.
        To facilitate communication, NHTSA will provide auxiliary aids to 
    participants as necessary, during the meetings. Thus, any person 
    desiring assistance of ``auxiliary aids'' (e.g., sign-language 
    interpreter, telecommunications, devices for deaf persons (TDDs), 
    readers, tape texts, braille materials, or large print materials and/or 
    magnifying device), should inform the NHTSA contact person.
    2. Written Comment Procedures
        Any interested person can submit written comments in response to 
    this notice. Persons wishing to submit written comments need not attend 
    the meeting. It is requested, but not required, that 10 copies be 
        All written comments must not exceed 15 pages in length. (49 CFR 
    553.21). Necessary attachments may be appended to these submissions 
    without regard to the 15-page limit. This limitation is intended to 
    encourage commenters to detail their primary arguments in a concise 
        To facilitate the distribution and reading of comments relating to 
    a particular issue area, commenters are requested to divide their 
    written comments into two segments: (1) safety and regulatory process, 
    and (2) environment.
        All comments received before the close of business on the comment 
    closing date indicated will be considered, and will be available for 
    examination in the docket at the above address both before and after 
    that date. Comments filed after the closing date will also be docketed 
    and, to the extent possible, considered. The agencies will continue to 
    file relevant information in their respective dockets as it becomes 
    available after the closing date. Accordingly, it is recommended that 
    interested persons continue to examine the docket for new material.
        Those persons desiring to be notified upon receipt of their written 
    comments in the rules docket should enclose a self-addressed, stamped 
    postcard in the envelope with their comments. Upon receiving the 
    comments, the docket supervisor will return the postcard by mail.
        If a commenter wishes to submit certain information relating to 
    safety or regulatory process under a claim of confidentiality, three 
    copies of the complete submission, including purportedly confidential 
    business information, should be submitted to the Chief Counsel, NHTSA, 
    at the street
    [[Page 30665]]
    address given above, and seven copies from which the purportedly 
    confidential information has been deleted should be submitted to the 
    Docket Section. A request for confidentiality should be accompanied by 
    a cover letter setting forth the information specified in the agency's 
    confidential business information regulation. 49 CFR Part 512. If a 
    commenter wishes to submit certain information relating to 
    environmental issues under a claim of confidentiality, the commenter 
    should contact the office of the EPA General Counsel.
        Issued on: June 12, 1996.
    Frank Turpin,
    Director, NHTSA Office of International Harmonization.
                                                      Appendix--FMVSS 209 77/541/EEC, ECE R16 Safety Belts                                                  
                                             [Safety Working Paper, Attachment IV-2, Functional Equivalent Process]                                         
                                                                                               Technical        Performance                                 
                 Item                     FMVSS               EU                ECE         differences in    differences for   Prodcut impact      Safety  
                                                                                              regulations        products                          benefits 
    Subject.......................  Seat belt          Safety belts and  Safety belts and                                                                   
                                     assemblies--209.   Restraint         Restraint                                                                         
                                                        Systems for       Systems for                                                                       
                                                        Adult Occupants   Adult Occupants                                                                   
                                                        of Power-driven   of Power-driven                                                                   
                                                        Vehicles--77/     Vehicles--ECE R-                                                                  
                                                        541/EEC.          16.                                                                               
    Vehicle Application...........  Passenger cars,    Power-driven      Power-driven      77/541/EEC is                                                    
                                     MPV's, trucks      vehicles with     vehicles with     applicable to                                                   
                                     and buses.         four wheels, a    three or more     M1 vehicles--a                                                  
                                                        design speed >    wheels and        passenger                                                       
                                                        25 km/h and       intended for      vehicle with a                                                  
                                                        intended as       use as            capacity of 9                                                   
                                                        individual        individual        passengers or                                                   
                                                        equipment by      equipment, by     less including                                                  
                                                        adult persons     persons of        driver.                                                         
                                                        in forward        adult build                                                                       
                                                        facing position.  occupying seats                                                                   
                                                                          facing forward.                                                                   
    Safety Belt System Hardware     Type 2 front and   Type A (lap/      Type A (lap/      Basically the     ................  Seat belt                    
     Application.                    rear outboard      shoulder belt)    shoulder belt)    same for three                      systems                     
                                     seat positions.    for front and     for front and     and two point                       hardware are                
                                     Type 1 or 2        rear outboard     rear outboard     belt systems.                       basically the               
                                     front and rear     seat positions.   seat positions.   Except (1) EEC/                     same, except                
                                     center seat        Type A or B       Type A or B       ECE retractors                      for compliance              
                                     positions. FMVSS   (lap belt) in     (lap belt) in     require two                         to some unique              
                                     208 upper torso    front and rear    front and rear    emergency                           performance                 
                                     requires           center            center            locking                             requirements                
                                     emergency          positions.        positions.        sensors; FMVSS                      and procedures              
                                     locking                                                209 requires                        noted below.                
                                     retractor, lower                                       one. (2) FMVSS                                                  
                                     torso (lap belt)                                       209 requires a                                                  
                                     requires ELR,                                          child seat                                                      
                                     ALR or manual                                          locking device                                                  
                                     adjustment                                             [except                                                         
                                     device.                                                driver's seat]                                                  
                                                                                            that is                                                         
                                                                                            integral with                                                   
                                                                                            belt &                                                          
    [[Page 30666]]
    Test Procedures and             Webbing            Webbing           FMVSS 209 does    ................  Both FMVSS 209    Compliance with              
     Requirements.                   Sensitivity: If    Sensitivity:      not require                         and 77/541/       EEC/ECE                     
                                     the retractor is   Retractor must    locking by this                     EEC.ECE 16 have   requirements                
                                     sensitive to       not lock at       requirement.                        a no-lock         may be                      
                                     webbing            strap                                                 requirement,      considered a                
                                     withdrawal it      accelerations                                         but only 77/541/  nuisance to                 
                                     must not lock      of less than                                          EEC.ECE 16 has    U.S. consumers              
                                     before the         0.8g in the                                           a lock            because of                  
                                     webbing extends    direction of                                          requirement.      higher                      
                                     2 inches (50.8     unreeling. If                                         This does not     frequency of                
                                     mm) when the       locking does                                          have any effect   belt lock-ups.              
                                     retractor is       not occur                                             on retractor                                  
                                     subjected to an    before 50 mm of                                       lock-up because                               
                                     acceleration < webbing="" is="" both="" or="to" 0.3g--="" unwound,="" this="" regulations="" test="" with="" is="" considered="" have="" a="" vehicle="" webbing="" at="" 75%="" satisfied.="" sensing="" lock-up="" extension--apply="" retractor--must="" feature="" as="" a="" acceleration="" of="" lock="" within="" 50="" primary="" method.="" 0.3g="" within="" 0.05="" mm="" of="" strap="" eec/ece="" seconds="" or="" at="" a="" movement="" at="" requires="" two="" rate=""> or = to     webbing accel                                         methods of                                    
                                     6g's/sec.          relative to the                                       sensing                                       
                                                        retractor of                                          emergency (or                                 
                                                        not less than                                         inertia) lock-                                
                                                        2.0g--test with                                       up, whereas                                   
                                                        300 mm + or-3mm                                       FMVSS requires                                
                                                        of webbing                                            only one.                                     
                                                        remaining in                                          Apparent                                      
                                                        the retractor--                                       benefit is that                               
                                                        apply accel at                                        occupant can                                  
                                                        a rate > 25 g's/                                      verify that the                               
                                                        sec and < 150="" retractor="" will="" g's/sec.="" lock-up="" by="" quickly="" pulling="" on="" belt.="" this="" feature="" is="" considered="" as="" a="" back-up="" to="" vehicle="" sensing="" lock-up,="" even="" though="" there="" is="" no="" evidence="" that="" such="" a="" feature="" is="" required.="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" u.s./eu="" harmonization--examples="" of="" performance="" elements="" regulated="" in="" the="" u.s.="" and="" eu="" safety="" working="" paper,="" attachment="" iv-1,="" eu/u.s.="" listing="" of="" regulations="" short="" term="" windshield="" defrosting="" and="" defogging="" systems="" windshield="" wiping="" and="" washing="" systems="" tire="" selection="" and="" rims="" headlamp="" concealment="" devices="" occupant="" protection="" in="" interior="" impact="" (frontal)="" head="" restraints="" impact="" protection="" for="" the="" driver="" from="" the="" steering="" control="" system="" steering="" control="" rearward="" displacement="" glazing="" materials="" door="" locks="" and="" door="" retention="" components="" seating="" systems="" medium="" term="" controls="" and="" displays="" lamps,="" reflective="" devices="" and="" associated="" equipment="" rearview="" mirrors="" theft="" protection="" vehicle="" identification="" number--basic="" requirements="" air="" brake="" systems="" passenger="" car="" brake="" systems="" seat="" belt="" assemblies="" seat="" belt="" assembly="" anchorages="" child="" restraints="" systems="" seating="" reference="" point="" side="" impact="" anthropomorphic="" test="" dummy="" long="" term="" occupant="" crash="" protection="" in="" frontal="" impact="" side="" impact="" protection="" occupant="" protection="" in="" interior="" impact="" (other="" than="" frontal)="" fuel="" system="" integrity="" flammability="" of="" interior="" materials="" bumpers="" side="" impact="" barrier="" [[page="" 30667]]="" child="" anthropomorphic="" test="" dummies="" [fr="" doc.="" 96-15331="" filed="" 6-12-96;="" 5:03="" pm]="" billing="" code="" 4910-59-p="">

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of public meetings and request for comments.
Document Number:
Public meetings: The meetings will be held July 10 and 11, 1996. The safety and regulatory process meeting will start at 9 a.m. on July 10 and may extend over to July 11, starting at 9 a.m. The environmental meeting will start at 10 a.m. on July 11.
30657-30667 (11 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 96-43, Notice 1
PDF File: