99-15435. Assessment of Visibility Impairment at the Grand Canyon National Park: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 116 (Thursday, June 17, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 32458-32464]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-15435]
    40 CFR Part 52
    RIN 2060-ZA07
    Assessment of Visibility Impairment at the Grand Canyon National 
    Park: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is providing advance 
    notice of proposed rulemaking regarding visibility impairment at the 
    Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) and the possibility that the Mohave 
    Generating Station (MGS) in Laughlin, Nevada may contribute to that 
    impairment. The purpose of this advance notice is to explain provisions 
    in the Clean Air Act and EPA regulation for protecting visibility in 
    national parks and wilderness areas. This notice also describes the 
    Department of the Interior (DOI) certification of visibility impairment 
    at the Grand Canyon and the statement made by the Department that it 
    believes the MGS is contributing to this impairment. This notice also 
    presents a summary of the methodologies and results of Project MOHAVE, 
    the study which evaluated the impacts of emissions from the MGS on 
    visibility at the GCNP. In this notice, EPA is also requesting 
    additional information that it should consider in determining whether 
    visibility problems at the GCNP can be reasonably attributed to MGS, 
    and if so, what, if any, pollution control requirements should be 
    applied. EPA is not proposing any specific action regarding the MGS at 
    this time but is providing background information and requesting 
    additional information that the agency should consider.
    DATES: Comments on this advanced notice of proposed rulemaking must be 
    submitted no later than August 16, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be submitted (in duplicate, if possible) to: 
    EPA Region IX, 75 Hawthorne Street (AIR2), San Francisco, CA 94105, 
    Attn: Regina Spindler (Phone: 415-744-1251).
        Docket: EPA has established a docket for this document, Docket 
    Number A2-99-01. Materials related to the development of this notice 
    have been placed in this docket. The docket is available for review at: 
    EPA Region IX, Air Division, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 
    94105. Interested persons may make an appointment with Regina Spindler, 
    (415) 744-1251, to inspect the docket at EPA's San Francisco office on 
    weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
        Electronic Availability: This document is also available as an 
    electronic file on the EPA Region IX Web Page at http://www.epa.gov/
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Regina Spindler (415) 744-1251, 
    Planning Office (AIR2), Air Division, EPA Region IX, 75 Hawthorne 
    Street, San Francisco, CA 94105.
    I. Background
        A. Statutory and Regulatory Framework
        1. Clean Air Act Visibility Requirements
        2. EPA's Visibility Regulations
        3. Federal Implementation Plans for Visibility Protection
        4. ``Reasonable Attribution'' Determination for Navajo 
    Generating Station
        B. The Department of the Interior Certification of Visibility 
    [[Page 32459]]
        C. The Mohave Generating Station
    II. Information Available for ``Reasonable Attribution'' Analysis
        A. Project MOHAVE
        B. Other Available Information
    III. Request for Public Comment
        A. ``Reasonable Attribution'' Determination
        B. ``Best Available Retrofit Technology'' Analysis
    IV. Activities Related to the Mohave Generating Station and 
    Visibility Impairment at the Grand Canyon National Park
        A. Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission
        B. Public Meeting
        C. Grand Canyon Trust/Sierra Club Lawsuit
        D. Environmental Defense Fund Letter
        E. Southern California Edison Proposal
    V. Administrative Requirements
        A. Executive Order 12866
        B. Regulatory Flexibility
    I. Background
    A. Statutory and Regulatory Framework
    1. Clean Air Act Visibility Requirements
        Section 169A of the Clean Air Act (Act or CAA), 42 U.S.C. 7491, 
    provides for a visibility protection program and sets forth as a 
    national goal ``the prevention of any future, and the remedying of any 
    existing, impairment of visibility in mandatory Class I Federal areas 
    which impairment results from manmade air pollution.'' (The terms 
    ``impairment of visibility'' and ``visibility impairment'' are defined 
    in the Act to include reduction in visual range and atmospheric 
    discoloration.) Section 169A requires EPA, after consultation with the 
    Secretary of the Interior, to promulgate a list of ``mandatory Class I 
    Federal areas'' where visibility is an important value. These areas 
    include international parks, national wilderness areas and national 
    memorial parks greater than five thousand acres in size, and national 
    parks greater than six thousand acres in size, as described in section 
    162(a) of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7472(a). Each mandatory Class I Federal 
    area is the responsibility of a Federal Land Manager (FLM), the 
    Secretary of the federal department with authority over such lands. 
    Section 302(i) of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7602(i). On November 30, 1979, EPA 
    identified 156 such mandatory Class I Federal areas, including the 
    Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. 44 FR 69122.
        Section 169A(a)(1) of the Act states that ``Congress declares as a 
    national goal the prevention of any future, and the remedying of any 
    existing, impairment of visibility in mandatory class I Federal areas 
    which impairment results from manmade air pollution.'' Section 
    169A(a)(4) requires EPA to promulgate regulations to assure reasonable 
    progress toward meeting these national visibility protection goals. 
    EPA's regulations must require each state with a mandatory Class I 
    Federal area (or states with emissions that may reasonably be 
    anticipated to cause or contribute to visibility impairment in a 
    mandatory Class I Federal area) to revise the applicable implementation 
    plan for that state (SIP) to contain such emission limits, schedules of 
    compliance and other measures as may be necessary to make reasonable 
    progress toward meeting the national visibility protection goal. CAA 
    section 169A(b)(2), 42 U.S.C. 7491(b)(2). The SIP revisions for these 
    subject states must require each existing major stationary source 
    1 that emits any air pollutant that may reasonably be 
    anticipated to cause or contribute to visibility impairment in a 
    mandatory Class I Federal area to install and operate ``best available 
    retrofit technology'' (BART) for controlling emissions from such source 
    to eliminate or reduce visibility impairment. CAA section 
    169A(b)(2)(A), 42 U.S.C. 7491(b)(2)(A). Pursuant to section 
    169A(b)(2)(B) of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7491(b)(2)(B), EPA's regulations 
    must further require these states to include long term strategies in 
    their SIP revisions for making reasonable progress toward meeting the 
    national goal. Section 110(a)(2)(J) of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 
    7410(a)(2)(J), provides a corollary provision that requires SIPs to 
    meet the visibility protection requirements of part C of the Clean Air 
        \1\ For purposes of the visibility protection requirements, the 
    term ``major stationary source'' in the statute generally means any 
    of a list of 26 different categories of stationary sources of air 
    pollutants, which has the potential to emit 250 tons per year or 
    more of any air pollutant. CAA section 169A(g)(7), 42 U.S.C. 
    7491(g)(7). The statutory provisions apply to such ``major 
    stationary sources'' which were not in operation prior to August 7, 
    1962, and were in existence on August 7, 1977. CAA section 
    169A(b)(2)(A), 42 U.S.C. 7491(b)(2)(A). The term ``existing 
    stationary facility'' is defined to include these statutory 
    criteria. In addition, the definition of ``existing stationary 
    facility'' includes any reconstructed source and provides that 
    fugitive emissions are included in determining the potential 
    emissions from a source. 40 CFR 51.301(e).
    2. EPA's Visibility Regulations
        On December 2, 1980, EPA promulgated what it described as the first 
    phase of the required visibility regulations, codified at 40 CFR 
    51.300-307. (45 FR 80084). These visibility regulations apply to 36 
    states, including Nevada, that contain mandatory Class I Federal areas. 
    The visibility regulations require these 36 states to comply with the 
    requirements set forth above, including (1) coordinating development of 
    SIP requirements with appropriate FLMs; (2) developing a program to 
    assess and remedy visibility impairment from new and existing sources; 
    (3) developing a long-term strategy (10-15 years) to assure reasonable 
    progress toward the national visibility goal; (4) developing a 
    visibility monitoring strategy to collect information on visibility 
    conditions; and (5) considering in all aspects of visibility protection 
    any ``integral vistas'' (important views of landmarks or panoramas that 
    extend outside of the boundaries of the Class I area) identified by the 
    FLMs as critical to a visitor's enjoyment of the Class I area. 40 CFR 
        \2\ These visibility regulations only address the type of 
    visibility impairment that is ``reasonably attributable'' to a 
    single source or small group of sources. In 1980 when EPA 
    promulgated these regulations, EPA deferred setting SIP requirements 
    to address visibility impairment caused by ``regional haze'' (i.e., 
    a widespread, regionally homogeneous haze from a multitude of 
    sources which impairs visibility in every direction over a large 
    area) due to the complexity and technical limitations inherent in 
    attempting to identify, measure, and control this type of widespread 
    visibility impairment. In 1993, the National Academy of Sciences 
    concluded that ``current scientific knowledge is adequate and 
    control technologies are available for taking regulatory action to 
    improve and protect visibility.'' EPA promulgated regulations to 
    address regional haze on April 22, 1999.
        An FLM may, at any time, certify to a state that impairment of 
    visibility exists in a mandatory Class I Federal area. 40 CFR 
    51.302(c). If the FLM certifies such impairment at least 6 months prior 
    to submission of a revised SIP, an affected state must (1) identify 
    each existing stationary facility which may ``reasonably be anticipated 
    to cause or contribute'' to any impairment which is ``reasonably 
    attributable to that existing stationary facility,'' and (2) analyze 
    and determine what emission limitation represents the ``best available 
    retrofit technology'' at each such facility. 40 CFR 51.302(c)(4). 
    Visibility impairment is ``reasonably attributable'' to a facility if 
    it is ``attributable by visual observations or any other technique the 
    state deems appropriate.'' 40 CFR 51.301(s). The state must also 
    include in its plan an assessment of visibility impairment and a 
    discussion of how each element of the plan relates to preventing future 
    or remedying existing impairment in any mandatory Class I Federal area 
    in the state. 40 CFR 51.302(c)(2)(ii). The visibility regulations also 
    provide for periodic review, and revision as appropriate, of the long-
    term strategy for making reasonable progress toward the visibility 
    goals at a minimum frequency of every three years. 40 CFR 51.306(c). 
    The 36
    [[Page 32460]]
    affected states were required to submit revisions to their SIPs to 
    comply with these requirements by September 2, 1981. 40 CFR 
    3. Federal Implementation Plans for Visibility Protection
        Most states did not meet the September 2, 1981 deadline for 
    submitting a SIP revision to address visibility protection. A number of 
    environmental groups filed a citizen suit seeking to compel EPA to 
    promulgate its own visibility implementation plans for the states that 
    had failed to submit SIPs to EPA, pursuant to section 110(c) of the 
    Act. In the final rule published on November 24, 1987, EPA disapproved 
    the SIPs of 29 states, including Nevada, for failure to comply with the 
    visibility SIP requirements of 40 CFR 51.300-307. In order to implement 
    the visibility protection program, EPA promulgated a federal 
    implementation plan (FIP) for each state that failed to submit a 
    visibility plan, including Nevada. 52 FR 45132 (November 24, 1987) 
    codified at 40 CFR 52.27, 52.29 and 52.1488. See also 40 CFR 52.26 and 
        In the preamble to the proposed FIP, EPA addressed certifications 
    of existing visibility impairment (i.e., certifications of impairment 
    that the FLM submitted prior to June 1, 1986) submitted by the FLM. The 
    FLM certified that there was impairment in all Class I areas in the 
    lower 48 states. EPA reviewed the certification for each Class I area, 
    and determined that there was insufficient information or technical 
    support to determine if the impairment existed within certain Class I 
    areas, or to positively attribute impairment to any specific source or 
    sources. In other Class I areas, research was underway but not yet 
    completed to better characterize and identify the sources of 
    impairment. In one other area, EPA had approved the SIP for visibility 
    in that state and assumed that the certification of impairment would be 
    addressed in the periodic report required by the state's visibility 
    SIP. 52 FR 7802, 7805-7807 (March 12, 1987). For these reasons, EPA 
    determined that, as of the final rulemaking (November 24, 1987), states 
    were not required to include Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) 
    requirements in their implementation plans to address existing 
    impairment. 52 FR 45132, 45133-45134. The EPA, however, acknowledged 
    that information could become available in the future indicating 
    impairment and that the FLM could certify the existence of visibility 
    impairment at any time. Any future certifications of visibility 
    impairment would be addressed by either the state or EPA (if the state 
    SIP remains disapproved for visibility protection). 52 FR 45132, 45136.
        In the visibility protection FIP, EPA established requirements for 
    visibility monitoring, new source review (in attainment and 
    nonattainment areas) and a long term strategy to make progress toward 
    the national visibility protection goal. To fulfill these requirements, 
    EPA is authorized to utilize such monitoring techniques that it deems 
    appropriate and to promulgate such measures, including control 
    strategies, that EPA deems necessary to make reasonable progress toward 
    the national visibility goal. 40 CFR 52.26-52.29. As such, if a FLM 
    makes a certification of visibility impairment involving a state that 
    does not have an approved SIP, EPA determines whether visibility 
    impairment in a mandatory Class I Federal area is reasonably 
    attributable to an existing stationary facility (defined in footnote 1, 
    above). As noted above, EPA acknowledged that the FLMs may certify 
    visibility impairment in a Class I Federal area at any time, and 
    provided that future certifications of visibility impairment by the 
    FLMs would be addressed through the general plan requirements and the 
    periodic review requirements set forth in 40 CFR 51.302(c), 51.306(c), 
    52.26, and 52.29(c). In the preamble to the visibility FIP, EPA noted 
    that it ``may need to reassess the need for BART or other control 
    measures'' to remedy future certifications of impairment by the FLM. 52 
    FR 7802, 7808 (March 12, 1987). In the preamble to the final rule, EPA 
    noted that ``[A]ny certification of impairment made to a State, or to 
    EPA in lieu of a State, would then be addressed in the periodic review 
    of the visibility SIP or FIP.'' 52 FR 45132, 45136 (November 24, 1987).
        If the state (or EPA) determines that impairment is reasonably 
    attributable to an existing stationary facility, then the applicable 
    plan's strategy for making progress toward the visibility goal would 
    include a determination of BART for that existing stationary facility. 
    40 CFR 51.302, 52.26 and 52.29. See also 52 FR 7802, 7808 (March 12, 
    1987) and 52 FR 45132, 45136 (November 24, 1987). BART must be 
    installed and operated as expeditiously as practicable, but in no case 
    later than five years from the date that the state (or EPA) determines 
    visibility impairment in a Class I Federal area is reasonably 
    attributable to the source(s). (See discussion of BART in section 
    III.B., infra.)
    4. ``Reasonable Attribution'' Determination for Navajo Generating 
        The threshold for determining whether visibility impairment is 
    reasonably attributable to a stationary facility was reviewed by the 
    U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Central Arizona Water 
    Conservation District, et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency, 990 
    F.2d 1531, 1541, cert. denied, 114 S. Ct. 94 (1993). In CAWCD, the 
    petitioners challenged a final rule by EPA that visibility impairment 
    was reasonably attributable to the Navajo Generating Station (NGS). EPA 
    had found that visibility impairment in the Grand Canyon National Park 
    could in part be reasonably attributed to sulfur dioxide emissions from 
    the NGS and required installation and operation of pollution controls 
    at the plant as part of the long term strategy for addressing 
    visibility impairment. EPA acknowledged that NGS was not the only 
    source of visibility impairment at the Grand Canyon. The petitioners 
    argued, among other things, that EPA was limited to certain techniques 
    for attributing impairment to a particular source, and that EPA 
    overestimated the improvement in visibility expected from installing 
    and operating controls at NGS. The Ninth Circuit denied the petition 
    for review. The Court concluded that the record more than adequately 
    supported EPA's conclusion that visibility impairment was attributable 
    to NGS. The Court noted that the facts showing the existence of other 
    sources of impairment
    hardly mean that EPA is without statutory authority to remedy the 
    impairment attributable to NGS. Even if the Final Rule addresses 
    only a small fraction of the visibility impairment at the Grand 
    Canyon, EPA still has the statutory authority to address that 
    portion of the visibility impairment problem which is, in fact, 
    `reasonably attributable' to NGS. Congress mandated an extremely low 
    triggering threshold, requiring the installment of stringent 
    emission controls when an individual source `emits any air pollutant 
    which may reasonably be anticipated to cause or contribute to any 
    impairment of visibility' in a class I Federal area.
    CAWCD, 990 F 2d at 1541. The Court further agreed that EPA had broad 
    latitude to determine whether visibility impairment is ``reasonably 
    attributable'' to a given source, and referred to a report by the 
    National Research Council noting that ``Congress has not required 
    ironclad scientific certainty establishing the precise relationship 
    between a source's emissions and resulting visibility impairment.'' Id.
    [[Page 32461]]
    B. The Department of the Interior Certification of Visibility 
        As discussed above, a Federal Land Manager may at any time certify 
    the existence of visibility impairment at a Class I Federal area. On 
    November 14, 1985, the Department of the Interior certified to EPA the 
    existence of visibility impairment in all Class I Federal areas within 
    the Department's jurisdiction in the lower 48 states. On August 19, 
    1997, DOI sent a letter to EPA that reaffirmed the Department's 1985 
    certification of visibility impairment at the Grand Canyon National 
    Park and stated DOI's belief that there is sufficient information 
    available to support a ``reasonable attribution'' finding concerning 
    the Mohave Generating Station (MGS). The DOI provided, as an attachment 
    to its August 1997 letter, a document prepared by the National Park 
    Service which summarizes published studies which DOI believes 
    demonstrate that emissions from MGS contribute to visibility impairment 
    at GCNP. The DOI requested that if EPA agreed with DOI's assessment of 
    ``reasonable attribution,'' EPA comply with its statutory obligation to 
    determine the best available retrofit technology for MGS. The DOI 
    recommended that in doing so, EPA discuss the environmental, energy, 
    and economic factors relevant to MGS with key interested parties and 
    emphasized that the interests of the Navajo and Hopi tribes be fairly 
    represented and protected in the decision-making process. Should EPA 
    find that the MGS is reasonably anticipated to cause or contribute to 
    visibility impairment at the GCNP, it must consider several factors, 
    including available technology, costs of compliance, energy impacts, 
    and non-air quality environmental impacts in determining appropriate 
    pollution control requirements.
    C. Mohave Generating Station
        The Mohave Generating Station is a 1580 MW coal-fired power plant 
    located in Laughlin, Nevada, approximately 75 miles southwest of the 
    Grand Canyon National Park. It was built between 1967 and 1971. It 
    currently emits over 40,000 tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2) per 
    year. MGS is operated by Southern California Edison, the majority owner 
    of the plant. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Nevada 
    Power Company, and Salt River Project also own interests in the plant. 
    The coal for the plant comes from the Black Mesa Coal Mine on the Hopi 
    and Navajo Reservations via a 273-mile coal slurry pipeline. The mine, 
    operated by Peabody Western Coal Company, is jointly owned by the 
    Navajo Nation and the Hopi Tribe. Groundwater from an aquifer 
    underlying the Navajo and Hopi reservations provides the water for the 
    slurry pipeline.
    II. Information Available for ``Reasonable Attribution'' Analysis
    A. Project MOHAVE
        As a result of EPA regulatory action on the Navajo Generating 
    Station, described elsewhere in this notice, Congress directed EPA to 
    conduct a tracer study to ascertain the extent to which the Mohave 
    Generating Station contributes to visibility impairment at the Grand 
    Canyon National Park. Congress created this directive through a budget 
    line item in EPA's fiscal year 1991 budget. The tracer study was 
    developed as a cooperative effort among EPA, the National Park Service, 
    and the majority owners and operators of the MGS, Southern California 
    Edison Company. This cooperative effort was named Project Measurement 
    Of Haze And Visibility Effects, more commonly referred to as Project 
        Project MOHAVE was an extensive monitoring, modeling, and data 
    assessment project designed to estimate the contributions of the MGS to 
    haze at the GCNP. The field study component of the project was 
    conducted in 1992 and contained two intensive monitoring periods 
    (approximately 30 days in the winter and approximately 50 days in the 
    summer). Tracer materials were continuously released from the MGS stack 
    during the two intensive periods to enable the tracking of emissions 
    specifically from MGS. Tracer, ambient particulate composition and 
    SO2 concentrations were measured at about 30 locations in a 
    four-state region. Two of these monitoring sites, Hopi Point near the 
    main visitor center at the south rim of the canyon and Meadview near 
    the far western end of the national park, were used as key receptor 
    sites representative of GCNP.
        The process of identifying and quantifying the impact of MGS's 
    emissions on visibility in GCNP used two types of assessment 
    methodologies. The first method, known as receptor modeling, is an 
    empirical assessment of the extensive data collected during the study 
    to estimate the presence of pollutants and tracer emitted from MGS, and 
    to estimate increases in particulate sulfur and light scattering. The 
    advantage of this method is that it provides for modeled predictions to 
    be verified with measured data. The disadvantage of this method is that 
    measurements can only be taken at monitored locations during a limited 
    time period. The second method relies on the application of 
    mathematical models that attempt to estimate the transport and 
    chemistry of MGS's emissions. The advantage of such models is that they 
    can provide predictions at all locations for all times. The 
    disadvantage of these models is that they can provide uncertain results 
    due to the models' inability to accurately replicate the complex 
    atmospheric chemical processes involved in the formation of visibility-
    impairing aerosols.
        From the tracer data and the known ratio of tracer to 
    SO2 emission rates for MGS, we know that SO2 
    emitted by MGS often reaches Meadview in sufficiently high 
    concentrations to have the potential to cause impairment. The magnitude 
    of the impairment that is attributable to MGS depends on how much of 
    the SO2 from the plant is converted to particulate sulfate. 
    Sulfate particles in the atmosphere cause light to scatter which 
    creates hazy conditions and poor visibility. Conversion of 
    SO2 to sulfate occurs by two different mechanisms: dry 
    chemistry and wet chemistry. The rate of dry conversion is slow and 
    greatest during the daylight hours. Wet chemistry is relatively fast 
    but its occurrence is harder to predict since it requires interaction 
    of the SO2 emissions with cloud or fog droplets.
        With one exception, the methods used in Project MOHAVE had to 
    explicitly determine or use assumed rates of SO2 to sulfate 
    conversion for each time period during transport from MGS to GCNP. The 
    models, therefore, relied in part on assumptions regarding how quickly 
    emissions move through the atmosphere and how emissions interact with 
    clouds, and yielded different results in terms of the amount of 
    SO2 converted to sulfate, which in turn produced different 
    results regarding the magnitude of Mohave's impact on the Grand Canyon.
        The conclusions from the various modelling methods were not always 
    consistent as to which time periods during the study were most 
    influenced by emissions from MGS. There is no consensus concerning 
    which of the methods is more likely to be correct for any particular 
    time period. Therefore, EPA intends to use these estimates to define a 
    range for long-term and short-term impacts of the plant on visibility 
    at GCNP.
        EPA believes that the results of the Project MOHAVE study indicate 
    that the Mohave Generating Station contributes to visibility impairment 
    at the Grand Canyon National Park. The empirical data from the tracer 
    study show that
    [[Page 32462]]
    emissions from MGS reach the Meadview site at the western end of GCNP 
    in sufficient concentrations to, under certain meteorological 
    conditions, convert to sulfate and cause visibility impairment. EPA 
    notes that the study results show that the Mohave Generating Station is 
    not the major cause of visibility impairment at the GCNP. However, the 
    study indicates that because of the quantity of SO2 emitted 
    from the Mohave Generating Station and its proximity to the Grand 
    Canyon, no other single point source is likely to have as great an 
    impact on visibility in the Park.
        The final Project MOHAVE report is available on the EPA, Region IX 
    Web Page at http://www.epa.gov/region09/air/mohave.html and in Docket 
    Number A2-99-01. Project MOHAVE operated under the joint technical and 
    program management of the EPA and Southern California Edison Company in 
    close partnership with the National Park Service. Numerous other 
    organizations contributed to the operations and assessment work of the 
    project. Since the end of the field study component of the project, 
    data assessment and modeling efforts have been undertaken by the many 
    participants and have lead to numerous papers and reports. By design 
    these efforts have been the products of their respective authors and 
    have not been endorsed as findings of Project MOHAVE.
    B. Other Available Information
        There are other studies pertaining to the Mohave Generating 
    Station's impact on visibility at the Grand Canyon National Park. In 
    its August 1997 letter to EPA reaffirming visibility impairment at the 
    Grand Canyon and indicating that Mohave Generating Station is suspected 
    of contributing to that impairment, DOI referenced several published 
    papers on this topic as well as the 1993 summary of monitoring data 
    from the IMPROVE network, the inter-agency visibility monitoring 
    system. The papers referenced included ``Comparison of Two Back 
    Trajectory Techniques for Source Apportionment'' by Gebhart, Malm, and 
    Iyer, June 1993; ``Receptor Model Applied to Patterns in Space (RMAPS) 
    Part II--Apportionment of Airborne Particulate Sulfate from Project 
    Mohave'' by Henry, 1997; and ``Examining the Relationship Among 
    Atmospheric Aerosols and Light Scattering and Extinction in the Grand 
    Canyon Area'' by Malm, Molenar, Eldred, and Sisler, August 1996. The 
    general 1993 review of IMPROVE monitoring data and trends showed that 
    sulfur-containing particles are an important component of the human-
    caused visibility impairment at Grand Canyon National Park (20 to 30 
    percent on average). The August 1996 paper confirms this by finding 
    that sulfur is responsible for approximately 30 percent of visibility 
    impairment. Finally, the June 1993 paper, which analyzes data collected 
    over a 13-year period, indicates that the majority of impairment at the 
    Grand Canyon is due to transport from the southwest. These papers are 
    available in Docket Number A2-99-01.
    III. Request for Public Comment
        EPA is requesting public comment on two matters. The Agency is 
    seeking information that it should consider in determining whether 
    visibility impairment at the Grand Canyon National Park is ``reasonably 
    attributable'' to emissions from the Mohave Generating Station. EPA is 
    also seeking information that it should consider in conducting a ``Best 
    Available Retrofit Technology'' analysis, should it find that 
    impairment is ``reasonably attributable'' to the MGS.
        Any determination that impairment at the GCNP is ``reasonably 
    attributable'' to MGS, and any analysis of BART for the facility would 
    occur through a future EPA rulemaking, including an opportunity for the 
    public to comment on EPA's proposed actions.
    A. ``Reasonable Attribution'' Determination
        In determining whether to propose that visibility impairment at the 
    Grand Canyon National Park is ``reasonably attributable'' to the Mohave 
    Generating Station, EPA will consider all available information, 
    including the results of the Project MOHAVE study and the papers 
    referenced in the August 1997 letter from DOI to EPA. With today's 
    notice, EPA is soliciting any additional information to be considered 
    in assessing the MGS impact on visibility at GCNP. This may be 
    additional analyses of Project MOHAVE data, or new information related 
    to assessing impacts over other time periods.
    B. ``Best Available Retrofit Technology'' Analysis
        ``Best Available Retrofit Technology'' means an emission limitation 
    based on the degree of reduction achievable through the application of 
    the best system of continuous emission reduction for each pollutant 
    which is emitted by an existing stationary facility. The emission 
    limitation must be established on a case-by-case basis, taking into 
    consideration (1) the technology available, (2) costs of compliance, 
    (3) the energy and non-air quality environmental impacts of compliance, 
    (4) any pollution control equipment in use or in existence at the 
    source, (5) the remaining useful life of the source, and (6) the degree 
    of improvement in visibility which may reasonably be anticipated to 
    result from the use of such technology. 40 CFR 51.301(c) and 
    52.26(b)(2), and CAA section 169A(g)(2), 42 U.S.C. 7491(g)(2). Pursuant 
    to section 169A(b) of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7491(b), and 40 CFR 
    51.302(c)(4)(iii), the emission limitation representing BART for fossil 
    fuel-fired power plants with a generating capacity in excess of 750 
    megawatts (MW) must be determined pursuant to guidelines set forth by 
    the Administrator of EPA. The procedures for conducting a BART analysis 
    are set forth in ``Guidelines for Determining Best Available Retrofit 
    Technology Analysis for Coal Fired Power Plants and Other Stationary 
    Facilities' (``BART Guidance''), EPA publication EPA-450-3-8-009b.
        With today's notice, EPA is soliciting information to be considered 
    in establishing BART for MGS, should EPA determine that visibility 
    impairment at the GCNP is ``reasonably attributable'' to the facility. 
    Information that EPA is seeking includes analyses of information 
    related to the six factors listed in the paragraph above.
    IV. Activities Related to the Mohave Generating Station and 
    Visibility at the Grand Canyon National Park
    A. Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission
        Congress directed EPA to establish the Grand Canyon Visibility 
    Transport Commission to assess information pertaining to adverse 
    impacts on visibility at the GCNP and to make recommendations to EPA on 
    measures that should be taken to remedy such adverse impacts. The 
    Commission, which was established in 1991, conducted an extensive 
    review of the scientific, technical, and other information with 
    assistance from a range of governmental, business, tribal, and 
    environmental interests. On June 10, 1996, the Commission issued a 
    report to EPA containing its recommendations for protecting and 
    improving visibility in Class I areas of the Colorado Plateau, 
    including the GCNP. The recommendations covered a wide range of control 
    strategy approaches, planning and tracking activities, and technical 
    findings. Regarding stationary sources, the Commission recommended that 
    EPA establish SO2 emissions targets for the year 2000 and 
    the year 2040, with interim targets to ensure steady and
    [[Page 32463]]
    continuing emission reductions. The Commission also recommended 
    development of market-based regulatory programs if emission targets are 
    not met. While the Commission report did not make any specific 
    recommendation regarding emission reductions from any specific 
    stationary source, such as the Mohave Generating Station, it did 
    strongly encourage EPA to complete the Project MOHAVE source 
    attribution study and to take action consistent with the results of 
    that study within twelve months of its completion.
    B. Public Meeting
        The EPA has been working in close partnership with the Secretary's 
    Office of the Department of the Interior and the National Park Service 
    Air Resources Division to address issues concerning the Mohave 
    Generating Station. During the past year and a half, EPA and DOI have 
    met with various parties with an interest in the future of the Mohave 
    Generating Station. On January 8 and 9, 1998, EPA and DOI held a public 
    meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada to present information and seek input on 
    the issues, interests, and concerns related to the Mohave Generating 
    Station and visibility impairment at the Grand Canyon National Park. 
    Several informational panels outlined the issues, provided background 
    on visibility science and EPA's visibility regulations, discussed 
    issues associated with utility restructuring that affect the plant, and 
    outlined options for reducing emissions at the plant.
        Approximately 90 people representing a variety of affected groups 
    attended the meeting. Representatives from local governments and 
    businesses stressed the importance of MGS to the local economy and 
    characterized MGS as a good corporate citizen that supported schools 
    and civic projects. One private citizen expressed concern about the 
    health effects of emissions from the plant, noting that a plume of 
    smoke was always visible from the plant. Speakers for environmental 
    groups stated that MGS is a significant contributor to haze at the 
    Grand Canyon National Park, emits pollutants at a higher level than 
    other power plants, and is at a competitive advantage to other plants 
    that have installed pollution controls. The environmental groups 
    believe that there is enough information available currently to show 
    that MGS is affecting visibility at the Grand Canyon National Park and 
    that EPA should act immediately to require pollution controls. The 
    Navajo Nation expressed concerns about air and water quality but 
    highlighted the importance of MGS to the Navajo economy, which depends 
    significantly on revenues from coal sales to the plant. Southern 
    California Edison stated that it wants to protect the environment while 
    maintaining the economic viability of the plant. SCE stated that at the 
    current market price for electricity, the cost of installing control 
    equipment at the plant would make the plant unprofitable. Union 
    representatives, MGS employees, and companies that provide raw 
    materials to MGS highlighted their reliance on MGS and emphasized that 
    continued operation of the plant is important to state, local, and 
    tribal economies and living standards.
        In addition to the comments made at the public meeting in Las 
    Vegas, EPA has received hundreds of letters from people expressing 
    concern about visibility impairment at the Grand Canyon and urging EPA 
    to require installation of pollution controls at the Mohave Generating 
    C. Grand Canyon Trust/Sierra Club Lawsuit
        On February 19, 1998, Grand Canyon Trust (GCT) filed a citizen suit 
    in the federal district court for the District of Nevada against the 
    owners of the Mohave Generating Station. GCT alleged that the defendant 
    had violated several SIP provisions that apply to the Mohave Generating 
    Station. GCT included allegations that the Mohave Generating Station 
    had exceeded emission limits in the Nevada and Clark County SIPs for 
    opacity and sulfur dioxide, and had failed to conduct necessary 
    reporting. Sierra Club and the National Parks and Conservation 
    Association subsequently joined GCT as plaintiffs in the citizen suit. 
    The defendants have filed a motion to dismiss the suit and a motion for 
    partial summary judgement. The plaintiffs have filed an opposition to 
    the motion to dismiss and a motion for partial summary judgment. These 
    motions are currently pending before the court.
    D. Environmental Defense Fund Letter
        The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) submitted a letter to the 
    Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX in November 1998 noting its 
    concern over EPA's failure to conduct a review of the visibility 
    protection plan for the state of Nevada. As part of the long term 
    strategy to address visibility protection, EPA is required to conduct a 
    review of the visibility protection plan every three years to determine 
    whether the plan is sufficient or if additional measures are necessary 
    for visibility protection. 40 CFR 52.29(c)(4). (Because the state of 
    Nevada does not have an approved SIP for visibility, EPA is required to 
    assume responsibility for visibility protection until such time as the 
    State submits, and EPA approves, a SIP that adequately provides for 
    visibility protection.) Pursuant to 40 CFR 52.29, EPA must include in 
    its triennial report an assessment of the progress made in remedying 
    existing impairment, changes in visibility since the last report, 
    whether additional measures are necessary to assure reasonable progress 
    toward the national visibility goal and any progress achieved in 
    implementing BART. EDF notes that EPA has not updated the visibility 
    protection plan or conducted any of the required reviews, even though 
    the Department of the Interior has notified EPA of visibility 
    impairment at the Grand Canyon National Park and has submitted 
    information indicating that such impairment is attributable to 
    emissions from the Mohave Generating Station. EDF further refers to 
    studies that have been conducted (including Project MOHAVE) which EDF 
    believes indicate that emissions from the Mohave Generating Station 
    contribute to visibility impairment. On April 20, 1999, EDF sent EPA 
    notice of its intent to sue the Agency, pursuant to section 304(b)(1) 
    of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7604(b)(1), and 40 CFR part 54. EDF's notice of 
    intent to sue made the same claims as contained in its November 1998 
    letter to EPA.
    E. Southern California Edison Proposal
        On December 11, 1998, Southern California Edison and the other 
    owners of the Mohave Generating Station announced that by 2008, they 
    would either install emission control equipment at the plant or shut 
    the plant down. The control equipment would include sulfur-dioxide 
    scrubbers and bag houses, devices designed to reduce particulate matter 
    emissions. The MGS owners stated that installations could begin by 2005 
    and that work would be completed no later than 2008. The owners noted 
    that the plant must be able to operate economically with additional 
    emission control devices; otherwise the plant would not operate beyond 
    2008. The announcement indicated that the MGS owners would participate 
    in collaborative discussions with interest groups, including the Hopi 
    tribe, the Navajo Nation, environmental organizations, communities near 
    the plant, plant employees, and state and federal agencies to ``speed 
    resolution of key environmental issues regarding the Mohave plant.''
    [[Page 32464]]
    V. Administrative Requirements
    A. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866, 58 FR 51735 (October 4, 1993), the 
    Agency must determine whether the regulatory action is ``significant'' 
    and therefore subject to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review 
    and the requirements of the Executive Order. The Order defines 
    ``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely to result in a 
    rule that may:
        (1) have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or state, local, or tribal governments or 
        (2) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
        Due to potential policy issues this action is considered a 
    significant regulatory action and therefore was reviewed by OMB. 
    Changes made in response to OMB suggestions or recommendations have 
    been documented in the public record.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), 5 U.S.C. 601 et. seq., 
    EPA must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the impact 
    of any rule on small entities unless the Agency certifies that the rule 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities. 5 U.S.C. 603, 604 and 605(b). Small entities include 
    small businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises, and government 
    entities with jurisdiction over populations of less than 50,000. This 
    advance notice of proposed rulemaking will not have a significant 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities because it will not 
    create any new requirements for any entity. The notice merely presents 
    background information and requests input from the public. Therefore, I 
    certify that this action will not have a significant economic impact on 
    a substantial number of small entities. Therefore, this advance notice 
    of proposed rulemaking does not require a regulatory flexibility 
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Sulfur oxides.
        Dated: June 11, 1999.
    Carol M. Browner,
    [FR Doc. 99-15435 Filed 6-16-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments on this advanced notice of proposed rulemaking must be submitted no later than August 16, 1999.
32458-32464 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 52