97-15817. Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule, Other Part B Payment Policies, and Establishment of the Clinical Psychologist Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 1998  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 117 (Wednesday, June 18, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 33158-33305]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-15817]
    [[Page 33157]]
    Part II
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Health Care Financing Administration
    42 CFR Parts 400, 405, 410, and 414
    Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee 
    Schedule, Other Part B Payment Policies, and Establishment of the 
    Clinical Psychologist Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 1998; Proposed 
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 117 / Wednesday, June 18, 1997 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 33158]]
    Health Care Financing Administration
    42 CFR Parts 400, 405, 410, and 414
    RIN 0938-AH94
    Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies Under the 
    Physician Fee Schedule, Other Part B Payment Policies, and 
    Establishment of the Clinical Psychologist Fee Schedule for Calendar 
    Year 1998
    AGENCY: Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), HHS.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: This proposed rule discusses several policy changes affecting 
    Medicare Part B payment. The changes relate to physician services, 
    including resource-based practice expense relative value units and 
    geographic practice cost index changes, clinical psychologist services, 
    supervision of diagnostic tests, the methodology used to develop 
    reasonable compensation equivalent limits, payment to participating and 
    nonparticipating suppliers, global surgical services, caloric 
    vestibular testing, clinical consultations, and payments based on 
    actual charges. Under the law, we are required to develop a resource-
    based system for determining practice expense relative value units 
    effective January 1, 1998. In addition, since we established the 
    physician fee schedule on January 1, 1992, our experience indicates 
    that some of our Part B payment policies need to be reconsidered. This 
    proposed rule is intended to correct inequities in physician payment 
    and solicits public comments on specific proposed policy changes.
    DATES: Comments will be considered if we receive them at the 
    appropriate address, as provided below, no later than 5 p.m. on August 
    18, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Mail written comments (1 original and 3 copies) to the 
    following address: Health Care Financing Administration, Department of 
    Health and Human Services, Attention: BPD-884-P, P.O. Box 26688, 
    Baltimore, MD 21207-0488.
        If you prefer, you may deliver your written comments (1 original 
    and 3 copies) to one of the following addresses:
    Room 309-G, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20201, or
    Room C5-09-26, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
        Because of staffing and resource limitations, we cannot accept 
    comments by facsimile (FAX) transmission. In commenting, please refer 
    to file code BPD-884-P. Comments received timely will be available for 
    public inspection as they are received, generally beginning 
    approximately 3 weeks after publication of a document, in Room 309-G of 
    the Department's offices at 200 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, 
    DC, on Monday through Friday of each week from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
    (phone: (202) 690-7890).
        Copies: To order copies of the Federal Register containing this 
    document, send your request to: New Orders, Superintendent of 
    Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. Specify the date 
    of the issue requested and enclose a check or money order payable to 
    the Superintendent of Documents, or enclose your Visa or Master Card 
    number and expiration date. Credit card orders can also be placed by 
    calling the order desk at (202) 512-1800 or by faxing to (202) 512-
    2250. The cost for each copy is $8. As an alternative, you can view and 
    photocopy the Federal Register document at most libraries designated as 
    Federal Depository Libraries and at many other public and academic 
    libraries throughout the country that receive the Federal Register.
    Jim Menas, (410) 786-4507 (for issues related to practice expense 
    relative value units).
    Elisa Tunanidas, (410) 786-450 (for issues related to the clinical 
    psychologist fee schedule).
    William Morse, (410) 786-4520 (for issues related to the supervision of 
    diagnostic tests).
    Ward Pleines, (410) 786-4528 (for issues related to the reasonable 
    compensation equivalent limit update factor).
    Anita Heygster, (410) 786-4486 (for issues related to participating and 
    nonparticipating suppliers and to actual charges).
    Stanley Weintraub, (410) 786-4498 (for all other issues).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: To assist readers in referencing sections 
    contained in this preamble, we are providing the following table of 
    contents. Some of the issues discussed in this preamble affect the 
    payment policies but do not require changes to the regulations in the 
    Code of Federal Regulations. Information on the regulation's impact 
    appear throughout the preamble and not exclusively in part IV.
    Table of Contents
    I. Background
        A. Legislative History
        B. Published Changes to the Fee Schedule
    II. Specific Proposals for Calendar Year 1998
        A. Resource-Based Practice Expense Relative Value Units
        1. Current Practice Expense Relative Value Unit System
        2. Criticism of Current Practice Expense Relative Value Unit 
        3. Resource-Based Practice Expense Legislation
        4. Development of Resource-Based Practice Expense Relative Value 
        5. Data Collection Contract
        6. Clinical Practice Expert Panels
        a. Collection of Information from the Clinical Practice Expert 
        b. Pricing of Clinical Practice Expert Panels' Direct Inputs
        (1) Nonphysician Labor
        (2) Medical Supplies
        (3) Medical Equipment
        7. Practice Cost Survey
        8. Methodology for Developing Practice Expense Relative Value 
        a. Proposed Rules for Editing Clinical Practice Expert Panels' 
        b. Proposed Linking Methodology
        c. Data Reasonableness
        1. Excessive Supply Costs and/or Qualities of Supplies
        2. Clinical Times
        3. Administrative Times
        4. Equipment
        5. Families of Codes
        d. Indirect Expense Relative Value Units
        e. Steps in the Methodology
        f. Gap-Filling Measures
        9. Other Practice Expense Policies
        a. Site-of-Service Payment Differential
        b. Additional Relative Value Units for Additional Office-Based 
    Expenses for Certain Procedure Codes
        c. Anesthesia Services
        10. Refinement
        11. Reductions in Practice Expense Relative Value Units for 
    Multiple Procedures
        12. Transition
        13. Proposed Regulations Revisions
        B. Geographic Practice Cost Index Changes
        1. Background
        2. Development of the Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        3. Revised 1995 Through 1997 Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        a. Work Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        b. Practice Expense Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        (1) Employee Wage Indices
        (2) Rent Indices
        (3) Medical Equipment, Supplies, and Miscellaneous Expenses
        c. Malpractice Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        4. Proposed Revised 1998 Through 2000 Geographic Practice Cost 
        a. Work Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        b. Practice Expense Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        (1) Employee Wage Indices
    [[Page 33159]]
        (2) Rent Indices
        (3) Medical Equipment, Supplies, and Miscellaneous Expenses
        c. Malpractice Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        C. Fee Schedule for Clinical Psychologist Services
        1. Background
        2. Legislative Changes
        3. Physician Payment Reform
        4. Related Federal Register Document
        5. Policy Pertaining to Clinical Psychologist Services
        6. Rationale and Alternatives Considered
        D. Diagnostic Tests
        1. Ordering of Diagnostic Tests
        2. Supervision of Diagnostic Tests
        3. Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility
        E. Reasonable Compensation Equivalent Limit Update Factor
        1. Background
        2. Proposed Change in the Methodology Used to Develop Reasonable 
    Compensation Equivalent Limits
        F. Payment to Participating and Nonparticipating Suppliers
        G. Increase in Work Relative Value Units for Global Surgical 
    Services to Account for the 1997 Increases for Work Relative Value 
    Units in Evaluation and Management Services
        1. Background
        2. Proposal
        H. Caloric Vestibular Testing
        I. Clinical Consultations
        1. Background
        2. Proposal
        J. Actual Charges
    III. Collection of Information Requirements
    IV. Response to Comments
    V. Regulatory Impact Analysis
        A. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        B. Resource-Based Practice Expense Relative Value Units
        1. Impact on Specialties (Includes Table 1)
        2. Impact on Physician Net Income (Includes Table 2)
        3. Impact for Selected Procedure Codes (Includes Table 3)
        4. Impact on Beneficiaries
        5. Impact on Hospitals
        C. Geographic Practice Cost Index Changes
        D. Fee Schedule for Clinical Psychologist Services
        E. Diagnostic Tests
        F. Reasonable Compensation Equivalent Limit Update Factor
        G. Payment to Participating and Nonparticipating Suppliers
        H. Increase in Work Relative Value Units for Global Surgical 
    Services to Account for the 1997 Increases for Work Relative Value 
    Units in Evaluation and Management Services
        I. Caloric Vestibular Testing
        J. Clinical Consultations
        K. Actual Charges
        L. Elimination of the Separate Budget-Neutrality Adjuster for 
    Work Relative Value Units
        M. Rural Hospital Impact Statement
    Addendum A--Family of Codes by CPEP
    Addendum B--Proposed Statistical Linking Methodology
    Addendum C--Relative Value Units (RVUs) and Related Information
    Addendum D--Proposed 1999 Office Rental Index Versus 1997 Index by 
    1997 Fee Schedule Area (in Descending order of Difference)
    Addendum E--Proposed 1999 Malpractice Geographic Practice Cost Index 
    GPCI Versus 1997 Malpractice Geographic Practice Cost Index by 1997 
    Fee Schedule Area (in Descending Order of Difference)
    Addendum F--Proposed 1999 Versus 1997 Geographic Adjustment Factor 
    by 1997 Fee Schedule Area (in Descending Order of Difference)
        In addition, because of the many organizations and terms to which 
    we refer by acronym in this final rule, we are listing these acronyms 
    and their corresponding terms in alphabetical order below:
    AMA--American Medical Association
    CF--Conversion factor
    CFR--Code of Federal Regulations
    CMSAs--Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas
    CPEPs--Clinical Practice Expert Panels
    CPI--Consumer Price Index
    CPI-U--Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers
    CPT--[Physicians'] Current Procedural Terminology [4th Edition, 1997, 
    copyrighted by the American Medical Association]
    ES-202 Data--Bureau of Labor Statistics from State unemployment 
    insurance agencies
    FDA--Food and Drug Administration
    FMR--Fair market rental
    HUD--[Department of] Housing and Urban Development
    GAF--Geographic adjustment factor
    GPCI--Geographic practice cost index
    HCFA--Health Care Financing Administration
    HCPCS--HCFA Common Procedure Coding System
    HHS--[Department of] Health and Human Services
    MEI--Medicare Economic Index
    MSA--Metropolitan Statistical Area
    OBRA--Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
    PC--Professional component
    PMSA--Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area
    PPS--Prospective payment system
    RUC--[AMA's Specialty Society] Relative [Value] Update Committee
    RVU--Relative value unit
    TC--Technical component
    I. Background
    A. Legislative History
        Since January 1, 1992, Medicare has paid for physician services 
    under section 1848 of the Social Security Act (the Act), ``Payment for 
    Physicians' Services.'' This section contains three major elements: (1) 
    A fee schedule for the payment of physician services; (2) a Medicare 
    volume performance standard for the rates of increase in Medicare 
    expenditures for physician services; and (3) limits on the amounts that 
    nonparticipating physicians can charge beneficiaries. The Act requires 
    that payments under the fee schedule be based on national uniform 
    relative value units (RVUs) based on the resources used in furnishing a 
    service. Section 1848(c) of the Act requires that national RVUs be 
    established for physician work, practice expense, and malpractice 
        Section 1848(c)(2)(B)(ii)(II) of the Act provides that adjustments 
    in RVUs because of changes resulting from a review of those RVUs may 
    not cause total physician fee schedule payments to differ by more than 
    $20 million from what they would have been had the adjustments not been 
    made. If this tolerance is exceeded, we must make adjustments to the 
    conversion factors (CFs) to preserve budget neutrality.
    B. Published Changes to the Fee Schedule
        We published a final rule on November 25, 1991 (56 FR 59502) to 
    implement section 1848 of the Act by establishing a fee schedule for 
    physician services furnished on or after January 1, 1992. In the 
    November 1991 final rule (56 FR 59511), we stated our intention to 
    update RVUs for new and revised codes in the American Medical 
    Association's (AMA's) Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) 
    through an ``interim RVU'' process every year. The updates to the RVUs 
    and fee schedule policies follow:
         November 25, 1992, as a final notice with comment period 
    on new and revised RVUs only (57 FR 55914).
         December 2, 1993, as a final rule with comment period (58 
    FR 63626) to revise the refinement process used to establish physician 
    work RVUs and to revise payment policies for specific physician 
    services and supplies. (We solicited comments on new and revised RVUs 
         December 8, 1994, as a final rule with comment period (59 
    FR 63410) to revise the geographic adjustment factor (GAF) values, fee 
    schedule payment areas, and payment policies for specific physician 
    services. The final rule also discussed the process for periodic review 
    and adjustment of RVUs not less frequently than every 5 years as 
    required by section 1848(c)(2)(B)(i) of the Act.
         December 8, 1995, as a final rule with comment period (60 
    FR 63124) to revise various policies affecting payment for physician 
    [[Page 33160]]
    including Medicare payment for physician services in teaching settings, 
    the RVUs for certain existing procedure codes, and to establish interim 
    RVUs for new and revised procedure codes. The rule also included the 
    final revised 1996 geographic practice cost indices (GPCIs).
         November 22, 1996, as a final rule with comment period (61 
    FR 59490) to revise the policy for payment for diagnostic services, 
    transportation in connection with furnishing diagnostic tests, changes 
    in geographic payment areas (localities), and changes in the procedure 
    status codes for a variety of services.
        This proposed rule would affect the regulations set forth at 42 CFR 
    part 400, which consists of an introduction and definitions; part 405, 
    which consists of regulations on Federal health insurance for the aged 
    and disabled; part 410, which consists of regulations pertaining to 
    supplementary medical insurance benefits (Part B); and part 414, which 
    consists of regulations on the payment for Part B medical and other 
    health services.
    II. Specific Proposals for Calendar Year 1998
    A. Resource-Based Practice Expense Relative Value Units
    1. Current Practice Expense Relative Value Unit System
        The Act details the types of services that are paid under the 
    physician fee schedule. These include physician services, services and 
    supplies incident to a physician's service, certain services of 
    optometrists, podiatrists, and chiropractors, diagnostic x-ray tests, 
    diagnostic laboratory tests (excluding clinical laboratory tests), and 
    x-ray, radium, and radioactive isotope therapy. While some of these 
    services do not have work RVUs, all of the services have practice 
    expense and malpractice expense RVUs. (Physician anesthesia services 
    are paid under the physician fee schedule but under a different payment 
    methodology. Physician anesthesia services do not have practice expense 
    and malpractice expense RVUs.) Payments for practice expense RVUs 
    account for approximately 41 percent of total physician fee schedule 
        In most cases, the current practice expense RVUs are calculated 
    based on a statutory formula. They are derived from the product of 
    ``base allowed charges'' and service-specific practice expense 
    percentages. The base allowed charge is the national allowed charge for 
    the service furnished during 1991. The service-specific practice 
    expense percentage is a weighted average of the practice expense shares 
    of the specialties performing the service.
        For services furnished beginning calendar year 1994 and whose 
    practice expense RVUs exceed 1994 work RVUs and are performed in the 
    office setting less than 75 percent of the time, the 1994, 1995, and 
    1996 practice expense RVUs were reduced by 25 percent of the amount 
    they exceed the 1994 work RVUs. (Practice expense RVUs are not reduced 
    to less than 128 percent of 1994 work RVUs.)
    2. Criticism of Current Practice Expense Relative Value Unit System
        A common criticism of the current practice expense RVU system is 
    that for many services the RVUs, which are based on charges under the 
    reasonable charge system, are not based directly on the resources 
    involved with furnishing the service.
        The charge-based nature of the current fee schedule practice 
    expense formula essentially allows specialties to retain the levels of 
    practice expense payments that existed before the implementation of the 
    physician fee schedule on January 1, 1992. Current practice expense 
    payments favor procedures and tests performed in hospitals rather than 
    evaluation and management services and other office-based services.
        For example, a primary care physician would have to bill CPT code 
    99213 (level 3 office visit, established patient) approximately 100 
    times to collect the same amount of practice expense payments as a 
    cardiac surgeon would for forming one coronary artery bypass graft with 
    three coronary venous grafts (CPT code 33512), although the practice 
    expenses the surgeon typically incurs for the cardiac surgery is 
    primarily related to the pre- and postoperative services furnished in 
    the office, administrative costs and overhead. The costs for clinical 
    staff, medical supplies, and medical equipment furnished to hospital 
    patients are included in the DRG payment made to the hospital as 
    required by section 1862(a)(14).
        In their 1993 annual report to the Congress, the Physician Payment 
    Review Commission recommended that the Congress revise the practice 
    expense component of the physician fee schedule so that it is resource-
    based. They further recommended that we collect data regarding the 
    direct cost incurred in delivering each service and that a formula-
    based approach be used to allocate indirect costs. This recommendation 
    was instrumental in the Congress' legislating the resource-based 
    practice expense component.
    3. Resource-Based Practice Expense Legislation
        Section 121 of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1994 (Public 
    Law 103-432), enacted on October 31, 1994, requires us to develop a 
    methodology for a resource-based system for determining practice 
    expense RVUs for each physician service. In developing the methodology, 
    we must consider the staff, equipment, and supplies used in providing 
    medical and surgical services in various settings. The legislation 
    requires the new payment methodology to be effective for services 
    furnished in 1998.
        The legislation specifically requires that, in implementing the new 
    system of practice expense relative value units, we must apply the same 
    budget-neutrality provisions that we apply to other adjustments under 
    the physician fee schedule.
    4. Development of Resource-Based Practice Expense Relative Value Units
        To design a resource-based practice expense system, we established 
    a framework in which physician practice costs can be divided into 
    direct or indirect costs. Direct costs are directly attributed to the 
    provision of a service, such as the cost of a nurse's time (salary), 
    medical supplies, medical equipment, administrative costs of billing, 
    record maintenance, and the scheduling of office patients. Direct costs 
    also include the physician's costs of office staff time for scheduling 
    the appointment and billing and collection activities associated with a 
    procedure furnished in a hospital. Indirect costs include the cost of 
    rent, utilities, office equipment and supplies, and accounting and 
    legal fees. The allocation of indirect costs to specific products or 
    services is a classic accounting problem. The indirect costs are 
    difficult to relate directly to the provision of a specific service 
    since they are incurred by the practice as a whole.
        Establishing a practice expense RVU based on the resources involved 
    with furnishing a service does not mean we recognize the actual cost to 
    the physician to produce a service. Rather, it recognizes the 
    components of the typical resource inputs for a specific service. The 
    actual cost and RVU are not equivalent under the physician fee 
    schedule. The proposed values will represent ``relative values'' that 
    can be translated into a dollar payment amount using the appropriate 
        When we implemented the physician fee schedule in January 1, 1992, 
    we were not required to collect cost data in the aggregate or by 
    service for
    [[Page 33161]]
    individual practices. Our claims data do not include cost data by 
    procedure code.
    5. Data Collection Contract
        To aid us in collecting the data to implement our methodology for a 
    resource-based system for determining practice expense RVUs for each 
    physician service, we awarded a contract to Abt Associates in March 
    1995. Under the contract, Abt originally intended to use two processes, 
    the Clinical Practice Expert Panels (CPEPs) and the ``Survey of 
    Practice Costs,'' to collect data that could be used to generate 
    practice expense RVUs for each service. Through the use of CPEPs, Abt 
    provided us with the direct inputs of physician services. Direct inputs 
    are the quantity and type of nonphysician labor, medical supplies, and 
    medical equipment associated with a service, such as the minutes of a 
    registered nurse's time, a pair of sterile gloves, and a surgical mask. 
    The CPEPs also reported additional items as direct inputs, such as 
    administrative services, including the amount of time medical 
    secretaries and billing and insurance personnel spend in activities 
    related to specific services. Abt priced the direct inputs and 
    determined the direct costs for each service.
        The direct inputs do not include the physician's time. Physician 
    time and effort are components of work RVUs and are paid under the work 
    component of the physician fee schedule.
        Under the original contract, Abt would have obtained additional 
    information from the survey of practice costs, which may have been used 
    to furnish additional options for allocating indirect costs. As 
    explained later, this survey was subsequently canceled.
    6. Clinical Practice Expert Panels
        The general approach for establishing a resource-based practice 
    expense system was to use CPEPs to identify as many direct inputs as 
    possible for a physician service furnished to a typical patient (across 
    all age groups) in various settings.
        The CPEPs consisted of panels of physicians, practice 
    administrators, and nonphysicians (such as registered nurses, 
    psychologists, and physical therapists). Physician specialty societies 
    and other groups nominated individuals for these positions. Final 
    selections were made by Abt with our assistance.
        In all, there were 15 CPEPs. The panels consisted of over 180 
    members from more than 61 specialties and subspecialties; approximately 
    50 percent of the panelists were physicians. Each CPEP consisted of 12 
    to 15 members.
        The CPEPs identified the direct inputs involved in each physician 
    service in an office setting and an out-of-office setting (such as a 
    hospital and an ambulatory surgical center). Generally, if a service 
    was furnished both in an office setting and an out-of-office setting 
    but less than 10 percent of the time in either of these settings, it 
    was not profiled in that setting.
        We assisted Abt in identifying approximately 6,300 procedure codes 
    for which resource-based practice expense RVUs were to be developed. 
    Approximately 850 of these procedure codes have both technical 
    components (TCs) and professional components (PCs), and we developed 
    practice expense RVUs for both the TC and PC for each of the 850 
        Abt grouped procedure codes included under the physician fee 
    schedule into families of codes clinically related and with relatively 
    comparable direct costs. The classification system for families of 
    procedure codes is a hybrid of the Ambulatory Patient Groups System 
    developed by 3M and the Berenson-Eggers-Holahan (Urban Institute) 
    system. Abt assigned each family of codes to a CPEP based on the 
    physician specialty that predominantly provided the services. For 
    example, the panels were categorized as integumentary, male genital and 
    urinary, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, 
    radiology, evaluation and management, general surgery, otolaryngology, 
    miscellaneous internal medicine, gastroenterology, cardiothoracic and 
    vascular, cardiology, anesthesia and pathology, and neurosurgery CPEPs.
        Our medical staff, Abt's clinical consultants, and other advisors 
    reviewed this system. Some families of codes were assigned to more than 
    one CPEP to validate resource inputs across CPEPs. For example, the 
    evaluation and management family of codes was assigned to every CPEP 
    except the radiology CPEP and the anesthesia and pathology CPEP.
        Abt selected a reference service for each family of codes. (Abt 
    compiled the initial list of reference services based on 
    recommendations from numerous specialty societies.) The following four 
    criteria were established to guide the selection process for the 
    reference service:
         It had to be commonly performed.
         It had to have a mid-range level of resource use relative 
    to other codes in the family.
         It had to be a code whose definition or coding application 
    has not markedly changed in the last several years.
         It had to be performed with minimal variation by all 
        In August 1995, physician specialty groups were given an 
    opportunity to review and comment on a draft document containing the 
    procedure code family classification system, the reference code (to 
    serve as a benchmark for creating resource profiles for the remainder 
    of services within each family of procedure codes), and the CPEP to 
    which the family was assigned. The comments were considered by Abt and 
    HCFA in designing the final classification system including the number 
    of CPEPs.
        The final classification system contained 229 unique families of 
    codes assigned to 15 CPEP panels. Twelve to 29 families of procedure 
    codes were assigned to each CPEP with most CPEPs reviewing 19 to 23 
    families of procedure codes. The list of families of procedure codes 
    assigned to each CPEP is included in Addendum A.
        The CPEPs met twice. During the first CPEP session in February 
    1996, the CPEPs identified the direct inputs for designated reference 
    services. The CPEPs met again in June 1996 to identify the inputs for 
    the remaining procedure codes covered under the physician fee schedule.
        a. Collection of Information From the Clinical Practice Expert 
        Abt designed the following four uniform worksheets that were used 
    to collect the inputs identified by the CPEPs:
         Worksheet Package G: Services with a global period.
         Worksheet Package P: Services without a global period.
         Worksheet Package M: Evaluation and Management services.
         Worksheet Package Pa: Pathology services.
        For labor inputs, either clinical or administrative, the worksheets 
    identified the function or activity with the occupational category of 
    the individual furnishing the service. For clinical functions, examples 
    of occupational categories included a registered nurse, licensed 
    practical nurse, and certified medical assistant. For administrative 
    functions, examples of occupational categories included medical 
    secretaries, insurance or billing clerks, transcriptionists, and 
    scheduling secretaries. The clinical labor worksheets accumulated labor 
    inputs by preservice, service, and postservice periods for surgical 
    procedures with a global period. For surgical procedures without a 
    global period, evaluation and management services, and pathology
    [[Page 33162]]
    services, the worksheets accumulated labor inputs by the service 
    period. The administrative labor worksheets collected labor inputs by 
    preservice and postservice periods.
        During the first round of the CPEPs, Abt collected detailed data by 
    each of the functions listed within the preservice, service, and 
    postsurgical visit periods of each service. These were activities 
    performed by nonphysician clinical and administrative personnel, not 
    physicians. For example, the evaluation and management services 
    worksheet listed the following clinical activities in the preservice 
         Obtain medical history/review patient charts.
         Greet patient/provide gowning.
         Perform room preparation/prepare medical equipment.
         Prepare patient.
         Obtain vital signs.
        Similarly, the following administrative activities were listed in 
    the preservice period:
         Obtain referral from referring M.D.
         Schedule patient/remind patient of appointment.
         Obtain medical records, manage/recall patient database, 
    assemble/develop patient chart.
         Precertify patient/conduct preservice billing.
         Verify insurance/review coverage/register patient.
        For the intraservice period, the following clinical activities were 
         Obtain medical history.
         Record notes.
        The following clinical activities were listed in the postservice 
         Clean room/equipment/shut down equipment.
         Provide postservice education.
         Complete diagnostic medical forms, x-ray requisitions, 
         Review results.
         Checkout/provide discharge instructions/complete nursing 
         Conduct follow-up phone calls to patient/respond to 
    patient calls/call-in prescription refills.
        Similarly the following administrative activities were listed in 
    the postservice period:
         Transcribe results/file and manage patient records.
         Schedule postoperative return evaluation and management 
    services/arrange for hospital readmission.
         Notify and complete reports to referring MDs.
         Conduct billing activities (coordinate bill collection/
    rebilling, collect coinsurance payments or deductibles, postcertify 
        During the second round of the CPEPs, Abt collected the inputs by 
    the broader category of service. For example, for additional evaluation 
    and management services codes in the same family as the reference code, 
    Abt collected totals on clinical times for the preservice period, the 
    intraservice period, and the postservice period. Similarly, the same 
    process was followed for administrative inputs. This less detailed, 
    more aggregated, process was used because of the large volume of 
    procedure codes the CPEPs had to review during the second round and 
    because the CPEPs believed this level of detail was sufficient.
        For more detail about the worksheets, the specific methodologies 
    for pricing labor, medical supplies, and medical equipment, the reader 
    should refer to the Abt report entitled, ``Report on Clinical Practice 
    Expert Panel (CPEP) Direct Cost Estimation. Data Collection and 
    Analysis for Generating Procedure-Specific Practice Expense Estimates: 
    Report on CPEP Direct Cost Estimation; CPEP Direct Practice Costs 
    Database Documentation; Report on the Survey of Practice Cost; Data and 
    Text Appendices I through VI; and CPEP Recorders' Notes Files.'' The 
    public can gain access to this specific report and additional CPEP data 
    through the HCFA Home Page at http:www.hcfa.gov. The 
    following products can be purchased in a complete set, either on 
    diskette or in paper copy, from the National Technical Information 
    Service. You can also order parts of these sets in paper at the prices 
    indicated. Call NTIS at (703) 487-4650 to place an order. Most major 
    credit cards are accepted. For e-mail orders use the following address: 
    orders@ntis.fedworld.gov. You may fax orders to: (703) 321-8547. For 
    rush service at an additional fee, call 1-800-553-NTIS.
    Complete Set on Diskette
        Accession Number: PB97-502470AHP (24 Diskettes).
        Cost: $322.00.
        Title: Data Collection and Analysis for Generating Procedure-
    Specific Practice Expense Estimates: Report on CPEP Direct Cost 
    Estimation; CPEP Direct Practice Costs Database Documentation; Report 
    on the Survey of Practice Costs; Data and Text Appendices I-VI; and 
    CPEP Recorders' Notes Files.
    (The files are compressed. The text reports are in WordPerfect. The 
    data files are in either SAS or ASCII format).
    Complete Set in Paper
        Accession Number: PB97-165211AHP (Set of 27 manuals).
        Cost: $1,113.00.
        Title: Data Collection and Analysis for Generating Procedure-
    Specific Practice Expense Estimates: Report on CPEP Direct Cost 
    Estimation; CPEP Direct Practice Costs Database Documentation; Report 
    on the Survey of Practice Costs; Data and Text Appendices I-VI; and 
    CPEP Recorders' Notes Files.
    Parts of the Set in Paper
        Accession Number: PB97-165427AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $57.00.
        Title: Report on Clinical Practice Expert Panel (CPEP) Direct Cost 
    Estimation--Data Collection and Analysis for Generating Procedure-
    Specific Practice Estimates.
        Accession Number: PB97-165419AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $66.00.
        Title: CPEP Direct Practice Costs Database Documentation--Data 
    Collection and Analysis for Generating Procedure-Specific Practice 
        Accession Number: PB97-165435AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $73.50.
        Title: Report on the Survey of Practice Costs--Data Collection and 
    Analysis for Generating Procedure-Specific Practice Estimates.
        Accession Number: PB97-165401AHP (Set of 7 manuals).
        Cost: $264.50.
        Title: Text Appendices I, II, III, IV.A-IV.F, V and VI, and CPEP 
    Recorders' Notes Files--Data Collection and Analysis for Generating 
    Procedure-Specific Practice Expense Estimates.
        Accession Number: PB97-165229AHP (Set of 17 manuals).
        Cost: $717.50.
        Title: Data Appendices IV.G1 through IV.G17--Data Collection and 
    Analysis for Generating Procedure-Specific Practice Expense Estimates.
    Data Appendices As Individual Manuals
        Accession Number: PB97-165237AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $61.50.
        Title: CPEP 1: Integumentary and Physical Medicine, Appendix IV.G1.
        Accession Number: PB97-165245AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $57.00.
        Title: CPEP 2: Male Genital and Urinary, Appendix IV.G2.
        Accession Number: PB97-165252AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $138.00.
        Title: CPEP 3: Orthopaedic Surgery, Appendix IV.G3.
        Accession Number: PB97-165260AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $46.50.
    [[Page 33163]]
        Title: CPEP 4: OB/GYN, Appendix IV.G4.
        Accession Number: PB97-165278AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $52.50.
        Title: CPEP 5: Ophthalmology, Appendix IV.G5.
        Accession Number: PB97-165286AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $70.50.
        Title: CPEP 6: Radiology, Appendix IV.G6.
        Accession Number: PB97-165294AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $32.25
        Title: CPEP 7: Evaluation & Management, Appendix IV.G7.
        Accession Number: PB97-165302AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $73.50.
        Title: CPEP 8: General Surgery, Appendix IV.G8.
        Accession Number: PB97-165310AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $85.50.
        Title: CPEP 9: Otolaryngology, Appendix IV.G9.
        Accession Number: PB97-165328AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $37.50.
        Title: CPEP 10: Miscellaneous Internal Medicine, Appendix IV.G10.
        Accession Number: PB97-165336AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $32.25.
        Title: CPEP 11: Gastroenterology, Appendix IV.G11.
        Accession Number: PB97-165344AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $73.50.
        Title: CPEP 12: Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery, Appendix IV.G12.
        Accession Number: PB97-165351AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $37.50.
        Title: CPEP 13: Cardiology, Appendix IV.G13.
        Accession Number: PB97-165369AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $42.00.
        Title: CPEP 14: Anesthesiology/Pathology, Appendix IV.G14.
        Accession Number: PB97-165377AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $57.00.
        Title: CPEP 15: Neurosurgery, Appendix IV.G15.
        Accession Number: PB97-165385AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $29.45.
        Title: Global Pricing Files, Appendix IV.G16.
        Accession Number: PB97-165393AHP (1 manual).
        Cost: $150.00.
        Title: Auxiliary Files, Appendix IV.G17.
        b. Pricing of Clinical Practice Expert Panels' Direct Inputs.
        Having identified the type and quantity of direct inputs from the 
    CPEP process, our methodology required the assignment of a national 
    price for each resource input. Abt priced each of the CPEP direct 
    inputs (nonphysician labor, medical supplies, and medical equipment) 
    using a specific methodology. The methodology for each of these items 
    is discussed below.
        (1) Nonphysician Labor.
        Abt calculated the total compensation per minute for approximately 
    100 occupational categories that include clinical and administrative 
    staff. The data sources for these staff identified hourly wages, 
    including fringe benefits, per person for 1993 or 1994. These wages 
    were updated to 1995 using the Employment Cost Index for Wages and 
    Salaries in Private Health Industries (published by the Bureau of Labor 
    Statistics). They were converted to total compensation by adjusting the 
    wage rate by a fringe benefits multiplier. The fringe benefits 
    multiplier is 36.6 percent for all occupational categories. This is 
    estimated from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Employer Costs for 
    Employee Compensation for March 1995. Abt calculated the fringe benefit 
    multiplied from the Bureau of Labor Statistics data using the ratio of 
    the total cost of all benefits to the wage rate for all workers in 
    private health services industries.
        Three specific data sources were used. They were: (1) The Bureau of 
    Labor Statistics' ``White Collar Pay Survey of Service-Producing 
    Industries'' dated 1989 and the ``Occupational Compensation Survey'' 
    dated 1994; (2) ``The Survey of Hospital and Medical School Salaries'' 
    dated 1994 performed by the University of Texas Medical Branch; and (3) 
    the Current Population Survey dated 1993. Although all three data 
    sources were used, in cases of similar categories across data sets, the 
    Bureau of Labor Statistics data were considered to be the primary data 
    set. The University of Texas Medical Branch and Current Population 
    Survey data were treated as supplements to be used when the Bureau of 
    Labor Statistics' data could not provide sufficient detail.
        Abt categorized all personnel into five broad categories: clinical 
    staff, administrative staff, clinical composite staff, administrative 
    composite staff, and clinical/administrative composite staff. The 
    administrative composite staff refers, for example, to a function 
    described by a CPEP that could be performed by different personnel. A 
    composite labor rate was calculated for this function for this CPEP.
        We use the occupational category of the medical secretary to 
    illustrate the mapping of the price for an administrative staff 
    position. Every CPEP reported that a medical secretary performed 
    certain functions as part of the procedure codes reviewed by that CPEP. 
    From the Bureau of Labor Statistics' data, the updated 1995 total 
    compensation, including fringe benefits, for a level II medical 
    secretary is $16.43 per hour. (The Bureau of Labor Statistics furnishes 
    skilled level variations in wages and duties for registered nurses, 
    licensed practical nurses, secretaries, office clerks, and nursing 
    assistants. In general, as we advised, Abt used the Bureau of Labor 
    Statistics' wage for level II staff.) This converts to a total 
    compensation per minute of $0.274 for a medical secretary, and this 
    labor rate was made uniform across all CPEPs. If, for example, a CPEP 
    specified that a medical secretary was needed for 10 minutes to provide 
    administrative services for a specific CPT code, that labor input would 
    be costed at $2.74.
        Similarly, we use the occupational category of a registered nurse 
    to illustrate the mapping of the price for a clinical staff position. 
    Every CPEP, except the gastroenterology CPEP, reported that a 
    registered nurse performed certain functions with respect to the 
    procedure codes reviewed by that CPEP. The hourly wage for a level II 
    registered nurse was $18.52 under the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 
    survey. The total compensation, including fringe benefits, for a 
    registered nurse is $25.30 per hour. This converts to a total 
    compensation per minute of $0.422. Thus, for each CPEP, the minutes of 
    a registered nurse's time are costed at $0.422. If, for example, a CPEP 
    specified that a registered nurse was needed for 10 minutes to provide 
    clinical services for a specific CPT code for a patient, that direct 
    input would be costed at $4.22.
        (2) Medical Supplies.
        Overall, the CPEPs identified 665 supply items for which Abt 
    obtained prices from three types of sources:
         Published catalogs--These were used for the most common 
    supplies and CPEP panelists often provided recommendations of catalogs 
    or other sources.
         Contacts with suppliers--This source was used primarily 
    for specialized supplies.
         CPEP members--This source was used if prices were 
    unavailable from catalogs or suppliers.
        Examples of medical supplies include disposable gowns, examination 
    table paper, disposable pillow cases, nonsterile or sterile gloves, 
    [[Page 33164]]
    suture removal kit, Vicryl suture, 4-0 and 5-0, and sterile gauze. Abt 
    used the same prices for these supplies across all CPEPs. For example, 
    for all CPEPs, the price of the disposable gown is $0.57 per item and 
    is based on a representative price from Baxter Healthcare Corporation, 
    a major medical supplier. Similarly, the price of the disposable suture 
    removal kit for all CPEPs is $5.45 per kit and is based on a 
    representative price from Darby Drug Company.
        (3) Medical Equipment.
        Medical equipment was divided into two categories--procedure-
    specific equipment and overhead equipment. Procedure-specific medical 
    equipment is used for a specific subset of services within a specialty, 
    such as a stress-test treadmill as part of a cardiology procedure. 
    Overhead medical equipment is either used for all services furnished or 
    is rarely used (for example, a crash cart containing emergency 
    supplies) but is routinely purchased and maintained in a practice and 
    is difficult to attribute to a specific service. Only equipment with 
    costs equal to or exceeding $500 was costed under the medical equipment 
    methodology. The cost per use for equipment costing less than $500 was 
    considered to be trivial.
        Information about the type of equipment used to furnish each 
    service was obtained from the CPEPs. Abt applied price data to the 
    resource profiles generated by the CPEPs. In most cases, Abt collected 
    list prices from equipment suppliers. For example, the list price for a 
    flexible laryngoscope is $5,080 (this information is from Welch-Allyn, 
    a medical equipment supplier). Prices were obtained for almost 400 
    equipment items.
        Despite our repeated requests to the medical community, there is no 
    source of data on utilization levels of equipment across all procedures 
    and payers. Without these data, assumptions had to be made about the 
    levels of utilization of equipment to compute a cost per minute.
        To cost procedure-specific and overhead equipment, Abt assumed 70-
    percent and 100-percent utilization rates, respectively. Based on 
    comments from the physician specialty groups, we have changed the 
    utilization level for procedure-specific equipment from 70 percent to 
    50 percent. We invite comments on the appropriate utilization level for 
    procedure-specific equipment in general.
        Procedure-specific equipment was costed based on the number of 
    minutes the equipment was used for the procedure. The proxy for this is 
    usually technician time. Overhead equipment was costed based on the 
    estimated time for the staff with the most involvement in the 
    procedure. For example, if a procedure involving a piece of equipment 
    was performed in the office and involved 15 minutes of registered nurse 
    time and 30 minutes of physician assistant time, the time of the 
    procedure would be 30 minutes since this is the longest of the 
    nonphysician clinical staff times.
        The objective in pricing medical equipment was to establish an 
    equipment cost per minute. The equipment pricing model uses the 
    following variables:
         The purchase price of the equipment with primary sources 
    of information from national manufacturers.
         The useful life of the equipment with primary sources of 
    information from ``Useful Life Guidelines'' from the American Hospital 
         The annual maintenance cost with primary sources of 
    information from the Medical Group Management Association.
         The cost of capital.
         The time per procedure with primary sources of information 
    from CPEP labor estimates.
         The hours of practice (that is, 50 hours per week and 50 
    weeks per year) with primary sources of information from the Medical 
    Group Management Association and the AMA.
         The machine capacity, based on a practice's hours, with 
    the assumption that the equipment operates at a fixed percentage (in 
    this case 50 percent) of capacity.
        Ideally, a cost of capital would be established from a nationally 
    representative sample of data containing loan rates and length of loan 
    for physician practices. Such data do not exist. As a result, Abt 
    developed proxy data based on prevailing loan rates for small 
    businesses. In this model, interest rates varied by the loan period 
    (one rate for periods less than or equal to 7 years and another for 
    periods greater than 7 years) and based on the purchase price of the 
    equipment (one rate for equipment costing less than or equal to $25,000 
    and another for equipment costing more than $25,000).
                                  Interest Rate                             
                                                     Loan period     Loan   
                                                       period > 7
                         Amount                        7 years       years  
                                                      (percent)    (percent)
    >$25,000.......................................          9.5          10
    $25,000.............................         10.5          11
        For example, the cost of capital for an item of medical equipment 
    costing more than $25,000 and with a useful life less than 7 years was 
    assigned an interest rate of 9.5 percent.
        The following example illustrates the application of the pricing 
    model for equipment that is used to perform only one type of procedure 
    code, assuming the following:
         The equipment is operated at 50 percent of capacity.
         The practice operates 50 hours per week or 105,000 minutes 
    per year (60 minutes/hour x 50 hours/week x 50 weeks/year x .50=75,000 
         The cost of capital (that is, the interest cost of a loan 
    or opportunity cost of invested funds) is 9.5 percent.
         The purchase price of the equipment is $30,000.
         The useful life of the equipment is 5 years.
         The annual maintenance costs are 5 percent of the annual 
    purchase price (.05 x $30,000) or $1,500.
         The procedure performed on the equipment takes 10 minutes.
    Cost per procedure=10 x [$30,000/(75,000 x 3.8397)+1,500/75,000]
    Cost per procedure=$1.24
        Note: 3.38397 represents 1/(1+r)t where t=0 
    to 5. The cost of capital is discounted by the number of years of 
    useful life. The annualized capitalized cost for the equipment is 
    $9,313, which is the annual maintenance cost of $1,500, plus the 
    annualized purchase price ($7,813), taking into account the 
    opportunity cost of capital or $30,000 divided by 3.8397.
    7. Practice Cost Survey
        Abt designed a practice cost survey (the ``Survey of Practice 
    Costs'') to collect information on the total costs of a physician's 
    practice and service mix, that is, the type and frequency of individual 
    services furnished by a physician's practice by site of service. The 
    survey elements incorporated recommendations from a large panel of 
    practice cost research experts. Data were collected on the entire 
    physician practice, not just services furnished to Medicare 
        One of the objectives of the survey was to link the total practice 
    expense and the services furnished in various settings--office and 
    nonoffice. While it was our expectation that the survey would have 
    yielded data to assist in the development of methodologies to allocate 
    indirect costs to specific services, the survey itself would not have 
    determined the indirect costs for specific procedures. By definition, 
    it is not possible to directly survey indirect costs associated with 
    specific procedures. The survey sought to collect
    [[Page 33165]]
    data on aggregate indirect costs of practices, and, if successful, such 
    aggregate indirect costs could have been allocated or assigned to 
    specific services or families of codes using economic cost estimates.
        Sampling frames for the survey were developed with input from the 
    medical community. Approximately 5,000 solo and group physician 
    practices were selected at random for participation in the sampling 
    frame from the AMA's databases. In addition, more than 800 nonphysician 
    practices from 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico 
    were chosen for the initial mailings. Included, in addition to the 
    practices of medical doctors, were practices of optometrists, 
    podiatrists, clinical psychologists, and physical therapists identified 
    from membership lists furnished by specialty societies.
        Initially, the survey was to be performed in two rounds. The first 
    phase of the study began in April 1996 when Abt sent letters to 
    approximately 1,700 group and solo physician practices nationwide. Soon 
    after each physician practice received this letter, Abt called to 
    assess whether each physician practice met the sampling criteria to 
    qualify for participation in the survey. To be included in the survey, 
    the physician practice had to be operating at least 1 year and have at 
    least one practitioner who practiced at least 20 hours a week. If a 
    practice was eligible, it was sent a copy of the survey.
        The response rate from the first round of the survey was so poor 
    (approximately 27 percent responded) that the survey would not have 
    provided an adequate basis for reliable estimates of practice expense 
    by procedure. Thus, in September 1996, we told Abt to discontinue the 
    survey. We decided to use alternative approaches that allocate the 
    current pool of indirect RVUs to individual codes.
    8. Methodology for Developing Practice Expense Relative Value Units
        Abt furnished the data files that included information on the 
    direct inputs reported by the CPEPs for clinical and administrative 
    labor, medical supplies, medical equipment, and the methods to price 
    these direct inputs.
        We are proposing to adjust the CPEP data based on the following 
    data editing rules and on a statistical linking methodology.
        a. Proposed Rules for Editing Clinical Practice Expert Panels' 
        We are proposing to apply the following Medicare payment policy 
    rules to ensure that the reported data are consistent with our national 
    hospital and physician payment policies and to ensure that the data are 
    inherently consistent.
         The direct inputs recorded for medical equipment and 
    medical supplies to hospital patients were generally removed. These 
    items are covered as hospital inpatient or outpatient services; 
    therefore, payment is made only to the hospital. If a physician incurs 
    costs for these items, the physician should seek payment from the 
        From the CPEPs, we identified the following four distinct functions 
    that the physician's staff occasionally perform for hospital patients:
        + Serve as an assistant at surgery.
        + Act as a scrub nurse or perform other nursing functions.
        + Make medical rounds on patients to assess condition, educate, and 
    coordinate care.
        + Communicate with hospital staff, laboratories, families, 
    pharmacies, and others to arrange discharge and posthospital care.
        We considered each type of activity and made the following 
        + The services of assistants at surgery are paid separately under 
    the physician fee schedule if the assistant is a physician or a 
    physician assistant. Medicare recognizes no other benefit for others to 
    serve as an assistant surgeon.
        + Nursing functions are supplied by the hospital. The claim by some 
    physicians that nursing care provided by the hospital is not adequate 
    is a serious issue. However, this is a matter properly addressed by 
    licensure, accrediting bodies, and governing bodies, not as a physician 
    practice expense.
        + Assessment of patients, preoperative and postoperative care, 
    medical record documentation, and patient education have been valued as 
    physician work. As part of the five year review of physician work, we 
    increased the work RVUs for surgical global fees in response to surveys 
    showing that they represent physician work. To pay practice expense for 
    staff to perform the same functions is double payment.
        + Physician clinical staff perform a coordination and communication 
    role for hospital patients. Although not all the physician panels 
    identified this activity, we believe it is a common activity. We 
    specifically included 15 minutes of a registered nurse's time in all 
    global surgical practice expense values.
         The Abt worksheets accumulated direct inputs for 
    diagnostic tests performed in the office and out of the hospital. Under 
    the physician fee schedule, these tests are reported with three 
    separate values: A TC, a PC, and a complete service value, which is the 
    sum of the TC and PC RVUs. The typical service provided in the office 
    is the complete service. The typical service provided in the hospital 
    is the PC service. However, Abt did not collect information for the TC 
    of the service. We limited the practice expense RVUs to the sum of the 
    TC and PC practice expense RVUs. To do this, we used the following 
    methodology: The administrative cost for the complete service was 
    equally divided between the PC and the TC services; and the clinical 
    staff cost for the complete service was assigned entirely to the TC 
         Certain procedures, under the physician fee schedule, use 
    an indicator of ``ZZZ'' for the global period. This indicator describes 
    services that are always billed in conjunction with another service. 
    CPT code 11101, biopsy of additional skin lesion, is an example of a 
    procedure code that has a ``ZZZ'' indicator. We eliminated the 
    administrative staff cost from the ``ZZZ'' procedure code. All the 
    administrative cost is associated with the primary service for which 
    the ``ZZZ'' series is associated.
         Many physicians report and are paid for the allergy 
    testing and immunotherapy procedure codes on a per-test, per-dose, or 
    per-vial basis, although these services are usually performed several 
    times during one encounter. We considered two methods for establishing 
    the resources for these procedure codes. Under one approach, we would 
    include the fixed costs with the first procedure code; subsequent 
    billings would reflect variable costs. Although this seems economically 
    sound, it might create a financial incentive for an allergist to 
    perform the fewest number of tests possible per session thereby 
    requiring the patient to return for additional testing.
        Another possible approach would be to identify the amount of time, 
    both clinical and administrative, associated with the typical patient 
    who ordinarily receives multiple tests during a single encounter and 
    divide these resources by the typical number of tests. The advantage of 
    this approach is that there would be no financial incentive to perform 
    as few tests as possible per session requiring the patient to return 
    for additional testing. This averaging method underpays the allergist 
    who furnishes more than the typical number of tests and overpays the 
    physician who performs fewer than the typical number of tests. However, 
    in the aggregate, the averaging process would compensate the physician 
    [[Page 33166]]
    Accordingly, we used this method to cost the CPEP data.
    b. Proposed Linking Methodology
        To validate the estimates from the CPEP process, we asked Abt to 
    assign a large number of procedure codes to multiple CPEPs. For 
    example, a mid-level office visit (CPT code 99213) was evaluated by 
    most of the CPEPs. We used this evaluation of procedure codes to 
    ``normalize'' the results of the various CPEPs. We could have averaged 
    the labor cost for the replicated procedure codes across the CPEPs that 
    evaluated these procedures. However, we are not proposing to use this 
    approach because it would disturb the relative rankings of procedure 
    codes within the CPEPs.
        Based on our observations of the CPEP process, we believe that the 
    relative relationships within CPEPs are generally correct but the 
    absolute time estimates need normalization. The CPEPs had specific ways 
    of going about the process of evaluating procedure codes. Abt collected 
    data on tasks that are done simultaneously, such as bringing the 
    patient to the waiting room and asking the patient questions. Although 
    the data were collected in discrete increments as discrete tasks, often 
    they are simultaneously performed. Thus, the absolute numbers may 
    reflect some degree of duplicate counting. In addition, different CPEPs 
    may not have viewed these simultaneities in the same way. Finally, 
    different amounts of labor inputs reported by CPEPs may reflect nothing 
    more than practice preference differences across specialties and CPEPs.
        ``Linking'' is what we call the normalization process. 
    Specifically, linking shifts an entire CPEP's data relative to other 
    CPEP's data based on the relationships across CPEPs for the replicated 
    codes. We separately linked clinical and administrative labor costs.
        Statistically, the linking was done using regression methods as 
    indicated in Addendum B. The linking adjustment factors also are listed 
    in Addendum B.
        c. Data Reasonableness.
        Once the data had been edited and linked, the total direct practice 
    expense RVUs assigned to each CPT code were examined by physicians and 
    other clinical staff at the Health Care Financing Administration. 
    Analysis of these direct practice expense RVUs revealed unexplainable 
    variation in the CPEPs' assigned practice expenses for procedures 
    considered by our clinical staff to have comparable practice expenses.
        As a result, the components of the direct practice expense RVUs, 
    that is, the direct practice expense RVUs attributable to the clinical 
    and administrative labor, supplies, and equipment, were analyzed 
    statistically. The reference procedures for the CPEP families and 
    procedures with any of the component values identified as outliers 
    (defined as values either one-third or three times the mean) were 
    manually reviewed by HCFA physicians. The reviewers used the 
    information furnished by the CPEP panels regarding the specific types 
    of labor, supplies, and equipment used as well as the pricing of labor 
    categories, supplies, and equipment. The review was performed in 
    consultation with selected government physicians and Medicare carrier 
    medical directors and included review of publicly available information 
    on the pricing of selected high cost supplies. Conformance with our 
    payment policies was also considered in this review. During the review, 
    related procedures that were not identified by the outlier analysis 
    were also modified to preserve the relative relationship established by 
    the CPEPs for those closely related procedures. Since the data are 
    expressed in direct practice expense RVUs rather than in dollars, the 
    emphasis was on adjusting the relative rather than the absolute values 
    of the practice expenses.
        From the review, two major problems were identified. First, the 
    administrative times assigned by the CPEPs to many of the diagnostic 
    tests and minor procedures appeared to be excessive when compared to 
    the administrative time assigned to the mid-level office visit (CPT 
    code 99213). Second, the clinical times assigned by the CPEPs to many 
    minor procedures appeared to be excessive when compared to the total 
    physician time required to perform the procedures. To correct these 
    problems, which we believe led to significant distortions in the 
    relativity of the entire scale of RVUs, two general rules were 
        First, a decision was made to cap the administrative time of the 
    following categories of service at the administrative time assigned to 
    CPT code 99213: (a) Services and procedures without a global period, 
    and (b) procedures subject to global periods with zero follow-up days. 
    Second, we decided to cap the clinical time at 1.5 times the minutes 
    used by the physician or practitioner in performing the procedure. (The 
    professional time has been developed by the initial relative value 
    scale study performed at Harvard and modified by the American Medical 
    Association's RUC.) Certain types of procedures were exempted from this 
    restriction on clinical labor time. The limit was not applied to 
    diagnostic tests that can be split into a professional and a technical 
    component such as pathology codes in which the amount of technician 
    time preparing a specimen or performing a test are expected to involve 
    more than 1.5 times the physician time to interpret the result. The 
    limit was not applied to procedure codes such as colonoscopies that 
    typically involve anesthesia with post-procedure monitoring. Finally, 
    evaluation and management codes were exempted from this rule because 
    only a few procedure codes would be affected by the cap. Imposition of 
    a cap on selected procedure codes would distort the relative 
    relationship of the evaluation and management codes established by the 
    CPEP that focused on evaluation and management codes.
        In addition, our review of the reference codes and outliers 
    identified specific problems with both individual procedure codes and 
    families of codes. Examples of the types of problems we identified and 
    our rationale for correcting them are described below.
    1. Excessive Supply Costs and/or Qualities of Supplies
        A. The list of supplies provided by the ophthalmology CPEP for many 
    of the ophthalmological services listed in the Medicine section of the 
    CPT, for example, the eye examination codes 92002 through 92014, 
    included one ounce of disinfectant solution with a supply cost of 
    $1,120 for a 50 ounce bottle. Because this price seemed excessive, we 
    contacted the Food and Drug Administration for information on the use 
    of disinfectant solution. We learned that established guidelines for 
    the disinfection of ophthalmic devices include the use of dilute bleach 
    solution, hydrogen peroxide, or isopropyl alcohol. The cost of any one 
    of these disinfectant solutions is clearly less than $1,120. Also, we 
    were unable to identify any other disinfectant on the market at a price 
    of $1,120. Therefore, we reduced the price to $11.20, resulting in a 
    decrease in the direct RVUs of all codes that included disinfectant 
    solution as a supply.
        B. The list of supplies furnished by the orthopedic CPEP for many 
    of the codes involving fracture or dislocation care included fiberglass 
    casting material priced at $18.50 per roll. We reviewed the supply 
    prices in readily available catalogues and determined that $18.50 per 
    roll was excessive. Also, we concluded that the quantities of 
    fiberglass rolls for many of the procedure codes were excessive. Thus, 
    we reduced both the cost and the quantities of these supplies for those
    [[Page 33167]]
    procedure codes where they appeared. Finally, we believe that the 
    inclusion of casting material in the fracture or dislocation codes may 
    have been inappropriate, given that the initial casting costs are borne 
    by the hospital and subsequent casting during the post-operative period 
    may be separately reported and paid. This issue will be reviewed during 
    2. Clinical Times
        A. The clinical time estimate furnished by the evaluation and 
    management CPEP for the reference code for psychotherapy (CPT code 
    90844) is 35 minutes. We do not believe this represents the typical 
    amount of clinical support time associated with 45 to 50 minutes of 
    psychotherapy. We reduced it to 20 minutes. We accepted the relative 
    relationship of clinical times for the psychiatric services that was 
    established by the CPEP. To maintain that relationship, we made 
    corresponding reductions in the clinical times assigned by the CPEP to 
    the other psychiatric service codes.
        B. The clinical time estimate furnished by the orthopedic and 
    integumentary CPEPs for the reference code for physical therapy 
    services (CPT code 97110, Therapeutic exercises) is 23 minutes of a 
    physical therapy aide. We believe this time estimate is excessive. The 
    code definition requires 15 minutes of hands-on time by the physician 
    or therapist. If an additional 15 minutes of physician or therapist 
    time is furnished, CPT code 97110 is billed with two units of service. 
    Because the CPEP data indicate that CPT code 97110 involves 32 minutes 
    of physician or therapist time, it appears the CPEP may have been 
    providing an estimate of the total time a physical therapy aide would 
    spend in support of a 32 minute session and failed to take into account 
    that a second unit of service could be billed if the physician or 
    therapist time extended to 30 minutes. Therefore, we made the following 
    adjustments to the physical therapy codes: (a) For unattended 
    modalities (CPT codes 97010 through 97028), we assigned 10 minutes of a 
    physical therapy aide; (b) for supervised modalities, (CPT codes 97032 
    through 97039), we assigned 15 minutes of a physical therapy aide; and, 
    (c) for most therapeutic procedures (CPT codes 97110 through 97542), we 
    assigned 12 minutes of a physical therapy aide.
        C. The clinical times furnished by the miscellaneous medical 
    services CPEP for the reference code for chemotherapy services (CPT 
    code 96410, Chemotherapy infusion, one hour) is 109 minutes. We believe 
    this estimate is excessive when compared to other infusion procedure 
    codes. For example, the clinical time for CPT code 90780 (Infusion, one 
    hour) was 60 minutes. Also, our current policy regarding services such 
    as chemotherapy that are ``incident to'' a physician's services allows 
    the separate reporting of a level 1 evaluation and management service 
    (CPT code 99211) on a day a patient receives chemotherapy. In fact, 
    about 13 percent of the claims in 1995 for CPT code 99211 were billed 
    by the physicians identified by the specialty code for hematology and 
    oncology. Thus, there appears to be a duplication of time in the 
    chemotherapy codes and CPT code 99211. To correct these problems, we 
    decreased the clinical time for CPT code 96410 to 60 minutes and made 
    corresponding reductions to the other chemotherapy codes to maintain 
    the relative relationship established by the CPEP for the codes in the 
    chemotherapy family.
    3. Administrative Times
        The administrative time estimate furnished by the anesthesia and 
    pathology CPEP for the nerve block services, for example, CPT code 
    64405 was more than 3 hours. We do not believe this represents the 
    typical amount of administrative support time associated with these 
    minor procedures. We note that this estimate is nearly twice the 
    estimate of administrative times furnished by the neurosurgery CPEP for 
    a major neurosurgical procedure with a 90 day global period. We have 
    corrected this distortion of the relative relationships by reducing the 
    administrative RVUs for all the nerve block codes by 33 percent.
    4. Equipment
        In reviewing outliers for radiology services, we noted a 
    significant decrease in the practice expense RVUs for vascular 
    interventional radiology procedures such as arteriograms and 
    angioplasties. For example, the current practice expense RVUs for the 
    technical component of an aortogram (CPT code 75625) are 12.0 RVUs. 
    Based on the information furnished by the CPEP, the new RVU would be 
    6.06 and many of the other vascular radiology RVUs would be reduced to 
    less than one RVU. These reductions are clearly inappropriate. To 
    correct the problem, we reviewed the CPEP data and found that equipment 
    costs were missing for all the procedures except CPT code 75625. For 
    that procedure code, an estimate of $1.5 million for an angiography 
    room for 114 minutes was furnished. We accepted that estimate. Next, in 
    reviewing the supply cost estimate furnished for the same procedure 
    code, we noted that it did not include the supplies that would be 
    needed for furnishing conscious sedation. Further review of that CPEP 
    data identified the appropriate supply costs for conscious sedation in 
    CPT code 36200 (Introduction of catheter, aorta). We believe those 
    supply costs should have been assigned to the technical component of 
    the radiology CPT code 75625.
        To establish RVUs for the vascular radiology family, we added the 
    supply costs from CPT code 36200 to the clinical, administrative, and 
    equipment costs of CPT code 75625. This resulted in a new direct 
    practice expense RVU of 8.15. This new value is 68 percent of the 
    current RVU of 12.0. We applied this percentage to the existing RVUs 
    for the vascular radiology codes. This was done to maintain the 
    relativity across the family of codes.
        Because we had received no data on the practice expenses for the 
    technical components of cardiac catheterization services, we applied 
    the same 68 percent factor to the existing RVUs for those services. We 
    believe the practice expense costs of vascular radiology and cardiac 
    catheterization are sufficiently comparable to allow this extrapolation 
    of the data, particularly since no other data are available.
    5. Families of Codes
        A. In some situations, the review of reference codes and outliers 
    identified a problem with a single code that led to the need to make 
    adjustments across an entire family of codes. For example, the review 
    of supply costs for procedures with a global period of ``000'' 
    identified diagnostic colonoscopy as a low outlier. We then noted that 
    the practice expense RVUs for proctosigmoidoscopies and flexible 
    sigmoidoscopies were significantly higher than the RVUs for colonoscopy 
    codes. We believe that this rank order problem was caused by a failure 
    of the CPEP to include supply costs for conscious sedation in the 
    colonoscopy codes, and the inappropriate inclusion of an expensive 
    supply item called a lumen tube in sigmoidoscopy codes. We do not 
    believe a lumen tube is a typical supply for sigmoidoscopy codes.
        To correct these problems, we copied the conscious sedation supply 
    costs that were listed for the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy codes 
    to the colonoscopy codes and removed the lumen tube costs from the 
    sigmoidoscopy codes. These changes have established what we believe to 
    be a proper relative relationship across the entire family of 
    gastrointestinal endoscopy codes.
    [[Page 33168]]
        B. The pancreas transplant procedure (CPT code 48554) was 
    identified as a low outlier for total direct practice expense RVUs of 
    procedures with a 90 day global period. Based on CPEP data, 0.16 RVUs 
    were assigned to the procedure code. The direct practice expense RVUs 
    assigned to the liver transplant procedure (CPT code 47135, 8.67 RVUs) 
    had the highest direct practice expense RVUs of any transplant surgery. 
    This is clearly an anomalous value. This led to a review of all the 
    major transplant codes. The heart, heart-lung, and lung transplants all 
    were valued at 2.35 RVUs, which is lower than the RVUs assigned to 
    kidney transplants (CPT code 50360, 4.22 RVUs. To correct the 
    relationship of the transplant codes, we adjusted the transplant RVUs 
    as follows: a) The pancreas transplant value was increased to the level 
    of the liver transplant, and b) the heart, heart-lung, and lung 
    transplant values were increased to the level of the kidney transplant 
    codes. We believe this is an appropriate relationship across the family 
    of transplant codes than was established by the CPEP data.
        The examples listed above are illustrative of the types of problems 
    inherent in a data collection effort involving more than 7,000 
    procedure codes. The effort is further complicated by the need to 
    establish RVUs for both in-office and out-of-office settings based on 
    clinical staff times, administrative staff times, supplies, procedure 
    specific equipment, and overhead equipment. We have completed a 
    preliminary review of the reference codes and the outliers only. Thus, 
    the possibility of similar types of problems for other procedure codes 
    as described above are quite high. As described in the section on 
    Refinement Process (section 10), we invite comments that will identify 
    problems and propose solutions. In addition to the specific data 
    problems described above, we have identified but not yet addressed 
    several other potential problems.
        First, we are concerned that the clinical times reported by the 
    CPEPs are the same as those spent by physicians in the physician work 
    RVUs. For example, as part of the 5-year review of the work RVUs, we 
    increased the work RVUs of the evaluation and management codes in 
    recognition of the increased time spent by physicians to:
         Document care and respond to questions regarding medical 
    necessity and adherence to quality standards.
         Obtain or provide authorizations for tests and referrals.
         Coordinate care with other health professionals and family 
    members, particularly for elderly patients.
         Provide education regarding issues such as fall prevention 
    and adverse drug reactions and respond to questions from an 
    increasingly well-informed patient population.
        These are the same type of activities the CPEPs indicated were 
    performed by the physicians' clinical staff. This potential duplication 
    in the evaluation and management and other services will be examined 
    during our refinement process.
        Second, we are concerned that the CPEPs' estimates of clinical and 
    administrative times were developed on a code-by-code basis and failed 
    to take into account the fact that clinical and administrative staff 
    often furnish services to more that one patient at a time. For example, 
    the estimates of clinical time assigned to the chemotherapy codes (more 
    than 100 minutes for a 1-hour infusion) assumed that only this service 
    was being furnished. We believe that during a one hour infusion, a 
    chemotherapy nurse will provide services to other patients.
        Another example relates to administrative times. Several CPEPs 
    assigned considerable amounts of time to obtaining authorizations for 
    service, including time spent on the telephone on hold. We believe that 
    while administrative staff are on hold, they often are furnishing 
    services to other patients. Also, the apparent failure of the CPEPs to 
    take into account these efficiencies of practice will need to be 
    examined during our refinement process.
        d. Indirect Expense Relative Value Units.
        The design of the resource-based practice expense RVU system 
    involves the calculation of a direct expense RVU (from CPEP direct 
    expense data) and an indirect expense RVU per procedure code. We 
    considered different options under which the pool of indirect RVUs 
    (calculated from the pool of total practice expense RVUs allowed under 
    the physician fee schedule) could be allocated to individual procedure 
    codes on the basis of some algorithm.
        There is not a single, universally accepted approach for allocating 
    indirect practice costs to individual procedure codes. Rather, 
    allocation involves judgment in identifying the base or bases that are 
    the best measures of a practice's indirect costs. Simply stated, 
    indirect practice expenses can be allocated using a basis such as 
    physician time, nonphysician time, total direct practice expenses, or 
    some combination of these variables.
        We convened a meeting with physician specialty groups on January 
    22, 1997 to present the following two preliminary options in which 
    indirect costs might be allocated to individual codes: to allocate 
    costs based on physician time or allocate costs based on nonphysician 
    staff time. These are relatively simple methods for us to administer 
    and for physicians to understand. Daniel L. Dunn and Eric Latimer at 
    Harvard University conducted research for HCFA using physician time as 
    a basis for allocating indirect costs to individual procedure codes. 
    Since nonphysician labor accounts for over 70 percent of direct 
    expenses and direct expenses contribute to indirect costs, we examined 
    this method.
        One of the major concerns with the physician time model is that 
    aggregate indirect costs would be constant across all specialties since 
    all physicians work similar time. Following the January 22, 1997 
    meeting, the AMA furnished us with data on specialty-specific indirect 
    cost per hour that we could use in conjunction with physician time for 
    procedure codes to allocate to indirect costs based on physician time. 
    This would allow us to allocate indirect costs based on actual cost 
    patterns of physician specialists.
        We did not select a physician time or a nonphysician time model 
    because these models are not complete. Each contains only one variable, 
    yet there are other variables that can contribute to indirect costs. 
    The physician time model ignores nonphysician staff time and other 
    direct expenses. It would undervalue procedures such as diagnostic 
    tests with lengthy technician time. The nonphysician time model ignores 
    physician time and other direct practice expenses. It would undervalue 
    surgical procedures in the hospital.
        As we conducted additional analyses, we narrowed our consideration 
    to two models. We examined a ``pass through'' model in which the 
    current indirect practice expense of each RVU would be retained. Under 
    this model, the indirect cost per procedure is calculated based on the 
    current practice expense RVUs and an indirect weighted specialty share 
    per procedure code. For example, if current practice expense RVUs for a 
    procedure are 20 units and it was performed by only one specialty with 
    an indirect practice expense share of total practice expenses (from AMA 
    data) of 40 percent, the indirect RVUs for this procedure code would be 
    8 units.
        This option causes the least amount of redistribution. This 
    resulted in the narrowest range between physicians experiencing 
    increases in payments and
    [[Page 33169]]
    physicians experiencing decreases in payments. We did not select this 
    option because it partially relies on current charge-based practice 
    expense RVUs, which are not resource-based.
        The option we selected allocates indirect costs based on the direct 
    costs (that is, the cost of nonphysician administrative and clinical 
    labor, medical equipment, and medical supplies), malpractice expenses, 
    and physician work per code. Except for the inclusion of malpractice 
    expenses, this is similar to the original Physician Payment Review 
    Commission model presented in its 1993 Annual Report and which 
    contributed to the resource-based practice expense RVUs legislation. 
    From a cost accounting standpoint, this method is appealing because it 
    allocates indirect costs based on the variables that are expected to 
    drive indirect costs.
        e. Steps in the Methodology.
        We describe below the individual steps in the methodology that were 
    used to compute the resource-based direct and indirect practice expense 
    RVUs. The data sources we used were the 1996 AMA's Socioeconomic 
    Monitoring Survey (containing 1995 data) and the 1995 Medicare National 
    Claims History Files. The steps are as follows:
        Step 1--Calculate the total pool of practice expense RVUs for 
    physician fee schedule services furnished in 1995.
         Multiply the frequency of the fee schedule service by the 
    current number of practice expense RVUs. Adjustments were made for 
    services subject to the site-of-service payment differential and 
    services subject to different payment rules such as multiple surgery, 
    bilateral surgery, and assistant at surgery for which the number of 
    practice expense RVUs differs from the usual number of practice expense 
    RVUs per procedure code.
        Step 2--Determine the percentage of total practice expense RVUs 
    that are attributable to direct expenses and that are attributable to 
    indirect practice expenses.
         Use the 1996 AMA Socioeconomic Monitoring System that 
    represents 1995 survey expense data and categorizes expenses by 
    nonphysician payroll, materials and supplies, medical equipment, and 
    office expenses.
         Based on the AMA's data, calculate specific percentages 
    for direct and indirect expenses for each physician specialty. For each 
    physician fee schedule procedure code, calculate a weighted direct 
    expense share by multiplying the physician specialty's percentage of 
    allowed charges by its corresponding direct expense weight. The allowed 
    practice expense RVUs per procedure code were multiplied by the direct 
    expense share per code and summed over all procedure codes to compute 
    the total direct expense RVUs.
         The indirect expense RVUs were calculated by subtracting 
    the total direct expense RVUs from the total practice expense RVUs.
         The national distribution of direct and indirect expense 
    RVUs in Medicare data are 55 percent direct and 45 percent indirect.
        Step 3--Calculate a direct expense RVU per procedure code.
         After data editing, the direct inputs from the CPEP 
    process were multiplied by their corresponding prices. We adjusted the 
    labor data further by applying linking coefficients. For example, 
    clinical and administrative labor costs were each adjusted by the 
    linking coefficients for that CPEP. (The linking adjustment factors are 
    included in Addendum B.) Because medical supplies were not affected by 
    linking, no further adjustment was made. Since clinical labor times are 
    used to calculate the cost of medical equipment per use, the linked 
    adjusted clinical labor times were substituted for the CPEP reported 
    medical equipment clinical labor times. For reference codes for which 
    we had estimates from several CPEPs, we generally chose the procedure 
    code from the CPEP with the specialty that furnished the procedure most 
         In the aggregate, the percentage shares from the CPEP 
    process for labor (both clinical and administrative labor), medical 
    supplies, and medical equipment were equated to the 1996 AMA's 
    Socioeconomic Monitoring Survey percentage shares for the same 
    categories. In the aggregate, for all CPEPs, labor comprised 60 
    percent; medical supplies comprised 17 percent; and medical equipment 
    comprised 23 percent of the total direct expenses. Under the 1996 AMA's 
    Socioeconomic Monitoring Survey, the labor, medical supplies and 
    medical equipment comprise 73 percent, 18 percent, and 9 percent, 
    respectively, of total direct expenses. Thus, the CPEP expenses for 
    labor, medical supplies, and medical equipment were adjusted by scaling 
    factors of 1.21, 1.06, and .39, respectively, for labor, medical 
    supplies, and medical equipment.
         After adjusting for data editing, linking, and scaling, 
    the components of the direct expenses were summed for each procedure 
    code. We then applied the data reasonableness rules discussed earlier.
         The direct expense amount per procedure code was converted 
    to a direct expense RVU per code. We multiplied the direct expense per 
    procedure code by the ratio of direct expense RVUs to direct expense 
    dollars and divided the resultant direct expense RVU by a single 
    weighted average CF.
        Step 4--Calculate an indirect expense RVU per procedure code.
         Calculate the total pool of indirect expense RVUs by 
    subtracting the pool of indirect expense RVUs from the total pool of 
         Allocate the pool of indirect expense RVUs to individual 
    procedure codes. Of total physician fee schedule RVUs, 41 percent are 
    practice expense RVUs, 54 percent are work RVUs, and 5 percent are 
    malpractice expense RVUs. Of the 41 percent practice expense RVUs, 55 
    percent are direct expense RVUs and 45 percent are indirect expense 
    RVUs. Therefore, of the total RVUs, 18 percent (.45  x  .41) are 
    indirect expense RVUs.
         These RVUs are allocated to individual procedure codes by 
    multiplying the code-specific sum of the physician work, direct 
    practice expense RVUs, and malpractice expense RVUs by a factor of 
    .219, which scales this total to the available indirect pool.
        Step 5--Combine the direct and the indirect expense RVUs per 
    procedure code.
        To assist commenters, we have included the resource-based practice 
    expense RVUs per procedure code for the in-office and out-of-office 
    setting, if appropriate, and the direct expense RVUs for each procedure 
    code in Addendum C. The indirect practice expense RVU per procedure 
    code is simply the total resource-based practice expense RVU minus the 
    direct practice expense RVU.
        f. Gap-Filling Measures.
        We performed two levels of gap-filling measures to compute RVUs for 
    certain procedure codes. Because the CPEP data are based on 1995 HCPCS 
    codes, we established RVUs for the approximately 400 new procedure 
    codes added in 1996 and 1997. We gap-filled RVUs for these procedure 
    codes as follows:
         We mapped the new procedure code to an existing source 
    code (that is, a 1995 procedure code) and used the practice expense 
    data supplied by the CPEPs for the source code. In most cases, the new 
    procedure code mapped directly to a source code.
         We requested assistance from specialty societies for codes 
    that were difficult to map.
        There were a large number of procedure codes for which there were 
    no values for a procedure furnished in an office. For example, there 
    were some procedures that, although costed only in the out-of-office 
    setting, could have been performed in the office but were
    [[Page 33170]]
    not given values by Abt. This occurred because the CPEPs were 
    instructed not to enumerate the inputs for a procedure furnished less 
    than 10 percent of the time in a given setting. In addition, this could 
    have occurred because the CPEPs chose not to enumerate the inputs or 
    they enumerated the inputs, but Abt was not able to determine the price 
    for one or more of the inputs.
        We calculated the mean value for each component (that is, the 
    clinical labor, administrative labor, equipment, and supplies) of the 
    direct practice expense RVUs by the family of codes or the CPEP mean. 
    In general, the direct practice expense RVU gap-filing method used 
    these mean values. For example, if a code was not valued for a site-of-
    service (out-of-office or in-office), the mean RVU for the family of 
    codes for that site-of-service was used. If there were no values for 
    that site-of-service for the family of codes in question, the mean 
    value for the CPEP for that site-of-service was used. A separate 
    calculation was performed for each of the four components which were 
    summed to derive a direct practice expense RVU for each procedure code 
    by site-of-service that required gap-filling. The results of this 
    process were then subjected to clinical review and revised as 
        The indirect practice expense RVU gap-filling method closely 
    followed the process used to calculate the indirect practice expense 
    RVUs in general. Since every procedure code was given a direct practice 
    expense RVU, the allocation variables existed to derive indirect 
    practice expense RVUs as a function of the work of the procedure code, 
    the direct cost for the procedure code (for the relevant site-of-
    service), and the malpractice expense RVUs for the procedure code.
        These RVUs were then placed on the resource-based practice expense 
    RVU scale.
    9. Other Practice Expense Policies
        a. Site-of-Service Payment Differential
        Under the physician fee schedule, if a physician's services of the 
    type routinely furnished in physician offices are furnished in facility 
    settings, our current policy is that the fee schedule amount for the 
    service is determined by reducing the practice expense RVUs for the 
    service by 50 percent. Certain services are excluded from the 
    regulation including rural health clinic services, surgical services 
    not on the ambulatory surgical center covered list that are furnished 
    in an ambulatory surgical center, anesthesia services, and diagnostic 
    and therapeutic radiology services (see Sec. 414.32 (Determining 
    payments for certain physician services furnished in facility 
        The site-of-service payment differential is a long established 
    policy to avoid duplicate payments for practice costs while, at the 
    same time, recognizing that some office practice cost is incurred when 
    physicians perform procedures outside the office setting. The site-of-
    service policy applies to both inpatient and outpatient hospital 
        Since the implementation of the physician fee schedule, we have 
    compiled a list of services furnished outside physicians' offices that 
    are subject to the site-of-service payment differential. The current 
    list includes approximately 700 services.
        As part of the resource-based practice expense initiative, we are 
    proposing to replace the current policy that systematically reduces the 
    practice expense RVUs by 50 percent for certain procedures with a 
    policy that would generally identify two different levels (office or 
    nonoffice) of practice expense RVUs for each procedure code depending 
    on the site-of-service. In general, we would furnish two levels of 
    practice expense RVUs per code; one when the procedure is performed in 
    the office or other site if no additional facility fee is paid and 
    another when the procedure is performed out of the office (in a 
    hospital or an ambulatory surgical center in which the costs of 
    resources, such as labor, medical supplies, and medical equipment are 
    paid outside the physician fee schedule and only to the hospital or 
    ambulatory surgical center).
        Some services by the nature of their codes are performed only in 
    certain settings and will have only one level of practice expense RVU 
    per code. Many of these are evaluation and management codes with code 
    descriptions specific as to the site-of-service. Examples of these 
    codes are the following:
        Inpatient hospital care for new or established patients (CPT codes 
    99221 through 99223).
        Subsequent hospital care (CPT codes 99231 through 99233).
        Initial hospital and follow-up inpatient consultations (CPT codes 
    99251 through 99275).
        Emergency department services for new or established patients (CPT 
    codes 99281 through 99285).
        Critical care services (CPT codes 99291 through 99297).
        Nursing facility services (CPT codes 99301 through 99303).
        Subsequent nursing facility care (CPT codes 99311 through 99313).
        Domiciliary, rest home (CPT codes 99321 through 99333).
        Home services (CPT codes 99341 through 99353).
        We note that office or other outpatient evaluation and management 
    services (CPT codes 99201 through 99215) are used to report services 
    furnished in the physician's office or in a hospital outpatient 
    department; therefore, these procedure codes will have different levels 
    of practice expense RVUs.
        Other services, such as most major surgical services with a 90-day 
    global period, are performed entirely or almost entirely in the 
    hospital, and we are generally providing a practice expense RVU only 
    for the out-of-office setting. Similarly, other services will be 
    furnished almost exclusively in the office setting, and we are 
    generally providing separate practice expense RVUs only for the in-
    office setting.
        In the majority of cases, however, we would provide both in-office 
    and out-of-office practice expense RVUs. The higher in-office practice 
    expense RVUs are generally used to calculate payments for services 
    performed in a physician's office and for services furnished to a 
    patient in the patient's home, a nursing facility, skilled nursing 
    facility, or facility or institution other than a hospital or 
    ambulatory surgical center. For these services, the facility is not 
    paid a separate fee for the cost of resources such as labor, medical 
    supplies, and medical equipment associated with the physician service.
        The lower out-of-office practice expense RVUs are generally used to 
    calculate payments for services furnished to hospital and ambulatory 
    surgical center patients. Payment for nonphysician services and other 
    items, including medical equipment and supplies, is made only to the 
    hospital by the intermediary on either a prospective-payment or a 
    reasonable-cost basis or to the ambulatory surgical center as part of 
    the facility fee payment.
        b. Additional Relative Value Units for Additional Office-Based 
    Expenses for Certain Procedure Codes.
        Usually, office medical supplies associated with performing medical 
    or surgical services in the physician's office are included in the 
    practice expense portion of the payment for the medical or surgical 
    service to which they are incidental. The November 1991 final rule (56 
    FR 59522) included a policy that allowed a practice expense RVU of 1.0 
    to pay for supplies that are used incident to a physician's service but 
    generally are not the type of routine supplies included in the practice 
    expense RVUs for specific services. For example, if the physician 
    performed a cystourethroscopy with a biopsy (CPT
    [[Page 33171]]
    code 52204) in the office and billed for a surgical tray (HCFA Common 
    Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code A4550) in addition to the 
    procedure, the physician would receive approximately $33 (an RVU of 
    .95) for the surgical tray in addition to the payment for the 
    cystourethroscopy with biopsy. The November 1991 final rule (56 FR 
    59811) listed 44 procedure codes that qualified for additional RVUs if 
    furnished in the physician's office. This list was expanded in the 
    December 1993 final rule (58 FR 63854) to include several cystoscopy 
    codes. Included in this list of procedures for which an additional 
    amount for supplies may be paid if performed in a physician's office 
    are closing a tear duct opening (CPT code 68761) and billing for a 
    permanent lacrimal duct implant (HCPCS code A4263) and inserting an 
    access port (CPT code 36533) and billing for an implantable vascular 
    access portal/catheter (A4300). These supplies were given the same RVU 
    as HCPCS code 4550.
        We are proposing to revise this policy under the resource-based 
    practice expense system. We believe that the supply costs that this 
    policy is designed to cover were included in the supply inputs 
    identified by the CPEPs. Thus, they were included in the practice 
    expense RVUs for each related procedure code. Therefore, we are 
    proposing to discontinue separate payment for supply codes A4263, 
    A4300, and A4550.
        c. Anesthesia Services.
        Although physician anesthesia services are paid under the physician 
    fee schedule, these services do not have practice expense RVUs. Rather, 
    payment for physician anesthesia services is determined based on the 
    sum of allowable base and time units multiplied by a locality-specific 
    anesthesia CF.
        Since the beginning of the physician fee schedule, overall budget 
    neutrality and work adjustments have been made to the anesthesia CF and 
    not to the base and time units. We propose to follow the same process 
    and make an adjustment to the anesthesia CF to move anesthesia services 
    under the resource-based practice expense system.
        We would calculate the difference between the total practice 
    expense that would have been previously recognized and the total 
    practice expense RVUs that would be recognized under the resource-based 
    practice expense RVU system if physician anesthesia services were paid 
    in this manner. The practice expense RVUs that would be recognized 
    under the resource-based system are calculated from the Abt CPEP data 
    for anesthesia services using the same editing, scaling, and other 
    rules used for all other physician services for practice expense RVUs. 
    The practice expense RVUs recognized under the previous system are 
    determined by multiplying the total allowed charges for anesthesia 
    services by the practice expense share for anesthesia services based on 
    the 1996 AMA's Socioeconomic Monitoring Survey data.
    10. Refinements
        Shortly after the close of the comment period for this proposed 
    rule, we will conduct refinement panels using carrier medical directors 
    to help us address the comments on the proposed practice expense RVUs 
    for specific procedures. As preparation for the meeting, the carrier 
    medical directors will consult local physicians and other practitioners 
    for additional information as they did for physician work RVU 
    refinement panels in 1996.
        Eventually, we would like comments in a specified format. However, 
    we believe this refinement process and format can be standardized only 
    after additional experience. Therefore, while we are not proposing a 
    specific format, we would ask that commenters draft their comments 
    according to the following guidelines.
         Identify the problem in relative terms. That is, explain 
    how the RVUs for the procedure code might be incorrect related to its 
    associated family of procedure codes. This is similar to the rank order 
    anomalies for the work RVUs or other services.
         After suggesting an appropriate RVU, furnish specific 
    documentation for a procedure code explaining the expected labor, 
    medical supplies, and medical equipment resources related to the 
    procedure code. For example, the commenter might state, and include 
    evidence, that certain supplies or labor inputs were omitted or the 
    wrong type of clinical labor category was used. Therefore, comments 
    should deal not only with the specific family of procedure codes but 
    with the RVUs of procedures performed by other specialties and primary 
    care physicians.
        We are proposing that all practice expense RVUs published in the 
    final rule be considered interim RVUs and subject to comment following 
    publication of the final rule.
        Eventually, we envision an annual refinement process of practice 
    expense RVUs for new and revised codes similar to the annual refinement 
    process used for physician work RVUs. We are considering a process for 
    practice expense updates similar to our work value refinement.
    11. Reductions in Practice Expense Relative Value Units for Multiple 
        Under the current policy, if more than one surgical service is 
    furnished for the same patient, by the same surgeon, on the same day, 
    the physician fee schedule amount for the second through the fifth 
    procedure is the lesser of the actual charge or 50 percent of the fee 
    schedule amount for the procedure. Surgical procedures beyond the fifth 
    procedure are priced ``by report'' based on the documentation for the 
    service furnished. These reductions are made in the allowance for the 
    service and, thus, affect the work, practice expense, and malpractice 
    expense components equally. Thus, we recognize there are efficiencies 
    in practice expenses when multiple surgeries are performed. This occurs 
    largely because the presurgical and postsurgical services performed in 
    the office setting are for the multiple surgeries instead of only one 
    surgery. Currently, the practice expenses for each surgery are 
    established independently as if each surgery was the only procedure 
    furnished, although the clinical and administrative staff time and the 
    medical supplies increase incrementally with additional surgical 
    procedures. The multiple surgery rule will continue to apply to the 
    resource-based practice expenses.
        Currently, there is no corresponding reduction in practice expenses 
    for multiple nonsurgical services performed at the same time. At a 
    particular encounter, an office patient could receive an evaluation and 
    management service, diagnostic tests, and other medical procedures such 
    as physical therapy services. However, we make no reductions in the 
    practice expense RVUs for the additional services furnished during the 
    same encounter. We propose to reduce the practice expense RVUs for 
    additional procedures performed during the same encounter as an 
    evaluation and management service. We are considering two pricing 
         Apply an across-the-board payment policy similar to the 
    multiple surgery policy that reduces, by some specified formula, 
    additional office-based services furnished with the evaluation and 
    management service (that is, the reduction would apply only to the 
    additional procedures, not to the medical visit).
         Apply a procedure code-specific reduction that would apply 
    when that procedure is performed in the office.
        We propose adopting one of these approaches. For the short term 
    (effective January 1, 1998), we propose the first option (with the same 
    50 percent
    [[Page 33172]]
    reduction for the second through fifth procedures, but not applying the 
    reduction to the medical visit). Later, we would like to move from the 
    first option to the second option. The first option is a broad-based 
    policy whereas the second option is more procedure code specific. We 
    invite comments on our proposed approach and any other recommendations 
    for specific pricing rules for multiple procedures furnished in 
    addition to an office medical visit.
    12. Transition
        The practice expense legislation requires the Secretary to develop 
    and implement a resource-based system for practice expenses under the 
    physician fee schedule, effective January 1, 1998. The law requires 
    that the system be budget neutral. Neither section 1848 of the Act nor 
    its accompanying legislative history provides for a transition period.
        We are issuing this proposed rule to fulfill the statutory 
    requirement. However, we believe the magnitude of the redistributions 
    are of such consequence that legislation should be enacted to provide 
    for a transition period. This phased-in implementation schedule will 
    allow us to refine the application of our methodology to ensure that 
    the inequities this legislation was intended to address are eased. We 
    will work with the Congress to change the law so that resource-based 
    practice expense payments would be phased in gradually.
    13. Proposed Regulations Revisions
        We are proposing to revise Sec. 414.22 (Relative value units 
    (RVUs)), paragraph (b), (Practice expense RVUs), to state that for 
    services furnished beginning January 1, 1998, the practice expense RVUs 
    would be based on the relative practice expense resources involved in 
    furnishing the service. There would be only one level of practice 
    expense RVUs per code for the following categories of services: those 
    that have only TC practice expense RVUs; only PC practice expense RVUs; 
    certain evaluation and management services, such as hospital or nursing 
    facility visits, that are furnished exclusively in one setting; and 
    major surgical services. For other services, there would be two 
    different levels of practice expense RVUs per code. The lower practice 
    expense RVUs would apply to services furnished to hospital or 
    ambulatory surgical center patients. The higher practice expense RVUs 
    would apply to services furnished in a physician's office, or services 
    other than visits but performed in a patient's home and services 
    furnished to patients in a nursing facility, skilled nursing facility, 
    or an institution other than a hospital or ambulatory surgical center.
        We are proposing to revise Sec. 414.32 (Determining payments for 
    certain physician services furnished in facility settings), paragraph 
    (b) (General rule) to state that if physician services of the type 
    routinely furnished in physicians' offices are furnished in facility 
    settings before January 1, 1998, the fee schedule amount for those 
    services would be determined by reducing the practice expense RVUs for 
    the service by 50 percent. Beginning January 1, 1998, we would 
    generally have two different practice expense RVUs per code.
        We are proposing to revise Sec. 414.34, (Payment for services and 
    supplies incident to a physician's service), paragraph (a) (Medical 
    supplies), to state that if physician services of the type routinely 
    furnished in provider settings are furnished in a physician's office, 
    separate payment may be made for certain supplies furnished incident to 
    that physician service if they are furnished before January 1, 1998. 
    Beginning January 1, 1998, the cost of all medical supplies and 
    services would be included in the service-specific practice expense 
    B. Geographic Practice Cost Index Changes
    1. Background
        The Act requires that payments vary among fee schedule areas 
    according to the extent that resource costs vary as measured by the 
    Geographic Practice Cost Indices (GPCIs). In general, the fee schedule 
    areas that existed under the prior reasonable charge system were 
    retained under the fee schedule from calendar years 1992 to 1996. We 
    implemented a comprehensive revision in fee schedule payment areas 
    (localities) in 1997, reducing the number of localities from 210 to 89. 
    A detailed discussion of fee schedule areas can be found in the July 2, 
    1996 proposed rule (61 FR 34615) and the November 22, 1996 final rule 
    (61 FR 59494). We are required by section 1848(e)(1)(A) of the Act to 
    develop separate indices to measure resource cost differences among fee 
    schedule areas compared to the national average for each of the three 
    fee schedule components. While requiring that the practice expense and 
    malpractice indices reflect the full relative cost differences, the Act 
    requires that the work indices reflect only one-quarter of the relative 
    cost differences compared to the national average.
        Section 1848(e)(1)(C) requires us to review and, if necessary, 
    adjust the GPCIs at least every 3 years. This section of the Act also 
    requires us to phase in the adjustment over 2 years and implement only 
    one-half of any adjustment if more than 1 year has elapsed since the 
    last GPCI revision. The GPCIs were first implemented in 1992, and the 
    first review and revision was implemented in 1995.
    2. Development of the Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        The GPCIs were developed by a joint effort of the Urban Institute 
    and the Center for Health Economics Research under contract to HCFA. 
    Indices were developed that measured the relative cost differences 
    among areas compared to the national average in a ``market basket'' of 
    goods. In this case, the market basket consists of the resources 
    involved with operating a private medical practice. The resource inputs 
    are physician work or net income; employee wages; office rents; medical 
    equipment, supplies, and other miscellaneous expenses; and malpractice 
    insurance. Employee wages, rents, and miscellaneous expenses are 
    combined to comprise the practice expense component of the GPCI. The 
    weights of these components in the original GPCIs (from 1992 through 
    1994) and the revised GPCIs (1995 through 1997) are as follows:
                                                     Percentage of practice 
                    Input component                -------------------------
                                                     1992-1994    1995-1997 
                                                       GPCIs        GPCIs   
    Physician Work................................         54.2         54.2
    Practice Expense..............................         40.2         41.0
      Employee Wages..............................         15.7         16.3
      Rent........................................         11.1         10.3
      Miscellaneous Expenses......................         13.4         14.4
    Malpractice...................................          5.6          4.8
                                                          100.0        100.0
        The resource inputs and their weights were obtained from the AMA's 
    Socioeconomic Characteristics of Medical Practice Survey. The weights 
    for the 1992 through 1994 GPCIs were from the AMA's 1987 survey, while 
    the weights for the 1995 through 1997 GPCIs were from the 1989 survey. 
    The 1987 weights were the latest available when the original GPCIs were 
    being developed. The 1989 weights are those used in the revised 
    Medicare Economic Index (MEI) discussed in the November 25, 1992 final 
    rule (Medicare Program; Revision of the Medicare Economic Index) (57 FR 
    55899). The MEI is a measure of annual increases in the cost of 
    operating a private medical practice
    [[Page 33173]]
    and is used in the annual update of the physician fee schedule CFs. 
    Because the GPCIs and the MEI use the same resource inputs to measure 
    the costs of a private medical practice (the GPCIs measure relative 
    costs among areas while the MEI measures the national annual rate of 
    increase in costs), we believe the same weights should be used.
        Once the components and their weights were determined, data sources 
    had to be found that were widely and consistently available in all 
    physician fee schedule areas to measure costs. After examining many 
    sources, the following proxies were selected as the best available 
    sources for measuring each component of the original 1992 through 1994 
         Physician work--The median hourly earnings, based on a 20 
    percent sample of 1980 census data, of workers in six professional 
    specialty occupation categories (engineers, surveyors, and architects; 
    natural scientists and mathematicians; teachers, counselors, and 
    librarians; social scientists, social workers, and lawyers; registered 
    nurses and pharmacists; writers, artists, and editors) with 5 or more 
    years of college. Adjustments were made to produce a standard 
    occupational mix in each area. The actual reported earnings of 
    physicians were not used to adjust geographical differences in fees 
    because these fees are, in large part, the determinants of the 
    earnings. We believe that the earnings of physicians will vary among 
    areas to the same degree that the earnings of other professionals vary.
         Employee wages--Median hourly wages of clerical workers, 
    registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and health technicians 
    were also based on a 20-percent sample of 1980 census data.
         Office rents--Residential apartment rental data produced 
    annually by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) were 
    used because there were insufficient data on commercial rents across 
    all physician fee schedule data.
         Miscellaneous expenses--The Urban Institute and the Center 
    for Health Economics research assumed that this component is 
    represented by a national market and that costs do not vary appreciably 
    among areas. This component's index is 1.000 for all areas to indicate 
    no variation from the national average.
         Malpractice--Premiums in 1985 and 1986 for a mature 
    ``claims made'' policy (a policy that covers malpractice claims made 
    during the covered period) providing $100,000 to $300,000 of coverage 
    were used. Adjustments were made to incorporate the costs of $1 million 
    to $3 million coverage and mandatory patient compensation fund 
    requirements. Premium data were collected for physicians in three risk 
    classes: low-risk (general practitioners who do not perform surgery), 
    moderate risk (general surgeons), and high-risk (orthopedic surgeons).
        The areas selected for measurement purposes were the Metropolitan 
    Statistical Areas (MSAs). Non-MSA areas within a State were aggregated 
    into one residual area. Using MSAs for measurement satisfied the 
    criteria of (1) Homogeneity in resource input prices within the area, 
    and (2) a large enough size so that market areas are self-contained to 
    minimize border crossing; that is, physicians would not move their 
    offices a few miles to secure higher payments and patients would tend 
    to receive services within their area.
        The Act requires, however, that the GPCIs reflect cost differences 
    among fee schedule areas. Thus, it was necessary to map Medicare 
    localities to the MSA and non-MSA aggregation of GPCI data. Where 
    localities crossed MSA boundaries, MSA indices were converted to 
    Medicare locality indices by population weights.
        Detailed discussions of the methodology and data sources of the 
    1992 through 1994 GPCIs can be obtained by requesting the following 
    studies from the National Technical Information Service by calling 1-
    800-553-NTIS, or, for residents of Springfield, Virginia, (703) 487-
         The Urban Institute report ``The Geographic Medicare 
    Index: Alternative Approaches,'' NTIS PB89-216592.
         The supplement to ``The Geographic Medicare Index: 
    Alternative Approaches,'' NTIS PB91-113506. This was published in the 
    September 4, 1990 Federal Register notice for the model fee schedule 
    (55 FR 36238).
         The Urban Institute report, ``Refining the Malpractice 
    Geographic Practice Cost Index,'' February 1991, NTIS PB91-155218. The 
    related diskette is NTIS PB91-507491. This is the final version of the 
    1992 through 1994 GPCIs as published in the Federal Register in the 
    November 25, 1991 final rule (56 FR 59785).
        3. Revised 1995 Through 1997 Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        The main criticism of the original GPCIs was that they were 
    outdated because they were based on old data; for example, 1980 census 
    data and 1985 and 1986 malpractice premiums, the most recent data 
    available when the GPCIs were established. The revised 1995 through 
    1997 GPCIs were based on the most current data available when they were 
    developed in 1993 and 1994. We also made some minor changes from the 
    original GPCI methodology in calculating some of the revised 1995 
    through 1997 indices.
        One methodological change was made that applied across all indices. 
    As mentioned earlier, under the original GPCIs, where Medicare 
    localities crossed MSA boundaries, MSA indices were converted to 
    locality indices by population weights. Medicare expenditure weights 
    were not used because the expenditures under the reasonable charge 
    system contained large differences unrelated to resource cost 
    differences among areas. In calculating the proposed revised GPCIs, 
    where localities crossed MSA boundaries, locality indices were 
    calculated by weights based on full fee schedule RVUs, which reflect 
    resource cost differences among areas. Full fee schedule RVUS were used 
    rather than actual 1993 payments because 1993 fee schedule payments 
    still reflected some reasonable charge payment levels. The advantages 
    of RVU weighting are (1) The GPCIs will more closely reflect physician 
    practice costs in the area where the services are provided rather than 
    where the population lives, and (2) budget neutrality is preserved when 
    combining multiple localities into larger areas, such as statewide 
        a. Work Geographic Practice Cost Indices.
        Data from the 20-percent sample of census data of median hourly 
    earnings for the same six categories of professional specialty 
    occupations as used in the 1992 through 1994 work GPCIs were used in 
    calculating the 1995 through 1997 work GPCIs. The 1992 through 1994 
    work GPCIs were calculated using 1980 census data of earnings for 
    professionals with 5 or more years of college. That sample was no 
    longer available with the 1990 census. The 1990 census educational 
    classifications are by highest degree earned, rather than the 1980 
    census classification by years of schooling. Thus, it was not possible 
    to obtain earnings data exactly comparable to the 1980 data.
        For 1990, data were available for all-education and advanced-degree 
    samples, but not for 5 or more years of college. We elected to use the 
    all-education sample because its larger sample sizes make it more 
    stable and accurate in the less populous areas. Although it could be 
    argued that physicians' earnings might more closely approximate the 
    earnings of professionals with advanced degrees, the differences 
    between the all-education and advanced-degree indices
    [[Page 33174]]
    were negligible in all but a few of the smallest localities. We believe 
    that the small sample sizes of advanced-degree occupations in these 
    small localities may produce inaccurate results.
        The 1992 through 1994 work GPCIs utilized metropolitan-wide median 
    wages for each county within an MSA. That is, all counties within an 
    MSA are assigned the MSA-wide median wage even if there are wage 
    variations within the MSA. We believe that this is appropriate for all 
    but Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas (CMSAs), the largest of 
    the MSAs, such as New York. In these CMSAs, we replaced metropolitan-
    wide earnings with county-specific earnings. We believe this change is 
    appropriate because costs are, in fact, higher in central city areas 
    (for example, Manhattan and San Francisco) than in the rest of the 
    CMSA. County earnings better account for cost variation within these 
    large metropolitan areas.
        b. Practice Expense Geographic Practice Cost Indices.
        (1) Employee Wage Indices.
        Data from the 20-percent sample of census data of median hourly 
    earnings for the same categories of medical and clerical occupations 
    used in the 1992 through 1994 practice expense GPCIs were used in the 
    1995 through 1997 practice expense GPCIs. The 1995 through 1997 
    practice expense GPCIs used 1990 rather than 1980 census data. As with 
    the work GPCIs, county level data were used for CMSAs to better reflect 
    the cost variations within these large metropolitan areas.
        (2) Rent Indices.
        As with the original rent indices, the HUD fair market rental (FMR) 
    data for residential rents were again used as the proxy for physician 
    office rents. The 1995 through 1997 practice expense GPCIs reflect 1994 
    HUD FMRs. Like the work GPCI and the employee wage index of the 
    practice expense GPCIs, county level data were used in CMSAs to 
    recognize the variations within the CMSA.
        The major criticism of the rent indices is that residential rather 
    than commercial rent data were used. As mentioned earlier, for 
    constructing the GPCIs we needed data that were widely and consistently 
    available across all physician fee schedule areas. As with the original 
    GPCIs, we again searched for private sources of commercial rent data 
    that were widely and consistently available.
        The private sources we found were not adequate. None of the sources 
    collected data for nonmetropolitan areas, nor did any collect data for 
    all metropolitan areas. The sources did not reflect the average 
    commercial space in the area, but rather the particular type of space 
    most relevant to the needs of a particular source's clients. In 
    addition, the sample sizes were small. A comparison of the average 
    rental for any particular city showed significant variation depending 
    upon the source. Also, the private commercial rent data tended to be 
    for very high priced real estate of the type likely to be used by large 
    institutions such as banks, insurance companies, or financial firms and 
    not for the type of office space used by physicians.
        Among the sources of commercial rent data available, the most 
    promising were data from the Building Owners and Managers Association, 
    the General Services Administration, and the U. S. Postal Service. 
    These data were analyzed in depth. We did not use data from the 
    Building Owners and Managers Association and the General Services 
    Administration because of poor geographic coverage, especially outside 
    of large metropolitan areas. That is, data were not widely and 
    consistently available for all physician fee schedule areas. The U. S. 
    Postal Service data had much better geographic coverage, but sample 
    sizes in many areas were unacceptably small and could lead to erroneous 
        No acceptable national commercial rent data are readily available 
    for physician office rents. Thus, some proxy must be used for this 
    portion of the index. In addition, commercial rent data are not 
    available for all areas from published statistical sources. We believe 
    that the HUD FMR data remain the best available data for constructing 
    the office rental index. They are available for all areas, are updated 
    on an annual basis, and are consistent among areas and from year to 
    year. Moreover, physicians frequently locate in areas and office space 
    that are residential rather than commercial, for example, in apartment 
    complexes and small strip commercial centers adjacent to residential 
    areas. Residential rents may, in fact, be a better measure of the 
    differences among areas in the physician office market than a general 
    commercial rental index.
        (3) Medical Equipment, Supplies, and Miscellaneous Expenses.
        As mentioned earlier, the GPCI assumes that this component has a 
    national market and that input prices do not vary among geographic 
    areas. We were unable to find any data sources that demonstrated price 
    differences by geographic area. Anecdotal and interview data with 
    suppliers and manufacturers were inconclusive. While some price 
    differences may exist, they are more likely to be based on volume 
    discounts rather than on geographic areas. Generally, it appears that 
    manufacturers' prices do not vary among areas except for shipping 
    costs. Since manufacturers and suppliers are located all over the 
    country, shipping costs on the mainland do not vary significantly.
        We did consider an add-on for shipping costs to Alaska, Hawaii, and 
    Puerto Rico to recognize the added shipping distance. We decided 
    against the add-on because there were no data to indicate how much the 
    costs of shipping medical equipment and supplies to these areas 
    increased their costs. We were able to ascertain that commercial 
    shippers like United Parcel Service and Federal Express generally 
    charge about 10 percent more to ship to Puerto Rico, and about 20 
    percent more to ship to Alaska and Hawaii from the mainland. Medical 
    equipment and supplies represent about 7 percent of physician practice 
    costs. Even assuming that shipping costs represent 5 percent of total 
    equipment and supply costs, which we believe to be a high estimate, 
    recognizing a 20 percent increase in shipping costs would only increase 
    payment levels by 0.07 percent or 0.0007 (.20  x  .05  x  .07 = .0007). 
    The medical equipment, supplies, and miscellaneous expense index for 
    all areas continues to be 1.000 in the revised 1995 through 1997 GPCIs.
        c. Malpractice Geographic Practice Cost Indices.
        Again, malpractice premium data for a $1 million to $3 million 
    mature ``claims made'' policy were collected, with mandatory patient 
    compensation funds considered. However, more recent and more 
    comprehensive malpractice insurance data were used in calculating the 
    1995 through 1997 malpractice GPCIs. The 1995 through 1997 malpractice 
    GPCIs were based on 1990 through 1992 premium data. Malpractice 
    premiums are very volatile and may change significantly from year to 
    year. We decided to use the most recent 3-year average available rather 
    than just the most recent single year to smooth out this volatility and 
    present a more accurate indication of malpractice premium trends over 
        We collected data on more specialties and from more insurers. We 
    collected data on 20 specialties, rather than on only 3 as in the 1992 
    through 1994 malpractice GPCIs. The 1992 through 1994 malpractice GPCI 
    data were largely drawn from a single nationwide insurer (St. Paul Fire 
    and Marine) and were supplemented by several State-specific carriers in 
    States in which St. Paul did not offer coverage. Subsequent analyses 
    suggest that these data may not be
    [[Page 33175]]
    representative of insurers operating in many States. For the revised 
    malpractice GPCI, data were collected from insurers that, on average, 
    represented 82 percent of the market in each State, with the lowest 
    State market share being 60 percent. We believe that the more recent 
    and much more comprehensive data greatly improved the accuracy of the 
    malpractice GPCIs for 1995 through 1997.
        Detailed discussions of the methodology and data sources of the 
    1995 through 1997 GPCIs can be obtained by requesting the following 
    studies from NTIS by calling 1-800-553-NTIS, or (703) 487-4650 in 
    Springfield, Virginia:
         ``Updating the Geographic Practice Cost Index: Revised 
    Cost Shares.'' Debra A. Dayhoff, John E. Schneider, and Gregory C. 
    Pope. NTIS PB94-161072.
         ``Updating the Geographic Practice Cost Index: The 
    Physician Work GPCI.'' Gregory C. Pope and Deborah A. Dayhoff. NTIS 
         ``Updating the Geographic Practice Cost Index: The 
    Practice Expense GPCI.'' Gregory C. Pope, Deborah A. Dayhoff, Angella 
    R. Merrill, and Killard W. Adamache. NTIS PB94-161098.
         ``Updating the Geographic Practice Cost Index: The 
    Malpractice GPCI.'' Stephen Zuckerman and Stephen Norton. NTIS PB94-
    4. Proposed Revised 1998 Through 2000 Geographic Practice Cost Indices
        The same data sources and methodology used for the 1995 through 
    1997 GPCIs were used for the proposed 1998 through 2000 GPCIs 
    (hereafter referred to as proposed GPCIs) with a few very minor 
    modifications. No acceptable additional data sources were found. The 
    cost shares are the same as in the 1995 through 1997 GPCIs because no 
    changes were made in the MEI weights. Indices for fee schedule areas 
    are based on the indices for the individual counties within the fee 
    schedule area. Fee schedule RVUs are again used to weight the county 
    indices (to reflect volumes of services within counties) when mapping 
    to fee schedule areas and in constructing the national average indices. 
    However, we used more recent data, 1994 rather than 1992 RVUs, in the 
    county, locality, and national mapping in the proposed GPCIs. The 
    payment effect of this is negligible in most cases and generally 
    results in changes at the third decimal point if at all.
        a. Work Geographic Practice Cost Indices.
        The work GPCIs are based on the decennial census. The 1992 through 
    1994 work GPCIs were based on 1980 census data, because 1990 census 
    data were not yet available. The work GPCIs were revised in 1995 with 
    new data from the 1990 census. New census data will not be available 
    again until after the 2000 census. We searched for other data that 
    would enable us to update the work GPCIs between the decennial census. 
    No acceptable data sources were found. The most promising sources of 
    data were the hospital wage data collected by HCFA to calculate the 
    Prospective Payment System (PPS) hospital wage index, and the payroll 
    per worker data collected by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics from 
    State unemployment insurance agencies (``the ES-202 data'').
        The PPS hospital wage data were examined when we constructed the 
    original GPCIs. They were rejected in favor of census data because of 
    their lack of an occupation mix adjustment and their unrepresentative 
    occupational composition (hospital employees rather than professionals 
    or physician office employees). ES-202 data consist of total payroll 
    divided by counts of wage and salary workers. Their major disadvantages 
    are that they do not measure hourly earnings, only payroll per 
    employee, and no occupational detail is available. Also, they do not 
    adjust for part-time or full-time and hours worked, and the numbers of 
    workers are small for certain States leading to unstable estimates of 
    payroll per worker. We compared the changes by State from 1989 to 1993 
    in the PPS wage data and the ES-202 data to see if there was any 
    correlation between the two series. The correlation between the two was 
    only moderate, 0.55. The changes indicated by both series were 
    generally small, for example, a few percentage points. The difference 
    between the two series by State was in many cases as large as or 
    greater than the change indicated by either series. The average 
    difference between the two series (2.1 percent) is as large as the 
    change indicated by either series. In addition, changes for particular 
    States were substantially different between the two series. For 
    example, Indiana relative wages rose by 1.9 percent according to the 
    PPS data, but fell 5.7 percent according to the ES-202 data.
        Since we were unable to find an acceptable data source for updating 
    the work GPCIs, we examined the consequences of not updating the work 
    GPCIs between the decennial census. We compared the changes between the 
    1992 through 1994 work GPCIs, based on the 1980 census, and the 1995 
    through 1997 GPCIs, based on the 1990 census. On average, the full 
    variation State work GPCIs changed by about 5 percent. This translates 
    to about a 1.2 percent change in the quarter work GPCI required by law. 
    Since work makes up about one-half of the GPCI cost shares, this 
    translates into an average payment change per State of about 0.6 
    percent from updating the work GPCI based on the 10-year change in 
    relative wages indicated by the census data. Even the maximum change in 
    the full variation State work GPCIs from the 1992 through 1994 to the 
    1995 through 1997 GPCIs of 14 percent translates into only about a 1.8 
    percent change in payments. The largest full work GPCI changes for 
    individual payment areas were from 16 to 20 percent, or about a 4 to 5 
    percent change in the quarter work GPCI, or about a 2.4 percent change 
    in payments. However, 80 percent of payment areas experienced payment 
    changes of less than 1 percent, and 50 percent of payment localities 
    experienced payment changes of less than 0.5 percent as a result of 
    changes in the census data from 1980 to 1990.
        We are, therefore, proposing no changes in the work GPCIs, other 
    than the generally negligible changes resulting from using 1994, rather 
    than 1992, RVUs for this GPCI update because we were unable to find 
    acceptable data for use between the decennial census. We believe no 
    changes are preferable to inaccurate changes based on unacceptable 
    data. We believe that this is a reasonable position given the generally 
    small magnitude of the changes in payments resulting from the changes 
    in the work GPCIs from the 1980 to the 1990 census data.
        b. Practice Expense Geographic Practice Cost Indices.
        (1) Employee Wage Indices.
        As with the work GPCIs, the employee wage portion of the practice 
    expense GPCIs is based on decennial census data. For the same reasons 
    discussed above pertaining to the work GPCIs, we are proposing no 
    changes in the employee wage indices during this GPCI update. The 
    average change from the 1992 through 1994 to 1995 through 1997 employee 
    wage indices across States was about 6 percent. Since the employee wage 
    index has a weight of about 16 percent in the GPCI cost shares, this 
    translates into a 1 percent average change in payments. The maximum 
    payment change in any payment area resulting from changes from the 1992 
    through 1994 to 1995 through 1997 employee wage indices was about 3.2 
    percent. Payment changes in over two-thirds of the payment areas were 
    less than 1 percent.
        (2) Rent Indices.
        The office rental indices are again based on HUD residential rent 
    data. The proposed rental indices are based on
    [[Page 33176]]
    1996 HUD data as opposed to 1994 HUD data in the 1995 through 1997 
    GPCIs. HUD made two small methodological changes in developing the 
    data. First, HUD is using the 40th percentile of area rents rather than 
    the 45th percentile. This does not materially affect the GPCIs, which 
    measure relative rents among areas. Second, HUD has established a 
    rental floor for rural counties at the statewide rural average. This 
    has the effect of raising the office rental indices slightly in rural 
        We made one methodological change in the rent indices. HUD 
    publishes FMRs only for metropolitan areas as a whole. For the 1995 
    through 1997 GPCIs, HUD used a special tabulation of the 1990 census 
    data to allocate rents by county within CMSAs. In some metropolitan 
    areas, this had the effect of reducing the central city index below the 
    suburban index, probably because of lower unmeasured housing quality in 
    central cities than in suburbs. This is probably not an appropriate 
    indicator of relative physician rents, since the GPCIs are intended to 
    measure rental costs for offices of similar quality in different areas. 
    The metropolitan-wide rent is most appropriate for measuring the cost 
    of space of an average quality across the metropolitan area, which is 
    why HUD publishes only metropolitan-wide FMRs. Also, the census county 
    adjustments can be updated only once every 10 years. For this reason, 
    we believe that the county-specific adjustment should not be made for 
    all large metropolitan areas but should be retained only for the New 
    York City Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area. Available evidence 
    suggests that rents vary substantially among the boroughs of New York 
    City and that, given the current locality configuration, the county-
    specific rental adjustment appropriately reflects these patterns in the 
    New York City area, especially the higher rents in Manhattan.
        The proposed rental indices are compared to the current rental 
    indices in Addendum D. A reduction in an area's rent index does not 
    necessarily mean that rents have gone down in that area since the last 
    GPCI update. Since the GPCIs measure area costs compared to the 
    national average, a decrease in an area's rent index means that that 
    area's rental costs have decreased when compared to the change in 
    national average rental costs. The indices are arranged in descending 
    order of change. The rental index has a cost share of about 10 percent 
    of the GPCI. This means that the actual effect on payments will be 
    about 10 percent of the change in the rental indices. As Addendum D 
    shows, the largest payment change will be about 2 percent in the Virgin 
    Islands. The payment change in 86 of the 89 payment areas will be less 
    than 1 percent.
        (3) Medical Equipment, Supplies, and Miscellaneous Expenses.
        As with the 1992 through 1994 and 1995 through 1997 GPCIs, this 
    component is given a national value of 1.000, indicating no measurable 
    difference among areas in costs.
        c. Malpractice Geographic Practice Cost Indices.
        Again, malpractice premium data were collected for a mature 
    ``claims made'' policy with $1 million to $3 million limits of 
    coverage, with adjustments made for mandatory patient compensation 
    funds. As with the 1995 through 1997 GPCIs, data were collected for the 
    20 largest Medicare-billing physician specialties. The premium data 
    represent at least 50 percent of the market in each State. Again, we 
    used an average of the 3 most recent premium years to smooth out the 
    considerable year-to-year fluctuations that can occur in malpractice 
    premiums. The proposed malpractice indices are based on 1992 through 
    1994 premium data, the latest years available when this study was being 
    conducted in 1995 through 1996, compared to the 1990 through 1992 data 
    used in the current 1995 through 1997 indices. Another change from the 
    1995 through 1997 indices is that the specialty shares of the 20 
    specialties is weighted by fee schedule RVUs rather than allowed 
        Addendum E shows the changes from the 1995 through 1997 indices to 
    the proposed malpractice GPCIs. A change in an area's malpractice GPCI 
    does not mean that absolute malpractice premiums have changed by that 
    amount. It rather reflects the area's new position compared to the 
    national average. The overwhelming portion of the changes, over 98 
    percent in most cases, is attributable to the use of more recent data 
    rather than the change from allowed charges to RVU weights. As with the 
    1995 through 1997 GPCI revision, the changes in the malpractice GPCIs 
    are relatively large in some cases reflecting the significant changes 
    in malpractice premiums that occur from year to year. As Addendum E 
    shows, a few fee schedule areas show malpractice GPCI changes of about 
    30 percent. Two-thirds of the payment areas experience changes of less 
    than 10 percent. It should be remembered, however, that the weight of 
    the malpractice GPCI is only about 5 percent of the total GPCI. 
    Therefore, a 10 percent change in the malpractice GPCI translates into 
    only a 0.5 percent change in payments. Even the largest 30 percent 
    change in the malpractice GPCI translates into only a 1.5 percent 
    change in payments. The mean change in the malpractice GPCIs is 8.7 
    percent, or about a 0.4 percent change in payments.
        Detailed discussions of the methodology and data sources of the 
    proposed 1998 through 2000 GPCIs may be obtained by requesting the 
    following study from NTIS by calling 1-800-533-NTIS, or, for residents 
    of Springfield, Virginia, (703) 487-4650: ``Second Update of the 
    Geographic Practice Cost Index.'' Gregory C. Pope and Killard W. 
    Adamache. NTIS PB97-152581.
    C. Fee Schedule For Clinical Psychologist Services
        1. Background
        Until 1997, the fee schedule for clinical psychologist services was 
    a locality-based fee schedule developed by the individual Medicare 
    carriers. The Medicare carriers established the locality-based fee 
    schedule in 1988 after section 4077(b) of the Omnibus Budget 
    Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA 1987) (Public Law 100-203), enacted on 
    December 22, 1987, first provided for direct payment for clinical 
    psychologist services furnished in a community mental health center. 
    Section 4077(b)(3)(D) of OBRA 1987 amended section 1833(a)(1) of the 
    Act by providing that payment for clinical psychologist services be 
    based at 80 percent of the lower of the actual charge or a fee 
        The Act provides that the Secretary determine the fee schedule. As 
    a result, we furnished guidance to all Medicare Part B carriers to 
    establish the initial, that is, baseline, clinical psychologist fee 
    schedule as follows:
         Set the fee schedule for therapeutic services at 80 
    percent of the adjusted prevailing charge for participating 
    psychiatrists in a locality; and
         Set the fee schedule for diagnostic services at 90 percent 
    of the adjusted prevailing charge for participating psychologists in a 
        We also advised the Medicare Part B carriers to update the clinical 
    psychologist fee schedule in subsequent years by the annual change in 
    the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U). We adopted 
    the CPI-U to update the clinical psychologist fee schedule because it 
    was the economic index used for updating most other nonphysician 
    practitioner charges at that time.
        Since that time, there have been two significant changes to the fee 
    schedule for clinical psychologist services. First, effective January 
    1, 1992, we implemented the policy to base payment for psychological 
    [[Page 33177]]
    services furnished by clinical psychologists at the amounts in the 
    physician fee schedule. Second, effective January 1, 1997, we linked 
    the fee schedule for clinical psychologist services to the physician 
    fee schedule in the same manner as most other health care practitioner 
    services. We describe these changes in more detail in the sections that 
    2. Legislative Changes
        Although section 4077(b) of OBRA 1987 provided for clinical 
    psychologist services as separately payable under Medicare Part B under 
    a fee schedule, direct payment was limited to services furnished in 
    community mental health centers. Subsequent amendments to the law 
    expanded the scope of the benefit. These amendments were discussed in a 
    related Federal Register document described in section II.C.4. below.
    3. Physician Payment Reform
        As noted in section I.A., since January 1, 1992, Medicare Part B 
    has paid for physician services based on a fee schedule. Until 1992, 
    physician services had been paid on the basis of a reasonable charge 
    system. This system led to significant payment variations among types 
    of services, physician specialties, and localities. Section 6102 of 
    OBRA 1989 added a new section 1848 to the Act, ``Payment for 
    Physicians' Services,'' which replaced the reasonable charge system 
    with a fee schedule that reflected the resources required to perform a 
    given service. Although this legislation linked the payment methodology 
    for most practitioner services to the physician fee schedule, it did 
    not address payment for clinical psychologist services. Nevertheless, 
    because amounts established under the physician fee schedule for 
    psychological testing were heavily based on combined charge data for 
    psychiatrists and psychologists, we wished to ensure that clinical 
    psychologists would receive 100 percent of the physician fee schedule 
    amount for those services. Therefore, effective January 1, 1992, fee 
    schedule amounts for psychological testing services furnished by 
    clinical psychologists are set at 100 percent of the physician fee 
    schedule. However, before 1997, no change was made to the clinical 
    psychologist fee schedule for therapeutic and other diagnostic 
    4. Related Federal Register Document
        We discussed several aspects of payment for clinical psychologist 
    services in a proposed rule published in the Federal Register on 
    December 29, 1993 (Medicare Coverage and Payment for Clinical 
    Psychologist, Other Psychologist, and Clinical Social Worker Services 
    (BPD-706-P)) (58 FR 68829). That document addressed issues such as 
    coinsurance, the outpatient mental health treatment limitation in 
    section 1833(c) of the Act, and assignment of claims. We are currently 
    considering public comments that we received in response to that 
    proposed rule and, in the final rule, we will address those comments. 
    In the December 1993 proposed rule, we indicated that we would address 
    the calculation of the clinical psychologist fee schedule amounts set 
    forth under section 1833(a)(1)(L) of the Act in a separate proposed 
    rule (58 FR 68837). Below, we are proposing to establish the fee 
    schedule for clinical psychologist services as referred to in the 
    December 1993 proposed rule.
    5. Policy Pertaining to Clinical Psychologist Services
        There are two types of services billed directly to Medicare Part B 
    by clinical psychologists: diagnostic services and therapeutic 
    services. Medicare direct payment for services furnished by clinical 
    psychologists became effective July 1, 1988. From 1988 through 1996, 
    Medicare Part B payment to clinical psychologists for therapeutic 
    services was subject to a locality-based fee schedule calculated by 
    each Medicare carrier. In 1988, the Medicare carriers developed the 
    clinical psychologist fee schedule on the basis of a HCFA analysis of 
    charging practices of psychologists and psychiatrists. Because no 
    Medicare charge data for therapeutic services furnished by clinical 
    psychologists existed at that time, we compared psychologist and 
    psychiatrist charges from other payor sources as a gap-filling measure 
    for Medicare pricing purposes. The resulting clinical psychologist fee 
    schedule amounts for therapeutic services, as shown in section II.C.1. 
    above, were set at 80 percent of the adjusted prevailing charge for 
    similar services of Medicare-participating psychiatrists in the 
    locality. (The ``adjusted prevailing charge'' for physicians means the 
    locality prevailing charge that is calculated by applying the MEI to 
    the base year prevailing charge. In this way, Medicare reasonable 
    charges for physician services are increased above the base year rates 
    only to the extent determined to be justified by appropriate economic 
        Initially, the fee schedule amounts for diagnostic services 
    furnished by clinical psychologists were set at 90 percent of the 
    Medicare prevailing charge for independently practicing psychologists 
    in a locality. In contrast to therapeutic services, Medicare charge 
    data had existed for diagnostic testing because psychological testing 
    furnished by independent psychologists under a physician's order had 
    been covered as ``other diagnostic tests'' under section 1861(s)(3) of 
    the Act.
        The amounts established under the physician fee schedule for 
    diagnostic psychological testing were largely based on blended charge 
    data for both psychologists and physicians. Furthermore, because 
    psychologists are the predominant suppliers of psychological testing 
    services, the physician fee schedule amounts for those services were 
    based in large part on psychologist charge data. In the November 25, 
    1991 final rule that established the physician fee schedule, we stated 
    (56 FR 59507) that diagnostic tests furnished by clinical psychologists 
    would be paid under the physician fee schedule. Since January 1, 1992, 
    amounts for diagnostic psychological testing services furnished by 
    psychologists are equivalent to the amounts established under the 
    physician fee schedule authorized by section 1848 of the Act. 
    (Diagnostic psychological testing services are listed in the CPT '97 as 
    CPT codes 96100 through 96117.)
        A variety of health care practitioners under Medicare have payment 
    levels that are tied, by law, to the physician fee schedule. These 
    practitioners include nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and 
    physician assistants. We believe that it is also appropriate to 
    establish a clinical psychologist fee schedule that is linked to the 
    physician fee schedule. The implementation of 24 new billing codes for 
    psychotherapy services effective January 1, 1997 required us to 
    establish relative values under the physician fee schedule for each 
    code. Since we were required to establish relative values for each new 
    code, we established the clinical psychologist fee schedule value for 
    all services at 100 percent of the physician fee schedule amount for 
    the corresponding service. Consequently, this rule sets forth in 
    regulation the fee schedule for covered clinical psychologist services 
    at 100 percent of the physician fee schedule amount for the 
    corresponding service. The rationale for this payment level appears in 
    section II.C.6. below. Although this payment policy was implemented 
    January 1, 1997, we are including it in this proposed rule in order to 
    codify in regulations the methodology for the clinical psychologist fee 
    [[Page 33178]]
    6. Rationale and Alternatives Considered
        As noted in section II.C.1., we recommended in 1988 that Medicare 
    carriers set clinical psychologist fee schedule amounts for therapeutic 
    services at 80 percent of the MEI-adjusted prevailing charge for 
    psychiatrists. That level had been primarily based on the fee 
    differential found in a review of psychologist and psychiatrist fees 
    from 1985 through 1988.
        Effective January 1, 1992, physicians' services are paid under a 
    resource-based fee schedule rather than a reasonable charge 
    methodology. The physician fee schedule establishes payment amounts for 
    all physician services as defined in section 1848(j)(3) of the Act. One 
    effect of the physician fee schedule is that payment for physician 
    services is now standardized. We believe that the clinical psychologist 
    fee schedule amounts for therapeutic services should be tied to the 
    physician fee schedule as are the services of most other health care 
        As noted earlier, effective for services furnished on or after 
    January 1, 1992, payment for diagnostic psychological tests furnished 
    by clinical psychologists is based on the physician fee schedule. The 
    clinical psychologist fee schedule for therapeutic services, which was 
    in use until January 1, 1997, was derived from the initial linkage 
    between psychologist and psychiatrist prevailing charges. However, with 
    the implementation of the physician fee schedule, prevailing charges no 
    longer apply for physician services. Furthermore, because the 
    prevailing charge was based on actual charging patterns, it frequently 
    resulted in unjustifiably large differences in charges from one area to 
    another. With implementation of the physician fee schedule, the GAF 
    used to adjust the RVUs for physician services has changed the 
    geographic distribution of fees. The purpose of the GAF is to recognize 
    only justifiable differences in the cost of operating a medical 
    practice in different areas.
        Finally, once the clinical psychologist fee schedule is linked 
    directly to the physician fee schedule, the annual economic index used 
    to update fees for clinical psychologist services will be the same as 
    the index used to update fees for physicians and other health care 
    practitioners. The following table illustrates that, for the years 
    between 1989 through 1991 (during which the prevailing charge system 
    applied), the CPI-U update factor exceeded the congressionally imposed 
    limits on the MEI that was used to adjust Medicare prevailing charges 
    for nonprimary care physician services:
                                                                           1989            1990            1991     
                             Annual Increase                             (percent)       (percent)       (percent)  
    CPI-U...........................................................             4.0             5.2             4.7
    MEI (for other than primary care)...............................             1.0             2.0             0.0
        Using a hypothetical prevailing charge of $100 for psychiatrists in 
    1988, we illustrate the relationship of the clinical psychologist fee 
    schedule to psychiatrist prevailing charges in 1991 in the following 
                                           1989         1990         1991   
    Psychiatrists (1988 prevailing                                          
     charge = $100):                                                        
        MEI update factor............         1.01         1.02         1.00
        Updated prevailing charge....      $101.01      $103.02      $103.02
    Clinical Psychologists (1988 fee                                        
     = $80):                                                                
        CPI-U update factor..........         1.04        1.052        1.047
        Updated fee..................       $83.20       $87.53       $91.64
    Psychologist/Psychiatrist (1988 =                                       
     80%)............................        82.4%        85.0%        89.0%
        By 1991, the combined effect of using the CPI-U to update the 
    clinical psychologist fee schedule and the MEI to update psychiatrist 
    prevailing charges resulted in a clinical psychologist fee schedule 
    that was equivalent to 89 percent of the psychiatrist prevailing 
    charge. Additionally, implementation of the physician fee schedule 
    resulted in slight payment decreases for psychiatrist services in 1992. 
    In 1993 and 1994, moreover, the physician fee schedule amounts for 
    nonsurgical services other than primary care services were increased by 
    0.8 percent and 5.3 percent, respectively. By comparison, during the 
    first 3 years that the physician fee schedule was in effect, clinical 
    psychologist fee schedule amounts increased by 4.7 percent, 3.1 
    percent, and 3.0 percent, respectively, for 1992, 1993, and 1994, 
    because clinical psychologist fee schedule amounts were adjusted by a 
    different economic index, the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Consequently, 
    through 1994, clinical psychologist fee schedule increases outpaced 
    those for physicians furnishing nonsurgical services other than primary 
    care as well as those for other nonphysician practitioners whose 
    payments are tied to the physician fee schedule.
        The combined effect of all these factors is that the clinical 
    psychologist fee schedule no longer reflected the original fee 
    differentials between psychologists and psychiatrists that had been 
    found in the health care marketplace and factored into the initial 
    clinical psychologist fee schedule. As a result, the clinical 
    psychologist fee schedule was marked by disparities with the physician 
    fee schedule for similar services as well as by wide geographic 
    variations that reflected historical charging patterns in different 
        We had previously considered setting the clinical psychologist fee 
    schedule at the level established under the physician fee schedule for 
    similar services. However, at that time, the CPT descriptors for 
    individual psychotherapy services (CPT codes 90841 through 90844) 
    included the term ``* * *[with] continuing medical diagnostic 
    evaluation, and drug management, when indicated.'' These are medical 
    aspects of a psychotherapeutic service that are outside the scope of 
    clinical psychologist licensure. Therefore, we were concerned that it 
    would be inappropriate to set the clinical psychologist fee schedule 
    amounts at the same level as the physician fee schedule when clinical 
    [[Page 33179]]
    were unable to perform the full service described in the codes.
        During 1996, as part of the statutorily mandated 5-year refinement 
    of the RVUs for the physician fee schedule, the RUC recommended 
    increases for a number of psychotherapy codes. (The RUC, which is 
    comprised of representatives of various medical specialty societies, 
    the AMA, the American Osteopathic Association, and the CPT Editorial 
    Panel, makes recommendations to us concerning the assignment of RVUs to 
    new and revised CPT codes.) As a prelude to accepting the RUC 
    recommendations, we examined the coding of psychiatry services. We 
    concluded that the CPT code descriptors for individual psychotherapy 
    needed to be changed to define the service more clearly, recognize the 
    variations in work associated with different types of psychotherapy as 
    well as the settings in which the types of psychotherapy are furnished, 
    and assign face-to-face time values for the service. As a result, 
    effective January 1, 1997, CPT codes 90842, 90843, 90844, and 90855 for 
    individual psychotherapy are no longer recognized for Medicare 
    purposes. These codes have been replaced by 24 alphanumeric codes that 
    include 12 codes for therapy furnished in the office and other 
    outpatient settings and 12 codes for therapy furnished in inpatient 
    hospital, partial hospital, or residential care settings. These two 
    categories were further broken down into the types of psychotherapy 
    services. A full listing and discussion of these codes was included in 
    the final rule (Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies and 
    Five-Year Review of and Adjustments to the Relative Value Units Under 
    the Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 1997 (BPD-852-FC)), 
    published November 22, 1996. (See 61 FR 59521 through 59523.)
        One of the effects of the coding system changes for psychiatric 
    services is that now there are codes for reporting psychotherapy both 
    with and without medical evaluation and management services. Under 
    Medicare, clinical psychologists may bill for individual psychotherapy 
    without medical evaluation and management services. Consequently, when 
    clinical psychologists bill for individual psychotherapy without 
    medical evaluation and management, those services are equivalent to 
    individual psychotherapy without medical evaluation and management 
    services when furnished by a physician. As a result, we believe that it 
    is both reasonable and equitable to pay clinical psychologists the same 
    amount as physicians for equivalent services.
        Alternatively, we considered retaining the previous clinical 
    psychologist fee schedule for therapeutic services. We also considered 
    setting the clinical psychologist fee schedule at a level other than 
    100 percent of the physician fee schedule. However, we rejected these 
    options because the resulting fee schedule amounts would have 
    essentially continued to be derived from physician prevailing charges, 
    which are no longer relevant under the physician fee schedule and would 
    only serve to perpetuate geographic variations in charges that are a 
    residual effect of the reasonable charge payment system.
    D. Diagnostic Tests
    1. Ordering of Diagnostic Tests
        In our November 22, 1996 final rule for the 1997 physician fee 
    schedule (61 FR 59490), we revised Sec. 410.32 (Diagnostic x-ray tests, 
    diagnostic laboratory tests, and other diagnostic tests: Conditions) to 
    state that, to be covered, diagnostic tests had to be ordered by the 
    physician who treats the patient. Section 410.32 contained exceptions 
    for x-rays used by chiropractors to demonstrate the subluxation of the 
    spine and for certain nonphysician practitioners operating within the 
    scope of their statutory benefit and State licenses. We are proposing 
    to add an additional exception to Sec. 410.32 to indicate that a 
    physician who meets the qualification requirements for an interpreting 
    physician under section 354 of the Public Health Service Act as 
    provided in Sec. 410.34 (Mammography services: Conditions for and 
    limitations on coverage), paragraph (a)(7), may order a diagnostic 
    mammogram based on the findings of a screening mammogram even though 
    the physician does not treat the beneficiary. We believe this is 
    appropriate because the Food and Drug Administration, rather than HCFA, 
    is responsible for the conditions under which mammograms are covered. 
    It would also facilitate additional, necessary testing to investigate 
    suspicious findings at the time the beneficiary is present at the 
    testing site rather than requiring the beneficiary to return at a later 
    date for follow-up testing.
        In addition, questions have been raised as to the statutory basis 
    for denial of claims under the ordering rule adopted in the 1996 
    physician fee schedule final rule. We have determined that tests are 
    not demonstrably reasonable and medically necessary unless they are 
    ordered by the patient's physician who will employ the tests to manage 
    the patient's care. Thus, we are proposing to clarify in Sec. 410.32(a) 
    that the denials are based on the exclusion in section 1862(a)(1)(A) of 
    the Act, and contained in Sec. 411.15(k)(1), that is, the services 
    ``are not reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of 
    illness or injury or to improve the functioning of a malformed body 
    member.'' Beneficiaries may be protected from liability for claims 
    denied on this basis by the limitation on liability provision of 
    section 1879 of the Act.
    2. Supervision of Diagnostic Tests
        We are proposing to clarify in Sec. 410.32 the policy on physician 
    supervision of diagnostic x-ray and other diagnostic tests that are 
    payable under the physician fee schedule. (Diagnostic procedures may be 
    split into professional components (PCS) and technical components (TCs) 
    or be TC-only.) The clarification is applicable to the TCs of 
    diagnostic procedures covered under section 1861(s)(3) of the Act 
    (whether billed separately to the carrier or as part of a ``global'' 
    charge with the PC) that are furnished in settings in which the Part B 
    carrier pays for the TCs under the physician fee schedule. The coverage 
    of diagnostic procedures furnished to hospital patients is addressed in 
    other regulations and is not affected by this clarification. In 
    addition, diagnostic laboratory tests as described in paragraph (d) of 
    Sec. 410.32 are not affected by this proposed clarification. This 
    proposed rule represents our judgment that diagnostic procedures are 
    safe and effective only when they are furnished with appropriate 
    physician supervision. Therefore, denials of claims for failure to meet 
    the required level of physician supervision would be based on the 
    exclusion in section 1862(a)(1)(A) of the Act and in Sec. 411.15(k)(1), 
    that is, they ``are not reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis and 
    treatment of illness or injury or to improve the functioning of a 
    malformed body member.'' This means that the beneficiary may be 
    protected under the limitation on liability provisions in section 1879 
    of the Act.
        We believe that the requirements of Sec. 410.32 should be revised 
    because except for the reference to ``other diagnostic tests'' in the 
    heading of Sec. 410.32, x-rays are the only diagnostic tests payable 
    under the physician fee schedule that are discussed in the current 
    Sec. 410.32. We are proposing to clarify that some degree of physician 
    supervision is required for every
    [[Page 33180]]
    diagnostic test payable under the physician fee schedule with a few 
        Our specific proposals for revisions to the regulations are:
         The definition and discussion of the term ``general 
    supervision'' currently appears only in Sec. 410.32(a)(2) (concerning 
    portable x-ray services). We are proposing to clarify that this level 
    of supervision is the minimal level required for all diagnostic tests 
    payable under the physician fee schedule unless specific exception is 
    made by regulation.
         The definition and discussion of the term ``direct 
    supervision'' is set forth in revised Sec. 410.32(b)(3)(ii), concerning 
    diagnostic x-ray and other diagnostic tests. We are proposing to 
    clarify that this level of supervision is required for some types of 
    diagnostic procedures that are not x-rays.
         We are proposing to incorporate into regulations at 
    Sec. 410.32(b)(3)(iii) the existing policy that there are some 
    diagnostic procedures that require a physician's presence with the 
    patient at the time of performance of the procedure for the procedure 
    to be covered.
        We are proposing a general rule that diagnostic tests payable under 
    the physician fee schedule require at least general supervision (and in 
    some cases either direct or personal supervision, as defined in this 
    proposal) by a physician (as defined in section 1861(r) of the Act). 
    Because of the restricted definitions in section 1861(r), we believe 
    that nearly all tests will be supervised by doctors of medicine or 
    osteopathy, or, in the case of procedures related to the eyes and 
    consistent with State licensure, doctors of optometry. We do not 
    perceive a significant impact on doctors of dentistry and chiropractic 
    in this regard since Medicare covers limited services for these 
    specialties and we believe diagnostic test supervision will not be an 
    issue for these specialties.
        We are proposing to exclude three types of diagnostic tests from 
    the physician supervision requirements:
         Diagnostic mammography procedures, which are regulated by 
    the Food and Drug Administration.
         Diagnostic tests personally furnished by a ``qualified 
    audiologist'' as defined in section 1861(ll)(3) of the Act. These 
    include ``audiology services'' as defined in section 1861(ll)(2) of the 
    Act that are payable by Medicare carriers under the physician fee 
    schedule. We are excluding these diagnostic tests from the physician 
    supervision requirement because the Congress has defined these services 
    without requiring physician supervision of their performance.
         Diagnostic psychological testing services personally 
    performed by a qualified psychologist practicing independently of an 
    institution, agency, or physician's office as currently defined in 
    section 2070.2 of the Medicare Carriers Manual (HCFA Pub. 14-3). These 
    services are distinguished from services of clinical psychologists, 
    which are covered under section 1861(ii) of the Act, rather than 
    section 1861(s)(3). We are excluding these tests from the physician 
    supervision requirement because we do not believe that these services 
    require physician supervision of their performance.
        We are proposing that the minimal level of physician supervision, 
    which is applicable to all diagnostic procedures payable under the 
    physician fee schedule, with the exceptions cited above, is general 
    supervision. ``General supervision'' means the procedure is furnished 
    under the physician's overall direction and control, but physician 
    presence is not required during the performance of the procedure. Under 
    general supervision, the training of the nonphysician personnel who 
    actually perform the diagnostic procedure and the maintenance of the 
    necessary equipment and supplies are the continuing responsibility of 
    the physician. Examples of procedures requiring only general physician 
    supervision include the following:
         Plain films (x-rays) involving the extremities, pelvis, 
    vertebral column, or skull.
         Plain films of the chest and abdomen that do not involve 
    the use of contrast media.
         Electrocardiograms except when the code description 
    specifies physician supervision such as with a cardiovascular stress 
         Ultrasound diagnostic procedures except when the code 
    description specifies a physician's service such as the placement of a 
    probe in the case of transesophageal echocardiography.
         Electroencephalograms, polysomnography, and sleep studies.
        We are proposing that the existing definition of ``direct 
    supervision'' in Sec. 410.32 be applied to types of services other than 
    diagnostic x-rays. ``Direct supervision'' in the office setting does 
    not mean that the physician must be present in the room when the 
    procedure is performed; however, the physician must be present in the 
    office suite and immediately available to furnish assistance and 
    direction throughout the performance of the procedure. We are 
    specifically requesting comments on this proposal. Examples of 
    diagnostic procedures requiring both general and direct supervision 
    include the following:
         Magnetic resonance imaging, computerized axial tomography, 
    and nuclear medicine procedures.
         Procedures in which contrast materials are used.
         X-rays other than skeletal, abdominal, and chest x-rays 
    cited in the discussion of ``general supervision.''
        We are proposing to define ``personal supervision'' as follows: 
    ``Personal supervision'' means a physician must be in attendance in the 
    room during the performance of the procedure. Examples of procedures 
    requiring both general and personal supervision include the following:
         Cardiovascular stress tests including those furnished with 
    nuclear medicine and echocardiography procedures.
         Cardiac catheterization.
         Radiological supervision and interpretation procedures.
        Under the changes made to section 1861(s)(3) of the Act by section 
    145(b) of Public Law 103-432, the Congress has added diagnostic 
    mammography as part of the portable x-ray benefit. Therefore, we are 
    proposing to add diagnostic mammograms (but not screening mammograms) 
    to the list of services a portable x-ray supplier may furnish in 
    Sec. 410.32(c). However, the supplier must meet the certification 
    requirements of section 354 of the Public Health Service Act, as 
    implemented by 21 CFR part 900, subpart B.
    3. Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility
        Section 2070.5 of the Medicare Carriers Manual (HCFA Pub. 14-3) is 
    the current policy basis for the coverage of Independent Physiological 
    Laboratory (IPL) services. The section does not define the term 
    ``physiological'' and specifically mentions only electrocardiograms and 
    electroencephalograms as types of services the entity that has come to 
    be known as an IPL may furnish. The section says little about the 
    nature of IPLs other than that they operate independently of a 
    hospital, physician's office, or rural health clinic and meet 
    applicable State and local licensure laws. Few States regulate 
    diagnostic services, other than x-rays, and the requirement for State 
    and local licensure has had little meaning in practice. The other 
    requirements for the coverage of IPL services are that the services be 
    ordered by a ``referring'' physician and that the services be 
    determined by the carrier to be
    [[Page 33181]]
    reasonable and necessary. The requirement that the diagnostic services 
    must be ordered by a referring physician has been addressed by the 
    policy we adopted in the final rule for the 1997 physician fee schedule 
    published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1996 (61 FR 59497 
    through 59498), under which the physician who orders a diagnostic 
    service must be a physician who is treating the patient.
        We are proposing to set aside the term ``IPL'' and define a new 
    entity independent of a hospital or physician's office in which 
    diagnostic tests are performed by licensed, certified nonphysician 
    personnel under appropriate physician supervision. We are proposing to 
    call this entity an Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF). We 
    are proposing that the new entity replace the IPL. The proposal would 
    provide clarification in the regulations to resolve confusion 
    surrounding both the structure of entities Medicare previously 
    classified as IPLs, as well as the services they furnish, and to 
    address the potential for abuse and quality and safety concerns created 
    by the lack of Federal and State IPL licensure and certification 
    requirements. This proposal would not apply to approved portable x-ray 
    suppliers or to procedures furnished in physicians' offices including 
    group practices or multispecialty clinics. An IDTF may be a fixed 
    location, a mobile entity, or an individual nonphysician practitioner.
        We are proposing that the following diagnostic tests, which are 
    payable under the physician fee schedule, are not required to be 
    furnished in accordance with the IDTF criteria when furnished by a 
    nonhospital entity:
         Diagnostic mammograms the coverage of which is required by 
    law to be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration rather than by 
         Diagnostic tests personally furnished by a ``qualified 
    audiologist'' as defined in section 1861(ll)(3) of the Act. These 
    include ``audiology services'' as defined in section 1861(ll)(2) of the 
    Act that are payable by Medicare carriers under the physician fee 
    schedule. We are excluding these diagnostic tests from the physician 
    supervision requirement because the Congress has defined these services 
    without requiring physician supervision of their performance.
         Diagnostic psychological testing services personally 
    furnished by a qualified psychologist practicing independently of an 
    institution, agency, or physician's office as currently defined in 
    section 2070.2 of the Medicare Carriers Manual (HCFA Pub. 14-3). The 
    services are distinguished from services of clinical psychologists, 
    which are covered under section 1861(ii) of the Act rather than 
    1861(s)(3). We are excluding these tests from the physician supervision 
    requirement because we do not believe that these services require 
    physician supervision of their performance.
        We are proposing that IDTFs meet the following requirements:
         An IDTF must have one or more supervising physicians who 
    are responsible for the direct and ongoing oversight of the quality of 
    the testing performed, the proper operation and calibration of the 
    equipment used to perform tests, and the qualification of nonphysician 
    personnel who use the equipment. This level of supervision equates to 
    general supervision as proposed in this section II.D. and proposed 
    Sec. 410.32(b)(3)(i).
         The supervising physician must evidence proficiency in the 
    performance and interpretation of each type of diagnostic procedure 
    performed by the IDTF; however, there is no requirement that the IDTF's 
    supervising physician actually furnish the interpretation. (For 
    example, a physician might purchase tests from the IDTF that he or she 
    will interpret.) Proficiency may be documented by certification in 
    specific medical specialties or subspecialties or by criteria 
    established by the carrier for the service area in which the IDTF is 
    located. In the case of a procedure which would require the direct or 
    personal supervision of a physician pursuant to II.D. in this section 
    and proposed Sec. 410.32(b)(3)(ii) and (b)(3)(iii), respectively, the 
    IDTF's supervising physician must personally furnish this level of 
    supervision whether the procedure is performed in the IDTF or, in the 
    case of mobile services, at a remote location. The IDTF must maintain 
    documentation to demonstrate sufficient physician attendance during all 
    hours of operations to assure that the required physician supervision 
    is furnished. In the case of procedures requiring direct supervision, 
    the supervising physician may oversee concurrent procedures.
         Any nonphysician personnel used by the IDTF to perform 
    tests must demonstrate the basic qualifications to perform the tests in 
    question and have appropriate training and proficiency as evidenced by 
    licensure or certification by the appropriate State health or education 
    department. In the absence of a State licensing board, the technician 
    must be certified by the appropriate national credentialing body. The 
    IDTF must maintain available for review documentation that these 
    requirements are met.
         All procedures performed by the IDTF must be specifically 
    ordered in writing by a physician who treats the beneficiary, that is, 
    the physician who is furnishing a consultation or treating a 
    beneficiary for a specific medical problem and who uses the results in 
    the management of the beneficiary's specific medical problem. This 
    requirement would be met when a beneficiary's primary care physician 
    orders testing the results of which may determine whether or not the 
    physician refers the beneficiary to a specialist. In other words, that 
    physician is managing the patient's care. The order must specify the 
    diagnosis or other basis for the testing. The supervising physician for 
    the IDTF may not order tests performed by the IDTF, and the IDTF may 
    not add any procedures based on internal protocols without written 
    order from the treating physician.
         An IDTF that operates across State boundaries must 
    maintain documentation that its supervising physicians and technicians 
    are licensed and certified in each of the States in which it is 
    furnishing services.
    E. Reasonable Compensation Equivalent Limit Update Factor
    1. Background
        Section 1887(a)(2)(B) of the Act provided for the reasonable 
    compensation equivalent limits used to determine the reasonableness of 
    costs incurred by providers for professional services furnished by 
    physicians for the benefit of provider patients in a hospital or 
    skilled nursing facility. Regulations set forth at Sec. 415.70 (Limits 
    on compensation for physician services in providers), paragraph (b), 
    concerning the methodology for establishing limits, established a 
    methodology for determining reasonable annual compensation equivalents, 
    considering average physician incomes by specialty and type of 
    location, to the extent possible using the best available data. The 
    regulations also expanded the application of the reasonable 
    compensation equivalent limits to include comprehensive outpatient 
    rehabilitation facilities. The initial and still current methodology 
    for establishing reasonable compensation equivalent limits is based on 
    an internal working paper (``A Methodology for Determination of 
    Reasonable FTE Compensation for Hospital-Based Physicians'' by James R. 
    Cantwell and William J. Sobaski (Working Paper No. OR-32, revised 
    December 1982)) developed by HCFA's Office of Research
    [[Page 33182]]
    and Demonstrations. Copies of this paper are available on request from: 
    ORD Publications, Office of Research and Demonstrations, Health Care 
    Financing Administration, Room C3-20-11, 7500 Security Boulevard, 
    Baltimore, MD 21244, (410) 786-6588. The inflation factor employed in 
    the methodology used to develop the initial limits and, subsequently, 
    to update those limits to reflect increases in net physician 
    compensation was the CPI-U.
    2. Proposed Change in the Methodology Used to Develop Reasonable 
    Compensation Equivalent Limits
        The methodology currently employed to update the physician fee 
    schedule uses an inflation factor distinct from the CPI-U, which is 
    used to update the reasonable compensation equivalent limits. To 
    achieve a measure of consistency in the methodologies employed to 
    determine reasonable payments to physicians for physicians' direct 
    medical and surgical services furnished to individual patients and 
    reasonable compensation levels for physicians' services that benefit 
    provider patients generally, we are proposing a revision in the 
    methodology used to update the reasonable compensation equivalent 
    limits that would entail the adoption of the physician fee schedule's 
    inflation factor (the MEI) to update the reasonable compensation 
    equivalent limits. For cost reporting periods beginning on or after 
    January 1, 1998, updates to the reasonable compensation equivalent 
    limits would be calculated using the MEI.
    F. Payment to Participating and Nonparticipating Suppliers
        In the November 1991 final rule (56 FR 59625) that implemented 
    section 1848 of the Act, we included the specific regulations 
    describing the calculation of payments for physician services. However, 
    we inadvertently omitted references to the payment calculation for 
    nonparticipating physicians. (Nonparticipating physicians and suppliers 
    are those who have not agreed to accept Medicare assignment for all of 
    the services they provide to Medicare beneficiaries.) The following 
    technical proposals are being made to correct this oversight and to 
    conform the regulations to the language in the Act and the program 
        We are proposing to revise Sec. 414.2 (Definitions) to define a 
    ``participating supplier'' as being a supplier under the general 
    definition of ``supplier'' in Sec. 400.202 (Definitions specific to 
    Medicare), which includes physicians as suppliers, when they have an 
    agreement with us to participate in Part B of Medicare in effect on the 
    date of the service. Similarly, we are proposing to define 
    ``nonparticipating supplier'' as a supplier that does not have an 
    agreement with us to participate in Part B of Medicare in effect on the 
    date of the service.
        Section 1842(h) of the Act permits suppliers to sign an agreement 
    with Medicare in which they agree to accept assignment on all claims 
    for services they furnish to Medicare beneficiaries. In exchange for 
    this agreement, they receive benefits not available to nonparticipating 
    suppliers, including, but not limited to, assistance with electronic 
    billing, inclusion in a directory of participating suppliers, and a 
    higher fee schedule amount for their services (but only in the case of 
    physicians' services). Suppliers may sign the agreements before the 
    beginning of a calendar year and are bound by the agreement for the 
    year or until they choose to revoke it, effective with the beginning of 
    a calendar year. Suppliers that sign the agreement are called 
    ``participating suppliers.'' Those that do not sign the agreement or 
    who revoke their agreement are called ``nonparticipating suppliers.''
        We are proposing to revise Sec. 414.20 (Formula for computing 
    payment amounts) to clarify that the formula computes the fee schedule 
    amount, which may differ from the payment basis, as discussed below, 
    and to clarify that the fee schedule amount for a nonparticipating 
    supplier is 95 percent of the fee schedule amount for a participating 
    supplier. We are also proposing to revise the heading of Sec. 414.20 to 
    read, ``Formula for computing fee schedule amounts'' to reflect more 
    accurately the content of the section.
        The fee schedule amount that applies to the service for which 
    payment is claimed is determined by the participation status of the 
    supplier who submits the claim. Section 1848(b)(1) of the Act states 
    that the fee schedule amount is the product of the RVUs for the 
    service, the GPCI, and the CF, and this formula, as it applies to a 
    participating supplier, is reflected in proposed Sec. 414.20(a). 
    However, section 1848(a)(3) of the Act specifies that as an incentive 
    to participate in Medicare, the fee schedule amount for 
    nonparticipating suppliers is 95 percent of what the fee schedule 
    amount would be were the supplier a participating supplier. Therefore, 
    we are proposing in Sec. 414.20(b) that the fee schedule amount for a 
    nonparticipating supplier for a physician service is 95 percent of the 
    fee schedule amount for a participating supplier.
        We are proposing to revise Sec. 414.48 (Limits on actual charges of 
    nonparticipating suppliers) to clarify that the limiting charge is 115 
    percent of the fee schedule amount for nonparticipating physicians as 
    calculated in Sec. 414.20(b).
        In new Sec. 414.21 (Medicare payment basis), we are proposing to 
    clarify that Medicare payment is based on the lesser of the 
    physician's, supplier's, or other person's actual charge or the 
    applicable Medicare fee schedule or reasonable charge amount. The 
    Medicare-allowed amount will differ from the fee schedule amount when 
    the supplier's actual charges for the service are less than the fee 
    schedule amount applicable to the claim. Moreover, our payment amount 
    is the applicable percentage of the allowed amount that we pay (for 
    example, 80 percent in the case of most supplier services).
        Specifically, sections 1848(a)(1) and 1834(a)(1)(B) of the Act 
    require that we base payment on the lesser of the actual charge for the 
    service or the fee schedule amount. Therefore, when the actual charge 
    for the service is less than the applicable fee schedule amount, our 
    payment basis is the actual charge (not the fee schedule amount). 
    Similarly, when the actual charge is more than the fee schedule amount, 
    our payment basis is the fee schedule amount.
    G. Increase in Work Relative Value Units for Global Surgical Services 
    to Account for the 1997 Increases for Work Relative Value Units in 
    Evaluation and Management Services
    1. Background
        As part of the 5-year review of all physician work RVUs, we 
    increased most of the work RVUs for evaluation and management services 
    for hospital and office or other outpatient visits. We revised the work 
    RVUs for evaluation and management services partly in recognition of 
    the increase in preservice and postservice work.
        In addition to the procedure itself, a global surgical service 
    includes the related pre- and postoperative evaluation and management 
    visits a surgeon provides within a defined period of time. In response 
    to the increases in work RVUs for evaluation and management services, 
    many surgical specialty societies contended that the decision not to 
    raise the work RVUs for global surgical services unfairly penalizes 
    physicians whose clinical activities focus primarily on the performance 
    of surgical procedures. These surgical specialty societies
    [[Page 33183]]
    expressed the view that evaluation and management services related to a 
    procedure have been subjected to the same increasing complexity as 
    nonprocedural evaluation and management services due to factors such as 
    reduced inpatient lengths of stay, same day admissions for major 
    surgery, and increased utilization of home health care programs 
    requiring far more involved and extensive postservice planning and 
    management. Furthermore, these societies believed that the amount of 
    preoperative and postoperative work required in the provision of 
    evaluation and management services is the same whether it is performed 
    separately or as part of the global surgical package. Subsequently, 
    many have encouraged further study of this issue.
        As indicated in the discussion of this issue in the November 22, 
    1996 final rule for the 1997 physician fee schedule (61 FR 59533 
    through 59534), we stated that we had requested a recommendation from 
    the RUC on adjusting work RVUs in relation to global surgical services 
    to be consistent with the 1997 increases in work RVUs for the 
    evaluation and management services and would subsequently consider an 
    adjustment in the physician fee schedule.
    2. Proposal
        Since our request, we have received a recommendation from the RUC 
    to adjust global surgical fees to be consistent with 1997 increases in 
    the evaluation and management services. Upon further examination of 
    this issue, we are proposing to increase global surgical services 
    payments. We considered the following two options to facilitate this 
         Conduct a detailed analysis of each global surgical 
    service. We rejected this option since it is not feasible to complete 
    in a limited time frame.
         Create an across-the-board approach. This is consistent 
    with the recommendation from the RUC based on an analysis performed by 
    Daniel Dunn, Ph. D., of Integrated Healthcare Information Services, 
    Inc., ``Incorporating the 1997 Changes in Work RVUs for E&M Services 
    into the Work RVUs for Global Surgery: Report to the American Medical 
    Association/Specialty Society Relative Value Update Committee (RUC),'' 
    February 28, 1997. (Copies of the report may be obtained from the 
    American Medical Association, Department of Physician Payment Systems, 
    515 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60610.) Dr. Dunn's analysis 
    includes data from both the Harvard and the RUC surveys. We believe an 
    appropriate adjustment for global surgical services can be achieved by 
    using data from several different sources. We have created a database 
    that includes the number and level of postoperative hospital and office 
    visits for a large number of global surgical services. The database 
    includes the length of stay and postoperative visit count from the 
    Harvard resource-based relative value scale study and the most recent 
    estimates from the RUC data, updated, when available, by the CPEPs' 
    length-of-stay postoperative visit counts. These CPEPs met in 1996 to 
    assess practice expense components of physician services. We are 
    increasing global evaluation and management services by the same 
    percentage that we applied to evaluation and management services in 
    1996 with the exception that we would increase only the preservice and 
    postservice of the global surgical service by 12 percent (we used 25 
    percent for evaluation and management services in 1996) recognizing 
    that some economies of repetition occur in postoperative visits that 
    take place over a relatively short time span. We received a 
    recommendation from the RUC that the 12 percent increase was supported 
    by all members of the RUC. We agree with the RUC recommendation. This 
    methodology would effect a systematic increase in total work 
    accomplished during the global surgical period. Malpractice expense 
    RVUs are unchanged. All other increases would be the same as for 
    evaluation and management services. Given our proposed increases, the 
    RVUs for CPT code 19180 (Mastectomy, simple, complete) would increase 
    from 8.09 RVUs to 8.80 RVUs, and the RVUs for CPT code 47610 
    (Cholecystectomy with exploration of common bile duct) would increase 
    from 15.00 RVUs to 15.83 RVUs.
    H. Caloric Vestibular Testing
        We are proposing to change the work and malpractice RVUs for CPT 
    code 92543, caloric vestibular testing. Our current work, practice 
    expense, and malpractice expense RVUs for that code are established at 
    a level to reflect the relative resources used to provide or interpret 
    four irrigations--that is, two irrigations to each ear, one cool and 
    one warm. According to the article ``Caloric Vestibular Testing,'' CPT 
    Assistant, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1996, page 5, physicians usually perform 
    four irrigations. However, that same article states the AMA's 
    interpretation that when one unit of CPT code 92543 is billed, that 
    represents only one irrigation, and that, therefore, when four 
    irrigations are performed, the physician should bill for four CPT code 
    92543 services. We have issued contrary instructions to physicians 
    indicating that when they furnish from one to four irrigations, they 
    are to bill only one unit of CPT code 92543. We have continued to 
    receive complaints that our having an interpretation different from 
    that of the AMA causes confusion for physicians. Therefore, we are 
    proposing to adopt the AMA's interpretation and reduce the work and 
    malpractice RVUs for CPT code 92543 global service and CPT code 92543-
    26, and the malpractice RVUs for CPT code 92543-TC to 25 percent of 
    what they would otherwise be. Therefore, beginning in 1998, when a 
    physician performs and interprets four irrigations, the physician would 
    bill Medicare for four units of CPT code 92543 (that is, the global 
    service). When a physician interprets four irrigations, the physician 
    would bill four units of CPT code 92543-26. When a physician or 
    supplier performs four irrigations, the physician or supplier would 
    bill four units of CPT code 92543-TC.
        As part of the overall proposal of resource-based practice expense 
    RVUs for all codes, we would establish practice expense RVUs for CPT 
    code 92543 global service, -26, and -TC based on the assumption that 
    one unit of the service equals one irrigation or the interpretation of 
    one irrigation.
    I. Clinical Consultations
    1. Background
        There are two CPT codes for clinical consultations, CPT codes 80500 
    (Clinical pathology consultation; limited, without review of patient's 
    history and medical records) and 80502 (Clinical pathology 
    consultation; comprehensive, for a complex diagnostic problem, with 
    review of patient's history and medical records), which were added to 
    the CPT in 1985. The pathologists reported a scenario in which the 
    attending physician does not directly request a clinical consultation 
    but the pathologist nevertheless provides a consultation. According to 
    the pathologists, there are specific individual laboratory tests that 
    are ordered by the attending physician, and the pathologist's 
    consultation is necessary for the tests to have any meaning. 
    Pathologists contend that physicians in their hospitals do not have the 
    capability to interpret these test results and, therefore, should 
    request a clinical consultation. They further argue that it is 
    inefficient and medically inappropriate to send the test results back 
    to the attending physician without a consultation and then have
    [[Page 33184]]
    the attending physician formally request a consultation.
        The use of standing orders was designed to streamline the passage 
    of information from the laboratory physician to the attending physician 
    and allow the Medicare carrier to pay for the clinical consultation. 
    Pathologists argue that it is burdensome for them to ask the attending 
    physician to initiate a formal request for a consultation so that 
    Medicare will allow payment for the service.
        Pathologists state that, between 1984, the date the clinical 
    consultation policy was initiated, and 1992, the beginning of the 
    physician fee schedule, the Medicare carriers were not uniformly 
    applying the clinical consultation policy. Moreover, the pathologists 
    assert that there were a limited number of clinical laboratory tests 
    for which a pathologist interpretation was routinely needed and that 
    these services should be paid outside of the ``clinical consultation'' 
        Beginning in 1992, we defined a new service, called a ``clinical 
    laboratory interpretation service'' and established the criteria for 
    payment for it. We have identified approximately 20 laboratory codes 
    for which Medicare carriers could recognize an interpretation by the 
        It is our view that many of the services that were previously paid 
    as clinical consultations could now be appropriately paid as clinical 
    laboratory interpretation services. It is also our view that clinical 
    consultations should represent those unusual situations in which the 
    attending physician needs assistance with a combination of laboratory 
    tests and the attending physician can, therefore, request a 
    consultation from the laboratory physician.
        The Florida carrier has informed us that approximately 10 percent 
    of that State's hospital pathologists account for 70 percent of the 
    allowed charges for clinical consultations. Further, it is the 
    hospitals' and the pathologists' use of standing order policies that 
    are contributing to the increased utilization of clinical 
    consultations. Under these standing order policies, a clinical 
    consultation is routinely generated for a specific clinical laboratory 
    test, and a consultation report is forwarded to the patient's attending 
    physician. The attending physician is often unaware that the patient is 
    being billed for this service.
        Until we finalize this more specific policy, we have instructed the 
    Florida carrier that it may use the general authority with respect to 
    reasonableness and medical necessity as a basis to deny payments for 
    unnecessary clinical consultations.
        We are, therefore, proposing to eliminate the policy that has been 
    in effect since 1984 that allows a standing order to be used in place 
    of an individual request by the attending physician.
    2. Proposal
        The regulations set forth at Sec. 415.130 (Conditions for payment: 
    Physician pathology services), paragraph (b) (Clinical consultation 
    services), require that a clinical consultation meet four criteria 
    before it can be paid. One of these criteria is that the clinical 
    consultation must be requested by the patient's attending physician. 
    Based on a stipulation made by our attorneys in settling a lawsuit with 
    the College of American Pathologists in 1984, we have allowed a 
    standing order policy to be used as a substitute for the individual 
    request by the patient's attending physician. We are proposing that 
    effective January 1, 1998, we would not accept a standing order as a 
    substitute for the individual request by the attending physician. We 
    would instruct the Medicare carriers to enforce Sec. 415.130(b) as it 
    is presently written.
    J. Actual Charges
        In Sec. 400.202 (Definitions specific to Medicare), we are 
    proposing to define the ``actual charge'' to be the lesser of the 
    amount the physician, supplier, or other person charges for the service 
    to a particular beneficiary or the amount the physician, supplier, or 
    other person has voluntarily agreed to accept as payment in full under 
    a particular private plan contract that also covers the beneficiary 
    when Medicare is primary and the private plan is secondary.
        This definition of ``actual charge'' will apply to all services 
    covered under Part B of Medicare for which the actual charge is a 
    factor in the determination of the Medicare payment basis (for example, 
    physician services, durable medical equipment, or ambulance services) 
    that are billed by a supplier as defined in Sec. 400.202 and paid by a 
    Medicare carrier. The proposed definition of ``actual charges'' will 
    not apply to payments made on behalf of beneficiaries who are enrolled 
    in both Medicare and Medicaid when the Medicaid payment is less than 
    the Medicare allowed amount.
        We refer to ``physician, supplier, or other person'' throughout the 
    preamble to conform to the statutory language that applies to 
    individuals and entities that bill Medicare carriers for Part B covered 
    services and to clarify that the policy applies to physicians as well 
    as other entities and persons who are included in the definition of 
    ``supplier'' set forth at Sec. 400.202.
        We are proposing the change because we have recently received 
    numerous questions regarding the meaning of the term ``actual charge'' 
    in cases in which beneficiaries are also enrollees of private plans 
    that are secondary to Medicare and that pay physicians, suppliers, or 
    other persons a discounted payment on a fee-for-service basis under a 
    contract. We are proposing these changes to protect beneficiaries and 
    to permit Medicare to share in the savings when physicians, suppliers, 
    or other persons have agreed to accept less than the Medicare fee 
    schedule or reasonable charge amounts as payment in full.
        It is increasingly common for Medicare beneficiaries to be insured 
    not only by Medicare but also by private plans in which physicians, 
    suppliers, or other persons have signed agreements to accept the 
    private plan's allowed payment amount as payment in full for the 
    services to the plan's enrollees (for example, preferred provider 
    plans). Increasingly, these private plans pay physicians, suppliers, or 
    other persons less than Medicare pays for the same service for the same 
    beneficiary, and the physician, supplier, or other person has 
    voluntarily agreed to accept this lower amount because it is in his, 
    her, or its interest to do so. For example, in exchange for accepting a 
    payment lower than the Medicare payment amount, the physician, 
    supplier, or other person may gain access to a patient population, may 
    introduce a new physician or supplier to the community, or may expand 
    referral opportunities.
        When Medicare is the primary payer and the private plan is the 
    secondary payer, an agreement by a physician, supplier, or other person 
    to accept from the private plan as payment in full a payment amount 
    that is less than the physician fee schedule amount may mean that the 
    retiree will have greater out-of-pocket expenses for the same service 
    after he or she enrolls in Medicare Part B than he or she had without 
    Medicare. However, because many private plans cover items and services 
    that are very expensive to beneficiaries (for example, prescription 
    drugs, eyeglasses and hearing aids, and preventive medical care), 
    beneficiaries may want to continue the private plan coverage. Also, 
    many private plans and employers require that individuals enroll in 
    Medicare Part B as a condition of continuing enrollment in the private 
        In a hypothetical example, a 65-year-old Medicare beneficiary also 
    has health insurance coverage under a private plan
    [[Page 33185]]
    that he has carried over into retirement. The private plan offers a 
    wider range of coverage than Medicare (for example, self-administered 
    prescription drugs that would otherwise cost the beneficiary $300 per 
    month). Upon entitlement to Medicare, the beneficiary enrolled in Part 
    B, and Medicare is the primary payer; the private plan is secondary. 
    The beneficiary must enroll and remain enrolled in Medicare Part B, or 
    he will be dropped from the private plan.
        In this example, the beneficiary had a procedure performed by a 
    physician who participates in the private plan, and the physician is 
    paid on a fee-for-service basis and has agreed to accept the plan's 
    payment amount as payment in full. Under the terms of the private 
    plan's contract with the physician, the physician can charge the 
    beneficiary a $5 copayment per encounter. In this case, the physician's 
    charge to uninsured individuals is $1,500, the physician fee schedule 
    amount is $1,000, and the private plan's negotiated payment amount 
    (which the physician has agreed to accept as payment in full for the 
    plan's enrollees) is $800. The physician is a Medicare-participating 
    physician. The physician also participates in other private insurance 
    plans in which he has agreed to accept as payment in full a negotiated 
    amount less than the physician fee schedule amount; the least he has 
    agreed to accept as payment in full under any agreement with an insurer 
    is $700 for the procedure in the example.
        In this example, the physician currently submits a bill to Medicare 
    (the primary payer) of $1,500 for the procedure, and Medicare pays him 
    or her $800 (80 percent) after comparing the current actual charge 
    shown on the claim ($1,500) to the physician fee schedule amount 
    ($1,000) and basing payment on the lesser amount as required by law. 
    The physician then tries to collect the Medicare coinsurance of $200 
    from the private plan. The private plan refuses to pay the physician 
    any part of the $200 coinsurance. The physician collects the $5 
    copayment from the beneficiary and also tries to bill the beneficiary 
    for $195 since the private plan did not pay the Medicare coinsurance. 
    Thus, the beneficiary could be exposed to large financial liabilities 
    in these situations.
        We are proposing to recognize as the ``actual charge'' for that 
    service to that beneficiary the amount the physician agreed to accept 
    as payment in full for the beneficiary ($800) because the beneficiary 
    is an enrollee in the plan. Medicare would pay the physician $640 (80 
    percent of the $800 he agreed to accept as payment in full), the plan 
    would pay $155 of the coinsurance (the difference between the 20 
    percent Medicare coinsurance and the beneficiary's $5 copayment), and 
    the beneficiary would pay his $5 copayment. The beneficiary would be 
    responsible only for the $5 copayment he owes under the private plan, 
    as if he or she did not have Medicare. The physician would receive the 
    full amount that he or she had already agreed with the plan to accept 
    as payment in full for the beneficiary. The private plan would be 
    responsible for paying the coinsurance based on the lower of the 
    Medicare physician fee schedule amount or the payment the plan 
    negotiated with the physician, except for the $5 copayment for which 
    the beneficiary continues to be liable. Medicare would share in the 
    savings negotiated by the private plan for the beneficiary who is 
    enrolled in that plan.
        There is no definition of ``actual charge'' in the Medicare 
    statute, and some would argue that ``actual charge'' means whatever 
    amount the physician, supplier, or other person who furnishes the 
    service states it is, regardless of whether he, she, or it charges the 
    beneficiary or the beneficiary's private plan that amount or makes any 
    effort to collect it. In fact, because of the prevalence of 
    participation in private plans, the physician, supplier, or other 
    person might never charge or expect to collect this amount from anyone.
        However, we believe that the law grants us broad authority to 
    interpret the term in a manner that is reasonable and consistent with 
    the Medicare law. Thus, we are proposing through rulemaking to define 
    the term ``actual charge'' in the context of what the physician, 
    supplier, or other person has voluntarily agreed to accept as payment 
    in full for the service furnished to the beneficiary. We believe that 
    the term ``actual charge'' can be interpreted as the amount that the 
    physician, supplier, or other person actually expects to collect from a 
    responsible party under a voluntary agreement to provide services for 
    an agreed-upon price, regardless of what amount is shown on a claim for 
    payment. We have already applied this concept for purposes of routine 
    waivers of coinsurance (see section 5220 of the Medicare Carrier 
    Manual). We have a longstanding policy that construes the routine 
    waiver of coinsurance as lowering the ``actual charge'' from the amount 
    shown on the bill. In this circumstance, the actual charge is what the 
    physician, supplier, or other person actually expects to receive for 
    the service: when he, she, or it waives the coinsurance, the ``actual 
    charge'' for the service is the 80 percent of the Medicare payment 
    amount that the physician expects to receive. Our proposed rule would 
    extend this longstanding analysis to the negotiated rate situation.
        Our proposal deems the negotiated rate specific to the private plan 
    in which the beneficiary is an enrollee to be the ``actual charge'' 
    since the physician, supplier, or other person has voluntarily agreed, 
    before the provision of the service, to accept the lower negotiated 
    rate as payment in full and to charge the beneficiary no more than the 
    copayment specified in the contract. If we adopt this proposal, the 
    physician, supplier, or other person would have to put the negotiated 
    rate that applies to the private plan in which the beneficiary is an 
    enrollee on the Medicare claim as his or her submitted charge. When the 
    applicable negotiated rate is lower than the rate Medicare would pay 
    for the service, and, as such, is deemed to be the ``actual charge,'' 
    the lower negotiated rate would be shown on the claim for Medicare 
    payment as the actual charge, and Medicare's payment would be based on 
    the lower negotiated rate. Conversely, when the applicable negotiated 
    rate for the item or service is higher than the Medicare payment for 
    the service and is deemed to be the ``actual charge,'' it would be 
    shown as the submitted charge on the claim to Medicare, and payment 
    would be based on the applicable Medicare fee schedule or reasonable 
    charge profile.
        However, there are alternative ways that we could address this 
    issue: we could define the ``actual charge'' as being the lower of the 
    lowest amount the physician, supplier, or other person has agreed to 
    accept as payment in full from any insurer with whom he, she, or it has 
    a contract. Under this alternative, the ``actual charge'' in our 
    example would be $700, the lowest charge that the physician has 
    voluntarily agreed to accept as payment in full. Medicare would pay 
    $560, the managed care plan would pay $135, and the beneficiary would 
    pay $5. The beneficiary would be responsible for paying the physician 
    only the $5 copayment. The physician would receive an amount equivalent 
    to the lowest amount for which he is willing to provide the service, 
    which might be less than the amount he has agreed to accept for that 
    particular beneficiary if the beneficiary were not enrolled in the plan 
    with the lowest negotiated payment. This approach would ensure that 
    Medicare would not pay more than the lowest amount for which the 
    physician, supplier, or other person is willing to furnish the item or 
    service in the competitive market to any patient covered by any third 
    [[Page 33186]]
    payor. This alternative would effectively apply the market forces to 
    payment by Medicare by defining the ``actual charge'' as the lowest of 
    all amounts for which the physician will provide the service. While 
    this approach would provide Medicare with the advantage of the 
    physician's, supplier's, or other person's best price in the 
    competitive market, that price may be lower than that for which the 
    physician, supplier, or other person has agreed to furnish items or 
    services to patients covered in the beneficiary's plan.
        On balance, we believe that our proposed definition of the term 
    ``actual charge'' is consistent with the Medicare statute, provides the 
    best protections for beneficiaries and Medicare, and continues to 
    ensure that the physician, supplier, or other person receives the 
    payment that he or she has voluntarily agreed to accept as payment in 
    full for the service when furnished to the beneficiary to whom that 
    payment applies.
    III. Collection of Information Requirements
        Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are required to 
    provide 60-day notice in the Federal Register and solicit public 
    comment before a collection of information requirement is submitted to 
    the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. In 
    order to fairly evaluate whether an information collection should be 
    approved by OMB, section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act 
    of 1995 requires that we solicit comment on the following issues:
         The need for the information collection and its usefulness 
    in carrying out the proper functions of our agency.
         The accuracy of our estimate of the information collection 
         The quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be 
         Recommendations to minimize the information collection 
    burden on the affected public, including automated collection 
        We are soliciting public comment on each item for the following 
    section of this document that contains information collection 
    Sec. 410.33  (Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF))
        (1) The IDTF must maintain documentation of sufficient physician 
    resources during all hours of operation to assure that the required 
    physician supervision is furnished. The supervising physician must 
    evidence proficiency in the performance and interpretation of each 
    type of diagnostic procedure performed by the IDTF. The proficiency 
    may be documented by certification in specific medical specialties 
    or subspecialties or by criteria established by the carrier for the 
    service area in which the IDTF is located. In the case of a 
    procedure requiring the direct or personal supervision of a 
    physician as set forth in Sec. 410.32(b)(3)(ii) or (b)(3)(iii), the 
    IDTF's supervising physician must personally furnish this level of 
    supervision whether the procedure is performed in the IDTF or, in 
    the case of mobile services, at the remote location. In the case of 
    procedures requiring direct supervision, the supervising physician 
    may oversee concurrent procedures.
        (2) The IDTF must maintain documentation available for review 
    certifying that nonphysician personnel have the training and 
    proficiency as evidenced by licensure or certification by the 
    appropriate State health or education department or, in the absence 
    of a State licensing board, a national credentialing body.
        (3) An IDTF that operates across State boundaries must maintain 
    documentation that its supervising physicians and technicians are 
    licensed and certified in each of the States in which it is 
    furnishing services.
        The public reporting burden for these record keeping 
    requirements is minimal. There are 500 IDTFs each requiring 10 
    minutes to maintain documentation. The total public burden is 84 
        Please mail copies of any comments on these information collection 
    and recordkeeping requirements directly to the following:
    Health Care Financing Administration, Office of Financial and Human 
    Resources, Management Planning and Analysis Staff, Room C2-26-17, 7500 
    Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Room 10235, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 
    20503, Attn: Allison Eydt, HCFA Desk Officer.
    IV. Response to Comments
        Because of the large number of items of correspondence we normally 
    receive on Federal Register documents published for comment, we are not 
    able to acknowledge or respond to them individually. We will consider 
    all comments we receive by the date and time specified in the ``DATES'' 
    section of this preamble, and, if we proceed with a subsequent 
    document, we will respond to the comments in the preamble to that 
    V. Regulatory Impact Analysis
        We have examined the impacts of this proposed rule under Executive 
    Order (E.O.) 12866, the Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995, and the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. E.O. 12866 directs agencies to assess all 
    costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, when 
    regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize 
    net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public 
    health and safety effects; distributive impacts and equity). A 
    regulatory impact analysis (RIA) must be prepared for major rules with 
    economically significant effects ($100 million or more annually). 
    Although this proposed rule would result in aggregate savings for 
    calendar year 1998 of $95 million, the greatest share of that amount, 
    $55 million, is a result of a specific provision of section 1848(b)(2) 
    of the Act, as discussed in V.B.2 of this preamble.
        The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 also requires (in section 
    202) that agencies prepare an assessment of anticipated costs and 
    benefits before proposing any rule that may result in an annual 
    expenditure by State, local, or tribal governments, in the aggregate, 
    or by the private sector, of $100 million. The proposed rule has no 
    consequential effect on State, local, or tribal governments. We believe 
    the private sector costs of this rule fall below these thresholds, as 
    A. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Consistent with the provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act we 
    analyze options for regulatory relief for small businesses and other 
    small entities. We prepare a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (RFA) 
    unless we certify that a rule would not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. The RFA is to include 
    a justification of why action is being taken, the kinds and number of 
    small entities the proposed rule will affect, and an explanation of any 
    considered meaningful options that achieve the objectives and would 
    lessen any significant adverse economic impact on the small entities.
        For purposes of the Act, all physicians are considered to be small 
    entities. Thus, we have prepared the following analysis, which, 
    together with the rest of this preamble, meets all three assessment 
    requirements. It explains the rationale for and purposes of the rule, 
    details the costs and benefits of the rule, analyzes alternatives, and 
    presents the measures we propose to minimize the burden on small 
    B. Resource-Based Practice Expense Relative Value Units
        Our proposal requires the development of a methodology for 
    implementing resource-based practice expense RVUs for each physician 
    service. The methodology must consider the staff, equipment, and 
    supplies used
    [[Page 33187]]
    in the provision of medical and surgical services in various settings. 
    We are required to implement the new practice expense RVUs by January 
    1, 1998.
        The resource-based practice expense RVUs are calculated, in the 
    aggregate, to be budget neutral with respect to the current practice 
    expense RVU system. (Section 1848(c)(2)(B) of the Act requires that 
    adjustments to the physician fee schedule provisions in a year may not 
    cause the amount of expenditures for the year to differ by more than 
    $20 million from what expenditures would have been in the absence of 
    these changes. If the $20 million threshold would be exceeded, we make 
    adjustments to preserve budget neutrality.)
        We anticipate that the reduction of net Medicare income for some 
    physician practices will result in a volume and intensity response that 
    will cause overall physician expenditures to increase by 2.4 percent, 
    requiring an offsetting 2.4 percent reduction in the CFs to maintain 
    budget neutrality. As in previous years, we will increase the Medicare 
    volume performance standard targets for physician spending by the 
    anticipated volume and intensity response. Because we will increase the 
    targets, if the anticipated volume and intensity response does not 
    occur, the Medicare volume performance standard system will return the 
    reduction to the CFs in the form of higher updates.
    1. Impact on Specialties
        The following table, ``Resource-Based Practice Expense Relative 
    Value Units (RVUs) Impact on Total Allowed Charges by Specialty for the 
    Two Indirect Allocation Options,'' shows the percentage change in 
    Medicare physician income from the current RVUs to the new RVUs by 
    specialty for both the direct cost and pass through indirect allocation 
    methodologies. The specialties are ranked according to the allowed 
    charge impact of the changes in Medicare fees under the direct cost 
    allocation methodology. The impact of the changes on the total income 
    (Medicare and non-Medicare) for a given specialty will be less than the 
    impact displayed in the table if physicians furnish services to 
    Medicare and non-Medicare patients.
        The magnitude of the Medicare impact depends on the mix of services 
    the specialty furnishes. In general, those specialties that furnish 
    more office-based services are expected to experience larger increases 
    in Medicare payments than specialties that provide fewer office-based 
    services. For example, under the revised physician fee schedule, 
    thoracic surgeons can expect a reduction in Medicare payments of 28 
    percent. By contrast, family practice physicians can expect an increase 
    in payments of 12 percent.
        The table also includes the impact of increasing the work RVUs for 
    global surgical services and the impact of the 2.4 percent volume and 
    intensity adjustment.
     Table 1.-- Resource-Based Practice Expense Relative Value Units (RVUs) 
        Impact on Total Allowed Charges by Specialty for the Two Indirect   
                               Allocation Options                           
                                           Impact of RVU Changes by Option  
                                         Option I Direct                    
                 Specialty               costs, work, and    Option II Pass 
                                           malpractice      through (percent
                                         (percent change)       change)     
    M.D./D.O. Physicians:                                                   
        Dermatology...................                +18                +16
        Rheumatology..................                +15                +11
        Family Practice...............                +12                 +7
        Hematology Oncology...........                +11                +11
        Radiation Oncology............                +10                +11
        General Practice..............                 +9                 +6
        Otolaryngology................                 +7                 +9
        Anesthesiology................                 +4                 -3
        Other Physician*..............                 +4                 +2
        Obstetrics/Gynecology.........                 +4                 +2
        Psychiatry....................                 +3                  0
        Internal Medicine.............                 +3                  0
        Urology.......................                 +1                 -1
        Pathology.....................                 +1                 +2
        Emergency Medicine............                 -2                 -3
        Neurology.....................                 -3                 -3
        Clinics.......................                 -3                 -3
        Plastic Surgery...............                 -3                 -2
        Pulmonary.....................                 -6                 -7
        General Surgery...............                 -9                 -6
        Radiology.....................                 -9                 -5
        Orthopedic Surgery............                -11                 -5
        Ophthalmology.................                -11                 -6
        Nephrology....................                -13                -14
        Vascular Surgery..............                -17                -10
        Cardiology....................                -17                -11
        Gastroenterology..............                -20                -15
        Neurosurgery..................                -21                -13
        Thoracic Surgery..............                -28                -18
        Cardiac Surgery...............                -32                -21
        Podiatry......................                +24                +19
        Optometry.....................                +15                +11
        Chiropractic..................                +14                 +6
        Suppliers.....................                +14                +25
    [[Page 33188]]
        Nonphysician Practitioner.....                 +4                 +4
    * Other includes allergy/immunology, oral surgery, physical medicine and
      rehabilitation, pediatrics, critical care, and hematology.            
    2. Impact on Physician Net Income
        Table 2, ``Estimated Change in Physician Net Income By Specialty,'' 
    illustrates the increases and decreases in total net income by 
    physician specialty assuming the resource-based practice expense RVU 
    system is implemented without a transition period. The table shows only 
    net income after considering changes for Medicare. Total net income 
    could differ from the amounts in the table because of other payers' 
    responses to Medicare's resource-based practice expense RVU system.
                             Table 2.--Estimated Change in Physician Net Income By Specialty                        
                                       [Assuming income change from medicare only]                                  
                                                                                              Percent     Total net 
                                                                   Net income    Percent     change in      income  
                              Specialty                               1955     income from    Medicare      after   
                                                                                 Medicare      income       change  
    Family Practice.............................................     $147,100           24          +12     $151,121
    Dermatology.................................................      240,100           33          +19      254,801
    General Internal Medicine...................................      190,400           39           +3      192,419
    Anesthesiology..............................................      248,200           27           +4      251,164
    Otolaryngology..............................................      241,300           22           +7      245,115
    Psychiatry..................................................      148,800           14           +3      149,410
    Obstetrics/Gynecology.......................................      271,000            9           +4      271,866
    Urology.....................................................      268,300           47           +1      269,368
    Pathology...................................................      298,000           30           +1      298,587
    Emergency Medicine..........................................      213,300           24           -2      212,496
    Neurology...................................................      231,100           27           -3      229,338
    General Surgery.............................................      253,700           39           -9      244,980
    Gastroenterology............................................      269,000           38          -20      248,090
    Orthopedic Surgery..........................................      355,100           24          -11      345,951
    Radiology...................................................      302,800           35           -9      293,272
    Ophthalmology...............................................      267,500           47          -11      253,188
    Cardiology..................................................      380,500           48          -17      349,207
    Optometry (1994 data).......................................       95,707           24          +15       99,117
    Chiropractic................................................       93,956            8          +14       95,032
    Podiatry....................................................      111,528           24          +24     117,840 
    Sources (for Net Income and Percent Medicare):                                                                  
    Physician Market Place Statistics--1996, American Medical Association, 1997.                                    
    American Optometric Association, 1995 Economic Survey.                                                          
    American Podiatric Medical Association Survey.                                                                  
    American Chiropractic Association Annual Statistical Survey on Chiropractic Practice.                           
    All data are calendar year 1995, unless otherwise noted.                                                        
    Percent Medicare Income for Podiatry and Optometry derived from AMA data for General and Family Practice.       
    Results in columns 4 and 5 are rounded.                                                                         
    This table is based on payment changes including the budget neutrality adjustment.                              
    To conform to HCFA simulations, net income and the percentage income from Medicare for Family Practice are      
      derived from the AMA's General/Family Practice.                                                               
    3. Impact for Selected Procedure Codes
        Table 3, ``Total Payment For Selected Procedures'' shows the 
    percentage change in total payment allowances between the current and 
    the resource-based practice expense system for certain high-volume 
                                     Table 3.--Total Payment For Selected Procedures                                
                                                                                 Current      Resource              
                   Code                              Description                  total        based       Percent  
                                                                                 payment      payment       change  
                                            SELECTED OUT-OF-OFFICE PROCEDURES                                       
    11721.............................  Debride nail (removal of tissue), 6         $33.39       $32.99           -1
                                         or more.                                                                   
    33512.............................  CABG (heart surgery), vein, three....     2,747.59     1,769.69          -36
    [[Page 33189]]
    45378.............................  Diagnostic colonscopy................       267.82       138.50          -48
    66984.............................  Remove cataract, insert lens.........       928.53       607.92          -35
    71020  26.........................  Chest x-ray (interpretation).........        10.55        10.96            4
    98941.............................  Chiropractic manipulation............        25.42        31.25           23
    99203.............................  Outpatient visit, new................        55.40        67.68           22
    99213.............................  Outpatient visit, est................        29.84        34.71           16
    99223.............................  Initial hospital care................       133.75       138.47            4
                                              SELECTED IN-OFFICE PROCEDURES                                         
    11721.............................  Debride nail (removal of tissue), 6         $44.45       $54.18           22
                                         or more.                                                                   
    45378.............................  Diagnostic colonscopy................       267.82       275.59            3
    71020.............................  Chest x-ray..........................        31.87        33.42            5
    71020  TC.........................  Chest x-ray..........................        21.32        22.46            5
    93000.............................  Electrocardiogram, complete..........        26.60        22.33          -16
    98941.............................  Chiropractic manipulation............        30.33        35.21           16
    99203.............................  Office/outpatient visit, new.........        64.69        90.02           39
    99213.............................  Office/outpatient visit, est.........        36.64        47.28           29
    Total payments amounts represent national amounts (amounts before the application of the geographic practice    
      cost indices and include proposed changes for work and practice expense.                                      
    4. Impact on Beneficiaries
        Although changes in physician payments when the physician fee 
    schedule was implemented in 1992 were large, we detected no problems 
    with beneficiary access to care. We are concerned, nevertheless, about 
    the financial impact from the resource-based practice expense RVUs on 
    certain specialties and the beneficiary's access to care. As stated 
    earlier, we favor a transition period.
    5. Impact on Hospitals
        Payment for certain outpatient hospital services can be affected by 
    physician fee schedule allowances. The budget neutrality provision for 
    practice expense RVUs does not apply to payments for hospital services. 
    Specifically, outpatient radiology and certain other outpatient 
    diagnostic services, such as electrocardiograms and 
    electroencephalograms, are paid under a statutory formula (section 
    1833(a)(2)(E) of the Act) in which payment for services during a 
    hospital's cost reporting period is determined in the aggregate and is 
    based on the lesser of:
         Reasonable costs less the Part B deductibles and 
         Customary charges less Part B deductible and coinsurance.
         Blended amounts.
        The blended amount for outpatient radiology services is based on 42 
    percent of the lower of the hospital's costs or charges and 58 percent 
    of the allowance for the combined PC and TC service.
        The blended amount for outpatient diagnostic services is based on 
    50 percent of the lower of the hospital's costs or charges and 50 
    percent of the allowance for the combined PC and TC service.
        The interaction of the resource-based expense RVUs with the 
    outpatient hospital payment policy will result in savings to the 
    Medicare program as follows:
                                                                        Calendar year incurred (in millions)        
                                                                  1998     1999     2000     2001     2002    Total 
    Medicare savings..........................................       55       61       67       74       81      338
    Medicare savings (after premium offset)...................       42       46       50       55       61      254
    Beneficiary coinsurance savings...........................       14       15       17       18       20       85
    Beneficiary savings through premium reduction.............       14       15       17       18       20       85
    C. Geographic Practice Cost Index Changes
        Section 1848(e)(1)(A) of the Act requires that payments under the 
    Medicare physician fee schedule vary among payment areas only to the 
    extent that area costs vary as reflected by the area GPCIs. The GPCIs 
    measure area costs differences in the three components of the physician 
    fee schedule: physician work, practice expenses (employee wages, rent, 
    medical supplies, and equipment), and malpractice insurance. Section 
    1848(e)(1)(C) of the Act requires that the GPCIs be reviewed and, if 
    necessary, revised at least every 3 years. The first GPCI revision was 
    implemented in 1995. The next revision will be implemented in 1998. 
    Section 1848(e)(1)(C) of the Act also requires that the GPCI revisions 
    be phased in equally over a 2-year period.
        Addendum D, comparing the proposed and 1997 rental indices, and 
    Addendum E, comparing the proposed and 1997 malpractice GPCIs, are 
    comparisons of the pure indices changes unadjusted for budget 
    neutrality. The proposed GPCIs would be implemented in a budget-neutral 
    manner. They would not change the total national fee schedule payments 
    that would have been made in 1998 had the current GPCIs been retained. 
    The revised GPCIs will redistribute payments among fee schedule areas.
        Fee schedule payments are the product of the RVUs, the GPCIs, and 
    the CF. The original GPCIs were used in computing the original 1992 
    budget-neutral CF. Updating the GPCIs changes
    [[Page 33190]]
    the relative position of fee schedule areas compared to the national 
    average. Since the changes represented by the proposed GPCIs could 
    result in total payments either greater or less than payments that 
    would have been made if the GPCIs were not revised, it was necessary to 
    adjust the GPCIs for budget neutrality. The revised 1995 through 1997 
    GPCIs would have resulted in slightly lower national payments than the 
    1992 through 1994 GPCIs. Since sections 1848(e)(3), (4), and (5) of the 
    Act require that each of the fee schedule components--work, practice 
    expense, and malpractice expense-- be separately adjusted by their 
    respective GPCIs, it is necessary to adjust each of the GPCI components 
    separately. Therefore, we adjusted the 1995 through 1997 GPCIs as 
    follows: work by 1.00074; practice expense by 1.00125; and malpractice 
    expense by 1.02307. The cumulative (including the 1995 through 1997 
    adjustments) budget-neutrality adjustment for the 1997 through 2000 
    GPCIs will be included in the final rule.
        An estimate of the overall effects of GPCI changes on fee schedule 
    area payments can be demonstrated by a comparison of area geographic 
    adjustment factors or GAFs. The GAFs are a weighted composite of each 
    area's work, practice expense, and malpractice expense GPCIs using the 
    GPCI cost share weights. While not actually used in computing the fee 
    schedule payment for a specific service, the GAFs are useful in 
    comparing overall area costs and payments. The actual effect on payment 
    for any actual service will deviate from the GAF to the extent that the 
    service's proportions of work practice expense, and malpractice expense 
    RVUs differ from those of the GAF. Addendum F shows the estimated 
    effects of the proposed GPCIs on area GAFs in descending order. Only 2 
    of the 89 fee schedule areas change by at least 2 percent. Only 12 
    areas change by from 1 to 1.9 percent. The remaining 75 areas are 
    estimated to experience payment changes of less than 1 percent. These 
    are very minor changes that would be expected in that we are revising 
    only the rent indices, comprising 10.3 percent of the total GPCI, and 
    the malpractice expense indices, comprising 4.8 percent of the GPCI. 
    Thus, we are revising only about 15 percent of the GPCI.
        The index changes as shown in Addenda D, E, and F represent changes 
    in the ``pure'' data constructed indices and are not adjusted for 
    budget neutrality. We do not at this time have proposed revised GPCIs 
    for 1998 and 1999 available for comment as we are awaiting more recent 
    payment data to ensure the accuracy of the adjustment. However, the 
    effects of the budget-neutrality adjustment will likely be 
    insignificant. As mentioned earlier, the budget-neutrality adjustments 
    for the 1995 GPCI revisions ranged from 1.0007 to 1.02307. Since we are 
    only revising about 15 percent of the GPCI components this time, the 
    budget-neutrality adjustment will likely be even less than in 1995. As 
    Addendum F shows, the largest unadjusted GAF change is 2.4 percent, 
    with over 80 percent of the GAFs changing by less than 1 percent. The 
    budget-neutrality adjustments are unlikely to measurably change the 
    estimated effects in Addendum F. Commenters can assume that Addendum F 
    accurately reflects the effects of the proposed revised GPCIs.
    D. Fee Schedule for Clinical Psychologist Services
        Before January 1, 1997, the clinical psychologist fee schedule was 
    derived from the reasonable charge payment system and was updated by an 
    economic index different from that used for the physician fee schedule. 
    As a result, relative to physicians, Medicare allowances for certain 
    clinical psychologist services in many localities were artificially 
    high or low. Moreover, there were wide geographic variations in 
    Medicare rates for clinical psychologists as well as for clinical 
    social workers, whose rates are set, by statute, at 75 percent of 
    clinical psychologists' rates.
        Effective January 1, 1997, the fee schedule for clinical 
    psychologist services is linked to the physician fee schedule. The fee 
    schedule for clinical psychologist services is set at 100 percent of 
    the physician fee schedule amount for the corresponding service. This 
    payment policy was prompted by the creation of new psychotherapy codes 
    that make a distinction between services that include or exclude 
    medical evaluation and management.
        Both previous and current clinical psychologist fee schedules were 
    implemented through carrier instruction. Because the final rule 
    following this proposed rule will codify current payment policy, there 
    will be no impact on Medicare program or beneficiary expenditures.
    E. Diagnostic Tests
        Our proposal specifies the level of physician supervision required 
    for diagnostic tests furnished in settings in which such services are 
    payable under the physician fee schedule. All of these tests would 
    require at least a general level of physician supervision (that is, 
    responsibility for the equipment and nonphysician personnel). The 
    following services would be excepted from this provision:
         Diagnostic mammography procedures regulated by the FDA.
         Certain tests performed by qualified audiologists as 
    discussed earlier.
         Certain testing services performed by qualified 
    independent psychologists as discussed earlier.
        This proposed policy may result in some program savings due to the 
    denial of payments for tests that are not reasonable and necessary 
    because the required level of physician supervision was not furnished. 
    However, we do not have data on which to base an estimate of savings. 
    We expect that, if the proposal is adopted, most testing entities that 
    did not previously furnish testing with the level of physician 
    supervision required under the proposal would modify the way they 
    furnish testing services to conform to the new policy.
        Our proposal would create a new type of entity known as an 
    independent diagnostic testing facility (IDTF) with specific national 
    standards. It would replace the existing IPL. Since the current IPL 
    national policy is based on State law and local Medicare carrier 
    policy, it is likely that some IPLs in certain areas would be more 
    affected by this proposal than others. We do not have any data upon 
    which to base any estimates of savings at this time. We anticipate that 
    there will be many comments on this proposed change, and we expect to 
    have more information about the effects of this proposal after we 
    review the comments. There are wide-spread allegations of unnecessary 
    testing furnished by IPLs under the current policy. Our proposal is 
    designed to assist Medicare carriers in addressing these allegations.
    F. Reasonable Compensation Equivalent Limit Update Factor
        The methodology currently employed to update the physician fee 
    schedule uses an inflation factor distinct from the CPI-U used to 
    update the reasonable compensation equivalent limits. To achieve a 
    measure of consistency in the methodologies employed to determine 
    reasonable payments to physicians for physicians' direct medical and 
    surgical services furnished to individual patients and reasonable 
    compensation levels for physicians' services that benefit provider 
    patients generally, we are proposing to revise the methodology used to 
    update the reasonable compensation equivalent limits by adopting the 
    physician fee schedule's inflation factor (the MEI) to update the 
    reasonable compensation equivalent limits. For cost reporting periods
    [[Page 33191]]
    beginning on or after January 1, 1998, updates to the reasonable 
    compensation equivalent limits would be calculated using the MEI.
        Because we are not proposing an actual update to the reasonable 
    compensation equivalent limits at this time that is based on the MEI 
    for cost reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 1998, we do 
    not expect this change in policy to have an impact on Medicare program 
    or beneficiary expenditures at this time.
    G. Payment to Participating and Nonparticipating Suppliers
        We are proposing to revise the definitions at Sec. 414.2 
    (Definitions) to define a ``participating supplier'' as being a 
    supplier as defined in Sec. 400.202, which includes physicians as 
    suppliers, when they have an agreement with HCFA to participate in Part 
    B of Medicare in effect on the date of the service. Similarly, we are 
    proposing to define ``nonparticipating supplier'' as a supplier that 
    does not have an agreement with HCFA to participate in Part B of 
    Medicare in effect on the date of the service.
        We are also proposing to revise Sec. 414.20 (Formula for computing 
    payment amounts) to clarify that the formula in the section computes 
    the fee schedule amount, which may differ from the payment basis, and 
    to clarify that the fee schedule amount for a nonparticipating supplier 
    is 95 percent of the fee schedule amount for a participating supplier. 
    We are also proposing to revise the heading of Sec. 414.20 to read 
    ``Formula for computing fee schedule amounts'' to reflect more 
    accurately the content of the section.
        We are proposing to revise Sec. 414.48 (Limits on actual charges of 
    nonparticipating suppliers), which describes the Medicare limiting 
    charge for nonparticipating suppliers to clarify that the limiting 
    charge is 115 percent of the fee schedule amount for nonparticipating 
    physicians as calculated in 414.20(b).
        The proposed changes to Secs. 414.2, 414.20, and 414.48 would have 
    no impact on Medicare payment, beneficiaries, physicians, other 
    suppliers of physician services, Medicare carriers, or other insurers. 
    We believe that Medicare carriers are currently properly calculating 
    the fee schedule amounts for participating and nonparticipating 
    suppliers and are paying based on those properly calculated amounts. 
    These changes are intended to conform our regulations to the law and 
    current practice.
    H. Increase in Work Relative Value Units for Global Surgical Services 
    To Account for the 1997 Increases for Work Relative Value Units in 
    Evaluation and Management Services
        In our November 22, 1996 final rule with comment period, as part of 
    the 5-year review of all physician work RVUs, we increased most of the 
    work RVUs for evaluation and management services for hospital and 
    office or other outpatient visits. We revised the work RVUs for 
    evaluation and management services partly in recognition of the 
    increase in preservice and postservice work. At that time, we made no 
    adjustments to the work RVUs assigned to global surgical services, 
    which, in addition to the surgical procedure, include the related pre- 
    and postoperative evaluation and management visits a surgeon provides 
    within a defined period of time.
        Upon further examination of this issue, we are proposing to 
    increase the work RVUs for global surgical services to be consistent 
    with the 1997 increases in the work RVUs for evaluation and management 
        Because the increases in the work RVUs for global surgical services 
    will cause an increase in payments for those services, we must reduce 
    all work payments by 0.6 percent to maintain budget neutrality.
    I. Caloric Vestibular Testing
        We are proposing to reduce the work and malpractice RVUs for CPT 
    code 92543 global service and CPT code 92543-26, and the malpractice 
    RVUs for CPT code 92543-TC to 25 percent of what they would otherwise 
    be. Therefore, beginning in 1998, when a physician performs and 
    interprets four irrigations, the physician would bill Medicare for four 
    units of CPT code 92543 (that is, the global service). When a physician 
    interprets four irrigations, the physician would bill four units of CPT 
    code 92543-26. When a physician or supplier performs four irrigations, 
    the physician or supplier would bill four units of CPT code 92543-TC.
        As part of the overall proposal of resource-based practice expense 
    RVUs for all codes, we would establish practice expense RVUs for CPT 
    code 92543 global service, -26, and -TC based on the assumption that 
    one unit of the service equals one irrigation or the interpretation of 
    one irrigation.
        We expect the proposed changes to the RVUs for caloric vestibular 
    testing to have no impact on Medicare program or beneficiary 
    expenditures because this is actually a change in coding interpretation 
    rather than a change in value. Medicare has interpreted one unit of CPT 
    code 92543 to mean up to four irrigations and has established its RVUs 
    based on that interpretation. The AMA interprets one unit to mean one 
    irrigation. Therefore, when the usual service is furnished (that is, a 
    total of four irrigations--two to each ear), Medicare instructed 
    physicians to bill for that as one unit of service, while the AMA's 
    instructions considered it four. We are now, in a budget-neutral 
    fashion, adopting the AMA interpretation to reduce billing confusion 
    regarding this code. The change is being made by having what used to be 
    one service--for Medicare purposes--now equal four services, while at 
    the same time establishing the RVU levels at 25 percent of what they 
    would have otherwise been.
    J. Clinical Consultations
        The regulations set forth at Sec. 415.130 (Conditions for payment: 
    Physician pathology services), paragraph (b) (Clinical consultation 
    services), require that a clinical consultation meet four criteria 
    before it can be paid. One of these criteria is that the clinical 
    consultation must be requested by the patient's attending physician. We 
    have allowed a standing order policy to be used as a substitute for the 
    individual request by the patient's attending physician. We are 
    proposing that, effective January 1, 1998, we would not accept a 
    standing order as a substitute for the individual request by the 
    attending physician. We would instruct the Medicare carriers to enforce 
    Sec. 415.130(b) as it is presently written.
        The national allowed charges for CPT code 80500 (Clinical pathology 
    consultation; limited, without review of patient's history and medical 
    records) for 1996 are $5.6 million. Of this amount, 70 percent of total 
    allowed charges are from seven States. These are: Florida, Texas, 
    Oklahoma, Illinois, Kentucky, California, and Missouri. Florida 
    accounts for $2.5 million or 45 percent of the total.
        We believe that the use of standing orders is clearly contributing 
    to increased payments for clinical consultations in Florida relative to 
    other States. We do not know the prevalence of standing orders in other 
    States but, generally, the data do not seem to indicate a widespread 
        We estimate that the our policy to eliminate standing orders will 
    result in savings of $2 to $3 million nationwide for clinical 
    consultations and that almost all of this will be attributable to 
    [[Page 33192]]
    K. Actual Charges
        In new Sec. 414.21 (Medicare payment basis), we are proposing to 
    state that Medicare payment is based on the lesser of the physician's, 
    supplier's, or other person's actual charge or the physician fee 
    schedule amount. This comports with section 1848(a)(1) of the Act. In 
    Sec. 400.202 (Definitions specific to Medicare), we are proposing to 
    define the actual charge to be the lesser of the amount the physician, 
    supplier, or other person charges for the service or the amount the 
    physician, supplier, or other person has agreed to accept as payment in 
    full under any contract that applies to the beneficiary for whom 
    Medicare payment is being claimed.
        It is difficult to estimate the impact of this proposal because we 
    do not have data on the number of persons who would be affected and the 
    average discount given by physicians and suppliers in affected plans. 
    However, with a plausible set of assumptions, the proposal would result 
    in savings to the Medicare program as follows:
                                                                        Calendar year incurred (in millions)        
                                                                  1998     1999     2000     2001     2002    Total 
    Medicare savings..........................................       40       44       48       53       59      245
    Medicare savings (after premium offset)...................       30       33       36       40       44      183
    Beneficiary coinsurance savings...........................       10       11       12       13       15       61
    Beneficiary savings through premium reduction.............       10       11       12       13       15       61
        Although there will be some impacts on individual plans and 
    beneficiaries, we are unable to determine the aggregate impact on the 
    premiums for private plans that are secondary to Medicare and that have 
    negotiated rates that are less than the Medicare fee schedule because 
    we do not have information regarding the total number of enrollees 
    (including non-Medicare persons) among whom any increased costs would 
    be shared.
    L. Elimination of the Separate Budget-Neutrality Adjuster for the Work 
    Relative Value Units
        As discussed in the November 22, 1996 final rule (61 FR 59532) for 
    the 1997 physician fee schedule, we intend to eliminate the separate 
    8.3 percent budget-neutrality adjustment to the work RVUs that resulted 
    from changes made during the 5-year review of work RVUs. We propose to 
    accomplish this by increasing the practice and malpractice expense RVUs 
    by 8.3 percent and reducing the CFs by 8.3 percent. This allows us to 
    eliminate the separate adjuster while not changing the payment for any 
    service. Also, we will raise the practice expense and malpractice 
    expense RVUs by an additional 0.6 percent and reduce the CF by an 
    additional 0.6 percent to account for the increases in the work 
    payments for the global surgical services that are related to the 5-
    year review of work RVUs. These increases are not reflected in the 
    practice and malpractice expense RVUs found in Addendum C.
    M. Rural Hospital Impact Statement
        Section 1102(b) of the Act requires the Secretary to prepare a 
    regulatory impact analysis if a rule may have a significant impact on 
    the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals. This 
    analysis must conform to the provisions of section 603 of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. For purposes of section 1102(b) of the Act, 
    we define a small rural hospital as a hospital that is located outside 
    of a Metropolitan Statistical Area and has fewer than 50 beds.
        This proposed rule would have little direct effect on payments to 
    rural hospitals since this rule would change only payments made to 
    physicians and certain other practitioners under Part B of the Medicare 
    program and would make no change in payments to hospitals under Part A. 
    We do not believe the changes would have a major, indirect effect on 
    rural hospitals.
        Therefore, we are not preparing an analysis for section 1102(b) of 
    the Act since we have determined, and the Secretary certifies, that 
    this rule would not have a significant impact on the operations of a 
    substantial number of small rural hospitals.
        In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12866, this 
    regulation was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
        The final rule following publication of this proposed rule will be 
    subject to congressional review and will be forwarded to the Congress 
    for a 60-day review period.
    List of Subjects
    42 CFR Part 400
        Grant programs--health, Health facilities, Health maintenance 
    organizations (HMOs), Medicaid, Medicare, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    42 CFR Part 405
        Administrative practice and procedure, Health facilities, Health 
    professions, Kidney diseases, Medicare, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Rural areas, X-rays.
    42 CFR Part 410
        Health facilities, Health professions, Kidney diseases, 
    Laboratories, Medicare, Rural areas, X-rays.
    42 CFR Part 414
        Administrative practice and procedure, Health facilities, Health 
    professions, Kidney diseases, Medicare, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Rural areas, X-rays.
        42 CFR chapter IV would be amended as set forth below:
        A. Part 400 is amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for part 400 continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 1102 and 1871 of the Social Security Act (42 
    U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh), and 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35.
        2. In Sec. 400.202, the introductory text is republished, and the 
    following definitions are added in alphabetical order:
    Sec. 400.202  Definitions specific to Medicare.
        As used in connection with the Medicare program, unless the context 
    indicates otherwise--
        Actual charge means the lesser of the amount the supplier charges 
    for the service or the amount the supplier has agreed to accept as 
    payment in full under any contract that the supplier has entered into 
    and that applies to the beneficiary for whom Medicare payment is being 
    * * * * *
        Nonparticipating supplier means a supplier that does not have an 
    agreement with HCFA to participate in Part B of Medicare in effect on 
    the date of the service.
    [[Page 33193]]
        Participating supplier means a supplier that has an agreement with 
    HCFA to participate in Part B of Medicare in effect on the date of the 
    * * * * *
        B. Technical Amendment: Part 405 is amended as set forth below:
    Subpart E--Criteria for Determination of Reasonable Charges
        1. The authority citation for part 405, subpart E, continues to 
    read as follows:
        Authority: Secs. 1102 and 1871 of the Social Security Act (42 
    U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh).
    Sec. 405.535  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 405.535(b), ``Sec. 414.48(b)(3)'' is removed and 
    ``Sec. 414.48(b)'' is added in its place.
        C. Part 410 is amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for part 410 continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 1102 and 1871 of the Social Security Act (42 
    U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh), unless otherwise indicated.
        2. Section 410.32 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 410.32  Diagnostic x-ray tests, diagnostic laboratory tests, and 
    other diagnostic tests: Conditions.
        (a) Ordering diagnostic tests. All diagnostic x-ray tests, 
    diagnostic laboratory tests, and other diagnostic tests must be ordered 
    by the physician who treats the beneficiary, that is, the physician who 
    furnishes a consultation or treats a beneficiary for a specific medical 
    problem and who uses the results in the management of the beneficiary's 
    specific medical problem. Tests not ordered by the physician who treats 
    the beneficiary are not ``reasonable and necessary'' (see 
    Sec. 411.15(k)(1) of this chapter).
        (1) Chiropractic exception. A physician may order an x-ray to be 
    used by a chiropractor to demonstrate the subluxation of the spine that 
    is the basis for a beneficiary to receive manual manipulation 
    treatments even though the physician does not treat the beneficiary.
        (2) Mammography exception. A physician who meets the qualification 
    requirements for an interpreting physician under section 354 of the 
    Public Health Service Act as provided in Sec. 410.34(a)(7) may order a 
    diagnostic mammogram based on the findings of a screening mammogram 
    even though the physician does not treat the beneficiary.
        (3) Application to nonphysician practitioners. Nonphysician 
    practitioners (that is, clinical nurse specialists, clinical 
    psychologists, clinical social workers, nurse-midwives, nurse 
    practitioners, and physician assistants) who furnish services that 
    would be physician services if furnished by a physician, and who are 
    operating within the scope of their authority under State law and 
    within the scope of their Medicare statutory benefit, may be treated 
    the same as physicians treating beneficiaries for the purpose of this 
        (b) Diagnostic x-ray and other diagnostic tests.
        (1) Basic rule. Except as indicated in paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    section, all diagnostic x-ray and other diagnostic tests covered under 
    section 1861(s)(3) of the Act and payable under the physician fee 
    schedule must be furnished under the appropriate level of supervision 
    by a physician as defined in section 1861(r) of the Act. Services 
    furnished without the required level of supervision are not 
    ``reasonable and necessary'' (see Sec. 411.15(k)(1) of this chapter).
        (2) Exceptions. The following diagnostic tests payable under the 
    physician fee schedule are excluded from the basic rule set forth in 
    paragraph (b)(1) of this section:
        (i) Diagnostic mammography procedures, which are regulated by the 
    Food and Drug Administration.
        (ii) Diagnostic tests personally furnished by a qualified 
    audiologist as defined in section 1861(ll)(3) of the Act.
        (iii) Diagnostic psychological testing services personally 
    furnished by a qualified independent psychologist as defined in program 
        (3) Levels of supervision. Except where otherwise indicated, all 
    diagnostic x-ray and other diagnostic tests subject to this provision 
    and payable under the physician fee schedule must be furnished under at 
    least a general level of physician supervision as defined in paragraph 
    (b)(3)(i) of this section. In addition, some of these tests also 
    require either direct or personal supervision as defined in paragraphs 
    (b)(3)(ii) or (b)(3)(iii) of this section, respectively. When direct or 
    personal supervision is required, physician supervision at the 
    specified level is required throughout the performance of the test.
        (i) ``General supervision'' means the procedure is furnished under 
    the physician's overall direction and control, but the physician's 
    presence is not required during the performance of the procedure. Under 
    general supervision, the training of the nonphysician personnel who 
    actually perform the diagnostic procedure and the maintenance of the 
    necessary equipment and supplies are the continuing responsibility of 
    the physician. Examples of procedures in this category are x-ray 
    procedures described in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) and (c)(3)(ii) of this 
    section and electrocardiograms.
        (ii) ``Direct supervision'' in the office setting does not mean 
    that the physician must be present in the room when the procedure is 
    performed; however, the physician must be present in the office suite 
    and immediately available to furnish assistance and direction 
    throughout the performance of the procedure. Examples of procedures in 
    this category are magnetic resonance imaging procedures, computerized 
    axial tomography procedures, nuclear medicine procedures, procedures in 
    which contrast materials are used, and x-rays other than skeletal, 
    abdominal, and chest x-rays.
        (iii) ``Personal supervision'' means a physician must be in 
    attendance in the room during the performance of the procedure. 
    Examples of procedures in this category include cardiovascular stress 
    tests, cardiac catheterization, and radiological supervision and 
    interpretation procedures.
        (c) Portable x-ray services. Portable x-ray services furnished in a 
    place of residence used as the patient's home are covered if the 
    following conditions are met:
        (1) These services are furnished under the general supervision of a 
    physician, as defined in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section.
        (2) The supplier of these services meets the requirements set forth 
    in part 486, subpart C of this chapter, concerning conditions for 
    coverage for portable x-ray services.
        (3) The procedures are limited to--
        (i) Skeletal films involving the extremities, pelvis, vertebral 
    column, or skull;
        (ii) Chest or abdominal films that do not involve the use of 
    contrast media; and
        (iii) Diagnostic mammograms if the approved portable x-ray 
    supplier, as defined in subpart C of part 486 of this chapter, meets 
    the certification requirements of section 354 of the Public Health 
    Service Act, as implemented by 21 CFR part 900, subpart B.
        (d) Diagnostic laboratory tests. Medicare Part B pays for covered
    [[Page 33194]]
    diagnostic laboratory tests that are furnished by any of the following:
        (1) A participating hospital or participating RPCH.
        (2) A nonparticipating hospital that meets the requirements for 
    emergency outpatient services specified in subpart G of part 424 of 
    this chapter and the laboratory requirements specified in part 493 of 
    this chapter.
        (3) The office of the patient's attending or consulting physician 
    if that physician is a doctor of medicine, osteopathy, podiatric 
    medicine, dental surgery, or dental medicine.
        (4) An RHC.
        (5) A laboratory, if it meets the applicable requirements for 
    laboratories of part 493 of this chapter, including the laboratory of a 
    nonparticipating hospital that does not meet the requirements for 
    emergency outpatient services in subpart G of part 424 of this chapter.
        (6) An FQHC.
        3. New Sec. 410.33 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 410.33  Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility.
        (a) General rule. (1) Effective for diagnostic procedures performed 
    on or after January 1, 1998, carriers will pay for diagnostic 
    procedures under the physician fee schedule only when performed by a 
    physician, a group practice of physicians, an approved supplier of 
    portable x-ray services, or an independent diagnostic testing facility 
    (IDTF). An IDTF may be a fixed location, a mobile entity, or an 
    individual nonphysician practitioner. It is independent of a 
    physician's office or hospital.
        (2) Exceptions. The following diagnostic tests that are payable 
    under the physician fee schedule and furnished by a nonhospital testing 
    entity are not required to be furnished in accordance with the criteria 
    set forth in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section:
        (i) Diagnostic mammography procedures, which are regulated by the 
    Food and Drug Administration.
        (ii) Diagnostic tests personally furnished by a qualified 
    audiologist as defined in section 1861(ll)(3) of the Act.
        (iii) Diagnostic psychological testing services personally 
    furnished by a qualified independent psychologist as defined in program 
        (b) Supervising physician. (1) An IDTF must have one or more 
    supervising physicians who are responsible for the direct and ongoing 
    oversight of the quality of the testing performed, the proper operation 
    and calibration of the equipment used to perform tests, and the 
    qualification of nonphysician personnel who use the equipment. This 
    level of supervision is that required for general supervision set forth 
    in Sec. 410.32(b)(3)(i).
        (2) The supervising physician must evidence proficiency in the 
    performance and interpretation of each type of diagnostic procedure 
    performed by the IDTF. The proficiency may be documented by 
    certification in specific medical specialties or subspecialties or by 
    criteria established by the carrier for the service area in which the 
    IDTF is located. In the case of a procedure requiring the direct or 
    personal supervision of a physician as set forth in 
    Sec. 410.32(b)(3)(ii) or (b)(3)(iii), the IDTF's supervising physician 
    must personally furnish this level of supervision whether the procedure 
    is performed in the IDTF or, in the case of mobile services, at the 
    remote location. The IDTF must maintain documentation of sufficient 
    physician resources during all hours of operations to assure that the 
    required physician supervision is furnished. In the case of procedures 
    requiring direct supervision, the supervising physician may oversee 
    concurrent procedures.
        (c) Nonphysician personnel. Any nonphysician personnel used by the 
    IDTF to perform tests must demonstrate the basic qualifications to 
    perform the tests in question and have training and proficiency as 
    evidenced by licensure or certification by the appropriate State health 
    or education department. In the absence of a State licensing board, the 
    technician must be certified by the appropriate national credentialing 
    body. The IDTF must maintain documentation available for review that 
    these requirements are met.
        (d) Ordering of tests. All procedures performed by the IDTF must be 
    specifically ordered in writing by the physician who treats the 
    beneficiary, that is, the physician who is furnishing a consultation or 
    treating a beneficiary for a specific medical problem and who uses the 
    results in the management of the beneficiary's specific medical 
    problem. The order must specify the diagnosis or other basis for the 
    testing. The supervising physician for the IDTF may not order tests 
    performed by the IDTF, and the IDTF may not add any procedures based on 
    internal protocols without written order from the treating physician.
        (e) Multi-State entities. An IDTF that operates across State 
    boundaries must maintain documentation that its supervising physicians 
    and technicians are licensed and certified in each of the States in 
    which it is furnishing services.
        D. Part 414 is amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for part 414 continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 1102, 1871, and 1881(b)(1) of the Social 
    Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1302, 1395hh, and 1395rr(b)(1)).
        2. Section 414.20 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 414.20  Formula for computing fee schedule amounts.
        (a) Participating supplier. The fee schedule amount for a 
    participating supplier for a physician service as defined in Sec. 414.2 
    is computed as the product of the following amounts:
        (1) The RVUs for the service.
        (2) The GAF for the fee schedule area.
        (3) The CF.
        (b) Nonparticipating supplier. The fee schedule amount for a 
    nonparticipating supplier for a physician service as defined in 
    Sec. 414.2 is 95 percent of the fee schedule amount as calculated in 
    paragraph (a) of this section.
        3. A new Sec. 414.21 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 414.21  Medicare payment basis.
        Medicare payment is based on the lesser of the actual charge, as 
    defined in Sec. 400.202 of this chapter, or the applicable fee schedule 
        4. In Sec. 414.22, the introductory text to the section and the 
    introductory text to paragraph (b) are republished, and new paragraph 
    (b)(4) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 414.22  Relative value units (RVUs).
        HCFA establishes RVUs for physician work, physician practice 
    expense, and malpractice insurance.
    * * * * *
        (b) Practice expense RVUs. * * *
        (4) For services furnished beginning January 1, 1998, the practice 
    expense RVUs are based on the relative practice expense resources 
    involved in furnishing the service.
        (i) There are generally two levels of practice expense RVUs per 
    code. The lower practice expense RVU applies to services furnished to 
    hospital or ambulatory surgical center patients. The higher practice 
    expense RVU applies to services performed in a physician's office; 
    services, other than evaluation and management services, that are 
    furnished to patients in a nursing facility, in a facility or 
    institution other than a hospital or ambulatory surgical center, or in 
    the home; and other services furnished to facility patients for
    [[Page 33195]]
    which the facility payment does not include physician practice costs.
        (ii) There is only one practice expense RVU per code for: services 
    that have a technical component practice expense RVU; a professional 
    component practice expense RVU; evaluation and management services, 
    such as hospital or nursing facility visits, that are furnished 
    exclusively in one setting; and major surgical services.
    * * * * *
        5. In Sec. 414.32, paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 414.32  Determining payments for certain physician services 
    furnished in facility settings.
    * * * * *
        (b) General rule. If physician services of the type routinely 
    furnished in physician offices are furnished in facility settings 
    before January 1, 1998, the fee schedule amount for those services is 
    determined by reducing the practice expense RVUs for the service by 50 
    percent. For services furnished on or after January 1, 1998, see 
    Sec. 414.22(b)(4) concerning practice expense RVUs.
    * * * * *
        6. In Sec. 414.34, the introductory text to paragraph (a)(2) is 
    republished and a new paragraph (a)(2)(iii) is added to read as 
    Sec. 414.34  Payment for services and supplies incident to a 
    physician's service.
        (a) Medical supplies. * * *
        (2) If physician services of the type routinely furnished in 
    provider settings are furnished in a physician's office, separate 
    payment may be made for certain supplies furnished incident to that 
    physician service if the following requirements are met:
    * * * * *
        (iii) It is furnished before January 1, 1998.
    * * * * *
        7. In Sec. 414.48, paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 414.48  Limits on actual charges of nonparticipating suppliers.
    * * * * *
        (b) Specific limits. For items or services paid under the physician 
    fee schedule, the limiting charge is 115 percent of the fee schedule 
    amount for nonparticipating suppliers. For items or services HCFA 
    excludes from payment under the physician fee schedule (in accordance 
    with section 1848(j)(3) of the Act), the limiting charge is 115 percent 
    of 95 percent of the payment basis applicable to participating 
    suppliers as calculated in Sec. 414.20(b).
        8. Section 414.62 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 414.62  Fee schedule for clinical psychologist services.
        The fee schedule for clinical psychologist services is set at 100 
    percent of the amount determined for corresponding services under the 
    physician fee schedule.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.774, 
    Medicare--Supplementary Medical Insurance Program)
        Dated: May 23, 1997.
    Bruce C. Vladeck,
    Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration.
        Dated: June 9, 1997.
    Donna E. Shalala,
        Note: These addenda will not appear in the Code of Federal 
                      Addendum A.--Family of Codes by CPEP                  
                                                                  Number of 
                CPEP                       Description             service  
    1..........................  Integumentary and Physical               12
    2..........................  Male Genital and Urinary......           19
    3..........................  Orthopaedics..................           24
    4..........................  Obstetrics and Gynecology.....           18
    5..........................  Ophthalmology.................           16
    6..........................  Radiology.....................           17
    7..........................  Evaluation and Management and            15
                                  Other Services.                           
    8..........................  General Surgery...............           25
    9..........................  Otolaryngology................           16
    10.........................  Miscellaneous Internal                   17
                                  Medicine and Other Services.              
    11.........................  Gastroenterology..............            8
    12.........................  Cardiothoracic and Vascular               9
    13.........................  Cardiology....................           14
    14.........................  Anesthesiology and Pathology..            9
    15.........................  Neurosurgery..................           10
      Total....................  ..............................          229
    Addendum B--Proposed Statistical Linking Methodology
        CPEP ``X'' gave labor time estimates for procedure code ``1'' that, 
    after applying the compensation rate, is valued at $5. CPEP X valued 
    procedure code ``2'' at $7. For CPEP ``Y,'' the compensation cost for 
    labor for procedure code 1 is $10. If we had averaged the CPEPs' values 
    for procedure code 1, the resulting value for procedure code 1 would be 
    $7.50. This would result in a switched ranking of procedure codes 1 and 
    2 for CPEP X. For example, if CPEP ``X'' ranked CPT code 99213 lower 
    than CPT code 99214, it is possible this ranking would be reversed 
    after we calculated the average values for CPT code 99213 across all 
        Specifically, we estimated the following equation for procedure 
    codes that were rated in a given setting (that is, in or out of the 
    office) by more than one CPEP:
        (1) LN(Labor costij = Codei + 
    CPEPj + Uij
        Labor costij is the labor cost of redundant 
    Codei performed by CPEPj;
        Codei is a dummy variable that takes on a value of 1 if 
    Codei was performed by CPEPij and has a value of 
    0 otherwise;
        CPEPj is a dummy variable that takes on a value of 1 if 
    Codei was evaluated by CPEPj and has a value of 0 
        Uij is a random disturbance for the Codei in 
        Because this was a dummy variable regression, one specialty dummy, 
    CPEP 7 was omitted and serves as the base
    [[Page 33196]]
    against which other CPEP data are standardized. CPEP 14 data were also 
    deleted from the linking process because they had no links.
        We used Mosteller and Tukey's bi-weighting algorithm to reduce the 
    influence of observations with large residuals. (See Mosteller, F. and 
    Tukey, J.W.: A method of direct assessment. Data Analysis and 
    Regression: A Second Course in Statistics. Reading, MA. Addison-Wesley 
    Publishing Company, 1977, pages 357 through 358.) We terminated the 
    iteration process when none of the CPEP dummies changed in the fifth 
    place to the right of the decimal point. The bi-weighting algorithm 
    converged for both administrative and clinical costs by the fourth 
        The coefficients of interest are the CPEP dummies. These dummies 
    were then used to scale their respective CPEP scales by exp(-
    CPEPj) for each CPEPj, j=CPEP 1, * * *, CPEP 15, 
    excluding CPEP 7 and CPEP 14. Because the resulting labor cost 
    estimates are shifts of CPEPs relative to CPEP 7, they had to be 
    rescaled so the administrative labor cost estimates could be added to 
    the clinical labor cost estimates.
        To facilitate this calculation, we used data analyses performed on 
    the 1995 AMA Socioeconomic Monitoring System Survey Data to calculate 
    the number of RVUs that would be attributed to administrative labor and 
    clinical labor. Separately for administrative and clinical labor, we 
    multiplied the resulting labor cost estimates for each code by its 
    respective frequency to calculate the total number of administrative 
    and clinical labor cost estimates. We compared this number to the 
    number of administrative and clinical labor cost estimates implied by 
    the current RVUs for practice expense and scaled the new estimates to 
    fit this estimate.
                       Linking Adjustment Factors by CPEP                   
                                              Clinical labor  Administrative
                      CPEP                        linking      labor linking
                                                adjustment      adjustment  
    CPEP #1.................................             .76             .52
    CPEP #2.................................             .42             .38
    CPEP #3.................................             .43             .31
    CPEP #4.................................             .88             .51
    CPEP #5.................................             .73             .46
    CPEP #6.................................             .78             .48
    CPEP #7.................................            1.00            1.00
    CPEP #8.................................             .45             .24
    CPEP #9.................................             .46             .34
    CPEP #10................................             .85             .72
    CPEP #11................................             .77             .39
    CPEP #12................................             .50             .24
    CPEP #13................................             .74             .44
    CPEP #14................................            1.00            1.00
    CPEP #15................................             .84             .20
            \4\ * Work RVUs increased in global surgical 
    [[Page 33196]]
                                                Addendum C.--Relative Value Units (RVUs) and Related Information                                            
                                                                               Direct in    out of    Total in  Total out                                   
     CPT 1/                                                         Physician    office     office     office   of office  Malpractice   Total in  Total out
    HCPCS 2        MOD           Status           Description       work RVUs   practice   practice   practice   practice      RVUs       office   of office
                                                                       3 4      expense    expense    expense    expense                                    
                                                                                  RVUs       RVUs       RVUs       RVUs                                     
    10040..  ..............  A               Acne surgery of skin       *1.18       1.13       0.56       1.64       0.95        0.03        2.85       2.16
    10060..  ..............  A               Drainage of skin           *1.17       1.13       0.54       1.64       0.92        0.04        2.85       2.13
    10061..  ..............  A               Drainage of skin           *2.40       1.38       0.54       2.22       1.20        0.06        4.68       3.66
    10080..  ..............  A               Drainage of pilonidal      *1.17       1.13       0.54       1.65       0.93        0.05        2.87       2.15
    10081..  ..............  A               Drainage of pilonidal      *2.45       1.31       0.84       2.17       1.59        0.16        4.78       4.20
    10120..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body..      *1.22       1.13       0.54       1.66       0.94        0.05        2.93       2.21
    10121..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body..      *2.69       1.48       0.87       2.42       1.67        0.12        5.23       4.48
    10140..  ..............  A               Drainage of hematoma/      *1.53       1.13       0.54       1.72       1.00        0.05        3.30       2.58
    10160..  ..............  A               Puncture drainage of       *1.20       1.13       0.54       1.65       0.93        0.05        2.90       2.18
    10180..  ..............  A               Complex drainage,          *2.25       0.64       0.52       1.31       1.17        0.18        3.74       3.60
    11000..  ..............  A               Debride infected skin       0.60       0.54       0.16       0.80       0.34        0.04        1.44       0.98
    11001..  ..............  A               Debride infect skin         0.30       0.10       0.00       0.19       0.07        0.02        0.51       0.39
    11010..  ..............  A               Debride skin, fx.....      *4.20       0.60       0.16       1.80       1.26        0.65        6.65       6.11
    11011..  ..............  A               Debride skin/muscle,        4.95       1.32       0.62       2.87       2.01        0.77        8.59       7.73
    11012..  ..............  A               Debride skin/muscle/        6.88       1.32       0.62       3.36       2.50        1.07       11.31      10.45
                                              bone, fx.                                                                                                     
    11040..  ..............  A               Debride skin partial.       0.50       0.47       0.16       0.69       0.32        0.04        1.23       0.86
    11041..  ..............  A               Debride skin full....       0.82       0.52       0.16       0.83       0.39        0.06        1.71       1.27
    11042..  ..............  A               Debride skin/tissue..       1.12       0.60       0.16       1.00       0.46        0.08        2.20       1.66
    11043..  ..............  A               Debride tissue/muscle      *2.38       1.32       0.62       2.21       1.35        0.34        4.93       4.07
    11044..  ..............  A               Debride tissue/muscle/     *3.06       1.63       0.65       2.76       1.57        0.49        6.31       5.12
    11050..  ..............  A               Trim skin lesion.....       0.43       0.52       0.16       0.73       0.30        0.03        1.19       0.76
    11051..  ..............  A               Trim 2 to 4 skin            0.66       0.57       0.16       0.85       0.35        0.05        1.56       1.06
    11052..  ..............  A               Trim over 4 skin            0.86       0.57       0.16       0.89       0.40        0.04        1.79       1.30
    11100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of skin lesion       0.81       1.14       0.16       1.58       0.38        0.04        2.43       1.23
    11101..  ..............  A               Biopsy, each added          0.41       0.15       0.00       0.28       0.09        0.02        0.71       0.52
    11200..  ..............  A               Removal of skin tags.      *0.74       0.76       0.17       1.10       0.38        0.04        1.88       1.16
    11201..  ..............  A               Removal of added skin       0.26       0.09       0.00       0.17       0.06        0.02        0.45       0.34
    11300..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       0.51       0.78       0.16       1.08       0.32        0.05        1.64       0.88
    11301..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       0.85       0.78       0.16       1.16       0.40        0.06        2.07       1.31
    11302..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       1.05       0.78       0.16       1.21       0.45        0.09        2.35       1.59
    11303..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       1.24       0.78       0.16       1.27       0.51        0.17        2.68       1.92
    11305..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       0.67       0.78       0.16       1.11       0.36        0.05        1.83       1.08
    11306..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       0.99       0.78       0.16       1.19       0.43        0.07        2.25       1.49
    11307..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       1.14       0.78       0.16       1.23       0.47        0.10        2.47       1.71
    11308..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       1.41       0.78       0.16       1.30       0.54        0.17        2.88       2.12
    11310..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       0.73       0.78       0.16       1.13       0.37        0.06        1.92       1.16
    11311..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       1.05       0.78       0.16       1.20       0.45        0.08        2.33       1.58
    11312..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       1.20       0.78       0.16       1.24       0.49        0.11        2.55       1.80
    11313..  ..............  A               Shave skin lesion....       1.62       0.78       0.16       1.34       0.59        0.15        3.11       2.36
    11400..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *0.91       1.44       0.56       1.96       0.89        0.05        2.92       1.85
    11401..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.32       1.44       0.56       2.05       0.99        0.06        3.43       2.37
    [[Page 33197]]
    11402..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.61       1.44       0.56       2.12       1.06        0.09        3.82       2.76
    11403..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.92       1.23       0.59       1.95       1.17        0.13        4.00       3.22
    11404..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.20       1.26       0.59       2.06       1.24        0.17        4.43       3.61
    11406..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.76       1.60       0.59       2.63       1.40        0.33        5.72       4.49
    11420..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.06       1.44       0.56       1.99       0.93        0.05        3.10       2.04
    11421..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.53       1.44       0.56       2.10       1.03        0.07        3.70       2.63
    11422..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.76       1.44       0.56       2.16       1.09        0.10        4.02       2.95
    11423..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.17       1.23       0.59       2.01       1.23        0.15        4.33       3.55
    11424..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.62       1.26       0.59       2.15       1.33        0.16        4.93       4.11
    11426..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *3.78       1.60       0.59       2.84       1.61        0.29        6.91       5.68
    11440..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.15       1.44       0.56       2.02       0.95        0.06        3.23       2.16
    11441..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.61       1.44       0.56       2.12       1.05        0.08        3.81       2.74
    11442..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.87       1.44       0.56       2.19       1.12        0.11        4.17       3.10
    11443..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.49       1.57       0.59       2.49       1.30        0.15        5.13       3.94
    11444..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *3.42       1.29       0.59       2.36       1.50        0.14        5.92       5.06
    11446..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *4.49       1.66       0.59       3.05       1.74        0.18        7.72       6.41
    11450..  ..............  A               Removal, sweat gland       *2.73       2.15       0.75       3.32       1.61        0.44        6.49       4.78
    11451..  ..............  A               Removal, sweat gland       *3.95       2.18       0.75       3.62       1.89        0.46        8.03       6.30
    11462..  ..............  A               Removal, sweat gland       *2.51       2.12       0.75       3.21       1.55        0.36        6.08       4.42
    11463..  ..............  A               Removal, sweat gland       *3.95       2.53       0.75       4.02       1.86        0.34        8.31       6.15
    11470..  ..............  A               Removal, sweat gland       *3.25       2.53       0.75       3.89       1.73        0.45        7.59       5.43
    11471..  ..............  A               Removal, sweat gland       *4.41       2.59       0.75       4.23       1.99        0.48        9.12       6.88
    11600..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.41       1.51       0.59       2.17       1.05        0.10        3.68       2.56
    11601..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.93       1.42       0.59       2.18       1.17        0.12        4.23       3.22
    11602..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.09       1.53       0.59       2.36       1.21        0.16        4.61       3.46
    11603..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.35       1.23       0.59       2.06       1.28        0.21        4.62       3.84
    11604..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.58       1.26       0.59       2.16       1.34        0.26        5.00       4.18
    11606..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *3.43       1.63       0.59       2.85       1.58        0.49        6.77       5.50
    11620..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.34       1.53       0.59       2.18       1.04        0.12        3.64       2.50
    11621..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.97       1.53       0.59       2.33       1.19        0.16        4.46       3.32
    11622..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.34       1.53       0.59       2.42       1.27        0.19        4.95       3.80
    11623..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.93       1.24       0.59       2.21       1.42        0.25        5.39       4.60
    11624..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *3.43       1.29       0.59       2.40       1.54        0.32        6.15       5.29
    11626..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *4.30       1.60       0.59       3.00       1.77        0.51        7.81       6.58
    11640..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *1.53       1.53       0.59       2.23       1.09        0.15        3.91       2.77
    11641..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.44       1.53       0.59       2.44       1.29        0.18        5.06       3.91
    11642..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *2.93       1.28       0.59       2.26       1.41        0.23        5.42       4.57
    11643..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *3.50       1.29       0.59       2.41       1.55        0.28        6.19       5.33
    11644..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *4.55       1.36       0.59       2.72       1.79        0.33        7.60       6.67
    11646..  ..............  A               Removal of skin            *5.95       1.68       0.59       3.48       2.16        0.60       10.03       8.71
    11720..  ..............  A               Debride nail, 1-5....       0.32       0.50       0.12       0.69       0.23        0.03        1.04       0.58
    11721..  ..............  A               Debride nail, 6 or          0.54       0.56       0.12       0.81       0.28        0.05        1.40       0.87
    11730..  ..............  A               Removal of nail plate       1.13       0.64       0.12       1.04       0.41        0.04        2.21       1.58
    11731..  ..............  A               Removal of second           0.57       0.09       0.00       0.25       0.14        0.05        0.87       0.76
                                              nail plate.                                                                                                   
    11732..  ..............  A               Remove additional           0.57       0.09       0.00       0.24       0.13        0.02        0.83       0.72
                                              nail plate.                                                                                                   
    11740..  ..............  A               Drain blood from            0.37       0.90       0.16       1.18       0.29        0.04        1.59       0.70
                                              under nail.                                                                                                   
    11750..  ..............  A               Removal of nail bed..      *1.86       1.33       0.20       2.08       0.70        0.19        4.13       2.75
    11752..  ..............  A               Remove nail bed/           *2.67       1.30       0.49       2.25       1.26        0.36        5.28       4.29
                                              finger tip.                                                                                                   
    11755..  ..............  A               Biopsy, nail unit....       1.31       0.73       0.12       1.21       0.46        0.12        2.64       1.89
    11760..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          *1.58       1.29       0.49       1.94       0.96        0.09        3.61       2.63
                                              nail bed.                                                                                                     
    11762..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          *2.89       1.46       0.49       2.46       1.28        0.24        5.59       4.41
                                              nail bed.                                                                                                     
    11765..  ..............  A               Excision of nail           *0.69       1.23       0.49       1.67       0.76        0.05        2.41       1.50
                                              fold, toe.                                                                                                    
    11770..  ..............  A               Removal of pilonidal       *2.61       1.53       0.59       2.53       1.39        0.44        5.58       4.44
    11771..  ..............  A               Removal of pilonidal       *5.74       3.03       1.93       5.15       3.81        0.92       11.81      10.47
    11772..  ..............  A               Removal of pilonidal       *6.98       3.06       1.93       5.48       4.10        1.01       13.47      12.09
    11900..  ..............  A               Injection into skin         0.52       0.54       0.16       0.78       0.32        0.02        1.32       0.86
    11901..  ..............  A               Added skin lesions          0.80       0.57       0.16       0.88       0.38        0.03        1.71       1.21
    11920..  ..............  R               Correct skin color          1.61       0.69       0.13       1.25       0.56        0.23        3.09       2.40
    11921..  ..............  R               Correct skin color          1.93       0.82       0.13       1.48       0.65        0.28        3.69       2.86
    11922..  ..............  R               Correct skin color          0.49       0.25       0.00       0.43       0.12        0.07        0.99       0.68
    11950..  ..............  R               Therapy for contour         0.84       0.66       0.13       1.02       0.37        0.11        1.97       1.32
    11951..  ..............  R               Therapy for contour         1.19       0.72       0.13       1.17       0.45        0.11        2.47       1.75
    11952..  ..............  R               Therapy for contour         1.69       0.78       0.13       1.35       0.56        0.11        3.15       2.36
    11954..  ..............  R               Therapy for contour         1.85       0.82       0.13       1.42       0.59        0.11        3.38       2.55
    11960..  ..............  A               Insert tissue              *9.08         NA       3.56         NA       6.65        1.48          NA      17.21
    11970..  ..............  A               Replace tissue             *7.06         NA       0.90         NA       2.99        1.61          NA      11.66
    11971..  ..............  A               Remove tissue              *2.13       2.35       1.39       3.52       2.34        0.82        6.47       5.29
    11975..  ..............  N               Insert contraceptive       +1.48       0.87       0.16       1.43       0.58        0.25        3.16       2.31
    11976..  ..............  R               Removal of                  1.78       0.87       0.16       1.51       0.65        0.30        3.59       2.73
                                              contraceptive cap.                                                                                            
    11977..  ..............  N               Removal/reinsert           +3.30       0.87       0.16       1.90       1.04        0.55        5.75       4.89
                                              contra cap.                                                                                                   
    12001..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *1.70       1.14       0.50       1.77       0.99        0.05        3.52       2.74
    12002..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *1.86       1.17       0.50       1.85       1.03        0.07        3.78       2.96
    12004..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *2.24       1.20       0.50       1.98       1.12        0.10        4.32       3.46
    12005..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *2.86       1.38       0.53       2.33       1.30        0.14        5.33       4.30
    [[Page 33198]]
    12006..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *3.67       1.81       0.84       3.06       1.86        0.19        6.92       5.72
    12007..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *4.12       1.96       0.84       3.33       1.96        0.19        7.64       6.27
    12011..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *1.76       1.17       0.50       1.83       1.01        0.06        3.65       2.83
    12013..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *1.99       1.23       0.50       1.96       1.06        0.08        4.03       3.13
    12014..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *2.46       1.31       0.53       2.16       1.21        0.10        4.72       3.77
    12015..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *3.19       1.44       0.53       2.48       1.38        0.14        5.81       4.71
    12016..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *3.93       1.55       0.50       2.79       1.51        0.19        6.91       5.63
    12017..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *4.71       2.38       0.84       4.01       2.12        0.31        9.03       7.14
    12018..  ..............  A               Repair superficial         *5.53       2.61       0.84       4.50       2.34        0.48       10.51       8.35
    12020..  ..............  A               Closure of split           *2.62       1.23       0.53       2.12       1.26        0.18        4.92       4.06
    12021..  ..............  A               Closure of split           *1.84       1.14       0.50       1.82       1.04        0.11        3.77       2.99
    12031..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *2.15       1.44       0.50       2.24       1.09        0.07        4.46       3.31
    12032..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *2.47       1.50       0.50       2.39       1.17        0.10        4.96       3.74
    12034..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *2.92       1.70       0.53       2.75       1.32        0.15        5.82       4.39
    12035..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *3.43       1.77       0.53       2.96       1.45        0.23        6.62       5.11
    12036..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *4.05       2.20       0.84       3.65       1.99        0.37        8.07       6.41
    12037..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *4.67       2.44       0.84       4.10       2.15        0.48        9.25       7.30
    12041..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *2.37       1.52       0.50       2.39       1.15        0.08        4.84       3.60
    12042..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *2.74       1.57       0.50       2.54       1.24        0.12        5.40       4.10
    12044..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *3.14       1.77       0.53       2.89       1.37        0.17        6.20       4.68
    12045..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *3.64       1.84       0.53       3.10       1.49        0.23        6.97       5.36
    12046..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *4.25       2.23       0.84       3.73       2.03        0.37        8.35       6.65
    12047..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *4.65       2.71       0.84       4.45       2.16        0.56        9.66       7.37
    12051..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *2.47       1.57       0.50       2.48       1.17        0.10        5.05       3.74
    12052..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *2.77       1.67       0.50       2.67       1.25        0.14        5.58       4.16
    12053..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *3.12       1.72       0.53       2.82       1.37        0.17        6.11       4.66
    12054..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *3.46       1.87       0.53       3.10       1.46        0.25        6.81       5.17
    12055..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *4.43       1.93       0.55       3.40       1.72        0.37        8.20       6.52
    12056..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *5.24       2.39       0.84       4.18       2.28        0.52        9.94       8.04
    12057..  ..............  A               Layer closure of           *5.96       2.04       0.84       3.89       2.43        0.48       10.33       8.87
    13100..  ..............  A               Repair of wound or         *3.12       1.39       0.50       2.40       1.32        0.13        5.65       4.57
    13101..  ..............  A               Repair of wound or         *3.92       1.47       0.53       2.69       1.55        0.21        6.82       5.68
    13120..  ..............  A               Repair of wound or         *3.30       1.40       0.50       2.46       1.37        0.17        5.93       4.84
    13121..  ..............  A               Repair of wound or         *4.33       1.50       0.53       2.85       1.67        0.33        7.51       6.33
    13131..  ..............  A               Repair of wound or         *3.79       1.44       0.50       2.63       1.49        0.23        6.65       5.51
    13132..  ..............  A               Repair of wound or         *5.95       1.47       0.53       3.19       2.05        0.44        9.58       8.44
    13150..  ..............  A               Repair of wound or         *3.81       1.90       0.77       3.20       1.83        0.23        7.24       5.87
    13151..  ..............  A               Repair of wound or         *4.45       2.06       0.80       3.56       2.03        0.35        8.36       6.83
    13152..  ..............  A               Repair of wound or         *6.33       2.16       0.80       4.17       2.52        0.68       11.18       9.53
    13160..  ..............  A               Late closure of wound     *10.48       2.34       1.46       5.28       4.20        0.58       16.34      15.26
    13300..  ..............  A               Repair of wound or         *5.27       1.49       0.55       3.16       2.01        0.86        9.29       8.14
    14000..  ..............  A               Skin tissue                *5.89       3.01       1.46       5.04       3.15        0.38       11.31       9.42
    14001..  ..............  A               Skin tissue                *8.47       3.25       1.46       5.98       3.80        0.76       15.21      13.03
    14020..  ..............  A               Skin tissue                *6.59       3.09       1.46       5.31       3.33        0.49       12.39      10.41
    14021..  ..............  A               Skin tissue               *10.06       3.34       1.46       6.48       4.19        0.94       17.48      15.19
    14040..  ..............  A               Skin tissue                *7.87       3.18       1.46       5.74       3.64        0.65       14.26      12.16
    14041..  ..............  A               Skin tissue               *11.49       3.44       1.46       6.94       4.52        1.02       19.45      17.03
    14060..  ..............  A               Skin tissue                *8.50       3.14       1.60       5.92       4.04        1.04       15.46      13.58
    14061..  ..............  A               Skin tissue               *12.29       3.74       1.60       7.53       4.92        1.27       21.09      18.48
    14300..  ..............  A               Skin tissue               *11.76       3.35       1.60       7.07       4.93        1.84       20.67      18.53
    14350..  ..............  A               Skin tissue                *9.61         NA       1.54         NA       4.21        1.05          NA      14.87
    15000..  ..............  A               Skin graft procedure.       1.95       1.39       0.00       2.23       0.54        0.53        4.71       3.02
    15050..  ..............  A               Skin pinch graft           *4.30       2.31       1.46       3.83       2.78        0.30        8.43       7.38
    15100..  ..............  A               Skin split graft           *9.05       2.34       1.46       5.03       3.95        0.89       14.97      13.89
    15101..  ..............  A               Skin split graft            1.72       1.71       0.00       2.54       0.45        0.33        4.59       2.50
    15120..  ..............  A               Skin split graft           *9.83       2.65       1.46       5.59       4.14        0.94       16.36      14.91
    15121..  ..............  A               Skin split graft            2.67       1.91       0.00       3.02       0.70        0.53        6.22       3.90
    15200..  ..............  A               Skin full graft            *8.03       3.63       1.46       6.33       3.69        0.69       15.05      12.41
    15201..  ..............  A               Skin full graft             1.32       2.81       0.00       3.83       0.40        0.50        5.65       2.22
    15220..  ..............  A               Skin full graft            *7.87       3.92       1.62       6.69       3.89        0.85       15.41      12.61
    15221..  ..............  A               Skin full graft             1.19       3.05       0.00       4.08       0.37        0.50        5.77       2.06
    15240..  ..............  A               Skin full graft            *9.04       3.15       1.62       6.04       4.18        1.03       16.11      14.25
    15241..  ..............  A               Skin full graft             1.86       2.26       0.00       3.29       0.53        0.58        5.73       2.97
    15260..  ..............  A               Skin full graft           *10.06       3.15       1.62       6.26       4.40        0.99       17.31      15.45
    15261..  ..............  A               Skin full graft             2.23       2.26       0.00       3.38       0.62        0.60        6.21       3.45
    15350..  ..............  A               Skin homograft             *4.36       2.34       1.86       3.90       3.32        0.42        8.68       8.10
    15400..  ..............  A               Skin heterograft           *5.78       3.31       2.59       5.34       4.46        0.17       11.29      10.41
    15570..  ..............  A               Form skin pedicle          *9.21       2.19       1.30       5.14       4.06        2.08       16.43      15.35
    15572..  ..............  A               Form skin pedicle          *9.27       2.19       1.30       5.11       4.03        1.86       16.24      15.16
    15574..  ..............  A               Form skin pedicle          *9.88       2.19       1.30       5.20       4.12        1.66       16.74      15.66
    15576..  ..............  A               Form skin pedicle          *8.69       2.62       1.30       5.23       3.62        0.60       14.52      12.91
    15580..  ..............  A               Attach skin pedicle        *9.46         NA       1.46         NA       4.13        1.30          NA      14.89
    15600..  ..............  A               Skin graft procedure.      *1.91       2.06       0.99       3.12       1.82        0.88        5.91       4.61
    15610..  ..............  A               Skin graft procedure.      *2.42       2.00       0.99       3.14       1.91        0.80        6.36       5.13
    [[Page 33199]]
    15620..  ..............  A               Skin graft procedure.      *2.94       2.37       1.30       3.73       2.42        0.86        7.53       6.22
    15625..  ..............  A               Skin graft procedure.      *1.91         NA       1.14         NA       1.98        0.78          NA       4.67
    15630..  ..............  A               Skin graft procedure.      *3.27       2.40       1.30       3.84       2.50        0.90        8.01       6.67
    15650..  ..............  A               Transfer skin pedicle      *3.97       2.39       1.30       3.99       2.66        0.93        8.89       7.56
    15732..  ..............  A               Muscle-skin graft,        *17.84         NA       1.46         NA       6.44        3.46          NA      27.74
    15734..  ..............  A               Muscle-skin graft,        *17.79         NA       1.46         NA       6.38        3.24          NA      27.41
    15736..  ..............  A               Muscle-skin graft,        *16.27         NA       1.46         NA       6.00        3.02          NA      25.29
    15738..  ..............  A               Muscle-skin graft,        *17.92         NA       1.46         NA       6.42        3.29          NA      27.63
    15740..  ..............  A               Island pedicle flap       *10.25       2.90       1.46       6.14       4.38        1.62       18.01      16.25
    15750..  ..............  A               Neurovascular pedicle     *11.41         NA       1.58         NA       4.87        2.03          NA      18.31
    15756..  ..............  A               Free muscle flap,         *35.23       2.13       2.13      11.48      11.48        5.33       52.04      52.04
    15757..  ..............  A               Free skin flap,           *35.23       2.13       2.13      11.48      11.48        5.33       52.04      52.04
    15758..  ..............  A               Free fascial flap,        *35.10       2.13       2.13      11.45      11.45        5.33       51.88      51.88
    15760..  ..............  A               Composite skin graft.      *8.74       2.81       1.46       5.59       3.93        1.11       15.44      13.78
    15770..  ..............  A               Derma-fat-fascia           *7.52         NA       1.62         NA       3.83        0.95          NA      12.30
    15775..  ..............  R               Hair transplant punch       3.96       1.07       0.08       2.29       1.09        0.56        6.81       5.61
    15776..  ..............  R               Hair transplant punch       5.54       1.21       0.08       2.86       1.49        0.79        9.19       7.82
    15780..  ..............  A               Abrasion treatment of      *7.29       2.41       1.62       4.57       3.60        0.13       11.99      11.02
    15781..  ..............  A               Abrasion treatment of      *4.85       1.96       1.37       3.53       2.81        0.39        8.77       8.05
    15782..  ..............  A               Abrasion treatment of      *4.32       1.74       1.13       3.10       2.35        0.13        7.55       6.80
    15783..  ..............  A               Abrasion treatment of      *4.29       1.71       1.13       3.07       2.36        0.19        7.55       6.84
    15786..  ..............  A               Abrasion treatment of      *2.03       0.77       0.50       1.40       1.07        0.06        3.49       3.16
    15787..  ..............  A               Abrasion, added skin        0.33       0.10       0.00       0.20       0.08        0.03        0.56       0.44
    15788..  ..............  R               Chemical peel, face,       *2.09       1.65       0.76       2.50       1.42        0.12        4.71       3.63
    15789..  ..............  R               Chemical peel, face,       *4.92       2.36       0.99       3.99       2.31        0.12        9.03       7.35
    15792..  ..............  R               Chemical peel,             *1.86       1.67       0.99       2.46       1.62        0.05        4.37       3.53
    15793..  ..............  A               Chemical peel,             *3.74         NA       1.48         NA       2.63        0.05          NA       6.42
    15810..  ..............  A               Salabrasion..........      *4.74       1.36       0.99       2.75       2.31        0.29        7.78       7.34
    15811..  ..............  A               Salabrasion..........      *5.39       1.36       0.99       2.99       2.55        0.73        9.11       8.67
    15819..  ..............  A               Plastic surgery, neck      *9.38         NA       1.46         NA       4.02        0.87          NA      14.27
    15820..  ..............  A               Revision of lower          *5.15       2.90       2.26       4.81       4.03        0.64       10.60       9.82
    15821..  ..............  A               Revision of lower          *5.72       2.99       2.26       5.04       4.16        0.68       11.44      10.56
    15822..  ..............  A               Revision of upper          *4.45       2.88       2.26       4.61       3.85        0.56        9.62       8.86
    15823..  ..............  A               Revision of upper          *7.05       2.98       2.26       5.30       4.44        0.61       12.96      12.10
    15831..  ..............  A               Excise excessive skin     *12.40         NA       1.70         NA       5.23        2.01          NA      19.64
    15832..  ..............  A               Excise excessive skin     *11.59         NA       1.46         NA       4.61        1.33          NA      17.53
    15833..  ..............  A               Excise excessive skin     *10.64         NA       1.46         NA       4.35        1.12          NA      16.11
    15834..  ..............  A               Excise excessive skin     *10.85         NA       1.46         NA       4.42        1.22          NA      16.49
    15835..  ..............  A               Excise excessive skin     *11.67         NA       1.46         NA       4.60        1.22          NA      17.49
    15836..  ..............  A               Excise excessive skin      *9.34         NA       1.46         NA       4.06        1.10          NA      14.50
    15837..  ..............  A               Excise excessive skin      *8.43       2.68       1.46       5.30       3.81        0.85       14.58      13.09
    15838..  ..............  A               Excise excessive skin      *7.13         NA       1.46         NA       3.50        0.73          NA      11.36
    15839..  ..............  A               Excise excessive skin      *9.38       2.44       1.46       5.12       3.93        0.46       14.96      13.77
    15840..  ..............  A               Graft for face nerve      *13.26         NA       1.78         NA       5.58        2.28          NA      21.12
    15841..  ..............  A               Graft for face nerve      *23.26         NA       1.96         NA       8.08        2.76          NA      34.10
    15842..  ..............  A               Graft for face nerve      *37.96         NA       2.22         NA      11.61        2.68          NA      52.25
    15845..  ..............  A               Skin and muscle           *12.57         NA       1.71         NA       5.40        2.54          NA      20.51
                                              repair, face.                                                                                                 
    15850..  ..............  B               Removal of sutures...      +0.78       0.86       0.16       1.22       0.38        0.04        2.04       1.20
    15851..  ..............  A               Removal of sutures...       0.86       0.86       0.16       1.24       0.39        0.03        2.13       1.28
    15852..  ..............  A               Dressing change,not         0.86       0.95       0.16       1.36       0.40        0.07        2.29       1.33
                                              for burn.                                                                                                     
    15860..  ..............  A               Test for blood flow         1.95         NA       0.16         NA       0.68        0.25          NA       2.88
                                              in graft.                                                                                                     
    15920..  ..............  A               Removal of tail bone       *7.95         NA       1.92         NA       4.21        0.63          NA      12.79
    15922..  ..............  A               Removal of tail bone       *9.90         NA       1.96         NA       4.81        1.19          NA      15.90
    15931..  ..............  A               Remove sacrum              *9.24         NA       1.60         NA       4.09        0.55          NA      13.88
                                              pressure sore.                                                                                                
    15933..  ..............  A               Remove sacrum             *10.85         NA       2.22         NA       5.40        1.43          NA      17.68
                                              pressure sore.                                                                                                
    15934..  ..............  A               Remove sacrum             *12.69         NA       1.96         NA       5.49        1.50          NA      19.68
                                              pressure sore.                                                                                                
    15935..  ..............  A               Remove sacrum             *14.57         NA       1.96         NA       6.07        2.27          NA      22.91
                                              pressure sore.                                                                                                
    15936..  ..............  A               Remove sacrum             *12.38         NA       1.96         NA       5.55        2.05          NA      19.98
                                              pressure sore.                                                                                                
    15937..  ..............  A               Remove sacrum             *14.21         NA       1.96         NA       6.08        2.67          NA      22.96
                                              pressure sore.                                                                                                
    15940..  ..............  A               Removal of pressure        *9.34         NA       1.28         NA       3.77        0.73          NA      13.84
    15941..  ..............  A               Removal of pressure       *11.43         NA       2.22         NA       5.52        1.39          NA      18.34
    15944..  ..............  A               Removal of pressure       *11.46         NA       1.96         NA       5.29        1.82          NA      18.57
    15945..  ..............  A               Removal of pressure       *12.69         NA       1.96         NA       5.62        2.09          NA      20.40
    15946..  ..............  A               Removal of pressure       *21.57         NA       1.96         NA       7.82        3.24          NA      32.63
    15950..  ..............  A               Remove thigh pressure      *7.54         NA       1.60         NA       3.73        0.58          NA      11.85
    15951..  ..............  A               Remove thigh pressure     *10.72         NA       2.22         NA       5.40        1.58          NA      17.70
    15952..  ..............  A               Remove thigh pressure     *11.39         NA       1.79         NA       4.98        1.37          NA      17.74
    15953..  ..............  A               Remove thigh pressure     *12.63         NA       1.96         NA       5.56        1.87          NA      20.06
    15956..  ..............  A               Remove thigh pressure     *15.52         NA       1.96         NA       6.53        3.39          NA      25.44
    15958..  ..............  A               Remove thigh pressure     *15.48         NA       1.96         NA       6.60        3.76          NA      25.84
    16000..  ..............  A               Initial treatment of        0.89       0.60       0.16       0.93       0.40        0.03        1.85       1.32
    16010..  ..............  A               Treatment of burn(s).       0.87       0.65       0.16       0.99       0.40        0.03        1.89       1.30
    16015..  ..............  A               Treatment of burn(s).       2.35       0.80       0.16       1.58       0.80        0.38        4.31       3.53
    16020..  ..............  A               Treatment of burn(s).       0.80       0.60       0.16       0.91       0.38        0.03        1.74       1.21
    [[Page 33200]]
    16025..  ..............  A               Treatment of burn(s).       1.85       0.78       0.16       1.37       0.61        0.05        3.27       2.51
    16030..  ..............  A               Treatment of burn(s).       2.08       1.27       0.16       2.03       0.67        0.08        4.19       2.83
    16035..  ..............  A               Incision of burn scab      *4.82       1.04       0.34       2.40       1.54        0.34        7.56       6.70
    16040..  ..............  A               Burn wound excision..       1.02       1.12       0.16       1.71       0.54        0.53        3.26       2.09
    16041..  ..............  A               Burn wound excision..       2.70       1.30       0.16       2.30       0.91        0.53        5.53       4.14
    16042..  ..............  A               Burn wound excision..       2.35         NA       0.16         NA       0.83        0.53          NA       3.71
    17000..  ..............  G               Destroy benign/premal      +0.56       0.60       0.26       0.86       0.45        0.03        1.45       1.04
    17001..  ..............  G               Destruction of add'l       +0.19       0.03       0.00       0.08       0.05        0.02        0.29       0.26
    17002..  ..............  G               Destruction of add'l       +0.19       0.03       0.00       0.08       0.04        0.01        0.28       0.24
    17010..  ..............  G               Destruction skin          +*1.06       0.77       0.26       1.18       0.56        0.04        2.28       1.66
    17100..  ..............  G               Destruction of skin       +*0.56       0.60       0.26       0.86       0.45        0.03        1.45       1.04
    17101..  ..............  G               Destruction of 2nd         +0.11       0.03       0.00       0.07       0.03        0.02        0.20       0.16
    17102..  ..............  G               Destruction of add'l       +0.11       0.03       0.00       0.06       0.03        0.01        0.18       0.15
    17104..  ..............  G               Destruction of skin       +*2.04       0.77       0.26       1.39       0.77        0.01        3.44       2.82
    17105..  ..............  G               Destruction of skin       +*0.79       0.77       0.47       1.12       0.75        0.03        1.94       1.57
    17106..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *4.59       1.06       0.61       2.34       1.79        0.18        7.11       6.56
    17107..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *9.16       1.14       0.61       3.48       2.84        0.39       13.03      12.39
    17108..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin       *13.20       1.26       0.61       4.58       3.79        0.69       18.47      17.68
    17110..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *0.58       0.77       0.26       1.08       0.46        0.03        1.69       1.07
    17200..  ..............  A               Electrocautery of           0.59       0.65       0.26       0.93       0.46        0.04        1.56       1.09
                                              skin tags.                                                                                                    
    17201..  ..............  A               Electrocautery added        0.38       0.07       0.00       0.17       0.09        0.01        0.56       0.48
    17250..  ..............  A               Chemical cautery,           0.50       0.53       0.16       0.76       0.32        0.04        1.30       0.86
    17260..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *0.91       0.86       0.26       1.26       0.54        0.10        2.27       1.55
    17261..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *1.17       0.90       0.26       1.38       0.61        0.12        2.67       1.90
    17262..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *1.58       0.90       0.26       1.47       0.70        0.16        3.21       2.44
    17263..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *1.79       0.90       0.26       1.53       0.76        0.21        3.53       2.76
    17264..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *1.94       0.90       0.26       1.57       0.80        0.26        3.77       3.00
    17266..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *2.34       0.90       0.26       1.71       0.94        0.49        4.54       3.77
    17270..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *1.32       0.87       0.26       1.37       0.64        0.12        2.81       2.08
    17271..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *1.49       0.90       0.26       1.45       0.68        0.16        3.10       2.33
    17272..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *1.77       0.90       0.26       1.52       0.75        0.19        3.48       2.71
    17273..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *2.05       0.90       0.26       1.60       0.83        0.25        3.90       3.13
    17274..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *2.59       0.90       0.26       1.73       0.96        0.32        4.64       3.87
    17276..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *3.20       0.90       0.49       1.91       1.41        0.51        5.62       5.12
    17280..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *1.17       0.87       0.26       1.34       0.61        0.15        2.66       1.93
    17281..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *1.72       0.90       0.26       1.51       0.74        0.18        3.41       2.64
    17282..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *2.04       0.90       0.26       1.59       0.82        0.23        3.86       3.09
    17283..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *2.64       0.90       0.26       1.73       0.96        0.28        4.65       3.88
    17284..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *3.21       0.90       0.26       1.87       1.10        0.33        5.41       4.64
    17286..  ..............  A               Destruction of skin        *4.44       0.90       0.49       2.20       1.70        0.60        7.24       6.74
    17304..  ..............  A               Chemosurgery of skin        7.60       3.18       0.16       5.61       1.93        0.31       13.52       9.84
    17305..  ..............  A               2nd stage                   2.85       0.97       0.00       1.84       0.66        0.17        4.86       3.68
    17306..  ..............  A               3rd stage                   2.85       0.97       0.00       1.83       0.65        0.11        4.79       3.61
    17307..  ..............  A               Followup skin lesion        2.85       0.97       0.00       1.83       0.65        0.12        4.80       3.62
    17310..  ..............  A               Extensive skin              0.95       0.31       0.00       0.58       0.21        0.01        1.54       1.17
    17340..  ..............  A               Cryotherapy of skin..       0.73       0.74       0.74       1.07       1.07        0.02        1.82       1.82
    17360..  ..............  A               Skin peel therapy....      *1.43       0.86       0.86       1.36       1.36        0.02        2.81       2.81
    19000..  ..............  A               Drainage of breast          0.84       0.36       0.16       0.63       0.40        0.07        1.54       1.31
    19001..  ..............  A               Drain added breast          0.42       0.04       0.00       0.15       0.10        0.05        0.62       0.57
    19020..  ..............  A               Incision of breast          3.37       5.07       2.21       6.99       3.49        0.28       10.64       7.14
    19030..  ..............  A               Injection for breast        1.53       3.91       0.09       5.11       0.46        0.04        6.68       2.03
    19100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of breast.....       1.27       1.00       0.16       1.52       0.51        0.13        2.92       1.91
    19101..  ..............  A               Biopsy of breast.....      *3.18       4.17       1.18       5.88       2.24        0.45        9.51       5.87
    19110..  ..............  A               Nipple exploration...      *4.30       4.36       1.73       6.37       3.17        0.51       11.18       7.98
    19112..  ..............  A               Excise breast duct         *3.67       4.32       1.73       6.15       2.99        0.35       10.17       7.01
    19120..  ..............  A               Removal of breast          *5.56       4.54       1.40       6.88       3.05        0.60       13.04       9.21
    19125..  ..............  A               Excision, breast           *6.06       4.54       1.40       6.99       3.16        0.60       13.65       9.82
    19126..  ..............  A               Excision, add'l             2.93         NA       0.70         NA       1.56        0.31          NA       4.80
                                              breast lesion.                                                                                                
    19140..  ..............  A               Removal of breast          *5.14       4.43       1.74       6.73       3.45        0.91       12.78       9.50
    19160..  ..............  A               Removal of breast          *5.99         NA       2.35         NA       4.37        0.88          NA      11.24
    19162..  ..............  A               Remove breast tissue,     *13.53         NA       3.03         NA       7.08        1.96          NA      22.57
    19180..  ..............  A               Removal of breast....      *8.80         NA       2.68         NA       5.45        1.17          NA      15.42
    19182..  ..............  A               Removal of breast....      *7.73         NA       1.95         NA       4.34        1.27          NA      13.34
    19200..  ..............  A               Removal of breast....     *15.49         NA       3.03         NA       7.55        2.15          NA      25.19
    19220..  ..............  A               Removal of breast....     *15.72         NA       3.03         NA       7.65        2.38          NA      25.75
    19240..  ..............  A               Removal of breast....     *16.00         NA       3.03         NA       7.63        1.99          NA      25.62
    19260..  ..............  A               Removal of chest wall     *15.44         NA       2.39         NA       6.53        1.04          NA      23.01
    19271..  ..............  A               Revision of chest         *18.90         NA       2.39         NA       7.67        2.77          NA      29.34
    19272..  ..............  A               Extensive chest wall      *21.55         NA       2.42         NA       8.24        2.56          NA      32.35
    19290..  ..............  A               Place needle wire,          1.27       2.57       0.11       3.42       0.43        0.07        4.76       1.77
    19291..  ..............  A               Place needle wire,          0.63       0.60       0.00       0.88       0.15        0.04        1.55       0.82
    19316..  ..............  A               Suspension of breast.      10.07         NA       1.44         NA       4.49        2.43          NA      16.99
    19318..  ..............  A               Reduction of large        *15.62         NA       1.44         NA       5.88        3.23          NA      24.73
    19324..  ..............  A               Enlarge breast.......      *5.85         NA       1.17         NA       2.86        0.67          NA       9.38
    [[Page 33201]]
    19325..  ..............  A               Enlarge breast with        *8.45         NA       1.44         NA       3.85        1.13          NA      13.43
    19328..  ..............  A               Removal of breast          *5.68         NA       1.17         NA       2.83        0.73          NA       9.24
    19330..  ..............  A               Removal of implant         *7.59         NA       1.09         NA       3.16        0.75          NA      11.50
    19340..  ..............  A               Immediate breast            6.33         NA       0.00         NA       1.84        2.06          NA      10.23
    19342..  ..............  A               Delayed breast            *11.20         NA       1.36         NA       4.55        2.03          NA      17.78
    19350..  ..............  A               Breast reconstruction      *8.92       3.28       1.44       6.26       4.01        1.38       16.56      14.31
    19355..  ..............  A               Correct inverted           *7.57       2.79       1.24       5.28       3.39        1.00       13.85      11.96
    19357..  ..............  A               Breast reconstruction      16.72         NA       2.53         NA       7.26        2.37          NA      26.35
    19361..  ..............  A               Breast reconstruction      17.82         NA       1.44         NA       6.50        3.88          NA      28.20
    19364..  ..............  A               Breast reconstruction     *29.04         NA       2.26         NA       9.90        3.58          NA      42.52
    19366..  ..............  A               Breast reconstruction      19.84         NA       1.44         NA       6.79        3.18          NA      29.81
    19367..  ..............  A               Breast reconstruction     *25.73         NA       1.44         NA       8.24        3.88          NA      37.85
    19368..  ..............  A               Breast reconstruction     *32.42         NA       1.71         NA      10.04        3.88          NA      46.34
    19369..  ..............  A               Breast reconstruction     *29.82         NA       1.71         NA       9.47        3.88          NA      43.17
    19370..  ..............  A               Surgery of breast          *8.05         NA       1.24         NA       3.54        1.19          NA      12.78
    19371..  ..............  A               Removal of breast          *9.35         NA       1.44         NA       4.14        1.54          NA      15.03
    19380..  ..............  A               Revise breast              *9.14         NA       1.44         NA       4.10        1.57          NA      14.81
    19396..  ..............  A               Design custom breast        2.17       1.72       1.72       1.72       1.72        0.31        4.20       4.20
    20000..  ..............  A               Incision of abscess..      *2.12       1.13       0.54       1.86       1.14        0.08        4.06       3.34
    20005..  ..............  A               Incision of deep           *3.42       1.43       0.90       2.55       1.90        0.28        6.25       5.60
    20100..  ..............  A               Explore wound, neck..     *10.08       2.19       0.82       5.13       3.46        1.16       16.37      14.70
    20101..  ..............  A               Explore wound, chest.      *3.22       2.16       0.82       3.42       1.79        0.37        7.01       5.38
    20102..  ..............  A               Explore wound,              3.68       2.16       0.82       3.54       1.90        0.45        7.67       6.03
    20103..  ..............  A               Explore wound,              4.95       2.19       0.82       3.89       2.22        0.60        9.44       7.77
    20150..  ..............  A               Excise epiphyseal bar     *13.69         NA       0.82         NA       4.44        2.03          NA      20.16
    20200..  ..............  A               Muscle biopsy........       1.46       0.97       0.16       1.54       0.56        0.18        3.18       2.20
    20205..  ..............  A               Deep muscle biopsy...       2.35       2.50       0.16       3.63       0.79        0.33        6.31       3.47
    20206..  ..............  A               Needle biopsy, muscle       0.99       1.11       0.16       1.60       0.45        0.14        2.73       1.58
    20220..  ..............  A               Bone biopsy, trocar/        1.27       1.09       0.16       1.63       0.50        0.09        2.99       1.86
    20225..  ..............  A               Bone biopsy, trocar/        1.87       1.89       0.16       2.78       0.67        0.28        4.93       2.82
    20240..  ..............  A               Bone biopsy,               *3.23         NA       1.31         NA       2.35        0.18          NA       5.76
    20245..  ..............  A               Bone biopsy,               *3.95         NA       1.31         NA       2.56        0.44          NA       6.95
    20250..  ..............  A               Open bone biopsy.....      *5.03         NA       0.89         NA       2.35        0.76          NA       8.14
    20251..  ..............  A               Open bone biopsy.....      *5.56         NA       0.89         NA       2.50        0.92          NA       8.98
    20500..  ..............  A               Injection of sinus         *1.23       1.72       1.31       2.38       1.88        0.04        3.65       3.15
    20501..  ..............  A               Inject sinus tract          0.76       3.99       0.09       5.04       0.28        0.02        5.82       1.06
                                              for x-ray.                                                                                                    
    20520..  ..............  A               Removal of foreign         *1.85       1.72       1.31       2.52       2.03        0.08        4.45       3.96
    20525..  ..............  A               Removal of foreign         *3.50       1.72       1.31       2.94       2.44        0.33        6.77       6.27
    20550..  ..............  A               Inj tendon/ligament/        0.86       0.75       0.13       1.12       0.36        0.04        2.02       1.26
    20600..  ..............  A               Drain/inject joint/         0.66       0.75       0.13       1.07       0.32        0.05        1.78       1.03
    20605..  ..............  A               Drain/inject joint/         0.68       0.75       0.13       1.08       0.32        0.05        1.81       1.05
    20610..  ..............  A               Drain/inject joint/         0.79       0.75       0.11       1.10       0.32        0.05        1.94       1.16
    20615..  ..............  A               Treatment of bone          *2.28       1.19       0.79       1.97       1.48        0.06        4.31       3.82
    20650..  ..............  A               Insert and remove          *2.23       1.84       1.45       2.77       2.28        0.14        5.14       4.65
                                              bone pin.                                                                                                     
    20660..  ..............  A               Apply, remove               2.51         NA       0.15         NA       0.78        0.21          NA       3.50
                                              fixation device.                                                                                              
    20661..  ..............  A               Application of head        *4.89         NA       2.68         NA       4.48        0.65          NA      10.02
    20662..  ..............  A               Application of pelvis      *6.07         NA       1.26         NA       3.10        1.03          NA      10.20
    20663..  ..............  A               Application of thigh       *5.43         NA       1.26         NA       2.90        0.76          NA       9.09
    20665..  ..............  A               Removal of fixation        *1.31       0.73       0.54       1.20       0.96        0.07        2.58       2.34
    20670..  ..............  A               Removal of support         *1.74       1.72       1.31       2.50       2.01        0.11        4.35       3.86
    20680..  ..............  A               Removal of support         *3.35       1.89       1.89       3.15       3.15        0.51        7.01       7.01
    20690..  ..............  A               Apply bone fixation         3.52         NA       0.00         NA       0.90        0.58          NA       5.00
    20692..  ..............  A               Apply bone fixation         6.41         NA       0.00         NA       1.60        0.89          NA       8.90
    20693..  ..............  A               Adjust bone fixation       *5.86         NA       3.79         NA       6.00        0.42          NA      12.28
    20694..  ..............  A               Remove bone fixation       *4.16       2.28       1.90       3.78       3.31        0.41        8.35       7.88
    20802..  ..............  A               Replantation, arm,         39.56         NA      10.23         NA      10.23        6.17          NA      55.96
    20805..  ..............  A               Replant forearm,          *50.00         NA      10.42         NA      25.32        7.56          NA      82.88
    20808..  ..............  A               Replantation, hand,        60.19         NA      10.23         NA      10.23        9.40          NA      79.82
    20816..  ..............  A               Replantation digit,       *30.94         NA       6.27         NA      15.43        4.63          NA      51.00
    20822..  ..............  A               Replantation digit,       *25.59         NA       6.27         NA      14.08        3.83          NA      43.50
    20824..  ..............  A               Replantation thumb,       *30.94         NA       6.27         NA      15.43        4.63          NA      51.00
    20827..  ..............  A               Replantation thumb,       *26.41         NA       6.27         NA      14.29        3.94          NA      44.64
    20838..  ..............  A               Replantation, foot,       *41.41         NA       4.12         NA      15.44        6.17          NA      63.02
    20900..  ..............  A               Removal of bone for        *5.58       1.96       1.55       3.71       3.21        0.45        9.74       9.24
    20902..  ..............  A               Removal of bone for        *7.55         NA       2.22         NA       4.54        0.80          NA      12.89
    20910..  ..............  A               Remove cartilage for       *5.34       1.96       1.55       3.57       3.08        0.09        9.00       8.51
    20912..  ..............  A               Remove cartilage for       *6.35         NA       1.55         NA       3.42        0.64          NA      10.41
    20920..  ..............  A               Removal of fascia for      *5.31         NA       1.55         NA       3.16        0.50          NA       8.97
    20922..  ..............  A               Removal of fascia for      *6.61       1.96       1.55       3.99       3.49        0.71       11.31      10.81
    20924..  ..............  A               Removal of tendon for      *6.48         NA       1.55         NA       3.49        0.85          NA      10.82
    20926..  ..............  A               Removal of tissue for      *5.53         NA       1.55         NA       3.18        0.39          NA       9.10
    20931..  ..............  A               Spinal bone allograft       1.81         NA       0.00         NA       0.46        0.28          NA       2.55
    20937..  ..............  A               Spinal bone autograft       2.79       0.00       0.00       0.71       0.71        0.44        3.94       3.94
    20938..  ..............  A               Spinal bone autograft       3.02         NA       0.00         NA       0.76        0.47          NA       4.25
    [[Page 33202]]
    20950..  ..............  A               Record fluid                1.26         NA       0.16         NA       0.51        0.17          NA       1.94
                                              pressure, muscle.                                                                                             
    20955..  ..............  A               Fibula bone graft,        *39.21         NA       3.19         NA      13.76        5.87          NA      58.84
    20956..  ..............  A               Iliac bone graft,         *39.27         NA       3.13         NA      13.57        5.26          NA      58.10
    20957..  ..............  A               Mt bone graft,            *40.65         NA       3.13         NA      13.91        5.45          NA      60.01
    20962..  ..............  A               Other bone graft,          37.00         NA       3.19         NA      13.15        5.26          NA      55.41
    20969..  ..............  A               Bone/skin graft,          *43.92         NA       3.19         NA      14.95        6.57          NA      65.44
    20970..  ..............  A               Bone/skin graft,          *43.06         NA       3.19         NA      14.73        6.44          NA      64.23
                                              iliac crest.                                                                                                  
    20972..  ..............  A               Bone-skin graft,          *42.99         NA       3.19         NA      14.73        6.49          NA      64.21
    20973..  ..............  A               Bone-skin graft,          *45.76         NA       3.19         NA      15.43        6.91          NA      68.10
                                              great toe.                                                                                                    
    20974..  ..............  A               Electrical bone             0.62       0.11       0.00       0.39       0.25        0.53        1.54       1.40
    20975..  ..............  A               Electrical bone             2.60         NA       0.00         NA       0.69        0.56          NA       3.85
    21010..  ..............  A               Incision of jaw joint       9.06         NA       2.05         NA       4.68        0.93          NA      14.67
    21015..  ..............  A               Resection of facial         4.94         NA       2.02         NA       3.79        1.13          NA       9.86
    21025..  ..............  A               Excision of bone,         *10.06       3.17       1.76       6.15       4.44        0.38       16.59      14.88
                                              lower jaw.                                                                                                    
    21026..  ..............  A               Excision of facial          4.53       3.17       1.76       4.92       3.20        0.28        9.73       8.01
    21029..  ..............  A               Contour of face bone        7.21       3.09       1.59       5.51       3.69        0.78       13.50      11.68
    21030..  ..............  A               Removal of face bone        6.04       2.79       1.41       4.79       3.10        0.29       11.12       9.43
    21031..  ..............  A               Remove exostosis,          *3.24       2.20       0.90       3.46       1.87        0.32        7.02       5.43
    21032..  ..............  A               Remove exostosis,           3.14       2.17       0.90       3.41       1.86        0.35        6.90       5.35
    21034..  ..............  A               Removal of face bone       15.11       2.90       1.41       7.04       5.22        0.89       23.04      21.22
    21040..  ..............  A               Removal of jaw bone         2.01       2.29       0.90       3.29       1.59        0.24        5.54       3.84
    21041..  ..............  A               Removal of jaw bone        *6.71       2.90       1.41       5.12       3.29        0.50       12.33      10.50
    21044..  ..............  A               Removal of jaw bone        11.08         NA       1.41         NA       4.38        1.11          NA      16.57
    21045..  ..............  A               Extensive jaw surgery      15.11         NA       1.59         NA       5.59        1.58          NA      22.28
    21050..  ..............  A               Removal of jaw joint.      10.07         NA       4.67         NA       8.13        1.08          NA      19.28
    21060..  ..............  A               Remove jaw joint            9.56         NA       4.67         NA       8.01        1.04          NA      18.61
    21070..  ..............  A               Remove coronoid             7.66         NA       2.05         NA       4.35        0.82          NA      12.83
    21076..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral          12.54       1.75       1.75       5.18       5.18        1.35       19.07      19.07
    21077..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral          31.54       1.75       1.75       9.79       9.79        3.39       44.72      44.72
    21079..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral          20.88       1.75       1.75       7.20       7.20        2.25       30.33      30.33
    21080..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral          23.46       1.75       1.75       7.83       7.83        2.52       33.81      33.81
    21081..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral          21.38       1.75       1.75       7.32       7.32        2.30       31.00      31.00
    21082..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral          19.50       1.75       1.75       6.87       6.87        2.10       28.47      28.47
    21083..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral          18.04       1.75       1.75       6.51       6.51        1.94       26.49      26.49
    21084..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral          21.04       1.75       1.75       7.24       7.24        2.28       30.56      30.56
    21085..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral           8.41       1.75       1.75       4.18       4.18        0.90       13.49      13.49
    21086..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral          23.29       1.75       1.75       7.79       7.79        2.51       33.59      33.59
    21087..  ..............  A               Prepare face/oral          23.29       1.75       1.75       7.79       7.79        2.51       33.59      33.59
    21100..  ..............  A               Maxillofacial               4.04       3.17       1.76       4.77       3.06        0.11        8.92       7.21
    21110..  ..............  A               Interdental fixation.       5.03       3.17       1.76       5.07       3.35        0.46       10.56       8.84
    21116..  ..............  A               Injection, jaw joint        0.81       4.22       0.09       5.33       0.30        0.06        6.20       1.17
    21120..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          *4.93       3.98       2.02       6.03       3.63        0.42       11.38       8.98
    21121..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          *7.64       3.98       2.02       6.67       4.28        0.66       14.97      12.58
    21122..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          *8.52         NA       2.02         NA       4.49        0.73          NA      13.74
    21123..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *11.16         NA       2.02         NA       5.11        0.95          NA      17.22
    21125..  ..............  A               Augmentation lower        *10.62       3.98       2.02       7.30       4.90        0.54       18.46      16.06
                                              jaw bone.                                                                                                     
    21127..  ..............  A               Augmentation lower        *11.12       4.50       2.02       8.13       5.10        0.92       20.17      17.14
                                              jaw bone.                                                                                                     
    21137..  ..............  A               Reduction of forehead      *9.82         NA       1.41         NA       4.05        0.83          NA      14.70
    21138..  ..............  A               Reduction of forehead     *12.19         NA       1.59         NA       4.84        1.04          NA      18.07
    21139..  ..............  A               Reduction of forehead     *14.61         NA       1.59         NA       5.41        1.25          NA      21.27
    21141..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,       16.92       2.58       2.58       7.22       7.22        1.68       25.82      25.82
    21142..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,       17.58         NA       2.53         NA       7.32        1.74          NA      26.64
    21143..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,       18.30         NA       2.53         NA       7.49        1.81          NA      27.60
    21145..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,      *19.94         NA       2.58         NA       7.88        1.68          NA      29.50
    21146..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,      *20.71         NA       2.58         NA       8.06        1.74          NA      30.51
    21147..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,      *21.77         NA       2.58         NA       8.31        1.81          NA      31.89
    21150..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,      *25.24         NA       2.84         NA       9.47        2.17          NA      36.88
    21151..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,      *28.30         NA       2.66         NA       9.97        2.42          NA      40.69
    21154..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,      *30.52         NA       2.84         NA      10.72        2.59          NA      43.83
    21155..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,      *34.45         NA       2.84         NA      11.66        2.94          NA      49.05
    21159..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,      *42.38         NA       2.84         NA      13.54        3.63          NA      59.55
    21160..  ..............  A               Reconstruct midface,      *46.44         NA       2.84         NA      14.51        3.98          NA      64.93
    21172..  ..............  A               Reconstruct orbit/        *27.80         NA       2.84         NA      10.07        2.37          NA      40.24
    21175..  ..............  A               Reconstruct orbit/        *33.17         NA       2.84         NA      11.36        2.85          NA      47.38
    21179..  ..............  A               Reconstruct entire        *22.25         NA       2.84         NA       8.76        1.90          NA      32.91
    21180..  ..............  A               Reconstruct entire        *25.19         NA       2.84         NA       9.46        2.17          NA      36.82
    21181..  ..............  A               Contour cranial bone       *9.90         NA       1.59         NA       4.29        0.83          NA      15.02
    21182..  ..............  A               Reconstruct cranial       *32.19         NA       2.58         NA      10.80        2.77          NA      45.76
    21183..  ..............  A               Reconstruct cranial       *35.31         NA       2.58         NA      11.54        3.03          NA      49.88
    21184..  ..............  A               Reconstruct cranial       *38.24         NA       2.58         NA      12.24        3.28          NA      53.76
    21188..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *22.46         NA       2.58         NA       8.48        1.90          NA      32.84
    21193..  ..............  A               Reconstruct lower jaw     *17.15         NA       2.58         NA       7.21        1.44          NA      25.80
    21194..  ..............  A               Reconstruct lower jaw     *19.84         NA       2.58         NA       7.85        1.67          NA      29.36
    21195..  ..............  A               Reconstruct lower jaw     *17.24         NA       2.58         NA       7.23        1.44          NA      25.91
    [[Page 33203]]
    21196..  ..............  A               Reconstruct lower jaw     *18.91         NA       2.58         NA       7.63        1.58          NA      28.12
    21198..  ..............  A               Reconstruct lower jaw     *14.16         NA       2.58         NA       6.63        1.74          NA      22.53
    21206..  ..............  A               Reconstruct upper jaw     *14.10         NA       2.29         NA       6.14        1.19          NA      21.43
    21208..  ..............  A               Augmentation of             9.56       4.23       1.73       7.48       4.44        1.07       18.11      15.07
                                              facial bones.                                                                                                 
    21209..  ..............  A               Reduction of facial         6.28       3.97       1.73       6.39       3.65        0.76       13.43      10.69
    21210..  ..............  A               Face bone graft......       9.56       4.36       2.02       7.69       4.84        1.29       18.54      15.69
    21215..  ..............  A               Lower jaw bone graft.      10.07       4.25       2.02       7.70       4.98        1.42       19.19      16.47
    21230..  ..............  A               Rib cartilage graft..      10.07         NA       2.02         NA       5.04        1.69          NA      16.80
    21235..  ..............  A               Ear cartilage graft..       6.28       4.25       2.02       6.79       4.07        1.09       14.16      11.44
    21240..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of jaw     *14.05         NA       4.67         NA       9.22        2.09          NA      25.36
    21242..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of jaw      12.10         NA       4.67         NA       8.83        2.25          NA      23.18
    21243..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of jaw     *20.79         NA       4.67         NA      10.61        1.68          NA      33.08
    21244..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          11.08         NA       2.02         NA       5.31        1.93          NA      18.32
                                              lower jaw.                                                                                                    
    21245..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of jaw      11.08       4.50       2.02       8.20       5.17        1.31       20.59      17.56
    21246..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of jaw      11.65       4.50       2.02       8.27       5.24        1.04       20.96      17.93
    21247..  ..............  A               Reconstruct lower jaw      21.15         NA       4.67         NA      10.82        2.27          NA      34.24
    21248..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of jaw     *11.48       3.98       2.02       7.75       5.36        1.75       20.98      18.59
    21249..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of jaw     *17.52       3.98       2.02       9.42       7.02        3.29       30.23      27.83
    21255..  ..............  A               Reconstruct lower jaw      15.63         NA       2.02         NA       6.25        1.68          NA      23.56
    21256..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          15.13         NA       2.29         NA       6.47        1.63          NA      23.23
    21260..  ..............  A               Revise eye sockets...      15.44         NA       2.29         NA       6.54        1.66          NA      23.64
    21261..  ..............  A               Revise eye sockets...      29.43         NA       2.29         NA       9.60        1.65          NA      40.68
    21263..  ..............  A               Revise eye sockets...      26.56         NA       2.29         NA       9.24        2.86          NA      38.66
    21267..  ..............  A               Revise eye sockets...      17.66         NA       2.29         NA       7.13        2.13          NA      26.92
    21268..  ..............  A               Revise eye sockets...      22.88         NA       2.29         NA       8.49        3.13          NA      34.50
    21270..  ..............  A               Augmentation cheek          9.56       4.31       2.08       7.66       4.94        1.41       18.63      15.91
    21275..  ..............  A               Revision orbitofacial      10.50         NA       2.29         NA       5.37        1.26          NA      17.13
    21280..  ..............  A               Revision of eyelid...       5.64         NA       1.73         NA       3.48        0.61          NA       9.73
    21282..  ..............  A               Revision of eyelid...       3.26         NA       1.73         NA       3.00        0.79          NA       7.05
    21295..  ..............  A               Revision of jaw             1.43         NA       2.02         NA       2.80        0.13          NA       4.36
    21296..  ..............  A               Revision of jaw             3.97         NA       2.02         NA       3.38        0.22          NA       7.57
    21300..  ..............  A               Treatment of skull          0.72       1.95       0.16       2.55       0.38        0.11        3.38       1.21
    21310..  ..............  A               Treatment of nose           0.58       1.95       0.16       2.52       0.35        0.09        3.19       1.02
    21315..  ..............  A               Treatment of nose          *1.51       2.17       0.58       3.02       1.08        0.21        4.74       2.80
    21320..  ..............  A               Treatment of nose          *1.85       2.13       0.79       3.08       1.45        0.34        5.27       3.64
    21325..  ..............  A               Repair of nose              3.52         NA       1.15         NA       2.29        0.52          NA       6.33
    21330..  ..............  A               Repair of nose              5.03         NA       1.46         NA       3.07        0.86          NA       8.96
    21335..  ..............  A               Repair of nose              8.05         NA       1.46         NA       3.88        1.56          NA      13.49
    21336..  ..............  A               Repair nasal septal         5.35         NA       1.46         NA       3.06        0.52          NA       8.93
    21337..  ..............  A               Repair nasal septal         2.52       2.68       1.11       3.90       1.99        0.38        6.80       4.89
    21338..  ..............  A               Repair nasoethmoid          6.04         NA       1.46         NA       3.24        0.66          NA       9.94
    21339..  ..............  A               Repair nasoethmoid          7.56         NA       1.46         NA       3.59        0.70          NA      11.85
    21340..  ..............  A               Repair of nose             10.07         NA       2.01         NA       4.88        1.04          NA      15.99
    21343..  ..............  A               Repair of sinus            12.10         NA       1.73         NA       5.00        1.08          NA      18.18
    21344..  ..............  A               Repair of sinus            18.43         NA       1.73         NA       6.39        1.08          NA      25.90
    21345..  ..............  A               Repair of nose/jaw          7.63       4.68       2.58       7.55       4.99        0.81       15.99      13.43
    21346..  ..............  A               Repair of nose/jaw          9.92         NA       2.58         NA       5.54        1.04          NA      16.50
    21347..  ..............  A               Repair of nose/jaw         11.86         NA       1.73         NA       5.01        1.36          NA      18.23
    21348..  ..............  A               Repair of nose/jaw         15.60         NA       1.73         NA       6.02        2.22          NA      23.84
    21355..  ..............  A               Repair cheek bone           3.52       2.28       0.58       3.59       1.52        0.17        7.28       5.21
    21356..  ..............  A               Repair cheek bone           3.88         NA       0.88         NA       2.11        0.89          NA       6.88
    21360..  ..............  A               Repair cheek bone           6.04         NA       1.46         NA       3.29        0.89          NA      10.22
    21365..  ..............  A               Repair cheek bone         *14.95         NA       2.01         NA       6.08        1.63          NA      22.66
    21366..  ..............  A               Repair cheek bone          16.61         NA       2.01         NA       6.60        2.36          NA      25.57
    21385..  ..............  A               Repair eye socket           8.56         NA       1.73         NA       4.23        1.13          NA      13.92
    21386..  ..............  A               Repair eye socket           8.56         NA       1.73         NA       4.26        1.25          NA      14.07
    21387..  ..............  A               Repair eye socket           9.07         NA       1.73         NA       4.31        0.96          NA      14.34
    21390..  ..............  A               Repair eye socket           9.47         NA       1.73         NA       4.49        1.37          NA      15.33
    21395..  ..............  A               Repair eye socket          11.85         NA       1.73         NA       5.01        1.37          NA      18.23
    21400..  ..............  A               Treat eye socket            1.31       2.17       0.58       2.97       1.03        0.17        4.45       2.51
    21401..  ..............  A               Repair eye socket           3.05       2.68       1.11       4.00       2.09        0.32        7.37       5.46
    21406..  ..............  A               Repair eye socket           6.55         NA       1.73         NA       3.71        0.74          NA      11.00
    21407..  ..............  A               Repair eye socket           8.05         NA       1.73         NA       4.05        0.78          NA      12.88
    21408..  ..............  A               Repair eye socket          11.57         NA       1.73         NA       4.86        0.99          NA      17.42
    21421..  ..............  A               Treat mouth roof            4.80       4.68       2.58       6.89       4.33        0.62       12.31       9.75
    21422..  ..............  A               Repair mouth roof           7.78         NA       2.02         NA       4.42        1.19          NA      13.39
    21423..  ..............  A               Repair mouth roof           9.72         NA       1.73         NA       4.50        1.19          NA      15.41
    21431..  ..............  A               Treat craniofacial          6.59         NA       2.29         NA       4.39        0.71          NA      11.69
    21432..  ..............  A               Repair craniofacial         8.05         NA       2.29         NA       4.74        0.84          NA      13.63
    21433..  ..............  A               Repair craniofacial        23.69         NA       2.29         NA       8.44        2.10          NA      34.23
    21435..  ..............  A               Repair craniofacial        16.12         NA       2.29         NA       6.74        1.88          NA      24.74
    21436..  ..............  A               Repair craniofacial        26.21         NA       2.29         NA       8.99        2.08          NA      37.28
    21440..  ..............  A               Repair dental ridge         2.52       3.98       2.02       5.47       3.07        0.28        8.27       5.87
    21445..  ..............  A               Repair dental ridge         5.03       4.12       2.02       6.24       3.68        0.56       11.83       9.27
    [[Page 33204]]
    21450..  ..............  A               Treat lower jaw             2.78       3.67       1.28       5.14       2.23        0.26        8.18       5.27
    21451..  ..............  A               Treat lower jaw             4.55       4.29       2.58       6.39       4.30        0.74       11.68       9.59
    21452..  ..............  A               Treat lower jaw             1.85       4.81       2.58       6.31       3.58        0.17        8.33       5.60
    21453..  ..............  A               Treat lower jaw             5.18       4.55       2.58       6.81       4.40        0.55       12.54      10.13
    21454..  ..............  A               Treat lower jaw             6.04         NA       2.12         NA       4.22        1.42          NA      11.68
    21461..  ..............  A               Repair lower jaw            7.56       4.81       2.58       7.80       5.08        1.30       16.66      13.94
    21462..  ..............  A               Repair lower jaw            9.15       4.94       2.58       8.32       5.44        1.34       18.81      15.93
    21465..  ..............  A               Repair lower jaw           11.13         NA       2.12         NA       5.24        0.99          NA      17.36
    21470..  ..............  A               Repair lower jaw          *15.34         NA       2.12         NA       6.33        1.74          NA      23.41
    21480..  ..............  A               Reset dislocated jaw.       0.61       1.85       0.16       2.41       0.35        0.09        3.11       1.05
    21485..  ..............  A               Reset dislocated jaw.       3.73       2.84       1.44       4.33       2.61        0.20        8.26       6.54
    21490..  ..............  A               Repair dislocated jaw      11.08         NA       2.12         NA       5.12        0.52          NA      16.72
    21493..  ..............  A               Treat hyoid bone            1.19       2.00       0.59       2.00       0.59        0.13        3.32       1.91
    21494..  ..............  A               Repair hyoid bone           5.87       2.40       1.20       2.40       1.20        0.63        8.90       7.70
    21495..  ..............  A               Repair hyoid bone           5.32         NA       1.82         NA       3.50        0.51          NA       9.33
    21497..  ..............  A               Interdental wiring...       3.61       3.17       1.76       4.74       3.02        0.38        8.73       7.01
    21501..  ..............  A               Drain neck/chest           *3.81       1.82       1.44       3.11       2.64        0.26        7.18       6.71
    21502..  ..............  A               Drain chest lesion...      *7.12         NA       2.47         NA       4.73        0.75          NA      12.60
    21510..  ..............  A               Drainage of bone           *5.74         NA       2.39         NA       4.29        0.50          NA      10.53
    21550..  ..............  A               Biopsy of neck/chest.      *2.06       1.19       0.59       1.93       1.20        0.12        4.11       3.38
    21555..  ..............  A               Remove lesion neck/        *4.35       1.83       0.90       3.24       2.10        0.25        7.84       6.70
    21556..  ..............  A               Remove lesion neck/        *5.57         NA       0.91         NA       2.47        0.64          NA       8.68
    21557..  ..............  A               Remove tumor, neck or      *8.88         NA       2.39         NA       5.17        1.41          NA      15.46
    21600..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *6.89         NA       2.39         NA       4.62        0.88          NA      12.39
    21610..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *14.61         NA       2.67         NA       6.62        0.76          NA      21.99
    21615..  ..............  A               Removal of rib.......      *9.87         NA       2.39         NA       5.51        1.96          NA      17.34
    21616..  ..............  A               Removal of rib and        *12.04         NA       2.39         NA       5.88        1.50          NA      19.42
    21620..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *6.79         NA       2.39         NA       4.68        1.23          NA      12.70
    21627..  ..............  A               Sternal debridement..      *6.81         NA       3.74         NA       6.25        0.90          NA      13.96
    21630..  ..............  A               Extensive sternum         *17.38         NA       2.39         NA       7.25        2.40          NA      27.03
    21632..  ..............  A               Extensive sternum         *18.14         NA       2.39         NA       7.38        2.22          NA      27.74
    21700..  ..............  A               Revision of neck           *6.19       2.28       1.90       4.25       3.78        0.50       10.94      10.47
    21705..  ..............  A               Revision of neck           *9.60         NA       2.39         NA       5.23        0.96          NA      15.79
    21720..  ..............  A               Revision of neck           *5.68       2.28       1.90       4.14       3.67        0.52       10.34       9.87
    21725..  ..............  A               Revision of neck           *6.99         NA       1.90         NA       4.00        0.74          NA      11.73
    21740..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          15.42         NA       2.81         NA       7.17        1.64          NA      24.23
    21750..  ..............  A               Repair of sternum          10.07         NA       2.39         NA       5.44        1.43          NA      16.94
    21800..  ..............  A               Treatment of rib           *0.96       0.95       0.65       1.38       1.02        0.07        2.41       2.05
    21805..  ..............  A               Treatment of rib           *2.75         NA       1.62         NA       2.61        0.17          NA       5.53
    21810..  ..............  A               Treatment of rib           *6.86         NA       1.94         NA       4.00        0.61          NA      11.47
    21820..  ..............  A               Treat sternum              *1.28       1.10       0.83       1.66       1.32        0.17        3.11       2.77
    21825..  ..............  A               Repair sternum             *7.41         NA       2.39         NA       4.79        1.12          NA      13.32
    21920..  ..............  A               Biopsy soft tissue of      *2.06       1.32       0.54       2.09       1.13        0.11        4.26       3.30
    21925..  ..............  A               Biopsy soft tissue of      *4.49       4.30       2.26       6.30       3.81        0.32       11.11       8.62
    21930..  ..............  A               Remove lesion, back        *5.00       1.92       0.91       3.54       2.31        0.49        9.03       7.80
                                              or flank.                                                                                                     
    21935..  ..............  A               Remove tumor of back.     *17.96         NA       3.07         NA       7.96        1.30          NA      27.22
    22100..  ..............  A               Remove part of neck        *9.73         NA       2.37         NA       5.26        1.09          NA      16.08
    22101..  ..............  A               Remove part, thorax        *9.81         NA       2.26         NA       5.21        1.38          NA      16.40
    22102..  ..............  A               Remove part, lumbar        *9.81         NA       2.37         NA       5.19        0.67          NA      15.67
    22103..  ..............  A               Remove extra spine          2.34         NA       0.00         NA       0.59        0.37          NA       3.30
    22110..  ..............  A               Remove part of neck       *12.74         NA       2.37         NA       6.04        1.64          NA      20.42
    22112..  ..............  A               Remove part, thorax       *12.81         NA       2.67         NA       6.42        1.63          NA      20.86
    22114..  ..............  A               Remove part, lumbar       *12.81         NA       2.67         NA       6.32        1.17          NA      20.30
    22116..  ..............  A               Remove extra spine          2.32         NA       0.00         NA       0.59        0.36          NA       3.27
    22210..  ..............  A               Revision of neck          *23.82         NA       3.07         NA       9.49        2.43          NA      35.74
    22212..  ..............  A               Revision of thorax        *19.42         NA       3.07         NA       8.61        2.83          NA      30.86
    22214..  ..............  A               Revision of lumbar        *19.45         NA       3.07         NA       8.59        2.68          NA      30.72
    22216..  ..............  A               Revise, extra spine         6.04       0.00       0.00       1.52       1.52        0.89        8.45       8.45
    22220..  ..............  A               Revision of neck          *21.37         NA       2.37         NA       8.15        2.63          NA      32.15
    22222..  ..............  A               Revision of thorax        *21.52         NA       3.07         NA       8.80        1.58          NA      31.90
    22224..  ..............  A               Revision of lumbar        *21.52         NA       3.07         NA       9.04        2.66          NA      33.22
    22226..  ..............  A               Revise, extra spine         6.04         NA       0.00         NA       1.52        0.89          NA       8.45
    22305..  ..............  A               Treat spine process        *2.05       1.10       0.83       1.87       1.54        0.37        4.29       3.96
    22310..  ..............  A               Treat spine fracture.      *2.61       1.65       1.36       2.74       2.37        0.69        6.04       5.67
    22315..  ..............  A               Treat spine fracture.      *8.84         NA       2.67         NA       5.38        0.86          NA      15.08
    22325..  ..............  A               Repair of spine           *18.30         NA       3.07         NA       8.04        1.34          NA      27.68
    22326..  ..............  A               Repair neck spine         *19.59         NA       2.11         NA       7.46        2.74          NA      29.79
    22327..  ..............  A               Repair thorax spine       *19.20         NA       3.07         NA       8.46        2.35          NA      30.01
    22328..  ..............  A               Repair each add spine       4.61         NA       0.00         NA       1.17        0.72          NA       6.50
    22505..  ..............  A               Manipulation of spine       1.77       1.08       1.07       1.74       1.73        0.17        3.68       3.67
    22548..  ..............  A               Neck spine fusion....     *25.82         NA       2.37         NA       9.39        3.82          NA      39.03
    22554..  ..............  A               Neck spine fusion....     *18.62         NA       2.37         NA       7.74        3.52          NA      29.88
    22556..  ..............  A               Thorax spine fusion..     *23.46         NA       3.07         NA       9.66        3.58          NA      36.70
    22558..  ..............  A               Lumbar spine fusion..     *22.28         NA       3.07         NA       9.36        3.38          NA      35.02
    [[Page 33205]]
    22585..  ..............  A               Additional spinal           5.53         NA       0.00         NA       1.42        0.93          NA       7.88
    22590..  ..............  A               Spine & skull spinal      *20.51         NA       2.77         NA       8.62        3.44          NA      32.57
    22595..  ..............  A               Neck spinal fusion...     *19.39         NA       2.77         NA       8.47        3.87          NA      31.73
    22600..  ..............  A               Neck spine fusion....     *16.14         NA       2.77         NA       7.64        3.32          NA      27.10
    22610..  ..............  A               Thorax spine fusion..     *16.02         NA       2.77         NA       7.49        2.75          NA      26.26
    22612..  ..............  A               Lumbar spine fusion..     *21.00         NA       2.67         NA       8.58        3.33          NA      32.91
    22614..  ..............  A               Spine fusion, extra         6.44         NA       0.00         NA       1.61        0.92          NA       8.97
    22630..  ..............  A               Lumbar spine fusion..     *20.84         NA       3.07         NA       8.99        3.15          NA      32.98
    22632..  ..............  A               Spine fusion, extra         5.23         NA       0.00         NA       1.33        0.82          NA       7.38
    22800..  ..............  A               Fusion of spine......     *18.25         NA       2.67         NA       8.04        3.58          NA      29.87
    22802..  ..............  A               Fusion of spine......     *30.88         NA       3.07         NA      11.51        4.61          NA      47.00
    22804..  ..............  A               Fusion of spine......     *36.27         NA       3.50         NA      13.22        4.61          NA      54.10
    22808..  ..............  A               Fusion of spine......     *26.27         NA       2.00         NA       8.88        3.15          NA      38.30
    22810..  ..............  A               Fusion of spine......     *30.27         NA       2.67         NA      10.58        3.15          NA      44.00
    22812..  ..............  A               Fusion of spine......     *32.70         NA       3.07         NA      11.83        4.24          NA      48.77
    22830..  ..............  A               Exploration of spinal     *10.85         NA       2.67         NA       6.11        2.18          NA      19.14
    22840..  ..............  A               Insert spine fixation      12.54         NA       0.16         NA       3.16        0.98          NA      16.68
    22842..  ..............  A               Insert spine fixation      12.58         NA       0.16         NA       3.20        1.12          NA      16.90
    22843..  ..............  A               Insert spine fixation      13.46         NA       0.00         NA       3.26        1.40          NA      18.12
    22844..  ..............  A               Insert spine fixation      16.44         NA       0.00         NA       3.98        1.71          NA      22.13
    22845..  ..............  A               Insert spine fixation      11.96         NA       0.11         NA       2.96        0.93          NA      15.85
    22846..  ..............  A               Insert spine fixation      12.42         NA       0.00         NA       3.00        1.29          NA      16.71
    22847..  ..............  A               Insert spine fixation      13.80         NA       0.00         NA       3.34        1.44          NA      18.58
    22848..  ..............  A               Insert pelvic               6.00         NA       0.00         NA       1.52        0.94          NA       8.46
                                              fixation device.                                                                                              
    22849..  ..............  A               Reinsert spinal           *18.51         NA       2.67         NA       7.74        1.97          NA      28.22
    22850..  ..............  A               Remove spine fixation      *9.52         NA       2.26         NA       5.17        1.50          NA      16.19
    22851..  ..............  A               Apply spine prosth          6.71         NA       0.00         NA       1.70        1.05          NA       9.46
    22852..  ..............  A               Remove spine fixation      *9.01         NA       2.26         NA       5.08        1.57          NA      15.66
    22855..  ..............  A               Remove spine fixation     *15.13         NA       2.37         NA       6.48        1.25          NA      22.86
    22900..  ..............  A               Remove abdominal wall      *5.80         NA       1.66         NA       3.43        0.60          NA       9.83
    23000..  ..............  A               Removal of calcium         *4.36       2.62       2.22       4.25       3.77        0.47        9.08       8.60
    23020..  ..............  A               Release shoulder           *8.93         NA       2.51         NA       5.25        1.09          NA      15.27
    23030..  ..............  A               Drain shoulder lesion      *3.43       1.62       1.31       2.80       2.43        0.35        6.58       6.21
    23031..  ..............  A               Drain shoulder bursa.      *2.74       1.62       1.31       2.59       2.21        0.05        5.38       5.00
    23035..  ..............  A               Drain shoulder bone        *8.61         NA       4.54         NA       7.65        1.04          NA      17.30
    23040..  ..............  A               Exploratory shoulder       *9.20         NA       2.89         NA       5.86        1.47          NA      16.53
    23044..  ..............  A               Exploratory shoulder       *7.12         NA       2.89         NA       5.35        1.18          NA      13.65
    23065..  ..............  A               Biopsy shoulder            *2.27       1.44       0.59       2.27       1.24        0.09        4.63       3.60
    23066..  ..............  A               Biopsy shoulder            *4.16       2.41       2.12       3.88       3.52        0.10        8.14       7.78
    23075..  ..............  A               Removal of shoulder        *2.39       1.62       1.31       2.56       2.19        0.29        5.24       4.87
    23076..  ..............  A               Removal of shoulder        *7.63         NA       2.51         NA       4.87        0.65          NA      13.15
    23077..  ..............  A               Remove tumor of           *16.09         NA       2.89         NA       7.35        1.38          NA      24.82
    23100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of shoulder         *6.03         NA       2.51         NA       4.65        1.24          NA      11.92
    23101..  ..............  A               Shoulder joint             *5.58         NA       2.51         NA       4.54        1.21          NA      11.33
    23105..  ..............  A               Remove shoulder joint      *8.23         NA       2.51         NA       5.24        1.73          NA      15.20
    23106..  ..............  A               Incision of                *5.96         NA       2.51         NA       4.54        0.80          NA      11.30
                                              collarbone joint.                                                                                             
    23107..  ..............  A               Explore,treat              *8.62         NA       2.51         NA       5.29        1.60          NA      15.51
                                              shoulder joint.                                                                                               
    23120..  ..............  A               Partial removal,           *7.11         NA       2.51         NA       4.78        0.74          NA      12.63
                                              collar bone.                                                                                                  
    23125..  ..............  A               Removal of collarbone      *9.39         NA       2.51         NA       5.39        1.27          NA      16.05
    23130..  ..............  A               Partial removal,           *7.55         NA       2.51         NA       4.96        1.14          NA      13.65
    23140..  ..............  A               Removal of bone            *6.89         NA       2.51         NA       4.72        0.73          NA      12.34
    23145..  ..............  A               Removal of bone            *9.09         NA       2.89         NA       5.81        1.33          NA      16.23
    23146..  ..............  A               Removal of bone            *7.83         NA       2.89         NA       5.46        1.01          NA      14.30
    23150..  ..............  A               Removal of humerus         *8.48         NA       2.51         NA       5.13        1.01          NA      14.62
    23155..  ..............  A               Removal of humerus        *10.35         NA       2.89         NA       6.09        1.37          NA      17.81
    23156..  ..............  A               Removal of humerus         *8.68         NA       2.51         NA       5.23        1.25          NA      15.16
    23170..  ..............  A               Remove collarbone          *6.86         NA       2.89         NA       5.20        0.78          NA      12.84
    23172..  ..............  A               Remove shoulder blade      *6.90         NA       2.89         NA       5.20        0.73          NA      12.83
    23174..  ..............  A               Remove humerus lesion      *9.51         NA       2.89         NA       5.88        1.21          NA      16.60
    23180..  ..............  A               Remove collar bone         *8.53         NA       4.54         NA       7.56        0.67          NA      16.76
    23182..  ..............  A               Remove shoulder blade      *8.15         NA       4.54         NA       7.57        1.13          NA      16.85
    23184..  ..............  A               Remove humerus lesion      *9.38         NA       4.54         NA       7.92        1.48          NA      18.78
    23190..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *7.24         NA       2.12         NA       4.38        0.98          NA      12.60
    23195..  ..............  A               Removal of head of         *9.81         NA       2.51         NA       5.52        1.45          NA      16.78
    23200..  ..............  A               Removal of collar         *12.08         NA       3.28         NA       6.92        1.26          NA      20.26
    23210..  ..............  A               Removal of                *12.49         NA       3.28         NA       7.04        1.41          NA      20.94
    23220..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *14.56         NA       3.28         NA       7.63        2.03          NA      24.22
    23221..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *17.74         NA       3.28         NA       8.15        1.19          NA      27.08
    23222..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *23.92         NA       3.28         NA       9.74        2.30          NA      35.96
    23330..  ..............  A               Remove shoulder            *1.85       1.62       1.31       2.40       2.02        0.07        4.32       3.94
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    23331..  ..............  A               Remove shoulder            *7.38         NA       2.51         NA       4.76        0.38          NA      12.52
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    23332..  ..............  A               Remove shoulder           *11.62         NA       2.51         NA       5.94        1.57          NA      19.13
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    23350..  ..............  A               Injection for               1.00       4.22       0.09       5.37       0.34        0.05        6.42       1.39
                                              shoulder x-ray.                                                                                               
    23395..  ..............  A               Muscle                    *16.85         NA       2.12         NA       6.68        1.84          NA      25.37
    [[Page 33206]]
    23397..  ..............  A               Muscle transfers.....     *16.13         NA       2.51         NA       7.10        2.34          NA      25.57
    23400..  ..............  A               Fixation of shoulder      *13.54         NA       2.89         NA       6.86        1.68          NA      22.08
    23405..  ..............  A               Incision of tendon &       *8.37         NA       2.12         NA       4.63        0.99          NA      13.99
    23406..  ..............  A               Incise tendon(s) &        *10.79         NA       2.51         NA       5.77        1.58          NA      18.14
    23410..  ..............  A               Repair of tendon(s)..     *12.45         NA       2.51         NA       6.17        1.75          NA      20.37
    23412..  ..............  A               Repair of tendon(s)..     *13.31         NA       2.51         NA       6.44        2.16          NA      21.91
    23415..  ..............  A               Release of shoulder        *9.97         NA       2.12         NA       4.95        0.83          NA      15.75
    23420..  ..............  A               Repair of shoulder...     *13.30         NA       2.89         NA       6.95        2.34          NA      22.59
    23430..  ..............  A               Repair biceps tendon.      *9.98         NA       2.51         NA       5.50        1.19          NA      16.67
    23440..  ..............  A               Removal/transplant        *10.48         NA       2.51         NA       5.61        1.17          NA      17.26
    23450..  ..............  A               Repair shoulder           *13.40         NA       2.51         NA       6.44        2.04          NA      21.88
    23455..  ..............  A               Repair shoulder           *14.37         NA       2.51         NA       6.75        2.50          NA      23.62
    23460..  ..............  A               Repair shoulder           *15.37         NA       2.51         NA       6.91        2.24          NA      24.52
    23462..  ..............  A               Repair shoulder           *15.30         NA       2.51         NA       6.95        2.48          NA      24.73
    23465..  ..............  A               Repair shoulder           *15.85         NA       2.51         NA       7.02        2.27          NA      25.14
    23466..  ..............  A               Repair shoulder           *14.22         NA       2.51         NA       6.76        2.67          NA      23.65
    23470..  ..............  A               Reconstruct shoulder      *17.15         NA       2.51         NA       7.39        2.65          NA      27.19
    23472..  ..............  A               Reconstruct shoulder      *16.92         NA       2.51         NA       7.83        4.89          NA      29.64
    23480..  ..............  A               Revision of collar        *11.18         NA       2.51         NA       5.73        1.02          NA      17.93
    23485..  ..............  A               Revision of collar        *13.43         NA       2.51         NA       6.41        1.87          NA      21.71
    23490..  ..............  A               Reinforce clavicle...     *11.86         NA       2.51         NA       5.83        0.80          NA      18.49
    23491..  ..............  A               Reinforce shoulder        *14.21         NA       2.51         NA       6.63        2.11          NA      22.95
    23500..  ..............  A               Treat clavicle             *2.08       1.37       1.10       2.17       1.84        0.21        4.46       4.13
    23505..  ..............  A               Treat clavicle             *3.69       1.82       1.36       3.11       2.54        0.38        7.18       6.61
    23515..  ..............  A               Repair clavicle            *7.41         NA       2.02         NA       4.33        1.12          NA      12.86
    23520..  ..............  A               Treat clavicle             *2.16       1.37       1.10       2.18       1.86        0.19        4.53       4.21
    23525..  ..............  A               Treat clavicle             *3.60       1.82       1.36       3.07       2.50        0.27        6.94       6.37
    23530..  ..............  A               Repair clavicle            *7.31         NA       2.02         NA       4.26        0.91          NA      12.48
    23532..  ..............  A               Repair clavicle            *8.01         NA       2.02         NA       4.47        1.19          NA      13.67
    23540..  ..............  A               Treat clavicle             *2.23       1.55       1.10       2.42       1.87        0.19        4.84       4.29
    23545..  ..............  A               Treat clavicle             *3.25       1.65       1.36       2.79       2.43        0.29        6.33       5.97
    23550..  ..............  A               Repair clavicle            *7.24         NA       2.02         NA       4.37        1.46          NA      13.07
    23552..  ..............  A               Repair clavicle            *8.45         NA       2.02         NA       4.57        1.17          NA      14.19
    23570..  ..............  A               Treat shoulderblade        *2.23       1.32       1.10       2.16       1.88        0.25        4.64       4.36
    23575..  ..............  A               Treat shoulderblade        *4.06       1.84       1.36       3.23       2.64        0.43        7.72       7.13
    23585..  ..............  A               Repair scapula             *8.96         NA       2.09         NA       4.79        1.29          NA      15.04
    23600..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *2.93       1.85       1.31       3.00       2.34        0.43        6.36       5.70
    23605..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *4.87       2.73       2.18       4.56       3.89        0.76       10.19       9.52
    23615..  ..............  A               Repair humerus             *9.35         NA       2.37         NA       5.33        1.78          NA      16.46
    23616..  ..............  A               Repair humerus             19.88         NA       2.09         NA       7.68        3.54          NA      31.10
    23620..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *2.40       1.85       1.31       2.89       2.23        0.46        5.75       5.09
    23625..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *3.93       2.40       1.87       3.92       3.28        0.60        8.45       7.81
    23630..  ..............  A               Repair humerus             *7.35         NA       2.02         NA       4.38        1.40          NA      13.13
    23650..  ..............  A               Treat shoulder             *3.39       1.82       1.36       3.02       2.45        0.24        6.65       6.08
    23655..  ..............  A               Treat shoulder             *4.57         NA       1.28         NA       2.66        0.44          NA       7.67
    23660..  ..............  A               Repair shoulder            *7.49         NA       2.02         NA       4.41        1.40          NA      13.30
    23665..  ..............  A               Treat dislocation/         *4.47       2.40       1.87       4.02       3.38        0.51        9.00       8.36
    23670..  ..............  A               Repair dislocation/        *7.90         NA       2.09         NA       4.68        1.85          NA      14.43
    23675..  ..............  A               Treat dislocation/         *6.05       2.40       1.87       4.39       3.74        0.61       11.05      10.40
    23680..  ..............  A               Repair dislocation/       *10.06         NA       2.09         NA       5.22        2.13          NA      17.41
    23700..  ..............  A               Fixation of shoulder.      *2.52         NA       1.28         NA       2.19        0.34          NA       5.05
    23800..  ..............  A               Fusion of shoulder        *14.16         NA       2.89         NA       7.21        2.63          NA      24.00
    23802..  ..............  A               Fusion of shoulder        *16.60         NA       2.89         NA       7.65        2.24          NA      26.49
    23900..  ..............  A               Amputation of arm &       *19.72         NA       2.89         NA       8.37        2.40          NA      30.49
    23920..  ..............  A               Amputation at             *14.61         NA       2.89         NA       7.28        2.54          NA      24.43
                                              shoulder joint.                                                                                               
    23921..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up       *5.49       2.28       1.90       4.15       3.68        0.74       10.38       9.91
    23930..  ..............  A               Drainage of arm            *2.94       1.62       1.34       2.67       2.34        0.24        5.85       5.52
    23931..  ..............  A               Drainage of arm bursa      *1.79       1.62       1.34       2.39       2.06        0.11        4.29       3.96
    23935..  ..............  A               Drain arm/elbow bone       *6.09         NA       4.07         NA       6.46        0.78          NA      13.33
    24000..  ..............  A               Exploratory elbow          *5.82         NA       1.55         NA       3.48        1.44          NA      10.74
    24006..  ..............  A               Release elbow joint..       8.70         NA       1.76         NA       4.31        1.17          NA      14.18
    24065..  ..............  A               Biopsy arm/elbow soft      *2.08       1.62       1.34       2.45       2.12        0.10        4.63       4.30
    24066..  ..............  A               Biopsy arm/elbow soft      *5.21       2.41       2.14       4.17       3.84        0.41        9.79       9.46
    24075..  ..............  A               Remove arm/elbow           *3.92       2.41       2.14       3.88       3.54        0.35        8.15       7.81
    24076..  ..............  A               Remove arm/elbow           *6.30         NA       2.14         NA       4.14        0.67          NA      11.11
    24077..  ..............  A               Remove tumor of arm/      *11.76         NA       3.31         NA       7.02        1.87          NA      20.65
    24100..  ..............  A               Biopsy elbow joint         *4.93         NA       1.76         NA       3.38        0.69          NA       9.00
    24101..  ..............  A               Explore/treat elbow        *6.13         NA       1.76         NA       3.80        1.41          NA      11.34
    24102..  ..............  A               Remove elbow joint         *8.03         NA       1.76         NA       4.30        1.81          NA      14.14
    24105..  ..............  A               Removal of elbow           *3.61         NA       1.76         NA       3.08        0.63          NA       7.32
    24110..  ..............  A               Remove humerus lesion      *7.39         NA       2.54         NA       4.98        1.22          NA      13.59
    24115..  ..............  A               Remove/graft bone          *9.63         NA       2.54         NA       5.49        1.33          NA      16.45
    24116..  ..............  A               Remove/graft bone         *11.81         NA       2.54         NA       6.00        1.47          NA      19.28
    24120..  ..............  A               Remove elbow lesion..      *6.65         NA       1.76         NA       3.82        0.98          NA      11.45
    [[Page 33207]]
    24125..  ..............  A               Remove/graft bone          *7.89         NA       1.76         NA       4.01        0.61          NA      12.51
    24126..  ..............  A               Remove/graft bone          *8.31         NA       1.76         NA       4.23        1.21          NA      13.75
    24130..  ..............  A               Removal of head of         *6.25         NA       1.76         NA       3.75        1.08          NA      11.08
    24134..  ..............  A               Removal of arm bone        *9.73         NA       4.56         NA       7.97        1.24          NA      18.94
    24136..  ..............  A               Remove radius bone         *7.99         NA       1.76         NA       4.10        0.92          NA      13.01
    24138..  ..............  A               Remove elbow bone          *8.05         NA       1.76         NA       4.14        1.06          NA      13.25
    24140..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *9.18         NA       4.56         NA       7.89        1.45          NA      18.52
                                              arm bone.                                                                                                     
    24145..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *7.58         NA       3.18         NA       5.76        1.03          NA      14.37
    24147..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *7.54         NA       3.18         NA       5.76        1.08          NA      14.38
    24149..  ..............  A               Radical resection of      *14.20       1.76       1.76       5.71       5.71        2.07       21.98      21.98
    24150..  ..............  A               Extensive humerus         *13.27         NA       3.31         NA       7.43        2.24          NA      22.94
    24151..  ..............  A               Extensive humerus         *15.58         NA       3.31         NA       7.91        2.11          NA      25.60
    24152..  ..............  A               Extensive radius          *10.06         NA       2.24         NA       5.19        1.16          NA      16.41
    24153..  ..............  A               Extensive radius          *11.54         NA       2.24         NA       5.64        1.71          NA      18.89
    24155..  ..............  A               Removal of elbow          *11.73         NA       1.76         NA       5.10        1.72          NA      18.55
    24160..  ..............  A               Remove elbow joint         *7.83         NA       1.76         NA       4.04        0.80          NA      12.67
    24164..  ..............  A               Remove radius head         *6.23         NA       1.76         NA       3.71        0.90          NA      10.84
    24200..  ..............  A               Removal of arm             *1.76       1.62       1.34       2.37       2.04        0.06        4.19       3.86
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    24201..  ..............  A               Removal of arm             *4.56       2.41       2.14       4.05       3.71        0.49        9.10       8.76
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    24220..  ..............  A               Injection for elbow x-      1.31       4.22       0.09       5.44       0.41        0.05        6.80       1.77
    24301..  ..............  A               Muscle/tendon             *10.20         NA       1.76         NA       4.65        1.23          NA      16.08
    24305..  ..............  A               Arm tendon                 *7.45         NA       1.76         NA       3.84        0.29          NA      11.58
    24310..  ..............  A               Revision of arm            *5.98         NA       2.14         NA       4.02        0.48          NA      10.48
    24320..  ..............  A               Repair of arm tendon.     *10.56         NA       2.54         NA       5.69        1.29          NA      17.54
    24330..  ..............  A               Revision of arm            *9.60         NA       1.76         NA       4.57        1.43          NA      15.60
    24331..  ..............  A               Revision of arm           *10.65         NA       1.76         NA       4.83        1.57          NA      17.05
    24340..  ..............  A               Repair of biceps           *7.89         NA       1.76         NA       4.12        1.13          NA      13.14
    24341..  ..............  A               Repair tendon/muscle       *7.90       1.76       1.76       4.13       4.13        1.14       13.17      13.17
    24342..  ..............  A               Repair of ruptured        *10.62         NA       1.76         NA       4.86        1.76          NA      17.24
    24350..  ..............  A               Repair of tennis           *5.25         NA       1.76         NA       3.45        0.69          NA       9.39
    24351..  ..............  A               Repair of tennis           *5.91         NA       1.76         NA       3.60        0.73          NA      10.24
    24352..  ..............  A               Repair of tennis           *6.43         NA       1.76         NA       3.76        0.93          NA      11.12
    24354..  ..............  A               Repair of tennis           *6.48         NA       1.76         NA       3.77        0.94          NA      11.19
    24356..  ..............  A               Revision of tennis         *6.68         NA       1.76         NA       3.87        1.18          NA      11.73
    24360..  ..............  A               Reconstruct elbow         *12.34         NA       1.76         NA       5.39        2.47          NA      20.20
    24361..  ..............  A               Reconstruct elbow         *14.08         NA       1.76         NA       5.67        2.00          NA      21.75
    24362..  ..............  A               Reconstruct elbow         *14.99         NA       1.76         NA       5.61        0.80          NA      21.40
    24363..  ..............  A               Replace elbow joint..     *18.49         NA       1.76         NA       7.10        4.13          NA      29.72
    24365..  ..............  A               Reconstruct head of        *8.39         NA       1.76         NA       4.25        1.19          NA      13.83
    24366..  ..............  A               Reconstruct head of        *9.13         NA       1.76         NA       4.54        1.80          NA      15.47
    24400..  ..............  A               Revision of humerus..     *11.06         NA       2.91         NA       6.28        1.37          NA      18.71
    24410..  ..............  A               Revision of humerus..     *14.82         NA       2.91         NA       7.25        2.06          NA      24.13
    24420..  ..............  A               Revision of humerus..     *13.44         NA       3.87         NA       8.10        2.01          NA      23.55
    24430..  ..............  A               Repair of humerus....     *12.81         NA       2.54         NA       6.41        2.34          NA      21.56
    24435..  ..............  A               Repair humerus with       *13.17         NA       2.91         NA       7.06        2.84          NA      23.07
    24470..  ..............  A               Revision of elbow          *8.74         NA       1.76         NA       4.35        1.30          NA      14.39
    24495..  ..............  A               Decompression of           *8.12         NA       3.50         NA       6.29        1.10          NA      15.51
    24498..  ..............  A               Reinforce humerus....     *11.92         NA       2.54         NA       6.06        1.62          NA      19.60
    24500..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *3.21       1.95       1.15       3.15       2.19        0.36        6.72       5.76
    24505..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *5.17       3.13       2.21       5.10       3.98        0.71       10.98       9.86
    24515..  ..............  A               Repair humerus            *11.65         NA       2.37         NA       5.78        1.54          NA      18.97
    24516..  ..............  A               Repair humerus             10.92         NA       2.50         NA       5.77        1.54          NA      18.23
    24530..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *3.50       2.39       1.71       3.78       2.95        0.42        7.70       6.87
    24535..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *6.87       2.61       1.71       4.86       3.76        0.78       12.51      11.41
    24538..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *9.43         NA       2.57         NA       5.47        1.26          NA      16.16
    24545..  ..............  A               Repair humerus            *10.46         NA       2.09         NA       5.19        1.59          NA      17.24
    24546..  ..............  A               Repair humerus             14.66         NA       2.34         NA       6.42        1.59          NA      22.67
    24560..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *2.80       1.95       1.15       3.05       2.08        0.30        6.15       5.18
    24565..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *5.56       2.61       1.71       4.52       3.42        0.54       10.62       9.52
    24566..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *7.79         NA       2.57         NA       5.05        0.96          NA      13.80
    24575..  ..............  A               Repair humerus            *10.66         NA       1.51         NA       4.45        1.24          NA      16.35
    24576..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *2.86       1.83       1.15       2.93       2.10        0.33        6.12       5.29
    24577..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *5.79       2.61       1.71       4.58       3.49        0.61       10.98       9.89
    24579..  ..............  A               Repair humerus            *11.60         NA       2.34         NA       5.69        1.35          NA      18.64
    24582..  ..............  A               Treat humerus              *8.55         NA       2.57         NA       5.24        1.06          NA      14.85
    24586..  ..............  A               Repair elbow fracture     *15.21         NA       1.51         NA       5.69        2.36          NA      23.26
    24587..  ..............  A               Repair elbow fracture     *15.16         NA       1.51         NA       5.63        2.17          NA      22.96
    24600..  ..............  A               Treat elbow                *4.23       2.51       1.71       4.04       3.07        0.26        8.53       7.56
    24605..  ..............  A               Treat elbow                *5.42         NA       1.28         NA       2.83        0.37          NA       8.62
    24615..  ..............  A               Repair elbow               *9.42         NA       1.51         NA       4.23        1.48          NA      15.13
    24620..  ..............  A               Treat elbow fracture.      *6.98         NA       1.71         NA       3.74        0.57          NA      11.29
    24635..  ..............  A               Repair elbow fracture     *13.19         NA       3.79         NA       7.90        1.78          NA      22.87
    24640..  ..............  A               Treat elbow                *1.20       1.68       0.89       2.33       1.36        0.08        3.61       2.64
    24650..  ..............  A               Treat radius fracture      *2.16       1.95       1.15       2.92       1.95        0.33        5.41       4.44
    [[Page 33208]]
    24655..  ..............  A               Treat radius fracture      *4.40       2.61       1.71       4.24       3.15        0.45        9.09       8.00
    24665..  ..............  A               Repair radius              *8.14         NA       2.34         NA       4.89        1.14          NA      14.17
    24666..  ..............  A               Repair radius              *9.49         NA       2.34         NA       5.29        1.60          NA      16.38
    24670..  ..............  A               Treatment of ulna          *2.54       1.83       1.15       2.85       2.02        0.27        5.66       4.83
    24675..  ..............  A               Treatment of ulna          *4.72       2.61       1.71       4.33       3.24        0.54        9.59       8.50
    24685..  ..............  A               Repair ulna fracture.      *8.80         NA       2.34         NA       5.08        1.34          NA      15.22
    24800..  ..............  A               Fusion of elbow joint     *11.20         NA       2.00         NA       5.23        1.55          NA      17.98
    24802..  ..............  A               Fusion/graft of elbow     *13.69         NA       2.00         NA       5.87        1.99          NA      21.55
    24900..  ..............  A               Amputation of upper        *9.60         NA       2.91         NA       5.96        1.39          NA      16.95
    24920..  ..............  A               Amputation of upper        *9.54         NA       3.31         NA       6.39        1.19          NA      17.12
    24925..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up       *7.07         NA       2.54         NA       4.81        0.75          NA      12.63
    24930..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up      *10.25         NA       2.91         NA       6.05        1.17          NA      17.47
    24931..  ..............  A               Amputate upper arm &      *12.72         NA       2.91         NA       6.74        1.84          NA      21.30
    24935..  ..............  A               Revision of               *15.56         NA       3.87         NA       8.62        2.24          NA      26.42
    25000..  ..............  A               Incision of tendon         *3.38         NA       2.40         NA       3.81        0.62          NA       7.81
    25020..  ..............  A               Decompression of           *5.92         NA       3.50         NA       5.74        0.77          NA      12.43
    25023..  ..............  A               Decompression of          *12.96         NA       4.71         NA       8.78        0.94          NA      22.68
    25028..  ..............  A               Drainage of forearm        *5.25         NA       3.65         NA       5.68        0.36          NA      11.29
    25031..  ..............  A               Drainage of forearm        *4.14         NA       3.65         NA       5.37        0.09          NA       9.60
    25035..  ..............  A               Treat forearm bone         *7.36         NA       4.95         NA       7.87        1.01          NA      16.24
    25040..  ..............  A               Explore/treat wrist        *7.18         NA       2.45         NA       4.75        0.90          NA      12.83
    25065..  ..............  A               Biopsy forearm soft        *1.99       1.44       0.59       2.21       1.18        0.09        4.29       3.26
    25066..  ..............  A               Biopsy forearm soft        *4.13         NA       2.50         NA       4.00        0.22          NA       8.35
    25075..  ..............  A               Removal of forearm         *3.74         NA       2.50         NA       3.94        0.37          NA       8.05
    25076..  ..............  A               Removal of forearm         *4.92         NA       3.23         NA       5.16        0.67          NA      10.75
    25077..  ..............  A               Remove tumor, forearm/     *9.76         NA       3.23         NA       6.44        1.67          NA      17.87
    25085..  ..............  A               Incision of wrist          *5.50         NA       3.45         NA       5.57        0.71          NA      11.78
    25100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of wrist joint      *3.90         NA       2.45         NA       4.01        0.79          NA       8.70
    25101..  ..............  A               Explore/treat wrist        *4.69         NA       2.45         NA       4.22        0.98          NA       9.89
    25105..  ..............  A               Remove wrist joint         *5.85         NA       3.45         NA       5.75        1.19          NA      12.79
    25107..  ..............  A               Remove wrist joint         *6.43         NA       3.45         NA       5.81        0.89          NA      13.13
    25110..  ..............  A               Remove wrist tendon        *3.92         NA       2.50         NA       4.00        0.46          NA       8.38
    25111..  ..............  A               Remove wrist tendon        *3.39         NA       2.39         NA       3.78        0.55          NA       7.72
    25112..  ..............  A               Reremove wrist tendon      *4.53         NA       2.45         NA       4.12        0.66          NA       9.31
    25115..  ..............  A               Remove wrist/forearm       *8.82         NA       3.34         NA       6.28        1.23          NA      16.33
    25116..  ..............  A               Remove wrist/forearm       *7.11         NA       3.34         NA       5.93        1.38          NA      14.42
    25118..  ..............  A               Excise wrist tendon        *4.37         NA       2.45         NA       4.16        1.02          NA       9.55
    25119..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *6.04         NA       3.45         NA       5.82        1.32          NA      13.18
    25120..  ..............  A               Removal of forearm         *6.10         NA       3.23         NA       5.52        1.14          NA      12.76
    25125..  ..............  A               Remove/graft forearm       *7.48         NA       3.34         NA       5.94        1.04          NA      14.46
    25126..  ..............  A               Remove/graft forearm       *7.55         NA       3.23         NA       5.84        1.12          NA      14.51
    25130..  ..............  A               Removal of wrist           *5.26         NA       2.45         NA       4.28        0.67          NA      10.21
    25135..  ..............  A               Remove & graft wrist       *6.89         NA       2.45         NA       4.70        0.97          NA      12.56
    25136..  ..............  A               Remove & graft wrist       *5.97         NA       2.45         NA       4.47        0.85          NA      11.29
    25145..  ..............  A               Remove forearm bone        *6.37         NA       3.34         NA       5.63        0.75          NA      12.75
    25150..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *7.09         NA       3.45         NA       6.01        1.12          NA      14.22
    25151..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *7.39         NA       3.34         NA       5.92        1.02          NA      14.33
    25170..  ..............  A               Extensive forearm         *11.09         NA       3.23         NA       6.70        1.51          NA      19.30
    25210..  ..............  A               Removal of wrist bone      *5.95         NA       2.45         NA       4.46        0.80          NA      11.21
    25215..  ..............  A               Removal of wrist           *7.89         NA       3.45         NA       6.25        1.42          NA      15.56
    25230..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *5.23         NA       2.45         NA       4.31        0.85          NA      10.39
    25240..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *5.17         NA       3.45         NA       5.53        0.86          NA      11.56
    25246..  ..............  A               Injection for wrist x-      1.45       4.22       0.09       5.47       0.44        0.05        6.97       1.94
    25248..  ..............  A               Remove forearm             *5.14         NA       2.67         NA       4.46        0.37          NA       9.97
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    25250..  ..............  A               Removal of wrist           *6.60         NA       2.45         NA       4.63        0.91          NA      12.14
    25251..  ..............  A               Removal of wrist           *9.57         NA       3.45         NA       6.61        1.39          NA      17.57
    25260..  ..............  A               Repair forearm tendon/     *7.80         NA       3.34         NA       5.95        0.78          NA      14.53
    25263..  ..............  A               Repair forearm tendon/     *7.82         NA       3.34         NA       6.01        1.03          NA      14.86
    25265..  ..............  A               Repair forearm tendon/     *9.88         NA       3.34         NA       6.55        1.41          NA      17.84
    25270..  ..............  A               Repair forearm tendon/     *6.00         NA       3.34         NA       5.51        0.55          NA      12.06
    25272..  ..............  A               Repair forearm tendon/     *7.04         NA       3.34         NA       5.73        0.54          NA      13.31
    25274..  ..............  A               Repair forearm tendon/     *8.75         NA       3.34         NA       6.24        1.13          NA      16.12
    25280..  ..............  A               Revise wrist/forearm       *7.22         NA       3.34         NA       5.81        0.69          NA      13.72
    25290..  ..............  A               Incise wrist/forearm       *5.29         NA       3.87         NA       5.97        0.41          NA      11.67
    25295..  ..............  A               Release wrist/forearm      *6.55         NA       3.34         NA       5.62        0.52          NA      12.69
    25300..  ..............  A               Fusion of tendons at       *8.80         NA       2.45         NA       5.17        1.19          NA      15.16
    25301..  ..............  A               Fusion of tendons at       *8.40         NA       2.45         NA       5.08        1.18          NA      14.66
    25310..  ..............  A               Transplant forearm         *8.14         NA       3.34         NA       6.11        1.17          NA      15.42
    25312..  ..............  A               Transplant forearm         *9.57         NA       3.34         NA       6.46        1.31          NA      17.34
    25315..  ..............  A               Revise palsy hand         *10.20         NA       3.34         NA       6.60        1.34          NA      18.14
    25316..  ..............  A               Revise palsy hand         *12.33         NA       3.34         NA       7.16        1.78          NA      21.27
    25320..  ..............  A               Repair/revise wrist       *10.77         NA       2.45         NA       5.66        1.45          NA      17.88
    25332..  ..............  A               Revise wrist joint...     *11.41         NA       2.45         NA       5.83        1.61          NA      18.85
    25335..  ..............  A               Realignment of hand..     *12.88         NA       3.45         NA       7.37        1.56          NA      21.81
    [[Page 33209]]
    25337..  ..............  A               Reconstruct ulna/           9.50         NA       3.45         NA       6.61        1.45          NA      17.56
    25350..  ..............  A               Revision of radius...      *8.78         NA       3.23         NA       6.14        1.26          NA      16.18
    25355..  ..............  A               Revision of radius...     *10.17         NA       3.23         NA       6.49        1.49          NA      18.15
    25360..  ..............  A               Revision of ulna.....      *8.43         NA       3.23         NA       6.00        0.99          NA      15.42
    25365..  ..............  A               Revise radius & ulna.     *12.40         NA       3.23         NA       7.00        1.57          NA      20.97
    25370..  ..............  A               Revise radius or ulna     *13.36         NA       3.23         NA       7.28        1.92          NA      22.56
    25375..  ..............  A               Revise radius & ulna.     *13.04         NA       3.23         NA       6.98        0.87          NA      20.89
    25390..  ..............  A               Shorten radius/ulna..     *10.40         NA       3.23         NA       6.54        1.50          NA      18.44
    25391..  ..............  A               Lengthen radius/ulna.     *13.65         NA       3.23         NA       7.35        1.93          NA      22.93
    25392..  ..............  A               Shorten radius & ulna     *13.95         NA       3.23         NA       7.44        2.04          NA      23.43
    25393..  ..............  A               Lengthen radius &         *15.87         NA       3.34         NA       8.06        2.32          NA      26.25
    25400..  ..............  A               Repair radius or ulna     *10.92         NA       3.23         NA       6.71        1.75          NA      19.38
    25405..  ..............  A               Repair/graft radius       *14.38         NA       3.34         NA       7.67        2.02          NA      24.07
                                              or ulna.                                                                                                      
    25415..  ..............  A               Repair radius & ulna.     *13.35         NA       3.23         NA       7.28        1.92          NA      22.55
    25420..  ..............  A               Repair/graft radius &     *16.33         NA       3.34         NA       8.15        2.28          NA      26.76
    25425..  ..............  A               Repair/graft radius       *13.21         NA       4.73         NA       9.07        1.87          NA      24.15
                                              or ulna.                                                                                                      
    25426..  ..............  A               Repair/graft radius &     *15.82         NA       3.34         NA       8.01        2.13          NA      25.96
    25440..  ..............  A               Repair/graft wrist        *10.44         NA       2.45         NA       5.60        1.50          NA      17.54
    25441..  ..............  A               Reconstruct wrist         *12.90         NA       2.45         NA       6.22        1.89          NA      21.01
    25442..  ..............  A               Reconstruct wrist         *10.85         NA       2.45         NA       5.63        1.22          NA      17.70
    25443..  ..............  A               Reconstruct wrist         *10.39         NA       3.45         NA       6.82        1.52          NA      18.73
    25444..  ..............  A               Reconstruct wrist         *11.15         NA       3.45         NA       7.02        1.66          NA      19.83
    25445..  ..............  A               Reconstruct wrist          *9.69         NA       3.45         NA       6.71        1.72          NA      18.12
    25446..  ..............  A               Wrist replacement....     *16.55         NA       2.45         NA       7.37        3.49          NA      27.41
    25447..  ..............  A               Repair wrist joint(s)     *10.37         NA       2.45         NA       5.59        1.56          NA      17.52
    25449..  ..............  A               Remove wrist joint        *14.49         NA       3.45         NA       7.64        1.16          NA      23.29
    25450..  ..............  A               Revision of wrist          *7.87         NA       3.23         NA       5.92        1.19          NA      14.98
    25455..  ..............  A               Revision of wrist          *9.49         NA       3.23         NA       6.33        1.42          NA      17.24
    25490..  ..............  A               Reinforce radius.....      *9.54         NA       3.23         NA       6.34        1.42          NA      17.30
    25491..  ..............  A               Reinforce ulna.......      *9.96         NA       3.23         NA       6.45        1.49          NA      17.90
    25492..  ..............  A               Reinforce radius and      *12.33         NA       3.23         NA       7.04        1.84          NA      21.21
    25500..  ..............  A               Treat fracture of          *2.45       1.83       1.15       2.84       2.00        0.29        5.58       4.74
    25505..  ..............  A               Treat fracture of          *5.21       2.61       1.71       4.43       3.34        0.51       10.15       9.06
    25515..  ..............  A               Repair fracture of         *9.18         NA       2.34         NA       5.14        1.22          NA      15.54
    25520..  ..............  A               Repair fracture of          6.01       2.51       1.71       4.58       3.61        0.94       11.53      10.56
    25525..  ..............  A               Repair fracture of         11.69         NA       2.34         NA       5.82        1.83          NA      19.34
    25526..  ..............  A               Repair fracture of         12.43         NA       3.34         NA       7.22        1.94          NA      21.59
    25530..  ..............  A               Treat fracture of          *2.09       1.83       1.15       2.77       1.94        0.35        5.21       4.38
    25535..  ..............  A               Treat fracture of          *5.14       2.61       1.71       4.42       3.33        0.54       10.10       9.01
    25545..  ..............  A               Repair fracture of         *8.90         NA       2.34         NA       5.07        1.20          NA      15.17
    25560..  ..............  A               Treat fracture radius      *2.44       1.83       1.15       2.83       2.00        0.27        5.54       4.71
                                              & ulna.                                                                                                       
    25565..  ..............  A               Treat fracture radius      *5.63       2.61       1.71       4.57       3.47        0.70       10.90       9.80
                                              & ulna.                                                                                                       
    25574..  ..............  A               Treat fracture radius       6.03         NA       2.34         NA       4.56        1.73          NA      12.32
                                              & ulna.                                                                                                       
    25575..  ..............  A               Repair fracture           *10.45         NA       2.34         NA       5.52        1.73          NA      17.70
    25600..  ..............  A               Treat fracture radius/     *2.63       1.83       1.15       2.90       2.07        0.42        5.95       5.12
    25605..  ..............  A               Treat fracture radius/     *5.81       2.61       1.71       4.59       3.49        0.61       11.01       9.91
    25611..  ..............  A               Repair fracture            *7.77         NA       2.57         NA       5.04        0.97          NA      13.78
    25620..  ..............  A               Repair fracture            *8.55         NA       2.34         NA       4.98        1.14          NA      14.67
    25622..  ..............  A               Treat wrist bone           *2.61       1.83       1.15       2.88       2.05        0.33        5.82       4.99
    25624..  ..............  A               Treat wrist bone           *4.53       2.61       1.71       4.30       3.20        0.57        9.40       8.30
    25628..  ..............  A               Repair wrist bone          *8.43         NA       2.34         NA       4.96        1.16          NA      14.55
    25630..  ..............  A               Treat wrist bone           *2.88       1.83       1.15       2.93       2.10        0.30        6.11       5.28
    25635..  ..............  A               Treat wrist bone           *4.39       2.61       1.71       4.25       3.16        0.50        9.14       8.05
    25645..  ..............  A               Repair wrist bone          *7.25         NA       2.34         NA       4.65        0.95          NA      12.85
    25650..  ..............  A               Repair wrist bone          *3.05       1.83       1.15       2.98       2.15        0.36        6.39       5.56
    25660..  ..............  A               Treat wrist                *4.76         NA       1.71         NA       3.19        0.26          NA       8.21
    25670..  ..............  A               Repair wrist               *7.92         NA       2.34         NA       4.84        1.12          NA      13.88
    25675..  ..............  A               Treat wrist                *4.67       2.61       1.71       4.28       3.18        0.34        9.29       8.19
    25676..  ..............  A               Repair wrist               *8.04         NA       2.34         NA       4.86        1.11          NA      14.01
    25680..  ..............  A               Treat wrist fracture.      *5.99         NA       2.21         NA       4.09        0.36          NA      10.44
    25685..  ..............  A               Repair wrist fracture      *9.78         NA       2.34         NA       5.31        1.44          NA      16.53
    25690..  ..............  A               Treat wrist                *5.50         NA       2.21         NA       4.06        0.73          NA      10.29
    25695..  ..............  A               Repair wrist               *8.34         NA       2.34         NA       4.94        1.17          NA      14.45
    25800..  ..............  A               Fusion of wrist joint      *9.76         NA       2.45         NA       5.51        1.80          NA      17.07
    25805..  ..............  A               Fusion/graft of wrist     *11.28         NA       2.45         NA       5.91        2.09          NA      19.28
    25810..  ..............  A               Fusion/graft of wrist     *10.57         NA       2.45         NA       5.75        2.06          NA      18.38
    25820..  ..............  A               Fusion of hand bones.      *7.45         NA       2.45         NA       4.94        1.48          NA      13.87
    25825..  ..............  A               Fusion hand bones          *9.27         NA       2.45         NA       5.45        1.99          NA      16.71
                                              with graft.                                                                                                   
    25830..  ..............  A               Fusion radioulnar jnt/    *10.06         NA       3.23         NA       6.46        1.45          NA      17.97
    25900..  ..............  A               Amputation of forearm      *9.01         NA       2.98         NA       5.89        1.31          NA      16.21
    25905..  ..............  A               Amputation of forearm      *9.12         NA       3.10         NA       6.03        1.15          NA      16.30
    25907..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up       *7.80         NA       3.23         NA       5.87        1.00          NA      14.67
    25909..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up       *8.96         NA       3.23         NA       6.13        1.06          NA      16.15
    25915..  ..............  A               Amputation of forearm     *17.08         NA       3.34         NA       8.38        2.59          NA      28.05
    [[Page 33210]]
    25920..  ..............  A               Amputate hand at           *8.68         NA       2.45         NA       5.15        1.20          NA      15.03
    25922..  ..............  A               Amputate hand at           *7.42         NA       2.45         NA       4.83        1.02          NA      13.27
    25924..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up       *8.46         NA       2.45         NA       5.10        1.22          NA      14.78
    25927..  ..............  A               Amputation of hand...      *8.80         NA       2.72         NA       5.51        1.22          NA      15.53
    25929..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up       *7.59         NA       1.90         NA       4.18        0.96          NA      12.73
    25931..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up       *7.81         NA       2.96         NA       5.52        0.90          NA      14.23
    26010..  ..............  A               Drainage of finger         *1.54       2.11       1.71       2.92       2.43        0.05        4.51       4.02
    26011..  ..............  A               Drainage of finger         *2.19       2.78       2.38       3.92       3.44        0.24        6.35       5.87
    26020..  ..............  A               Drain hand tendon          *4.67         NA       4.14         NA       6.20        0.63          NA      11.50
    26025..  ..............  A               Drainage of palm           *4.82         NA       4.14         NA       6.27        0.76          NA      11.85
    26030..  ..............  A               Drainage of palm           *5.93         NA       4.14         NA       6.56        0.98          NA      13.47
    26034..  ..............  A               Treat hand bone            *6.23         NA       4.73         NA       7.28        0.71          NA      14.22
    26035..  ..............  A               Decompress fingers/        *9.51         NA       4.81         NA       8.13        0.86          NA      18.50
    26037..  ..............  A               Decompress fingers/        *7.25         NA       3.55         NA       6.14        1.05          NA      14.44
    26040..  ..............  A               Release palm               *3.33         NA       2.85         NA       4.31        0.49          NA       8.13
    26045..  ..............  A               Release palm               *5.56         NA       2.85         NA       4.87        0.81          NA      11.24
    26055..  ..............  A               Incise finger tendon       *2.69       2.39       2.12       3.63       3.30        0.56        6.88       6.55
    26060..  ..............  A               Incision of finger         *2.81         NA       2.13         NA       3.25        0.17          NA       6.23
    26070..  ..............  A               Explore/treat hand         *3.69         NA       4.39         NA       6.25        0.42          NA      10.36
    26075..  ..............  A               Explore/treat finger       *3.79         NA       4.39         NA       6.32        0.62          NA      10.73
    26080..  ..............  A               Explore/treat finger       *4.24         NA       4.39         NA       6.39        0.51          NA      11.14
    26100..  ..............  A               Biopsy hand joint          *3.67         NA       2.13         NA       3.50        0.45          NA       7.62
    26105..  ..............  A               Biopsy finger joint        *3.71         NA       2.85         NA       4.44        0.67          NA       8.82
    26110..  ..............  A               Biopsy finger joint        *3.53         NA       2.85         NA       4.36        0.50          NA       8.39
    26115..  ..............  A               Removal of hand            *3.86       2.39       2.13       3.83       3.52        0.34        8.03       7.72
    26116..  ..............  A               Removal of hand            *5.53         NA       2.85         NA       4.83        0.62          NA      10.98
    26117..  ..............  A               Remove tumor, hand/        *8.55         NA       2.85         NA       5.55        0.91          NA      15.01
    26121..  ..............  A               Release palm               *7.54         NA       2.96         NA       5.62        1.61          NA      14.77
    26123..  ..............  A               Release palm               *9.29         NA       2.96         NA       5.98        1.53          NA      16.80
    26125..  ..............  A               Release palm                4.61         NA       0.00         NA       1.11        0.45          NA       6.17
    26130..  ..............  A               Remove wrist joint         *5.42         NA       3.08         NA       5.13        0.86          NA      11.41
    26135..  ..............  A               Revise finger joint,       *6.96         NA       3.08         NA       5.46        0.82          NA      13.24
    26140..  ..............  A               Revise finger joint,       *6.17         NA       3.19         NA       5.40        0.75          NA      12.32
    26145..  ..............  A               Tendon excision, palm/     *6.32         NA       3.19         NA       5.45        0.80          NA      12.57
    26160..  ..............  A               Remove tendon sheath       *3.15       2.39       2.13       3.69       3.37        0.40        7.24       6.92
    26170..  ..............  A               Removal of palm            *4.77         NA       2.13         NA       3.74        0.45          NA       8.96
                                              tendon, each.                                                                                                 
    26180..  ..............  A               Removal of finger          *5.18         NA       2.13         NA       3.89        0.71          NA       9.78
    26185..  ..............  A               Remove finger bone...      *5.25         NA       3.00         NA       4.90        0.41          NA      10.56
    26200..  ..............  A               Remove hand bone           *5.51         NA       2.85         NA       4.84        0.72          NA      11.07
    26205..  ..............  A               Remove/graft bone          *7.70         NA       2.96         NA       5.53        1.03          NA      14.26
    26210..  ..............  A               Removal of finger          *5.15         NA       3.08         NA       5.02        0.64          NA      10.81
    26215..  ..............  A               Remove/graft finger        *7.10         NA       2.96         NA       5.38        0.94          NA      13.42
    26230..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *6.33         NA       3.81         NA       6.18        0.69          NA      13.20
                                              hand bone.                                                                                                    
    26235..  ..............  A               Partial removal,           *6.19         NA       3.81         NA       6.16        0.71          NA      13.06
                                              finger bone.                                                                                                  
    26236..  ..............  A               Partial removal,           *5.32         NA       3.81         NA       5.96        0.66          NA      11.94
                                              finger bone.                                                                                                  
    26250..  ..............  A               Extensive hand             *7.55         NA       3.19         NA       5.78        1.07          NA      14.40
    26255..  ..............  A               Extensive hand            *12.43         NA       3.30         NA       7.08        1.54          NA      21.05
    26260..  ..............  A               Extensive finger           *7.03         NA       3.19         NA       5.64        0.97          NA      13.64
    26261..  ..............  A               Extensive finger           *9.09         NA       3.30         NA       6.30        1.31          NA      16.70
    26262..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *5.67         NA       2.85         NA       4.89        0.76          NA      11.32
    26320..  ..............  A               Removal of implant         *3.98         NA       2.85         NA       4.47        0.57          NA       9.02
                                              from hand.                                                                                                    
    26350..  ..............  A               Repair finger/hand         *5.99         NA       3.64         NA       5.96        0.99          NA      12.94
    26352..  ..............  A               Repair/graft hand          *7.68         NA       3.64         NA       6.36        1.10          NA      15.14
    26356..  ..............  A               Repair finger/hand         *8.07         NA       3.64         NA       6.47        1.24          NA      15.78
    26357..  ..............  A               Repair finger/hand         *8.58         NA       3.64         NA       6.57        1.19          NA      16.34
    26358..  ..............  A               Repair/graft hand          *9.14         NA       3.64         NA       6.71        1.27          NA      17.12
    26370..  ..............  A               Repair finger/hand         *7.11         NA       3.64         NA       6.24        1.13          NA      14.48
    26372..  ..............  A               Repair/graft hand          *8.76         NA       3.64         NA       6.61        1.15          NA      16.52
    26373..  ..............  A               Repair finger/hand         *8.16         NA       3.64         NA       6.46        1.11          NA      15.73
    26390..  ..............  A               Revise hand/finger         *9.19         NA       2.85         NA       5.76        1.23          NA      16.18
    26392..  ..............  A               Repair/graft hand         *10.26         NA       3.64         NA       6.96        1.26          NA      18.48
    26410..  ..............  A               Repair hand tendon...      *4.63         NA       3.19         NA       5.01        0.51          NA      10.15
    26412..  ..............  A               Repair/graft hand          *6.31         NA       3.19         NA       5.48        0.97          NA      12.76
    26415..  ..............  A               Excision, hand/finger      *8.34         NA       3.19         NA       5.91        0.90          NA      15.15
    26416..  ..............  A               Graft hand or finger       *9.37         NA       3.19         NA       6.25        1.41          NA      17.03
    26418..  ..............  A               Repair finger tendon.      *4.25         NA       3.19         NA       4.95        0.59          NA       9.79
    26420..  ..............  A               Repair/graft finger        *6.77         NA       3.19         NA       5.58        0.96          NA      13.31
    26426..  ..............  A               Repair finger/hand         *6.15         NA       3.19         NA       5.47        1.07          NA      12.69
    26428..  ..............  A               Repair/graft finger        *7.21         NA       3.19         NA       5.69        1.00          NA      13.90
    26432..  ..............  A               Repair finger tendon.      *4.02         NA       2.85         NA       4.47        0.51          NA       9.00
    26433..  ..............  A               Repair finger tendon.      *4.56         NA       2.85         NA       4.62        0.66          NA       9.84
    26434..  ..............  A               Repair/graft finger        *6.09         NA       2.85         NA       5.00        0.84          NA      11.93
    26437..  ..............  A               Realignment of             *5.82         NA       2.85         NA       4.90        0.68          NA      11.40
    26440..  ..............  A               Release palm/finger        *5.02         NA       3.64         NA       5.66        0.59          NA      11.27
    [[Page 33211]]
    26442..  ..............  A               Release palm & finger      *8.16         NA       3.64         NA       6.35        0.59          NA      15.10
    26445..  ..............  A               Release hand/finger        *4.31         NA       3.64         NA       5.50        0.54          NA      10.35
    26449..  ..............  A               Release forearm/hand       *7.00         NA       3.64         NA       6.18        0.96          NA      14.14
    26450..  ..............  A               Incision of palm           *3.67         NA       2.13         NA       3.48        0.36          NA       7.51
    26455..  ..............  A               Incision of finger         *3.64         NA       2.13         NA       3.47        0.33          NA       7.44
    26460..  ..............  A               Incise hand/finger         *3.46         NA       2.13         NA       3.42        0.30          NA       7.18
    26471..  ..............  A               Fusion of finger           *5.73         NA       2.85         NA       4.88        0.67          NA      11.28
    26474..  ..............  A               Fusion of finger           *5.32         NA       2.85         NA       4.81        0.75          NA      10.88
    26476..  ..............  A               Tendon lengthening...      *5.18         NA       2.85         NA       4.67        0.27          NA      10.12
    26477..  ..............  A               Tendon shortening....      *5.15         NA       2.85         NA       4.77        0.73          NA      10.65
    26478..  ..............  A               Lengthening of hand        *5.80         NA       2.85         NA       4.91        0.72          NA      11.43
    26479..  ..............  A               Shortening of hand         *5.74         NA       2.85         NA       4.92        0.86          NA      11.52
    26480..  ..............  A               Transplant hand            *6.69         NA       3.64         NA       6.14        1.11          NA      13.94
    26483..  ..............  A               Transplant/graft hand      *8.29         NA       3.64         NA       6.56        1.40          NA      16.25
    26485..  ..............  A               Transplant palm            *7.70         NA       3.64         NA       6.36        1.08          NA      15.14
    26489..  ..............  A               Transplant/graft palm      *9.55         NA       3.64         NA       6.64        0.51          NA      16.70
    26490..  ..............  A               Revise thumb tendon..      *8.41         NA       2.85         NA       5.60        1.28          NA      15.29
    26492..  ..............  A               Tendon transfer with       *9.62         NA       2.85         NA       5.85        1.21          NA      16.68
    26494..  ..............  A               Hand tendon/muscle         *8.47         NA       2.85         NA       5.60        1.23          NA      15.30
    26496..  ..............  A               Revise thumb tendon..      *9.59         NA       2.85         NA       5.91        1.53          NA      17.03
    26497..  ..............  A               Finger tendon              *9.57         NA       2.85         NA       5.88        1.38          NA      16.83
    26498..  ..............  A               Finger tendon             *14.00         NA       2.85         NA       6.99        2.04          NA      23.03
    26499..  ..............  A               Revision of finger...      *8.98         NA       2.85         NA       5.72        1.25          NA      15.95
    26500..  ..............  A               Hand tendon                *5.96         NA       2.85         NA       4.91        0.60          NA      11.47
    26502..  ..............  A               Hand tendon                *7.14         NA       2.85         NA       5.25        0.95          NA      13.34
    26504..  ..............  A               Hand tendon                *7.47         NA       2.85         NA       5.36        1.11          NA      13.94
    26508..  ..............  A               Release thumb              *6.01         NA       2.85         NA       4.95        0.72          NA      11.68
    26510..  ..............  A               Thumb tendon transfer      *5.43         NA       2.85         NA       4.82        0.68          NA      10.93
    26516..  ..............  A               Fusion of knuckle          *7.15         NA       2.85         NA       5.19        0.67          NA      13.01
    26517..  ..............  A               Fusion of knuckle          *8.83         NA       2.85         NA       5.68        1.23          NA      15.74
    26518..  ..............  A               Fusion of knuckle          *9.02         NA       2.85         NA       5.72        1.22          NA      15.96
    26520..  ..............  A               Release knuckle            *5.30         NA       3.53         NA       5.61        0.71          NA      11.62
    26525..  ..............  A               Release finger             *5.33         NA       3.53         NA       5.60        0.62          NA      11.55
    26530..  ..............  A               Revise knuckle joint.      *6.69         NA       3.53         NA       5.95        0.85          NA      13.49
    26531..  ..............  A               Revise knuckle with        *7.91         NA       3.53         NA       6.27        1.11          NA      15.29
    26535..  ..............  A               Revise finger joint..      *5.24         NA       3.53         NA       5.57        0.58          NA      11.39
    26536..  ..............  A               Revise/implant finger      *6.37         NA       3.53         NA       5.95        1.19          NA      13.51
    26540..  ..............  A               Repair hand joint....      *6.43         NA       2.85         NA       5.13        1.12          NA      12.68
    26541..  ..............  A               Repair hand joint          *8.62         NA       2.85         NA       5.69        1.47          NA      15.78
                                              with graft.                                                                                                   
    26542..  ..............  A               Repair hand joint          *6.78         NA       2.85         NA       5.18        0.97          NA      12.93
                                              with graft.                                                                                                   
    26545..  ..............  A               Reconstruct finger         *6.92         NA       2.85         NA       5.20        0.94          NA      13.06
    26546..  ..............  A               Repair non-union hand       8.50         NA       3.25         NA       6.12        1.33          NA      15.95
    26548..  ..............  A               Reconstruct finger         *8.03         NA       2.85         NA       5.46        1.00          NA      14.49
    26550..  ..............  A               Construct thumb           *21.24         NA       3.64         NA       9.80        3.24          NA      34.28
    26551..  ..............  A               Great toe-hand            *46.58         NA       3.74         NA      16.28        6.92          NA      69.78
    26553..  ..............  A               Single toe-hand           *46.27         NA       3.74         NA      16.20        6.87          NA      69.34
    26554..  ..............  A               Double toe-hand           *54.95         NA       3.74         NA      18.39        8.20          NA      81.54
    26555..  ..............  A               Positional change of      *16.63         NA       3.64         NA       8.63        2.52          NA      27.78
    26556..  ..............  A               Toe joint transfer...     *47.26         NA       3.74         NA      16.44        6.99          NA      70.69
    26560..  ..............  A               Repair of web finger.      *5.38         NA       2.85         NA       4.80        0.66          NA      10.84
    26561..  ..............  A               Repair of web finger.     *10.92         NA       2.85         NA       6.21        1.56          NA      18.69
    26562..  ..............  A               Repair of web finger.      *9.68         NA       2.85         NA       5.78        0.82          NA      16.28
    26565..  ..............  A               Correct metacarpal         *6.74         NA       2.85         NA       5.14        0.85          NA      12.73
    26567..  ..............  A               Correct finger             *6.82         NA       2.85         NA       5.12        0.67          NA      12.61
    26568..  ..............  A               Lengthen metacarpal/       *9.08         NA       3.64         NA       6.66        1.06          NA      16.80
    26580..  ..............  A               Repair hand deformity     *18.18         NA       2.85         NA       8.06        2.76          NA      29.00
    26585..  ..............  A               Repair finger             *14.05         NA       2.85         NA       7.02        2.12          NA      23.19
    26590..  ..............  A               Repair finger             *17.96         NA       2.85         NA       8.01        2.72          NA      28.69
    26591..  ..............  A               Repair muscles of          *3.25         NA       2.85         NA       4.28        0.39          NA       7.92
    26593..  ..............  A               Release muscles of         *5.31         NA       2.85         NA       4.79        0.70          NA      10.80
    26596..  ..............  A               Excision constricting      *8.95         NA       2.13         NA       4.85        1.35          NA      15.15
    26597..  ..............  A               Release of scar            *9.82         NA       2.85         NA       5.93        1.37          NA      17.12
    26600..  ..............  A               Treat metacarpal           *1.96       1.83       1.15       2.71       1.88        0.22        4.89       4.06
    26605..  ..............  A               Treat metacarpal           *2.85       2.41       1.64       3.65       2.70        0.36        6.86       5.91
    26607..  ..............  A               Treat metacarpal           *5.36         NA       2.54         NA       4.39        0.57          NA      10.32
    26608..  ..............  A               Treat metacarpal            5.12         NA       2.57         NA       4.38        0.57          NA      10.07
    26615..  ..............  A               Repair metacarpal          *5.33         NA       2.34         NA       4.20        0.80          NA      10.33
    26641..  ..............  A               Treat thumb                *3.94       2.61       1.71       4.07       2.98        0.14        8.15       7.06
    26645..  ..............  A               Treat thumb fracture.      *4.41       2.61       1.71       4.22       3.13        0.33        8.96       7.87
    26650..  ..............  A               Repair thumb fracture      *5.72         NA       2.57         NA       4.52        0.64          NA      10.88
    26665..  ..............  A               Repair thumb fracture      *7.60         NA       2.34         NA       4.76        1.09          NA      13.45
    26670..  ..............  A               Treat hand                 *3.69       2.51       1.71       3.89       2.92        0.10        7.68       6.71
    26675..  ..............  A               Treat hand                 *4.64       2.09       1.28       3.69       2.71        0.60        8.93       7.95
    26676..  ..............  A               Pin hand dislocation.      *5.52         NA       2.57         NA       4.49        0.67          NA      10.68
    [[Page 33212]]
    26685..  ..............  A               Repair hand                *6.98         NA       2.34         NA       4.59        0.91          NA      12.48
    26686..  ..............  A               Repair hand                *7.94         NA       2.34         NA       4.82        1.04          NA      13.80
    26700..  ..............  A               Treat knuckle              *3.69       1.55       1.10       2.72       2.17        0.10        6.51       5.96
    26705..  ..............  A               Treat knuckle              *4.19       2.09       1.28       3.52       2.54        0.27        7.98       7.00
    26706..  ..............  A               Pin knuckle                *5.12         NA       1.61         NA       3.25        0.75          NA       9.12
    26715..  ..............  A               Repair knuckle             *5.74         NA       2.34         NA       4.26        0.66          NA      10.66
    26720..  ..............  A               Treat finger               *1.66       1.10       0.83       1.74       1.40        0.15        3.55       3.21
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    26725..  ..............  A               Treat finger               *3.33       1.55       1.10       2.67       2.12        0.23        6.23       5.68
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    26727..  ..............  A               Treat finger               *5.23         NA       2.57         NA       4.36        0.38          NA       9.97
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    26735..  ..............  A               Repair finger              *5.98         NA       2.34         NA       4.30        0.61          NA      10.89
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    26740..  ..............  A               Treat finger               *1.94       1.37       1.10       2.12       1.80        0.16        4.22       3.90
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    26742..  ..............  A               Treat finger               *3.85       2.61       1.71       4.09       3.00        0.32        8.26       7.17
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    26746..  ..............  A               Repair finger              *5.81         NA       2.34         NA       4.30        0.80          NA      10.91
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    26750..  ..............  A               Treat finger               *1.70       1.37       1.10       2.06       1.74        0.10        3.86       3.54
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    26755..  ..............  A               Treat finger               *3.10       1.55       1.10       2.60       2.05        0.15        5.85       5.30
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    26756..  ..............  A               Pin finger fracture,       *4.39         NA       2.57         NA       4.16        0.33          NA       8.88
    26765..  ..............  A               Repair finger              *4.17         NA       2.34         NA       3.87        0.45          NA       8.49
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    26770..  ..............  A               Treat finger               *3.02       1.55       1.10       2.57       2.02        0.08        5.67       5.12
    26775..  ..............  A               Treat finger               *3.71       2.09       1.28       3.40       2.41        0.17        7.28       6.29
    26776..  ..............  A               Pin finger                 *4.80         NA       2.57         NA       4.26        0.35          NA       9.41
    26785..  ..............  A               Repair finger              *4.21         NA       2.34         NA       3.88        0.48          NA       8.57
    26820..  ..............  A               Thumb fusion with          *8.26         NA       2.96         NA       5.65        1.05          NA      14.96
    26841..  ..............  A               Fusion of thumb......      *7.13         NA       2.85         NA       5.26        1.00          NA      13.39
    26842..  ..............  A               Thumb fusion with          *8.24         NA       2.96         NA       5.72        1.37          NA      15.33
    26843..  ..............  A               Fusion of hand joint.      *7.61         NA       2.85         NA       5.39        1.10          NA      14.10
    26844..  ..............  A               Fusion/graft of hand       *8.73         NA       2.96         NA       5.79        1.19          NA      15.71
    26850..  ..............  A               Fusion of knuckle....      *6.97         NA       2.85         NA       5.17        0.76          NA      12.90
    26852..  ..............  A               Fusion of knuckle          *8.46         NA       2.96         NA       5.69        1.00          NA      15.15
                                              with graft.                                                                                                   
    26860..  ..............  A               Fusion of finger           *4.69         NA       2.85         NA       4.65        0.68          NA      10.02
    26861..  ..............  A               Fusion of finger            1.74         NA       0.00         NA       0.48        0.43          NA       2.65
    26862..  ..............  A               Fusion/graft of            *7.37         NA       2.96         NA       5.42        0.85          NA      13.64
                                              finger joint.                                                                                                 
    26863..  ..............  A               Fuse/graft added            3.90         NA       0.00         NA       0.98        0.57          NA       5.45
    26910..  ..............  A               Amputate metacarpal        *7.60         NA       2.85         NA       5.35        0.93          NA      13.88
    26951..  ..............  A               Amputation of finger/      *4.59         NA       2.85         NA       4.59        0.49          NA       9.67
    26952..  ..............  A               Amputation of finger/      *6.31         NA       2.60         NA       4.70        0.69          NA      11.70
    26990..  ..............  A               Drainage of pelvis         *7.48         NA       5.11         NA       7.99        0.51          NA      15.98
    26991..  ..............  A               Drainage of pelvis         *6.68       2.77       2.60       4.91       4.69        0.29       11.88      11.66
    26992..  ..............  A               Drainage of bone          *13.02         NA       5.11         NA       9.32        1.05          NA      23.39
    27000..  ..............  A               Incision of hip            *5.62         NA       2.02         NA       3.74        0.24          NA       9.60
    27001..  ..............  A               Incision of hip            *6.94         NA       2.02         NA       4.06        0.38          NA      11.38
    27003..  ..............  A               Incision of hip            *7.34         NA       2.35         NA       4.71        1.08          NA      13.13
    27005..  ..............  A               Incision of hip            *9.66         NA       2.35         NA       5.10        0.54          NA      15.30
    27006..  ..............  A               Incision of hip            *9.68         NA       2.35         NA       5.16        0.77          NA      15.61
    27025..  ..............  A               Incision of hip/thigh     *11.16         NA       2.35         NA       5.54        1.02          NA      17.72
    27030..  ..............  A               Drainage of hip joint     *13.01         NA       2.35         NA       6.13        1.86          NA      21.00
    27033..  ..............  A               Exploration of hip        *13.39         NA       2.35         NA       6.21        1.85          NA      21.45
    27035..  ..............  A               Denervation of hip        *16.69         NA       3.00         NA       7.79        2.21          NA      26.69
    27036..  ..............  A               Excision of hip joint/    *12.88         NA       2.57         NA       6.36        1.87          NA      21.11
    27040..  ..............  A               Biopsy of soft             *2.87       1.72       1.31       2.75       2.26        0.11        5.73       5.24
    27041..  ..............  A               Biopsy of soft             *9.89         NA       1.90         NA       4.57        0.44          NA      14.90
    27047..  ..............  A               Remove hip/pelvis          *7.45       2.37       2.19       4.60       4.37        0.32       12.37      12.14
    27048..  ..............  A               Remove hip/pelvis          *6.25         NA       2.60         NA       4.72        0.82          NA      11.79
    27049..  ..............  A               Remove tumor, hip/        *13.66         NA       3.40         NA       7.55        1.87          NA      23.08
    27050..  ..............  A               Biopsy of sacroiliac       *4.36         NA       2.19         NA       3.82        0.90          NA       9.08
    27052..  ..............  A               Biopsy of hip joint..      *6.23         NA       2.35         NA       4.58        1.59          NA      12.40
    27054..  ..............  A               Removal of hip joint       *8.54         NA       2.71         NA       5.67        2.26          NA      16.47
    27060..  ..............  A               Removal of ischial         *5.43         NA       2.19         NA       4.01        0.68          NA      10.12
    27062..  ..............  A               Remove femur lesion/       *5.37         NA       2.02         NA       3.79        0.70          NA       9.86
    27065..  ..............  A               Removal of hip bone        *5.90         NA       2.60         NA       4.66        0.90          NA      11.46
    27066..  ..............  A               Removal of hip bone       *10.33         NA       3.00         NA       6.20        1.30          NA      17.83
    27067..  ..............  A               Remove/graft hip bone     *13.83         NA       3.00         NA       7.10        1.93          NA      22.86
    27070..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *10.72         NA       5.11         NA       8.85        1.21          NA      20.78
                                              hip bone.                                                                                                     
    27071..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *11.46         NA       5.11         NA       9.06        1.45          NA      21.97
                                              hip bone.                                                                                                     
    27075..  ..............  A               Extensive hip surgery     *17.23         NA       3.40         NA       8.43        2.32          NA      27.98
    27076..  ..............  A               Extensive hip surgery     *22.12         NA       3.40         NA       9.57        2.61          NA      34.30
    27077..  ..............  A               Extensive hip surgery     *23.13         NA       3.40         NA       9.93        3.24          NA      36.30
    27078..  ..............  A               Extensive hip surgery     *13.44         NA       3.40         NA       7.46        1.67          NA      22.57
    27079..  ..............  A               Extensive hip surgery     *13.75         NA       3.40         NA       7.52        1.66          NA      22.93
    27080..  ..............  A               Removal of tail bone.      *6.39         NA       2.19         NA       4.26        0.87          NA      11.52
    27086..  ..............  A               Remove hip foreign         *1.87       1.67       1.49       2.46       2.24        0.07        4.40       4.18
    27087..  ..............  A               Remove hip foreign         *8.54         NA       2.19         NA       4.67        0.60          NA      13.81
    27090..  ..............  A               Removal of hip            *11.15         NA       2.35         NA       5.63        1.46          NA      18.24
    27091..  ..............  A               Removal of hip            *22.14         NA       2.35         NA       8.41        3.16          NA      33.71
    27093..  ..............  A               Injection for hip x-        1.30       4.22       0.09       5.45       0.42        0.11        6.86       1.83
    [[Page 33213]]
    27095..  ..............  A               Injection for hip x-        1.50         NA       0.09         NA       0.47        0.13          NA       2.10
    27097..  ..............  A               Revision of hip            *8.80         NA       2.35         NA       5.07        1.26          NA      15.13
    27098..  ..............  A               Transfer tendon to         *8.83         NA       2.35         NA       5.08        1.26          NA      15.17
    27100..  ..............  A               Transfer of abdominal     *11.08         NA       3.00         NA       6.39        1.42          NA      18.89
    27105..  ..............  A               Transfer of spinal        *11.77         NA       2.71         NA       6.18        1.36          NA      19.31
    27110..  ..............  A               Transfer of iliopsoas     *13.26         NA       3.00         NA       6.96        1.86          NA      22.08
    27111..  ..............  A               Transfer of iliopsoas     *12.15         NA       2.71         NA       6.33        1.65          NA      20.13
    27120..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of hip     *18.01         NA       2.60         NA       7.76        2.95          NA      28.72
    27122..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of hip     *14.98         NA       2.71         NA       7.23        2.94          NA      25.15
    27125..  ..............  A               Partial hip               *14.69         NA       2.62         NA       7.07        3.01          NA      24.77
    27130..  ..............  A               Total hip replacement     *20.12         NA       2.62         NA       8.60        4.58          NA      33.30
    27132..  ..............  A               Total hip replacement     *23.30         NA       2.62         NA       9.41        5.09          NA      37.80
    27134..  ..............  A               Revise hip joint          *28.52         NA       2.60         NA      10.72        5.96          NA      45.20
    27137..  ..............  A               Revise hip joint          *21.17         NA       2.62         NA       8.89        4.82          NA      34.88
    27138..  ..............  A               Revise hip joint          *22.17         NA       2.62         NA       9.05        4.58          NA      35.80
    27140..  ..............  A               Transplant of femur       *12.24         NA       2.35         NA       5.93        1.71          NA      19.88
    27146..  ..............  A               Incision of hip bone.     *17.43         NA       3.00         NA       7.77        1.35          NA      26.55
    27147..  ..............  A               Revision of hip bone.     *20.58         NA       3.00         NA       8.76        2.76          NA      32.10
    27151..  ..............  A               Incision of hip bones     *22.51         NA       3.00         NA       9.22        2.90          NA      34.63
    27156..  ..............  A               Revision of hip bones     *24.63         NA       3.00         NA       9.72        3.08          NA      37.43
    27158..  ..............  A               Revision of pelvis...     *19.74         NA       3.40         NA       9.05        2.64          NA      31.43
    27161..  ..............  A               Incision of neck of       *16.71         NA       2.35         NA       7.04        2.31          NA      26.06
    27165..  ..............  A               Incision/fixation of      *17.91         NA       2.35         NA       7.37        2.63          NA      27.91
    27170..  ..............  A               Repair/graft femur        *16.07         NA       2.35         NA       6.97        2.65          NA      25.69
    27175..  ..............  A               Treat slipped              *8.46         NA       1.43         NA       3.63        0.18          NA      12.27
    27176..  ..............  A               Treat slipped             *12.05         NA       1.92         NA       5.35        1.70          NA      19.10
    27177..  ..............  A               Repair slipped            *15.08         NA       1.92         NA       6.09        2.05          NA      23.22
    27178..  ..............  A               Repair slipped            *11.99         NA       1.92         NA       5.30        1.55          NA      18.84
    27179..  ..............  A               Revise head/neck of        11.69         NA       1.88         NA       1.88        1.83          NA      15.40
    27181..  ..............  A               Repair slipped            *14.68         NA       1.92         NA       6.02        2.16          NA      22.86
    27185..  ..............  A               Revision of femur          *9.18         NA       2.35         NA       5.07        0.87          NA      15.12
    27187..  ..............  A               Reinforce hip bones..     *13.54         NA       2.71         NA       6.87        2.76          NA      23.17
    27193..  ..............  A               Treat pelvic ring           4.64       1.94       1.42       3.46       2.83        0.39        8.49       7.86
    27194..  ..............  A               Treat pelvic ring           8.73       1.94       1.42       4.38       3.75        0.50       13.61      12.98
    27200..  ..............  A               Treat tail bone            *1.84       1.10       0.83       1.78       1.45        0.17        3.79       3.46
    27202..  ..............  A               Repair tail bone           *7.04         NA       2.16         NA       4.37        0.89          NA      12.30
    27215..  ..............  A               Pelvic fracture(s)          9.39         NA       2.46         NA       5.56        2.33          NA      17.28
    27216..  ..............  A               Treat pelvic ring          14.20         NA       3.27         NA       7.24        0.66          NA      22.10
    27217..  ..............  A               Treat pelvic ring          13.19         NA       2.46         NA       6.39        2.33          NA      21.91
    27218..  ..............  A               Treat pelvic ring          18.83         NA       2.46         NA       7.63        2.33          NA      28.79
    27220..  ..............  A               Treat hip socket           *6.18       1.94       1.42       3.85       3.22        0.64       10.67      10.04
    27222..  ..............  A               Treat hip socket          *12.70         NA       1.64         NA       5.01        1.03          NA      18.74
    27226..  ..............  A               Treat hip wall             13.93         NA       2.46         NA       6.60        2.52          NA      23.05
    27227..  ..............  A               Treat hip fracture(s)     *23.45         NA       2.26         NA       8.60        3.20          NA      35.25
    27228..  ..............  A               Treat hip fracture(s)     *27.16         NA       2.26         NA       9.41        3.20          NA      39.77
    27230..  ..............  A               Treat fracture of          *5.50       2.16       1.77       3.93       3.46        0.41        9.84       9.37
    27232..  ..............  A               Treat fracture of         *10.68         NA       1.83         NA       4.90        1.46          NA      17.04
    27235..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh           *12.16         NA       2.07         NA       5.75        2.60          NA      20.51
    27236..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh           *15.60         NA       2.07         NA       6.53        2.71          NA      24.84
    27238..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh         *5.52         NA       1.77         NA       3.53        0.71          NA       9.76
    27240..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh        *12.50         NA       1.83         NA       5.31        1.53          NA      19.34
    27244..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh           *15.94         NA       2.07         NA       6.59        2.62          NA      25.15
    27245..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh            18.72         NA       2.07         NA       7.20        2.62          NA      28.54
    27246..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh         *4.71       2.19       1.77       3.83       3.32        0.60        9.14       8.63
    27248..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh           *10.45         NA       2.07         NA       5.27        2.11          NA      17.83
    27250..  ..............  A               Treat hip dislocation      *6.95         NA       1.77         NA       3.78        0.45          NA      11.18
    27252..  ..............  A               Treat hip dislocation     *10.39         NA       1.61         NA       4.39        0.68          NA      15.46
    27253..  ..............  A               Repair of hip             *12.92         NA       1.92         NA       5.63        2.11          NA      20.66
    27254..  ..............  A               Repair of hip             *18.26         NA       2.26         NA       7.25        2.27          NA      27.78
    27256..  ..............  A               Treatment of hip           *4.12         NA       1.24         NA       2.49        0.31          NA       6.92
    27257..  ..............  A               Treatment of hip           *5.22         NA       1.21         NA       2.78        0.73          NA       8.73
    27258..  ..............  A               Repair of hip             *15.43         NA       2.71         NA       7.18        2.25          NA      24.86
    27259..  ..............  A               Repair of hip             *21.55         NA       2.71         NA       8.64        2.82          NA      33.01
    27265..  ..............  A               Treatment of hip           *5.05         NA       1.77         NA       3.39        0.54          NA       8.98
    27266..  ..............  A               Treatment of hip           *7.49         NA       1.77         NA       3.96        0.71          NA      12.16
    27275..  ..............  A               Manipulation of hip        *2.27         NA       1.21         NA       2.04        0.30          NA       4.61
    27280..  ..............  A               Fusion of sacroiliac      *13.39         NA       3.00         NA       6.97        1.77          NA      22.13
    27282..  ..............  A               Fusion of pubic bones     *11.34         NA       3.00         NA       6.51        1.69          NA      19.54
    27284..  ..............  A               Fusion of hip joint..     *16.76         NA       2.71         NA       7.50        2.40          NA      26.66
    27286..  ..............  A               Fusion of hip joint..     *16.79         NA       2.71         NA       7.48        2.26          NA      26.53
    27290..  ..............  A               Amputation of leg at      *23.28         NA       2.60         NA       9.30        4.70          NA      37.28
    27295..  ..............  A               Amputation of leg at      *18.65         NA       2.35         NA       7.60        2.95          NA      29.20
    27301..  ..............  A               Drain thigh/knee           *6.49       4.67       4.36       7.20       6.83        0.40       14.09      13.72
    27303..  ..............  A               Drainage of bone           *8.28         NA       4.36         NA       7.34        0.96          NA      16.58
    [[Page 33214]]
    27305..  ..............  A               Incise thigh tendon &      *5.92         NA       2.67         NA       4.70        0.68          NA      11.30
    27306..  ..............  A               Incision of thigh          *4.62         NA       2.25         NA       3.83        0.32          NA       8.77
    27307..  ..............  A               Incision of thigh          *5.80         NA       2.25         NA       4.12        0.48          NA      10.40
    27310..  ..............  A               Exploration of knee        *9.27         NA       2.36         NA       5.24        1.51          NA      16.02
    27315..  ..............  A               Partial removal,           *6.97         NA       1.77         NA       3.90        0.96          NA      11.83
                                              thigh nerve.                                                                                                  
    27320..  ..............  A               Partial removal,           *6.30         NA       1.77         NA       3.70        0.73          NA      10.73
                                              thigh nerve.                                                                                                  
    27323..  ..............  A               Biopsy thigh soft          *2.28       1.65       1.36       2.54       2.18        0.13        4.95       4.59
    27324..  ..............  A               Biopsy thigh soft          *4.90         NA       2.25         NA       3.92        0.45          NA       9.27
    27327..  ..............  A               Removal of thigh           *4.47       2.55       2.25       4.17       3.81        0.40        9.04       8.68
    27328..  ..............  A               Removal of thigh           *5.57         NA       2.25         NA       4.13        0.73          NA      10.43
    27329..  ..............  A               Remove tumor, thigh/      *14.14         NA       3.53         NA       7.86        2.14          NA      24.14
    27330..  ..............  A               Biopsy knee joint          *4.97         NA       1.80         NA       3.55        1.19          NA       9.71
    27331..  ..............  A               Explore/treat knee         *5.88         NA       2.09         NA       4.16        1.49          NA      11.53
    27332..  ..............  A               Removal of knee            *8.27         NA       2.09         NA       4.74        1.73          NA      14.74
    27333..  ..............  A               Removal of knee            *7.30         NA       2.09         NA       4.70        2.52          NA      14.52
    27334..  ..............  A               Remove knee joint          *8.70         NA       2.36         NA       5.18        1.77          NA      15.65
    27335..  ..............  A               Remove knee joint         *10.00         NA       2.36         NA       5.52        2.05          NA      17.57
    27340..  ..............  A               Removal of kneecap         *4.18         NA       1.80         NA       3.25        0.62          NA       8.05
    27345..  ..............  A               Removal of knee cyst.      *5.92         NA       2.09         NA       4.05        0.95          NA      10.92
    27350..  ..............  A               Removal of kneecap...      *8.17         NA       2.10         NA       4.69        1.54          NA      14.40
    27355..  ..............  A               Remove femur lesion..      *7.65         NA       2.67         NA       5.20        1.23          NA      14.08
    27356..  ..............  A               Remove femur lesion/       *9.48         NA       2.67         NA       5.62        1.34          NA      16.44
    27357..  ..............  A               Remove femur lesion/      *10.53         NA       2.67         NA       5.87        1.43          NA      17.83
    27358..  ..............  A               Remove femur lesion/        4.74         NA       0.00         NA       1.20        0.72          NA       6.66
    27360..  ..............  A               Partial removal leg       *10.50         NA       5.11         NA       8.84        1.40          NA      20.74
    27365..  ..............  A               Extensive leg surgery     *16.27         NA       2.64         NA       7.31        2.43          NA      26.01
    27370..  ..............  A               Injection for knee x-       0.96       4.22       0.09       5.36       0.33        0.05        6.37       1.34
    27372..  ..............  A               Removal of foreign         *5.07       2.28       1.90       4.01       3.54        0.54        9.62       9.15
    27380..  ..............  A               Repair of kneecap          *7.16         NA       2.13         NA       4.45        1.29          NA      12.90
    27381..  ..............  A               Repair/graft kneecap      *10.34         NA       2.13         NA       5.26        1.82          NA      17.42
    27385..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh            *7.76         NA       2.13         NA       4.61        1.42          NA      13.79
    27386..  ..............  A               Repair/graft of thigh     *10.56         NA       2.41         NA       5.70        2.02          NA      18.28
    27390..  ..............  A               Incision of thigh          *5.33         NA       2.22         NA       4.03        0.71          NA      10.07
    27391..  ..............  A               Incision of thigh          *7.20         NA       2.22         NA       4.48        0.90          NA      12.58
    27392..  ..............  A               Incision of thigh          *9.20         NA       2.65         NA       5.53        1.28          NA      16.01
    27393..  ..............  A               Lengthening of thigh       *6.39         NA       2.22         NA       4.31        0.93          NA      11.63
    27394..  ..............  A               Lengthening of thigh       *8.50         NA       2.65         NA       5.30        0.94          NA      14.74
    27395..  ..............  A               Lengthening of thigh      *11.73         NA       3.07         NA       6.67        1.65          NA      20.05
    27396..  ..............  A               Transplant of thigh        *7.86         NA       2.67         NA       5.22        1.11          NA      14.19
    27397..  ..............  A               Transplants of thigh      *11.28         NA       2.67         NA       6.04        1.45          NA      18.77
    27400..  ..............  A               Revise thigh muscles/      *9.02         NA       2.67         NA       5.50        1.24          NA      15.76
    27403..  ..............  A               Repair of knee             *8.33         NA       2.09         NA       4.69        1.44          NA      14.46
    27405..  ..............  A               Repair of knee             *8.65         NA       2.36         NA       5.14        1.67          NA      15.46
    27407..  ..............  A               Repair of knee            *10.28         NA       2.36         NA       5.44        1.42          NA      17.14
    27409..  ..............  A               Repair of knee            *12.90         NA       2.36         NA       6.25        2.48          NA      21.63
    27418..  ..............  A               Repair degenerated        *10.85         NA       2.36         NA       5.66        1.85          NA      18.36
    27420..  ..............  A               Revision of unstable       *9.83         NA       2.10         NA       5.09        1.74          NA      16.66
    27422..  ..............  A               Revision of unstable       *9.78         NA       2.10         NA       5.10        1.83          NA      16.71
    27424..  ..............  A               Revision/removal of        *9.81         NA       2.10         NA       5.12        1.89          NA      16.82
    27425..  ..............  A               Lateral retinacular        *5.22         NA       2.09         NA       3.93        1.08          NA      10.23
    27427..  ..............  A               Reconstruction, knee.      *9.36         NA       2.10         NA       5.10        2.25          NA      16.71
    27428..  ..............  A               Reconstruction, knee.     *14.00         NA       2.36         NA       6.54        2.71          NA      23.25
    27429..  ..............  A               Reconstruction, knee.     *15.52         NA       2.36         NA       6.68        1.83          NA      24.03
    27430..  ..............  A               Revision of thigh          *9.67         NA       2.14         NA       5.06        1.50          NA      16.23
    27435..  ..............  A               Incision of knee           *9.49         NA       2.09         NA       4.87        1.13          NA      15.49
    27437..  ..............  A               Revise kneecap.......      *8.46         NA       2.40         NA       5.12        1.55          NA      15.13
    27438..  ..............  A               Revise kneecap with       *11.23         NA       2.40         NA       5.86        2.14          NA      19.23
    27440..  ..............  A               Revision of knee          *10.43         NA       2.44         NA       5.71        2.10          NA      18.24
    27441..  ..............  A               Revision of knee          *10.82         NA       2.44         NA       5.67        1.51          NA      18.00
    27442..  ..............  A               Revision of knee          *11.89         NA       2.44         NA       6.24        3.05          NA      21.18
    27443..  ..............  A               Revision of knee          *10.93         NA       2.44         NA       6.09        3.34          NA      20.36
    27445..  ..............  A               Revision of knee          *17.68         NA       2.44         NA       7.76        4.21          NA      29.65
    27446..  ..............  A               Revision of knee          *15.84         NA       2.44         NA       7.29        3.87          NA      27.00
    27447..  ..............  A               Total knee                *21.48         NA       2.44         NA       8.76        4.95          NA      35.19
    27448..  ..............  A               Incision of thigh....     *11.06         NA       2.67         NA       6.13        2.09          NA      19.28
    27450..  ..............  A               Incision of thigh....     *13.98         NA       2.67         NA       6.83        2.36          NA      23.17
    27454..  ..............  A               Realignment of thigh      *17.56         NA       2.67         NA       7.72        2.82          NA      28.10
    27455..  ..............  A               Realignment of knee..     *12.82         NA       2.48         NA       6.25        1.95          NA      21.02
    27457..  ..............  A               Realignment of knee..     *13.45         NA       2.05         NA       5.91        2.14          NA      21.50
    27465..  ..............  A               Shortening of thigh       *13.87         NA       2.67         NA       6.73        2.00          NA      22.60
    27466..  ..............  A               Lengthening of thigh      *16.33         NA       3.09         NA       7.84        2.27          NA      26.44
    27468..  ..............  A               Shorten/lengthen          *18.97         NA       3.09         NA       8.52        2.75          NA      30.24
    27470..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh......     *16.07         NA       3.09         NA       7.85        2.60          NA      26.52
    27472..  ..............  A               Repair/graft of thigh     *17.72         NA       3.09         NA       8.34        3.16          NA      29.22
    [[Page 33215]]
    27475..  ..............  A               Surgery to stop leg        *8.64         NA       2.17         NA       4.82        1.27          NA      14.73
    27477..  ..............  A               Surgery to stop leg        *9.85         NA       2.17         NA       5.37        2.57          NA      17.79
    27479..  ..............  A               Surgery to stop leg       *12.80         NA       2.17         NA       5.86        1.89          NA      20.55
    27485..  ..............  A               Surgery to stop leg        *8.84         NA       2.17         NA       4.87        1.30          NA      15.01
    27486..  ..............  A               Revise knee joint         *19.27         NA       2.45         NA       8.14        4.26          NA      31.67
    27487..  ..............  A               Revise knee joint         *25.27         NA       2.45         NA       9.82        5.97          NA      41.06
    27488..  ..............  A               Removal of knee           *15.74         NA       2.45         NA       6.99        2.58          NA      25.31
    27495..  ..............  A               Reinforce thigh......     *15.55         NA       3.09         NA       7.79        2.82          NA      26.16
    27496..  ..............  A               Decompression of            4.75         NA       2.24         NA       3.94        0.74          NA       9.43
    27497..  ..............  A               Decompression of            5.81         NA       2.24         NA       4.20        0.91          NA      10.92
    27498..  ..............  A               Decompression of            6.63         NA       2.24         NA       4.41        1.04          NA      12.08
    27499..  ..............  A               Decompression of            7.64         NA       2.24         NA       4.67        1.19          NA      13.50
    27500..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh         *5.92       3.33       2.10       5.54       4.04        0.82       12.28      10.78
    27501..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh          5.29       3.77       2.54       5.93       4.43        0.82       12.04      10.54
    27502..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh        *10.58         NA       2.54         NA       5.68        1.21          NA      17.47
    27503..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh          9.51         NA       2.54         NA       5.44        1.21          NA      16.16
    27506..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh           *17.45         NA       2.24         NA       7.12        2.56          NA      27.13
    27507..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh         12.85         NA       2.24         NA       6.11        2.56          NA      21.52
    27508..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh         *5.83       2.20       1.42       4.10       3.15        0.65       10.58       9.63
    27509..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh          6.77         NA       2.29         NA       4.42        0.65          NA      11.84
    27510..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh         *9.13         NA       1.42         NA       3.97        1.09          NA      14.19
    27511..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh         12.50         NA       2.53         NA       6.38        2.56          NA      21.44
    27513..  ..............  A               Treatment of thigh        *17.92         NA       2.53         NA       7.57        2.56          NA      28.05
    27514..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh           *17.30         NA       2.53         NA       7.42        2.53          NA      27.25
    27516..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh            *5.37       2.61       1.71       4.51       3.42        0.71       10.59       9.50
                                              growth plate.                                                                                                 
    27517..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh            *8.78       2.61       1.71       5.38       4.29        1.28       15.44      14.35
                                              growth plate.                                                                                                 
    27519..  ..............  A               Repair of thigh           *15.02         NA       2.53         NA       6.82        2.05          NA      23.89
                                              growth plate.                                                                                                 
    27520..  ..............  A               Treat kneecap              *2.86       2.20       1.42       3.41       2.45        0.45        6.72       5.76
    27524..  ..............  A               Repair of kneecap         *10.00         NA       1.75         NA       4.69        1.65          NA      16.34
    27530..  ..............  A               Treatment of knee          *3.78       2.20       1.42       3.62       2.67        0.51        7.91       6.96
    27532..  ..............  A               Treatment of knee          *7.30       1.69       1.15       3.86       3.20        0.91       12.07      11.41
    27535..  ..............  A               Treatment of knee          10.36         NA       2.53         NA       5.76        1.88          NA      18.00
    27536..  ..............  A               Repair of knee            *15.65         NA       1.75         NA       5.98        1.88          NA      23.51
    27538..  ..............  A               Treat knee                 *4.87       2.61       1.71       4.36       3.27        0.51        9.74       8.65
    27540..  ..............  A               Repair of knee            *13.10         NA       1.75         NA       5.39        1.74          NA      20.23
    27550..  ..............  A               Treat knee                 *5.76       2.51       1.71       4.40       3.43        0.36       10.52       9.55
    27552..  ..............  A               Treat knee                 *7.90         NA       1.96         NA       4.23        0.53          NA      12.66
    27556..  ..............  A               Repair of knee            *14.41         NA       2.91         NA       7.14        1.95          NA      23.50
    27557..  ..............  A               Repair of knee            *16.77         NA       2.91         NA       7.76        2.43          NA      26.96
    27558..  ..............  A               Repair of knee             16.75         NA       2.91         NA       7.75        2.43          NA      26.93
    27560..  ..............  A               Treat kneecap              *3.82       2.20       1.42       3.55       2.60        0.16        7.53       6.58
    27562..  ..............  A               Treat kneecap              *5.79         NA       1.61         NA       3.40        0.76          NA       9.95
    27566..  ..............  A               Repair kneecap            *12.23         NA       1.75         NA       5.18        1.67          NA      19.08
    27570..  ..............  A               Fixation of knee           *1.74         NA       1.21         NA       1.92        0.28          NA       3.94
    27580..  ..............  A               Fusion of knee.......     *19.37         NA       2.59         NA       7.96        2.56          NA      29.89
    27590..  ..............  A               Amputate leg at thigh     *12.03         NA       3.53         NA       7.33        1.80          NA      21.16
    27591..  ..............  A               Amputate leg at thigh     *12.68         NA       3.53         NA       7.54        2.11          NA      22.33
    27592..  ..............  A               Amputate leg at thigh     *10.02         NA       3.53         NA       6.85        1.61          NA      18.48
    27594..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up       *6.92         NA       2.67         NA       4.92        0.68          NA      12.52
    27596..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up      *10.60         NA       3.53         NA       6.93        1.42          NA      18.95
    27598..  ..............  A               Amputate lower leg at     *10.53         NA       3.08         NA       6.45        1.78          NA      18.76
    27600..  ..............  A               Decompression of           *5.65         NA       2.21         NA       4.07        0.64          NA      10.36
                                              lower leg.                                                                                                    
    27601..  ..............  A               Decompression of           *5.64         NA       2.21         NA       4.08        0.67          NA      10.39
                                              lower leg.                                                                                                    
    27602..  ..............  A               Decompression of           *7.35         NA       2.21         NA       4.47        0.77          NA      12.59
                                              lower leg.                                                                                                    
    27603..  ..............  A               Drain lower leg            *4.94       5.78       3.50       8.21       5.44        0.41       13.56      10.79
    27604..  ..............  A               Drain lower leg bursa      *4.47       4.93       2.66       7.02       4.25        0.14       11.63       8.86
    27605..  ..............  A               Incision of achilles       *2.87       3.65       1.38       5.11       2.34        0.14        8.12       5.35
    27606..  ..............  A               Incision of achilles       *4.14       3.65       1.38       5.43       2.66        0.35        9.92       7.15
    27607..  ..............  A               Treat lower leg bone       *7.97         NA       4.75         NA       7.75        0.98          NA      16.70
    27610..  ..............  A               Explore/treat ankle        *8.34         NA       2.80         NA       5.49        1.13          NA      14.96
    27612..  ..............  A               Exploration of ankle       *7.33         NA       2.42         NA       4.85        1.30          NA      13.48
    27613..  ..............  A               Biopsy lower leg soft      *2.17       1.44       0.59       2.25       1.22        0.10        4.52       3.49
    27614..  ..............  A               Biopsy lower leg soft      *5.66       4.52       2.25       6.84       4.07        0.38       12.88      10.11
    27615..  ..............  A               Remove tumor, lower       *12.56         NA       4.13         NA       8.09        1.42          NA      22.07
    27618..  ..............  A               Remove lower leg           *5.09       4.52       2.25       6.70       3.93        0.32       12.11       9.34
    27619..  ..............  A               Remove lower leg           *8.40       4.93       2.66       8.00       5.23        0.67       17.07      14.30
    27620..  ..............  A               Explore, treat ankle       *5.98         NA       2.42         NA       4.48        0.96          NA      11.42
    27625..  ..............  A               Remove ankle joint         *8.30         NA       2.80         NA       5.51        1.27          NA      15.08
    27626..  ..............  A               Remove ankle joint         *8.91         NA       2.80         NA       5.64        1.25          NA      15.80
    27630..  ..............  A               Removal of tendon          *4.80       4.52       2.25       6.67       3.90        0.46       11.93       9.16
    27635..  ..............  A               Remove lower leg bone      *7.78         NA       3.08         NA       5.73        1.27          NA      14.78
    27637..  ..............  A               Remove/graft leg bone      *9.85         NA       3.08         NA       6.22        1.40          NA      17.47
    27638..  ..............  A               Remove/graft leg bone     *10.57         NA       3.08         NA       6.40        1.52          NA      18.49
    27640..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *11.37         NA       4.89         NA       8.80        1.57          NA      21.74
    [[Page 33216]]
    27641..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *9.24         NA       4.89         NA       8.24        1.18          NA      18.66
    27645..  ..............  A               Extensive lower leg       *14.17         NA       4.13         NA       8.57        1.98          NA      24.72
    27646..  ..............  A               Extensive lower leg       *12.66         NA       4.13         NA       8.18        1.71          NA      22.55
    27647..  ..............  A               Extensive ankle/heel      *12.24         NA       3.17         NA       6.84        1.35          NA      20.43
    27648..  ..............  A               Injection for ankle x-      0.96       4.22       0.09       5.36       0.33        0.05        6.37       1.34
    27650..  ..............  A               Repair achilles            *9.69         NA       2.21         NA       5.13        1.41          NA      16.23
    27652..  ..............  A               Repair/graft achilles     *10.33         NA       2.21         NA       5.30        1.56          NA      17.19
    27654..  ..............  A               Repair of achilles        *10.02         NA       2.66         NA       5.80        1.65          NA      17.47
    27656..  ..............  A               Repair leg fascia          *4.57       4.52       2.25       6.63       3.86        0.54       11.74       8.97
    27658..  ..............  A               Repair of leg tendon,      *4.98       5.35       3.08       7.74       4.97        0.60       13.32      10.55
    27659..  ..............  A               Repair of leg tendon,      *6.81       5.35       3.08       8.20       5.43        0.86       15.87      13.10
    27664..  ..............  A               Repair of leg tendon,      *4.59       5.35       3.08       7.64       4.87        0.52       12.75       9.98
    27665..  ..............  A               Repair of leg tendon,      *5.40       5.35       3.08       7.87       5.10        0.76       14.03      11.26
    27675..  ..............  A               Repair lower leg           *7.18         NA       2.42         NA       4.73        0.94          NA      12.85
    27676..  ..............  A               Repair lower leg           *8.42         NA       2.42         NA       5.05        1.14          NA      14.61
    27680..  ..............  A               Release of lower leg       *5.74         NA       2.42         NA       4.35        0.61          NA      10.70
    27681..  ..............  A               Release of lower leg       *6.82         NA       2.42         NA       4.64        0.86          NA      12.32
    27685..  ..............  A               Revision of lower leg      *6.50       4.93       2.66       7.53       4.76        0.41       14.44      11.67
    27686..  ..............  A               Revise lower leg           *7.46       4.93       2.66       7.84       5.07        0.90       16.20      13.43
    27687..  ..............  A               Revision of calf           *6.24         NA       2.66         NA       4.78        0.76          NA      11.78
    27690..  ..............  A               Revise lower leg           *8.71         NA       2.80         NA       5.52        0.88          NA      15.11
    27691..  ..............  A               Revise lower leg           *9.96         NA       2.80         NA       5.87        1.23          NA      17.06
    27692..  ..............  A               Revise additional leg       1.87         NA       0.00         NA       0.47        0.29          NA       2.63
    27695..  ..............  A               Repair of ankle            *6.51         NA       2.80         NA       5.13        1.32          NA      12.96
    27696..  ..............  A               Repair of ankle            *8.27         NA       2.80         NA       5.48        1.16          NA      14.91
    27698..  ..............  A               Repair of ankle            *9.36         NA       2.42         NA       5.41        1.86          NA      16.63
    27700..  ..............  A               Revision of ankle          *9.29         NA       2.42         NA       5.32        1.51          NA      16.12
    27702..  ..............  A               Reconstruct ankle         *13.67         NA       2.42         NA       6.82        3.99          NA      24.48
    27703..  ..............  A               Reconstruction, ankle     *15.87         NA       2.42         NA       6.93        2.25          NA      25.05
    27704..  ..............  A               Removal of ankle           *7.62         NA       2.42         NA       4.84        0.98          NA      13.44
    27705..  ..............  A               Incision of tibia....     *10.38         NA       2.66         NA       5.90        1.76          NA      18.04
    27707..  ..............  A               Incision of fibula...      *4.37         NA       2.66         NA       4.37        0.79          NA       9.53
    27709..  ..............  A               Incision of tibia &        *9.95         NA       2.66         NA       5.89        2.14          NA      17.98
    27712..  ..............  A               Realignment of lower      *14.25         NA       2.66         NA       6.72        1.63          NA      22.60
    27715..  ..............  A               Revision of lower leg     *14.39         NA       3.08         NA       7.32        1.88          NA      23.59
    27720..  ..............  A               Repair of tibia......     *11.79         NA       3.08         NA       6.83        2.25          NA      20.87
    27722..  ..............  A               Repair/graft of tibia     *11.82         NA       3.08         NA       6.70        1.64          NA      20.16
    27724..  ..............  A               Repair/graft of tibia     *14.99         NA       3.08         NA       7.66        2.87          NA      25.52
    27725..  ..............  A               Repair of lower leg..     *15.59         NA       3.08         NA       7.50        1.53          NA      24.62
    27727..  ..............  A               Repair of lower leg..     *14.01         NA       3.08         NA       7.22        1.84          NA      23.07
    27730..  ..............  A               Repair of tibia            *7.41       4.93       2.66       7.82       5.05        0.84       16.07      13.30
    27732..  ..............  A               Repair of fibula           *5.32       4.93       2.66       7.35       4.58        0.79       13.46      10.69
    27734..  ..............  A               Repair lower leg           *8.48         NA       2.66         NA       5.37        1.23          NA      15.08
    27740..  ..............  A               Repair of leg               8.75       4.84       2.00       4.84       2.00        1.36       14.95      12.11
    27742..  ..............  A               Repair of leg             *10.30       4.93       2.66       8.60       5.83        1.52       20.42      17.65
    27745..  ..............  A               Reinforce tibia......     *10.07         NA       2.66         NA       5.75        1.39          NA      17.21
    27750..  ..............  A               Treatment of tibia         *3.19       2.20       1.42       3.49       2.53        0.50        7.18       6.22
    27752..  ..............  A               Treatment of tibia         *5.84       2.61       1.71       4.64       3.54        0.81       11.29      10.19
    27756..  ..............  A               Repair of tibia            *6.78         NA       3.08         NA       5.61        1.70          NA      14.09
    27758..  ..............  A               Repair of tibia           *11.67         NA       2.65         NA       6.27        2.22          NA      20.16
    27759..  ..............  A               Repair of tibia            12.60         NA       2.65         NA       6.48        2.22          NA      21.30
    27760..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *3.01       2.20       1.42       3.42       2.47        0.37        6.80       5.85
    27762..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *5.25       2.61       1.71       4.44       3.35        0.50       10.19       9.10
    27766..  ..............  A               Repair of ankle            *8.36         NA       1.97         NA       4.50        1.26          NA      14.12
    27780..  ..............  A               Treatment of fibula        *2.65       1.94       1.42       3.00       2.36        0.26        5.91       5.27
    27781..  ..............  A               Treatment of fibula        *4.40       2.30       1.42       3.88       2.80        0.49        8.77       7.69
    27784..  ..............  A               Repair of fibula           *7.11         NA       2.21         NA       4.44        0.87          NA      12.42
    27786..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *2.84       2.20       1.42       3.39       2.43        0.38        6.61       5.65
    27788..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *4.45       2.30       1.42       3.89       2.81        0.50        8.84       7.76
    27792..  ..............  A               Repair of ankle            *7.66         NA       1.97         NA       4.33        1.17          NA      13.16
    27808..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *2.83       2.61       1.71       3.89       2.79        0.39        7.11       6.01
    27810..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *5.13       2.61       1.71       4.48       3.39        0.80       10.41       9.32
    27814..  ..............  A               Repair of ankle           *10.68         NA       2.37         NA       5.58        1.60          NA      17.86
    27816..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *2.89       2.51       1.71       3.81       2.84        0.55        7.25       6.28
    27818..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *5.50       2.61       1.71       4.62       3.52        1.06       11.18      10.08
    27822..  ..............  A               Repair of ankle            *9.20         NA       3.59         NA       6.80        1.88          NA      17.88
    27823..  ..............  A               Repair of ankle           *11.80         NA       3.59         NA       7.41        2.05          NA      21.26
    27824..  ..............  A               Treat lower leg             2.71       2.61       1.71       3.89       2.80        0.55        7.15       6.06
    27825..  ..............  A               Treat lower leg             5.08       2.61       1.71       4.52       3.43        1.06       10.66       9.57
    27826..  ..............  A               Treat lower leg             7.43         NA       3.59         NA       6.41        1.88          NA      15.72
    27827..  ..............  A               Treat lower leg           *14.06         NA       3.59         NA       7.86        1.88          NA      23.80
    27828..  ..............  A               Treat lower leg           *16.23         NA       3.59         NA       8.38        2.05          NA      26.66
    27829..  ..............  A               Treat lower leg joint       4.87         NA       2.89         NA       4.89        1.37          NA      11.13
    27830..  ..............  A               Treat lower leg            *3.79       2.20       1.42       3.61       2.66        0.46        7.86       6.91
    [[Page 33217]]
    27831..  ..............  A               Treat lower leg            *4.56         NA       1.61         NA       3.09        0.59          NA       8.24
    27832..  ..............  A               Repair lower leg           *6.49         NA       2.21         NA       4.31        0.89          NA      11.69
    27840..  ..............  A               Treat ankle                *4.58         NA       1.87         NA       3.33        0.21          NA       8.12
    27842..  ..............  A               Treat ankle                *6.21         NA       1.28         NA       3.00        0.34          NA       9.55
    27846..  ..............  A               Repair ankle               *9.79         NA       2.37         NA       5.34        1.37          NA      16.50
    27848..  ..............  A               Repair ankle              *11.20         NA       2.89         NA       6.27        1.32          NA      18.79
    27860..  ..............  A               Fixation of ankle          *2.34         NA       1.21         NA       2.04        0.23          NA       4.61
    27870..  ..............  A               Fusion of ankle joint     *13.91         NA       2.80         NA       6.95        2.22          NA      23.08
    27871..  ..............  A               Fusion of                  *9.17         NA       2.67         NA       5.53        1.21          NA      15.91
                                              tibiofibular joint.                                                                                           
    27880..  ..............  A               Amputation of lower       *11.85         NA       3.08         NA       6.70        1.60          NA      20.15
    27881..  ..............  A               Amputation of lower       *12.34         NA       3.08         NA       6.86        1.87          NA      21.07
    27882..  ..............  A               Amputation of lower        *8.94         NA       4.13         NA       7.30        1.42          NA      17.66
    27884..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up       *8.21         NA       3.08         NA       5.68        0.61          NA      14.50
    27886..  ..............  A               Amputation follow-up       *9.32         NA       3.08         NA       6.09        1.34          NA      16.75
    27888..  ..............  A               Amputation of foot at      *9.67         NA       2.80         NA       5.90        1.65          NA      17.22
    27889..  ..............  A               Amputation of foot at      *9.98         NA       2.80         NA       5.94        1.55          NA      17.47
    27892..  ..............  A               Decompression of leg.       6.03         NA       2.21         NA       4.16        0.64          NA      10.83
    27893..  ..............  A               Decompression of leg.       5.99         NA       2.21         NA       4.15        0.67          NA      10.81
    27894..  ..............  A               Decompression of leg.     *10.49         NA       2.21         NA       5.16        0.77          NA      16.42
    28001..  ..............  A               Drainage of bursa of       *2.73       3.61       1.33       5.01       2.24        0.05        7.79       5.02
    28002..  ..............  A               Treatment of foot          *4.62       3.61       1.33       5.48       2.71        0.33       10.43       7.66
    28003..  ..............  A               Treatment of foot          *8.41       6.05       3.78       9.35       6.58        0.59       18.35      15.58
    28005..  ..............  A               Treat foot bone            *8.68         NA       3.78         NA       6.64        0.61          NA      15.93
    28008..  ..............  A               Incision of foot           *4.45       4.97       2.70       7.10       4.33        0.29       11.84       9.07
    28010..  ..............  A               Incision of toe            *2.84       4.62       2.33       6.32       3.54        0.33        9.49       6.71
    28011..  ..............  A               Incision of toe            *4.14       4.62       2.33       6.58       3.79        0.19       10.91       8.12
    28020..  ..............  A               Exploration of a foot      *5.01       4.62       2.33       6.85       4.06        0.56       12.42       9.63
    28022..  ..............  A               Exploration of a foot      *4.67       4.62       2.33       6.72       3.94        0.31       11.70       8.92
    28024..  ..............  A               Exploration of a toe       *4.38       4.62       2.33       6.64       3.86        0.24       11.26       8.48
    28030..  ..............  A               Removal of foot nerve      *6.15         NA       1.77         NA       3.60        0.42          NA      10.17
    28035..  ..............  A               Decompression of           *5.09       4.97       2.70       7.37       4.60        0.90       13.36      10.59
                                              tibia nerve.                                                                                                  
    28043..  ..............  A               Excision of foot           *3.54       4.31       2.04       6.07       3.30        0.20        9.81       7.04
    28045..  ..............  A               Excision of foot           *4.72       4.62       2.33       6.76       3.98        0.46       11.94       9.16
    28046..  ..............  A               Resection of tumor,       *10.18       5.54       3.26       9.16       6.38        0.79       20.13      17.35
    28050..  ..............  A               Biopsy of foot joint       *4.25       4.62       2.33       6.67       3.89        0.53       11.45       8.67
    28052..  ..............  A               Biopsy of foot joint       *3.94       4.62       2.33       6.58       3.80        0.43       10.95       8.17
    28054..  ..............  A               Biopsy of toe joint        *3.45       4.62       2.33       6.44       3.66        0.28       10.17       7.39
    28060..  ..............  A               Partial removal foot       *5.23       4.97       2.70       7.32       4.55        0.53       13.08      10.31
    28062..  ..............  A               Removal of foot            *6.52       4.97       2.70       7.68       4.91        0.86       15.06      12.29
    28070..  ..............  A               Removal of foot joint      *5.10       4.62       2.33       6.85       4.07        0.48       12.43       9.65
    28072..  ..............  A               Removal of foot joint      *4.58       4.62       2.33       6.72       3.94        0.42       11.72       8.94
    28080..  ..............  A               Removal of foot            *3.58       4.97       2.70       6.94       4.17        0.45       10.97       8.20
    28086..  ..............  A               Excise foot tendon         *4.78       4.62       2.33       6.77       3.99        0.46       12.01       9.23
    28088..  ..............  A               Excise foot tendon         *3.86       4.62       2.33       6.56       3.78        0.40       10.82       8.04
    28090..  ..............  A               Removal of foot            *4.41       4.62       2.33       6.66       3.87        0.29       11.36       8.57
    28092..  ..............  A               Removal of toe             *3.64       4.62       2.33       6.48       3.70        0.25       10.37       7.59
    28100..  ..............  A               Removal of ankle/heel      *5.66       4.97       2.70       7.42       4.65        0.56       13.64      10.87
    28102..  ..............  A               Remove/graft foot          *7.73         NA       2.70         NA       5.17        0.85          NA      13.75
    28103..  ..............  A               Remove/graft foot          *6.50       4.97       2.70       7.64       4.87        0.69       14.83      12.06
    28104..  ..............  A               Removal of foot            *5.12       4.97       2.70       7.29       4.52        0.49       12.90      10.13
    28106..  ..............  A               Remove/graft foot          *7.16         NA       2.70         NA       5.03        0.79          NA      12.98
    28107..  ..............  A               Remove/graft foot          *5.56       4.97       2.70       7.38       4.61        0.48       13.42      10.65
    28108..  ..............  A               Removal of toe             *4.16       4.62       2.33       6.62       3.84        0.38       11.16       8.38
    28110..  ..............  A               Part removal of            *4.08       5.54       3.26       7.74       4.95        0.39       12.21       9.42
    28111..  ..............  A               Part removal of            *5.01       5.54       3.26       8.00       5.21        0.65       13.66      10.87
    28112..  ..............  A               Part removal of            *4.49       5.54       3.26       7.84       5.06        0.45       12.78      10.00
    28113..  ..............  A               Part removal of            *4.79       5.54       3.26       7.91       5.13        0.48       13.18      10.40
    28114..  ..............  A               Removal of metatarsal      *9.79       5.70       3.41       9.40       6.62        1.42       20.61      17.83
    28116..  ..............  A               Revision of foot.....      *7.75       4.62       2.33       7.45       4.67        0.57       15.77      12.99
    28118..  ..............  A               Removal of heel bone.      *5.96       4.97       2.70       7.51       4.74        0.66       14.13      11.36
    28119..  ..............  A               Removal of heel spur.      *5.39       4.97       2.70       7.37       4.60        0.57       13.33      10.56
    28120..  ..............  A               Part removal of ankle/     *5.40       6.04       3.77       8.70       5.93        0.67       14.77      12.00
    28122..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *7.29       6.04       3.77       9.08       6.31        0.54       16.91      14.14
                                              foot bone.                                                                                                    
    28124..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *4.81       6.04       3.77       8.50       5.73        0.37       13.68      10.91
    28126..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *3.52       5.54       3.26       7.61       4.82        0.36       11.49       8.70
    28130..  ..............  A               Removal of ankle bone      *8.11         NA       2.42         NA       4.93        0.88          NA      13.92
    28140..  ..............  A               Removal of metatarsal      *6.91       4.97       2.70       7.71       4.94        0.62       15.24      12.47
    28150..  ..............  A               Removal of toe.......      *4.09       5.54       3.26       7.74       4.95        0.38       12.21       9.42
    28153..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *3.66       5.54       3.26       7.64       4.86        0.36       11.66       8.88
    28160..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *3.74       5.54       3.26       7.66       4.88        0.38       11.78       9.00
    28171..  ..............  A               Extensive foot             *9.60         NA       3.26         NA       6.27        0.88          NA      16.75
    28173..  ..............  A               Extensive foot             *8.80       5.54       3.26       8.85       6.06        0.74       18.39      15.60
    28175..  ..............  A               Extensive foot             *6.05       5.54       3.26       8.21       5.43        0.58       14.84      12.06
    28190..  ..............  A               Removal of foot            *1.96       3.61       1.33       4.84       2.07        0.05        6.85       4.08
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    [[Page 33218]]
    28192..  ..............  A               Removal of foot            *4.64       4.31       2.04       6.32       3.55        0.24       11.20       8.43
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    28193..  ..............  A               Removal of foot            *5.73       4.97       2.70       7.38       4.61        0.30       13.41      10.64
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    28200..  ..............  A               Repair of foot tendon      *4.60       4.97       2.70       7.18       4.41        0.50       12.28       9.51
    28202..  ..............  A               Repair/graft of foot       *6.84       4.97       2.70       7.73       4.96        0.77       15.34      12.57
    28208..  ..............  A               Repair of foot tendon      *4.37       4.97       2.70       7.08       4.31        0.28       11.73       8.96
    28210..  ..............  A               Repair/graft of foot       *6.35       4.97       2.70       7.58       4.81        0.60       14.53      11.76
    28220..  ..............  A               Release of foot            *4.53       4.97       2.70       7.15       4.38        0.43       12.11       9.34
    28222..  ..............  A               Release of foot            *5.62       4.97       2.70       7.43       4.66        0.63       13.68      10.91
    28225..  ..............  A               Release of foot            *3.66       4.97       2.70       6.92       4.15        0.25       10.83       8.06
    28226..  ..............  A               Release of foot            *4.53       4.97       2.70       7.14       4.37        0.40       12.07       9.30
    28230..  ..............  A               Incision of foot           *4.24       4.97       2.70       7.04       4.27        0.22       11.50       8.73
    28232..  ..............  A               Incision of toe            *3.39       4.97       2.70       6.84       4.07        0.15       10.38       7.61
    28234..  ..............  A               Incision of foot           *3.37       4.97       2.70       6.83       4.06        0.14       10.34       7.57
    28238..  ..............  A               Revision of foot           *7.73       4.97       2.70       7.94       5.17        0.85       16.52      13.75
    28240..  ..............  A               Release of big toe...      *4.36       4.97       2.70       7.07       4.30        0.23       11.66       8.89
    28250..  ..............  A               Revision of foot           *5.92       4.97       2.70       7.47       4.70        0.50       13.89      11.12
    28260..  ..............  A               Release of midfoot         *7.96       4.97       2.70       7.91       5.14        0.48       16.35      13.58
    28261..  ..............  A               Revision of foot          *11.73       4.97       2.70       8.76       5.99        0.58       21.07      18.30
    28262..  ..............  A               Revision of foot and      *15.83       5.54       3.26      10.54       7.76        1.44       27.81      25.03
    28264..  ..............  A               Release of midfoot        *10.35       5.54       3.26       9.28       6.50        1.17       20.80      18.02
    28270..  ..............  A               Release of foot            *4.76       5.54       3.26       7.85       5.07        0.23       12.84      10.06
    28272..  ..............  A               Release of toe joint,      *3.80       4.97       2.70       6.93       4.16        0.18       10.91       8.14
    28280..  ..............  A               Fusion of toes.......      *5.19       4.62       2.33       6.83       4.05        0.30       12.32       9.54
    28285..  ..............  A               Repair of hammertoe..      *4.59       5.54       3.26       7.85       5.07        0.39       12.83      10.05
    28286..  ..............  A               Repair of hammertoe..      *4.56       5.54       3.26       7.84       5.06        0.38       12.78      10.00
    28288..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *4.74       5.54       3.26       7.89       5.11        0.43       13.06      10.28
                                              foot bone.                                                                                                    
    28290..  ..............  A               Correction of bunion.      *5.66       5.54       3.26       8.13       5.35        0.63       14.42      11.64
    28292..  ..............  A               Correction of bunion.      *7.04       5.54       3.26       8.46       5.68        0.74       16.24      13.46
    28293..  ..............  A               Correction of bunion.      *9.15       5.54       3.26       8.98       6.19        0.98       19.11      16.32
    28294..  ..............  A               Correction of bunion.      *8.56       5.54       3.26       8.82       6.04        0.86       18.24      15.46
    28296..  ..............  A               Correction of bunion.      *9.18       5.54       3.26       8.98       6.20        0.98       19.14      16.36
    28297..  ..............  A               Correction of bunion.      *9.18       5.54       3.26       9.00       6.22        1.05       19.23      16.45
    28298..  ..............  A               Correction of bunion.      *7.94       5.54       3.26       8.67       5.89        0.79       17.40      14.62
    28299..  ..............  A               Correction of bunion.      *8.88       5.54       3.26       8.94       6.16        1.08       18.90      16.12
    28300..  ..............  A               Incision of heel bone      *9.54       4.62       2.33       7.89       5.11        0.79       18.22      15.44
    28302..  ..............  A               Incision of ankle          *9.55       4.62       2.33       7.96       5.18        1.12       18.63      15.85
    28304..  ..............  A               Incision of midfoot        *9.16       4.62       2.33       7.79       5.00        0.70       17.65      14.86
    28305..  ..............  A               Incise/graft midfoot      *10.50       4.62       2.33       8.15       5.37        1.03       19.68      16.90
    28306..  ..............  A               Incision of                *5.86       4.62       2.33       7.01       4.23        0.47       13.34      10.56
    28307..  ..............  A               Incision of                *6.33       4.62       2.33       7.18       4.40        0.76       14.27      11.49
    28308..  ..............  A               Incision of                *5.29       4.62       2.33       6.89       4.11        0.50       12.68       9.90
    28309..  ..............  A               Incision of               *12.78         NA       2.70         NA       6.31        1.00          NA      20.09
    28310..  ..............  A               Revision of big toe..      *5.43       5.54       3.26       8.04       5.26        0.42       13.89      11.11
    28312..  ..............  A               Revision of toe......      *4.55       5.54       3.26       7.85       5.07        0.45       12.85      10.07
    28313..  ..............  A               Repair deformity of        *5.01       5.54       3.26       7.92       5.14        0.31       13.24      10.46
    28315..  ..............  A               Removal of sesamoid        *4.86       4.87       2.59       7.09       4.31        0.41       12.36       9.58
    28320..  ..............  A               Repair of foot bones.      *9.18         NA       2.33         NA       5.08        1.03          NA      15.29
    28322..  ..............  A               Repair of metatarsals      *8.34       4.62       2.33       7.57       4.79        0.52       16.43      13.65
    28340..  ..............  A               Resect enlarged toe        *6.98       4.97       2.70       7.79       5.02        0.91       15.68      12.91
    28341..  ..............  A               Resect enlarged toe..      *8.41       4.97       2.70       8.11       5.34        0.96       17.48      14.71
    28344..  ..............  A               Repair extra toe(s)..      *4.26       4.62       2.33       6.69       3.91        0.60       11.55       8.77
    28345..  ..............  A               Repair webbed toe(s).      *5.92       4.97       2.70       7.52       4.75        0.73       14.17      11.40
    28360..  ..............  A               Reconstruct cleft         *13.34         NA       3.26         NA       7.32        1.95          NA      22.61
    28400..  ..............  A               Treatment of heel          *2.16       2.76       1.97       3.93       2.96        0.40        6.49       5.52
    28405..  ..............  A               Treatment of heel          *4.57       2.85       1.97       4.61       3.53        0.58        9.76       8.68
    28406..  ..............  A               Treatment of heel          *6.31         NA       2.57         NA       4.72        0.93          NA      11.96
    28415..  ..............  A               Repair of heel            *15.97         NA       3.59         NA       8.18        1.39          NA      25.54
    28420..  ..............  A               Repair/graft heel         *16.64         NA       3.59         NA       8.37        1.63          NA      26.64
    28430..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *2.09       2.51       1.71       3.59       2.62        0.35        6.03       5.06
    28435..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *3.40       2.61       1.71       4.03       2.94        0.50        7.93       6.84
    28436..  ..............  A               Treatment of ankle         *4.71         NA       2.57         NA       4.31        0.68          NA       9.70
    28445..  ..............  A               Repair of ankle            *9.33         NA       2.70         NA       5.64        1.40          NA      16.37
    28450..  ..............  A               Treat midfoot              *1.90       2.61       1.71       3.65       2.56        0.25        5.80       4.71
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    28455..  ..............  A               Treat midfoot              *3.09       2.85       1.97       4.23       3.15        0.34        7.66       6.58
                                              fracture, each.                                                                                               
    28456..  ..............  A               Repair midfoot             *2.68         NA       2.57         NA       3.80        0.38          NA       6.86
    28465..  ..............  A               Repair midfoot             *7.01         NA       2.89         NA       5.24        0.81          NA      13.06
    28470..  ..............  A               Treat metatarsal            1.76       2.20       1.42       3.12       2.16        0.23        5.11       4.15
    28475..  ..............  A               Treat metatarsal            2.74       2.61       1.71       3.85       2.75        0.30        6.89       5.79
    28476..  ..............  A               Repair metatarsal          *3.38         NA       2.57         NA       3.97        0.45          NA       7.80
    28485..  ..............  A               Repair metatarsal          *5.71         NA       3.59         NA       5.75        0.60          NA      12.06
    28490..  ..............  A               Treat big toe              *1.09       1.37       1.10       1.93       1.60        0.10        3.12       2.79
    28495..  ..............  A               Treat big toe              *1.58       1.55       1.10       2.26       1.72        0.13        3.97       3.43
    28496..  ..............  A               Repair big toe             *2.33       4.90       2.21       6.55       3.27        0.31        9.19       5.91
    28505..  ..............  A               Repair big toe             *3.81       7.12       2.89       9.61       4.46        0.43       13.85       8.70
    [[Page 33219]]
    28510..  ..............  A               Treatment of toe           *1.09       1.37       1.10       1.92       1.60        0.09        3.10       2.78
    28515..  ..............  A               Treatment of toe           *1.46       1.55       1.10       2.23       1.69        0.11        3.80       3.26
    28525..  ..............  A               Repair of toe              *3.32       7.12       2.89       9.47       4.32        0.29       13.08       7.93
    28530..  ..............  A               Treat sesamoid bone        *1.06       2.20       1.42       2.94       1.98        0.10        4.10       3.14
    28531..  ..............  A               Treat sesamoid bone         2.01       7.12       2.89       9.19       4.04        0.32       11.52       6.37
    28540..  ..............  A               Treat foot                 *2.04       2.51       1.71       3.52       2.55        0.06        5.62       4.65
    28545..  ..............  A               Treat foot                 *2.45       2.75       1.96       3.92       2.95        0.14        6.51       5.54
    28546..  ..............  A               Treat foot                 *3.20       4.90       2.21       6.77       3.49        0.45       10.42       7.14
    28555..  ..............  A               Repair foot                *6.30       7.12       2.89      10.22       5.07        0.73       17.25      12.10
    28570..  ..............  A               Treat foot                 *1.66       2.51       1.71       3.46       2.49        0.17        5.29       4.32
    28575..  ..............  A               Treat foot                 *3.31       2.75       1.96       4.17       3.20        0.42        7.90       6.93
    28576..  ..............  A               Treat foot                  3.75       4.90       2.21       6.89       3.61        0.42       11.06       7.78
    28585..  ..............  A               Repair foot                *7.99       7.12       2.89      10.55       5.40        0.55       19.09      13.94
    28600..  ..............  A               Treat foot                 *1.89       2.51       1.71       3.49       2.52        0.08        5.46       4.49
    28605..  ..............  A               Treat foot                 *2.71       2.75       1.96       4.02       3.05        0.34        7.07       6.10
    28606..  ..............  A               Treat foot                 *4.90       4.90       2.21       7.17       3.89        0.55       12.62       9.34
    28615..  ..............  A               Repair foot                *7.77         NA       2.89         NA       5.40        0.78          NA      13.95
    28630..  ..............  A               Treat toe dislocation      *1.70       1.37       1.10       2.06       1.74        0.11        3.87       3.55
    28635..  ..............  A               Treat toe dislocation      *1.91       1.56       1.18       2.36       1.90        0.18        4.45       3.99
    28636..  ..............  A               Treat toe dislocation      *2.77       3.81       1.11       5.34       2.05        0.42        8.53       5.24
    28645..  ..............  A               Repair toe                 *4.22       5.89       2.16       8.19       3.64        0.38       12.79       8.24
    28660..  ..............  A               Treat toe dislocation      *1.23       1.88       1.22       2.58       1.77        0.06        3.87       3.06
    28665..  ..............  A               Treat toe dislocation      *1.92       1.56       1.18       2.35       1.89        0.11        4.38       3.92
    28666..  ..............  A               Treat toe dislocation      *2.66       3.81       1.11       5.32       2.02        0.40        8.38       5.08
    28675..  ..............  A               Repair of toe              *2.92       5.89       2.16       7.91       3.36        0.41       11.24       6.69
    28705..  ..............  A               Fusion of foot bones.     *15.21         NA       2.70         NA       7.14        2.35          NA      24.70
    28715..  ..............  A               Fusion of foot bones.     *13.10         NA       2.70         NA       6.58        1.89          NA      21.57
    28725..  ..............  A               Fusion of foot bones.     *11.61         NA       2.70         NA       6.15        1.44          NA      19.20
    28730..  ..............  A               Fusion of foot bones.     *10.76         NA       2.70         NA       5.94        1.33          NA      18.03
    28735..  ..............  A               Fusion of foot bones.     *10.85         NA       2.70         NA       5.97        1.37          NA      18.19
    28737..  ..............  A               Revision of foot           *9.64         NA       2.70         NA       5.65        1.13          NA      16.42
    28740..  ..............  A               Fusion of foot bones.      *8.02       4.97       2.70       7.98       5.21        0.72       16.72      13.95
    28750..  ..............  A               Fusion of big toe          *7.30       4.97       2.70       7.84       5.07        0.82       15.96      13.19
    28755..  ..............  A               Fusion of big toe          *4.74       4.97       2.70       7.20       4.43        0.45       12.39       9.62
    28760..  ..............  A               Fusion of big toe          *7.75       4.97       2.70       7.90       5.13        0.65       16.30      13.53
    28800..  ..............  A               Amputation of midfoot      *8.21         NA       2.70         NA       5.35        1.19          NA      14.75
    28805..  ..............  A               Amputation thru            *8.39         NA       2.70         NA       5.39        1.21          NA      14.99
    28810..  ..............  A               Amputation toe &           *6.21         NA       2.70         NA       4.82        0.75          NA      11.78
    28820..  ..............  A               Amputation of toe....      *4.41       4.97       2.70       7.13       4.36        0.46       12.00       9.23
    28825..  ..............  A               Partial amputation of      *3.59       4.97       2.70       6.94       4.17        0.41       10.94       8.17
    29000..  ..............  A               Application of body         2.25       1.92       0.15       2.87       0.73        0.21        5.33       3.19
    29010..  ..............  A               Application of body         2.06       1.92       0.15       2.86       0.71        0.34        5.26       3.11
    29015..  ..............  A               Application of body         2.41       1.92       0.15       2.94       0.79        0.33        5.68       3.53
    29020..  ..............  A               Application of body         2.11       1.92       0.15       2.85       0.70        0.23        5.19       3.04
    29025..  ..............  A               Application of body         2.40       1.92       0.15       2.89       0.74        0.14        5.43       3.28
    29035..  ..............  A               Application of body         1.77       1.92       0.15       2.79       0.64        0.32        4.88       2.73
    29040..  ..............  A               Application of body         2.22       1.92       0.15       2.89       0.74        0.30        5.41       3.26
    29044..  ..............  A               Application of body         2.12       2.27       0.15       3.31       0.73        0.34        5.77       3.19
    29046..  ..............  A               Application of body         2.41       2.27       0.15       3.38       0.79        0.36        6.15       3.56
    29049..  ..............  A               Application of figure       0.89       1.15       0.15       1.61       0.39        0.06        2.56       1.34
    29055..  ..............  A               Application of              1.78       1.57       0.15       2.34       0.61        0.17        4.29       2.56
                                              shoulder cast.                                                                                                
    29058..  ..............  A               Application of              1.31       1.15       0.15       1.71       0.49        0.09        3.11       1.89
                                              shoulder cast.                                                                                                
    29065..  ..............  A               Application of long         0.87       1.15       0.15       1.62       0.41        0.13        2.62       1.41
                                              arm cast.                                                                                                     
    29075..  ..............  A               Application of              0.77       1.15       0.15       1.59       0.38        0.10        2.46       1.25
                                              forearm cast.                                                                                                 
    29085..  ..............  A               Apply hand/wrist cast       0.87       1.15       0.15       1.61       0.39        0.08        2.56       1.34
    29105..  ..............  A               Apply long arm splint       0.87       0.92       0.15       1.33       0.39        0.08        2.28       1.34
    29125..  ..............  A               Apply forearm splint.       0.59       0.92       0.15       1.26       0.33        0.05        1.90       0.97
    29126..  ..............  A               Apply forearm splint.       0.77       0.92       0.15       1.30       0.37        0.06        2.13       1.20
    29130..  ..............  A               Application of finger       0.50       0.47       0.15       0.69       0.30        0.02        1.21       0.82
    29131..  ..............  A               Application of finger       0.55       0.47       0.15       0.70       0.32        0.06        1.31       0.93
    29200..  ..............  A               Strapping of chest...       0.65       0.63       0.15       0.92       0.34        0.03        1.60       1.02
    29220..  ..............  A               Strapping of low back       0.64       0.63       0.15       0.92       0.34        0.05        1.61       1.03
    29240..  ..............  A               Strapping of shoulder       0.71       0.63       0.15       0.93       0.35        0.03        1.67       1.09
    29260..  ..............  A               Strapping of elbow or       0.55       0.54       0.15       0.79       0.31        0.03        1.37       0.89
    29280..  ..............  A               Strapping of hand or        0.51       0.53       0.15       0.76       0.30        0.02        1.29       0.83
    29305..  ..............  A               Application of hip          2.03       1.84       0.15       2.76       0.70        0.31        5.10       3.04
    29325..  ..............  A               Application of hip          2.32       1.84       0.15       2.82       0.76        0.28        5.42       3.36
    29345..  ..............  A               Application of long         1.40       1.20       0.15       1.81       0.53        0.16        3.37       2.09
                                              leg cast.                                                                                                     
    29355..  ..............  A               Application of long         1.53       1.29       0.15       1.95       0.56        0.17        3.65       2.26
                                              leg cast.                                                                                                     
    29358..  ..............  A               Apply long leg cast         1.43       1.15       0.15       1.79       0.57        0.33        3.55       2.33
    29365..  ..............  A               Application of long         1.18       1.29       0.15       1.87       0.48        0.14        3.19       1.80
                                              leg cast.                                                                                                     
    29405..  ..............  A               Apply short leg cast.       0.86       1.24       0.15       1.73       0.40        0.12        2.71       1.38
    29425..  ..............  A               Apply short leg cast.       1.01       1.24       0.15       1.77       0.44        0.14        2.92       1.59
    29435..  ..............  A               Apply short leg cast.       1.18       1.29       0.15       1.88       0.48        0.18        3.24       1.84
    [[Page 33220]]
    29440..  ..............  A               Addition of walker to       0.57       0.71       0.15       1.00       0.32        0.03        1.60       0.92
    29445..  ..............  A               Apply rigid leg cast.       1.78       1.29       0.15       2.03       0.64        0.28        4.09       2.70
    29450..  ..............  A               Application of leg          1.02       1.24       0.15       1.75       0.42        0.04        2.81       1.48
    29505..  ..............  A               Application long leg        0.69       1.02       0.15       1.41       0.35        0.07        2.17       1.11
    29515..  ..............  A               Application lower leg       0.73       1.02       0.15       1.42       0.36        0.06        2.21       1.15
    29520..  ..............  A               Strapping of hip.....       0.54       0.63       0.15       0.89       0.31        0.03        1.46       0.88
    29530..  ..............  A               Strapping of knee....       0.57       0.54       0.15       0.79       0.32        0.05        1.41       0.94
    29540..  ..............  A               Strapping of ankle...       0.51       0.54       0.15       0.78       0.30        0.03        1.32       0.84
    29550..  ..............  A               Strapping of toes....       0.47       0.50       0.15       0.72       0.30        0.03        1.22       0.80
    29580..  ..............  A               Application of paste        0.57       0.67       0.15       0.95       0.32        0.04        1.56       0.93
    29590..  ..............  A               Application of foot         0.76       0.47       0.15       0.74       0.36        0.03        1.53       1.15
    29700..  ..............  A               Removal/revision of         0.57       0.47       0.15       0.71       0.32        0.05        1.33       0.94
    29705..  ..............  A               Removal/revision of         0.76       0.47       0.15       0.75       0.36        0.05        1.56       1.17
    29710..  ..............  A               Removal/revision of         1.34       0.47       0.15       0.88       0.50        0.07        2.29       1.91
    29715..  ..............  A               Removal/revision of         0.94       1.15       0.15       1.64       0.42        0.12        2.70       1.48
    29720..  ..............  A               Repair of body cast..       0.68       0.79       0.15       1.13       0.34        0.04        1.85       1.06
    29730..  ..............  A               Windowing of cast....       0.75       0.47       0.15       0.74       0.36        0.04        1.53       1.15
    29740..  ..............  A               Wedging of cast......       1.12       0.71       0.15       1.13       0.44        0.06        2.31       1.62
    29750..  ..............  A               Wedging of clubfoot         1.26       0.71       0.15       1.16       0.48        0.07        2.49       1.81
    29800..  ..............  A               Jaw arthroscopy/            5.28         NA       2.71         NA       4.56        0.46          NA      10.30
    29804..  ..............  A               Jaw arthroscopy/            7.99         NA       4.67         NA       7.76        1.46          NA      17.21
    29815..  ..............  A               Shoulder arthroscopy.      *5.89         NA       2.12         NA       4.04        0.76          NA      10.69
    29819..  ..............  A               Shoulder arthroscopy/      *7.62         NA       2.51         NA       5.10        1.73          NA      14.45
    29820..  ..............  A               Shoulder arthroscopy/      *7.07         NA       2.51         NA       4.98        1.73          NA      13.78
    29821..  ..............  A               Shoulder arthroscopy/      *7.72         NA       2.51         NA       5.21        2.13          NA      15.06
    29822..  ..............  A               Shoulder arthroscopy/      *7.43         NA       2.51         NA       5.06        1.74          NA      14.23
    29823..  ..............  A               Shoulder arthroscopy/      *8.17         NA       2.51         NA       5.35        2.32          NA      15.84
    29825..  ..............  A               Shoulder arthroscopy/      *7.62         NA       2.51         NA       5.17        2.05          NA      14.84
    29826..  ..............  A               Shoulder arthroscopy/      *8.99         NA       2.51         NA       5.53        2.31          NA      16.83
    29830..  ..............  A               Elbow arthroscopy....      *5.76         NA       1.55         NA       3.33        0.83          NA       9.92
    29834..  ..............  A               Elbow arthroscopy/         *6.28         NA       1.76         NA       3.73        0.96          NA      10.97
    29835..  ..............  A               Elbow arthroscopy/         *6.48         NA       1.76         NA       3.79        0.99          NA      11.26
    29836..  ..............  A               Elbow arthroscopy/         *7.55         NA       1.76         NA       4.05        1.15          NA      12.75
    29837..  ..............  A               Elbow arthroscopy/         *6.87         NA       1.76         NA       3.89        1.06          NA      11.82
    29838..  ..............  A               Elbow arthroscopy/         *7.71         NA       1.76         NA       4.09        1.14          NA      12.94
    29840..  ..............  A               Wrist arthroscopy....      *5.54         NA       2.45         NA       4.31        0.54          NA      10.39
    29843..  ..............  A               Wrist arthroscopy/         *6.01         NA       2.45         NA       4.50        0.91          NA      11.42
    29844..  ..............  A               Wrist arthroscopy/         *6.37         NA       2.45         NA       4.58        0.95          NA      11.90
    29845..  ..............  A               Wrist arthroscopy/         *7.52         NA       2.45         NA       4.88        1.15          NA      13.55
    29846..  ..............  A               Wrist arthroscopy/         *6.75         NA       3.45         NA       6.17        2.20          NA      15.12
    29847..  ..............  A               Wrist arthroscopy/         *7.08         NA       3.45         NA       5.97        0.97          NA      14.02
    29848..  ..............  A               Wrist arthroscopy/         *5.44         NA       2.45         NA       4.31        0.62          NA      10.37
    29850..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/           7.96         NA       2.31         NA       4.94        1.74          NA      14.64
    29851..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          12.38         NA       2.31         NA       5.91        1.74          NA      20.03
    29855..  ..............  A               Tibial arthroscopy/         9.48         NA       2.28         NA       5.27        1.88          NA      16.63
    29856..  ..............  A               Tibial arthroscopy/        13.28         NA       2.28         NA       6.10        1.88          NA      21.26
    29870..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy,          *5.07         NA       1.75         NA       3.39        0.64          NA       9.10
    29871..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *6.55         NA       2.31         NA       4.46        0.96          NA      11.97
    29874..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *7.05         NA       2.04         NA       4.36        1.52          NA      12.93
    29875..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *6.31         NA       2.04         NA       4.22        1.61          NA      12.14
    29876..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *7.92         NA       2.31         NA       4.98        1.95          NA      14.85
    29877..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *7.35         NA       2.04         NA       4.49        1.81          NA      13.65
    29879..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *8.04         NA       2.04         NA       4.73        2.19          NA      14.96
    29880..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *8.50         NA       2.04         NA       4.83        2.22          NA      15.55
    29881..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *7.76         NA       2.04         NA       4.58        1.82          NA      14.16
    29882..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *8.65         NA       2.04         NA       4.80        1.90          NA      15.35
    29883..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *9.46         NA       2.04         NA       5.17        2.80          NA      17.43
    29884..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *7.33         NA       2.31         NA       4.77        1.56          NA      13.66
    29885..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *9.09         NA       2.31         NA       5.11        1.35          NA      15.55
    29886..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *7.54         NA       2.31         NA       4.72        1.12          NA      13.38
    29887..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/          *9.04         NA       2.31         NA       5.17        1.71          NA      15.92
    29888..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/         *13.90         NA       2.31         NA       6.56        3.18          NA      23.64
    29889..  ..............  A               Knee arthroscopy/         *15.13         NA       2.31         NA       6.50        1.68          NA      23.31
    29894..  ..............  A               Ankle arthroscopy/         *7.21         NA       2.42         NA       4.86        1.47          NA      13.54
    29895..  ..............  A               Ankle arthroscopy/         *6.99         NA       2.42         NA       4.82        1.51          NA      13.32
    29897..  ..............  A               Ankle arthroscopy/         *7.18         NA       2.42         NA       4.92        1.77          NA      13.87
    29898..  ..............  A               Ankle arthroscopy/         *8.32         NA       2.42         NA       5.20        1.91          NA      15.43
    30000..  ..............  A               Drainage of nose           *1.43       0.96       0.66       1.49       1.13        0.05        2.97       2.61
    30020..  ..............  A               Drainage of nose           *1.43       0.96       0.66       1.49       1.13        0.06        2.98       2.62
    30100..  ..............  A               Intranasal biopsy....       0.94       0.50       0.13       0.83       0.38        0.08        1.85       1.40
    30110..  ..............  A               Removal of nose            *1.63       1.00       0.93       1.60       1.52        0.14        3.37       3.29
    30115..  ..............  A               Removal of nose            *4.35         NA       1.42         NA       2.75        0.30          NA       7.40
    30117..  ..............  A               Removal of intranasal      *3.16       1.32       1.02       2.37       2.00        0.31        5.84       5.47
    30118..  ..............  A               Removal of intranasal      *9.69         NA       1.78         NA       4.50        0.92          NA      15.11
    [[Page 33221]]
    30120..  ..............  A               Revision of nose.....      *5.27       1.56       1.56       3.27       3.27        1.00        9.54       9.54
    30124..  ..............  A               Removal of nose            *3.10         NA       1.42         NA       2.44        0.16          NA       5.70
    30125..  ..............  A               Removal of nose            *7.16         NA       1.75         NA       3.86        0.73          NA      11.75
    30130..  ..............  A               Removal of turbinate       *3.38         NA       1.42         NA       2.50        0.17          NA       6.05
    30140..  ..............  A               Removal of turbinate       *3.43         NA       1.75         NA       2.96        0.34          NA       6.73
    30150..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *9.14         NA       1.82         NA       4.46        1.07          NA      14.67
    30160..  ..............  A               Removal of nose......      *9.58         NA       1.82         NA       4.70        1.73          NA      16.01
    30200..  ..............  A               Injection treatment         0.78       0.49       0.13       0.78       0.34        0.04        1.60       1.16
                                              of nose.                                                                                                      
    30210..  ..............  A               Nasal sinus therapy..      *1.08       0.92       0.92       1.36       1.36        0.03        2.47       2.47
    30220..  ..............  A               Insert nasal septal        *1.54       0.95       0.93       1.53       1.50        0.16        3.23       3.20
    30300..  ..............  A               Remove nasal foreign       *1.04       1.03       0.46       1.49       0.80        0.05        2.58       1.89
    30310..  ..............  A               Remove nasal foreign       *1.96         NA       0.69         NA       1.31        0.18          NA       3.45
    30320..  ..............  A               Remove nasal foreign       *4.52         NA       1.65         NA       3.10        0.43          NA       8.05
    30400..  ..............  R               Reconstruction of          *9.83         NA       1.82         NA       4.67        1.36          NA      15.86
    30410..  ..............  R               Reconstruction of         *12.98         NA       1.82         NA       5.51        2.01          NA      20.50
    30420..  ..............  R               Reconstruction of         *15.88         NA       1.82         NA       6.19        2.22          NA      24.29
    30430..  ..............  R               Revision of nose.....      *7.21         NA       1.75         NA       3.86        0.66          NA      11.73
    30435..  ..............  R               Revision of nose.....     *11.71         NA       1.82         NA       5.03        1.10          NA      17.84
    30450..  ..............  R               Revision of nose.....     *18.65         NA       1.82         NA       6.51        0.91          NA      26.07
    30460..  ..............  A               Revision of nose.....       9.48         NA       1.82         NA       4.50        0.93          NA      14.91
    30462..  ..............  A               Revision of nose.....      18.98         NA       1.82         NA       6.79        1.87          NA      27.64
    30520..  ..............  A               Repair of nasal            *5.70         NA       1.65         NA       3.47        0.96          NA      10.13
    30540..  ..............  A               Repair nasal defect..      *7.75         NA       1.78         NA       4.02        0.70          NA      12.47
    30545..  ..............  A               Repair nasal defect..     *11.38         NA       1.78         NA       4.87        0.93          NA      17.18
    30560..  ..............  A               Release of nasal           *1.26       0.95       0.69       1.44       1.13        0.06        2.76       2.45
    30580..  ..............  A               Repair upper jaw           *6.69       1.95       1.78       3.96       3.76        0.57       11.22      11.02
    30600..  ..............  A               Repair mouth/nose          *6.02       1.76       1.62       3.55       3.37        0.36        9.93       9.75
    30620..  ..............  A               Intranasal                 *5.97         NA       1.78         NA       3.72        1.10          NA      10.79
    30630..  ..............  A               Repair nasal septum        *7.12         NA       1.78         NA       3.89        0.71          NA      11.72
    30801..  ..............  A               Cauterization inner         1.02       1.09       1.09       1.56       1.56        0.05        2.63       2.63
    30802..  ..............  A               Cauterization inner         1.98       1.09       1.09       1.79       1.79        0.11        3.88       3.88
    30901..  ..............  A               Control of nosebleed.       1.21       0.91       0.13       1.38       0.44        0.06        2.65       1.71
    30903..  ..............  A               Control of nosebleed.       1.54       0.99       0.13       1.56       0.52        0.08        3.18       2.14
    30905..  ..............  A               Control of nosebleed.       1.97       2.02       0.16       2.93       0.67        0.17        5.07       2.81
    30906..  ..............  A               Repeat control of           2.45       2.02       0.16       3.02       0.76        0.11        5.58       3.32
    30915..  ..............  A               Ligation nasal sinus       *7.20         NA       1.81         NA       3.90        0.52          NA      11.62
    30920..  ..............  A               Ligation upper jaw         *9.83         NA       1.77         NA       4.60        1.32          NA      15.75
    30930..  ..............  A               Therapy fracture of        *1.26         NA       1.09         NA       1.62        0.08          NA       2.96
    31000..  ..............  A               Irrigation maxillary       *1.15       1.00       1.00       1.48       1.48        0.05        2.68       2.68
    31002..  ..............  A               Irrigation sphenoid        *1.91         NA       1.09         NA       1.76        0.05          NA       3.72
    31020..  ..............  A               Exploration maxillary      *2.94       1.62       1.36       2.68       2.36        0.29        5.91       5.59
    31030..  ..............  A               Exploration maxillary      *5.92       1.40       1.02       3.19       2.73        0.86        9.97       9.51
    31032..  ..............  A               Explore sinus,remove       *6.57         NA       1.75         NA       3.79        0.99          NA      11.35
    31040..  ..............  A               Exploration behind         *9.42         NA       1.78         NA       4.43        0.86          NA      14.71
                                              upper jaw.                                                                                                    
    31050..  ..............  A               Exploration sphenoid       *5.28         NA       1.43         NA       3.04        0.64          NA       8.96
    31051..  ..............  A               Sphenoid sinus             *7.11         NA       1.62         NA       3.72        0.85          NA      11.68
    31070..  ..............  A               Exploration of             *4.28         NA       1.65         NA       3.06        0.50          NA       7.84
                                              frontal sinus.                                                                                                
    31075..  ..............  A               Exploration of             *9.16         NA       1.82         NA       4.47        1.10          NA      14.73
                                              frontal sinus.                                                                                                
    31080..  ..............  A               Removal of frontal        *11.42         NA       1.82         NA       4.97        1.12          NA      17.51
    31081..  ..............  A               Removal of frontal        *12.75         NA       1.82         NA       5.30        1.30          NA      19.35
    31084..  ..............  A               Removal of frontal        *13.51         NA       1.82         NA       5.54        1.62          NA      20.67
    31085..  ..............  A               Removal of frontal        *14.20         NA       1.82         NA       5.72        1.76          NA      21.68
    31086..  ..............  A               Removal of frontal        *12.86         NA       1.82         NA       5.29        1.15          NA      19.30
    31087..  ..............  A               Removal of frontal        *13.10         NA       1.82         NA       5.38        1.33          NA      19.81
    31090..  ..............  A               Exploration of             *9.53         NA       2.01         NA       5.00        2.12          NA      16.65
    31200..  ..............  A               Removal of ethmoid         *4.97         NA       1.78         NA       3.37        0.48          NA       8.82
    31201..  ..............  A               Removal of ethmoid         *8.37         NA       1.78         NA       4.17        0.75          NA      13.29
    31205..  ..............  A               Removal of ethmoid        *10.24         NA       1.78         NA       4.59        0.81          NA      15.64
    31225..  ..............  A               Removal of upper jaw.     *19.23         NA       2.58         NA       7.87        2.37          NA      29.47
    31230..  ..............  A               Removal of upper jaw.     *21.94         NA       2.58         NA       8.49        2.48          NA      32.91
    31231..  ..............  A               Nasal endoscopy, dx..       1.10       0.83       0.10       1.28       0.40        0.15        2.53       1.65
    31233..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus                 2.18       0.84       0.10       1.56       0.67        0.31        4.05       3.16
                                              endoscopy, dx.                                                                                                
    31235..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus                 2.64       0.84       0.10       1.65       0.76        0.26        4.55       3.66
                                              endoscopy, dx.                                                                                                
    31237..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus                 2.98       0.86       0.10       1.78       0.86        0.37        5.13       4.21
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    31238..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus                 3.26       0.95       0.10       1.97       0.94        0.45        5.68       4.65
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    31239..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus                *8.70         NA       1.36         NA       3.82        1.18          NA      13.70
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    31240..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus                 2.61         NA       0.10         NA       0.78        0.37          NA       3.76
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    31254..  ..............  A               Revision of ethmoid         4.65         NA       0.10         NA       1.29        0.69          NA       6.63
    31255..  ..............  A               Removal of ethmoid          6.96         NA       0.10         NA       1.90        1.14          NA      10.00
    31256..  ..............  A               Exploration maxillary       3.29         NA       0.10         NA       0.93        0.41          NA       4.63
    31267..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, maxillary        5.46         NA       0.10         NA       1.50        0.81          NA       7.77
    31276..  ..............  A               Sinus surgical              8.85         NA       0.10         NA       2.22        0.73          NA      11.80
    31287..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus                 3.92         NA       0.10         NA       1.13        0.65          NA       5.70
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    31288..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus                 4.58         NA       0.10         NA       1.30        0.78          NA       6.66
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    [[Page 33222]]
    31290..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus               *17.24         NA       1.36         NA       5.82        1.80          NA      24.86
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    31291..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus               *18.19         NA       1.36         NA       6.05        1.88          NA      26.12
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    31292..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus               *14.76         NA       1.36         NA       5.20        1.45          NA      21.41
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    31293..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus               *16.21         NA       1.36         NA       5.55        1.59          NA      23.35
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    31294..  ..............  A               Nasal/sinus               *19.06         NA       1.36         NA       6.23        1.83          NA      27.12
                                              endoscopy, surg.                                                                                              
    31300..  ..............  A               Removal of larynx         *14.29         NA       5.31         NA       9.88        1.28          NA      25.45
    31320..  ..............  A               Diagnostic incision        *5.26         NA       5.31         NA       7.73        0.48          NA      13.47
    31360..  ..............  A               Removal of larynx....     *17.08         NA       5.31         NA      10.69        2.19          NA      29.96
    31365..  ..............  A               Removal of larynx....     *24.16         NA       5.31         NA      12.44        3.10          NA      39.70
    31367..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *21.86         NA       6.36         NA      12.95        1.88          NA      36.69
    31368..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *27.09         NA       7.42         NA      15.65        3.06          NA      45.80
    31370..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *21.38         NA       6.36         NA      12.85        1.88          NA      36.11
    31375..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *20.21         NA       5.31         NA      11.24        1.56          NA      33.01
    31380..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *20.21         NA       5.31         NA      11.31        1.88          NA      33.40
    31382..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *20.52         NA       6.36         NA      12.64        1.78          NA      34.94
    31390..  ..............  A               Removal of larynx &       *27.53         NA       7.42         NA      15.96        4.05          NA      47.54
    31395..  ..............  A               Reconstruct larynx &      *31.09         NA       9.53         NA      19.39        4.42          NA      54.90
    31400..  ..............  A               Revision of larynx...     *10.31         NA       5.31         NA       8.93        0.91          NA      20.15
    31420..  ..............  A               Removal of epiglottis     *10.22         NA       5.31         NA       8.89        0.84          NA      19.95
    31500..  ..............  A               Insert emergency            2.33         NA       0.05         NA       0.60        0.14          NA       3.07
    31502..  ..............  A               Change of windpipe          0.65       0.85       0.10       1.19       0.28        0.07        1.91       1.00
    31505..  ..............  A               Diagnostic                  0.61       0.83       0.10       1.15       0.27        0.05        1.81       0.93
    31510..  ..............  A               Laryngoscopy with           1.92       0.89       0.10       1.52       0.56        0.07        3.51       2.55
    31511..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body,        2.16       0.91       0.10       1.60       0.62        0.10        3.86       2.88
    31512..  ..............  A               Removal of larynx           2.07       0.89       0.10       1.58       0.62        0.20        3.85       2.89
    31513..  ..............  A               Injection into vocal        2.10         NA       0.10         NA       0.67        0.38          NA       3.15
    31515..  ..............  A               Laryngoscopy for            1.80       0.75       0.10       1.34       0.55        0.14        3.28       2.49
    31520..  ..............  A               Diagnostic                  2.56         NA       0.10         NA       0.72        0.18          NA       3.46
    31525..  ..............  A               Diagnostic                  2.63       0.75       0.10       1.54       0.75        0.23        4.40       3.61
    31526..  ..............  A               Diagnostic                  2.57         NA       0.10         NA       0.77        0.38          NA       3.72
    31527..  ..............  A               Laryngoscopy for            3.27         NA       0.10         NA       0.91        0.30          NA       4.48
    31528..  ..............  A               Laryngoscopy and            2.37         NA       0.10         NA       0.71        0.30          NA       3.38
    31529..  ..............  A               Laryngoscopy and            2.68         NA       0.10         NA       0.77        0.25          NA       3.70
    31530..  ..............  A               Operative                   3.39         NA       0.10         NA       0.95        0.39          NA       4.73
    31531..  ..............  A               Operative                   3.59         NA       0.10         NA       1.04        0.60          NA       5.23
    31535..  ..............  A               Operative                   3.16         NA       0.10         NA       0.92        0.45          NA       4.53
    31536..  ..............  A               Operative                   3.56         NA       0.10         NA       1.03        0.59          NA       5.18
    31540..  ..............  A               Operative                   4.13         NA       0.10         NA       1.16        0.61          NA       5.90
    31541..  ..............  A               Operative                   4.53         NA       0.10         NA       1.28        0.75          NA       6.56
    31560..  ..............  A               Operative                   5.46         NA       0.10         NA       1.43        0.51          NA       7.40
    31561..  ..............  A               Operative                   6.00         NA       0.10         NA       1.68        1.08          NA       8.76
    31570..  ..............  A               Laryngoscopy with           3.87       0.75       0.10       1.89       1.10        0.60        6.36       5.57
    31571..  ..............  A               Laryngoscopy with           4.27         NA       0.10         NA       1.21        0.69          NA       6.17
    31575..  ..............  A               Diagnostic                  1.10       0.84       0.10       1.30       0.40        0.17        2.57       1.67
    31576..  ..............  A               Laryngoscopy with           1.97       0.45       0.10       1.05       0.63        0.33        3.35       2.93
    31577..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body,        2.47       0.47       0.10       1.19       0.75        0.37        4.03       3.59
    31578..  ..............  A               Removal of larynx           2.84       0.48       0.10       1.31       0.85        0.48        4.63       4.17
    31579..  ..............  A               Diagnostic                  2.26       0.91       0.10       1.66       0.68        0.26        4.18       3.20
    31580..  ..............  A               Revision of larynx...     *12.38         NA       5.31         NA       9.54        1.63          NA      23.55
    31582..  ..............  A               Revision of larynx...     *21.62         NA       5.31         NA      11.63        1.94          NA      35.19
    31584..  ..............  A               Repair of larynx          *19.64         NA       4.91         NA      10.58        1.34          NA      31.56
    31585..  ..............  A               Repair of larynx           *4.64         NA       3.77         NA       5.70        0.40          NA      10.74
    31586..  ..............  A               Repair of larynx           *8.03         NA       4.91         NA       7.90        0.71          NA      16.64
    31587..  ..............  A               Revision of larynx...     *11.99         NA       4.13         NA       7.83        0.79          NA      20.61
    31588..  ..............  A               Revision of larynx...     *13.11         NA       5.31         NA       9.60        1.16          NA      23.87
    31590..  ..............  A               Reinnervate larynx...      *6.97         NA       4.98         NA       7.74        0.62          NA      15.33
    31595..  ..............  A               Larynx nerve surgery.      *8.34         NA       3.95         NA       6.81        0.74          NA      15.89
    31600..  ..............  A               Incision of windpipe.       3.62         NA       0.16         NA       1.13        0.65          NA       5.40
    31601..  ..............  A               Incision of windpipe.       4.45         NA       0.16         NA       1.32        0.66          NA       6.43
    31603..  ..............  A               Incision of windpipe.       4.15         NA       0.16         NA       1.25        0.66          NA       6.06
    31605..  ..............  A               Incision of windpipe.       3.58         NA       0.16         NA       1.09        0.50          NA       5.17
    31610..  ..............  A               Incision of windpipe.      *8.76         NA       4.04         NA       7.05        0.92          NA      16.73
    31611..  ..............  A               Surgery/speech             *5.64         NA       4.25         NA       6.64        1.04          NA      13.32
    31612..  ..............  A               Puncture/clear              0.91       1.18       0.11       1.67       0.36        0.12        2.70       1.39
    31613..  ..............  A               Repair windpipe            *4.59         NA       4.09         NA       6.05        0.28          NA      10.92
    31614..  ..............  A               Repair windpipe            *7.12         NA       5.10         NA       7.94        0.73          NA      15.79
    31615..  ..............  A               Visualization of            2.09       1.84       0.16       2.75       0.70        0.22        5.06       3.01
    31622..  ..............  A               Diagnostic                  2.80       1.81       0.16       2.89       0.89        0.34        6.03       4.03
    31625..  ..............  A               Bronchoscopy with           3.37       1.81       0.16       3.02       1.01        0.35        6.74       4.73
    31628..  ..............  A               Bronchoscopy with           3.81       1.81       0.16       3.12       1.12        0.38        7.31       5.31
    31629..  ..............  A               Bronchoscopy with           3.37         NA       0.16         NA       1.01        0.34          NA       4.72
    31630..  ..............  A               Bronchoscopy with           3.82         NA       0.16         NA       1.15        0.50          NA       5.47
    31631..  ..............  A               Bronchoscopy with           4.37         NA       0.16         NA       1.26        0.48          NA       6.11
    31635..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body,        3.68         NA       0.16         NA       1.12        0.53          NA       5.33
    [[Page 33223]]
    31640..  ..............  A               Bronchoscopy & remove       4.94         NA       0.16         NA       1.43        0.67          NA       7.04
    31641..  ..............  A               Bronchoscopy, treat         5.03         NA       0.16         NA       1.49        0.85          NA       7.37
    31645..  ..............  A               Bronchoscopy, clear         3.16         NA       0.16         NA       0.96        0.30          NA       4.42
    31646..  ..............  A               Bronchoscopy,reclear        2.72         NA       0.16         NA       0.85        0.27          NA       3.84
    31656..  ..............  A               Bronchoscopy,inject         2.17         NA       0.16         NA       0.74        0.31          NA       3.22
                                              for xray.                                                                                                     
    31700..  ..............  A               Insertion of airway         1.34       1.84       0.16       2.58       0.53        0.17        4.09       2.04
    31708..  ..............  A               Instill airway              1.41         NA       0.10         NA       0.45        0.09          NA       1.95
                                              contrast dye.                                                                                                 
    31710..  ..............  A               Insertion of airway         1.30         NA       0.16         NA       0.51        0.12          NA       1.93
    31715..  ..............  A               Injection for               1.11         NA       0.16         NA       0.45        0.04          NA       1.60
                                              bronchus x-ray.                                                                                               
    31717..  ..............  A               Bronchial brush             2.12       1.84       0.16       2.73       0.68        0.06        4.91       2.86
    31720..  ..............  A               Clearance of airways.       1.06       1.08       0.11       1.57       0.39        0.09        2.72       1.54
    31725..  ..............  A               Clearance of airways.       1.96         NA       0.11         NA       0.60        0.15          NA       2.71
    31730..  ..............  A               Intro windpipe wire/        2.85       1.01       0.11       1.90       0.81        0.23        4.98       3.89
    31750..  ..............  A               Repair of windpipe...     *13.02         NA       5.14         NA       9.35        1.09          NA      23.46
    31755..  ..............  A               Repair of windpipe...     *15.93         NA       6.32         NA      11.51        1.44          NA      28.88
    31760..  ..............  A               Repair of windpipe...     *22.35         NA       2.42         NA       8.41        2.55          NA      33.31
    31766..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *30.43         NA       2.42         NA       9.87        1.12          NA      41.42
    31770..  ..............  A               Repair/graft of           *22.51         NA       2.85         NA       8.86        2.08          NA      33.45
    31775..  ..............  A               Reconstruct bronchus.     *23.54         NA       2.85         NA       9.06        1.92          NA      34.52
    31780..  ..............  A               Reconstruct windpipe.     *17.72         NA       2.39         NA       7.26        2.08          NA      27.06
    31781..  ..............  A               Reconstruct windpipe.     *23.53         NA       2.50         NA       8.63        1.96          NA      34.12
    31785..  ..............  A               Remove windpipe           *17.23         NA       2.42         NA       6.99        1.17          NA      25.39
    31786..  ..............  A               Remove windpipe           *23.98         NA       2.47         NA       8.75        2.24          NA      34.97
    31800..  ..............  A               Repair of windpipe         *7.43         NA       2.42         NA       4.75        0.76          NA      12.94
    31805..  ..............  A               Repair of windpipe        *13.13         NA       2.47         NA       6.19        1.41          NA      20.73
    31820..  ..............  A               Closure of windpipe        *4.49       3.42       3.42       5.26       5.26        0.46       10.21      10.21
    31825..  ..............  A               Repair of windpipe         *6.81       4.44       4.44       7.03       7.03        0.58       14.42      14.42
    31830..  ..............  A               Revise windpipe scar.      *4.50       3.42       3.42       5.25       5.25        0.42       10.17      10.17
    32000..  ..............  A               Drainage of chest....       1.54       2.01       0.11       2.80       0.49        0.08        4.42       2.11
    32002..  ..............  A               Treatment of                2.19         NA       0.11         NA       0.66        0.22          NA       3.07
                                              collapsed lung.                                                                                               
    32005..  ..............  A               Treat lung lining           2.19         NA       0.16         NA       0.71        0.15          NA       3.05
    32020..  ..............  A               Insertion of chest          3.98         NA       0.16         NA       1.16        0.43          NA       5.57
    32035..  ..............  A               Exploration of chest.      *8.67         NA       2.39         NA       5.09        1.25          NA      15.01
    32036..  ..............  A               Exploration of chest.      *9.68         NA       2.39         NA       5.33        1.32          NA      16.33
    32095..  ..............  A               Biopsy through chest       *8.36         NA       2.39         NA       5.07        1.45          NA      14.88
    32100..  ..............  A               Exploration/biopsy of     *11.84         NA       2.39         NA       5.97        2.10          NA      19.91
    32110..  ..............  A               Explore/repair chest.     *13.62         NA       2.47         NA       6.43        2.01          NA      22.06
    32120..  ..............  A               Re-exploration of         *11.54         NA       2.39         NA       5.82        1.72          NA      19.08
    32124..  ..............  A               Explore chest,free        *12.72         NA       2.39         NA       6.19        2.21          NA      21.12
    32140..  ..............  A               Removal of lung           *13.93         NA       2.39         NA       6.50        2.42          NA      22.85
    32141..  ..............  A               Remove/treat lung         *14.00         NA       2.47         NA       6.63        2.53          NA      23.16
    32150..  ..............  A               Removal of lung           *14.15         NA       2.39         NA       6.46        2.01          NA      22.62
    32151..  ..............  A               Remove lung foreign       *14.21         NA       2.39         NA       6.33        1.37          NA      21.91
    32160..  ..............  A               Open chest heart           *9.30         NA       2.39         NA       5.29        1.52          NA      16.11
    32200..  ..............  A               Drainage of lung          *15.29         NA       2.39         NA       6.47        0.93          NA      22.69
    32215..  ..............  A               Treat chest lining...     *11.33         NA       2.39         NA       5.68        1.28          NA      18.29
    32220..  ..............  A               Release of lung......     *19.27         NA       2.47         NA       7.89        3.01          NA      30.17
    32225..  ..............  A               Partial release of        *13.96         NA       2.47         NA       6.56        2.28          NA      22.80
    32310..  ..............  A               Removal of chest          *13.44         NA       2.47         NA       6.41        2.10          NA      21.95
    32320..  ..............  A               Free/remove chest         *20.54         NA       2.47         NA       8.25        3.40          NA      32.19
    32400..  ..............  A               Needle biopsy chest         1.76         NA       0.16         NA       0.61        0.12          NA       2.49
    32402..  ..............  A               Open biopsy chest          *7.56         NA       2.39         NA       4.87        1.34          NA      13.77
    32405..  ..............  A               Biopsy, lung or             1.93       1.61       0.16       2.42       0.66        0.18        4.53       2.77
    32420..  ..............  A               Puncture/clear lung..       2.18         NA       0.11         NA       0.64        0.13          NA       2.95
    32440..  ..............  A               Removal of lung......     *21.02         NA       2.42         NA       8.34        3.55          NA      32.91
    32442..  ..............  A               Sleeve pneumonectomy.     *26.24         NA       2.47         NA       9.52        3.50          NA      39.26
    32445..  ..............  A               Removal of lung......     *25.09         NA       2.47         NA       9.35        3.88          NA      38.32
    32480..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *18.32         NA       2.39         NA       7.64        3.23          NA      29.19
    32482..  ..............  A               Bilobectomy..........     *19.71         NA       2.39         NA       7.94        3.23          NA      30.88
    32484..  ..............  A               Segmentectomy........     *20.69         NA       2.39         NA       8.16        3.23          NA      32.08
    32486..  ..............  A               Sleeve lobectomy.....     *23.92         NA       2.42         NA       8.90        3.23          NA      36.05
    32488..  ..............  A               Completion                *25.71         NA       2.42         NA       9.35        3.46          NA      38.52
    32491..  ..............  N               Lung volume reduction    +*25.06         NA       2.35         NA       9.02        3.02          NA      37.10
    32500..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *14.30         NA       2.39         NA       6.61        2.56          NA      23.47
    32501..  ..............  A               Repair bronchus (add-       4.69         NA       0.00         NA       1.18        0.70          NA       6.57
    32520..  ..............  A               Remove lung & revise      *21.68         NA       2.39         NA       8.53        3.93          NA      34.14
    32522..  ..............  A               Remove lung & revise      *24.20         NA       2.42         NA       9.18        4.19          NA      37.57
    32525..  ..............  A               Remove lung & revise      *26.50         NA       2.42         NA       9.77        4.61          NA      40.88
    32540..  ..............  A               Removal of lung           *14.64         NA       2.47         NA       6.66        2.05          NA      23.35
    32601..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,               5.46         NA       0.16         NA       1.52        0.57          NA       7.55
    32602..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,               5.96         NA       0.16         NA       1.64        0.64          NA       8.24
    32603..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,               7.81         NA       0.16         NA       2.03        0.57          NA      10.41
    32604..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,               8.78         NA       0.16         NA       2.26        0.64          NA      11.68
    32605..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,               6.93         NA       0.16         NA       1.84        0.57          NA       9.34
    [[Page 33224]]
    32606..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,               8.40         NA       0.16         NA       2.18        0.64          NA      11.22
    32650..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *10.75         NA       2.30         NA       5.44        1.28          NA      17.47
    32651..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *12.91         NA       2.30         NA       6.13        2.28          NA      21.32
    32652..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *18.66         NA       2.37         NA       7.64        3.01          NA      29.31
    32653..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *12.87         NA       2.37         NA       6.15        2.01          NA      21.03
    32654..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *12.44         NA       1.84         NA       5.41        2.01          NA      19.86
    32655..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *13.10         NA       2.37         NA       6.32        2.53          NA      21.95
    32656..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *12.91         NA       2.30         NA       6.15        2.36          NA      21.42
    32657..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *13.65         NA       2.30         NA       6.36        2.56          NA      22.57
    32658..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *11.63         NA       2.30         NA       5.91        2.52          NA      20.06
    32659..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *11.59         NA       2.30         NA       5.92        2.61          NA      20.12
    32660..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *17.43         NA       2.30         NA       7.41        3.56          NA      28.40
    32661..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *13.25         NA       2.30         NA       6.03        1.47          NA      20.75
    32662..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *16.44         NA       2.30         NA       7.01        2.74          NA      26.19
    32663..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *18.47         NA       2.30         NA       7.56        3.23          NA      29.26
    32664..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *14.20         NA       2.30         NA       6.36        2.04          NA      22.60
    32665..  ..............  A               Thoracoscopy,             *15.54         NA       2.30         NA       6.79        2.64          NA      24.97
    32800..  ..............  A               Repair lung hernia...     *13.69         NA       2.39         NA       6.26        1.58          NA      21.53
    32810..  ..............  A               Close chest after         *13.05         NA       2.39         NA       6.04        1.19          NA      20.28
    32815..  ..............  A               Close bronchial           *23.15         NA       2.42         NA       8.60        2.62          NA      34.37
    32820..  ..............  A               Reconstruct injured       *21.48         NA       2.42         NA       8.37        3.24          NA      33.09
    32851..  ..............  A               Lung transplant,          *38.63         NA       4.30         NA      14.80        4.99          NA      58.42
    32852..  ..............  A               Lung transplant w/        *41.80         NA       4.30         NA      15.58        5.41          NA      62.79
    32853..  ..............  A               Lung transplant,          *47.81         NA       4.30         NA      17.08        6.24          NA      71.13
    32854..  ..............  A               Lung transplant w/        *50.98         NA       2.39         NA      15.55        6.67          NA      73.20
    32900..  ..............  A               Removal of rib(s)....     *20.27         NA       2.39         NA       7.72        1.63          NA      29.62
    32905..  ..............  A               Revise & repair chest     *20.75         NA       2.39         NA       8.03        2.60          NA      31.38
    32906..  ..............  A               Revise & repair chest     *26.77         NA       2.47         NA       9.51        2.92          NA      39.20
    32940..  ..............  A               Revision of lung.....     *19.43         NA       2.39         NA       7.56        1.75          NA      28.74
    32960..  ..............  A               Therapeutic                 1.84       0.91       0.11       1.54       0.57        0.13        3.51       2.54
    33010..  ..............  A               Drainage of heart sac       2.24         NA       0.11         NA       0.66        0.14          NA       3.04
    33011..  ..............  A               Repeat drainage of          2.24         NA       0.11         NA       0.65        0.12          NA       3.01
                                              heart sac.                                                                                                    
    33015..  ..............  A               Incision of heart sac      *6.80         NA       0.84         NA       2.64        0.62          NA      10.06
    33020..  ..............  A               Incision of heart sac     *12.61         NA       1.94         NA       5.67        2.52          NA      20.80
    33025..  ..............  A               Incision of heart sac     *12.09         NA       1.94         NA       5.58        2.61          NA      20.28
    33030..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *18.71         NA       2.45         NA       7.94        3.92          NA      30.57
                                              heart sac.                                                                                                    
    33031..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *21.79         NA       2.45         NA       8.30        2.50          NA      32.59
                                              heart sac.                                                                                                    
    33050..  ..............  A               Removal of heart sac      *14.36         NA       2.39         NA       6.39        1.47          NA      22.22
    33120..  ..............  A               Removal of heart          *24.56         NA       2.90         NA      10.05        5.17          NA      39.78
    33130..  ..............  A               Removal of heart          *21.39         NA       2.45         NA       8.15        2.22          NA      31.76
    33200..  ..............  A               Insertion of heart        *12.48         NA       2.54         NA       6.24        1.90          NA      20.62
    33201..  ..............  A               Insertion of heart        *10.18         NA       2.54         NA       5.69        1.67          NA      17.54
    33206..  ..............  A               Insertion of heart         *6.67         NA       1.50         NA       3.58        1.34          NA      11.59
    33207..  ..............  A               Insertion of heart         *8.04         NA       1.50         NA       3.88        1.33          NA      13.25
    33208..  ..............  A               Insertion of heart         *8.13         NA       1.50         NA       3.94        1.54          NA      13.61
    33210..  ..............  A               Insertion of heart          3.30         NA       0.16         NA       0.98        0.27          NA       4.55
    33211..  ..............  A               Insertion of heart          3.40         NA       0.16         NA       1.00        0.27          NA       4.67
    33212..  ..............  A               Insertion of pulse         *5.52         NA       0.94         NA       2.54        0.88          NA       8.94
    33213..  ..............  A               Insertion of pulse         *6.37         NA       0.94         NA       2.73        0.88          NA       9.98
    33214..  ..............  A               Upgrade of pacemaker       *7.75         NA       1.50         NA       3.76        1.06          NA      12.57
    33216..  ..............  A               Revision implanted         *5.39         NA       1.50         NA       3.13        0.55          NA       9.07
    33217..  ..............  A               Insert/revise              *5.75         NA       1.50         NA       3.21        0.55          NA       9.51
    33218..  ..............  A               Repair pacemaker           *5.44         NA       0.94         NA       2.47        0.62          NA       8.53
    33220..  ..............  A               Repair pacemaker           *5.52         NA       0.94         NA       2.49        0.62          NA       8.63
    33222..  ..............  A               Pacemaker aicd pocket      *4.96         NA       0.65         NA       2.10        1.01          NA       8.07
    33223..  ..............  A               Pacemaker aicd pocket      *6.46         NA       1.77         NA       3.80        1.01          NA      11.27
    33233..  ..............  A               Removal of pacemaker       *3.29         NA       0.63         NA       1.50        0.05          NA       4.84
    33234..  ..............  A               Removal of pacemaker       *7.82         NA       0.63         NA       2.53        0.23          NA      10.58
    33235..  ..............  A               Removal pacemaker          *9.40         NA       0.63         NA       2.90        0.33          NA      12.63
    33236..  ..............  A               Remove electrode/         *12.60         NA       2.54         NA       5.99        0.62          NA      19.21
    33237..  ..............  A               Remove electrode/         *13.71         NA       2.54         NA       6.34        1.13          NA      21.18
    33238..  ..............  A               Remove electrode/         *15.22         NA       2.23         NA       6.49        2.01          NA      23.72
    33240..  ..............  A               Insert/replace pulse       *7.60         NA       1.42         NA       3.58        0.88          NA      12.06
    33241..  ..............  A               Remove pulse               *3.24         NA       1.42         NA       2.53        0.43          NA       6.20
                                              generator only.                                                                                               
    33242..  ..............  A               Repair pulse               *6.17         NA       1.77         NA       3.85        1.54          NA      11.56
    33243..  ..............  A               Remove generator/         *22.64         NA       0.98         NA       6.49        1.54          NA      30.67
    33244..  ..............  A               Remove generator.....      *8.97         NA       1.77         NA       4.46        1.54          NA      14.97
    33245..  ..............  A               Implant heart             *14.30         NA       2.54         NA       6.74        2.36          NA      23.40
    33246..  ..............  A               Implant heart             *20.71         NA       2.54         NA       8.33        3.19          NA      32.23
    33247..  ..............  A               Insert/replace leads.     *10.21         NA       1.46         NA       4.53        2.36          NA      17.10
    33249..  ..............  A               Insert/replace leads/     *13.28         NA       1.77         NA       5.77        3.19          NA      22.24
    33250..  ..............  A               Ablate heart              *21.85         NA       2.45         NA       7.96        0.86          NA      30.67
                                              dysrhythm focus.                                                                                              
    33251..  ..............  A               Ablate heart              *24.88         NA       2.45         NA       9.13        3.21          NA      37.22
                                              dysrhythm focus.                                                                                              
    33253..  ..............  A               Reconstruct atria....     *31.06         NA       2.40         NA      10.66        4.26          NA      45.98
    [[Page 33225]]
    33261..  ..............  A               Ablate heart              *24.88         NA       2.45         NA       9.03        2.73          NA      36.64
                                              dysrhythm focus.                                                                                              
    33300..  ..............  A               Repair of heart wound     *17.92         NA       2.45         NA       7.48        2.60          NA      28.00
    33305..  ..............  A               Repair of heart wound     *21.44         NA       2.45         NA       8.35        3.07          NA      32.86
    33310..  ..............  A               Exploratory heart         *18.51         NA       2.45         NA       7.46        1.93          NA      27.90
    33315..  ..............  A               Exploratory heart         *22.37         NA       2.45         NA       8.44        2.57          NA      33.38
    33320..  ..............  A               Repair major blood        *16.79         NA       2.45         NA       7.21        2.51          NA      26.51
    33321..  ..............  A               Repair major vessel..     *20.20         NA       2.45         NA       8.20        3.61          NA      32.01
    33322..  ..............  A               Repair major blood        *20.62         NA       2.45         NA       8.29        3.61          NA      32.52
    33330..  ..............  A               Insert major vessel       *21.43         NA       2.49         NA       8.15        1.93          NA      31.51
    33332..  ..............  A               Insert major vessel       *23.96         NA       2.49         NA       8.80        2.39          NA      35.15
    33335..  ..............  A               Insert major vessel       *30.01         NA       2.49         NA      10.13        2.39          NA      42.53
    33400..  ..............  A               Repair of aortic          *25.34         NA       2.84         NA       9.64        2.83          NA      37.81
    33401..  ..............  A               Valvuloplasty, open..     *23.91         NA       2.87         NA       9.36        2.83          NA      36.10
    33403..  ..............  A               Valvuloplasty, w/cp       *24.89         NA       2.87         NA       9.58        2.83          NA      37.30
    33404..  ..............  A               Prepare heart-aorta       *28.54         NA       2.87         NA      10.98        5.59          NA      45.11
    33405..  ..............  A               Replacement of aortic     *30.61         NA       2.45         NA      10.85        5.33          NA      46.79
    33406..  ..............  A               Replacement, aortic       *32.30         NA       2.45         NA      11.69        7.45          NA      51.44
    33411..  ..............  A               Replacement of aortic     *32.47         NA       2.45         NA      11.73        7.45          NA      51.65
    33412..  ..............  A               Replacement of aortic     *34.79         NA       2.87         NA      12.76        7.45          NA      55.00
    33413..  ..............  A               Replacement, aortic       *35.24         NA       3.32         NA      13.35        7.23          NA      55.82
    33414..  ..............  A               Repair, aortic valve.     *30.35         NA       2.87         NA      11.78        7.45          NA      49.58
    33415..  ..............  A               Revision, subvalvular     *27.15         NA       2.84         NA      10.58        5.33          NA      43.06
    33416..  ..............  A               Revise ventricle          *30.35         NA       2.45         NA      10.72        4.99          NA      46.06
    33417..  ..............  A               Repair of aortic          *28.53         NA       2.84         NA      11.07        6.18          NA      45.78
    33420..  ..............  A               Revision of mitral        *22.70         NA       2.45         NA       8.49        2.45          NA      33.64
    33422..  ..............  A               Revision of mitral        *25.94         NA       2.45         NA      10.08        6.45          NA      42.47
    33425..  ..............  A               Repair of mitral          *27.00         NA       2.45         NA      10.08        5.42          NA      42.50
    33426..  ..............  A               Repair of mitral          *31.03         NA       2.49         NA      11.10        5.80          NA      47.93
    33427..  ..............  A               Repair of mitral          *33.72         NA       2.49         NA      11.80        6.30          NA      51.82
    33430..  ..............  A               Replacement of mitral     *31.43         NA       2.49         NA      11.25        6.11          NA      48.79
    33460..  ..............  A               Revision of tricuspid     *23.60         NA       2.45         NA       9.19        4.73          NA      37.52
    33463..  ..............  A               Valvuloplasty,            *25.62         NA       2.45         NA       9.90        5.95          NA      41.47
    33464..  ..............  A               Valvuloplasty,            *27.33         NA       2.45         NA      10.27        5.95          NA      43.55
    33465..  ..............  A               Replace tricuspid         *28.79         NA       2.45         NA      10.59        5.95          NA      45.33
    33468..  ..............  A               Revision of tricuspid     *30.12         NA       3.39         NA      12.11        6.30          NA      48.53
    33470..  ..............  A               Revision of pulmonary      19.52         NA       2.82         NA       2.82        2.45          NA      24.79
    33471..  ..............  A               Valvotomy, pulmonary      *22.25         NA       2.87         NA       9.00        2.83          NA      34.08
    33472..  ..............  A               Revision of pulmonary     *22.25         NA       2.87         NA       9.00        2.83          NA      34.08
    33474..  ..............  A               Revision of pulmonary      20.91         NA       2.82         NA       2.82        2.83          NA      26.56
    33475..  ..............  A               Replacement,              *28.41         NA       2.84         NA      11.03        6.11          NA      45.55
                                              pulmonary valve.                                                                                              
    33476..  ..............  A               Revision of heart         *25.77         NA       2.33         NA       9.58        4.99          NA      40.34
    33478..  ..............  A               Revision of heart         *26.74         NA       2.33         NA       9.89        5.42          NA      42.05
    33500..  ..............  A               Repair heart vessel       *25.55         NA       2.33         NA       9.58        5.20          NA      40.33
    33501..  ..............  A               Repair heart vessel        16.14         NA       2.33         NA       6.93        2.51          NA      25.58
    33502..  ..............  A               Coronary artery           *21.04         NA       3.39         NA       9.30        2.51          NA      32.85
    33503..  ..............  A               Coronary artery graft     *21.78         NA       3.39         NA      10.05        5.20          NA      37.03
    33504..  ..............  A               Coronary artery graft     *24.66         NA       3.39         NA      10.68        5.20          NA      40.54
    33505..  ..............  A               Repair artery w/          *26.84         NA       3.39         NA      11.34        6.03          NA      44.21
    33506..  ..............  A               Repair artery,            *26.71         NA       3.39         NA      11.31        6.03          NA      44.05
    33510..  ..............  A               CABG, vein, single...     *25.12         NA       2.45         NA       9.62        5.20          NA      39.94
    33511..  ..............  A               CABG, vein, two......     *27.40         NA       2.45         NA      10.23        5.71          NA      43.34
    33512..  ..............  A               CABG, vein, three....     *29.67         NA       2.45         NA      10.84        6.22          NA      46.73
    33513..  ..............  A               CABG, vein, four.....     *31.95         NA       2.45         NA      11.45        6.73          NA      50.13
    33514..  ..............  A               CABG, vein, five.....     *34.29         NA       2.45         NA      12.08        7.23          NA      53.60
    33516..  ..............  A               CABG, vein, six+.....     *36.65         NA       2.45         NA      12.71        7.74          NA      57.10
    33517..  ..............  A               CABG, artery-vein,          2.27         NA       0.13         NA       0.77        0.50          NA       3.54
    33518..  ..............  A               CABG, artery-vein,          4.55         NA       0.13         NA       1.38        1.02          NA       6.95
    33519..  ..............  A               CABG, artery-vein,          6.82         NA       0.13         NA       1.99        1.52          NA      10.33
    33521..  ..............  A               CABG, artery-vein,          9.10         NA       0.13         NA       2.60        2.03          NA      13.73
    33522..  ..............  A               CABG, artery-vein,         11.37         NA       0.13         NA       3.21        2.54          NA      17.12
    33523..  ..............  A               CABG, artery-vein,         13.65         NA       0.13         NA       3.82        3.05          NA      20.52
    33530..  ..............  A               Coronary artery,            5.86         NA       0.00         NA       1.76        2.18          NA       9.80
    33533..  ..............  A               CABG, arterial,            24.00         NA       2.45         NA       9.41        5.36          NA      38.77
    33534..  ..............  A               CABG, arterial, two..      26.99         NA       2.33         NA      10.08        6.03          NA      43.10
    33535..  ..............  A               CABG, arterial, three      29.98         NA       2.33         NA      10.88        6.70          NA      47.56
    33536..  ..............  A               CABG, arterial, four+      32.96         NA       2.33         NA      11.68        7.37          NA      52.01
    33542..  ..............  A               Removal of heart          *28.85         NA       2.90         NA      11.07        5.53          NA      45.45
    33545..  ..............  A               Repair of heart           *36.78         NA       2.94         NA      13.02        6.28          NA      56.08
    33572..  ..............  A               Open coronary               4.45         NA       0.00         NA       1.11        0.63          NA       6.19
    33600..  ..............  A               Closure of valve.....     *29.51         NA       3.39         NA      11.94        6.11          NA      47.56
    33602..  ..............  A               Closure of valve.....     *28.54         NA       3.39         NA      11.56        5.33          NA      45.43
    33606..  ..............  A               Anastomosis/artery-        29.28         NA       2.82         NA       2.82        7.45          NA      39.55
    33608..  ..............  A               Repair anomaly w/         *31.09         NA       2.87         NA      11.95        7.45          NA      50.49
    33610..  ..............  A               Repair by enlargement     *30.61         NA       3.39         NA      12.47        7.45          NA      50.53
    [[Page 33226]]
    33611..  ..............  A               Repair double             *32.30         NA       2.84         NA      12.17        7.45          NA      51.92
    33612..  ..............  A               Repair double             *33.26         NA       2.87         NA      12.42        7.45          NA      53.13
    33615..  ..............  A               Repair (simple            *32.06         NA       3.39         NA      12.79        7.45          NA      52.30
    33617..  ..............  A               Repair by modified        *34.03         NA       3.42         NA      13.26        7.45          NA      54.74
    33619..  ..............  A               Repair single             *37.57         NA       4.01         NA      14.89        8.04          NA      60.50
    33641..  ..............  A               Repair heart septum       *21.39         NA       2.04         NA       8.24        4.87          NA      34.50
    33645..  ..............  A               Revision of heart         *24.82         NA       2.33         NA       9.35        4.87          NA      39.04
    33647..  ..............  A               Repair heart septum       *28.73         NA       2.84         NA      11.13        6.28          NA      46.14
    33660..  ..............  A               Repair of heart           *25.54         NA       2.84         NA      10.25        5.42          NA      41.21
    33665..  ..............  A               Repair of heart           *28.60         NA       2.84         NA      10.92        5.42          NA      44.94
    33670..  ..............  A               Repair of heart           *32.73         NA       2.87         NA      12.30        7.45          NA      52.48
    33681..  ..............  A               Repair heart septum       *27.67         NA       2.84         NA      10.90        6.28          NA      44.85
    33684..  ..............  A               Repair heart septum       *29.65         NA       2.84         NA      11.34        6.28          NA      47.27
    33688..  ..............  A               Repair heart septum       *30.62         NA       2.84         NA      11.55        6.28          NA      48.45
    33690..  ..............  A               Reinforce pulmonary       *19.55         NA       2.84         NA       8.69        4.29          NA      32.53
    33692..  ..............  A               Repair of heart           *30.75         NA       2.84         NA      11.83        7.45          NA      50.03
    33694..  ..............  A               Repair of heart           *31.73         NA       2.87         NA      12.09        7.45          NA      51.27
    33697..  ..............  A               Repair of heart           *33.71         NA       2.84         NA      12.48        7.45          NA      53.64
    33702..  ..............  A               Repair of heart           *26.54         NA       2.84         NA      10.45        5.33          NA      42.32
    33710..  ..............  A               Repair of heart            28.35         NA       2.79         NA       2.79        6.28          NA      37.42
    33720..  ..............  A               Repair of heart           *26.56         NA       2.84         NA      10.45        5.33          NA      42.34
    33722..  ..............  A               Repair of heart            27.34         NA       2.79         NA       2.79        5.33          NA      35.46
    33730..  ..............  A               Repair heart-vein         *31.67         NA       2.87         NA      12.07        7.45          NA      51.19
    33732..  ..............  A               Repair heart-vein         *28.16         NA       2.84         NA      10.82        5.42          NA      44.40
    33735..  ..............  A               Revision of heart         *21.39         NA       2.87         NA       9.26        4.87          NA      35.52
    33736..  ..............  A               Revision of heart         *23.52         NA       2.87         NA       9.72        4.87          NA      38.11
    33737..  ..............  A               Revision of heart         *21.76         NA       2.87         NA       9.34        4.87          NA      35.97
    33750..  ..............  A               Major vessel shunt...     *21.41         NA       2.87         NA       9.13        4.29          NA      34.83
    33755..  ..............  A               Major vessel shunt...     *21.79         NA       2.87         NA       9.22        4.29          NA      35.30
    33762..  ..............  A               Major vessel shunt...     *21.79         NA       2.87         NA       9.22        4.29          NA      35.30
    33764..  ..............  A               Major vessel shunt &      *21.79         NA       2.87         NA       9.22        4.29          NA      35.30
    33766..  ..............  A               Major vessel shunt...     *22.76         NA       2.84         NA       9.39        4.29          NA      36.44
    33767..  ..............  A               Atrial septectomy/        *24.50         NA       2.84         NA       9.90        4.87          NA      39.27
    33770..  ..............  A               Repair great vessels      *33.29         NA       2.87         NA      12.43        7.45          NA      53.17
    33771..  ..............  A               Repair great vessels      *34.65         NA       2.87         NA      12.73        7.45          NA      54.83
    33774..  ..............  A               Repair great vessels      *30.98         NA       2.87         NA      11.48        5.42          NA      47.88
    33775..  ..............  A               Repair great vessels      *32.20         NA       2.87         NA      11.74        5.42          NA      49.36
    33776..  ..............  A               Repair great vessels      *34.04         NA       2.87         NA      12.34        6.28          NA      52.66
    33777..  ..............  A               Repair great vessels      *33.46         NA       2.87         NA      12.02        5.42          NA      50.90
    33778..  ..............  A               Repair great vessels      *35.82         NA       2.91         NA      13.01        7.37          NA      56.20
    33779..  ..............  A               Repair great vessels      *36.21         NA       2.91         NA      13.10        7.37          NA      56.68
    33780..  ..............  A               Repair great vessels      *36.94         NA       2.91         NA      13.26        7.37          NA      57.57
    33781..  ..............  A               Repair great vessels      *36.45         NA       2.91         NA      13.15        7.37          NA      56.97
    33786..  ..............  A               Repair arterial trunk     *34.84         NA       2.87         NA      12.77        7.45          NA      55.06
    33788..  ..............  A               Revision of pulmonary     *26.62         NA       2.87         NA      10.47        5.20          NA      42.29
    33800..  ..............  A               Aortic suspension....      15.18         NA       2.84         NA       7.34        2.51          NA      25.03
    33802..  ..............  A               Repair vessel defect.     *17.66         NA       2.84         NA       8.27        4.29          NA      30.22
    33803..  ..............  A               Repair vessel defect.     *19.60         NA       2.84         NA       8.70        4.29          NA      32.59
    33813..  ..............  A               Repair septal defect.     *20.65         NA       2.84         NA       8.93        4.29          NA      33.87
    33814..  ..............  A               Repair septal defect.     *25.77         NA       2.84         NA      10.28        5.33          NA      41.38
    33820..  ..............  A               Revise major vessel..     *16.29         NA       2.33         NA       7.35        4.29          NA      27.93
    33822..  ..............  A               Revise major vessel..     *17.32         NA       2.84         NA       8.20        4.29          NA      29.81
    33824..  ..............  A               Revise major vessel..     *19.52         NA       2.45         NA       8.20        4.29          NA      32.01
    33840..  ..............  A               Remove aorta               19.52         NA       2.79         NA       2.79        5.59          NA      27.90
    33845..  ..............  A               Remove aorta              *22.12         NA       2.84         NA       9.54        5.59          NA      37.25
    33851..  ..............  A               Remove aorta              *21.27         NA       2.84         NA       9.35        5.59          NA      36.21
    33852..  ..............  A               Repair septal defect.     *23.71         NA       2.84         NA       9.88        5.59          NA      39.18
    33853..  ..............  A               Repair septal defect.     *31.72         NA       2.84         NA      12.05        7.45          NA      51.22
    33860..  ..............  A               Ascending aorta graft     *33.96         NA       2.49         NA      11.82        6.18          NA      51.96
    33861..  ..............  A               Ascending aorta graft     *34.52         NA       2.49         NA      11.95        6.18          NA      52.65
    33863..  ..............  A               Ascending aorta graft     *36.47         NA       2.49         NA      12.37        6.18          NA      55.02
    33870..  ..............  A               Transverse aortic         *40.31         NA       2.49         NA      13.62        8.04          NA      61.97
                                              arch graft.                                                                                                   
    33875..  ..............  A               Thoracic aorta graft.     *33.06         NA       2.49         NA      11.50        5.59          NA      50.15
    33877..  ..............  A               Thoracoabdominal          *42.60         NA       3.54         NA      15.48        8.38          NA      66.46
    33910..  ..............  A               Remove lung artery        *24.59         NA       2.49         NA       9.02        2.77          NA      36.38
    33915..  ..............  A               Remove lung artery        *21.02         NA       2.45         NA       8.07        2.22          NA      31.31
    33916..  ..............  A               Surgery of great          *25.83         NA       2.87         NA       9.91        3.43          NA      39.17
    33917..  ..............  A               Repair pulmonary          *24.50         NA       2.84         NA      10.21        6.30          NA      41.01
    33918..  ..............  A               Repair pulmonary          *26.45         NA       2.84         NA      10.40        5.20          NA      42.05
    33919..  ..............  A               Repair pulmonary          *32.67         NA       2.87         NA      12.29        7.45          NA      52.41
    33920..  ..............  A               Repair pulmonary          *31.95         NA       2.87         NA      12.13        7.45          NA      51.53
    33922..  ..............  A               Transect pulmonary        *23.52         NA       2.87         NA       9.27        2.83          NA      35.62
    33924..  ..............  A               Remove pulmonary            5.50         NA       0.00         NA       1.38        0.78          NA       7.66
    33935..  ..............  R               Transplantation,          *60.96         NA       4.30         NA      21.56       13.54          NA      96.06
    [[Page 33227]]
    33945..  ..............  R               Transplantation of        *42.10         NA       4.30         NA      16.88       11.05          NA      70.03
    33960..  ..............  A               External circulation       19.36         NA       0.16         NA       4.65        0.94          NA      24.95
    33961..  ..............  A               External circulation       10.93         NA       0.16         NA       2.80        0.94          NA      14.67
    33970..  ..............  A               Aortic circulation          6.75         NA       0.16         NA       1.90        1.00          NA       9.65
    33971..  ..............  A               Aortic circulation         *9.69         NA       2.04         NA       4.81        0.91          NA      15.41
    33973..  ..............  A               Insert balloon device       9.76         NA       0.16         NA       2.56        1.00          NA      13.32
    33974..  ..............  A               Remove intra-aortic       *14.41         NA       2.45         NA       6.34        0.91          NA      21.66
    33975..  ..............  A               Implant ventricular       *21.60         NA       3.50         NA       9.61        2.77          NA      33.98
    33976..  ..............  A               Implant ventricular       *29.10         NA       3.52         NA      11.49        3.78          NA      44.37
    33977..  ..............  A               Remove ventricular        *19.29         NA       2.07         NA       7.28        2.43          NA      29.00
    33978..  ..............  A               Remove ventricular        *21.73         NA       2.14         NA       7.98        2.77          NA      32.48
    34001..  ..............  A               Removal of artery         *12.91         NA       1.49         NA       5.05        1.87          NA      19.83
    34051..  ..............  A               Removal of artery         *15.21         NA       1.49         NA       5.49        1.59          NA      22.29
    34101..  ..............  A               Removal of artery          *9.97         NA       1.49         NA       4.37        1.71          NA      16.05
    34111..  ..............  A               Removal of arm artery      *8.07         NA       1.49         NA       3.93        1.59          NA      13.59
    34151..  ..............  A               Removal of artery          15.23         NA       1.49         NA       5.67        2.39          NA      23.29
    34201..  ..............  A               Removal of artery          *9.13         NA       1.49         NA       4.20        1.78          NA      15.11
    34203..  ..............  A               Removal of leg artery     *12.21         NA       1.55         NA       4.94        1.72          NA      18.87
    34401..  ..............  A               Removal of vein clot.     *12.86         NA       1.31         NA       4.72        1.39          NA      18.97
    34421..  ..............  A               Removal of vein clot.      *9.93         NA       1.20         NA       3.97        1.51          NA      15.41
    34451..  ..............  A               Removal of vein clot.     *14.44         NA       1.31         NA       5.23        2.14          NA      21.81
    34471..  ..............  A               Removal of vein clot.     *10.18         NA       1.31         NA       3.95        0.55          NA      14.68
    34490..  ..............  A               Removal of vein clot.      *7.60         NA       1.59         NA       3.94        1.54          NA      13.08
    34501..  ..............  A               Repair valve, femoral     *10.93         NA       1.46         NA       4.36        0.86          NA      16.15
    34502..  ..............  A               Reconstruct, vena         *26.95         NA       1.28         NA       8.27        3.64          NA      38.86
    34510..  ..............  A               Transposition of vein     *13.25         NA       1.46         NA       4.91        1.04          NA      19.20
    34520..  ..............  A               Cross-over vein graft     *13.74         NA       1.29         NA       4.83        1.09          NA      19.66
    34530..  ..............  A               Leg vein fusion......     *17.61         NA       1.29         NA       5.75        1.44          NA      24.80
    35001..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *19.64         NA       1.29         NA       6.58        3.18          NA      29.40
    35002..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *21.00         NA       1.41         NA       6.84        2.41          NA      30.25
                                              rupture, neck.                                                                                                
    35005..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *18.12         NA       1.29         NA       6.03        2.19          NA      26.34
    35011..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *11.65         NA       1.31         NA       4.76        2.76          NA      19.17
    35013..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *17.40         NA       1.31         NA       6.08        3.03          NA      26.51
                                              rupture, arm.                                                                                                 
    35021..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *19.65         NA       1.41         NA       6.69        3.06          NA      29.40
    35022..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *23.18         NA       1.29         NA       7.27        2.80          NA      33.25
                                              rupture, chest.                                                                                               
    35045..  ..............  A               Repair defect of arm      *11.26         NA       1.90         NA       5.32        2.50          NA      19.08
    35081..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *28.01         NA       1.51         NA       8.89        4.18          NA      41.08
    35082..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *36.35         NA       1.51         NA      10.81        4.59          NA      51.75
                                              rupture, aorta.                                                                                               
    35091..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *35.40         NA       1.51         NA      10.52        4.25          NA      50.17
    35092..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *38.39         NA       1.42         NA      11.28        5.21          NA      54.88
                                              rupture, aorta.                                                                                               
    35102..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *30.76         NA       1.51         NA       9.52        4.32          NA      44.60
    35103..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *33.57         NA       1.31         NA      10.10        5.21          NA      48.88
                                              rupture, groin.                                                                                               
    35111..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *16.43         NA       1.31         NA       6.01        3.70          NA      26.14
    35112..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *18.69         NA       1.31         NA       6.18        2.22          NA      27.09
    35121..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *25.99         NA       1.51         NA       8.33        3.66          NA      37.98
    35122..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *33.45         NA       1.31         NA       9.80        3.96          NA      47.21
                                              rupture, belly.                                                                                               
    35131..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *18.55         NA       1.51         NA       6.59        3.15          NA      28.29
    35132..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *21.95         NA       1.31         NA       7.19        3.58          NA      32.72
                                              rupture, groin.                                                                                               
    35141..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *14.46         NA       1.42         NA       5.53        2.88          NA      22.87
    35142..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *15.86         NA       1.42         NA       5.91        3.24          NA      25.01
                                              rupture, thigh.                                                                                               
    35151..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *17.00         NA       1.31         NA       5.97        2.94          NA      25.91
    35152..  ..............  A               Repair artery             *16.70         NA       1.31         NA       5.69        1.95          NA      24.34
                                              rupture, knee.                                                                                                
    35161..  ..............  A               Repair defect of          *18.76         NA       1.31         NA       6.40        3.15          NA      28.31
    35162..  ..............  A               Repair artery rupture     *19.78         NA       1.31         NA       6.72        3.58          NA      30.08
    35180..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *13.62         NA       1.29         NA       4.89        1.48          NA      19.99
    35182..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *17.74         NA       1.31         NA       5.84        1.61          NA      25.19
    35184..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *12.25         NA       1.31         NA       4.72        1.96          NA      18.93
    35188..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *14.28         NA       1.31         NA       5.08        1.59          NA      20.95
    35189..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *18.43         NA       1.31         NA       6.12        2.21          NA      26.76
    35190..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *12.75         NA       1.31         NA       4.86        2.14          NA      19.75
    35201..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel        *9.99         NA       1.29         NA       4.19        1.94          NA      16.12
    35206..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel        *9.25         NA       1.90         NA       4.78        2.03          NA      16.06
    35207..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *10.15         NA       1.90         NA       4.96        1.93          NA      17.04
    35211..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *22.12         NA       2.45         NA       8.39        2.59          NA      33.10
    35216..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *18.75         NA       2.49         NA       7.59        2.08          NA      28.42
    35221..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *16.42         NA       1.31         NA       5.68        2.20          NA      24.30
    35226..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel        *9.06         NA       1.42         NA       4.14        1.95          NA      15.15
    35231..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *12.00         NA       1.29         NA       4.84        2.91          NA      19.75
    35236..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *10.54         NA       1.90         NA       5.18        2.56          NA      18.28
    35241..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *23.12         NA       2.49         NA       8.66        2.60          NA      34.38
    35246..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *19.84         NA       2.49         NA       7.85        2.15          NA      29.84
    35251..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *17.49         NA       1.31         NA       5.85        1.88          NA      25.22
    35256..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *11.38         NA       1.42         NA       4.74        2.39          NA      18.51
    35261..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *11.63         NA       1.29         NA       4.71        2.66          NA      19.00
    [[Page 33228]]
    35266..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *10.30         NA       1.90         NA       5.09        2.41          NA      17.80
    35271..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *22.12         NA       2.49         NA       8.44        2.56          NA      33.12
    35276..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *18.75         NA       2.49         NA       7.63        2.26          NA      28.64
    35281..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *16.48         NA       1.31         NA       5.95        3.37          NA      25.80
    35286..  ..............  A               Repair blood vessel       *11.87         NA       1.42         NA       4.84        2.33          NA      19.04
    35301..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *18.70         NA       1.29         NA       6.29        2.81          NA      27.80
    35311..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *23.85         NA       1.41         NA       7.95        4.61          NA      36.41
    35321..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *11.97         NA       1.31         NA       4.81        2.69          NA      19.47
    35331..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *23.52         NA       1.51         NA       7.57        2.66          NA      33.75
    35341..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *25.11         NA       1.51         NA       8.11        3.53          NA      36.75
    35351..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *20.11         NA       1.31         NA       6.66        2.97          NA      29.74
    35355..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *16.09         NA       1.51         NA       6.02        2.99          NA      25.10
    35361..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *23.59         NA       1.51         NA       7.86        3.88          NA      35.33
    35363..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *24.66         NA       1.51         NA       8.20        4.40          NA      37.26
    35371..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *11.64         NA       1.31         NA       4.70        2.50          NA      18.84
    35372..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *13.56         NA       1.42         NA       5.20        2.28          NA      21.04
    35381..  ..............  A               Rechanneling of           *15.81         NA       1.55         NA       5.94        2.71          NA      24.46
    35390..  ..............  A               Reoperation, carotid.       3.19         NA       0.00         NA       0.78        0.39          NA       4.36
    35450..  ..............  A               Repair arterial            10.07         NA       0.16         NA       2.71        1.38          NA      14.16
    35452..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             6.91         NA       0.16         NA       1.85        0.61          NA       9.37
    35454..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             6.04         NA       0.16         NA       1.86        1.53          NA       9.43
    35456..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             7.35         NA       0.16         NA       2.18        1.69          NA      11.22
    35458..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             9.49         NA       0.16         NA       2.68        1.83          NA      14.00
    35459..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             8.63         NA       0.16         NA       2.46        1.69          NA      12.78
    35460..  ..............  A               Repair venous               6.04         NA       0.16         NA       1.68        0.74          NA       8.46
    35470..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             8.63         NA       0.16         NA       2.46        1.69          NA      12.78
    35471..  ..............  A               Repair arterial            10.07         NA       0.16         NA       2.71        1.38          NA      14.16
    35472..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             6.91         NA       0.16         NA       1.90        0.85          NA       9.66
    35473..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             6.04         NA       0.16         NA       1.86        1.53          NA       9.43
    35474..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             7.36         NA       0.16         NA       2.18        1.69          NA      11.23
    35475..  ..............  R               Repair arterial             9.49         NA       0.16         NA       2.68        1.83          NA      14.00
    35476..  ..............  A               Repair venous               6.04         NA       0.16         NA       1.68        0.74          NA       8.46
    35480..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, open....      11.08         NA       0.16         NA       2.93        1.38          NA      15.39
    35481..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, open....       7.61         NA       0.16         NA       2.00        0.61          NA      10.22
    35482..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, open....       6.65         NA       0.16         NA       1.99        1.53          NA      10.17
    35483..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, open....       8.10         NA       0.16         NA       2.34        1.69          NA      12.13
    35484..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, open....      10.44         NA       0.16         NA       2.89        1.83          NA      15.16
    35485..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, open....       9.49         NA       0.16         NA       2.51        1.06          NA      13.06
    35490..  ..............  A               Atherectomy,               11.08         NA       0.16         NA       2.93        1.38          NA      15.39
    35491..  ..............  A               Atherectomy,                7.61         NA       0.16         NA       2.00        0.61          NA      10.22
    35492..  ..............  A               Atherectomy,                6.65         NA       0.16         NA       1.99        1.53          NA      10.17
    35493..  ..............  A               Atherectomy,                8.10         NA       0.16         NA       2.34        1.69          NA      12.13
    35494..  ..............  A               Atherectomy,               10.44         NA       0.16         NA       2.89        1.83          NA      15.16
    35495..  ..............  A               Atherectomy,                9.49         NA       0.16         NA       2.51        1.06          NA      13.06
    35501..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *19.19         NA       1.29         NA       6.55        3.49          NA      29.23
    35506..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *19.67         NA       1.29         NA       6.68        3.64          NA      29.99
    35507..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *19.67         NA       1.29         NA       6.68        3.61          NA      29.96
    35508..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *18.65         NA       1.29         NA       6.41        3.43          NA      28.49
    35509..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *18.07         NA       1.29         NA       6.39        3.92          NA      28.38
    35511..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *16.83         NA       1.31         NA       5.71        1.92          NA      24.46
    35515..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *18.65         NA       1.29         NA       6.10        2.01          NA      26.76
    35516..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *16.32         NA       1.31         NA       5.95        3.54          NA      25.81
    35518..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *15.42         NA       1.31         NA       5.72        3.38          NA      24.52
    35521..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *16.17         NA       1.51         NA       6.11        3.34          NA      25.62
    35526..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *20.00         NA       1.41         NA       6.63        2.44          NA      29.07
    35531..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *25.61         NA       1.51         NA       8.30        3.90          NA      37.81
    35533..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *20.52         NA       1.51         NA       7.30        4.43          NA      32.25
    35536..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *23.11         NA       1.51         NA       7.81        4.17          NA      35.09
    35541..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *25.80         NA       1.51         NA       8.29        3.65          NA      37.74
    35546..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *25.54         NA       1.51         NA       8.37        4.26          NA      38.17
    35548..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *21.57         NA       1.51         NA       7.36        3.65          NA      32.58
    35549..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *23.35         NA       1.51         NA       7.89        4.26          NA      35.50
    35551..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *26.67         NA       1.51         NA       8.53        3.87          NA      39.07
    35556..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *21.76         NA       1.51         NA       7.42        3.71          NA      32.89
    35558..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *14.04         NA       1.54         NA       5.66        3.23          NA      22.93
    35560..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *23.56         NA       1.51         NA       7.86        3.93          NA      35.35
    35563..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *15.14         NA       1.31         NA       5.29        1.70          NA      22.13
    35565..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *15.14         NA       1.31         NA       5.69        3.51          NA      24.34
    35566..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *26.92         NA       3.04         NA      10.49        4.08          NA      41.49
    35571..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *18.58         NA       2.60         NA       8.09        3.87          NA      30.54
    35582..  ..............  A               Vein bypass graft....     *27.13         NA       1.31         NA       8.62        4.89          NA      40.64
    35583..  ..............  A               Vein bypass graft....     *22.37         NA       1.31         NA       7.41        4.13          NA      33.91
    35585..  ..............  A               Vein bypass graft....     *28.39         NA       2.39         NA      10.15        4.63          NA      43.17
    35587..  ..............  A               Vein bypass graft....     *19.05         NA       1.31         NA       6.68        4.13          NA      29.86
    [[Page 33229]]
    35601..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *17.50         NA       1.29         NA       6.14        3.33          NA      26.97
    35606..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *18.71         NA       1.29         NA       6.45        3.51          NA      28.67
    35612..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *15.76         NA       1.31         NA       5.78        3.30          NA      24.84
    35616..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *15.70         NA       1.29         NA       5.77        3.42          NA      24.89
    35621..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *14.54         NA       1.51         NA       5.86        3.80          NA      24.20
    35623..  ..............  A               Bypass graft, not         *16.62         NA       1.51         NA       5.89        1.88          NA      24.39
    35626..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *23.63         NA       1.29         NA       7.65        4.08          NA      35.36
    35631..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *24.60         NA       1.51         NA       8.01        3.57          NA      36.18
    35636..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *22.46         NA       1.31         NA       7.06        2.45          NA      31.97
    35641..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *24.57         NA       1.51         NA       8.11        4.08          NA      36.76
    35642..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *17.98         NA       1.29         NA       6.00        2.20          NA      26.18
    35645..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *17.47         NA       1.29         NA       5.85        2.05          NA      25.37
    35646..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *25.81         NA       1.51         NA       8.53        4.73          NA      39.07
    35650..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *14.36         NA       1.31         NA       5.53        3.56          NA      23.45
    35651..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *25.04         NA       1.51         NA       8.35        4.69          NA      38.08
    35654..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *18.61         NA       1.31         NA       6.65        4.42          NA      29.68
    35656..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *19.53         NA       1.31         NA       6.67        3.60          NA      29.80
    35661..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *13.18         NA       1.31         NA       5.21        3.30          NA      21.69
    35663..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *14.17         NA       1.51         NA       5.77        3.80          NA      23.74
    35665..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *15.40         NA       1.51         NA       5.99        3.57          NA      24.96
    35666..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *19.19         NA       2.74         NA       8.42        4.00          NA      31.61
    35671..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..     *14.80         NA       1.31         NA       5.74        4.08          NA      24.62
    35681..  ..............  A               Artery bypass graft..       8.05         NA       0.00         NA       2.53        3.52          NA      14.10
    35691..  ..............  A               Arterial                   16.70         NA       1.29         NA       6.07        3.81          NA      26.58
    35693..  ..............  A               Arterial                   14.01         NA       1.31         NA       5.09        1.91          NA      21.01
    35694..  ..............  A               Arterial                  *18.44         NA       1.29         NA       6.09        2.17          NA      26.70
    35695..  ..............  A               Arterial                   17.81         NA       1.29         NA       5.95        2.17          NA      25.93
    35700..  ..............  A               Reoperation, bypass         3.08         NA       0.00         NA       0.76        0.38          NA       4.22
    35701..  ..............  A               Exploration, carotid       *5.55         NA       1.31         NA       3.09        1.25          NA       9.89
    35721..  ..............  A               Exploration, femoral       *5.28         NA       1.42         NA       3.13        1.11          NA       9.52
    35741..  ..............  A               Exploration popliteal      *5.37         NA       1.59         NA       3.37        1.15          NA       9.89
    35761..  ..............  A               Exploration of artery/     *5.37         NA       1.59         NA       3.36        1.14          NA       9.87
    35800..  ..............  A               Explore neck vessels.      *7.02         NA       1.31         NA       3.35        0.97          NA      11.34
    35820..  ..............  A               Explore chest vessels     *12.88         NA       0.63         NA       3.90        1.43          NA      18.21
    35840..  ..............  A               Explore abdominal          *9.77         NA       1.31         NA       4.06        1.44          NA      15.27
    35860..  ..............  A               Explore limb vessels.      *5.55         NA       1.31         NA       3.07        1.15          NA       9.77
    35870..  ..............  A               Repair vessel graft       *22.17         NA       1.31         NA       7.00        2.47          NA      31.64
    35875..  ..............  A               Removal of clot in        *10.01         NA       1.90         NA       4.86        1.65          NA      16.52
    35876..  ..............  A               Removal of clot in        *13.67         NA       1.90         NA       5.67        1.65          NA      20.99
    35901..  ..............  A               Excision, graft, neck      *8.19         NA       1.90         NA       4.42        1.46          NA      14.07
    35903..  ..............  A               Excision, graft,           *9.39         NA       1.90         NA       4.69        1.46          NA      15.54
    35905..  ..............  A               Excision, graft,          *18.19         NA       2.73         NA       7.63        1.46          NA      27.28
    35907..  ..............  A               Excision, graft,          *19.24         NA       1.31         NA       6.14        1.46          NA      26.84
    36000..  ..............  A               Place needle in vein.       0.18       0.29       0.05       0.40       0.11        0.04        0.62       0.33
    36005..  ..............  A               Injection, venography       0.95       5.21       0.09       6.56       0.33        0.04        7.55       1.32
    36010..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           2.43         NA       0.16         NA       0.80        0.31          NA       3.54
    36011..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           3.14         NA       0.16         NA       0.93        0.22          NA       4.29
    36012..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           3.52         NA       0.16         NA       1.04        0.32          NA       4.88
    36013..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           2.52         NA       0.16         NA       0.82        0.31          NA       3.65
    36014..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           3.02         NA       0.16         NA       0.92        0.27          NA       4.21
    36015..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           3.52         NA       0.16         NA       1.04        0.32          NA       4.88
    36100..  ..............  A               Establish access to         3.02         NA       0.16         NA       0.93        0.32          NA       4.27
    36120..  ..............  A               Establish access to         2.01         NA       0.16         NA       0.70        0.30          NA       3.01
    36140..  ..............  A               Establish access to         2.01         NA       0.16         NA       0.69        0.24          NA       2.94
    36145..  ..............  A               Artery to vein shunt.       2.01         NA       0.16         NA       0.75        0.49          NA       3.25
    36160..  ..............  A               Establish access to         2.52         NA       0.16         NA       0.83        0.35          NA       3.70
    36200..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           3.02         NA       0.16         NA       0.92        0.28          NA       4.22
    36215..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           4.68         NA       0.16         NA       1.27        0.23          NA       6.18
    36216..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           5.28         NA       0.16         NA       1.41        0.27          NA       6.96
    36217..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           6.30         NA       0.16         NA       1.65        0.32          NA       8.27
    36218..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           1.01         NA       0.01         NA       0.24        0.05          NA       1.30
    36245..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           4.68         NA       0.16         NA       1.28        0.26          NA       6.22
    36246..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           5.28         NA       0.16         NA       1.41        0.27          NA       6.96
    36247..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           6.30         NA       0.16         NA       1.65        0.32          NA       8.27
    36248..  ..............  A               Place catheter in           1.01         NA       0.01         NA       0.24        0.05          NA       1.30
    36260..  ..............  A               Insertion of infusion      *9.71         NA       1.90         NA       4.75        1.41          NA      15.87
    36261..  ..............  A               Revision of infusion       *5.45         NA       1.38         NA       2.96        0.42          NA       8.83
    36262..  ..............  A               Removal of infusion        *4.02         NA       1.21         NA       2.45        0.40          NA       6.87
    36400..  ..............  A               Drawing blood........       0.18       0.30       0.05       0.40       0.10        0.01        0.59       0.29
    36405..  ..............  A               Drawing blood........       0.18       0.30       0.05       0.41       0.11        0.03        0.62       0.32
    36406..  ..............  A               Drawing blood........       0.18       0.30       0.05       0.40       0.10        0.01        0.59       0.29
    36410..  ..............  A               Drawing blood........       0.18       0.29       0.05       0.39       0.11        0.02        0.59       0.31
    36420..  ..............  A               Establish access to         1.01         NA       0.05         NA       0.29        0.05          NA       1.35
    36425..  ..............  A               Establish access to         0.76       0.27       0.05       0.50       0.23        0.01        1.27       1.00
    [[Page 33230]]
    36430..  ..............  A               Blood transfusion           0.00       1.87       0.14       2.30       0.19        0.07        2.37       0.26
    36440..  ..............  A               Blood transfusion           1.03         NA       0.14         NA       0.41        0.07          NA       1.51
    36450..  ..............  A               Exchange transfusion        2.23         NA       0.14         NA       0.70        0.18          NA       3.11
    36455..  ..............  A               Exchange transfusion        2.43         NA       0.14         NA       0.75        0.22          NA       3.40
    36460..  ..............  A               Transfusion service,        6.59         NA       0.16         NA       1.88        1.09          NA       9.56
    36470..  ..............  A               Injection therapy of        1.02       1.43       0.36       1.97       0.67        0.04        3.03       1.73
    36471..  ..............  A               Injection therapy of       *1.57       1.11       0.44       1.71       0.89        0.05        3.33       2.51
    36481..  ..............  A               Insertion of                6.99         NA       0.01         NA       1.68        0.61          NA       9.28
                                              catheter, vein.                                                                                               
    36488..  ..............  A               Insertion of                1.35         NA       0.05         NA       0.39        0.14          NA       1.88
                                              catheter, vein.                                                                                               
    36489..  ..............  A               Insertion of                1.22       0.66       0.05       1.11       0.37        0.17        2.50       1.76
                                              catheter, vein.                                                                                               
    36490..  ..............  A               Insertion of                1.67         NA       0.05         NA       0.47        0.20          NA       2.34
                                              catheter, vein.                                                                                               
    36491..  ..............  A               Insertion of                1.43         NA       0.05         NA       0.45        0.32          NA       2.20
                                              catheter, vein.                                                                                               
    36493..  ..............  A               Repositioning of cvc.       1.21         NA       0.05         NA       0.36        0.16          NA       1.73
    36500..  ..............  A               Insertion of                3.52         NA       0.05         NA       0.84        0.01          NA       4.37
                                              catheter, vein.                                                                                               
    36510..  ..............  A               Insertion of                1.09         NA       0.05         NA       0.31        0.02          NA       1.42
                                              catheter, vein.                                                                                               
    36520..  ..............  A               Plasma and/or cell          1.74         NA       0.14         NA       0.58        0.12          NA       2.44
    36522..  ..............  A               Photopheresis........       1.67       2.26       0.14       3.20       0.62        0.37        5.24       2.66
    36530..  ..............  R               Insertion of infusion       4.83         NA       1.30         NA       2.87        1.02          NA       8.72
    36531..  ..............  R               Revision of infusion        4.80         NA       1.30         NA       2.70        0.27          NA       7.77
    36532..  ..............  R               Removal of infusion         3.23         NA       0.66         NA       1.60        0.37          NA       5.20
    36533..  ..............  A               Insertion of access        *5.32       3.18       1.30       5.23       2.94        0.85       11.40       9.11
    36534..  ..............  A               Revision of access          2.73         NA       0.66         NA       1.45        0.21          NA       4.39
    36535..  ..............  A               Removal of access           2.22       1.28       1.06       2.13       1.86        0.38        4.73       4.46
    36600..  ..............  A               Withdrawal of               0.32       0.24       0.05       0.37       0.14        0.02        0.71       0.48
                                              arterial blood.                                                                                               
    36620..  ..............  A               Insertion catheter,         1.15         NA       0.16         NA       0.48        0.14          NA       1.77
    36625..  ..............  A               Insertion catheter,         2.11         NA       0.05         NA       0.56        0.18          NA       2.85
    36640..  ..............  A               Insertion catheter,         2.10         NA       0.16         NA       0.75        0.40          NA       3.25
    36660..  ..............  A               Insertion catheter,         1.40         NA       0.05         NA       0.38        0.04          NA       1.82
    36680..  ..............  A               Insert needle, bone         1.20         NA       0.13         NA       0.45        0.10          NA       1.75
    36800..  ..............  A               Insertion of cannula.       2.43         NA       0.16         NA       0.79        0.28          NA       3.50
    36810..  ..............  A               Insertion of cannula.       3.97         NA       0.16         NA       1.23        0.74          NA       5.94
    36815..  ..............  A               Insertion of cannula.       2.62         NA       0.16         NA       0.93        0.70          NA       4.25
    36821..  ..............  A               Artery-vein fusion...      *8.93         NA       1.59         NA       4.21        1.46          NA      14.60
    36822..  ..............  A               Insertion of               *5.42         NA       2.33         NA       4.20        0.77          NA      10.39
    36825..  ..............  A               Artery-vein graft....      *9.84         NA       1.59         NA       4.58        2.21          NA      16.63
    36830..  ..............  A               Artery-vein graft....     *12.00         NA       1.56         NA       5.05        2.36          NA      19.41
    36832..  ..............  A               Revise artery-vein         *6.45         NA       1.59         NA       3.87        2.38          NA      12.70
    36834..  ..............  A               Repair A-V aneurysm..       9.32         NA       1.31         NA       4.01        1.66          NA      14.99
    36835..  ..............  A               Artery to vein shunt.      *7.15         NA       1.59         NA       3.68        0.79          NA      11.62
    36860..  ..............  A               Cannula declotting...       2.01       3.18       0.16       4.41       0.73        0.43        6.85       3.17
    36861..  ..............  A               Cannula declotting...       2.52         NA       0.16         NA       0.97        1.01          NA       4.50
    37140..  ..............  A               Revision of               *23.60         NA       1.31         NA       7.50        3.34          NA      34.44
    37145..  ..............  A               Revision of               *24.61         NA       1.51         NA       7.61        1.72          NA      33.94
    37160..  ..............  A               Revision of               *21.60         NA       1.31         NA       7.16        3.79          NA      32.55
    37180..  ..............  A               Revision of               *24.61         NA       1.31         NA       7.60        2.76          NA      34.97
    37181..  ..............  A               Splice spleen/kidney      *26.68         NA       1.31         NA       8.22        3.52          NA      38.42
    37200..  ..............  A               Transcatheter biopsy.       4.56         NA       0.16         NA       1.23        0.13          NA       5.92
    37201..  ..............  A               Transcatheter therapy       5.00         NA       0.16         NA       1.43        0.64          NA       7.07
    37202..  ..............  A               Transcatheter therapy       5.68         NA       0.16         NA       1.55        0.50          NA       7.73
    37203..  ..............  A               Transcatheter               5.03         NA       0.16         NA       1.40        0.45          NA       6.88
    37204..  ..............  A               Transcatheter              18.14         NA       0.16         NA       4.52        1.60          NA      24.26
    37205..  ..............  A               Transcatheter stent..       8.28         NA       0.16         NA       2.10        0.42          NA      10.80
    37206..  ..............  A               Transcatheter stent..       4.13         NA       0.00         NA       0.95        0.21          NA       5.29
    37207..  ..............  A               Transcatheter stent..       8.28         NA       0.16         NA       2.10        0.42          NA      10.80
    37208..  ..............  A               Transcatheter stent..       4.13         NA       0.00         NA       0.95        0.21          NA       5.29
    37209..  ..............  A               Exchange arterial           2.27         NA       0.16         NA       0.72        0.11          NA       3.10
    37250..  ..............  A               Intravascular us.....       1.51         NA       0.00         NA       0.36        0.13          NA       2.00
    37251..  ..............  A               Intravascular us.....       1.15         NA       0.00         NA       0.27        0.10          NA       1.52
    37565..  ..............  A               Ligation of neck vein      *4.44         NA       0.89         NA       2.22        0.74          NA       7.40
    37600..  ..............  A               Ligation of neck           *4.57         NA       1.29         NA       2.75        0.80          NA       8.12
    37605..  ..............  A               Ligation of neck           *6.19         NA       1.29         NA       3.16        1.04          NA      10.39
    37606..  ..............  A               Ligation of neck           *6.28         NA       1.29         NA       3.11        0.72          NA      10.11
    37607..  ..............  A               Ligation of fistula..      *6.16         NA       0.87         NA       2.56        0.71          NA       9.43
    37609..  ..............  A               Temporal artery            *2.30       3.24       1.20       4.54       2.05        0.38        7.22       4.73
    37615..  ..............  A               Ligation of neck           *5.73         NA       2.49         NA       4.53        1.11          NA      11.37
    37616..  ..............  A               Ligation of chest         *16.49         NA       2.50         NA       6.84        0.83          NA      24.16
    37617..  ..............  A               Ligation of abdomen       *15.95         NA       2.50         NA       6.87        1.54          NA      24.36
    37618..  ..............  A               Ligation of extremity      *4.84         NA       1.54         NA       3.17        1.06          NA       9.07
    37620..  ..............  A               Revision of major         *10.56         NA       0.65         NA       3.43        1.48          NA      15.47
    37650..  ..............  A               Revision of major          *5.13         NA       1.19         NA       2.69        0.52          NA       8.34
    37660..  ..............  A               Revision of major         *10.61         NA       1.60         NA       4.51        1.07          NA      16.19
    37700..  ..............  A               Revise leg vein......      *3.73         NA       1.32         NA       2.59        0.73          NA       7.05
    37720..  ..............  A               Removal of leg vein..      *5.66         NA       1.27         NA       3.02        1.04          NA       9.72
    37730..  ..............  A               Removal of leg veins.      *7.33         NA       1.46         NA       3.69        1.40          NA      12.42
    [[Page 33231]]
    37735..  ..............  A               Removal of leg veins/     *10.53         NA       1.46         NA       4.45        1.68          NA      16.66
    37760..  ..............  A               Revision of leg veins     *10.47         NA       1.45         NA       4.39        1.52          NA      16.38
    37780..  ..............  A               Revision of leg vein.      *3.84         NA       1.19         NA       2.37        0.35          NA       6.56
    37785..  ..............  A               Revise secondary           *3.88       1.09       1.09       2.22       2.22        0.18        6.28       6.28
    37788..  ..............  A               Revascularization,        *22.01         NA       2.80         NA       8.56        1.48          NA      32.05
    37790..  ..............  A               Penile venous              *8.34         NA       2.22         NA       4.66        0.55          NA      13.55
    38100..  ..............  A               Removal of spleen,        *13.01         NA       1.39         NA       4.94        1.81          NA      19.76
    38101..  ..............  A               Removal of spleen,        *13.74         NA       1.39         NA       5.03        1.51          NA      20.28
    38102..  ..............  A               Removal of spleen,          4.80         NA       0.00         NA       1.18        0.58          NA       6.56
    38115..  ..............  A               Repair of ruptured        *14.19         NA       1.39         NA       5.12        1.49          NA      20.80
    38200..  ..............  A               Injection for spleen        2.64         NA       0.16         NA       0.81        0.15          NA       3.60
    38230..  ..............  R               Bone marrow                *4.54         NA       0.78         NA       2.00        0.21          NA       6.75
    38231..  ..............  R               Stem cell collection.       1.50         NA       0.30         NA       0.71        0.08          NA       2.29
    38240..  ..............  R               Bone marrow/stem            2.24         NA       0.16         NA       0.72        0.14          NA       3.10
    38241..  ..............  R               Bone marrow/stem            2.24         NA       0.16         NA       0.72        0.13          NA       3.09
    38300..  ..............  A               Drainage lymph node        *1.53       2.08       1.18       2.89       1.80        0.10        4.52       3.43
    38305..  ..............  A               Drainage lymph node        *4.61       2.85       1.91       4.57       3.41        0.36        9.54       8.38
    38308..  ..............  A               Incision of lymph          *4.95         NA       1.49         NA       3.00        0.45          NA       8.40
    38380..  ..............  A               Thoracic duct              *7.46         NA       1.86         NA       4.07        0.76          NA      12.29
    38381..  ..............  A               Thoracic duct             *12.88         NA       2.39         NA       6.07        1.50          NA      20.45
    38382..  ..............  A               Thoracic duct             *10.08         NA       3.64         NA       6.89        1.13          NA      18.10
    38500..  ..............  A               Biopsy/removal,lymph       *2.88       1.08       1.03       2.02       1.95        0.31        5.21       5.14
    38505..  ..............  A               Needle biopsy, lymph        1.14       1.57       0.16       2.20       0.49        0.17        3.51       1.80
    38510..  ..............  A               Biopsy/removal,lymph       *4.14         NA       1.64         NA       3.01        0.45          NA       7.60
    38520..  ..............  A               Biopsy/removal,lymph       *5.12         NA       1.64         NA       3.24        0.56          NA       8.92
    38525..  ..............  A               Biopsy/removal,lymph       *4.66         NA       1.64         NA       3.14        0.53          NA       8.33
    38530..  ..............  A               Biopsy/removal,lymph       *6.13         NA       1.64         NA       3.48        0.65          NA      10.26
    38542..  ..............  A               Explore deep node(s),      *5.91         NA       1.64         NA       3.42        0.59          NA       9.92
    38550..  ..............  A               Removal neck/armpit        *6.73         NA       1.64         NA       3.61        0.63          NA      10.97
    38555..  ..............  A               Removal neck/armpit       *14.27         NA       2.02         NA       5.89        1.38          NA      21.54
    38562..  ..............  A               Removal, pelvic lymph     *10.49         NA       1.72         NA       4.66        1.20          NA      16.35
    38564..  ..............  A               Removal, abdomen          *10.83         NA       1.72         NA       4.80        1.51          NA      17.14
                                              lymph nodes.                                                                                                  
    38700..  ..............  A               Removal of lymph           *8.24         NA       5.25         NA       8.49        1.31          NA      18.04
                                              nodes, neck.                                                                                                  
    38720..  ..............  A               Removal of lymph          *13.61         NA       5.25         NA       9.82        2.04          NA      25.47
                                              nodes, neck.                                                                                                  
    38724..  ..............  A               Removal of lymph          *14.54         NA       5.25         NA      10.02        2.00          NA      26.56
                                              nodes, neck.                                                                                                  
    38740..  ..............  A               Remove armpit lymph        *6.77         NA       1.62         NA       3.68        1.00          NA      11.45
    38745..  ..............  A               Remove armpits lymph       *8.84         NA       2.34         NA       5.18        1.76          NA      15.78
    38746..  ..............  A               Remove thoracic lymph       4.39         NA       0.00         NA       1.08        0.53          NA       6.00
    38747..  ..............  A               Remove abdominal            4.89         NA       0.00         NA       1.20        0.59          NA       6.68
                                              lymph nodes.                                                                                                  
    38760..  ..............  A               Remove groin lymph         *8.74         NA       1.64         NA       4.21        1.35          NA      14.30
    38765..  ..............  A               Remove groin lymph        *16.06         NA       2.69         NA       7.33        2.42          NA      25.81
    38770..  ..............  A               Remove pelvis lymph       *13.23         NA       1.72         NA       5.38        1.73          NA      20.34
    38780..  ..............  A               Remove abdomen lymph      *16.59         NA       1.72         NA       6.42        3.13          NA      26.14
    38790..  ..............  A               Injection for               1.29       7.65       0.16       9.65       0.52        0.19       11.13       2.00
                                              lymphatic x-ray.                                                                                              
    38794..  ..............  A               Access thoracic lymph      *4.45         NA       1.63         NA       3.05        0.38          NA       7.88
    39000..  ..............  A               Exploration of chest.      *6.10         NA       2.39         NA       4.49        1.08          NA      11.67
    39010..  ..............  A               Exploration of chest.     *11.79         NA       2.39         NA       5.96        2.08          NA      19.83
    39200..  ..............  A               Removal chest lesion.     *13.62         NA       2.39         NA       6.37        2.14          NA      22.13
    39220..  ..............  A               Removal chest lesion.     *17.42         NA       2.39         NA       7.35        2.83          NA      27.60
    39400..  ..............  A               Visualization of           *5.61         NA       2.30         NA       4.24        0.95          NA      10.80
    39501..  ..............  A               Repair diaphragm          *13.19         NA       1.55         NA       5.24        2.10          NA      20.53
    39502..  ..............  A               Repair paraesophageal     *16.33         NA       1.55         NA       6.00        2.45          NA      24.78
    39503..  ..............  A               Repair of diaphragm       *34.85         NA       1.55         NA      10.17        2.94          NA      47.96
    39520..  ..............  A               Repair of diaphragm       *16.10         NA       3.22         NA       7.99        2.46          NA      26.55
    39530..  ..............  A               Repair of diaphragm       *15.41         NA       2.86         NA       7.46        2.71          NA      25.58
    39531..  ..............  A               Repair of diaphragm       *16.42         NA       2.82         NA       7.43        1.80          NA      25.65
    39540..  ..............  A               Repair of diaphragm       *13.32         NA       2.82         NA       6.91        2.51          NA      22.74
    39541..  ..............  A               Repair of diaphragm       *14.41         NA       2.82         NA       7.12        2.37          NA      23.90
    39545..  ..............  A               Revision of diaphragm     *13.37         NA       2.82         NA       6.66        1.31          NA      21.34
    40490..  ..............  A               Biopsy of lip........       1.22       1.21       0.16       1.76       0.48        0.07        3.05       1.77
    40500..  ..............  A               Partial excision of        *4.28       2.05       1.75       3.64       3.28        0.94        8.86       8.50
    40510..  ..............  A               Partial excision of        *4.70       2.61       2.04       4.39       3.70        0.83        9.92       9.23
    40520..  ..............  A               Partial excision of        *4.67       2.61       2.04       4.35       3.66        0.68        9.70       9.01
    40525..  ..............  A               Reconstruct lip with       *7.55         NA       2.05         NA       4.46        1.43          NA      13.44
    40527..  ..............  A               Reconstruct lip with       *9.13         NA       2.05         NA       4.86        1.65          NA      15.64
    40530..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *5.40       2.04       1.71       3.83       3.43        0.74        9.97       9.57
    40650..  ..............  A               Repair lip...........      *3.64       1.95       1.71       3.31       3.03        0.65        7.60       7.32
    40652..  ..............  A               Repair lip...........      *4.26       2.31       2.05       3.93       3.60        0.79        8.98       8.65
    40654..  ..............  A               Repair lip...........      *5.31       2.35       2.05       4.25       3.88        1.00       10.56      10.19
    40700..  ..............  A               Repair cleft lip/         *12.79         NA       2.05         NA       5.58        1.28          NA      19.65
    40701..  ..............  A               Repair cleft lip/         *15.85         NA       2.05         NA       6.32        1.62          NA      23.79
    40702..  ..............  A               Repair cleft lip/         *13.04         NA       2.05         NA       5.59        1.10          NA      19.73
    40720..  ..............  A               Repair cleft lip/         *13.55         NA       2.05         NA       5.86        1.79          NA      21.20
    40761..  ..............  A               Repair cleft lip/         *14.72         NA       2.05         NA       6.10        1.74          NA      22.56
    [[Page 33232]]
    40800..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth           1.12       1.23       1.09       1.76       1.59        0.07        2.95       2.78
    40801..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth           2.48       1.26       0.90       2.12       1.67        0.16        4.76       4.31
    40804..  ..............  A               Removal foreign body,       1.19       1.27       1.16       1.83       1.69        0.06        3.08       2.94
    40805..  ..............  A               Removal foreign body,       2.64       1.46       1.16       2.42       2.06        0.30        5.36       5.00
    40806..  ..............  A               Incision of lip fold.       0.31       0.64       0.16       0.86       0.27        0.03        1.20       0.61
    40808..  ..............  A               Biopsy of mouth             0.91       1.23       1.16       1.72       1.63        0.08        2.71       2.62
    40810..  ..............  A               Excision of mouth           1.26       1.55       1.16       2.19       1.72        0.11        3.56       3.09
    40812..  ..............  A               Excise/repair mouth         2.26       1.60       1.16       2.48       1.94        0.14        4.88       4.34
    40814..  ..............  A               Excise/repair mouth         3.27       2.24       1.75       3.52       2.92        0.32        7.11       6.51
    40816..  ..............  A               Excision of mouth           3.52       2.41       1.71       3.79       2.93        0.33        7.64       6.78
    40818..  ..............  A               Excise oral mucosa          2.26       2.19       1.75       3.21       2.68        0.20        5.67       5.14
                                              for graft.                                                                                                    
    40819..  ..............  A               Excise lip or cheek         2.26       2.15       1.75       3.15       2.66        0.14        5.55       5.06
    40820..  ..............  A               Treatment of mouth          1.23       1.26       1.16       1.82       1.70        0.06        3.11       2.99
    40830..  ..............  A               Repair mouth                1.71       1.26       1.16       1.93       1.81        0.07        3.71       3.59
    40831..  ..............  A               Repair mouth                2.41       1.31       1.16       2.18       1.99        0.21        4.80       4.61
    40840..  ..............  R               Reconstruction of          *8.73       2.04       1.71       4.56       4.16        0.73       14.02      13.62
    40842..  ..............  R               Reconstruction of          *8.73       1.99       1.71       4.49       4.16        0.73       13.95      13.62
    40843..  ..............  R               Reconstruction of         *12.10       2.13       1.71       5.47       4.96        1.03       18.60      18.09
    40844..  ..............  R               Reconstruction of         *16.01       2.13       1.71       6.40       5.89        1.36       23.77      23.26
    40845..  ..............  R               Reconstruction of         *18.58       2.55       2.05       7.60       6.99        1.93       28.11      27.50
    41000..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth          *1.30       1.23       0.90       1.81       1.40        0.08        3.19       2.78
    41005..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth          *1.26       1.23       0.90       1.79       1.38        0.07        3.12       2.71
    41006..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth          *3.24       1.83       1.49       2.97       2.55        0.11        6.32       5.90
    41007..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth          *3.10       1.86       1.49       3.02       2.56        0.30        6.42       5.96
    41008..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth          *3.37       1.86       1.49       3.04       2.58        0.11        6.52       6.06
    41009..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth          *3.59       1.86       1.49       3.13       2.67        0.34        7.06       6.60
    41010..  ..............  A               Incision of tongue         *1.06       1.83       1.75       2.48       2.38        0.04        3.58       3.48
    41015..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth          *3.96       1.96       1.49       3.27       2.70        0.10        7.33       6.76
    41016..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth          *4.07       1.91       1.49       3.30       2.79        0.38        7.75       7.24
    41017..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth          *4.07       1.91       1.49       3.24       2.74        0.14        7.45       6.95
    41018..  ..............  A               Drainage of mouth          *5.10       1.91       1.49       3.52       3.01        0.38        9.00       8.49
    41100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of tongue.....      *1.63       1.23       1.16       1.88       1.79        0.08        3.59       3.50
    41105..  ..............  A               Biopsy of tongue.....      *1.42       1.23       1.16       1.84       1.75        0.12        3.38       3.29
    41108..  ..............  A               Biopsy of floor of         *1.05       1.14       1.08       1.64       1.57        0.09        2.78       2.71
    41110..  ..............  A               Excision of tongue         *1.51       1.55       1.16       2.25       1.78        0.15        3.91       3.44
    41112..  ..............  A               Excision of tongue         *2.73       1.82       1.44       2.87       2.40        0.23        5.83       5.36
    41113..  ..............  A               Excision of tongue         *3.19       1.90       1.71       3.10       2.87        0.37        6.66       6.43
    41114..  ..............  A               Excision of tongue         *8.47         NA       1.71         NA       4.10        0.73          NA      13.30
    41115..  ..............  A               Excision of tongue         *1.74       1.50       1.16       2.24       1.83        0.17        4.15       3.74
    41116..  ..............  A               Excision of mouth          *2.44       1.82       1.44       2.82       2.34        0.27        5.53       5.05
    41120..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *9.77         NA       2.05         NA       4.83        0.88          NA      15.48
    41130..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *11.15         NA       2.05         NA       5.19        1.14          NA      17.48
    41135..  ..............  A               Tongue and neck           *23.09         NA       2.05         NA       8.13        2.64          NA      33.86
    41140..  ..............  A               Removal of tongue....     *25.50         NA       2.36         NA       9.00        2.45          NA      36.95
    41145..  ..............  A               Tongue removal; neck      *30.06         NA       2.70         NA      10.52        2.95          NA      43.53
    41150..  ..............  A               Tongue, mouth, jaw        *23.04         NA       2.70         NA       8.88        2.46          NA      34.38
    41153..  ..............  A               Tongue, mouth, neck       *23.77         NA       2.70         NA       9.16        3.03          NA      35.96
    41155..  ..............  A               Tongue, jaw, & neck       *27.72         NA       2.70         NA      10.19        3.75          NA      41.66
    41250..  ..............  A               Repair tongue              *1.91       1.26       0.90       1.98       1.54        0.11        4.00       3.56
    41251..  ..............  A               Repair tongue              *2.27       1.31       0.90       2.15       1.64        0.21        4.63       4.12
    41252..  ..............  A               Repair tongue              *2.97       1.31       0.90       2.31       1.80        0.26        5.54       5.03
    41500..  ..............  A               Fixation of tongue...      *3.71         NA       1.44         NA       2.62        0.26          NA       6.59
    41510..  ..............  A               Tongue to lip surgery      *3.42         NA       2.04         NA       3.33        0.45          NA       7.20
    41520..  ..............  A               Reconstruction,            *2.73       1.54       1.44       2.53       2.41        0.28        5.54       5.42
                                              tongue fold.                                                                                                  
    41800..  ..............  A               Drainage of gum             1.12       1.23       0.90       1.76       1.35        0.07        2.95       2.54
    41805..  ..............  A               Removal foreign body,       1.19       1.26       1.16       1.82       1.69        0.08        3.09       2.96
    41806..  ..............  A               Removal foreign body,       2.64       1.31       1.16       2.21       2.03        0.15        5.00       4.82
    41822..  ..............  R               Excision of gum             2.26       1.60       1.09       2.50       1.88        0.25        5.01       4.39
    41823..  ..............  R               Excision of gum             3.15       1.93       1.44       3.11       2.52        0.34        6.60       6.01
    41825..  ..............  A               Excision of gum             1.26       1.55       1.16       2.19       1.72        0.14        3.59       3.12
    41826..  ..............  A               Excision of gum             2.26       1.55       1.16       2.42       1.95        0.18        4.86       4.39
    41827..  ..............  A               Excision of gum             3.27       1.93       1.44       3.15       2.55        0.38        6.80       6.20
    41828..  ..............  R               Excision of gum             3.04       1.66       1.16       2.76       2.15        0.33        6.13       5.52
    41830..  ..............  R               Removal of gum tissue       3.30       1.50       1.16       2.63       2.22        0.36        6.29       5.88
    41872..  ..............  R               Repair gum...........       2.44       1.64       1.44       2.59       2.34        0.27        5.30       5.05
    41874..  ..............  R               Repair tooth socket..       2.94       1.40       1.16       2.42       2.13        0.32        5.68       5.39
    42000..  ..............  A               Drainage mouth roof        *1.23       1.22       0.90       1.77       1.38        0.06        3.06       2.67
    42100..  ..............  A               Biopsy roof of mouth.      *1.31       1.14       1.08       1.70       1.62        0.08        3.09       3.01
    42104..  ..............  A               Excision lesion,           *1.64       1.26       1.16       1.94       1.81        0.17        3.75       3.62
                                              mouth roof.                                                                                                   
    42106..  ..............  A               Excision lesion,           *2.10       1.55       1.16       2.39       1.92        0.21        4.70       4.23
                                              mouth roof.                                                                                                   
    42107..  ..............  A               Excision lesion,           *4.44       2.03       1.44       3.55       2.83        0.50        8.49       7.77
                                              mouth roof.                                                                                                   
    42120..  ..............  A               Remove palate/lesion.      *6.17         NA       1.71         NA       3.66        1.01          NA      10.84
    42140..  ..............  A               Excision of uvula....      *1.62       1.54       1.44       2.26       2.14        0.15        4.03       3.91
    42145..  ..............  A               Repair, palate,            *8.05         NA       1.71         NA       4.17        1.45          NA      13.67
    [[Page 33233]]
    42160..  ..............  A               Treatment mouth roof       *1.80       1.30       1.16       2.02       1.85        0.16        3.98       3.81
    42180..  ..............  A               Repair palate........      *2.50       1.31       0.90       2.21       1.70        0.26        4.97       4.46
    42182..  ..............  A               Repair palate........      *3.83       1.38       0.90       2.60       2.02        0.38        6.81       6.23
    42200..  ..............  A               Reconstruct cleft         *12.00         NA       2.05         NA       5.31        0.85          NA      18.16
    42205..  ..............  A               Reconstruct cleft          *9.59         NA       1.71         NA       4.36        0.79          NA      14.74
    42210..  ..............  A               Reconstruct cleft         *14.50         NA       2.05         NA       5.88        0.95          NA      21.33
    42215..  ..............  A               Reconstruct cleft          *8.82         NA       2.05         NA       4.62        0.86          NA      14.30
    42220..  ..............  A               Reconstruct cleft          *7.02         NA       1.71         NA       3.80        0.81          NA      11.63
    42225..  ..............  A               Reconstruct cleft          *9.54         NA       2.05         NA       4.82        1.08          NA      15.44
    42226..  ..............  A               Lengthening of palate     *10.01         NA       2.05         NA       4.88        0.86          NA      15.75
    42227..  ..............  A               Lengthening of palate      *9.52         NA       1.71         NA       4.26        0.38          NA      14.16
    42235..  ..............  A               Repair palate........      *7.87         NA       1.71         NA       3.92        0.49          NA      12.28
    42260..  ..............  A               Repair nose to lip         *9.80       2.04       1.71       4.73       4.33        0.44       14.97      14.57
    42280..  ..............  A               Preparation, palate        *1.54       0.84       0.84       1.39       1.39        0.17        3.10       3.10
    42281..  ..............  A               Insertion, palate          *1.93       0.84       0.84       1.47       1.47        0.15        3.55       3.55
    42300..  ..............  A               Drainage of salivary       *1.93       1.12       0.88       1.82       1.52        0.12        3.87       3.57
    42305..  ..............  A               Drainage of salivary       *6.07         NA       1.46         NA       3.17        0.27          NA       9.51
    42310..  ..............  A               Drainage of salivary       *1.56       1.10       0.88       1.71       1.44        0.12        3.39       3.12
    42320..  ..............  A               Drainage of salivary       *2.35       1.15       0.88       1.97       1.63        0.22        4.54       4.20
    42325..  ..............  A               Create salivary cyst       *2.75       1.41       1.33       2.36       2.27        0.20        5.31       5.22
    42326..  ..............  A               Create salivary cyst       *3.78       1.76       1.33       3.05       2.53        0.33        7.16       6.64
    42330..  ..............  A               Removal of salivary        *2.21       1.13       1.13       1.89       1.89        0.12        4.22       4.22
    42335..  ..............  A               Removal of salivary        *3.31       1.42       1.42       2.51       2.51        0.27        6.09       6.09
    42340..  ..............  A               Removal of salivary        *4.60       1.78       1.71       3.28       3.19        0.45        8.33       8.24
    42400..  ..............  A               Biopsy of salivary          0.78       0.43       0.16       0.71       0.39        0.10        1.59       1.27
    42405..  ..............  A               Biopsy of salivary         *3.29       1.16       1.14       2.18       2.15        0.19        5.66       5.63
    42408..  ..............  A               Excision of salivary       *4.54       1.78       1.71       3.25       3.16        0.38        8.17       8.08
    42409..  ..............  A               Drainage of salivary       *2.81       1.40       1.40       2.38       2.38        0.30        5.49       5.49
    42410..  ..............  A               Excise parotid gland/      *9.34         NA       2.00         NA       4.68        0.92          NA      14.94
    42415..  ..............  A               Excise parotid gland/     *16.89         NA       2.00         NA       6.50        1.68          NA      25.07
    42420..  ..............  A               Excise parotid gland/     *19.59         NA       2.00         NA       7.14        1.87          NA      28.60
    42425..  ..............  A               Excise parotid gland/     *13.02         NA       2.00         NA       5.60        1.43          NA      20.05
    42426..  ..............  A               Excise parotid gland/     *21.26         NA       2.00         NA       7.79        3.21          NA      32.26
    42440..  ..............  A               Excision submaxillary      *6.97         NA       1.42         NA       3.47        0.99          NA      11.43
    42450..  ..............  A               Excision sublingual        *4.62       2.11       1.71       3.66       3.18        0.35        8.63       8.15
    42500..  ..............  A               Repair salivary duct.      *4.30       2.10       1.71       3.61       3.14        0.50        8.41       7.94
    42505..  ..............  A               Repair salivary duct.      *6.18       2.16       1.71       4.18       3.63        0.86       11.22      10.67
    42507..  ..............  A               Parotid duct               *6.11         NA       1.71         NA       3.57        0.67          NA      10.35
    42508..  ..............  A               Parotid duct               *9.10         NA       2.00         NA       4.63        0.94          NA      14.67
    42509..  ..............  A               Parotid duct              *11.54         NA       2.00         NA       5.23        1.23          NA      18.00
    42510..  ..............  A               Parotid duct               *8.15         NA       1.70         NA       4.04        0.84          NA      13.03
    42550..  ..............  A               Injection for               1.25       4.01       0.09       5.18       0.39        0.04        6.47       1.68
                                              salivary x-ray.                                                                                               
    42600..  ..............  A               Closure of salivary        *4.82       2.12       1.71       3.74       3.24        0.46        9.02       8.52
    42650..  ..............  A               Dilation of salivary        0.77       0.51       0.16       0.80       0.38        0.04        1.61       1.19
    42660..  ..............  A               Dilation of salivary        1.13       0.53       0.16       0.91       0.46        0.06        2.10       1.65
    42665..  ..............  A               Ligation of salivary       *2.53       1.72       1.42       2.71       2.34        0.25        5.49       5.12
    42700..  ..............  A               Drainage of tonsil         *1.62       1.26       0.90       1.92       1.47        0.10        3.64       3.19
    42720..  ..............  A               Drainage of throat         *5.42       1.38       1.16       2.91       2.65        0.22        8.55       8.29
    42725..  ..............  A               Drainage of throat        *10.72         NA       1.71         NA       4.55        0.53          NA      15.80
    42800..  ..............  A               Biopsy of throat.....      *1.39       1.17       1.13       1.75       1.70        0.08        3.22       3.17
    42802..  ..............  A               Biopsy of throat.....      *1.54       1.23       1.16       1.87       1.78        0.12        3.53       3.44
    42804..  ..............  A               Biopsy of upper nose/      *1.24       1.22       1.16       1.79       1.72        0.13        3.16       3.09
    42806..  ..............  A               Biopsy of upper nose/      *1.58       1.31       1.16       1.98       1.80        0.16        3.72       3.54
    42808..  ..............  A               Excise pharynx lesion      *2.30       1.64       1.16       2.57       1.98        0.29        5.16       4.57
    42809..  ..............  A               Remove pharynx             *1.81       1.31       0.90       2.02       1.51        0.08        3.91       3.40
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    42810..  ..............  A               Excision of neck cyst      *3.33       2.19       1.75       3.50       2.97        0.47        7.30       6.77
    42815..  ..............  A               Excision of neck cyst      *7.23         NA       1.71         NA       3.92        1.12          NA      12.27
    42820..  ..............  A               Remove tonsils and         *3.91         NA       1.16         NA       2.34        0.32          NA       6.57
    42821..  ..............  A               Remove tonsils and         *4.29         NA       1.16         NA       2.46        0.46          NA       7.21
    42825..  ..............  A               Removal of tonsils...      *3.42         NA       1.16         NA       2.24        0.33          NA       5.99
    42826..  ..............  A               Removal of tonsils...      *3.38         NA       1.16         NA       2.25        0.43          NA       6.06
    42830..  ..............  A               Removal of adenoids..      *2.57         NA       0.90         NA       1.72        0.27          NA       4.56
    42831..  ..............  A               Removal of adenoids..      *2.71         NA       0.90         NA       1.74        0.25          NA       4.70
    42835..  ..............  A               Removal of adenoids..      *2.30         NA       1.16         NA       1.94        0.10          NA       4.34
    42836..  ..............  A               Removal of adenoids..      *3.18         NA       1.16         NA       2.18        0.31          NA       5.67
    42842..  ..............  A               Extensive surgery of       *8.76         NA       1.71         NA       4.17        0.73          NA      13.66
    42844..  ..............  A               Extensive surgery of      *14.31         NA       2.05         NA       5.91        1.27          NA      21.49
    42845..  ..............  A               Extensive surgery of      *24.29         NA       2.36         NA       8.69        2.22          NA      35.20
    42860..  ..............  A               Excision of tonsil         *2.22         NA       1.16         NA       1.95        0.21          NA       4.38
    42870..  ..............  A               Excision of lingual        *5.40         NA       1.75         NA       3.38        0.26          NA       9.04
    42890..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *12.94         NA       2.05         NA       5.56        1.03          NA      19.53
    42892..  ..............  A               Revision of               *15.83         NA       2.05         NA       6.24        1.27          NA      23.34
                                              pharyngeal walls.                                                                                             
    42894..  ..............  A               Revision of               *22.88         NA       2.36         NA       8.29        1.83          NA      33.00
                                              pharyngeal walls.                                                                                             
    42900..  ..............  A               Repair throat wound..      *5.25         NA       0.90         NA       2.35        0.48          NA       8.08
    [[Page 33234]]
    42950..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          *8.10         NA       1.71         NA       4.10        1.10          NA      13.30
    42953..  ..............  A               Repair throat,             *8.96         NA       2.05         NA       4.66        0.93          NA      14.55
    42955..  ..............  A               Surgical opening of        *7.39         NA       1.75         NA       3.85        0.43          NA      11.67
    42960..  ..............  A               Control throat             *2.33         NA       0.86         NA       1.58        0.12          NA       4.03
    42961..  ..............  A               Control throat             *5.59         NA       1.44         NA       3.02        0.19          NA       8.80
    42962..  ..............  A               Control throat             *7.14         NA       1.44         NA       3.46        0.68          NA      11.28
    42970..  ..............  A               Control nose/throat        *5.43         NA       1.13         NA       2.59        0.10          NA       8.12
    42971..  ..............  A               Control nose/throat        *6.21         NA       1.44         NA       3.19        0.34          NA       9.74
    42972..  ..............  A               Control nose/throat        *7.20         NA       1.13         NA       3.12        0.73          NA      11.05
    43020..  ..............  A               Incision of esophagus      *8.09         NA       1.71         NA       4.01        0.71          NA      12.81
    43030..  ..............  A               Throat muscle surgery      *7.69         NA       1.71         NA       4.04        1.21          NA      12.94
    43045..  ..............  A               Incision of esophagus     *20.12         NA       1.55         NA       6.81        2.36          NA      29.29
    43100..  ..............  A               Excision of esophagus      *9.19         NA       1.55         NA       4.11        0.95          NA      14.25
    43101..  ..............  A               Excision of esophagus     *16.24         NA       1.55         NA       5.86        1.88          NA      23.98
    43107..  ..............  A               Removal of esophagus.     *28.79         NA       1.88         NA       9.57        4.42          NA      42.78
    43108..  ..............  A               Removal of esophagus.     *34.19         NA       1.88         NA      10.83        4.77          NA      49.79
    43112..  ..............  A               Removal of esophagus.     *31.22         NA       1.88         NA      10.06        4.22          NA      45.50
    43113..  ..............  A               Removal of esophagus.     *35.27         NA       1.88         NA      11.07        4.77          NA      51.11
    43116..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *31.22         NA       1.88         NA      10.18        4.77          NA      46.17
    43117..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *30.02         NA       2.82         NA      11.06        4.77          NA      45.85
    43118..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *33.20         NA       2.82         NA      11.76        4.77          NA      49.73
    43121..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *29.19         NA       2.82         NA      10.75        4.19          NA      44.13
    43122..  ..............  A               Parital removal of        *29.11         NA       1.88         NA       9.59        4.19          NA      42.89
    43123..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *33.20         NA       1.88         NA      10.62        4.77          NA      48.59
    43124..  ..............  A               Removal of esophagus.     *27.32         NA       1.88         NA       9.25        4.42          NA      40.99
    43130..  ..............  A               Removal of esophagus      *11.75         NA       1.55         NA       4.81        1.60          NA      18.16
    43135..  ..............  A               Removal of esophagus      *16.10         NA       2.82         NA       7.44        2.17          NA      25.71
    43200..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy..       1.59       3.08       0.14       4.16       0.58        0.26        6.01       2.43
    43202..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy,        1.89       3.09       0.14       4.25       0.66        0.31        6.45       2.86
    43204..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy &       3.77         NA       0.14         NA       1.08        0.36          NA       5.21
    43205..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy/        3.79         NA       0.14         NA       1.04        0.18          NA       5.01
    43215..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy..       2.60         NA       0.14         NA       0.84        0.46          NA       3.90
    43216..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy/        2.40         NA       0.14         NA       0.78        0.37          NA       3.55
    43217..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy..       2.90         NA       0.14         NA       0.89        0.37          NA       4.16
    43219..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy..       2.80         NA       0.14         NA       0.86        0.34          NA       4.00
    43220..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy,        2.10         NA       0.14         NA       0.69        0.27          NA       3.06
    43226..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy,        2.34         NA       0.14         NA       0.74        0.26          NA       3.34
    43227..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy,        3.60         NA       0.14         NA       1.04        0.34          NA       4.98
    43228..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy,        3.77         NA       0.14         NA       1.08        0.38          NA       5.23
    43234..  ..............  A               Upper GI endoscopy,         2.01       1.73       0.14       2.62       0.68        0.30        4.93       2.99
    43235..  ..............  A               Upper gi endoscopy,         2.39       3.08       0.14       4.34       0.76        0.29        7.02       3.44
    43239..  ..............  A               Upper GI endoscopy,         2.69       3.09       0.14       4.43       0.84        0.33        7.45       3.86
    43241..  ..............  A               Upper GI endoscopy          2.59         NA       0.14         NA       0.82        0.38          NA       3.79
                                              with tube.                                                                                                    
    43243..  ..............  A               Upper GI endoscopy &        4.57         NA       0.14         NA       1.26        0.39          NA       6.22
    43244..  ..............  A               Upper GI endoscopy/         4.59         NA       0.14         NA       1.27        0.41          NA       6.27
    43245..  ..............  A               Operative upper GI          3.39         NA       0.14         NA       1.00        0.40          NA       4.79
    43246..  ..............  A               Place gastrostomy           4.33         NA       0.14         NA       1.23        0.51          NA       6.07
    43247..  ..............  A               Operative upper GI          3.39         NA       0.14         NA       1.00        0.38          NA       4.77
    43248..  ..............  A               Upper GI endoscopy/         3.15         NA       0.14         NA       0.94        0.35          NA       4.44
    43249..  ..............  A               Esophagus endoscopy,        2.90         NA       0.14         NA       0.87        0.30          NA       4.07
    43250..  ..............  A               Upper GI endoscopy/         3.20         NA       0.14         NA       0.97        0.43          NA       4.60
    43251..  ..............  A               Operative upper GI          3.70         NA       0.14         NA       1.08        0.43          NA       5.21
    43255..  ..............  A               Operative upper GI          4.40         NA       0.14         NA       1.22        0.38          NA       6.00
    43258..  ..............  A               Operative upper GI          4.55         NA       0.14         NA       1.25        0.38          NA       6.18
    43259..  ..............  A               Endoscopic ultrasound       4.89         NA       0.14         NA       1.32        0.35          NA       6.56
    43260..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       5.96         NA       0.14         NA       1.56        0.39          NA       7.91
    43261..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       6.27         NA       0.14         NA       1.63        0.39          NA       8.29
    43262..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       7.39         NA       0.14         NA       1.92        0.58          NA       9.89
    43263..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       6.19         NA       0.14         NA       1.61        0.38          NA       8.18
    43264..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       8.90         NA       0.14         NA       2.26        0.61          NA      11.77
    43265..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       8.90         NA       0.14         NA       2.23        0.49          NA      11.62
    43267..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       7.39         NA       0.14         NA       1.90        0.48          NA       9.77
    43268..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       7.39         NA       0.14         NA       1.92        0.56          NA       9.87
    43269..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       6.04         NA       0.14         NA       1.61        0.51          NA       8.16
    43271..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       7.39         NA       0.14         NA       1.90        0.50          NA       9.79
    43272..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bile duct/       7.39         NA       0.14         NA       1.88        0.42          NA       9.69
    43300..  ..............  A               Repair of esophagus..      *9.14         NA       2.29         NA       5.17        1.70          NA      16.01
    43305..  ..............  A               Repair esophagus and      *17.15         NA       2.39         NA       7.07        1.78          NA      26.00
    43310..  ..............  A               Repair of esophagus..     *25.39         NA       2.82         NA       9.71        3.23          NA      38.33
    43312..  ..............  A               Repair esophagus and      *28.42         NA       3.17         NA      10.59        2.30          NA      41.31
    43320..  ..............  A               Fuse esophagus &          *16.07         NA       1.55         NA       5.86        2.05          NA      23.98
    43324..  ..............  A               Revise esophagus &        *16.58         NA       1.55         NA       6.07        2.53          NA      25.18
    43325..  ..............  A               Revise esophagus &        *16.17         NA       1.55         NA       5.93        2.29          NA      24.39
    43326..  ..............  A               Revise esophagus &        *15.91         NA       1.55         NA       5.76        1.75          NA      23.42
    [[Page 33235]]
    43330..  ..............  A               Repair of esophagus..     *15.94         NA       1.55         NA       5.90        2.39          NA      24.23
    43331..  ..............  A               Repair of esophagus..     *16.23         NA       2.82         NA       7.57        2.64          NA      26.44
    43340..  ..............  A               Fuse esophagus &          *15.81         NA       1.88         NA       6.31        2.52          NA      24.64
    43341..  ..............  A               Fuse esophagus &          *16.81         NA       1.88         NA       6.32        1.56          NA      24.69
    43350..  ..............  A               Surgical opening,         *12.72         NA       1.55         NA       4.93        1.15          NA      18.80
    43351..  ..............  A               Surgical opening,         *14.79         NA       2.82         NA       7.02        1.53          NA      23.34
    43352..  ..............  A               Surgical opening,         *12.30         NA       1.55         NA       4.90        1.47          NA      18.67
    43360..  ..............  A               Gastrointestinal           26.06         NA       2.82         NA      10.07        4.19          NA      40.32
    43361..  ..............  A               Gastrointestinal           29.67         NA       1.88         NA       9.84        4.77          NA      44.28
    43400..  ..............  A               Ligate esophagus          *17.09         NA       1.79         NA       6.29        1.63          NA      25.01
    43401..  ..............  A               Esophagus surgery for     *17.81         NA       1.79         NA       6.51        1.93          NA      26.25
    43405..  ..............  A               Ligate/staple             *16.13         NA       1.55         NA       6.00        2.64          NA      24.77
    43410..  ..............  A               Repair esophagus          *10.86         NA       2.82         NA       6.16        1.54          NA      18.56
    43415..  ..............  A               Repair esophagus          *17.06         NA       1.55         NA       6.18        2.52          NA      25.76
    43420..  ..............  A               Repair esophagus          *11.57         NA       1.55         NA       4.59        0.78          NA      16.94
    43425..  ..............  A               Repair esophagus          *16.95         NA       2.82         NA       7.53        1.71          NA      26.19
    43450..  ..............  A               Dilate esophagus.....       1.38       0.72       0.14       1.20       0.49        0.05        2.63       1.92
    43453..  ..............  A               Dilate esophagus.....       1.51         NA       0.14         NA       0.53        0.11          NA       2.15
    43456..  ..............  A               Dilate esophagus.....       2.57         NA       0.14         NA       0.79        0.24          NA       3.60
    43458..  ..............  A               Dilation of esophagus       3.06         NA       0.14         NA       0.90        0.27          NA       4.23
    43460..  ..............  A               Pressure treatment          3.80         NA       0.16         NA       1.06        0.15          NA       5.01
    43500..  ..............  A               Surgical opening of        *8.44         NA       1.21         NA       3.59        1.20          NA      13.23
    43501..  ..............  A               Surgical repair of        *15.31         NA       1.47         NA       5.54        1.83          NA      22.68
    43502..  ..............  A               Surgical repair of        *17.67         NA       1.47         NA       6.06        1.83          NA      25.56
    43510..  ..............  A               Surgical opening of        *9.99         NA       1.76         NA       4.54        0.94          NA      15.47
    43520..  ..............  A               Incision of pyloric        *7.63         NA       1.47         NA       3.65        0.87          NA      12.15
    43600..  ..............  A               Biopsy of stomach....       1.91         NA       0.14         NA       0.60        0.05          NA       2.56
    43605..  ..............  A               Biopsy of stomach....      *9.15         NA       1.21         NA       3.77        1.29          NA      14.21
    43610..  ..............  A               Excision of stomach       *11.15         NA       1.47         NA       4.61        1.71          NA      17.47
    43611..  ..............  A               Excision of stomach       *13.63         NA       1.51         NA       5.20        1.71          NA      20.54
    43620..  ..............  A               Removal of stomach...     *22.54         NA       1.76         NA       7.79        3.19          NA      33.52
    43621..  ..............  A               Removal of stomach...     *23.06         NA       1.76         NA       7.90        3.19          NA      34.15
    43622..  ..............  A               Removal of stomach...     *24.41         NA       1.76         NA       8.19        3.19          NA      35.79
    43631..  ..............  A               Removal of stomach,       *19.66         NA       1.47         NA       6.68        2.66          NA      29.00
    43632..  ..............  A               Removal stomach,          *19.66         NA       1.47         NA       6.68        2.66          NA      29.00
    43633..  ..............  A               Removal stomach,          *20.10         NA       1.47         NA       6.77        2.66          NA      29.53
    43634..  ..............  A               Removal stomach,          *21.86         NA       1.47         NA       7.58        4.57          NA      34.01
    43635..  ..............  A               Partial removal of          2.06         NA       0.00         NA       0.51        0.26          NA       2.83
    43638..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *21.76         NA       1.47         NA       7.15        2.73          NA      31.64
    43639..  ..............  A               Removal stomach,          *22.25         NA       1.47         NA       7.26        2.73          NA      32.24
    43640..  ..............  A               Vagotomy & pylorus        *14.81         NA       1.47         NA       5.51        2.19          NA      22.51
    43641..  ..............  A               Vagotomy & pylorus        *15.03         NA       1.47         NA       5.56        2.18          NA      22.77
    43750..  ..............  A               Place gastrostomy          *4.49         NA       0.28         NA       1.44        0.56          NA       6.49
    43760..  ..............  A               Change gastrostomy          1.10       0.94       0.14       1.40       0.43        0.09        2.59       1.62
    43761..  ..............  A               Reposition                  2.01         NA       0.09         NA       0.61        0.25          NA       2.87
                                              gastrostomy tube.                                                                                             
    43800..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *10.46         NA       1.47         NA       4.40        1.47          NA      16.33
    43810..  ..............  A               Fusion of stomach and     *11.19         NA       1.47         NA       4.58        1.53          NA      17.30
    43820..  ..............  A               Fusion of stomach and     *11.74         NA       1.47         NA       4.74        1.75          NA      18.23
    43825..  ..............  A               Fusion of stomach and     *14.68         NA       1.47         NA       5.51        2.30          NA      22.49
    43830..  ..............  A               Place gastrostomy          *7.28         NA       1.44         NA       3.61        1.19          NA      12.08
    43831..  ..............  A               Place gastrostomy          *7.33         NA       1.44         NA       3.56        0.93          NA      11.82
    43832..  ..............  A               Place gastrostomy         *11.92         NA       1.69         NA       4.97        1.36          NA      18.25
    43840..  ..............  A               Repair of stomach         *11.89         NA       1.47         NA       4.76        1.66          NA      18.31
    43842..  ..............  A               Gastroplasty for          *14.71         NA       2.92         NA       7.43        2.93          NA      25.07
    43843..  ..............  A               Gastroplasty for          *14.85         NA       2.92         NA       7.46        2.93          NA      25.24
    43846..  ..............  A               Gastric bypass for        *19.15         NA       2.92         NA       8.48        3.30          NA      30.93
    43847..  ..............  A               Gastric bypass for        *21.44         NA       3.40         NA       9.57        3.30          NA      34.31
    43848..  ..............  A               Revision gastroplasty     *23.41         NA       3.40         NA      10.00        3.30          NA      36.71
    43850..  ..............  A               Revise stomach-bowel      *19.69         NA       1.47         NA       6.59        2.25          NA      28.53
    43855..  ..............  A               Revise stomach-bowel      *20.83         NA       1.47         NA       6.85        2.28          NA      29.96
    43860..  ..............  A               Revise stomach-bowel      *19.91         NA       1.47         NA       6.70        2.51          NA      29.12
    43865..  ..............  A               Revise stomach-bowel      *21.12         NA       1.47         NA       7.07        2.98          NA      31.17
    43870..  ..............  A               Repair stomach             *7.40         NA       1.47         NA       3.66        1.14          NA      12.20
    43880..  ..............  A               Repair stomach-bowel      *19.63         NA       1.72         NA       6.78        1.76          NA      28.17
    44005..  ..............  A               Freeing of bowel          *13.84         NA       1.42         NA       5.14        1.75          NA      20.73
    44010..  ..............  A               Incision of small         *10.68         NA       1.66         NA       4.68        1.42          NA      16.78
    44015..  ..............  A               Insert needle               2.62         NA       0.00         NA       0.67        0.45          NA       3.74
                                              catheter, bowel.                                                                                              
    44020..  ..............  A               Exploration of small      *11.93         NA       1.42         NA       4.70        1.65          NA      18.28
    44021..  ..............  A               Decompress small          *12.01         NA       1.66         NA       4.98        1.48          NA      18.47
    44025..  ..............  A               Incision of large         *12.18         NA       1.42         NA       4.75        1.61          NA      18.54
    44050..  ..............  A               Reduce bowel              *11.40         NA       1.42         NA       4.58        1.64          NA      17.62
    44055..  ..............  A               Correct malrotation       *13.14         NA       1.42         NA       4.96        1.60          NA      19.70
                                              of bowel.                                                                                                     
    44100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of bowel......       2.01         NA       0.14         NA       0.64        0.13          NA       2.78
    44110..  ..............  A               Excision of bowel         *10.07         NA       1.42         NA       4.28        1.58          NA      15.93
    [[Page 33236]]
    44111..  ..............  A               Excision of bowel         *12.19         NA       1.66         NA       5.16        2.14          NA      19.49
    44120..  ..............  A               Removal of small          *14.50         NA       1.42         NA       5.35        2.02          NA      21.87
    44121..  ..............  A               Removal of small            4.45         NA       0.00         NA       1.09        0.54          NA       6.08
    44125..  ..............  A               Removal of small          *14.96         NA       1.42         NA       5.50        2.28          NA      22.74
    44130..  ..............  A               Bowel to bowel fusion     *12.36         NA       1.42         NA       4.84        1.86          NA      19.06
    44139..  ..............  A               Mobilization of colon       2.23         NA       0.00         NA       0.55        0.27          NA       3.05
    44140..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *18.35         NA       1.66         NA       6.57        2.40          NA      27.32
    44141..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *19.51         NA       3.41         NA       8.99        2.55          NA      31.05
    44143..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *20.17         NA       3.41         NA       9.15        2.62          NA      31.94
    44144..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *18.89         NA       2.85         NA       8.17        2.53          NA      29.59
    44145..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *23.18         NA       1.97         NA       8.08        2.78          NA      34.04
    44146..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *24.16         NA       3.96         NA      10.81        3.14          NA      38.11
    44147..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *18.17         NA       2.22         NA       7.41        3.30          NA      28.88
    44150..  ..............  A               Removal of colon.....     *21.01         NA       3.96         NA      10.13        3.17          NA      34.31
    44151..  ..............  A               Removal of colon/         *20.04         NA       3.96         NA       9.71        2.22          NA      31.97
    44152..  ..............  A               Removal of colon/         *24.41         NA       4.51         NA      11.59        3.36          NA      39.36
    44153..  ..............  A               Removal of colon/         *26.83         NA       4.51         NA      12.18        3.63          NA      42.64
    44155..  ..............  A               Removal of colon.....     *24.44         NA       3.96         NA      10.95        3.50          NA      38.89
    44156..  ..............  A               Removal of colon/         *23.01         NA       4.51         NA      11.10        2.52          NA      36.63
    44160..  ..............  A               Removal of colon.....     *15.88         NA       1.66         NA       6.09        2.68          NA      24.65
    44300..  ..............  A               Open bowel to skin...      *8.88         NA       1.90         NA       4.54        1.29          NA      14.71
    44310..  ..............  A               Ileostomy/jejunostomy     *11.70         NA       3.41         NA       7.09        1.66          NA      20.45
    44312..  ..............  A               Revision of ileostomy      *5.88         NA       1.79         NA       3.57        0.45          NA       9.90
    44314..  ..............  A               Revision of ileostomy     *11.04         NA       3.41         NA       6.84        1.21          NA      19.09
    44316..  ..............  A               Devise bowel pouch...     *15.47         NA       4.51         NA       9.20        1.43          NA      26.10
    44320..  ..............  A               Colostomy............     *12.94         NA       3.96         NA       8.01        1.57          NA      22.52
    44322..  ..............  A               Colostomy with            *11.98         NA       3.96         NA       7.87        1.88          NA      21.73
    44340..  ..............  A               Revision of colostomy      *5.66         NA       1.79         NA       3.50        0.35          NA       9.51
    44345..  ..............  A               Revision of colostomy     *11.32         NA       2.26         NA       5.46        1.03          NA      17.81
    44346..  ..............  A               Revision of colostomy     *12.46         NA       2.26         NA       5.79        1.38          NA      19.63
    44360..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       2.92         NA       0.14         NA       0.88        0.32          NA       4.12
    44361..  ..............  A               Small bowel                 3.23         NA       0.14         NA       0.96        0.34          NA       4.53
                                              endoscopy, biopsy.                                                                                            
    44363..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       3.94         NA       0.14         NA       1.12        0.36          NA       5.42
    44364..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       4.22         NA       0.14         NA       1.26        0.72          NA       6.20
    44365..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       3.73         NA       0.14         NA       1.15        0.72          NA       5.60
    44366..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       4.97         NA       0.14         NA       1.36        0.45          NA       6.78
    44369..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       5.09         NA       0.14         NA       1.40        0.50          NA       6.99
    44372..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       4.97         NA       0.14         NA       1.41        0.67          NA       7.05
    44373..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       3.94         NA       0.14         NA       1.15        0.50          NA       5.59
    44376..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       5.69         NA       0.14         NA       1.48        0.26          NA       7.43
    44377..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       5.98         NA       0.14         NA       1.55        0.28          NA       7.81
    44378..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       7.71         NA       0.14         NA       1.94        0.35          NA      10.00
    44380..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       1.51         NA       0.14         NA       0.55        0.22          NA       2.28
    44382..  ..............  A               Small bowel endoscopy       1.82         NA       0.14         NA       0.64        0.29          NA       2.75
    44385..  ..............  A               Endoscopy of bowel          1.82       2.05       0.16       2.97       0.67        0.34        5.13       2.83
    44386..  ..............  A               Endoscopy, bowel            2.12       2.08       0.16       3.03       0.70        0.15        5.30       2.97
                                              pouch, biopsy.                                                                                                
    44388..  ..............  A               Colon endoscopy......       2.82       3.55       0.14       5.05       0.90        0.50        8.37       4.22
    44389..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy with            3.13       3.86       0.14       5.49       0.96        0.45        9.07       4.54
    44390..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy for             3.83       3.96       0.16       5.73       1.10        0.28        9.84       5.21
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    44391..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy for             4.32       3.85       0.14       5.76       1.24        0.53       10.61       6.09
    44392..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy &               3.82       4.40       0.14       6.36       1.16        0.70       10.88       5.68
    44393..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy, lesion         4.84       4.04       0.16       6.14       1.41        0.70       11.68       6.95
    44394..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy w/snare..       4.43       4.82       0.14       7.00       1.30        0.70       12.13       6.43
    44500..  ..............  A               Intro,                      0.49         NA       0.14         NA       0.29        0.02          NA       0.80
    44602..  ..............  A               Suture, small             *10.61         NA       1.42         NA       4.41        1.62          NA      16.64
    44603..  ..............  A               Suture, small             *14.00         NA       1.42         NA       5.22        1.96          NA      21.18
    44604..  ..............  A               Suture, large             *14.28         NA       1.42         NA       5.22        1.67          NA      21.17
    44605..  ..............  A               Repair of bowel           *15.37         NA       1.66         NA       5.83        2.02          NA      23.22
    44615..  ..............  A               Intestinal                *14.19         NA       1.42         NA       5.18        1.57          NA      20.94
    44620..  ..............  A               Repair bowel opening.     *10.87         NA       1.42         NA       4.38        1.26          NA      16.51
    44625..  ..............  A               Repair bowel opening.     *13.41         NA       1.42         NA       5.11        2.03          NA      20.55
    44640..  ..............  A               Repair bowel-skin         *14.83         NA       1.66         NA       5.57        1.35          NA      21.75
    44650..  ..............  A               Repair bowel fistula.     *15.25         NA       1.66         NA       5.69        1.46          NA      22.40
    44660..  ..............  A               Repair bowel-bladder      *14.63         NA       1.66         NA       5.49        1.21          NA      21.33
    44661..  ..............  A               Repair bowel-bladder      *16.99         NA       1.66         NA       6.30        2.52          NA      25.81
    44680..  ..............  A               Surgical revision,        *13.72         NA       1.66         NA       5.50        2.14          NA      21.36
    44800..  ..............  A               Excision of bowel         *11.23         NA       1.42         NA       4.42        1.08          NA      16.73
    44820..  ..............  A               Excision of mesentery     *10.31         NA       1.42         NA       4.25        1.21          NA      15.77
    44850..  ..............  A               Repair of mesentery..      *9.57         NA       1.42         NA       4.08        1.18          NA      14.83
    44900..  ..............  A               Drainage of appendix       *8.82         NA       1.66         NA       4.15        0.88          NA      13.85
    44950..  ..............  A               Appendectomy.........      *8.70         NA       1.38         NA       3.80        1.01          NA      13.51
    44955..  ..............  A               Appendectomy.........       1.53         NA       0.00         NA       0.47        0.60          NA       2.60
    44960..  ..............  A               Appendectomy.........     *10.74         NA       1.60         NA       4.57        1.24          NA      16.55
    45000..  ..............  A               Drainage of pelvic         *4.52         NA       1.54         NA       2.92        0.24          NA       7.68
    [[Page 33237]]
    45005..  ..............  A               Drainage of rectal         *1.99       2.27       0.94       3.25       1.62        0.21        5.45       3.82
    45020..  ..............  A               Drainage of rectal         *4.72         NA       1.54         NA       3.02        0.51          NA       8.25
    45100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of rectum.....      *3.68       2.28       0.94       3.67       2.03        0.35        7.70       6.06
    45108..  ..............  A               Removal of anorectal       *4.76       2.57       1.22       4.29       2.65        0.53        9.58       7.94
    45110..  ..............  A               Removal of rectum....     *23.80         NA       2.45         NA       8.95        3.43          NA      36.18
    45111..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *16.48         NA       2.15         NA       6.78        2.49          NA      25.75
    45112..  ..............  A               Removal of rectum....     *25.96         NA       2.15         NA       9.04        3.36          NA      38.36
    45113..  ..............  A               Partial proctectomy..     *25.99         NA       1.85         NA       8.69        3.36          NA      38.04
    45114..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *23.22         NA       2.11         NA       8.37        3.24          NA      34.83
    45116..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *20.89         NA       1.83         NA       7.32        2.34          NA      30.55
    45120..  ..............  A               Removal of rectum....     *24.60         NA       2.15         NA       8.79        3.54          NA      36.93
    45121..  ..............  A               Removal of rectum and     *27.04         NA       2.15         NA       8.98        2.01          NA      38.03
    45123..  ..............  A               Partial proctectomy..     *14.20         NA       1.85         NA       5.92        2.49          NA      22.61
    45130..  ..............  A               Excision of rectal        *13.97         NA       1.83         NA       5.69        1.79          NA      21.45
    45135..  ..............  A               Excision of rectal        *16.39         NA       1.83         NA       6.59        3.50          NA      26.48
    45150..  ..............  A               Excision of rectal         *5.67       2.57       1.22       4.51       2.87        0.63       10.81       9.17
    45160..  ..............  A               Excision of rectal        *13.02         NA       1.54         NA       5.07        1.56          NA      19.65
    45170..  ..............  A               Excision of rectal         *9.77         NA       1.54         NA       4.23        0.96          NA      14.96
    45190..  ..............  A               Destruction, rectal        *8.28         NA       1.54         NA       3.92        1.06          NA      13.26
    45300..  ..............  A               Proctosigmoidoscopy..       0.70       1.22       0.14       1.66       0.34        0.07        2.43       1.11
    45303..  ..............  A               Proctosigmoidoscopy..       0.80       1.25       0.14       1.73       0.38        0.12        2.65       1.30
    45305..  ..............  A               Proctosigmoidoscopy;        1.01       1.31       0.14       1.85       0.43        0.14        3.00       1.58
    45307..  ..............  A               Proctosigmoidoscopy..       1.71       1.70       0.14       2.49       0.59        0.18        4.38       2.48
    45308..  ..............  A               Proctosigmoidoscopy..       1.51       1.52       0.14       2.23       0.55        0.20        3.94       2.26
    45309..  ..............  A               Proctosigmoidoscopy..       2.01       1.67       0.14       2.52       0.66        0.20        4.73       2.87
    45315..  ..............  A               Proctosigmoidoscopy..       2.54       1.84       0.14       2.84       0.77        0.18        5.56       3.49
    45317..  ..............  A               Proctosigmoidoscopy..       2.73       1.55       0.14       2.53       0.81        0.19        5.45       3.73
    45320..  ..............  A               Proctosigmoidoscopy..       2.88       1.43       0.14       2.44       0.88        0.34        5.66       4.10
    45321..  ..............  A               Proctosigmoidoscopy..       2.12         NA       0.14         NA       0.70        0.27          NA       3.09
    45330..  ..............  A               Sigmoidoscopy,              0.96       1.25       0.14       1.76       0.41        0.12        2.84       1.49
    45331..  ..............  A               Sigmoidoscopy and           1.26       1.33       0.14       1.94       0.48        0.15        3.35       1.89
    45332..  ..............  A               Sigmoidoscopy........       1.96       1.92       0.14       2.80       0.64        0.16        4.92       2.76
    45333..  ..............  A               Sigmoidoscopy &             1.96       2.06       0.14       3.00       0.66        0.26        5.22       2.88
    45334..  ..............  A               Sigmoidoscopy for           2.99         NA       0.14         NA       0.88        0.23          NA       4.10
    45337..  ..............  A               Sigmoidoscopy,              2.36         NA       0.14         NA       0.77        0.38          NA       3.51
    45338..  ..............  A               Sigmoidoscopy........       2.57       2.06       0.14       3.13       0.79        0.26        5.96       3.62
    45339..  ..............  A               Sigmoidoscopy........       3.14       1.64       0.14       2.76       0.93        0.31        6.21       4.38
    45355..  ..............  A               Surgical colonoscopy.       3.52         NA       0.14         NA       0.97        0.10          NA       4.59
    45378..  ..............  A               Diagnostic                  3.70       3.55       0.14       4.56       0.41        0.39        8.65       4.50
    45378..  ..............  A               Diagnostic                  0.96       3.55       0.14       4.56       0.41        0.12        5.64       1.49
    45379..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy..........       4.72       4.21       0.14       6.26       1.31        0.45       11.43       6.48
    45380..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy and             4.01       3.66       0.14       5.43       1.14        0.40        9.84       5.55
    45382..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy, control        5.73       4.18       0.14       6.44       1.52        0.41       12.58       7.66
    45383..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy, lesion         5.87       4.08       0.14       6.36       1.57        0.50       12.73       7.94
    45384..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy..........       4.70       4.40       0.14       6.52       1.33        0.58       11.80       6.61
    45385..  ..............  A               Colonoscopy, lesion         5.31       4.82       0.16       7.17       1.49        0.58       13.06       7.38
    45500..  ..............  A               Repair of rectum.....      *7.29         NA       1.54         NA       3.74        1.21          NA      12.24
    45505..  ..............  A               Repair of rectum.....      *6.02         NA       1.21         NA       3.07        1.23          NA      10.32
    45520..  ..............  A               Treatment of rectal         0.55       0.45       0.16       0.69       0.34        0.10        1.34       0.99
    45540..  ..............  A               Correct rectal            *12.92         NA       1.83         NA       5.53        2.10          NA      20.55
    45541..  ..............  A               Correct rectal            *10.64         NA       1.83         NA       5.01        2.04          NA      17.69
    45550..  ..............  A               Repair rectum; remove     *18.26         NA       1.83         NA       6.76        2.38          NA      27.40
    45560..  ..............  A               Repair of rectocele..      *8.40         NA       1.48         NA       3.86        0.98          NA      13.24
    45562..  ..............  A               Exploration/repair of     *12.21         NA       1.54         NA       4.90        1.58          NA      18.69
    45563..  ..............  A               Exploration/repair of     *18.63         NA       2.05         NA       7.12        2.49          NA      28.24
    45800..  ..............  A               Repair rectumbladder      *14.11         NA       1.54         NA       5.28        1.45          NA      20.84
    45805..  ..............  A               Repair fistula;           *16.50         NA       2.05         NA       6.63        2.39          NA      25.52
    45820..  ..............  A               Repair rectourethral      *14.67         NA       1.54         NA       5.36        1.23          NA      21.26
    45825..  ..............  A               Repair fistula;           *16.87         NA       2.05         NA       6.56        1.66          NA      25.09
    45900..  ..............  A               Reduction of rectal         1.68         NA       0.56         NA       1.08        0.11          NA       2.87
    45905..  ..............  A               Dilation of anal            1.51       1.87       0.56       2.64       1.04        0.12        4.27       2.67
    45910..  ..............  A               Dilation of rectal          1.86       1.90       0.56       2.75       1.12        0.13        4.74       3.11
    45915..  ..............  A               Remove rectal              *2.20       2.05       0.56       3.00       1.18        0.09        5.29       3.47
    46030..  ..............  A               Removal of rectal          *1.23       2.26       0.94       3.04       1.43        0.07        4.34       2.73
    46040..  ..............  A               Incision of rectal         *4.96       2.57       1.22       4.29       2.65        0.34        9.59       7.95
    46045..  ..............  A               Incision of rectal         *4.32         NA       1.21         NA       2.51        0.38          NA       7.21
    46050..  ..............  A               Incision of anal           *1.19       2.27       0.94       3.05       1.43        0.11        4.35       2.73
    46060..  ..............  A               Incision of rectal         *5.69         NA       1.54         NA       3.37        1.12          NA      10.18
    46070..  ..............  A               Incision of anal           *2.71         NA       1.20         NA       2.13        0.33          NA       5.17
    46080..  ..............  A               Incision of anal           *2.49       2.30       0.94       3.45       1.78        0.43        6.37       4.70
    46083..  ..............  A               Incise external            *1.40       2.26       0.94       3.08       1.47        0.08        4.56       2.95
    46200..  ..............  A               Removal of anal            *3.42       2.57       1.22       4.02       2.38        0.66        8.10       6.46
    46210..  ..............  A               Removal of anal crypt      *2.67       2.55       1.20       3.72       2.08        0.14        6.53       4.89
    46211..  ..............  A               Removal of anal            *4.25       2.64       1.20       4.23       2.48        0.38        8.86       7.11
    [[Page 33238]]
    46220..  ..............  A               Removal of anal tab..      *1.56       1.09       0.28       1.70       0.70        0.12        3.38       2.38
    46221..  ..............  A               Ligation of                *1.43       2.29       0.94       3.14       1.49        0.14        4.71       3.06
    46230..  ..............  A               Removal of anal tabs.      *2.57       2.31       0.94       3.41       1.73        0.12        6.10       4.42
    46250..  ..............  A               Hemorrhoidectomy.....      *4.53       2.57       1.22       4.24       2.60        0.52        9.29       7.65
    46255..  ..............  A               Hemorrhoidectomy.....      *5.36       2.63       1.22       4.56       2.85        0.85       10.77       9.06
    46257..  ..............  A               Remove hemorrhoids &       *6.28         NA       1.21         NA       3.09        1.08          NA      10.45
    46258..  ..............  A               Remove hemorrhoids &       *6.67         NA       1.21         NA       3.21        1.22          NA      11.10
    46260..  ..............  A               Hemorrhoidectomy.....      *7.42         NA       1.54         NA       3.77        1.25          NA      12.44
    46261..  ..............  A               Remove hemorrhoids &       *8.24         NA       1.54         NA       3.97        1.34          NA      13.55
    46262..  ..............  A               Remove hemorrhoids &       *8.73         NA       1.54         NA       4.09        1.39          NA      14.21
    46270..  ..............  A               Removal of anal            *3.72       2.55       1.22       4.00       2.39        0.37        8.09       6.48
    46275..  ..............  A               Removal of anal            *4.56       2.58       1.22       4.39       2.74        1.13       10.08       8.43
    46280..  ..............  A               Removal of anal            *5.98         NA       1.54         NA       3.46        1.24          NA      10.68
    46285..  ..............  A               Removal of anal            *4.09       2.56       1.22       4.11       2.48        0.43        8.63       7.00
    46288..  ..............  A               Repair anal fistula..      *7.13         NA       1.54         NA       3.62        0.83          NA      11.58
    46320..  ..............  A               Removal of hemorrhoid      *1.61       2.27       0.94       3.15       1.52        0.11        4.87       3.24
    46500..  ..............  A               Injection into             *1.61       2.27       0.96       3.14       1.53        0.06        4.81       3.20
    46600..  ..............  A               Diagnostic anoscopy..       0.50       0.62       0.14       0.87       0.29        0.03        1.40       0.82
    46604..  ..............  A               Anoscopy and dilation       1.31       0.70       0.14       1.16       0.47        0.06        2.53       1.84
    46606..  ..............  A               Anoscopy and biopsy..       0.81       0.70       0.14       1.05       0.36        0.06        1.92       1.23
    46608..  ..............  A               Anoscopy; remove            1.51       1.06       0.14       1.65       0.53        0.12        3.28       2.16
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    46610..  ..............  A               Anoscopy; remove            1.32       0.91       0.14       1.43       0.50        0.15        2.90       1.97
    46611..  ..............  A               Anoscopy.............       1.81       1.02       0.14       1.67       0.60        0.15        3.63       2.56
    46612..  ..............  A               Anoscopy; remove            2.34       1.24       0.14       2.07       0.73        0.20        4.61       3.27
    46614..  ..............  A               Anoscopy; control           2.01       1.01       0.14       1.72       0.67        0.25        3.98       2.93
    46615..  ..............  A               Anoscopy.............       2.68       0.84       0.14       1.66       0.82        0.25        4.59       3.75
    46700..  ..............  A               Repair of anal             *7.25         NA       1.54         NA       3.74        1.24          NA      12.23
    46705..  ..............  A               Repair of anal             *7.17         NA       1.54         NA       3.61        0.77          NA      11.55
    46715..  ..............  A               Repair of anovaginal        6.73         NA       1.51         NA       1.51        0.82          NA       9.06
    46716..  ..............  A               Repair of anovaginal      *12.15         NA       1.54         NA       4.84        1.40          NA      18.39
    46730..  ..............  A               Construction of           *21.57         NA       2.11         NA       7.84        2.50          NA      31.91
                                              absent anus.                                                                                                  
    46735..  ..............  A               Construction of           *25.94         NA       2.11         NA       8.92        3.04          NA      37.90
                                              absent anus.                                                                                                  
    46740..  ..............  A               Construction of           *23.11         NA       1.54         NA       7.53        2.68          NA      33.32
                                              absent anus.                                                                                                  
    46742..  ..............  A               Repair, imperforated      *29.67         NA       2.11         NA       9.49        1.93          NA      41.09
    46744..  ..............  A               Repair, cloacal           *33.21         NA       2.11         NA      10.32        2.17          NA      45.70
    46746..  ..............  A               Repair, cloacal            34.17         NA       2.07         NA       2.07        2.37          NA      38.61
    46748..  ..............  A               Repair, cloacal           *40.52         NA       2.11         NA      12.03        2.64          NA      55.19
    46750..  ..............  A               Repair of anal             *8.14         NA       1.54         NA       3.93        1.22          NA      13.29
    46751..  ..............  A               Repair of anal              7.78         NA       1.51         NA       1.51        0.95          NA      10.24
    46753..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          *6.58         NA       1.21         NA       3.14        1.02          NA      10.74
    46754..  ..............  A               Removal of suture          *1.54       2.27       0.90       3.17       1.50        0.30        5.01       3.34
                                              from anus.                                                                                                    
    46760..  ..............  A               Repair of anal            *11.46         NA       1.54         NA       4.69        1.41          NA      17.56
    46761..  ..............  A               Repair of anal            *10.99         NA       1.54         NA       4.58        1.35          NA      16.92
    46762..  ..............  A               Implant artificial        *10.09         NA       1.54         NA       4.35        1.21          NA      15.65
    46900..  ..............  A               Destruction, anal          *1.91       2.30       0.94       3.24       1.57        0.06        5.21       3.54
    46910..  ..............  A               Destruction, anal          *1.86       2.31       0.94       3.24       1.57        0.08        5.18       3.51
    46916..  ..............  A               Cryosurgery, anal          *1.86       0.82       0.50       1.41       1.03        0.06        3.33       2.95
    46917..  ..............  A               Laser surgery, anal        *1.86       2.31       0.94       3.29       1.62        0.31        5.46       3.79
    46922..  ..............  A               Excision of anal           *1.86       2.33       0.94       3.30       1.60        0.23        5.39       3.69
    46924..  ..............  A               Destruction, anal          *2.76       2.44       0.94       3.67       1.85        0.46        6.89       5.07
    46934..  ..............  A               Destruction of             *4.08       2.91       1.48       4.48       2.73        0.17        8.73       6.98
    46935..  ..............  A               Destruction of             *2.43       2.31       0.96       3.40       1.75        0.22        6.05       4.40
    46936..  ..............  A               Destruction of             *4.30       2.92       1.48       4.56       2.80        0.24        9.10       7.34
    46937..  ..............  A               Cryotherapy of rectal      *2.69       2.33       0.94       3.53       1.83        0.45        6.67       4.97
    46938..  ..............  A               Cryotherapy of rectal      *4.66       2.92       1.48       4.70       2.94        0.52        9.88       8.12
    46940..  ..............  A               Treatment of anal          *2.32       2.29       0.96       3.32       1.70        0.09        5.73       4.11
    46942..  ..............  A               Treatment of anal          *2.04       2.29       0.96       3.26       1.63        0.08        5.38       3.75
    46945..  ..............  A               Ligation of                *2.14       2.55       1.20       3.60       1.96        0.12        5.86       4.22
    46946..  ..............  A               Ligation of                *3.00       2.64       1.20       3.91       2.16        0.17        7.08       5.33
    47000..  ..............  A               Needle biopsy of            1.90       4.52       0.16       5.96       0.64        0.13        7.99       2.67
    47001..  ..............  A               Needle biopsy, liver.       1.90         NA       0.00         NA       0.44        0.13          NA       2.47
    47010..  ..............  A               Drainage of liver         *10.28         NA       2.25         NA       5.24        1.13          NA      16.65
    47015..  ..............  A               Inject/aspirate liver      *9.70         NA       1.87         NA       4.66        1.13          NA      15.49
    47100..  ..............  A               Wedge biopsy of liver      *7.49         NA       1.87         NA       4.07        0.67          NA      12.23
    47120..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *22.79         NA       2.93         NA       9.11        2.48          NA      34.38
    47122..  ..............  A               Extensive removal of      *35.39         NA       2.93         NA      12.12        3.59          NA      51.10
    47125..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *31.58         NA       2.93         NA      11.29        3.61          NA      46.48
    47130..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *34.25         NA       2.93         NA      11.93        3.89          NA      50.07
    47134..  ..............  R               Partial removal,           39.15         NA       0.16         NA       9.82        4.77          NA      53.74
                                              donor liver.                                                                                                  
    47135..  ..............  R               Transplantation of        *81.52         NA       8.83         NA      30.49        8.49          NA     120.50
    47136..  ..............  R               Transplantation of        *68.60         NA       8.83         NA      27.50        7.79          NA     103.89
    47300..  ..............  A               Surgery for liver          *9.68         NA       1.87         NA       4.75        1.59          NA      16.02
    47350..  ..............  A               Repair liver wound...     *12.56         NA       1.87         NA       5.36        1.49          NA      19.41
    47360..  ..............  A               Repair liver wound...     *17.28         NA       2.25         NA       7.01        2.18          NA      26.47
    [[Page 33239]]
    47361..  ..............  A               Repair liver wound...     *30.25         NA       2.21         NA      10.07        3.41          NA      43.73
    47362..  ..............  A               Repair liver wound...     *11.88         NA       1.51         NA       4.71        1.22          NA      17.81
    47400..  ..............  A               Incision of liver         *20.86         NA       2.25         NA       7.61        1.36          NA      29.83
    47420..  ..............  A               Incision of bile duct     *16.72         NA       1.87         NA       6.38        1.99          NA      25.09
    47425..  ..............  A               Incision of bile duct     *16.68         NA       1.87         NA       6.48        2.45          NA      25.61
    47460..  ..............  A               Incise bile duct          *15.17         NA       1.87         NA       6.01        1.82          NA      23.00
    47480..  ..............  A               Incision of                *9.10         NA       2.25         NA       5.09        1.59          NA      15.78
    47490..  ..............  A               Incision of                *7.23         NA       2.25         NA       4.41        0.38          NA      12.02
    47500..  ..............  A               Injection for liver x-      1.96         NA       0.16         NA       0.66        0.14          NA       2.76
    47505..  ..............  A               Injection for liver x-      0.76       4.87       0.09       6.13       0.31        0.14        7.03       1.21
    47510..  ..............  A               Insert catheter, bile      *7.83         NA       0.17         NA       1.98        0.25          NA      10.06
    47511..  ..............  A               Insert bile duct            9.91         NA       0.17         NA       2.44        0.25          NA      12.60
    47525..  ..............  A               Change bile duct           *5.55         NA       0.89         NA       2.33        0.16          NA       8.04
    47530..  ..............  A               Revise, reinsert bile      *5.85         NA       1.39         NA       3.01        0.19          NA       9.05
    47550..  ..............  A               Bile duct endoscopy..       3.02         NA       0.16         NA       0.94        0.35          NA       4.31
    47552..  ..............  A               Biliary endoscopy,          6.04         NA       0.14         NA       1.54        0.21          NA       7.79
                                              thru skin.                                                                                                    
    47553..  ..............  A               Biliary endoscopy,          6.35         NA       0.14         NA       1.70        0.62          NA       8.67
                                              thru skin.                                                                                                    
    47554..  ..............  A               Biliary endoscopy,          9.06         NA       0.14         NA       2.31        0.67          NA      12.04
                                              thru skin.                                                                                                    
    47555..  ..............  A               Biliary endoscopy,          7.56         NA       0.16         NA       1.92        0.30          NA       9.78
                                              thru skin.                                                                                                    
    47556..  ..............  A               Biliary endoscopy,          8.56         NA       0.16         NA       2.14        0.30          NA      11.00
                                              thru skin.                                                                                                    
    47600..  ..............  A               Removal of                *11.42         NA       1.68         NA       4.90        1.58          NA      17.90
    47605..  ..............  A               Removal of                *12.36         NA       1.68         NA       5.14        1.75          NA      19.25
    47610..  ..............  A               Removal of                *15.83         NA       1.74         NA       6.03        2.00          NA      23.86
    47612..  ..............  A               Removal of                *15.80         NA       1.68         NA       6.18        3.05          NA      25.03
    47620..  ..............  A               Removal of                *17.36         NA       1.68         NA       6.37        2.36          NA      26.09
    47630..  ..............  A               Remove bile duct           *9.11         NA       1.45         NA       3.85        0.40          NA      13.36
    47700..  ..............  A               Exploration of bile       *14.93         NA       2.21         NA       6.31        1.58          NA      22.82
    47701..  ..............  A               Bile duct revision...     *27.81         NA       2.60         NA       9.68        1.90          NA      39.39
    47711..  ..............  A               Excision of bile duct     *19.37         NA       2.21         NA       7.48        2.46          NA      29.31
    47712..  ..............  A               Excision of bile duct     *25.44         NA       2.21         NA       8.81        2.46          NA      36.71
    47715..  ..............  A               Excision of bile duct     *15.81         NA       1.87         NA       6.12        1.71          NA      23.64
    47716..  ..............  A               Fusion of bile duct        12.53         NA       1.84         NA       1.84        1.53          NA      15.90
    47720..  ..............  A               Fuse gallbladder &        *13.38         NA       2.21         NA       6.05        1.93          NA      21.36
    47721..  ..............  A               Fuse upper gi             *16.08         NA       2.21         NA       6.76        2.47          NA      25.31
    47740..  ..............  A               Fuse gallbladder &        *15.54         NA       2.21         NA       6.57        2.14          NA      24.25
    47741..  ..............  A               Fuse gallbladder &        *17.95         NA       2.21         NA       7.29        3.02          NA      28.26
    47760..  ..............  A               Fuse bile ducts and       *21.74         NA       2.21         NA       8.01        2.53          NA      32.28
    47765..  ..............  A               Fuse liver ducts &        *20.93         NA       2.60         NA       8.40        2.97          NA      32.30
    47780..  ..............  A               Fuse bile ducts and       *22.29         NA       2.21         NA       8.18        2.73          NA      33.20
    47785..  ..............  A               Fuse bile ducts and       *26.23         NA       2.60         NA       9.51        2.73          NA      38.47
    47800..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *19.60         NA       2.21         NA       7.52        2.43          NA      29.55
                                              bile ducts.                                                                                                   
    47801..  ..............  A               Placement, bile duct      *12.76         NA       2.21         NA       5.67        0.81          NA      19.24
    47802..  ..............  A               Fuse liver duct &         *18.13         NA       2.60         NA       7.52        1.75          NA      27.40
    47900..  ..............  A               Suture bile duct          *16.74         NA       2.21         NA       6.89        2.43          NA      26.06
    48000..  ..............  A               Drainage of abdomen..     *14.91         NA       1.82         NA       5.80        1.40          NA      22.11
    48001..  ..............  A               Placement of drain,        15.54         NA       1.82         NA       6.04        1.89          NA      23.47
    48005..  ..............  A               Resect/debride             17.57         NA       1.82         NA       6.54        2.14          NA      26.25
    48020..  ..............  A               Removal of pancreatic     *14.22         NA       1.58         NA       5.38        1.57          NA      21.17
    48100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of pancreas...     *11.08         NA       1.92         NA       4.94        0.79          NA      16.81
    48102..  ..............  A               Needle biopsy,             *4.68       3.98       0.38       5.94       1.54        0.25       10.87       6.47
    48120..  ..............  A               Removal of pancreas       *14.36         NA       1.58         NA       5.52        2.07          NA      21.95
    48140..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *20.78         NA       1.92         NA       7.51        2.83          NA      31.12
    48145..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *21.76         NA       2.17         NA       8.10        3.16          NA      33.02
    48146..  ..............  A               Pancreatectomy.......      21.73         NA       2.93         NA       8.76        1.92          NA      32.41
    48148..  ..............  A               Removal of pancreatic     *15.71         NA       2.17         NA       6.46        1.68          NA      23.85
    48150..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *43.48         NA       3.41         NA      14.73        4.75          NA      62.96
    48152..  ..............  A               Pancreatectomy.......     *39.63         NA       3.41         NA      13.88        4.75          NA      58.26
    48153..  ..............  A               Pancreatectomy.......     *43.38         NA       3.41         NA      14.70        4.75          NA      62.83
    48154..  ..............  A               Pancreatectomy.......      36.50         NA       3.41         NA      13.20        4.75          NA      54.45
    48155..  ..............  A               Removal of pancreas..     *22.32         NA       3.41         NA       9.98        4.26          NA      36.56
    48180..  ..............  A               Fuse pancreas and         *22.39         NA       1.82         NA       7.70        2.63          NA      32.72
    48400..  ..............  A               Injection,                  1.95         NA       0.00         NA       0.48        0.24          NA       2.67
    48500..  ..............  A               Surgery of pancreas       *13.84         NA       1.75         NA       5.53        1.66          NA      21.03
    48510..  ..............  A               Drain pancreatic          *12.96         NA       1.75         NA       5.29        1.44          NA      19.69
    48520..  ..............  A               Fuse pancreas cyst        *14.12         NA       1.58         NA       5.55        2.43          NA      22.10
                                              and bowel.                                                                                                    
    48540..  ..............  A               Fuse pancreas cyst        *17.86         NA       1.58         NA       6.42        2.65          NA      26.93
                                              and bowel.                                                                                                    
    48545..  ..............  A               Pancreatorrhaphy.....     *16.47         NA       1.82         NA       6.22        1.79          NA      24.48
    48547..  ..............  A               Duodenal exclusion...     *23.40         NA       1.58         NA       7.62        2.58          NA      33.60
    48554..  ..............  N               Transplantallograft       +34.17         NA       4.30         NA      13.64        4.16          NA      51.97
    48556..  ..............  A               Removal, allograft         13.89         NA       2.17         NA       6.06        1.69          NA      21.64
    49000..  ..............  A               Exploration of            *11.68         NA       1.44         NA       4.62        1.40          NA      17.70
    49002..  ..............  A               Reopening of abdomen.     *10.49         NA       1.66         NA       4.59        1.21          NA      16.29
    49010..  ..............  A               Exploration behind        *12.28         NA       1.66         NA       5.00        1.31          NA      18.59
    49020..  ..............  A               Drain abdominal           *16.79         NA       1.88         NA       6.18        0.91          NA      23.88
    [[Page 33240]]
    49021..  ..............  A               Drain abdominal             9.06       1.88       1.88       4.48       4.48        0.91       14.45      14.45
    49040..  ..............  A               Drain abdominal            *9.94         NA       1.88         NA       4.75        1.27          NA      15.96
    49060..  ..............  A               Drain abdominal           *11.66         NA       1.88         NA       5.07        1.01          NA      17.74
    49080..  ..............  A               Puncture, peritoneal        1.35       1.16       0.11       1.73       0.45        0.08        3.16       1.88
    49081..  ..............  A               Removal of abdominal        1.26       1.16       0.11       1.71       0.43        0.07        3.04       1.76
    49085..  ..............  A               Remove abdomen             *8.93         NA       1.60         NA       4.05        0.67          NA      13.65
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    49180..  ..............  A               Biopsy, abdominal           1.73       2.29       0.16       3.22       0.62        0.20        5.15       2.55
    49200..  ..............  A               Removal of abdominal      *10.25         NA       1.66         NA       4.64        1.70          NA      16.59
    49201..  ..............  A               Removal of abdominal      *14.84         NA       1.88         NA       6.10        2.50          NA      23.44
    49215..  ..............  A               Excise sacral spine       *22.36         NA       2.77         NA       8.62        1.59          NA      32.57
    49220..  ..............  A               Multiple surgery,         *14.88         NA       1.66         NA       5.84        2.53          NA      23.25
    49250..  ..............  A               Excision of umbilicus      *8.35         NA       1.58         NA       3.96        0.96          NA      13.27
    49255..  ..............  A               Removal of omentum...     *11.14         NA       1.66         NA       4.72        1.15          NA      17.01
    49400..  ..............  A               Air injection into          1.88         NA       0.16         NA       0.65        0.17          NA       2.70
    49420..  ..............  A               Insert abdominal            2.22         NA       0.16         NA       0.73        0.20          NA       3.15
    49421..  ..............  A               Insert abdominal           *5.54         NA       1.44         NA       3.14        0.81          NA       9.49
    49422..  ..............  A               Remove perm cannula/       *6.25         NA       0.85         NA       2.58        0.81          NA       9.64
    49425..  ..............  A               Insert abdomen-venous     *11.37         NA       1.66         NA       4.91        1.78          NA      18.06
    49426..  ..............  A               Revise abdomen-venous      *9.63         NA       1.66         NA       4.37        1.07          NA      15.07
    49427..  ..............  A               Injection, abdominal        0.89         NA       0.16         NA       0.40        0.03          NA       1.32
    49428..  ..............  A               Ligation of shunt....      *2.38         NA       0.92         NA       1.69        0.24          NA       4.31
    49429..  ..............  A               Removal of shunt.....      *7.40         NA       0.92         NA       2.91        0.77          NA      11.08
    49495..  ..............  A               Repair inguinal            *5.89         NA       1.26         NA       3.04        0.95          NA       9.88
                                              hernia, init.                                                                                                 
    49496..  ..............  A               Repair inguinal            *8.79         NA       2.15         NA       4.78        1.08          NA      14.65
                                              hernia, init.                                                                                                 
    49500..  ..............  A               Repair inguinal            *4.68         NA       1.26         NA       2.77        0.95          NA       8.40
    49501..  ..............  A               Repair inguinal            *7.58         NA       1.26         NA       3.44        1.08          NA      12.10
                                              hernia, init.                                                                                                 
    49505..  ..............  A               Repair inguinal            *6.49       2.21       1.25       4.32       3.16        0.94       11.75      10.59
    49507..  ..............  A               Repair, inguinal            7.40         NA       1.96         NA       4.24        1.08          NA      12.72
    49520..  ..............  A               Rerepair inguinal          *8.22         NA       1.61         NA       4.01        1.11          NA      13.34
    49521..  ..............  A               Repair inguinal           *10.22         NA       1.31         NA       4.08        1.08          NA      15.38
                                              hernia, rec.                                                                                                  
    49525..  ..............  A               Repair inguinal            *7.32         NA       1.52         NA       3.71        1.16          NA      12.19
    49540..  ..............  A               Repair lumbar hernia.      *8.87         NA       1.52         NA       4.04        1.12          NA      14.03
    49550..  ..............  A               Repair femoral hernia      *7.37         NA       1.25         NA       3.35        0.97          NA      11.69
    49553..  ..............  A               Repair femoral             *8.06         NA       1.34         NA       3.62        0.97          NA      12.65
                                              hernia, init.                                                                                                 
    49555..  ..............  A               Repair femoral hernia      *7.71         NA       1.59         NA       3.90        1.26          NA      12.87
    49557..  ..............  A               Repair femoral             *9.52         NA       1.34         NA       4.00        1.26          NA      14.78
                                              hernia, recur.                                                                                                
    49560..  ..............  A               Repair abdominal           *9.88         NA       1.52         NA       4.28        1.19          NA      15.35
    49561..  ..............  A               Repair incisional         *12.17         NA       1.34         NA       4.57        1.19          NA      17.93
    49565..  ..............  A               Rerepair abdominal         *9.88         NA       1.59         NA       4.40        1.35          NA      15.63
    49566..  ..............  A               Repair incisional         *12.30         NA       1.34         NA       4.63        1.35          NA      18.28
    49568..  ..............  A               Hernia repair w/mesh.       4.89         NA       0.00         NA       1.20        0.59          NA       6.68
    49570..  ..............  A               Repair epigastric          *4.86         NA       1.25         NA       2.79        0.91          NA       8.56
    49572..  ..............  A               Repair, epigastric         *5.75         NA       1.34         NA       3.16        1.18          NA      10.09
    49580..  ..............  A               Repair umbilical           *3.51         NA       1.26         NA       2.51        0.94          NA       6.96
    49582..  ..............  A               Repair umbilical           *5.68         NA       1.91         NA       3.77        0.94          NA      10.39
    49585..  ..............  A               Repair umbilical           *5.32         NA       1.52         NA       3.22        0.91          NA       9.45
    49587..  ..............  A               Repair umbilical           *6.46         NA       1.31         NA       3.22        0.91          NA      10.59
    49590..  ..............  A               Repair abdominal           *7.29         NA       1.52         NA       3.71        1.22          NA      12.22
    49600..  ..............  A               Repair umbilical          *10.35         NA       1.51         NA       4.27        0.77          NA      15.39
    49605..  ..............  A               Repair umbilical          *22.66         NA       1.88         NA       7.65        1.77          NA      32.08
    49606..  ..............  A               Repair umbilical          *18.60         NA       1.72         NA       6.38        0.96          NA      25.94
    49610..  ..............  A               Repair umbilical          *10.50         NA       1.72         NA       4.68        1.27          NA      16.45
    49611..  ..............  A               Repair umbilical            8.25         NA       1.69         NA       1.69        0.58          NA      10.52
    49900..  ..............  A               Repair of abdominal       *12.28         NA       1.66         NA       4.88        0.75          NA      17.91
    49905..  ..............  A               Omental flap.........       6.55         NA       0.00         NA       1.61        0.80          NA       8.96
    50010..  ..............  A               Exploration of kidney     *10.98         NA       2.13         NA       5.25        1.13          NA      17.36
    50020..  ..............  A               Drainage of kidney        *14.66         NA       3.80         NA       8.03        0.85          NA      23.54
    50040..  ..............  A               Drainage of kidney...     *14.94         NA       3.28         NA       7.41        0.62          NA      22.97
    50045..  ..............  A               Exploration of kidney     *15.46         NA       2.13         NA       6.18        0.89          NA      22.53
    50060..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney         *19.30         NA       2.13         NA       7.09        1.21          NA      27.60
    50065..  ..............  A               Incision of kidney...     *20.79         NA       2.13         NA       7.45        1.35          NA      29.59
    50070..  ..............  A               Incision of kidney...     *20.32         NA       2.13         NA       7.34        1.35          NA      29.01
    50075..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney         *25.34         NA       2.45         NA       8.89        1.62          NA      35.85
    50080..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney         *14.71         NA       3.28         NA       7.47        1.15          NA      23.33
    50081..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney         *21.80         NA       3.28         NA       9.09        1.44          NA      32.33
    50100..  ..............  A               Revise kidney blood       *16.09         NA       2.13         NA       6.42        1.35          NA      23.86
    50120..  ..............  A               Exploration of kidney     *15.91         NA       2.13         NA       6.35        1.24          NA      23.50
    50125..  ..............  A               Explore and drain         *16.52         NA       2.13         NA       6.45        1.06          NA      24.03
    50130..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney         *17.29         NA       2.13         NA       6.66        1.26          NA      25.21
    50135..  ..............  A               Exploration of kidney     *19.18         NA       2.13         NA       7.15        1.63          NA      27.96
    50200..  ..............  A               Biopsy of kidney.....       2.63         NA       0.16         NA       0.82        0.22          NA       3.67
    50205..  ..............  A               Biopsy of kidney.....     *11.31         NA       1.80         NA       4.83        0.69          NA      16.83
    50220..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney....     *17.15         NA       2.13         NA       6.67        1.43          NA      25.25
    50225..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney....     *20.23         NA       2.13         NA       7.40        1.70          NA      29.33
    [[Page 33241]]
    50230..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney....     *22.07         NA       2.13         NA       7.83        1.84          NA      31.74
    50234..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney &       *22.40         NA       2.13         NA       7.86        1.65          NA      31.91
    50236..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney &       *24.86         NA       3.28         NA       9.83        1.74          NA      36.43
    50240..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *22.00         NA       3.28         NA       9.19        1.70          NA      32.89
    50280..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney         *15.67         NA       2.13         NA       6.28        1.16          NA      23.11
    50290..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney         *14.73         NA       2.13         NA       6.08        1.19          NA      22.00
    50320..  ..............  A               Removal of donor          *22.21         NA       2.13         NA       7.99        2.40          NA      32.60
    50340..  ..............  A               Removal of kidney....     *12.15         NA       3.28         NA       7.15        2.24          NA      21.54
    50360..  ..............  A               Transplantation of        *31.53         NA       4.30         NA      13.08        4.24          NA      48.85
    50365..  ..............  A               Transplantation of        *36.81         NA       4.30         NA      14.16        3.89          NA      54.86
    50370..  ..............  A               Remove transplanted       *13.72         NA       3.28         NA       7.43        1.92          NA      23.07
    50380..  ..............  A               Reimplantation of         *20.76         NA       3.80         NA       9.56        1.71          NA      32.03
    50390..  ..............  A               Drainage of kidney          1.96         NA       0.16         NA       0.66        0.15          NA       2.77
    50392..  ..............  A               Insert kidney drain..       3.38         NA       0.16         NA       0.98        0.20          NA       4.56
    50393..  ..............  A               Insert ureteral tube.       4.16         NA       0.16         NA       1.17        0.26          NA       5.59
    50394..  ..............  A               Injection for kidney        0.76       4.15       0.09       5.23       0.29        0.05        6.04       1.10
    50395..  ..............  A               Create passage to           3.38         NA       0.16         NA       1.00        0.29          NA       4.67
    50396..  ..............  A               Measure kidney              2.09         NA       0.16         NA       0.67        0.05          NA       2.81
    50398..  ..............  A               Change kidney tube...       1.46       1.45       0.16       2.10       0.53        0.05        3.61       2.04
    50400..  ..............  A               Revision of kidney/       *19.50         NA       2.13         NA       7.17        1.36          NA      28.03
    50405..  ..............  A               Revision of kidney/       *23.93         NA       2.78         NA       9.01        1.74          NA      34.68
    50500..  ..............  A               Repair of kidney          *19.57         NA       2.46         NA       7.64        1.64          NA      28.85
    50520..  ..............  A               Close kidney-skin         *17.23         NA       2.84         NA       7.57        1.50          NA      26.30
    50525..  ..............  A               Repair renal-abdomen      *22.27         NA       3.28         NA       9.31        1.99          NA      33.57
    50526..  ..............  A               Repair renal-abdomen       22.15         NA       3.22         NA       3.22        2.32          NA      27.69
    50540..  ..............  A               Revision of horseshoe     *19.93         NA       2.13         NA       7.30        1.54          NA      28.77
    50551..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy.....       5.60       1.24       0.16       2.79       1.47        0.21        8.60       7.28
    50553..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy.....       5.99       4.80       0.16       7.20       1.55        0.17       13.36       7.71
    50555..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy &          6.53       4.99       0.16       7.62       1.73        0.45       14.60       8.71
    50557..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy &          6.62       5.02       0.16       7.68       1.76        0.49       14.79       8.87
    50559..  ..............  A               Renal endoscopy;            6.78         NA       0.16         NA       1.71        0.14          NA       8.63
    50561..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy &          7.59       4.50       0.16       7.26       1.97        0.49       15.34      10.05
    50570..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy.....       9.54         NA       0.16         NA       2.32        0.14          NA      12.00
    50572..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy.....      10.35         NA       0.16         NA       2.63        0.75          NA      13.73
    50574..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy &         11.02         NA       0.16         NA       2.75        0.64          NA      14.41
    50575..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy.....      13.98         NA       0.16         NA       3.47        0.97          NA      18.42
    50576..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy &         10.99         NA       0.16         NA       2.77        0.77          NA      14.53
    50578..  ..............  A               Renal endoscopy;           11.35         NA       0.16         NA       2.95        1.19          NA      15.49
    50580..  ..............  A               Kidney endoscopy &         11.86         NA       0.16         NA       2.87        0.35          NA      15.08
    50590..  ..............  A               Fragmenting of kidney      *9.09       2.06       1.65       4.72       4.22        0.97       14.78      14.28
    50600..  ..............  A               Exploration of ureter     *15.84         NA       2.12         NA       6.27        1.01          NA      23.12
    50605..  ..............  A               Insert ureteral           *15.46         NA       2.12         NA       6.10        0.60          NA      22.16
    50610..  ..............  A               Removal of ureter         *15.92         NA       2.12         NA       6.33        1.17          NA      23.42
    50620..  ..............  A               Removal of ureter         *15.16         NA       2.12         NA       6.16        1.16          NA      22.48
    50630..  ..............  A               Removal of ureter         *14.94         NA       2.12         NA       6.13        1.25          NA      22.32
    50650..  ..............  A               Removal of ureter....     *17.41         NA       2.29         NA       6.87        1.21          NA      25.49
    50660..  ..............  A               Removal of ureter....     *19.55         NA       2.29         NA       7.41        1.53          NA      28.49
    50684..  ..............  A               Injection for ureter        0.76         NA       0.09         NA       0.29        0.05          NA       1.10
    50686..  ..............  A               Measure ureter              1.51       1.59       0.16       2.28       0.54        0.04        3.83       2.09
    50688..  ..............  A               Change of ureter tube      *1.17         NA       0.89         NA       1.35        0.04          NA       2.56
    50690..  ..............  A               Injection for ureter        1.16       4.04       0.09       5.19       0.37        0.03        6.38       1.56
    50700..  ..............  A               Revision of ureter...     *15.21         NA       2.12         NA       6.20        1.29          NA      22.70
    50715..  ..............  A               Release of ureter....     *18.90         NA       2.56         NA       7.58        1.49          NA      27.97
    50722..  ..............  A               Release of ureter....     *16.35         NA       2.12         NA       6.60        1.97          NA      24.92
    50725..  ..............  A               Release/revise ureter     *18.49         NA       2.35         NA       7.30        1.75          NA      27.54
    50727..  ..............  A               Revise ureter........       7.57         NA       2.35         NA       4.64        0.51          NA      12.72
    50728..  ..............  A               Revise ureter........      11.13         NA       2.56         NA       5.72        0.77          NA      17.62
    50740..  ..............  A               Fusion of ureter &        *18.42         NA       2.12         NA       7.03        1.88          NA      27.33
    50750..  ..............  A               Fusion of ureter &        *19.51         NA       2.29         NA       7.34        1.26          NA      28.11
    50760..  ..............  A               Fusion of ureters....     *18.42         NA       2.29         NA       7.15        1.48          NA      27.05
    50770..  ..............  A               Splicing of ureters..     *19.51         NA       2.29         NA       7.40        1.53          NA      28.44
    50780..  ..............  A               Reimplant ureter in       *18.36         NA       2.29         NA       7.14        1.46          NA      26.96
    50782..  ..............  A               Reimplant ureter in        18.23         NA       2.29         NA       7.11        1.46          NA      26.80
    50783..  ..............  A               Reimplant ureter in        19.17         NA       2.56         NA       7.64        1.46          NA      28.27
    50785..  ..............  A               Reimplant ureter in       *20.52         NA       2.29         NA       7.68        1.80          NA      30.00
    50800..  ..............  A               Implant ureter in         *14.52         NA       2.86         NA       7.00        1.51          NA      23.03
    50810..  ..............  A               Fusion of ureter &        *20.05         NA       3.15         NA       8.61        1.75          NA      30.41
    50815..  ..............  A               Urine shunt to bowel.     *19.93         NA       2.86         NA       8.46        2.75          NA      31.14
    50820..  ..............  A               Construct bowel           *21.89         NA       2.86         NA       8.83        2.50          NA      33.22
    50825..  ..............  A               Construct bowel           *28.18         NA       3.15         NA      10.74        3.33          NA      42.25
    50830..  ..............  A               Revise urine flow....     *31.28         NA       2.86         NA      10.84        2.27          NA      44.39
    50840..  ..............  A               Replace ureter by         *20.00         NA       2.86         NA       8.17        1.35          NA      29.52
    50845..  ..............  A               Appendico-vesicostomy     *20.89         NA       2.13         NA       7.47        1.35          NA      29.71
    50860..  ..............  A               Transplant ureter to      *15.36         NA       2.29         NA       6.41        1.16          NA      22.93
    [[Page 33242]]
    50900..  ..............  A               Repair of ureter.....     *13.62         NA       2.12         NA       5.82        1.15          NA      20.59
    50920..  ..............  A               Closure ureter/skin       *14.33         NA       2.12         NA       5.94        0.99          NA      21.26
    50930..  ..............  A               Closure ureter/bowel      *18.72         NA       2.12         NA       6.95        1.22          NA      26.89
    50940..  ..............  A               Release of ureter....     *14.51         NA       2.12         NA       5.97        0.95          NA      21.43
    50951..  ..............  A               Endoscopy of ureter..       5.84       1.28       0.16       2.88       1.52        0.17        8.89       7.53
    50953..  ..............  A               Endoscopy of ureter..       6.24       4.80       0.16       7.25       1.60        0.16       13.65       8.00
    50955..  ..............  A               Ureter endoscopy &          6.75       4.83       0.16       7.42       1.73        0.25       14.42       8.73
    50957..  ..............  A               Ureter endoscopy &          6.79       4.84       0.16       7.44       1.74        0.25       14.48       8.78
    50959..  ..............  A               Ureter endoscopy &          4.40         NA       0.16         NA       1.23        0.29          NA       5.92
    50961..  ..............  A               Ureter endoscopy &          6.05       6.14       0.16       8.87       1.58        0.26       15.18       7.89
    50970..  ..............  A               Ureter endoscopy.....       7.14         NA       0.16         NA       1.88        0.52          NA       9.54
    50972..  ..............  A               Ureter endoscopy &          6.89         NA       0.16         NA       1.74        0.16          NA       8.79
    50974..  ..............  A               Ureter endoscopy &          9.17         NA       0.16         NA       2.35        0.65          NA      12.17
    50976..  ..............  A               Ureter endoscopy &          9.04         NA       0.16         NA       2.31        0.62          NA      11.97
    50978..  ..............  A               Ureter endoscopy &          5.10         NA       0.16         NA       1.42        0.48          NA       7.00
    50980..  ..............  A               Ureter endoscopy &          6.85         NA       0.16         NA       1.77        0.30          NA       8.92
    51000..  ..............  A               Drainage of bladder..       0.78       0.80       0.16       1.16       0.38        0.05        1.99       1.21
    51005..  ..............  A               Drainage of bladder..       1.02       1.16       0.16       1.65       0.43        0.04        2.71       1.49
    51010..  ..............  A               Drainage of bladder..      *3.53       2.24       0.71       3.53       1.67        0.11        7.17       5.31
    51020..  ..............  A               Incise & treat             *6.71         NA       2.12         NA       4.21        0.71          NA      11.63
    51030..  ..............  A               Incise & treat             *6.77         NA       2.12         NA       4.16        0.43          NA      11.36
    51040..  ..............  A               Incise & drain             *4.40         NA       1.85         NA       3.39        0.75          NA       8.54
    51045..  ..............  A               Incise bladder, drain      *6.77         NA       2.12         NA       4.18        0.50          NA      11.45
    51050..  ..............  A               Removal of bladder         *6.92         NA       1.85         NA       3.93        0.70          NA      11.55
    51060..  ..............  A               Removal of ureter          *8.85         NA       2.12         NA       4.78        1.19          NA      14.82
    51065..  ..............  A               Removal of ureter          *8.85         NA       2.12         NA       4.68        0.71          NA      14.24
    51080..  ..............  A               Drainage of bladder        *5.96         NA       2.12         NA       4.01        0.57          NA      10.54
    51500..  ..............  A               Removal of bladder        *10.14         NA       1.86         NA       4.76        1.21          NA      16.11
    51520..  ..............  A               Removal of bladder         *9.29         NA       2.12         NA       4.81        0.87          NA      14.97
    51525..  ..............  A               Removal of bladder        *13.97         NA       2.12         NA       5.88        1.06          NA      20.91
    51530..  ..............  A               Removal of bladder        *12.38         NA       2.12         NA       5.52        1.02          NA      18.92
    51535..  ..............  A               Repair of ureter          *12.57         NA       2.12         NA       5.59        1.14          NA      19.30
    51550..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *15.66         NA       2.12         NA       6.27        1.17          NA      23.10
    51555..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *21.23         NA       2.29         NA       7.73        1.31          NA      30.27
    51565..  ..............  A               Revise bladder &          *21.62         NA       2.56         NA       8.22        1.67          NA      31.51
    51570..  ..............  A               Removal of bladder...     *24.24         NA       2.58         NA       8.81        1.62          NA      34.67
    51575..  ..............  A               Removal of bladder &      *30.45         NA       2.86         NA      10.65        2.25          NA      43.35
    51580..  ..............  A               Remove bladder;           *31.08         NA       3.15         NA      11.09        2.04          NA      44.21
                                              revise tract.                                                                                                 
    51585..  ..............  A               Removal of bladder &      *35.23         NA       3.15         NA      12.09        2.42          NA      49.74
    51590..  ..............  A               Remove bladder;           *32.66         NA       2.86         NA      11.21        2.56          NA      46.43
                                              revise tract.                                                                                                 
    51595..  ..............  A               Remove bladder;           *37.14         NA       2.86         NA      12.36        3.34          NA      52.84
                                              revise tract.                                                                                                 
    51596..  ..............  A               Remove bladder,           *39.52         NA       3.15         NA      13.25        3.45          NA      56.22
                                              create pouch.                                                                                                 
    51597..  ..............  A               Removal of pelvic         *38.35         NA       3.15         NA      13.18        4.31          NA      55.84
    51600..  ..............  A               Injection for bladder       0.88       4.26       0.09       5.39       0.31        0.03        6.30       1.22
    51605..  ..............  A               Preparation for             0.64       4.24       0.09       5.31       0.26        0.03        5.98       0.93
                                              bladder xray.                                                                                                 
    51610..  ..............  A               Injection for bladder       1.05       4.43       0.09       5.64       0.35        0.02        6.71       1.42
    51700..  ..............  A               Irrigation of bladder       0.88       1.25       0.16       1.72       0.40        0.02        2.62       1.30
    51705..  ..............  A               Change of bladder          *1.02       1.17       0.89       1.66       1.31        0.04        2.72       2.37
    51710..  ..............  A               Change of bladder          *1.49       1.77       0.89       2.50       1.42        0.06        4.05       2.97
    51715..  ..............  A               Endoscopic injection/       3.74       1.21       0.16       2.36       1.08        0.27        6.37       5.09
    51720..  ..............  A               Treatment of bladder        1.96       1.37       0.16       2.10       0.64        0.05        4.11       2.65
    51725..  ..............  A               Simple cystometrogram       1.51       2.04       2.04       2.85       2.85        0.11        4.47       4.47
    51725..  26              A               Simple cystometrogram       1.51       0.17       0.17       0.56       0.56        0.07        2.14       2.14
    51725..  TC              A               Simple cystometrogram       0.00       1.87       1.87       2.29       2.29        0.04        2.33       2.33
    51726..  ..............  A               Complex                     1.71       1.68       1.68       2.45       2.45        0.13        4.29       4.29
    51726..  26              A               Complex                     1.71       0.17       0.17       0.60       0.60        0.08        2.39       2.39
    51726..  TC              A               Complex                     0.00       1.51       1.51       1.85       1.85        0.05        1.90       1.90
    51736..  ..............  A               Urine flow                  0.61       0.77       0.77       1.09       1.09        0.04        1.74       1.74
    51736..  26              A               Urine flow                  0.61       0.17       0.17       0.35       0.35        0.03        0.99       0.99
    51736..  TC              A               Urine flow                  0.00       0.60       0.60       0.74       0.74        0.01        0.75       0.75
    51741..  ..............  A               Electro-uroflowmetry,       1.14       1.00       1.00       1.48       1.48        0.06        2.68       2.68
    51741..  26              A               Electro-uroflowmetry,       1.14       0.17       0.17       0.47       0.47        0.04        1.65       1.65
    51741..  TC              A               Electro-uroflowmetry,       0.00       0.83       0.83       1.01       1.01        0.02        1.03       1.03
    51772..  ..............  A               Urethra pressure            1.61       1.71       1.71       2.47       2.47        0.11        4.19       4.19
    51772..  26              A               Urethra pressure            1.61       0.17       0.17       0.58       0.58        0.06        2.25       2.25
    51772..  TC              A               Urethra pressure            0.00       1.54       1.54       1.89       1.89        0.05        1.94       1.94
    51784..  ..............  A               Anal/urinary muscle         1.53       1.34       1.34       2.00       2.00        0.11        3.64       3.64
    51784..  26              A               Anal/urinary muscle         1.53       0.17       0.17       0.56       0.56        0.07        2.16       2.16
    51784..  TC              A               Anal/urinary muscle         0.00       1.17       1.17       1.44       1.44        0.04        1.48       1.48
    51785..  ..............  A               Anal/urinary muscle         1.53       1.34       1.34       2.00       2.00        0.11        3.64       3.64
    51785..  26              A               Anal/urinary muscle         1.53       0.17       0.17       0.56       0.56        0.07        2.16       2.16
    51785..  TC              A               Anal/urinary muscle         0.00       1.17       1.17       1.44       1.44        0.04        1.48       1.48
    51792..  ..............  A               Urinary reflex study.       1.10       1.31       1.31       1.89       1.89        0.20        3.19       3.19
    51792..  26              A               Urinary reflex study.       1.10       0.17       0.17       0.47       0.47        0.06        1.63       1.63
    [[Page 33243]]
    51792..  TC              A               Urinary reflex study.       0.00       1.14       1.14       1.42       1.42        0.14        1.56       1.56
    51795..  ..............  A               Urine voiding               1.53       1.71       1.71       2.46       2.46        0.16        4.15       4.15
                                              pressure study.                                                                                               
    51795..  26              A               Urine voiding               1.53       0.17       0.17       0.56       0.56        0.06        2.15       2.15
                                              pressure study.                                                                                               
    51795..  TC              A               Urine voiding               0.00       1.54       1.54       1.90       1.90        0.10        2.00       2.00
                                              pressure study.                                                                                               
    51797..  ..............  A               Intraabdominal              1.60       1.71       1.71       2.46       2.46        0.10        4.16       4.16
                                              pressure test.                                                                                                
    51797..  26              A               Intraabdominal              1.60       0.17       0.17       0.57       0.57        0.05        2.22       2.22
                                              pressure test.                                                                                                
    51797..  TC              A               Intraabdominal              0.00       1.54       1.54       1.89       1.89        0.05        1.94       1.94
                                              pressure test.                                                                                                
    51800..  ..............  A               Revision of bladder/      *17.42         NA       2.12         NA       6.72        1.47          NA      25.61
    51820..  ..............  A               Revision of urinary       *17.89         NA       2.56         NA       7.33        1.32          NA      26.54
    51840..  ..............  A               Attach bladder/           *10.71         NA       2.12         NA       5.21        1.26          NA      17.18
    51841..  ..............  A               Attach bladder/           *13.03         NA       2.12         NA       5.76        1.48          NA      20.27
    51845..  ..............  A               Repair bladder neck..      *9.73         NA       2.12         NA       4.95        1.09          NA      15.77
    51860..  ..............  A               Repair of bladder         *12.02         NA       2.35         NA       5.70        0.91          NA      18.63
    51865..  ..............  A               Repair of bladder         *15.04         NA       2.35         NA       6.44        1.27          NA      22.75
    51880..  ..............  A               Repair of bladder          *7.66         NA       1.85         NA       4.05        0.52          NA      12.23
    51900..  ..............  A               Repair bladder/vagina     *12.97         NA       2.29         NA       5.94        1.41          NA      20.32
    51920..  ..............  A               Close bladder-uterus      *11.81         NA       2.12         NA       5.33        0.73          NA      17.87
    51925..  ..............  A               Hysterectomy/bladder      *15.58         NA       2.73         NA       7.25        2.33          NA      25.16
    51940..  ..............  A               Correction of bladder     *26.81         NA       3.15         NA      10.20        2.22          NA      39.23
    51960..  ..............  A               Revision of bladder &     *23.01         NA       3.15         NA       9.38        2.27          NA      34.66
    51980..  ..............  A               Construct bladder         *11.36         NA       2.12         NA       5.24        0.75          NA      17.35
    52000..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy...........       2.01       1.06       0.16       1.76       0.67        0.14        3.91       2.82
    52005..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy & ureter         2.37       1.55       0.16       2.46       0.77        0.22        5.05       3.36
    52007..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and biopsy       3.02         NA       0.16         NA       0.92        0.28          NA       4.22
    52010..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy & duct           3.02       1.58       0.16       2.63       0.90        0.20        5.85       4.12
    52204..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy...........       2.37       1.75       0.16       2.71       0.77        0.24        5.32       3.38
    52214..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              3.71       1.72       0.16       2.97       1.07        0.28        6.96       5.06
    52224..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              3.14       1.74       0.16       2.88       0.95        0.29        6.31       4.38
    52234..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              4.63       1.87       0.16       3.40       1.31        0.45        8.48       6.39
    52235..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              5.45       1.88       0.16       3.67       1.57        0.81        9.93       7.83
    52240..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              9.72       3.91       0.16       7.12       2.56        1.04       17.88      13.32
    52250..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy &                4.50         NA       0.16         NA       1.25        0.29          NA       6.04
    52260..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy &                3.92         NA       0.16         NA       1.11        0.22          NA       5.25
    52265..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy &                2.94       1.12       0.16       2.04       0.87        0.14        5.12       3.95
    52270..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy & revise         3.37       1.85       0.16       3.08       1.01        0.35        6.80       4.73
    52275..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy & revise         4.70       1.85       0.16       3.36       1.30        0.34        8.40       6.34
    52276..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              5.00       2.16       0.16       3.83       1.39        0.45        9.28       6.84
    52277..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              6.17         NA       0.16         NA       1.65        0.47          NA       8.29
    52281..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              2.80       1.14       0.16       2.05       0.86        0.23        5.08       3.89
    52283..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              3.74       1.81       0.16       3.06       1.05        0.15        6.95       4.94
    52285..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              3.61       1.91       0.16       3.18       1.06        0.30        7.09       4.97
    52290..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              4.59         NA       0.16         NA       1.26        0.24          NA       6.09
    52300..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              5.31         NA       0.16         NA       1.44        0.36          NA       7.11
    52301..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              5.51       0.16       0.16       1.48       1.48        0.36        7.35       7.35
    52305..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              5.31         NA       0.16         NA       1.44        0.35          NA       7.10
    52310..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              2.81       4.07       0.16       5.64       0.88        0.30        8.75       3.99
    52315..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              5.21       4.14       0.16       6.27       1.43        0.40       11.88       7.04
    52317..  ..............  A               Remove bladder stone.       6.72       4.16       0.16       6.67       1.80        0.59       13.98       9.11
    52318..  ..............  A               Remove bladder stone.       9.19         NA       0.16         NA       2.38        0.77          NA      12.34
    52320..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              4.70         NA       0.16         NA       1.33        0.47          NA       6.50
    52325..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy, stone           6.16         NA       0.16         NA       1.70        0.68          NA       8.54
    52327..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy, inject          5.19         NA       0.16         NA       1.41        0.36          NA       6.96
    52330..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              5.04       5.32       0.16       7.66       1.38        0.35       13.05       6.77
    52332..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              2.83       8.13       0.16      10.60       0.89        0.32       13.75       4.04
    52334..  ..............  A               Create passage to           4.83         NA       0.16         NA       1.33        0.34          NA       6.50
    52335..  ..............  A               Endoscopy of urinary        5.86         NA       0.16         NA       1.58        0.45          NA       7.89
    52336..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy, stone           6.88         NA       0.16         NA       1.92        0.99          NA       9.79
    52337..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy, stone           7.97         NA       0.16         NA       2.18        1.08          NA      11.23
    52338..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              7.34         NA       0.16         NA       1.93        0.57          NA       9.84
    52339..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and              8.82         NA       0.16         NA       2.26        0.57          NA      11.65
    52340..  ..............  A               Cystoscopy and             *9.68         NA       1.93         NA       4.58        0.50          NA      14.76
    52450..  ..............  A               Incision of prostate.       7.05         NA       2.15         NA       4.27        0.49          NA      11.81
    52500..  ..............  A               Revision of bladder        *8.47         NA       2.15         NA       4.63        0.72          NA      13.82
    52510..  ..............  A               Dilation prostatic         *6.72         NA       1.87         NA       3.92        0.74          NA      11.38
    52601..  ..............  A               Prostatectomy (TURP).     *12.37         NA       2.15         NA       5.58        1.16          NA      19.11
    52606..  ..............  A               Control postop             *8.13         NA       1.87         NA       4.14        0.33          NA      12.60
    52612..  ..............  A               Prostatectomy, first       *7.98         NA       2.15         NA       4.59        0.99          NA      13.56
    52614..  ..............  A               Prostatectomy, second      *6.84         NA       2.15         NA       4.27        0.68          NA      11.79
    52620..  ..............  A               Remove residual            *6.61         NA       2.15         NA       4.18        0.51          NA      11.30
    52630..  ..............  A               Remove prostate            *7.26         NA       2.15         NA       4.46        1.13          NA      12.85
    52640..  ..............  A               Relieve bladder            *6.62         NA       1.87         NA       3.87        0.62          NA      11.11
    52647..  ..............  A               Laser surgery of          *10.36         NA       2.15         NA       5.14        1.16          NA      16.66
    52648..  ..............  A               Laser surgery of          *11.21         NA       2.15         NA       5.33        1.16          NA      17.70
    52700..  ..............  A               Drainage of prostate       *6.80         NA       2.15         NA       4.18        0.34          NA      11.32
    [[Page 33244]]
    53000..  ..............  A               Incision of urethra..      *2.28       2.61       1.31       3.72       2.14        0.17        6.17       4.59
    53010..  ..............  A               Incision of urethra..      *3.64         NA       1.65         NA       2.89        0.37          NA       6.90
    53020..  ..............  A               Incision of urethra..       1.77       1.33       0.16       2.03       0.61        0.09        3.89       2.47
    53025..  ..............  A               Incision of urethra..       1.13       1.48       0.16       2.07       0.46        0.08        3.28       1.67
    53040..  ..............  A               Drainage of urethra        *6.40       3.34       3.34       5.52       5.52        0.19       12.11      12.11
    53060..  ..............  A               Drainage of urethra        *2.63       2.46       1.29       3.58       2.17        0.07        6.28       4.87
    53080..  ..............  A               Drainage of urinary        *6.29         NA       2.83         NA       4.93        0.45          NA      11.67
    53085..  ..............  A               Drainage of urinary       *10.27         NA       2.85         NA       5.88        0.70          NA      16.85
    53200..  ..............  A               Biopsy of urethra....       2.59       1.65       0.16       2.61       0.79        0.12        5.32       3.50
    53210..  ..............  A               Removal of urethra...     *12.57         NA       2.22         NA       5.61        0.67          NA      18.85
    53215..  ..............  A               Removal of urethra...     *15.58         NA       2.22         NA       6.33        0.96          NA      22.87
    53220..  ..............  A               Treatment of urethra       *7.00         NA       1.97         NA       4.04        0.49          NA      11.53
    53230..  ..............  A               Removal of urethra         *9.58         NA       1.97         NA       4.67        0.79          NA      15.04
    53235..  ..............  A               Removal of urethra        *10.14         NA       1.97         NA       4.73        0.49          NA      15.36
    53240..  ..............  A               Surgery for urethra        *6.45         NA       1.97         NA       3.91        0.45          NA      10.81
    53250..  ..............  A               Removal of urethra         *5.89         NA       1.67         NA       3.41        0.40          NA       9.70
    53260..  ..............  A               Treatment of urethra       *2.98       2.10       0.98       3.25       1.88        0.16        6.39       5.02
    53265..  ..............  A               Treatment of urethra       *3.12       2.10       0.98       3.29       1.92        0.22        6.63       5.26
    53270..  ..............  A               Removal of urethra         *3.09       2.11       0.98       3.29       1.91        0.18        6.56       5.18
    53275..  ..............  A               Repair of urethra          *4.53         NA       1.32         NA       2.66        0.25          NA       7.44
    53400..  ..............  A               Revise urethra, 1st       *12.77         NA       2.22         NA       5.67        0.76          NA      19.20
    53405..  ..............  A               Revise urethra, 2nd       *14.48         NA       2.22         NA       6.14        1.21          NA      21.83
    53410..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *16.44         NA       2.22         NA       6.49        0.84          NA      23.77
    53415..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *19.41         NA       2.22         NA       7.21        1.15          NA      27.77
    53420..  ..............  A               Reconstruct urethra,      *14.08         NA       2.22         NA       6.02        1.05          NA      21.15
                                              stage 1.                                                                                                      
    53425..  ..............  A               Reconstruct urethra,      *15.98         NA       2.22         NA       6.40        0.88          NA      23.26
                                              stage 2.                                                                                                      
    53430..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *16.34         NA       2.22         NA       6.45        0.76          NA      23.55
    53440..  ..............  A               Correct bladder           *12.34         NA       2.39         NA       5.93        1.39          NA      19.66
    53442..  ..............  A               Remove perineal            *8.27         NA       1.97         NA       4.36        0.67          NA      13.30
    53443..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *19.89         NA       1.97         NA       6.99        1.07          NA      27.95
    53445..  ..............  A               Correct urine flow        *14.06         NA       2.39         NA       6.44        2.03          NA      22.53
    53447..  ..............  A               Remove artificial         *13.17         NA       2.14         NA       5.69        0.89          NA      19.75
    53449..  ..............  A               Correct artificial         *9.70         NA       2.14         NA       4.91        0.82          NA      15.43
    53450..  ..............  A               Revision of urethra..      *6.14         NA       1.97         NA       3.80        0.27          NA      10.21
    53460..  ..............  A               Revision of urethra..      *7.12         NA       1.97         NA       4.01        0.25          NA      11.38
    53502..  ..............  A               Repair of urethra          *7.63         NA       1.97         NA       4.19        0.56          NA      12.38
    53505..  ..............  A               Repair of urethra          *7.63         NA       1.97         NA       4.18        0.51          NA      12.32
    53510..  ..............  A               Repair of urethra         *10.11         NA       1.97         NA       4.76        0.66          NA      15.53
    53515..  ..............  A               Repair of urethra         *13.31         NA       1.97         NA       5.51        0.88          NA      19.70
    53520..  ..............  A               Repair of urethra          *8.68         NA       1.97         NA       4.42        0.56          NA      13.66
    53600..  ..............  A               Dilate urethra              1.21       1.29       0.16       1.85       0.47        0.03        3.09       1.71
    53601..  ..............  A               Dilate urethra              0.98       1.29       0.16       1.80       0.42        0.03        2.81       1.43
    53605..  ..............  A               Dilate urethra              1.28         NA       0.16         NA       0.49        0.05          NA       1.82
    53620..  ..............  A               Dilate urethra              1.62       1.74       0.16       2.49       0.56        0.05        4.16       2.23
    53621..  ..............  A               Dilate urethra              1.35       1.88       0.16       2.60       0.50        0.04        3.99       1.89
    53660..  ..............  A               Dilation of urethra..       0.71       1.29       0.16       1.74       0.36        0.03        2.48       1.10
    53661..  ..............  A               Dilation of urethra..       0.72       1.29       0.16       1.74       0.36        0.03        2.49       1.11
    53665..  ..............  A               Dilation of urethra..       0.76       1.57       0.16       2.09       0.37        0.04        2.89       1.17
    53670..  ..............  A               Insert urinary              0.50       1.25       0.16       1.64       0.31        0.02        2.16       0.83
    53675..  ..............  A               Insert urinary              1.47       1.57       0.16       2.25       0.53        0.05        3.77       2.05
    54000..  ..............  A               Slitting of prepuce..      *1.54       2.01       0.99       2.80       1.56        0.07        4.41       3.17
    54001..  ..............  A               Slitting of prepuce..      *2.19       2.28       1.23       3.28       2.00        0.09        5.56       4.28
    54015..  ..............  A               Drain penis lesion...      *5.32       2.30       1.23       3.99       2.69        0.09        9.40       8.10
    54050..  ..............  A               Destruction, penis         *1.24       1.12       0.69       1.64       1.12        0.03        2.91       2.39
    54055..  ..............  A               Destruction, penis         *1.22       2.54       0.99       3.37       1.49        0.06        4.65       2.77
    54056..  ..............  A               Cryosurgery, penis         *1.24       0.82       0.82       1.27       1.27        0.04        2.55       2.55
    54057..  ..............  A               Laser surg, penis          *1.24       1.15       0.99       1.72       1.52        0.21        3.17       2.97
    54060..  ..............  A               Excision of penis          *1.93       2.05       0.99       2.95       1.65        0.12        5.00       3.70
    54065..  ..............  A               Destruction, penis         *2.42       2.28       1.23       3.37       2.09        0.25        6.04       4.76
    54100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of penis......       1.90       1.50       0.16       2.26       0.63        0.07        4.23       2.60
    54105..  ..............  A               Biopsy of penis......      *3.50       2.08       0.99       3.32       2.00        0.11        6.93       5.61
    54110..  ..............  A               Treatment of penis        *10.13         NA       2.53         NA       5.43        0.61          NA      16.17
    54111..  ..............  A               Treat penis lesion,       *13.57         NA       2.53         NA       6.27        0.97          NA      20.81
    54112..  ..............  A               Treat penis lesion,       *15.86         NA       2.53         NA       6.80        1.14          NA      23.80
    54115..  ..............  A               Treatment of penis         *6.15       3.61       2.53       5.84       4.52        0.44       12.43      11.11
    54120..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *9.97         NA       2.53         NA       5.40        0.62          NA      15.99
    54125..  ..............  A               Removal of penis.....     *13.53         NA       2.53         NA       6.30        1.17          NA      21.00
    54130..  ..............  A               Remove penis & nodes.     *20.14         NA       2.80         NA       8.12        1.32          NA      29.58
    54135..  ..............  A               Remove penis & nodes.     *26.36         NA       2.80         NA       9.57        1.74          NA      37.67
    54150..  ..............  A               Circumcision.........      *1.81       2.01       0.99       2.85       1.61        0.05        4.71       3.47
    54152..  ..............  A               Circumcision.........      *2.31         NA       0.99         NA       1.75        0.20          NA       4.26
    54160..  ..............  A               Circumcision.........      *2.48       2.08       0.99       3.12       1.79        0.21        5.81       4.48
    54161..  ..............  A               Circumcision.........      *3.27       1.55       0.99       2.66       1.97        0.23        6.16       5.47
    54200..  ..............  A               Treatment of penis         *1.06       1.26       0.69       1.78       1.08        0.03        2.87       2.17
    [[Page 33245]]
    54205..  ..............  A               Treatment of penis         *7.93         NA       2.53         NA       4.93        0.50          NA      13.36
    54220..  ..............  A               Treatment of penis          2.42       0.72       0.16       1.45       0.77        0.17        4.04       3.36
    54230..  ..............  A               Prepare penis study..       1.34         NA       0.09         NA       0.43        0.13          NA       1.90
    54231..  ..............  A               Dynamic                     2.04       0.77       0.16       1.42       0.68        0.14        3.60       2.86
    54235..  ..............  A               Penile injection.....       1.19       0.49       0.16       0.87       0.47        0.04        2.10       1.70
    54240..  ..............  A               Penis study..........       1.31       0.91       0.91       1.43       1.43        0.12        2.86       2.86
    54240..  26              A               Penis study..........       1.31       0.17       0.17       0.51       0.51        0.06        1.88       1.88
    54240..  TC              A               Penis study..........       0.00       0.74       0.74       0.92       0.92        0.06        0.98       0.98
    54250..  ..............  A               Penis study..........       2.22       1.18       1.18       1.95       1.95        0.08        4.25       4.25
    54250..  26              A               Penis study..........       2.22       0.17       0.17       0.71       0.71        0.05        2.98       2.98
    54250..  TC              A               Penis study..........       0.00       1.01       1.01       1.24       1.24        0.03        1.27       1.27
    54300..  ..............  A               Revision of penis....     *10.41         NA       2.88         NA       5.99        0.87          NA      17.27
    54304..  ..............  A               Revision of penis....     *12.49         NA       3.13         NA       6.75        0.90          NA      20.14
    54308..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *11.83         NA       3.13         NA       6.57        0.74          NA      19.14
    54312..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *13.57         NA       3.13         NA       6.99        0.91          NA      21.47
    54316..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *16.82         NA       3.13         NA       7.74        1.12          NA      25.68
    54318..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *11.25         NA       3.13         NA       6.52        1.11          NA      18.88
    54322..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *13.01         NA       2.60         NA       6.18        0.74          NA      19.93
    54324..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *16.31         NA       3.13         NA       7.62        1.08          NA      25.01
    54326..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *15.72         NA       2.88         NA       7.18        1.03          NA      23.93
    54328..  ..............  A               Revise penis, urethra     *15.65         NA       3.13         NA       7.51        1.24          NA      24.40
    54332..  ..............  A               Revise penis, urethra     *17.08         NA       3.13         NA       7.80        1.13          NA      26.01
    54336..  ..............  A               Revise penis, urethra     *20.04         NA       3.39         NA       8.83        1.40          NA      30.27
    54340..  ..............  A               Secondary urethral         *8.91         NA       2.88         NA       5.60        0.59          NA      15.10
    54344..  ..............  A               Secondary urethral        *15.94         NA       2.88         NA       7.25        1.10          NA      24.29
    54348..  ..............  A               Secondary urethral        *17.15         NA       3.13         NA       7.82        1.14          NA      26.11
    54352..  ..............  A               Reconstruct urethra,      *24.74         NA       3.39         NA       9.88        1.49          NA      36.11
    54360..  ..............  A               Penis plastic surgery     *11.93         NA       2.53         NA       5.85        0.73          NA      18.51
    54380..  ..............  A               Repair penis.........     *13.18         NA       3.13         NA       6.86        0.75          NA      20.79
    54385..  ..............  A               Repair penis.........     *15.39         NA       3.13         NA       7.38        0.89          NA      23.66
    54390..  ..............  A               Repair penis and           20.97         NA       3.07         NA       3.07        1.58          NA      25.62
    54400..  ..............  A               Insert semi-rigid          *8.99         NA       2.14         NA       4.86        1.27          NA      15.12
    54401..  ..............  A               Insert self-contd           9.67         NA       2.39         NA       5.42        1.73          NA      16.82
    54402..  ..............  A               Remove penis               *9.21         NA       2.14         NA       4.75        0.58          NA      14.54
    54405..  ..............  A               Insert multi-comp         *13.43         NA       2.39         NA       6.32        2.10          NA      21.85
    54407..  ..............  A               Remove multi-comp         *13.34         NA       2.14         NA       5.77        1.10          NA      20.21
    54409..  ..............  A               Revise penis              *12.20         NA       2.14         NA       5.47        0.87          NA      18.54
    54420..  ..............  A               Revision of penis....     *11.42         NA       2.53         NA       5.77        0.87          NA      18.06
    54430..  ..............  A               Revision of penis....     *10.15         NA       2.53         NA       5.45        0.69          NA      16.29
    54435..  ..............  A               Revision of penis....      *6.12         NA       2.22         NA       4.13        0.39          NA      10.64
    54450..  ..............  A               Preputial stretching.       1.12       0.48       0.16       0.84       0.46        0.07        2.03       1.65
    54500..  ..............  A               Biopsy of testis.....       1.31       2.10       0.16       2.86       0.50        0.05        4.22       1.86
    54505..  ..............  A               Biopsy of testis.....      *3.46         NA       1.26         NA       2.35        0.22          NA       6.03
    54510..  ..............  A               Removal of testis          *5.45         NA       1.50         NA       3.10        0.38          NA       8.93
    54520..  ..............  A               Removal of testis....      *5.23         NA       1.50         NA       3.09        0.52          NA       8.84
    54530..  ..............  A               Removal of testis....      *8.58         NA       1.86         NA       4.32        0.77          NA      13.67
    54535..  ..............  A               Extensive testis          *12.16         NA       2.12         NA       5.47        1.02          NA      18.65
    54550..  ..............  A               Exploration for            *7.78         NA       1.81         NA       4.05        0.61          NA      12.44
    54560..  ..............  A               Exploration for           *11.13         NA       2.12         NA       5.20        0.81          NA      17.14
    54600..  ..............  A               Reduce testis torsion      *7.01         NA       1.52         NA       3.49        0.48          NA      10.98
    54620..  ..............  A               Suspension of testis.      *4.90         NA       1.26         NA       2.69        0.33          NA       7.92
    54640..  ..............  A               Suspension of testis.      *6.90         NA       1.58         NA       3.64        0.91          NA      11.45
    54650..  ..............  A               Orchiopexy (Fowler-       *11.45         NA       2.12         NA       5.29        0.91          NA      17.65
    54660..  ..............  A               Revision of testis...      *5.11         NA       1.50         NA       3.02        0.34          NA       8.47
    54670..  ..............  A               Repair testis injury.      *6.41         NA       1.52         NA       3.35        0.43          NA      10.19
    54680..  ..............  A               Relocation of             *12.65         NA       1.86         NA       5.22        0.80          NA      18.67
    54700..  ..............  A               Drainage of scrotum..      *3.43       3.08       1.87       4.53       3.06        0.11        8.07       6.60
    54800..  ..............  A               Biopsy of epididymis.       2.33       2.20       0.16       3.23       0.75        0.19        5.75       3.27
    54820..  ..............  A               Exploration of             *5.14         NA       1.52         NA       3.04        0.29          NA       8.47
    54830..  ..............  A               Remove epididymis          *5.38         NA       1.52         NA       3.11        0.39          NA       8.88
    54840..  ..............  A               Remove epididymis          *5.20         NA       1.52         NA       3.09        0.48          NA       8.77
    54860..  ..............  A               Removal of epididymis      *6.32         NA       1.81         NA       3.70        0.50          NA      10.52
    54861..  ..............  A               Removal of epididymis      *8.90         NA       1.81         NA       4.32        0.72          NA      13.94
    54900..  ..............  A               Fusion of spermatic       *13.20         NA       1.86         NA       5.36        0.87          NA      19.43
    54901..  ..............  A               Fusion of spermatic        17.30         NA       1.83         NA       1.83        1.20          NA      20.33
    55000..  ..............  A               Drainage of hydrocele       1.43       0.80       0.16       1.30       0.52        0.04        2.77       1.99
    55040..  ..............  A               Removal of hydrocele.      *5.36         NA       1.52         NA       3.15        0.55          NA       9.06
    55041..  ..............  A               Removal of hydroceles      *7.74         NA       1.81         NA       4.08        0.81          NA      12.63
    55060..  ..............  A               Repair of hydrocele..      *5.52         NA       1.52         NA       3.17        0.50          NA       9.19
    55100..  ..............  A               Drainage of scrotum        *2.13       3.05       1.87       4.20       2.77        0.07        6.40       4.97
    55110..  ..............  A               Explore scrotum......      *5.70         NA       1.52         NA       3.18        0.37          NA       9.25
    55120..  ..............  A               Removal of scrotum         *5.09         NA       1.52         NA       3.01        0.21          NA       8.31
    55150..  ..............  A               Removal of scrotum...      *7.22         NA       1.81         NA       3.92        0.57          NA      11.71
    55175..  ..............  A               Revision of scrotum..      *5.24         NA       1.52         NA       3.10        0.48          NA       8.82
    [[Page 33246]]
    55180..  ..............  A               Revision of scrotum..     *10.72         NA       1.86         NA       4.80        0.82          NA      16.34
    55200..  ..............  A               Incision of sperm          *4.24         NA       1.28         NA       2.54        0.20          NA       6.98
    55250..  ..............  A               Removal of sperm           *3.29       2.44       1.33       3.75       2.41        0.28        7.32       5.98
    55300..  ..............  A               Preparation,sperm           3.51         NA       0.16         NA       1.03        0.27          NA       4.81
                                              duct x-ray.                                                                                                   
    55400..  ..............  A               Repair of sperm duct.      *8.49         NA       1.81         NA       4.21        0.62          NA      13.32
    55450..  ..............  A               Ligation of sperm          *4.12       2.11       1.09       3.54       2.30        0.32        7.98       6.74
    55500..  ..............  A               Removal of hydrocele.      *5.59         NA       1.52         NA       3.18        0.50          NA       9.27
    55520..  ..............  A               Removal of sperm cord      *6.03         NA       1.52         NA       3.28        0.51          NA       9.82
    55530..  ..............  A               Revise spermatic cord      *5.66         NA       1.52         NA       3.22        0.60          NA       9.48
    55535..  ..............  A               Revise spermatic cord      *6.56         NA       1.52         NA       3.39        0.45          NA      10.40
    55540..  ..............  A               Revise hernia & sperm      *7.67         NA       1.24         NA       3.39        0.91          NA      11.97
    55600..  ..............  A               Incise sperm duct          *6.38         NA       1.81         NA       3.73        0.55          NA      10.66
    55605..  ..............  A               Incise sperm duct          *7.96         NA       1.81         NA       4.08        0.59          NA      12.63
    55650..  ..............  A               Remove sperm duct         *11.80         NA       1.81         NA       4.96        0.76          NA      17.52
    55680..  ..............  A               Remove sperm pouch         *5.19         NA       1.52         NA       3.07        0.38          NA       8.64
    55700..  ..............  A               Biopsy of prostate...       1.57       1.38       0.16       2.05       0.58        0.15        3.77       2.30
    55705..  ..............  A               Biopsy of prostate...      *4.57         NA       1.51         NA       2.91        0.34          NA       7.82
    55720..  ..............  A               Drainage of prostate       *7.64         NA       2.12         NA       4.34        0.37          NA      12.35
    55725..  ..............  A               Drainage of prostate       *8.68         NA       2.35         NA       4.89        0.54          NA      14.11
    55801..  ..............  A               Removal of prostate..     *17.80         NA       2.35         NA       7.08        1.44          NA      26.32
    55810..  ..............  A               Extensive prostate        *22.58         NA       2.56         NA       8.45        1.77          NA      32.80
    55812..  ..............  A               Extensive prostate        *27.51         NA       2.80         NA       9.87        1.94          NA      39.32
    55815..  ..............  A               Extensive prostate        *30.46         NA       2.80         NA      10.62        2.42          NA      43.50
    55821..  ..............  A               Removal of prostate..     *14.25         NA       2.12         NA       6.00        1.35          NA      21.60
    55831..  ..............  A               Removal of prostate..     *15.62         NA       2.12         NA       6.32        1.44          NA      23.38
    55840..  ..............  A               Extensive prostate        *22.69         NA       2.80         NA       8.74        1.61          NA      33.04
    55842..  ..............  A               Extensive prostate        *24.38         NA       2.80         NA       9.17        1.88          NA      35.43
    55845..  ..............  A               Extensive prostate        *28.55         NA       2.80         NA      10.20        2.44          NA      41.19
    55859..  ..............  A               Percut/needle insert,     *12.52         NA       0.50         NA       3.48        0.58          NA      16.58
    55860..  ..............  A               Surgical exposure,        *14.45         NA       2.12         NA       5.90        0.70          NA      21.05
    55862..  ..............  A               Extensive prostate        *18.39         NA       2.12         NA       6.87        1.20          NA      26.46
    55865..  ..............  A               Extensive prostate        *22.87         NA       2.35         NA       8.40        2.39          NA      33.66
    55870..  ..............  A               Electroejaculation...       2.58       0.65       0.16       1.40       0.80        0.18        4.16       3.56
    56300..  ..............  A               Pelvis laparoscopy,         3.65         NA       1.30         NA       2.59        0.93          NA       7.17
    56301..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy; tubal         *3.78         NA       1.30         NA       2.70        1.28          NA       7.76
    56302..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy; tubal         *4.21         NA       1.30         NA       2.80        1.32          NA       8.33
    56303..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy; excise        *5.79         NA       1.06         NA       2.81        1.16          NA       9.76
    56304..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy; lysis...      *4.47         NA       1.30         NA       2.83        1.20          NA       8.50
    56305..  ..............  A               Pelvic laparoscopy;         3.97         NA       1.30         NA       2.63        0.79          NA       7.39
    56306..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy;               *3.85         NA       1.30         NA       2.69        1.18          NA       7.72
    56307..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy; remove       *11.05         NA       1.06         NA       4.06        1.60          NA      16.71
    56308..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy;              *14.19         NA       1.29         NA       5.14        2.07          NA      21.40
    56309..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy; remove       *14.21         NA       1.19         NA       4.79        1.03          NA      20.03
    56311..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic lymph         *9.25         NA       1.16         NA       3.76        1.47          NA      14.48
                                              node biop.                                                                                                    
    56312..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic              *12.38         NA       1.16         NA       4.31        0.84          NA      17.53
    56313..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic              *14.32         NA       0.94         NA       4.79        2.31          NA      21.42
    56315..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic               *8.70         NA       1.16         NA       3.54        1.01          NA      13.25
    56316..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic hernia        *6.27         NA       1.16         NA       3.00        0.94          NA      10.21
    56317..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic hernia        *8.24         NA       1.40         NA       3.75        1.11          NA      13.10
    56320..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy,               *6.57         NA       1.16         NA       2.95        0.45          NA       9.97
                                              spermatic veins.                                                                                              
    56322..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy, vagus          9.70         NA       1.16         NA       3.80        1.18          NA      14.68
    56323..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy, vagus         11.65         NA       1.16         NA       4.28        1.41          NA      17.34
    56324..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy,               11.90         NA       1.40         NA       4.73        1.93          NA      18.56
    56340..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic              *11.09         NA       1.16         NA       4.23        1.74          NA      17.06
    56341..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic              *11.94         NA       1.16         NA       4.43        1.84          NA      18.21
    56342..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic               13.86         NA       1.62         NA       5.45        2.00          NA      21.31
    56343..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic               13.34       1.55       1.55       5.05       5.05        1.11       19.50      19.50
    56344..  ..............  A               Laparoscopic               12.50       1.55       1.55       4.89       4.89        1.19       18.58      18.58
    56350..  ..............  A               Hysteroscopy;               2.39       1.26       0.12       2.16       0.77        0.44        4.99       3.60
    56351..  ..............  A               Hysteroscopy; biopsy.       2.85       1.26       0.12       2.26       0.87        0.44        5.55       4.16
    56352..  ..............  A               Hysteroscopy; lysis..       3.14         NA       0.12         NA       1.02        0.85          NA       5.01
    56353..  ..............  A               Hysteroscopy; resect        3.51         NA       0.12         NA       1.10        0.85          NA       5.46
    56354..  ..............  A               Hysteroscopy; remove        3.85         NA       0.12         NA       1.28        1.30          NA       6.43
    56355..  ..............  A               Hysteroscopy; remove        3.09         NA       0.12         NA       0.92        0.44          NA       4.45
    56356..  ..............  A               Hysteroscopy;               3.43         NA       0.12         NA       1.23        1.49          NA       6.15
    56362..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy w/              4.89         NA       0.16         NA       1.31        0.19          NA       6.39
    56363..  ..............  A               Laparoscopy w/biopsy.       5.18         NA       0.16         NA       1.43        0.45          NA       7.06
    56405..  ..............  A               I & D of vulva/            *1.44       1.41       0.76       2.06       1.28        0.15        3.65       2.87
    56420..  ..............  A               Drainage of gland          *1.39       1.41       0.76       2.05       1.26        0.13        3.57       2.78
    56440..  ..............  A               Surgery for vulva          *2.84       1.92       1.28       3.07       2.30        0.52        6.43       5.66
    56441..  ..............  A               Lysis of labial            *1.97       1.52       1.28       2.35       2.06        0.30        4.62       4.33
    56501..  ..............  A               Destruction, vulva         *1.53       1.34       0.70       2.00       1.22        0.11        3.64       2.86
    56515..  ..............  A               Destruction, vulva         *1.88       1.68       1.28       2.61       2.12        0.66        5.15       4.66
    56605..  ..............  A               Biopsy of vulva/            1.10       0.96       0.12       1.44       0.42        0.15        2.69       1.67
    [[Page 33247]]
    56606..  ..............  A               Biopsy of vulva/            0.55       0.79       0.12       1.11       0.29        0.08        1.74       0.92
    56620..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *7.47         NA       1.73         NA       4.05        1.40          NA      12.92
    56625..  ..............  A               Complete removal of        *8.40         NA       2.11         NA       4.88        2.13          NA      15.41
    56630..  ..............  A               Extensive vulva           *12.36         NA       2.37         NA       6.32        3.28          NA      21.96
    56631..  ..............  A               Extensive vulva            14.57         NA       3.18         NA       8.05        4.51          NA      27.13
    56632..  ..............  A               Extensive vulva           *20.29         NA       3.18         NA       9.31        4.51          NA      34.11
    56633..  ..............  A               Extensive vulva           *16.47         NA       2.37         NA       7.22        3.28          NA      26.97
    56634..  ..............  A               Extensive vulva            16.25         NA       3.18         NA       8.42        4.51          NA      29.18
    56637..  ..............  A               Extensive vulva            20.34         NA       3.18         NA       9.32        4.51          NA      34.17
    56640..  ..............  A               Extensive vulva           *22.17         NA       3.18         NA       9.69        4.36          NA      36.22
    56700..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *2.52       1.60       1.17       2.58       2.06        0.35        5.45       4.93
    56720..  ..............  A               Incision of hymen....       0.68       1.01       0.16       1.40       0.37        0.11        2.19       1.16
    56740..  ..............  A               Remove vagina gland        *3.76       1.85       1.28       3.20       2.51        0.55        7.51       6.82
    56800..  ..............  A               Repair of vagina.....      *3.89         NA       1.26         NA       2.52        0.57          NA       6.98
    56805..  ..............  A               Repair clitoris......     *18.86         NA       1.57         NA       6.34        1.37          NA      26.57
    56810..  ..............  A               Repair of perineum...       3.97         NA       1.26         NA       2.52        0.51          NA       7.00
    57000..  ..............  A               Exploration of vagina      *2.97         NA       1.26         NA       2.27        0.35          NA       5.59
    57010..  ..............  A               Drainage of pelvic         *6.03         NA       1.66         NA       3.46        0.51          NA      10.00
    57020..  ..............  A               Drainage of pelvic          1.50       0.83       0.12       1.37       0.51        0.14        3.01       2.15
    57061..  ..............  A               Destruction vagina         *1.25       1.34       0.70       1.95       1.17        0.17        3.37       2.59
    57065..  ..............  A               Destruction vagina         *2.61       1.59       1.28       2.67       2.30        0.74        6.02       5.65
    57100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of vagina.....       0.97       0.88       0.12       1.31       0.39        0.13        2.41       1.49
    57105..  ..............  A               Biopsy of vagina.....      *1.69       1.60       1.28       2.39       2.01        0.33        4.41       4.03
    57108..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *6.36         NA       1.66         NA       3.66        1.10          NA      11.12
    57110..  ..............  A               Removal of vagina....     *14.29         NA       1.55         NA       5.40        1.76          NA      21.45
    57120..  ..............  A               Closure of vagina....      *7.41         NA       1.66         NA       3.98        1.51          NA      12.90
    57130..  ..............  A               Remove vagina lesion.      *2.43         NA       1.28         NA       2.22        0.55          NA       5.20
    57135..  ..............  A               Remove vagina lesion.      *2.67       1.59       1.28       2.61       2.23        0.38        5.66       5.28
    57150..  ..............  A               Treat vagina                0.55       0.62       0.16       0.89       0.33        0.04        1.48       0.92
    57160..  ..............  A               Insertion of pessary/       0.89       0.82       0.16       1.20       0.40        0.05        2.14       1.34
    57170..  ..............  A               Fitting of diaphragm/       0.91       0.88       0.16       1.28       0.41        0.06        2.25       1.38
    57180..  ..............  A               Treat vaginal              *1.58       1.31       0.76       1.97       1.30        0.11        3.66       2.99
    57200..  ..............  A               Repair of vagina.....      *3.94         NA       1.53         NA       2.86        0.60          NA       7.40
    57210..  ..............  A               Repair vagina/             *5.17         NA       1.52         NA       3.13        0.65          NA       8.95
    57220..  ..............  A               Revision of urethra..      *4.31         NA       1.66         NA       3.14        0.80          NA       8.25
    57230..  ..............  A               Repair of urethral         *5.64         NA       1.66         NA       3.40        0.64          NA       9.68
    57240..  ..............  A               Repair bladder &           *6.07         NA       1.66         NA       3.70        1.60          NA      11.37
    57250..  ..............  A               Repair rectum &            *5.53         NA       1.66         NA       3.61        1.69          NA      10.83
    57260..  ..............  A               Repair of vagina.....      *8.27         NA       1.71         NA       4.31        1.88          NA      14.46
    57265..  ..............  A               Extensive repair of       *11.34         NA       1.66         NA       4.97        2.11          NA      18.42
    57268..  ..............  A               Repair of bowel bulge      *6.76         NA       1.66         NA       3.83        1.50          NA      12.09
    57270..  ..............  A               Repair of bowel pouch     *12.11         NA       1.55         NA       4.86        1.44          NA      18.41
    57280..  ..............  A               Suspension of vagina.     *15.04         NA       1.55         NA       5.59        1.85          NA      22.48
    57282..  ..............  A               Repair of vaginal          *8.86         NA       1.66         NA       4.38        1.89          NA      15.13
    57284..  ..............  A               Repair paravaginal        *12.70         NA       1.63         NA       4.95        0.84          NA      18.49
    57288..  ..............  A               Repair bladder defect     *13.02         NA       1.66         NA       5.17        1.36          NA      19.55
    57289..  ..............  A               Repair bladder &          *11.58         NA       1.66         NA       4.81        1.13          NA      17.52
    57291..  ..............  A               Construction of            *7.95         NA       2.00         NA       4.44        1.19          NA      13.58
    57292..  ..............  A               Construct vagina with     *13.09         NA       1.55         NA       5.06        1.38          NA      19.53
    57300..  ..............  A               Repair rectum-vagina       *7.61         NA       2.00         NA       4.47        1.66          NA      13.74
    57305..  ..............  A               Repair rectum-vagina      *13.77         NA       1.54         NA       5.23        1.56          NA      20.56
    57307..  ..............  A               Fistula repair &          *15.93         NA       1.54         NA       5.65        1.28          NA      22.86
    57310..  ..............  A               Repair urethrovaginal      *6.78         NA       1.66         NA       3.61        0.48          NA      10.87
    57311..  ..............  A               Repair urethrovaginal      *7.98         NA       1.73         NA       3.95        0.41          NA      12.34
    57320..  ..............  A               Repair bladder-vagina      *8.01         NA       1.73         NA       4.16        1.35          NA      13.52
    57330..  ..............  A               Repair bladder-vagina     *12.35         NA       1.73         NA       4.99        0.81          NA      18.15
    57335..  ..............  A               Repair vagina........     *18.73         NA       1.84         NA       6.53        0.81          NA      26.07
    57400..  ..............  A               Dilation of vagina...       2.27         NA       0.16         NA       0.71        0.06          NA       3.04
    57410..  ..............  A               Pelvic examination...       1.75       1.24       0.16       1.91       0.59        0.05        3.71       2.39
    57415..  ..............  A               Removal vaginal            *2.17       1.90       1.28       2.80       2.05        0.05        5.02       4.27
                                              foreign body.                                                                                                 
    57452..  ..............  A               Examination of vagina       0.99       0.90       0.16       1.34       0.45        0.14        2.47       1.58
    57454..  ..............  A               Vagina examination &        1.27       0.95       0.16       1.49       0.53        0.26        3.02       2.06
    57460..  ..............  A               Cervix excision......       2.83       0.84       0.16       1.74       0.92        0.46        5.03       4.21
    57500..  ..............  A               Biopsy of cervix.....       0.97       0.85       0.12       1.27       0.39        0.12        2.36       1.48
    57505..  ..............  A               Endocervical               *1.14       1.04       0.76       1.55       1.21        0.13        2.82       2.48
    57510..  ..............  A               Cauterization of            1.85       1.40       0.78       2.13       1.38        0.09        4.07       3.32
    57511..  ..............  A               Cryocautery of cervix      *1.90       1.32       0.79       2.07       1.42        0.17        4.14       3.49
    57513..  ..............  A               Laser surgery of           *1.90       1.38       0.79       2.24       1.53        0.67        4.81       4.10
    57520..  ..............  A               Conization of cervix.      *4.04       1.93       1.28       3.39       2.61        0.73        8.16       7.38
    57522..  ..............  A               Conization of cervix.      *3.36       1.88       1.28       3.19       2.46        0.73        7.28       6.55
    57530..  ..............  A               Removal of cervix....      *4.79         NA       1.66         NA       3.24        0.78          NA       8.81
    57540..  ..............  A               Removal of residual       *12.22         NA       1.55         NA       4.90        1.51          NA      18.63
    57545..  ..............  A               Remove cervix, repair     *13.03         NA       1.55         NA       4.97        1.03          NA      19.03
    57550..  ..............  A               Removal of residual        *5.53         NA       1.66         NA       3.57        1.54          NA      10.64
    [[Page 33248]]
    57555..  ..............  A               Remove cervix, repair      *8.95         NA       1.66         NA       4.46        2.17          NA      15.58
    57556..  ..............  A               Remove cervix, repair      *8.37         NA       1.66         NA       4.28        1.92          NA      14.57
    57700..  ..............  A               Revision of cervix...      *3.55         NA       1.28         NA       2.42        0.34          NA       6.31
    57720..  ..............  A               Revision of cervix...      *4.13         NA       1.66         NA       3.04        0.50          NA       7.67
    57800..  ..............  A               Dilation of cervical        0.77       0.83       0.12       1.20       0.34        0.10        2.07       1.21
    57820..  ..............  A               D&c of residual            *1.67       1.46       1.40       2.24       2.17        0.46        4.37       4.30
    58100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of uterus            0.71       0.70       0.16       1.04       0.38        0.14        1.89       1.23
    58120..  ..............  A               Dilation and               *3.27       2.00       1.15       3.27       2.24        0.56        7.10       6.07
                                              curettage (D&C).                                                                                              
    58140..  ..............  A               Removal of uterus         *14.60         NA       1.55         NA       5.46        1.71          NA      21.77
    58145..  ..............  A               Removal of uterus          *8.04         NA       1.66         NA       4.12        1.54          NA      13.70
    58150..  ..............  A               Total hysterectomy...     *15.24         NA       1.55         NA       5.68        2.08          NA      23.00
    58152..  ..............  A               Total hysterectomy...     *15.09         NA       1.55         NA       5.76        2.59          NA      23.44
    58180..  ..............  A               Partial hysterectomy.     *15.29         NA       1.55         NA       5.70        2.11          NA      23.10
    58200..  ..............  A               Extensive                 *21.59         NA       2.30         NA       8.15        2.80          NA      32.54
    58210..  ..............  A               Extensive                 *28.85         NA       2.30         NA       9.97        3.87          NA      42.69
    58240..  ..............  A               Removal of pelvis         *38.39         NA       3.59         NA      14.13        6.15          NA      58.67
    58260..  ..............  A               Vaginal hysterectomy.     *12.20         NA       1.33         NA       4.75        2.07          NA      19.02
    58262..  ..............  A               Vaginal hysterectomy.      13.06         NA       1.33         NA       4.94        2.07          NA      20.07
    58263..  ..............  A               Vaginal hysterectomy.      14.27         NA       1.33         NA       5.24        2.22          NA      21.73
    58267..  ..............  A               Hysterectomy & vagina     *15.00         NA       1.33         NA       5.45        2.46          NA      22.91
    58270..  ..............  A               Hysterectomy & vagina     *13.48         NA       1.33         NA       5.07        2.22          NA      20.77
    58275..  ..............  A               Hysterectomy, revise      *14.98         NA       1.33         NA       5.42        2.32          NA      22.72
    58280..  ..............  A               Hysterectomy, revise      *15.41         NA       1.33         NA       5.51        2.30          NA      23.22
    58285..  ..............  A               Extensive                 *18.57         NA       2.30         NA       7.47        2.70          NA      28.74
    58300..  ..............  N               Insert intrauterine        +1.01       0.71       0.16       1.12       0.45        0.13        2.26       1.59
    58301..  ..............  A               Remove intrauterine         1.27       0.82       0.16       1.29       0.49        0.08        2.64       1.84
    58321..  ..............  A               Artificial                  0.92       0.48       0.07       0.82       0.32        0.15        1.89       1.39
    58322..  ..............  A               Artificial                  1.10       0.48       0.07       0.86       0.36        0.15        2.11       1.61
    58323..  ..............  A               Sperm washing........       0.23       0.41       0.14       0.56       0.23        0.04        0.83       0.50
    58340..  ..............  A               Inject for uterus/          0.88       4.30       0.09       5.45       0.32        0.08        6.41       1.28
                                              tube x-ray.                                                                                                   
    58345..  ..............  A               Reopen fallopian tube       4.61         NA       0.65         NA       1.89        0.41          NA       6.91
    58350..  ..............  A               Reopen fallopian tube      *1.01       1.26       0.70       1.80       1.11        0.16        2.97       2.28
    58400..  ..............  A               Suspension of uterus.      *6.36         NA       1.55         NA       3.54        1.16          NA      11.06
    58410..  ..............  A               Suspension of uterus.     *12.73         NA       1.66         NA       5.00        0.84          NA      18.57
    58520..  ..............  A               Repair of ruptured        *11.92         NA       1.55         NA       4.72        0.99          NA      17.63
    58540..  ..............  A               Revision of uterus...      13.96         NA       1.52         NA       1.52        1.42          NA      16.90
    58600..  ..............  A               Division of fallopian      *3.84         NA       1.26         NA       2.68        1.38          NA       7.90
    58605..  ..............  A               Division of fallopian      *3.34         NA       1.26         NA       2.49        1.01          NA       6.84
    58611..  ..............  A               Ligate oviduct(s)....       0.63         NA       0.00         NA       0.16        0.10          NA       0.89
    58615..  ..............  A               Occlude fallopian          *3.90         NA       1.26         NA       2.47        0.35          NA       6.72
    58700..  ..............  A               Removal of fallopian       *6.49         NA       1.55         NA       3.60        1.31          NA      11.40
    58720..  ..............  A               Removal of ovary/         *11.36         NA       1.55         NA       4.73        1.63          NA      17.72
    58740..  ..............  A               Revise fallopian           *5.83         NA       1.55         NA       3.58        1.88          NA      11.29
    58750..  ..............  A               Repair oviduct.......     *14.84         NA       1.55         NA       5.46        1.46          NA      21.76
    58752..  ..............  A               Revise ovarian            *14.84         NA       1.55         NA       5.34        0.93          NA      21.11
    58760..  ..............  A               Remove tubal              *13.13         NA       1.55         NA       5.02        1.19          NA      19.34
    58770..  ..............  A               Create new tubal          *13.97         NA       1.55         NA       5.19        1.11          NA      20.27
    58800..  ..............  A               Drainage of ovarian        *4.14       2.50       0.37       4.07       1.47        0.53        8.74       6.14
    58805..  ..............  A               Drainage of ovarian        *5.88         NA       1.55         NA       3.47        1.36          NA      10.71
    58820..  ..............  A               Drainage of ovarian        *4.22         NA       1.66         NA       3.06        0.49          NA       7.77
    58822..  ..............  A               Drainage of ovarian       *10.13         NA       1.55         NA       4.28        0.81          NA      15.22
    58825..  ..............  A               Transposition,              5.63         NA       1.55         NA       3.32        0.93          NA       9.88
    58900..  ..............  A               Biopsy of ovary(s)...      *5.99         NA       1.55         NA       3.43        1.07          NA      10.49
    58920..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *6.78         NA       1.55         NA       3.68        1.41          NA      11.87
    58925..  ..............  A               Removal of ovarian        *11.36         NA       1.55         NA       4.68        1.38          NA      17.42
    58940..  ..............  A               Removal of ovary(s)..      *7.29         NA       1.55         NA       3.78        1.33          NA      12.40
    58943..  ..............  A               Removal of ovary(s)..     *18.43         NA       2.30         NA       7.42        2.63          NA      28.48
    58950..  ..............  A               Resect ovarian            *15.27         NA       2.30         NA       6.67        2.38          NA      24.32
    58951..  ..............  A               Resect ovarian            *21.81         NA       2.30         NA       8.45        3.93          NA      34.19
    58952..  ..............  A               Resect ovarian            *25.01         NA       2.30         NA       9.14        3.92          NA      38.07
    58960..  ..............  A               Exploration of            *14.65         NA       2.30         NA       6.66        2.95          NA      24.26
    58970..  ..............  A               Retrieval of oocyte..       3.53       4.73       0.16       6.66       1.10        0.58       10.77       5.21
    58976..  ..............  A               Transfer of embryo...       3.83       0.66       0.16       1.78       1.18        0.63        6.24       5.64
    59000..  ..............  A               Amniocentesis........       1.30       0.69       0.07       1.17       0.41        0.18        2.65       1.89
    59012..  ..............  A               Fetal cord puncture,        3.45         NA       0.07         NA       0.91        0.31          NA       4.67
    59015..  ..............  A               Chorion biopsy.......       2.20       0.37       0.07       0.95       0.59        0.10        3.25       2.89
    59020..  ..............  A               Fetal contract stress       0.66       0.73       0.73       1.11       1.11        0.29        2.06       2.06
    59020..  26              A               Fetal contract stress       0.66       0.04       0.04       0.24       0.24        0.19        1.09       1.09
    59020..  TC              A               Fetal contract stress       0.00       0.69       0.69       0.87       0.87        0.10        0.97       0.97
    59025..  ..............  A               Fetal non-stress test       0.53       0.45       0.45       0.69       0.69        0.12        1.34       1.34
    59025..  26              A               Fetal non-stress test       0.53       0.04       0.04       0.18       0.18        0.08        0.79       0.79
    59025..  TC              A               Fetal non-stress test       0.00       0.41       0.41       0.51       0.51        0.04        0.55       0.55
    59030..  ..............  A               Fetal scalp blood           1.99         NA       0.07         NA       0.57        0.21          NA       2.77
    59050..  ..............  A               Fetal monitor w/            0.89         NA       0.07         NA       0.31        0.15          NA       1.35
    [[Page 33249]]
    59051..  ..............  A               Fetal monitor/              0.74         NA       0.07         NA       0.28        0.15          NA       1.17
                                              interpret only.                                                                                               
    59100..  ..............  A               Remove uterus lesion.     *12.35         NA       1.55         NA       4.80        0.96          NA      18.11
    59120..  ..............  A               Treat ectopic             *11.49         NA       1.55         NA       4.73        1.50          NA      17.72
    59121..  ..............  A               Treat ectopic             *11.67         NA       1.55         NA       4.68        1.07          NA      17.42
    59130..  ..............  A               Treat ectopic             *14.22         NA       1.55         NA       5.16        0.70          NA      20.08
    59135..  ..............  A               Treat ectopic             *13.88         NA       1.55         NA       5.18        1.15          NA      20.21
    59136..  ..............  A               Treat ectopic             *13.18         NA       1.55         NA       5.09        1.44          NA      19.71
    59140..  ..............  A               Treat ectopic              *5.46         NA       1.43         NA       3.00        0.29          NA       8.75
    59150..  ..............  A               Treat ectopic              *6.89         NA       1.20         NA       3.21        1.05          NA      11.15
    59151..  ..............  A               Treat ectopic              *7.86         NA       1.34         NA       3.50        0.64          NA      12.00
    59160..  ..............  A               D&C after delivery...      *2.71       2.00       1.15       3.14       2.11        0.52        6.37       5.34
    59200..  ..............  A               Insert cervical             0.79       0.68       0.16       1.03       0.40        0.11        1.93       1.30
    59300..  ..............  A               Episiotomy or vaginal       2.41       0.95       0.16       1.70       0.75        0.10        4.21       3.26
    59320..  ..............  A               Revision of cervix...       2.48         NA       0.16         NA       0.83        0.41          NA       3.72
    59325..  ..............  A               Revision of cervix...       4.07         NA       0.16         NA       1.15        0.29          NA       5.51
    59350..  ..............  A               Repair of uterus.....       4.95         NA       1.52         NA       1.52        0.82          NA       7.29
    59400..  ..............  A               Obstetrical care.....      23.06         NA       2.19         NA       8.48        3.47          NA      35.01
    59409..  ..............  A               Obstetrical care.....      13.50         NA       0.39         NA       3.91        2.20          NA      19.61
    59410..  ..............  A               Obstetrical care.....      14.78         NA       0.77         NA       4.71        2.39          NA      21.88
    59412..  ..............  A               Antepartum                  1.71       0.71       0.12       1.31       0.59        0.29        3.31       2.59
    59414..  ..............  A               Deliver placenta.....      *2.00         NA       0.31         NA       0.87        0.27          NA       3.14
    59425..  ..............  A               Antepartum care only.       4.81       1.39       1.39       2.89       2.89        0.66        8.36       8.36
    59426..  ..............  A               Antepartum care only.       8.28       1.99       1.99       4.49       4.49        1.14       13.91      13.91
    59430..  ..............  A               Care after delivery..       2.13       0.20       0.20       0.73       0.73        0.07        2.93       2.93
    59510..  ..............  A               Cesarean delivery....      26.22         NA       2.57         NA       9.73        3.92          NA      39.87
    59514..  ..............  A               Cesarean delivery          15.97         NA       0.39         NA       4.53        2.55          NA      23.05
    59515..  ..............  A               Cesarean delivery....      17.37         NA       0.86         NA       5.45        2.73          NA      25.55
    59525..  ..............  A               Remove uterus after         8.54         NA       0.04         NA       2.11        0.88          NA      11.53
    59610..  ..............  A               Vbac delivery........      24.62         NA       2.15         NA       8.77        3.47          NA      36.86
    59612..  ..............  A               Vbac delivery only...      15.06         NA       0.38         NA       4.24        2.20          NA      21.50
    59614..  ..............  A               Vbac care after            16.34         NA       0.76         NA       5.03        2.39          NA      23.76
    59618..  ..............  A               Attempted vbac             27.78       2.19       0.13       9.61       7.10        3.92       41.31      38.80
    59620..  ..............  A               Attempted vbac             17.53         NA       0.38         NA       4.86        2.55          NA      24.94
                                              delivery only.                                                                                                
    59622..  ..............  A               Attempted vbac after       18.93         NA       0.84         NA       5.77        2.73          NA      27.43
    59812..  ..............  A               Treatment of               *3.25       2.30       1.13       3.69       2.26        0.77        7.71       6.28
    59820..  ..............  A               Care of miscarriage..      *4.01       2.30       1.13       3.85       2.43        0.77        8.63       7.21
    59821..  ..............  A               Treatment of               *4.47       2.30       1.13       3.92       2.49        0.62        9.01       7.58
    59830..  ..............  A               Treat uterus               *6.11         NA       1.41         NA       3.17        0.52          NA       9.80
    59840..  ..............  A               Abortion.............      *3.01       2.63       1.13       4.02       2.19        0.69        7.72       5.89
    59841..  ..............  A               Abortion.............      *5.24       3.30       1.43       5.34       3.05        0.76       11.34       9.05
    59850..  ..............  A               Abortion.............      *5.91         NA       0.94         NA       2.62        0.85          NA       9.38
    59851..  ..............  A               Abortion.............      *5.93         NA       1.26         NA       3.03        0.88          NA       9.84
    59852..  ..............  A               Abortion.............      *8.24         NA       1.42         NA       3.81        1.27          NA      13.32
    59855..  ..............  A               Abortion.............      *6.12         NA       1.13         NA       2.93        0.96          NA      10.01
    59856..  ..............  A               Abortion.............      *7.48         NA       1.26         NA       3.44        1.19          NA      12.11
    59857..  ..............  A               Abortion.............      *9.29         NA       1.24         NA       3.87        1.44          NA      14.60
    59866..  ..............  A               Abortion.............       4.00         NA       1.39         NA       2.72        0.66          NA       7.38
    59870..  ..............  A               Evacuate mole of           *4.28         NA       1.33         NA       2.71        0.67          NA       7.66
    60000..  ..............  A               Drain thyroid/tongue       *1.76       1.03       1.03       1.66       1.66        0.09        3.51       3.51
    60001..  ..............  A               Aspirate/inject             0.97       1.55       0.09       2.13       0.35        0.12        3.22       1.44
                                              thyriod cyst.                                                                                                 
    60100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of thyroid....       0.97       0.44       0.16       0.77       0.44        0.12        1.86       1.53
    60200..  ..............  A               Remove thyroid lesion      *9.55         NA       1.55         NA       4.21        1.04          NA      14.80
    60210..  ..............  A               Partial excision          *10.88         NA       1.55         NA       4.63        1.65          NA      17.16
    60212..  ..............  A               Parital thyroid           *16.03         NA       1.55         NA       5.78        1.74          NA      23.55
    60220..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *10.53         NA       1.55         NA       4.55        1.61          NA      16.69
    60225..  ..............  A               Partial removal of        *14.19         NA       1.55         NA       5.42        1.92          NA      21.53
    60240..  ..............  A               Removal of thyroid...     *16.06         NA       1.88         NA       6.25        1.96          NA      24.27
    60252..  ..............  A               Removal of thyroid...     *18.20         NA       1.88         NA       6.84        2.55          NA      27.59
    60254..  ..............  A               Extensive thyroid         *23.88         NA       1.93         NA       8.25        3.08          NA      35.21
    60260..  ..............  A               Repeat thyroid            *15.46         NA       1.88         NA       5.76        0.34          NA      21.56
    60270..  ..............  A               Removal of thyroid...     *17.94         NA       1.55         NA       6.37        2.54          NA      26.85
    60271..  ..............  A               Removal of thyroid...      14.16         NA       1.55         NA       5.48        2.25          NA      21.89
    60280..  ..............  A               Remove thyroid duct        *6.08         NA       1.65         NA       3.59        1.11          NA      10.78
    60281..  ..............  A               Remove thyroid duct        *8.53         NA       1.65         NA       4.09        0.95          NA      13.57
    60500..  ..............  A               Explore parathyroid       *16.23         NA       1.28         NA       5.63        2.31          NA      24.17
    60502..  ..............  A               Re-explore                *20.35         NA       1.55         NA       6.86        2.33          NA      29.54
    60505..  ..............  A               Explore parathyroid       *21.49         NA       1.55         NA       7.16        2.56          NA      31.21
    60512..  ..............  A               Autotransplant,             4.45         NA       0.00         NA       1.09        0.54          NA       6.08
    60520..  ..............  A               Removal of thymus         *16.81         NA       1.88         NA       6.52        2.46          NA      25.79
    60521..  ..............  A               Removal thymus gland.     *18.87         NA       1.88         NA       6.97        2.46          NA      28.30
    60522..  ..............  A               Removal of thymus         *23.09         NA       1.88         NA       7.89        2.46          NA      33.44
    60540..  ..............  A               Explore adrenal gland     *17.03         NA       1.55         NA       6.07        2.08          NA      25.18
    60545..  ..............  A               Explore adrenal gland     *19.88         NA       1.88         NA       7.17        2.34          NA      29.39
    60600..  ..............  A               Remove carotid body       *17.93         NA       1.28         NA       5.90        1.88          NA      25.71
    [[Page 33250]]
    60605..  ..............  A               Remove carotid body       *20.24         NA       5.60         NA      11.75        2.21          NA      34.20
    61000..  ..............  A               Remove cranial cavity       1.58       0.93       0.16       1.51       0.58        0.17        3.26       2.33
    61001..  ..............  A               Remove cranial cavity       1.49       0.87       0.16       1.42       0.56        0.17        3.08       2.22
    61020..  ..............  A               Remove brain cavity         1.51       0.91       0.16       1.48       0.57        0.20        3.19       2.28
    61026..  ..............  A               Injection into brain        1.69       0.94       0.16       1.56       0.62        0.22        3.47       2.53
    61050..  ..............  A               Remove brain canal          1.51         NA       0.16         NA       0.56        0.15          NA       2.22
    61055..  ..............  A               Injection into brain        2.10         NA       0.16         NA       0.70        0.19          NA       2.99
    61070..  ..............  A               Brain canal shunt           0.89       0.71       0.16       1.07       0.40        0.03        1.99       1.32
    61105..  ..............  A               Drill skull for            *5.14         NA       1.36         NA       3.05        1.24          NA       9.43
    61106..  ..............  A               Drill skull for exam/       4.62         NA       0.00         NA       1.26        1.15          NA       7.03
    61107..  ..............  A               Drill skull for             5.00         NA       0.16         NA       1.57        1.26          NA       7.83
    61108..  ..............  A               Drill skull for           *10.19         NA       2.08         NA       5.25        2.22          NA      17.66
    61120..  ..............  A               Pierce skull for           *8.76         NA       1.68         NA       4.20        1.08          NA      14.04
    61130..  ..............  A               Pierce skull, exam/         6.37         NA       0.00         NA       1.61        0.96          NA       8.94
    61140..  ..............  A               Pierce skull for          *15.90         NA       2.08         NA       6.58        2.56          NA      25.04
    61150..  ..............  A               Pierce skull for          *17.57         NA       2.08         NA       6.96        2.63          NA      27.16
    61151..  ..............  A               Pierce skull for          *12.42         NA       2.08         NA       5.34        0.37          NA      18.13
    61154..  ..............  A               Pierce skull, remove      *14.99         NA       2.08         NA       6.53        3.27          NA      24.79
    61156..  ..............  A               Pierce skull for          *16.32         NA       2.08         NA       6.78        3.05          NA      26.15
    61210..  ..............  A               Pierce skull; implant       5.84         NA       0.16         NA       1.81        1.53          NA       9.18
    61215..  ..............  A               Insert brain-fluid         *4.89         NA       2.08         NA       3.96        1.63          NA      10.48
    61250..  ..............  A               Pierce skull &            *10.42         NA       1.68         NA       4.65        1.44          NA      16.51
    61253..  ..............  A               Pierce skull &            *12.36         NA       1.68         NA       5.13        1.69          NA      19.18
    61304..  ..............  A               Open skull for            *21.96         NA       1.72         NA       7.96        4.78          NA      34.70
    61305..  ..............  A               Open skull for            *26.61         NA       1.72         NA       9.03        5.05          NA      40.69
    61312..  ..............  A               Open skull for            *24.57         NA       2.11         NA       8.93        4.46          NA      37.96
    61313..  ..............  A               Open skull for            *24.93         NA       2.11         NA       8.99        4.38          NA      38.30
    61314..  ..............  A               Open skull for            *24.23         NA       2.11         NA       8.90        4.68          NA      37.81
    61315..  ..............  A               Open skull for            *27.68         NA       2.11         NA       9.61        4.47          NA      41.76
    61320..  ..............  A               Open skull for            *25.62         NA       2.11         NA       8.93        3.41          NA      37.96
    61321..  ..............  A               Open skull for            *28.50         NA       2.11         NA       9.59        3.54          NA      41.63
    61330..  ..............  A               Decompress eye socket     *23.32         NA       3.77         NA       9.97        1.22          NA      34.51
    61332..  ..............  A               Explore/biopsy eye        *27.28         NA       2.39         NA       9.50        2.76          NA      39.54
    61333..  ..............  A               Explore orbit; remove     *27.95         NA       2.39         NA       9.76        3.26          NA      40.97
    61334..  ..............  A               Explore orbit; remove     *18.27         NA       2.39         NA       7.32        1.82          NA      27.41
    61340..  ..............  A               Relieve cranial           *18.66         NA       2.39         NA       7.56        2.54          NA      28.76
    61343..  ..............  A               Incise skull,             *29.77         NA       2.77         NA      11.06        5.28          NA      46.11
                                              pressure relief.                                                                                              
    61345..  ..............  A               Relieve cranial           *27.20         NA       2.77         NA      10.09        3.45          NA      40.74
    61440..  ..............  A               Incise skull for          *26.63         NA       2.77         NA       9.87        3.00          NA      39.50
    61450..  ..............  A               Incise skull for          *25.95         NA       2.16         NA       9.07        3.43          NA      38.45
    61458..  ..............  A               Incise skull for          *27.29         NA       2.16         NA       9.68        4.87          NA      41.84
                                              brain wound.                                                                                                  
    61460..  ..............  A               Incise skull for          *28.39         NA       2.16         NA       9.72        3.98          NA      42.09
    61470..  ..............  A               Incise skull for          *26.06         NA       2.16         NA       8.90        2.53          NA      37.49
    61480..  ..............  A               Incise skull for          *26.49         NA       2.16         NA       8.83        1.78          NA      37.10
    61490..  ..............  A               Incise skull for          *25.66         NA       2.16         NA       8.73        2.16          NA      36.55
    61500..  ..............  A               Removal of skull          *17.92         NA       2.16         NA       7.34        3.58          NA      28.84
    61501..  ..............  A               Remove infected skull     *14.84         NA       2.16         NA       6.61        3.33          NA      24.78
    61510..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *28.45         NA       2.16         NA       9.94        4.90          NA      43.29
    61512..  ..............  A               Remove brain lining       *35.09         NA       2.21         NA      11.54        5.28          NA      51.91
    61514..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *25.26         NA       2.16         NA       9.21        4.74          NA      39.21
    61516..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *24.61         NA       2.39         NA       9.31        4.57          NA      38.49
    61518..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *37.32         NA       3.17         NA      13.23        5.46          NA      56.01
    61519..  ..............  A               Remove brain lining       *41.39         NA       3.17         NA      14.19        5.77          NA      61.35
    61520..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *54.84         NA       3.17         NA      17.17        5.89          NA      77.90
    61521..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *44.48         NA       3.17         NA      14.89        5.85          NA      65.22
    61522..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *29.45         NA       2.77         NA      10.66        3.79          NA      43.90
    61524..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *27.86         NA       2.77         NA      10.61        5.15          NA      43.62
    61526..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *52.17         NA       2.77         NA      15.86        4.79          NA      72.82
    61530..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *43.86         NA       3.17         NA      14.52        4.79          NA      63.17
    61531..  ..............  A               Implant brain             *14.63         NA       2.35         NA       6.46        1.75          NA      22.84
    61533..  ..............  A               Implant brain             *19.71         NA       2.35         NA       7.92        3.33          NA      30.96
    61534..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *20.97         NA       2.77         NA       8.41        2.01          NA      31.39
    61535..  ..............  A               Remove brain              *11.63         NA       2.39         NA       5.74        1.25          NA      18.62
    61536..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *35.52         NA       2.77         NA      12.03        3.99          NA      51.54
    61538..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *26.81         NA       2.77         NA      10.34        4.97          NA      42.12
    61539..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *32.08         NA       2.77         NA      11.30        4.07          NA      47.45
    61541..  ..............  A               Incision of brain         *28.85         NA       2.39         NA      10.07        3.78          NA      42.70
    61542..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *31.02         NA       2.77         NA      11.03        3.90          NA      45.95
    61543..  ..............  A               Removal of brain          *29.22         NA       2.77         NA      10.32        2.49          NA      42.03
    61544..  ..............  A               Remove & treat brain       23.71         NA       2.72         NA       2.72        2.11          NA      28.54
    61545..  ..............  A               Excision of brain         *43.80         NA       2.77         NA      14.02        4.80          NA      62.62
    61546..  ..............  A               Removal of pituitary      *31.30         NA       2.77         NA      11.28        4.78          NA      47.36
    61548..  ..............  A               Removal of pituitary      *21.53         NA       2.39         NA       8.52        4.03          NA      34.08
    61550..  ..............  A               Release of skull          *14.65         NA       2.39         NA       6.37        1.11          NA      22.13
    [[Page 33251]]
    61552..  ..............  A               Release of skull          *19.56         NA       2.39         NA       7.80        2.70          NA      30.06
    61556..  ..............  A               Incise skull/sutures.     *22.26         NA       2.39         NA       8.46        3.04          NA      33.76
    61557..  ..............  A               Incise skull/sutures.     *22.38         NA       2.39         NA       8.49        3.05          NA      33.92
    61558..  ..............  A               Excision of skull/        *25.58         NA       2.77         NA       9.74        3.47          NA      38.79
    61559..  ..............  A               Excision of skull/        *32.79         NA       2.77         NA      11.55        4.50          NA      48.84
    61563..  ..............  A               Excision of skull         *26.83         NA       2.39         NA       9.60        3.68          NA      40.11
    61564..  ..............  A               Excision of skull         *33.83         NA       2.39         NA      11.35        4.64          NA      49.82
    61570..  ..............  A               Remove brain foreign      *24.60         NA       1.72         NA       8.16        3.06          NA      35.82
    61571..  ..............  A               Incise skull for          *26.39         NA       1.72         NA       8.58        3.21          NA      38.18
                                              brain wound.                                                                                                  
    61575..  ..............  A               Skull base/brainstem      *34.36         NA       3.17         NA      12.50        5.05          NA      51.91
    61576..  ..............  A               Skull base/brainstem      *52.43         NA       3.17         NA      16.20        3.91          NA      72.54
    61580..  ..............  A               Craniofacial              *30.35         NA       2.86         NA      11.04        4.10          NA      45.49
                                              approach, skull.                                                                                              
    61581..  ..............  A               Craniofacial              *34.60         NA       3.26         NA      12.58        4.66          NA      51.84
                                              approach, skull.                                                                                              
    61582..  ..............  A               Craniofacial              *31.66         NA       3.26         NA      11.83        4.22          NA      47.71
                                              approach, skull.                                                                                              
    61583..  ..............  A               Craniofacial              *36.21         NA       4.01         NA      13.88        4.83          NA      54.92
                                              approach, skull.                                                                                              
    61584..  ..............  A               Orbitocranial             *34.65         NA       3.26         NA      12.59        4.68          NA      51.92
    61585..  ..............  A               Orbitocranial             *38.61         NA       3.26         NA      13.58        5.23          NA      57.42
    61586..  ..............  A               Resect nasopharynx,       *25.10         NA       3.20         NA       9.91        2.32          NA      37.33
    61590..  ..............  A               Infratemporal             *41.78         NA       3.26         NA      14.37        5.68          NA      61.83
    61591..  ..............  A               Infratemporal             *43.68         NA       3.26         NA      14.85        5.96          NA      64.49
    61592..  ..............  A               Orbitocranial             *39.64         NA       3.26         NA      13.84        5.41          NA      58.89
    61595..  ..............  A               Transtemporal             *29.57         NA       3.26         NA      11.33        4.00          NA      44.90
    61596..  ..............  A               Transcochlear             *35.63         NA       2.86         NA      12.36        4.86          NA      52.85
    61597..  ..............  A               Transcondylar             *37.96         NA       3.26         NA      13.41        5.13          NA      56.50
    61598..  ..............  A               Transpetrosal             *33.41         NA       3.26         NA      12.28        4.52          NA      50.21
    61600..  ..............  A               Resect/excise cranial     *25.85         NA       3.26         NA      10.40        3.46          NA      39.71
    61601..  ..............  A               Resect/excise cranial     *27.89         NA       3.26         NA      10.90        3.72          NA      42.51
    61605..  ..............  A               Resect/excise cranial     *29.33         NA       2.86         NA      10.78        3.93          NA      44.04
    61606..  ..............  A               Resect/excise cranial     *38.83         NA       3.26         NA      13.63        5.25          NA      57.71
    61607..  ..............  A               Resect/excise cranial     *36.27         NA       3.26         NA      13.00        4.91          NA      54.18
    61608..  ..............  A               Resect/excise cranial     *42.10         NA       3.26         NA      14.45        5.71          NA      62.26
    61609..  ..............  A               Transect, artery,           9.89         NA       0.00         NA       2.47        1.40          NA      13.76
    61610..  ..............  A               Transect, artery,          29.67         NA       0.00         NA       7.42        4.21          NA      41.30
    61611..  ..............  A               Transect, artery,           7.42         NA       0.00         NA       1.86        1.06          NA      10.34
    61612..  ..............  A               Transect, artery,          27.88         NA       0.00         NA       6.97        3.96          NA      38.81
    61613..  ..............  A               Remove aneurysm,          *40.86         NA       2.86         NA      13.67        5.61          NA      60.14
    61615..  ..............  A               Resect/excise lesion,     *32.07         NA       3.63         NA      12.39        4.31          NA      48.77
    61616..  ..............  A               Resect/excise lesion,     *43.33         NA       4.01         NA      15.67        5.86          NA      64.86
    61618..  ..............  A               Repair dura..........     *16.99         NA       2.86         NA       7.70        2.22          NA      26.91
    61619..  ..............  A               Repair dura..........     *20.71         NA       2.86         NA       8.63        2.77          NA      32.11
    61624..  ..............  A               Occlusion/                 20.15         NA       0.16         NA       5.00        1.79          NA      26.94
                                              embolization cath.                                                                                            
    61626..  ..............  A               Occlusion/                 16.62         NA       0.16         NA       4.16        1.47          NA      22.25
                                              embolization cath.                                                                                            
    61680..  ..............  A               Intracranial vessel       *30.71         NA       2.77         NA      11.37        5.79          NA      47.87
    61682..  ..............  A               Intracranial vessel       *61.57         NA       2.77         NA      18.26        6.36          NA      86.19
    61684..  ..............  A               Intracranial vessel       *39.81         NA       2.77         NA      12.86        3.47          NA      56.14
    61686..  ..............  A               Intracranial vessel       *64.49         NA       2.77         NA      18.43        4.20          NA      87.12
    61690..  ..............  A               Intracranial vessel       *29.31         NA       2.77         NA      10.70        4.09          NA      44.10
    61692..  ..............  A               Intracranial vessel       *51.87         NA       2.77         NA      15.48        3.36          NA      70.71
    61700..  ..............  A               Inner skull vessel        *50.52         NA       2.15         NA      14.93        5.67          NA      71.12
    61702..  ..............  A               Inner skull vessel        *48.41         NA       2.15         NA      14.67        6.61          NA      69.69
    61703..  ..............  A               Clamp neck artery....     *17.47         NA       2.39         NA       7.24        2.24          NA      26.95
    61705..  ..............  A               Revise circulation to     *36.20         NA       2.39         NA      12.00        5.25          NA      53.45
    61708..  ..............  A               Revise circulation to     *35.30         NA       2.39         NA      11.16        2.32          NA      48.78
    61710..  ..............  A               Revise circulation to     *29.67         NA       2.39         NA       9.80        1.75          NA      41.22
    61711..  ..............  A               Fusion of skull           *36.33         NA       2.39         NA      12.24        6.20          NA      54.77
    61712..  ..............  A               Skull or spine              3.49         NA       0.00         NA       0.97        0.93          NA       5.39
    61720..  ..............  A               Incise skull/brain        *16.77         NA       2.39         NA       7.48        4.05          NA      28.30
    61735..  ..............  A               Incise skull/brain        *20.43         NA       2.39         NA       7.73        1.51          NA      29.67
    61750..  ..............  A               Incise skull; brain       *18.20         NA       2.02         NA       7.39        4.31          NA      29.90
    61751..  ..............  A               Brain biopsy with cat     *17.62         NA       2.02         NA       7.29        4.44          NA      29.35
    61760..  ..............  A               Implant brain              21.00         NA       1.98         NA       7.39        1.75          NA      30.14
    61770..  ..............  A               Incise skull for          *21.44         NA       2.35         NA       8.32        3.43          NA      33.19
    61790..  ..............  A               Treat trigeminal          *10.86       0.99       0.99       4.25       4.25        3.03       18.14      18.14
    61791..  ..............  A               Treat trigeminal          *14.61         NA       2.02         NA       6.35        3.16          NA      24.12
    61793..  ..............  A               Focus radiation beam.     *17.24         NA       2.39         NA       7.12        1.96          NA      26.32
    61795..  ..............  A               Brain surgery using         4.04         NA       0.16         NA       1.42        1.55          NA       7.01
    61850..  ..............  A               Implant                   *12.39         NA       1.98         NA       5.62        2.26          NA      20.27
    61855..  ..............  A               Implant                   *13.39         NA       2.35         NA       6.12        1.47          NA      20.98
    61860..  ..............  A               Implant                   *20.87         NA       2.35         NA       7.79        1.59          NA      30.25
    61865..  ..............  A               Implant                   *22.97         NA       2.35         NA       8.58        3.09          NA      34.64
    61870..  ..............  A               Implant                   *14.94         NA       2.35         NA       6.32        0.82          NA      22.08
    61875..  ..............  A               Implant                   *15.06         NA       2.35         NA       6.46        1.31          NA      22.83
    61880..  ..............  A               Revise/remove              *6.29         NA       2.35         NA       4.39        0.66          NA      11.34
    61885..  ..............  A               Implant neuroreceiver      *5.85         NA       2.35         NA       4.21        0.29          NA      10.35
    [[Page 33252]]
    61888..  ..............  A               Revise/remove              *5.07         NA       1.63         NA       3.19        0.44          NA       8.70
    62000..  ..............  A               Repair of skull           *12.53         NA       1.39         NA       4.64        0.95          NA      18.12
    62005..  ..............  A               Repair of skull           *16.17         NA       1.76         NA       6.12        1.97          NA      24.26
    62010..  ..............  A               Treatment of head         *19.81         NA       1.76         NA       7.23        3.39          NA      30.43
    62100..  ..............  A               Repair brain fluid        *22.03         NA       2.77         NA       9.02        3.72          NA      34.77
    62115..  ..............  A               Reduction of skull        *21.66         NA       2.39         NA       8.06        1.82          NA      31.54
    62116..  ..............  A               Reduction of skull        *23.59         NA       2.39         NA       8.52        1.99          NA      34.10
    62117..  ..............  A               Reduction of skull         25.38         NA       2.35         NA       2.35        2.25          NA      29.98
    62120..  ..............  A               Repair skull cavity       *23.35         NA       2.39         NA       8.47        1.98          NA      33.80
    62121..  ..............  A               Incise skull repair..     *21.58         NA       2.39         NA       8.39        3.41          NA      33.38
    62140..  ..............  A               Repair of skull           *13.51         NA       2.02         NA       5.94        2.39          NA      21.84
    62141..  ..............  A               Repair of skull           *14.91         NA       2.39         NA       6.90        3.28          NA      25.09
    62142..  ..............  A               Remove skull plate/       *10.79         NA       2.02         NA       5.40        2.64          NA      18.83
    62143..  ..............  A               Replace skull plate/      *13.05         NA       2.39         NA       6.14        1.65          NA      20.84
    62145..  ..............  A               Repair of skull &         *18.82         NA       2.39         NA       7.54        2.29          NA      28.65
    62146..  ..............  A               Repair of skull with      *16.12         NA       2.39         NA       6.92        2.15          NA      25.19
    62147..  ..............  A               Repair of skull with      *19.34         NA       2.39         NA       7.72        2.57          NA      29.63
    62180..  ..............  A               Establish brain           *21.06         NA       2.35         NA       8.07        2.70          NA      31.83
                                              cavity shunt.                                                                                                 
    62190..  ..............  A               Establish brain           *11.07         NA       2.35         NA       6.00        3.21          NA      20.28
                                              cavity shunt.                                                                                                 
    62192..  ..............  A               Establish brain           *12.25         NA       2.35         NA       6.15        2.74          NA      21.14
                                              cavity shunt.                                                                                                 
    62194..  ..............  A               Replace/irrigate           *5.03         NA       1.01         NA       2.40        0.29          NA       7.72
    62200..  ..............  A               Establish brain           *18.32         NA       2.35         NA       7.56        3.09          NA      28.97
                                              cavity shunt.                                                                                                 
    62201..  ..............  A               Establish brain           *14.86         NA       2.35         NA       6.50        1.72          NA      23.08
                                              cavity shunt.                                                                                                 
    62220..  ..............  A               Establish brain           *13.00         NA       2.35         NA       6.40        3.12          NA      22.52
                                              cavity shunt.                                                                                                 
    62223..  ..............  A               Establish brain           *12.87         NA       2.35         NA       6.35        3.02          NA      22.24
                                              cavity shunt.                                                                                                 
    62225..  ..............  A               Replace/irrigate           *5.41         NA       1.72         NA       3.41        0.58          NA       9.40
    62230..  ..............  A               Replace/revise brain      *10.54         NA       1.72         NA       4.81        1.82          NA      17.17
    62256..  ..............  A               Remove brain cavity        *6.60         NA       2.35         NA       4.57        1.17          NA      12.34
    62258..  ..............  A               Replace brain cavity      *14.54         NA       1.72         NA       5.84        2.55          NA      22.93
    62268..  ..............  A               Drain spinal cord           4.74         NA       0.16         NA       1.32        0.36          NA       6.42
    62269..  ..............  A               Needle biopsy spinal        5.02         NA       0.16         NA       1.36        0.28          NA       6.66
    62270..  ..............  A               Spinal fluid tap,           1.13       0.52       0.11       0.89       0.40        0.06        2.08       1.59
    62272..  ..............  A               Drain spinal fluid...       1.35       0.52       0.11       0.96       0.46        0.12        2.43       1.93
    62273..  ..............  A               Treat lumbar spine          2.15       0.73       0.16       1.42       0.73        0.26        3.83       3.14
    62274..  ..............  A               Inject spinal               1.78       1.21       0.16       1.91       0.63        0.17        3.86       2.58
    62275..  ..............  A               Inject spinal               1.79       1.39       0.16       2.12       0.63        0.19        4.10       2.61
    62276..  ..............  A               Inject spinal               2.04       1.46       0.16       2.27       0.70        0.23        4.54       2.97
    62277..  ..............  A               Inject spinal               2.15       1.64       0.16       2.52       0.72        0.23        4.90       3.10
    62278..  ..............  A               Inject spinal               1.51       1.62       0.16       2.36       0.59        0.26        4.13       2.36
    62279..  ..............  A               Inject spinal               1.58       1.25       0.16       1.93       0.60        0.24        3.75       2.42
    62280..  ..............  A               Treat spinal cord           2.58       2.16       0.31       3.23       0.97        0.14        5.95       3.69
    62281..  ..............  A               Treat spinal cord           2.61       2.29       0.61       3.43       1.38        0.28        6.32       4.27
    62282..  ..............  A               Treat spinal canal          2.28       2.29       0.61       3.38       1.33        0.40        6.06       4.01
    62284..  ..............  A               Injection for               1.54       1.53       0.06       2.27       0.49        0.34        4.15       2.37
    62287..  ..............  A               Percutaneous               *8.08         NA       1.77         NA       4.51        2.65          NA      15.24
    62288..  ..............  A               Injection into spinal       1.74       1.31       0.16       2.04       0.63        0.24        4.02       2.61
    62289..  ..............  A               Injection into spinal       1.64       1.48       0.16       2.22       0.62        0.29        4.15       2.55
    62290..  ..............  A               Inject for spine disk       3.00       1.53       0.06       2.57       0.78        0.24        5.81       4.02
    62291..  ..............  A               Inject for spine disk       2.91       1.73       0.06       2.83       0.80        0.39        6.13       4.10
    62292..  ..............  A               Injection into disk        *7.86         NA       2.19         NA       4.86        2.13          NA      14.85
    62294..  ..............  A               Injection into spinal     *11.83         NA       2.53         NA       5.82        0.68          NA      18.33
    62298..  ..............  A               Injection into spinal       2.20       1.39       0.16       2.20       0.71        0.13        4.53       3.04
    62350..  ..............  A               Implant spinal             *6.87       1.25       1.25       3.26       3.26        1.02       11.15      11.15
    62351..  ..............  A               Implant spinal            *10.00       1.98       1.98       4.93       4.93        1.50       16.43      16.43
    62355..  ..............  A               Remove spinal canal        *5.45       1.25       1.25       2.87       2.87        0.68        9.00       9.00
    62360..  ..............  A               Insert spine infusion      *2.62       1.25       1.25       2.17       2.17        0.33        5.12       5.12
    62361..  ..............  A               Implant spine              *5.42       1.98       1.98       3.77       3.77        0.78        9.97       9.97
                                              infusion pump.                                                                                                
    62362..  ..............  A               Implant spine              *7.04       1.25       1.25       3.29       3.29        1.02       11.35      11.35
                                              infusion pump.                                                                                                
    62365..  ..............  A               Remove spine infusion      *5.42       1.25       1.25       2.86       2.86        0.68        8.96       8.96
    62367..  26              A               Analyze spine               0.48       0.06       0.06       0.19       0.19        0.07        0.74       0.74
                                              infusion pump.                                                                                                
    62368..  26              A               Analyze spine               0.75       0.06       0.06       0.26       0.26        0.11        1.12       1.12
                                              infusion pump.                                                                                                
    63001..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *15.82         NA       2.37         NA       7.11        3.42          NA      26.35
    63003..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *15.95         NA       2.37         NA       7.10        3.23          NA      26.28
    63005..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *14.92         NA       2.37         NA       6.84        3.10          NA      24.86
    63011..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *14.52         NA       2.37         NA       6.48        1.87          NA      22.87
    63012..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *15.40         NA       2.37         NA       6.96        3.15          NA      25.51
    63015..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *19.35         NA       2.37         NA       8.05        4.18          NA      31.58
    63016..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *19.20         NA       2.37         NA       8.00        4.11          NA      31.31
    63017..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *15.94         NA       2.37         NA       7.26        4.00          NA      27.20
    63020..  ..............  A               Neck spine disk           *14.81         NA       2.37         NA       6.88        3.38          NA      25.07
    63030..  ..............  A               Low back disk surgery     *12.00         NA       2.37         NA       6.14        2.81          NA      20.95
    63035..  ..............  A               Added spinal disk           3.15         NA       0.00         NA       0.86        0.76          NA       4.77
    63040..  ..............  A               Neck spine disk           *18.81         NA       2.44         NA       8.03        4.30          NA      31.14
    63042..  ..............  A               Low back disk surgery     *17.47         NA       2.44         NA       7.76        4.38          NA      29.61
    [[Page 33253]]
    63045..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *16.50         NA       2.37         NA       7.47        4.38          NA      28.35
    63046..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *15.80         NA       2.37         NA       7.36        4.58          NA      27.74
    63047..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal         *14.61         NA       2.37         NA       7.08        4.48          NA      26.17
    63048..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal           3.26         NA       0.00         NA       0.94        1.03          NA       5.23
    63055..  ..............  A               Decompress spinal         *21.99         NA       2.37         NA       8.63        4.18          NA      34.80
    63056..  ..............  A               Decompress spinal         *20.36         NA       2.37         NA       8.18        3.76          NA      32.30
    63057..  ..............  A               Decompress spinal           5.26         NA       0.00         NA       1.34        0.85          NA       7.45
    63064..  ..............  A               Decompress spinal         *24.61         NA       2.37         NA       9.18        4.09          NA      37.88
    63066..  ..............  A               Decompress spinal           3.26         NA       0.00         NA       0.81        0.45          NA       4.52
    63075..  ..............  A               Neck spine disk           *19.41         NA       2.37         NA       7.85        3.21          NA      30.47
    63076..  ..............  A               Neck spine disk             4.05         NA       0.00         NA       1.10        0.97          NA       6.12
    63077..  ..............  A               Spine disk surgery,       *21.44         NA       2.67         NA       8.65        3.17          NA      33.26
    63078..  ..............  A               Spine disk surgery,         3.28         NA       0.00         NA       0.82        0.45          NA       4.55
    63081..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *23.73         NA       2.37         NA       9.08        4.50          NA      37.31
    63082..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral        4.37         NA       0.00         NA       1.22        1.22          NA       6.81
    63085..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *26.92         NA       2.76         NA      10.29        4.69          NA      41.90
    63086..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral        3.19         NA       0.00         NA       0.93        1.07          NA       5.19
    63087..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *35.57         NA       2.67         NA      12.11        4.85          NA      52.53
    63088..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral        4.33         NA       0.00         NA       1.21        1.18          NA       6.72
    63090..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *28.16         NA       2.67         NA      10.50        4.92          NA      43.58
    63091..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral        3.03         NA       0.00         NA       0.76        0.46          NA       4.25
    63170..  ..............  A               Incise spinal cord        *19.83         NA       2.59         NA       8.22        3.28          NA      31.33
    63172..  ..............  A               Drainage of spinal        *17.66         NA       2.59         NA       7.96        4.26          NA      29.88
    63173..  ..............  A               Drainage of spinal        *21.99         NA       2.59         NA       8.37        1.81          NA      32.17
    63180..  ..............  A               Revise spinal cord        *18.27         NA       2.59         NA       7.61        2.05          NA      27.93
    63182..  ..............  A               Revise spinal cord        *20.50         NA       2.59         NA       8.13        2.21          NA      30.84
    63185..  ..............  A               Incise spinal column/     *15.04         NA       2.59         NA       7.09        2.93          NA      25.06
    63190..  ..............  A               Incise spinal column/     *17.45         NA       2.59         NA       7.83        3.91          NA      29.19
    63191..  ..............  A               Incise spinal column/     *17.54         NA       2.59         NA       7.48        2.21          NA      27.23
    63194..  ..............  A               Incise spinal column      *19.19         NA       2.59         NA       7.87        2.33          NA      29.39
                                              & cord.                                                                                                       
    63195..  ..............  A               Incise spinal column      *18.84         NA       2.59         NA       7.74        2.11          NA      28.69
                                              & cord.                                                                                                       
    63196..  ..............  A               Incise spinal column       20.57         NA       2.54         NA       2.54        1.83          NA      24.94
                                              & cord.                                                                                                       
    63197..  ..............  A               Incise spinal column      *21.11         NA       2.59         NA       8.35        2.62          NA      32.08
                                              & cord.                                                                                                       
    63198..  ..............  A               Incise spinal column      *25.38         NA       2.59         NA       9.41        3.19          NA      37.98
                                              & cord.                                                                                                       
    63199..  ..............  A               Incise spinal column      *26.89         NA       2.59         NA       9.62        2.61          NA      39.12
                                              & cord.                                                                                                       
    63200..  ..............  A               Release of spinal         *19.18         NA       2.37         NA       7.50        1.83          NA      28.51
    63250..  ..............  A               Revise spinal cord        *40.76         NA       2.37         NA      12.97        5.22          NA      58.95
    63251..  ..............  A               Revise spinal cord        *41.20         NA       2.37         NA      12.87        4.32          NA      58.39
    63252..  ..............  A               Revise spinal cord        *41.19         NA       2.37         NA      13.13        5.52          NA      59.84
    63265..  ..............  A               Excise intraspinal        *21.56         NA       2.37         NA       8.47        3.90          NA      33.93
    63266..  ..............  A               Excise intraspinal        *22.30         NA       2.37         NA       8.75        4.43          NA      35.48
    63267..  ..............  A               Excise intraspinal        *17.95         NA       2.37         NA       7.75        4.20          NA      29.90
    63268..  ..............  A               Excise intraspinal        *18.52         NA       2.37         NA       7.49        2.46          NA      28.47
    63270..  ..............  A               Excise intraspinal        *26.80         NA       2.37         NA       9.51        3.42          NA      39.73
    63271..  ..............  A               Excise intraspinal        *26.92         NA       2.37         NA       9.84        4.79          NA      41.55
    63272..  ..............  A               Excise intraspinal        *25.32         NA       2.37         NA       9.37        4.26          NA      38.95
    63273..  ..............  A               Excise intraspinal        *24.29         NA       2.37         NA       8.90        3.12          NA      36.31
    63275..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *23.68         NA       2.37         NA       9.20        5.09          NA      37.97
    63276..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *23.45         NA       2.37         NA       9.04        4.62          NA      37.11
    63277..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *20.83         NA       2.37         NA       8.39        4.25          NA      33.47
    63278..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *20.56         NA       2.37         NA       8.34        4.32          NA      33.22
    63280..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *28.35         NA       2.37         NA      10.20        4.99          NA      43.54
    63281..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *28.05         NA       2.37         NA      10.13        4.96          NA      43.14
    63282..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *26.39         NA       2.37         NA       9.65        4.44          NA      40.48
    63283..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *25.00         NA       2.37         NA       9.12        3.44          NA      37.56
    63285..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *36.00         NA       2.37         NA      11.76        4.49          NA      52.25
    63286..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *35.63         NA       2.37         NA      11.78        4.92          NA      52.33
    63287..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *36.70         NA       2.37         NA      11.93        4.53          NA      53.16
    63290..  ..............  A               Biopsy/excise spinal      *37.38         NA       2.37         NA      12.10        4.65          NA      54.13
    63300..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *24.43         NA       2.37         NA       8.69        2.02          NA      35.14
    63301..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *27.60         NA       2.37         NA       9.72        3.58          NA      40.90
    63302..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *27.81         NA       2.37         NA       9.65        3.02          NA      40.48
    63303..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *30.50         NA       2.37         NA      10.32        3.39          NA      44.21
    63304..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *30.33         NA       2.37         NA      10.08        2.49          NA      42.90
    63305..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *32.03         NA       2.37         NA      10.73        3.75          NA      46.51
    63306..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *32.22         NA       2.37         NA      10.53        2.65          NA      45.40
    63307..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral      *31.63         NA       2.37         NA      10.48        2.98          NA      45.09
    63308..  ..............  A               Removal of vertebral        5.25         NA       0.00         NA       1.31        0.73          NA       7.29
    63600..  ..............  A               Remove spinal cord        *14.02         NA       2.53         NA       6.73        2.63          NA      23.38
    63610..  ..............  A               Stimulation of spinal       8.73         NA       0.16         NA       2.56        2.06          NA      13.35
    63615..  ..............  A               Remove lesion of          *16.28         NA       2.53         NA       7.09        2.03          NA      25.40
                                              spinal cord.                                                                                                  
    63650..  ..............  A               Implant                    *6.74         NA       1.63         NA       3.93        2.13          NA      12.80
    63655..  ..............  A               Implant                   *10.29         NA       2.35         NA       5.92        3.64          NA      19.85
    63660..  ..............  A               Revise/remove              *6.16         NA       1.98         NA       4.10        1.56          NA      11.82
    [[Page 33254]]
    63685..  ..............  A               Implant neuroreceiver      *7.04         NA       1.98         NA       4.27        1.46          NA      12.77
    63688..  ..............  A               Revise/remove              *5.39         NA       1.98         NA       3.87        1.26          NA      10.52
    63690..  ..............  A               Analysis of                 0.45       0.43       0.16       0.65       0.32        0.12        1.22       0.89
    63691..  ..............  A               Analysis of                 0.65       0.52       0.16       0.80       0.37        0.11        1.56       1.13
    63700..  ..............  A               Repair of spinal          *16.53         NA       2.39         NA       7.03        2.22          NA      25.78
    63702..  ..............  A               Repair of spinal          *18.48         NA       2.39         NA       7.51        2.49          NA      28.48
    63704..  ..............  A               Repair of spinal          *21.18         NA       2.39         NA       8.17        2.77          NA      32.12
    63706..  ..............  A               Repair of spinal           22.45         NA       2.35         NA       2.35        3.18          NA      27.98
    63707..  ..............  A               Repair spinal fluid       *11.26         NA       2.37         NA       5.92        2.56          NA      19.74
    63709..  ..............  A               Repair spinal fluid       *14.32         NA       2.37         NA       6.75        3.30          NA      24.37
    63710..  ..............  A               Graft repair of spine     *14.07         NA       2.37         NA       6.32        1.58          NA      21.97
    63740..  ..............  A               Install spinal shunt.     *11.36         NA       2.35         NA       6.01        2.99          NA      20.36
    63741..  ..............  A               Install spinal shunt.      *8.25         NA       1.98         NA       4.74        2.39          NA      15.38
    63744..  ..............  A               Revision of spinal         *8.10         NA       1.98         NA       4.55        1.68          NA      14.33
    63746..  ..............  A               Removal of spinal          *6.43         NA       1.98         NA       4.05        1.08          NA      11.56
    64400..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.11       1.18       0.16       1.69       0.45        0.05        2.85       1.61
    64402..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.25       1.26       0.16       1.83       0.49        0.09        3.17       1.83
    64405..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.32       0.93       0.16       1.43       0.50        0.07        2.82       1.89
    64408..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.41       0.74       0.16       1.24       0.53        0.11        2.76       2.05
    64410..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.43       0.86       0.16       1.39       0.54        0.15        2.97       2.12
    64412..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.18       0.93       0.16       1.41       0.47        0.08        2.67       1.73
    64413..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.40       0.92       0.16       1.44       0.52        0.08        2.92       2.00
    64415..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.48       0.67       0.16       1.16       0.54        0.07        2.71       2.09
    64417..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.44       0.88       0.16       1.42       0.55        0.15        3.01       2.14
    64418..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.32       0.87       0.16       1.37       0.51        0.10        2.79       1.93
    64420..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.18       0.84       0.16       1.29       0.47        0.07        2.54       1.72
    64421..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.68       1.21       0.16       1.88       0.60        0.17        3.73       2.45
    64425..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.75       0.75       0.16       1.32       0.60        0.10        3.17       2.45
    64430..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.46       1.06       0.16       1.64       0.54        0.12        3.22       2.12
    64435..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.45       0.97       0.16       1.52       0.54        0.09        3.06       2.08
    64440..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.34       1.31       0.16       1.92       0.51        0.09        3.35       1.94
    64441..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.79       1.58       0.16       2.34       0.62        0.12        4.25       2.53
    64442..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.41       1.03       0.16       1.60       0.54        0.16        3.17       2.11
    64443..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         0.98       0.55       0.00       0.91       0.24        0.12        2.01       1.34
    64445..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.48       0.82       0.16       1.33       0.54        0.06        2.87       2.08
    64450..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.27       0.75       0.16       1.21       0.49        0.05        2.53       1.81
    64505..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.36       0.69       0.16       1.16       0.51        0.06        2.58       1.93
    64508..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.12       0.74       0.16       1.17       0.46        0.08        2.37       1.66
    64510..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.22       0.77       0.16       1.25       0.51        0.18        2.65       1.91
    64520..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.35       1.19       0.16       1.79       0.53        0.17        3.31       2.05
    64530..  ..............  A               Injection for nerve         1.58       1.20       0.16       1.87       0.61        0.28        3.73       2.47
    64550..  ..............  A               Apply neurostimulator       0.18       0.36       0.16       0.48       0.25        0.04        0.70       0.47
    64553..  ..............  A               Implant                    *2.31       1.37       1.37       2.19       2.19        0.10        4.60       4.60
    64555..  ..............  A               Implant                    *2.27       1.37       1.37       2.18       2.18        0.10        4.55       4.55
    64560..  ..............  A               Implant                    *2.36       1.45       1.45       2.33       2.33        0.24        4.93       4.93
    64565..  ..............  A               Implant                    *1.76       1.41       1.41       2.12       2.12        0.08        3.96       3.96
    64573..  ..............  A               Implant                    *4.43         NA       1.98         NA       3.51        0.61          NA       8.55
    64575..  ..............  A               Implant                    *4.35         NA       1.98         NA       3.45        0.40          NA       8.20
    64577..  ..............  A               Implant                    *4.62         NA       1.98         NA       3.52        0.45          NA       8.59
    64580..  ..............  A               Implant                    *4.12         NA       1.98         NA       3.36        0.20          NA       7.68
    64585..  ..............  A               Revise/remove              *2.06       1.36       1.34       2.12       2.10        0.09        4.27       4.25
    64590..  ..............  A               Implant neuroreceiver      *2.40         NA       1.55         NA       2.49        0.35          NA       5.24
    64595..  ..............  A               Revise/remove              *1.73         NA       1.45         NA       2.19        0.21          NA       4.13
    64600..  ..............  A               Injection treatment        *3.45       1.31       0.61       2.40       1.54        0.17        6.02       5.16
                                              of nerve.                                                                                                     
    64605..  ..............  A               Injection treatment        *5.61       1.55       0.61       3.19       2.05        0.33        9.13       7.99
                                              of nerve.                                                                                                     
    64610..  ..............  A               Injection treatment        *7.16         NA       1.44         NA       3.62        1.35          NA      12.13
                                              of nerve.                                                                                                     
    64612..  ..............  A               Destroy nerve, face         1.91       1.05       0.18       1.73       0.68        0.17        3.81       2.76
    64613..  ..............  A               Destroy nerve, spine        1.91       1.05       0.18       1.73       0.68        0.17        3.81       2.76
    64620..  ..............  A               Injection treatment        *2.84       1.76       0.61       2.81       1.41        0.19        5.84       4.44
                                              of nerve.                                                                                                     
    64622..  ..............  A               Injection treatment        *3.00       2.66       0.61       3.98       1.48        0.35        7.33       4.83
                                              of nerve.                                                                                                     
    64623..  ..............  A               Injection treatment         0.99       0.73       0.00       1.15       0.25        0.17        2.31       1.41
                                              of nerve.                                                                                                     
    64630..  ..............  A               Injection treatment        *3.00       2.33       0.61       3.58       1.49        0.38        6.96       4.87
                                              of nerve.                                                                                                     
    64640..  ..............  A               Injection treatment        *2.76       2.33       0.61       3.47       1.37        0.09        6.32       4.22
                                              of nerve.                                                                                                     
    64680..  ..............  A               Injection treatment        *2.62       2.32       0.61       3.50       1.41        0.41        6.53       4.44
                                              of nerve.                                                                                                     
    64702..  ..............  A               Revise finger/toe          *4.23         NA       1.77         NA       3.24        0.70          NA       8.17
    64704..  ..............  A               Revise hand/foot           *4.57         NA       1.77         NA       3.32        0.74          NA       8.63
    64708..  ..............  A               Revise arm/leg nerve.      *6.12         NA       2.09         NA       4.16        1.26          NA      11.54
    64712..  ..............  A               Revision of sciatic        *7.75         NA       2.09         NA       4.61        1.68          NA      14.04
    64713..  ..............  A               Revision of arm           *11.00         NA       2.09         NA       5.33        1.72          NA      18.05
    64714..  ..............  A               Revise low back           *10.33         NA       2.09         NA       5.12        1.41          NA      16.86
    64716..  ..............  A               Revision of cranial         5.80         NA       2.09         NA       3.96        0.67          NA      10.43
    64718..  ..............  A               Revise ulnar nerve at      *5.99         NA       2.09         NA       4.11        1.13          NA      11.23
    64719..  ..............  A               Revise ulnar nerve at      *4.85         NA       2.09         NA       3.79        0.85          NA       9.49
    64721..  ..............  A               Carpal tunnel surgery      *4.29       3.03       2.45       4.82       4.10        0.83        9.94       9.22
    [[Page 33255]]
    64722..  ..............  A               Relieve pressure on        *4.70         NA       2.09         NA       3.82        1.11          NA       9.63
    64726..  ..............  A               Release foot/toe           *4.18         NA       2.09         NA       3.48        0.07          NA       7.73
    64727..  ..............  A               Internal nerve              3.10         NA       0.00         NA       0.80        0.55          NA       4.45
    64732..  ..............  A               Incision of brow           *4.41         NA       1.77         NA       3.28        0.72          NA       8.41
    64734..  ..............  A               Incision of cheek          *4.92         NA       1.77         NA       3.39        0.67          NA       8.98
    64736..  ..............  A               Incision of chin           *4.60         NA       1.77         NA       3.26        0.42          NA       8.28
    64738..  ..............  A               Incision of jaw nerve      *5.73         NA       1.77         NA       3.55        0.61          NA       9.89
    64740..  ..............  A               Incision of tongue         *5.59         NA       1.77         NA       3.52        0.62          NA       9.73
    64742..  ..............  A               Incision of facial         *6.22         NA       1.77         NA       3.62        0.44          NA      10.28
    64744..  ..............  A               Incise nerve, back of      *5.24         NA       1.77         NA       3.55        1.10          NA       9.89
    64746..  ..............  A               Incise diaphragm           *5.93         NA       2.09         NA       4.01        0.77          NA      10.71
    64752..  ..............  A               Incision of vagus          *7.06         NA       2.37         NA       4.63        0.85          NA      12.54
    64755..  ..............  A               Incision of stomach        13.10         NA       2.37         NA       6.26        2.27          NA      21.63
    64760..  ..............  A               Incision of vagus          *6.96         NA       2.37         NA       4.75        1.50          NA      13.21
    64761..  ..............  A               Incision of pelvis         *6.41         NA       1.77         NA       3.67        0.50          NA      10.58
    64763..  ..............  A               Incise hip/thigh           *6.93         NA       2.37         NA       4.61        0.92          NA      12.46
    64766..  ..............  A               Incise hip/thigh           *8.67         NA       2.37         NA       5.06        1.20          NA      14.93
    64771..  ..............  A               Sever cranial nerve..      *7.35         NA       2.09         NA       4.32        0.73          NA      12.40
    64772..  ..............  A               Incision of spinal         *7.21         NA       1.77         NA       4.03        1.30          NA      12.54
    64774..  ..............  A               Remove skin nerve          *5.17         NA       1.77         NA       3.39        0.45          NA       9.01
    64776..  ..............  A               Remove digit nerve         *5.12         NA       1.77         NA       3.37        0.41          NA       8.90
    64778..  ..............  A               Added digit nerve           3.11         NA       0.00         NA       0.78        0.43          NA       4.32
    64782..  ..............  A               Remove limb nerve          *6.23         NA       1.77         NA       3.63        0.46          NA      10.32
    64783..  ..............  A               Added limb nerve            3.72         NA       0.00         NA       0.92        0.47          NA       5.11
    64784..  ..............  A               Remove nerve lesion..      *9.82         NA       2.09         NA       4.91        0.96          NA      15.69
    64786..  ..............  A               Remove sciatic nerve      *15.46         NA       2.09         NA       6.40        2.14          NA      24.00
    64787..  ..............  A               Implant nerve end....       4.30         NA       0.00         NA       1.07        0.60          NA       5.97
    64788..  ..............  A               Remove skin nerve          *4.61         NA       1.77         NA       3.28        0.50          NA       8.39
    64790..  ..............  A               Removal of nerve          *11.31         NA       2.09         NA       5.29        1.22          NA      17.82
    64792..  ..............  A               Removal of nerve          *14.92         NA       2.09         NA       6.18        1.66          NA      22.76
    64795..  ..............  A               Biopsy of nerve......       3.01         NA       0.16         NA       0.94        0.39          NA       4.34
    64802..  ..............  A               Remove sympathetic         *9.15         NA       2.37         NA       5.14        1.10          NA      15.39
    64804..  ..............  A               Remove sympathetic        *14.64         NA       2.37         NA       6.64        2.44          NA      23.72
    64809..  ..............  A               Remove sympathetic        *13.67         NA       2.37         NA       6.34        2.04          NA      22.05
    64818..  ..............  A               Remove sympathetic        *10.30         NA       2.37         NA       5.53        1.72          NA      17.55
    64820..  ..............  A               Remove sympathetic        *10.37         NA       2.37         NA       5.48        1.42          NA      17.27
    64830..  ..............  A               Microrepair of nerve.       3.10         NA       0.00         NA       0.76        0.38          NA       4.24
    64831..  ..............  A               Repair of digit nerve      *9.44         NA       2.09         NA       4.74        0.56          NA      14.74
    64832..  ..............  A               Repair additional           5.66         NA       0.00         NA       1.29        0.24          NA       7.19
    64834..  ..............  A               Repair of hand or         *10.19         NA       1.77         NA       4.52        0.56          NA      15.27
                                              foot nerve.                                                                                                   
    64835..  ..............  A               Repair of hand or         *10.94         NA       2.09         NA       5.17        1.03          NA      17.14
                                              foot nerve.                                                                                                   
    64836..  ..............  A               Repair of hand or         *10.94         NA       2.09         NA       5.21        1.22          NA      17.37
                                              foot nerve.                                                                                                   
    64837..  ..............  A               Repair additional           6.26         NA       0.00         NA       1.56        0.85          NA       8.67
    64840..  ..............  A               Repair of leg nerve..     *13.02         NA       2.09         NA       5.51        0.53          NA      19.06
    64856..  ..............  A               Repair/transpose          *13.80         NA       2.09         NA       5.89        1.46          NA      21.15
    64857..  ..............  A               Repair arm/leg nerve.     *14.49         NA       2.09         NA       6.06        1.54          NA      22.09
    64858..  ..............  A               Repair sciatic nerve.     *16.49         NA       2.09         NA       6.62        2.11          NA      25.22
    64859..  ..............  A               Additional nerve            4.26         NA       0.00         NA       1.06        0.58          NA       5.90
    64861..  ..............  A               Repair of arm nerves.     *19.24         NA       2.73         NA       7.85        1.38          NA      28.47
    64862..  ..............  A               Repair of low back        *19.44         NA       2.37         NA       7.51        1.61          NA      28.56
    64864..  ..............  A               Repair of facial          *12.55         NA       2.09         NA       5.55        1.16          NA      19.26
    64865..  ..............  A               Repair of facial          *15.24         NA       2.09         NA       6.21        1.50          NA      22.95
    64866..  ..............  A               Fusion of facial/         *15.74         NA       2.09         NA       6.40        1.84          NA      23.98
                                              other nerve.                                                                                                  
    64868..  ..............  A               Fusion of facial/         *14.04         NA       2.09         NA       5.94        1.47          NA      21.45
                                              other nerve.                                                                                                  
    64870..  ..............  A               Fusion of facial/         *15.99         NA       2.09         NA       6.42        1.70          NA      24.11
                                              other nerve.                                                                                                  
    64872..  ..............  A               Subsequent repair of        1.99         NA       0.00         NA       0.50        0.29          NA       2.78
    64874..  ..............  A               Repair & revise nerve       2.98         NA       0.00         NA       0.75        0.43          NA       4.16
    64876..  ..............  A               Repair nerve; shorten       3.38         NA       0.00         NA       0.85        0.48          NA       4.71
    64885..  ..............  A               Nerve graft, head or       16.73         NA       2.09         NA       6.54        1.48          NA      24.75
    64886..  ..............  A               Nerve graft, head or       19.95         NA       2.09         NA       7.30        1.77          NA      29.02
    64890..  ..............  A               Nerve graft, hand or      *15.15         NA       2.09         NA       6.33        2.12          NA      23.60
    64891..  ..............  A               Nerve graft, hand or      *16.14         NA       2.09         NA       6.46        1.73          NA      24.33
    64892..  ..............  A               Nerve graft, arm or       *14.65         NA       2.09         NA       6.13        1.69          NA      22.47
    64893..  ..............  A               Nerve graft, arm or       *15.60         NA       2.09         NA       6.46        2.27          NA      24.33
    64895..  ..............  A               Nerve graft, hand or      *19.25         NA       2.09         NA       7.32        2.55          NA      29.12
    64896..  ..............  A               Nerve graft, hand or      *20.49         NA       2.09         NA       7.45        1.90          NA      29.84
    64897..  ..............  A               Nerve graft, arm or       *18.24         NA       2.09         NA       7.08        2.47          NA      27.79
    64898..  ..............  A               Nerve graft, arm or       *19.50         NA       2.09         NA       7.33        2.35          NA      29.18
    64901..  ..............  A               Additional nerve           10.22         NA       0.00         NA       2.43        0.87          NA      13.52
    64902..  ..............  A               Additional nerve           11.83         NA       0.00         NA       2.81        0.99          NA      15.63
    64905..  ..............  A               Nerve pedicle             *14.02         NA       2.09         NA       5.77        0.70          NA      20.49
    64907..  ..............  A               Nerve pedicle             *18.83         NA       2.09         NA       7.23        2.55          NA      28.61
    65091..  ..............  A               Revise eye...........      *6.46         NA       3.03         NA       5.20        0.45          NA      12.11
    65093..  ..............  A               Revise eye with            *6.87         NA       3.13         NA       5.43        0.52          NA      12.82
    [[Page 33256]]
    65101..  ..............  A               Removal of eye.......      *7.03         NA       3.13         NA       5.46        0.47          NA      12.96
    65103..  ..............  A               Remove eye/insert          *7.57         NA       3.13         NA       5.58        0.50          NA      13.65
    65105..  ..............  A               Remove eye/attach          *8.49         NA       3.13         NA       5.79        0.55          NA      14.83
    65110..  ..............  A               Removal of eye.......     *13.95         NA       3.13         NA       7.12        1.14          NA      22.21
    65112..  ..............  A               Remove eye, revise        *16.38         NA       3.13         NA       7.64        1.09          NA      25.11
    65114..  ..............  A               Remove eye, revise        *17.53         NA       3.13         NA       8.01        1.65          NA      27.19
    65125..  ..............  A               Revise ocular implant      *3.12       1.44       1.44       2.46       2.46        0.13        5.71       5.71
    65130..  ..............  A               Insert ocular implant      *7.15         NA       2.79         NA       5.08        0.50          NA      12.73
    65135..  ..............  A               Insert ocular implant      *7.33         NA       2.79         NA       5.09        0.35          NA      12.77
    65140..  ..............  A               Attach ocular implant      *8.02         NA       2.79         NA       5.23        0.33          NA      13.58
    65150..  ..............  A               Revise ocular implant      *6.26         NA       2.79         NA       4.90        0.56          NA      11.72
    65155..  ..............  A               Reinsert ocular            *8.66         NA       2.79         NA       5.50        0.90          NA      15.06
    65175..  ..............  A               Removal of ocular          *6.28         NA       2.79         NA       4.87        0.40          NA      11.55
    65205..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body         0.71       0.99       0.11       1.36       0.30        0.02        2.09       1.03
                                              from eye.                                                                                                     
    65210..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body         0.84       1.08       0.11       1.51       0.33        0.03        2.38       1.20
                                              from eye.                                                                                                     
    65220..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body         0.71       1.03       0.11       1.42       0.30        0.04        2.17       1.05
                                              from eye.                                                                                                     
    65222..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body         0.93       1.07       0.11       1.51       0.35        0.03        2.47       1.31
                                              from eye.                                                                                                     
    65235..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body        *7.57         NA       2.03         NA       4.20        0.30          NA      12.07
                                              from eye.                                                                                                     
    65260..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body       *10.96         NA       3.35         NA       6.59        0.45          NA      18.00
                                              from eye.                                                                                                     
    65265..  ..............  A               Remove foreign body       *12.59         NA       3.76         NA       7.45        0.51          NA      20.55
                                              from eye.                                                                                                     
    65270..  ..............  A               Repair of eye wound..      *1.90       1.25       0.74       1.96       1.34        0.07        3.93       3.31
    65272..  ..............  A               Repair of eye wound..      *3.82       1.48       1.20       2.66       2.32        0.10        6.58       6.24
    65273..  ..............  A               Repair of eye wound..      *4.36         NA       1.24         NA       2.52        0.21          NA       7.09
    65275..  ..............  A               Repair of eye wound..      *5.34       1.48       1.20       2.98       2.64        0.04        8.36       8.02
    65280..  ..............  A               Repair of eye wound..      *7.66         NA       2.17         NA       4.43        0.49          NA      12.58
    65285..  ..............  A               Repair of eye wound..     *12.90         NA       3.97         NA       7.81        0.64          NA      21.35
    65286..  ..............  A               Repair of eye wound..      *5.51       2.27       1.88       4.03       3.56        0.25        9.79       9.32
    65290..  ..............  A               Repair of eye socket       *5.41         NA       2.23         NA       3.99        0.37          NA       9.77
    65400..  ..............  A               Removal of eye lesion      *6.06       2.53       2.17       4.48       4.05        0.35       10.89      10.46
    65410..  ..............  A               Biopsy of cornea.....       1.47       0.61       0.16       1.09       0.54        0.11        2.67       2.12
    65420..  ..............  A               Removal of eye lesion      *4.17       2.27       1.88       3.73       3.26        0.23        8.13       7.66
    65426..  ..............  A               Removal of eye lesion      *5.25       2.52       2.18       4.30       3.89        0.38        9.93       9.52
    65430..  ..............  A               Corneal smear........       1.47       1.06       0.11       1.62       0.47        0.03        3.12       1.97
    65435..  ..............  A               Curette/treat cornea.       0.92       0.58       0.16       0.92       0.41        0.04        1.88       1.37
    65436..  ..............  A               Curette/treat cornea.      *4.19       1.48       1.20       2.74       2.40        0.08        7.01       6.67
    65450..  ..............  A               Treatment of corneal       *3.27       2.27       1.88       3.52       3.05        0.17        6.96       6.49
    65600..  ..............  A               Revision of cornea...      *3.40       1.48       1.48       2.58       2.58        0.14        6.12       6.12
    65710..  ..............  A               Corneal transplant...     *12.35         NA       3.84         NA       7.64        1.13          NA      21.12
    65730..  ..............  A               Corneal transplant...     *14.25         NA       3.84         NA       8.09        1.29          NA      23.63
    65750..  ..............  A               Corneal transplant...     *15.00         NA       3.84         NA       8.26        1.33          NA      24.59
    65755..  ..............  A               Corneal transplant...     *14.89         NA       3.84         NA       8.25        1.39          NA      24.53
    65770..  ..............  A               Revise cornea with        *17.56         NA       3.92         NA       8.78        0.71          NA      27.05
    65772..  ..............  A               Correction of              *4.29       1.72       1.57       3.11       2.92        0.31        7.71       7.52
    65775..  ..............  A               Correction of              *5.79         NA       3.18         NA       5.25        0.50          NA      11.54
    65800..  ..............  A               Drainage of eye......       1.91       0.61       0.16       1.19       0.64        0.10        3.20       2.65
    65805..  ..............  A               Drainage of eye......       1.91       0.61       0.16       1.19       0.64        0.10        3.20       2.65
    65810..  ..............  A               Drainage of eye......      *4.87         NA       2.26         NA       3.89        0.30          NA       9.06
    65815..  ..............  A               Drainage of eye......      *5.05       2.34       2.12       4.02       3.74        0.24        9.31       9.03
    65820..  ..............  A               Relieve inner eye          *8.13         NA       2.37         NA       4.79        0.51          NA      13.43
    65850..  ..............  A               Incision of eye......     *10.52         NA       2.74         NA       5.80        0.69          NA      17.01
    65855..  ..............  A               Laser surgery of eye.      *4.30       1.63       1.47       3.04       2.84        0.52        7.86       7.66
    65860..  ..............  A               Incise inner eye            3.37       1.22       1.05       2.31       2.10        0.37        6.05       5.84
    65865..  ..............  A               Incise inner eye           *5.60         NA       2.17         NA       3.96        0.41          NA       9.97
    65870..  ..............  A               Incise inner eye           *6.27         NA       2.17         NA       4.09        0.31          NA      10.67
    65875..  ..............  A               Incise inner eye           *6.54         NA       2.17         NA       4.15        0.34          NA      11.03
    65880..  ..............  A               Incise inner eye           *7.09         NA       2.17         NA       4.28        0.37          NA      11.74
    65900..  ..............  A               Remove eye lesion....     *10.93         NA       3.61         NA       6.99        0.92          NA      18.84
    65920..  ..............  A               Remove implant from        *8.40         NA       2.17         NA       4.58        0.44          NA      13.42
    65930..  ..............  A               Remove blood clot          *7.44         NA       2.74         NA       5.06        0.41          NA      12.91
                                              from eye.                                                                                                     
    66020..  ..............  A               Injection treatment        *1.59       0.96       0.73       1.55       1.27        0.14        3.28       3.00
                                              of eye.                                                                                                       
    66030..  ..............  A               Injection treatment        *1.25       0.96       0.73       1.45       1.17        0.03        2.73       2.45
                                              of eye.                                                                                                       
    66130..  ..............  A               Remove eye lesion....      *7.69       1.48       1.20       3.55       3.21        0.28       11.52      11.18
    66150..  ..............  A               Glaucoma surgery.....      *8.30         NA       2.74         NA       5.29        0.59          NA      14.18
    66155..  ..............  A               Glaucoma surgery.....      *8.29         NA       2.74         NA       5.27        0.50          NA      14.06
    66160..  ..............  A               Glaucoma surgery.....     *10.17         NA       2.74         NA       5.69        0.55          NA      16.41
    66165..  ..............  A               Glaucoma surgery.....      *8.01         NA       2.74         NA       5.22        0.57          NA      13.80
    66170..  ..............  A               Glaucoma surgery.....     *12.16         NA       2.74         NA       6.14        0.63          NA      18.93
    66172..  ..............  A               Incision of eye......     *15.04         NA       2.74         NA       6.77        0.63          NA      22.44
    66180..  ..............  A               Implant eye shunt....     *14.55         NA       3.21         NA       7.33        1.03          NA      22.91
    66185..  ..............  A               Revise eye shunt.....      *8.14         NA       2.74         NA       5.25        0.58          NA      13.97
    66220..  ..............  A               Repair eye lesion....      *7.77         NA       3.35         NA       5.86        0.34          NA      13.97
    66225..  ..............  A               Repair/graft eye          *11.05         NA       2.80         NA       6.02        0.86          NA      17.93
    66250..  ..............  A               Follow-up surgery of       *5.98       2.53       2.17       4.47       4.04        0.38       10.83      10.40
    66500..  ..............  A               Incision of iris.....      *3.71         NA       1.24         NA       2.39        0.27          NA       6.37
    [[Page 33257]]
    66505..  ..............  A               Incision of iris.....      *4.08         NA       1.24         NA       2.45        0.17          NA       6.70
    66600..  ..............  A               Remove iris and            *8.68         NA       2.26         NA       4.77        0.51          NA      13.96
    66605..  ..............  A               Removal of iris......     *12.79         NA       3.61         NA       7.35        0.67          NA      20.81
    66625..  ..............  A               Removal of iris......      *5.13       2.34       2.12       4.09       3.81        0.48        9.70       9.42
    66630..  ..............  A               Removal of iris......      *6.16         NA       2.26         NA       4.21        0.45          NA      10.82
    66635..  ..............  A               Removal of iris......      *6.25         NA       2.17         NA       4.12        0.49          NA      10.86
    66680..  ..............  A               Repair iris & ciliary      *5.44         NA       2.17         NA       3.91        0.35          NA       9.70
    66682..  ..............  A               Repair iris and            *6.21         NA       2.26         NA       4.20        0.38          NA      10.79
                                              ciliary body.                                                                                                 
    66700..  ..............  A               Destruction, ciliary        4.55       2.27       1.88       3.84       3.37        0.35        8.74       8.27
    66710..  ..............  A               Destruction, ciliary        4.55       2.31       1.88       3.91       3.38        0.41        8.87       8.34
    66720..  ..............  A               Destruction, ciliary       *4.78       2.27       1.88       3.90       3.43        0.38        9.06       8.59
    66740..  ..............  A               Destruction, ciliary        4.55         NA       2.17         NA       3.73        0.39          NA       8.67
    66761..  ..............  A               Revision of iris.....      *4.07       1.22       1.05       2.49       2.27        0.47        7.03       6.81
    66762..  ..............  A               Revision of iris.....      *4.58       1.15       1.02       2.53       2.37        0.55        7.66       7.50
    66770..  ..............  A               Removal of inner eye       *5.18       1.15       1.02       2.64       2.48        0.45        8.27       8.11
    66820..  ..............  A               Incision, secondary        *3.89       1.54       1.54       2.79       2.79        0.29        6.97       6.97
    66821..  ..............  A               After cataract laser       *2.35       1.22       1.05       2.09       1.88        0.37        4.81       4.60
    66825..  ..............  A               Reposition                 *8.23         NA       2.26         NA       4.64        0.38          NA      13.25
                                              intraocular lens.                                                                                             
    66830..  ..............  A               Removal of lens            *8.20       2.27       2.27       4.65       4.65        0.40       13.25      13.25
    66840..  ..............  A               Removal of lens            *7.91         NA       2.34         NA       4.71        0.54          NA      13.16
    66850..  ..............  A               Removal of lens            *9.11         NA       2.34         NA       5.01        0.70          NA      14.82
    66852..  ..............  A               Removal of lens            *9.97         NA       2.34         NA       5.24        0.90          NA      16.11
    66920..  ..............  A               Extraction of lens...      *8.86         NA       2.34         NA       4.93        0.60          NA      14.39
    66930..  ..............  A               Extraction of lens...     *10.18         NA       2.34         NA       5.21        0.57          NA      15.96
    66940..  ..............  A               Extraction of lens...      *8.93         NA       2.34         NA       4.95        0.62          NA      14.50
    66983..  ..............  A               Remove cataract,           *8.99         NA       1.96         NA       4.56        0.95          NA      14.50
                                              insert lens.                                                                                                  
    66984..  ..............  A               Remove cataract,          *10.28         NA       1.96         NA       4.84        0.94          NA      16.06
                                              insert lens.                                                                                                  
    66985..  ..............  A               Insert lens                *8.39         NA       1.96         NA       4.36        0.63          NA      13.38
    66986..  ..............  A               Exchange lens             *12.28         NA       2.31         NA       5.65        0.63          NA      18.56
    67005..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *5.70         NA       1.57         NA       3.41        1.13          NA      10.24
                                              eye fluid.                                                                                                    
    67010..  ..............  A               Partial removal of         *6.87         NA       1.57         NA       3.65        1.04          NA      11.56
                                              eye fluid.                                                                                                    
    67015..  ..............  A               Release of eye fluid.      *6.92         NA       2.44         NA       4.56        0.35          NA      11.83
    67025..  ..............  A               Replace eye fluid....      *6.84       4.10       2.18       6.57       4.24        0.36       13.77      11.44
    67028..  ..............  A               Injection eye drug...       2.52       2.29       0.16       3.39       0.79        0.18        6.09       3.49
    67030..  ..............  A               Incise inner eye           *4.84         NA       2.20         NA       3.85        0.50          NA       9.19
    67031..  ..............  A               Laser surgery, eye         *3.67       1.22       1.05       2.46       2.25        0.75        6.88       6.67
    67036..  ..............  A               Removal of inner eye      *11.89         NA       1.88         NA       5.23        1.49          NA      18.61
    67038..  ..............  A               Strip retinal             *21.24         NA       3.04         NA       8.75        1.80          NA      31.79
    67039..  ..............  A               Laser treatment of        *14.52         NA       2.74         NA       6.89        1.68          NA      23.09
    67040..  ..............  A               Laser treatment of        *17.23         NA       3.04         NA       7.86        1.75          NA      26.84
    67101..  ..............  A               Repair, detached           *7.53       3.12       2.83       5.59       5.25        0.66       13.78      13.44
    67105..  ..............  A               Repair, detached           *7.41       1.96       1.47       4.18       3.59        0.80       12.39      11.80
    67107..  ..............  A               Repair detached           *14.84         NA       3.21         NA       7.40        1.10          NA      23.34
    67108..  ..............  A               Repair detached           *20.82         NA       3.76         NA       9.53        1.76          NA      32.11
    67110..  ..............  A               Repair detached            *8.81       5.34       3.21       8.65       6.05        0.97       18.43      15.83
    67112..  ..............  A               Re-repair detached        *16.86         NA       3.76         NA       8.47        0.86          NA      26.19
    67115..  ..............  A               Release, encircling        *4.99         NA       2.20         NA       3.87        0.44          NA       9.30
    67120..  ..............  A               Remove eye implant         *5.98       3.90       2.18       6.15       4.05        0.38       12.51      10.41
    67121..  ..............  A               Remove eye implant        *10.67         NA       3.35         NA       6.53        0.49          NA      17.69
    67141..  ..............  A               Treatment of retina..      *5.20       2.17       2.17       3.89       3.89        0.48        9.57       9.57
    67145..  ..............  A               Treatment of retina..      *5.37       1.44       1.24       3.04       2.80        0.49        8.90       8.66
    67208..  ..............  A               Treatment of retinal       *6.70       1.96       1.96       3.97       3.97        0.52       11.19      11.19
    67210..  ..............  A               Treatment of retinal      *10.05       1.56       1.24       4.20       3.82        0.47       14.72      14.34
    67218..  ..............  A               Treatment of retinal      *13.52         NA       3.35         NA       7.20        0.70          NA      21.42
    67227..  ..............  A               Treatment of retinal       *6.58       2.13       2.02       4.15       4.01        0.51       11.24      11.10
    67228..  ..............  A               Treatment of retinal      *12.74       1.84       1.10       5.14       4.24        0.48       18.36      17.46
    67250..  ..............  A               Reinforce eye wall...      *8.66         NA       2.79         NA       5.39        0.40          NA      14.45
    67255..  ..............  A               Reinforce/graft eye        *8.90         NA       2.79         NA       5.54        0.87          NA      15.31
    67311..  ..............  A               Revise eye muscle....      *6.65         NA       1.96         NA       3.94        0.47          NA      11.06
    67312..  ..............  A               Revise two eye             *8.54         NA       1.96         NA       4.37        0.53          NA      13.44
    67314..  ..............  A               Revise eye muscle....      *7.52         NA       1.96         NA       4.16        0.58          NA      12.26
    67316..  ..............  A               Revise two eye             *9.66         NA       1.96         NA       4.65        0.67          NA      14.98
    67318..  ..............  A               Revise eye muscle(s).      *7.85         NA       2.18         NA       4.45        0.33          NA      12.63
    67320..  ..............  A               Revise eye muscle(s).      *8.66         NA       2.81         NA       5.48        0.69          NA      14.83
    67331..  ..............  A               Eye surgery follow-up      *8.12         NA       2.13         NA       4.49        0.54          NA      13.15
    67332..  ..............  A               Rerevise eye muscles.      *8.99         NA       2.34         NA       4.95        0.58          NA      14.52
    67334..  ..............  A               Revise eye muscle w/       *7.96         NA       2.10         NA       4.37        0.33          NA      12.66
    67335..  ..............  A               Eye suture during           2.49         NA       0.00         NA       0.64        0.43          NA       3.56
    67340..  ..............  A               Revise eye muscle....      *9.85         NA       2.81         NA       5.68        0.41          NA      15.94
    67343..  ..............  A               Release eye tissue...      *7.35         NA       2.23         NA       4.40        0.31          NA      12.06
    67345..  ..............  A               Destroy nerve of eye       *2.96       1.41       0.18       2.42       0.93        0.26        5.64       4.15
    67350..  ..............  A               Biopsy eye muscle....       2.87         NA       0.16         NA       0.86        0.13          NA       3.86
    67400..  ..............  A               Explore/biopsy eye         *9.76         NA       3.15         NA       6.11        0.62          NA      16.49
    67405..  ..............  A               Explore/drain eye          *7.93         NA       3.15         NA       5.72        0.67          NA      14.32
    [[Page 33258]]
    67412..  ..............  A               Explore/treat eye          *9.50         NA       3.80         NA       6.86        0.67          NA      17.03
    67413..  ..............  A               Explore/treat eye         *10.00         NA       3.15         NA       6.15        0.57          NA      16.72
    67414..  ..............  A               Explore/decompress         10.07         NA       3.80         NA       6.94        0.44          NA      17.45
                                              eye socke.                                                                                                    
    67415..  ..............  A               Aspiration orbital          1.76         NA       0.16         NA       0.61        0.12          NA       2.49
    67420..  ..............  A               Explore/treat eye         *20.06         NA       3.43         NA       8.82        1.11          NA      29.99
    67430..  ..............  A               Explore/treat eye         *13.39         NA       3.43         NA       7.24        0.54          NA      21.17
    67440..  ..............  A               Explore/drain eye         *13.09         NA       3.43         NA       7.27        0.97          NA      21.33
    67445..  ..............  A               Explore/decompress         13.36         NA       3.80         NA       7.68        0.57          NA      21.61
                                              eye socke.                                                                                                    
    67450..  ..............  A               Explore/biopsy eye        *13.51         NA       3.43         NA       7.34        0.87          NA      21.72
    67500..  ..............  A               Inject/treat eye            0.79       0.88       0.16       1.25       0.38        0.06        2.10       1.23
    67505..  ..............  A               Inject/treat eye            0.82       1.03       0.11       1.45       0.33        0.06        2.33       1.21
    67515..  ..............  A               Inject/treat eye            0.61       1.03       0.11       1.39       0.28        0.03        2.03       0.92
    67550..  ..............  A               Insert eye socket         *10.19         NA       2.79         NA       5.79        0.70          NA      16.68
    67560..  ..............  A               Revise eye socket         *10.60         NA       2.79         NA       5.83        0.48          NA      16.91
    67570..  ..............  A               Decompress optic           12.52         NA       3.80         NA       7.46        0.39          NA      20.37
    67700..  ..............  A               Drainage of eyelid         *1.35       1.72       0.84       2.40       1.32        0.03        3.78       2.70
    67710..  ..............  A               Incision of eyelid...      *1.02       1.56       0.72       2.14       1.12        0.06        3.22       2.20
    67715..  ..............  A               Incision of eyelid         *1.22         NA       0.74         NA       1.19        0.09          NA       2.50
    67800..  ..............  A               Remove eyelid lesion.      *1.38       1.59       0.84       2.25       1.33        0.05        3.68       2.76
    67801..  ..............  A               Remove eyelid lesions      *1.88       1.08       0.74       1.75       1.34        0.08        3.71       3.30
    67805..  ..............  A               Remove eyelid lesions      *2.22       3.08       0.72       4.25       1.39        0.08        6.55       3.69
    67808..  ..............  A               Remove eyelid              *3.80         NA       1.25         NA       2.39        0.13          NA       6.32
    67810..  ..............  A               Biopsy of eyelid.....       1.48       1.47       0.16       2.12       0.53        0.05        3.65       2.06
    67820..  ..............  A               Revise eyelashes.....       0.89       1.08       0.16       1.52       0.40        0.02        2.43       1.31
    67825..  ..............  A               Revise eyelashes.....      *1.38       1.64       0.72       2.31       1.20        0.05        3.74       2.63
    67830..  ..............  A               Revise eyelashes.....      *1.70       2.03       0.72       2.88       1.29        0.17        4.75       3.16
    67835..  ..............  A               Revise eyelashes.....      *5.56         NA       1.32         NA       2.93        0.45          NA       8.94
    67840..  ..............  A               Remove eyelid lesion.      *2.04       2.23       0.83       3.18       1.47        0.07        5.29       3.58
    67850..  ..............  A               Treat eyelid lesion..      *1.69       1.95       0.72       2.75       1.26        0.05        4.49       3.00
    67875..  ..............  A               Closure of eyelid by        1.35       1.90       0.16       2.63       0.52        0.13        4.11       2.00
    67880..  ..............  A               Revision of eyelid...      *3.80       2.23       0.83       3.60       1.89        0.23        7.63       5.92
    67882..  ..............  A               Revision of eyelid...      *5.07       3.59       1.24       5.56       2.71        0.37       11.00       8.15
    67900..  ..............  A               Repair brow defect...      *6.14       2.89       1.99       4.92       3.81        0.20       11.26      10.15
    67901..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *6.97         NA       1.99         NA       4.09        0.64          NA      11.70
    67902..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *7.03         NA       1.99         NA       4.12        0.72          NA      11.87
    67903..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *6.37       2.69       1.99       4.83       3.98        0.73       11.93      11.08
    67904..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *6.26       4.07       2.94       6.48       5.12        0.71       13.45      12.09
    67906..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *6.79       2.62       1.99       4.76       3.99        0.36       11.91      11.14
    67908..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *5.13       2.87       2.26       4.74       4.00        0.54       10.41       9.67
    67909..  ..............  A               Revise eyelid defect.      *5.40       2.87       2.26       4.79       4.05        0.48       10.67       9.93
    67911..  ..............  A               Revise eyelid defect.      *5.27         NA       2.30         NA       4.13        0.79          NA      10.19
    67914..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *3.68       2.34       1.05       3.75       2.17        0.39        7.82       6.24
    67915..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *3.18       1.95       1.05       3.08       1.99        0.07        6.33       5.24
    67916..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *5.31       3.83       1.50       5.92       3.07        0.38       11.61       8.76
    67917..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *6.02       3.01       2.26       5.09       4.18        0.47       11.58      10.67
    67921..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *3.40       2.28       1.05       3.57       2.07        0.20        7.17       5.67
    67922..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *3.06       1.95       0.97       3.06       1.87        0.07        6.19       5.00
    67923..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *5.88       3.83       1.50       6.04       3.20        0.38       12.30       9.46
    67924..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid defect.      *5.79       2.78       1.99       4.75       3.78        0.43       10.97      10.00
    67930..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid wound..      *3.61       2.23       0.83       3.53       1.81        0.08        7.22       5.50
    67935..  ..............  A               Repair eyelid wound..      *6.22       3.59       1.24       5.79       2.93        0.24       12.25       9.39
    67938..  ..............  A               Remove eyelid foreign      *1.33       1.65       0.84       2.31       1.32        0.03        3.67       2.68
    67950..  ..............  A               Revision of eyelid...      *5.82       2.73       2.30       4.70       4.18        0.45       10.97      10.45
    67961..  ..............  A               Revision of eyelid...      *5.69       2.06       1.71       3.86       3.44        0.50       10.05       9.63
    67966..  ..............  A               Revision of eyelid...      *6.57       2.73       1.57       4.91       3.50        0.66       12.14      10.73
    67971..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          *9.79         NA       1.77         NA       4.45        0.64          NA      14.88
    67973..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *12.87         NA       2.00         NA       5.45        0.91          NA      19.23
    67974..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of         *12.84         NA       2.00         NA       5.44        0.87          NA      19.15
    67975..  ..............  A               Reconstruction of          *9.13         NA       1.77         NA       4.21        0.24          NA      13.58
    68020..  ..............  A               Incise/drain eyelid        *1.37       1.58       0.84       2.23       1.33        0.03        3.63       2.73
    68040..  ..............  A               Treatment of eyelid         0.85       1.09       0.16       1.52       0.39        0.02        2.39       1.26
    68100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of eyelid            1.35       1.28       0.16       1.87       0.51        0.06        3.28       1.92
    68110..  ..............  A               Remove eyelid lining       *1.77       1.72       0.72       2.50       1.28        0.07        4.34       3.12
    68115..  ..............  A               Remove eyelid lining       *2.36       2.13       0.72       3.14       1.42        0.11        5.61       3.89
    68130..  ..............  A               Remove eyelid lining       *4.93         NA       1.70         NA       3.20        0.22          NA       8.35
    68135..  ..............  A               Remove eyelid lining       *1.84       1.72       0.72       2.51       1.29        0.04        4.39       3.17
    68200..  ..............  A               Treat eyelid by             0.49       1.02       0.11       1.36       0.25        0.03        1.88       0.77
    68320..  ..............  A               Revise/graft eyelid        *5.37       1.38       1.10       2.95       2.61        0.42        8.74       8.40
    68325..  ..............  A               Revise/graft eyelid        *7.36         NA       1.10         NA       3.09        0.62          NA      11.07
    68326..  ..............  A               Revise/graft eyelid        *7.15         NA       1.10         NA       3.02        0.49          NA      10.66
    68328..  ..............  A               Revise/graft eyelid        *8.18         NA       1.10         NA       3.31        0.82          NA      12.31
    68330..  ..............  A               Revise eyelid lining.      *4.83       2.00       1.70       3.57       3.21        0.35        8.75       8.39
    68335..  ..............  A               Revise/graft eyelid        *7.19         NA       1.10         NA       3.07        0.68          NA      10.94
    68340..  ..............  A               Separate eyelid            *4.17       3.59       1.24       5.32       2.47        0.17        9.66       6.81
    [[Page 33259]]
    68360..  ..............  A               Revise eyelid lining.      *4.37       1.99       1.70       3.45       3.10        0.33        8.15       7.80
    68362..  ..............  A               Revise eyelid lining.      *7.34         NA       2.58         NA       4.84        0.42          NA      12.60
    68400..  ..............  A               Incise/drain tear          *1.69       2.13       0.83       2.98       1.39        0.06        4.73       3.14
    68420..  ..............  A               Incise/drain tear sac      *2.30       2.19       0.83       3.19       1.52        0.06        5.55       3.88
    68440..  ..............  A               Incise tear duct           *0.94       1.53       0.72       2.08       1.10        0.04        3.06       2.08
    68500..  ..............  A               Removal of tear gland     *11.02         NA       2.40         NA       5.51        0.75          NA      17.28
    68505..  ..............  A               Partial removal tear      *10.94         NA       2.40         NA       5.44        0.49          NA      16.87
    68510..  ..............  A               Biopsy of tear gland.       4.61       2.65       0.16       4.30       1.27        0.28        9.19       6.16
    68520..  ..............  A               Removal of tear sac..      *7.51         NA       1.87         NA       4.04        0.51          NA      12.06
    68525..  ..............  A               Biopsy of tear sac...       4.43         NA       0.16         NA       1.22        0.23          NA       5.88
    68530..  ..............  A               Clearance of tear          *3.66       3.08       0.72       4.59       1.72        0.17        8.42       5.55
    68540..  ..............  A               Remove tear gland         *10.60         NA       2.10         NA       4.99        0.50          NA      16.09
    68550..  ..............  A               Remove tear gland         *13.26         NA       2.44         NA       6.04        0.74          NA      20.04
    68700..  ..............  A               Repair tear ducts....      *6.60         NA       1.87         NA       3.76        0.15          NA      10.51
    68705..  ..............  A               Revise tear duct           *2.06       1.62       0.72       2.44       1.34        0.05        4.55       3.45
    68720..  ..............  A               Create tear sac drain      *8.96         NA       1.87         NA       4.41        0.74          NA      14.11
    68745..  ..............  A               Create tear duct           *8.63         NA       1.87         NA       4.27        0.45          NA      13.35
    68750..  ..............  A               Create tear duct           *8.66         NA       2.15         NA       4.70        0.83          NA      14.19
    68760..  ..............  A               Close tear duct            *1.73       1.54       0.84       2.26       1.41        0.04        4.03       3.18
    68761..  ..............  A               Close tear duct             1.31       1.32       0.84       1.91       1.31        0.04        3.26       2.66
    68770..  ..............  A               Close tear system          *7.02       3.83       1.50       6.26       3.41        0.23       13.51      10.66
    68801..  ..............  A               Dilate tear duct           *0.94       1.47       0.84       2.00       1.23        0.02        2.96       2.19
    68810..  ..............  A               Probe nasolacrimal         *1.90       1.86       0.72       2.70       1.30        0.03        4.63       3.23
    68811..  ..............  A               Probe nasolacrimal         *2.35       0.72       0.72       1.42       1.42        0.09        3.86       3.86
    68815..  ..............  A               Probe nasolacrimal         *3.20       3.08       0.72       4.47       1.60        0.10        7.77       4.90
    68840..  ..............  A               Explore/irrigate tear      *1.25       1.53       0.84       2.14       1.30        0.03        3.42       2.58
    68850..  ..............  A               Injection for tear          0.80       4.30       0.09       5.43       0.30        0.04        6.27       1.14
                                              sac x-ray.                                                                                                    
    69000..  ..............  A               Drain external ear         *1.45       0.83       0.43       1.33       0.85        0.03        2.81       2.33
    69005..  ..............  A               Drain external ear         *2.11       0.83       0.67       1.50       1.31        0.13        3.74       3.55
    69020..  ..............  A               Drain outer ear canal      *1.48       0.83       0.43       1.34       0.85        0.04        2.86       2.37
    69100..  ..............  A               Biopsy of external          0.81       1.19       0.16       1.65       0.39        0.07        2.53       1.27
    69105..  ..............  A               Biopsy of external          0.85       0.60       0.16       0.94       0.40        0.09        1.88       1.34
                                              ear canal.                                                                                                    
    69110..  ..............  A               Partial removal            *3.44       1.11       0.79       2.19       1.80        0.37        6.00       5.61
                                              external ear.                                                                                                 
    69120..  ..............  A               Removal of external        *4.05         NA       1.42         NA       2.63        0.07          NA       6.75
    69140..  ..............  A               Remove ear canal           *7.97         NA       1.96         NA       4.32        0.88          NA      13.17
    69145..  ..............  A               Remove ear canal           *2.62       1.11       0.79       1.99       1.60        0.28        4.89       4.50
    69150..  ..............  A               Extensive ear canal       *13.43         NA       1.99         NA       5.64        1.25          NA      20.32
    69155..  ..............  A               Extensive ear/neck        *20.80         NA       2.27         NA       7.68        1.61          NA      30.09
    69200..  ..............  A               Clear outer ear canal       0.77       0.54       0.10       0.84       0.30        0.04        1.65       1.11
    69205..  ..............  A               Clear outer ear canal       1.15         NA       0.67         NA       1.10        0.11          NA       2.36
    69210..  ..............  A               Remove impacted ear         0.61       0.54       0.10       0.80       0.26        0.02        1.43       0.89
    69220..  ..............  A               Clean out mastoid           0.83       0.60       0.16       0.93       0.39        0.05        1.81       1.27
    69222..  ..............  A               Clean out mastoid          *1.40       0.82       0.67       1.32       1.14        0.08        2.80       2.62
    69300..  ..............  R               Revise external ear..       6.36         NA       0.50         NA       2.06        0.28          NA       8.70
    69310..  ..............  A               Rebuild outer ear         *10.79         NA       1.99         NA       5.02        1.08          NA      16.89
    69320..  ..............  A               Rebuild outer ear         *16.96         NA       2.27         NA       6.85        1.66          NA      25.47
    69400..  ..............  A               Inflate middle ear          0.83       0.60       0.16       0.93       0.39        0.05        1.81       1.27
    69401..  ..............  A               Inflate middle ear          0.63       0.56       0.16       0.83       0.34        0.03        1.49       1.00
    69405..  ..............  A               Catheterize middle         *2.63       0.83       0.43       1.59       1.11        0.04        4.26       3.78
                                              ear canal.                                                                                                    
    69410..  ..............  A               Inset middle ear            0.33       0.61       0.16       0.83       0.29        0.07        1.23       0.69
    69420..  ..............  A               Incision of eardrum..      *1.33       0.83       0.43       1.31       0.83        0.08        2.72       2.24
    69421..  ..............  A               Incision of eardrum..      *1.73       0.83       0.67       1.41       1.23        0.13        3.27       3.09
    69424..  ..............  A               Remove ventilating          0.85       0.61       0.16       0.94       0.40        0.06        1.85       1.31
    69433..  ..............  A               Create eardrum             *1.52       0.83       0.43       1.37       0.89        0.15        3.04       2.56
    69436..  ..............  A               Create eardrum             *1.96       0.74       0.67       1.38       1.30        0.23        3.57       3.49
    69440..  ..............  A               Exploration of middle      *7.57         NA       1.70         NA       3.94        0.93          NA      12.44
    69450..  ..............  A               Eardrum revision.....      *5.57         NA       1.66         NA       3.50        1.15          NA      10.22
    69501..  ..............  A               Mastoidectomy........      *9.07         NA       1.70         NA       4.32        1.17          NA      14.56
    69502..  ..............  A               Mastoidectomy........     *12.38         NA       1.99         NA       5.45        1.45          NA      19.28
    69505..  ..............  A               Remove mastoid            *12.99         NA       1.99         NA       5.66        1.79          NA      20.44
    69511..  ..............  A               Extensive mastoid         *13.52         NA       1.99         NA       5.79        1.84          NA      21.15
    69530..  ..............  A               Extensive mastoid         *19.19         NA       2.27         NA       7.35        1.72          NA      28.26
    69535..  ..............  A               Remove part of            *36.14         NA       2.27         NA      11.31        2.85          NA      50.30
                                              temporal bone.                                                                                                
    69540..  ..............  A               Remove ear lesion....      *1.20       0.83       0.67       1.30       1.11        0.14        2.64       2.45
    69550..  ..............  A               Remove ear lesion....     *10.99         NA       1.96         NA       5.23        2.00          NA      18.22
    69552..  ..............  A               Remove ear lesion....     *19.46         NA       1.99         NA       7.09        1.86          NA      28.41
    69554..  ..............  A               Remove ear lesion....     *33.16         NA       1.99         NA      10.26        2.63          NA      46.05
    69601..  ..............  A               Mastoid surgery           *13.24         NA       2.27         NA       6.01        1.55          NA      20.80
    69602..  ..............  A               Mastoid surgery           *13.58         NA       1.99         NA       5.78        1.75          NA      21.11
    69603..  ..............  A               Mastoid surgery           *14.02         NA       1.99         NA       5.91        1.88          NA      21.81
    69604..  ..............  A               Mastoid surgery           *14.02         NA       1.99         NA       6.08        2.70          NA      22.80
    69605..  ..............  A               Mastoid surgery           *18.49         NA       2.27         NA       7.23        1.86          NA      27.58
    69610..  ..............  A               Repair of eardrum....      *4.43       0.87       0.67       2.05       1.81        0.10        6.58       6.34
    69620..  ..............  A               Repair of eardrum....      *5.89       1.73       1.71       3.66       3.63        1.16       10.71      10.68
    [[Page 33260]]
    69631..  ..............  A               Repair eardrum             *9.86         NA       1.99         NA       4.93        1.61          NA      16.40
    69632..  ..............  A               Rebuild eardrum           *12.75         NA       2.27         NA       5.94        1.73          NA      20.42
    69633..  ..............  A               Rebuild eardrum           *12.10         NA       2.27         NA       5.81        1.78          NA      19.69
    69635..  ..............  A               Repair eardrum            *13.33         NA       1.99         NA       5.76        1.91          NA      21.00
    69636..  ..............  A               Rebuild eardrum           *15.22         NA       2.27         NA       6.57        2.11          NA      23.90
    69637..  ..............  A               Rebuild eardrum           *15.11         NA       2.27         NA       6.57        2.22          NA      23.90
    69641..  ..............  A               Revise middle ear &       *12.71         NA       1.99         NA       5.62        1.87          NA      20.20
    69642..  ..............  A               Revise middle ear &       *16.84         NA       2.27         NA       6.94        2.21          NA      25.99
    69643..  ..............  A               Revise middle ear &       *15.32         NA       2.27         NA       6.68        2.51          NA      24.51
    69644..  ..............  A               Revise middle ear &       *16.97         NA       2.27         NA       7.08        2.70          NA      26.75
    69645..  ..............  A               Revise middle ear &       *16.38         NA       2.27         NA       6.91        2.51          NA      25.80
    69646..  ..............  A               Revise middle ear &       *17.99         NA       2.27         NA       7.24        2.40          NA      27.63
    69650..  ..............  A               Release middle ear         *9.66         NA       1.66         NA       4.43        1.33          NA      15.42
    69660..  ..............  A               Revise middle ear         *11.90         NA       1.66         NA       5.03        1.82          NA      18.75
    69661..  ..............  A               Revise middle ear         *15.74         NA       1.96         NA       6.26        1.93          NA      23.93
    69662..  ..............  A               Revise middle ear         *15.44         NA       1.96         NA       6.19        1.94          NA      23.57
    69666..  ..............  A               Repair middle ear          *9.75         NA       1.66         NA       4.55        1.77          NA      16.07
    69667..  ..............  A               Repair middle ear          *9.76         NA       1.66         NA       4.53        1.66          NA      15.95
    69670..  ..............  A               Remove mastoid air        *11.51         NA       1.99         NA       5.18        1.08          NA      17.77
    69676..  ..............  A               Remove middle ear          *9.52         NA       1.96         NA       4.66        0.86          NA      15.04
    69700..  ..............  A               Close mastoid fistula      *8.23         NA       0.90         NA       3.08        0.84          NA      12.15
    69711..  ..............  A               Remove/repair hearing     *10.44         NA       1.99         NA       4.81        0.44          NA      15.69
    69720..  ..............  A               Release facial nerve.     *14.38         NA       2.28         NA       6.43        2.27          NA      23.08
    69725..  ..............  A               Release facial nerve.     *25.38         NA       1.99         NA       8.31        1.51          NA      35.20
    69740..  ..............  A               Repair facial nerve..     *15.96         NA       1.71         NA       5.95        1.69          NA      23.60
    69745..  ..............  A               Repair facial nerve..     *16.69         NA       1.99         NA       6.41        1.53          NA      24.63
    69801..  ..............  A               Incise inner ear.....      *8.56         NA       1.70         NA       4.35        1.84          NA      14.75
    69802..  ..............  A               Incise inner ear.....     *13.10         NA       1.99         NA       5.56        1.22          NA      19.88
    69805..  ..............  A               Explore inner ear....     *13.82         NA       1.70         NA       5.54        2.00          NA      21.36
    69806..  ..............  A               Explore inner ear....     *12.35         NA       1.99         NA       5.68        2.54          NA      20.57
    69820..  ..............  A               Establish inner ear       *10.34         NA       1.99         NA       4.91        1.00          NA      16.25
    69840..  ..............  A               Revise inner ear          *10.26         NA       1.99         NA       4.78        0.51          NA      15.55
    69905..  ..............  A               Remove inner ear.....     *11.10         NA       1.96         NA       5.27        2.07          NA      18.44
    69910..  ..............  A               Remove inner ear &        *13.63         NA       1.99         NA       5.92        2.34          NA      21.89
    69915..  ..............  A               Incise inner ear          *21.23         NA       1.99         NA       7.52        2.02          NA      30.77
    69930..  ..............  A               Implant cochlear          *16.81         NA       2.34         NA       7.27        3.34          NA      27.42
    69950..  ..............  A               Incise inner ear          *25.64         NA       2.39         NA       9.04        2.31          NA      36.99
    69955..  ..............  A               Release facial nerve.     *27.04         NA       1.99         NA       8.84        2.25          NA      38.13
    69960..  ..............  A               Release inner ear         *27.04         NA       1.99         NA       8.77        1.93          NA      37.74
    69970..  ..............  A               Remove inner ear          *30.04         NA       2.77         NA      10.45        2.26          NA      42.75
    70010..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           1.19       1.01       1.01       1.56       1.56        0.34        3.09       3.09
    70010..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           1.19       0.09       0.09       0.39       0.39        0.08        1.66       1.66
    70010..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.92       0.92       1.17       1.17        0.26        1.43       1.43
    70015..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           1.19       1.01       1.01       1.53       1.53        0.17        2.89       2.89
    70015..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           1.19       0.09       0.09       0.39       0.39        0.08        1.66       1.66
    70015..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.92       0.92       1.14       1.14        0.09        1.23       1.23
    70030..  ..............  A               X-ray eye for foreign       0.17       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.76       0.76
    70030..  26              A               X-ray eye for foreign       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    70030..  TC              A               X-ray eye for foreign       0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    70100..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of jaw....       0.18       0.46       0.46       0.61       0.61        0.04        0.83       0.83
    70100..  26              A               X-ray exam of jaw....       0.18       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.31       0.31
    70100..  TC              A               X-ray exam of jaw....       0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.03        0.52       0.52
    70110..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of jaw....       0.25       0.50       0.50       0.67       0.67        0.06        0.98       0.98
    70110..  26              A               X-ray exam of jaw....       0.25       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.02        0.40       0.40
    70110..  TC              A               X-ray exam of jaw....       0.00       0.44       0.44       0.54       0.54        0.04        0.58       0.58
    70120..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.18       0.42       0.42       0.56       0.56        0.05        0.79       0.79
    70120..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.18       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.31       0.31
    70120..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
    70130..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.34       0.63       0.63       0.86       0.86        0.07        1.27       1.27
    70130..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.34       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.51       0.51
    70130..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.57       0.57       0.71       0.71        0.05        0.76       0.76
    70134..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of middle        0.34       0.50       0.50       0.70       0.70        0.07        1.11       1.11
    70134..  26              A               X-ray exam of middle        0.34       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.51       0.51
    70134..  TC              A               X-ray exam of middle        0.00       0.44       0.44       0.55       0.55        0.05        0.60       0.60
    70140..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of facial        0.19       0.42       0.42       0.56       0.56        0.05        0.80       0.80
    70140..  26              A               X-ray exam of facial        0.19       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.32       0.32
    70140..  TC              A               X-ray exam of facial        0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
    70150..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of facial        0.26       0.50       0.50       0.69       0.69        0.07        1.02       1.02
    70150..  26              A               X-ray exam of facial        0.26       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.42       0.42
    70150..  TC              A               X-ray exam of facial        0.00       0.44       0.44       0.55       0.55        0.05        0.60       0.60
    70160..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of nasal         0.17       0.50       0.50       0.65       0.65        0.04        0.86       0.86
    70160..  26              A               X-ray exam of nasal         0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    70160..  TC              A               X-ray exam of nasal         0.00       0.44       0.44       0.54       0.54        0.03        0.57       0.57
    70170..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of tear          0.30       1.10       1.10       1.43       1.43        0.08        1.81       1.81
    [[Page 33261]]
    70170..  26              A               X-ray exam of tear          0.30       0.12       0.12       0.22       0.22        0.02        0.54       0.54
    70170..  TC              A               X-ray exam of tear          0.00       0.98       0.98       1.21       1.21        0.06        1.27       1.27
    70190..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of eye           0.21       0.42       0.42       0.56       0.56        0.05        0.82       0.82
    70190..  26              A               X-ray exam of eye           0.21       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.34       0.34
    70190..  TC              A               X-ray exam of eye           0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
    70200..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of eye           0.28       0.54       0.54       0.73       0.73        0.07        1.08       1.08
    70200..  26              A               X-ray exam of eye           0.28       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.44       0.44
    70200..  TC              A               X-ray exam of eye           0.00       0.48       0.48       0.59       0.59        0.05        0.64       0.64
    70210..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of sinuses       0.17       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.05        0.77       0.77
    70210..  26              A               X-ray exam of sinuses       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    70210..  TC              A               X-ray exam of sinuses       0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
    70220..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of sinuses       0.25       0.50       0.50       0.68       0.68        0.07        1.00       1.00
    70220..  26              A               X-ray exam of sinuses       0.25       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.02        0.40       0.40
    70220..  TC              A               X-ray exam of sinuses       0.00       0.44       0.44       0.55       0.55        0.05        0.60       0.60
    70240..  ..............  A               X-ray exam pituitary        0.19       0.42       0.42       0.56       0.56        0.04        0.79       0.79
    70240..  26              A               X-ray exam pituitary        0.19       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.32       0.32
    70240..  TC              A               X-ray exam pituitary        0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    70250..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of skull..       0.24       0.45       0.45       0.61       0.61        0.06        0.91       0.91
    70250..  26              A               X-ray exam of skull..       0.24       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.02        0.39       0.39
    70250..  TC              A               X-ray exam of skull..       0.00       0.39       0.39       0.48       0.48        0.04        0.52       0.52
    70260..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of skull..       0.34       0.54       0.54       0.75       0.75        0.08        1.17       1.17
    70260..  26              A               X-ray exam of skull..       0.34       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.51       0.51
    70260..  TC              A               X-ray exam of skull..       0.00       0.48       0.48       0.60       0.60        0.06        0.66       0.66
    70300..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of teeth..       0.10       0.35       0.35       0.45       0.45        0.03        0.58       0.58
    70300..  26              A               X-ray exam of teeth..       0.10       0.06       0.06       0.10       0.10        0.01        0.21       0.21
    70300..  TC              A               X-ray exam of teeth..       0.00       0.29       0.29       0.35       0.35        0.02        0.37       0.37
    70310..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of teeth..       0.16       0.35       0.35       0.46       0.46        0.04        0.66       0.66
    70310..  26              A               X-ray exam of teeth..       0.16       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.28       0.28
    70310..  TC              A               X-ray exam of teeth..       0.00       0.29       0.29       0.35       0.35        0.03        0.38       0.38
    70320..  ..............  A               Full mouth x-ray of         0.22       0.45       0.45       0.61       0.61        0.07        0.90       0.90
    70320..  26              A               Full mouth x-ray of         0.22       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.02        0.37       0.37
    70320..  TC              A               Full mouth x-ray of         0.00       0.39       0.39       0.48       0.48        0.05        0.53       0.53
    70328..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of jaw           0.18       0.42       0.42       0.56       0.56        0.04        0.78       0.78
    70328..  26              A               X-ray exam of jaw           0.18       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.31       0.31
    70328..  TC              A               X-ray exam of jaw           0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    70330..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of jaw           0.24       0.50       0.50       0.68       0.68        0.07        0.99       0.99
    70330..  26              A               X-ray exam of jaw           0.24       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.02        0.39       0.39
    70330..  TC              A               X-ray exam of jaw           0.00       0.44       0.44       0.55       0.55        0.05        0.60       0.60
    70332..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of jaw           0.54       1.09       1.09       1.49       1.49        0.17        2.20       2.20
    70332..  26              A               X-ray exam of jaw           0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    70332..  TC              A               X-ray exam of jaw           0.00       0.97       0.97       1.21       1.21        0.13        1.34       1.34
    70336..  ..............  A               Magnetic image jaw          1.48       8.30       8.30      10.61      10.61        0.73       12.82      12.82
    70336..  26              A               Magnetic image jaw          1.48       0.10       0.10       0.46       0.46        0.06        2.00       2.00
    70336..  TC              A               Magnetic image jaw          0.00       8.20       8.20      10.15      10.15        0.67       10.82      10.82
    70350..  ..............  A               X-ray head for              0.17       0.37       0.37       0.49       0.49        0.03        0.69       0.69
    70350..  26              A               X-ray head for              0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    70350..  TC              A               X-ray head for              0.00       0.31       0.31       0.38       0.38        0.02        0.40       0.40
    70355..  ..............  A               Panoramic x-ray of          0.20       0.37       0.37       0.50       0.50        0.05        0.75       0.75
    70355..  26              A               Panoramic x-ray of          0.20       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.33       0.33
    70355..  TC              A               Panoramic x-ray of          0.00       0.31       0.31       0.38       0.38        0.04        0.42       0.42
    70360..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of neck...       0.17       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.76       0.76
    70360..  26              A               X-ray exam of neck...       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    70360..  TC              A               X-ray exam of neck...       0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    70370..  ..............  A               Throat x-ray &              0.32       0.82       0.82       1.10       1.10        0.10        1.52       1.52
    70370..  26              A               Throat x-ray &              0.32       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.49       0.49
    70370..  TC              A               Throat x-ray &              0.00       0.76       0.76       0.95       0.95        0.08        1.03       1.03
    70371..  ..............  A               Speech evaluation,          0.84       0.24       0.24       0.53       0.53        0.19        1.56       1.56
    70371..  26              A               Speech evaluation,          0.84       0.12       0.12       0.35       0.35        0.06        1.25       1.25
    70371..  TC              A               Speech evaluation,          0.00       0.12       0.12       0.18       0.18        0.13        0.31       0.31
    70373..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.44       1.09       1.09       1.45       1.45        0.14        2.03       2.03
    70373..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.44       0.12       0.12       0.25       0.25        0.03        0.72       0.72
    70373..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.97       0.97       1.20       1.20        0.11        1.31       1.31
    70380..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.17       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.05        0.77       0.77
                                              salivary gland.                                                                                               
    70380..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
                                              salivary gland.                                                                                               
    70380..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
                                              salivary gland.                                                                                               
    70390..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.38       1.10       1.10       1.46       1.46        0.14        1.98       1.98
                                              salivary duct.                                                                                                
    70390..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.38       0.12       0.12       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.65       0.65
                                              salivary duct.                                                                                                
    70390..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.98       0.98       1.22       1.22        0.11        1.33       1.33
                                              salivary duct.                                                                                                
    70450..  ..............  A               CAT scan of head or         0.85       2.30       2.30       3.07       3.07        0.35        4.27       4.27
    70450..  26              A               CAT scan of head or         0.85       0.10       0.10       0.32       0.32        0.06        1.23       1.23
    70450..  TC              A               CAT scan of head or         0.00       2.20       2.20       2.75       2.75        0.29        3.04       3.04
    70460..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.13       2.79       2.79       3.75       3.75        0.43        5.31       5.31
    70460..  26              A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.13       0.10       0.10       0.39       0.39        0.08        1.60       1.60
    70460..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scan of        0.00       2.69       2.69       3.36       3.36        0.35        3.71       3.71
    [[Page 33262]]
    70470..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.27       3.10       3.10       4.17       4.17        0.52        5.96       5.96
    70470..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.27       0.10       0.10       0.42       0.42        0.09        1.78       1.78
    70470..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans of       0.00       3.00       3.00       3.75       3.75        0.43        4.18       4.18
    70480..  ..............  A               CAT scan of skull....       1.28       2.71       2.71       3.66       3.66        0.38        5.32       5.32
    70480..  26              A               CAT scan of skull....       1.28       0.10       0.10       0.42       0.42        0.09        1.79       1.79
    70480..  TC              A               CAT scan of skull....       0.00       2.61       2.61       3.24       3.24        0.29        3.53       3.53
    70481..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.38       3.10       3.10       4.18       4.18        0.44        6.00       6.00
    70481..  26              A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.38       0.10       0.10       0.45       0.45        0.09        1.92       1.92
    70481..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scan of        0.00       3.00       3.00       3.73       3.73        0.35        4.08       4.08
    70482..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.45       3.35       3.35       4.52       4.52        0.53        6.50       6.50
    70482..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.45       0.10       0.10       0.46       0.46        0.10        2.01       2.01
    70482..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans of       0.00       3.25       3.25       4.06       4.06        0.43        4.49       4.49
    70486..  ..............  A               CAT scan of face, jaw       1.14       2.46       2.46       3.34       3.34        0.37        4.85       4.85
    70486..  26              A               CAT scan of face, jaw       1.14       0.10       0.10       0.39       0.39        0.08        1.61       1.61
    70486..  TC              A               CAT scan of face, jaw       0.00       2.36       2.36       2.95       2.95        0.29        3.24       3.24
    70487..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scan,          1.30       2.95       2.95       3.98       3.98        0.44        5.72       5.72
    70487..  26              A               Contrast CAT scan,          1.30       0.10       0.10       0.43       0.43        0.09        1.82       1.82
    70487..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scan,          0.00       2.85       2.85       3.55       3.55        0.35        3.90       3.90
    70488..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans          1.42       3.15       3.15       4.27       4.27        0.53        6.22       6.22
    70488..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans          1.42       0.10       0.10       0.46       0.46        0.10        1.98       1.98
    70488..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans          0.00       3.05       3.05       3.81       3.81        0.43        4.24       4.24
    70490..  ..............  A               CAT scan of neck            1.28       2.41       2.41       3.30       3.30        0.38        4.96       4.96
    70490..  26              A               CAT scan of neck            1.28       0.10       0.10       0.42       0.42        0.09        1.79       1.79
    70490..  TC              A               CAT scan of neck            0.00       2.31       2.31       2.88       2.88        0.29        3.17       3.17
    70491..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT of neck        1.38       2.89       2.89       3.93       3.93        0.44        5.75       5.75
    70491..  26              A               Contrast CAT of neck        1.38       0.10       0.10       0.45       0.45        0.09        1.92       1.92
    70491..  TC              A               Contrast CAT of neck        0.00       2.79       2.79       3.48       3.48        0.35        3.83       3.83
    70492..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT of neck        1.45       3.15       3.15       4.27       4.27        0.53        6.25       6.25
    70492..  26              A               Contrast CAT of neck        1.45       0.10       0.10       0.46       0.46        0.10        2.01       2.01
    70492..  TC              A               Contrast CAT of neck        0.00       3.05       3.05       3.81       3.81        0.43        4.24       4.24
    70540..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, face,       1.48       8.58       8.58      10.95      10.95        0.77       13.20      13.20
    70540..  26              A               Magnetic image, face,       1.48       0.10       0.10       0.47       0.47        0.10        2.05       2.05
    70540..  TC              A               Magnetic image, face,       0.00       8.48       8.48      10.48      10.48        0.67       11.15      11.15
    70541..  ..............  R               Magnetic image, head        1.81       8.97       8.97      11.51      11.51        0.77       14.09      14.09
    70541..  26              R               Magnetic image, head        1.81       0.10       0.10       0.54       0.54        0.10        2.45       2.45
    70541..  TC              R               Magnetic image, head        0.00       8.87       8.87      10.97      10.97        0.67       11.64      11.64
    70551..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, brain       1.48       8.58       8.58      10.95      10.95        0.77       13.20      13.20
    70551..  26              A               Magnetic image, brain       1.48       0.10       0.10       0.47       0.47        0.10        2.05       2.05
    70551..  TC              A               Magnetic image, brain       0.00       8.48       8.48      10.48      10.48        0.67       11.15      11.15
    70552..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, brain       1.78       8.86       8.86      11.40      11.40        0.93       14.11      14.11
    70552..  26              A               Magnetic image, brain       1.78       0.10       0.10       0.54       0.54        0.12        2.44       2.44
    70552..  TC              A               Magnetic image, brain       0.00       8.76       8.76      10.86      10.86        0.81       11.67      11.67
    70553..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, brain       2.36      10.68      10.68      13.90      13.90        1.65       17.91      17.91
    70553..  26              A               Magnetic image, brain       2.36       0.10       0.10       0.68       0.68        0.16        3.20       3.20
    70553..  TC              A               Magnetic image, brain       0.00      10.58      10.58      13.22      13.22        1.49       14.71      14.71
    71010..  ..............  A               Chest x-ray..........       0.18       0.44       0.44       0.59       0.59        0.04        0.81       0.81
    71010..  26              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.18       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.31       0.31
    71010..  TC              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.00       0.38       0.38       0.47       0.47        0.03        0.50       0.50
    71015..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of chest..       0.21       0.53       0.53       0.70       0.70        0.04        0.95       0.95
    71015..  26              A               X-ray exam of chest..       0.21       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.34       0.34
    71015..  TC              A               X-ray exam of chest..       0.00       0.47       0.47       0.58       0.58        0.03        0.61       0.61
    71020..  ..............  A               Chest x-ray..........       0.22       0.58       0.58       0.76       0.76        0.05        1.03       1.03
    71020..  26              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.22       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.35       0.35
    71020..  TC              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.00       0.52       0.52       0.64       0.64        0.04        0.68       0.68
    71021..  ..............  A               Chest x-ray..........       0.27       0.61       0.61       0.82       0.82        0.07        1.16       1.16
    71021..  26              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.27       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.43       0.43
    71021..  TC              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.00       0.55       0.55       0.68       0.68        0.05        0.73       0.73
    71022..  ..............  A               Chest x-ray..........       0.31       0.69       0.69       0.93       0.93        0.07        1.31       1.31
    71022..  26              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.31       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.48       0.48
    71022..  TC              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.00       0.63       0.63       0.78       0.78        0.05        0.83       0.83
    71023..  ..............  A               Chest x-ray and             0.38       0.91       0.91       1.20       1.20        0.08        1.66       1.66
    71023..  26              A               Chest x-ray and             0.38       0.06       0.06       0.16       0.16        0.03        0.57       0.57
    71023..  TC              A               Chest x-ray and             0.00       0.85       0.85       1.04       1.04        0.05        1.09       1.09
    71030..  ..............  A               Chest x-ray..........       0.31       0.78       0.78       1.04       1.04        0.07        1.42       1.42
    71030..  26              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.31       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.48       0.48
    71030..  TC              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.00       0.72       0.72       0.89       0.89        0.05        0.94       0.94
    71034..  ..............  A               Chest x-ray &               0.46       1.37       1.37       1.80       1.80        0.12        2.38       2.38
    71034..  26              A               Chest x-ray &               0.46       0.06       0.06       0.18       0.18        0.03        0.67       0.67
    71034..  TC              A               Chest x-ray &               0.00       1.31       1.31       1.62       1.62        0.09        1.71       1.71
    71035..  ..............  A               Chest x-ray..........       0.18       0.57       0.57       0.75       0.75        0.04        0.97       0.97
    71035..  26              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.18       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.31       0.31
    71035..  TC              A               Chest x-ray..........       0.00       0.51       0.51       0.63       0.63        0.03        0.66       0.66
    71036..  ..............  A               X-ray guidance for          0.54       0.55       0.55       0.82       0.82        0.14        1.50       1.50
    71036..  26              A               X-ray guidance for          0.54       0.04       0.04       0.18       0.18        0.04        0.76       0.76
    [[Page 33263]]
    71036..  TC              A               X-ray guidance for          0.00       0.51       0.51       0.64       0.64        0.10        0.74       0.74
    71038..  ..............  A               X-ray guidance for          0.54       0.38       0.38       0.61       0.61        0.15        1.30       1.30
    71038..  26              A               X-ray guidance for          0.54       0.02       0.02       0.15       0.15        0.04        0.73       0.73
    71038..  TC              A               X-ray guidance for          0.00       0.36       0.36       0.46       0.46        0.11        0.57       0.57
    71040..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.58       1.09       1.09       1.48       1.48        0.13        2.19       2.19
    71040..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.58       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.90       0.90
    71040..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.97       0.97       1.20       1.20        0.09        1.29       1.29
    71060..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.74       1.09       1.09       1.53       1.53        0.19        2.46       2.46
    71060..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.74       0.12       0.12       0.32       0.32        0.05        1.11       1.11
    71060..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.97       0.97       1.21       1.21        0.14        1.35       1.35
    71090..  ..............  A               X-ray & pacemaker           0.54       0.54       0.54       0.81       0.81        0.15        1.50       1.50
    71090..  26              A               X-ray & pacemaker           0.54       0.04       0.04       0.18       0.18        0.04        0.76       0.76
    71090..  TC              A               X-ray & pacemaker           0.00       0.50       0.50       0.63       0.63        0.11        0.74       0.74
    71100..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of ribs...       0.22       0.70       0.70       0.92       0.92        0.06        1.20       1.20
    71100..  26              A               X-ray exam of ribs...       0.22       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.02        0.37       0.37
    71100..  TC              A               X-ray exam of ribs...       0.00       0.64       0.64       0.79       0.79        0.04        0.83       0.83
    71101..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of ribs,         0.27       0.65       0.65       0.87       0.87        0.06        1.20       1.20
    71101..  26              A               X-ray exam of ribs,         0.27       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.43       0.43
    71101..  TC              A               X-ray exam of ribs,         0.00       0.59       0.59       0.73       0.73        0.04        0.77       0.77
    71110..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of ribs...       0.27       0.57       0.57       0.77       0.77        0.07        1.11       1.11
    71110..  26              A               X-ray exam of ribs...       0.27       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.43       0.43
    71110..  TC              A               X-ray exam of ribs...       0.00       0.51       0.51       0.63       0.63        0.05        0.68       0.68
    71111..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of ribs,         0.32       0.73       0.73       0.98       0.98        0.08        1.38       1.38
    71111..  26              A               X-ray exam of ribs,         0.32       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.49       0.49
    71111..  TC              A               X-ray exam of ribs,         0.00       0.67       0.67       0.83       0.83        0.06        0.89       0.89
    71120..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.20       0.46       0.46       0.61       0.61        0.05        0.86       0.86
    71120..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.20       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.33       0.33
    71120..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.04        0.53       0.53
    71130..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.22       0.50       0.50       0.66       0.66        0.05        0.93       0.93
    71130..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.22       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.35       0.35
    71130..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.44       0.44       0.54       0.54        0.04        0.58       0.58
    71250..  ..............  A               Cat scan of chest....       1.16       2.76       2.76       3.72       3.72        0.44        5.32       5.32
    71250..  26              A               Cat scan of chest....       1.16       0.10       0.10       0.40       0.40        0.08        1.64       1.64
    71250..  TC              A               Cat scan of chest....       0.00       2.66       2.66       3.32       3.32        0.36        3.68       3.68
    71260..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.24       3.53       3.53       4.69       4.69        0.51        6.44       6.44
    71260..  26              A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.24       0.10       0.10       0.41       0.41        0.08        1.73       1.73
    71260..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scan of        0.00       3.43       3.43       4.28       4.28        0.43        4.71       4.71
    71270..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.38       3.79       3.79       5.06       5.06        0.61        7.05       7.05
    71270..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.38       0.10       0.10       0.45       0.45        0.09        1.92       1.92
    71270..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans of       0.00       3.69       3.69       4.61       4.61        0.52        5.13       5.13
    71550..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, chest       1.60       9.48       9.48      12.09      12.09        0.78       14.47      14.47
    71550..  26              A               Magnetic image, chest       1.60       0.10       0.10       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.21       2.21
    71550..  TC              A               Magnetic image, chest       0.00       9.38       9.38      11.59      11.59        0.67       12.26      12.26
    71555..  ..............  N               Magnetic imaging/          +1.81       8.97       8.97      11.51      11.51        0.78       14.10      14.10
                                              chest (MRA).                                                                                                  
    71555..  26              N               Magnetic imaging/          +1.81       0.10       0.10       0.54       0.54        0.11        2.46       2.46
                                              chest (MRA).                                                                                                  
    71555..  TC              N               Magnetic imaging/          +0.00       8.87       8.87      10.97      10.97        0.67       11.64      11.64
                                              chest (MRA).                                                                                                  
    72010..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of spine..       0.45       0.53       0.53       0.76       0.76        0.09        1.30       1.30
    72010..  26              A               X-ray exam of spine..       0.45       0.06       0.06       0.18       0.18        0.03        0.66       0.66
    72010..  TC              A               X-ray exam of spine..       0.00       0.47       0.47       0.58       0.58        0.06        0.64       0.64
    72020..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of spine..       0.15       0.41       0.41       0.54       0.54        0.04        0.73       0.73
    72020..  26              A               X-ray exam of spine..       0.15       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.27       0.27
    72020..  TC              A               X-ray exam of spine..       0.00       0.35       0.35       0.43       0.43        0.03        0.46       0.46
    72040..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of neck          0.22       0.42       0.42       0.56       0.56        0.05        0.83       0.83
    72040..  26              A               X-ray exam of neck          0.22       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.35       0.35
    72040..  TC              A               X-ray exam of neck          0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
    72050..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of neck          0.31       0.56       0.56       0.77       0.77        0.08        1.16       1.16
    72050..  26              A               X-ray exam of neck          0.31       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.48       0.48
    72050..  TC              A               X-ray exam of neck          0.00       0.50       0.50       0.62       0.62        0.06        0.68       0.68
    72052..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of neck          0.36       0.63       0.63       0.87       0.87        0.09        1.32       1.32
    72052..  26              A               X-ray exam of neck          0.36       0.06       0.06       0.16       0.16        0.02        0.54       0.54
    72052..  TC              A               X-ray exam of neck          0.00       0.57       0.57       0.71       0.71        0.07        0.78       0.78
    72069..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of trunk         0.22       0.65       0.65       0.85       0.85        0.04        1.11       1.11
    72069..  26              A               X-ray exam of trunk         0.22       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.35       0.35
    72069..  TC              A               X-ray exam of trunk         0.00       0.59       0.59       0.73       0.73        0.03        0.76       0.76
    72070..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of thorax        0.22       0.49       0.49       0.65       0.65        0.05        0.92       0.92
    72070..  26              A               X-ray exam of thorax        0.22       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.35       0.35
    72070..  TC              A               X-ray exam of thorax        0.00       0.43       0.43       0.53       0.53        0.04        0.57       0.57
    72072..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.22       0.54       0.54       0.71       0.71        0.06        0.99       0.99
                                              thoracic spine.                                                                                               
    72072..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.22       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.35       0.35
                                              thoracic spine.                                                                                               
    72072..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.48       0.48       0.59       0.59        0.05        0.64       0.64
                                              thoracic spine.                                                                                               
    72074..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.22       0.73       0.73       0.95       0.95        0.07        1.24       1.24
                                              thoracic spine.                                                                                               
    72074..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.22       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.35       0.35
                                              thoracic spine.                                                                                               
    72074..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.67       0.67       0.83       0.83        0.06        0.89       0.89
                                              thoracic spine.                                                                                               
    72080..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of trunk         0.22       0.49       0.49       0.65       0.65        0.05        0.92       0.92
    [[Page 33264]]
    72080..  26              A               X-ray exam of trunk         0.22       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.35       0.35
    72080..  TC              A               X-ray exam of trunk         0.00       0.43       0.43       0.53       0.53        0.04        0.57       0.57
    72090..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of trunk         0.28       0.63       0.63       0.84       0.84        0.06        1.18       1.18
    72090..  26              A               X-ray exam of trunk         0.28       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.44       0.44
    72090..  TC              A               X-ray exam of trunk         0.00       0.57       0.57       0.70       0.70        0.04        0.74       0.74
    72100..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of lower         0.22       0.49       0.49       0.65       0.65        0.05        0.92       0.92
    72100..  26              A               X-ray exam of lower         0.22       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.35       0.35
    72100..  TC              A               X-ray exam of lower         0.00       0.43       0.43       0.53       0.53        0.04        0.57       0.57
    72110..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of lower         0.31       0.75       0.75       1.01       1.01        0.08        1.40       1.40
    72110..  26              A               X-ray exam of lower         0.31       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.48       0.48
    72110..  TC              A               X-ray exam of lower         0.00       0.69       0.69       0.86       0.86        0.06        0.92       0.92
    72114..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of lower         0.36       0.90       0.90       1.19       1.19        0.09        1.64       1.64
    72114..  26              A               X-ray exam of lower         0.36       0.06       0.06       0.16       0.16        0.02        0.54       0.54
    72114..  TC              A               X-ray exam of lower         0.00       0.84       0.84       1.03       1.03        0.07        1.10       1.10
    72120..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of lower         0.22       0.73       0.73       0.95       0.95        0.07        1.24       1.24
    72120..  26              A               X-ray exam of lower         0.22       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.35       0.35
    72120..  TC              A               X-ray exam of lower         0.00       0.67       0.67       0.83       0.83        0.06        0.89       0.89
    72125..  ..............  A               CAT scan of neck            1.16       2.76       2.76       3.72       3.72        0.44        5.32       5.32
    72125..  26              A               CAT scan of neck            1.16       0.10       0.10       0.40       0.40        0.08        1.64       1.64
    72125..  TC              A               CAT scan of neck            0.00       2.66       2.66       3.32       3.32        0.36        3.68       3.68
    72126..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.22       3.53       3.53       4.69       4.69        0.51        6.42       6.42
    72126..  26              A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.22       0.10       0.10       0.41       0.41        0.08        1.71       1.71
    72126..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scan of        0.00       3.43       3.43       4.28       4.28        0.43        4.71       4.71
    72127..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.27       3.79       3.79       5.03       5.03        0.61        6.91       6.91
    72127..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.27       0.10       0.10       0.42       0.42        0.09        1.78       1.78
    72127..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans of       0.00       3.69       3.69       4.61       4.61        0.52        5.13       5.13
    72128..  ..............  A               CAT scan of thorax          1.16       2.76       2.76       3.72       3.72        0.44        5.32       5.32
    72128..  26              A               CAT scan of thorax          1.16       0.10       0.10       0.40       0.40        0.08        1.64       1.64
    72128..  TC              A               CAT scan of thorax          0.00       2.66       2.66       3.32       3.32        0.36        3.68       3.68
    72129..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.22       3.53       3.53       4.69       4.69        0.51        6.42       6.42
    72129..  26              A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.22       0.10       0.10       0.41       0.41        0.08        1.71       1.71
    72129..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scan of        0.00       3.43       3.43       4.28       4.28        0.43        4.71       4.71
    72130..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.27       3.79       3.79       5.03       5.03        0.61        6.91       6.91
    72130..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.27       0.10       0.10       0.42       0.42        0.09        1.78       1.78
    72130..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans of       0.00       3.69       3.69       4.61       4.61        0.52        5.13       5.13
    72131..  ..............  A               CAT scan of lower           1.16       2.76       2.76       3.72       3.72        0.44        5.32       5.32
    72131..  26              A               CAT scan of lower           1.16       0.10       0.10       0.40       0.40        0.08        1.64       1.64
    72131..  TC              A               CAT scan of lower           0.00       2.66       2.66       3.32       3.32        0.36        3.68       3.68
    72132..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT of lower       1.22       3.53       3.53       4.69       4.69        0.51        6.42       6.42
    72132..  26              A               Contrast CAT of lower       1.22       0.10       0.10       0.41       0.41        0.08        1.71       1.71
    72132..  TC              A               Contrast CAT of lower       0.00       3.43       3.43       4.28       4.28        0.43        4.71       4.71
    72133..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans,         1.27       3.79       3.79       5.03       5.03        0.61        6.91       6.91
                                              low spine.                                                                                                    
    72133..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans,         1.27       0.10       0.10       0.42       0.42        0.09        1.78       1.78
                                              low spine.                                                                                                    
    72133..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans,         0.00       3.69       3.69       4.61       4.61        0.52        5.13       5.13
                                              low spine.                                                                                                    
    72141..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, neck        1.60       8.58       8.58      10.98      10.98        0.78       13.36      13.36
    72141..  26              A               Magnetic image, neck        1.60       0.10       0.10       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.21       2.21
    72141..  TC              A               Magnetic image, neck        0.00       8.48       8.48      10.48      10.48        0.67       11.15      11.15
    72142..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, neck        1.92       8.86       8.86      11.43      11.43        0.94       14.29      14.29
    72142..  26              A               Magnetic image, neck        1.92       0.10       0.10       0.57       0.57        0.13        2.62       2.62
    72142..  TC              A               Magnetic image, neck        0.00       8.76       8.76      10.86      10.86        0.81       11.67      11.67
    72146..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, chest       1.60       8.58       8.58      11.00      11.00        0.85       13.45      13.45
    72146..  26              A               Magnetic image, chest       1.60       0.10       0.10       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.21       2.21
    72146..  TC              A               Magnetic image, chest       0.00       8.48       8.48      10.50      10.50        0.74       11.24      11.24
    72147..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, chest       1.92       8.86       8.86      11.43      11.43        0.94       14.29      14.29
    72147..  26              A               Magnetic image, chest       1.92       0.10       0.10       0.57       0.57        0.13        2.62       2.62
    72147..  TC              A               Magnetic image, chest       0.00       8.76       8.76      10.86      10.86        0.81       11.67      11.67
    72148..  ..............  A               Magnetic image,             1.48       8.58       8.58      10.97      10.97        0.84       13.29      13.29
                                              lumbar spine.                                                                                                 
    72148..  26              A               Magnetic image,             1.48       0.10       0.10       0.47       0.47        0.10        2.05       2.05
                                              lumbar spine.                                                                                                 
    72148..  TC              A               Magnetic image,             0.00       8.48       8.48      10.50      10.50        0.74       11.24      11.24
                                              lumbar spine.                                                                                                 
    72149..  ..............  A               Magnetic image,             1.78       8.86       8.86      11.40      11.40        0.93       14.11      14.11
                                              lumbar spine.                                                                                                 
    72149..  26              A               Magnetic image,             1.78       0.10       0.10       0.54       0.54        0.12        2.44       2.44
                                              lumbar spine.                                                                                                 
    72149..  TC              A               Magnetic image,             0.00       8.76       8.76      10.86      10.86        0.81       11.67      11.67
                                              lumbar spine.                                                                                                 
    72156..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, neck        2.57      10.68      10.68      13.94      13.94        1.66       18.17      18.17
    72156..  26              A               Magnetic image, neck        2.57       0.10       0.10       0.72       0.72        0.17        3.46       3.46
    72156..  TC              A               Magnetic image, neck        0.00      10.58      10.58      13.22      13.22        1.49       14.71      14.71
    72157..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, chest       2.57      10.68      10.68      13.94      13.94        1.66       18.17      18.17
    72157..  26              A               Magnetic image, chest       2.57       0.10       0.10       0.72       0.72        0.17        3.46       3.46
    72157..  TC              A               Magnetic image, chest       0.00      10.58      10.58      13.22      13.22        1.49       14.71      14.71
    72158..  ..............  A               Magnetic image,             2.36      10.68      10.68      13.90      13.90        1.65       17.91      17.91
                                              lumbar spine.                                                                                                 
    72158..  26              A               Magnetic image,             2.36       0.10       0.10       0.68       0.68        0.16        3.20       3.20
                                              lumbar spine.                                                                                                 
    72158..  TC              A               Magnetic image,             0.00      10.58      10.58      13.22      13.22        1.49       14.71      14.71
                                              lumbar spine.                                                                                                 
    72159..  ..............  N               Magnetic imaging/          +1.80       8.86       8.86      11.38      11.38        0.84       14.02      14.02
                                              spine (MRA).                                                                                                  
    72159..  26              N               Magnetic imaging/          +1.80       0.10       0.10       0.54       0.54        0.10        2.44       2.44
                                              spine (MRA).                                                                                                  
    72159..  TC              N               Magnetic imaging/          +0.00       8.76       8.76      10.84      10.84        0.74       11.58      11.58
                                              spine (MRA).                                                                                                  
    [[Page 33265]]
    72170..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of pelvis.       0.17       0.41       0.41       0.54       0.54        0.04        0.75       0.75
    72170..  26              A               X-ray exam of pelvis.       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    72170..  TC              A               X-ray exam of pelvis.       0.00       0.35       0.35       0.43       0.43        0.03        0.46       0.46
    72190..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of pelvis.       0.21       0.65       0.65       0.85       0.85        0.05        1.11       1.11
    72190..  26              A               X-ray exam of pelvis.       0.21       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.34       0.34
    72190..  TC              A               X-ray exam of pelvis.       0.00       0.59       0.59       0.73       0.73        0.04        0.77       0.77
    72192..  ..............  A               CAT scan of pelvis...       1.09       2.79       2.79       3.74       3.74        0.43        5.26       5.26
    72192..  26              A               CAT scan of pelvis...       1.09       0.10       0.10       0.38       0.38        0.07        1.54       1.54
    72192..  TC              A               CAT scan of pelvis...       0.00       2.69       2.69       3.36       3.36        0.36        3.72       3.72
    72193..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.16       3.13       3.13       4.18       4.18        0.49        5.83       5.83
    72193..  26              A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.16       0.10       0.10       0.40       0.40        0.08        1.64       1.64
    72193..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scan of        0.00       3.03       3.03       3.78       3.78        0.41        4.19       4.19
    72194..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.22       3.66       3.66       4.85       4.85        0.58        6.65       6.65
    72194..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.22       0.10       0.10       0.41       0.41        0.08        1.71       1.71
    72194..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans of       0.00       3.56       3.56       4.44       4.44        0.50        4.94       4.94
    72196..  ..............  A               Magnetic image,             1.60       8.58       8.58      10.98      10.98        0.78       13.36      13.36
    72196..  26              A               Magnetic image,             1.60       0.10       0.10       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.21       2.21
    72196..  TC              A               Magnetic image,             0.00       8.48       8.48      10.48      10.48        0.67       11.15      11.15
    72198..  ..............  N               Magnetic imaging/          +1.80       8.86       8.86      11.37      11.37        0.78       13.95      13.95
                                              pelvis (MRA).                                                                                                 
    72198..  26              N               Magnetic imaging/          +1.80       0.10       0.10       0.54       0.54        0.11        2.45       2.45
                                              pelvis (MRA).                                                                                                 
    72198..  TC              N               Magnetic imaging/          +0.00       8.76       8.76      10.83      10.83        0.67       11.50      11.50
                                              pelvis (MRA).                                                                                                 
    72200..  ..............  A               X-ray exam sacroiliac       0.17       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.76       0.76
    72200..  26              A               X-ray exam sacroiliac       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    72200..  TC              A               X-ray exam sacroiliac       0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    72202..  ..............  A               X-ray exam sacroiliac       0.19       0.50       0.50       0.66       0.66        0.05        0.90       0.90
    72202..  26              A               X-ray exam sacroiliac       0.19       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.32       0.32
    72202..  TC              A               X-ray exam sacroiliac       0.00       0.44       0.44       0.54       0.54        0.04        0.58       0.58
    72220..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.17       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.05        0.77       0.77
    72220..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    72220..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
    72240..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.91       1.01       1.01       1.50       1.50        0.35        2.76       2.76
                                              neck spine.                                                                                                   
    72240..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.91       0.09       0.09       0.32       0.32        0.06        1.29       1.29
                                              neck spine.                                                                                                   
    72240..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.92       0.92       1.18       1.18        0.29        1.47       1.47
                                              neck spine.                                                                                                   
    72255..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray thorax       0.91       1.13       1.13       1.64       1.64        0.32        2.87       2.87
    72255..  26              A               Contrast x-ray thorax       0.91       0.09       0.09       0.32       0.32        0.06        1.29       1.29
    72255..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray thorax       0.00       1.04       1.04       1.32       1.32        0.26        1.58       1.58
    72265..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray lower        0.83       0.97       0.97       1.43       1.43        0.31        2.57       2.57
    72265..  26              A               Contrast x-ray lower        0.83       0.09       0.09       0.31       0.31        0.06        1.20       1.20
    72265..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray lower        0.00       0.88       0.88       1.12       1.12        0.25        1.37       1.37
    72270..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           1.33       1.27       1.27       1.94       1.94        0.46        3.73       3.73
    72270..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           1.33       0.09       0.09       0.42       0.42        0.09        1.84       1.84
    72270..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       1.18       1.18       1.52       1.52        0.37        1.89       1.89
    72285..  ..............  A               X-ray of neck spine         0.83       1.01       1.01       1.54       1.54        0.56        2.93       2.93
    72285..  26              A               X-ray of neck spine         0.83       0.09       0.09       0.31       0.31        0.06        1.20       1.20
    72285..  TC              A               X-ray of neck spine         0.00       0.92       0.92       1.23       1.23        0.50        1.73       1.73
    72295..  ..............  A               X-ray of lower spine        0.83       1.01       1.01       1.53       1.53        0.52        2.88       2.88
    72295..  26              A               X-ray of lower spine        0.83       0.09       0.09       0.31       0.31        0.06        1.20       1.20
    72295..  TC              A               X-ray of lower spine        0.00       0.92       0.92       1.22       1.22        0.46        1.68       1.68
    73000..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.16       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.75       0.75
    73000..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.16       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.28       0.28
    73000..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    73010..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.17       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.76       0.76
                                              shoulder blade.                                                                                               
    73010..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
                                              shoulder blade.                                                                                               
    73010..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
                                              shoulder blade.                                                                                               
    73020..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.15       0.38       0.38       0.50       0.50        0.04        0.69       0.69
    73020..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.15       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.27       0.27
    73020..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.32       0.32       0.39       0.39        0.03        0.42       0.42
    73030..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.18       0.46       0.46       0.61       0.61        0.05        0.84       0.84
    73030..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.18       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.31       0.31
    73030..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.04        0.53       0.53
    73040..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       1.09       1.09       1.49       1.49        0.17        2.20       2.20
    73040..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    73040..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.97       0.97       1.21       1.21        0.13        1.34       1.34
    73050..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.20       0.65       0.65       0.85       0.85        0.05        1.10       1.10
    73050..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.20       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.33       0.33
    73050..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.59       0.59       0.73       0.73        0.04        0.77       0.77
    73060..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of humerus       0.17       0.57       0.57       0.74       0.74        0.05        0.96       0.96
    73060..  26              A               X-ray exam of humerus       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    73060..  TC              A               X-ray exam of humerus       0.00       0.51       0.51       0.63       0.63        0.04        0.67       0.67
    73070..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of elbow..       0.15       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.74       0.74
    73070..  26              A               X-ray exam of elbow..       0.15       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.27       0.27
    73070..  TC              A               X-ray exam of elbow..       0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    73080..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of elbow..       0.17       0.50       0.50       0.65       0.65        0.05        0.87       0.87
    73080..  26              A               X-ray exam of elbow..       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    [[Page 33266]]
    73080..  TC              A               X-ray exam of elbow..       0.00       0.44       0.44       0.54       0.54        0.04        0.58       0.58
    73085..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       1.09       1.09       1.49       1.49        0.17        2.20       2.20
    73085..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    73085..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.97       0.97       1.21       1.21        0.13        1.34       1.34
    73090..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of forearm       0.16       0.49       0.49       0.64       0.64        0.04        0.84       0.84
    73090..  26              A               X-ray exam of forearm       0.16       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.28       0.28
    73090..  TC              A               X-ray exam of forearm       0.00       0.43       0.43       0.53       0.53        0.03        0.56       0.56
    73092..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of arm,          0.16       0.46       0.46       0.60       0.60        0.04        0.80       0.80
    73092..  26              A               X-ray exam of arm,          0.16       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.28       0.28
    73092..  TC              A               X-ray exam of arm,          0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.03        0.52       0.52
    73100..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of wrist..       0.16       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.75       0.75
    73100..  26              A               X-ray exam of wrist..       0.16       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.28       0.28
    73100..  TC              A               X-ray exam of wrist..       0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    73110..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of wrist..       0.17       0.50       0.50       0.65       0.65        0.04        0.86       0.86
    73110..  26              A               X-ray exam of wrist..       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    73110..  TC              A               X-ray exam of wrist..       0.00       0.44       0.44       0.54       0.54        0.03        0.57       0.57
    73115..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       1.09       1.09       1.48       1.48        0.14        2.16       2.16
    73115..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    73115..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.97       0.97       1.20       1.20        0.10        1.30       1.30
    73120..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of hand...       0.16       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.75       0.75
    73120..  26              A               X-ray exam of hand...       0.16       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.28       0.28
    73120..  TC              A               X-ray exam of hand...       0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    73130..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of hand...       0.17       0.46       0.46       0.60       0.60        0.04        0.81       0.81
    73130..  26              A               X-ray exam of hand...       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    73130..  TC              A               X-ray exam of hand...       0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.03        0.52       0.52
    73140..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.13       0.46       0.46       0.60       0.60        0.04        0.77       0.77
    73140..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.13       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.25       0.25
    73140..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.03        0.52       0.52
    73200..  ..............  A               CAT scan of arm......       1.09       2.46       2.46       3.33       3.33        0.37        4.79       4.79
    73200..  26              A               CAT scan of arm......       1.09       0.10       0.10       0.38       0.38        0.07        1.54       1.54
    73200..  TC              A               CAT scan of arm......       0.00       2.36       2.36       2.95       2.95        0.30        3.25       3.25
    73201..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.16       2.80       2.80       3.77       3.77        0.44        5.37       5.37
    73201..  26              A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.16       0.10       0.10       0.40       0.40        0.08        1.64       1.64
    73201..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scan of        0.00       2.70       2.70       3.37       3.37        0.36        3.73       3.73
    73202..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.22       3.21       3.21       4.30       4.30        0.53        6.05       6.05
    73202..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.22       0.10       0.10       0.41       0.41        0.08        1.71       1.71
    73202..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans of       0.00       3.11       3.11       3.89       3.89        0.45        4.34       4.34
    73220..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, arm,        1.48       8.58       8.58      10.95      10.95        0.77       13.20      13.20
    73220..  26              A               Magnetic image, arm,        1.48       0.10       0.10       0.47       0.47        0.10        2.05       2.05
    73220..  TC              A               Magnetic image, arm,        0.00       8.48       8.48      10.48      10.48        0.67       11.15      11.15
    73221..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, joint       1.48       8.58       8.58      10.94      10.94        0.73       13.15      13.15
                                              of arm.                                                                                                       
    73221..  26              A               Magnetic image, joint       1.48       0.10       0.10       0.46       0.46        0.06        2.00       2.00
                                              of arm.                                                                                                       
    73221..  TC              A               Magnetic image, joint       0.00       8.48       8.48      10.48      10.48        0.67       11.15      11.15
                                              of arm.                                                                                                       
    73225..  ..............  N               Magnetic imaging/          +1.73       8.86       8.86      11.36      11.36        0.77       13.86      13.86
                                              upper (MRA).                                                                                                  
    73225..  26              N               Magnetic imaging/          +1.73       0.10       0.10       0.53       0.53        0.10        2.36       2.36
                                              upper (MRA).                                                                                                  
    73225..  TC              N               Magnetic imaging/          +0.00       8.76       8.76      10.83      10.83        0.67       11.50      11.50
                                              upper (MRA).                                                                                                  
    73500..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of hip....       0.17       0.38       0.38       0.50       0.50        0.04        0.71       0.71
    73500..  26              A               X-ray exam of hip....       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    73500..  TC              A               X-ray exam of hip....       0.00       0.32       0.32       0.39       0.39        0.03        0.42       0.42
    73510..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of hip....       0.21       0.42       0.42       0.56       0.56        0.05        0.82       0.82
    73510..  26              A               X-ray exam of hip....       0.21       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.34       0.34
    73510..  TC              A               X-ray exam of hip....       0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
    73520..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of hips...       0.26       0.66       0.66       0.88       0.88        0.06        1.20       1.20
    73520..  26              A               X-ray exam of hips...       0.26       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.42       0.42
    73520..  TC              A               X-ray exam of hips...       0.00       0.60       0.60       0.74       0.74        0.04        0.78       0.78
    73525..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of hip       0.54       1.09       1.09       1.49       1.49        0.17        2.20       2.20
    73525..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of hip       0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    73525..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of hip       0.00       0.97       0.97       1.21       1.21        0.13        1.34       1.34
    73530..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of hip....       0.29       0.08       0.08       0.18       0.18        0.05        0.52       0.52
    73530..  26              A               X-ray exam of hip....       0.29       0.04       0.04       0.12       0.12        0.02        0.43       0.43
    73530..  TC              A               X-ray exam of hip....       0.00       0.04       0.04       0.06       0.06        0.03        0.09       0.09
    73540..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of pelvis        0.20       0.42       0.42       0.56       0.56        0.05        0.81       0.81
                                              & hips.                                                                                                       
    73540..  26              A               X-ray exam of pelvis        0.20       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.33       0.33
                                              & hips.                                                                                                       
    73540..  TC              A               X-ray exam of pelvis        0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
                                              & hips.                                                                                                       
    73550..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of thigh..       0.17       0.49       0.49       0.64       0.64        0.05        0.86       0.86
    73550..  26              A               X-ray exam of thigh..       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    73550..  TC              A               X-ray exam of thigh..       0.00       0.43       0.43       0.53       0.53        0.04        0.57       0.57
    73560..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.17       0.43       0.43       0.56       0.56        0.04        0.77       0.77
    73560..  26              A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    73560..  TC              A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.00       0.37       0.37       0.45       0.45        0.03        0.48       0.48
    73562..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.18       0.44       0.44       0.59       0.59        0.05        0.82       0.82
    73562..  26              A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.18       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.31       0.31
    73562..  TC              A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.00       0.38       0.38       0.47       0.47        0.04        0.51       0.51
    73564..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.22       0.56       0.56       0.75       0.75        0.06        1.03       1.03
    [[Page 33267]]
    73564..  26              A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.22       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.02        0.37       0.37
    73564..  TC              A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.00       0.50       0.50       0.62       0.62        0.04        0.66       0.66
    73565..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.17       0.41       0.41       0.54       0.54        0.04        0.75       0.75
    73565..  26              A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    73565..  TC              A               X-ray exam of knee...       0.00       0.35       0.35       0.43       0.43        0.03        0.46       0.46
    73580..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       1.09       1.09       1.50       1.50        0.21        2.25       2.25
                                              knee joint.                                                                                                   
    73580..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
                                              knee joint.                                                                                                   
    73580..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.97       0.97       1.22       1.22        0.17        1.39       1.39
                                              knee joint.                                                                                                   
    73590..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of lower         0.17       0.49       0.49       0.64       0.64        0.04        0.85       0.85
    73590..  26              A               X-ray exam of lower         0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    73590..  TC              A               X-ray exam of lower         0.00       0.43       0.43       0.53       0.53        0.03        0.56       0.56
    73592..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of leg,          0.16       0.46       0.46       0.60       0.60        0.04        0.80       0.80
    73592..  26              A               X-ray exam of leg,          0.16       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.28       0.28
    73592..  TC              A               X-ray exam of leg,          0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.03        0.52       0.52
    73600..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of ankle..       0.16       0.45       0.45       0.59       0.59        0.04        0.79       0.79
    73600..  26              A               X-ray exam of ankle..       0.16       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.28       0.28
    73600..  TC              A               X-ray exam of ankle..       0.00       0.39       0.39       0.48       0.48        0.03        0.51       0.51
    73610..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of ankle..       0.17       0.46       0.46       0.60       0.60        0.04        0.81       0.81
    73610..  26              A               X-ray exam of ankle..       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    73610..  TC              A               X-ray exam of ankle..       0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.03        0.52       0.52
    73615..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       1.09       1.09       1.49       1.49        0.17        2.20       2.20
    73615..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    73615..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.97       0.97       1.21       1.21        0.13        1.34       1.34
    73620..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of foot...       0.16       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.75       0.75
    73620..  26              A               X-ray exam of foot...       0.16       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.28       0.28
    73620..  TC              A               X-ray exam of foot...       0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    73630..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of foot...       0.17       0.46       0.46       0.60       0.60        0.04        0.81       0.81
    73630..  26              A               X-ray exam of foot...       0.17       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.29       0.29
    73630..  TC              A               X-ray exam of foot...       0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.03        0.52       0.52
    73650..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of heel...       0.16       0.42       0.42       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.75       0.75
    73650..  26              A               X-ray exam of heel...       0.16       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.28       0.28
    73650..  TC              A               X-ray exam of heel...       0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.03        0.47       0.47
    73660..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of toe(s).       0.13       0.46       0.46       0.60       0.60        0.04        0.77       0.77
    73660..  26              A               X-ray exam of toe(s).       0.13       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.25       0.25
    73660..  TC              A               X-ray exam of toe(s).       0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.03        0.52       0.52
    73700..  ..............  A               CAT scan of leg......       1.09       2.70       2.70       3.61       3.61        0.37        5.07       5.07
    73700..  26              A               CAT scan of leg......       1.09       0.10       0.10       0.38       0.38        0.07        1.54       1.54
    73700..  TC              A               CAT scan of leg......       0.00       2.60       2.60       3.23       3.23        0.30        3.53       3.53
    73701..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.16       2.80       2.80       3.77       3.77        0.44        5.37       5.37
    73701..  26              A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.16       0.10       0.10       0.40       0.40        0.08        1.64       1.64
    73701..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scan of        0.00       2.70       2.70       3.37       3.37        0.36        3.73       3.73
    73702..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.22       3.21       3.21       4.30       4.30        0.53        6.05       6.05
    73702..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans of       1.22       0.10       0.10       0.41       0.41        0.08        1.71       1.71
    73702..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans of       0.00       3.11       3.11       3.89       3.89        0.45        4.34       4.34
    73720..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, leg,        1.48       8.58       8.58      10.95      10.95        0.77       13.20      13.20
    73720..  26              A               Magnetic image, leg,        1.48       0.10       0.10       0.47       0.47        0.10        2.05       2.05
    73720..  TC              A               Magnetic image, leg,        0.00       8.48       8.48      10.48      10.48        0.67       11.15      11.15
    73721..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, joint       1.48       8.58       8.58      10.94      10.94        0.73       13.15      13.15
                                              of leg.                                                                                                       
    73721..  26              A               Magnetic image, joint       1.48       0.10       0.10       0.46       0.46        0.06        2.00       2.00
                                              of leg.                                                                                                       
    73721..  TC              A               Magnetic image, joint       0.00       8.48       8.48      10.48      10.48        0.67       11.15      11.15
                                              of leg.                                                                                                       
    73725..  ..............  N               Magnetic imaging/          +1.82       9.67       9.67      12.35      12.35        0.77       14.94      14.94
                                              lower (MRA).                                                                                                  
    73725..  26              N               Magnetic imaging/          +1.82       0.10       0.10       0.54       0.54        0.10        2.46       2.46
                                              lower (MRA).                                                                                                  
    73725..  TC              N               Magnetic imaging/          +0.00       9.57       9.57      11.81      11.81        0.67       12.48      12.48
                                              lower (MRA).                                                                                                  
    74000..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of abdomen       0.18       0.41       0.41       0.55       0.55        0.04        0.77       0.77
    74000..  26              A               X-ray exam of abdomen       0.18       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.31       0.31
    74000..  TC              A               X-ray exam of abdomen       0.00       0.35       0.35       0.43       0.43        0.03        0.46       0.46
    74010..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of abdomen       0.23       0.57       0.57       0.76       0.76        0.06        1.05       1.05
    74010..  26              A               X-ray exam of abdomen       0.23       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.02        0.38       0.38
    74010..  TC              A               X-ray exam of abdomen       0.00       0.51       0.51       0.63       0.63        0.04        0.67       0.67
    74020..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of abdomen       0.27       0.57       0.57       0.77       0.77        0.06        1.10       1.10
    74020..  26              A               X-ray exam of abdomen       0.27       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.43       0.43
    74020..  TC              A               X-ray exam of abdomen       0.00       0.51       0.51       0.63       0.63        0.04        0.67       0.67
    74022..  ..............  A               X-ray exam series,          0.32       0.65       0.65       0.88       0.88        0.07        1.27       1.27
    74022..  26              A               X-ray exam series,          0.32       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.49       0.49
    74022..  TC              A               X-ray exam series,          0.00       0.59       0.59       0.73       0.73        0.05        0.78       0.78
    74150..  ..............  A               CAT scan of abdomen..       1.19       3.29       3.29       4.36       4.36        0.43        5.98       5.98
    74150..  26              A               CAT scan of abdomen..       1.19       0.10       0.10       0.40       0.40        0.08        1.67       1.67
    74150..  TC              A               CAT scan of abdomen..       0.00       3.19       3.19       3.96       3.96        0.35        4.31       4.31
    74160..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.27       3.58       3.58       4.76       4.76        0.50        6.53       6.53
    74160..  26              A               Contrast CAT scan of        1.27       0.10       0.10       0.42       0.42        0.09        1.78       1.78
    74160..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scan of        0.00       3.48       3.48       4.34       4.34        0.41        4.75       4.75
    74170..  ..............  A               Contrast CAT scans,         1.40       3.98       3.98       5.29       5.29        0.60        7.29       7.29
    74170..  26              A               Contrast CAT scans,         1.40       0.10       0.10       0.45       0.45        0.10        1.95       1.95
    74170..  TC              A               Contrast CAT scans,         0.00       3.88       3.88       4.84       4.84        0.50        5.34       5.34
    [[Page 33268]]
    74181..  ..............  A               Magnetic image,             1.60       9.48       9.48      12.09      12.09        0.78       14.47      14.47
                                              abdomen (MRI).                                                                                                
    74181..  26              A               Magnetic image,             1.60       0.10       0.10       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.21       2.21
                                              abdomen (MRI).                                                                                                
    74181..  TC              A               Magnetic image,             0.00       9.38       9.38      11.59      11.59        0.67       12.26      12.26
                                              abdomen (MRI).                                                                                                
    74185..  ..............  N               Magnetic image/            +1.80      10.56      10.56      13.44      13.44        0.78       16.02      16.02
                                              abdomen (MRA).                                                                                                
    74185..  26              N               Magnetic image/            +1.80       0.10       0.10       0.54       0.54        0.11        2.45       2.45
                                              abdomen (MRA).                                                                                                
    74185..  TC              N               Magnetic image/            +0.00      10.46      10.46      12.90      12.90        0.67       13.57      13.57
                                              abdomen (MRA).                                                                                                
    74190..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.48       1.19       1.19       1.58       1.58        0.10        2.16       2.16
    74190..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.48       0.12       0.12       0.26       0.26        0.02        0.76       0.76
    74190..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       1.07       1.07       1.32       1.32        0.08        1.40       1.40
    74210..  ..............  A               Contrast xray exam of       0.36       1.43       1.43       1.85       1.85        0.09        2.30       2.30
    74210..  26              A               Contrast xray exam of       0.36       0.09       0.09       0.20       0.20        0.02        0.58       0.58
    74210..  TC              A               Contrast xray exam of       0.00       1.34       1.34       1.65       1.65        0.07        1.72       1.72
    74220..  ..............  A               Contrast xray exam,         0.46       1.62       1.62       2.10       2.10        0.10        2.66       2.66
    74220..  26              A               Contrast xray exam,         0.46       0.09       0.09       0.22       0.22        0.03        0.71       0.71
    74220..  TC              A               Contrast xray exam,         0.00       1.53       1.53       1.88       1.88        0.07        1.95       1.95
    74230..  ..............  A               Cinema xray throat/         0.53       1.40       1.40       1.86       1.86        0.12        2.51       2.51
    74230..  26              A               Cinema xray throat/         0.53       0.09       0.09       0.24       0.24        0.04        0.81       0.81
    74230..  TC              A               Cinema xray throat/         0.00       1.31       1.31       1.62       1.62        0.08        1.70       1.70
    74235..  ..............  A               Remove esophagus            1.19       0.24       0.24       0.62       0.62        0.25        2.06       2.06
    74235..  26              A               Remove esophagus            1.19       0.12       0.12       0.43       0.43        0.08        1.70       1.70
    74235..  TC              A               Remove esophagus            0.00       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.17        0.36       0.36
    74240..  ..............  A               X-ray exam upper GI         0.69       1.72       1.72       2.28       2.28        0.14        3.11       3.11
    74240..  26              A               X-ray exam upper GI         0.69       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        1.01       1.01
    74240..  TC              A               X-ray exam upper GI         0.00       1.63       1.63       2.01       2.01        0.09        2.10       2.10
    74241..  ..............  A               X-ray exam upper GI         0.69       1.72       1.72       2.28       2.28        0.14        3.11       3.11
    74241..  26              A               X-ray exam upper GI         0.69       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        1.01       1.01
    74241..  TC              A               X-ray exam upper GI         0.00       1.63       1.63       2.01       2.01        0.09        2.10       2.10
    74245..  ..............  A               X-ray exam upper GI         0.91       2.37       2.37       3.14       3.14        0.21        4.26       4.26
    74245..  26              A               X-ray exam upper GI         0.91       0.09       0.09       0.32       0.32        0.06        1.29       1.29
    74245..  TC              A               X-ray exam upper GI         0.00       2.28       2.28       2.82       2.82        0.15        2.97       2.97
    74246..  ..............  A               Contrast xray upper         0.69       1.96       1.96       2.58       2.58        0.15        3.42       3.42
                                              GI tract.                                                                                                     
    74246..  26              A               Contrast xray upper         0.69       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        1.01       1.01
                                              GI tract.                                                                                                     
    74246..  TC              A               Contrast xray upper         0.00       1.87       1.87       2.31       2.31        0.10        2.41       2.41
                                              GI tract.                                                                                                     
    74247..  ..............  A               Contrast xray upper         0.69       2.02       2.02       2.64       2.64        0.16        3.49       3.49
                                              GI tract.                                                                                                     
    74247..  26              A               Contrast xray upper         0.69       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        1.01       1.01
                                              GI tract.                                                                                                     
    74247..  TC              A               Contrast xray upper         0.00       1.93       1.93       2.37       2.37        0.11        2.48       2.48
                                              GI tract.                                                                                                     
    74249..  ..............  A               Contrast xray upper         0.91       2.50       2.50       3.30       3.30        0.22        4.43       4.43
                                              GI tract.                                                                                                     
    74249..  26              A               Contrast xray upper         0.91       0.09       0.09       0.32       0.32        0.06        1.29       1.29
                                              GI tract.                                                                                                     
    74249..  TC              A               Contrast xray upper         0.00       2.41       2.41       2.98       2.98        0.16        3.14       3.14
                                              GI tract.                                                                                                     
    74250..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of small         0.47       2.20       2.20       2.81       2.81        0.11        3.39       3.39
    74250..  26              A               X-ray exam of small         0.47       0.09       0.09       0.22       0.22        0.03        0.72       0.72
    74250..  TC              A               X-ray exam of small         0.00       2.11       2.11       2.59       2.59        0.08        2.67       2.67
    74251..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of small         0.69       6.26       6.26       7.82       7.82        0.11        8.62       8.62
    74251..  26              A               X-ray exam of small         0.69       0.12       0.12       0.31       0.31        0.03        1.03       1.03
    74251..  TC              A               X-ray exam of small         0.00       6.14       6.14       7.51       7.51        0.08        7.59       7.59
    74260..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of small         0.50       5.32       5.32       6.62       6.62        0.12        7.24       7.24
    74260..  26              A               X-ray exam of small         0.50       0.12       0.12       0.27       0.27        0.03        0.80       0.80
    74260..  TC              A               X-ray exam of small         0.00       5.20       5.20       6.35       6.35        0.09        6.44       6.44
    74270..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.69       2.29       2.29       2.98       2.98        0.16        3.83       3.83
                                              of colon.                                                                                                     
    74270..  26              A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.69       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        1.01       1.01
                                              of colon.                                                                                                     
    74270..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.00       2.20       2.20       2.71       2.71        0.11        2.82       2.82
                                              of colon.                                                                                                     
    74280..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.99       2.48       2.48       3.29       3.29        0.21        4.49       4.49
                                              of colon.                                                                                                     
    74280..  26              A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.99       0.09       0.09       0.34       0.34        0.07        1.40       1.40
                                              of colon.                                                                                                     
    74280..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.00       2.39       2.39       2.95       2.95        0.14        3.09       3.09
                                              of colon.                                                                                                     
    74283..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray exam         2.02       2.01       2.01       2.95       2.95        0.30        5.27       5.27
                                              of colon.                                                                                                     
    74283..  26              A               Contrast x-ray exam         2.02       0.09       0.09       0.58       0.58        0.14        2.74       2.74
                                              of colon.                                                                                                     
    74283..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.00       1.92       1.92       2.37       2.37        0.16        2.53       2.53
                                              of colon.                                                                                                     
    74290..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray,             0.32       1.38       1.38       1.78       1.78        0.07        2.17       2.17
    74290..  26              A               Contrast x-ray,             0.32       0.09       0.09       0.19       0.19        0.02        0.53       0.53
    74290..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray,             0.00       1.29       1.29       1.59       1.59        0.05        1.64       1.64
    74291..  ..............  A               Contrast x-rays,            0.20       1.43       1.43       1.81       1.81        0.04        2.05       2.05
    74291..  26              A               Contrast x-rays,            0.20       0.09       0.09       0.16       0.16        0.01        0.37       0.37
    74291..  TC              A               Contrast x-rays,            0.00       1.34       1.34       1.65       1.65        0.03        1.68       1.68
    74300..  26              A               X-ray bile ducts,           0.36       0.12       0.12       0.23       0.23        0.02        0.61       0.61
    74301..  26              A               Additional x-rays at        0.21       0.12       0.12       0.20       0.20        0.01        0.42       0.42
    74305..  ..............  A               X-ray bile ducts,           0.42       0.24       0.24       0.41       0.41        0.08        0.91       0.91
    74305..  26              A               X-ray bile ducts,           0.42       0.12       0.12       0.25       0.25        0.03        0.70       0.70
    74305..  TC              A               X-ray bile ducts,           0.00       0.12       0.12       0.16       0.16        0.05        0.21       0.21
    74320..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       0.24       0.24       0.47       0.47        0.23        1.24       1.24
                                              bile ducts.                                                                                                   
    74320..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
                                              bile ducts.                                                                                                   
    74320..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.19        0.38       0.38
                                              bile ducts.                                                                                                   
    74327..  ..............  A               X-ray for bile stone        0.70       0.24       0.24       0.48       0.48        0.16        1.34       1.34
    74327..  26              A               X-ray for bile stone        0.70       0.12       0.12       0.31       0.31        0.05        1.06       1.06
    74327..  TC              A               X-ray for bile stone        0.00       0.12       0.12       0.17       0.17        0.11        0.28       0.28
    [[Page 33269]]
    74328..  ..............  A               Xray for bile duct          0.70       0.24       0.24       0.50       0.50        0.24        1.44       1.44
    74328..  26              A               Xray for bile duct          0.70       0.12       0.12       0.31       0.31        0.05        1.06       1.06
    74328..  TC              A               Xray for bile duct          0.00       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.19        0.38       0.38
    74329..  ..............  A               X-ray for pancreas          0.70       0.24       0.24       0.50       0.50        0.24        1.44       1.44
    74329..  26              A               X-ray for pancreas          0.70       0.12       0.12       0.31       0.31        0.05        1.06       1.06
    74329..  TC              A               X-ray for pancreas          0.00       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.19        0.38       0.38
    74330..  ..............  A               Xray, bile/pancreas         0.90       0.24       0.24       0.55       0.55        0.24        1.69       1.69
    74330..  26              A               Xray, bile/pancreas         0.90       0.12       0.12       0.36       0.36        0.05        1.31       1.31
    74330..  TC              A               Xray, bile/pancreas         0.00       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.19        0.38       0.38
    74340..  ..............  A               X-ray guide for GI          0.54       0.24       0.24       0.47       0.47        0.21        1.22       1.22
    74340..  26              A               X-ray guide for GI          0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    74340..  TC              A               X-ray guide for GI          0.00       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.17        0.36       0.36
    74350..  ..............  A               X-ray guide, stomach        0.76       0.24       0.24       0.52       0.52        0.24        1.52       1.52
    74350..  26              A               X-ray guide, stomach        0.76       0.12       0.12       0.33       0.33        0.05        1.14       1.14
    74350..  TC              A               X-ray guide, stomach        0.00       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.19        0.38       0.38
    74355..  ..............  A               X-ray guide,                0.76       0.24       0.24       0.52       0.52        0.22        1.50       1.50
                                              intestinal tube.                                                                                              
    74355..  26              A               X-ray guide,                0.76       0.12       0.12       0.33       0.33        0.05        1.14       1.14
                                              intestinal tube.                                                                                              
    74355..  TC              A               X-ray guide,                0.00       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.17        0.36       0.36
                                              intestinal tube.                                                                                              
    74360..  ..............  A               X-ray guide, GI             0.54       0.24       0.24       0.46       0.46        0.23        1.23       1.23
    74360..  26              A               X-ray guide, GI             0.54       0.12       0.12       0.27       0.27        0.04        0.85       0.85
    74360..  TC              A               X-ray guide, GI             0.00       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.19        0.38       0.38
    74363..  ..............  A               X-ray, bile duct            0.88       0.24       0.24       0.58       0.58        0.43        1.89       1.89
    74363..  26              A               X-ray, bile duct            0.88       0.12       0.12       0.35       0.35        0.06        1.29       1.29
    74363..  TC              A               X-ray, bile duct            0.00       0.12       0.12       0.23       0.23        0.37        0.60       0.60
    74400..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray              0.49       1.64       1.64       2.13       2.13        0.14        2.76       2.76
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74400..  26              A               Contrast x-ray              0.49       0.12       0.12       0.26       0.26        0.03        0.78       0.78
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74400..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray              0.00       1.52       1.52       1.87       1.87        0.11        1.98       1.98
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74405..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray              0.49       1.62       1.62       2.12       2.12        0.16        2.77       2.77
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74405..  26              A               Contrast x-ray              0.49       0.09       0.09       0.23       0.23        0.03        0.75       0.75
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74405..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray              0.00       1.53       1.53       1.89       1.89        0.13        2.02       2.02
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74410..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray              0.49       1.58       1.58       2.07       2.07        0.15        2.71       2.71
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74410..  26              A               Contrast x-ray              0.49       0.09       0.09       0.23       0.23        0.03        0.75       0.75
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74410..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray              0.00       1.49       1.49       1.84       1.84        0.12        1.96       1.96
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74415..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray              0.49       1.93       1.93       2.51       2.51        0.16        3.16       3.16
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74415..  26              A               Contrast x-ray              0.49       0.09       0.09       0.23       0.23        0.03        0.75       0.75
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74415..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray              0.00       1.84       1.84       2.28       2.28        0.13        2.41       2.41
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74420..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray              0.36       1.85       1.85       2.39       2.39        0.19        2.94       2.94
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74420..  26              A               Contrast x-ray              0.36       0.05       0.05       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.53       0.53
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74420..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray              0.00       1.80       1.80       2.24       2.24        0.17        2.41       2.41
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74425..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray              0.36       1.99       1.99       2.53       2.53        0.10        2.99       2.99
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74425..  26              A               Contrast x-ray              0.36       0.12       0.12       0.23       0.23        0.02        0.61       0.61
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74425..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray              0.00       1.87       1.87       2.30       2.30        0.08        2.38       2.38
                                              urinary tract.                                                                                                
    74430..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray of           0.32       1.27       1.27       1.64       1.64        0.09        2.05       2.05
    74430..  26              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.32       0.12       0.12       0.22       0.22        0.02        0.56       0.56
    74430..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray of           0.00       1.15       1.15       1.42       1.42        0.07        1.49       1.49
    74440..  ..............  A               Xray exam male              0.38       0.50       0.50       0.71       0.71        0.10        1.19       1.19
                                              genital tract.                                                                                                
    74440..  26              A               Xray exam male              0.38       0.12       0.12       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.65       0.65
                                              genital tract.                                                                                                
    74440..  TC              A               Xray exam male              0.00       0.38       0.38       0.47       0.47        0.07        0.54       0.54
                                              genital tract.                                                                                                
    74445..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of penis..       1.14       1.77       1.77       2.45       2.45        0.15        3.74       3.74
    74445..  26              A               X-ray exam of penis..       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    74445..  TC              A               X-ray exam of penis..       0.00       1.65       1.65       2.03       2.03        0.07        2.10       2.10
    74450..  ..............  A               X-ray exam urethra/         0.33       1.27       1.27       1.65       1.65        0.11        2.09       2.09
    74450..  26              A               X-ray exam urethra/         0.33       0.12       0.12       0.23       0.23        0.02        0.58       0.58
    74450..  TC              A               X-ray exam urethra/         0.00       1.15       1.15       1.42       1.42        0.09        1.51       1.51
    74455..  ..............  A               X-ray exam urethra/         0.33       1.27       1.27       1.66       1.66        0.12        2.11       2.11
    74455..  26              A               X-ray exam urethra/         0.33       0.12       0.12       0.23       0.23        0.02        0.58       0.58
    74455..  TC              A               X-ray exam urethra/         0.00       1.15       1.15       1.43       1.43        0.10        1.53       1.53
    74470..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of kidney        0.54       1.19       1.19       1.60       1.60        0.12        2.26       2.26
    74470..  26              A               X-ray exam of kidney        0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    74470..  TC              A               X-ray exam of kidney        0.00       1.07       1.07       1.32       1.32        0.08        1.40       1.40
    74475..  ..............  A               Xray control catheter       0.54       0.24       0.24       0.48       0.48        0.29        1.31       1.31
    74475..  26              A               Xray control catheter       0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    74475..  TC              A               Xray control catheter       0.00       0.12       0.12       0.20       0.20        0.25        0.45       0.45
    74480..  ..............  A               Xray control catheter       0.54       9.93       9.93      12.29      12.29        0.29       13.12      13.12
    74480..  26              A               Xray control catheter       0.54       0.07       0.07       0.21       0.21        0.04        0.79       0.79
    74480..  TC              A               Xray control catheter       0.00       9.86       9.86      12.08      12.08        0.25       12.33      12.33
    74485..  ..............  A               X-ray guide, GU             0.54       9.80       9.80      12.11      12.11        0.23       12.88      12.88
    74485..  26              A               X-ray guide, GU             0.54       0.07       0.07       0.21       0.21        0.04        0.79       0.79
    74485..  TC              A               X-ray guide, GU             0.00       9.73       9.73      11.90      11.90        0.19       12.09      12.09
    74710..  ..............  A               X-ray measurement of        0.34       1.18       1.18       1.53       1.53        0.09        1.96       1.96
    74710..  26              A               X-ray measurement of        0.34       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.51       0.51
    74710..  TC              A               X-ray measurement of        0.00       1.12       1.12       1.38       1.38        0.07        1.45       1.45
    74740..  ..............  A               X-ray female genital        0.38       1.27       1.27       1.66       1.66        0.11        2.15       2.15
    74740..  26              A               X-ray female genital        0.38       0.12       0.12       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.65       0.65
    [[Page 33270]]
    74740..  TC              A               X-ray female genital        0.00       1.15       1.15       1.42       1.42        0.08        1.50       1.50
    74742..  ..............  A               X-ray fallopian tube.       0.61       1.27       1.27       1.74       1.74        0.23        2.58       2.58
    74742..  26              A               X-ray fallopian tube.       0.61       0.12       0.12       0.29       0.29        0.04        0.94       0.94
    74742..  TC              A               X-ray fallopian tube.       0.00       1.15       1.15       1.45       1.45        0.19        1.64       1.64
    74775..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of               0.62       1.24       1.24       1.68       1.68        0.13        2.43       2.43
    74775..  26              A               X-ray exam of               0.62       0.12       0.12       0.29       0.29        0.04        0.95       0.95
    74775..  TC              A               X-ray exam of               0.00       1.12       1.12       1.39       1.39        0.09        1.48       1.48
    75552..  ..............  A               Magnetic image,             1.60      10.17      10.17      12.92      12.92        0.78       15.30      15.30
    75552..  26              A               Magnetic image,             1.60       0.10       0.10       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.21       2.21
    75552..  TC              A               Magnetic image,             0.00      10.07      10.07      12.42      12.42        0.67       13.09      13.09
    75553..  ..............  A               Magnetic image,             2.00      10.46      10.46      13.37      13.37        0.78       16.15      16.15
    75553..  26              A               Magnetic image,             2.00       0.10       0.10       0.59       0.59        0.11        2.70       2.70
    75553..  TC              A               Magnetic image,             0.00      10.36      10.36      12.78      12.78        0.67       13.45      13.45
    75554..  ..............  A               Cardiac MRI/function.       1.83      12.28      12.28      15.54      15.54        0.78       18.15      18.15
    75554..  26              A               Cardiac MRI/function.       1.83       0.10       0.10       0.55       0.55        0.11        2.49       2.49
    75554..  TC              A               Cardiac MRI/function.       0.00      12.18      12.18      14.99      14.99        0.67       15.66      15.66
    75555..  ..............  A               Cardiac MRI/limited         1.74      10.17      10.17      12.95      12.95        0.78       15.47      15.47
    75555..  26              A               Cardiac MRI/limited         1.74       0.10       0.10       0.53       0.53        0.11        2.38       2.38
    75555..  TC              A               Cardiac MRI/limited         0.00      10.07      10.07      12.42      12.42        0.67       13.09      13.09
    75600..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.49       8.27       8.27      10.36      10.36        0.78       11.63      11.63
                                              of aorta.                                                                                                     
    75600..  26              A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.49       0.12       0.12       0.26       0.26        0.03        0.78       0.78
                                              of aorta.                                                                                                     
    75600..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
                                              of aorta.                                                                                                     
    75605..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray exam         1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
                                              of aorta.                                                                                                     
    75605..  26              A               Contrast x-ray exam         1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
                                              of aorta.                                                                                                     
    75605..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
                                              of aorta.                                                                                                     
    75625..  ..............  A               Contrast x-ray exam         1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
                                              of aorta.                                                                                                     
    75625..  26              A               Contrast x-ray exam         1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
                                              of aorta.                                                                                                     
    75625..  TC              A               Contrast x-ray exam         0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
                                              of aorta.                                                                                                     
    75630..  ..............  A               X-ray aorta, leg            1.79       8.61       8.61      11.08      11.08        0.88       13.75      13.75
    75630..  26              A               X-ray aorta, leg            1.79       0.12       0.12       0.56       0.56        0.09        2.44       2.44
    75630..  TC              A               X-ray aorta, leg            0.00       8.49       8.49      10.52      10.52        0.79       11.31      11.31
    75650..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, head &       1.49       8.27       8.27      10.60      10.60        0.85       12.94      12.94
    75650..  26              A               Artery x-rays, head &       1.49       0.12       0.12       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.09       2.09
    75650..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, head &       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75658..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of arm           1.31       8.27       8.27      10.56      10.56        0.84       12.71      12.71
    75658..  26              A               X-ray exam of arm           1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75658..  TC              A               X-ray exam of arm           0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75660..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, head &       1.31       8.27       8.27      10.56      10.56        0.84       12.71      12.71
    75660..  26              A               Artery x-rays, head &       1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75660..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, head &       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75662..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, head &       1.66       8.27       8.27      10.64      10.64        0.86       13.16      13.16
    75662..  26              A               Artery x-rays, head &       1.66       0.12       0.12       0.54       0.54        0.11        2.31       2.31
    75662..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, head &       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75665..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, head &       1.31       8.27       8.27      10.56      10.56        0.84       12.71      12.71
    75665..  26              A               Artery x-rays, head &       1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75665..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, head &       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75671..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, head &       1.66       8.27       8.27      10.64      10.64        0.86       13.16      13.16
    75671..  26              A               Artery x-rays, head &       1.66       0.12       0.12       0.54       0.54        0.11        2.31       2.31
    75671..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, head &       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75676..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, neck..       1.31       8.27       8.27      10.56      10.56        0.84       12.71      12.71
    75676..  26              A               Artery x-rays, neck..       1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75676..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, neck..       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75680..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, neck..       1.66       8.27       8.27      10.64      10.64        0.86       13.16      13.16
    75680..  26              A               Artery x-rays, neck..       1.66       0.12       0.12       0.54       0.54        0.11        2.31       2.31
    75680..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, neck..       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75685..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, spine.       1.31       8.27       8.27      10.56      10.56        0.84       12.71      12.71
    75685..  26              A               Artery x-rays, spine.       1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75685..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, spine.       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75705..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, spine.       2.18       8.27       8.27      10.76      10.76        0.90       13.84      13.84
    75705..  26              A               Artery x-rays, spine.       2.18       0.12       0.12       0.66       0.66        0.15        2.99       2.99
    75705..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, spine.       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75710..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, arm/         1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75710..  26              A               Artery x-rays, arm/         1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75710..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, arm/         0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75716..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, arms/        1.31       8.27       8.27      10.56      10.56        0.84       12.71      12.71
    75716..  26              A               Artery x-rays, arms/        1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75716..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, arms/        0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75722..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, kidney       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75722..  26              A               Artery x-rays, kidney       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75722..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, kidney       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75724..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays,              1.49       8.27       8.27      10.60      10.60        0.85       12.94      12.94
    75724..  26              A               Artery x-rays,              1.49       0.12       0.12       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.09       2.09
    75724..  TC              A               Artery x-rays,              0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75726..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays,              1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    [[Page 33271]]
    75726..  26              A               Artery x-rays,              1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75726..  TC              A               Artery x-rays,              0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75731..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays,              1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
                                              adrenal gland.                                                                                                
    75731..  26              A               Artery x-rays,              1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
                                              adrenal gland.                                                                                                
    75731..  TC              A               Artery x-rays,              0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
                                              adrenal gland.                                                                                                
    75733..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays,              1.31       8.27       8.27      10.56      10.56        0.84       12.71      12.71
                                              adrenal glands.                                                                                               
    75733..  26              A               Artery x-rays,              1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
                                              adrenal glands.                                                                                               
    75733..  TC              A               Artery x-rays,              0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
                                              adrenal glands.                                                                                               
    75736..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, pelvis       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75736..  26              A               Artery x-rays, pelvis       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75736..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, pelvis       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75741..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, lung..       1.31       8.27       8.27      10.56      10.56        0.84       12.71      12.71
    75741..  26              A               Artery x-rays, lung..       1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75741..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, lung..       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75743..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, lungs.       1.66       8.27       8.27      10.64      10.64        0.86       13.16      13.16
    75743..  26              A               Artery x-rays, lungs.       1.66       0.12       0.12       0.54       0.54        0.11        2.31       2.31
    75743..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, lungs.       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75746..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, lung..       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75746..  26              A               Artery x-rays, lung..       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75746..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, lung..       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75756..  ..............  A               Artery x-rays, chest.       1.14       0.24       0.24       0.72       0.72        0.83        2.69       2.69
    75756..  26              A               Artery x-rays, chest.       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.41       0.41        0.08        1.63       1.63
    75756..  TC              A               Artery x-rays, chest.       0.00       0.12       0.12       0.31       0.31        0.75        1.06       1.06
    75774..  ..............  A               Artery x-ray, each          0.36       8.16       8.16      10.20      10.20        0.77       11.33      11.33
    75774..  26              A               Artery x-ray, each          0.36       0.01       0.01       0.10       0.10        0.02        0.48       0.48
    75774..  TC              A               Artery x-ray, each          0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75790..  ..............  A               Visualize A-V shunt..       1.84       1.00       1.00       1.67       1.67        0.21        3.72       3.72
    75790..  26              A               Visualize A-V shunt..       1.84       0.12       0.12       0.58       0.58        0.12        2.54       2.54
    75790..  TC              A               Visualize A-V shunt..       0.00       0.88       0.88       1.09       1.09        0.09        1.18       1.18
    75801..  ..............  A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         0.81       3.62       3.62       4.68       4.68        0.38        5.87       5.87
    75801..  26              A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         0.81       0.12       0.12       0.34       0.34        0.05        1.20       1.20
    75801..  TC              A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         0.00       3.50       3.50       4.34       4.34        0.33        4.67       4.67
    75803..  ..............  A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         1.17       3.62       3.62       4.76       4.76        0.41        6.34       6.34
    75803..  26              A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         1.17       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.67       1.67
    75803..  TC              A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         0.00       3.50       3.50       4.34       4.34        0.33        4.67       4.67
    75805..  ..............  A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         0.81       4.06       4.06       5.22       5.22        0.42        6.45       6.45
    75805..  26              A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         0.81       0.12       0.12       0.34       0.34        0.05        1.20       1.20
    75805..  TC              A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         0.00       3.94       3.94       4.88       4.88        0.37        5.25       5.25
    75807..  ..............  A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         1.17       4.06       4.06       5.30       5.30        0.45        6.92       6.92
    75807..  26              A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         1.17       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.67       1.67
    75807..  TC              A               Lymph vessel x-ray,         0.00       3.94       3.94       4.88       4.88        0.37        5.25       5.25
    75809..  ..............  A               Nonvascular shunt, x-       0.47       0.47       0.47       0.70       0.70        0.08        1.25       1.25
    75809..  26              A               Nonvascular shunt, x-       0.47       0.12       0.12       0.26       0.26        0.03        0.76       0.76
    75809..  TC              A               Nonvascular shunt, x-       0.00       0.35       0.35       0.44       0.44        0.05        0.49       0.49
    75810..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, spleen/         1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75810..  26              A               Vein x-ray, spleen/         1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75810..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, spleen/         0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75820..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, arm/leg..       0.70       0.73       0.73       1.07       1.07        0.11        1.88       1.88
    75820..  26              A               Vein x-ray, arm/leg..       0.70       0.12       0.12       0.31       0.31        0.05        1.06       1.06
    75820..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, arm/leg..       0.00       0.61       0.61       0.76       0.76        0.06        0.82       0.82
    75822..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, arms/legs       1.06       1.08       1.08       1.59       1.59        0.16        2.81       2.81
    75822..  26              A               Vein x-ray, arms/legs       1.06       0.12       0.12       0.40       0.40        0.07        1.53       1.53
    75822..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, arms/legs       0.00       0.96       0.96       1.19       1.19        0.09        1.28       1.28
    75825..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, trunk....       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75825..  26              A               Vein x-ray, trunk....       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75825..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, trunk....       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75827..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, chest....       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75827..  26              A               Vein x-ray, chest....       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75827..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, chest....       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75831..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, kidney...       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75831..  26              A               Vein x-ray, kidney...       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75831..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, kidney...       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75833..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, kidneys..       1.49       8.27       8.27      10.60      10.60        0.85       12.94      12.94
    75833..  26              A               Vein x-ray, kidneys..       1.49       0.12       0.12       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.09       2.09
    75833..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, kidneys..       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75840..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, adrenal         1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75840..  26              A               Vein x-ray, adrenal         1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75840..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, adrenal         0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75842..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, adrenal         1.49       8.27       8.27      10.60      10.60        0.85       12.94      12.94
    75842..  26              A               Vein x-ray, adrenal         1.49       0.12       0.12       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.09       2.09
    75842..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, adrenal         0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75860..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, neck.....       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75860..  26              A               Vein x-ray, neck.....       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75860..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, neck.....       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    [[Page 33272]]
    75870..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, skull....       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75870..  26              A               Vein x-ray, skull....       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75870..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, skull....       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75872..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, skull....       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75872..  26              A               Vein x-ray, skull....       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75872..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, skull....       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75880..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, eye             0.70       0.73       0.73       1.07       1.07        0.11        1.88       1.88
    75880..  26              A               Vein x-ray, eye             0.70       0.12       0.12       0.31       0.31        0.05        1.06       1.06
    75880..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, eye             0.00       0.61       0.61       0.76       0.76        0.06        0.82       0.82
    75885..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, liver....       1.44       8.27       8.27      10.59      10.59        0.85       12.88      12.88
    75885..  26              A               Vein x-ray, liver....       1.44       0.12       0.12       0.49       0.49        0.10        2.03       2.03
    75885..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, liver....       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75887..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, liver....       1.44       8.27       8.27      10.59      10.59        0.85       12.88      12.88
    75887..  26              A               Vein x-ray, liver....       1.44       0.12       0.12       0.49       0.49        0.10        2.03       2.03
    75887..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, liver....       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75889..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, liver....       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75889..  26              A               Vein x-ray, liver....       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75889..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, liver....       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75891..  ..............  A               Vein x-ray, liver....       1.14       8.27       8.27      10.52      10.52        0.83       12.49      12.49
    75891..  26              A               Vein x-ray, liver....       1.14       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.08        1.64       1.64
    75891..  TC              A               Vein x-ray, liver....       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75893..  ..............  A               Venous sampling by          0.54       8.27       8.27      10.38      10.38        0.79       11.71      11.71
    75893..  26              A               Venous sampling by          0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    75893..  TC              A               Venous sampling by          0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75894..  ..............  A               Xrays, transcatheter        1.31      15.73      15.73      19.81      19.81        1.53       22.65      22.65
    75894..  26              A               Xrays, transcatheter        1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75894..  TC              A               Xrays, transcatheter        0.00      15.61      15.61      19.35      19.35        1.44       20.79      20.79
    75896..  ..............  A               Xrays, transcatheter        1.31      13.69      13.69      17.28      17.28        1.34       19.93      19.93
    75896..  26              A               Xrays, transcatheter        1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75896..  TC              A               Xrays, transcatheter        0.00      13.57      13.57      16.82      16.82        1.25       18.07      18.07
    75898..  ..............  A               Follow-up angiogram..       1.65       0.80       0.80       1.37       1.37        0.18        3.20       3.20
    75898..  26              A               Follow-up angiogram..       1.65       0.12       0.12       0.53       0.53        0.11        2.29       2.29
    75898..  TC              A               Follow-up angiogram..       0.00       0.68       0.68       0.84       0.84        0.07        0.91       0.91
    75900..  ..............  A               Arterial catheter           0.49      13.69      13.69      17.08      17.08        1.29       18.86      18.86
    75900..  26              A               Arterial catheter           0.49       0.12       0.12       0.26       0.26        0.03        0.78       0.78
    75900..  TC              A               Arterial catheter           0.00      13.57      13.57      16.82      16.82        1.26       18.08      18.08
    75940..  ..............  A               X-ray placement, vein       0.54       8.27       8.27      10.38      10.38        0.79       11.71      11.71
    75940..  26              A               X-ray placement, vein       0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    75940..  TC              A               X-ray placement, vein       0.00       8.15       8.15      10.10      10.10        0.75       10.85      10.85
    75945..  ..............  A               Intravascular us.....       0.29         NA       1.14         NA       1.52        0.31          NA       2.12
    75945..  26              A               Intravascular us.....       0.29         NA       0.09         NA       0.18        0.03          NA       0.50
    75945..  TC              A               Intravascular us.....       0.00         NA       1.05         NA       1.34        0.28          NA       1.62
    75946..  ..............  A               Intravascular us.....       0.29         NA       0.10         NA       0.22        0.17          NA       0.68
    75946..  26              A               Intravascular us.....       0.29         NA       0.05         NA       0.13        0.03          NA       0.45
    75946..  TC              A               Intravascular us.....       0.00         NA       0.05         NA       0.09        0.14          NA       0.23
    75960..  ..............  A               Transcatheter intro,        0.82       9.76       9.76      12.28      12.28        0.94       14.04      14.04
    75960..  26              A               Transcatheter intro,        0.82       0.12       0.12       0.34       0.34        0.06        1.22       1.22
    75960..  TC              A               Transcatheter intro,        0.00       9.64       9.64      11.94      11.94        0.88       12.82      12.82
    75961..  ..............  A               Retrieval, broken           4.25       6.91       6.91       9.55       9.55        0.90       14.70      14.70
    75961..  26              A               Retrieval, broken           4.25       0.12       0.12       1.14       1.14        0.28        5.67       5.67
    75961..  TC              A               Retrieval, broken           0.00       6.79       6.79       8.41       8.41        0.62        9.03       9.03
    75962..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             0.54      10.30      10.30      12.90      12.90        0.98       14.42      14.42
    75962..  26              A               Repair arterial             0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    75962..  TC              A               Repair arterial             0.00      10.18      10.18      12.62      12.62        0.94       13.56      13.56
    75964..  ..............  A               Repair artery               0.36       5.55       5.55       6.96       6.96        0.52        7.84       7.84
                                              blockage, each.                                                                                               
    75964..  26              A               Repair artery               0.36       0.12       0.12       0.23       0.23        0.02        0.61       0.61
                                              blockage, each.                                                                                               
    75964..  TC              A               Repair artery               0.00       5.43       5.43       6.73       6.73        0.50        7.23       7.23
                                              blockage, each.                                                                                               
    75966..  ..............  A               Repair arterial             1.31      10.30      10.30      13.08      13.08        1.03       15.42      15.42
    75966..  26              A               Repair arterial             1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75966..  TC              A               Repair arterial             0.00      10.18      10.18      12.62      12.62        0.94       13.56      13.56
    75968..  ..............  A               Repair artery               0.36       5.55       5.55       6.96       6.96        0.52        7.84       7.84
                                              blockage, each.                                                                                               
    75968..  26              A               Repair artery               0.36       0.12       0.12       0.23       0.23        0.02        0.61       0.61
                                              blockage, each.                                                                                               
    75968..  TC              A               Repair artery               0.00       5.43       5.43       6.73       6.73        0.50        7.23       7.23
                                              blockage, each.                                                                                               
    75970..  ..............  A               Vascular biopsy......       0.83       7.58       7.58       9.59       9.59        0.75       11.17      11.17
    75970..  26              A               Vascular biopsy......       0.83       0.12       0.12       0.34       0.34        0.06        1.23       1.23
    75970..  TC              A               Vascular biopsy......       0.00       7.46       7.46       9.25       9.25        0.69        9.94       9.94
    75978..  ..............  A               Repair venous               0.54      10.30      10.30      12.90      12.90        0.98       14.42      14.42
    75978..  26              A               Repair venous               0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    75978..  TC              A               Repair venous               0.00      10.18      10.18      12.62      12.62        0.94       13.56      13.56
    75980..  ..............  A               Contrast xray exam          1.44       3.67       3.67       4.89       4.89        0.43        6.76       6.76
                                              bile duct.                                                                                                    
    75980..  26              A               Contrast xray exam          1.44       0.17       0.17       0.55       0.55        0.10        2.09       2.09
                                              bile duct.                                                                                                    
    75980..  TC              A               Contrast xray exam          0.00       3.50       3.50       4.34       4.34        0.33        4.67       4.67
                                              bile duct.                                                                                                    
    75982..  ..............  A               Contrast xray exam          1.44       4.06       4.06       5.37       5.37        0.47        7.28       7.28
                                              bile duct.                                                                                                    
    75982..  26              A               Contrast xray exam          1.44       0.12       0.12       0.49       0.49        0.10        2.03       2.03
                                              bile duct.                                                                                                    
    [[Page 33273]]
    75982..  TC              A               Contrast xray exam          0.00       3.94       3.94       4.88       4.88        0.37        5.25       5.25
                                              bile duct.                                                                                                    
    75984..  ..............  A               Xray control catheter       0.72       1.38       1.38       1.88       1.88        0.17        2.77       2.77
    75984..  26              A               Xray control catheter       0.72       0.12       0.12       0.32       0.32        0.05        1.09       1.09
    75984..  TC              A               Xray control catheter       0.00       1.26       1.26       1.56       1.56        0.12        1.68       1.68
    75989..  ..............  A               Abscess drainage            1.19       2.16       2.16       2.96       2.96        0.27        4.42       4.42
                                              under x-ray.                                                                                                  
    75989..  26              A               Abscess drainage            1.19       0.12       0.12       0.43       0.43        0.08        1.70       1.70
                                              under x-ray.                                                                                                  
    75989..  TC              A               Abscess drainage            0.00       2.04       2.04       2.53       2.53        0.19        2.72       2.72
                                              under x-ray.                                                                                                  
    75992..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.54      10.34      10.34      12.95      12.95        0.98       14.47      14.47
    75992..  26              A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.54       0.16       0.16       0.33       0.33        0.04        0.91       0.91
    75992..  TC              A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.00      10.18      10.18      12.62      12.62        0.94       13.56      13.56
    75993..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.36       5.59       5.59       7.01       7.01        0.52        7.89       7.89
    75993..  26              A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.36       0.16       0.16       0.28       0.28        0.02        0.66       0.66
    75993..  TC              A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.00       5.43       5.43       6.73       6.73        0.50        7.23       7.23
    75994..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, x-ray          1.31      10.30      10.30      13.08      13.08        1.03       15.42      15.42
    75994..  26              A               Atherectomy, x-ray          1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75994..  TC              A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.00      10.18      10.18      12.62      12.62        0.94       13.56      13.56
    75995..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, x-ray          1.31      10.30      10.30      13.08      13.08        1.03       15.42      15.42
    75995..  26              A               Atherectomy, x-ray          1.31       0.12       0.12       0.46       0.46        0.09        1.86       1.86
    75995..  TC              A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.00      10.18      10.18      12.62      12.62        0.94       13.56      13.56
    75996..  ..............  A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.36       5.55       5.55       6.96       6.96        0.52        7.84       7.84
    75996..  26              A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.36       0.12       0.12       0.23       0.23        0.02        0.61       0.61
    75996..  TC              A               Atherectomy, x-ray          0.00       5.43       5.43       6.73       6.73        0.50        7.23       7.23
    76000..  ..............  A               Fluoroscope                 0.17       1.20       1.20       1.52       1.52        0.09        1.78       1.78
    76000..  26              A               Fluoroscope                 0.17       0.09       0.09       0.15       0.15        0.01        0.33       0.33
    76000..  TC              A               Fluoroscope                 0.00       1.11       1.11       1.37       1.37        0.08        1.45       1.45
    76001..  ..............  A               Fluoroscope exam,           0.67       1.71       1.71       2.28       2.28        0.22        3.17       3.17
    76001..  26              A               Fluoroscope exam,           0.67       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        0.99       0.99
    76001..  TC              A               Fluoroscope exam,           0.00       1.62       1.62       2.01       2.01        0.17        2.18       2.18
    76003..  ..............  A               Needle localization         0.54       0.98       0.98       1.34       1.34        0.12        2.00       2.00
                                              by x-ray.                                                                                                     
    76003..  26              A               Needle localization         0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
                                              by x-ray.                                                                                                     
    76003..  TC              A               Needle localization         0.00       0.86       0.86       1.06       1.06        0.08        1.14       1.14
                                              by x-ray.                                                                                                     
    76010..  ..............  A               X-ray, nose to rectum       0.18       0.56       0.56       0.74       0.74        0.04        0.96       0.96
    76010..  26              A               X-ray, nose to rectum       0.18       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.31       0.31
    76010..  TC              A               X-ray, nose to rectum       0.00       0.50       0.50       0.62       0.62        0.03        0.65       0.65
    76020..  ..............  A               X-rays for bone age..       0.19       0.38       0.38       0.51       0.51        0.04        0.74       0.74
    76020..  26              A               X-rays for bone age..       0.19       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.32       0.32
    76020..  TC              A               X-rays for bone age..       0.00       0.32       0.32       0.39       0.39        0.03        0.42       0.42
    76040..  ..............  A               X-rays, bone                0.27       0.55       0.55       0.75       0.75        0.07        1.09       1.09
    76040..  26              A               X-rays, bone                0.27       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.43       0.43
    76040..  TC              A               X-rays, bone                0.00       0.49       0.49       0.61       0.61        0.05        0.66       0.66
    76061..  ..............  A               X-rays, bone survey..       0.45       0.74       0.74       1.03       1.03        0.09        1.57       1.57
    76061..  26              A               X-rays, bone survey..       0.45       0.06       0.06       0.18       0.18        0.03        0.66       0.66
    76061..  TC              A               X-rays, bone survey..       0.00       0.68       0.68       0.85       0.85        0.06        0.91       0.91
    76062..  ..............  A               X-rays, bone survey..       0.54       0.99       0.99       1.35       1.35        0.13        2.02       2.02
    76062..  26              A               X-rays, bone survey..       0.54       0.06       0.06       0.20       0.20        0.04        0.78       0.78
    76062..  TC              A               X-rays, bone survey..       0.00       0.93       0.93       1.15       1.15        0.09        1.24       1.24
    76065..  ..............  A               X-rays, bone                0.28       0.63       0.63       0.85       0.85        0.07        1.20       1.20
    76065..  26              A               X-rays, bone                0.28       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.44       0.44
    76065..  TC              A               X-rays, bone                0.00       0.57       0.57       0.71       0.71        0.05        0.76       0.76
    76066..  ..............  A               Joint(s) survey,            0.31       0.38       0.38       0.55       0.55        0.09        0.95       0.95
                                              single film.                                                                                                  
    76066..  26              A               Joint(s) survey,            0.31       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.02        0.48       0.48
                                              single film.                                                                                                  
    76066..  TC              A               Joint(s) survey,            0.00       0.32       0.32       0.40       0.40        0.07        0.47       0.47
                                              single film.                                                                                                  
    76070..  ..............  G               CT scan, bone density      +0.25       2.30       2.30       2.90       2.90        0.20        3.35       3.35
    76070..  26              G               CT scan, bone density      +0.25       0.10       0.10       0.18       0.18        0.02        0.45       0.45
    76070..  TC              G               CT scan, bone density      +0.00       2.20       2.20       2.72       2.72        0.18        2.90       2.90
    76075..  ..............  G               Dual energy x-ray          +0.30       0.39       0.39       0.58       0.58        0.21        1.09       1.09
    76075..  26              G               Dual energy x-ray          +0.30       0.09       0.09       0.18       0.18        0.02        0.50       0.50
    76075..  TC              G               Dual energy x-ray          +0.00       0.30       0.30       0.40       0.40        0.19        0.59       0.59
    76080..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of fistula       0.54       1.04       1.04       1.41       1.41        0.11        2.06       2.06
    76080..  26              A               X-ray exam of fistula       0.54       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.86       0.86
    76080..  TC              A               X-ray exam of fistula       0.00       0.92       0.92       1.13       1.13        0.07        1.20       1.20
    76086..  ..............  A               X-ray of mammary duct       0.36       0.86       0.86       1.17       1.17        0.19        1.72       1.72
    76086..  26              A               X-ray of mammary duct       0.36       0.12       0.12       0.23       0.23        0.02        0.61       0.61
    76086..  TC              A               X-ray of mammary duct       0.00       0.74       0.74       0.94       0.94        0.17        1.11       1.11
    76088..  ..............  A               X-ray of mammary            0.45       1.02       1.02       1.39       1.39        0.25        2.09       2.09
    76088..  26              A               X-ray of mammary            0.45       0.12       0.12       0.25       0.25        0.03        0.73       0.73
    76088..  TC              A               X-ray of mammary            0.00       0.90       0.90       1.14       1.14        0.22        1.36       1.36
    76090..  ..............  A               Mammogram, one breast       0.58       0.62       0.62       0.91       0.91        0.09        1.58       1.58
    76090..  26              A               Mammogram, one breast       0.58       0.07       0.07       0.22       0.22        0.02        0.82       0.82
    76090..  TC              A               Mammogram, one breast       0.00       0.55       0.55       0.69       0.69        0.07        0.76       0.76
    76091..  ..............  A               Mammogram, both             0.69       0.82       0.82       1.18       1.18        0.11        1.98       1.98
    76091..  26              A               Mammogram, both             0.69       0.07       0.07       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.96       0.96
    76091..  TC              A               Mammogram, both             0.00       0.75       0.75       0.94       0.94        0.08        1.02       1.02
    76093..  ..............  A               Magnetic image,             1.63       8.97       8.97      11.56      11.56        1.16       14.35      14.35
    [[Page 33274]]
    76093..  26              A               Magnetic image,             1.63       0.10       0.10       0.51       0.51        0.11        2.25       2.25
    76093..  TC              A               Magnetic image,             0.00       8.87       8.87      11.05      11.05        1.05       12.10      12.10
    76094..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, both        1.63       8.97       8.97      11.64      11.64        1.53       14.80      14.80
    76094..  26              A               Magnetic image, both        1.63       0.10       0.10       0.51       0.51        0.11        2.25       2.25
    76094..  TC              A               Magnetic image, both        0.00       8.87       8.87      11.13      11.13        1.42       12.55      12.55
    76095..  ..............  A               Stereotactic breast         1.59       0.65       0.65       1.26       1.26        0.54        3.39       3.39
    76095..  26              A               Stereotactic breast         1.59       0.04       0.04       0.42       0.42        0.11        2.12       2.12
    76095..  TC              A               Stereotactic breast         0.00       0.61       0.61       0.84       0.84        0.43        1.27       1.27
    76096..  ..............  A               X-ray of needle wire,       0.56       1.92       1.92       2.49       2.49        0.12        3.17       3.17
    76096..  26              A               X-ray of needle wire,       0.56       0.09       0.09       0.24       0.24        0.04        0.84       0.84
    76096..  TC              A               X-ray of needle wire,       0.00       1.83       1.83       2.25       2.25        0.08        2.33       2.33
    76098..  ..............  A               X-ray exam, breast          0.16       1.65       1.65       2.05       2.05        0.04        2.25       2.25
    76098..  26              A               X-ray exam, breast          0.16       0.07       0.07       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.29       0.29
    76098..  TC              A               X-ray exam, breast          0.00       1.58       1.58       1.93       1.93        0.03        1.96       1.96
    76100..  ..............  A               X-ray exam of body          0.58       0.97       0.97       1.33       1.33        0.12        2.03       2.03
    76100..  26              A               X-ray exam of body          0.58       0.06       0.06       0.21       0.21        0.04        0.83       0.83
    76100..  TC              A               X-ray exam of body          0.00       0.91       0.91       1.12       1.12        0.08        1.20       1.20
    76101..  ..............  A               Complex body section        0.58       0.52       0.52       0.79       0.79        0.13        1.50       1.50
    76101..  26              A               Complex body section        0.58       0.06       0.06       0.21       0.21        0.04        0.83       0.83
    76101..  TC              A               Complex body section        0.00       0.46       0.46       0.58       0.58        0.09        0.67       0.67
    76102..  ..............  A               Complex body section        0.58       0.91       0.91       1.27       1.27        0.15        2.00       2.00
    76102..  26              A               Complex body section        0.58       0.06       0.06       0.21       0.21        0.04        0.83       0.83
    76102..  TC              A               Complex body section        0.00       0.85       0.85       1.06       1.06        0.11        1.17       1.17
    76120..  ..............  A               Cinematic x-rays.....       0.38       1.96       1.96       2.49       2.49        0.10        2.97       2.97
    76120..  26              A               Cinematic x-rays.....       0.38       0.06       0.06       0.16       0.16        0.03        0.57       0.57
    76120..  TC              A               Cinematic x-rays.....       0.00       1.90       1.90       2.33       2.33        0.07        2.40       2.40
    76125..  ..............  A               Cinematic x-rays.....       0.27       1.96       1.96       2.46       2.46        0.07        2.80       2.80
    76125..  26              A               Cinematic x-rays.....       0.27       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.43       0.43
    76125..  TC              A               Cinematic x-rays.....       0.00       1.90       1.90       2.32       2.32        0.05        2.37       2.37
    76150..  ..............  A               X-ray exam, dry             0.00       0.35       0.07       0.43       0.09        0.03        0.46       0.12
    76355..  ..............  A               CAT scan for                1.21       2.85       2.85       3.87       3.87        0.57        5.65       5.65
    76355..  26              A               CAT scan for                1.21       0.12       0.12       0.43       0.43        0.08        1.72       1.72
    76355..  TC              A               CAT scan for                0.00       2.73       2.73       3.44       3.44        0.49        3.93       3.93
    76360..  ..............  A               CAT scan for needle         1.16       2.92       2.92       3.94       3.94        0.57        5.67       5.67
    76360..  26              A               CAT scan for needle         1.16       0.09       0.09       0.38       0.38        0.08        1.62       1.62
    76360..  TC              A               CAT scan for needle         0.00       2.83       2.83       3.56       3.56        0.49        4.05       4.05
    76365..  ..............  A               CAT scan for cyst           1.16       2.80       2.80       3.79       3.79        0.57        5.52       5.52
    76365..  26              A               CAT scan for cyst           1.16       0.09       0.09       0.38       0.38        0.08        1.62       1.62
    76365..  TC              A               CAT scan for cyst           0.00       2.71       2.71       3.41       3.41        0.49        3.90       3.90
    76370..  ..............  A               CAT scan for therapy        0.85       2.18       2.18       2.89       2.89        0.24        3.98       3.98
    76370..  26              A               CAT scan for therapy        0.85       0.10       0.10       0.32       0.32        0.06        1.23       1.23
    76370..  TC              A               CAT scan for therapy        0.00       2.08       2.08       2.57       2.57        0.18        2.75       2.75
    76375..  ..............  A               CAT scans, other            0.16       3.08       3.08       3.83       3.83        0.22        4.21       4.21
    76375..  26              A               CAT scans, other            0.16       0.10       0.10       0.16       0.16        0.01        0.33       0.33
    76375..  TC              A               CAT scans, other            0.00       2.98       2.98       3.67       3.67        0.21        3.88       3.88
    76380..  ..............  A               CAT scan follow-up          0.98       2.54       2.54       3.36       3.36        0.28        4.62       4.62
    76380..  26              A               CAT scan follow-up          0.98       0.10       0.10       0.35       0.35        0.07        1.40       1.40
    76380..  TC              A               CAT scan follow-up          0.00       2.44       2.44       3.01       3.01        0.21        3.22       3.22
    76400..  ..............  A               Magnetic image, bone        1.60       8.58       8.58      10.98      10.98        0.78       13.36      13.36
    76400..  26              A               Magnetic image, bone        1.60       0.10       0.10       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.21       2.21
    76400..  TC              A               Magnetic image, bone        0.00       8.48       8.48      10.48      10.48        0.67       11.15      11.15
    76506..  ..............  A               Echo exam of head....       0.63       1.09       1.09       1.50       1.50        0.13        2.26       2.26
    76506..  26              A               Echo exam of head....       0.63       0.09       0.09       0.26       0.26        0.04        0.93       0.93
    76506..  TC              A               Echo exam of head....       0.00       1.00       1.00       1.24       1.24        0.09        1.33       1.33
    76511..  ..............  A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.94       0.50       0.50       0.84       0.84        0.12        1.90       1.90
    76511..  26              A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.94       0.03       0.03       0.25       0.25        0.04        1.23       1.23
    76511..  TC              A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.00       0.47       0.47       0.59       0.59        0.08        0.67       0.67
    76512..  ..............  A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.66       0.52       0.52       0.81       0.81        0.15        1.62       1.62
    76512..  26              A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.66       0.03       0.03       0.19       0.19        0.05        0.90       0.90
    76512..  TC              A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.00       0.49       0.49       0.62       0.62        0.10        0.72       0.72
    76513..  ..............  A               Echo exam of eye,           0.66       0.65       0.65       0.97       0.97        0.15        1.78       1.78
                                              water bath.                                                                                                   
    76513..  26              A               Echo exam of eye,           0.66       0.03       0.03       0.19       0.19        0.05        0.90       0.90
                                              water bath.                                                                                                   
    76513..  TC              A               Echo exam of eye,           0.00       0.62       0.62       0.78       0.78        0.10        0.88       0.88
                                              water bath.                                                                                                   
    76516..  ..............  A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.54       0.38       0.38       0.60       0.60        0.12        1.26       1.26
    76516..  26              A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.54       0.03       0.03       0.16       0.16        0.04        0.74       0.74
    76516..  TC              A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.00       0.35       0.35       0.44       0.44        0.08        0.52       0.52
    76519..  ..............  A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.54       0.44       0.44       0.67       0.67        0.12        1.33       1.33
    76519..  26              A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.54       0.03       0.03       0.16       0.16        0.04        0.74       0.74
    76519..  TC              A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.00       0.41       0.41       0.51       0.51        0.08        0.59       0.59
    76529..  ..............  A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.57       0.53       0.53       0.80       0.80        0.13        1.50       1.50
    76529..  26              A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.57       0.03       0.03       0.17       0.17        0.04        0.78       0.78
    76529..  TC              A               Echo exam of eye.....       0.00       0.50       0.50       0.63       0.63        0.09        0.72       0.72
    76536..  ..............  A               Echo exam of head and       0.56       0.98       0.98       1.34       1.34        0.13        2.03       2.03
    76536..  26              A               Echo exam of head and       0.56       0.09       0.09       0.24       0.24        0.04        0.84       0.84
    [[Page 33275]]
    76536..  TC              A               Echo exam of head and       0.00       0.89       0.89       1.10       1.10        0.09        1.19       1.19
    76604..  ..............  A               Echo exam of chest...       0.55       0.97       0.97       1.33       1.33        0.12        2.00       2.00
    76604..  26              A               Echo exam of chest...       0.55       0.09       0.09       0.24       0.24        0.04        0.83       0.83
    76604..  TC              A               Echo exam of chest...       0.00       0.88       0.88       1.09       1.09        0.08        1.17       1.17
    76645..  ..............  A               Echo exam of breast..       0.54       0.79       0.79       1.11       1.11        0.11        1.76       1.76
    76645..  26              A               Echo exam of breast..       0.54       0.09       0.09       0.24       0.24        0.04        0.82       0.82
    76645..  TC              A               Echo exam of breast..       0.00       0.70       0.70       0.87       0.87        0.07        0.94       0.94
    76700..  ..............  A               Echo exam of abdomen.       0.81       1.16       1.16       1.63       1.63        0.17        2.61       2.61
    76700..  26              A               Echo exam of abdomen.       0.81       0.09       0.09       0.30       0.30        0.05        1.16       1.16
    76700..  TC              A               Echo exam of abdomen.       0.00       1.07       1.07       1.33       1.33        0.12        1.45       1.45
    76705..  ..............  A               Echo exam of abdomen.       0.59       1.04       1.04       1.42       1.42        0.13        2.14       2.14
    76705..  26              A               Echo exam of abdomen.       0.59       0.09       0.09       0.25       0.25        0.04        0.88       0.88
    76705..  TC              A               Echo exam of abdomen.       0.00       0.95       0.95       1.17       1.17        0.09        1.26       1.26
    76770..  ..............  A               Echo exam abdomen           0.74       1.11       1.11       1.55       1.55        0.17        2.46       2.46
                                              back wall.                                                                                                    
    76770..  26              A               Echo exam abdomen           0.74       0.09       0.09       0.28       0.28        0.05        1.07       1.07
                                              back wall.                                                                                                    
    76770..  TC              A               Echo exam abdomen           0.00       1.02       1.02       1.27       1.27        0.12        1.39       1.39
                                              back wall.                                                                                                    
    76775..  ..............  A               Echo exam abdomen           0.58       1.04       1.04       1.42       1.42        0.13        2.13       2.13
                                              back wall.                                                                                                    
    76775..  26              A               Echo exam abdomen           0.58       0.09       0.09       0.25       0.25        0.04        0.87       0.87
                                              back wall.                                                                                                    
    76775..  TC              A               Echo exam abdomen           0.00       0.95       0.95       1.17       1.17        0.09        1.26       1.26
                                              back wall.                                                                                                    
    76778..  ..............  A               Echo exam kidney            0.74       1.20       1.20       1.66       1.66        0.17        2.57       2.57
    76778..  26              A               Echo exam kidney            0.74       0.09       0.09       0.28       0.28        0.05        1.07       1.07
    76778..  TC              A               Echo exam kidney            0.00       1.11       1.11       1.38       1.38        0.12        1.50       1.50
    76800..  ..............  A               Echo exam spinal            1.13       1.03       1.03       1.54       1.54        0.17        2.84       2.84
    76800..  26              A               Echo exam spinal            1.13       0.09       0.09       0.38       0.38        0.08        1.59       1.59
    76800..  TC              A               Echo exam spinal            0.00       0.94       0.94       1.16       1.16        0.09        1.25       1.25
    76805..  ..............  A               Echo exam of pregnant       0.99       1.14       1.14       1.65       1.65        0.20        2.84       2.84
    76805..  26              A               Echo exam of pregnant       0.99       0.12       0.12       0.38       0.38        0.07        1.44       1.44
    76805..  TC              A               Echo exam of pregnant       0.00       1.02       1.02       1.27       1.27        0.13        1.40       1.40
    76810..  ..............  A               Echo exam of pregnant       1.97       1.36       1.36       2.18       2.18        0.38        4.53       4.53
    76810..  26              A               Echo exam of pregnant       1.97       0.12       0.12       0.61       0.61        0.13        2.71       2.71
    76810..  TC              A               Echo exam of pregnant       0.00       1.24       1.24       1.57       1.57        0.25        1.82       1.82
    76815..  ..............  A               Echo exam of pregnant       0.65       1.14       1.14       1.56       1.56        0.13        2.34       2.34
    76815..  26              A               Echo exam of pregnant       0.65       0.12       0.12       0.30       0.30        0.04        0.99       0.99
    76815..  TC              A               Echo exam of pregnant       0.00       1.02       1.02       1.26       1.26        0.09        1.35       1.35
    76816..  ..............  A               Echo exam followup or       0.57       1.14       1.14       1.54       1.54        0.11        2.22       2.22
    76816..  26              A               Echo exam followup or       0.57       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.89       0.89
    76816..  TC              A               Echo exam followup or       0.00       1.02       1.02       1.26       1.26        0.07        1.33       1.33
    76818..  ..............  A               Fetal biophysical           0.77       1.36       1.36       1.87       1.87        0.15        2.79       2.79
    76818..  26              A               Fetal biophysical           0.77       0.12       0.12       0.33       0.33        0.05        1.15       1.15
    76818..  TC              A               Fetal biophysical           0.00       1.24       1.24       1.54       1.54        0.10        1.64       1.64
    76825..  ..............  A               Echo exam of fetal          1.67       1.50       1.50       2.23       2.23        0.17        4.07       4.07
    76825..  26              A               Echo exam of fetal          1.67       0.12       0.12       0.53       0.53        0.05        2.25       2.25
    76825..  TC              A               Echo exam of fetal          0.00       1.38       1.38       1.70       1.70        0.12        1.82       1.82
    76826..  ..............  A               Echo exam of fetal          0.83       1.01       1.01       1.43       1.43        0.10        2.36       2.36
    76826..  26              A               Echo exam of fetal          0.83       0.08       0.08       0.29       0.29        0.05        1.17       1.17
    76826..  TC              A               Echo exam of fetal          0.00       0.93       0.93       1.14       1.14        0.05        1.19       1.19
    76827..  ..............  A               Echo exam of fetal          0.58       0.84       0.84       1.20       1.20        0.18        1.96       1.96
    76827..  26              A               Echo exam of fetal          0.58       0.08       0.08       0.24       0.24        0.05        0.87       0.87
    76827..  TC              A               Echo exam of fetal          0.00       0.76       0.76       0.96       0.96        0.13        1.09       1.09
    76828..  ..............  A               Echo exam of fetal          0.56       0.84       0.84       1.18       1.18        0.11        1.85       1.85
    76828..  26              A               Echo exam of fetal          0.56       0.08       0.08       0.23       0.23        0.02        0.81       0.81
    76828..  TC              A               Echo exam of fetal          0.00       0.76       0.76       0.95       0.95        0.09        1.04       1.04
    76830..  ..............  A               Echo exam,                  0.69       1.11       1.11       1.53       1.53        0.15        2.37       2.37
    76830..  26              A               Echo exam,                  0.69       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        1.01       1.01
    76830..  TC              A               Echo exam,                  0.00       1.02       1.02       1.26       1.26        0.10        1.36       1.36
    76856..  ..............  A               Echo exam of pelvis..       0.69       1.24       1.24       1.70       1.70        0.15        2.54       2.54
    76856..  26              A               Echo exam of pelvis..       0.69       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        1.01       1.01
    76856..  TC              A               Echo exam of pelvis..       0.00       1.15       1.15       1.43       1.43        0.10        1.53       1.53
    76857..  ..............  A               Echo exam of pelvis..       0.38       1.04       1.04       1.37       1.37        0.10        1.85       1.85
    76857..  26              A               Echo exam of pelvis..       0.38       0.09       0.09       0.20       0.20        0.03        0.61       0.61
    76857..  TC              A               Echo exam of pelvis..       0.00       0.95       0.95       1.17       1.17        0.07        1.24       1.24
    76870..  ..............  A               Echo exam of scrotum.       0.64       1.12       1.12       1.54       1.54        0.14        2.32       2.32
    76870..  26              A               Echo exam of scrotum.       0.64       0.09       0.09       0.26       0.26        0.04        0.94       0.94
    76870..  TC              A               Echo exam of scrotum.       0.00       1.03       1.03       1.28       1.28        0.10        1.38       1.38
    76872..  ..............  A               Echo exam,                  0.69       0.98       0.98       1.37       1.37        0.15        2.21       2.21
    76872..  26              A               Echo exam,                  0.69       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        1.01       1.01
    76872..  TC              A               Echo exam,                  0.00       0.89       0.89       1.10       1.10        0.10        1.20       1.20
    76880..  ..............  A               Echo exam of                0.59       1.30       1.30       1.75       1.75        0.13        2.47       2.47
    76880..  26              A               Echo exam of                0.59       0.09       0.09       0.25       0.25        0.04        0.88       0.88
    76880..  TC              A               Echo exam of                0.00       1.21       1.21       1.50       1.50        0.09        1.59       1.59
    76930..  ..............  A               Echo guide for heart        0.67       0.10       0.10       0.30       0.30        0.15        1.12       1.12
                                              sac tap.                                                                                                      
    76930..  26              A               Echo guide for heart        0.67       0.05       0.05       0.22       0.22        0.05        0.94       0.94
                                              sac tap.                                                                                                      
    76930..  TC              A               Echo guide for heart        0.00       0.05       0.05       0.08       0.08        0.10        0.18       0.18
                                              sac tap.                                                                                                      
    76932..  ..............  A               Echo guide for heart        0.67       0.10       0.10       0.30       0.30        0.15        1.12       1.12
    [[Page 33276]]
    76932..  26              A               Echo guide for heart        0.67       0.05       0.05       0.22       0.22        0.05        0.94       0.94
    76932..  TC              A               Echo guide for heart        0.00       0.05       0.05       0.08       0.08        0.10        0.18       0.18
    76934..  ..............  A               Echo guide for chest        0.67       0.58       0.58       0.89       0.89        0.15        1.71       1.71
    76934..  26              A               Echo guide for chest        0.67       0.05       0.05       0.22       0.22        0.05        0.94       0.94
    76934..  TC              A               Echo guide for chest        0.00       0.53       0.53       0.67       0.67        0.10        0.77       0.77
    76936..  ..............  A               Echo guide for artery       1.99       1.81       1.81       2.75       2.75        0.48        5.22       5.22
    76936..  26              A               Echo guide for artery       1.99       0.09       0.09       0.57       0.57        0.10        2.66       2.66
    76936..  TC              A               Echo guide for artery       0.00       1.72       1.72       2.18       2.18        0.38        2.56       2.56
    76938..  ..............  A               Echo exam for               0.67       2.25       2.25       2.93       2.93        0.15        3.75       3.75
    76938..  26              A               Echo exam for               0.67       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        0.99       0.99
    76938..  TC              A               Echo exam for               0.00       2.16       2.16       2.66       2.66        0.10        2.76       2.76
    76941..  ..............  A               Echo guide for              1.34       0.35       0.35       0.76       0.76        0.19        2.29       2.29
    76941..  26              A               Echo guide for              1.34       0.07       0.07       0.40       0.40        0.10        1.84       1.84
    76941..  TC              A               Echo guide for              0.00       0.28       0.28       0.36       0.36        0.09        0.45       0.45
    76942..  ..............  A               Echo guide for biopsy       0.67       0.66       0.66       0.99       0.99        0.15        1.81       1.81
    76942..  26              A               Echo guide for biopsy       0.67       0.09       0.09       0.27       0.27        0.05        0.99       0.99
    76942..  TC              A               Echo guide for biopsy       0.00       0.57       0.57       0.72       0.72        0.10        0.82       0.82
    76945..  ..............  A               Echo guide, villus          0.67       1.22       1.22       1.68       1.68        0.19        2.54       2.54
    76945..  26              A               Echo guide, villus          0.67       0.12       0.12       0.32       0.32        0.10        1.09       1.09
    76945..  TC              A               Echo guide, villus          0.00       1.10       1.10       1.36       1.36        0.09        1.45       1.45
    76946..  ..............  A               Echo guide for              0.38       1.24       1.24       1.63       1.63        0.13        2.14       2.14
    76946..  26              A               Echo guide for              0.38       0.12       0.12       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.65       0.65
    76946..  TC              A               Echo guide for              0.00       1.12       1.12       1.39       1.39        0.10        1.49       1.49
    76948..  ..............  A               Echo guide, ova             0.38       1.22       1.22       1.60       1.60        0.13        2.11       2.11
    76948..  26              A               Echo guide, ova             0.38       0.12       0.12       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.65       0.65
    76948..  TC              A               Echo guide, ova             0.00       1.10       1.10       1.36       1.36        0.10        1.46       1.46
    76950..  ..............  A               Echo guidance               0.58       1.70       1.70       2.23       2.23        0.12        2.93       2.93
    76950..  26              A               Echo guidance               0.58       0.09       0.09       0.25       0.25        0.04        0.87       0.87
    76950..  TC              A               Echo guidance               0.00       1.61       1.61       1.98       1.98        0.08        2.06       2.06
    76960..  ..............  A               Echo guidance               0.58       1.70       1.70       2.23       2.23        0.12        2.93       2.93
    76960..  26              A               Echo guidance               0.58       0.09       0.09       0.25       0.25        0.04        0.87       0.87
    76960..  TC              A               Echo guidance               0.00       1.61       1.61       1.98       1.98        0.08        2.06       2.06
    76965..  ..............  A               Echo guidance               1.34       1.67       1.67       2.44       2.44        0.52        4.30       4.30
    76965..  26              A               Echo guidance               1.34       0.09       0.09       0.44       0.44        0.19        1.97       1.97
    76965..  TC              A               Echo guidance               0.00       1.58       1.58       2.00       2.00        0.33        2.33       2.33
    76970..  ..............  A               Ultrasound exam             0.40       1.29       1.29       1.69       1.69        0.10        2.19       2.19
    76970..  26              A               Ultrasound exam             0.40       0.09       0.09       0.21       0.21        0.03        0.64       0.64
    76970..  TC              A               Ultrasound exam             0.00       1.20       1.20       1.48       1.48        0.07        1.55       1.55
    76975..  ..............  A               GI endoscopic               0.81       0.10       0.10       0.33       0.33        0.15        1.29       1.29
    76975..  26              A               GI endoscopic               0.81       0.05       0.05       0.25       0.25        0.05        1.11       1.11
    76975..  TC              A               GI endoscopic               0.00       0.05       0.05       0.08       0.08        0.10        0.18       0.18
    76986..  ..............  A               Echo exam at surgery.       1.20       1.32       1.32       1.93       1.93        0.25        3.38       3.38
    76986..  26              A               Echo exam at surgery.       1.20       0.09       0.09       0.39       0.39        0.08        1.67       1.67
    76986..  TC              A               Echo exam at surgery.       0.00       1.23       1.23       1.54       1.54        0.17        1.71       1.71
    77261..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           1.39       0.62       0.05       1.08       0.39        0.09        2.56       1.87
    77262..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           2.11       0.99       0.05       1.70       0.55        0.14        3.95       2.80
    77263..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           3.14       2.20       0.05       3.41       0.79        0.20        6.75       4.13
    77280..  ..............  A               Set radiation therapy       0.70       3.01       3.01       3.88       3.88        0.26        4.84       4.84
    77280..  26              A               Set radiation therapy       0.70       0.08       0.08       0.26       0.26        0.05        1.01       1.01
    77280..  TC              A               Set radiation therapy       0.00       2.93       2.93       3.62       3.62        0.21        3.83       3.83
    77285..  ..............  A               Set radiation therapy       1.05       4.33       4.33       5.59       5.59        0.41        7.05       7.05
    77285..  26              A               Set radiation therapy       1.05       0.08       0.08       0.34       0.34        0.07        1.46       1.46
    77285..  TC              A               Set radiation therapy       0.00       4.25       4.25       5.25       5.25        0.34        5.59       5.59
    77290..  ..............  A               Set radiation therapy       1.56       5.65       5.65       7.35       7.35        0.50        9.41       9.41
    77290..  26              A               Set radiation therapy       1.56       0.08       0.08       0.47       0.47        0.11        2.14       2.14
    77290..  TC              A               Set radiation therapy       0.00       5.57       5.57       6.88       6.88        0.39        7.27       7.27
    77295..  ..............  A               Set radiation therapy       4.57      15.13      15.13      19.87      19.87        1.93       26.37      26.37
    77295..  26              A               Set radiation therapy       4.57       0.08       0.08       1.15       1.15        0.23        5.95       5.95
    77295..  TC              A               Set radiation therapy       0.00      15.05      15.05      18.72      18.72        1.70       20.42      20.42
    77300..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           0.62       1.48       1.48       1.96       1.96        0.12        2.70       2.70
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77300..  26              A               Radiation therapy           0.62       0.04       0.04       0.19       0.19        0.04        0.85       0.85
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77300..  TC              A               Radiation therapy           0.00       1.44       1.44       1.77       1.77        0.08        1.85       1.85
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77305..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           0.70       2.57       2.57       3.32       3.32        0.17        4.19       4.19
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77305..  26              A               Radiation therapy           0.70       0.04       0.04       0.21       0.21        0.05        0.96       0.96
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77305..  TC              A               Radiation therapy           0.00       2.53       2.53       3.11       3.11        0.12        3.23       3.23
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77310..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           1.05       3.02       3.02       3.96       3.96        0.22        5.23       5.23
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77310..  26              A               Radiation therapy           1.05       0.04       0.04       0.30       0.30        0.07        1.42       1.42
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77310..  TC              A               Radiation therapy           0.00       2.98       2.98       3.66       3.66        0.15        3.81       3.81
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77315..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           1.56       3.98       3.98       5.26       5.26        0.28        7.10       7.10
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77315..  26              A               Radiation therapy           1.56       0.04       0.04       0.42       0.42        0.11        2.09       2.09
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77315..  TC              A               Radiation therapy           0.00       3.94       3.94       4.84       4.84        0.17        5.01       5.01
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77321..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           0.95       4.33       4.33       5.55       5.55        0.30        6.80       6.80
                                              port plan.                                                                                                    
    77321..  26              A               Radiation therapy           0.95       0.05       0.05       0.28       0.28        0.06        1.29       1.29
                                              port plan.                                                                                                    
    77321..  TC              A               Radiation therapy           0.00       4.28       4.28       5.27       5.27        0.24        5.51       5.51
                                              port plan.                                                                                                    
    [[Page 33277]]
    77326..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           0.93       4.19       4.19       5.36       5.36        0.21        6.50       6.50
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77326..  26              A               Radiation therapy           0.93       0.04       0.04       0.27       0.27        0.06        1.26       1.26
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77326..  TC              A               Radiation therapy           0.00       4.15       4.15       5.09       5.09        0.15        5.24       5.24
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77327..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           1.39       5.04       5.04       6.51       6.51        0.30        8.20       8.20
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77327..  26              A               Radiation therapy           1.39       0.04       0.04       0.37       0.37        0.09        1.85       1.85
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77327..  TC              A               Radiation therapy           0.00       5.00       5.00       6.14       6.14        0.21        6.35       6.35
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77328..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           2.09       7.63       7.63       9.86       9.86        0.44       12.39      12.39
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77328..  26              A               Radiation therapy           2.09       0.04       0.04       0.54       0.54        0.14        2.77       2.77
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77328..  TC              A               Radiation therapy           0.00       7.59       7.59       9.32       9.32        0.30        9.62       9.62
                                              dose plan.                                                                                                    
    77331..  ..............  A               Special radiation           0.87       4.25       4.25       5.39       5.39        0.09        6.35       6.35
    77331..  26              A               Special radiation           0.87       0.05       0.05       0.27       0.27        0.06        1.20       1.20
    77331..  TC              A               Special radiation           0.00       4.20       4.20       5.12       5.12        0.03        5.15       5.15
    77332..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.54       0.50       0.50       0.75       0.75        0.12        1.41       1.41
    77332..  26              A               Radiation treatment         0.54       0.03       0.03       0.16       0.16        0.04        0.74       0.74
    77332..  TC              A               Radiation treatment         0.00       0.47       0.47       0.59       0.59        0.08        0.67       0.67
    77333..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.84       0.88       0.88       1.29       1.29        0.18        2.31       2.31
    77333..  26              A               Radiation treatment         0.84       0.03       0.03       0.23       0.23        0.06        1.13       1.13
    77333..  TC              A               Radiation treatment         0.00       0.85       0.85       1.06       1.06        0.12        1.18       1.18
    77334..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         1.24       1.01       1.01       1.56       1.56        0.27        3.07       3.07
    77334..  26              A               Radiation treatment         1.24       0.03       0.03       0.33       0.33        0.08        1.65       1.65
    77334..  TC              A               Radiation treatment         0.00       0.98       0.98       1.23       1.23        0.19        1.42       1.42
    77336..  ..............  A               Radiation physics           0.00       2.30       0.04       2.85       0.09        0.18        3.03       0.27
    77370..  ..............  A               Radiation physics           0.00       4.54       0.11       5.59       0.18        0.21        5.80       0.39
    77401..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       2.47       0.05       3.03       0.09        0.11        3.14       0.20
    77402..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       2.47       0.05       3.03       0.09        0.11        3.14       0.20
    77403..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       2.47       0.05       3.03       0.09        0.11        3.14       0.20
    77404..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       2.47       0.05       3.03       0.09        0.11        3.14       0.20
    77406..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       2.47       0.05       3.03       0.09        0.11        3.14       0.20
    77407..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       2.93       0.05       3.61       0.09        0.13        3.74       0.22
    77408..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       2.93       0.05       3.61       0.09        0.13        3.74       0.22
    77409..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       2.93       0.05       3.61       0.09        0.13        3.74       0.22
    77411..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       3.40       0.05       4.18       0.09        0.13        4.31       0.22
    77412..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       3.40       0.05       4.18       0.09        0.15        4.33       0.24
    77413..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       3.40       0.05       4.18       0.09        0.15        4.33       0.24
    77414..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       3.40       0.05       4.18       0.09        0.15        4.33       0.24
    77416..  ..............  A               Radiation treatment         0.00       3.40       0.05       4.18       0.09        0.15        4.33       0.24
    77417..  ..............  A               Radiology port              0.00       0.79       0.05       0.98       0.07        0.04        1.02       0.11
    77419..  ..............  A               Weekly radiation            3.60       1.56       0.13       2.74       1.00        0.23        6.57       4.83
    77420..  ..............  A               Weekly radiation            1.61       1.02       0.12       1.62       0.53        0.11        3.34       2.25
    77425..  ..............  A               Weekly radiation            2.44       1.22       0.12       2.06       0.72        0.17        4.67       3.33
    77430..  ..............  A               Weekly radiation            3.60       1.24       0.10       2.35       0.96        0.23        6.18       4.79
    77431..  ..............  A               Radiation therapy           1.81       1.11       0.16       1.78       0.62        0.12        3.71       2.55
    77432..  ..............  A               Stereotactic                7.93       1.71       0.16       3.91       2.02        0.40       12.24      10.35
                                              radiation trmt.                                                                                               
    77470..  ..............  A               Special radiation           2.09       5.93       5.93       7.86       7.86        0.80       10.75      10.75
    77470..  26              A               Special radiation           2.09       0.06       0.06       0.56       0.56        0.14        2.79       2.79
    77470..  TC              A               Special radiation           0.00       5.87       5.87       7.30       7.30        0.66        7.96       7.96
    77600..  ..............  A               Hyperthermia                1.56       2.69       2.69       3.68       3.68        0.29        5.53       5.53
    77600..  26              A               Hyperthermia                1.56       0.11       0.11       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.17       2.17
    77600..  TC              A               Hyperthermia                0.00       2.58       2.58       3.18       3.18        0.18        3.36       3.36
    77605..  ..............  A               Hyperthermia                2.09       2.69       2.69       3.82       3.82        0.39        6.30       6.30
    77605..  26              A               Hyperthermia                2.09       0.11       0.11       0.62       0.62        0.14        2.85       2.85
    77605..  TC              A               Hyperthermia                0.00       2.58       2.58       3.20       3.20        0.25        3.45       3.45
    77610..  ..............  A               Hyperthermia                1.56       1.05       1.05       1.69       1.69        0.29        3.54       3.54
    77610..  26              A               Hyperthermia                1.56       0.10       0.10       0.49       0.49        0.11        2.16       2.16
    77610..  TC              A               Hyperthermia                0.00       0.95       0.95       1.20       1.20        0.18        1.38       1.38
    77615..  ..............  A               Hyperthermia                2.09       1.05       1.05       1.82       1.82        0.39        4.30       4.30
    77615..  26              A               Hyperthermia                2.09       0.10       0.10       0.61       0.61        0.14        2.84       2.84
    77615..  TC              A               Hyperthermia                0.00       0.95       0.95       1.21       1.21        0.25        1.46       1.46
    77620..  ..............  A               Hyperthermia                1.56       1.94       1.94       2.78       2.78        0.29        4.63       4.63
    77620..  26              A               Hyperthermia                1.56       0.11       0.11       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.17       2.17
    77620..  TC              A               Hyperthermia                0.00       1.83       1.83       2.28       2.28        0.18        2.46       2.46
    77750..  ..............  A               Infuse radioactive          4.59       2.10       2.10       3.65       3.65        0.38        8.62       8.62
    77750..  26              A               Infuse radioactive          4.59       0.19       0.19       1.31       1.31        0.30        6.20       6.20
    77750..  TC              A               Infuse radioactive          0.00       1.91       1.91       2.34       2.34        0.08        2.42       2.42
    77761..  ..............  A               Radioelement                3.56       1.21       1.21       2.35       2.35        0.39        6.30       6.30
    77761..  26              A               Radioelement                3.56       0.11       0.11       0.97       0.97        0.23        4.76       4.76
    77761..  TC              A               Radioelement                0.00       1.10       1.10       1.38       1.38        0.16        1.54       1.54
    77762..  ..............  A               Radioelement                5.35       1.53       1.53       3.16       3.16        0.57        9.08       9.08
    77762..  26              A               Radioelement                5.35       0.11       0.11       1.39       1.39        0.35        7.09       7.09
    77762..  TC              A               Radioelement                0.00       1.42       1.42       1.77       1.77        0.22        1.99       1.99
    77763..  ..............  A               Radioelement                8.01       1.68       1.68       3.97       3.97        0.77       12.75      12.75
    77763..  26              A               Radioelement                8.01       0.11       0.11       2.00       2.00        0.50       10.51      10.51
    77763..  TC              A               Radioelement                0.00       1.57       1.57       1.97       1.97        0.27        2.24       2.24
    77776..  ..............  A               Radioelement                4.66       1.66       1.66       3.15       3.15        0.45        8.26       8.26
    [[Page 33278]]
    77776..  26              A               Radioelement                4.66       0.11       0.11       1.23       1.23        0.31        6.20       6.20
    77776..  TC              A               Radioelement                0.00       1.55       1.55       1.92       1.92        0.14        2.06       2.06
    77777..  ..............  A               Radioelement                6.99       2.02       2.02       4.15       4.15        0.71       11.85      11.85
    77777..  26              A               Radioelement                6.99       0.11       0.11       1.77       1.77        0.45        9.21       9.21
    77777..  TC              A               Radioelement                0.00       1.91       1.91       2.38       2.38        0.26        2.64       2.64
    77778..  ..............  A               Radioelement               10.46       2.48       2.48       5.53       5.53        0.98       16.97      16.97
    77778..  26              A               Radioelement               10.46       0.11       0.11       2.57       2.57        0.67       13.70      13.70
    77778..  TC              A               Radioelement                0.00       2.37       2.37       2.96       2.96        0.31        3.27       3.27
    77781..  ..............  A               High intensity              1.55       2.74       2.74       3.97       3.97        1.32        6.84       6.84
    77781..  26              A               High intensity              1.55       0.11       0.11       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.16       2.16
    77781..  TC              A               High intensity              0.00       2.63       2.63       3.47       3.47        1.21        4.68       4.68
    77782..  ..............  A               High intensity              2.33       2.94       2.94       4.40       4.40        1.37        8.10       8.10
    77782..  26              A               High intensity              2.33       0.11       0.11       0.68       0.68        0.16        3.17       3.17
    77782..  TC              A               High intensity              0.00       2.83       2.83       3.72       3.72        1.21        4.93       4.93
    77783..  ..............  A               High intensity              3.49       3.05       3.05       4.80       4.80        1.44        9.73       9.73
    77783..  26              A               High intensity              3.49       0.11       0.11       0.95       0.95        0.23        4.67       4.67
    77783..  TC              A               High intensity              0.00       2.94       2.94       3.85       3.85        1.21        5.06       5.06
    77784..  ..............  A               High intensity              5.24       3.26       3.26       5.46       5.46        1.56       12.26      12.26
    77784..  26              A               High intensity              5.24       0.11       0.11       1.36       1.36        0.35        6.95       6.95
    77784..  TC              A               High intensity              0.00       3.15       3.15       4.10       4.10        1.21        5.31       5.31
    77789..  ..............  A               Radioelement                1.05       0.72       0.72       1.14       1.14        0.10        2.29       2.29
    77789..  26              A               Radioelement                1.05       0.09       0.09       0.36       0.36        0.07        1.48       1.48
    77789..  TC              A               Radioelement                0.00       0.63       0.63       0.78       0.78        0.03        0.81       0.81
    77790..  ..............  A               Radioelement handling       1.05       0.97       0.97       1.44       1.44        0.10        2.59       2.59
    77790..  26              A               Radioelement handling       1.05       0.04       0.04       0.30       0.30        0.07        1.42       1.42
    77790..  TC              A               Radioelement handling       0.00       0.93       0.93       1.14       1.14        0.03        1.17       1.17
    78000..  ..............  A               Thyroid, single             0.19       2.20       2.20       2.74       2.74        0.07        3.00       3.00
    78000..  26              A               Thyroid, single             0.19       0.10       0.10       0.17       0.17        0.01        0.37       0.37
    78000..  TC              A               Thyroid, single             0.00       2.10       2.10       2.57       2.57        0.06        2.63       2.63
    78001..  ..............  A               Thyroid, multiple           0.26       3.63       3.63       4.51       4.51        0.10        4.87       4.87
    78001..  26              A               Thyroid, multiple           0.26       0.10       0.10       0.19       0.19        0.02        0.47       0.47
    78001..  TC              A               Thyroid, multiple           0.00       3.53       3.53       4.32       4.32        0.08        4.40       4.40
    78003..  ..............  A               Thyroid suppress/           0.33       2.48       2.48       3.12       3.12        0.08        3.53       3.53
    78003..  26              A               Thyroid suppress/           0.33       0.10       0.10       0.20       0.20        0.02        0.55       0.55
    78003..  TC              A               Thyroid suppress/           0.00       2.38       2.38       2.92       2.92        0.06        2.98       2.98
    78006..  ..............  A               Thyroid, imaging with       0.49       2.48       2.48       3.18       3.18        0.18        3.85       3.85
    78006..  26              A               Thyroid, imaging with       0.49       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.76       0.76
    78006..  TC              A               Thyroid, imaging with       0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.15        3.09       3.09
    78007..  ..............  A               Thyroid, image, mult        0.50       3.63       3.63       4.57       4.57        0.19        5.26       5.26
    78007..  26              A               Thyroid, image, mult        0.50       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.77       0.77
    78007..  TC              A               Thyroid, image, mult        0.00       3.53       3.53       4.33       4.33        0.16        4.49       4.49
    78010..  ..............  A               Thyroid imaging......       0.39       2.48       2.48       3.15       3.15        0.14        3.68       3.68
    78010..  26              A               Thyroid imaging......       0.39       0.10       0.10       0.22       0.22        0.03        0.64       0.64
    78010..  TC              A               Thyroid imaging......       0.00       2.38       2.38       2.93       2.93        0.11        3.04       3.04
    78011..  ..............  A               Thyroid imaging with        0.45       2.48       2.48       3.17       3.17        0.18        3.80       3.80
    78011..  26              A               Thyroid imaging with        0.45       0.10       0.10       0.23       0.23        0.03        0.71       0.71
    78011..  TC              A               Thyroid imaging with        0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.15        3.09       3.09
    78015..  ..............  A               Thyroid met imaging..       0.67       5.11       5.11       6.42       6.42        0.21        7.30       7.30
    78015..  26              A               Thyroid met imaging..       0.67       0.11       0.11       0.29       0.29        0.05        1.01       1.01
    78015..  TC              A               Thyroid met imaging..       0.00       5.00       5.00       6.13       6.13        0.16        6.29       6.29
    78016..  ..............  A               Thyroid met imaging/        0.82       6.39       6.39       8.03       8.03        0.27        9.12       9.12
    78016..  26              A               Thyroid met imaging/        0.82       0.11       0.11       0.33       0.33        0.06        1.21       1.21
    78016..  TC              A               Thyroid met imaging/        0.00       6.28       6.28       7.70       7.70        0.21        7.91       7.91
    78017..  ..............  A               Thyroid met imaging,        0.87       5.11       5.11       6.49       6.49        0.28        7.64       7.64
    78017..  26              A               Thyroid met imaging,        0.87       0.11       0.11       0.34       0.34        0.06        1.27       1.27
    78017..  TC              A               Thyroid met imaging,        0.00       5.00       5.00       6.15       6.15        0.22        6.37       6.37
    78018..  ..............  A               Thyroid, met imaging,       0.95       7.65       7.65       9.62       9.62        0.39       10.96      10.96
    78018..  26              A               Thyroid, met imaging,       0.95       0.11       0.11       0.36       0.36        0.06        1.37       1.37
    78018..  TC              A               Thyroid, met imaging,       0.00       7.54       7.54       9.26       9.26        0.33        9.59       9.59
    78070..  ..............  A               Parathyroid nuclear         0.82       5.11       5.11       6.45       6.45        0.15        7.42       7.42
    78070..  26              A               Parathyroid nuclear         0.82       0.11       0.11       0.33       0.33        0.04        1.19       1.19
    78070..  TC              A               Parathyroid nuclear         0.00       5.00       5.00       6.12       6.12        0.11        6.23       6.23
    78075..  ..............  A               Adrenal nuclear             0.74       6.82       6.82       8.57       8.57        0.38        9.69       9.69
    78075..  26              A               Adrenal nuclear             0.74       0.10       0.10       0.30       0.30        0.05        1.09       1.09
    78075..  TC              A               Adrenal nuclear             0.00       6.72       6.72       8.27       8.27        0.33        8.60       8.60
    78102..  ..............  A               Bone marrow imaging,        0.55       2.48       2.48       3.18       3.18        0.17        3.90       3.90
    78102..  26              A               Bone marrow imaging,        0.55       0.10       0.10       0.25       0.25        0.04        0.84       0.84
    78102..  TC              A               Bone marrow imaging,        0.00       2.38       2.38       2.93       2.93        0.13        3.06       3.06
    78103..  ..............  A               Bone marrow imaging,        0.75       2.48       2.48       3.25       3.25        0.24        4.24       4.24
    78103..  26              A               Bone marrow imaging,        0.75       0.10       0.10       0.30       0.30        0.05        1.10       1.10
    78103..  TC              A               Bone marrow imaging,        0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.19        3.14       3.14
    78104..  ..............  A               Bone marrow imaging,        0.80       4.30       4.30       5.48       5.48        0.30        6.58       6.58
    78104..  26              A               Bone marrow imaging,        0.80       0.10       0.10       0.31       0.31        0.05        1.16       1.16
    78104..  TC              A               Bone marrow imaging,        0.00       4.20       4.20       5.17       5.17        0.25        5.42       5.42
    [[Page 33279]]
    78110..  ..............  A               Plasma volume, single       0.19       0.50       0.50       0.66       0.66        0.07        0.92       0.92
    78110..  26              A               Plasma volume, single       0.19       0.04       0.04       0.09       0.09        0.01        0.29       0.29
    78110..  TC              A               Plasma volume, single       0.00       0.46       0.46       0.57       0.57        0.06        0.63       0.63
    78111..  ..............  A               Plasma volume,              0.22       0.50       0.50       0.69       0.69        0.18        1.09       1.09
    78111..  26              A               Plasma volume,              0.22       0.04       0.04       0.10       0.10        0.02        0.34       0.34
    78111..  TC              A               Plasma volume,              0.00       0.46       0.46       0.59       0.59        0.16        0.75       0.75
    78120..  ..............  A               Red cell mass, single       0.23       0.50       0.50       0.68       0.68        0.13        1.04       1.04
    78120..  26              A               Red cell mass, single       0.23       0.04       0.04       0.10       0.10        0.02        0.35       0.35
    78120..  TC              A               Red cell mass, single       0.00       0.46       0.46       0.58       0.58        0.11        0.69       0.69
    78121..  ..............  A               Red cell mass,              0.32       0.50       0.50       0.72       0.72        0.19        1.23       1.23
    78121..  26              A               Red cell mass,              0.32       0.04       0.04       0.12       0.12        0.02        0.46       0.46
    78121..  TC              A               Red cell mass,              0.00       0.46       0.46       0.60       0.60        0.17        0.77       0.77
    78122..  ..............  A               Blood volume.........       0.45       0.50       0.50       0.77       0.77        0.31        1.53       1.53
    78122..  26              A               Blood volume.........       0.45       0.04       0.04       0.15       0.15        0.03        0.63       0.63
    78122..  TC              A               Blood volume.........       0.00       0.46       0.46       0.62       0.62        0.28        0.90       0.90
    78130..  ..............  A               Red cell survival           0.61       0.50       0.50       0.79       0.79        0.21        1.61       1.61
    78130..  26              A               Red cell survival           0.61       0.04       0.04       0.19       0.19        0.04        0.84       0.84
    78130..  TC              A               Red cell survival           0.00       0.46       0.46       0.60       0.60        0.17        0.77       0.77
    78135..  ..............  A               Red cell survival           0.64       7.65       7.65       9.55       9.55        0.34       10.53      10.53
    78135..  26              A               Red cell survival           0.64       0.11       0.11       0.29       0.29        0.04        0.97       0.97
    78135..  TC              A               Red cell survival           0.00       7.54       7.54       9.26       9.26        0.30        9.56       9.56
    78140..  ..............  A               Red cell                    0.61       7.65       7.65       9.52       9.52        0.28       10.41      10.41
    78140..  26              A               Red cell                    0.61       0.11       0.11       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.93       0.93
    78140..  TC              A               Red cell                    0.00       7.54       7.54       9.24       9.24        0.24        9.48       9.48
    78160..  ..............  A               Plasma iron turnover.       0.33       0.50       0.50       0.74       0.74        0.24        1.31       1.31
    78160..  26              A               Plasma iron turnover.       0.33       0.04       0.04       0.13       0.13        0.02        0.48       0.48
    78160..  TC              A               Plasma iron turnover.       0.00       0.46       0.46       0.61       0.61        0.22        0.83       0.83
    78162..  ..............  A               Iron absorption exam.       0.45       0.50       0.50       0.75       0.75        0.22        1.42       1.42
    78162..  26              A               Iron absorption exam.       0.45       0.04       0.04       0.15       0.15        0.03        0.63       0.63
    78162..  TC              A               Iron absorption exam.       0.00       0.46       0.46       0.60       0.60        0.19        0.79       0.79
    78170..  ..............  A               Red cell iron               0.41       0.50       0.50       0.78       0.78        0.35        1.54       1.54
    78170..  26              A               Red cell iron               0.41       0.04       0.04       0.15       0.15        0.03        0.59       0.59
    78170..  TC              A               Red cell iron               0.00       0.46       0.46       0.63       0.63        0.32        0.95       0.95
    78172..  26              A               Total body iron             0.53       0.04       0.04       0.17       0.17        0.04        0.74       0.74
    78185..  ..............  A               Spleen imaging.......       0.40       2.48       2.48       3.16       3.16        0.18        3.74       3.74
    78185..  26              A               Spleen imaging.......       0.40       0.10       0.10       0.22       0.22        0.03        0.65       0.65
    78185..  TC              A               Spleen imaging.......       0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.15        3.09       3.09
    78190..  ..............  A               Platelet survival,          1.09       7.65       7.65       9.66       9.66        0.42       11.17      11.17
    78190..  26              A               Platelet survival,          1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
    78190..  TC              A               Platelet survival,          0.00       7.54       7.54       9.27       9.27        0.35        9.62       9.62
    78191..  ..............  A               Platelet survival....       0.61       0.50       0.50       0.85       0.85        0.48        1.94       1.94
    78191..  26              A               Platelet survival....       0.61       0.04       0.04       0.19       0.19        0.04        0.84       0.84
    78191..  TC              A               Platelet survival....       0.00       0.46       0.46       0.66       0.66        0.44        1.10       1.10
    78195..  ..............  A               Lymph system imaging.       1.20       6.82       6.82       8.65       8.65        0.30       10.15      10.15
    78195..  26              A               Lymph system imaging.       1.20       0.10       0.10       0.40       0.40        0.05        1.65       1.65
    78195..  TC              A               Lymph system imaging.       0.00       6.72       6.72       8.25       8.25        0.25        8.50       8.50
    78201..  ..............  A               Liver imaging........       0.44       2.48       2.48       3.17       3.17        0.18        3.79       3.79
    78201..  26              A               Liver imaging........       0.44       0.10       0.10       0.23       0.23        0.03        0.70       0.70
    78201..  TC              A               Liver imaging........       0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.15        3.09       3.09
    78202..  ..............  A               Liver imaging with          0.51       2.48       2.48       3.18       3.18        0.21        3.90       3.90
    78202..  26              A               Liver imaging with          0.51       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.04        0.79       0.79
    78202..  TC              A               Liver imaging with          0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.17        3.11       3.11
    78205..  ..............  A               Liver imaging (3D)...       0.71       5.41       5.41       6.84       6.84        0.41        7.96       7.96
    78205..  26              A               Liver imaging (3D)...       0.71       0.13       0.13       0.33       0.33        0.05        1.09       1.09
    78205..  TC              A               Liver imaging (3D)...       0.00       5.28       5.28       6.51       6.51        0.36        6.87       6.87
    78215..  ..............  A               Liver and spleen            0.49       2.48       2.48       3.18       3.18        0.20        3.87       3.87
    78215..  26              A               Liver and spleen            0.49       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.76       0.76
    78215..  TC              A               Liver and spleen            0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.17        3.11       3.11
    78216..  ..............  A               Liver & spleen image,       0.57       2.48       2.48       3.21       3.21        0.25        4.03       4.03
    78216..  26              A               Liver & spleen image,       0.57       0.10       0.10       0.26       0.26        0.04        0.87       0.87
    78216..  TC              A               Liver & spleen image,       0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.21        3.16       3.16
    78220..  ..............  A               Liver function study.       0.49       4.30       4.30       5.41       5.41        0.25        6.15       6.15
    78220..  26              A               Liver function study.       0.49       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.76       0.76
    78220..  TC              A               Liver function study.       0.00       4.20       4.20       5.17       5.17        0.22        5.39       5.39
    78223..  ..............  A               Hepatobiliary imaging       0.84       5.56       5.56       7.03       7.03        0.28        8.15       8.15
    78223..  26              A               Hepatobiliary imaging       0.84       0.10       0.10       0.32       0.32        0.06        1.22       1.22
    78223..  TC              A               Hepatobiliary imaging       0.00       5.46       5.46       6.71       6.71        0.22        6.93       6.93
    78230..  ..............  A               Salivary gland              0.45       2.48       2.48       3.17       3.17        0.17        3.79       3.79
    78230..  26              A               Salivary gland              0.45       0.10       0.10       0.23       0.23        0.03        0.71       0.71
    78230..  TC              A               Salivary gland              0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.14        3.08       3.08
    78231..  ..............  A               Serial salivary             0.52       2.48       2.48       3.20       3.20        0.23        3.95       3.95
    78231..  26              A               Serial salivary             0.52       0.10       0.10       0.25       0.25        0.04        0.81       0.81
    78231..  TC              A               Serial salivary             0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.19        3.14       3.14
    78232..  ..............  A               Salivary gland              0.47       2.48       2.48       3.18       3.18        0.24        3.89       3.89
                                              function exam.                                                                                                
    [[Page 33280]]
    78232..  26              A               Salivary gland              0.47       0.10       0.10       0.23       0.23        0.03        0.73       0.73
                                              function exam.                                                                                                
    78232..  TC              A               Salivary gland              0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.21        3.16       3.16
                                              function exam.                                                                                                
    78258..  ..............  A               Esophageal motility         0.74       4.30       4.30       5.45       5.45        0.22        6.41       6.41
    78258..  26              A               Esophageal motility         0.74       0.10       0.10       0.30       0.30        0.05        1.09       1.09
    78258..  TC              A               Esophageal motility         0.00       4.20       4.20       5.15       5.15        0.17        5.32       5.32
    78261..  ..............  A               Gastric mucosa              0.69       2.48       2.48       3.25       3.25        0.30        4.24       4.24
    78261..  26              A               Gastric mucosa              0.69       0.10       0.10       0.29       0.29        0.05        1.03       1.03
    78261..  TC              A               Gastric mucosa              0.00       2.38       2.38       2.96       2.96        0.25        3.21       3.21
    78262..  ..............  A               Gastroesophageal            0.68       4.30       4.30       5.45       5.45        0.31        6.44       6.44
                                              reflux exam.                                                                                                  
    78262..  26              A               Gastroesophageal            0.68       0.10       0.10       0.28       0.28        0.05        1.01       1.01
                                              reflux exam.                                                                                                  
    78262..  TC              A               Gastroesophageal            0.00       4.20       4.20       5.17       5.17        0.26        5.43       5.43
                                              reflux exam.                                                                                                  
    78264..  ..............  A               Gastric emptying            0.78       5.11       5.11       6.47       6.47        0.30        7.55       7.55
    78264..  26              A               Gastric emptying            0.78       0.11       0.11       0.32       0.32        0.05        1.15       1.15
    78264..  TC              A               Gastric emptying            0.00       5.00       5.00       6.15       6.15        0.25        6.40       6.40
    78270..  ..............  A               Vit B-12 absorption         0.20       0.50       0.50       0.68       0.68        0.11        0.99       0.99
    78270..  26              A               Vit B-12 absorption         0.20       0.04       0.04       0.10       0.10        0.01        0.31       0.31
    78270..  TC              A               Vit B-12 absorption         0.00       0.46       0.46       0.58       0.58        0.10        0.68       0.68
    78271..  ..............  A               Vit B-12 absorp exam,       0.20       0.50       0.50       0.68       0.68        0.11        0.99       0.99
    78271..  26              A               Vit B-12 absorp exam,       0.20       0.04       0.04       0.10       0.10        0.01        0.31       0.31
    78271..  TC              A               Vit B-12 absorp exam,       0.00       0.46       0.46       0.58       0.58        0.10        0.68       0.68
    78272..  ..............  A               Vit B-12 absorp,            0.27       0.73       0.73       0.99       0.99        0.17        1.43       1.43
    78272..  26              A               Vit B-12 absorp,            0.27       0.04       0.04       0.11       0.11        0.02        0.40       0.40
    78272..  TC              A               Vit B-12 absorp,            0.00       0.69       0.69       0.88       0.88        0.15        1.03       1.03
    78278..  ..............  A               Acute GI blood loss         0.99       5.56       5.56       7.08       7.08        0.37        8.44       8.44
    78278..  26              A               Acute GI blood loss         0.99       0.10       0.10       0.36       0.36        0.07        1.42       1.42
    78278..  TC              A               Acute GI blood loss         0.00       5.46       5.46       6.72       6.72        0.30        7.02       7.02
    78282..  26              A               GI protein loss exam.       0.38       0.04       0.04       0.14       0.14        0.03        0.55       0.55
    78290..  ..............  A               Meckel's divert exam.       0.68       3.05       3.05       3.92       3.92        0.23        4.83       4.83
    78290..  26              A               Meckel's divert exam.       0.68       0.10       0.10       0.28       0.28        0.05        1.01       1.01
    78290..  TC              A               Meckel's divert exam.       0.00       2.95       2.95       3.64       3.64        0.18        3.82       3.82
    78291..  ..............  A               Leveen/shunt patency        0.88       4.30       4.30       5.49       5.49        0.24        6.61       6.61
    78291..  26              A               Leveen/shunt patency        0.88       0.10       0.10       0.33       0.33        0.06        1.27       1.27
    78291..  TC              A               Leveen/shunt patency        0.00       4.20       4.20       5.16       5.16        0.18        5.34       5.34
    78300..  ..............  A               Bone imaging, limited       0.62       2.48       2.48       3.21       3.21        0.20        4.03       4.03
    78300..  26              A               Bone imaging, limited       0.62       0.10       0.10       0.27       0.27        0.04        0.93       0.93
    78300..  TC              A               Bone imaging, limited       0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.16        3.10       3.10
    78305..  ..............  A               Bone imaging,               0.83       3.05       3.05       3.97       3.97        0.28        5.08       5.08
                                              multiple areas.                                                                                               
    78305..  26              A               Bone imaging,               0.83       0.10       0.10       0.32       0.32        0.06        1.21       1.21
                                              multiple areas.                                                                                               
    78305..  TC              A               Bone imaging,               0.00       2.95       2.95       3.65       3.65        0.22        3.87       3.87
                                              multiple areas.                                                                                               
    78306..  ..............  A               Bone imaging, whole         0.86       4.30       4.30       5.50       5.50        0.32        6.68       6.68
    78306..  26              A               Bone imaging, whole         0.86       0.10       0.10       0.33       0.33        0.06        1.25       1.25
    78306..  TC              A               Bone imaging, whole         0.00       4.20       4.20       5.17       5.17        0.26        5.43       5.43
    78315..  ..............  A               Bone imaging, 3 phase       1.02       5.56       5.56       7.08       7.08        0.36        8.46       8.46
    78315..  26              A               Bone imaging, 3 phase       1.02       0.10       0.10       0.36       0.36        0.07        1.45       1.45
    78315..  TC              A               Bone imaging, 3 phase       0.00       5.46       5.46       6.72       6.72        0.29        7.01       7.01
    78320..  ..............  A               Bone imaging (3D)....       1.04       5.17       5.17       6.63       6.63        0.43        8.10       8.10
    78320..  26              A               Bone imaging (3D)....       1.04       0.13       0.13       0.40       0.40        0.07        1.51       1.51
    78320..  TC              A               Bone imaging (3D)....       0.00       5.04       5.04       6.23       6.23        0.36        6.59       6.59
    78350..  ..............  G               Bone mineral, single       +0.22       0.97       0.97       1.25       1.25        0.07        1.54       1.54
    78350..  26              G               Bone mineral, single       +0.22       0.10       0.10       0.18       0.18        0.02        0.42       0.42
    78350..  TC              G               Bone mineral, single       +0.00       0.87       0.87       1.07       1.07        0.05        1.12       1.12
    78351..  ..............  N               Bone mineral, dual         +0.30       0.71       0.12       0.94       0.22        0.02        1.26       0.54
    78414..  26              A               Non-imaging heart           0.45       0.11       0.11       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.72       0.72
    78428..  ..............  A               Cardiac shunt imaging       0.78       3.21       3.21       4.13       4.13        0.19        5.10       5.10
    78428..  26              A               Cardiac shunt imaging       0.78       0.11       0.11       0.32       0.32        0.05        1.15       1.15
    78428..  TC              A               Cardiac shunt imaging       0.00       3.10       3.10       3.81       3.81        0.14        3.95       3.95
    78445..  ..............  A               Vascular flow imaging       0.49       2.20       2.20       2.82       2.82        0.15        3.46       3.46
    78445..  26              A               Vascular flow imaging       0.49       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.04        0.77       0.77
    78445..  TC              A               Vascular flow imaging       0.00       2.10       2.10       2.58       2.58        0.11        2.69       2.69
    78455..  ..............  A               Venous thrombosis           0.73       1.37       1.37       1.91       1.91        0.29        2.93       2.93
    78455..  26              A               Venous thrombosis           0.73       0.10       0.10       0.30       0.30        0.05        1.08       1.08
    78455..  TC              A               Venous thrombosis           0.00       1.27       1.27       1.61       1.61        0.24        1.85       1.85
    78457..  ..............  A               Venous thrombosis           0.77       3.19       3.19       4.10       4.10        0.22        5.09       5.09
    78457..  26              A               Venous thrombosis           0.77       0.10       0.10       0.30       0.30        0.05        1.12       1.12
    78457..  TC              A               Venous thrombosis           0.00       3.09       3.09       3.80       3.80        0.17        3.97       3.97
    78458..  ..............  A               Ven thrombosis              0.90       3.19       3.19       4.15       4.15        0.30        5.35       5.35
                                              images, bilat.                                                                                                
    78458..  26              A               Ven thrombosis              0.90       0.10       0.10       0.33       0.33        0.06        1.29       1.29
                                              images, bilat.                                                                                                
    78458..  TC              A               Ven thrombosis              0.00       3.09       3.09       3.82       3.82        0.24        4.06       4.06
                                              images, bilat.                                                                                                
    78459..  26              G               Heart muscle imaging       +1.88       5.33       5.33       6.93       6.93        0.10        8.91       8.91
    78460..  ..............  A               Heart muscle blood          0.86       7.21       7.21       9.03       9.03        0.21       10.10      10.10
    78460..  26              A               Heart muscle blood          0.86       0.13       0.13       0.36       0.36        0.06        1.28       1.28
    78460..  TC              A               Heart muscle blood          0.00       7.08       7.08       8.67       8.67        0.15        8.82       8.82
    78461..  ..............  A               Heart muscle blood          1.23       8.90       8.90      11.21      11.21        0.37       12.81      12.81
    78461..  26              A               Heart muscle blood          1.23       0.13       0.13       0.45       0.45        0.08        1.76       1.76
    [[Page 33281]]
    78461..  TC              A               Heart muscle blood          0.00       8.77       8.77      10.76      10.76        0.29       11.05      11.05
    78464..  ..............  A               Heart image (3D)            1.09       5.54       5.54       7.10       7.10        0.50        8.69       8.69
    78464..  26              A               Heart image (3D)            1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
    78464..  TC              A               Heart image (3D)            0.00       5.43       5.43       6.71       6.71        0.43        7.14       7.14
    78465..  ..............  A               Heart image (3D)            1.46       6.41       6.41       8.31       8.31        0.80       10.57      10.57
    78465..  26              A               Heart image (3D)            1.46       0.11       0.11       0.48       0.48        0.10        2.04       2.04
    78465..  TC              A               Heart image (3D)            0.00       6.30       6.30       7.83       7.83        0.70        8.53       8.53
    78466..  ..............  A               Heart infarct image..       0.69       7.07       7.07       8.82       8.82        0.22        9.73       9.73
    78466..  26              A               Heart infarct image..       0.69       0.13       0.13       0.32       0.32        0.05        1.06       1.06
    78466..  TC              A               Heart infarct image..       0.00       6.94       6.94       8.50       8.50        0.17        8.67       8.67
    78468..  ..............  A               Heart infarct image,        0.80       7.49       7.49       9.37       9.37        0.27       10.44      10.44
    78468..  26              A               Heart infarct image,        0.80       0.13       0.13       0.35       0.35        0.05        1.20       1.20
    78468..  TC              A               Heart infarct image,        0.00       7.36       7.36       9.02       9.02        0.22        9.24       9.24
    78469..  ..............  A               Heart infarct image         0.92       5.17       5.17       6.60       6.60        0.38        7.90       7.90
    78469..  26              A               Heart infarct image         0.92       0.13       0.13       0.38       0.38        0.06        1.36       1.36
    78469..  TC              A               Heart infarct image         0.00       5.04       5.04       6.22       6.22        0.32        6.54       6.54
    78472..  ..............  A               Gated heart, resting.       0.98       7.51       7.51       9.46       9.46        0.41       10.85      10.85
    78472..  26              A               Gated heart, resting.       0.98       0.13       0.13       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.44       1.44
    78472..  TC              A               Gated heart, resting.       0.00       7.38       7.38       9.07       9.07        0.34        9.41       9.41
    78473..  ..............  A               Gated heart, multiple       1.47       8.91       8.91      11.32      11.32        0.59       13.38      13.38
    78473..  26              A               Gated heart, multiple       1.47       0.13       0.13       0.51       0.51        0.10        2.08       2.08
    78473..  TC              A               Gated heart, multiple       0.00       8.78       8.78      10.81      10.81        0.49       11.30      11.30
    78478..  ..............  A               Heart wall motion           0.62       0.67       0.67       0.98       0.98        0.14        1.74       1.74
    78478..  26              A               Heart wall motion           0.62       0.00       0.00       0.14       0.14        0.04        0.80       0.80
    78478..  TC              A               Heart wall motion           0.00       0.67       0.67       0.84       0.84        0.10        0.94       0.94
    78480..  ..............  A               Heart function, (add-       0.62       0.67       0.67       0.98       0.98        0.14        1.74       1.74
    78480..  26              A               Heart function, (add-       0.62       0.00       0.00       0.14       0.14        0.04        0.80       0.80
    78480..  TC              A               Heart function, (add-       0.00       0.67       0.67       0.84       0.84        0.10        0.94       0.94
    78481..  ..............  A               Heart first pass            0.98       4.87       4.87       6.24       6.24        0.39        7.61       7.61
    78481..  26              A               Heart first pass            0.98       0.11       0.11       0.37       0.37        0.07        1.42       1.42
    78481..  TC              A               Heart first pass            0.00       4.76       4.76       5.87       5.87        0.32        6.19       6.19
    78483..  ..............  A               Heart first pass            1.47       4.97       4.97       6.51       6.51        0.57        8.55       8.55
    78483..  26              A               Heart first pass            1.47       0.11       0.11       0.48       0.48        0.10        2.05       2.05
    78483..  TC              A               Heart first pass            0.00       4.86       4.86       6.03       6.03        0.47        6.50       6.50
    78580..  ..............  A               Lung perfusion              0.74       2.48       2.48       3.25       3.25        0.26        4.25       4.25
    78580..  26              A               Lung perfusion              0.74       0.10       0.10       0.30       0.30        0.05        1.09       1.09
    78580..  TC              A               Lung perfusion              0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.21        3.16       3.16
    78584..  ..............  A               Lung V/Q image single       0.99       4.48       4.48       5.74       5.74        0.26        6.99       6.99
    78584..  26              A               Lung V/Q image single       0.99       0.11       0.11       0.37       0.37        0.07        1.43       1.43
    78584..  TC              A               Lung V/Q image single       0.00       4.37       4.37       5.37       5.37        0.19        5.56       5.56
    78585..  ..............  A               Lung V/Q imaging.....       1.09       4.69       4.69       6.05       6.05        0.41        7.55       7.55
    78585..  26              A               Lung V/Q imaging.....       1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
    78585..  TC              A               Lung V/Q imaging.....       0.00       4.58       4.58       5.66       5.66        0.34        6.00       6.00
    78586..  ..............  A               Aerosol lung image,         0.40       2.34       2.34       2.99       2.99        0.19        3.58       3.58
    78586..  26              A               Aerosol lung image,         0.40       0.10       0.10       0.22       0.22        0.03        0.65       0.65
    78586..  TC              A               Aerosol lung image,         0.00       2.24       2.24       2.77       2.77        0.16        2.93       2.93
    78587..  ..............  A               Aerosol lung image,         0.49       2.48       2.48       3.18       3.18        0.20        3.87       3.87
    78587..  26              A               Aerosol lung image,         0.49       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.76       0.76
    78587..  TC              A               Aerosol lung image,         0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.17        3.11       3.11
    78591..  ..............  A               Vent image, 1 breath,       0.40       4.06       4.06       5.09       5.09        0.20        5.69       5.69
                                              1 proj.                                                                                                       
    78591..  26              A               Vent image, 1 breath,       0.40       0.11       0.11       0.23       0.23        0.03        0.66       0.66
                                              1 proj.                                                                                                       
    78591..  TC              A               Vent image, 1 breath,       0.00       3.95       3.95       4.86       4.86        0.17        5.03       5.03
                                              1 proj.                                                                                                       
    78593..  ..............  A               Vent image, 1 proj,         0.49       4.06       4.06       5.12       5.12        0.24        5.85       5.85
    78593..  26              A               Vent image, 1 proj,         0.49       0.11       0.11       0.25       0.25        0.03        0.77       0.77
    78593..  TC              A               Vent image, 1 proj,         0.00       3.95       3.95       4.87       4.87        0.21        5.08       5.08
    78594..  ..............  A               Vent image, mult            0.53       4.48       4.48       5.65       5.65        0.34        6.52       6.52
                                              proj, gas.                                                                                                    
    78594..  26              A               Vent image, mult            0.53       0.11       0.11       0.26       0.26        0.04        0.83       0.83
                                              proj, gas.                                                                                                    
    78594..  TC              A               Vent image, mult            0.00       4.37       4.37       5.39       5.39        0.30        5.69       5.69
                                              proj, gas.                                                                                                    
    78596..  ..............  A               Lung differential           1.27       5.11       5.11       6.62       6.62        0.52        8.41       8.41
    78596..  26              A               Lung differential           1.27       0.11       0.11       0.43       0.43        0.09        1.79       1.79
    78596..  TC              A               Lung differential           0.00       5.00       5.00       6.19       6.19        0.43        6.62       6.62
    78600..  ..............  A               Brain imaging, ltd          0.44       2.48       2.48       3.17       3.17        0.20        3.81       3.81
    78600..  26              A               Brain imaging, ltd          0.44       0.10       0.10       0.23       0.23        0.03        0.70       0.70
    78600..  TC              A               Brain imaging, ltd          0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.17        3.11       3.11
    78601..  ..............  A               Brain ltd imaging &         0.51       2.48       2.48       3.19       3.19        0.24        3.94       3.94
    78601..  26              A               Brain ltd imaging &         0.51       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.04        0.79       0.79
    78601..  TC              A               Brain ltd imaging &         0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.20        3.15       3.15
    78605..  ..............  A               Brain imaging,              0.53       2.48       2.48       3.20       3.20        0.24        3.97       3.97
    78605..  26              A               Brain imaging,              0.53       0.10       0.10       0.25       0.25        0.04        0.82       0.82
    78605..  TC              A               Brain imaging,              0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.20        3.15       3.15
    78606..  ..............  A               Brain imaging comp &        0.64       2.48       2.48       3.23       3.23        0.27        4.14       4.14
    78606..  26              A               Brain imaging comp &        0.64       0.10       0.10       0.27       0.27        0.04        0.95       0.95
    78606..  TC              A               Brain imaging comp &        0.00       2.38       2.38       2.96       2.96        0.23        3.19       3.19
    78607..  ..............  A               Brain imaging (3D)...       1.23       5.47       5.47       7.04       7.04        0.47        8.74       8.74
    [[Page 33282]]
    78607..  26              A               Brain imaging (3D)...       1.23       0.13       0.13       0.45       0.45        0.08        1.76       1.76
    78607..  TC              A               Brain imaging (3D)...       0.00       5.34       5.34       6.59       6.59        0.39        6.98       6.98
    78610..  ..............  A               Brain flow imaging          0.30       2.20       2.20       2.77       2.77        0.12        3.19       3.19
    78610..  26              A               Brain flow imaging          0.30       0.10       0.10       0.19       0.19        0.02        0.51       0.51
    78610..  TC              A               Brain flow imaging          0.00       2.10       2.10       2.58       2.58        0.10        2.68       2.68
    78615..  ..............  A               Cerebral blood flow         0.42       4.30       4.30       5.39       5.39        0.26        6.07       6.07
    78615..  26              A               Cerebral blood flow         0.42       0.10       0.10       0.22       0.22        0.03        0.67       0.67
    78615..  TC              A               Cerebral blood flow         0.00       4.20       4.20       5.17       5.17        0.23        5.40       5.40
    78630..  ..............  A               Cerebrospinal fluid         0.68       8.09       8.09      10.09      10.09        0.36       11.13      11.13
    78630..  26              A               Cerebrospinal fluid         0.68       0.10       0.10       0.28       0.28        0.05        1.01       1.01
    78630..  TC              A               Cerebrospinal fluid         0.00       7.99       7.99       9.81       9.81        0.31       10.12      10.12
    78635..  ..............  A               CSF ventriculography.       0.61       8.09       8.09      10.04      10.04        0.20       10.85      10.85
    78635..  26              A               CSF ventriculography.       0.61       0.10       0.10       0.27       0.27        0.04        0.92       0.92
    78635..  TC              A               CSF ventriculography.       0.00       7.99       7.99       9.77       9.77        0.16        9.93       9.93
    78645..  ..............  A               CSF shunt evaluation.       0.57       4.30       4.30       5.42       5.42        0.25        6.24       6.24
    78645..  26              A               CSF shunt evaluation.       0.57       0.10       0.10       0.26       0.26        0.04        0.87       0.87
    78645..  TC              A               CSF shunt evaluation.       0.00       4.20       4.20       5.16       5.16        0.21        5.37       5.37
    78647..  ..............  A               Cerebrospinal fluid         0.90       5.17       5.17       6.60       6.60        0.42        7.92       7.92
    78647..  26              A               Cerebrospinal fluid         0.90       0.13       0.13       0.37       0.37        0.06        1.33       1.33
    78647..  TC              A               Cerebrospinal fluid         0.00       5.04       5.04       6.23       6.23        0.36        6.59       6.59
    78650..  ..............  A               CSF leakage imaging..       0.61       4.30       4.30       5.45       5.45        0.32        6.38       6.38
    78650..  26              A               CSF leakage imaging..       0.61       0.10       0.10       0.27       0.27        0.04        0.92       0.92
    78650..  TC              A               CSF leakage imaging..       0.00       4.20       4.20       5.18       5.18        0.28        5.46       5.46
    78660..  ..............  A               Nuclear exam of tear        0.53       2.48       2.48       3.18       3.18        0.17        3.88       3.88
    78660..  26              A               Nuclear exam of tear        0.53       0.10       0.10       0.25       0.25        0.04        0.82       0.82
    78660..  TC              A               Nuclear exam of tear        0.00       2.38       2.38       2.93       2.93        0.13        3.06       3.06
    78700..  ..............  A               Kidney imaging,             0.45       2.48       2.48       3.18       3.18        0.21        3.84       3.84
    78700..  26              A               Kidney imaging,             0.45       0.10       0.10       0.23       0.23        0.03        0.71       0.71
    78700..  TC              A               Kidney imaging,             0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.18        3.13       3.13
    78701..  ..............  A               Kidney imaging with         0.49       2.48       2.48       3.19       3.19        0.24        3.92       3.92
    78701..  26              A               Kidney imaging with         0.49       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.76       0.76
    78701..  TC              A               Kidney imaging with         0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.21        3.16       3.16
    78704..  ..............  A               Imaging renogram.....       0.74       5.11       5.11       6.46       6.46        0.29        7.49       7.49
    78704..  26              A               Imaging renogram.....       0.74       0.11       0.11       0.31       0.31        0.05        1.10       1.10
    78704..  TC              A               Imaging renogram.....       0.00       5.00       5.00       6.15       6.15        0.24        6.39       6.39
    78707..  ..............  A               Kidney flow &               0.94       5.11       5.11       6.52       6.52        0.33        7.79       7.79
                                              function image.                                                                                               
    78707..  26              A               Kidney flow &               0.94       0.11       0.11       0.36       0.36        0.06        1.36       1.36
                                              function image.                                                                                               
    78707..  TC              A               Kidney flow &               0.00       5.00       5.00       6.16       6.16        0.27        6.43       6.43
                                              function image.                                                                                               
    78710..  ..............  A               Kidney imaging (3D)..       0.66       5.17       5.17       6.55       6.55        0.41        7.62       7.62
    78710..  26              A               Kidney imaging (3D)..       0.66       0.13       0.13       0.32       0.32        0.05        1.03       1.03
    78710..  TC              A               Kidney imaging (3D)..       0.00       5.04       5.04       6.23       6.23        0.36        6.59       6.59
    78715..  ..............  A               Renal vascular flow         0.30       2.20       2.20       2.77       2.77        0.12        3.19       3.19
    78715..  26              A               Renal vascular flow         0.30       0.10       0.10       0.19       0.19        0.02        0.51       0.51
    78715..  TC              A               Renal vascular flow         0.00       2.10       2.10       2.58       2.58        0.10        2.68       2.68
    78725..  ..............  A               Kidney function study       0.38       2.48       2.48       3.14       3.14        0.14        3.66       3.66
    78725..  26              A               Kidney function study       0.38       0.10       0.10       0.21       0.21        0.03        0.62       0.62
    78725..  TC              A               Kidney function study       0.00       2.38       2.38       2.93       2.93        0.11        3.04       3.04
    78726..  ..............  A               Kidney function w/          0.87       2.48       2.48       3.28       3.28        0.24        4.39       4.39
    78726..  26              A               Kidney function w/          0.87       0.10       0.10       0.33       0.33        0.06        1.26       1.26
    78726..  TC              A               Kidney function w/          0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.18        3.13       3.13
    78727..  ..............  A               Kidney transplant           0.99       5.11       5.11       6.52       6.52        0.31        7.82       7.82
    78727..  26              A               Kidney transplant           0.99       0.11       0.11       0.37       0.37        0.07        1.43       1.43
    78727..  TC              A               Kidney transplant           0.00       5.00       5.00       6.15       6.15        0.24        6.39       6.39
    78730..  ..............  A               Urinary bladder             0.36       2.48       2.48       3.14       3.14        0.11        3.61       3.61
    78730..  26              A               Urinary bladder             0.36       0.10       0.10       0.21       0.21        0.02        0.59       0.59
    78730..  TC              A               Urinary bladder             0.00       2.38       2.38       2.93       2.93        0.09        3.02       3.02
    78740..  ..............  A               Ureteral reflux study       0.57       4.30       4.30       5.41       5.41        0.17        6.15       6.15
    78740..  26              A               Ureteral reflux study       0.57       0.10       0.10       0.26       0.26        0.04        0.87       0.87
    78740..  TC              A               Ureteral reflux study       0.00       4.20       4.20       5.15       5.15        0.13        5.28       5.28
    78760..  ..............  A               Testicular imaging...       0.66       2.48       2.48       3.22       3.22        0.21        4.09       4.09
    78760..  26              A               Testicular imaging...       0.66       0.10       0.10       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.98       0.98
    78760..  TC              A               Testicular imaging...       0.00       2.38       2.38       2.94       2.94        0.17        3.11       3.11
    78761..  ..............  A               Testicular imaging &        0.71       2.48       2.48       3.24       3.24        0.24        4.19       4.19
    78761..  26              A               Testicular imaging &        0.71       0.10       0.10       0.29       0.29        0.05        1.05       1.05
    78761..  TC              A               Testicular imaging &        0.00       2.38       2.38       2.95       2.95        0.19        3.14       3.14
    78800..  ..............  A               Tumor imaging,              0.66       4.30       4.30       5.44       5.44        0.24        6.34       6.34
                                              limited area.                                                                                                 
    78800..  26              A               Tumor imaging,              0.66       0.10       0.10       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.98       0.98
                                              limited area.                                                                                                 
    78800..  TC              A               Tumor imaging,              0.00       4.20       4.20       5.16       5.16        0.20        5.36       5.36
                                              limited area.                                                                                                 
    78801..  ..............  A               Tumor imaging, mult         0.79       6.82       6.82       8.56       8.56        0.31        9.66       9.66
    78801..  26              A               Tumor imaging, mult         0.79       0.10       0.10       0.31       0.31        0.05        1.15       1.15
    78801..  TC              A               Tumor imaging, mult         0.00       6.72       6.72       8.25       8.25        0.26        8.51       8.51
    78802..  ..............  A               Tumor imaging, whole        0.86       6.82       6.82       8.60       8.60        0.40        9.86       9.86
    78802..  26              A               Tumor imaging, whole        0.86       0.10       0.10       0.33       0.33        0.06        1.25       1.25
    78802..  TC              A               Tumor imaging, whole        0.00       6.72       6.72       8.27       8.27        0.34        8.61       8.61
    [[Page 33283]]
    78803..  ..............  A               Tumor imaging (3D)...       1.09       5.47       5.47       7.01       7.01        0.46        8.56       8.56
    78803..  26              A               Tumor imaging (3D)...       1.09       0.13       0.13       0.42       0.42        0.07        1.58       1.58
    78803..  TC              A               Tumor imaging (3D)...       0.00       5.34       5.34       6.59       6.59        0.39        6.98       6.98
    78805..  ..............  A               Abscess imaging, ltd        0.73       4.30       4.30       5.46       5.46        0.25        6.44       6.44
    78805..  26              A               Abscess imaging, ltd        0.73       0.10       0.10       0.30       0.30        0.05        1.08       1.08
    78805..  TC              A               Abscess imaging, ltd        0.00       4.20       4.20       5.16       5.16        0.20        5.36       5.36
    78806..  ..............  A               Abscess imaging,            0.86       4.30       4.30       5.53       5.53        0.45        6.84       6.84
                                              whole body.                                                                                                   
    78806..  26              A               Abscess imaging,            0.86       0.10       0.10       0.33       0.33        0.06        1.25       1.25
                                              whole body.                                                                                                   
    78806..  TC              A               Abscess imaging,            0.00       4.20       4.20       5.20       5.20        0.39        5.59       5.59
                                              whole body.                                                                                                   
    78807..  ..............  A               Nuclear localization/       1.09       5.17       5.17       6.65       6.65        0.46        8.20       8.20
    78807..  26              A               Nuclear localization/       1.09       0.13       0.13       0.42       0.42        0.07        1.58       1.58
    78807..  TC              A               Nuclear localization/       0.00       5.04       5.04       6.23       6.23        0.39        6.62       6.62
    78810..  26              N               Tumor imaging (PET)..      +1.93       4.95       4.95       6.48       6.48        0.10        8.51       8.51
    78890..  ..............  B               Nuclear medicine data      +0.05       0.56       0.56       0.71       0.71        0.08        0.84       0.84
    78890..  26              B               Nuclear medicine data      +0.05       0.11       0.11       0.15       0.15        0.00        0.20       0.20
    78890..  TC              B               Nuclear medicine data      +0.00       0.45       0.45       0.56       0.56        0.08        0.64       0.64
    78891..  ..............  B               Nuclear med data proc      +0.10       0.91       0.91       1.18       1.18        0.18        1.46       1.46
    78891..  26              B               Nuclear med data proc      +0.10       0.11       0.11       0.16       0.16        0.01        0.27       0.27
    78891..  TC              B               Nuclear med data proc      +0.00       0.80       0.80       1.02       1.02        0.17        1.19       1.19
    79000..  ..............  A               Intial hyperthyroid         1.80       1.27       1.27       2.01       2.01        0.29        4.10       4.10
    79000..  26              A               Intial hyperthyroid         1.80       0.11       0.11       0.56       0.56        0.12        2.48       2.48
    79000..  TC              A               Intial hyperthyroid         0.00       1.16       1.16       1.45       1.45        0.17        1.62       1.62
    79001..  ..............  A               Repeat hyperthyroid         1.05       1.27       1.27       1.81       1.81        0.15        3.01       3.01
    79001..  26              A               Repeat hyperthyroid         1.05       0.11       0.11       0.38       0.38        0.07        1.50       1.50
    79001..  TC              A               Repeat hyperthyroid         0.00       1.16       1.16       1.43       1.43        0.08        1.51       1.51
    79020..  ..............  A               Thyroid ablation.....       1.81       1.27       1.27       2.01       2.01        0.29        4.11       4.11
    79020..  26              A               Thyroid ablation.....       1.81       0.11       0.11       0.56       0.56        0.12        2.49       2.49
    79020..  TC              A               Thyroid ablation.....       0.00       1.16       1.16       1.45       1.45        0.17        1.62       1.62
    79030..  ..............  A               Thyroid ablation,           2.10       1.27       1.27       2.08       2.08        0.31        4.49       4.49
    79030..  26              A               Thyroid ablation,           2.10       0.11       0.11       0.63       0.63        0.14        2.87       2.87
    79030..  TC              A               Thyroid ablation,           0.00       1.16       1.16       1.45       1.45        0.17        1.62       1.62
    79035..  ..............  A               Thyroid metastatic          2.52       1.27       1.27       2.18       2.18        0.34        5.04       5.04
    79035..  26              A               Thyroid metastatic          2.52       0.11       0.11       0.73       0.73        0.17        3.42       3.42
    79035..  TC              A               Thyroid metastatic          0.00       1.16       1.16       1.45       1.45        0.17        1.62       1.62
    79100..  ..............  A               Hematopoetic nuclear        1.32       1.35       1.35       2.00       2.00        0.26        3.58       3.58
    79100..  26              A               Hematopoetic nuclear        1.32       0.11       0.11       0.45       0.45        0.09        1.86       1.86
    79100..  TC              A               Hematopoetic nuclear        0.00       1.24       1.24       1.55       1.55        0.17        1.72       1.72
    79200..  ..............  A               Intracavitary nuc           1.99       2.30       2.30       3.31       3.31        0.31        5.61       5.61
    79200..  26              A               Intracavitary nuc           1.99       0.11       0.11       0.60       0.60        0.14        2.73       2.73
    79200..  TC              A               Intracavitary nuc           0.00       2.19       2.19       2.71       2.71        0.17        2.88       2.88
    79300..  26              A               Interstitial nuclear        1.60       0.11       0.11       0.51       0.51        0.11        2.22       2.22
    79400..  ..............  A               Nonhemato nuclear           1.96       1.35       1.35       2.14       2.14        0.30        4.40       4.40
    79400..  26              A               Nonhemato nuclear           1.96       0.11       0.11       0.59       0.59        0.13        2.68       2.68
    79400..  TC              A               Nonhemato nuclear           0.00       1.24       1.24       1.55       1.55        0.17        1.72       1.72
    79420..  26              A               Intravascular nuc           1.51       0.11       0.11       0.49       0.49        0.10        2.10       2.10
    79440..  ..............  A               Nuclear joint therapy       1.99       1.47       1.47       2.29       2.29        0.31        4.59       4.59
    79440..  26              A               Nuclear joint therapy       1.99       0.11       0.11       0.60       0.60        0.14        2.73       2.73
    79440..  TC              A               Nuclear joint therapy       0.00       1.36       1.36       1.69       1.69        0.17        1.86       1.86
    80500..  ..............  A               Lab pathology               0.37       0.16       0.13       0.28       0.24        0.01        0.66       0.62
    80502..  ..............  A               Lab pathology               1.33       0.18       0.13       0.52       0.46        0.02        1.87       1.81
    83020..  26              A               Assay hemoglobin.....       0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    83912..  26              A               Genetic examination..       0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    84165..  26              A               Assay serum proteins.       0.37       0.18       0.13       0.30       0.24        0.01        0.68       0.62
    84181..  26              A               Western blot test....       0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    84182..  26              A               Protein, western blot       0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    85060..  ..............  A               Blood smear                 0.45       0.21       0.13       0.36       0.26        0.02        0.83       0.73
    85095..  ..............  A               Bone marrow                 1.08       0.80       0.11       1.23       0.38        0.05        2.36       1.51
    85097..  ..............  A               Bone marrow                 0.94       1.51       0.16       2.05       0.41        0.04        3.03       1.39
    85102..  ..............  A               Bone marrow biopsy...       1.37       1.83       0.11       2.55       0.45        0.05        3.97       1.87
    85390..  26              A               Fibrinolysins screen.       0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    85576..  26              A               Blood platelet              0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    86077..  ..............  A               Physician blood bank        0.94       0.18       0.13       0.43       0.37        0.02        1.39       1.33
    86078..  ..............  A               Physician blood bank        0.94       0.18       0.13       0.43       0.37        0.02        1.39       1.33
    86079..  ..............  A               Physician blood bank        0.94       0.18       0.13       0.43       0.37        0.02        1.39       1.33
    86255..  26              A               Fluorescent antibody;       0.37       0.20       0.13       0.33       0.24        0.01        0.71       0.62
    86256..  26              A               Fluorescent antibody;       0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    86320..  26              A               Serum                       0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    86325..  26              A               Other                       0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    86327..  26              A               Immunoelectrophoresis       0.42       0.13       0.13       0.25       0.25        0.01        0.68       0.68
    86334..  26              A               Immunofixation              0.37       0.19       0.13       0.31       0.24        0.01        0.69       0.62
    86490..  ..............  A               Coccidioidomycosis          0.00       0.26       0.11       0.33       0.14        0.02        0.35       0.16
                                              skin test.                                                                                                    
    86510..  ..............  A               Histoplasmosis skin         0.00       0.30       0.11       0.36       0.14        0.02        0.38       0.16
    86580..  ..............  A               TB intradermal test..       0.00       0.17       0.02       0.22       0.03        0.02        0.24       0.05
    86585..  ..............  A               TB tine test.........       0.00       0.28       0.11       0.34       0.14        0.01        0.35       0.15
    [[Page 33284]]
    87164..  26              A               Dark field                  0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    87207..  26              A               Smear, stain &              0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    88104..  ..............  A               Microscopic exam of         0.56       0.89       0.89       1.23       1.23        0.04        1.83       1.83
    88104..  26              A               Microscopic exam of         0.56       0.13       0.13       0.29       0.29        0.02        0.87       0.87
    88104..  TC              A               Microscopic exam of         0.00       0.76       0.76       0.94       0.94        0.02        0.96       0.96
    88106..  ..............  A               Microscopic exam of         0.56       1.07       1.07       1.44       1.44        0.03        2.03       2.03
    88106..  26              A               Microscopic exam of         0.56       0.13       0.13       0.29       0.29        0.01        0.86       0.86
    88106..  TC              A               Microscopic exam of         0.00       0.94       0.94       1.15       1.15        0.02        1.17       1.17
    88107..  ..............  A               Microscopic exam of         0.76       0.97       0.97       1.35       1.35        0.04        2.15       2.15
    88107..  26              A               Microscopic exam of         0.76       0.13       0.13       0.33       0.33        0.02        1.11       1.11
    88107..  TC              A               Microscopic exam of         0.00       0.84       0.84       1.02       1.02        0.02        1.04       1.04
    88108..  ..............  A               Cytopathology........       0.56       1.03       1.03       1.39       1.39        0.04        1.99       1.99
    88108..  26              A               Cytopathology........       0.56       0.13       0.13       0.29       0.29        0.02        0.87       0.87
    88108..  TC              A               Cytopathology........       0.00       0.90       0.90       1.10       1.10        0.02        1.12       1.12
    88125..  ..............  A               Forensic                    0.26       0.42       0.42       0.57       0.57        0.00        0.83       0.83
    88125..  26              A               Forensic                    0.26       0.13       0.13       0.22       0.22        0.00        0.48       0.48
    88125..  TC              A               Forensic                    0.00       0.29       0.29       0.35       0.35        0.00        0.35       0.35
    88151..  26              A               Cytopathology               0.42       0.40       0.16       0.59       0.30        0.04        1.05       0.76
    88157..  26              A               TBS smear (bethesda         0.42       0.40       0.16       0.59       0.30        0.04        1.05       0.76
    88160..  ..............  A               Cytopathology........       0.50       0.85       0.85       1.16       1.16        0.03        1.69       1.69
    88160..  26              A               Cytopathology........       0.50       0.13       0.13       0.27       0.27        0.01        0.78       0.78
    88160..  TC              A               Cytopathology........       0.00       0.72       0.72       0.89       0.89        0.02        0.91       0.91
    88161..  ..............  A               Cytopathology........       0.50       0.91       0.91       1.23       1.23        0.03        1.76       1.76
    88161..  26              A               Cytopathology........       0.50       0.13       0.13       0.27       0.27        0.01        0.78       0.78
    88161..  TC              A               Cytopathology........       0.00       0.78       0.78       0.96       0.96        0.02        0.98       0.98
    88162..  ..............  A               Cytopathology,              0.76       1.29       1.29       1.75       1.75        0.05        2.56       2.56
    88162..  26              A               Cytopathology,              0.76       0.13       0.13       0.33       0.33        0.03        1.12       1.12
    88162..  TC              A               Cytopathology,              0.00       1.16       1.16       1.42       1.42        0.02        1.44       1.44
    88170..  ..............  A               Fine needle                 1.27       0.71       0.71       1.17       1.17        0.09        2.53       2.53
    88170..  26              A               Fine needle                 1.27       0.17       0.17       0.50       0.50        0.05        1.82       1.82
    88170..  TC              A               Fine needle                 0.00       0.54       0.54       0.67       0.67        0.04        0.71       0.71
    88171..  ..............  A               Fine needle                 1.27       0.83       0.83       1.32       1.32        0.09        2.68       2.68
    88171..  26              A               Fine needle                 1.27       0.17       0.17       0.50       0.50        0.05        1.82       1.82
    88171..  TC              A               Fine needle                 0.00       0.66       0.66       0.82       0.82        0.04        0.86       0.86
    88172..  ..............  A               Evaluation of smear..       0.60       0.98       0.98       1.33       1.33        0.05        1.98       1.98
    88172..  26              A               Evaluation of smear..       0.60       0.14       0.14       0.31       0.31        0.03        0.94       0.94
    88172..  TC              A               Evaluation of smear..       0.00       0.84       0.84       1.02       1.02        0.02        1.04       1.04
    88173..  ..............  A               Interpretation of           1.39       0.99       0.99       1.52       1.52        0.05        2.96       2.96
    88173..  26              A               Interpretation of           1.39       0.14       0.14       0.48       0.48        0.03        1.90       1.90
    88173..  TC              A               Interpretation of           0.00       0.85       0.85       1.04       1.04        0.02        1.06       1.06
    88180..  ..............  A               Cell marker study....       0.36       0.50       0.50       0.70       0.70        0.03        1.09       1.09
    88180..  26              A               Cell marker study....       0.36       0.02       0.02       0.11       0.11        0.01        0.48       0.48
    88180..  TC              A               Cell marker study....       0.00       0.48       0.48       0.59       0.59        0.02        0.61       0.61
    88182..  ..............  A               Cell marker study....       0.77       1.56       1.56       2.08       2.08        0.07        2.92       2.92
    88182..  26              A               Cell marker study....       0.77       0.12       0.12       0.32       0.32        0.03        1.12       1.12
    88182..  TC              A               Cell marker study....       0.00       1.44       1.44       1.76       1.76        0.04        1.80       1.80
    88300..  ..............  A               Surg path, gross.....       0.08       0.71       0.71       0.89       0.89        0.01        0.98       0.98
    88300..  26              A               Surg path, gross.....       0.08       0.13       0.13       0.18       0.18        0.01        0.27       0.27
    88300..  TC              A               Surg path, gross.....       0.00       0.58       0.58       0.71       0.71        0.00        0.71       0.71
    88302..  ..............  A               Tissue exam by              0.13       1.52       1.52       1.89       1.89        0.04        2.06       2.06
    88302..  26              A               Tissue exam by              0.13       0.14       0.14       0.21       0.21        0.02        0.36       0.36
    88302..  TC              A               Tissue exam by              0.00       1.38       1.38       1.68       1.68        0.02        1.70       1.70
    88304..  ..............  A               Tissue exam by              0.22       1.52       1.52       1.91       1.91        0.04        2.17       2.17
    88304..  26              A               Tissue exam by              0.22       0.14       0.14       0.23       0.23        0.02        0.47       0.47
    88304..  TC              A               Tissue exam by              0.00       1.38       1.38       1.68       1.68        0.02        1.70       1.70
    88305..  ..............  A               Tissue exam by              0.75       1.75       1.75       2.32       2.32        0.08        3.15       3.15
    88305..  26              A               Tissue exam by              0.75       0.14       0.14       0.35       0.35        0.04        1.14       1.14
    88305..  TC              A               Tissue exam by              0.00       1.61       1.61       1.97       1.97        0.04        2.01       2.01
    88307..  ..............  A               Tissue exam by              1.59       2.58       2.58       3.53       3.53        0.12        5.24       5.24
    88307..  26              A               Tissue exam by              1.59       0.17       0.17       0.57       0.57        0.06        2.22       2.22
    88307..  TC              A               Tissue exam by              0.00       2.41       2.41       2.96       2.96        0.06        3.02       3.02
    88309..  ..............  A               Tissue exam by              2.28       4.36       4.36       5.84       5.84        0.13        8.25       8.25
    88309..  26              A               Tissue exam by              2.28       0.20       0.20       0.76       0.76        0.07        3.11       3.11
    88309..  TC              A               Tissue exam by              0.00       4.16       4.16       5.08       5.08        0.06        5.14       5.14
    88311..  ..............  A               Decalcify tissue.....       0.24       0.21       0.21       0.32       0.32        0.01        0.57       0.57
    88311..  26              A               Decalcify tissue.....       0.24       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.01        0.38       0.38
    88311..  TC              A               Decalcify tissue.....       0.00       0.15       0.15       0.19       0.19        0.00        0.19       0.19
    88312..  ..............  A               Special stains.......       0.54       2.09       2.09       2.66       2.66        0.01        3.21       3.21
    88312..  26              A               Special stains.......       0.54       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.79       0.79
    88312..  TC              A               Special stains.......       0.00       1.99       1.99       2.42       2.42        0.00        2.42       2.42
    88313..  ..............  A               Special stains.......       0.24       1.81       1.81       2.27       2.27        0.01        2.52       2.52
    88313..  26              A               Special stains.......       0.24       0.10       0.10       0.18       0.18        0.01        0.43       0.43
    88313..  TC              A               Special stains.......       0.00       1.71       1.71       2.09       2.09        0.00        2.09       2.09
    88314..  ..............  A               Histochemical stain..       0.45       1.78       1.78       2.27       2.27        0.04        2.76       2.76
    [[Page 33285]]
    88314..  26              A               Histochemical stain..       0.45       0.10       0.10       0.22       0.22        0.02        0.69       0.69
    88314..  TC              A               Histochemical stain..       0.00       1.68       1.68       2.05       2.05        0.02        2.07       2.07
    88318..  ..............  A               Chemical                    0.42       1.83       1.83       2.33       2.33        0.01        2.76       2.76
    88318..  26              A               Chemical                    0.42       0.10       0.10       0.22       0.22        0.01        0.65       0.65
    88318..  TC              A               Chemical                    0.00       1.73       1.73       2.11       2.11        0.00        2.11       2.11
    88319..  ..............  A               Enzyme histochemistry       0.53       2.23       2.23       2.84       2.84        0.04        3.41       3.41
    88319..  26              A               Enzyme histochemistry       0.53       0.10       0.10       0.24       0.24        0.02        0.79       0.79
    88319..  TC              A               Enzyme histochemistry       0.00       2.13       2.13       2.60       2.60        0.02        2.62       2.62
    88321..  ..............  A               Microslide                  1.30       0.38       0.16       0.75       0.49        0.03        2.08       1.82
    88323..  ..............  A               Microslide                  1.35       1.70       1.70       2.38       2.38        0.05        3.78       3.78
    88323..  26              A               Microslide                  1.35       0.16       0.16       0.50       0.50        0.03        1.88       1.88
    88323..  TC              A               Microslide                  0.00       1.54       1.54       1.88       1.88        0.02        1.90       1.90
    88325..  ..............  A               Comprehensive review        2.22       0.38       0.16       0.95       0.69        0.04        3.21       2.95
                                              of data.                                                                                                      
    88329..  ..............  A               Pathology consult in        0.67       0.29       0.16       0.50       0.35        0.03        1.20       1.05
    88331..  ..............  A               Pathology consult in        1.19       0.72       0.72       1.16       1.16        0.08        2.43       2.43
    88331..  26              A               Pathology consult in        1.19       0.18       0.18       0.49       0.49        0.04        1.72       1.72
    88331..  TC              A               Pathology consult in        0.00       0.54       0.54       0.67       0.67        0.04        0.71       0.71
    88332..  ..............  A               Pathology consult in        0.59       0.40       0.40       0.64       0.64        0.04        1.27       1.27
    88332..  26              A               Pathology consult in        0.59       0.14       0.14       0.31       0.31        0.02        0.92       0.92
    88332..  TC              A               Pathology consult in        0.00       0.26       0.26       0.33       0.33        0.02        0.35       0.35
    88342..  ..............  A               Immunocytochemistry..       0.85       1.66       1.66       2.21       2.21        0.04        3.10       3.10
    88342..  26              A               Immunocytochemistry..       0.85       0.10       0.10       0.31       0.31        0.02        1.18       1.18
    88342..  TC              A               Immunocytochemistry..       0.00       1.56       1.56       1.90       1.90        0.02        1.92       1.92
    88346..  ..............  A               Immunofluorescent           0.86       1.29       1.29       1.78       1.78        0.04        2.68       2.68
    88346..  26              A               Immunofluorescent           0.86       0.10       0.10       0.32       0.32        0.02        1.20       1.20
    88346..  TC              A               Immunofluorescent           0.00       1.19       1.19       1.46       1.46        0.02        1.48       1.48
    88347..  ..............  A               Immunofluorescent           0.86       1.29       1.29       1.78       1.78        0.04        2.68       2.68
    88347..  26              A               Immunofluorescent           0.86       0.10       0.10       0.32       0.32        0.02        1.20       1.20
    88347..  TC              A               Immunofluorescent           0.00       1.19       1.19       1.46       1.46        0.02        1.48       1.48
    88348..  ..............  A               Electron microscopy..       1.51       5.62       5.62       7.23       7.23        0.16        8.90       8.90
    88348..  26              A               Electron microscopy..       1.51       0.20       0.20       0.60       0.60        0.08        2.19       2.19
    88348..  TC              A               Electron microscopy..       0.00       5.42       5.42       6.63       6.63        0.08        6.71       6.71
    88349..  ..............  A               Scanning electron           0.76       4.54       4.54       5.73       5.73        0.12        6.61       6.61
    88349..  26              A               Scanning electron           0.76       0.20       0.20       0.43       0.43        0.06        1.25       1.25
    88349..  TC              A               Scanning electron           0.00       4.34       4.34       5.30       5.30        0.06        5.36       5.36
    88355..  ..............  A               Analysis, skeletal          1.85       2.13       2.13       3.03       3.03        0.13        5.01       5.01
    88355..  26              A               Analysis, skeletal          1.85       0.17       0.17       0.63       0.63        0.07        2.55       2.55
    88355..  TC              A               Analysis, skeletal          0.00       1.96       1.96       2.40       2.40        0.06        2.46       2.46
    88356..  ..............  A               Analysis, nerve......       3.02       2.13       2.13       3.29       3.29        0.18        6.49       6.49
    88356..  26              A               Analysis, nerve......       3.02       0.17       0.17       0.89       0.89        0.10        4.01       4.01
    88356..  TC              A               Analysis, nerve......       0.00       1.96       1.96       2.40       2.40        0.08        2.48       2.48
    88358..  ..............  A               Analysis, tumor......       2.82       2.13       2.13       3.25       3.25        0.16        6.23       6.23
    88358..  26              A               Analysis, tumor......       2.82       0.17       0.17       0.85       0.85        0.08        3.75       3.75
    88358..  TC              A               Analysis, tumor......       0.00       1.96       1.96       2.40       2.40        0.08        2.48       2.48
    88362..  ..............  A               Nerve teasing               2.17       2.09       2.09       3.05       3.05        0.13        5.35       5.35
    88362..  26              A               Nerve teasing               2.17       0.17       0.17       0.70       0.70        0.07        2.94       2.94
    88362..  TC              A               Nerve teasing               0.00       1.92       1.92       2.35       2.35        0.06        2.41       2.41
    88365..  ..............  A               Tissue hybridization.       0.93       2.62       2.62       3.40       3.40        0.05        4.38       4.38
    88365..  26              A               Tissue hybridization.       0.93       0.10       0.10       0.33       0.33        0.03        1.29       1.29
    88365..  TC              A               Tissue hybridization.       0.00       2.52       2.52       3.07       3.07        0.02        3.09       3.09
    88371..  26              A               Protein, western blot       0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    88372..  26              A               Protein analysis w/         0.37       0.13       0.13       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.62       0.62
    89060..  26              A               Exam,synovial fluid         0.37       0.19       0.13       0.31       0.24        0.01        0.69       0.62
    89100..  ..............  A               Sample intestinal           0.60       1.27       0.14       1.69       0.31        0.03        2.32       0.94
    89105..  ..............  A               Sample intestinal           0.50       1.27       0.14       1.67       0.29        0.03        2.20       0.82
    89130..  ..............  A               Sample stomach              0.45       1.27       0.14       1.66       0.28        0.03        2.14       0.76
    89132..  ..............  A               Sample stomach              0.19       1.27       0.14       1.60       0.22        0.02        1.81       0.43
    89135..  ..............  A               Sample stomach              0.79       1.31       0.14       1.78       0.36        0.04        2.61       1.19
    89136..  ..............  A               Sample stomach              0.21       1.44       0.14       1.80       0.22        0.02        2.03       0.45
    89140..  ..............  A               Sample stomach              0.94       1.44       0.14       1.97       0.40        0.07        2.98       1.41
    89141..  ..............  A               Sample stomach              0.85       1.58       0.14       2.12       0.37        0.06        3.03       1.28
    89350..  ..............  A               Sputum specimen             0.00       0.37       0.06       0.45       0.08        0.03        0.48       0.11
    89360..  ..............  A               Collect sweat for           0.00       0.18       0.13       0.23       0.17        0.03        0.26       0.20
    90780..  ..............  A               IV infusion therapy,        0.00       1.04       0.13       1.28       0.18        0.08        1.36       0.26
                                              1 hour.                                                                                                       
    90781..  ..............  A               IV infusion,                0.00       0.63       0.02       0.78       0.03        0.04        0.82       0.07
                                              additional hour.                                                                                              
    90782..  ..............  T               Injection (SC)/(IM)..       0.00       0.22       0.05       0.28       0.06        0.01        0.29       0.07
    90783..  ..............  T               Injection (IA).......       0.00       0.29       0.05       0.35       0.07        0.03        0.38       0.10
    90784..  ..............  T               Injection (IV).......       0.00       0.29       0.05       0.36       0.07        0.04        0.40       0.11
    90788..  ..............  T               Injection of                0.00       0.20       0.05       0.25       0.06        0.01        0.26       0.07
    90801..  ..............  A               Psychiatric interview       2.80       0.53       0.16       1.28       0.83        0.09        4.17       3.72
    90820..  ..............  A               Diagnostic interview.       3.01       0.53       0.16       1.32       0.87        0.05        4.38       3.93
    90825..  ..............  B               Evaluation of tests/       +0.97       0.36       0.06       0.66       0.30        0.04        1.67       1.31
    90835..  ..............  A               Special interview....       2.84       1.14       0.16       2.03       0.84        0.07        4.94       3.75
    90842..  ..............  G               Psychotherapy, 75-80       +3.13       0.35       0.16       1.14       0.92        0.15        4.42       4.20
    [[Page 33286]]
    90843..  ..............  G               Psychotherapy, 20-30       +1.47       0.35       0.16       0.76       0.53        0.05        2.28       2.05
    90844..  ..............  G               Psychotherapy, 45-50       +2.00       0.35       0.16       0.88       0.65        0.08        2.96       2.73
    90845..  ..............  A               Medical                     1.79       0.35       0.16       0.83       0.60        0.05        2.67       2.44
    90846..  ..............  R               Special family              1.83       0.20       0.16       0.67       0.62        0.08        2.58       2.53
    90847..  ..............  R               Special family              2.21       0.20       0.16       0.75       0.70        0.08        3.04       2.99
    90849..  ..............  R               Special family              0.59       0.20       0.16       0.38       0.33        0.03        1.00       0.95
    90853..  ..............  A               Special group therapy       0.59       0.20       0.16       0.38       0.33        0.03        1.00       0.95
    90855..  ..............  G               Individual                 +2.15       0.35       0.16       0.91       0.69        0.09        3.15       2.93
    90857..  ..............  A               Special group therapy       0.63       0.20       0.16       0.39       0.34        0.02        1.04       0.99
    90862..  ..............  A               Medication management       0.95       0.35       0.16       0.64       0.42        0.05        1.64       1.42
    90870..  ..............  A               Electroconvulsive           1.88       0.67       0.16       1.25       0.63        0.08        3.21       2.59
    90871..  ..............  A               Electroconvulsive           2.72         NA       0.16         NA       0.82        0.13          NA       3.67
    90875..  ..............  A               Psychophysiological         1.11       0.35       0.16       0.68       0.45        0.05        1.84       1.61
    90876..  ..............  A               Psychophysiological         1.73       0.35       0.16       0.82       0.60        0.08        2.63       2.41
    90880..  ..............  A               Medical hypnotherapy.       2.19       0.35       0.16       0.92       0.69        0.07        3.18       2.95
    90887..  ..............  B               Consultation with          +1.48       0.30       0.16       0.69       0.53        0.04        2.21       2.05
    90901..  ..............  A               Biofeedback, any            0.41       0.69       0.16       0.95       0.30        0.07        1.43       0.78
    90911..  ..............  A               Anorectal biofeedback       0.89       0.69       0.16       1.10       0.45        0.27        2.26       1.61
    90918..  ..............  A               ESRD related               11.18       0.16       0.16       2.68       2.68        0.14       14.00      14.00
                                              services, month.                                                                                              
    90919..  ..............  A               ESRD related                8.54       0.16       0.16       2.10       2.10        0.14       10.78      10.78
                                              services, month.                                                                                              
    90920..  ..............  A               ESRD related                7.27       0.16       0.16       1.82       1.82        0.14        9.23       9.23
                                              services, month.                                                                                              
    90921..  ..............  A               ESRD related                4.47       0.16       0.16       1.21       1.21        0.14        5.82       5.82
                                              services, month.                                                                                              
    90922..  ..............  A               ESRD related                0.37       0.01       0.01       0.10       0.10        0.01        0.48       0.48
                                              services, day.                                                                                                
    90923..  ..............  A               Esrd related                0.28       0.01       0.01       0.08       0.08        0.01        0.37       0.37
                                              services, day.                                                                                                
    90924..  ..............  A               Esrd related                0.24       0.01       0.01       0.07       0.07        0.01        0.32       0.32
                                              services, day.                                                                                                
    90925..  ..............  A               Esrd related                0.15       0.01       0.01       0.05       0.05        0.01        0.21       0.21
                                              services, day.                                                                                                
    90935..  ..............  A               Hemodialysis, one           1.22         NA       0.11         NA       0.43        0.10          NA       1.75
    90937..  ..............  A               Hemodialysis,               2.11         NA       0.11         NA       0.64        0.18          NA       2.93
                                              repeated eval.                                                                                                
    90945..  ..............  A               Dialysis, one               1.28         NA       0.11         NA       0.43        0.08          NA       1.79
    90947..  ..............  A               Dialysis, repeated          2.16         NA       0.11         NA       0.64        0.14          NA       2.94
    90997..  ..............  A               Hemoperfusion........       1.84         NA       0.11         NA       0.57        0.16          NA       2.57
    91000..  ..............  A               Esophageal intubation       0.73       1.48       1.48       1.98       1.98        0.06        2.77       2.77
    91000..  26              A               Esophageal intubation       0.73       0.18       0.18       0.39       0.39        0.05        1.17       1.17
    91000..  TC              A               Esophageal intubation       0.00       1.30       1.30       1.59       1.59        0.01        1.60       1.60
    91010..  ..............  A               Esophagus motility          1.25       1.63       1.63       2.30       2.30        0.17        3.72       3.72
    91010..  26              A               Esophagus motility          1.25       0.18       0.18       0.52       0.52        0.11        1.88       1.88
    91010..  TC              A               Esophagus motility          0.00       1.45       1.45       1.78       1.78        0.06        1.84       1.84
    91011..  ..............  A               Esophagus motility          1.50       1.77       1.77       2.53       2.53        0.18        4.21       4.21
    91011..  26              A               Esophagus motility          1.50       0.18       0.18       0.58       0.58        0.11        2.19       2.19
    91011..  TC              A               Esophagus motility          0.00       1.59       1.59       1.95       1.95        0.07        2.02       2.02
    91012..  ..............  A               Esophagus motility          1.46       1.84       1.84       2.62       2.62        0.23        4.31       4.31
    91012..  26              A               Esophagus motility          1.46       0.18       0.18       0.58       0.58        0.15        2.19       2.19
    91012..  TC              A               Esophagus motility          0.00       1.66       1.66       2.04       2.04        0.08        2.12       2.12
    91020..  ..............  A               Esophagogastric study       1.44       1.84       1.84       2.61       2.61        0.18        4.23       4.23
    91020..  26              A               Esophagogastric study       1.44       0.18       0.18       0.57       0.57        0.12        2.13       2.13
    91020..  TC              A               Esophagogastric study       0.00       1.66       1.66       2.04       2.04        0.06        2.10       2.10
    91030..  ..............  A               Acid perfusion of           0.91       1.64       1.64       2.21       2.21        0.05        3.17       3.17
    91030..  26              A               Acid perfusion of           0.91       0.18       0.18       0.43       0.43        0.03        1.37       1.37
    91030..  TC              A               Acid perfusion of           0.00       1.46       1.46       1.78       1.78        0.02        1.80       1.80
    91032..  ..............  A               Esophagus, acid             1.21       1.58       1.58       2.22       2.22        0.16        3.59       3.59
                                              reflux test.                                                                                                  
    91032..  26              A               Esophagus, acid             1.21       0.18       0.18       0.51       0.51        0.10        1.82       1.82
                                              reflux test.                                                                                                  
    91032..  TC              A               Esophagus, acid             0.00       1.40       1.40       1.71       1.71        0.06        1.77       1.77
                                              reflux test.                                                                                                  
    91033..  ..............  A               Prolonged acid reflux       1.30       1.68       1.68       2.39       2.39        0.25        3.94       3.94
    91033..  26              A               Prolonged acid reflux       1.30       0.18       0.18       0.54       0.54        0.14        1.98       1.98
    91033..  TC              A               Prolonged acid reflux       0.00       1.50       1.50       1.85       1.85        0.11        1.96       1.96
    91052..  ..............  A               Gastric analysis test       0.79       1.65       1.65       2.21       2.21        0.07        3.07       3.07
    91052..  26              A               Gastric analysis test       0.79       0.18       0.18       0.41       0.41        0.04        1.24       1.24
    91052..  TC              A               Gastric analysis test       0.00       1.47       1.47       1.80       1.80        0.03        1.83       1.83
    91055..  ..............  A               Gastric intubation          0.94       1.48       1.48       2.03       2.03        0.06        3.03       3.03
                                              for smear.                                                                                                    
    91055..  26              A               Gastric intubation          0.94       0.18       0.18       0.44       0.44        0.04        1.42       1.42
                                              for smear.                                                                                                    
    91055..  TC              A               Gastric intubation          0.00       1.30       1.30       1.59       1.59        0.02        1.61       1.61
                                              for smear.                                                                                                    
    91060..  ..............  A               Gastric saline load         0.45       0.24       0.24       0.41       0.41        0.06        0.92       0.92
    91060..  26              A               Gastric saline load         0.45       0.07       0.07       0.19       0.19        0.04        0.68       0.68
    91060..  TC              A               Gastric saline load         0.00       0.17       0.17       0.22       0.22        0.02        0.24       0.24
    91065..  ..............  A               Breath hydrogen test.       0.20       2.32       2.32       2.88       2.88        0.05        3.13       3.13
    91065..  26              A               Breath hydrogen test.       0.20       0.18       0.18       0.27       0.27        0.03        0.50       0.50
    91065..  TC              A               Breath hydrogen test.       0.00       2.14       2.14       2.61       2.61        0.02        2.63       2.63
    91100..  ..............  A               Pass intestine              1.08         NA       0.14         NA       0.42        0.05          NA       1.55
                                              bleeding tube.                                                                                                
    91105..  ..............  A               Gastric intubation          0.37         NA       0.14         NA       0.26        0.04          NA       0.67
    91122..  ..............  A               Anal pressure record.       1.77       2.00       2.00       2.88       2.88        0.22        4.87       4.87
    91122..  26              A               Anal pressure record.       1.77       0.19       0.19       0.65       0.65        0.13        2.55       2.55
    91122..  TC              A               Anal pressure record.       0.00       1.81       1.81       2.23       2.23        0.09        2.32       2.32
    92002..  ..............  A               Eye exam, new patient       0.88       0.57       0.16       0.89       0.40        0.02        1.79       1.30
    92004..  ..............  A               Eye exam, new patient       1.67       0.67       0.16       1.19       0.57        0.02        2.88       2.26
    [[Page 33287]]
    92012..  ..............  A               Eye exam established        0.67       0.53       0.16       0.80       0.35        0.02        1.49       1.04
    92014..  ..............  A               Eye exam & treatment.       1.10       0.60       0.16       0.98       0.44        0.02        2.10       1.56
    92015..  ..............  N               Refraction...........      +0.38       0.57       0.07       0.78       0.17        0.02        1.18       0.57
    92018..  ..............  A               New eye exam &              1.51         NA       0.16         NA       0.54        0.03          NA       2.08
    92019..  ..............  A               Eye exam & treatment.       1.31         NA       0.16         NA       0.49        0.03          NA       1.83
    92020..  ..............  A               Special eye                 0.37       0.41       0.07       0.58       0.17        0.01        0.96       0.55
    92060..  ..............  A               Special eye                 0.69       0.86       0.86       1.21       1.21        0.02        1.92       1.92
    92060..  26              A               Special eye                 0.69       0.08       0.08       0.25       0.25        0.01        0.95       0.95
    92060..  TC              A               Special eye                 0.00       0.78       0.78       0.96       0.96        0.01        0.97       0.97
    92065..  ..............  A               Orthoptic/pleoptic          0.37       0.86       0.86       1.14       1.14        0.01        1.52       1.52
    92065..  26              A               Orthoptic/pleoptic          0.37       0.08       0.08       0.18       0.18        0.01        0.56       0.56
    92065..  TC              A               Orthoptic/pleoptic          0.00       0.78       0.78       0.96       0.96        0.00        0.96       0.96
    92070..  ..............  A               Fitting of contact          0.70       0.38       0.07       0.63       0.25        0.06        1.39       1.01
    92081..  ..............  A               Visual field                0.36       0.49       0.49       0.68       0.68        0.01        1.05       1.05
    92081..  26              A               Visual field                0.36       0.03       0.03       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.49       0.49
    92081..  TC              A               Visual field                0.00       0.46       0.46       0.56       0.56        0.00        0.56       0.56
    92082..  ..............  A               Visual field                0.44       0.60       0.60       0.84       0.84        0.02        1.30       1.30
    92082..  26              A               Visual field                0.44       0.03       0.03       0.14       0.14        0.01        0.59       0.59
    92082..  TC              A               Visual field                0.00       0.57       0.57       0.70       0.70        0.01        0.71       0.71
    92083..  ..............  A               Visual field                0.50       0.72       0.72       1.00       1.00        0.04        1.54       1.54
    92083..  26              A               Visual field                0.50       0.04       0.04       0.17       0.17        0.03        0.70       0.70
    92083..  TC              A               Visual field                0.00       0.68       0.68       0.83       0.83        0.01        0.84       0.84
    92100..  ..............  A               Serial tonometry            0.92       0.38       0.16       0.66       0.40        0.01        1.59       1.33
    92120..  ..............  A               Tonography & eye            0.81       0.29       0.07       0.53       0.27        0.02        1.36       1.10
    92130..  ..............  A               Water provocation           0.81       0.32       0.07       0.57       0.27        0.02        1.40       1.10
    92140..  ..............  A               Glaucoma provocative        0.50       0.41       0.07       0.61       0.20        0.01        1.12       0.71
    92225..  ..............  A               Special eye exam,           0.38       0.16       0.07       0.29       0.17        0.02        0.69       0.57
    92226..  ..............  A               Special eye exam,           0.33       0.16       0.07       0.28       0.16        0.02        0.63       0.51
    92230..  ..............  A               Eye exam with photos.       0.60       0.45       0.01       0.69       0.15        0.04        1.33       0.79
    92235..  ..............  A               Eye exam with photos.       0.81       1.23       1.23       1.70       1.70        0.09        2.60       2.60
    92235..  26              A               Eye exam with photos.       0.81       0.04       0.04       0.23       0.23        0.03        1.07       1.07
    92235..  TC              A               Eye exam with photos.       0.00       1.19       1.19       1.47       1.47        0.06        1.53       1.53
    92240..  ..............  A               Icg angiography......       1.10       2.35       2.35       3.13       3.13        0.09        4.32       4.32
    92240..  26              A               Icg angiography......       1.10       0.09       0.09       0.36       0.36        0.03        1.49       1.49
    92240..  TC              A               Icg angiography......       0.00       2.26       2.26       2.77       2.77        0.06        2.83       2.83
    92250..  ..............  A               Eye exam with photos.       0.44       0.82       0.82       1.11       1.11        0.02        1.57       1.57
    92250..  26              A               Eye exam with photos.       0.44       0.04       0.04       0.15       0.15        0.01        0.60       0.60
    92250..  TC              A               Eye exam with photos.       0.00       0.78       0.78       0.96       0.96        0.01        0.97       0.97
    92260..  ..............  A               Ophthalmoscopy/             0.20       0.13       0.07       0.21       0.14        0.03        0.44       0.37
    92265..  ..............  A               Eye muscle evaluation       0.81       0.58       0.58       0.89       0.89        0.02        1.72       1.72
    92265..  26              A               Eye muscle evaluation       0.81       0.03       0.03       0.21       0.21        0.00        1.02       1.02
    92265..  TC              A               Eye muscle evaluation       0.00       0.55       0.55       0.68       0.68        0.02        0.70       0.70
    92270..  ..............  A               Electro-oculography..       0.81       0.79       0.79       1.15       1.15        0.05        2.01       2.01
    92270..  26              A               Electro-oculography..       0.81       0.04       0.04       0.23       0.23        0.03        1.07       1.07
    92270..  TC              A               Electro-oculography..       0.00       0.75       0.75       0.92       0.92        0.02        0.94       0.94
    92275..  ..............  A               Electroretinography..       1.01       0.88       0.88       1.30       1.30        0.05        2.36       2.36
    92275..  26              A               Electroretinography..       1.01       0.04       0.04       0.28       0.28        0.03        1.32       1.32
    92275..  TC              A               Electroretinography..       0.00       0.84       0.84       1.02       1.02        0.02        1.04       1.04
    92283..  ..............  A               Color vision                0.17       0.55       0.55       0.71       0.71        0.01        0.89       0.89
    92283..  26              A               Color vision                0.17       0.07       0.07       0.13       0.13        0.01        0.31       0.31
    92283..  TC              A               Color vision                0.00       0.48       0.48       0.58       0.58        0.00        0.58       0.58
    92284..  ..............  A               Dark adaptation eye         0.24       1.04       1.04       1.32       1.32        0.02        1.58       1.58
    92284..  26              A               Dark adaptation eye         0.24       0.08       0.08       0.15       0.15        0.01        0.40       0.40
    92284..  TC              A               Dark adaptation eye         0.00       0.96       0.96       1.17       1.17        0.01        1.18       1.18
    92285..  ..............  A               Eye photography......       0.20       0.82       0.82       1.06       1.06        0.01        1.27       1.27
    92285..  26              A               Eye photography......       0.20       0.04       0.04       0.10       0.10        0.01        0.31       0.31
    92285..  TC              A               Eye photography......       0.00       0.78       0.78       0.96       0.96        0.00        0.96       0.96
    92286..  ..............  A               Internal eye                0.66       0.81       0.81       1.16       1.16        0.07        1.89       1.89
    92286..  26              A               Internal eye                0.66       0.04       0.04       0.21       0.21        0.05        0.92       0.92
    92286..  TC              A               Internal eye                0.00       0.77       0.77       0.95       0.95        0.02        0.97       0.97
    92287..  ..............  A               Internal eye                0.81       1.02       0.08       1.44       0.29        0.08        2.33       1.18
    92310..  ..............  N               Contact lens fitting.      +1.17       0.49       0.11       0.85       0.39        0.00        2.02       1.56
    92311..  ..............  A               Contact lens fitting.       1.08       0.49       0.11       0.84       0.38        0.03        1.95       1.49
    92312..  ..............  A               Contact lens fitting.       1.26       0.49       0.11       0.88       0.42        0.03        2.17       1.71
    92313..  ..............  A               Contact lens fitting.       0.92       0.49       0.11       0.80       0.34        0.03        1.75       1.29
    92314..  ..............  N               Prescription of            +0.69       0.49       0.11       0.75       0.29        0.00        1.44       0.98
                                              contact lens.                                                                                                 
    92315..  ..............  A               Prescription of             0.45       0.49       0.11       0.70       0.24        0.03        1.18       0.72
                                              contact lens.                                                                                                 
    92316..  ..............  A               Prescription of             0.68       0.49       0.11       0.75       0.29        0.04        1.47       1.01
                                              contact lens.                                                                                                 
    92317..  ..............  A               Prescription of             0.45       0.49       0.11       0.70       0.24        0.02        1.17       0.71
                                              contact lens.                                                                                                 
    92325..  ..............  A               Modification of             0.00       0.41       0.10       0.50       0.13        0.01        0.51       0.14
                                              contact lens.                                                                                                 
    92326..  ..............  A               Replacement of              0.00       0.30       0.08       0.37       0.11        0.06        0.43       0.17
                                              contact lens.                                                                                                 
    92330..  ..............  A               Fitting of artificial       1.08       0.49       0.11       0.85       0.39        0.09        2.02       1.56
    92335..  ..............  A               Fitting of artificial       0.45       0.49       0.11       0.72       0.26        0.11        1.28       0.82
    92340..  ..............  N               Fitting of spectacles      +0.37       0.41       0.10       0.58       0.21        0.00        0.95       0.58
    [[Page 33288]]
    92341..  ..............  N               Fitting of spectacles      +0.47       0.41       0.10       0.60       0.23        0.00        1.07       0.70
    92342..  ..............  N               Fitting of spectacles      +0.53       0.41       0.10       0.61       0.24        0.00        1.14       0.77
    92352..  ..............  B               Special spectacles         +0.37       0.41       0.10       0.58       0.21        0.01        0.96       0.59
    92353..  ..............  B               Special spectacles         +0.50       0.41       0.10       0.61       0.24        0.01        1.12       0.75
    92354..  ..............  B               Special spectacles         +0.00       0.49       0.11       0.62       0.16        0.10        0.72       0.26
    92355..  ..............  B               Special spectacles         +0.00       0.49       0.11       0.60       0.14        0.01        0.61       0.15
    92358..  ..............  B               Eye prosthesis             +0.00       0.30       0.08       0.37       0.11        0.05        0.42       0.16
    92370..  ..............  N               Repair & adjust            +0.32       0.29       0.08       0.42       0.17        0.00        0.74       0.49
    92371..  ..............  B               Repair & adjust            +0.00       0.30       0.08       0.36       0.10        0.02        0.38       0.12
    92392..  ..............  G               Supply of low vision       +0.00       0.30       0.08       0.36       0.10        0.02        0.38       0.12
    92393..  ..............  G               Supply of artificial       +0.00       0.30       0.08       0.51       0.25        0.67        1.18       0.92
    92395..  ..............  G               Supply of spectacles.      +0.00       0.30       0.08       0.38       0.12        0.10        0.48       0.22
    92396..  ..............  G               Supply of contact          +0.00       0.30       0.08       0.38       0.12        0.08        0.46       0.20
    92502..  ..............  A               Ear and throat              1.51         NA       0.16         NA       0.56        0.12          NA       2.19
    92504..  ..............  A               Ear microscopy              0.18       0.53       0.16       0.69       0.24        0.02        0.89       0.44
    92506..  ..............  A               Speech & hearing            0.86       0.50       0.09       0.81       0.31        0.05        1.72       1.22
    92507..  ..............  A               Speech/hearing              0.52       0.50       0.09       0.73       0.23        0.03        1.28       0.78
    92508..  ..............  A               Speech/hearing              0.26       0.50       0.09       0.67       0.17        0.02        0.95       0.45
    92510..  ..............  A               Rehab for ear implant       1.50       0.49       0.09       0.96       0.47        0.15        2.61       2.12
    92511..  ..............  A               Nasopharyngoscopy....       0.84       0.35       0.10       0.63       0.33        0.09        1.56       1.26
    92512..  ..............  A               Nasal function              0.55       0.37       0.13       0.58       0.29        0.05        1.18       0.89
    92516..  ..............  A               Facial nerve function       0.43       0.38       0.13       0.56       0.26        0.04        1.03       0.73
    92520..  ..............  A               Laryngeal function          0.76       0.22       0.13       0.45       0.34        0.05        1.26       1.15
    92525..  ..............  A               Oral function               1.50       0.50       0.09       0.96       0.46        0.11        2.57       2.07
    92526..  ..............  A               Oral function therapy       0.55       0.50       0.09       0.74       0.24        0.05        1.34       0.84
    92541..  ..............  A               Spontaneous nystagmus       0.40       0.57       0.57       0.80       0.80        0.07        1.27       1.27
    92541..  26              A               Spontaneous nystagmus       0.40       0.07       0.07       0.19       0.19        0.05        0.64       0.64
    92541..  TC              A               Spontaneous nystagmus       0.00       0.50       0.50       0.61       0.61        0.02        0.63       0.63
    92542..  ..............  A               Positional nystagmus        0.33       0.57       0.57       0.79       0.79        0.07        1.19       1.19
    92542..  26              A               Positional nystagmus        0.33       0.07       0.07       0.17       0.17        0.04        0.54       0.54
    92542..  TC              A               Positional nystagmus        0.00       0.50       0.50       0.62       0.62        0.03        0.65       0.65
    92543..  ..............  A               Caloric vestibular          0.38       0.14       0.14       0.28       0.28        0.09        0.75       0.75
    92543..  26              A               Caloric vestibular          0.38       0.02       0.02       0.12       0.12        0.05        0.55       0.55
    92543..  TC              A               Caloric vestibular          0.00       0.12       0.12       0.16       0.16        0.04        0.20       0.20
    92544..  ..............  A               Optokinetic nystagmus       0.26       0.57       0.57       0.76       0.76        0.05        1.07       1.07
    92544..  26              A               Optokinetic nystagmus       0.26       0.07       0.07       0.15       0.15        0.03        0.44       0.44
    92544..  TC              A               Optokinetic nystagmus       0.00       0.50       0.50       0.61       0.61        0.02        0.63       0.63
    92545..  ..............  A               Oscillating tracking        0.23       0.57       0.57       0.75       0.75        0.04        1.02       1.02
    92545..  26              A               Oscillating tracking        0.23       0.07       0.07       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.39       0.39
    92545..  TC              A               Oscillating tracking        0.00       0.50       0.50       0.61       0.61        0.02        0.63       0.63
    92546..  ..............  A               Sinusoidal rotational       0.29       0.79       0.79       1.05       1.05        0.05        1.39       1.39
    92546..  26              A               Sinusoidal rotational       0.29       0.07       0.07       0.16       0.16        0.03        0.48       0.48
    92546..  TC              A               Sinusoidal rotational       0.00       0.72       0.72       0.89       0.89        0.02        0.91       0.91
    92547..  ..............  A               Supplemental                0.00       0.56       0.14       0.70       0.19        0.06        0.76       0.25
                                              electrical test.                                                                                              
    92548..  ..............  A               Posturography........       0.50       1.76       1.76       2.29       2.29        0.19        2.98       2.98
    92548..  26              A               Posturography........       0.50       0.06       0.06       0.19       0.19        0.05        0.74       0.74
    92548..  TC              A               Posturography........       0.00       1.70       1.70       2.10       2.10        0.14        2.24       2.24
    92552..  ..............  A               Pure tone audiometry,       0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.04        0.77       0.25
    92553..  ..............  A               Audiometry, air &           0.00       0.59       0.16       0.74       0.21        0.07        0.81       0.28
    92555..  ..............  A               Speech threshold            0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.04        0.77       0.25
    92556..  ..............  A               Speech audiometry,          0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.06        0.79       0.27
    92557..  ..............  A               Comprehensive hearing       0.00       0.59       0.16       0.75       0.23        0.13        0.88       0.36
    92561..  ..............  A               Bekesy audiometry,          0.00       0.59       0.16       0.74       0.21        0.07        0.81       0.28
    92562..  ..............  A               Loudness balance test       0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.04        0.77       0.25
    92563..  ..............  A               Tone decay hearing          0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.04        0.77       0.25
    92564..  ..............  A               Sisi hearing test....       0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.05        0.78       0.26
    92565..  ..............  A               Stenger test, pure          0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.04        0.77       0.25
    92567..  ..............  A               Tympanometry.........       0.00       0.58       0.16       0.72       0.21        0.06        0.78       0.27
    92568..  ..............  A               Acoustic reflex             0.00       0.58       0.16       0.72       0.21        0.04        0.76       0.25
    92569..  ..............  A               Acoustic reflex decay       0.00       0.58       0.16       0.72       0.21        0.04        0.76       0.25
    92571..  ..............  A               Filtered speech             0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.04        0.77       0.25
                                              hearing test.                                                                                                 
    92572..  ..............  A               Staggered spondaic          0.00       0.59       0.16       0.72       0.20        0.01        0.73       0.21
                                              word test.                                                                                                    
    92573..  ..............  A               Lombard test.........       0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.04        0.77       0.25
    92575..  ..............  A               Sensorineural acuity        0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.03        0.76       0.24
    92576..  ..............  A               Synthetic sentence          0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.05        0.78       0.26
    92577..  ..............  A               Stenger test, speech.       0.00       0.59       0.16       0.74       0.22        0.08        0.82       0.30
    92579..  ..............  A               Visual audiometry           0.00       1.09       0.16       1.34       0.21        0.07        1.41       0.28
    92582..  ..............  A               Conditioning play           0.00       1.11       0.16       1.37       0.21        0.07        1.44       0.28
    92583..  ..............  A               Select picture              0.00       1.15       0.16       1.42       0.22        0.09        1.51       0.31
    92584..  ..............  A               Electrocochleography.       0.00       0.73       0.14       0.95       0.23        0.25        1.20       0.48
    92585..  ..............  A               Auditory evoked             0.50       1.57       1.57       2.09       2.09        0.31        2.90       2.90
    92585..  26              A               Auditory evoked             0.50       0.11       0.11       0.28       0.28        0.14        0.92       0.92
    92585..  TC              A               Auditory evoked             0.00       1.46       1.46       1.81       1.81        0.17        1.98       1.98
    92587..  ..............  A               Evoked auditory test.       0.13       0.56       0.56       0.74       0.74        0.13        1.00       1.00
    [[Page 33289]]
    92587..  26              A               Evoked auditory test.       0.13       0.07       0.07       0.12       0.12        0.01        0.26       0.26
    92587..  TC              A               Evoked auditory test.       0.00       0.49       0.49       0.62       0.62        0.12        0.74       0.74
    92588..  ..............  A               Evoked auditory test.       0.36       0.56       0.56       0.80       0.80        0.16        1.32       1.32
    92588..  26              A               Evoked auditory test.       0.36       0.07       0.07       0.17       0.17        0.02        0.55       0.55
    92588..  TC              A               Evoked auditory test.       0.00       0.49       0.49       0.63       0.63        0.14        0.77       0.77
    92589..  ..............  A               Auditory function           0.00       0.90       0.16       1.11       0.21        0.06        1.17       0.27
    92596..  ..............  A               Ear protector               0.00       0.59       0.16       0.73       0.21        0.06        0.79       0.27
    92597..  ..............  A               Oral speech device          1.35       0.50       0.09       0.93       0.43        0.11        2.39       1.89
    92598..  ..............  A               Modify oral speech          0.99       0.58       0.16       0.94       0.43        0.07        2.00       1.49
    92950..  ..............  A               Heart/lung                  3.80       0.66       0.05       1.67       0.93        0.17        5.64       4.90
                                              resuscitation (CPR).                                                                                          
    92953..  ..............  A               Temporary external          0.23         NA       0.05         NA       0.15        0.15          NA       0.53
    92960..  ..............  A               Heart                       2.25       0.66       0.10       1.33       0.65        0.16        3.74       3.06
    92970..  ..............  A               Cardioassist,               3.52         NA       0.16         NA       1.06        0.41          NA       4.99
    92971..  ..............  A               Cardioassist,               1.77         NA       0.12         NA       0.55        0.08          NA       2.40
    92975..  ..............  A               Dissolve clot, heart        7.25         NA       0.16         NA       1.88        0.42          NA       9.55
    92977..  ..............  A               Dissolve clot, heart        0.00         NA       0.01         NA       0.13        0.54          NA       0.67
    92978..  ..............  A               Intravascular us,           1.80         NA       0.10         NA       0.59        0.36          NA       2.75
    92978..  26              A               Intravascular us,           1.80         NA       0.05         NA       0.47        0.08          NA       2.35
    92978..  TC              A               Intravascular us,           0.00         NA       0.05         NA       0.12        0.28          NA       0.40
    92979..  ..............  A               Intravascular us,           1.44         NA       0.10         NA       0.48        0.20          NA       2.12
    92979..  26              A               Intravascular us,           1.44         NA       0.05         NA       0.39        0.06          NA       1.89
    92979..  TC              A               Intravascular us,           0.00         NA       0.05         NA       0.09        0.14          NA       0.23
    92980..  ..............  A               Insert intracoronary       14.84         NA       0.16         NA       3.72        1.22          NA      19.78
    92981..  ..............  A               Insert intracoronary        4.17         NA       0.16         NA       1.20        0.44          NA       5.81
    92982..  ..............  A               Coronary artery            10.98         NA       0.16         NA       2.87        1.22          NA      15.07
    92984..  ..............  A               Coronary artery             2.97         NA       0.16         NA       0.94        0.44          NA       4.35
    92986..  ..............  A               Revision of aortic         20.34         NA       1.49         NA       6.47        0.90          NA      27.71
    92987..  ..............  A               Revision of mitral         20.69         NA       1.46         NA       6.51        0.91          NA      28.11
    92990..  ..............  A               Revision of pulmonary      16.22         NA       0.16         NA       3.91        0.71          NA      20.84
    92995..  ..............  A               Coronary atherectomy.      12.09         NA       0.16         NA       3.11        1.22          NA      16.42
    92996..  ..............  A               Coronary atherectomy.       3.26         NA       0.16         NA       1.01        0.44          NA       4.71
    93000..  ..............  A               Electrocardiogram,          0.17       0.36       0.11       0.48       0.18        0.04        0.69       0.39
    93005..  ..............  A               Electrocardiogram,          0.00       0.30       0.05       0.37       0.07        0.03        0.40       0.10
    93010..  ..............  A               Electrocardiogram           0.17       0.05       0.05       0.10       0.10        0.01        0.28       0.28
    93012..  ..............  A               Transmission of ecg..       0.00       0.80       0.11       1.02       0.18        0.22        1.24       0.40
    93014..  ..............  A               Report on transmitted       0.52       0.05       0.05       0.19       0.19        0.05        0.76       0.76
    93015..  ..............  A               Cardiovascular stress       0.75       1.63       0.16       2.19       0.40        0.18        3.12       1.33
    93016..  ..............  A               Cardiovascular stress       0.45       0.05       0.05       0.17       0.17        0.03        0.65       0.65
    93017..  ..............  A               Cardiovascular stress       0.00       1.52       0.05       1.88       0.09        0.12        2.00       0.21
    93018..  ..............  A               Cardiovascular stress       0.30       0.05       0.05       0.13       0.13        0.03        0.46       0.46
    93024..  ..............  A               Cardiac drug stress         1.17       1.63       0.16       2.29       0.50        0.23        3.69       1.90
    93024..  26              A               Cardiac drug stress         1.17       0.63       0.08       1.05       0.38        0.14        2.36       1.69
    93024..  TC              A               Cardiac drug stress         0.00       1.00       0.08       1.24       0.12        0.09        1.33       0.21
    93040..  ..............  A               Rhythm ECG with             0.16       0.25       0.11       0.34       0.17        0.02        0.52       0.35
    93041..  ..............  A               Rhythm ECG, tracing..       0.00       0.19       0.05       0.23       0.06        0.01        0.24       0.07
    93042..  ..............  A               Rhythm ECG, report...       0.16       0.05       0.05       0.10       0.10        0.01        0.27       0.27
    93224..  ..............  A               ECG monitor/report,         0.52       0.47       0.15       0.75       0.37        0.31        1.58       1.20
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93225..  ..............  A               ECG monitor/record,         0.00       0.15       0.05       0.21       0.08        0.09        0.30       0.17
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93226..  ..............  A               ECG monitor/report,         0.00       0.27       0.05       0.36       0.10        0.16        0.52       0.26
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93227..  ..............  A               ECG monitor/review,         0.52       0.05       0.05       0.19       0.19        0.06        0.77       0.77
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93230..  ..............  A               ECG monitor/report,         0.52       0.47       0.15       0.76       0.37        0.34        1.62       1.23
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93231..  ..............  A               Ecg monitor/record,         0.00       0.15       0.05       0.21       0.09        0.11        0.32       0.20
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93232..  ..............  A               ECG monitor/report,         0.00       0.27       0.05       0.36       0.09        0.15        0.51       0.24
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93233..  ..............  A               ECG monitor/review,         0.52       0.05       0.05       0.19       0.19        0.08        0.79       0.79
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93235..  ..............  A               ECG monitor/report,         0.45       0.37       0.15       0.60       0.34        0.23        1.28       1.02
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93236..  ..............  A               ECG monitor/report,         0.00       0.32       0.08       0.43       0.13        0.17        0.60       0.30
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93237..  ..............  A               ECG monitor/review,         0.45       0.05       0.05       0.17       0.17        0.06        0.68       0.68
                                              24 hrs.                                                                                                       
    93268..  ..............  A               ECG record/review....       0.52       0.67       0.67       0.82       0.82        0.36        1.70       1.70
    93270..  ..............  A               ECG recording........       0.00       0.16       0.05       0.21       0.08        0.09        0.30       0.17
    93271..  ..............  A               Ecg/monitoring and          0.00       0.31       0.05       0.43       0.11        0.22        0.65       0.33
    93272..  ..............  A               Ecg/review, interpret       0.52       0.05       0.05       0.19       0.19        0.05        0.76       0.76
    93278..  ..............  A               ECG/signal-averaged..       0.25       0.22       0.22       0.37       0.37        0.18        0.80       0.80
    93278..  26              A               ECG/signal-averaged..       0.25       0.04       0.04       0.12       0.12        0.06        0.43       0.43
    93278..  TC              A               ECG/signal-averaged..       0.00       0.18       0.18       0.25       0.25        0.12        0.37       0.37
    93303..  ..............  A               Echo transthoracic...       1.30       1.75       1.75       2.50       2.50        0.36        4.16       4.16
    93303..  26              A               Echo transthoracic...       1.30       0.08       0.08       0.40       0.40        0.09        1.79       1.79
    93303..  TC              A               Echo transthoracic...       0.00       1.67       1.67       2.10       2.10        0.27        2.37       2.37
    93304..  ..............  A               Echo transthoracic...       0.75       1.60       1.60       2.16       2.16        0.19        3.10       3.10
    93304..  26              A               Echo transthoracic...       0.75       0.08       0.08       0.27       0.27        0.05        1.07       1.07
    93304..  TC              A               Echo transthoracic...       0.00       1.52       1.52       1.89       1.89        0.14        2.03       2.03
    93307..  ..............  A               Echo exam of heart...       0.92       1.07       1.07       1.58       1.58        0.36        2.86       2.86
    93307..  26              A               Echo exam of heart...       0.92       0.08       0.08       0.32       0.32        0.09        1.33       1.33
    93307..  TC              A               Echo exam of heart...       0.00       0.99       0.99       1.26       1.26        0.27        1.53       1.53
    93308..  ..............  A               Echo exam of heart...       0.53       0.99       0.99       1.37       1.37        0.19        2.09       2.09
    [[Page 33290]]
    93308..  26              A               Echo exam of heart...       0.53       0.08       0.08       0.23       0.23        0.05        0.81       0.81
    93308..  TC              A               Echo exam of heart...       0.00       0.91       0.91       1.14       1.14        0.14        1.28       1.28
    93312..  ..............  A               Echo transesophageal.       2.20       3.96       3.96       5.41       5.41        0.45        8.06       8.06
    93312..  26              A               Echo transesophageal.       2.20       0.08       0.08       0.61       0.61        0.12        2.93       2.93
    93312..  TC              A               Echo transesophageal.       0.00       3.88       3.88       4.80       4.80        0.33        5.13       5.13
    93313..  ..............  A               Echo transesophageal.       0.95       2.88       0.09       3.74       0.33        0.06        4.75       1.34
    93314..  ..............  A               Echo transesophageal.       1.25       2.99       2.99       4.01       4.01        0.39        5.65       5.65
    93314..  26              A               Echo transesophageal.       1.25       0.06       0.06       0.36       0.36        0.06        1.67       1.67
    93314..  TC              A               Echo transesophageal.       0.00       2.93       2.93       3.65       3.65        0.33        3.98       3.98
    93315..  ..............  A               Echo transesophageal.       2.78       4.89       4.89       6.67       6.67        0.45        9.90       9.90
    93315..  26              A               Echo transesophageal.       2.78       0.08       0.08       0.73       0.73        0.12        3.63       3.63
    93315..  TC              A               Echo transesophageal.       0.00       4.81       4.81       5.94       5.94        0.33        6.27       6.27
    93316..  ..............  A               Echo transesophageal.       0.95       2.88       0.09       3.74       0.33        0.06        4.75       1.34
    93317..  ..............  A               Echo transesophageal.       1.83       3.47       3.47       4.72       4.72        0.39        6.94       6.94
    93317..  26              A               Echo transesophageal.       1.83       0.06       0.06       0.49       0.49        0.06        2.38       2.38
    93317..  TC              A               Echo transesophageal.       0.00       3.41       3.41       4.23       4.23        0.33        4.56       4.56
    93320..  ..............  A               Doppler echo exam,          0.38       0.46       0.46       0.69       0.69        0.18        1.25       1.25
    93320..  26              A               Doppler echo exam,          0.38       0.06       0.06       0.17       0.17        0.05        0.60       0.60
    93320..  TC              A               Doppler echo exam,          0.00       0.40       0.40       0.52       0.52        0.13        0.65       0.65
    93321..  ..............  A               Doppler echo exam,          0.15       0.33       0.33       0.46       0.46        0.11        0.72       0.72
    93321..  26              A               Doppler echo exam,          0.15       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.02        0.28       0.28
    93321..  TC              A               Doppler echo exam,          0.00       0.27       0.27       0.35       0.35        0.09        0.44       0.44
    93325..  ..............  A               Doppler color flow...       0.07       0.25       0.25       0.37       0.37        0.25        0.69       0.69
    93325..  26              A               Doppler color flow...       0.07       0.02       0.02       0.04       0.04        0.01        0.12       0.12
    93325..  TC              A               Doppler color flow...       0.00       0.23       0.23       0.33       0.33        0.24        0.57       0.57
    93350..  ..............  A               Echo transthoracic...       0.78       4.15       4.15       5.28       5.28        0.24        6.30       6.30
    93350..  26              A               Echo transthoracic...       0.78       0.08       0.08       0.29       0.29        0.10        1.17       1.17
    93350..  TC              A               Echo transthoracic...       0.00       4.07       4.07       4.99       4.99        0.14        5.13       5.13
    93501..  ..............  A               Right heart                 3.02      11.07      11.07      14.50      14.50        1.54       19.06      19.06
    93501..  26              A               Right heart                 3.02       0.14       0.14       0.91       0.91        0.34        4.27       4.27
    93501..  TC              A               Right heart                 0.00      10.93      10.93      13.59      13.59        1.20       14.79      14.79
    93503..  ..............  A               Insert/place heart          2.91       0.66       0.16       1.52       0.92        0.36        4.79       4.19
    93505..  ..............  A               Biopsy of heart             4.38       1.42       1.42       2.79       2.79        0.46        7.63       7.63
    93505..  26              A               Biopsy of heart             4.38       0.14       0.14       1.19       1.19        0.28        5.85       5.85
    93505..  TC              A               Biopsy of heart             0.00       1.28       1.28       1.60       1.60        0.18        1.78       1.78
    93510..  ..............  A               Left heart                  4.33      24.04      24.04      30.88      30.88        2.86       38.07      38.07
    93510..  26              A               Left heart                  4.33       0.14       0.14       1.17       1.17        0.23        5.73       5.73
    93510..  TC              A               Left heart                  0.00      23.90      23.90      29.71      29.71        2.63       32.34      32.34
    93511..  ..............  A               Left heart                  5.03      23.41      23.41      30.25      30.25        2.76       38.04      38.04
    93511..  26              A               Left heart                  5.03       0.14       0.14       1.32       1.32        0.20        6.55       6.55
    93511..  TC              A               Left heart                  0.00      23.27      23.27      28.93      28.93        2.56       31.49      31.49
    93514..  ..............  A               Left heart                  7.05      23.41      23.41      30.73      30.73        2.94       40.72      40.72
    93514..  26              A               Left heart                  7.05       0.14       0.14       1.80       1.80        0.38        9.23       9.23
    93514..  TC              A               Left heart                  0.00      23.27      23.27      28.93      28.93        2.56       31.49      31.49
    93524..  ..............  A               Left heart                  6.95      30.54      30.54      39.56      39.56        3.69       50.20      50.20
    93524..  26              A               Left heart                  6.95       0.14       0.14       1.77       1.77        0.34        9.06       9.06
    93524..  TC              A               Left heart                  0.00      30.40      30.40      37.79      37.79        3.35       41.14      41.14
    93526..  ..............  A               Rt & Lt heart               5.99      31.38      31.38      40.41      40.41        3.83       50.23      50.23
    93526..  26              A               Rt & Lt heart               5.99       0.14       0.14       1.57       1.57        0.39        7.95       7.95
    93526..  TC              A               Rt & Lt heart               0.00      31.24      31.24      38.84      38.84        3.44       42.28      42.28
    93527..  ..............  A               Rt & Lt heart               7.28      30.54      30.54      39.67      39.67        3.85       50.80      50.80
    93527..  26              A               Rt & Lt heart               7.28       0.14       0.14       1.88       1.88        0.50        9.66       9.66
    93527..  TC              A               Rt & Lt heart               0.00      30.40      30.40      37.79      37.79        3.35       41.14      41.14
    93528..  ..............  A               Rt & Lt heart               9.00      30.54      30.54      40.01      40.01        3.68       52.69      52.69
    93528..  26              A               Rt & Lt heart               9.00       0.14       0.14       2.22       2.22        0.33       11.55      11.55
    93528..  TC              A               Rt & Lt heart               0.00      30.40      30.40      37.79      37.79        3.35       41.14      41.14
    93529..  ..............  A               Rt, Lt heart                4.80      30.54      30.54      39.06      39.06        3.57       47.43      47.43
    93529..  26              A               Rt, Lt heart                4.80       0.14       0.14       1.27       1.27        0.22        6.29       6.29
    93529..  TC              A               Rt, Lt heart                0.00      30.40      30.40      37.79      37.79        3.35       41.14      41.14
    93536..  ..............  A               Insert circulation          4.85         NA       0.16         NA       1.42        0.71          NA       6.98
    93539..  ..............  A               Injection, cardiac          0.40       0.66       0.09       0.94       0.24        0.20        1.54       0.84
    93540..  ..............  A               Injection, cardiac          0.43       0.66       0.09       0.94       0.25        0.20        1.57       0.88
    93541..  ..............  A               Injection for lung          0.29         NA       0.09         NA       0.21        0.16          NA       0.66
    93542..  ..............  A               Injection for heart x-      0.29         NA       0.09         NA       0.21        0.16          NA       0.66
    93543..  ..............  A               Injection for heart x-      0.29       0.66       0.09       0.89       0.20        0.11        1.29       0.60
    93544..  ..............  A               Injection for               0.25       0.66       0.09       0.88       0.19        0.11        1.24       0.55
    93545..  ..............  A               Injection for               0.40       0.66       0.09       0.94       0.25        0.24        1.58       0.89
                                              coronary xrays.                                                                                               
    93555..  ..............  A               Imaging, cardiac cath       0.81       0.24       0.24       0.56       0.56        0.42        1.79       1.79
    93555..  26              A               Imaging, cardiac cath       0.81       0.12       0.12       0.33       0.33        0.04        1.18       1.18
    93555..  TC              A               Imaging, cardiac cath       0.00       0.12       0.12       0.23       0.23        0.38        0.61       0.61
    93556..  ..............  A               Imaging, cardiac cath       0.83       0.24       0.24       0.61       0.61        0.65        2.09       2.09
    93556..  26              A               Imaging, cardiac cath       0.83       0.12       0.12       0.34       0.34        0.07        1.24       1.24
    93556..  TC              A               Imaging, cardiac cath       0.00       0.12       0.12       0.27       0.27        0.58        0.85       0.85
    93561..  ..............  A               Cardiac output              0.50       1.01       1.01       1.37       1.37        0.16        2.03       2.03
    [[Page 33291]]
    93561..  26              A               Cardiac output              0.50       0.14       0.14       0.30       0.30        0.09        0.89       0.89
    93561..  TC              A               Cardiac output              0.00       0.87       0.87       1.07       1.07        0.07        1.14       1.14
    93562..  ..............  A               Cardiac output              0.16       0.50       0.50       0.66       0.66        0.10        0.92       0.92
    93562..  26              A               Cardiac output              0.16       0.07       0.07       0.13       0.13        0.06        0.35       0.35
    93562..  TC              A               Cardiac output              0.00       0.43       0.43       0.53       0.53        0.04        0.57       0.57
    93600..  ..............  A               Bundle of His               2.12       1.04       1.04       1.82       1.82        0.38        4.32       4.32
    93600..  26              A               Bundle of His               2.12       0.20       0.20       0.77       0.77        0.24        3.13       3.13
    93600..  TC              A               Bundle of His               0.00       0.84       0.84       1.05       1.05        0.14        1.19       1.19
    93602..  ..............  A               Intra-atrial                2.12       1.04       1.04       1.78       1.78        0.22        4.12       4.12
    93602..  26              A               Intra-atrial                2.12       0.20       0.20       0.74       0.74        0.14        3.00       3.00
    93602..  TC              A               Intra-atrial                0.00       0.84       0.84       1.04       1.04        0.08        1.12       1.12
    93603..  ..............  A               Right ventricular           2.12       1.04       1.04       1.79       1.79        0.28        4.19       4.19
    93603..  26              A               Right ventricular           2.12       0.20       0.20       0.75       0.75        0.16        3.03       3.03
    93603..  TC              A               Right ventricular           0.00       0.84       0.84       1.04       1.04        0.12        1.16       1.16
    93607..  ..............  A               Right ventricular           3.26       1.04       1.04       2.04       2.04        0.28        5.58       5.58
    93607..  26              A               Right ventricular           3.26       0.20       0.20       1.00       1.00        0.17        4.43       4.43
    93607..  TC              A               Right ventricular           0.00       0.84       0.84       1.04       1.04        0.11        1.15       1.15
    93609..  ..............  A               Mapping of                 10.07       2.18       2.18       4.97       4.97        0.47       15.51      15.51
    93609..  26              A               Mapping of                 10.07       0.21       0.21       2.53       2.53        0.28       12.88      12.88
    93609..  TC              A               Mapping of                  0.00       1.97       1.97       2.44       2.44        0.19        2.63       2.63
    93610..  ..............  A               Intra-atrial pacing..       3.02       1.56       1.56       2.62       2.62        0.27        5.91       5.91
    93610..  26              A               Intra-atrial pacing..       3.02       0.20       0.20       0.95       0.95        0.17        4.14       4.14
    93610..  TC              A               Intra-atrial pacing..       0.00       1.36       1.36       1.67       1.67        0.10        1.77       1.77
    93612..  ..............  A               Intraventricular            3.02       1.56       1.56       2.63       2.63        0.29        5.94       5.94
    93612..  26              A               Intraventricular            3.02       0.20       0.20       0.95       0.95        0.17        4.14       4.14
    93612..  TC              A               Intraventricular            0.00       1.36       1.36       1.68       1.68        0.12        1.80       1.80
    93615..  ..............  A               Esophageal recording.       0.99       0.81       0.81       1.22       1.22        0.04        2.25       2.25
    93615..  26              A               Esophageal recording.       0.99       0.21       0.21       0.48       0.48        0.02        1.49       1.49
    93615..  TC              A               Esophageal recording.       0.00       0.60       0.60       0.74       0.74        0.02        0.76       0.76
    93616..  ..............  A               Esophageal recording.       1.49       0.81       0.81       1.34       1.34        0.10        2.93       2.93
    93616..  26              A               Esophageal recording.       1.49       0.21       0.21       0.60       0.60        0.08        2.17       2.17
    93616..  TC              A               Esophageal recording.       0.00       0.60       0.60       0.74       0.74        0.02        0.76       0.76
    93618..  ..............  A               Heart rhythm pacing..       4.26       1.31       1.31       2.69       2.69        0.72        7.67       7.67
    93618..  26              A               Heart rhythm pacing..       4.26       0.21       0.21       1.29       1.29        0.44        5.99       5.99
    93618..  TC              A               Heart rhythm pacing..       0.00       1.10       1.10       1.40       1.40        0.28        1.68       1.68
    93619..  ..............  A               Electrophysiology           7.32       1.75       1.75       4.04       4.04        1.40       12.76      12.76
    93619..  26              A               Electrophysiology           7.32       0.21       0.21       2.05       2.05        0.86       10.23      10.23
    93619..  TC              A               Electrophysiology           0.00       1.54       1.54       1.99       1.99        0.54        2.53       2.53
    93620..  ..............  A               Electrophysiology          11.59       1.75       1.75       5.02       5.02        1.55       18.16      18.16
    93620..  26              A               Electrophysiology          11.59       0.21       0.21       3.01       3.01        0.95       15.55      15.55
    93620..  TC              A               Electrophysiology           0.00       1.54       1.54       2.01       2.01        0.60        2.61       2.61
    93621..  26              A               Electrophysiology          12.66       0.21       0.21       3.28       3.28        1.11       17.05      17.05
    93622..  26              A               Electrophysiology          12.74       0.21       0.21       3.29       3.29        1.07       17.10      17.10
    93623..  26              A               Stimulation, pacing         2.85       0.21       0.21       0.92       0.92        0.20        3.97       3.97
    93624..  ..............  A               Electrophysiologic          4.81       1.31       1.31       2.73       2.73        0.35        7.89       7.89
    93624..  26              A               Electrophysiologic          4.81       0.21       0.21       1.36       1.36        0.21        6.38       6.38
    93624..  TC              A               Electrophysiologic          0.00       1.10       1.10       1.37       1.37        0.14        1.51       1.51
    93631..  ..............  A               Heart pacing, mapping       7.60       0.77       0.77       2.91       2.91        1.37       11.88      11.88
    93631..  26              A               Heart pacing, mapping       7.60       0.21       0.21       2.07       2.07        0.67       10.34      10.34
    93631..  TC              A               Heart pacing, mapping       0.00       0.56       0.56       0.84       0.84        0.70        1.54       1.54
    93640..  ..............  A               Evaluation heart            3.52       1.85       1.85       3.27       3.27        1.09        7.88       7.88
    93640..  26              A               Evaluation heart            3.52       0.21       0.21       1.17       1.17        0.61        5.30       5.30
    93640..  TC              A               Evaluation heart            0.00       1.64       1.64       2.10       2.10        0.48        2.58       2.58
    93641..  ..............  A               Electrophysiology           5.93       1.85       1.85       3.79       3.79        1.09       10.81      10.81
    93641..  26              A               Electrophysiology           5.93       0.21       0.21       1.69       1.69        0.61        8.23       8.23
    93641..  TC              A               Electrophysiology           0.00       1.64       1.64       2.10       2.10        0.48        2.58       2.58
    93642..  ..............  A               Electrophysiology           4.89       1.85       1.85       3.57       3.57        1.09        9.55       9.55
    93642..  26              A               Electrophysiology           4.89       0.21       0.21       1.47       1.47        0.61        6.97       6.97
    93642..  TC              A               Electrophysiology           0.00       1.64       1.64       2.10       2.10        0.48        2.58       2.58
    93650..  ..............  A               Ablate heart               10.51         NA       0.16         NA       2.79        1.34          NA      14.64
                                              dysrhythm focus.                                                                                              
    93651..  ..............  A               Ablate heart               16.25         NA       0.16         NA       4.05        1.34          NA      21.64
                                              dysrhythm focus.                                                                                              
    93652..  ..............  A               Ablate heart               17.68         NA       0.16         NA       4.37        1.34          NA      23.39
                                              dysrhythm focus.                                                                                              
    93660..  26              A               Tilt table evaluation       1.89       0.21       0.21       0.71       0.71        0.17        2.77       2.77
    93720..  ..............  A               Total body                  0.17       0.82       0.11       1.06       0.20        0.10        1.33       0.47
    93721..  ..............  A               Plethysmography             0.00       0.82       0.11       1.01       0.15        0.07        1.08       0.22
    93722..  ..............  A               Plethysmography             0.17       0.82       0.11       1.04       0.18        0.03        1.24       0.38
    93724..  ..............  A               Analyze pacemaker           4.89       0.42       0.42       1.69       1.69        0.50        7.08       7.08
    93724..  26              A               Analyze pacemaker           4.89       0.06       0.06       1.19       1.19        0.22        6.30       6.30
    93724..  TC              A               Analyze pacemaker           0.00       0.36       0.36       0.50       0.50        0.28        0.78       0.78
    93731..  ..............  A               Analyze pacemaker           0.45       0.42       0.42       0.62       0.62        0.07        1.14       1.14
    93731..  26              A               Analyze pacemaker           0.45       0.06       0.06       0.18       0.18        0.03        0.66       0.66
    93731..  TC              A               Analyze pacemaker           0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
    93732..  ..............  A               Analyze pacemaker           0.92       0.47       0.47       0.79       0.79        0.08        1.79       1.79
    93732..  26              A               Analyze pacemaker           0.92       0.07       0.07       0.30       0.30        0.04        1.26       1.26
    [[Page 33292]]
    93732..  TC              A               Analyze pacemaker           0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.04        0.53       0.53
    93733..  ..............  A               Telephone analysis,         0.17       0.17       0.17       0.26       0.26        0.08        0.51       0.51
    93733..  26              A               Telephone analysis,         0.17       0.04       0.04       0.09       0.09        0.02        0.28       0.28
    93733..  TC              A               Telephone analysis,         0.00       0.13       0.13       0.17       0.17        0.06        0.23       0.23
    93734..  ..............  A               Analyze pacemaker           0.38       0.38       0.38       0.55       0.55        0.06        0.99       0.99
    93734..  26              A               Analyze pacemaker           0.38       0.06       0.06       0.16       0.16        0.03        0.57       0.57
    93734..  TC              A               Analyze pacemaker           0.00       0.32       0.32       0.39       0.39        0.03        0.42       0.42
    93735..  ..............  A               Analyze pacemaker           0.74       0.41       0.41       0.68       0.68        0.08        1.50       1.50
    93735..  26              A               Analyze pacemaker           0.74       0.07       0.07       0.26       0.26        0.04        1.04       1.04
    93735..  TC              A               Analyze pacemaker           0.00       0.34       0.34       0.42       0.42        0.04        0.46       0.46
    93736..  ..............  A               Telephone analysis,         0.15       0.17       0.17       0.26       0.26        0.09        0.50       0.50
    93736..  26              A               Telephone analysis,         0.15       0.04       0.04       0.09       0.09        0.03        0.27       0.27
    93736..  TC              A               Telephone analysis,         0.00       0.13       0.13       0.17       0.17        0.06        0.23       0.23
    93737..  ..............  A               Analyze cardio/             0.45       0.42       0.42       0.62       0.62        0.06        1.13       1.13
    93737..  26              A               Analyze cardio/             0.45       0.06       0.06       0.18       0.18        0.02        0.65       0.65
    93737..  TC              A               Analyze cardio/             0.00       0.36       0.36       0.44       0.44        0.04        0.48       0.48
    93738..  ..............  A               Analyze cardio/             0.92       0.47       0.47       0.79       0.79        0.07        1.78       1.78
    93738..  26              A               Analyze cardio/             0.92       0.07       0.07       0.30       0.30        0.03        1.25       1.25
    93738..  TC              A               Analyze cardio/             0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.04        0.53       0.53
    93740..  ..............  A               Temperature gradient        0.16       0.24       0.24       0.34       0.34        0.04        0.54       0.54
    93740..  26              A               Temperature gradient        0.16       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.03        0.38       0.38
    93740..  TC              A               Temperature gradient        0.00       0.12       0.12       0.15       0.15        0.01        0.16       0.16
    93770..  ..............  A               Measure venous              0.16       0.24       0.24       0.34       0.34        0.02        0.52       0.52
    93770..  26              A               Measure venous              0.16       0.12       0.12       0.19       0.19        0.02        0.37       0.37
    93770..  TC              A               Measure venous              0.00       0.12       0.12       0.15       0.15        0.00        0.15       0.15
    93797..  ..............  A               Cardiac rehab........       0.18       0.07       0.05       0.13       0.11        0.02        0.33       0.31
    93798..  ..............  A               Cardiac rehab/monitor       0.28       0.07       0.05       0.16       0.13        0.04        0.48       0.45
    93875..  ..............  A               Extracranial study...       0.22       0.80       0.80       1.07       1.07        0.18        1.47       1.47
    93875..  26              A               Extracranial study...       0.22       0.09       0.09       0.17       0.17        0.06        0.45       0.45
    93875..  TC              A               Extracranial study...       0.00       0.71       0.71       0.90       0.90        0.12        1.02       1.02
    93880..  ..............  A               Extracranial study...       0.60       1.76       1.76       2.38       2.38        0.44        3.42       3.42
    93880..  26              A               Extracranial study...       0.60       0.12       0.12       0.29       0.29        0.04        0.93       0.93
    93880..  TC              A               Extracranial study...       0.00       1.64       1.64       2.09       2.09        0.40        2.49       2.49
    93882..  ..............  A               Extracranial study...       0.40       1.35       1.35       1.80       1.80        0.29        2.49       2.49
    93882..  26              A               Extracranial study...       0.40       0.12       0.12       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.67       0.67
    93882..  TC              A               Extracranial study...       0.00       1.23       1.23       1.56       1.56        0.26        1.82       1.82
    93886..  ..............  A               Intracranial study...       0.94       1.87       1.87       2.60       2.60        0.50        4.04       4.04
    93886..  26              A               Intracranial study...       0.94       0.12       0.12       0.37       0.37        0.05        1.36       1.36
    93886..  TC              A               Intracranial study...       0.00       1.75       1.75       2.23       2.23        0.45        2.68       2.68
    93888..  ..............  A               Intracranial study...       0.62       1.42       1.42       1.95       1.95        0.34        2.91       2.91
    93888..  26              A               Intracranial study...       0.62       0.12       0.12       0.29       0.29        0.03        0.94       0.94
    93888..  TC              A               Intracranial study...       0.00       1.30       1.30       1.66       1.66        0.31        1.97       1.97
    93922..  ..............  A               Extremity study......       0.25       1.06       1.06       1.38       1.38        0.19        1.82       1.82
    93922..  26              A               Extremity study......       0.25       0.12       0.12       0.21       0.21        0.05        0.51       0.51
    93922..  TC              A               Extremity study......       0.00       0.94       0.94       1.17       1.17        0.14        1.31       1.31
    93923..  ..............  A               Extremity study......       0.45       1.18       1.18       1.62       1.62        0.35        2.42       2.42
    93923..  26              A               Extremity study......       0.45       0.12       0.12       0.27       0.27        0.09        0.81       0.81
    93923..  TC              A               Extremity study......       0.00       1.06       1.06       1.35       1.35        0.26        1.61       1.61
    93924..  ..............  A               Extremity study......       0.50       1.56       1.56       2.09       2.09        0.39        2.98       2.98
    93924..  26              A               Extremity study......       0.50       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.10        0.88       0.88
    93924..  TC              A               Extremity study......       0.00       1.44       1.44       1.81       1.81        0.29        2.10       2.10
    93925..  ..............  A               Lower extremity study       0.58       1.88       1.88       2.52       2.52        0.44        3.54       3.54
    93925..  26              A               Lower extremity study       0.58       0.12       0.12       0.28       0.28        0.04        0.90       0.90
    93925..  TC              A               Lower extremity study       0.00       1.76       1.76       2.24       2.24        0.40        2.64       2.64
    93926..  ..............  A               Lower extremity study       0.39       1.42       1.42       1.89       1.89        0.30        2.58       2.58
    93926..  26              A               Lower extremity study       0.39       0.12       0.12       0.24       0.24        0.03        0.66       0.66
    93926..  TC              A               Lower extremity study       0.00       1.30       1.30       1.65       1.65        0.27        1.92       1.92
    93930..  ..............  A               Upper extremity study       0.46       1.88       1.88       2.50       2.50        0.47        3.43       3.43
    93930..  26              A               Upper extremity study       0.46       0.12       0.12       0.26       0.26        0.05        0.77       0.77
    93930..  TC              A               Upper extremity study       0.00       1.76       1.76       2.24       2.24        0.42        2.66       2.66
    93931..  ..............  A               Upper extremity study       0.31       1.42       1.42       1.87       1.87        0.31        2.49       2.49
    93931..  26              A               Upper extremity study       0.31       0.12       0.12       0.22       0.22        0.03        0.56       0.56
    93931..  TC              A               Upper extremity study       0.00       1.30       1.30       1.65       1.65        0.28        1.93       1.93
    93965..  ..............  A               Extremity study......       0.35       0.92       0.92       1.25       1.25        0.19        1.79       1.79
    93965..  26              A               Extremity study......       0.35       0.12       0.12       0.24       0.24        0.06        0.65       0.65
    93965..  TC              A               Extremity study......       0.00       0.80       0.80       1.01       1.01        0.13        1.14       1.14
    93970..  ..............  A               Extremity study......       0.68       1.88       1.88       2.56       2.56        0.51        3.75       3.75
    93970..  26              A               Extremity study......       0.68       0.12       0.12       0.31       0.31        0.05        1.04       1.04
    93970..  TC              A               Extremity study......       0.00       1.76       1.76       2.25       2.25        0.46        2.71       2.71
    93971..  ..............  A               Extremity study......       0.45       1.42       1.42       1.91       1.91        0.34        2.70       2.70
    93971..  26              A               Extremity study......       0.45       0.12       0.12       0.25       0.25        0.03        0.73       0.73
    93971..  TC              A               Extremity study......       0.00       1.30       1.30       1.66       1.66        0.31        1.97       1.97
    93975..  ..............  A               Vascular study.......       1.80       2.14       2.14       3.12       3.12        0.55        5.47       5.47
    93975..  26              A               Vascular study.......       1.80       0.12       0.12       0.55       0.55        0.05        2.40       2.40
    [[Page 33293]]
    93975..  TC              A               Vascular study.......       0.00       2.02       2.02       2.57       2.57        0.50        3.07       3.07
    93976..  ..............  A               Vascular study.......       1.21       1.49       1.49       2.16       2.16        0.37        3.74       3.74
    93976..  26              A               Vascular study.......       1.21       0.12       0.12       0.42       0.42        0.03        1.66       1.66
    93976..  TC              A               Vascular study.......       0.00       1.37       1.37       1.74       1.74        0.34        2.08       2.08
    93978..  ..............  A               Vascular study.......       0.65       1.96       1.96       2.64       2.64        0.47        3.76       3.76
    93978..  26              A               Vascular study.......       0.65       0.12       0.12       0.30       0.30        0.05        1.00       1.00
    93978..  TC              A               Vascular study.......       0.00       1.84       1.84       2.34       2.34        0.42        2.76       2.76
    93979..  ..............  A               Vascular study.......       0.44       1.44       1.44       1.93       1.93        0.31        2.68       2.68
    93979..  26              A               Vascular study.......       0.44       0.12       0.12       0.25       0.25        0.03        0.72       0.72
    93979..  TC              A               Vascular study.......       0.00       1.32       1.32       1.68       1.68        0.28        1.96       1.96
    93980..  ..............  A               Penile vascular study       1.25       1.76       1.76       2.52       2.52        0.45        4.22       4.22
    93980..  26              A               Penile vascular study       1.25       0.12       0.12       0.44       0.44        0.07        1.76       1.76
    93980..  TC              A               Penile vascular study       0.00       1.64       1.64       2.08       2.08        0.38        2.46       2.46
    93981..  ..............  A               Penile vascular study       0.44       1.61       1.61       2.14       2.14        0.39        2.97       2.97
    93981..  26              A               Penile vascular study       0.44       0.12       0.12       0.25       0.25        0.03        0.72       0.72
    93981..  TC              A               Penile vascular study       0.00       1.49       1.49       1.89       1.89        0.36        2.25       2.25
    93990..  ..............  A               Doppler flow testing.       0.25       1.42       1.42       1.86       1.86        0.29        2.40       2.40
    93990..  26              A               Doppler flow testing.       0.25       0.12       0.12       0.21       0.21        0.02        0.48       0.48
    93990..  TC              A               Doppler flow testing.       0.00       1.30       1.30       1.65       1.65        0.27        1.92       1.92
    94010..  ..............  A               Breathing capacity          0.17       0.50       0.50       0.66       0.66        0.05        0.88       0.88
    94010..  26              A               Breathing capacity          0.17       0.06       0.06       0.12       0.12        0.02        0.31       0.31
    94010..  TC              A               Breathing capacity          0.00       0.44       0.44       0.54       0.54        0.03        0.57       0.57
    94060..  ..............  A               Evaluation of               0.31       0.61       0.61       0.83       0.83        0.09        1.23       1.23
    94060..  26              A               Evaluation of               0.31       0.06       0.06       0.15       0.15        0.03        0.49       0.49
    94060..  TC              A               Evaluation of               0.00       0.55       0.55       0.68       0.68        0.06        0.74       0.74
    94070..  ..............  A               Evaluation of               0.60       2.22       2.22       2.86       2.86        0.13        3.59       3.59
    94070..  26              A               Evaluation of               0.60       0.07       0.07       0.22       0.22        0.03        0.85       0.85
    94070..  TC              A               Evaluation of               0.00       2.15       2.15       2.64       2.64        0.10        2.74       2.74
    94150..  ..............  B               Vital capacity test..      +0.07       0.46       0.46       0.58       0.58        0.02        0.67       0.67
    94150..  26              B               Vital capacity test..      +0.07       0.06       0.06       0.09       0.09        0.01        0.17       0.17
    94150..  TC              B               Vital capacity test..      +0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.01        0.50       0.50
    94200..  ..............  A               Lung function test          0.11       0.46       0.46       0.59       0.59        0.03        0.73       0.73
    94200..  26              A               Lung function test          0.11       0.06       0.06       0.10       0.10        0.01        0.22       0.22
    94200..  TC              A               Lung function test          0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.02        0.51       0.51
    94240..  ..............  A               Residual lung               0.26       1.22       1.22       1.57       1.57        0.07        1.90       1.90
    94240..  26              A               Residual lung               0.26       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.42       0.42
    94240..  TC              A               Residual lung               0.00       1.16       1.16       1.43       1.43        0.05        1.48       1.48
    94250..  ..............  A               Expired gas                 0.11       0.53       0.53       0.67       0.67        0.02        0.80       0.80
    94250..  26              A               Expired gas                 0.11       0.06       0.06       0.10       0.10        0.01        0.22       0.22
    94250..  TC              A               Expired gas                 0.00       0.47       0.47       0.57       0.57        0.01        0.58       0.58
    94260..  ..............  A               Thoracic gas volume..       0.13       0.45       0.45       0.59       0.59        0.06        0.78       0.78
    94260..  26              A               Thoracic gas volume..       0.13       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.02        0.26       0.26
    94260..  TC              A               Thoracic gas volume..       0.00       0.39       0.39       0.48       0.48        0.04        0.52       0.52
    94350..  ..............  A               Lung nitrogen washout       0.26       1.25       1.25       1.60       1.60        0.05        1.91       1.91
    94350..  26              A               Lung nitrogen washout       0.26       0.07       0.07       0.15       0.15        0.01        0.42       0.42
    94350..  TC              A               Lung nitrogen washout       0.00       1.18       1.18       1.45       1.45        0.04        1.49       1.49
    94360..  ..............  A               Measure airflow             0.26       0.45       0.45       0.62       0.62        0.07        0.95       0.95
    94360..  26              A               Measure airflow             0.26       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.01        0.40       0.40
    94360..  TC              A               Measure airflow             0.00       0.39       0.39       0.49       0.49        0.06        0.55       0.55
    94370..  ..............  A               Breath airway closing       0.26       1.23       1.23       1.56       1.56        0.03        1.85       1.85
    94370..  26              A               Breath airway closing       0.26       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.01        0.40       0.40
    94370..  TC              A               Breath airway closing       0.00       1.17       1.17       1.43       1.43        0.02        1.45       1.45
    94375..  ..............  A               Respiratory flow            0.31       0.46       0.46       0.63       0.63        0.04        0.98       0.98
                                              volume loop.                                                                                                  
    94375..  26              A               Respiratory flow            0.31       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.01        0.46       0.46
                                              volume loop.                                                                                                  
    94375..  TC              A               Respiratory flow            0.00       0.40       0.40       0.49       0.49        0.03        0.52       0.52
                                              volume loop.                                                                                                  
    94400..  ..............  A               CO2 breathing               0.40       0.57       0.57       0.82       0.82        0.19        1.41       1.41
                                              response curve.                                                                                               
    94400..  26              A               CO2 breathing               0.40       0.06       0.06       0.19       0.19        0.13        0.72       0.72
                                              response curve.                                                                                               
    94400..  TC              A               CO2 breathing               0.00       0.51       0.51       0.63       0.63        0.06        0.69       0.69
                                              response curve.                                                                                               
    94450..  ..............  A               Hypoxia response            0.40       0.12       0.12       0.25       0.25        0.05        0.70       0.70
    94450..  26              A               Hypoxia response            0.40       0.06       0.06       0.17       0.17        0.02        0.59       0.59
    94450..  TC              A               Hypoxia response            0.00       0.06       0.06       0.08       0.08        0.03        0.11       0.11
    94620..  ..............  A               Pulmonary stress            0.88       1.61       1.61       2.19       2.19        0.15        3.22       3.22
    94620..  26              A               Pulmonary stress            0.88       0.08       0.08       0.30       0.30        0.05        1.23       1.23
    94620..  TC              A               Pulmonary stress            0.00       1.53       1.53       1.89       1.89        0.10        1.99       1.99
    94640..  ..............  A               Airway inhalation           0.00       0.60       0.06       0.74       0.08        0.03        0.77       0.11
    94650..  ..............  A               Pressure breathing          0.00       0.40       0.03       0.49       0.04        0.03        0.52       0.07
    94651..  ..............  A               Pressure breathing          0.00       0.36       0.03       0.44       0.04        0.03        0.47       0.07
    94652..  ..............  A               Pressure breathing          0.00         NA       0.03         NA       0.05        0.08          NA       0.13
    94656..  ..............  A               Initial ventilator          1.22         NA       0.14         NA       0.47        0.12          NA       1.81
    94657..  ..............  A               Cont. ventilator.....       0.83         NA       0.14         NA       0.37        0.05          NA       1.25
    94660..  ..............  A               Pos airway pressure,        0.76       0.49       0.14       0.78       0.35        0.06        1.60       1.17
    94662..  ..............  A               Neg pressure                0.76         NA       0.08         NA       0.27        0.02          NA       1.05
    94664..  ..............  A               Aerosol or vapor            0.00       0.40       0.03       0.49       0.05        0.04        0.53       0.09
    94665..  ..............  A               Aerosol or vapor            0.00       0.48       0.06       0.59       0.09        0.05        0.64       0.14
    [[Page 33294]]
    94667..  ..............  A               Chest wall                  0.00       0.55       0.03       0.68       0.05        0.05        0.73       0.10
    94668..  ..............  A               Chest wall                  0.00       0.50       0.03       0.62       0.04        0.03        0.65       0.07
    94680..  ..............  A               Exhaled air analysis:       0.26       1.28       1.28       1.64       1.64        0.10        2.00       2.00
    94680..  26              A               Exhaled air analysis:       0.26       0.07       0.07       0.15       0.15        0.03        0.44       0.44
    94680..  TC              A               Exhaled air analysis:       0.00       1.21       1.21       1.49       1.49        0.07        1.56       1.56
    94681..  ..............  A               Exhaled air analysis:       0.20       1.32       1.32       1.70       1.70        0.17        2.07       2.07
                                              O2, CO2.                                                                                                      
    94681..  26              A               Exhaled air analysis:       0.20       0.07       0.07       0.14       0.14        0.04        0.38       0.38
                                              O2, CO2.                                                                                                      
    94681..  TC              A               Exhaled air analysis:       0.00       1.25       1.25       1.56       1.56        0.13        1.69       1.69
                                              O2, CO2.                                                                                                      
    94690..  ..............  A               Exhaled air analysis.       0.07       1.22       1.22       1.51       1.51        0.04        1.62       1.62
    94690..  26              A               Exhaled air analysis.       0.07       0.07       0.07       0.10       0.10        0.00        0.17       0.17
    94690..  TC              A               Exhaled air analysis.       0.00       1.15       1.15       1.41       1.41        0.04        1.45       1.45
    94720..  ..............  A               Monoxide diffusing          0.26       1.02       1.02       1.32       1.32        0.08        1.66       1.66
    94720..  26              A               Monoxide diffusing          0.26       0.06       0.06       0.14       0.14        0.02        0.42       0.42
    94720..  TC              A               Monoxide diffusing          0.00       0.96       0.96       1.18       1.18        0.06        1.24       1.24
    94725..  ..............  A               Membrane diffusion          0.26       1.48       1.48       1.88       1.88        0.14        2.28       2.28
    94725..  26              A               Membrane diffusion          0.26       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.01        0.40       0.40
    94725..  TC              A               Membrane diffusion          0.00       1.42       1.42       1.75       1.75        0.13        1.88       1.88
    94750..  ..............  A               Pulmonary compliance        0.23       1.91       1.91       2.40       2.40        0.06        2.69       2.69
    94750..  26              A               Pulmonary compliance        0.23       0.06       0.06       0.13       0.13        0.02        0.38       0.38
    94750..  TC              A               Pulmonary compliance        0.00       1.85       1.85       2.27       2.27        0.04        2.31       2.31
    94760..  ..............  A               Measure blood oxygen        0.00       0.16       0.09       0.20       0.12        0.02        0.22       0.14
    94761..  ..............  A               Measure blood oxygen        0.00       0.24       0.11       0.31       0.15        0.06        0.37       0.21
    94762..  ..............  A               Measure blood oxygen        0.00       0.09       0.09       0.13       0.13        0.10        0.23       0.23
    94770..  ..............  A               Exhaled carbon              0.15       1.30       1.30       1.64       1.64        0.11        1.90       1.90
                                              dioxide test.                                                                                                 
    94770..  26              A               Exhaled carbon              0.15       0.06       0.06       0.11       0.11        0.03        0.29       0.29
                                              dioxide test.                                                                                                 
    94770..  TC              A               Exhaled carbon              0.00       1.24       1.24       1.53       1.53        0.08        1.61       1.61
                                              dioxide test.                                                                                                 
    95004..  ..............  A               Allergy skin tests...       0.00       0.09       0.01       0.11       0.01        0.01        0.12       0.02
    95010..  ..............  A               Sensitivity skin            0.15       0.18       0.02       0.25       0.06        0.01        0.41       0.22
    95015..  ..............  A               Sensitivity skin            0.15       0.12       0.01       0.18       0.05        0.01        0.34       0.21
    95024..  ..............  A               Allergy skin tests...       0.00       0.13       0.01       0.16       0.01        0.01        0.17       0.02
    95027..  ..............  A               Skin end point              0.00       0.33       0.11       0.40       0.14        0.01        0.41       0.15
    95028..  ..............  A               Allergy skin tests...       0.00       0.17       0.02       0.21       0.03        0.01        0.22       0.04
    95044..  ..............  A               Allergy patch tests..       0.00       0.37       0.11       0.45       0.14        0.01        0.46       0.15
    95052..  ..............  A               Photo patch test.....       0.00       0.37       0.11       0.45       0.14        0.01        0.46       0.15
    95056..  ..............  A               Photosensitivity            0.00       0.37       0.11       0.45       0.14        0.01        0.46       0.15
    95060..  ..............  A               Eye allergy tests....       0.00       0.35       0.11       0.43       0.14        0.02        0.45       0.16
    95065..  ..............  A               Nose allergy test....       0.00       0.49       0.11       0.60       0.14        0.01        0.61       0.15
    95070..  ..............  A               Bronchial allergy           0.00       0.23       0.11       0.29       0.14        0.02        0.31       0.16
    95071..  ..............  A               Bronchial allergy           0.00       0.33       0.11       0.40       0.14        0.02        0.42       0.16
    95075..  ..............  A               Ingestion challenge         0.95       0.36       0.11       0.65       0.35        0.02        1.62       1.32
    95078..  ..............  A               Provocative testing..       0.00       0.33       0.11       0.40       0.14        0.02        0.42       0.16
    95115..  ..............  A               Immunotherapy, one          0.00       0.41       0.04       0.50       0.05        0.02        0.52       0.07
    95117..  ..............  A               Immunotherapy               0.00       0.42       0.04       0.51       0.05        0.02        0.53       0.07
    95144..  ..............  A               Antigen therapy             0.06       0.18       0.01       0.23       0.03        0.01        0.30       0.10
    95145..  ..............  A               Antigen therapy             0.06       0.30       0.01       0.39       0.03        0.03        0.48       0.12
    95146..  ..............  A               Antigen therapy             0.06       0.18       0.01       0.24       0.03        0.03        0.33       0.12
    95147..  ..............  A               Antigen therapy             0.06       0.18       0.01       0.24       0.03        0.03        0.33       0.12
    95148..  ..............  A               Antigen therapy             0.06       0.18       0.01       0.24       0.03        0.03        0.33       0.12
    95149..  ..............  A               Antigen therapy             0.06       0.30       0.01       0.39       0.03        0.03        0.48       0.12
    95165..  ..............  A               Antigen therapy             0.06       0.18       0.02       0.23       0.04        0.01        0.30       0.11
    95170..  ..............  A               Antigen therapy             0.06       0.19       0.02       0.25       0.04        0.03        0.34       0.13
    95180..  ..............  A               Rapid desensitization       2.01       0.58       0.11       1.15       0.58        0.01        3.17       2.60
    95805..  ..............  A               Multiple sleep              1.88       7.28       7.28       9.38       9.38        0.45       11.71      11.71
                                              latency test.                                                                                                 
    95805..  26              A               Multiple sleep              1.88       0.28       0.28       0.76       0.76        0.07        2.71       2.71
                                              latency test.                                                                                                 
    95805..  TC              A               Multiple sleep              0.00       7.00       7.00       8.62       8.62        0.38        9.00       9.00
                                              latency test.                                                                                                 
    95807..  ..............  A               Sleep study..........       1.66      11.01      11.01      13.93      13.93        0.67       16.26      16.26
    95807..  26              A               Sleep study..........       1.66       0.34       0.34       0.82       0.82        0.19        2.67       2.67
    95807..  TC              A               Sleep study..........       0.00      10.67      10.67      13.11      13.11        0.48       13.59      13.59
    95808..  ..............  A               Polysomnography, 1-3.       2.65       9.93       9.93      12.82      12.82        0.67       16.14      16.14
    95808..  26              A               Polysomnography, 1-3.       2.65       0.34       0.34       1.03       1.03        0.19        3.87       3.87
    95808..  TC              A               Polysomnography, 1-3.       0.00       9.59       9.59      11.79      11.79        0.48       12.27      12.27
    95810..  ..............  A               Polysomnography, 4 or       3.53      12.98      12.98      16.75      16.75        0.67       20.95      20.95
    95810..  26              A               Polysomnography, 4 or       3.53       0.26       0.26       1.14       1.14        0.19        4.86       4.86
    95810..  TC              A               Polysomnography, 4 or       0.00      12.72      12.72      15.61      15.61        0.48       16.09      16.09
    95812..  ..............  A               Electroencephalogram        1.08       2.06       2.06       2.78       2.78        0.15        4.01       4.01
    95812..  26              A               Electroencephalogram        1.08       0.11       0.11       0.38       0.38        0.04        1.50       1.50
    95812..  TC              A               Electroencephalogram        0.00       1.95       1.95       2.40       2.40        0.11        2.51       2.51
    95813..  ..............  A               Electroencephalogram        1.73       2.90       2.90       3.96       3.96        0.15        5.84       5.84
    95813..  26              A               Electroencephalogram        1.73       0.16       0.16       0.59       0.59        0.04        2.36       2.36
    95813..  TC              A               Electroencephalogram        0.00       2.74       2.74       3.37       3.37        0.11        3.48       3.48
    95816..  ..............  A               Electroencephalogram        1.08       1.77       1.77       2.43       2.43        0.13        3.64       3.64
    95816..  26              A               Electroencephalogram        1.08       0.11       0.11       0.38       0.38        0.03        1.49       1.49
    95816..  TC              A               Electroencephalogram        0.00       1.66       1.66       2.05       2.05        0.10        2.15       2.15
    95819..  ..............  A               Electroencephalogram        1.08       1.91       1.91       2.60       2.60        0.14        3.82       3.82
    [[Page 33295]]
    95819..  26              A               Electroencephalogram        1.08       0.11       0.11       0.38       0.38        0.04        1.50       1.50
    95819..  TC              A               Electroencephalogram        0.00       1.80       1.80       2.22       2.22        0.10        2.32       2.32
    95822..  ..............  A               Sleep                       1.08       1.98       1.98       2.70       2.70        0.18        3.96       3.96
    95822..  26              A               Sleep                       1.08       0.11       0.11       0.38       0.38        0.04        1.50       1.50
    95822..  TC              A               Sleep                       0.00       1.87       1.87       2.32       2.32        0.14        2.46       2.46
    95824..  ..............  A               Electroencephalograph       0.74       0.19       0.19       0.42       0.42        0.07        1.23       1.23
    95824..  26              A               Electroencephalograph       0.74       0.07       0.07       0.26       0.26        0.04        1.04       1.04
    95824..  TC              A               Electroencephalograph       0.00       0.12       0.12       0.16       0.16        0.03        0.19       0.19
    95827..  ..............  A               Night                       1.08       6.09       6.09       7.72       7.72        0.24        9.04       9.04
    95827..  26              A               Night                       1.08       0.16       0.16       0.45       0.45        0.07        1.60       1.60
    95827..  TC              A               Night                       0.00       5.93       5.93       7.27       7.27        0.17        7.44       7.44
    95829..  ..............  A               Surgery                     6.21       3.37       3.37       5.49       5.49        0.05       11.75      11.75
    95829..  26              A               Surgery                     6.21       0.16       0.16       1.57       1.57        0.03        7.81       7.81
    95829..  TC              A               Surgery                     0.00       3.21       3.21       3.92       3.92        0.02        3.94       3.94
    95830..  ..............  A               Insert electrodes for       1.70       1.07       0.13       1.69       0.55        0.07        3.46       2.32
    95831..  ..............  A               Limb muscle testing,        0.28       0.34       0.16       0.48       0.27        0.03        0.79       0.58
    95832..  ..............  A               Hand muscle testing,        0.29       0.34       0.16       0.48       0.27        0.02        0.79       0.58
    95833..  ..............  A               Body muscle testing,        0.47       0.34       0.16       0.52       0.31        0.05        1.04       0.83
    95834..  ..............  A               Body muscle testing,        0.60       0.34       0.16       0.55       0.34        0.06        1.21       1.00
    95851..  ..............  A               Range of motion             0.16       0.34       0.16       0.45       0.24        0.02        0.63       0.42
    95852..  ..............  A               Range of motion             0.11       0.34       0.16       0.44       0.23        0.02        0.57       0.36
    95857..  ..............  A               Tensilon test........       0.53       0.32       0.10       0.51       0.25        0.04        1.08       0.82
    95858..  ..............  A               Tensilon test &             1.56       0.33       0.33       0.75       0.75        0.09        2.40       2.40
    95858..  26              A               Tensilon test &             1.56       0.05       0.05       0.41       0.41        0.05        2.02       2.02
    95858..  TC              A               Tensilon test &             0.00       0.28       0.28       0.34       0.34        0.04        0.38       0.38
    95860..  ..............  A               Muscle test, one limb       0.96       0.37       0.37       0.68       0.68        0.09        1.73       1.73
    95860..  26              A               Muscle test, one limb       0.96       0.05       0.05       0.29       0.29        0.06        1.31       1.31
    95860..  TC              A               Muscle test, one limb       0.00       0.32       0.32       0.39       0.39        0.03        0.42       0.42
    95861..  ..............  A               Muscle test, two            1.54       0.43       0.43       0.89       0.89        0.16        2.59       2.59
    95861..  26              A               Muscle test, two            1.54       0.05       0.05       0.42       0.42        0.10        2.06       2.06
    95861..  TC              A               Muscle test, two            0.00       0.38       0.38       0.47       0.47        0.06        0.53       0.53
    95863..  ..............  A               Muscle test, 3 limbs.       1.87       0.49       0.49       1.05       1.05        0.18        3.10       3.10
    95863..  26              A               Muscle test, 3 limbs.       1.87       0.05       0.05       0.50       0.50        0.11        2.48       2.48
    95863..  TC              A               Muscle test, 3 limbs.       0.00       0.44       0.44       0.55       0.55        0.07        0.62       0.62
    95864..  ..............  A               Muscle test, 4 limbs.       1.99       0.55       0.55       1.17       1.17        0.27        3.43       3.43
    95864..  26              A               Muscle test, 4 limbs.       1.99       0.05       0.05       0.53       0.53        0.14        2.66       2.66
    95864..  TC              A               Muscle test, 4 limbs.       0.00       0.50       0.50       0.64       0.64        0.13        0.77       0.77
    95867..  ..............  A               Muscle test, head or        0.79       0.37       0.37       0.64       0.64        0.09        1.52       1.52
    95867..  26              A               Muscle test, head or        0.79       0.05       0.05       0.25       0.25        0.05        1.09       1.09
    95867..  TC              A               Muscle test, head or        0.00       0.32       0.32       0.39       0.39        0.04        0.43       0.43
    95868..  ..............  A               Muscle test, head or        1.18       0.43       0.43       0.81       0.81        0.15        2.14       2.14
    95868..  26              A               Muscle test, head or        1.18       0.05       0.05       0.34       0.34        0.10        1.62       1.62
    95868..  TC              A               Muscle test, head or        0.00       0.38       0.38       0.47       0.47        0.05        0.52       0.52
    95869..  ..............  A               Muscle test, limited.       0.37       0.31       0.31       0.48       0.48        0.05        0.90       0.90
    95869..  26              A               Muscle test, limited.       0.37       0.05       0.05       0.15       0.15        0.03        0.55       0.55
    95869..  TC              A               Muscle test, limited.       0.00       0.26       0.26       0.33       0.33        0.02        0.35       0.35
    95872..  ..............  A               Muscle test, one            1.50       0.50       0.50       0.96       0.96        0.11        2.57       2.57
    95872..  26              A               Muscle test, one            1.50       0.05       0.05       0.40       0.40        0.06        1.96       1.96
    95872..  TC              A               Muscle test, one            0.00       0.45       0.45       0.56       0.56        0.05        0.61       0.61
    95875..  ..............  A               Limb exercise test...       1.34       0.60       0.60       1.04       1.04        0.10        2.48       2.48
    95875..  26              A               Limb exercise test...       1.34       0.05       0.05       0.36       0.36        0.04        1.74       1.74
    95875..  TC              A               Limb exercise test...       0.00       0.55       0.55       0.68       0.68        0.06        0.74       0.74
    95900..  ..............  A               Motor nerve                 0.42       0.28       0.28       0.45       0.45        0.05        0.92       0.92
                                              conduction test.                                                                                              
    95900..  26              A               Motor nerve                 0.42       0.05       0.05       0.16       0.16        0.03        0.61       0.61
                                              conduction test.                                                                                              
    95900..  TC              A               Motor nerve                 0.00       0.23       0.23       0.29       0.29        0.02        0.31       0.31
                                              conduction test.                                                                                              
    95903..  ..............  A               Motor nerve                 0.60       0.39       0.39       0.61       0.61        0.05        1.26       1.26
                                              conduction test.                                                                                              
    95903..  26              A               Motor nerve                 0.60       0.05       0.05       0.20       0.20        0.03        0.83       0.83
                                              conduction test.                                                                                              
    95903..  TC              A               Motor nerve                 0.00       0.34       0.34       0.41       0.41        0.02        0.43       0.43
                                              conduction test.                                                                                              
    95904..  ..............  A               Sense nerve                 0.34       0.28       0.28       0.43       0.43        0.05        0.82       0.82
                                              conduction test.                                                                                              
    95904..  26              A               Sense nerve                 0.34       0.05       0.05       0.14       0.14        0.03        0.51       0.51
                                              conduction test.                                                                                              
    95904..  TC              A               Sense nerve                 0.00       0.23       0.23       0.29       0.29        0.02        0.31       0.31
                                              conduction test.                                                                                              
    95920..  ..............  A               Intraoperative nerve        2.11       0.10       0.10       0.63       0.63        0.20        2.94       2.94
    95920..  26              A               Intraoperative nerve        2.11       0.05       0.05       0.55       0.55        0.12        2.78       2.78
    95920..  TC              A               Intraoperative nerve        0.00       0.05       0.05       0.08       0.08        0.08        0.16       0.16
    95921..  ..............  A               Autonomic nerve func        0.45       1.99       1.99       2.54       2.54        0.05        3.04       3.04
    95921..  26              A               Autonomic nerve func        0.45       0.11       0.11       0.24       0.24        0.02        0.71       0.71
    95921..  TC              A               Autonomic nerve func        0.00       1.88       1.88       2.30       2.30        0.03        2.33       2.33
    95922..  ..............  A               Autonomic nerve func        0.48       1.99       1.99       2.55       2.55        0.06        3.09       3.09
    95922..  26              A               Autonomic nerve func        0.48       0.11       0.11       0.25       0.25        0.03        0.76       0.76
    95922..  TC              A               Autonomic nerve func        0.00       1.88       1.88       2.30       2.30        0.03        2.33       2.33
    95923..  ..............  A               Autonomic nerve func        0.45       1.99       1.99       2.54       2.54        0.05        3.04       3.04
    95923..  26              A               Autonomic nerve func        0.45       0.11       0.11       0.24       0.24        0.02        0.71       0.71
    95923..  TC              A               Autonomic nerve func        0.00       1.88       1.88       2.30       2.30        0.03        2.33       2.33
    95925..  ..............  A               Somatosensory testing       0.54       2.03       2.03       2.62       2.62        0.12        3.28       3.28
    [[Page 33296]]
    95925..  26              A               Somatosensory testing       0.54       0.11       0.11       0.27       0.27        0.05        0.86       0.86
    95925..  TC              A               Somatosensory testing       0.00       1.92       1.92       2.35       2.35        0.07        2.42       2.42
    95926..  ..............  A               Somatosensory testing       0.54       2.03       2.03       2.62       2.62        0.12        3.28       3.28
    95926..  26              A               Somatosensory testing       0.54       0.11       0.11       0.27       0.27        0.05        0.86       0.86
    95926..  TC              A               Somatosensory testing       0.00       1.92       1.92       2.35       2.35        0.07        2.42       2.42
    95927..  ..............  A               Somatosensory testing       0.54       2.03       2.03       2.62       2.62        0.12        3.28       3.28
    95927..  26              A               Somatosensory testing       0.54       0.11       0.11       0.27       0.27        0.05        0.86       0.86
    95927..  TC              A               Somatosensory testing       0.00       1.92       1.92       2.35       2.35        0.07        2.42       2.42
    95930..  ..............  A               Visual evoked               0.35       0.70       0.70       0.95       0.95        0.05        1.35       1.35
                                              potential test.                                                                                               
    95930..  26              A               Visual evoked               0.35       0.04       0.04       0.14       0.14        0.04        0.53       0.53
                                              potential test.                                                                                               
    95930..  TC              A               Visual evoked               0.00       0.66       0.66       0.81       0.81        0.01        0.82       0.82
                                              potential test.                                                                                               
    95933..  ..............  A               Blink reflex test....       0.59       0.39       0.39       0.62       0.62        0.10        1.31       1.31
    95933..  26              A               Blink reflex test....       0.59       0.05       0.05       0.20       0.20        0.04        0.83       0.83
    95933..  TC              A               Blink reflex test....       0.00       0.34       0.34       0.42       0.42        0.06        0.48       0.48
    95934..  ..............  A               `H' reflex test......       0.51       0.39       0.39       0.59       0.59        0.05        1.15       1.15
    95934..  26              A               `H' reflex test......       0.51       0.05       0.05       0.18       0.18        0.03        0.72       0.72
    95934..  TC              A               `H' reflex test......       0.00       0.34       0.34       0.41       0.41        0.02        0.43       0.43
    95936..  ..............  A               `H' reflex test......       0.55       0.39       0.39       0.60       0.60        0.05        1.20       1.20
    95936..  26              A               `H' reflex test......       0.55       0.05       0.05       0.19       0.19        0.03        0.77       0.77
    95936..  TC              A               `H' reflex test......       0.00       0.34       0.34       0.41       0.41        0.02        0.43       0.43
    95937..  ..............  A               Neuromuscular               0.65       0.39       0.39       0.63       0.63        0.07        1.35       1.35
                                              junction test.                                                                                                
    95937..  26              A               Neuromuscular               0.65       0.05       0.05       0.21       0.21        0.04        0.90       0.90
                                              junction test.                                                                                                
    95937..  TC              A               Neuromuscular               0.00       0.34       0.34       0.42       0.42        0.03        0.45       0.45
                                              junction test.                                                                                                
    95950..  ..............  A               Ambulatory eeg              1.51       3.28       3.28       4.46       4.46        0.60        6.57       6.57
    95950..  26              A               Ambulatory eeg              1.51       0.16       0.16       0.55       0.55        0.10        2.16       2.16
    95950..  TC              A               Ambulatory eeg              0.00       3.12       3.12       3.91       3.91        0.50        4.41       4.41
    95951..  ..............  A               EEG monitoring/             6.00      17.38      17.38      22.64      22.64        0.64       29.28      29.28
    95951..  26              A               EEG monitoring/             6.00       0.52       0.52       1.97       1.97        0.11        8.08       8.08
    95951..  TC              A               EEG monitoring/             0.00      16.86      16.86      20.67      20.67        0.53       21.20      21.20
    95953..  ..............  A               EEG monitoring/             3.08       2.38       2.38       3.72       3.72        0.60        7.40       7.40
    95953..  26              A               EEG monitoring/             3.08       0.16       0.16       0.90       0.90        0.10        4.08       4.08
    95953..  TC              A               EEG monitoring/             0.00       2.22       2.22       2.82       2.82        0.50        3.32       3.32
    95954..  ..............  A               EEG monitoring/giving       2.45       2.13       2.13       3.19       3.19        0.28        5.92       5.92
    95954..  26              A               EEG monitoring/giving       2.45       0.11       0.11       0.72       0.72        0.22        3.39       3.39
    95954..  TC              A               EEG monitoring/giving       0.00       2.02       2.02       2.47       2.47        0.06        2.53       2.53
    95955..  ..............  A               EEG during surgery...       1.01       2.00       2.00       2.73       2.73        0.30        4.04       4.04
    95955..  26              A               EEG during surgery...       1.01       0.14       0.14       0.42       0.42        0.11        1.54       1.54
    95955..  TC              A               EEG during surgery...       0.00       1.86       1.86       2.31       2.31        0.19        2.50       2.50
    95956..  ..............  A               EEG monitoring/cable/       3.08      16.94      16.94      21.46      21.46        0.61       25.15      25.15
    95956..  26              A               EEG monitoring/cable/       3.08       0.52       0.52       1.33       1.33        0.11        4.52       4.52
    95956..  TC              A               EEG monitoring/cable/       0.00      16.42      16.42      20.13      20.13        0.50       20.63      20.63
    95957..  ..............  A               EEG digital analysis.       1.98       1.13       1.13       1.85       1.85        0.18        4.01       4.01
    95957..  26              A               EEG digital analysis.       1.98       0.07       0.07       0.53       0.53        0.05        2.56       2.56
    95957..  TC              A               EEG digital analysis.       0.00       1.06       1.06       1.32       1.32        0.13        1.45       1.45
    95958..  ..............  A               EEG monitoring/             4.25       3.04       3.04       4.76       4.76        0.52        9.53       9.53
                                              function test.                                                                                                
    95958..  26              A               EEG monitoring/             4.25       0.14       0.14       1.19       1.19        0.38        5.82       5.82
                                              function test.                                                                                                
    95958..  TC              A               EEG monitoring/             0.00       2.90       2.90       3.57       3.57        0.14        3.71       3.71
                                              function test.                                                                                                
    95961..  ..............  A               Electrode                   2.97       2.01       2.01       3.16       3.16        0.20        6.33       6.33
                                              stimulation, brain.                                                                                           
    95961..  26              A               Electrode                   2.97       0.16       0.16       0.88       0.88        0.12        3.97       3.97
                                              stimulation, brain.                                                                                           
    95961..  TC              A               Electrode                   0.00       1.85       1.85       2.28       2.28        0.08        2.36       2.36
                                              stimulation, brain.                                                                                           
    95962..  ..............  A               Electrode                   3.21       1.15       1.15       2.15       2.15        0.20        5.56       5.56
                                              stimulation, brain.                                                                                           
    95962..  26              A               Electrode                   3.21       0.03       0.03       0.77       0.77        0.12        4.10       4.10
                                              stimulation, brain.                                                                                           
    95962..  TC              A               Electrode                   0.00       1.12       1.12       1.38       1.38        0.08        1.46       1.46
                                              stimulation, brain.                                                                                           
    96100..  ..............  A               Psychological testing       0.00       1.86       1.86       2.32       2.32        0.20        2.52       2.52
    96105..  ..............  A               Assessment of aphasia       0.00       1.84       1.84       2.29       2.29        0.20        2.49       2.49
    96111..  ..............  A               Developmental test,         0.00       1.87       1.87       2.33       2.33        0.20        2.53       2.53
    96115..  ..............  A               Neurobehavior status        0.00       1.94       1.94       2.40       2.40        0.20        2.60       2.60
    96117..  ..............  A               Neuropsych test             0.00       1.94       1.94       2.40       2.40        0.20        2.60       2.60
    96400..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy, (SC)/         0.00       0.88       0.15       1.07       0.19        0.01        1.08       0.20
    96405..  ..............  A               Intralesional chemo         0.52       0.94       0.16       1.26       0.32        0.03        1.81       0.87
    96406..  ..............  A               Intralesional chemo         0.80       0.95       0.16       1.34       0.38        0.04        2.18       1.22
    96408..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy, push          0.00       1.22       0.16       1.50       0.21        0.06        1.56       0.27
    96410..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy,               0.00       1.46       0.16       1.80       0.22        0.09        1.89       0.31
                                              infusion method.                                                                                              
    96412..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy,               0.00       0.85       0.06       1.05       0.09        0.08        1.13       0.17
                                              infusion method.                                                                                              
    96414..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy,               0.00       1.46       0.16       1.80       0.22        0.09        1.89       0.31
                                              infusion method.                                                                                              
    96420..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy, push          0.00       1.25       0.16       1.55       0.22        0.09        1.64       0.31
    96422..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy,               0.00       1.25       0.16       1.55       0.22        0.09        1.64       0.31
                                              infusion method.                                                                                              
    96423..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy,               0.00       1.07       0.06       1.31       0.08        0.03        1.34       0.11
                                              infusion method.                                                                                              
    96425..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy,               0.00       1.49       0.16       1.83       0.22        0.09        1.92       0.31
                                              infusion method.                                                                                              
    96440..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy,               2.37       2.44       0.16       3.50       0.73        0.06        5.93       3.16
    96445..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy,               2.20       2.44       0.16       3.47       0.70        0.09        5.76       2.99
    96450..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy, into          1.89       1.94       0.16       2.79       0.63        0.06        4.74       2.58
    96520..  ..............  A               Pump refilling,             0.00       0.91       0.16       1.12       0.21        0.06        1.18       0.27
    96530..  ..............  A               Pump refilling,             0.00       1.14       0.16       1.41       0.21        0.07        1.48       0.28
    [[Page 33297]]
    96542..  ..............  A               Chemotherapy                1.42       1.68       0.16       2.39       0.54        0.13        3.94       2.09
    96900..  ..............  A               Ultraviolet light           0.00       0.50       0.16       0.62       0.21        0.03        0.65       0.24
    96910..  ..............  A               Photochemotherapy           0.00       0.50       0.16       0.62       0.21        0.04        0.66       0.25
                                              with UV-B.                                                                                                    
    96912..  ..............  A               Photochemotherapy           0.00       0.63       0.16       0.78       0.21        0.05        0.83       0.26
                                              with UV-A.                                                                                                    
    96913..  ..............  A               Photochemotherapy, UV-      0.00       0.98       0.16       1.21       0.22        0.10        1.31       0.32
                                              A or B.                                                                                                       
    97010..  ..............  B               Hot or cold packs          +0.06       0.23       0.16       0.30       0.22        0.02        0.38       0.30
    97012..  ..............  A               Mechanical traction         0.25       0.23       0.16       0.34       0.26        0.02        0.61       0.53
    97014..  ..............  A               Electric stimulation        0.18       0.23       0.16       0.33       0.24        0.02        0.53       0.44
    97016..  ..............  A               Vasopneumatic device        0.18       0.23       0.16       0.33       0.24        0.02        0.53       0.44
    97018..  ..............  A               Paraffin bath therapy       0.06       0.23       0.16       0.31       0.22        0.03        0.40       0.31
    97020..  ..............  A               Microwave therapy....       0.06       0.23       0.16       0.30       0.22        0.02        0.38       0.30
    97022..  ..............  A               Whirlpool therapy....       0.17       0.23       0.16       0.33       0.24        0.02        0.52       0.43
    97024..  ..............  A               Diathermy treatment..       0.06       0.23       0.16       0.30       0.22        0.02        0.38       0.30
    97026..  ..............  A               Infrared therapy.....       0.06       0.23       0.16       0.30       0.22        0.02        0.38       0.30
    97028..  ..............  A               Ultraviolet therapy..       0.08       0.23       0.16       0.31       0.22        0.01        0.40       0.31
    97032..  ..............  A               Electrical                  0.25       0.25       0.16       0.37       0.26        0.01        0.63       0.52
    97033..  ..............  A               Electric current            0.26       0.28       0.16       0.40       0.26        0.02        0.68       0.54
    97034..  ..............  A               Contrast bath therapy       0.21       0.25       0.16       0.36       0.25        0.01        0.58       0.47
    97035..  ..............  A               Ultrasound therapy...       0.21       0.25       0.16       0.36       0.25        0.01        0.58       0.47
    97036..  ..............  A               Hydrotherapy.........       0.28       0.26       0.16       0.39       0.26        0.02        0.69       0.56
    97039..  ..............  A               Physical therapy            0.20       0.25       0.16       0.36       0.25        0.03        0.59       0.48
    97110..  ..............  A               Therapeutic exercises       0.45       0.25       0.16       0.41       0.30        0.02        0.88       0.77
    97112..  ..............  A               Neuromuscular               0.45       0.24       0.16       0.40       0.30        0.01        0.86       0.76
    97113..  ..............  A               Aquatic therapy/            0.44       0.25       0.16       0.41       0.30        0.02        0.87       0.76
    97116..  ..............  A               Gait training therapy       0.40       0.24       0.16       0.39       0.29        0.01        0.80       0.70
    97122..  ..............  A               Manual traction             0.42       0.24       0.16       0.39       0.29        0.01        0.82       0.72
    97124..  ..............  A               Massage therapy......       0.35       0.24       0.16       0.38       0.28        0.01        0.74       0.64
    97139..  ..............  A               Physical medicine           0.21       0.24       0.16       0.35       0.25        0.02        0.58       0.48
    97150..  ..............  A               Group therapeutic           0.27       0.24       0.16       0.36       0.26        0.02        0.65       0.55
    97250..  ..............  A               Myofascial release...       0.45       0.24       0.16       0.41       0.31        0.04        0.90       0.80
    97260..  ..............  A               Regional manipulation       0.19       0.24       0.16       0.34       0.24        0.02        0.55       0.45
    97261..  ..............  A               Supplemental                0.12       0.12       0.08       0.17       0.13        0.01        0.30       0.26
    97265..  ..............  A               Joint mobilization...       0.45       0.23       0.16       0.39       0.31        0.04        0.88       0.80
    97504..  ..............  A               Orthotic training....       0.45       0.24       0.16       0.40       0.30        0.02        0.87       0.77
    97520..  ..............  A               Prosthetic training..       0.45       0.24       0.16       0.40       0.30        0.02        0.87       0.77
    97530..  ..............  A               Therapeutic                 0.44       0.24       0.16       0.40       0.30        0.02        0.86       0.76
    97535..  ..............  A               Self care mngment           0.45       0.27       0.16       0.43       0.30        0.02        0.90       0.77
    97537..  ..............  A               Community/work              0.45       0.27       0.16       0.43       0.30        0.02        0.90       0.77
    97542..  ..............  A               Wheelchair mngement         0.25       0.27       0.16       0.39       0.25        0.02        0.66       0.52
    97703..  ..............  A               Prosthetic checkout..       0.25       0.27       0.16       0.39       0.26        0.03        0.67       0.54
    97750..  ..............  A               Physical performance        0.45       0.25       0.16       0.42       0.30        0.03        0.90       0.78
    97770..  ..............  A               Cognitive skills            0.44       0.28       0.16       0.44       0.30        0.03        0.91       0.77
    98925..  ..............  A               Osteopathic                 0.45       0.24       0.16       0.40       0.30        0.02        0.87       0.77
    98926..  ..............  A               Osteopathic                 0.65       0.25       0.16       0.46       0.35        0.03        1.14       1.03
    98927..  ..............  A               Osteopathic                 0.87       0.25       0.16       0.51       0.40        0.03        1.41       1.30
    98928..  ..............  A               Osteopathic                 1.03       0.25       0.16       0.54       0.43        0.04        1.61       1.50
    98929..  ..............  A               Osteopathic                 1.19       0.25       0.16       0.58       0.47        0.03        1.80       1.69
    98940..  ..............  A               Chiropractic                0.45       0.24       0.16       0.40       0.30        0.01        0.86       0.76
    98941..  ..............  A               Chiropractic                0.65       0.25       0.16       0.46       0.34        0.01        1.12       1.00
    98942..  ..............  A               Chiropractic                0.87       0.25       0.16       0.50       0.39        0.01        1.38       1.27
    98943..  ..............  N               Chiropractic               +0.40       0.24       0.16       0.39       0.29        0.01        0.80       0.70
    99175..  ..............  A               Induction of vomiting       0.00       0.38       0.04       0.48       0.07        0.10        0.58       0.17
    99183..  ..............  A               Hyperbaric oxygen           2.34       0.47       0.11       1.11       0.67        0.11        3.56       3.12
    99185..  ..............  A               Regional hypothermia.       0.00         NA       0.08         NA       0.11        0.04          NA       0.15
    99186..  ..............  A               Total body                  0.00         NA       0.16         NA       0.31        0.52          NA       0.83
    99195..  ..............  A               Phlebotomy...........       0.00       1.52       0.14       1.86       0.18        0.03        1.89       0.21
    99201..  ..............  A               Office/outpatient           0.45       0.64       0.33       0.89       0.50        0.04        1.38       0.99
                                              visit, new.                                                                                                   
    99202..  ..............  A               Office/outpatient           0.88       0.72       0.33       1.09       0.60        0.05        2.02       1.53
                                              visit, new.                                                                                                   
    99203..  ..............  A               Office/outpatient           1.34       0.80       0.33       1.29       0.70        0.06        2.69       2.10
                                              visit, new.                                                                                                   
    99204..  ..............  A               Office/outpatient           2.00       0.85       0.33       1.49       0.85        0.08        3.57       2.93
                                              visit, new.                                                                                                   
    99205..  ..............  A               Office/outpatient           2.67       0.89       0.33       1.69       1.00        0.09        4.45       3.76
                                              visit, new.                                                                                                   
    99211..  ..............  A               Office/outpatient           0.17       0.38       0.16       0.50       0.24        0.02        0.69       0.43
                                              visit, est.                                                                                                   
    99212..  ..............  A               Office/outpatient           0.45       0.42       0.16       0.61       0.30        0.02        1.08       0.77
                                              visit, est.                                                                                                   
    99213..  ..............  A               Office/outpatient           0.67       0.46       0.16       0.71       0.35        0.03        1.41       1.05
                                              visit, est.                                                                                                   
    99214..  ..............  A               Office/outpatient           1.10       0.50       0.16       0.86       0.45        0.04        2.00       1.59
                                              visit, est.                                                                                                   
    99215..  ..............  A               Office/outpatient           1.77       0.54       0.16       1.06       0.60        0.07        2.90       2.44
                                              visit, est.                                                                                                   
    99217..  ..............  A               Observation care            1.28         NA       0.12         NA       0.44        0.04          NA       1.76
    99218..  ..............  A               Observation care.....       1.28         NA       0.51         NA       0.91        0.06          NA       2.25
    99219..  ..............  A               Observation care.....       2.14         NA       0.51         NA       1.11        0.09          NA       3.34
    99220..  ..............  A               Observation care.....       2.99         NA       0.57         NA       1.37        0.09          NA       4.45
    99221..  ..............  A               Initial hospital care       1.28         NA       0.51         NA       0.91        0.06          NA       2.25
    99222..  ..............  A               Initial hospital care       2.14         NA       0.51         NA       1.11        0.09          NA       3.34
    99223..  ..............  A               Initial hospital care       2.99         NA       0.57         NA       1.37        0.08          NA       4.44
    99231..  ..............  A               Subsequent hospital         0.64         NA       0.05         NA       0.21        0.03          NA       0.88
    [[Page 33298]]
    99232..  ..............  A               Subsequent hospital         1.06         NA       0.05         NA       0.30        0.04          NA       1.40
    99233..  ..............  A               Subsequent hospital         1.51         NA       0.05         NA       0.40        0.05          NA       1.96
    99238..  ..............  A               Hospital discharge          1.28         NA       0.12         NA       0.44        0.04          NA       1.76
    99239..  ..............  A               Hospital discharge          1.75       0.12       0.12       0.54       0.54        0.04        2.33       2.33
    99241..  ..............  A               Office consultation..       0.64       0.85       0.41       1.19       0.65        0.08        1.91       1.37
    99242..  ..............  A               Office consultation..       1.29       0.89       0.41       1.38       0.80        0.09        2.76       2.18
    99243..  ..............  A               Office consultation..       1.72       0.93       0.41       1.53       0.90        0.10        3.35       2.72
    99244..  ..............  A               Office consultation..       2.58       0.97       0.41       1.77       1.09        0.11        4.46       3.78
    99245..  ..............  A               Office consultation..       3.43       1.02       0.41       2.03       1.28        0.16        5.62       4.87
    99251..  ..............  A               Initial inpatient           0.66         NA       0.41         NA       0.66        0.08          NA       1.40
    99252..  ..............  A               Initial inpatient           1.32         NA       0.41         NA       0.81        0.09          NA       2.22
    99253..  ..............  A               Initial inpatient           1.82         NA       0.41         NA       0.92        0.10          NA       2.84
    99254..  ..............  A               Initial inpatient           2.64         NA       0.41         NA       1.10        0.11          NA       3.85
    99255..  ..............  A               Initial inpatient           3.65         NA       0.41         NA       1.33        0.14          NA       5.12
    99261..  ..............  A               Follow-up inpatient         0.42         NA       0.08         NA       0.20        0.03          NA       0.65
    99262..  ..............  A               Follow-up inpatient         0.85         NA       0.08         NA       0.29        0.04          NA       1.18
    99263..  ..............  A               Follow-up inpatient         1.27         NA       0.08         NA       0.39        0.04          NA       1.70
    99271..  ..............  A               Confirmatory                0.45       0.85       0.41       1.14       0.61        0.07        1.66       1.13
    99272..  ..............  A               Confirmatory                0.84       0.89       0.41       1.28       0.70        0.09        2.21       1.63
    99273..  ..............  A               Confirmatory                1.19       0.93       0.41       1.42       0.78        0.11        2.72       2.08
    99274..  ..............  A               Confirmatory                1.73       0.97       0.41       1.58       0.90        0.11        3.42       2.74
    99275..  ..............  A               Confirmatory                2.31       1.02       0.41       1.79       1.04        0.17        4.27       3.52
    99281..  ..............  A               Emergency dept visit.       0.33         NA       0.25         NA       0.38        0.01          NA       0.72
    99282..  ..............  A               Emergency dept visit.       0.55         NA       0.25         NA       0.44        0.03          NA       1.02
    99283..  ..............  A               Emergency dept visit.       1.24         NA       0.25         NA       0.59        0.04          NA       1.87
    99284..  ..............  A               Emergency dept visit.       1.95         NA       0.25         NA       0.75        0.06          NA       2.76
    99285..  ..............  A               Emergency dept visit.       3.06         NA       0.25         NA       1.00        0.08          NA       4.14
    99291..  ..............  A               Critical care, first        4.00       1.92       0.41       3.24       1.40        0.11        7.35       5.51
    99292..  ..............  A               Critical care, addl         2.00       0.78       0.03       1.40       0.48        0.04        3.44       2.52
                                              30 min.                                                                                                       
    99295..  ..............  A               Neonatal critical          16.00         NA       0.41         NA       4.34        1.55          NA      21.89
    99296..  ..............  A               Neonatal critical           8.00         NA       0.05         NA       1.98        0.77          NA      10.75
    99297..  ..............  A               Neonatal critical           4.00         NA       0.05         NA       1.02        0.38          NA       5.40
    99301..  ..............  A               Nursing facility care       1.28         NA       0.16         NA       0.49        0.03          NA       1.80
    99302..  ..............  A               Nursing facility care       1.71         NA       0.16         NA       0.58        0.04          NA       2.33
    99303..  ..............  A               Nursing facility care       2.14         NA       0.16         NA       0.68        0.07          NA       2.89
    99311..  ..............  A               Nursing facility            0.64         NA       0.16         NA       0.35        0.03          NA       1.02
                                              care, subseq.                                                                                                 
    99312..  ..............  A               Nursing facility            1.06         NA       0.16         NA       0.44        0.03          NA       1.53
                                              care, subseq.                                                                                                 
    99313..  ..............  A               Nursing facility            1.51         NA       0.16         NA       0.54        0.04          NA       2.09
                                              care, subseq.                                                                                                 
    99321..  ..............  A               Rest home visit, new        0.71       0.37       0.37       0.61       0.61        0.03        1.35       1.35
    99322..  ..............  A               Rest home visit, new        1.01       0.50       0.50       0.84       0.84        0.05        1.90       1.90
    99323..  ..............  A               Rest home visit, new        1.28       0.58       0.58       1.00       1.00        0.06        2.34       2.34
    99331..  ..............  A               Rest home visit,            0.60       0.37       0.37       0.58       0.58        0.02        1.20       1.20
                                              estab pat.                                                                                                    
    99332..  ..............  A               Rest home visit,            0.80       0.42       0.42       0.69       0.69        0.03        1.52       1.52
                                              estab pat.                                                                                                    
    99333..  ..............  A               Rest home visit,            1.00       0.46       0.46       0.78       0.78        0.02        1.80       1.80
                                              estab pat.                                                                                                    
    99341..  ..............  A               Home visit, new             1.12       0.37       0.37       0.70       0.70        0.05        1.87       1.87
    99342..  ..............  A               Home visit, new             1.58       0.50       0.50       0.97       0.97        0.05        2.60       2.60
    99343..  ..............  A               Home visit, new             2.09       0.58       0.58       1.18       1.18        0.06        3.33       3.33
    99351..  ..............  A               Home visit, estab           0.83       0.37       0.37       0.64       0.64        0.04        1.51       1.51
    99352..  ..............  A               Home visit, estab           1.12       0.42       0.42       0.76       0.76        0.04        1.92       1.92
    99353..  ..............  A               Home visit, estab           1.48       0.46       0.46       0.89       0.89        0.05        2.42       2.42
    99354..  ..............  A               Prolonged service,          1.77       0.29       0.05       0.75       0.47        0.07        2.59       2.31
    99355..  ..............  A               Prolonged service,          1.77       0.17       0.05       0.61       0.47        0.07        2.45       2.31
    99356..  ..............  A               Prolonged service,          1.71         NA       0.03         NA       0.43        0.08          NA       2.22
    99357..  ..............  A               Prolonged service,          1.71         NA       0.03         NA       0.43        0.08          NA       2.22
    99375..  ..............  G               Care plan oversight/       +1.73       0.64       0.26       1.17       0.71        0.04        2.94       2.48
    99381..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.19       0.77       0.30       1.22       0.64        0.08        2.49       1.91
                                              new, infant.                                                                                                  
    99382..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.36       0.69       0.30       1.16       0.68        0.09        2.61       2.13
                                              new, age 1-4.                                                                                                 
    99383..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.36       0.69       0.30       1.16       0.68        0.09        2.61       2.13
                                              new, age 5-11.                                                                                                
    99384..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.53       0.69       0.30       1.20       0.72        0.10        2.83       2.35
                                              new, 12-17.                                                                                                   
    99385..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.53       0.70       0.30       1.21       0.72        0.09        2.83       2.34
                                              new, 18-39.                                                                                                   
    99386..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.88       0.70       0.30       1.29       0.79        0.10        3.27       2.77
                                              new, 40-64.                                                                                                   
    99387..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +2.06       0.78       0.30       1.43       0.84        0.11        3.60       3.01
                                              new, 65 & over.                                                                                               
    99391..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.02       0.46       0.16       0.80       0.44        0.07        1.89       1.53
                                              est, infant.                                                                                                  
    99392..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.19       0.46       0.16       0.84       0.48        0.08        2.11       1.75
                                              est, age 1-4.                                                                                                 
    99393..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.19       0.46       0.16       0.84       0.48        0.08        2.11       1.75
                                              est, age 5-11.                                                                                                
    99394..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.36       0.46       0.16       0.88       0.52        0.09        2.33       1.97
                                              est, 12-17.                                                                                                   
    99395..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.36       0.47       0.16       0.89       0.51        0.08        2.33       1.95
                                              est, 18-39.                                                                                                   
    99396..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.53       0.47       0.16       0.93       0.55        0.09        2.55       2.17
                                              est, 40-64.                                                                                                   
    99397..  ..............  N               Preventive visit,          +1.71       0.47       0.16       0.97       0.60        0.10        2.78       2.41
                                              est, 65 & over.                                                                                               
    99401..  ..............  N               Preventive                 +0.48       0.32       0.16       0.50       0.31        0.03        1.01       0.82
                                              counseling, indiv.                                                                                            
    99402..  ..............  N               Preventive                 +0.98       0.32       0.16       0.61       0.42        0.05        1.64       1.45
                                              counseling, indiv.                                                                                            
    99403..  ..............  N               Preventive                 +1.46       0.32       0.16       0.72       0.54        0.08        2.26       2.08
                                              counseling, indiv.                                                                                            
    99404..  ..............  N               Preventive                 +1.95       0.32       0.16       0.84       0.65        0.11        2.90       2.71
                                              counseling, indiv.                                                                                            
    99411..  ..............  N               Preventive                 +0.15       0.20       0.16       0.28       0.23        0.01        0.44       0.39
                                              counseling, group.                                                                                            
    [[Page 33299]]
    99412..  ..............  N               Preventive                 +0.25       0.20       0.16       0.30       0.25        0.01        0.56       0.51
                                              counseling, group.                                                                                            
    99431..  ..............  A               Initial care, normal        1.17         NA       0.33         NA       0.67        0.08          NA       1.92
    99432..  ..............  A               Newborn care not in         1.26       0.80       0.33       1.27       0.69        0.08        2.61       2.03
    99433..  ..............  A               Normal newborn care,        0.62         NA       0.03         NA       0.18        0.04          NA       0.84
    99435..  ..............  A               Hospital NB discharge       1.50         NA       0.32         NA       0.74        0.10          NA       2.34
    99440..  ..............  A               Newborn resuscitation       2.93         NA       0.05         NA       0.75        0.19          NA       3.87
    A2000..  ..............  G               Chiropractor manip of      +0.45       0.24       0.16       0.40       0.30        0.01        0.86       0.76
    A4263..  ..............  A               Permanent tear duct         0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00        0.00        0.00       0.00
    A4300..  ..............  A               Cath impl vasc access       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00        0.00        0.00       0.00
    A4550..  ..............  A               Surgical trays.......       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00        0.00        0.00       0.00
    G0002..  ..............  A               Temporary urinary           0.50       0.85       0.02       1.14       0.14        0.02        1.66       0.66
    G0004..  ..............  A               ECG transm phys             0.52       1.57       0.15       2.17       0.44        0.65        3.34       1.61
                                              review & int.                                                                                                 
    G0005..  ..............  A               ECG 24 hour recording       0.00       0.16       0.05       0.21       0.08        0.09        0.30       0.17
    G0006..  ..............  A               ECG transmission &          0.00       1.35       0.05       1.76       0.17        0.51        2.27       0.68
    G0007..  ..............  A               ECG phy review &            0.52       0.05       0.05       0.19       0.19        0.05        0.76       0.76
    G0015..  ..............  A               Post symptom ECG            0.00       1.44       0.11       1.87       0.25        0.51        2.38       0.76
    G0016..  ..............  A               Post symptom ECG md         0.52       0.05       0.05       0.19       0.19        0.05        0.76       0.76
    G0025..  ..............  A               Collagen skin test          0.00       0.47       0.02       0.57       0.02        0.00        0.57       0.02
    G0030..  26              A               PET imaging prev PET        1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
    G0031..  26              A               PET imaging prev PET        1.46       0.13       0.13       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.06       2.06
    G0032..  26              A               PET follow SPECT            1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
                                              78464 singl.                                                                                                  
    G0033..  26              A               PET follow SPECT            1.46       0.13       0.13       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.06       2.06
                                              78464 mult.                                                                                                   
    G0034..  26              A               PET follow SPECT            1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
                                              76865 singl.                                                                                                  
    G0035..  26              A               PET follow SPECT            1.46       0.13       0.13       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.06       2.06
                                              78465 mult.                                                                                                   
    G0036..  26              A               PET follow cornry           1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
                                              angio sing.                                                                                                   
    G0037..  26              A               PET follow cornry           1.46       0.13       0.13       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.06       2.06
                                              angio mult.                                                                                                   
    G0038..  26              A               PET follow myocard          1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
                                              perf sing.                                                                                                    
    G0039..  26              A               PET follow myocard          1.46       0.13       0.13       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.06       2.06
                                              perf mult.                                                                                                    
    G0040..  26              A               PET follow stress           1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
                                              echo singl.                                                                                                   
    G0041..  26              A               PET follow stress           1.46       0.13       0.13       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.06       2.06
                                              echo mult.                                                                                                    
    G0042..  26              A               PET follow                  1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
                                              ventriculogm sing.                                                                                            
    G0043..  26              A               PET follow                  1.46       0.13       0.13       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.06       2.06
                                              ventriculogm mult.                                                                                            
    G0044..  26              A               PET following rest          1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
                                              ECG singl.                                                                                                    
    G0045..  26              A               PET following rest          1.46       0.13       0.13       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.06       2.06
                                              ECG mult.                                                                                                     
    G0046..  26              A               PET follow stress ECG       1.09       0.11       0.11       0.39       0.39        0.07        1.55       1.55
    G0047..  26              A               PET follow stress ECG       1.46       0.13       0.13       0.50       0.50        0.10        2.06       2.06
    G0050..  ..............  A               Residual urine by           0.00       0.40       0.40       0.50       0.50        0.05        0.55       0.55
    G0051..  ..............  A               Destroy benign/premal       0.55       0.60       0.26       0.86       0.45        0.04        1.45       1.04
    G0052..  ..............  A               Destruction of add'l        0.18       0.03       0.00       0.08       0.04        0.01        0.27       0.23
    G0053..  ..............  A               Destruction of add'l        3.05       0.77       0.26       1.66       1.03        0.20        4.91       4.28
    G0062..  ..............  A               peripheral bone             0.22       0.97       0.97       1.25       1.25        0.07        1.54       1.54
    G0062..  26              A               peripheral bone             0.22       0.10       0.10       0.18       0.18        0.02        0.42       0.42
    G0062..  TC              A               peripheral bone             0.00       0.87       0.87       1.07       1.07        0.05        1.12       1.12
    G0063..  ..............  A               central bone                0.30       0.39       0.39       0.58       0.58        0.21        1.09       1.09
    G0063..  26              A               central bone                0.30       0.09       0.09       0.18       0.18        0.02        0.50       0.50
    G0063..  TC              A               central bone                0.00       0.30       0.30       0.40       0.40        0.19        0.59       0.59
    G0064..  ..............  A               care plan oversight,        1.73       0.64       0.26       1.17       0.71        0.04        2.94       2.48
                                              hme hlth.                                                                                                     
    G0065..  ..............  A               care plan oversight,        1.73       0.64       0.26       1.17       0.71        0.04        2.94       2.48
    G0071..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              1.11       0.35       0.16       0.68       0.45        0.05        1.84       1.61
                                              office, no E/M.                                                                                               
    G0072..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              1.47       0.35       0.16       0.76       0.53        0.05        2.28       2.05
                                              office, wth E/M.                                                                                              
    G0073..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              1.73       0.35       0.16       0.82       0.60        0.08        2.63       2.41
                                              office, no E/M.                                                                                               
    G0074..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              2.00       0.35       0.16       0.88       0.65        0.08        2.96       2.73
                                              office, wth E/M.                                                                                              
    G0075..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              2.76       0.35       0.16       1.06       0.84        0.15        3.97       3.75
                                              office, no E/M.                                                                                               
    G0076..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              3.15       0.35       0.16       1.15       0.92        0.15        4.45       4.22
                                              office, wth E/M.                                                                                              
    G0077..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              1.19       0.35       0.16       0.70       0.48        0.09        1.98       1.76
                                              office, no E/M.                                                                                               
    G0078..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              1.58       0.35       0.16       0.79       0.56        0.09        2.46       2.23
                                              office, wth E/M.                                                                                              
    G0079..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              1.86       0.35       0.16       0.85       0.63        0.09        2.80       2.58
                                              office, no E/M.                                                                                               
    G0080..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              2.15       0.35       0.16       0.91       0.69        0.09        3.15       2.93
                                              office, wth E/M.                                                                                              
    G0081..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              2.97       0.35       0.16       1.09       0.87        0.09        4.15       3.93
                                              office, no E/M.                                                                                               
    G0082..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy,              3.39       0.35       0.16       1.18       0.96        0.09        4.66       4.44
                                              office, wth E/M.                                                                                              
    G0083..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        1.24       0.35       0.16       0.70       0.48        0.05        1.99       1.77
                                              no E/M.                                                                                                       
    G0084..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        1.65       0.35       0.16       0.79       0.57        0.05        2.49       2.27
                                              with E/M.                                                                                                     
    G0085..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        1.94       0.35       0.16       0.86       0.64        0.08        2.88       2.66
                                              no E/M.                                                                                                       
    G0086..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        2.24       0.35       0.16       0.93       0.71        0.08        3.25       3.03
                                              with E/M.                                                                                                     
    G0087..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        3.09       0.35       0.16       1.13       0.91        0.15        4.37       4.15
                                              no E/M.                                                                                                       
    G0088..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        3.53       0.35       0.16       1.23       1.00        0.15        4.91       4.68
                                              with E/M.                                                                                                     
    G0089..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        1.33       0.35       0.16       0.73       0.51        0.09        2.15       1.93
                                              no E/M.                                                                                                       
    G0090..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        1.77       0.35       0.16       0.83       0.61        0.09        2.69       2.47
                                              with E/M.                                                                                                     
    G0091..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        2.08       0.35       0.16       0.90       0.67        0.09        3.07       2.84
                                              no E/M.                                                                                                       
    G0092..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        2.41       0.35       0.16       0.97       0.75        0.09        3.47       3.25
                                              with E/M.                                                                                                     
    G0093..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        3.32       0.35       0.16       1.17       0.95        0.09        4.58       4.36
                                              no E/M.                                                                                                       
    G0094..  ..............  A               Psychotherapy, inpt,        3.80       0.35       0.16       1.27       1.05        0.09        5.16       4.94
                                              with E/M.                                                                                                     
    H5300..  ..............  G               Occupational therapy.      +0.32       0.19       0.16       0.31       0.28        0.03        0.66       0.63
    M0005..  ..............  G               Off visit 2/more           +0.76       0.23       0.16       0.46       0.37        0.03        1.25       1.16
    [[Page 33300]]
    M0006..  ..............  G               One phys therapy           +0.50       0.23       0.16       0.40       0.31        0.02        0.92       0.83
    M0007..  ..............  G               Combined phys ther         +1.01       0.23       0.16       0.52       0.43        0.04        1.57       1.48
                                              mod & tx.                                                                                                     
    M0008..  ..............  G               Combined phys ther         +0.50       0.23       0.16       0.40       0.31        0.01        0.91       0.82
                                              mod & tx.                                                                                                     
    M0064..  ..............  A               Visit for drug              0.37       0.35       0.16       0.51       0.29        0.03        0.91       0.69
    M0101..  ..............  A               Foot care hygienic/pm       0.43       0.57       0.16       0.80       0.30        0.03        1.26       0.76
    P3001..  26              A               Screening pap smear         0.42       0.69       0.16       0.94       0.30        0.04        1.40       0.76
                                              by phys.                                                                                                      
    Q0035..  ..............  A               Cardiokymography.....       0.17       0.36       0.36       0.48       0.48        0.04        0.69       0.69
    Q0035..  26              A               Cardiokymography.....       0.17       0.11       0.11       0.17       0.17        0.01        0.35       0.35
    Q0035..  TC              A               Cardiokymography.....       0.00       0.25       0.25       0.31       0.31        0.03        0.34       0.34
    Q0068..  ..............  A               Extracorpeal                1.67       1.75       0.14       2.54       0.57        0.16        4.37       2.40
    Q0091..  ..............  A               Obtaining screen pap        0.37       0.46       0.16       0.65       0.29        0.03        1.05       0.69
    Q0092..  ..............  A               Set up port xray            0.00       0.20       0.20       0.24       0.24        0.01        0.25       0.25
    Q0103..  ..............  A               Physical therapy            1.01       0.25       0.16       0.56       0.44        0.11        1.68       1.56
    Q0104..  ..............  A               Phys therapy re-            0.50       0.25       0.16       0.42       0.31        0.01        0.93       0.82
    Q0109..  ..............  A               Occupational therapy        1.01       0.20       0.13       0.49       0.41        0.11        1.61       1.53
    Q0110..  ..............  A               Occupational therap         0.50       0.20       0.13       0.36       0.27        0.01        0.87       0.78
    R0070..  ..............  A               Transport portable x-       0.00       0.46       0.46       0.56       0.56        0.00        0.56       0.56
    R0075..  ..............  A               Transport port x-ray        0.00       0.12       0.12       0.15       0.15        0.00        0.15       0.15
            Addendum D.--Proposed 1999 Office Rental Index Versus 1997 Rental Index by 1997 Fee Schedule Area       
                                           [In descending order of difference]                                      
                                                                        Rental index                                
          Carrier No.         Locality      Fee schedule area    --------------------------  Difference   Percentage
                                No.                                   1999         1997                   difference
    00973.................           50  VIRGIN ISLANDS.........        1.309        1.089        0.220         20.2
    00901.................           99  REST OF MARYLAND.......        1.020        0.916        0.104         11.4
    00824.................           01  COLORADO...............        0.956        0.871        0.085          9.8
    01380.................           01  PORTLAND, OR...........        1.006        0.923        0.083          9.0
    01020.................           01  ALASKA.................        1.265        1.190        0.075          6.3
    00910.................           09  UTAH...................        0.827        0.753        0.074          9.8
    00820.................           02  SOUTH DAKOTA...........        0.809        0.740        0.069          9.3
    00820.................           01  NORTH DAKOTA...........        0.761        0.695        0.066          9.5
    01030.................           00  ARIZONA................        0.955        0.892        0.063          7.1
    01390.................           99  REST OF WASHINGTON.....        0.957        0.896        0.061          6.8
    00900.................           31  AUSTIN, TX.............        1.118        1.061        0.057          5.4
    00825.................           21  WYOMING................        0.769        0.714        0.055          7.7
    00751.................           01  MONTANA................        0.766        0.713        0.053          7.4
    00900.................           09  BRAZORIA, TX...........        1.001        0.957        0.044          4.6
    05130.................           00  IDAHO..................        0.801        0.761        0.040          5.3
    01380.................           99  REST OF OREGON.........        0.899        0.860        0.039          4.5
    00528.................           99  REST OF LOUISIANA......        0.721        0.682        0.039          5.7
    01360.................           05  NEW MEXICO.............        0.844        0.811        0.033          4.1
    00621.................           16  CHICAGO, IL............        1.207        1.175        0.032          2.7
    01040.................           99  REST OF GEORGIA........        0.765        0.734        0.031          4.2
    00660.................           00  KENTUCKY...............        0.719        0.690        0.029          4.2
    00900.................           99  REST OF TEXAS..........        0.791        0.762        0.029          3.8
    10250.................           00  MISSISSIPPI............        0.705        0.678        0.027          4.0
    05535.................           00  NORTH CAROLINA.........        0.817        0.791        0.026          3.3
    00901.................           01  BALTIMORE/SURR. CNTYS,         1.027        1.003        0.024          2.4
    00951.................           00  WISCONSIN..............        0.854        0.830        0.024          2.9
    00700.................           99  REST OF MASSACHUSETTS..        1.162        1.138        0.024          2.1
    00865.................           99  REST OF PENNSYLVANIA...        0.825        0.801        0.024          3.0
    00801.................           99  REST OF NEW YORK.......        0.915        0.892        0.023          2.6
    00650.................           00  KANSAS*................        0.772        0.751        0.021          2.8
    00740.................           04  KANSAS*................        0.772        0.751        0.021          2.8
    00880.................           01  SOUTH CAROLINA.........        0.795        0.774        0.021          2.7
    00900.................           20  BEAUMONT, TX...........        0.758        0.737        0.021          2.8
    00640.................           00  IOWA...................        0.778        0.758        0.020          2.6
    01040.................           01  ATLANTA, GA............        1.034        1.017        0.017          1.7
    00623.................           99  REST OF MICHIGAN.......        0.829        0.813        0.016          2.0
    00900.................           11  DALLAS, TX.............        1.005        0.990        0.015          1.5
    00900.................           15  GALVESTON, TX..........        0.910        0.896        0.014          1.6
    00590.................           99  REST OF FLORIDA........        0.936        0.922        0.014          1.5
    00528.................           01  NEW ORLEANS, LA........        0.826        0.812        0.014          1.7
    16510.................           16  WEST VIRGINIA..........        0.659        0.646        0.013          2.0
    [[Page 33301]]
    01390.................           02  SEATTLE (KING CNTY), WA        1.162        1.149        0.013          1.1
    01290.................           00  NEVADA.................        1.079        1.066        0.013          1.2
    10490.................           00  VIRGINIA...............        0.881        0.869        0.012          1.4
    00621.................           99  REST OF ILLINOIS.......        0.756        0.745        0.011          1.5
    00510.................           00  ALABAMA................        0.713        0.703        0.010          1.4
    00520.................           13  ARKANSAS...............        0.698        0.688        0.010          1.5
    00655.................           00  NEBRASKA...............        0.770        0.760        0.010          1.3
    00900.................           18  HOUSTON, TX............        0.972        0.964        0.008          0.8
    10240.................           00  MINNESOTA..............        0.896        0.888        0.008          0.9
    00803.................           03  POUGHKPSIE/N NYC               1.305        1.298        0.007          0.5
                                          SUBURBS, NY.                                                              
    00621.................           12  EAST ST. LOUIS, IL.....        0.787        0.784        0.003          0.4
    00740.................           02  METROPOLITAN KANSAS            0.828        0.827        0.001          0.1
                                          CITY, MO.                                                                 
    05440.................           35  TENNESSEE..............        0.758        0.757        0.001          0.1
    00630.................           00  INDIANA................        0.806        0.805        0.001          0.1
    00740.................           99  REST OF MISSOURI*......        0.656        0.656        0.000          0.0
    11260.................           99  REST OF MISSOURI*......        0.656        0.656        0.000          0.0
    16360.................           00  OHIO...................        0.812        0.812        0.000          0.0
    00803.................           02  NYC SUBURBS/LONG I., NY        1.535        1.537       -0.002         -0.1
    00590.................           03  FORT WORTH, TX.........        0.921        0.924       -0.003         -0.3
    11260.................           01  METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS,        0.807        0.810       -0.003         -0.4
    01370.................           00  OKLAHOMA...............        0.713        0.716       -0.003         -0.4
    21200.................           99  REST OF MAINE..........        0.827        0.830       -0.003         -0.4
    00865.................           01  METROPOLITAN                   1.162        1.168       -0.006         -0.5
                                          PHILADELPHIA, PA.                                                         
    00780.................           40  NEW HAMPSHIRE..........        1.091        1.101       -0.010         -0.9
    21200.................           03  SOUTHERN MAINE.........        1.119        1.134       -0.015         -1.3
    00570.................           01  DELAWARE...............        1.013        1.028       -0.015         -1.5
    00780.................           50  VERMONT................        0.980        0.996       -0.016         -1.6
    14330.................           04  QUEENS, NY.............        1.466        1.484       -0.018         -1.2
    00803.................           01  MANHATTAN, NY..........        1.808        1.829       -0.021         -1.1
    00870.................           01  RHODE ISLAND...........        1.111        1.133       -0.022         -1.9
    02050.................           99  REST OF CALIFORNIA*....        1.068        1.092       -0.024         -2.2
    00542.................           99  REST OF CALIFORNIA*....        1.068        1.092       -0.024         -2.2
    02050.................           18  LOS ANGELES............        1.466        1.495       -0.029         -1.9
    00973.................           20  PUERTO RICO............        0.715        0.751       -0.036         -4.8
    00900.................           28  FORT LAUDERDALE, FL....        1.114        1.151       -0.037         -3.2
    00590.................           04  MIAMI, FL..............        1.232        1.276       -0.044         -3.4
    02050.................           26  ANAHEIM/SANTA ANA, CA..        1.474        1.526       -0.052         -3.4
    10230.................           00  CONNECTICUT............        1.313        1.367       -0.054         -4.0
    00623.................           01  DETROIT, MI............        0.971        1.032       -0.061         -5.9
    00700.................           01  METROPOLITAN BOSTON....        1.366        1.433       -0.067         -4.7
    00542.................           07  OAKLAND/BERKLEY, CA....        1.339        1.411       -0.072         -5.1
    00542.................           03  MARIN/NAPA/SOLANO, CA..        1.346        1.423       -0.077         -5.4
    00860.................           99  REST OF NEW JERSEY.....        1.261        1.343       -0.082         -6.1
    00860.................           01  NORTHERN NJ............        1.415        1.507       -0.092         -6.1
    00542.................           06  SAN MATEO, CA..........        1.629        1.730       -0.101         -5.8
    00542.................           09  SANTA CLARA, CA........        1.548        1.651       -0.103         -6.2
    00621.................           15  SUBURBAN CHICAGO, IL...        1.207        1.313       -0.106         -8.1
    00542.................           05  SAN FRANCISCO, CA......        1.629        1.748       -0.119         -6.8
    00580.................           01  DC + MD/VA SUBURBS.....        1.335        1.458       -0.123         -8.4
    01120.................           01  HAWAII/GUAM............        1.639        1.785       -0.146         -8.2
    02050.................           17  VENTURA, CA............        1.329        1.573       -0.244        -15.5
    * Payment locality is serviced by two carriers.                                                                 
    Note: Not adjusted for budget neutrality.                                                                       
    Addendum E.--Proposed 1999 Malpractice Geographic Practice Cost Index (MGPCI) Versus 1997 Malpractice Geographic
                                     Practice Cost Index, by 1997 Fee Schedule Area                                 
                                           [In descending order of difference]                                      
          Carrier No.         Locality      Fee schedule area    --------------------------  Difference   Percentage
                                No.                                   1999         1997                   difference
    00621.................           16  CHICAGO, IL............        1.641        1.351        0.290         21.5
    [[Page 33302]]
    00621.................           12  EAST ST. LOUIS, IL.....        1.441        1.175        0.266         22.6
    00621.................           15  SUBURBAN CHICAGO, IL...        1.323        1.133        0.190         16.8
    00621.................           99  REST OF ILLINOIS.......        0.960        0.803        0.157         19.6
    00803.................           02  NYC SUBURBS/LONG I., NY        1.873        1.719        0.154          9.0
    00528.................           01  NEW ORLEANS, LA........        1.118        0.975        0.143         14.7
    14330.................           04  QUEENS, NY.............        1.782        1.648        0.134          8.1
    00528.................           99  REST OF LOUISIANA......        0.999        0.891        0.108         12.1
    01290.................           00  NEVADA.................        0.966        0.867        0.099         11.4
    00803.................           03  POUGHKPSIE/N NYC               1.285        1.191        0.094          7.9
                                          SUBURBS, NY.                                                              
    00803.................           01  MANHATTAN, NY..........        1.603        1.511        0.092          6.1
    16510.................           16  WEST VIRGINIA..........        1.072        0.981        0.091          9.3
    00780.................           50  VERMONT................        0.531        0.442        0.089         20.1
    00780.................           40  NEW HAMPSHIRE..........        0.982        0.895        0.087          9.7
    00973.................           20  PUERTO RICO............        0.348        0.262        0.086         32.8
    02050.................           18  LOS ANGELES, CA........        0.820        0.735        0.085         11.6
    02050.................           26  ANAHEIM/SANTA ANA, CA..        0.820        0.735        0.085         11.6
    00542.................           03  MARIN/NAPA/SOLANO, CA..        0.646        0.583        0.063         10.8
    00542.................           05  SAN FRANCISCO, CA......        0.646        0.583        0.063         10.8
    00542.................           06  SAN MATEO, CA..........        0.646        0.583        0.063         10.8
    00542.................           07  OAKLAND/BERKLEY, CA....        0.646        0.583        0.063         10.8
    00542.................           09  SANTA CLARA, CA........        0.646        0.583        0.063         10.8
    02050.................           99  REST OF CALIFORNIA*....        0.677        0.614        0.063         10.3
    00542.................           99  REST OF CALIFORNIA*....        0.677        0.614        0.063         10.3
    00570.................           01  DELAWARE...............        0.834        0.774        0.060          7.8
    05535.................           00  NORTH CAROLINA.........        0.482        0.425        0.057         13.4
    00630.................           00  INDIANA................        0.395        0.348        0.047         13.5
    00580.................           01  DC + MD/VA SUBURBS.....        1.000        0.958        0.042          4.4
    10230.................           00  CONNECTICUT............        1.020        0.978        0.042          4.3
    01040.................           01  ATLANTA, GA............        0.922        0.882        0.040          4.5
    01040.................           99  REST OF GEORGIA........        0.922        0.882        0.040          4.5
    10490.................           00  VIRGINIA...............        0.540        0.506        0.034          6.7
    00820.................           01  NORTH DAKOTA...........        0.636        0.603        0.033          5.5
    00900.................           11  DALLAS, TX.............        0.901        0.873        0.028          3.2
    00590.................           03  FORT WORTH, TX.........        0.901        0.873        0.028          3.2
    00860.................           01  NORTHERN NJ............        0.771        0.745        0.026          3.5
    00860.................           99  REST OF NEW JERSEY.....        0.771        0.745        0.026          3.5
    01120.................           01  HAWAII/GUAM............        0.924        0.899        0.025          2.8
    00900.................           99  REST OF TEXAS..........        0.844        0.819        0.025          3.1
    02050.................           17  VENTURA, CA............        0.695        0.671        0.024          3.6
    05440.................           35  TENNESSEE..............        0.535        0.512        0.023          4.5
    16360.................           00  OHIO...................        1.041        1.025        0.016          1.6
    00900.................           31  AUSTIN, TX.............        0.823        0.808        0.015          1.9
    00973.................           50  VIRGIN ISLANDS.........        1.000        1.000        0.000          0.0
    00901.................           99  REST OF MARYLAND.......        0.839        0.843       -0.004         -0.5
    00740.................           99  REST OF MISSOURI*......        1.129        1.133       -0.004         -0.4
    11260.................           99  REST OF MISSOURI*......        1.129        1.133       -0.004         -0.4
    00655.................           00  NEBRASKA...............        0.429        0.434       -0.005         -1.2
    00623.................           01  DETROIT, MI............        2.975        2.982       -0.007         -0.2
    10250.................           00  MISSISSIPPI............        0.699        0.710       -0.011         -1.5
    00820.................           02  SOUTH DAKOTA...........        0.422        0.433       -0.011         -2.5
    01390.................           02  SEATTLE (KING CNTY), WA        0.719        0.731       -0.012         -1.6
    01390.................           99  REST OF WASHINGTON.....        0.719        0.731       -0.012         -1.6
    11260.................           01  METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS,        1.161        1.180       -0.019         -1.6
    00660.................           00  KENTUCKY...............        0.782        0.801       -0.019         -2.4
    00740.................           02  METROPOLITAN KANSAS            1.159        1.180       -0.021         -1.8
                                          CITY, MO.                                                                 
    00900.................           18  HOUSTON, TX............        1.374        1.396       -0.022         -1.6
    05130.................           00  IDAHO..................        0.549        0.575       -0.026         -4.5
    00520.................           13  ARKANSAS...............        0.391        0.417       -0.026         -6.2
    00901.................           01  BALTIMORE/SURR. CNTYS,         1.064        1.090       -0.026         -2.4
    00751.................           01  MONTANA................        0.709        0.739       -0.030         -4.1
    00623.................           99  REST OF MICHIGAN.......        1.772        1.802       -0.030         -1.7
    01370.................           00  OKLAHOMA...............        0.437        0.470       -0.033         -7.0
    00801.................           99  REST OF NEW YORK.......        0.769        0.802       -0.033         -4.1
    00640.................           00  IOWA...................        0.628        0.664       -0.036         -5.4
    [[Page 33303]]
    00824.................           01  COLORADO...............        0.771        0.808       -0.037         -4.6
    00900.................           09  BRAZORIA, TX...........        1.343        1.396       -0.053         -3.8
    00900.................           15  GALVESTON, TX..........        1.343        1.396       -0.053         -3.8
    00900.................           20  BEAUMONT, TX...........        1.343        1.396       -0.053         -3.8
    00910.................           09  UTAH...................        0.576        0.629       -0.053         -8.4
    01380.................           01  PORTLAND, OR...........        0.569        0.623       -0.054         -8.7
    01380.................           99  REST OF OREGON.........        0.569        0.623       -0.054         -8.7
    21200.................           03  SOUTHERN MAINE.........        0.686        0.742       -0.056         -7.5
    21200.................           99  REST OF MAINE..........        0.686        0.742       -0.056         -7.5
    00510.................           00  ALABAMA................        0.849        0.906       -0.057         -6.3
    01360.................           05  NEW MEXICO.............        0.694        0.774       -0.080        -10.3
    00880.................           01  SOUTH CAROLINA.........        0.271        0.353       -0.082        -23.2
    10240.................           00  MINNESOTA..............        0.491        0.581       -0.090        -15.5
    01020.................           01  ALASKA.................        1.486        1.581       -0.095         -6.0
    00900.................           28  FORT LAUDERDALE, FL....        1.728        1.825       -0.097         -5.3
    00590.................           99  REST OF FLORIDA........        1.286        1.385       -0.099         -7.1
    00865.................           99  REST OF PENNSYLVANIA...        0.617        0.719       -0.102        -14.2
    00825.................           21  WYOMING................        0.683        0.793       -0.110        -13.9
    00865.................           01  METROPOLITAN                   1.170        1.284       -0.114         -8.9
                                          PHILADELPHIA, PA.                                                         
    00590.................           04  MIAMI, FL..............        2.278        2.401       -0.123         -5.1
    01030.................           00  ARIZONA................        1.152        1.291       -0.139        -10.8
    00700.................           01  METROPOLITAN BOSTON....        0.691        0.956       -0.265        -27.7
    00700.................           99  REST OF MASSACHUSETTS..        0.691        0.956       -0.265        -27.7
    00650.................           00  KANSAS*................        0.863        1.164       -0.301        -25.9
    00740.................           04  KANSAS*................        0.863        1.164       -0.301        -25.9
    00951.................           00  WISCONSIN..............        0.815        1.134       -0.319        -28.1
    00870.................           01  RHODE ISLAND...........        1.152        1.534       -0.382        -24.9
    * Payment locality is serviced by two carriers.                                                                 
    Note: Not adjusted for budget neutrality.                                                                       
           Addendum F.--Proposed 1999 Versus 1997 Geographic Adjustment Factor (GAF) by 1997 Fee Schedule Area      
                                           [In descending order of difference]                                      
          Carrier No.         Locality      Fee schedule area    --------------------------  Difference    Percent  
                                No.                                   1999         1997                   difference
    00973.................           50  VIRGIN ISLANDS.........        0.995        0.972        0.023          2.4
    00621.................           16  CHICAGO, IL............        1.081        1.064        0.017          1.6
    00901.................           99  REST OF MARYLAND.......        0.978        0.962        0.016          1.7
    00621.................           12  EAST ST. LOUIS, IL.....        0.986        0.972        0.014          1.4
    00528.................           99  REST OF LOUISIANA......        0.934        0.924        0.010          1.1
    00621.................           99  REST OF ILLINOIS.......        0.931        0.922        0.009          1.0
    00528.................           01  NEW ORLEANS, LA........        0.984        0.975        0.009          0.9
    00820.................           01  NORTH DAKOTA...........        0.905        0.896        0.009          1.0
    00803.................           02  NYC SUBURBS/LONG I., NY        1.173        1.166        0.007          0.6
    00820.................           02  SOUTH DAKOTA...........        0.885        0.878        0.007          0.8
    00900.................           31  AUSTIN, TX.............        0.984        0.977        0.007          0.7
    01290.................           00  NEVADA.................        1.014        1.008        0.006          0.6
    00803.................           03  POUGHKPSIE/N NYC               1.053        1.047        0.006          0.6
                                          SUBURBS, NY.                                                              
    01380.................           01  PORTLAND, OR...........        0.985        0.979        0.006          0.6
    00900.................           99  REST OF TEXAS..........        0.928        0.922        0.006          0.7
    01390.................           99  REST OF WASHINGTON.....        0.967        0.961        0.006          0.6
    16510.................           16  WEST VIRGINIA..........        0.923        0.917        0.006          0.7
    00780.................           40  NEW HAMPSHIRE..........        1.006        1.001        0.005          0.5
    00824.................           01  COLORADO...............        0.969        0.964        0.005          0.5
    05535.................           00  NORTH CAROLINA.........        0.927        0.922        0.005          0.5
    01040.................           99  REST OF GEORGIA........        0.939        0.934        0.005          0.5
    01040.................           01  ATLANTA, GA............        1.013        1.009        0.004          0.4
    00751.................           01  MONTANA................        0.909        0.905        0.004          0.4
    14330.................           04  QUEENS, NY.............        1.164        1.160        0.004          0.3
    00910.................           09  UTAH...................        0.929        0.925        0.004          0.4
    [[Page 33304]]
    05130.................           00  IDAHO..................        0.912        0.909        0.003          0.3
    10490.................           00  VIRGINIA...............        0.945        0.942        0.003          0.3
    00780.................           50  VERMONT................        0.956        0.953        0.003          0.3
    01020.................           01  ALASKA.................        1.128        1.125        0.003          0.3
    00900.................           11  DALLAS, TX.............        1.007        1.004        0.003          0.3
    00630.................           00  INDIANA................        0.926        0.924        0.002          0.2
    00660.................           00  KENTUCKY...............        0.922        0.920        0.002          0.2
    10250.................           00  MISSISSIPPI............        0.899        0.897        0.002          0.2
    00803.................           01  MANHATTAN, NY..........        1.224        1.222        0.002          0.2
    00900.................           09  BRAZORIA, TX...........        1.002        1.000        0.002          0.2
    02050.................           18  LOS ANGELES............        1.102        1.101        0.001          0.1
    01390.................           02  SEATTLE (KING CNTY), WA        1.022        1.021        0.001          0.1
    00640.................           00  IOWA...................        0.911        0.910        0.001          0.1
    00973.................           20  PUERTO RICO............        0.794        0.793        0.001          0.1
    05440.................           35  TENNESSEE..............        0.922        0.921        0.001          0.1
    00520.................           13  ARKANSAS...............        0.886        0.886        0.000          0.0
    02050.................           99  REST OF CALIFORNIA*....        1.006        1.006        0.000          0.0
    00542.................           99  REST OF CALIFORNIA*....        1.006        1.006        0.000          0.0
    00570.................           01  DELAWARE...............        1.013        1.013        0.000          0.0
    00655.................           00  NEBRASKA...............        0.893        0.893        0.000          0.0
    16360.................           00  OHIO...................        0.971        0.971        0.000          0.0
    01380.................           99  REST OF OREGON.........        0.932        0.932        0.000          0.0
    00900.................           18  HOUSTON, TX............        1.031        1.031        0.000          0.0
    00900.................           20  BEAUMONT, TX...........        0.970        0.970        0.000          0.0
    00590.................           03  FORT WORTH, TX.........        0.976        0.976        0.000          0.0
    00825.................           21  WYOMING................        0.923        0.923        0.000          0.0
    00621.................           15  SUBURBAN CHICAGO, IL...        1.046        1.047       -0.001         -0.1
    01030.................           00  ARIZONA................        0.992        0.993       -0.001         -0.1
    00740.................           02  METROPOLITAN KANSAS            0.980        0.981       -0.001         -0.1
                                          CITY, MO.                                                                 
    11260.................           01  METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS,        0.981        0.982       -0.001         -0.1
    00801.................           99  REST OF NEW YORK.......        0.971        0.972       -0.001         -0.1
    00900.................           15  GALVESTON, TX..........        0.997        0.998       -0.001         -0.1
    02050.................           26  ANAHEIM/SANTA ANA, CA..        1.089        1.090       -0.001         -0.1
    00901.................           01  BALTIMORE/SURR. CNTYS,         1.029        1.030       -0.001         -0.1
    00623.................           99  REST OF MICHIGAN.......        1.009        1.010       -0.001         -0.1
    00510.................           00  ALABAMA................        0.928        0.930       -0.002         -0.2
    01360.................           05  NEW MEXICO.............        0.933        0.935       -0.002         -0.2
    01370.................           00  OKLAHOMA...............        0.907        0.909       -0.002         -0.2
    00865.................           99  REST OF PENNSYLVANIA...        0.947        0.949       -0.002         -0.2
    00880.................           01  SOUTH CAROLINA.........        0.912        0.914       -0.002         -0.2
    21200.................           99  REST OF MAINE..........        0.932        0.935       -0.003         -0.3
    10240.................           00  MINNESOTA..............        0.956        0.959       -0.003         -0.3
    00740.................           99  REST OF MISSOURI*......        0.906        0.909       -0.003         -0.3
    11260.................           99  REST OF MISSOURI*......        0.906        0.909       -0.003         -0.3
    00590.................           99  REST OF FLORIDA........        0.978        0.982       -0.004         -0.4
    00542.................           03  MARIN/NAPA/SOLANO, CA..        1.056        1.061       -0.005         -0.5
    21200.................           03  SOUTHERN MAINE.........        0.985        0.990       -0.005         -0.5
    00542.................           07  OAKLAND/BERKLEY, CA....        1.085        1.090       -0.005         -0.5
    10230.................           00  CONNECTICUT............        1.098        1.104       -0.006         -0.5
    00865.................           01  METROPOLITAN                   1.057        1.063       -0.006         -0.6
                                          PHILADELPHIA, PA.                                                         
    00860.................           99  REST OF NEW JERSEY.....        1.042        1.049       -0.007         -0.7
    00623.................           01  DETROIT, MI............        1.126        1.133       -0.007         -0.6
    00542.................           06  SAN MATEO, CA..........        1.120        1.128       -0.008         -0.7
    00542.................           09  SANTA CLARA, CA........        1.124        1.132       -0.008         -0.7
    00860.................           01  NORTHERN NJ............        1.098        1.107       -0.009         -0.8
    00542.................           05  SAN FRANCISCO, CA......        1.142        1.151       -0.009         -0.8
    00900.................           28  FORT LAUDERDALE, FL....        1.043        1.052       -0.009         -0.9
    00580.................           01  DC +MD/VA SUBURBS......        1.093        1.103       -0.010         -0.9
    00590.................           04  MIAMI, FL..............        1.101        1.111       -0.010         -0.9
    00700.................           99  REST OF MASSACHUSETTS..        1.028        1.038       -0.010         -1.0
    00650.................           00  KANSAS*................        0.931        0.943       -0.012         -1.3
    00740.................           04  KANSAS*................        0.931        0.943       -0.012         -1.3
    00951.................           00  WISCONSIN..............        0.953        0.965       -0.012         -1.2
    01120.................           01  HAWAII/GUAM............        1.070        1.083       -0.013         -1.2
    [[Page 33305]]
    00700.................           01  METROPOLITAN BOSTON....        1.086        1.106       -0.020         -1.8
    00870.................           01  RHODE ISLAND...........        1.045        1.065       -0.020         -1.9
    02050.................           17  VENTURA, CA............        1.053        1.077       -0.024         -2.2
    * Payment locality is serviced by two carriers.                                                                 
    Note: Not adjusted for budget neutrality.                                                                       
    [FR Doc. 97-15817 Filed 6-12-97; 12:01 pm]
    BILLING CODE 4120-01-P

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Health Care Finance Administration
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33158-33305 (148 pages)
Docket Numbers:
0938-AH94: Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies and Adjustments to the Relative Value Units Under the Physician Fee Schedule, Other Part B Payment Policies for Calendar Year 1998 (BPD-884-FC)
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