99-15410. Interpretive Bulletin 99-1; Payroll Deduction Programs for Individual Retirement Accounts  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 117 (Friday, June 18, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 33000-33003]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-15410]
    [[Page 32999]]
    Part VII
    Department of Labor
    Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration
    29 CFR Part 2509
    Interpretive Bulletin 99-1; Payroll Deduction Programs for Individual 
    Retirement Accounts
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 1999/ Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 33000]]
    Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration
    29 CFR Part 2509
    RIN 1210-AA70
    Interpretive Bulletin 99-1; Payroll Deduction Programs for 
    Individual Retirement Accounts
    AGENCY: Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Labor.
    ACTION: Interpretive bulletin.
    SUMMARY: In 1975, the Department of Labor (the Department) issued a 
    regulation describing circumstances under which the use of an employer 
    payroll deduction program for forwarding employee monies to an 
    individual retirement account (IRA) will not constitute an employee 
    pension benefit plan subject to Title I of the Employee Retirement 
    Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). Since the issuance of 
    that regulation, the Department has issued several advisory opinions 
    answering common questions arising under the regulation. This 
    interpretive bulletin codifies the views of the Department provided in 
    those advisory opinions and, by restating those views in one, more 
    readily available document, is intended to assist employers in their 
    efforts to provide retirement savings opportunities to employees by 
    means of payroll deduction programs that do not fall within the reach 
    of Title I of ERISA.
    DATES: Effective January 1, 1975.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John Keene at (202) 219-8521, Office 
    of Regulations and Interpretations, Pension and Welfare Benefits 
    Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, 
    Room N-5669, Washington, DC 20210. This telephone number is not a toll-
    free number.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In order to provide a concise and ready 
    reference to its interpretations of ERISA, the Department publishes its 
    interpretive bulletins in the Rules and Regulations section of the 
    Federal Register. Published in this issue of the Federal Register is 
    ERISA Interpretive Bulletin 99-1, which interprets ERISA section 
    3(2)(A), 29 U.S.C. 1002(2)(A), and the Department's regulation issued 
    thereunder at 29 CFR 2510.3-2(d), and which codifies the advisory 
    opinions previously issued by the Department interpreting these 
    provisions. The Department is publishing this interpretive bulletin in 
    an effort to facilitate the use by employers of payroll withholding as 
    a vehicle for encouraging employee savings through individual 
    retirement accounts.
        The Department has a strong interest in promoting retirement 
    savings by employees. The Department recognizes that some employers 
    currently do not provide pension plans for their employees. Although 
    retirement savings vehicles like the SIMPLE and the SEP, which impose 
    little in the way of administrative burdens or costs on employers, are 
    readily available, some employers are reluctant to assume even those 
    costs for a variety of reasons. The Department believes that it is 
    important that employees of such employers be encouraged to save 
    independently for retirement, and it is in the interest of the public 
    that employers be encouraged to provide opportunities for employee 
    retirement savings. One relatively inexpensive method that employers 
    may use to provide employees the opportunity to save for retirement is 
    making available to employees the possibility of regular payroll 
    deductions that are transmitted directly by the employer to individual 
    retirement accounts established by the employees. At present, there are 
    relatively few such programs in operation, and some employers have 
    indicated that they are reluctant to create payroll withholding 
    programs for individual retirement accounts because they are concerned 
    that such programs would be considered pension plans covered by ERISA 
    and therefore subject to the requirements of Title I of ERISA. The 
    Department is concerned that employers may not be aware of or 
    understand the long-established views of the Department with respect to 
    the ability of employers to establish and maintain employer payroll 
    withholding programs without such programs being considered pension 
    plans under ERISA. This guidance summarizes and restates those views in 
    order to provide employers the Department's views in one convenient, 
    easily accessible document.
        Section 3(2)(A) of Title I of ERISA provides that ``any plan, fund, 
    or program * * * established or maintained by an employer or by an 
    employee organization, or by both,'' shall be a pension plan ``to the 
    extent that by its express terms or as a result of surrounding 
    circumstances such plan, fund, or program * * * provides retirement 
    income to employees, or * * * results in a deferral of income by 
    employees for periods extending to the termination of covered 
    employment or beyond, regardless of the method of calculating the 
    contributions made to the plan, the method of calculating the benefits 
    under the plan or the method of distributing benefits from the plan.''
        Under provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended 
    (Code),1 individual taxpayers may establish individual 
    retirement accounts or individual retirement annuities (IRAs) that are 
    tax-favored if operated within the requirements of the Code. With 
    respect to Title I coverage of such IRAs, the Department has published 
    a regulation at 29 CFR 2510.3-2(d), establishing a safe harbor under 
    which an IRA established by employees and funded through payroll 
    deductions will not be considered to be a ``pension plan'' within the 
    meaning of section 3(2) of Title I when the conditions of the 
    regulation are satisfied. The regulation specifies that an IRA will not 
    be considered a ``pension plan'' when there are no contributions made 
    by an employer; employees participate in the IRA on a completely 
    voluntary basis; and the employer's activities with respect to the IRA 
    must be limited solely to permitting, without endorsement, the IRA 
    sponsor to publicize its program to employees; collecting contributions 
    through payroll deductions or dues checkoffs; and remitting those 
    contributions to the IRA sponsor. Finally, the regulation provides that 
    the employer may receive no consideration in any form, other than 
    reasonable compensation for services actually rendered in connection 
    with the payroll deduction or dues checkoff system. If one or more of 
    the conditions of the regulation are not met, the employer may be 
    considered to have established or maintained a pension plan. If an IRA 
    program is a pension plan under Title I of ERISA, it is subject to 
    Parts 1, 4, and 5 of Title I of ERISA, dealing with reporting and 
    disclosure requirements, fiduciary duties, and enforcement rights. 
    Pursuant to ERISA sections 201(6) and 301(a)(7), 29 U.S.C. 1051(6) and 
    1081 (a) (7), IRAs are exempt from Parts 2 and 3 of Title I, relating 
    to participation, vesting, and funding.2
        \1\ See generally Code sections 408, 408A.
        \2\ Whether or not an IRA is part of a ``pension plan,'' the 
    prohibited transaction provisions of section 4975 of the Internal 
    Revenue Code are applicable to transactions by the IRA.
        As part of the Conference Report on the Taxpayer Relief Act of 
    1997, Congress expressed its view that ``employers that choose not to 
    sponsor a retirement plan should be encouraged to set up a payroll 
    deduction system to help employees save for retirement by making 
    payroll deduction contributions to their IRAs.'' H.R. Rep. No. 220, 
    [[Page 33001]]
    Cong., 1st Sess. at 755 (1997). The Department is aware that some 
    employers that would permit payroll deduction contributions to IRAs are 
    reluctant to do so if ERISA would require employers to permit employees 
    an unlimited choice of IRA sponsors for the payroll deduction IRAs in 
    order not to be considered to have established an ERISA plan. 
    Similarly, some employers desire to limit the choice of IRA sponsors to 
    one entity, but are concerned that doing so might make their payroll 
    deduction arrangements ERISA plans. Employers also have raised issues 
    concerning the extent to which they may encourage employee savings for 
    retirement without being viewed as endorsing an arrangement contrary to 
    the limitations in the Department's regulation.
        In response to these specific concerns, and as part of the 
    Department's ongoing efforts to encourage retirement savings, the 
    Department is hereby summarizing and restating its views on employer 
    involvement in providing voluntary payroll deduction systems for 
    contributions to IRAs. This bulletin is intended to supplement 29 CFR 
    2510.3-2(d) by summarizing and restating the interpretive views of the 
    Department, as expressed in advisory opinions since promulgation of the 
    regulation, on various aspects of an employer's involvement in IRA 
    programs.3 This interpretive bulletin clarifies the 
    circumstances under which an employer may facilitate employees' 
    voluntary contributions to IRAs by providing an IRA payroll deduction 
    program without thereby inadvertently establishing or maintaining an 
    employee benefit pension plan within the scope of section 3(2) of 
        \3\ See Advisory Opinions 77-29A (March 16, 1977), 81-80A (Dec. 
    18, 1981), 82-13A (Feb. 17, 1982), 82-18A (March 22, 1982), 82-27A 
    (June 16, 1982), 82-53A (Oct. 4, 1982), 83-1A (Jan. 13, 1983), 83-2A 
    (Jan. 13, 1983), 83-9A (February 9, 1983), 83-10A (February 9, 
    1983), 83-25A (May 24, 1983), 90-20A (June 15, 1990).
    Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866, the Department must determine whether 
    the regulatory action is ``significant'' and therefore subject to the 
    requirements of the Executive Order and subject to review by the Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB). Under section 3(f)(4), the order 
    defines a ``significant regulatory action'' as an action that is likely 
    to result in, among other things, a rule raising novel policy issues 
    arising out of the President's priorities.
        Pursuant to the terms of the Executive Order, the Department has 
    determined that this regulation, which encourages employers to provide 
    the opportunity for employees to save for retirement by clarifying the 
    applicability of certain regulatory compliance issues, is consistent 
    with the President's priorities in encouraging retirement savings, and 
    as such is a ``significant regulatory action'' subject to OMB review 
    under Executive Order section 3(f)(4).
        According to the Employee Benefits Supplement to the 1993 Current 
    Population Survey, over half of the private wage and salary workforce 
    does not have employment-based retirement coverage. Employment-based 
    retirement coverage arises from three separate components: access to 
    coverage made available through employer sponsorship of plans, 
    eligibility for coverage through satisfaction of age and service 
    requirements, and acceptance of coverage, where employee participation 
    in the employer's plan is voluntary.
        Access to coverage is currently shown to differ significantly by 
    employer size. Approximately 82% of private wage and salary workers 
    employed by employers with 100 or more employees have access to 
    coverage. However, only 18% of employers of fewer than 25 employees, 
    and 45% of employers of 25 to 99 employees sponsor retirement plans. As 
    a result, about 30 million employees of small business do not have 
    access to employment-based retirement coverage. Furthermore, only about 
    12% of these employees choose to close this gap in retirement coverage 
    with an individual retirement account.
        Small employers who do not sponsor retirement plans typically offer 
    a few principal reasons for their decision, including the 
    administrative complexity and burden associated with retirement plans, 
    and the risk of commitment to an ongoing expense in the face of the 
    financial uncertainties of the small business environment. Although 
    this interpretive bulletin is not expected to impact access to 
    employer-provided retirement coverage, it may benefit both employers 
    and employees. First, it offers improved access to the Department's 
    views concerning the regulatory requirements for payroll deduction 
    programs for individual retirement accounts. This may ease concerns 
    about the administrative complexity of offering access to individual 
    retirement savings vehicles, which normally requires only a very 
    limited financial commitment on the part of an employer in the form of 
    affording payroll deductions.
        The interpretive bulletin may also facilitate individual savings 
    for retirement by those employees whose access to employer-sponsored 
    retirement coverage is most limited, by encouraging employers to make 
    individual retirement saving programs available in a manner convenient 
    to the employees. Although many employees without access to employer-
    sponsored coverage are currently permitted to make use of an IRA as an 
    alternative method to save for retirement, the Department believes that 
    employees may be more likely to make use of an individual retirement 
    savings vehicle that is offered in an employment setting and features 
    regular withholding, than one which requires making individual 
    arrangements with an IRA sponsor.
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
        The interpretive bulletin being issued here is subject to the 
    provisions of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 
    1996 (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.) and has been transmitted to Congress and 
    the Comptroller General for review.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The interpretive bulletin being issued here is not subject to the 
    requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
    seq.) because it does not contain an ``information collection request'' 
    as defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3).
    List of Subjects in 29 CFR Part 2509
        Employee Benefit Plans, Pensions.
        For the reasons set forth above, Part 2509 of Title 29 of The Code 
    of Federal Regulations is amended as follows:
    Part 2509--Interpretive Bulletins Relating to the Employee 
    Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
        1. The authority citation for part 2509 continues to read as 
        Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1135. Sections 2509.75-10 and 2509.75-2 
    issued under 29 U.S.C. 1052, 1053, 1054. Secretary of Labor's Order 
    No. 1-87 (52 FR 13139).
        2. Add a new Sec. 2509.99-1 to read as follows:
    Sec. 2509.99-1  Interpretive Bulletin Relating to Payroll Deduction 
        (a) Scope. This interpretive bulletin sets forth the Department 
    of Labor's (the Department's) interpretation of section 3(2)(A) of 
    the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, 
    (ERISA) and 29 CFR 2510.3-2(d), as applied to payroll deduction 
    programs established by employers 1 for the purpose of 
    enabling employees to make voluntary contributions to individual 
    retirement accounts or individual retirement annuities (IRAs)
    [[Page 33002]]
    described in section 408(a) or (b) or section 408A of the Internal 
    Revenue Code (the Code).
        \1\ The views expressed in this Interpretive Bulletin with 
    respect to payroll deduction programs of employers are also 
    generally applicable to dues checkoff programs of employee 
        (b) General. It has been the Department's long-held view that an 
    employer who simply provides employees with the opportunity for 
    making contributions to an IRA through payroll deductions does not 
    thereby establish a ``pension plan'' within the meaning of section 3 
    (2) (A) of ERISA. In this regard, 29 CFR 2510.3-2 (d) sets forth a 
    safe harbor under which IRAs will not be considered to be pension 
    plans when the conditions of the regulation are satisfied. Thus, an 
    employer may, with few constraints, provide to its employees an 
    opportunity for saving for retirement, under terms and conditions 
    similar to those of certain other optional payroll deduction 
    programs, such as for automatic savings deposits or purchases of 
    United States savings bonds, without thereby creating a pension plan 
    under Title I of ERISA. The guidance provided herein is intended to 
    clarify the application of the IRA safe harbor set forth at 29 CFR 
    2510.3-2 (d) and, thereby, facilitate the establishment of payroll 
    deduction IRAs.
        (c) Employee Communications. (1) It is the Department's view 
    that, so long as an employer maintains neutrality with respect to an 
    IRA sponsor in its communications with its employees, the employer 
    will not be considered to ``endorse'' an IRA payroll deduction 
    program for purposes of 29 CFR 2510.3-2(d).2 An employer 
    may encourage its employees to save for retirement by providing 
    general information on the IRA payroll deduction program and other 
    educational materials that explain the advisability of retirement 
    savings, including the advantages of contributing to an IRA, without 
    thereby converting the program under which the employees' wages are 
    withheld for contribution into the IRAs into an ERISA covered plan. 
    However, the employer must make clear that its involvement in the 
    program is limited to collecting the deducted amounts and remitting 
    them promptly to the IRA sponsor and that it does not provide any 
    additional benefit or promise any particular investment return on 
    the employee's savings.
        \2\ The Department has specifically stated, in its Advisory 
    Opinions, that an employer may demonstrate its neutrality with 
    respect to an IRA sponsor in a variety of ways, including (but not 
    limited to) by ensuring that any materials distributed to employees 
    in connection with an IRA payroll deduction program clearly and 
    prominently state, in language reasonably calculated to be 
    understood by the average employee, that the IRA payroll deduction 
    program is completely voluntary; that the employer does not endorse 
    or recommend either the sponsor or the funding media; that other IRA 
    funding media are available to employees outside the payroll 
    deduction program; that an IRA may not be appropriate for all 
    individuals; and that the tax consequences of contributing to an IRA 
    through the payroll deduction program are generally the same as the 
    consequences of contributing to an IRA outside the program. The 
    employer would not be considered neutral, in the Department's view, 
    to the extent that the materials distributed to employees identified 
    the funding medium as having as one of its purposes investing in 
    securities of the employer or its affiliates or the funding medium 
    in fact has any significant investments in such securities. If the 
    IRA program were a result of an agreement between the employer and 
    an employee organization, the Department would view informational 
    materials that identified the funding medium as having as one of its 
    purposes investing in an investment vehicle that is designed to 
    benefit an employee organization by providing more jobs for its 
    members, loans to its members, or similar direct benefits (or the 
    funding medium's actual investments in any such investment vehicles) 
    as indicating the employee organization's involvement in the program 
    in excess of the limitations of 29 CFR 2510.3-2(d).
        (2)The employer may also do the following without converting a 
    payroll deduction IRA program into an ERISA plan: An employer may 
    answer employees' specific inquiries about the mechanics of the IRA 
    payroll deduction program and may refer other inquiries to the 
    appropriate IRA sponsor. An employer may provide to employees 
    informational materials written by the IRA sponsor describing the 
    sponsor's IRA programs or addressing topics of general interest 
    regarding investments and retirement savings, provided that the 
    material does not itself suggest that the employer is other than 
    neutral with respect to the IRA sponsor and its products; the 
    employer may request that the IRA sponsor prepare such informational 
    materials and it may review such materials for appropriateness and 
    completeness. The fact that the employer's name or logo is displayed 
    in the informational materials in connection with describing the 
    payroll deduction program would not in and of itself, in the 
    Department's view, suggest that the employer has ``endorsed'' the 
    IRA sponsor or its products, provided that the specific context and 
    surrounding facts and circumstances make clear to the employees that 
    the employer's involvement is limited to facilitating employee 
    contributions through payroll deductions.3
        \3\ For example, if the employer whose logo appeared on the 
    promotional materials provided a statement along the lines of in the 
    first sentence of footnote 5, the employer would not be considered 
    to have endorsed the IRA product.
        (d) Employer Limitations on the number of IRA sponsors offered 
    under the program. The Department recognizes that the cost of 
    permitting employees to make IRA contributions through payroll 
    deductions may be significantly affected by the number of IRA 
    sponsors to which the employer must remit contributions. It is the 
    view of the Department that an employer may limit the number of IRA 
    sponsors to which employees may make payroll deduction contributions 
    without exceeding the limitations of 29 CFR 2510.3-2(d), provided 
    that any limitations on, or costs or assessments associated with an 
    employee's ability to transfer or roll over IRA contributions to 
    another IRA sponsor is fully disclosed in advance of the employee's 
    decision to participate in the program. The employer may select one 
    IRA sponsor as the designated recipient for payroll deduction 
    contributions, or it may establish criteria by which to select IRA 
    sponsors, e.g., standards relating to the sponsor's provision of 
    investment education, forms, availability to answer employees' 
    questions, etc., and may periodically review its selectees to 
    determine whether to continue to designate them. However, an 
    employer may be considered to be involved in the program beyond the 
    limitations set forth in 29 CFR 2510.3-2(d) if the employer 
    negotiates with an IRA sponsor and thereby obtains special terms and 
    conditions for its employees that are not generally available to 
    similar purchasers of the IRA. The employer's involvement in the IRA 
    program would also be in excess of the limitations of the regulation 
    if the employer exercises any influence over the investments made or 
    permitted by the IRA sponsor.
        (e) Administrative fees. The employer may pay any fee the IRA 
    sponsor imposes on employers for services the sponsor provides in 
    connection with the establishment and maintenance of the payroll 
    deduction process itself, without exceeding the limitations of 29 
    CFR 2510.3-2(d). Further, the employer may assume the internal costs 
    (such as for overhead, bookkeeping, etc) of implementing and 
    maintaining the payroll deduction program without reimbursement from 
    either employees or the IRA sponsor without exceeding the limits of 
    the regulation. However, if an employer pays, in connection with 
    operating an IRA payroll deduction program, any administrative, 
    investment management, or other fee that the IRA sponsor would 
    require employees to pay for establishing or maintaining the IRA, 
    the employer would, in the view of the Department, fall outside the 
    safe harbor and, as a result, may be considered to have established 
    a ``pension plan'' for its employees.
        (f) Reasonable Compensation for Services. 29 CFR 2510.3-2(d) 
    provides that an employer may not receive any consideration in 
    connection with operating an IRA payroll deduction program, but may 
    be paid ``reasonable compensation for services actually rendered in 
    connection with payroll deductions or dues checkoffs.'' Employers 
    have asked whether ``reasonable compensation'' under section 2510.3-
    2(d) includes payments from an IRA sponsor to an employer for the 
    employer's cost of operating the IRA payroll deduction program. It 
    is the Department's view that the IRA sponsor may make such 
    payments, to the extent that they constitute compensation for the 
    actual costs of the program to the employer. However, ``reasonable 
    compensation'' does not include any profit to the employer. See 29 
    CFR 2510.3-1(j), relating to group or group-type insurance programs. 
    For example, if an IRA sponsor offers to pay an employer an amount 
    equal to a percentage of the assets contributed by employees to IRAs 
    through payroll deduction, such an arrangement might exceed 
    ``reasonable compensation'' for the services actually rendered by 
    the employer in connection with the IRA payroll deduction program. 
    An employer will also be considered to have received consideration 
    that is not ``reasonable compensation'' if the IRA sponsor agrees to 
    make or to permit particular investments of IRA contributions in 
    consideration for the employer's agreement to make a payroll 
    deduction program available to its employees, or if the IRA sponsor 
    agrees to extend credit to or for the benefit of the employer in 
    return for the employer's making payroll deduction available to the 
        (g) Additional rules when employer is IRA sponsor or affiliate 
    of IRA sponsor. Under
    [[Page 33003]]
    certain circumstances, an employer that offers IRAs in the normal 
    course of its business to the general public or that is an affiliate 
    4 of an IRA sponsor may provide its employees with the 
    opportunity to make contributions to IRAs sponsored by the employer 
    or the affiliate through a payroll deduction program, without 
    exceeding the limitations of Sec. 2510.3-2(d). If the IRA products 
    offered to the employees for investment of the payroll deduction 
    contributions are identical to IRA products the sponsor offers the 
    general public in the ordinary course of its business, and any 
    management fees, sales commissions, and the like charged by the IRA 
    sponsor to employees participating in the payroll deduction program 
    are the same as those charged by the sponsor to employees of non-
    affiliated employers that establish an IRA payroll deduction 
    program, the Department has generally taken the position that this 
    alone will not cause the employer to be sufficiently involved in the 
    IRA program as an employer or to have received consideration of the 
    type prohibited under Sec. 2510.2(d)(iv) to warrant the program 
    being considered outside the safe harbor of the 
    regulation.5 Under such circumstances, the employer, in 
    offering payroll deduction contribution opportunities to its 
    employees, would appear to be acting generally as an IRA sponsor, 
    rather than as the employer of the individuals who make the 
        \4\ For purposes of this interpretive bulletin, the definition 
    of ``affiliate'' in ERISA section 407(d)(7) applies.
        \5\ While the funding medium offered by an employer that is an 
    IRA sponsor or an affiliate of an IRA sponsor might be considered an 
    employer security when offered to its own employees, the fact that 
    informational materials provided to employees identify the funding 
    medium as having as one of its purposes investing in securities of 
    the employer would not, in the Department's view, involve the 
    employer beyond the limits of 29 CFR 2510.3-2(d). Neither would the 
    fact that the funding medium may actually be so invested. However, 
    the Department would consider that an employer may have exceeded the 
    limitation of 2510.3-2(d) if the informational materials the 
    employer provides to employees suggest that the employer, in 
    providing the IRA payroll deduction program for purposes of 
    investing in employer securities, is acting as an employer in 
    relation to persons who participate in the program, rather than as 
    an IRA sponsor acting in the course of its ordinary business of 
    making IRA products available to the public.
        \6\ However, if an employer that is an IRA sponsor waives 
    enrollment and management fees for its employees' IRAs, and it 
    normally charges those fees to members of the public who purchase 
    IRAs, the employer would be considered to be so involved in the 
    program as to be outside the safe harbor of the regulation.
        Signed at Washington, DC, this 14th day of June, 1999.
    Richard M. McGahey,
    Assistant Secretary, Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, U.S. 
    Department of Labor.
    [FR Doc. 99-15410 Filed 6-17-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4510-20-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration
Entry Type:
Interpretive bulletin.
Document Number:
Effective January 1, 1975.
33000-33003 (4 pages)
1210-AA70: Payroll Deduction Programs for Contributions to Individual Retirement Accounts (Interpretive Bulletin)
RIN Links:
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CFR: (1)
29 CFR 2509.99-1