97-16084. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change by Pacific Exchange, Inc. Relating to the PCX Application of the OptiMark System  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 118 (Thursday, June 19, 1997)]
    [Pages 33448-33454]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-16084]
    [Release No. 34-38740; File No. SR-PCX-97-18]
    Self-Regulatory Organizations; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule 
    Change by Pacific Exchange, Inc. Relating to the PCX Application of the 
    OptiMark System
    June 13, 1997.
        Pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
    (``Exchange Act'' or ``Act''), 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1), and Rule 19b-4 
    thereunder, 17 CFR 240.19b-4, notice is hereby given that on June 11, 
    1997, Pacific Exchange, Inc. (``PCX'' or ``Exchange'') filed with the 
    Securities and Exchange Commission (``SEC'' or ``Commission'') the 
    proposed rule change as described in Items I, II, and III, which Items 
    have been prepared by the self-regulatory organization.\1\ The 
    Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the 
    proposed rule change from interested persons.
        \1\ The Exchange originally submitted this filing to the SEC on 
    May 20, 1997. On June 3, 1997, the Exchange submitted Amendment No. 
    1 to the filing. It was later determined that the rule filing was 
    not complete as a result of the omitted submission of an exhibit 
    containing the required ``Completed Notice of Proposed Rule Change 
    for Publication in the Federal Register.'' The Exchange elected to 
    resubmit the entire filing (received on June 11, 1997). The re-
    submitted filing incorporates the substance of the June 3,1997, 
    Amendment No. 1.
    I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance 
    of the Proposed Rule Change
        Pursuant to Rule 19b-4 of the Act, the Exchange proposes to 
    establish rules for a new exchange facility called the PCX Application 
    of the OptiMark System (``PCX Application'' or ``Application''). The 
    PCX Application is a computerized, screen-based trading service made 
    available from an electronic communications and information system 
    known as the ``OptiMark System'' \2\ for the benefit of the
    [[Page 33449]]
    Exchange members and their customers. It will provide automatic order 
    formulation, matching, and execution capabilities in the equity 
    securities listed or traded on the Exchange (collectively, ``PCX 
    Securities''). Similar to other proposals in the past to accommodate 
    new forms of trading involving stock baskets and index derivatives, the 
    Exchange believes that the proposed facility will meet institutional 
    investors' growing demand for a new secure medium of trading that may 
    be utilized in addition to (but not in lieu of) the traditional 
    continuous auction facilities of the Exchange. Moreover, because the 
    PCX Application will be an additional trading service available for the 
    Exchange Specialists and floor brokers to utilize in satisfying their 
    existing customer interest, retail investors also are expected to 
    benefit from the PCX Application.
        \2\ The OptiMark System has been developed by OptiMark 
    Technologies, Inc. (``OTI''), a computer technology firm located in 
    Durango, Colorado, based on certain patent-pending market 
    restructuring technology referred to as ``OptiMarkTM.'' 
    The PCX Application is expected to be one of several different 
    trading services based on that technology that will be made 
    available form the OptiMark System for other exchanges and markets 
    in the future. OTI expects its wholly-owned subsidiary, OptiMark 
    Services, Inc. (``OSI''), a registered broker-dealer, to be 
    responsible for operating portions of the PCX Application for the 
    Exchange and delivering the trading service to the Exchange's 
    members and their customers. OTI is licensing the OptiMark System to 
    OSI for purposes of the PCX Application.
    II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
    Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
        In its filing with the Commission, the self-regulatory organization 
    included statements concerning the purpose of and basis for the 
    proposed rule change, and discussed any comments it received on the 
    proposed rule change. The text of these statements may be examined at 
    the places specified in Item IV below. The self-regulatory organization 
    has prepared summaries, set forth in Sections A, B, and C, below, of 
    the most significant aspects of such statements.
    A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
    Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
    1. Purpose
        The purpose of the proposed rule change is to establish rules for 
    the PCX Application, a new trading service that may be used, in 
    addition to the traditional floor facilities, to buy and sell the PCX 
    Securities.\3\ The Application will allow the PCX members and their 
    customers to submit anonymously from their own computer terminals, 
    without ever revealing their trading strategies, visual depictions of 
    trading interest to the OptiMark System. At specified times during the 
    trading day, the OpitMark System will conduct certain trade 
    optimization calculations against such expressions of interest to 
    identify specific orders capable of execution. All such orders as 
    formulated by the OptiMark System will be automatically executed on the 
    Exchange, except to the extent that they may be executed on other 
    market centers through the Intermarket Trading System (``ITS'').
        \3\ This rule filing addresses trading in the PCX Securities 
    only. If and when the Application extends in the future to options 
    or other types of securities listed or traded on the Exchange, an 
    appropriate rule change will be filed with the Securities and 
    Exchange Commission.
        The Exchange proposes to offer this new trading service as an 
    additional exchange facility available for use by its members and their 
    customers. The Exchange believes that the OptiMark System represents a 
    significant step forward in the development of computer technology to 
    receive and process complex sets of information from investors. By 
    utilizing a trading service based on such technological innovation, 
    investors will be able to express fully their trading strategies 
    without fear of provoking an unfavorable price reaction. In the 
    Exchange's view, the PCX Application thus will result in increased 
    total liquidity in the market as more and more investors begin to 
    express the true extent of their trading interest. Further, by enabling 
    retail order flow to interact with such newly expressed interest while 
    preserving the integrity of the Exchange's auction-pricing mechanism, 
    the PCX Application is expected to enhance the capacity, efficiency and 
    fairness of the overall marketplace to the advantage of both small and 
    large orders.
    2. Description of How the PCX Application Operates
        The PCX Application is being developed jointly by the Exchange and 
    OTI. It represents one specific trading service made available from the 
    OptiMark System to be utilized by the Exchange members and their 
    customers in the manner described below:
    Proposed Method of Operation
        At the outset, it should be noted that the PCX Application is 
    modular in nature. Two distinct operations will be involved in running 
    the Application: (i) the central information processing system and 
    related administrative and communications terminal network of the 
    OptiMark System, which includes such physical infrastructure as 
    computers performing the functions of collecting data, processing it, 
    logging activities and switching messages from and to other systems and 
    carriers, as well as the communication network linking such computers 
    with customer terminals; and (ii) the computer hardware and software 
    needed (collectively, the ``PCX Interfaces'') for the OptiMark System 
    to communicate with the PCX's computerized order system (including any 
    terminals in use by the PCX Specialists or floor brokers). The Exchange 
    will continue to operate its electronic linkages with the ITS, 
    Consolidated Quote System (``CQS''), and the Consolidated Tape System 
    (``CTS''), as they currently exist.
        The Exchange will have direct ownership of and control over the PCX 
    Interfaces. The OptiMark System will provide such electronic 
    communications and information services needed for the PCX Application 
    as described herein. From time to time, various functionalities of the 
    computer services provided by the OptiMark System will be modified to 
    allow such system improvement and enhancement as may be deemed 
    appropriate or necessary. The Exchange will assure that, at all 
    relevant times, the material terms and conditions of the trading 
    service offered hereby as a facility of the Exchange, will comply fully 
    with the applicable rules of the Exchange.
    Access to the PCX Application
        The PCX Application will be available to all members of the PCX 
    and, only through them, to non-members such as institutional investors 
    and other non-member broker-dealers. Each interested member and non-
    member customer will be eligible to enter into a subscription agreement 
    (``User Agreement'') with OTI to establish an appropriate basis on 
    which to communicate with the OptiMark System and also to execute an 
    addendum to the User Agreement with OSI authorizing the delivery of the 
    trading service made available from the OptiMark System.
        The OptiMark System subscribers (``User'') will log in from their 
    own computer terminals and communicate with the OptiMark System over 
    any customary commercial information services and network of their 
    choice (such as Dow Jones Markets). Those Users that serve as 
    Specialists and floor brokers on the Exchange also will be able to 
    communicate with the OptiMark System from certain floor-located 
    computer terminals as discussed in more detail below. As specified in 
    the User Agreement, appropriate security codes and protocols will be 
    required to log in to the OptiMark System. Once logged in, Users with 
    authorized access to the PCX Application will be able to utilize the 
    specific trading service offered by the Exchange as a new facility, by 
    submitting certain expressions of their trading interest in a PCX 
    Security to the OptiMark System. Users will be responsible for any and 
    [[Page 33450]]
    of such expressions and any other messages submitted to the OptiMark 
    System under their passwords and security codes.
        Each member of the Exchange will be granted access to the PCX 
    Application directly as a User. Any and all orders formulated and 
    matched by the OptiMark System based on the expressions of trading 
    interest received from a member User will be automatically routed, 
    executed and reported in that User's name. Each such member User will 
    be responsible for all transactions resulting from the PCX Application 
    for its own or customer accounts in the same way as it currently is for 
    more traditional transactions on the floor.
        Non-member Users, on the other hand, will be required to designate 
    in advance member firms (``Designated Broker'') that will authorize 
    their access to the PCX Application. Under a non-member's agreement 
    with a Designated Broker (``Give-Up Agreement''), the Designated Broker 
    will accept responsibility for that non-member User's transactions and 
    provide a written statement to the Exchange to that effect. Under the 
    Designated Broker's agreement with OSI (``Transmission Consent 
    Agreement''), the Designated Broker will authorize any and all orders 
    formulated and matched by the OptiMark System based on the expressions 
    of trading interest received from the non-member User to be 
    automatically routed, executed and reported in the Designated Broker's 
    name. Both agreements must be in force before any non-member User may 
    be given access to the PCX Application. At a minimum, the provisions in 
    these Agreements will include any credit limit that may be imposed by a 
    Designated Broker (or its clearing broker if applicable) on a non-
    member User; \4\ the Designated Broker's understanding that it is 
    responsible for the non-member User's transactions; and such other 
    terms and conditions that may be agreed to from time to time.
        \4\ A non-member User's credit limits, as they may be 
    established from time to time by a Designated Broker (or its 
    clearing broker if applicable), will be programmed into the OptiMark 
    System. In addition, the Designated Broker will be notified as its 
    potential exposure to its customers, individually or in the 
    aggregate, approaches the established credit limits.
    Entry of Profiles
        One of the most innovative features offered by the OptiMark System 
    to the financial community is the ability to depict complex trading 
    strategies in a visually intuitive way. A User will submit an 
    expression of its trading interest in the form of a satisfaction 
    profile (``Profile'') that shows that the User's degree of satisfaction 
    or willingness (expressed as a number between zero and one) to trade at 
    each coordinate of the price/size grid. Instead of being limited to 
    specifying a single price and size, a User thus may depict a varying 
    degree of its trading preferences, encompassing a wide range of prices 
    and sizes, in a Profile. To simplify and enhance the User's ability to 
    define and enter Profiles, sophisticated graphical interfaces and 
    software that operate under such operating systems as Microsoft Windows 
    (3.1 through NT), OS/2, Sun Solaris, and AIX will be offered.
        The price/size grid over which Profiles are defined will be 
    appropriately unitized into individual coordinates. Specifically, the 
    price axis will be divided into the minimum trading increments in the 
    relevant security being traded.\5\ The size axis, on the other hand, 
    will be divided into 1,000 share increments. A User may create a three-
    dimensional Profile over each coordinate in the desired region of the 
    price/size grid by indicating a degree of willingness (a ``satisfaction 
    value'') to trade at that coordinate. Such willingness to trade or 
    satisfaction value may range from the most satisfactory (i.e., ``1'' 
    satisfaction value) to a cut-off point at which a transaction at that 
    price and size becomes undesirable (i.e., ``0'' satisfaction value).
        \5\ PCX notes that the current increment is \1/8\ of a dollar 
    for most securities, but may be subject to change based upon recent 
    filings that move to \1/16\ of a dollar, and depending on any 
    possible change to decimalization.
        In this regard, the delineation of the size axis into 1,000 share 
    increments for purposes of defining a Profile should be distinguished 
    from the minimum units of trading in the PCX Application, which are in 
    round lots. By way of example, consider a User seeking to submit a buy 
    Profile for 4,100 shares that shows a 100% willingness to trade at the 
    price of 20, decreasing to no willingness as the price reaches 22. 
    Because of the 1,000 share increments on the size axis, the User's 
    interest in excess of 4,000 shares would be reflected in the next 
    available coordinate size--5,000. To draw this particular Profile on 
    the grid, therefore, the User would assign the satisfaction value of 1 
    to all the coordinates with the associated size of 5,000 shares or less 
    and price of 20 or below. As the associated price increases from 20 to 
    22, the satisfaction value of the relevant coordinates would decrease 
    steadily down to 0. Of course, any such visual rendition involving the 
    grid size of 5,000 shares does not mean that the User actually would 
    receive a 5,000 share trade in excess of the desired amount, because 
    the Profile would contain the appropriate User instruction to limit the 
    transaction size to 4,100 shares.
        Indeed, each User may specify, with respect to each Profile 
    submitted, an associated maximum quantity of shares in any round lot 
    multiples starting at 1,000 shares; provided, however, those Profiles 
    submitted by the PCX Specialists as discussed below and certain system-
    generated CQS Profiles (as defined later) will each have such 
    associated round lot size as reflected in the relevant limit order book 
    or quotation, which may be less than 1,000 shares. In addition, Users 
    may, at their option, set boundary conditions on a Profile to restrict 
    the total number of shares that may be purchased or sold within any 
    particular price or size range. Similarly, Users may, at their option, 
    place restrictions on any potential purchase or sale of shares through 
    the ITS.\6\
        \6\ The Commission notes that the current proposal does not 
    address how orders entered into the OptiMark System would comply 
    with the short sale rule under the Exchange Act, 17 CFR 240.10a-1.
        The OptiMark System will perform the necessary credit verification 
    procedures on each Profile submitted by a non-member User. Such 
    procedures will ensure that the maximum absolute dollar value of each 
    Profile received by the OptiMark System when added to the non-member 
    Users' current credit usage, is consistent with the applicable credit 
    limits. All Profiles not meeting the credit validation requirement will 
    be deactivated.
        Users will submit Profiles by means of telecommunications access 
    services of the OptiMark System. All Profiles thus received from a User 
    will be treated confidentially and may be viewed only by that User. 
    Unlike orders found in the Exchange's traditional floor facilities, 
    Profiles will not be widely disseminated to elicit any trading interest 
    when they are received. Instead, they will be simply logged and 
    maintained by the OptiMark System until they are centrally processed. 
    Accordingly, Profiles will not be executable outside of the specified 
    times at which the OptiMark System conducts certain trade optimization 
    calculations. As a specialized form of trading interest contingent upon 
    such periodic occurrences, Profiles as received by and kept within the 
    OptiMark System will have no standing against orders on the floor and 
    no bearing on the Exchange's traditional auction-pricing mechanism.
    [[Page 33451]]
        In accordance with customary audit trail requirements, all Profiles 
    submitted by Users will be appropriately marked as proprietary or 
    agency. In addition, each will be time-stamped with a unique serial 
    number when received by the OptiMark System. Users may revise or cancel 
    their own Profiles at any time prior to commencement of the next 
    scheduled central processing. Because it will be important for Users to 
    be able to adjust their outstanding Profiles in a timely manner in 
    response to sudden market developments, such adjustments will be 
    processed as rapidly as computationally feasible so as to take effect 
    against any central processing scheduled to take place more than one 
    second after receipt. In general, submitting a revised Profile will 
    result in a new time stamp, unless the only change made is a reduction 
    in the maximum quantity of shares previously specified that may be 
    bought or sold.
        All Users will be held responsible for the terms and conditions 
    contained in each Profile received from them. Each will assume any and 
    all responsibility for canceling or revising its Profile. Users may 
    specify in advance whether to cancel their outstanding Profiles or to 
    keep such Profiles active in the event of an unexpected interruption 
    experienced in their own telecommunications linkage to the OptiMark 
    System. If Users decide to keep their Profiles active, they will be 
    accountable, at all relevant times, for any and all transactions 
    resulting from the PCX Application based on such Profiles, 
    notwithstanding any communication interruptions.
        Because the OptiMark System assures anonymity and confidentiality, 
    it is expected to appeal to institutional investors that often do not 
    reveal their full trading strategies (not even when they remain 
    anonymous) for fear of provoking unfavorable market reaction. The vast 
    majority of Profiles submitted to the OptiMark System will thus reflect 
    new expressions of previously withheld interest covering a wide range 
    of trading possibilities in the price, size and satisfaction continuum. 
    As a result of increased total liquidity, all investors, small or 
    large, simple or sophisticated, are expected to benefit from the 
    availability of the PCX Application.
    Interaction With Existing Market Interest
        The PCX Application is designed to provide Users with certain 
    automated access to and interaction with quotations emanating from 
    other participating market centers of the ITS. At the specified times 
    during the trading day when central processing by the OptiMark System 
    is scheduled, the prevailing bid and offer quotations in CQS from each 
    such market that may be reached by ITS, including the Intermarket 
    Trading System/Computer Assisted Execution System interface (``ITS/
    CAES''), will be transformed into a pair of buy and sell Profiles 
    (``CQS Profiles''). Each CQS Profile will have, for the relevant limit 
    price and size, a satisfaction of 1 for all the corresponding 
    coordinates in the price/size grid. As discussed in more detail below, 
    creation of these CQS Profiles and their interaction with the Profiles 
    submitted by Users will assure consistency of the PCX Application with 
    the intermarket price protection requirement under the ITS Plan.
        The PCX Application is also designed to serve as an additional 
    trading service available for the Exchange Specialists and floor 
    brokers to utilize in handling existing market interest found on the 
    floor today. In their capacity as Users, the Specialists and floor 
    brokers may submit Profiles based on customer limit orders at hand. To 
    this end, the PCX Specialists will be provided with a uniquely designed 
    electronic interface at their posts that will provide simple retrieval 
    instructions to facilitate designation of customer orders on their 
    limit order books for inclusion in the OptiMark System as Profiles. 
    Such an interface also will permit the PCX Specialists to revise and/or 
    cancel the relevant Profile if any of the limit orders thus reflected 
    subsequently becomes executable against some other market interest. The 
    resulting Profiles created from the PCX Specialist's book will be 
    treated the same as any other Profiles submitted by other Users.\7\ 
    Similarly, the Exchange will ensure that floor brokers have the ability 
    to use existing terminals for submission of Profiles, or a number of 
    OptiMark System terminals will be installed on the Exchange's trading 
    floor to allow floor broker Users to submit Profiles at their 
    convenience if they wish to utilize the PCX Application to fill 
    existing customer interest.
        \7\ Of course, the PCX Specialists also may submit Profiles 
    based on their own proprietary trading strategies, in addition to 
    Profiles reflecting public limit orders on their books. To the 
    extent that a PCX Specialist chooses to represent a proprietary 
    trading interest in its designated security by submitting a Profile, 
    that particular Profile will have lower time priority than that of 
    the Profile submitted by any other User in the security as discussed 
    further below.
    Central Processing
        All Profiles received by the OptiMark System (including CQS 
    Profiles) for each relevant security will be centrally processed by 
    computer at one or more specified times during the trading day in order 
    to generate one or more orders of identified prices and sizes at which 
    execution may occur immediately (``Orders''). As explained further 
    below, such processing will involve a series of high-speed calculations 
    performed at a rapid pace (``Cycle''). Cycles will be based on an 
    innovative computer algorithm that is designed to measure and rank all 
    relevant mutual satisfaction outcomes by matching individual 
    coordinates from intersecting Buy Profiles and Sell Profiles. The 
    matching algorithm of the OptiMark System is intended to compute 
    optimal trade results for Users based on their different willingness to 
    trade across a wide range of price and size. A buy coordinate and a 
    sell coordinate, each with a full satisfaction value of 1, will be 
    matched, based on price, standing, time of entry, and size. If one or 
    both of coordinates have a partial satisfaction value of less than 1 
    (but greater than 0), they will be matched, generally based on the 
    joint, mutual satisfaction value--that is, the product of the specific 
    satisfaction values associated with the buy coordinate and sell 
    coordinate. Throughout the Cycle, there will be derived combinations of 
    Orders suitable for immediate execution that achieve the sequentially 
    optimal mutual satisfaction between potential buyers and sellers.
        Profiles will be processed, based on the following matching 
    eligibility restrictions and priority principles:
        1. Eligibility Restrictions. At commencement of a Cycle, each 
    individual coordinate with a non-zero satisfaction value from all buy 
    Profiles and all sell Profiles received by the OptiMark System 
    (including CQS Profiles) in a given PCX Security will be grouped into 
    the Buy Profile Data Base or the Sell Profile Data Base, respectively. 
    Each individual coordinate, no matter how small or large in the 
    corresponding size, from either Profile Data Base will be eligible to 
    be matched with one or more coordinates from the other Profile Data 
    Base and will result in one or more Orders, provided that:
        1.1  No buy and sell coordinates may be matched in violation of any 
    applicable User instructions for the respective Profiles, including (a) 
    the maximum quantity associated with the Profile, (b) any boundary 
    conditions restricting the aggregate number of shares that may be 
    bought or sold at a particular price or size range, and (c) the 
    restrictions on any potential sale or purchase of shares through ITS; 
        1.2  No buy and sell coordinates may be matched from contra CQS 
    [[Page 33452]]
        1.3  No buy and sell coordinates may be matched at a price inferior 
    to that of another coordinate with Standing (as defined below) that is 
    eligible for matching. A buy (sell) coordinate has Standing if (a) it 
    has 1 satisfaction value and (b) all coordinates having the same price 
    and a smaller size, down to and including the minimum trading increment 
    (100 shares), are included in the associated Profile at 1 satisfaction 
    value; provided, however, that no coordinate from a Profile containing 
    any boundary conditions restricting the aggregate number of shares that 
    may be bought or sold at a particular size range has Standing. By way 
    of example, each coordinate from a CQS Profile has Standing. By 
    contrast, no coordinate from a Profile submitted by a User on an ``all-
    or-none'' basis has Standing.
        2. Priority Principles. The methods for considering potential 
    matches between buy and sell coordinates in the Profile Data Bases will 
    vary, depending on whether both coordinates represent satisfaction 
    values of 1 or less than 1, resulting in two separate stages of a 
        2.1   Aggregation Stage. The OptiMark System initially will process 
    eligible buy and sell coordinates in the Profile Data Bases, each with 
    the full satisfaction value of 1 only. At this stage of calculation 
    (``Aggregation Stage''), smaller-sized coordinates may be aggregated to 
    build sufficient size to be matched with larger-sized coordinates to 
    generate Orders in accordance with the following rules of priority, 
    subject to the applicable eligibility restrictions:
        (A) Price aggressiveness. A coordinate with a more aggressive price 
    (i.e., a higher price for a buy coordinate and a lower price for a sell 
    coordinate) has priority over coordinates with less aggressive prices.
        (B) Standing. Among the coordinates with the same price, a 
    coordinate with Standing has priority over all other coordinates 
    without Standing.
        (C) Time of entry. Among the coordinates with the same price and 
    Standing, the time of the entry of the associated Profile determines 
    relative priority, with earlier submissions having priority. All 
    Profiles submitted by Users will be appropriately time-stamped with a 
    unique serial number when received by the OptiMark System; provided, 
    however, that the effective time of entry for any Profile submitted by 
    a PCX Specialist representing proprietary trading interest in the 
    Specialist's designated security will fall behind that of the Profile 
    submitted by any other User in that security. Because each CQS Profile 
    is generated from the relevant market's most current quotation 
    prevailing at the time of commencement of a Cycle, its effective time 
    of entry will be later than that of any other Profile submitted by a 
        (D) Size. Among the coordinates with the same price, Standing and 
    time of entry, priority for matching is determined by size, with larger 
    sizes having higher priority.
        2.2  Accumulation Stage. Upon completion of calculation at the 
    Aggregation Stage, the OptiMark System will consider potential matches 
    between eligible buy coordinates and sell coordinates in the Profile 
    Data Bases where one or both parties have less than 1 (but greater than 
    0) satisfaction values. At this stage of calculation (``Accumulation 
    Stage''), only those buy and sell coordinates with the same associated 
    price and size may be matched to generate Orders in accordance with the 
    following rules of priority, subject to the applicable eligibility 
        (A) Mutual satisfaction. A potential match with a higher mutual 
    satisfaction value (the product of the two satisfaction values) takes 
    precedence over other potential matches with lower mutual satisfaction 
        (B) Time of entry (based on the earlier Profile). Among the 
    potential matches with the same mutual satisfaction, the match with the 
    earlier time of entry, as determined initially by the effective time of 
    entry assigned to the earlier of the buy and sell Profiles involved 
    (the ``earlier Profile''), has priority over other potential matches.
        (C) Size. Among the potential matches with the same mutual 
    satisfaction and time of entry for the earlier Profile, priority is 
    given to one with a larger size.
        (D) Time of entry (based on the later Profile) . Among the 
    potential matches with the same mutual satisfaction, time of entry (for 
    the earlier Profile), and size, the match with the earlier time of 
    entry, as determined this time by the effective time of entry assigned 
    to the later of the buy and sell Profiles involved (the ``later 
    Profile''), has priority over other potential matches.
        (E) Price assignment. In regard to all remaining ties between 
    potential matches, which will consist solely of the coordinates from a 
    single pair of buy and sell Profiles from two Users that may be matched 
    with the same mutual satisfaction, time of entry and size, but at 
    different prices, priority is given to the match at a price more 
    favorable to the User whose Profile has the earlier time of entry. By 
    way of example, among the last potential matches remaining at the price 
    of 10 and also at 10\1/8\, if the sell Profile is the earlier Profile, 
    then the match will take place at the price of 10\1/8\.\8\
        \8\ The Commission notes that two or more Profiles that are 
    entered into the OptiMark System representing the same number of 
    shares may result in executions at differing prices depending on the 
    other information and conditions entered into the System.
        For purposes of the PCX Application, the specific times at which 
    Profiles will be centrally processed will vary, depending on the 
    security involved. No Cycle, however, will be scheduled until after the 
    opening of the PCX market for any such security. Similarly, no Cycle 
    will be scheduled at or after the closing of the PCX market for that 
    security. The maximum frequency with which Cycles may take place 
    throughout the trading day will be 90 seconds, while the minimum is 
    once a day.
        The exact frequency of Cycles as to any given PCX Security will be 
    determined by OSI, taking into account the general characteristics of 
    the security (e.g., trading volume, price and number of shareholders), 
    the robustness of the associated Profile flow over a period, and the 
    current level of interest expressed by Users. From time to time, OSI 
    may alter the frequency of Cycles in response to subsequent 
    developments in the above-stated market circumstances. Any change in 
    the frequency of Cycles will be effective upon three days' notice to 
    Users in advance. Such notice will be provided electronically, using 
    the same telecommunications linkage and protocols that are used by 
    Users to submit Profiles. At all relevant times, Users will be fully 
    informed as to when the next Cycle in a particular PCX Security will 
    take place.
        The Exchange will assure that the frequency of Cycles remain 
    commensurate with the financial community's need and demand for the new 
    trading service, thereby securing the maximum usefulness of the PCX 
    Application for the benefit of its members and their customers. In 
    addition, the Exchange will assure that the PCX Interfaces and the 
    OptiMark System have sufficient capacity in place to handle any 
    material increase in the volume of data prior to implementing a change 
    in the frequency of Cycles.
    Order Execution and Reporting
        The Exchange will make available the necessary PCX Interfaces to 
    permit Orders in PCX Securities from the OptiMark System to be 
    executed, either on the Exchange or on other market centers 
    participating in ITS through the appropriate Exchange communications 
    linkage. The Exchange will permit one or more pairs of Orders resulting 
    from intersection of the Profiles submitted
    [[Page 33453]]
    directly by Users (including the PCX Specialists and floor brokers) to 
    be routed and executed on the Exchange. Every trade resulting from 
    executing each such pair of Orders on the Exchange will be 
    appropriately reported, by way of the traditional Exchange linkage to 
    the CTS processor for dissemination, in sequence in which Orders are 
    generated from the Cycle. The Exchange envisions reporting these 
    trades, similar to the way it currently reports other trades in the PCX 
    Securities to the CTS. Accordingly, consistent with the existing 
    reporting practices, in the case of a series of Orders generated from a 
    single Cycle for the same seller with different buyers at an identical 
    price, they will be printed on the Tape as one transaction. In general, 
    the report for any transaction resulting from the PCX Application will 
    not be distinguished on the Tape from the trade report of any other 
    order executed on the floor.
        As for one or more Orders representing matched coordinates from CQS 
    Profiles, and other contra Profiles, the Exchange will submit an ITS 
    Commitment reflecting each such Order and seeking execution on other 
    market centers to which the OptiMark System is not directly linked. 
    Every ITS commitment will be sent under the give-up of the relevant 
    Member User or the Designated Broker, by way of the traditional 
    Exchange linkage to the ITS, in sequence in which Orders are generated 
    from the Cycle. Each ITS commitment will be designated for ``T-1'' (one 
    minute) time period as specified in the ITS Plan. The Exchange 
    envisions sending ITS commitments resulting from the PCX Application in 
    the way other ITS commitments are sent currently from the PCX. 
    Accordingly, ITS commitments resulting from the PCX Application will 
    not be distinguishable from other ITS commitments.
        The operation of the PCX Application will not amend the existing 
    Exchange rules for handling traditional trading interest on the equity 
    trading floor. Market orders routed from members will continue to be 
    executed in the same manner. Similarly, ITS commitments received from 
    other ITS participating market centers will be executed against the 
    Exchange's prevailing quotations as specified under the ITS Plan. As 
    for limit orders, the PCX Specialists and floor brokers will be 
    afforded an additional (but not alternative) opportunity to fill such 
    interest through the PCX Application. To the extent that the Exchange 
    Specialists and floor brokers submit Profiles to the OptiMark System 
    based on customer interest in their books, the handling of any such 
    Profiles and any resulting trade executions through the PCX Application 
    will be fully consistent with the parameters under which public limit 
    orders are filled currently.
        Morover, the PCX Specialists will continue to be responsible for 
    their books to the same degree as they are now. Accordingly, if a 
    Specialist elects not to reflect any customer limit order in the 
    OptiMark System, it will remain accountable for execution at or any 
    more favorable price through the PCX Application, just as it currently 
    is held responsible under similar circumstances. In such a case, 
    consistent with the Exchange's existing floor procedures an practices, 
    the Specialist will be required to satisfy or cause to be satisfied the 
    customer limit order so held, either at the limit price specified, or 
    at any better price at which the Specialist's proprietary interest was 
    satisfied utilizing the PCX Application.
        Similarly, the operation of the PCX Application will be fully 
    consistent with the Exchange's intermarket price protection obligations 
    under the ITS Plan. As described above, the OptiMark System 
    incorporates existing market interest emanating from each of the ITS 
    participant markets to which it is not directly linked in the form of 
    CQS Profiles. Because of the rules of priority for considering 
    potential matches between buy coordinates and sell coordinates from any 
    Profiles (including CQS Profiles), all Orders that are priced inferior 
    to the quotations of another market center will be generated and 
    executed on the PCX only upon submission of appropriate ITS commitments 
    seeking to reach such better-priced interest. As a result, the 
    execution of any such Orders on the PCX will not violate the trade-
    through rule under the ITS Plan.
        All Users will be informed of executions that take place against 
    the Profiles that they submitted for their own or customer accounts 
    promptly after the trades occur. If an ITS commitment resulting from 
    the PCX Application is canceled or only partially filled, the OptiMark 
    System will notify the relevant User and restore to the Profile the 
    volume of the security represented by the unfilled Order. All such 
    reports will be sent electronically, using the same telecommunications 
    linkage and protocols that were used to submit the Profiles initially. 
    Unless specified otherwise by non-member Users in advance, executions 
    will not be reported to relevant Designated Brokers until after the 
    close of the trading day in order to limit market impact and other such 
    adverse effects of non-member Users' trading.
    Clearance and Settlement
        Transactions in the PCX Securities resulting from the PCX 
    Application, including any ITS commitment that has been sent to another 
    market center and accepted, generally will clear and settle in the same 
    way as other transactions occurring on the Exchange floor, all in 
    accordance with established securities industry practices and through 
    established securities industry systems. All Orders generated by the 
    OptiMark System that are executed on the PCX or another market center 
    through ITS will be each reported and entered into the comparison 
    system on a locked-in basis. Orders generated by the OptiMark System on 
    behalf of a member User and the resulting transactions will be cleared 
    and settled, using that member User's mnemonic (or its clearing 
    broker's mnemonic as may be applicable). Orders generated by the 
    OptiMark system on behalf of a non-member User and the resulting 
    transactions will be cleared and settled, using the appropriate 
    Designated Broker's mnemonic (or its clearing broker's mnemonic as may 
    be applicable).
        In no event will the Exchange or any operator, administrator or 
    licensor of the Optimark system be responsible for any User's failure 
    to pay for the PCX Securities purchased or to deliver the PCX 
    Securities sold. Neither OTI nor OSI will be deemed to be a party to or 
    a participant in, as principal or as agent, any trade or transaction 
    entered into or otherwise conducted by users while using the OptiMark 
    System for the purposes of clearance and settlement.
    Hours of Operation
        The PCX Application will be initially available for execution of 
    Orders and routings of ITS commitments during the regular PCX hours 
    after the opening and prior to the closing.\9\ In the event of a 
    suspension in trading of a security listed or traded on the Exchange, 
    the Exchange will suspend the related trading activities respecting 
    that security through the PCX Application. In addition, the trading 
    activities through the PCX Application respecting all of the PCX 
    Securities will halt whenever the Chairman or, in the Chairman's 
    absence, Chief Operating Officer, or other PCX Officer(s) as the 
    Chairman may designate, determines that market conditions warrant such 
    a market-wide halt pursuant to the Exchange's Policy Statement on 
    Market Closings. The
    [[Page 33454]]
    Exchange may suspend the trading activities through the PCX Application 
    relating to one or more PCX Securities at any time upon consultation 
    with OptiMark Technologies, Inc. if deemed necessary and proper to 
    preserve system capacity and integrity.
        \9\ The Exchange's hours are currently 6:30 a.m. (P.T.) to 1:50 
    p.m. (P.T.).
    Audit Trail and Surveillance
        The Exchange will maintain, or cause to be maintained, the detailed 
    audit trail of each transaction resulting from the PCX Application, 
    including time sequenced records of Profiles submitted to the OptiMark 
    System, Orders resulting from a Cycle, and their execution and 
    reporting through the PCX facilities. Such data will be stored and 
    preserved for a period of not less than three years, the first two 
    years in an easily accessible place, to assure that the Exchange has 
    sufficient information for exercising its regulatory oversight. In this 
    regard, the Exchange will apply appropriate equity trading surveillance 
    procedures to monitor transactions resulting from the PCX Application.
    System Capacity and Integrity
        The Exchange believes that the PCX Interfaces and the Optimark 
    System will provide sufficient capacity to handle the volume of data 
    reasonably anticipated for the PCX Application. The Exchange will have 
    in place security procedures designed to prevent unauthorized access to 
    the PCX Application. The Exchange will assure that reasonsable security 
    procedures are in place to safeguard the PCX Interfaces. The Exchange 
    will obtain similar assurances from OTI and OSI that reasonable 
    security procedures are in place to safeguard the OptiMark System and 
    to protect against threats to the proper functioning of the OptiMark 
    System including any networks used by the OptiMark System. The Exchange 
    will also obtain appropriate assurances that proper system reliability 
    and system capacity exists to ensure the integrity of the data handled 
    and timely response of the OptiMark host computers in connection with 
    the PCX Application.
    Fees for the PCX Application
        Transaction resulting from the PCX Application will be subject to 
    the Exchange's customary assessment of transaction charges and the 
    Commission's exchange transaction fee under section 31 of the Act. As a 
    sponsor of the OptiMark System within the meaning of Rule 17a-23 under 
    the Act, OSI will be compensated by way of usual and customary 
    commissions, on a cents-per-share-filled basis, for delivering to Users 
    the computerized, screen-based trading service made available from the 
    OptiMark System and offered hereby as a PCX facility. OSI will be paid 
    commissions on a regular basis with respect to the transactions 
    effected by a member User for its own or customer accounts. With 
    respect to the transactions effected by a non-member User, OSI will be 
    paid commissions on a regular basis with respect to the transactions 
    effected by a member User for its own or customer accounts. With 
    respect to the transactions effected by a non-member User, OSI will be 
    paid commissions on a similar basis from the relevant Designated 
    3. Applicability of New and Existing PCX Rules
        The PCX Application is generally designed to ensure compliance with 
    existing PCX Rules and with other rules and regulations to the extent 
    that they are deemed appropriate. In addition, the Application would be 
    subject to new rules that set forth the operation of the PCX 
    Application as described above.
    4. Justification
        The Exchange believes that the proposed rule change is consistent 
    with the provisions of Section 6(b)(5) of the Act in that the PCX 
    Application is a faciltity that is designed to promote just and 
    equitable principles of trade and to protect investors and the public 
    interest, and is not designed to permit unfair discrimination between 
    customers, issuers, brokers or dealers. In addition, the PCX believes 
    that the proposed rule change is consistent with provisions of Section 
    11A(a)(1)(B) of Act, which states that new data processing and 
    communications techniques create the opportunity for more efficient and 
    effective market operations.
    B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition
        The PCX does not believe that the proposed rule change will result 
    in or impose any burden on competition that is not necessary or 
    appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act, as amended.
    C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed 
    Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others
        Written comments on the proposed rule change were neither solicited 
    nor received.
    III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for 
    Commission Action
        Within 35 days of the publication of this notice in the Federal 
    Register or within such longer period (i) as the Commission may 
    designate up to 90 days of such date if it finds such longer period to 
    be appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to 
    which the self-regulatory oranziation consents, the Commission will:
        (A) By order approve the proposed rule change, or
        (B) Institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule 
    change should be disapproved.
    IV. Solicitation of Comments
        Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and 
    arguments concerning the foregoing. Persons making written submissions 
    should file six copies thereof with the Secretary, Securities and 
    Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW., Washington, DC 20549. 
    Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written 
    statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with 
    the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed 
    rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those 
    that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions 
    of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for inspection and copying at the 
    Commission's Public Reference Section, 450 Fifth Street, NW., 
    Washington, DC 20549. Copies of such filing will also be available for 
    inspection and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. All 
    submissions should refer to File No. SR-PCX-97-18 and should be 
    submitted by July 10, 1997.
        For the Commission by the Division of Market Regulation, 
    pursuant to delegated authority.\10\
        \10\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 97-16084 Filed 6-18-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
33448-33454 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release No. 34-38740, File No. SR-PCX-97-18
PDF File: