94-15037. Animal Export Inspection Facilities  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 118 (Tuesday, June 21, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-15037]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: June 21, 1994]
                                                       VOL. 59, NO. 118
                                                 Tuesday, June 21, 1994
    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
    9 CFR Part 91
    [Docket No. 93-122-1]
    Animal Export Inspection Facilities
    AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: We are proposing to amend the ``Inspection and Handling of 
    Livestock for Exportation'' regulations by establishing additional 
    standards for export inspection facilities. This action would ensure 
    that all export inspection facilities have running water and water 
    drainage systems, storage areas, and telephone. This action would also 
    require facilities where horses are inspected to have walkways in front 
    of stalls and ceiling height adequate for horses.
        We are also proposing to require that animals intended for export 
    be inspected within 24 hours of embarkation and to make a minor 
    language change to the regulations for the sake of clarity.
    DATES: Consideration will be given only to comments received on or 
    before August 22, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Please send an original and three copies of your comments to 
    Chief, Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD, APHIS, USDA, room 804, 
    Federal Building, 6505 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville, MD 20782. Please 
    state that your comments refer to Docket No. 93-122-1. Comments 
    received may be inspected at USDA, room 1141, South Building, 14th 
    Street and Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC, between 8 a.m. and 
    4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Persons wishing to 
    inspect comments are requested to call ahead on (202) 690-2817 to 
    facilitate entry into the comment reading room.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Najam Faizi, Senior Staff 
    Veterinarian, Import-Export Animals Staff, National Center for Import-
    Export, Veterinary Services, APHIS, USDA, room 762, Federal Building, 
    6505 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville, MD 20782, (301) 436-8383.
        The regulations in 9 CFR part 91, ``Inspection and Handling of 
    Livestock for Exportation'' (referred to below as the regulations), 
    prescribe conditions for exporting animals from the United States. The 
    regulations state, among other things, that all animals, except animals 
    being exported to Canada or Mexico, must be exported through designated 
    ports of embarkation.
        To receive designation as a port of embarkation, a port must have 
    export inspection facilities available for the inspection, holding, 
    feeding, and watering of animals prior to exportation to ensure that 
    the animals meet certain requirements specified in the regulations. To 
    receive approval as an export inspection facility, the regulations 
    provide that a facility must meet the specified standards in 
    Sec. 91.14(c) concerning materials, size, inspection implements, 
    cleaning and disinfection, feed and water, access, testing and 
    treatment, location, disposal of animal wastes, lighting, and office 
    and rest room facilities.
        We are proposing to establish additional standards in Sec. 91.14(c) 
    for export inspection facilities. We propose to require the following:
        1. Export inspection facilities that examine horses must have 
    ceilings at least 12 feet high in any areas where horses will be. This 
    is the minimum height necessary to accommodate horses, which may rear 
        2. Every export inspection facility must have running water and a 
    water drainage system. The drainage system must be able to control 
    surface drainage into or from the facility in a manner that prevents 
    any significant risk of livestock diseases being spread into or from 
    the facility. While current regulations in Sec. 91.14(c)(5) require 
    that facilities have only ``an ample supply of potable water,'' we 
    believe that running water and a drainage system are necessary to 
    adequately water the animals, to clean and disinfect the facility, and 
    to prevent the spread of disease.
        We have determined that not all currently approved export 
    inspection facilities have water drainage systems and that these 
    proposed requirements could thus compel these facilities to make 
    structural changes. Therefore, we would allow these facilities 2 years 
    from the effective date of the final version of this rule to install a 
    water drainage system that prevents any significant risk of livestock 
    diseases being spread into or from the facility. However, all 
    facilities would be required to have running water upon the effective 
    date of the final version of this rule.
        3. Every export inspection facility must have a storage area for 
    equipment that may accompany horses and other export animals. The area 
    must be able to protect equipment from weather conditions.
        4. Every export inspection facility must have a telephone. A 
    telephone is necessary to notify an Animal and Plant Health Inspection 
    Service (APHIS) representative, an accredited veterinarian, or the 
    exporter in the event of an emergency, such as sudden onset of illness 
    among animals to be exported. A telephone is also necessary to make 
    reservations, cancellations, or changes regarding the arrival time of 
        5. Export inspection facilities for examining horses must have 
    walkways in front of the animal stalls. Walkways must be wide enough 
    that APHIS personnel can monitor and inspect animals without having to 
    enter animal stalls. This requirement is essential for safety reasons, 
    as horses may kick while being inspected.
        The regulations in Sec. 91.3(a) require that certain animals 
    intended for export to Mexico or Canada be accompanied from the State 
    of origin to the United States border by an origin health certificate. 
    In addition to other requirements, this certificate must certify that 
    the animals were inspected within the 30 days prior to their movement 
    for export and that they ``were found to be sound, healthy, and free 
    from evidence of communicable disease and exposure thereto.'' We are 
    proposing to remove the word ``sound'' from this section, as it is too 
    vague to be enforceable.
        We are also proposing to amend the regulations in Sec. 91.15(a). 
    The regulations in 91.15(a) require that animals be inspected by an 
    APHIS veterinarian prior to export, but do not specify a time frame 
    prior to export during which animals must be inspected. We are 
    proposing to require that all animals intended for export be inspected 
    by an APHIS veterinarian within 24 hours of embarkation. Because 
    animals may become ill shortly before embarkation, and because we do 
    not want sick or diseased animals to be exported from the United 
    States, we believe it is imperative that animals be inspected by an 
    APHIS veterinarian within 24 hours of embarkation.
    Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12866. 
    The rule has been determined to be not significant for purposes of 
    Executive Order 12866, and, therefore, has not been reviewed by the 
    Office of Management and Budget.
        This proposed rule, if adopted, would establish additional 
    standards for animal export inspection facilities by requiring all 
    facilities to have adequate running water and water drainage systems, 
    storage areas, and a telephone. This action would also require 
    facilities where horses are inspected to have walkways in front of 
    stalls and ceiling height adequate for horses.
        Though a small number of facilities do not have water drainage 
    systems, all of the facilities currently approved for export inspection 
    already meet all of the other additional standards proposed here. We 
    are proposing, therefore, only to codify existing industry practices. 
    We anticipate that this proposal will have an economic impact on the 
    few existing export inspection facilities without drainage systems.
        Information was not available to us for determining the economic 
    impact of requiring that water drainage systems be installed in 
    facilities not already so equipped. However, we have tried to minimize 
    any economic impact by proposing to allow these facilities 2 years from 
    the effective date of the final version of this rule to install water 
    drainage systems. Allowing these facilities 2 years to install the 
    water drainage systems would ease the economic impact of this new 
    standard, as affected facilities would have additional time to shop for 
    different drainage system options and would be able to spread out the 
    costs of installation.
        Under these circumstances, the Administrator of the Animal and 
    Plant Health Inspection Service has determined that this action would 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    Executive Order 12372
        This program/activity is listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic 
    Assistance under No. 10.025 and is subject to Executive Order 12372, 
    which requires intergovernmental consultation with State and local 
    officials. (See 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V.)
    Executive Order 12778
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778, 
    Civil Justice Reform. If this proposed rule is adopted: (1) All State 
    and local laws and regulations that are inconsistent with this rule 
    will be preempted; (2) no retroactive effect will be given to this 
    rule; and (3) administrative proceedings will not be required before 
    parties may file suit in court challenging this rule.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This document contains no information collection or recordkeeping 
    requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 
    et seq.).
    List of Subjects in 9 CFR Part 91
        Animal diseases, Animal welfare, Exports, Livestock, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
        Accordingly, 9 CFR part 91 would be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 91 would be revised to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 105, 112, 113, 114a, 120, 121, 134b, 134f, 
    136, 136a, 612, 613, 614, 618; 46 U.S.C. 466a, 466b; 49 U.S.C. 
    1509(d); 7 CFR 2.17, 2.51, and 371.2(d).
    Sec. 91.3  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 91.3, paragraph (a), the third sentence would be amended 
    by removing the phrase ``sound, healthy,'' and adding the word 
    ``healthy'' in its place.
        3. Section 91.14 would be amended as follows:
        a. Paragraph (c)(2) would be amended by adding a new sentence at 
    the end of the paragraph to read as set forth below.
        b. Paragraph (c)(4) would be amended by adding two new sentences at 
    the end of the paragraph to read as set forth below.
        c. Paragraph (c)(5) would be amended by adding the word 
    ``running,'' immediately following the phrase ``An ample supply of'' in 
    the first sentence.
        d. Paragraph (c)(11) would be amended by adding a new sentence at 
    the end of the paragraph to read as set forth below.
        e. New paragraphs (c)(12) and (c)(13) would be added to read as set 
    forth below.
    Sec. 91.14  [Amended]
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) * * * Facilities that inspect horses must have ceilings at 
    least 12 feet high in any areas where horses will be kept.
    * * * * *
        (4) * * * All facilities must have running water available to wash 
    and disinfect the facilities. On and after [Insert effective date of 
    final rule], facilities to be approved must have a drainage system; 
    and, on and after [Insert date 2 years after effective date of final 
    rule], every facility approved before [Insert effective date of final 
    rule] must have a drainage system. The drainage system must control 
    surface drainage into or from the facility in a manner that prevents 
    any significant risk of livestock diseases being spread into or from 
    the facility.
    * * * * *
        (11) * * * The facility must have a working telephone.
        (12) Storage areas. Facilities must have storage areas adequate to 
    store any equipment accompanying the animals and to protect equipment 
    from weather conditions.
        (13) Walkways. Facilities where horses are inspected must have 
    walkways in front of horse stalls wide enough to allow APHIS personnel 
    to monitor and inspect horses without entering individual stalls.
    Sec. 91.15  [Amended]
        8. In Sec. 91.15, paragraph (a), the phrase ``within 24 hours of 
    embarkation'' would be added immediately following the phrase ``shall 
    be inspected''.
        Done in Washington, DC, this 15th day of June 1994.
    Lonnie J. King,
    Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
    [FR Doc. 94-15037 Filed 6-20-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-34-P

Document Information

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Consideration will be given only to comments received on or before August 22, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 21, 1994, Docket No. 93-122-1
CFR: (4)
9 CFR 91.14(c)
9 CFR 91.3
9 CFR 91.14
9 CFR 91.15