94-15329. Notice of Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Saccharin From the People's Republic of China  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 120 (Thursday, June 23, 1994)]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-15329]
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    [Federal Register: June 23, 1994]
    International Trade Administration
    Notice of Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair 
    Value: Saccharin From the People's Republic of China
    AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
    Department of Commerce.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: June 23, 1994.
    Gary Bettger or Jennifer Yeske, Office of Countervailing 
    Investigations, Import Administration, International Trade 
    Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
    Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
    2239 or (202) 482-0189, respectively.
    Preliminary Determination
        We preliminarily determine that saccharin from the People's 
    Republic of China (PRC) is being, or is likely to be, sold in the 
    United States at less than fair value (LTFV), as provided in section 
    733 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). The estimated 
    margins are shown in the ``Suspension of Liquidation'' section of this 
    Case History
        Since the initiation of this investigation on December 8, 1993 (58 
    FR 65335; December 14, 1993), the following events have occurred:
        During December 1993 and January 1994, the Department attempted to 
    identify possible PRC exporters of saccharin to the United States 
    during the period of investigation (POI). We learned of 18 potential 
    respondents through the petition, Port Import Export Reporting Service 
    (``PIERS'') data and other sources of information.
        On January 3, 1994, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) 
    notified us of its preliminary determination that there is a reasonable 
    indication that an industry in the United States is materially injured 
    by reason of saccharin imports from the PRC that are alleged to be sold 
    at less than fair value.
        On January 18, 1994, the Department of Commerce (the Department) 
    sent its antidumping duty questionnaire to the Ministry of Foreign 
    Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) and the above-referenced 18 PRC 
    companies. We asked MOFTEC to submit a comprehensive list of all 
    producers and exporters of saccharin to the United States within two 
    weeks of the receipt of the questionnaire and to provide copies of the 
    questionnaire to those producers and exporters. On February 24, 1994, 
    MOFTEC designated the China Chamber of Commerce of Medicines and Health 
    Products Importers and Exporters (``Chamber'') as the contact 
    organization for this investigation.
        On March 4, 1994, the Department determined that this investigation 
    was extraordinarily complicated due to the large number of producers 
    and resellers. We also determined that respondent parties to the 
    proceeding were cooperating in this investigation. Therefore, we 
    determined that it was appropriate under section 733(c)(1)(B) of the 
    Tariff Act, as amended (``the Act''), and 19 CFR 353.15(b), to postpone 
    the date of the preliminary determination until no later than June 16, 
        On March 24, 1994, MOFTEC submitted a list of four exporters and 
    six supplying manufacturers which sold or manufactured saccharin 
    exported to the United States during the POI. On March 8, 1994, and 
    April 8, 1994, respectively, we received unofficially filed facsimiles 
    from one company on the MOFTEC list, Xia Men Electrochemical Company, 
    and also from another factory, Shanghai Fortune Chemical Company (which 
    is not on the MOFTEC list). Both companies stated that they did not 
    sell the subject merchandise to the United States during the POI.
        During the period March through June, 1994, the Department received 
    responses to its questionnaire from the following respondents: Shanghai 
    KJ Import and Export Corporation (``Shanghai IE'') and Suzhou Cereals 
    Import and Export Corporation (``Suzhou IE'').
        On June 14, 1994, two days before the preliminary determination in 
    this investigation, Shanghai IE reported that it would provide factors 
    of production for a second workshop of its supplier factory at a later 
    date, without giving any indication how much production was accounted 
    for by this second workshop. Prior to this submission, we had no 
    indication on the record that Shanghai IE had failed to report certain 
    factor information. On June 16, 1994, the date of this determination, 
    Shanghai IE provided factor information for this second workshop. This 
    submission also contained new factor information for both Suzhou IE's 
    and Shanghai IE's supplier factories. Due to the timing of this June 
    16th submission, it was administrably infeasible to use this 
    information for purposes of our preliminary determination.
    Scope of Investigation
        The product covered by this investigation is saccharin. Saccharin 
    is a non-nutritive sweetener used in beverages and foods, personal care 
    products such as toothpaste, table-top sweeteners, animal feeds, and 
    metalworking fluids. Three forms of saccharin are typically available 
    as referenced in the American Chemical Society's Chemical Abstract 
    Service (CAS). These forms are sodium saccharin (CAS #128-44-9), 
    calcium saccharin (CAS #6485-34-3), and acid (or insoluble) saccharin 
    (CAS #81-07-2). Saccharin is classified under subheading 2925.11.00 of 
    the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS). The scope of 
    this investigation includes all types of saccharin imported under this 
    HTS subheading including research and specialized grades.
        Although the HTS subheading is provided for convenience and customs 
    purposes, our written description of the scope of this investigation is 
    Period of Investigation
        The POI is June 1, 1993, through November 30, 1993.
    Separate Rates
        Shanghai IE and Suzhou IE have each requested a separate rate. 
    Shanghai IE's and Suzhou IE's business licenses each indicate that they 
    are owned ``by all the people.'' As stated in the Final Determination 
    of Sales at Less than Fair Value: Silicon Carbide from the People's 
    Republic of China (59 FR 22585, May 2, 1994) (``Silicon Carbide''), 
    ``ownership of a company by all the people does not require the 
    application of a single rate.'' Accordingly, Shanghai IE and Suzhou IE 
    are eligible for consideration for separate rates.
        To establish whether a firm is entitled to a separate rate, the 
    Department analyzes each exporting entity under a test arising out of 
    the Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Sparklers 
    from the People's Republic of China (56 FR 20588, May 6, 1991) 
    (``Sparklers'') and amplified in Silicon Carbide. Under the separate 
    rates criteria, the Department assigns separate rates only where 
    respondents can demonstrate the absence of both de jure and de facto 
    governmental control over export activities.
    1. Absence of De Jure Control
        The respondents submitted a number of documents to demonstrate 
    absence of de jure control, including two PRC laws indicating that the 
    responsibility for managing enterprises ``owned by all the people'' is 
    with the enterprises themselves and not with the government. These are 
    the ``Law of the People's Republic of China on Industrial Enterprises 
    Owned by the Whole People,'' adopted on April 13, 1988 (``1988 Law''); 
    and the ``Regulations for Transformation of Operational Mechanism of 
    State-Owned Industrial Enterprises,'' approved on August 23, 1992 
    (``1992 Regulations''). The record of this investigation also includes 
    the ``Temporary Provisions for Administration of Export Commodities,'' 
    approved on December 21, 1992 (``Export Provisions'').
        The 1988 Law and 1992 Regulations shifted control from the 
    government to the enterprises themselves. The 1988 Law provides that 
    enterprises owned by ``all the people'' shall make their own management 
    decisions, be responsible for their own profits and losses, choose 
    their own suppliers and purchase their own goods and materials. The 
    1988 Law contains other provisions which indicate that enterprises have 
    management independence from the government. The 1992 Regulations 
    provide that these same enterprises can, for example, set their own 
    prices (Article IX); make their own production decisions (Article XI); 
    use their own retained foreign exchange (Article XII); allocate profits 
    (Article II); sell their own products without government interference 
    (Article X); make their own investment decisions (Article XIII); 
    dispose of their own assets (Article XV); and hire and fire their 
    employees without government approval (Article XVII).
        The Export Provisions list those products subject to direct 
    government control. Saccharin does not appear on the Export Provisions 
    list and is not, therefore, subject to export constraints.
        The existence of these laws indicates that Shanghai IE and Suzhou 
    IE are not de jure subject to central government control with respect 
    to export sales and pricing decisions. However, there is some evidence 
    that the provisions of the above-cited laws and regulations have not 
    been implemented uniformly among different sectors and/or jurisdictions 
    in the PRC (see ``PRC Government Findings on Enterprise Autonomy,'' in 
    Foreign Broadcast Information Service-China-93-133 (July 14, 1993)). 
    Therefore, the Department has determined that a de facto analysis is 
    critical in determining whether respondents are subject to governmental 
    control over export sales and pricing decisions.
    2. Absence of De Facto Control
        The Department typically considers four factors in evaluating 
    whether each respondent is subject to de facto government control of 
    its export functions: (1) whether the export prices are set by, or 
    subject to the approval of, a governmental authority; (2) whether the 
    respondent has authority to negotiate and sign contracts and other 
    agreements; (3) whether the respondent has autonomy from the government 
    in making decisions regarding the selection of management; and (4) 
    whether the respondent retains the proceeds of its export sales and 
    makes independent decisions regarding disposition of profits or 
    financing of losses (see Silicon Carbide).
        Shanghai IE and Suzhou IE have both asserted that (1) they 
    establish their own export prices; (2) they negotiate contracts without 
    guidance from any governmental entities or organizations; (3) they 
    operate with a high degree of management autonomy; and (4) they retain 
    the proceeds of their export sales and have the authority to sell 
    assets and to obtain loans. In addition, company-specific pricing 
    during the POI does not suggest any coordination among exporters (i.e., 
    the prices for comparable products appear to differ among companies). 
    This information supports a preliminary finding that there is a de 
    facto absence of governmental control of export functions.
        Consequently, Shanghai IE and Suzhou IE have preliminarily met the 
    criteria for the application of separate rates. We will examine this 
    issue in detail at verification and determine whether the questionnaire 
    responses are supported by verifiable documentation.
        There is an additional issue relating to governmental control that 
    we will consider further for purposes of our final determination. 
    First, the companies have indicated that they are ``under the 
    jurisdiction'' of their respective city or province. While the meaning 
    and significance of this phrase is unclear, the evidence cited above 
    indicates that the local governments do not control the key functions 
    of the enterprises. However, we will address the precise nature of the 
    authority that these governments exercise over the enterprises at 
    verification and in our final determination.
    Market-Oriented Industry Claim
        Respondents have argued that they should be treated as a market-
    oriented industry (``MOI''). However, we have received MOI information 
    from only two saccharin producers in the PRC. We have no information on 
    the remaining producers, of which there are at least four (according to 
    information provided by MOFTEC). Consequently, we have no basis to 
    determine whether the production and sales practices of these two 
    producers are representative of PRC saccharin producers as a whole. 
    Therefore, we have preliminarily determined that an MOI does not exist 
    with respect to the PRC saccharin industry.
        The PRC has been treated as a nonmarket-economy (NME) in past 
    antidumping investigations. (See, e.g., Final Determination of Sales at 
    Less than Fair Value: Sebacic Acid from the People's Republic of China 
    (59 FR 28053 (May 31, 1994)). No information has been provided in this 
    proceeding that would lead us to determine otherwise. Therefore, in 
    accordance with section 771(18)(c) of the Act, we have treated the PRC 
    as an NME for purposes of this investigation.
    Surrogate Country
        Section 773(c)(4) of the Act requires the Department to value the 
    NME producers' factors of production, to the extent possible, in one or 
    more market-economy countries that are at a level of economic 
    development comparable to that of the nonmarket-economy country, and 
    that are significant producers of comparable merchandise. The 
    Department has determined that India is the country most comparable to 
    the PRC in terms of overall economic development. (See Memorandum from 
    the Office of Policy to the file, dated May 17, 1994, on file in the 
    Central Records Unit, Room B099, Department of Commerce Main Building, 
    14th and Constitution, Washington DC 20230.) In addition, there is 
    evidence on the record that saccharin is produced in India.
    Fair Value Comparisons
        To determine whether sales of saccharin from the PRC to the United 
    States by Suzhou IE were made at less than fair value, we compared the 
    United States price (USP) to the foreign market value (FMV), as 
    specified in the ``United States Price'' and ``Foreign Market Value'' 
    sections of this notice.
        Because Shanghai IE failed to report complete production and factor 
    information, we do not have information on all of the saccharin 
    produced for export by Shanghai IE. Therefore, we are basing Shanghai 
    IE's margin on best information available (``BIA''). Finally, because 
    other exporters listed by MOFTEC decided not to participate in this 
    investigation, we also based their margins on BIA. (See ``Best 
    Information Available'' section of this notice.)
    United States Price
        We based USP on purchase price, in accordance with section 772(b) 
    of the Act, because the subject merchandise was sold directly by Suzhou 
    IE to unrelated parties in the United States prior to importation into 
    the United States and because ESP methodology is not indicated by any 
    other circumstances. We calculated purchase price based on packed, CIF 
    delivered prices to unrelated purchasers in the United States. We made 
    deductions for containerization expenses, foreign inland freight, 
    foreign handling and brokerage fees, and marine insurance. The deducted 
    amounts were calculated using Indian values. We also deducted ocean 
    freight, which was calculated on the basis of market-economy, 
    international freight rates paid in U.S. dollars from Shanghai to New 
    Foreign Market Value
        In accordance with section 773(c) of the Act, we calculated FMV 
    using factors of production reported by the factory which produced 
    saccharin for Suzhou IE. The factors used to produce saccharin include 
    materials, labor, and energy. To calculate FMV, the reported quantities 
    were multiplied by the appropriate surrogate values for the different 
    inputs. For Suzhou IE, we made adjustments to material costs for 
    recovery of by-products in the production process. In determining which 
    surrogate value to use for valuing each factor of production, we 
    selected, where possible, a value based on publicly-available published 
    information (``PAPI'') which was: (1) An average non-export value; (2) 
    representative of a range of prices within the POI if submitted by an 
    interested party, or most contemporaneous with the POI; (3) product-
    specific; and (4) tax-exclusive. We note that we have used Indian 
    import statistics for eight of the chemicals used in the production of 
        We used surrogate transportation rates to value inland freight 
    between the source of the production factor and the saccharin 
    factories. In those cases where the respondent failed to provide any 
    information on transportation distances and modes, we applied, as BIA, 
    the most expensive distance/mode combination that was available from 
    the surrogate information we had selected. For inland water transport, 
    we were unable to obtain PAPI or cable information in time for this 
    preliminary determination. To value this mode of transportation, we 
    have assumed that this form competed effectively with the alternate 
    form of transportation (e.g., trucking) over similar distances, and 
    used the applicable rates for the alternate form.
        To value certain raw materials, we used PAPI from India Chemical 
    Weekly for July 1993-November 1993. For packing materials and raw 
    materials which were not listed in India Chemical Weekly, we used the 
    Monthly Trade Statistics of Foreign Trade of India, Volume II--Imports 
    for April 1992-March 1993. We adjusted the factor values, when 
    necessary, to the POI using wholesale price indices (WPIs) published by 
    the International Monetary Fund (IMF). No product-specific PAPI 
    pertaining to India or any other potential surrogate country was 
    available for the chemical sodium hypochlorite. Therefore, we have used 
    a price quote obtained by the Department from a U.S. chemical producer 
    which is neither an interested party, nor related to an interested 
    party, in this investigation.
        To value electricity, we used PAPI from the Electric Utilities Data 
    Book for the Asian and Pacific Region (January 1993) published by the 
    Asian Development Bank. We selected this source because it provides an 
    electricity rate for industrial use during the POI from our preferred 
    surrogate country. To value water, we have used PAPI information from 
    the Water Utilities Data Book for the Asian and Pacific Region 
    (November 1993) which is published by the Asian Development Bank. To 
    value coal, we used the Monthly Trade Statistics of Foreign Trade of 
    India, Volume II--Imports for April 1992-March 1993. We adjusted the 
    factor values, when necessary, to the POI using WPIs published by the 
        To value labor amounts, we used the International Labor Office's 
    1993 Yearbook of Labor Statistics. We used the Country Reports: Human 
    Rights Practices for 1990 to determine the number of hours in an Indian 
        To value factory overhead, we calculated percentages based on 
    elements of industry group income statements from The Reserve Bank of 
    India Bulletin (RBI), December 1993. For general expense percentages, 
    we used the RBI data and allocated total general expenses over the 
    total RBI-based materials, labor, and overhead cost calculated for each 
    factory. The RBI data yielded a general expense percentage greater than 
    the ten percent statutory minimum. For profit we used the statutory 
    minimum of eight percent of materials, labor, factory overhead, and 
    general expenses, because the RBI percentage was less than eight 
    percent. We added packing based on Indian values obtained from Indian 
    Import Statistics.
    Best Information Available
        Because Shanghai IE failed to report complete factor information 
    prior to this determination, we were unable to use Shanghai IE's data, 
    and are basing its margin on BIA. Additionally, because information has 
    not been presented to the Department to prove otherwise, any PRC 
    companies not participating in this investigation are not entitled to 
    separate dumping margins. Potential exporters identified by MOFTEC have 
    failed to respond to our questionnaire. In the absence of responses 
    from these and other PRC exporters during the POI, we are basing the 
    PRC country-wide rate on BIA.
        In determining what to use as BIA in this case, the Department 
    follows a two-tiered methodology, whereby the Department normally 
    assigns lower margins to those respondents that cooperated in an 
    investigation and margins based on more adverse assumptions for those 
    respondents which did not cooperate in an investigation. When a company 
    cooperates with our requests for information but fails to provide the 
    information requested in a timely manner or in the form required, we 
    use as BIA the higher of: (1) the average of margins in the petition; 
    or (2) the calculated margin for another firm for the same class or 
    kind of merchandise from the same country. See, Final Determination of 
    Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Certain Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat 
    Products, Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products, and Certain 
    Cut-to-Length Carbon Steel Plate From Belgium, 58 FR 37083 (July 9, 
    1993) (``Belgium Steel''). Since Shanghai IE has been cooperative in 
    this proceeding, and since we have preliminarily determined it is 
    eligible for a separate rate, we are assigning to it the calculated 
    rate for the other respondent in the investigation, Suzhou IE, which is 
    higher than the average of the margins in the petitions.
        When a company refuses to provide the information requested in the 
    form required, or otherwise significantly impedes the Department's 
    investigation, it is appropriate for the Department to assign to that 
    company the higher of (a) the highest margin alleged in the petition, 
    or (b) the highest calculated rate of any respondent in the 
    investigation (see, Belgium Steel). Here, since some PRC exporters 
    failed to respond to our questionnaire, we are assigning to all other 
    PRC exporters the margin calculated for Suzhou IE because it is higher 
    than the highest margin in the petition.
        As provided in section 776(b) of the Act, we will verify all 
    information determined to be acceptable for use in making our final 
    Suspension of Liquidation
        In accordance with section 733(d)(1) of the Act, we are directing 
    the Customs Service to suspend liquidation of all entries of saccharin 
    from the PRC that are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for 
    consumption on or after the date of publication of this notice in the 
    Federal Register. The Customs Service shall require a cash deposit or 
    posting of a bond equal to the estimated amount by which the FMV 
    exceeds the USP as shown below. These suspension of liquidation 
    instructions will remain in effect until further notice.
        The weighted-average dumping margins are as follows: 
                   Manufacturer/producer/exporter                   margin  
    Shanghai IE................................................       452.85
    Suzhou IE..................................................       452.85
    PRC Country-Wide Rate......................................       452.85
    ITC Notification
        In accordance with section 733(f) of the Act, we have notified the 
    ITC of our determination. If our final determination is affirmative, 
    the ITC will determine before the later of 120 days after the date of 
    this preliminary determination or 45 days after our final determination 
    whether these imports are materially injuring, or threaten material 
    injury to, the U.S. industry.
    Public Comment
        In accordance with 19 CFR 353.38, case briefs or other written 
    comments in at least ten copies must be submitted to the Assistant 
    Secretary for Import Administration no later than August 8, 1994, and 
    rebuttal briefs, no later than August 12, 1994. In accordance with 19 
    CFR 353.38(b), we will hold a public hearing, if requested, to afford 
    interested parties an opportunity to comment on arguments raised in 
    case or rebuttal briefs. Tentatively, the hearing will be held on 
    August 15, 1994, at 10:00 a.m. at the U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 
    3708, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 
    20230. Parties should confirm by telephone the time, date, and place of 
    the hearing 48 hours before the scheduled time.
        Interested parties who wish to request a hearing, or to participate 
    if one is requested, must submit a written request to the Assistant 
    Secretary for Import Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 
    B-099, within ten days of the publication of this notice. Requests 
    should contain: (1) the party's name, address, and telephone number; 
    (2) the number of participants; and (3) a list of the issues to be 
    discussed. In accordance with 19 CFR 353.38(b), oral presentations will 
    be limited to issues raised in the briefs. If this investigation 
    proceeds normally, we will make our final determination by the 135th 
    day after the date of publication of this affirmative preliminary 
    determination in the Federal Register.
        This determination is published pursuant to section 733(f) of the 
    Act and 19 CFR 353.15(a)(4).
        Dated: June 16, 1994.
    Susan G. Esserman,
    Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    [FR Doc. 94-15329 Filed 6-22-94; 8:45 am]

Document Information

International Trade Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
June 23, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 23, 1994, A-570-829