99-15922. Crop Revenue Coverage  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 120 (Wednesday, June 23, 1999)]
    [Pages 33456-33457]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-15922]
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules 
    or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings 
    and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, 
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    appearing in this section.
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 120 / Wednesday, June 23, 1999 / 
    [[Page 33456]]
    Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
    Crop Revenue Coverage
    ACTION: Notice of availability.
    SUMMARY: In accordance with section 508(h) of the Federal Crop 
    Insurance Act (Act), the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) 
    Board of Directors (Board) approved for reinsurance and subsidy the 
    insurance of wheat in select states and counties under the Crop Revenue 
    Coverage (CRC) plan of insurance submitted by American Agrisurance 
    (AmAg). This notice is intended to inform eligible producers and the 
    private insurance industry of the coverage changes for durum wheat 
    under CRC, for the 2000 crop year.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tim Hoffmann, Director, Product 
    Development Division, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, United States 
    Department of Agriculture, 9435 Holmes Road, Kansas City, Missouri 
    64131, telephone (816) 926-7387.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 508(h) of the Act allows the 
    submission of a policy to FCIC's Board and authorizes the Board to 
    review and, if the Board finds that the interests of producers are 
    adequately protected and any premiums charged to the producers are 
    actuarially appropriate, approve the policy for reinsurance and subsidy 
    in accordance with section 508(e) of the Act.
        In accordance with section 508(h) of the Act, the Board approved a 
    program of insurance known as CRC, originally submitted by AmAg, a 
    managing general agency for Redland Insurance Company. All terms and 
    conditions of the policy and all premium rates are determined by AmAg. 
    FCIC does not have the authority to modify or waive any terms or 
    conditions. FCIC only has the authority to approve or disapprove the 
    terms and conditions submitted by AmAg.
        The CRC program has been approved for reinsurance and premium 
    subsidy, including subsidy for administrative and operating expenses. 
    CRC is designed to protect producers against both price and yield 
        Beginning with the 1999 crop year, producers could select 95 or 100 
    percent of the average daily settlement price and a separate price for 
    durum wheat.
        AmAg has requested the following changes for durum wheat for the 
    2000 crop year: (1) To only offer producers 100 percent of the average 
    daily settlement price rather than a choice of 95 or 100 percent; (2) 
    to cap the durum base price basis premium to $1.00 for Arizona and 
    California; and (3) to remove the northern durum Base Price and Harvest 
    Price from the Commodity Exchange Endorsement pending further review 
    and evaluation by the company.
        FCIC herewith gives notice that this Commodity Exchange Endorsement 
    for wheat replaces the Commodity Exchange Endorsement published in the 
    Federal Register at 63 FR 37845-37847 for CRC wheat for use by private 
    insurance companies.
        The CRC Commodity Exchange Endorsement and underwriting rules for 
    wheat will be released electronically to all reinsured companies 
    through FCIC's Reporting Organization Server.
        The Commodity Exchange Endorsement for the 2000 CRC winter wheat 
    program of insurance is as follows.
    Crop Revenue Coverage
    Commodity Exchange Endorsement
    Mandatory Actuarial Document Endorsement
    (This is a Continuous Endorsement)
        If a conflict exists among the policy provisions, the order of 
    priority is as follows: (1) The Special Provisions; (2) this 
    Commodity Exchange Endorsement; (3) the Crop Provisions; and (4) the 
    Basic Provisions, with (1) controlling (2), etc.
        How this endorsement affects your coverage:
        (I) This endorsement is attached to and made a part of your Crop 
    Revenue Coverage (CRC) Wheat crop policy provisions and actuarial 
    documents, subject to the terms and conditions described herein.
        (II) This endorsement specifies how, where, and when commodity 
    prices for your CRC Wheat policy are determined.
        (III) In lieu of section 4(c) of the Basic Provisions, you may 
    only select 100 percent of Base Price and Harvest Price.
        (IV) This endorsement defines the Average Daily Settlement 
    Price, as used in the Base Price and Harvest Price, as--The average 
    calculated by totaling all the daily settlement prices for the 
    contract specified in the applicable Base Price or Harvest Price 
    definition (established on full active trading days), during the 
    month specified in the applicable Base Price or Harvest Price 
    definition, and dividing that sum by the total number of days 
    included in the total. The average must include at least fifteen 
    (15) days and each day included in the average must be a full active 
    trading day for the contract specified in the applicable Base Price 
    or Harvest Price definition. A full active trading day is any day on 
    which there are fifty (50) or more open interest contracts of the 
    contract specified in the Base Price or Harvest Price definition. If 
    there are less than fifteen (15) full active trading days for the 
    contract specified in the applicable Base Price or Harvest Price 
    definition, during the month specified in the applicable Base Price 
    or Harvest Price definition, then additional daily settlement 
    prices, established on full active trading days, for the contract 
    immediately prior to the contract specified in the applicable Base 
    Price or Harvest Price definition, during the month specified in the 
    applicable Base Price or Harvest Price definition, will be used 
    until there are fifteen (15) prices from fifteen (15) full active 
    trading days included in the average.
        (V) This endorsement defines the Base Price and Harvest Price as 
    shown in Section 1 of the Crop Revenue Coverage Basic Provisions by 
    wheat type and state as follows:
    Winter Wheat--(Insured as Winter Wheat), Chicago Board of Trade 
    Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin
        Base Price (CBOT)--The August 15 to September 14 pre-harvest 
    year's average daily settlement price for the harvest year's CBOT 
    July soft red winter wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest 
    whole cent. The Base Price will be released as an actuarial document 
    addendum by September 20 of the pre-harvest year.
        Harvest Price (CBOT)--The July 15 to August 14 harvest year's 
    average daily settlement price for the harvest year's CBOT September 
    soft red winter wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest whole 
    cent. The Harvest Price cannot be less than the Base Price minus two 
    dollars ($2.00), or greater than the Base Price plus two dollars 
    ($2.00). The Harvest Price will be released as an actuarial document 
    addendum by August 20 of the harvest year.
    [[Page 33457]]
    Winter Wheat--(Insured as Winter Wheat), (CBOT)
    Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, 
    South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia
        Base Price (CBOT)--The August 15 to September 14 pre-harvest 
    year's average daily settlement price for the harvest year's CBOT 
    July soft red winter wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest 
    whole cent. The Base Price will be released as an actuarial document 
    addendum by September 20 of the pre-harvest year.
        Harvest Price (CBOT)--The June harvest year's average daily 
    settlement price for the harvest year's CBOT July soft red winter 
    wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest whole cent. The 
    Harvest Price cannot be less than the Base Price minus two dollars 
    ($2.00), or greater than the Base Price plus two dollars ($2.00). 
    The Harvest Price will be released as an actuarial document addendum 
    by July 10 of the harvest year.
    Winter Wheat--(Insured as Winter Wheat), Kansas City Board of Trade 
    Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
        Base Price (KCBOT)--The August 15 to September 14 pre-harvest 
    year's average daily settlement price for the harvest year's KCBOT 
    July hard red winter wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest 
    whole cent. The Base Price will be released as an actuarial document 
    addendum by September 20 of the pre-harvest year.
        Harvest Price (KCBOT)--The July 15 to August 14 harvest year's 
    average daily settlement price for the harvest year's KCBOT 
    September hard red winter wheat futures contract rounded to the 
    nearest whole cent. The Harvest Price cannot be less than the Base 
    Price minus two dollars ($2.00), or greater than the Base Price plus 
    two dollars ($2.00). The Harvest Price will be released as an 
    actuarial document addendum by August 20 of the harvest year.
    Winter Wheat--(Insured as Winter Wheat), (KCBOT)
    Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, 
    and Texas
        Base Price (KCBOT)--The August 15 to September 14 pre-harvest 
    year's average daily settlement price for the harvest year's KCBOT 
    July hard red winter wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest 
    whole cent. The Base Price will be released as an actuarial document 
    addendum by September 20 of the pre-harvest year.
        Harvest Price (KCBOT)--The June harvest year's average daily 
    settlement price for the harvest year's KCBOT July hard red winter 
    wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest whole cent. The 
    Harvest Price cannot be less than the Base Price minus two dollars 
    ($2.00), or greater than the Base Price plus two dollars ($2.00). 
    The Harvest Price will be released as an actuarial document addendum 
    by July 10 of the harvest year.
    Spring Wheat--(Insured as Spring Wheat in counties with a 3/15 
    Cancellation Date), Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGE)
    Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, 
    Wisconsin, and Wyoming
        Base Price (MGE)--The February harvest year's average daily 
    settlement price for the harvest year's MGE September hard red 
    spring wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest whole cent. The 
    Base Price will be released as an actuarial document addendum by 
    March 10 of the harvest year.
        Harvest Price (MGE)--The August harvest year's average daily 
    settlement price for the harvest year's MGE September hard red 
    spring wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest whole cent. The 
    Harvest Price cannot be less than the Base Price minus two dollars 
    ($2.00), or greater than the Base Price plus two dollars ($2.00). 
    The Harvest Price will be released as an actuarial document addendum 
    by September 10 of the harvest year.
    Spring Wheat--(Insured as spring wheat in counties with a 9/30 
    cancellation date), (KCBOT/MGE)
    Colorado, Iowa, Montana, South Dakota and Wyoming
        Base Price (KCBOT)--The August 15 to September 14 pre-harvest 
    year's average daily settlement price for the harvest year's KCBOT 
    July hard red winter wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest 
    whole cent. The Base Price will be released as an actuarial document 
    addendum by September 20 of the pre-harvest year.
        Harvest Price (MGE)--The August harvest year's average daily 
    settlement price for the harvest year's MGE September hard red 
    spring wheat futures contract rounded to the nearest whole cent. The 
    Harvest Price cannot be less than the Base Price minus two dollars 
    ($2.00), or greater than the Base Price plus two dollars ($2.00). 
    The Harvest Price will be released as an actuarial document addendum 
    by September 10 of the harvest year.
    Wheat--Portland Grain Exchange (PGE)
    California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Washington
        Base Price (PGE)--The Portland Price equals the August 15 to 
    September 14 pre-harvest year's average daily settlement price for 
    the harvest year's CBOT September soft red winter wheat futures 
    contract (rounded to the nearest whole cent) plus an adjustment 
    equal to the current five-year average difference between the August 
    average daily settlement price for the nearby CBOT September soft 
    red winter wheat futures contract (rounded to the nearest whole 
    cent) and the August average daily settlement price for the PGE soft 
    white wheat contract (rounded to the nearest whole cent). The Base 
    Price will be released as an actuarial document addendum by 
    September 20 of the pre-harvest year.
        Harvest Price (PGE)--The August harvest year's average daily 
    settlement price for the PGE soft white wheat contract rounded to 
    the nearest whole cent. The Harvest Price cannot be less than the 
    Base Price minus two dollars ($2.00), or greater than the Base Price 
    plus two dollars ($2.00). The Harvest Price will be released as an 
    actuarial document addendum by September 10 of the harvest year.
    Durum Wheat--(Insured as durum wheat in counties with a 10/31 
    cancellation date), (MGE)
    Arizona and California
        Base Price (MGE)--The Southern Durum Price equals the September 
    15 to October 14 pre-harvest year's average daily settlement price 
    for the harvest year's CBOT September soft red winter wheat futures 
    contract (rounded to the nearest whole cent) plus an adjustment 
    equal to the average of the current year nearby basis, determined 
    during the months of May, June, July and August of the current crop 
    year, and the current five-year average difference between the 
    August average daily settlement price for top milling durum wheat as 
    reported by the MGE (rounded to the nearest whole cent) and the 
    August average daily settlement price for the nearby CBOT September 
    soft red winter wheat futures contract (rounded to the nearest whole 
    cent) not to exceed $1.00. During the months of May and June the 
    nearby futures contract used to determine the current year nearby 
    basis for top milling durum wheat will be the July contract. During 
    the months of July and August the nearby futures contract used to 
    determine the current year nearby basis for top milling durum wheat 
    will be the September contract. The Base Price will be released as 
    an actuarial document addendum by October 20 of the pre-harvest 
        Harvest Price (MGE)--The August harvest year's average daily 
    settlement price for top milling durum wheat as reported by the MGE 
    rounded to the nearest whole cent. The Harvest Price cannot be less 
    than the Base Price minus two dollars ($2.00), or greater than the 
    Base Price plus two dollars ($2.00). The Harvest Price will be 
    released as an actuarial document addendum by September 10 of the 
    harvest year.
        All other terms and conditions of the Policy remain unchanged.
        Signed in Washington, DC, on June 16, 1999.
    Kenneth D. Ackerman,
    Manager, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
    [FR Doc. 99-15922 Filed 6-22-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-08-P

Document Information

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Entry Type:
Notice of availability.
Document Number:
33456-33457 (2 pages)
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