98-16914. Privacy Act of 1974; Altered System of Records  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 122 (Thursday, June 25, 1998)]
    [Pages 34656-34659]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-16914]
    National Institutes of Health
    Privacy Act of 1974; Altered System of Records
    AGENCY: National Institutes of Health, HHS.
    ACTION: Notification of an altered system of records.
    SUMMARY: In accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act, the 
    National Institutes of Health (NIH) is publishing a notice of proposal 
    to alter an existing system of records 09-25-0036, ``Extramural Awards 
    and Chartered Advisory Committees: IMPAC (Grant/Contract/Cooperative 
    Agreement Information/Chartered Advisory Committee Information), HHS/
    NIH/OER and HHS/NIH/CMO.'' The system is altered by including 
    contractor past performance information as a new category of records; 
    adding consultants and contractors as individuals covered by the 
    system; and including a new routine use which allows NIH to share 
    information it collects on contractor past performance information with 
    other Federal agencies.
    DATES: The NIH invites interested parties to submit comments on the 
    proposed internal and routine uses on or before July 27, 1998. The NIH 
    sent a Report of the Altered System to the Congress and to the Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB) on June 19, 1998. The alteration of this 
    system of records will be effective 40 days from the date submitted to 
    the OMB, unless NIH receives comments which would result in a contrary 
    ADDRESSES: Please submit comments to: NIH Privacy Act Officer, 6011 
    Executive Boulevard, Room 601, MSC 7669, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-496-
    2832. (This is not a toll free number.)
        Comments received will be available for inspection at this same 
    address from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    NIH Privacy Act Officer, 6011 Executive Boulevard, Room 601, MSC 7669, 
    Rockville, MD 20852, 301-496-2832. (This is not a toll free number.)
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) 
    proposes to alter an existing system of records 09-25-0036, 
    ``Extramural Awards and Chartered Advisory Committees: IMPAC (Grant/
    Contract/Cooperative Agreement Information/Chartered Advisory Committee 
    Information), HHS/NIH/DRG and HHS/NIH/CMO.'' The system is altered by 
    including contractor past performance information as a new category of 
    records; adding consultants and contractors as individuals covered by 
    the system; including a new routine use which allows NIH to share 
    information it collects on contractor past performance information with 
    other Federal agencies; and editorial changes to accommodate normal 
    updating changes.
        The purposes of this system of records are to (1) support 
    centralized grant programs of the Public Health Service by providing 
    services in the areas of grant application assignment and referral, 
    initial review, council review, award processing and grant accounting; 
    maintain communication with former fellows and trainees who have 
    incurred a payback obligation through the National Research Service 
    Award Program; maintain current and historical information pertaining 
    to the establishment of chartered advisory committees of the National 
    Institutes of Health and the appointment or designation of their 
    members; and maintain current and historical information pertaining to 
    contracts awarded by the National Institutes of Health, and performance 
    evaluations on NIH contracts and contracts awarded by other Federal 
    agencies that participate in the NIH Contractor Performance System.
        This system will comprise records that contain names, applications, 
    grant or contract ID number, contractor tax ID number, awards, trainee 
    appointments, current and historical information pertaining to 
    chartered advisory committees, and past performance information 
    pertaining to contractors.
        The records in this system will be maintained in a secure manner 
    compatible with their content and use. NIH and contractor staff will be 
    required to adhere to the provisions of the Privacy Act and the HHS 
    Privacy Act regulations. The System Managers will control access to the 
    data. Authorized users will be granted access only to those records 
    within their specific area of responsibility. Only authorized users 
    whose official duties require the use of such information will have 
    regular access to the records in this system. Authorized users are NIH 
    extramural and committee management staff, NIH contract management 
    staff, and Federal acquisition personnel. One-time and special access 
    by other employees is granted on a need-to-know basis as specifically 
    authorized by the System Manager. Records may be stored on hard copy, 
    discs and magnetic tapes, and in other machine-readable format, 
    regardless of physical form or characteristics. Manual and computerized 
    records will be maintained in accordance with the standards of Chapter 
    45-13 of the HHS General Administration Manual, ``Safeguarding Records 
    Contained in Systems of Records,'' supplementary Chapter PHS hf:45-13, 
    the Department's Automated Information System Security Program 
    Handbook, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology 
    Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS Pub. 41 and FIPS Pub. 
        Access to source data files is strictly controlled by files staff. 
    Records may be removed from files only at the request of the System 
    Manager or other
    [[Page 34657]]
    authorized employee. Access to computer files is controlled by the use 
    of registered accounts, registered initials, keywords, and similar 
    limited access systems. Access to the contractor performance files is 
    restricted through the use of secure socket layer encryption and 
    through an IBM password protection system. Physical access to work 
    areas is restricted to employees or authorized contractors with a valid 
        The routine uses proposed for this system are compatible with the 
    stated purposes of the system. The first routine use allows disclosure 
    to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Department of 
    Commerce, for dissemination of scientific and fiscal information on 
    funded awards. The second routine use allows disclosure to the 
    cognizant audit agency for auditing. The third routine use allows 
    disclosure to a Member of Congress or to a Congressional staff member 
    in response to an inquiry of the Congressional office made at the 
    written request of the constituent about whom the record is maintained. 
    The forth routine use allows disclosure to qualified experts not within 
    the definition of Department employees as prescribed in Department 
    regulations for opinions as a part of the application review process. 
    The fifth routine use allows disclosure to a Federal agency, in 
    response to its request, in connection with the issuance of a license, 
    grant or other benefit by the requesting agency, to the extent that the 
    record is relevant and necessary to the requesting agency's decision in 
    the matter. The sixth routine use allows disclosure of contractor past 
    performance information to a Federal agency upon request and allows 
    routine access to contractor past performance information to Federal 
    agencies that subscribe to the NIH Contractor Performance System. The 
    seventh routine use allows disclosure for a research purpose as 
    authorized by the Department or required by law. The eighth routine use 
    allows disclosure to a private contractor or Federal agency for the 
    purpose of collating, analyzing, aggregating or otherwise refining 
    records in this system. The ninth routine use allows disclosure to a 
    grantee or contract institution in connection with performance or 
    administration under the conditions of the particular award or 
    contract. The tenth routine use allows disclosure to the Department of 
    Justice, or to a court or other adjudicative body, from this system of 
    records when HHS determines that the records are relevant and necessary 
    to the proceeding and would help in the effective representation of the 
    governmental party.
        We have also made editorial changes throughout the System Notice to 
    enhance clarity and specificity and to accommodate normal updating 
        The following notice is written in the present, rather than future 
    tense, in order to avoid the unnecessary expenditure of public funds to 
    republish the notice after the system has become effective.
        Dated: June 5, 1998.
    Anthony L. Itteilag,
    Deputy Director for Management.
        Extramural Awards and Chartered Advisory Committees: IMPAC (Grant/
    Contract/Cooperative Agreement Information/Chartered Advisory Committee 
    Information), HHS/NIH/OER and HHS/NIH/CMO.
    Rockledge Centre II, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817
    Building 12, NIH Computer Center, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 
    Building 31, Room 3B-59, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892.
        Principal investigators; program directors; program and projects 
    staff and others named in the application; National Research Service 
    Awards (NRSA) trainees and fellows; research career awardees; chartered 
    advisory committee members; contractor personnel; subcontractor 
    personnel; and consultants.
        Funding applications, awards, associated records, trainee 
    appointments, current and historical information pertaining to 
    chartered advisory committees, and past performance information 
    pertaining to contractors.
        5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 217a, 241, 282(b)(6), 284a, and 288. 48 CFR 
    Subpart 15.3 and Subpart 42.15.
        (1) To support centralized grant programs of the Public Health 
    Service. Services are provided in the areas of grant application 
    assignment and referral, initial review, council review, award 
    processing and grant accounting. The database is used to provide 
    complete, accurate, and up-to-date reports to all levels of management.
        (2) To maintain communication with former fellows and trainees who 
    have incurred a payback obligation through the National Research 
    Service Award Program.
        (3) To maintain current and historical information pertaining to 
    the establishment of chartered advisory committees of the National 
    Institutes of Health and the appointment or designation of their 
        (4) To maintain current and historical information pertaining to 
    contracts awarded by the National Institutes of Health, and performance 
    evaluations on NIH contracts and contracts awarded by other Federal 
    agencies that participate in the NIH Contractor Performance System.
        1. Disclosure may be made to the National Technical Information 
    Service (NTIS), Department of Commerce, for dissemination of scientific 
    and fiscal information on funded awards (abstract of research projects 
    and relevant administrative and financial data).
        2. Disclosure may be made to the cognizant audit agency for 
        3. Disclosure may be made to a congressional office from the record 
    of an individual in response to an inquiry from the congressional 
    office made at the request of that individual.
        4. Disclosure may be made to qualified experts not within the 
    definition of Department employees as prescribed in Department 
    regulations for opinions as a part of the application review process.
        5. Disclosure may be made to a Federal agency, in response to its 
    request, in connection with the issuance of a license, grant or other 
    benefit by the requesting agency, to the extent that the record is 
    relevant and necessary to the requesting agency's decision in the 
        6. Disclosure of past performance information pertaining to 
    contractors may be made to a Federal agency upon request. In addition, 
    routine access to past performance information on contractors will be 
    provided to Federal agencies that subscribe to the NIH Contractor 
    Performance System.
        7. A record may be disclosed for a research purpose, when the 
    Department: (A) Has determined that the use or disclosure does not 
    violate legal or policy limitations under which the record was 
    provided, collected, or obtained; (B) has determined that the
    [[Page 34658]]
    research purpose (1) cannot be reasonably accomplished unless the 
    record is provided in individually identifiable form, and (2) justifies 
    the risk to the privacy of the individual that additional exposure of 
    the record might bring; (C) has required the recipient to (1) establish 
    reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to 
    prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of the record, (2) remove or 
    destroy the information that identifies the individual at the earliest 
    time at which removal or destruction can be accomplished consistent 
    with the purpose of the research project, unless the recipient has 
    presented adequate justification of a research or health nature for 
    retaining that information, and (3) make no further use or disclosure 
    of the record except (a) in emergency circumstances affecting the 
    health or safety of any individual, (b) for use in another research 
    project, under these same conditions, and with written authorization of 
    the Department, (c) for disclosure to a properly identified person for 
    the purpose of an audit related to the research project, if information 
    that would enable research subjects to be identified is removed or 
    destroyed at the earliest opportunity consistent with the purpose of 
    the audit, or (d) when required by law; and (D) has secured a written 
    statement attesting to the recipient's understanding of, and 
    willingness to abide by these provisions.
        8. Disclosure may be made to a private contractor or Federal agency 
    for the purpose of collating, analyzing, aggregating or otherwise 
    refining records in this system. The contractor or Federal agency will 
    be required to maintain Privacy Act safeguards with respect to these 
        9. Disclosure may be made to a grantee or contract institution in 
    connection with performance or administration under the conditions of 
    the particular award or contract.
        10. Disclosure may be made to the Department of Justice, or to a 
    court or other adjudicative body, from this system of records when (a) 
    HHS, or any component thereof; of (b) any HHS officer or employee in 
    his or her official capacity; or (c) any HHS officer or employee in his 
    or her individual capacity when the Department of Justice (or HHS, 
    where it is authorized to do so) his agreed to represent the officer or 
    employee; or (d) the United States or any agency thereof where HHS 
    determines that the proceeding is likely to affect HHS or any of its 
    components, is a party to proceeding or has any interest in the 
    proceeding, and HHS determines that the records are relevant and 
    necessary to the proceeding and would held in the effective 
    representation of the governmental party.
        Records are stored on hard copy, discs and magnetic tapes, and in 
    other machine-readable format, regardless of physical form or 
        Records are retrieved by name, application, grant or contract ID 
    number, and contractor tax ID number.
        1. Authorized Users: Employees who maintain records in this system 
    are instructed to grant regular access only to NIH extramural and 
    committee management staff, NIH contract management staff, and Federal 
    acquisition personnel. Other one-time and special access by other 
    employees is granted on a need-to-know basis as specifically authorized 
    by the System Manager.
        2. Physical Safeguards: Physical access to Office of Extramural 
    Research (OER) work areas is restricted to OER employees. Physical 
    access to Office of Contracts Management (OCM) work areas is restricted 
    to OCM employees. Physical access to Committee Management Office (CMO) 
    work areas is restricted to CMO employees. Access to the contractor 
    performance files is restricted through the use of secure socket layer 
    encryption and through an IBM password protection system. Only 
    authorized government contracting personnel are permitted access. 
    Access is monitored and controlled by permitted access. Access is 
    monitored and controlled by OCM.
        3. Procedural Safeguards: Access to source data files is strictly 
    controlled by files staff. Records may be removed from files only at 
    the request of the System Manager or other authorized employee. Access 
    to computer files is controlled by the use of registered accounts, 
    registered initials, keywords, and similar limited access systems.
        These practices are in compliance with the standards of chapter 45-
    13 of the HHS General Administration Manual, ``Safeguarding Records 
    Contained in Systems of Records,'' supplementary chapter PHS hf: 45-13, 
    and Part 6, ``ADP Systems Security,'' of the HHS Information Resources 
    Management Manual and the National Institute of Standards and 
    Technology Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS Pub. 41 and 
    FIPS Pub. 31).
        Records are retained and disposed of under the authority of the NIH 
    Records Control Schedule contained in NIH Manual Chapter 1743, Appendix 
    1--``Keeping and Destroying Records,'' item 4000-A-2, which allows 
    records to be destroyed when no longer needed for administrative 
    purposes. Refer to the NIH Manual Chapter for specific disposition 
    For extramural awards:
        Director, Extramural Information Systems, OD/OER/OPERA, Rockledge 
    II, Room 2172, Bethesda, MD 20892
    For chartered Federal advisory committees of the National Institutes of 
        NIH Committee Management Officer, Building 31, Room 3B-59, 31 
    Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
    For contracts:
        Office of Contracts Management, 6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 
    6D01, Rockville, MD 20892
    Notification Procedure:
        To determine if a record exists, write to the System Manager listed 
    above. The requester must also verify his or her identity by providing 
    either a notarization of the request or a written certification that 
    the requester is who he or she claims to be and understands that the 
    knowing and willful request for acquisition of a record pertaining to 
    an individual under false pretenses is a criminal offense under the 
    Privacy Act, subject to a five thousand dollar fine.
    Record Access Procedure:
        Same as notification procedures. Requesters should also reasonably 
    specify the record contents being sought. Individuals may also request 
    listings of accountable disclosures that have been made of their 
    records, if any.
    Contesting Record Procedure:
        Contact the official under notification procedures above, and 
    reasonably identify the record and specify the information to be 
    contested, and state the corrective action sought and the reasons for 
    the correction, with supporting justification. The right to contest 
    records is limited to information which is incomplete, irrelevant, 
    incorrect, or untimely (obsolete).
    Record Source Categories:
        Applicant institution, individual, individual's educational 
    institution and references, and participating Federal acquisition 
    [[Page 34659]]
    Systems Exempted From Certain Provisions of the Act:
    [FR Doc. 98-16914 Filed 6-24-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4140-01-M

Document Information

National Institutes of Health
Entry Type:
Notification of an altered system of records.
Document Number:
The NIH invites interested parties to submit comments on the proposed internal and routine uses on or before July 27, 1998. The NIH sent a Report of the Altered System to the Congress and to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on June 19, 1998. The alteration of this system of records will be effective 40 days from the date submitted to the OMB, unless NIH receives comments which would result in a contrary determination.
34656-34659 (4 pages)
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