97-16753. NOFA for Fair Housing Initiatives Program; FY 1997 Competitive Solicitation  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 123 (Thursday, June 26, 1997)]
    [Pages 34562-34571]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-16753]
    [[Page 34561]]
    Part IV
    Department of Housing and Urban Development
    NOFA for Fair Housing Initiatives Program; FY 1997 Competitive 
    Solicitation; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 123 / Thursday, June 26, 1997 / 
    [[Page 34562]]
    [Docket No. FR-4193-N-01]
    NOFA for Fair Housing Initiatives Program; FY 1997 Competitive 
    AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal 
    Opportunity, HUD.
    ACTION: Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
    SUMMARY: This NOFA announces the availability of $15,000,000 of 1997 
    Fiscal Year (FY) funding for the Fair Housing Initiatives Program 
    (FHIP). This program assists projects and activities designed to 
    enforce and enhance compliance with the Fair Housing Act and 
    substantially equivalent State and local fair housing laws. HUD will 
    fund projects undertaken through the Private Enforcement Initiative 
    (PEI), Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI) and the Fair Housing 
    Organizations Initiative (FHOI). For this funding round, $1,350,000 is 
    reserved from the Fair Housing Organizations Initiative for 
    organizations that assist persons with disabilities to build the 
    capacity of such organizations to undertake fair housing enforcement 
    activities. Additionally, $500,000 is reserved from the Education and 
    Outreach Initiative's Regional, local and community-based component for 
    projects that propose to address community tensions that arise as 
    people expand their housing choices, and $150,000 is reserved under the 
    EOI national component for a fair housing site on the Internet.
        In the body of this document is information concerning the 
    principal objectives of the NOFA, eligibility, available amounts, 
    selection criteria, how to apply for funding, how selections will be 
    made, and a checklist of application submission requirements.
    DATES: An application kit for funding under this Notice will be 
    available following publication of the NOFA. The actual application due 
    date will be specified in the application kit. Applicants submitting an 
    application under the PEI will be given at least 50 days from today's 
    date, until August 15, 1997, to submit their applications. Applicants 
    submitting applications under the EOI and the FHOI will be given at 
    least 60 days from today's date, until August 25, 1997, to submit their 
    applications. Applications will be accepted if they are received on or 
    before the application due date, or are received within 7 days after 
    the application due date, but with a U.S. postmark or receipt from a 
    private commercial delivery service (such as, Federal Express or DHL) 
    that is dated on or before the application due date.
    ADDRESSES: To obtain a copy of the application kit, please write the 
    Fair Housing Information Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 9146, McLean, VA 
    22102, or call the toll free number 1-800-343-3442 (voice) or 1-800-
    290-1617 (TTY). Also please contact this number if information 
    concerning this NOFA is needed in an accessible format.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Aztec Jacobs, Office of Fair Housing 
    Initiatives and Voluntary Programs, Room 5234, 451 Seventh Street, 
    S.W., Washington, D.C. 20410-2000; telephone number (202) 708-0800 
    (this is not a toll free number). Persons who use a text telephone 
    (TTY) may call 1-800-290-1617.
    Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
        The information collection requirements contained in this NOFA have 
    been approved by the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), and assigned 
    OMB control number 2529-0033. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and 
    a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information 
    unless the collection displays a valid control number.
    Promoting Comprehensive Approaches to Housing and Community 
        HUD is interested in promoting comprehensive, coordinated 
    approaches to housing and community development. Economic development, 
    community development, public housing revitalization, homeownership, 
    assisted housing for special needs populations, supportive services, 
    and welfare-to-work initiatives can work better if linked at the local 
    level. Toward this end, the Department in recent years has developed 
    the Consolidated Planning process designed to help communities 
    undertake such approaches.
        In this spirit, it may be helpful for applicants under this NOFA to 
    be aware of other related HUD NOFAs that have recently been published 
    or are expected to be published in this fiscal year. By reviewing these 
    NOFAs with respect to their program purposes and the eligibility of 
    applicants and activities, applicants may be able to relate the 
    activities proposed for funding under this NOFA to the recent and 
    upcoming NOFAs and to the community's Consolidated Plan.
        With respect to fair housing, a related NOFA that the Department 
    expects to publish in the Federal Register in the next few weeks is the 
    NOFA for the Fair Housing Services Center in East Texas.
        To foster comprehensive, coordinated approaches by communities, the 
    Department intends for the remainder of FY 1997 to continue to alert 
    applicants of HUD's NOFA activity. In addition, a complete schedule of 
    NOFAs to be published during the fiscal year and those already 
    published appears under the HUD Homepage on the Internet, which can be 
    accessed at http://www.hud.gov.html. Additional steps to better 
    coordinate HUD's NOFAs are being considered for FY 1998.
        To help in obtaining a copy of your community's Consolidated Plan, 
    please contact the community development office of your municipal 
    I. Substantive Description and Purpose
    (a) Authority
        Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 
    3601-19 (Fair Housing Act), charges the Secretary of Housing and Urban 
    Development with responsibility to accept and investigate complaints 
    alleging discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, 
    familial status or national origin in the sale, rental, or financing of 
    most housing. In addition, the Fair Housing Act directs the Secretary 
    to coordinate action with State and local agencies administering fair 
    housing laws and to cooperate with, and render technical assistance to, 
    public or private entities carrying out programs to prevent and 
    eliminate discriminatory housing practices.
        Section 561 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987, 
    42 U.S.C. 3616 note, established the Fair Housing Initiatives Program 
    (FHIP) to strengthen the Department's enforcement of the Fair Housing 
    Act and to further fair housing. Implementing regulations are found at 
    24 CFR part 125.
        Three general categories of activities were established at 24 CFR 
    part 125 for FHIP funding under section 561 of the Housing and 
    Community Development Act of 1987: the Administrative Enforcement 
    Initiative, the Education and Outreach Initiative, and the Private 
    Enforcement Initiative. Section 905 of the Housing and Community 
    Development Act of 1992 (HCDA 1992) (Pub. L. 102-550, approved October 
    28, 1992), amended section 561 by adding specific eligible applicants 
    and activities to the Education and Outreach
    [[Page 34563]]
    and Private Enforcement Initiatives, as well as an entirely new Fair 
    Housing Organizations Initiative. More significantly, section 905 
    established FHIP as a permanent program. The final rule implementing 
    these statutory amendments was published on November 27, 1995 (60 FR 
    (b) Purpose
        This program assists projects and activities designed to enforce 
    and enhance compliance with the Fair Housing Act and substantially 
    equivalent State and local fair housing laws.
    (c) Objectives
        (1) One of the objectives of this funding round is to provide for a 
    wide geographic distribution of awards for fair housing enforcement and 
    education services throughout the country, including underserved areas.
        (2) Through the PEI and FHOI components of this NOFA, the 
    Department will fund full service and broad-based fair housing 
    enforcement projects that address protected classes under the Fair 
    Housing Act (except for the set-aside in the FHOI component described 
    in Section I(f)(3)(i)(D) and in the following section). Enforcement 
    projects must include more than one type of activity. Fair housing 
    services are enforcement activities which consist of: complaint intake; 
    testing; evaluation of testing results; investigation, including: 
    property searches, document reviews, witness interviews; conciliation; 
    enforcement of meritorious claims through litigation or referral to 
    administrative enforcement agencies; and dissemination of information 
    about fair housing laws. These enforcement activities may be conducted 
    on a community, local, regional or national level. Furthermore, to be 
    funded, projects must be broad-based. Broad-based means not limited to 
    a single fair housing issue (such as insurance, mortgage lending or 
    advertising), but rather covering more than one issue related to 
    discrimination in the provision of housing covered under the Fair 
    Housing Act. Proposals under the Education and Outreach Initiative, 
    however, may focus on a single issue that addresses protected classes 
    under the Fair Housing Act.
        (3) The Fair Housing Act was amended in 1988 to prohibit housing 
    discrimination on the basis of disability. This amendment also required 
    the provision of reasonable accommodations, where necessary, to permit 
    a person with a disability to have the full enjoyment of their housing. 
    Moreover, it required certain newly constructed multi-family housing to 
    comply with accessibility guidelines published in the Federal Register. 
    Although eight years have passed since the enactment of these 
    amendments, it appears that in many areas of the country, much of the 
    covered newly constructed housing still may fail to comply with the 
    Fair Housing Act requirements and many housing providers still 
    discriminate against persons with disabilities and refuse to provide 
    reasonable accommodations for them. For this funding round, the 
    Department seeks to develop the capacity of organizations that assist 
    persons with disabilities to undertake fair housing enforcement 
    activities. This will enable such organizations to develop the 
    capability to become full-service fair housing enforcement 
    organizations and thereby provide greater assistance to clients 
    (including representing clients from other protected classes who are 
    also disabled) in the enforcement of their Fair Housing rights.
        (4) During the last four years, the Department has moved 
    aggressively to expand housing choice. Through these efforts, tens of 
    thousands of units of segregated, obsolete public housing are being 
    demolished. Residents of these units frequently face community 
    opposition and prejudice as they attempt to use housing certificates or 
    vouchers to move to non-segregated decent housing in other 
    neighborhoods. Similarly, public housing agencies and non-profit 
    housing providers which seek to develop scattered site public housing 
    or small group homes for persons with disabilities in areas outside of 
    the inner city also are subject to community resistance. In response to 
    these problems, the Department seeks to encourage local fair housing 
    organizations, community groups, and local governmental agencies to 
    engage in grassroots efforts to resolve community tensions that arise 
    as people expand their housing choices. The objective is to bring 
    together fair housing organizations with civic leaders, religious and 
    community officials, and others to work out solutions to local 
    (d) Definitions
        The definitions that apply to this NOFA are as follows:
        Qualified fair housing enforcement organization (QFHO-E) means any 
    organization, whether or not it is solely engaged in fair housing 
    enforcement activities, that--
        (1) Is organized as a private, tax-exempt, nonprofit, charitable 
        (2) Has at least 2 years experience in complaint intake, complaint 
    investigation, testing for fair housing violations and enforcement of 
    meritorious claims; and
        (3) Is engaged in complaint intake, complaint investigation, 
    testing for fair housing violations and enforcement of meritorious 
    claims at the time of application for FHIP assistance. For the purpose 
    of meeting the 2-year qualification period for these activities it is 
    not necessary that the activities were conducted simultaneously, as 
    long as each activity was conducted for 2 years. It is also not 
    necessary for the activities to have been conducted for 2 consecutive 
    or continuous years. An organization may aggregate its experience in 
    each activity over the 3 year period preceding its application to meet 
    the 2-year qualification period requirement.
        Fair housing enforcement organization (FHO-E) means any 
    organization that--
        (1) Is organized as a private, tax-exempt, nonprofit, charitable 
        (2) Is currently engaged in complaint intake, complaint 
    investigation, testing for fair housing violations and enforcement of 
    meritorious claims; and
        (3) Upon the receipt of FHIP funds will continue to be engaged in 
    complaint intake, complaint investigation, testing for fair housing 
    violations and enforcement of meritorious claims.
        Meritorious claims means enforcement activities by an organization 
    that resulted in lawsuits, consent decrees, legal settlements, HUD and/
    or substantially equivalent agency (under 24 CFR 115.6) conciliations 
    and organization-initiated settlements with the outcome of monetary 
    awards for compensatory and/or punitive damages to plaintiffs or 
    complaining parties, or other affirmative relief, including the 
    provision of housing. Applicants should note that the definition of 
    ``meritorious claims'' is only relevant as a part of the definition of 
    QFHO-E and FHO-E, and does not impose a limit on the kinds of 
    activities that may be funded under FHIP.
    (e) Allocation Amounts
        The Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban 
    Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1997, 
    (approved September 26, 1996, Pub. L. 104-204), (97 App. Act) 
    appropriated $15 million for activities pursuant to section 561, the 
    Fair Housing Initiatives Program. This amount is being made available 
    on a competitive basis to eligible organizations that submit timely
    [[Page 34564]]
    applications and are selected in response to this NOFA. The funding 
    selections will be made on the basis of criteria for eligibility, 
    factors for award, completeness of budget information, and any other 
    factors described in this NOFA.
        The full cost of FY 1997 multi-year awards under the Private 
    Enforcement Initiative will be funded from FY 97 funds. Recipients of 
    FHIP grant awards under the Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI) based 
    upon applications submitted under the FY 1996 FHIP NOFA, RFA-96-1 (FR-
    4047, published May 24, 1996, 61 FR 26362), and recipients of PEI FHIP 
    grant awards based upon applications submitted under the FY 1995 FHIP 
    NOFA, RFA-95-1 (FR-3878, published April 11, 1995, 60 FR 18444), may 
    not apply in the FY 1997 competition for multi-year Private Enforcement 
    Initiative awards.
        The Department retains the right to shift funds among the FHIP 
    Initiatives listed below, within statutorily prescribed limitations. 
    The amounts included in this NOFA are subject to change based on fund 
    availability. The amount of FY 1997 funding available for the FHIP is 
    divided among three Initiatives as follows:
    (1) Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI)
        The amount of $1,800,000 in FY 1997 funds is being used for the EOI 
    for 18 month projects.
        (i) National component. (A) General. Of the FY 1997 EOI total of 
    $1,800,000, $300,000 is made available under this NOFA for national EOI 
    projects, with an award cap of $150,000.
        (B) Fair Housing web site projects. Of the $300,000 available under 
    the EOI national component, the Department is reserving $150,000 for 
    applications that will develop and/or administer a web site on the 
    Internet as a means of providing fair housing education and guidance to 
    the public. Applications submitted for these special projects will be 
    rated separately. If insufficient acceptable applications are received, 
    remaining funds will be added to the $300,000 available for national 
    education and outreach projects under section I.(e)(1)(i)(A) of this 
    NOFA above.
        (ii) Regional, local, and community-based component. The amount of 
    $1,500,000 in FY 1997 funds is made available under this NOFA for 
    regional, local, and community-based projects.
        (A) General. A total of $1,000,000 is available, with an award cap 
    of $100,000, for projects that support regional, local and community-
    based education and outreach efforts.
        (B) Projects to address community tensions. A total of $500,000 
    from the EOI regional, local, and community-based component will be 
    reserved to fund up to five regional, local, and community-based 
    education projects that will address community tensions that arise as 
    people protected under the Fair Housing Act seek to expand their 
    housing choices. The maximum amount awarded to any applicant will be 
    $100,000. Applications submitted for these special projects will be 
    rated separately. If insufficient acceptable applications are received, 
    remaining funds will be added to the $1,000,000 available for regional, 
    local, and community-based education and outreach projects under 
    section I.(e)(1)(ii)(A) of this NOFA, above.
    (2) Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI).
        Funds for the PEI are made available under this NOFA in the amount 
    of $10.5 million for 24 month projects, with an award cap of $350,000. 
    Recipients of multi-year PEI awards based upon applications submitted 
    under RFA 96-1 and RFA 95-1 may not apply for multi-year PEI funds made 
    available under this NOFA.
    (3) Fair Housing Organizations Initiative (FHOI).
        The amount of $2,700,000 is made available under this NOFA for the 
    FHOI for 18 month projects, to be used for the continued development of 
    fair housing enforcement organizations, with an award cap of $200,000.
        (i) Organizations serving persons with disabilities. The Department 
    is reserving $1,350,000 of the $2,700,000 under the FHOI to develop the 
    capacity of organizations that assist persons with disabilities to 
    undertake fair housing enforcement activities, thus enabling such 
    organizations to become full-service fair housing enforcement 
    (f) Eligibility
        Eligible activities, eligible applicants, and additional 
    requirements under each Initiative are listed below. All activities and 
    materials funded by FHIP must be reasonably accessible to persons with 
    (1) Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI)
        (i) Eligible applicants. The following organizations are eligible 
    to receive funding under the Education and Outreach Initiative:
        (A) State or local governments;
        (B) Qualified fair housing enforcement organizations (QFHO-Es);
        (C) Fair housing enforcement organizations (FHO-Es)
        (D) Public or private non-profit organizations or institutions and 
    other public or private entities that are formulating or carrying out 
    programs to prevent or eliminate discriminatory housing practices; and
        (E) Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) Agencies--State and 
    local agencies funded by the Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP).
        (ii) Eligible activities. (A) In general. Each application for 
    Education and Outreach Initiative funding must identify if it proposes 
    a national or a regional, local, or community-based project. In 
    addition, Fair Housing web site projects under the national component, 
    and projects to address community tensions under the regional, local, 
    or community-based component, must be identified. Funding is permitted 
    for reasonable, necessary, and justified production or development of 
    new materials (brochures, public service announcements, videos) for 
    dissemination to the general public. Applicants proposing to develop 
    new materials should demonstrate in their application that they have 
    checked with a local, regional or national clearinghouse for similar or 
    duplicative materials and explain the reason existing materials are not 
    applicable to their area or targeted population(s). The kinds of 
    activities that may be funded through this Initiative may include (but 
    are not limited to) the following:
        (1) Activities that support the Fair Housing planning requirement 
    of State and local governments subject to the Consolidated Plan (24 CFR 
    part 91). These activities include conducting an analysis of 
    impediments to fair housing choice and undertaking actions to eliminate 
    the identified impediments.
        (2) Providing fair housing counseling services, including the 
    subjects of pre-and post-purchase counseling (mortgage lending, and 
    brokerage services) and/or rental housing counseling;
        (3) Providing educational materials, seminars and working sessions 
    for schools, civic associations, neighborhood organizations, and other 
    groups to support community-based education and outreach efforts;
        (4) Bringing housing industry and civic or fair housing groups 
    together to identify discriminatory housing practices and to determine 
    how to correct them;
        (5) Providing technical assistance to support compliance with the 
    Fair Housing Act's accessible design and construction requirements and 
    the Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines;
        (6) Conducting outreach and providing information on fair housing 
    through printed and electronic media;
    [[Page 34565]]
        (7) Developing or implementing Fair Housing Month activities; and
        (8) Informing persons with disabilities, and/or their support 
    organizations and service providers, housing providers, and the general 
    public on the rights of persons with disabilities under the Fair 
    Housing Act and on the location or availability of accessible housing 
    or the reasonable accommodations, reasonable modifications, or the 
    accessible design and construction provisions of the Act.
        (B) National programs. (1) Activities eligible to be funded as 
    national programs shall be designed to provide a centralized, 
    coordinated effort for the development and dissemination of fair 
    housing media products or educational materials that may appropriately 
    be used on a nationwide basis. All activities listed in paragraph 
    I.(f)(1)(ii)(A) above are eligible as national projects. As stated at 
    I.(e)(1)(i)(B) of this NOFA, above, $150,000 of the $300,000 available 
    under the EOI national component is set aside for Fair Housing web site 
        (2) National program applications will receive a preference of up 
    to ten additional points if they:
        (i) Demonstrate cooperation with real estate industry organizations 
    (up to five points); and/or
        (ii) Provide for the dissemination of educational information and 
    technical assistance to support compliance with the housing 
    adaptability and accessibility guidelines contained in the Fair Housing 
    Amendments Act of 1988 (up to five points).
        (C) Regional, local and community-based programs.
        (1) Activities eligible to be funded as regional, local and 
    community-based programs include any of the activities, to be 
    implemented on a regional, local or community-based level, listed in 
    paragraph I.(f)(1)(ii)(A) above, of this NOFA. As stated at 
    I.(e)(1)(ii)(B) of this NOFA, above, $500,000 of the $1,000,000 
    available under the EOI regional, local, and community-based component 
    is set aside for projects to reduce community tensions. For 
    applications proposing projects to reduce community tensions, similar 
    activities may be undertaken where designed to address settlement of 
    lawsuits, implementation of regional housing counseling programs, or 
    similar local efforts.
        (2) For the purposes of this NOFA, activities that are ``local'' in 
    scope are activities that are limited to a single unit of general local 
    government, meaning a city, town, township, county, parish, village, or 
    other general purpose political subdivision of a State. Activities that 
    are ``regional'' in scope are activities that cover adjoining States or 
    two or more units of general local government within a State. 
    Activities that are ``community-based'' in scope are those which are 
    focused on particular neighborhoods within a unit of general local 
    government. Community-based programs include school, church and 
    community presentations, conferences, or other educational activities.
        (iii) Additional requirements. The following requirements are 
    applicable to all applications under the EOI:
        (A) All projects must address or have relevance to housing 
    discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial 
    status, or national origin.
        (B) Projects must be eighteen months in duration. National projects 
    have an award cap of $150,000. Regional, local and community-based 
    projects have an award cap of $100,000. Applications which request FHIP 
    funding in excess of the award cap will be deemed ineligible.
        (C) Projects aimed solely or primarily at research or dependent 
    upon such data gathering, including but not limited to surveys and 
    questionnaires, will not be eligible under this NOFA.
        (D) All proposals must contain a description of how the activities 
    or the final products of the projects can be used by other agencies and 
    organizations and what modifications, if any, would be necessary for 
    that purpose.
        (E) Coordination of activities. Each non-governmental applicant for 
    funding under the Education and Outreach Initiative regional, local and 
    community-based component that is located within the jurisdiction of a 
    State or local enforcement agency or agencies administering a fair 
    housing law that has been certified by the Department under 24 CFR part 
    115 as being a substantially equivalent fair housing law must provide, 
    with its application, documentation (such as letters between the two 
    organizations) that it has consulted with the agency or agencies to 
    coordinate activities to be funded under the Education and Outreach 
    Initiative. This coordination will ensure that the activities of one 
    group will minimize duplication and fragmentation of activities of the 
    other. Failure to submit the documentation required by this section 
    will be treated as a technical deficiency in accordance with section 
    IV., below, of this NOFA.
        (F) Every application must include as one of its activities a 
    procedure for referring persons with fair housing complaints to State 
    or local agencies administering substantially equivalent laws, private 
    attorneys, HUD or the Department of Justice for further enforcement 
    (2) Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)
        (i) Eligible applicants. Organizations that are eligible to receive 
    FY 1997 funding assistance under the PEI are:
        (A) Qualified fair housing enforcement organizations.
        (B) Fair housing enforcement organizations with at least one year 
    of experience in complaint intake, complaint investigation, testing for 
    fair housing violations, and enforcement of meritorious claims.
        (ii) Eligible activities. Applications are solicited for project 
    proposals as described in this NOFA. Applications may designate up to 
    5% of requested funds to conduct education and outreach to promote 
    awareness of the services provided by the project, but such promotion 
    must be necessary for the successful implementation of the project.
        (A) Project applications must include more than one type of 
    activity, and may include, but are not limited to, the following:
        (1) Conducting complaint intake of allegations of housing 
        (2) Conducting testing, evaluating testing results or providing 
    other investigative support for administrative and judicial enforcement 
    of fair housing laws;
        (3) Conducting investigations of individual and systemic housing 
    discrimination for further enforcement processing by HUD or State or 
    local agencies which administer laws that are substantially equivalent 
    to the Fair Housing Act, or for referral to private attorneys or the 
    Department of Justice;
        (4) Building the capacity to investigate, through testing and other 
    investigative methods, housing discrimination complaints covering all 
    protected classes;
        (5) Conducting mediations or other voluntary resolutions of 
    allegations of fair housing discrimination;
        (6) Providing funds for the costs and expenses of litigating fair 
    housing cases, including expert witness fees.
        (iii) Additional requirements. (A) Testers in testing activities 
    funded with PEI funds must not have prior felony convictions or 
    convictions of crimes involving fraud or perjury, and they must receive 
    training or be experienced in testing procedures and techniques. 
    Testers and the organizations conducting tests, and the employees and 
    agents of these organizations may not:
        (1) Have an economic interest in the outcome of the test, without 
    prejudice to the right of any person or entity to
    [[Page 34566]]
    recover damages for any cognizable injury;
        (2) Be a relative of any party in a case;
        (3) Have had any employment or other affiliation, within one year, 
    with the person or organization to be tested; or
        (4) Be a licensed competitor of the person or organization to be 
    tested in the listing, rental, sale, or financing of real estate.
        (B) Multi-year projects must be for 24 months in duration, with an 
    award cap of $350,000. Successful projects will receive incremental 
    funding during the life of the award subject to periodic performance 
    reviews. Applications which request FHIP funding in excess of the award 
    cap will be deemed ineligible.
        (C) Projects aimed solely or primarily at research or dependent 
    upon such data-gathering, including but not limited to surveys and 
    questionnaires unrelated to existing or planned fair housing 
    enforcement programs, will not be eligible for funding under this NOFA.
        (D) In accordance with 24 CFR 125.104(f), no recipient of 
    assistance under the PEI may use any funds provided by the Department 
    for the payment of expenses in connection with litigation against the 
    United States.
        (E) Recipients of funds under the PEI shall be required to record, 
    in a case tracking log (or Fair Housing Enforcement Log) to be supplied 
    by HUD, information appropriate to the funded project relating to the 
    number of complaints of possible discrimination received; the protected 
    basis of these complaints; the issue, test type, and number of tests 
    utilized in the investigation of each allegation; the respondent type 
    and testing results; the time for case processing, including 
    administrative or judicial proceedings; the cost of testing activities 
    and case processing; to whom the case was referred; and the resolution 
    and type of relief sought and received. The recipient must agree to 
    make this log available to HUD.
        (F) All proposals must certify that the applicant will not solicit 
    funds from or seek to provide fair housing educational or other 
    services or products for compensation, directly or indirectly, to any 
    person or organization which has been the subject of testing by the 
    applicant during the 12 month period following the test. This 
    requirement does not preclude settlements based on investigative 
    (3) Fair Housing Organizations Initiative (FHOI)
        Applications may be submitted for funding under the Continued 
    Development of Existing Organizations component of the FHOI.
        (i) Eligible applicants. Eligible applicants for funding under this 
    component of the FHOI are:
        (A) Qualified fair housing enforcement organizations;
        (B) Fair housing enforcement organizations;
        (C) Nonprofit groups organizing to build their capacity to provide 
    fair housing enforcement; and
        (D) Organizations serving persons with disabilities. As stated in 
    section I.(e)(3)(i), above, under the FHOI, $1,350,000 has been set 
    aside to increase enforcement activities for persons with disabilities. 
    Those funds are available for two categories of applicants:
        (1) Disability advocacy groups. Organizations that traditionally 
    have provided for the civil rights of persons with disabilities may 
    apply. This would include organizations such as Independent Living 
    Centers, and cross-disability legal services groups. Because of limited 
    resources and the wide need for appropriate protections, organizations 
    considered for funding must be experienced in providing services to 
    persons with a broad range of disabilities, including physical, 
    cognitive, and psychiatric/mental disabilities. Organizations must 
    demonstrate actual involvement of persons with disabilities throughout 
    their activities, including on staff and board levels.
        In addition, applicants for funding allocated to organizations that 
    serve persons with disabilities must meet the following requirements;
        (i) Be organized as a private, tax-exempt, non-profit, charitable 
        (ii) Be established with a primary purpose to assist persons with 
    disabilities in exercising or protecting their fair housing and/or 
    other civil rights (persons with disabilities need not be the only 
    class served by the organization and fair housing and/or civil rights 
    protection need not be the only activity of the organization).
        (2) Fair Housing/Disability Advocacy Joint Partnership Teams. 
    Eligible applicants listed in section I.(f)(3)(i)(A) through (D), 
    above, of this NOFA may submit applications which demonstrate a 
    partnership project that involves both an established fair housing 
    enforcement group and a disability advocacy group as defined in section 
    I.(f)(3)(i)(D)(1) of this NOFA. This may be done in cases where the 
    disability advocacy group either lacks the capacity for, or interest 
    in, providing all aspects of enforcement activity. Joint partnerships 
    will, depending upon the division of roles, enable the disability 
    advocacy group to develop expertise and experience in providing 
    enforcement activities, while sensitizing and educating the QFHO E's or 
    FHO-E's to issues related to the provision of services to persons with 
    disabilities. A joint partnership application would only be submitted 
    by a single organization, but the application would demonstrate a 
    cooperative undertaking with substantive involvement in fair housing 
    education and enforcement by the two kinds of organizations involved in 
    the partnership project.
        The Department encourages applications under this set-aside that 
    creatively address the need to provide fair housing services using 
    existing resources in the most efficient and productive manner. 
    Partnership agreements should clearly delineate the roles of each 
    organization to develop the capacity of each organization to undertake 
    fair housing enforcement activities with respect to rights and 
    responsibilities for persons protected on the basis of handicap.
        (ii) Eligible activities. Applications are solicited for project 
    proposals as described in this NOFA. Applications may designate up to 
    5% of requested funds to conduct education and outreach to promote 
    awareness of the services provided by the project, but such promotion 
    must be necessary for the successful implementation of the project. 
    Eligible activities for funding under this purpose of the FHOI are any 
    activities listed as eligible under the PEI in section I.(f)(2)(ii), 
    and any activities to increase enforcement activities for organizations 
    serving persons with disabilities, as described in section 
    I.(f)(3)(i)(D), above, of this NOFA and carried out as eighteen-month 
        (iii) Additional Requirements. The following requirements apply to 
    activities funded under the Continued Development of Existing 
    Organizations purpose of the FHOI:
        (A) Operating budget limitation. Funding provided under this 
    purpose of the FHOI may not exceed more than 50 percent of the 
    operating budget of the recipient organization for any one year. For 
    purposes of the limitation in this paragraph, operating budget means 
    the applicant's total planned budget expenditures from all sources, 
    including the value of in-kind and monetary contributions, in the 18 
    months for which funding is sought.
    [[Page 34567]]
        (B) Term of grant. Projects are eighteen months in duration, with 
    an award cap of $200,000. Applications which request FHIP funding in 
    excess of the award cap will be deemed ineligible.
        (C) Testers in testing activities funded with FHIP funds must not 
    have prior felony convictions or convictions of crimes involving fraud 
    or perjury, and they must receive training or be experienced in testing 
    procedures and techniques. Testers and the organizations conducting 
    tests, and the employees and agents of these organizations may not:
        (1) Have an economic interest in the outcome of the test, without 
    prejudice to the right of any person or entity to recover damages for 
    any cognizable injury;
        (2) Be a relative of any party in a case;
        (3) Have had any employment or other affiliation, within one year, 
    with the person or organization to be tested; or
        (4) Be a licensed competitor of the person or organization to be 
    tested in the listing, rental, sale, or financing of real estate.
        (D) Projects to be aimed solely or primarily at research or 
    dependent upon such data-gathering, including but not limited to 
    surveys and questionnaires will not be eligible for funding under this 
        (E) Each applicant under the continued development of existing 
    organizations component of the FHOI must submit an operating budget 
    that describes the applicant's total planned expenditures from all 
    sources, including the value of in-kind and monetary contributions, in 
    the 18 months for which funding is sought. This operating budget will 
    be used for the purposes of determining the extent of the 50% funding 
    limitation on operating expenses.
        (F) All proposals for testing under the FHOI must certify that the 
    applicant will not solicit funds from or seek to provide fair housing 
    educational or other services or products for compensation, directly or 
    indirectly, to any person or organization which has been the subject of 
    testing by the applicant during a 12 month period following the test. 
    This does not preclude settlement based on investigative findings.
        (G) Recipients of funds under the FHOI shall be required to record, 
    in a case tracking log (or Fair Housing Enforcement Log) to be supplied 
    by HUD, information appropriate to the funded project relating to the 
    number of complaints of discrimination received; the protected basis of 
    these complaints; the issue, test type and number of tests utilized in 
    the investigation of each allegation; the respondent type and testing 
    results; the time of case processing, including administrative or 
    judicial proceedings; the cost of testing activities and case 
    processing; and to whom referred, resolution, and type of relief 
    provided. The recipient must agree to make this log available to HUD.
    (g) Selection Criteria/Rating Factors
    (1) Selection Criteria for Rating Applications for Assistance
        The following five selection criteria apply to each of the 
    initiatives covered by this NOFA and account for 100 points available 
    for award. In addition to the preference points indicated in section 
    I.(f)(1)(ii)(B)(2) for applications under the EOI national component, 
    all projects proposed in applications will be rated on the basis of the 
    following criteria for selection:
        (i) Need. (20 points) This criterion will be judged on the basis of 
    the applicant's submissions in response to paragraphs III.(1) and 
    III.(2) of this NOFA under the heading ``Checklist of Application 
    Submission Requirements.'' The applicant must demonstrate that it is 
    serving areas with significant fair housing problems. HUD will consider 
    the extent to which the application clearly delineates a fair housing 
    need or needs in the project area(s) that can be resolved through the 
    proposed FHIP funded activities of the organization. The applicant must 
    demonstrate how these needs were identified and how the activities 
    proposed will address these needs. HUD will also consider the extent to 
    which the applicant demonstrates a familiarity with the efforts of 
    government agencies, fair housing organizations, community-based 
    organizations, housing industry groups, and other entities in the 
    community which are engaged in or have an impact on fair housing 
    education/enforcement in the communities to be served.
        (ii) Quality of project and related activities that the applicant 
    proposes to carry out under the grant. (25 points) This criterion will 
    be judged on the basis of the applicant's submissions in response to 
    paragraph III.(3), III.(4) and III.(5) of this NOFA under the heading 
    ``Checklist of Application Submission Requirements.'' HUD will 
        (A) The extent to which the applicant's proposal outlines a clear 
    and easy to understand project, that can be successfully carried out 
    within the grant period.
        (B) The extent to which the applicant explains the benefits that 
    successful completion of the project will produce to enhance fair 
    housing and the indicators by which these benefits are to be measured. 
    In addition to immediate benefits, the applicant must also describe the 
    expected long-term viability of project results.
        (C) The extent to which an applicant's PEI or FHOI enforcement 
    activities proposal furthers the objective of funding full service and 
    broad-based fair housing enforcement projects that address protected 
    classes under the Fair Housing Act.
        (iii) Outreach and Project Support. (10 points) This criterion will 
    be judged on the basis of the applicant's submission in response to 
    paragraph III.(6) and III.(7) of this NOFA under the heading 
    ``Checklist of Application Submission Requirements.'' This factor has 
    two subfactors:
        (A) The extent to which the application demonstrates the ability of 
    the applicant to disseminate or utilize FHIP or existing fair housing 
    materials in locations served by the proposed project. Applications 
    must demonstrate how the project will promote awareness of the services 
    provided by the project (5 points). In rating this subfactor, HUD will 
        (1) The extent to which the proposed activities will reach persons 
    throughout the region to be served and will identify and use existing 
    fair housing materials; and
        (2) The extent to which the application will promote awareness of 
    the services provided by the proposed activities.
        (B) The extent to which the application demonstrates the commitment 
    of funds and other in-kind resources to the project (5 points). In 
    rating this subfactor, HUD will consider:
        (1) Estimate of the public or private resources that may be 
    available to assist the proposed activities; and
        (2) The extent to which resources have been firmly committed for 
    the proposed project. This includes the reasonableness of applicant's 
    documented efforts to secure support and the quality of applicant's 
    plan for securing additional funds to support the activities during the 
    period of the project.
        (iv) Management Capability. (35 points) This criterion will be 
    judged on the basis of the applicant's submission in response to 
    paragraph III.(8) III.(9) and III.(10) under the heading ``Checklist of 
    Application Submission Requirements.'' This factor has two sub-factors:
        (A) The extent to which the applicant demonstrates that the 
    proposed management approach will enable the applicant to successfully 
    carry out the
    [[Page 34568]]
    proposed activities (10 points); In rating this subfactor, HUD will 
        (1) Appropriateness, completeness, clarity, and specificity of the 
    tasks proposed in the Statement of Work to implement the project. This 
    includes such considerations as regions to be served, clientele to be 
    served, specific protected class focus, and type and scope of 
        (2) Whether the budget includes necessary costs for the proposed 
    activities and reasonableness of the costs for the proposed activities, 
    including level of expertise proposed for various tasks.
        (3) Extent to which the applicant demonstrates capability in 
    handling financial resources with adequate financial control procedures 
    and accounting procedures. In addition, considerations will include 
    findings identified in their most recent audit, internal consistency in 
    the application of numeric quantities, accuracy of mathematical 
    calculations and other available information on financial management 
        (B) The extent to which the applicant demonstrates the capacity to 
    carry out satisfactorily the proposed activities in a timely fashion 
    (25 points); HUD will consider:
        (1) Experience of the applicant organization that is relevant to 
    the proposed project.
        (2) The applicant's management and performance under past and 
    current FHIP or other civil rights projects. Where the applicant has 
    managed several projects, special consideration will be given to past 
    performances in those projects which are most relevant to the proposed 
    project. Under this factor, HUD will consider, in particular, progress 
    reviews and closeout assessments on current and past FHIP grants 
    awarded to the applicant organization.
        (3) The qualifications of the Project Director, key project staff 
    and any sub-contractors, consultants, and subrecipients which are 
    firmly committed to the project. If most key personnel are not 
    identified, the applicant must demonstrate how it proposes to carry out 
    activities in the interim while vacancies are being filled. For any 
    significant personnel, including subcontractors, not yet hired or 
    selected, how appropriate are the qualifications to be considered in 
    the selection.
        (4) The reasonableness of timelines for implementation, procedures 
    for monitoring and assessing results and adequacy of the Statement of 
    Work for assuring that the project is completed in a timely and 
    effective manner.
        (v) Place-based. The Secretary's Representative will evaluate and 
    rate applications from their respective Regions under the selection 
    criteria at section I.(g)(1)(i), ``Need,'' and section I.(g)(1)(ii), 
    ``Quality of project and related activities that the applicant proposes 
    to carry out under the grant.'' This participation by the Secretary's 
    Representatives will take advantage of their unique knowledge of 
    circumstances within their regions, and will promote ``place-based'' 
    considerations in the selection of applicants. HUD will award up to 5 
    points under each of these selection criteria, up to a total of 10 
    points, on the basis of the evaluation by the Secretary's 
    (2) Selection Process
        The selection process is structured to achieve the objectives set 
    forth in section I.(c) of this NOFA. Awards will generally be made in 
    rank order, except that the additional procedures described below will 
    be followed to make awards out of rank order to achieve this goal.
        Each application for funding will be evaluated competitively. Upon 
    receipt, the applications will be sorted into seven categories: PEI; 
    EOI-National/Web-site; EOI-National/Other; EOI-Regional, local and 
    community-based/reduction of community tensions; EOI-Regional,local and 
    community-based/other; FHOI-Continued Development of Existing 
    Organizations/Organizations Serving Persons with Disabilities; and 
    FHOI-Continued Development of Existing Organizations/Other. Then, in 
    each category, they will be awarded points and assigned a score based 
    on the Selection Criteria for Rating Applications for Assistance 
    identified in section I.(g)(1) of this NOFA. The final decision rests 
    with the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity or 
    designee. After eligible applications are evaluated against the factors 
    for award and assigned a score, they will be organized by rank order. 
    Awards for each category listed above will be funded in rank order 
    until all available funds have been obligated, or until there are no 
    acceptable applications, with the exception described in section 
    I.(g)(2)(i), immediately below, which is designed to achieve geographic 
    distribution of awards and to achieve full service and broad-based fair 
    housing enforcement projects.
        (i) Achieving geographic distribution of awards. The Assistant 
    Secretary, or designee, will have the discretion to make awards out of 
    rank order and fund or not fund applications in order to provide 
    broader geographic representation in accordance with the following 
    procedure. For the PEI funding category only, the highest ranking 
    application from each of the ten HUD broad regions, as described in the 
    application kit, will be funded first. Following the selection of the 
    highest ranking application under the PEI in each region, the remaining 
    awards under the PEI and all awards made under the other Initiatives 
    and components within each category will be funded in rank order, 
    except as follows: only the highest ranking application under any non-
    national Initiative or component for activities to be conducted in a 
    Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), as defined by the Bureau of the 
    Census, will be selected. No other application proposing activities in 
    the same MSA under the same Initiative or component will be selected, 
    unless there are not enough applications of sufficient quality to 
    permit the awarding of all funds in an Initiative or component. If the 
    selection panel determines that there are not enough applications of 
    sufficient quality in any Initiative or component, then the next 
    highest ranked application(s) that had previously been passed over may 
    be funded in the same MSA.
        (ii) Achieving full service and broad based fair housing projects. 
    Regardless of its ranking, an application proposing enforcement 
    activities will not be funded if it is not focused on providing full 
    service and broad based fair housing enforcement projects that address 
    protected classes under the Fair Housing Act.
        (iii) Tie breaking. When there is a tie in the overall total score, 
    the award will be made to the applicant that has the higher score under 
    Selection Criteria (ii) of section I.(g)(1). If these applications are 
    equal in this respect, the application that receives a total higher 
    number of cumulative points under Selection Criteria (i) and (iv) of 
    section I.(g)(1), above, will receive the award. If these scores are 
    identical then the award will be made to the applicant with the lower 
    request for FHIP funding.
    (h) General Requirements for Applications
    (1) Applicants Limited to a Single Award
        Applicants may apply for funding for more than one project or 
    activity under one or more Initiatives. However, applicants are limited 
    to one award under this NOFA. If more than one eligible application is 
    submitted by an applicant and both are within funding range, the 
    Department will select the application which the applicant has
    [[Page 34569]]
    indicated as its preference for award should more than one application 
    submitted be within funding range.
    (2) Independence of Awards
        Each project or activity proposed in an application must be 
    independent and capable of being implemented without reliance on the 
    selection of other applications submitted by the applicant or other 
    applicants. However, this provision does not preclude an applicant from 
    submitting a proposal which includes other organizations as 
    subcontractors to the proposed project or activity.
    (3) Project Starting Period
        The Department has determined that all applications must propose 
    that the project will begin no later than December 1, 1997.
    (4) Page Limitation
        Applicants will be limited to 10 pages of narrative responses for 
    each of the five selection criteria (this does not include forms or 
    documents which are required under each criterion). Furthermore, 
    unrequested items including brochures, news articles, letters of 
    support and other examples included in the application will not be 
    considered in the evaluation process. Applicants that exceed the 10-
    page limit for each criterion will only have the first 10 pages 
    evaluated for each criterion. Failure to provide narrative responses to 
    criteria (i) through (iv) will result in an application being deemed as 
        (i) Applicant Notification and Award Procedures
        (1) Notification. No information will be available to applicants 
    during the period of HUD evaluation, approximately 90 days, except for 
    notification in writing or by telephone to those applicants that are 
    determined to be ineligible or that have technical deficiencies in 
    their applications that may be corrected. Selectees will be announced 
    by HUD upon completion of the evaluation process, subject to final 
    negotiations and award.
        (2) Negotiations. After HUD has ranked the applications and 
    provided notifications to applicants whose scores are within the 
    funding range, HUD will require that applicants in this group 
    participate in negotiations to determine the specific terms of the 
    cooperative or grant agreement. In cases where it is not possible to 
    conclude the necessary negotiations successfully, awards will not be 
        If an award is not made to an applicant whose application is in the 
    initial funding threshold because of an inability to complete 
    successful negotiations, and if funds are available to fund any 
    applications that may have fallen outside the initial funding 
    threshold, HUD will select the next highest ranking applicant and 
    proceed as described in the preceding paragraph.
        (3) Funding Instrument. HUD expects to award a cost reimbursable or 
    fixed-price cooperative or grant agreement to each successful 
    applicant. HUD reserves the right, however, to use the form of 
    assistance agreement determined to be most appropriate after 
    negotiation with the applicant.
        (4) Reduction of Requested Grant Amounts and Special Conditions. 
    HUD may approve an application for an amount lower than the amount 
    requested, fund only portions of an application, withhold funds after 
    approval, and/or require the grantee to comply with special conditions 
    added to the grant agreement, in accordance with 24 CFR 84.14, the 
    requirements of this NOFA, or where:
        (i) HUD determines the amount requested for one or more eligible 
    activities is unreasonable or unnecessary;
        (ii) The applicant has proposed an ineligible activity in an 
    otherwise eligible project;
        (iii) Insufficient amounts remain in that funding round to fund the 
    full amount requested in the application, and HUD determines that 
    partial funding is a viable option;
        (iv) The applicant has demonstrated an inability to manage HUD 
    grants, particularly FHIP grants; or
        (v) For any other reason where good cause exists.
        (5) Performance Sanctions. A recipient failing to comply with the 
    procedures set forth in its grant agreement will be liable for such 
    sanctions as may be authorized by law, including repayment of 
    improperly used funds, termination of further participation in the 
    FHIP, and denial of further participation in programs of the Department 
    or of any Federal agency.
    II. Application Process
        An application kit is required as the formal submission to apply 
    for funding. The kit includes information on the Statement of Work and 
    Budget for activities proposed by the applicant. An application may be 
    obtained by writing the Fair Housing Information Clearinghouse, P.O. 
    Box 9146, McLean, VA 22102, or by calling the toll free number 1-800-
    343-3442 (voice) or 1-800-290-1617 (TTY). To ensure a prompt response, 
    it is suggested that requests for application kits be made by 
        Completed applications are to be submitted to: Maxine B. 
    Cunningham, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Department of 
    Housing and Urban Development, Room 5234, 451 Seventh Street, S.W., 
    Washington, DC 20410.
        The application due date will be specified in the application kit. 
    Applicants submitting an application under the Private Enforcement 
    Initiative will be given at least 50 days from today's date, until 
    August 15, 1997, to submit their applications. Applicants submitting 
    applications under the Education and Outreach Initiative and the Fair 
    Housing Organizations Initiative will be given at least 60 days from 
    today's date, until August 25, 1997, to submit their applications. 
    Applications will be accepted if they are received on or before the 
    application due date, or are received within 7 days after the 
    application due date, but with a U.S. postmark or receipt from a 
    private commercial delivery service (such as, Federal Express or DHL) 
    that is dated on or before the application due date.
        The application deadline is firm as to date. In the interest of 
    fairness to all competing applicants, the Department will treat as 
    ineligible for consideration any application that is received after the 
    deadline. Applicants should take this practice into account and make 
    early submission of their materials to avoid any risk of loss of 
    eligibility brought about by unanticipated delays or other delivery-
    related problems. A transmission by facsimile machine (``FAX'') will 
    not constitute delivery.
        An applicant may apply for funding for more than one project or 
    activity, but a separate application must be submitted for each of the 
    following categories of funding:
        (1) Private Enforcement Initiative-Multi-year projects;
        (2) Education and Outreach Initiative-National/Fair Housing Web 
    Site on the Internet;
        (3) Education and Outreach Initiative-National/other projects;
        (4) Education and Outreach Initiative-Regional, local and 
    community-based/reduction of community tensions;
        (5) Education and Outreach Initiative-Regional or local and 
    community-based/other projects;
        (6) Fair Housing Organizations Initiative-Continued Development of 
    Existing Organizations/Organizations Serving Persons with Disabilities; 
        (7) Fair Housing Organizations Initiative-Continued Development of 
    Existing Organizations/Other Projects.
        Although a separate application is required for each funding 
    category, an application may propose more than one
    [[Page 34570]]
    type of eligible activity under each category. For example, 
    distribution of a public service message and conduct of a seminar may 
    be proposed in a single application for a national program under the 
        Applicants must submit all information required in the application 
    kit and must include sufficient information to establish that the 
    applicant and its application meet eligibility requirements as set 
    forth above and that the application meets the selection criteria set 
    forth in section I.(d), above, of this NOFA.
    III. Checklist of Application Submission Requirements
        The application kit will contain a checklist of application 
    submission requirements to complete the application process. Each 
    application for FHIP funding must contain the following items:
        (1) A description indicating the need for FHIP funding in support 
    of the proposed project. This must include a discussion of how these 
    needs were identified, including reference to studies or other 
    information and relevant demographic data relating to the nature and 
    extent of discriminatory housing practices in the location(s) where the 
    applicant proposes to undertake activities.
        (2) A description of how the proposed activities relate to efforts 
    by other entities in the community that are engaged in or have an 
    impact on fair housing education/enforcement in the communities to be 
        (3) A description of the activities proposed for funding in the 
    general location where the applicant proposes to undertake activities.
        (4) A description of the fair housing benefits that successful 
    completion of the project will produce, and the indicators by which 
    these benefits are to be measured.
        (5) A description of the degree to which the project will be of 
    continuing use in addressing housing discrimination after funded 
    activities have been completed;
        (6) A description of the activities proposed that will disseminate 
    or utilize FHIP or existing fair housing materials in the project 
    area(s) served. This description must include a discussion of 
    procedures used to promote awareness of the services provided by the 
    proposed project;
        (7) An estimate of other public or private resources that will be 
    used to assist the proposed activities.
        (8) A budget--which must include a set-aside of $3,000 for 18 month 
    projects and $6,000 for 24 month projects to be used for travel and 
    associated costs for training sponsored or approved by the Department--
    and a Statement of Work which includes a timeline for the 
    implementation of the proposed activities, consisting of a description 
    of the specific activities to be conducted with FHIP funds, the 
    geographic areas to be served by the activities, any reports to be 
    produced in connection with the activities, and a schedule for the 
    implementation and completion of the activities.
        (9) A description of the applicant's experience in formulating or 
    carrying out programs to prevent or eliminate discriminatory housing 
    practices or in implementing other civil rights programs, the 
    experience and qualifications of existing personnel identified for key 
    positions, or a description of the qualifications of new staff to be 
    hired, and the experience of subcontractors/consultants.
        (10) A description of the procedures to be used by the applicant 
    for monitoring the progress of the proposed activities and the 
    applicant's planned or implemented financial control procedures that 
    will demonstrate the applicant's capability in managing financial 
        (11) HUD Form 2880, Applicant Disclosures;
        (12) A listing of any current or pending grants or contracts, or 
    other business or financial relationships or agreements, to provide 
    training, education, and/or self-testing services between the applicant 
    and any entity or organization of entities involved in the sale, 
    rental, advertising, or provision of brokerage, or lending services for 
    housing. The listing must include the name and address of the entity or 
    organization; a brief description of the services being performed or 
    for which negotiations are pending; the dates for performance of the 
    services; and the amount of the contract or grant. This listing must be 
    updated during the grant negotiation period, at the end of the grant 
    term, and for grants that will run for more than twelve months, at the 
    end of each year of the multi-year project.
        (13) The applicant must submit a certification and disclosure in 
    accordance with the requirements of section 319 of the Department of 
    the Interior Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 101-121, approved October 23, 
    1989), as implemented in HUD's interim final rule at 24 CFR part 87, 
    published in the Federal Register on February 26, 1990 (55 FR 6736). 
    This statute generally prohibits recipients and subrecipients of 
    Federal contracts, grants, cooperative agreements and loans from using 
    appropriated funds for lobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches 
    of the Federal Government in connection with a specific contract, 
    grant, or loan. If warranted, the applicant should include the 
    Disclosure of Lobbying Activities form (SF-LLL).
        (14) Prior to award execution, successful applicants must submit a 
    certification that they will comply with the certification requirements 
    contained in the application kit.
        (15) Each applicant applying as a qualified fair housing 
    enforcement organization or fair housing enforcement organization must 
    have available upon request documentation which demonstrates that the 
    applicant meets all of the requirements of a qualified fair housing 
    enforcement organization (QFHO-E) or fair housing enforcement 
    organization (FHO-E), as defined under the heading Definitions, in 
    section I.(d), above, of this NOFA.
    IV. Corrections to Deficient Applications
        Applicants will not be disqualified from being considered for 
    funding because of technical deficiencies in their application 
    submission, e.g., an omission of information such as regulatory/program 
    certifications, or incomplete signatory requirements for application 
        HUD will notify an applicant in writing of any technical 
    deficiencies in the application. The applicant must submit corrections 
    within 14 calendar days from the date of HUD's letter notifying the 
    applicant of any technical deficiency.
        The 14-day correction period pertains only to non-substantive, 
    technical deficiencies or errors. Technical deficiencies relate to 
    items that:
        1. Are not necessary for HUD review under selection criteria/
    ranking factors; and
        2. Would not improve the substantive quality of the proposal.
    V. Other Matters
    Prohibition Against Lobbying Activities
        Applicants for funding under this NOFA are subject to the 
    provisions of section 319 of the Department of Interior and Related 
    Agencies Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 1991, 31 U.S.C. 1352 (the 
    Byrd Amendment), which prohibits applicants from using appropriated 
    funds for lobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches of the Federal 
    Government in connection with a specific contract, grant, or loan. 
    Applicants are required to certify, using the certification found at 
    Appendix A to 24 CFR part 87, that they will not, and have not, used 
    appropriated funds for
    [[Page 34571]]
    any prohibited lobbying activities. In addition, applicants must 
    disclose, using Standard Form LLL, ``Disclosure of Lobbying 
    Activities,'' any funds, other than federally appropriated funds, that 
    will be or have been used to influence federal employees, members of 
    Congress, and congressional staff regarding specific grants or 
    Environmental Impact
        In accordance with 40 CFR 1508.4 of the regulations of the Council 
    on Environmental Quality and 24 CFR 50.19(c)(3) of the HUD regulations, 
    the policies and procedures contained in this notice provide for 
    assistance in promoting or enforcing fair housing and therefore, are 
    categorically excluded from the requirements of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act, except for extraordinary circumstances, and 
    no FONSI is required.
    Executive Order 12612, Federalism
        The General Counsel has determined, as the Designated Official for 
    HUD under section 6(a) of Executive Order 12612, Federalism, that the 
    policies contained in this Notice will not have federalism implications 
    and, thus, are not subject to review under the Order. The promotion of 
    fair housing policies is a recognized goal of general benefit without 
    direct implications on the relationship between the national government 
    and the states or on the distribution of power and responsibilities 
    among various levels of government.
    Drug-Free Workplace Certification
        The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires grantees of Federal 
    agencies to certify that they will provide drug-free workplaces. Thus, 
    each applicant must certify that it will comply with drug-free 
    workplace requirements in accordance with 24 CFR part 24, subpart F.
    Accountability in the Provision of HUD Assistance
        Section 102 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development 
    Reform Act of 1989 (HUD Reform Act) and the final rule codified at 24 
    CFR part 4, subpart A, published on April 1, 1996 (61 FR 1448), contain 
    a number of provisions that are designed to ensure greater 
    accountability and integrity in the provision of certain types of 
    assistance administered by HUD. On January 14, 1992, HUD published, at 
    57 FR 1942, a notice that also provides information on the 
    implementation of section 102. The documentation, public access, and 
    disclosure requirements of section 102 are applicable to assistance 
    awarded under this NOFA as follows:
    Documentation and Public Access Requirements
        HUD will ensure that documentation and other information regarding 
    each application submitted pursuant to this NOFA are sufficient to 
    indicate the basis upon which assistance was provided or denied. This 
    material, including any letters of support, will be made available for 
    public inspection for a five-year period beginning not less than 30 
    days after the award of the assistance. Material will be made available 
    in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and 
    HUD's implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 15. In addition, HUD will 
    include the recipients of assistance pursuant to this NOFA in its 
    Federal Register notice of all recipients of HUD assistance awarded on 
    a competitive basis.
        HUD will make available to the public for five years all applicant 
    disclosure reports (HUD Form 2880) submitted in connection with this 
    NOFA. Update reports (also Form 2880) will be made available along with 
    the applicant disclosure reports, but in no case for a period less than 
    three years. All reports--both applicant disclosures and updates--will 
    be made available in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 
    U.S.C. 552) and HUD's implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 15.
    Section 103 HUD Reform Act
        HUD's regulation implementing section 103 of the Department of 
    Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989, codified as 24 CFR 
    part 4, applies to the funding competition announced today. The 
    requirements of the rule continue to apply until the announcement of 
    the selection of successful applicants. HUD employees involved in the 
    review of applications and in the making of funding decisions are 
    limited by part 4 from providing advance information to any person 
    (other than an authorized employee of HUD) concerning funding 
    decisions, or from otherwise giving any applicant an unfair competitive 
    advantage. Persons who apply for assistance in this competition should 
    confine their inquiries to the subject areas permitted under 24 CFR 
    part 4.
        Applicants or employees who have ethics related questions should 
    contact the HUD Office of Ethics (202) 708-3815. (This is not a toll-
    free number.) A telecommunications device for persons with speech and 
    hearing impairments is available at 1-800-877-8339. For HUD employees 
    who have specific program questions, such as whether particular subject 
    matter can be discussed with persons outside HUD, the employee should 
    contact the appropriate Field Office Counsel, or Headquarters counsel 
    for the program to which the question pertains.
        The program components of FHIP are described in the Catalog of 
    Federal Domestic Assistance at 14.409, Education and Outreach 
    Initiative; 14.410, Private Enforcement Initiative; and 14.413, Fair 
    Housing Organizations Initiative.
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3601-3619; 42 U.S.C. 3616 note.
        Dated: June 20, 1997.
    Susan M. Forward,
    Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Investigations.
    [FR Doc. 97-16753 Filed 6-25-97; 8:45 am]
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