98-17093. Development of the Land and Resource Management Plan for the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie; Will County, IL  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 123 (Friday, June 26, 1998)]
    [Pages 34845-34847]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-17093]
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules 
    or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings 
    and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, 
    delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency 
    statements of organization and functions are examples of documents 
    appearing in this section.
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 123 / Friday, June 26, 1998 / 
    [[Page 34845]]
    Forest Service
    Development of the Land and Resource Management Plan for the 
    Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie; Will County, IL
    AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Notice; intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.
    SUMMARY: The purpose of this notice is to inform the public that the 
    Forest Service intends to prepare an environmental impact statement for 
    the development of the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie Land and 
    Resource Management Plan (Prairie Plan) (pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 1604 and 
    36 CFR 219.12).
        We are now soliciting comments and suggestions from individuals, 
    organizations, Federal agencies, State and local governments, and the 
    Native American community on the scope of the analysis to be included 
    in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Prairie Plan (40 
    CFR 1501.7). To be most useful, comments should (1) consider the 
    purposes for which Midewin was established as outlined in the Illinois 
    Land Conservation Act of 1995 (PL 104-106, section 2914); (2) identify 
    specific concerns about the Prairie Plan Proposal, and; (3) offer 
    possible alternatives for addressing issues associated with the 
        Forest Service Land and Resource Management Plans set forth goals, 
    objectives, advisable courses of action, and limitations to actions for 
    National Forest System lands. The advisable courses of action and 
    limitations to actions are called standards and guidelines. Some 
    standards and guidelines will apply prairie-wide, while others will 
    apply only to specific subdivisions, or management areas, of the 
    prairie. The Prairie Plan will include a framework for monitoring and 
    evaluation to determine whether progress is being made toward reaching 
    the goals, objectives, standards, and guidelines established in the 
    plan. Monitoring and evaluation allows for adaptive management so 
    adjustments can be made to the Prairie Plan as needed. There are six 
    primary decisions that are made in Forest Service Land and Resource 
    Management Plans as follows:
    1. Unit-wide multiple-use goals and objectives (36 CFR 219.11 (b))
    2. Unit-wide management requirements (36 CFR 219.27)
    3. Management Area direction (36 CFR 219.11 (c))
    4. Monitoring and evaluation requirements (36 CFR 219.11 (d))
    5. Lands suited/not suited for timber production (36 CFR 219.14)
    6. Recommendations to Congress (if any) (36 CFR 219.17)
        For purposes of writing the Prairie Plan versus those plans written 
    for National Forests, items 1-4 above will serve as the primary 
    decisions to be made. With reference to item 5, the Midewin National 
    Tallgrass Prairie does not contain lands suited for timber production 
    because ``the land is not forest land * * * (36 CFR 219.14 (a) (1)).'' 
    The reference for item 6 specifically mentions recommendations of 
    ``potential wilderness areas'' which, given the cultural history, 
    existing roads and railroad beds, is not relevant to Midewin lands.
        In addition, project and activity level decisions may be made so 
    long as they are specifically identified in the Record of Decision and 
    site specific environmental effects are disclosed in the Environmental 
    Impact Statement as required by the National Environmental Policy Act 
        In June, 1992, the U.S. Army confirmed its intentions to 
    decommission the Joliet Army Ammunition Plant (JAAP) located just north 
    of Wilmington, Illinois, and 40 miles southwest of Chicago, Illinois. 
    As a result of the issues and attention the closure of the JAAP 
    generated, the Joliet Arsenal Citizen Planning Commission (JACPC), 
    comprised of 24 members representing various conservation organizations 
    and State and local governments, was formed and assigned the task of 
    developing a concept plan that would outline a strategy for the future 
    ownership and management of the decommissioned arsenal. The plan was a 
    concept map that provided for the conversion of 3,000 acres into two 
    industrial parks, the development of a 910-acre National Veterans 
    Cemetery, the creation of a 455-acre County landfill, and the 
    establishment of a 19,000-acre prairie. The concept map was unanimously 
    approved by the JACPC on May 30, 1995.
        Legislation was drafted based on the JACPC concept map and signed 
    as the Illinois Land Conservation Act of 1995 on February 10, 1996, 
    adopting the JACPC concept map and establishing the Midewin National 
    Tallgrass Prairie (MNTP). MNTP is a unit of the National Forest System 
    and will be managed in cooperation with the State of Illinois in 
    accordance with the Illinois Land Conservation Act of 1995 and the 
    ``laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the National Forest System 
    * * * (Section 2914 (b) (1)).''
        That portion of the Illinois Land Conservation Act of 1995 that is 
    most significant to the planning process is Section 2914(c) which 
    states that ``(t)he Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie (MNTP) is 
    established to be managed for National Forest System purposes, 
    including the following:
        I. To manage the land and water resources of the MNTP is a manner 
    that will conserve and enhance the native populations and habitats of 
    fish, wildlife, and plants.
        II. To provide opportunities for scientific, environmental, and 
    land use education and research.
        III. To allow the continuation of agricultural uses of lands within 
    the MNTP consistent with section 2915(b).\1\
        \1\ No agricultural special uses authorization shall be issued 
    for agricultural purposes which has a term extending beyond the date 
    20 years from the date of the enactment of this title, except that 
    nothing in this title shall preclude the Secretary of Agriculture 
    from issuing agricultural special use authorizations or grazing 
    permits * * * after twenty years * * * for purposes primarily 
    related to * * * resource management activities consistent with the 
    purpose of the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie (Section 2915 
        IV. To provide a variety of recreation opportunities that are not 
    inconsistent with the preceding purposes.
        This is the public's opportunity to get involved with the planning 
    process for a new unit for the Forest Service that has been closed to 
    public access for more than 50 years. The site has had little or no 
    established uses other than agricultural leases and some hunting
    [[Page 34846]]
    opportunities. The MNTP is in its infancy of development and, within 
    the parameters of the Illinois Land Conservation Act of 1995 and the 
    laws and regulations that guide Forest Service programs, the Forest 
    Service needs to know how the public would like to see the MNTP 
    developed and managed.
        Numerous site tours, presentations, displays, Focus Group Sessions, 
    meetings, and a Trails Working group have already taken place to 
    provide information regarding Midewin, its history, the legislation, 
    and the Forest Service planning process to individuals and 
    organizations that have expressed an interest in the development and 
    management of the MNTP. The meetings included two pre-Notice of Intent 
    public workshops hosted by Midewin, in May, 1998, to review a draft 
    Notice of Intent. Information gathered from these opportunities has 
    been used to identify an initial set of significant issues that will 
    need to be addressed in the Environmental Impact Statement. Those 
    issues include: automobiles, bison and/or elk reintroduction, camping, 
    cultural resources, dog trialing, emergency response, environmental 
    education and interpretation, fishing, herbicide treatment, hunting, 
    internal transportation system, prescribed fire, recreation facilities, 
    trail systems, wetland restoration, and woody vegetation management.
        Based on the issues identified to date, the purposes for the 
    management of the MNTP as outlined in the Illinois Land Conservation 
    Act of 1995 and listed in this Notice of Intent, and the JACPC concept 
    map, Medewin has developed a Prairie Plan proposal. This proposal will 
    serve as the basis upon which individuals and organizations may comment 
    regarding issues, concerns, or opportunities provided or not provided 
    by the proposal. Issues, concerns, and opportunities already identified 
    (listed above) and others raised through the comment period for this 
    Notice of Intent will be evaluated and used to develop alternatives to 
    the proposal for the Environmental Impact Statement.
        The primary activities that would occur under the proposal include: 
    development of seed-producing nursery beds; reintroduction of bison and 
    elk; integrated pest management; gradual conversion of cultivated row 
    crops to prairie habitats; prescribed fire; wetland restoration; woody 
    vegetation management; environmental education and interpretation 
    programs; research opportunities; use of domestic livestock; designated 
    access points; fishing for educational programs; hunting; internal 
    transportation system (e.g., bus or tram); rail line access; recreation 
    facilities (e.g., shelters picnic areas); an automobile loop; and a 
    system of trails.
        The environmental analysis and decision-making process leading to 
    the Prairie Plan will include opportunities for public participation 
    and comment, so that individuals interested in this proposal may 
    contribute to the decision-making process:
               Tentative date                             Step                           Public involvement         
    June 1998..........................  Notice of Intent, Plan proposal......  60-day formal comment period,       
                                                                                 written comments, open house       
    Fall, 1998.........................  Alternative Development..............  Public workshops.                   
    February, 1999.....................  Draft Environmental Impact Statement,  90-day formal comment period,       
                                          Proposed Plan.                         written comments, open house       
    August, 1999.......................  Final Environmental Impact Statement,  Informational meetings to explain   
                                          Final Plan.                            Plan decisions.                    
        We will provide the public with general notices of opportunities to 
    participate through mailings, news releases, an public meetings, 
    various organizational newsletters, and the internet. Midewin's 
    internet address is http://www.fs.fed.us/mntp/. In addition to formal 
    opportunities for public comment, we will consider comments received at 
    any time throughout the planning process. Midewin will host open house 
    meetings to: 1) explain the planning process; 2) provide clarification 
    of the proposal for the Prairie Plan; 3) describe ways that individuals 
    can respond to this Notice of Intent; and 4) accept comments from the 
    public on the propsoal for the Prairie Plan.
        The following open house meetings will be held from 5 PM to 8PM:
    July 21, 1998--Beverly Bank, Wilmington, IL
    July 23, 1998--Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
    July 28, 1998--Governor State University, University Park, IL
    July 29, 1998--Evanston Public Library, Evanston, IL
    July 30, 1998--Morris Public Library, Morris, IL
    DATES: Comments on this Notice of Intent should be received in writing 
    by August 31, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Send written comments to: Prairie Planning, Midewin National 
    Tallgrass Prairie, 30071 South State Route 53, Wilmington, Illinois 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen Nash, Planning Team Leader, at 
    (815) 476-3135 or, to leave a message, (815) 423-6370. E-mail address: 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Additional detail on this propsoal is 
    provided in the ``Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact 
    Statement, Description of the Proposal for the Prairie Plan, and 
    Supplementary Information'' and is available upon request. Those 
    interested in Midewin and the planning process are encouraged to review 
    this additional document prior to commenting on the Notice of Intent.
        The DEIS and the proposed Prairie Plan are expected to be be 
    published early in 1999. The public comment period for the DEIS and 
    proposed Prairie Plan will be 90 days from the date the U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency publishes the Notice of Availability in 
    the Federal Register.
        Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names 
    and addresses of those who comment, will be considered part of the 
    public record on this proposed action and will be available for public 
    inspection. Comments submitted anonymously will be accepted and 
    considered; however, those who submit anonymous comments will not have 
    standing to appeal the subsequent decision under 36 CFR parts 215 or 
        Additional, pursuant to 7 CFR 1.27(d), any person may request the 
    agency to withhold a submission from the public record by showing how 
    the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) permits such confidentiality. 
    Persons requesting such confidentiality should be aware that, under the 
    FOIA, confidentiality may be granted in only very limited 
    circumstances, such as to protect trade secrets.
        The Forest Service will inform the requester of the agency's 
    decision regarding the request for confidentiality, and, where the 
    requester is denied, the agency will return the submission and notify 
    the requester that the comments
    [[Page 34847]]
    may be resubmitted with or without name and address within 10 days.
        The Forest Service believes that, at this early stage, it is 
    important to give notice to those intending to review the DEIS of court 
    rulings related to public participation in the environmental review 
    process. First, reviewers of a DEIS must structure their participation 
    in the environmental review of the proposal so that it is meaningful 
    and alerts an agency to the reviewer's position and contentions 
    (Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. v. NRDC U.S. 519, 533 [1978]). 
    Also, environmental objections that could be raised at the DEIS stage 
    but are not raised until after completion of the Final Environmental 
    Impact Statement may be waived or dismissed by the courts (City of 
    Angoon v. Hodel, 803 F.2d 1016, 1022 [9th Cir. 1986] and Wisconsin 
    Heritages, Inc. v. Harris, 409 F. Supp. 1334, 1338 [E.D. Wis. 1980).
        Because of these court rulings, it is very important that those 
    interested in this proposed action participate by the close of the 90-
    day comment period on the DEIS, so that substantive comments and 
    objections are made available to the Forest Service at a time when it 
    can meaningfully consider them and respond to them in the Final 
    Environmental Impact Statement.
        To assist the Forest Service in identifying and considering issues 
    and concerns on the proposed action, comments on the DEIS should be as 
    specific as possible. It is also helpful if comments refer to specific 
    pages or chapters of the DEIS or the merits of the alternatives 
    formulated and discussed in the statement.
        Reviewers may wish to refer to the Control on Environmental Quality 
    regulations for implementing the procedural provisions of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act (at 40 CFR 1503.3) in addressing these points.
        The responsible official is Robert T. Jacobs, Regional Forester, 
    Eastern Region, 310 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203.
        Dated: June 22, 1998.
    Robert T. Jacobs,
    Regional Forester.
    [FR Doc. 98-17093 Filed 6-25-98; 8:45 am]
    BILIING CODE 3410-11-M

Document Information

Forest Service
Entry Type:
Notice; intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.
Document Number:
Comments on this Notice of Intent should be received in writing by August 31, 1998.
34845-34847 (3 pages)
PDF File: