98-17132. Canadian National Railway Company, Grand Trunk Corporation, and Grand Trunk Western Railroad IncorporatedControlIllinois Central Corporation, Illinois Central Railroad Company, Chicago, Central and Pacific Railroad Company, and Cedar River ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 123 (Friday, June 26, 1998)]
    [Pages 34956-34959]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-17132]
    Surface Transportation Board
    [STB Finance Docket No. 33556]
    Canadian National Railway Company, Grand Trunk Corporation, and 
    Grand Trunk Western Railroad Incorporated--Control--Illinois Central 
    Corporation, Illinois Central Railroad Company, Chicago, Central and 
    Pacific Railroad Company, and Cedar River Railroad Company
    AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board.
    [[Page 34957]]
    ACTION: Decision No. 5 in STB Finance Docket No. 33556; Request for 
    Comments on Procedural Schedule.
    SUMMARY: The Surface Transportation Board (Board) is inviting comments 
    from interested persons on a proposed procedural schedule for this 
    proceeding. On February 12, 1998, Canadian National Railway Company 
    (CNR), Grand Trunk Corporation (GTC), and Grand Trunk Western Railroad 
    Incorporated (GTW),1 and Illinois Central Corporation (IC 
    Corp.), Illinois Central Railroad Company (ICR), Chicago, Central and 
    Pacific Railroad Company (CCP), and Cedar River Railroad Company 
    (CRRC),2 filed a notice of intent (CN/IC-1) 3 to 
    file a joint application seeking Surface Transportation Board (Board) 
    authority under 49 U.S.C. 11321-26 for the acquisition of control, by 
    CNR, through its indirect wholly owned subsidiary Blackhawk Merger Sub, 
    Inc., of control of IC Corp. and through it of ICR and its railroad 
    affiliates, and for the resulting common control by CNR of GTW and its 
    railroad affiliates and ICR and its railroad affiliates.4
        \1\ CNR, GTC, and GTW, and their affiliates, are referred to 
    collectively as CN.
        \2\ IC Corp., ICR, CCP, and CRRC, and their affiliates, are 
    referred to collectively as IC. CN and IC are referred to 
    collectively as Applicants.
        \3\ CN/IC-1 reflected Applicants' expectation that they would 
    file the Primary Application on or before June 12, 1998. In view of 
    the need to take account of subsequent developments, Applicants 
    state that they now expect to file in July.
        \4\ In Decision No. 2 (served March 13, 1998, and published that 
    day in the Federal Register at 63 FR 12574), we found that the 
    transaction contemplated by Applicants is a major transaction, as 
    that term is defined at 49 CFR 1180.2(a); we assigned the proceeding 
    to Administrative Law Judge David Harfeld for handling of all 
    discovery matters and the initial resolution of discovery disputes; 
    and we advised the parties that they will be required to submit all 
    pleadings both in the required paper form and also as computer data 
    contained on diskettes (disks) or compact discs (CDs).
        In Decision No. 4 (simultaneously being served with this 
    decision today), we address Applicants' petition (CN/IC-4) for 
    waiver or clarification of certain filing requirements.
    DATES: Written comments on the Board's proposed schedule must be filed 
    with the Board no later than July 16, 1998. Applicants' reply is due by 
    July 27, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Send an original and 25 copies of all pleadings referring to 
    STB Finance Docket No. 33556 to: Surface Transportation Board, Office 
    of the Secretary, Case Control Unit, 1925 K Street, N.W., Washington, 
    DC 20423-0001. In addition, one copy of all documents in this 
    proceeding must be sent to Administrative Law Judge David Harfeld, 
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Administrative Law 
    Judges, 888 First Street, N.E., Suite 11F, Washington, DC 20426 [(202) 
    219-2514; FAX: (202) 219-3289] and to each of Applicants' 
    representatives: (1) Paul A. Cunningham, Esq., Harkins Cunningham, 1300 
    19th Street, N.W., Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036-1609; and (2) 
    William C. Sippel, Esq., Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly, Two Prudential 
    Plaza, 45th Floor, 180 North Stetson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60601-6710. 
    Comments should contain the name and address of the commenting party, 
    any recommendations for changes to the attached proposed procedural 
    schedule and support for any such changes.
        In addition to submitting an original and 25 copies of all paper 
    documents filed with the Board, the parties shall also submit, on disks 
    or CDs, copies of all textual materials, electronic workpapers, data 
    bases and spreadsheets used to develop quantitative evidence. Data must 
    be submitted on 3.5 inch IBM-compatible floppy disks or CDs. Textual 
    materials must be in, or convertible by and into, WordPerfect 7.0. 
    Electronic spreadsheets must be in, or convertible by and into, Lotus 
    1-2-3 97 Edition, Excel Version 7.0, or Quattro Pro Version 7.0. A copy 
    of each disk or CD submitted to the Board should be provided to any 
    other party upon request.5
        \5\ In Decision No. 3 (served May 19, 1998, and published on May 
    22, 1998, in the Federal Register at 63 FR 28442-44), we denied a 
    petition for reconsideration of Decision No. 2, concerning the 
    requirement that parties submit copies of all textual materials on 
    disks or CDs, and stated that parties may individually seek a waiver 
    from the disk-CD requirement.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Julia M. Farr, (202) 565-1613. [TDD 
    for the hearing impaired: (202) 565-1695.]
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On May 20, 1998, Applicants filed a petition 
    (CN/IC-5) to establish a proposed procedural schedule 6 as 
        \6\ Applicants' proposed schedule is similar to the 180-day 
    schedule proposed to the Interstate Commerce Commission by 
    applicants in Finance Docket No. 32549, Burlington Northern Inc. and 
    Burlington Northern Railroad Company--Control and Merger--Santa Fe 
    Pacific Corporation and The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway 
    Company (BN/SF).
    Applicants' Proposed Procedural Schedule 7
        F   Primary Application and any related applications filed.
        \7\ The term ``F'' designates the date of filing of the 
    application and ``F + n'' means ``n'' days following that date.
        F + 30  Board notice of acceptance of primary application (and any 
    related applications) published in the Federal Register.
        F + 30  Environmental Report and Safety Integration Plan due.
        F + 45  Notification of intent to participate in proceeding due. 
    Description of anticipated inconsistent and responsive applications 
    due; petitions for waiver or clarification due with respect to such 
        F + 60  Inconsistent and responsive applications due. All comments, 
    protests, requests for conditions, and any other evidence and argument 
    in opposition to the Primary Application due. Comments by U.S. 
    Department of Justice (``DOJ'') and U.S. Department of Transportation 
    (``DOT'') due.
        F + 75  Notice of acceptance (if required) of inconsistent and 
    responsive applications published in the Federal Register.
        F + 90  Response to inconsistent and responsive applications due. 
    Response to comments, protests, requested conditions, and other 
    opposition due. Rebuttal in support of primary application and related 
    applications due.
        F + 105  Rebuttal in support of inconsistent and responsive 
    applications due.
        F + 125  Briefs due, all parties (not to exceed 50 pages).
        F + 145  Oral argument.
        F + 150  Voting conference (at Board's discretion).
        F + 180  Date of service of final decision.
        The proposed schedule contains substantially shorter time periods 
    than those provided for in the statute at 49 U.S.C. 11325. For 
    instance, pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 11325(b)(1), written comments about an 
    application may be filed with the Board within 45 days after Board 
    notice of acceptance of the primary application (and any related 
    applications) is published in the Federal Register. Applicants propose 
    that comments be filed within 30 days of publication in the Federal 
    Register. The proposed schedule also suggests that inconsistent and 
    responsive applications be filed 30 days following acceptance of the 
    primary application rather than the 90 days noted in the statute.
        Comments in opposition to the Applicants' proposed procedural 
    schedule were filed by the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 
    (BMWE), on June 2, 1998, and the United Transportation Union (UTU), on 
    June 8, 1998. Both BMWE and UTU state that the proposed schedule is too 
    short and urge the Board to adopt the statutory procedural schedule set 
    forth at 49 U.S.C. 11325(b). Alternatively, UTU urges the Board to 
    adopt a 350-day schedule modeled upon the procedural
    [[Page 34958]]
    schedule issued by the Board in CSX Corporation and CSX Transportation, 
    Inc., Norfolk Southern Corporation and Norfolk Southern Railway 
    Company--Control and Operating Leases/Agreements-- Conrail Inc., and 
    Consolidated Rail Corporation, STB Finance Docket No. 33388, Decision 
    No. 6 (STB served May 30, 1997).
        We do not at this time see any compelling reason to adopt a 6-month 
    procedural schedule for this proceeding. The statute allows 16 months 
    for the processing of major consolidation proceedings. Under 49 U.S.C. 
    11325(b)(3), the Board must conclude the evidentiary stage of the 
    proceeding within 13 months of the application's filing 
    date,8 and must issue the final decision by the 90th day 
    after the conclusion of the evidentiary stage. We believe that a 10-
    month procedural schedule would be sufficiently expeditious so as not 
    to delay unnecessarily any benefits that would flow from the proposed 
    integration of the CN and IC systems, while at the same time allowing 
    sufficient time to develop the record upon which the Board's decision 
    would be based. We propose to modify Applicants' proposed procedural 
    schedule so as to conclude the evidentiary stage of this proceeding 
    approximately 8 months after the application is filed, and to issue the 
    final decision approximately 2 months thereafter.
        \8\ Specifically, the statute requires the completion of the 
    evidentiary stage within 12 months after publication of the Federal 
    Register notice accepting the application. That publication is due 
    no later than 30 days after the application is filed.
        Given the importance of the safe implementation of major rail 
    consolidations, we propose to require Applicants to file Safety 
    Integration Plans on Day (F + 30) as they have proposed. Also, we 
    propose to require inconsistent and responsive applicants to file their 
    Responsive Environmental Reports and Environmental Verified Statements 
    on Day (F + 100), which is 20 days in advance of when inconsistent and 
    responsive applications would be due.
        Specifically, as for the remainder of the procedural schedule, we 
    propose to modify Applicants' proposed schedule to allow 30 more days 
    for parties intending to file comments, protests, requests for 
    conditions, and any other opposition evidence and argument, so that 
    these filings would not be due until 90 days after the application is 
    filed [Day (F + 90)]. Comments from the U.S. Department of Justice 
    (DOJ) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) would be due 120 
    days after the application is filed. Responses to comments, protests, 
    requested conditions, and other opposition (except DOJ and DOT), and 
    also rebuttal in support of the primary application and related 
    applications would be due on Day (F + 120). We propose to keep 
    inconsistent and responsive applications due 120 days after the 
    application is filed [Day (F + 120)] as provided for under 49 U.S.C. 
    11325(b)(2). Response to comments of DOJ and DOT would be due on Day (F 
    + 150 ). Descriptions of anticipated inconsistent and responsive 
    applications and petitions for waiver or clarification due with respect 
    to such applications would be due on Day (F + 60) (rather than Day (F + 
        In addition, we propose adding 5 days for responses to inconsistent 
    and responsive applications (which would be due Day (F + 155)), and 
    adding 15 days for rebuttals for inconsistent and responsive 
    applications (which would be due Day (F + 185)). Briefs would be due on 
    Day (F + 205), and we are proposing page limitations for briefs for all 
    parties to promote useful, focused filings, with Applicants permitted 
    to file somewhat longer briefs, as they would have more points to 
    address at that time than would other parties. We propose, however, 
    adding 10 days to Applicants' proposed period of time for parties to 
    prepare for oral argument, so that oral argument would occur on Day (F 
    + 235). The oral argument would close the record. We propose (as did 
    the Applicants) a 5-day interval between the oral argument and the 
    voting conference, so that a voting conference would occur on Day (F + 
    240). We also propose allowing 60 days after the voting conference for 
    the service of the Board's final decision on Day (F + 300).
    Proposed Procedural Schedule as Modified by The Board
        F  Primary application and any related applications filed.
        F + 30  Board notice of acceptance of primary application (and any 
    related applications) published in the Federal Register.
        F + 30  Safety Integration Plan due.
        F + 45  Notification of intent to participate in proceeding due.
        F + 60  Description of anticipated inconsistent and responsive 
    applications due; petitions for waiver or clarification due with 
    respect to such applications.
        F + 90  All comments, protests, requests for conditions, and any 
    other evidence and argument in opposition to the Primary Application 
    due (except filings by U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and U.S. 
    Department of Transportation (DOT)).
        F + 100  Responsive Environmental Report and Environmental Verified 
    Statements for inconsistent and responsive applicants due.
        F + 120  Inconsistent and responsive applications due. Comments by 
    DOJ and DOT due. Response to comments, protests, requested conditions, 
    and other opposition (except DOJ and DOT) due. Rebuttal in support of 
    primary application and related applications due.
        F + 140  Notice of acceptance (if required) of inconsistent and 
    responsive applications published in the Federal Register.
        F + 150  Response to comments of DOJ and DOT due.
        F + 155  Response to inconsistent and responsive applications due.
        F + 185  Rebuttal in support of inconsistent and responsive 
    applications due.
        F + 205  Briefs due, all parties (not to exceed 50 pages for 
    Applicants and not to exceed 25 pages for all other parties).
        F + 235  Oral argument (close of record).
        F + 240  Voting conference (at Board's discretion).
        F + 300  Date of service of final decision.
        Immediately upon each evidentiary filing, the filing party will 
    place all documents relevant to the filing (other than documents that 
    are privileged or otherwise protected from discovery) in a depository 
    open to all parties, and will make its witnesses available for 
    depositions. Access to documents subject to protective order will be 
    appropriately restricted.9 Discovery relating to 
    applications and other filings (including responsive and inconsistent 
    applications), where permitted, will begin immediately upon their 
    filing. The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) assigned to this proceeding 
    will have the authority initially to resolve any discovery disputes.
        \9\ In Decision No. 1 (served February 26, 1998), a protective 
    order was issued in this proceeding.
    Environmental Review Process
        Based on consultations with Applicants, the Board's Section of 
    Environmental Analysis (SEA) has determined that preparation of an 
    Environmental Assessment (EA) is appropriate in this proceeding. This 
    approach is consistent with the Board's environmental rules at 49 CFR 
    1105.6 (b)(4), which call for an EA in a merger or acquisition such as 
    this proceeding. Also, in making its determination to prepare an EA, 
    SEA considered the nature of the transaction, including the projected 
    changes in train traffic, the
    [[Page 34959]]
    anticipated changes at rail yards and intermodal facilities, and the 
    number, type, and location of proposed construction projects. However, 
    if SEA determines that this proceeding has the potential for 
    significant environmental impacts, then SEA may prepare an 
    Environmental Impact Statement, as required by the National 
    Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
        Applicants originally proposed to file an environmental report 30 
    days after they filed their application. In a letter dated June 18, 
    1998, however, Applicants requested that SEA conduct a modified 
    environmental review process in this proceeding. SEA concurs with this 
    approach. Under this approach, Applicants will provide, with their 
    application and operating plan, an environmental overview rather than 
    an environmental report. This is consistent with the Board's 
    environmental rules at 49 CFR 1105.10 (d), which waive the requirement 
    for an environmental report for applicants that retain an independent 
    third-party contractor to work under SEA's direction to prepare the 
    necessary environmental documentation. For this proceeding, Applicants 
    have retained the requisite independent third-party contractor.
        With direction and guidance from SEA, Applicants will prepare and 
    submit to SEA a Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment (PDEA). 
    Preparation of a PDEA is consistent with the Council on Environmental 
    Quality regulations at 40 CFR 1506.5(b) that permit preparation of an 
    environmental assessment by an applicant. Upon receipt of Applicants' 
    PDEA, SEA will review and verify the environmental information provided 
    by Applicants in this document. SEA will then prepare a Draft 
    Environmental Assessment (Draft EA) for public review and comment. The 
    Draft EA will include SEA's independent preliminary recommendations for 
    mitigation to address potentially adverse environmental impacts.
        As part of the environmental review process, Applicants also 
    propose to submit a safety integration plan, which will fully describe 
    the extensive plans they have for maximizing the safe operation of the 
    combined system.
        After reviewing all of the public comments on the Draft EA and 
    conducting additional analyses, SEA will prepare a Final Environmental 
    Assessment (Final EA). The Final EA will include SEA's final 
    recommendations for environmental mitigation. The Board will consider 
    all public comments, the Draft EA and Final EA, and SEA's environmental 
    recommendations in making its final decision in this proceeding.
    Other Matters
        Applicants recommend that, in addition to noting that new evidence 
    may not be filed with briefs, the Board should further clarify that 
    cross-examination depositions of rebuttal witnesses cannot be used as a 
    vehicle for adding to the evidentiary record any documents not filed 
    with the Board as part of the application or one of the rounds of 
    evidentiary filings specifically provided for by the Board's schedule.
        Applicants suggest that the Board include in its procedural 
    schedule language which reminds parties that, in discovery and in 
    submissions to the Board, they focus strictly on relevant issues.
        Applicants request that the Board direct that parties wishing to 
    engage in discovery consult with the ALJ designated to handle all 
    discovery matters and to resolve initially all discovery disputes, and 
    that the Board give the ALJ authority to adopt discovery guidelines and 
    rule on discovery matters but not to modify the procedural schedule.
        Applicants also suggest that the Board require appeals of ALJ 
    decisions to be filed within 3 working days of the date of a bench 
    ruling, or in its absence the date of a written ruling, with replies to 
    appeals or to any motion filed with the Board to be filed within 3 
    working days.
        We invite all interested persons to submit written comments on the 
    procedural schedule we are proposing here. Comments must be filed by 
    July 16, 1998. Applicants may reply by July 27, 1998.10
        \10\ The comments of BMWE and UTU will be considered along with 
    any other comments received in response to this notice.
        This action will not significantly affect either the quality of the 
    human environment or the conservation of energy resources.
        Decided: June 22, 1998.
        By the Board, Chairman Morgan and Vice Chairman Owen.
    Vernon A. Williams,
    [FR Doc. 98-17132 Filed 6-25-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4915-00-P

Document Information

Surface Transportation Board
Entry Type:
Decision No. 5 in STB Finance Docket No. 33556; Request for Comments on Procedural Schedule.
Document Number:
Written comments on the Board's proposed schedule must be filed with the Board no later than July 16, 1998. Applicants' reply is due by July 27, 1998.
34956-34959 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
STB Finance Docket No. 33556
PDF File: