95-15675. Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Opportunity for a Hearing Renewal of Special Nuclear Material License SNM-1227 Siemens Power Corporation Richland Engineering and Manufacturing Facility Richland, Washington  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 123 (Tuesday, June 27, 1995)]
    [Pages 33243-33245]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-15675]
    [Docket 70-1257]
    Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Opportunity for a 
    Hearing Renewal of Special Nuclear Material License SNM-1227 Siemens 
    Power Corporation Richland Engineering and Manufacturing Facility 
    Richland, Washington
        The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is considering the renewal 
    of Special Nuclear Material License SNM-1227 for the continued 
    operation of the Siemens Power Corporation's (SPC) Engineering and 
    Manufacturing Facility located in Richland, Washington. The facility 
    manufactures low-enriched uranium fuel for commercial nuclear power 
    Summary of the Environmental Assessment
    Identification of the Proposed Action
        The proposed action is the renewal of SPC's special nuclear 
    material license for 10 years. With this renewal, SPC will continue to 
    operate the Richland Engineering and Manufacturing Facility to 
    fabricate fuel assemblies for commercial nuclear power reactors. SPC is 
    authorized to possess and use up to 25,000 kilograms of uranium-235 in 
    compounds enriched up to 5 weight percent in the U-235.
        The facility converts low-enriched uranium hexafluoride (UF6) 
    to uranium dioxide (UO2) powder, presses the UO2 into 
    pellets, loads the pellets into rods, and assembles the rods into final 
    fuel assemblies. Most of the UF6-to-UO2 conversion is 
    performed using the ammonium diuranate (ADU) process; however, with 
    this license renewal, SPC will significantly expand its existing dry 
    conversion capacity and shut down most of the ADU process capacity. The 
    environmental assessment considers both the impacts of continued 
    operation of the ADU process and the impacts of the expanded dry 
    conversion capacity, which are expected to be significantly reduced.
    The Need for the Proposed Action
        SPC performs a necessary service for the commercial nuclear power 
    industry by fabricating fuel assemblies. Currently, the SPC facility is 
    one of four such producers of low-enriched uranium fuel that operates 
    within the United States. Denial of the license renewal application is 
    an alternative available to the NRC but would result in either the 
    expansion of production capacity or transfer of fuel production 
    activities at another facility.
    Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action
        The continued operation of the SPC facility will result in the 
    continued release of low levels of hazardous and radioactive 
    constituents. Under accident conditions, the facility could release 
    higher concentrations over a short period of time. The facility uses a 
    number of controls to reduce the release of hazardous and radioactive 
    materials to the environment and performs monitoring of effluents and 
    the environment. These controls and the monitoring program are 
    described below.
        The radiological environmental impacts of normal operations and 
    postulated accidents were evaluated for the SPC facility. These impacts 
    are summarized following the description of controls and monitoring.
    Effluent Controls and Monitoring
        The SPC facility produces gaseous, liquid, and solid effluent 
    streams. Gaseous effluents are controlled by minimizing the amount of 
    airborne radioactive materials within the plant and by the use of stack 
    scrubbers and High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters. Liquid 
    effluents are controlled by the use of waste water retention lagoons 
    and treatment systems that reduce the concentration of radioactive 
    materials prior to discharge to the Richland city sewer system. Solid 
    effluents are controlled by segregation of radioactive wastes from 
    trash and hazardous wastes; containment of wastes in drums or boxes on 
    site; treatment by decontamination, compaction, or incineration, as 
    appropriate; and final disposal off site.
        SPC monitors these effluents at or just prior to the points of 
    release. Gaseous stack effluents are sampled continuously at isokinetic 
    flow conditions, and the samples are analyzed for radioactivity. Liquid 
    effluents are sampled at the lift station at the point of discharge to 
    the sewer, and the samples are analyzed for uranium and other 
    constituents. Solid wastes are surveyed prior to treatment or off-site 
        Action levels have been selected for each of these effluents, in 
    accordance [[Page 33244]] with applicable NRC, Environmental Protection 
    Agency (EPA), and State regulations, and are incorporated into the 
    renewed license. These action levels specify radionuclide 
    concentrations at which investigations would be initiated and 
    operations would be shut down.
        The effluent monitoring program will cover the expanded dry 
    conversion process, including monitoring of new process off-gas and 
    building ventilation systems.
    Environmental Monitoring
        SPC also performs monitoring to detect accumulation of radioactive 
    materials in the environment. Off-site soils are sampled from two 
    stations quarterly and are analyzed for uranium. Off-site vegetation is 
    sampled from two stations monthly during the growing season and is 
    analyzed for fluoride as an indicator of plant emissions. Ambient air 
    is sampled continuously at two stations and analyzed for fluoride.
        The lagoon liner systems are inspected monthly for the presence of 
    liquids. If liquids are present, a sample is taken and analyzed for 
    constituents present in the lagoon. If the liquids are identified as 
    lagoon contents, the lagoon would be emptied and the liner repaired.
        Ground water near the lagoons is sampled on a quarterly basis, and 
    the samples analyzed for gross alpha and beta and for chlorides, 
    nitrate nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and pH. If the ground water data 
    indicate a lagoon leak, then the lagoon would be emptied and the liner 
        Richland city sewage plant sludge is sampled monthly and analyzed 
    for uranium. If a running average of the analyses over a 6-month period 
    exceeds 25 pico-curies per gram, or any single confirmed result equals 
    or exceeds 30 pico-curies per gram discharges to the sewer will be 
    stopped and an investigation will be performed.
        The environmental monitoring program will not change as a result of 
    the dry conversion process expansion.
    Environmental Impacts From Normal Operations
        The release of radioactive material to air and water represents a 
    potential negative impact on the health and safety of the surrounding 
    population. This impact results in a very small increase in the risk of 
    cancer due to low levels of radiation exposure. The risk has been 
    calculated and presented in terms of committed effective dose 
    equivalent and organ doses resulting from a single year of operation. 
    For doses resulting from inhalation or ingestion of uranium, this 
    quantity is the total effective dose equivalent or organ dose that will 
    accrue to an individual over a 50-year period beginning with the year 
    the intake occurs. Doses to a hypothetical maximally exposed individual 
    and collective dose to the population living within an 80 kilometer (50 
    mile) radius of the SPC facility were calculated and are summarized 
        Based on effluent data for the past 5 years, the SPC facility is 
    expected to release approximately 15 microcuries per year (Ci/
    yr) of alpha activity and 1.4 Ci/yr of beta activity via 
    gaseous emissions and less than 0.06 curies per year of uranium via 
    sewer discharges. The amount of gaseous alpha emissions is expected to 
    be reduced significantly when the change from ADU conversion to dry 
    conversion is completed.
        Doses to the maximally exposed individual via the atmospheric and 
    aqueous release pathways were calculated using the Hanford 
    Environmental Dosimetry Software system (GENII code) and realistic and 
    conservative assumptions.
        The total effective dose to a hypothetical resident at the site 
    boundary would be 0.024 millirems per year from atmospheric emissions. 
    The total effective dose to the nearest existing downwind residence, 
    3.4 kilometers (2.1 miles) southeast of the plant, is calculated at 
    0.0002 millirem per year from atmospheric emissions. These doses are 
    far below the 25 millirem per year standard in 40 CFR Part 190 for 
    organ doses from fuel cycle operations and the 10 millirem per year 
    standard in 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart I, for doses from atmospheric 
        The collective dose to the population from routine atmospheric 
    releases is estimated at 0.0035 person-rem per year, less than 0.00005 
    percent of the 85,000 person-rem per year that the same population is 
    exposed to from natural background sources.
        Radioactive material released from the SPC facility to the Richland 
    sewer system, and ultimately to the Columbia River, may result in 
    radiation exposure to humans through a variety of pathways. The primary 
    pathways considered in the analysis were ingestion of drinking water 
    from the Columbia River, consumption of fish from the river and 
    terrestrial foodstuffs irrigated with river water, and exposure during 
    recreational activities such as swimming and boating. Doses to a 
    maximally exposed individual living near the site and to the population 
    within 80 kilometers (50 miles) downstream were calculated. The 
    radionuclide release rates used in the analysis are from measurements 
    of the effluent discharged to the sewer system. Because most of the 
    reported concentrations were at or below the lower limit of detection 
    for the analytical procedure, the aqueous release used in the dose 
    calculation conservatively overestimates the actual release. The total 
    effective dose from aqueous effluents to the Columbia River from the 
    ADU conversion process was calculated at 0.00056 millirem, which is 
    well below applicable regulatory standards in 40 CFR Part 190 and 10 
    CFR Part 20, Subpart D. Most of the dose is from U-234, and the bone 
    surface receives the highest dose. Liquid releases from the dry 
    conversion process, after the lagoon contents are processed, are 
    expected to average about 30 percent of the current levels.
        The dose to the surrounding population from aqueous releases is 
    estimated at 0.074 person-rem per year. This dose is less than 0.004 
    percent of the 21,000 person-rem per year from natural background 
    radiation sources to the downstream population.
        The treatment in the city sewage treatment plant of liquid releases 
    results in some reconcentration of uranium in sewage sludge. Sludge 
    from the sewage plant is shipped daily to the Richland city landfarm 
    where it is mixed with approximately equal amounts of petroleum-
    contaminated soils and native soils. After 6 months, the mixture is 
    used as intermediate cover at the city landfill. SPC samples the sludge 
    on a monthly basis and analyzes it for uranium content. The 
    concentration of uranium in the sludge has been on the order of 10 
    picocuries per gram (pCi/g) of sludge (wet weight basis), and SPC has 
    committed to action levels of 25 pCi/g for any 6-month running average 
    or 30 pCi/g for a single sample. If these action levels are exceeded, 
    discharges to the sewer will be halted and an investigation performed.
    Environmental Impacts From Accidental Releases
        Release of radioactive or hazardous materials under off-normal or 
    accident conditions poses a potential risk to public health and safety 
    and the environment. The potential consequences of these accidents 
    include personal injury, health effects from acute exposures to toxic 
    materials, non-stochastic effects from acute radiation exposure, and 
    risk of latent cancer fatality from exposure to radioactive material.
        A set of four accidents spanning the range of potential 
    consequences was selected and evaluated. Three of the four scenarios 
    evaluated the accidental release of radioactive materials. The intakes 
    and predicted doses for the three [[Page 33245]] radiological accident 
    scenarios were small, with negligible associated health effects, or 
    below the level normally assumed for the onset of clinically observed 
    effects. The fourth accident analyzed, the release of gaseous ammonia, 
    would be expected to produce noticeable, but not life-threatening 
    effects both on site and off site. Given the low likelihood of these 
    accidents, it is concluded that the license renewal will not have a 
    significant impact on the general population.
    Socioeconomic Impacts
        SPC employs 1,000 people at the Richland plant, which is 
    approximately 1.5 percent of the 68,000 people employed in the Tri-
    Cities area. Renewal of the license will allow the continued operation 
    of the facility and continued employment of these 1,000 people.
    Alternatives to the Proposed Action
        If the license is not renewed, the facility would cease operation 
    and begin decontamination and decommissioning. SPC would perform a 
    survey of the site grounds and buildings and develop a detailed 
    decontamination and decommissioning plan. This plan would include the 
    decontamination of buildings, lagoons, and other outdoor areas; 
    generation and off-site disposal of significant quantities of low-level 
    radioactive waste; and excavation of contaminated soils. 
    Decontamination and decommissioning operations would result in the 
    release of small amounts of radioactivity to the atmosphere and to the 
    Columbia River. Specific estimates of the quantities that would be 
    released and associated doses are too speculative to predict, but the 
    expected range could be about the same as for continued operation to 
    one order of magnitude less. Consequently, the doses to the maximally 
    exposed individual and to the general population would be about the 
    same to an order of magnitude less.
        The decontamination and decommissioning operations would require 
    fewer employees than plant operations, resulting in an immediate 
    negative socioeconomic impact. This negative socioeconomic impact would 
    increase when decontamination and decommissioning operations were 
    completed and the facility closed.
        The cessation of operations would also result in there being one 
    less operating fuel fabrication facility in the U.S., with a potential 
    impact on the commercial nuclear power industry.
    Agencies and Persons Consulted
        To prepare the Environmental Assessment, the staff used the license 
    renewal application dated August 1992; Revision 4 to the Supplement to 
    Applicant's Environmental Report dated July 1994; additional 
    information dated September 12 and October 21, 1994, and March 31, 
    1995; and independent data and analyses. In addition, discussions were 
    held with the Washington Department of Health, Radiation Protection 
    Division; the Washington Department of Ecology Nuclear Waste Program 
    and Water Quality Section; the Benton County Clean Air Authority; the 
    United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region X; the City of 
    Richland Department of Water and Waste Utilities; the Washington State 
    Archeologist; the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Yakama Agency; and the 
    Yakama Indian Nation.
        The NRC staff concludes that the environmental impacts associated 
    with the proposed license renewal for continued operation of SPC's 
    Richland facility are expected to be insignificant.
    Finding of No Significant Impact
        The Commission has prepared an Environmental Assessment related to 
    the renewal of Special Nuclear Material License SNM-1227. On the basis 
    of this assessment, NRC has concluded that environmental impacts that 
    would be created by the proposed licensing action would not be 
    significant and do not warrant the preparation of an Environmental 
    Impact Statement. Accordingly, it has been determined that a finding of 
    no significant impact is appropriate.
    Opportunity for a Hearing
        Any person whose interest may be affected by the issuance of this 
    license renewal may file a request for a hearing. Any request for 
    hearing must be filed with the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear 
    Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, within 30 days of the 
    publication of this notice in the Federal Register; must be served on 
    the NRC staff (Executive Director for Operations, One White Flint 
    North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852), and on the licensee 
    (Siemens Power Corporation, 2101 Horn Rapids Road, Richland, WA 99352-
    0130); and must comply with the requirements for requesting a hearing 
    set forth in the Commission's regulation 10 CFR Part 2, Subpart L, 
    ``Informal Hearing Procedures for Adjudications in Materials Licensing 
        These requirements, which the requestor must address in detail, 
        1. The interest of the requestor in the proceeding;
        2. How that interest may be affected by the results of the 
    proceeding, including the reasons why the requestor should be permitted 
    a hearing;
        3. The requestor's areas of concern about the licensing activity 
    that is the subject matter of the proceeding; and
        4. The circumstances establishing that the request for hearing is 
    timely, that is, filed within 30 days of the date of this notice.
        In addressing how the requestor's interest may be affected by the 
    proceeding, the request should describe the nature of the requestor's 
    right under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, to be made a 
    party to the proceeding; the nature and extent of the requestor's 
    property, financial, or other (i.e., health, safety) interest in the 
    proceeding; and the possible effect of any order that may be entered in 
    the proceeding upon the requestor's interest.
        Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 20th day of June 1995.
        For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    Robert C. Pierson,
    Chief, Licensing Branch, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, 
    [FR Doc. 95-15675 Filed 6-26-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
33243-33245 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket 70-1257
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