95-15881. Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Management) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 124 (Wednesday, June 28, 1995)]
    [Pages 33456-33460]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-15881]
    [Treasury Directive Number 27-01]
    Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant 
    Secretary (Management) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
    June 22, 1995.
        1. Purpose. This Directive describes the organization of the Office 
    of the Assistant Secretary (Management) and CFO.
        2. The Assistant Secretary (Management) and CFO. The following are 
    the functions of the Assistant Secretary (Management) and CFO (the 
    ``Assistant Secretary'').
        a. Serves as the CFO of the Department of the Treasury, with 
    authorities and functions pursuant to the Chief Financial Officers Act 
    of 1990, Pub. L. 101-576 (``the Act''), and, as CFO, is responsible for 
    carrying out the following functions for the Department and all bureaus 
    (described as Departmentwide in this Directive).
        (1) Oversees Departmentwide financial management, accounting 
    policy, internal controls, cash management, credit management, debt 
    management, coordination of responses to General Accounting Office 
    (GAO) activities relating to financial management, and corrective 
    actions related to audit recommendations.
        (2) Specifies the format, content and frequency of financial 
    reports and statements, including overseeing the development of 
    performance measurement indicators prepared by bureau program and 
    financial components.
        (3) Reviews and approves the development, implementation, and 
    maintenance of an integrated agency and bureau financial management 
    system(s), as defined by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular 
    A-127, to ensure that such systems produce information in compliance 
    with generally accepted accounting principles, standards, and 
    requirements for all Departmentwide administrative and program areas.
        (4) Reviews and approves financial statements and reports prepared 
    at the bureau or Departmental level prior to submission to external 
        (5) Prepares and transmits to the Secretary and OMB an annual 
    report which includes items specified in 31 U.S.C. 902(a)(6).
        (a) Description and analysis of the status of financial management, 
        (b) Annual financial statements and reports prepared and audited 
    pursuant to the Act.
        (c) Summary of the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act 
    (FMFIA) Report.
        (d) Other information that warrants communication to the President 
    and Congress concerning Departmentwide financial management.
        (6) Develops and manages the Department's budget for the Secretary 
    and Deputy Secretary.
        (7) Directs the biennial review of fees, royalties, rents and other 
    charges imposed by the Department or a bureau and recommends changes.
        (8) Reviews, in accordance with the procedures established in 
    Treasury Directive (TD) 28-02, ``Legislative Procedures,'' all 
    legislative items related to or concerning financial management matters 
    subject to review and coordination pursuant to TD 28-02, to provide 
    advice and comments on financial management issues, including costs and 
        (9) Provides direction and policy guidance to program managers on 
    financial management matters.
        (10) Develops Departmentwide policies and provides oversight 
    related to qualifications, recruitment, training, selection and 
    retention of financial management personnel.
        (11) Chairs the Departmentwide Treasury Chief Financial Officers 
        (12) Assumes any other function conferred upon the CFO by statute, 
    governmentwide regulation, or Treasury Orders and Directives.
        b. Serves as the principal policy adviser to the Secretary and 
    Deputy Secretary on matters involving the internal management of the 
    Department and its bureaus. The Assistant Secretary oversees the 
    Department's management programs, which include: personnel and 
    training; affirmative action and equal [[Page 33457]] employment 
    opportunity; security; property management, procurement and 
    contracting; strategic planning and organizational improvement; and 
    program reviews of legislative proposals, in accordance with TD 28-02, 
    to provide advice to the Secretary on cost and benefit estimates.
        c. Oversees bureau proposals related to the development of 
    budgetary resources for information systems.
        d. Provides comprehensive administrative services to Departmental 
    Offices and other components of the Department, as appropriate.
        e. Provides Departmental oversight and supervision of the Treasurer 
    of the United States.
        f. Monitors financial execution of the budget and ensures the 
    issuance of timely performance reports to management officials.
        3. Organization Structure. The Assistant Secretary supervises the 
    Treasurer of the United States, the Director, Office of Security, the 
    Deputy CFO, and three Deputy Assistant Secretaries: (a) Departmental 
    Finance and Management; (b) Information Systems; and (c) 
    Administration. An organization chart is attached.
        4. The Treasurer of the United States advises the Assistant 
    Secretary, Deputy Secretary and the Secretary on matters relating to 
    coinage, currency and the production of other instruments issued by the 
    United States and serves as the National Honorary Director for the 
    Savings Bond program; serves as the principal policy official on all 
    matters concerning general coinage and currency policy; and provides 
    Departmental oversight of the United States Mint and the Bureau of 
    Engraving and Printing by monitoring key bureau operations and 
    activities, identifying problem areas, and tracking corrective actions. 
    In this capacity, the Treasurer represents the Department on major 
    media programs and other public forums. The Treasurer reviews currency 
    issues and redemptions and signs currency. The Treasurer's signature, 
    along with the Secretary of the Treasury's, appears on all currency 
    issued by the United States.
        5. The Deputy Chief Financial Officer reports directly to the 
    Assistant Secretary and has Departmentwide responsibility for 
    implementing the provisions of the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 
    and the Government Management Reform Act of 1994. The Deputy CFO also 
    has Departmentwide responsibility for accounting policy and procedures; 
    management controls; financial management systems and reports; and 
    financial execution of the budget. The Deputy CFO supervises the 
    following offices.
        a. The Office of Accounting and Internal Controls develops, 
    implements and evaluates Departmentwide accounting policy, designs form 
    and content guidelines which are used to prepare financial statements; 
    develops and reviews financial performance measures; reviews and 
    coordinates accounting policy guidance developed by the Federal 
    Accounting Standards Advisory Board; oversees Departmentwide compliance 
    with the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act, Prompt Payment Act, 
    Cash Management Improvement Act, and Federal Debt Collection Act; 
    monitors the resolution and implementation of audit findings and 
    recommendations; provides centralized coordination and monitoring of 
    all Treasury related GAO audit activities; prepares the Department's 
    CFO Annual Report; provides policy direction and oversight of the 
    travel management and advisory committee management programs; and 
    coordinates all activities associated with Treasury's financial 
    management oversight of the Institute of American Indian Art.
        b. The Office of Financial Systems and Reports guides and develops 
    policies, procedures, and standards for integrating financial 
    management and revenue systems Departmentwide; provides for automated 
    financial reporting; reviews Departmentwide financial reports and 
    financial statements; provides technical advice to bureaus on financial 
    and revenue systems design and implementation; reviews and provides 
    advice on financial management and revenue systems proposals submitted 
    by bureaus under TD 32-02, ``Approval of Financial Management 
    Systems;'' serves as systems administrator for Departmental level 
    financial management systems; codifies the process for financial 
    systems reviews and documentation; coordinates Departmentwide 
    committees, user groups, task forces, and project teams that focus 
    attention on financial management systems; and coordinates with the 
    Joint Financial Management Improvement Program on development of 
    governmentwide financial management systems requirements and standard 
    general ledger requirements.
        c. The Office of Financial and Budget Execution provides advice, 
    guidance, and instructions on budget execution matters; maintains the 
    Treasury Budget Manual in coordination with the Office of Budget; 
    issues budget execution reports on Full Time Equivalents, budget 
    authority, outlays, and receipts; coordinates the status of funds 
    reviews, reprogramming and fund transfers; monitors congressional and 
    OMB directives; validates and reconciles appropriations and budgetary 
    resources; and supports budget formulation.
        d. The CFO Liaison Officer serves as liaison between the Assistant 
    Secretary, Deputy CFO, and the fund directors responsible for the 
    Working Capital Fund, the Treasury Forfeiture Fund, and the 
    Departmental Offices' reimbursable programs (exchange accounts); 
    reviews financial systems, management controls, and resource 
    allocations of those funds; coordinates and provides advice related to 
    financial plans; and oversees FMFIA corrective actions.
        6. The Deputy Assistant Secretary (Departmental Finance and 
    Management) has Departmentwide responsibility for the Treasury 
    Reinvention Team; personnel policies; budget formulation; customer 
    assistance; program evaluation; planning policy and Treasury 
    organization; the Treasury Executive Institute; equal opportunity 
    programs; Treasury integrated management information systems, including 
    automated payroll/personnel systems; procurement program management; 
    real and personal property; and supports the Assistant Secretary on 
    legislative matters. The Deputy Assistant Secretary supervises the 
    following offices.
        a. The Office of Personnel Policy provides leadership in developing 
    Departmentwide personnel management policies and procedures and in 
    oversight, consultation and evaluation activities; develops, recommends 
    and implements functional personnel programs such as: employment and 
    staffing, including Senior Executive Service (SES); classification and 
    compensation; employee development, appraisal, recognition and 
    benefits; employee and labor relations; and drug-free workplace, 
    including drug testing.
        b. The Office of Equal Opportunity Program provides leadership in 
    developing Departmentwide polices and procedures pertaining to equal 
    employment opportunity; provides for the consideration and disposition 
    of complaints involving issues of discrimination on grounds of race, 
    color, religion, sex, national origin, age and disability; oversees, 
    evaluates, and sets standards for the operation of the four Treasury 
    Regional Complaint Centers which process complaints of discrimination 
    for all bureaus; and directs and administers Departmentwide affirmative 
    employment and special emphasis programs, such as the Hispanic 
    Employment Program, the Federal [[Page 33458]] Women's Program, the 
    Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program, and the 
    Individuals with Disabilities Program.
        c. The Office of Treasury Integrated Management Information Systems 
    manages, operates and maintains the payroll/personnel system for 
    bureaus; develops, conducts and maintains a full curriculum of 
    technical training for bureau payroll/personnel staff; provides 
    continuing user support, including user assistance in problem 
    resolution and Departmentwide reporting; and ensures that the system 
    meets the technical requirements of the Treasury community through the 
    identification and development of system requirements and the 
    negotiation of system modifications.
        d. The Treasury Executive Institute operates under the sponsorship 
    of the Treasury Career Advisory Panel (TCAP), which assists the 
    Assistant Secretary by advising on and recommending developmental, 
    educational and recognition programs to enhance the performance and 
    competency of members of the SES. The TCAP is comprised of the highest 
    ranking career SES member in each Treasury bureau and Departmental 
        e. The Office of Real and Personal Property Management provides 
    policy and technical guidance for space management, real and personal 
    property, fleet management, energy and water conservation, 
    environmental quality and pollution abatement, historic preservation, 
    metrication, recycling, workers compensation, occupational safety and 
    health, precious metals recovery and audiovisual management programs; 
    and reviews and evaluates bureau operations within these program areas.
        f. The Office of Procurement provides leadership and policy 
    guidance for Departmentwide procurement programs and systems; evaluates 
    bureau procurement operations; directs the use of streamlined, cost 
    effective means of procurement, including the purchase card; implements 
    the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994; oversees the 
    activities of the Departmental Advocate for Competition; administers a 
    Departmentwide career management program; and implements an effective, 
    Departmentwide contract administration program.
        g. The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 
    implements the statutory mandate that agencies award a fair proportion 
    of their acquisitions to small business concerns; promotes the 
    participation of small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, 
    minority business concerns, and women-owned small businesses in prime 
    and subcontract opportunities; promotes increased contracting with non-
    profit agencies for advancement of people who are blind or severely 
    disabled; and assists bureaus to implement their small and minority 
    business programs.
        h. The Office of Strategic Planning coordinates the Department's 
    strategic planning process to forecast and prepare for future problems 
    and opportunities; guides bureaus in developing long-range plans; 
    establishes Departmental priorities and strategic objectives; analyzes 
    current goals, objectives and activities in terms of the future; 
    develops basic objectives about missions, assumptions, long-range 
    goals, strategies and the general range of required resources; conducts 
    studies of issues with long-term or strategic impact on Treasury 
    operations; and maintains the Departmental planning process.
        i. Office of Organizational Improvement develops customer service 
    and management improvement plans; provides guidance and direction in 
    the development of performance indicators; conducts program evaluations 
    to improve Departmentwide operations and the allocation of resources by 
    the Departmentwide budget process; promotes quality management and 
    continuous process improvement efforts within the bureaus; reviews 
    bureau reorganization proposals submitted to the Assistant Secretary 
    for approval; supports the Assistant Secretary on matters relating to 
    legislation; coordinates the Department's streamlining initiatives and 
    provides staff support for studies conducted for the President's 
    Council on Management Improvement; prepares and publishes Treasury 
    Orders, Directives, and Handbooks.
        j. The Office of Treasury Reinvention serves as a consultant group 
    to the Department to assist in achieving reinvention goals and provides 
    focus and guidance on reinvention goals to bureaus and Departmental 
    Offices process owners; encourages bureau and Departmental process 
    owners to formulate and implement long-term strategies for achieving 
    results in accordance with those envisioned in the National Performance 
    Review report; and assists senior officials in finding ways to improve 
    work processes.
        k. The Office of Budget analyzes bureau resource requests and 
    completes financial analyses related to resource allocations; makes 
    recommendations to policy officials concerning budget priorities and 
    strategy; maintains the Treasury Budget Manual in coordination with the 
    Office of Financial and Budget Execution; and represents the Department 
    on budget matters in contacts with OMB, congressional committees and 
    other Government agencies.
        7. The Deputy Assistant Secretary (Information Systems) serves as 
    the Department's Senior Official for Information Resources Management 
    and has Departmentwide responsibility for policy, oversight, and 
    improvement of information systems, including hardware and software, 
    communications systems, and privacy and security issues relating to 
    information systems. The Deputy Assistant Secretary (Information 
    Systems) provides policy and program management for the development of 
    the Treasury Information Infrastructure (applications, services, 
    technology), promoting the efficient and effective use of information 
    technology and resources to enhance mission and employee performance. 
    The Deputy Assistant Secretary supervises the Office of Information 
    Resources Management and the Office of Telecommunications Management.
        a. The Office of Information Resources Management manages a broad 
    range of information resources management functions specified in the 
    Brooks Act and the Paperwork Reduction Act, except for management 
    issues related to telecommunications; coordinates and makes 
    recommendations for information systems planning and budgeting; 
    develops and coordinates policy and standards; approves and coordinates 
    acquisitions and systems management; conducts information management 
    reviews; manages Treasury Information Infrastructure development; 
    provides electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange (EC/EDI) 
    program management; coordinates disabled accommodation programs and 
    systems; provides information dissemination; manages data integrity 
    board activities; promotes business process reengineering; provides 
    leadership to appropriate interagency, reinvention projects; 
    administers provisions of the Computer Security Act; conducts 
    inventories of bureau sensitive systems and reviews security plans; 
    develops and reviews computer security awareness training guidelines; 
    and reviews and approves public reporting requirements; and coordinates 
    Treasury external directories, forms, reports, records, and mail 
    management program activities.
        b. The Office of Telecommunications Management develops and manages 
    the Departmentwide telecommunications program for local and wide area 
    communications systems and services; [[Page 33459]] develops policies 
    for cost-effective utilization of telecommunications resources by 
    bureaus; provides management and financial oversight on Executive Agent 
    telecommunications programs implemented by Treasury bureaus; reviews 
    and coordinates the acquisition of communications systems and services 
    throughout the Department; establishes and oversees program offices for 
    voice, data, video, and wireless communications, including radio 
    frequency spectrum engineering and management, to meet Departmentwide 
    requirements; manages participation in intergovernmental 
    telecommunications programs; and represents the Department on 
    telecommunications matters in contacts with OMB and other agencies.
        8. The Deputy Assistant Secretary (Administration) has 
    responsibility for the Departmental Offices' administrative and 
    management operating programs which include: administrative services; 
    automated systems; facilities; budget formulation and execution; 
    accounting and internal controls; management advisory services; 
    personnel, payroll, and equal employment opportunity; printing and 
    graphics; and procurement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary 
    (Administration) is responsible for managing the Departmentwide 
    disclosure services program, Working Capital Fund, Gifts and Bequest 
    Fund, printing program and reimbursable agreement operations, which 
    cross bureau lines. The Deputy Assistant Secretary (Administration) 
    also serves as the Departmental Offices' liaison for activities 
    required to comply with the CFO Act. Unless another Treasury Order, 
    Directive, or delegation specifically states otherwise with respect to 
    a specific function, the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Administration) is 
    the head of the Departmental Offices for all administrative and 
    management functions. The Deputy Assistant Secretary supervises the 
    following offices.
        a. The Administrative Operations Division provides a range of 
    administrative support services to the Departmental Offices to include: 
    building access security; environmental and physical safety; parking 
    facilities; dining room; library and information services; domestic and 
    international travel; Secretarial delegation travel; and management 
    coordination for special projects. The Division manages the 
    Departmentwide disclosure services program.
        b. The Automated Systems Division provides automated information 
    system services to Departmental Offices including: security; office 
    automation; data processing; user support; applications development; 
    and telecommunications services.
        c. Office of the Curator provides coordination and direction for 
    the restoration of the Treasury Building; conservation and maintenance 
    of its historic collections; historical research on the building and 
    collections to facilitate the development of special exhibits and other 
    educational activities; and administers the Treasury Building tour 
    program for the general public, as well as VIP tours for guests of the 
    Department. The Office of the Curator falls within the immediate office 
    of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Administration).
        d. The Facilities Management Division directs and coordinates the 
    management of the Main Treasury Building, Treasury Annex, and related 
    grounds, including space management, construction, maintenance, 
    custodial care, personal property, mail, messenger and motor pool 
    services, and Departmental Offices rental space.
        e. The Financial Management Division formulates, presents, executes 
    and manages the Departmental Offices' budget; maintains a comprehensive 
    integrated financial management and accounting system in support of the 
    financial resources under the jurisdiction of the Deputy Assistant 
    Secretary (Administration); develops and directs the internal controls 
    activities of the Departmental Offices; and supports the Deputy 
    Assistant Secretary (Administration) in providing information to comply 
    with the CFO Act. In addition, the Division provides financial 
    management for the Department's Working Capital Fund and reimbursable 
    programs which cross bureau lines.
        f. Office of Management Advisory Services provides centralized 
    short-term management advisory assistance to Departmental Offices and 
    bureaus on a broad range of issues having Departmentwide or bureauwide 
    impact, as well as cross-functional management operational support for 
    the implementation of critical initiatives.
        g. The Personnel Resources Division formulates and administers the 
    operating personnel management and training programs for the 
    Departmental Offices, including the Equal Employment Opportunity 
    Discrimination Complaint Program and the Multi-Year Affirmative Action 
    Plan Program, and provides payroll liaison services for Departmental 
    Office employees.
        h. The Printing and Graphics Division provides Departmentwide 
    printing, graphics and printing procurement services; develops printing 
    and copy machine management policy; and represents the Department on 
    oversight agencies and interagency committees.
        i. The Procurement Services Division provides operational 
    procurement support for the Departmental Offices and manages certain 
    Departmentwide procurements.
        9. The Office of Security develops and administers Departmentwide 
    policies for personnel, physical, and systems security and for 
    emergency preparedness. Physical security includes industrial and 
    information security, and systems security includes the following 
    functional areas: computer security, telecommunications security, 
    operations security (threat/vulnerability assessments), emissions 
    security (TEMPEST), certificate management, and electronic 
    authentication. The DO Personnel Security Branch under the Office of 
    Security performs the operating personnel security functions for the 
    Departmental Offices, including initiating and adjudicating 
    investigations and granting security clearances for access to 
    classified information. The Office of Security also represents the 
    Department on committees organized under the Security Policy Board and 
    the Overseas Security Policy Board and consults and coordinates with 
    other agencies to fulfill program responsibilities.
        10. Cancellation. TD 27-01, ``Organization and Functions--Office of 
    the Assistant Secretary (Management)/Chief Financial Officer,'' dated 
    January 19, 1993, is superseded.
        11. Expiration. This Directive shall expire three years from the 
    date of issuance unless superseded or cancelled prior to that date.
        12. Office of Primary Interest. Office of Organizational 
    Improvement, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Departmental 
    Finance and Management), Office of the Assistant Secretary (Management) 
    & CFO.
    George Munoz,
    Assistant Secretary (Management) and CFO.
    BILLING CODE 4810-25-P
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    [FR Doc. 95-15881 Filed 6-27-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4810-25-C

Document Information

Treasury Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
33456-33460 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Treasury Directive Number 27-01
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