99-16337. Administration for Children and Families (ACF); Community Service Employment Opportunities  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 123 (Monday, June 28, 1999)]
    [Pages 34667-34673]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-16337]
    Office of Refugee Settlement
    Administration for Children and Families (ACF); Community Service 
    Employment Opportunities
    AGENCY: Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), ACF, DHHS.
    ACTION: Notice of Availability of FY 1999 discretionary funds to 
    provide Community Service Employment opportunities for refugees \1\ who 
    have experienced long-term difficulties with assimilation.
        \1\ In addition to persons who meet all requirements of 45 CFR 
    400.43, ``Requirements for documentation of refugee status,'' 
    eligibility for targeted assistance includes: (1) Cuban and Haitian 
    entrants, under section 501 of the Refugee Education Assistance Act 
    of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-422); (2) certain Amerasians from Vietnam who 
    are admitted to the U.S. as immigrants under section 584 of the 
    Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs 
    appropriations Act, 1988, as included in the FY 1988 Continuing 
    Resolution (Pub. L. 100-202); and (3) certain Amerasians from 
    Vietnam, including U.S. citizens, under title II of the Foreign 
    Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations 
    Acts, 1989 (Pub. L. 100-461), 1990 (Pub. L. 101-167), and 1991 (Pub. 
    L. 101-513). For convenience, the term ``refugee'' is used in this 
    notice to encompass all such eligible persons unless the specific 
    context indicates otherwise.
    SUMMARY: This program announcement governs the availability of social 
    services funds and award procedures for $3 million in FY 1999 
    discretionary grants to provide community service employment 
    opportunities for refugees who have experienced long-term difficulties 
    with assimilation. These grants, which will be awarded on a competitive 
    basis, are for localities with large concentrations of refugees who 
    have experienced difficulty integrating socially and economically into 
    local communities. Eligible grantees are private, non-profit 
    organizations and agencies of State government that are responsible for 
    the refugee program under 45 CFR 400.5. Applications may include 
    project periods of up to three years, with an initial budget period of 
    one year. Where awards are made for a multiple year project period, 
    continuation grant applications will be entertained in subsequent years 
    on a noncompetitive basis, subject to the availability of funds, 
    successful progress of the project, and ACF/ORR's determination that 
    this would be in the best interest of the government.
    DATES: The closing date for applications is July 30, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Address applications to: Shirley Parker, Grants Officer, 
    Office of Refugee Resettlement, 6th Floor East, Aerospace Building, 370 
    L'Enfant Promenade, SW, Washington, DC 20447.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carolyn Plummer, Program Analyst, 
    Division of Community Resettlement (DCR), ORR, Administration for 
    Children and Families (ACF), Telephone: (202) 401-5449; Fax: (202) 401-
    5487; E-mail: CPlummer@acf.dhhs.gov).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This program announcement consists of four 
    Part I: Background--program purpose, program objectives, legislative 
    authority, funding availability, CFDA number, definition of terms
    Part II: Project and Applicant Eligibility--funding priorities, 
    preferences, eligible applicants, project and budget periods, multiple 
    applications, treatment of program income
    Part III: The Review Process--intergovernmental review, initial ACF 
    screening, evaluation criteria and competitive review
    Part IV: The Application--application materials application 
    development, application submission
        Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13): Public reporting 
    burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 
    fourteen hours per response, including the time for reviewing 
    instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing 
    the collection of information.
        The following information collection is included in the program 
    announcement: OMB Approval No. 0970-0139, ACF UNIFORM PROJECT 
    DESCRIPTION (UPD), which expires 10/31/2000. An agency may not conduct 
    or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of 
    information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
    Part I. Background
        Program Purpose and Objectives: There are communities across this
    [[Page 34668]]
    country with large concentrations of refugees, many of whom entered the 
    United States over a decade ago. For some refugees, language skills, 
    cultural barriers, the lack of financial resources, and years of 
    relying on public assistance, have isolated them from the mainstream, 
    limited their employment opportunities and hindered integration into 
    American communities. Their rate of assimilation has been documented in 
    many localities on such key indicators as poverty levels, welfare 
    utilization, car and home ownership, high school completion, college 
    attendance or graduation, language fluency, employment rates, household 
    income, per capita income, and naturalization rates.
        In some of these communities, refugees represent a significant 
    percentage of the population and, relative to non-refugee groups, have 
    a sizeable impact on local services, medical clinics, and school 
        The purpose of this announcement is to improve refugee rates of 
    assimilation in heavily impacted communities by providing funding for 
    workforce experience, earned income for refugees and their families, 
    and increased access to needed services for refugees.
        Legislative Authority: This program is authorized by Section 
    412(c)(1)of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(c)(1), 
    as amended. Section 412(c)(1)(A) of the INA authorizes the Director of 
    ORR ``to make grants to, and enter into contracts with, public or 
    private nonprofit agencies for projects specifically designed--(i) to 
    assist refugees in obtaining the skills which are necessary for 
    economic self-sufficiency, including projects for job training, 
    employment services, day care, professional refresher training, and 
    other recertification services.''
        Grant awards are also subject to the following federal regulations: 
    45 CFR part 74--Uniform administrative requirements for awards and 
    subawards to institutions of higher education, hospitals, other 
    nonprofit organizations, and commercial organizations; and certain 
    grants and agreements with States, local governments and Indian tribal 
    governments and 45 CFR part 92, Uniform administrative requirements for 
    grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments.
        Funding Availability: Approximately $3 million will be available 
    for awards. It is expected that most grant awards will be between 
    $300,000 and $500,000. ORR anticipates making 6 to 10 awards with these 
    funds for projects that will secure employment for approximately 100 
    eligible participants during the approved project period.
        The Director of ORR will make final award decisions based on such 
    factors as: the geographic distribution of the competitive 
    applications; the extent to which the grants reflect a reasonable 
    distribution of funds across the areas impacted by refugees, and the 
    availability of funds. Successful applicants will receive grants to 
    identify and develop subsidized employment opportunities for unemployed 
    refugees at local organizations. Applicants must demonstrate a specific 
    need for supplementation of available resources to provide these 
    services for refugees.
        Projects funded under this announcement will be designed to (a) 
    Connect refugees to the labor force, (b) provide earned income to 
    refugees and their households, and eventual transition to unsubsidized 
    employment; and (c) through the presence and assistance of a refugee 
    employee in these agencies, give refugee communities greater access to 
    local community services. Grantees must establish a network of 
    relationships with appropriate public or private employers to identify 
    and develop suitable subsidized community service employment positions. 
    Grant funds may be used to reimburse employers for up to 100% of the 
    employment wage (including fringe benefits), for a maximum of 12 
    months, under the terms of a contract. In exchange for the salary 
    subsidy, the employer agrees to provide the refugee employee additional 
    supervisory assistance in learning the job and to retain the refugee 
    employee in this position after the wage subsidy has ended. If 
    insufficient funds are available to continue the position, it is 
    expected that the employer will assist the refugee employee in securing 
    other employment. Refugee employees should be eligible for all benefits 
    available to all other employees at the work site. Applicants should 
    identify the types and number of employment positions targeted in their 
    project, including job descriptions, qualifications, and salary levels. 
    Project participants must be paid an hourly wage equivalent to the 
    prevailing rates of pay for persons employed in similar occupations by 
    the same employer. No wage should be lower than the federal minimum 
        Approximately 75-80% of grant funds should be designated for salary 
    subsidies. Applicants may include 5% for employer incentives.
        Within the remaining 15-20% of available funds, grantees may 
    provide supportive services to assist project participants in retaining 
    successful community service employment. Such supportive services may 
    include: on-site technical assistance; employment counseling; work-
    related incidental expenses for such items as work shoes, uniforms, 
    glasses, public transportation passes, etc. if these are not available 
    from other sources.
        If projects are designed and implemented by coalitions of local 
    community agencies and refugee organizations, clear respective roles 
    and responsibilities for each participating agency within the coalition 
    must be identified and stipulated in a signed written agreement. 
    Applicants must also provide for the creation of an advisory board, 
    delineating the roles and responsibilities of each member, 
    compensation, if any, to members, a definitive and measurable work 
    plan, and a schedule of meetings. The advisory board must include 
    members of the refugee community.
        Funds may not be used for union-related activities, with the 
    exception of union dues required in order for refugees to become 
    employed; nor may funds be used for politically related employment as a 
    form of political patronage. Wage subsidies must be used for a net 
    increase in the number of positions within a given agency, not to 
    replace currently funded positions. Refugees employed as a result of 
    this project may not displace employed workers or workers on layoff. 
    CFDA: The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number assigned 
    to this announcement is 93.576.
    Part II. Project and Applicant Eligibility
        Under this announcement, the Office of Refugee Resettlement 
    solicits applications from eligible applicants who wish to compete for 
    funds to provide community service employment for refugees who have 
    experienced long-term difficulties with assimilation into American 
        Community service employment offers a job for the individual, 
    household income for refugee families, community participation, cross-
    cultural exposure for public and private agencies, and access to 
    community services for refugee communities. For these reasons, ORR is 
    providing funding under this announcement to be used primarily for 
    employer subsidies to create or increase the number of community work 
    experience jobs for refugees.
        Community service employment may be in the public or private 
    sector; however, given the emphasis of this announcement on gaining 
    refugee access to community services, ORR anticipates that most 
    successful applicants will target these subsidies to public and private 
    nonprofit organizations that may not otherwise
    [[Page 34669]]
    have the resources to provide this type of employment. Eligible 
    grantees are private, nonprofit organizations and agencies of State and 
    local governments that are responsible for the refugee program under 45 
    CFR 400.5.
        Refugees eligible to participate in projects funded under this 
    announcement must be at least 21 years of age. Eligible participants 
    must also either be unemployed, without earned income, or members of 
    families receiving public assistance.
        Refugees are eligible to participate in these projects if they have 
    resided in the U.S. for a minimum of three years and residents of their 
    communities for a minimum of six months. Refugees who have become U.S. 
    citizens are ineligible to participate in this program. ORR anticipates 
    that refugees targeted for these positions would be long-term welfare 
    recipients (12 months or more) or those who face termination from 
    Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) within the 12 month 
    period following enrollment in this project.
        The project description provides a major means by which an 
    application is evaluated and ranked to compete with other applications 
    for available assistance. The project description should be concise and 
    complete and should address the activity for which Federal funds are 
    being requested. Supporting documents should be included where they can 
    present information clearly and succinctly. Applicants are encouraged 
    to provide information on their organizational structure, staff, 
    related experience, and other information considered being relevant. 
    The Office of Refugee Resettlement uses this and other information to 
    determine whether the applicant has the capability and resources 
    necessary to carry out the proposed project. It is important, 
    therefore, that this information be included in the application. 
    However, in the narrative the applicant must dintinguish between 
    resources directly related to the proposed project from those that will 
    not be used in support of the specified project for which funds are 
    A. Objectives and Need for Assistance
        Clearly identify the physical, economic, social, financial, 
    institutional, and/or other problem(s) requiring a solution. The need 
    for assistance must be demonstrated and the principal and subordinate 
    objectives of the project must be clearly stated; supporting 
    documentation, such as letters of support and testimonials from 
    concerned interests other than the applicant, may be included. Any 
    relevant data based on planning studies should be included or referred 
    to in the endnotes/footnotes. Incorporate demographic data and 
    participant/beneficiary information, as needed. In developing the 
    project description, the applicant may volunteer or be requested to 
    provide information on the total range of projects currently being 
    conducted and supported (or to be initiated), some of which may be 
    outside the scope of the program announcement.
        The Office of Refugee Resettlement is particularly interested in 
    the following:
        A description, with documentation, of the need for services within 
    the proposed target area, including documentation of the number of 
    refugees in the target area and the ratio between refugees and the non-
    refugee population in the community. Data and analyses of family and 
    community needs, including the implications of welfare reform and 
    employment patterns on family needs for child care and other support 
    services. A discussion of how the targeted refugees have the most need 
    of the proposed services. Submit evidence of poor assimilation of 
    refugees relative to the community at-large. Indicators may include: 
    poverty levels, public assistance utilization, unemployment, low rates 
    of high school completion, college attendance, car and homeownership, 
    and attainment of citizenship.
    B. Approach
        Outline a plan of action which describes the scope and detail of 
    how the proposed work will be accomplished. Account for all functions 
    or activities identified in the application. Cite factors which might 
    accelerate or decelerate the work and state your reason for taking the 
    proposed approach rather than others. Describe any unusual features of 
    the project such as design or technological innovations, reductions in 
    cost or time, or extraordinary social and community involvement. 
    Describe how community service employment positions will be developed 
    with local employers; how these employers will be encouraged to 
    customize the jobs and provide supervisory support to the employees 
    under this project; identify any local employers who have made 
    commitments to the project and describe them (e.g., number and types of 
    jobs, supportive services and training, qualifications and salary 
    levels, etc.).
        Include a description of the proposed target area(s) for services, 
    recruitment strategies, and priorities for selecting refugee clients 
    for participation; and availability of other community services and 
    resources for refugee employment.
        Provide quantitative monthly or quarterly projections of the 
    accomplishments to be achieved for each function or activity in such 
    terms as the number of people to be served. When accomplishments cannot 
    be quantified by activity or function, list them in chronological order 
    to show the schedule of accomplishments and their target date. Identify 
    the kinds of data to be collected, maintained and/or disseminated. Note 
    that clearance from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget might be 
    needed prior to a ``collection of information'' that is ``conducted or 
    sponsored'' by ACF/ORR. List organizations, cooperating entities, 
    consultants, or other key individuals who will work on the project 
    along with a short description of the nature of their effort or 
        Note: ORR expects that all applicants funded under this 
    announcement will begin serving refugees and their families no later 
    than March, 2000.
    C. Results or Benefits Expected
        Identify the results and benefits to be derived for refugees and 
    their families as well as for the community. Based on the stated 
    program objectives, a discussion of the specific results or benefits 
    that could be expected for the refugees and families participating in 
    the program. A discussion of the specific community-wide results or 
    benefits including those resulting from collaborative partnership with 
    other community agencies including the agencies which employ refugees. 
    The qualitative and quantitative data the program will collect to 
    measure progress toward the stated results or benefits. A discussion of 
    how the program will determine the extent to which it has achieved its 
    stated objectives.
        Applicants are encouraged to use ORR standards under the Government 
    Performance And Result Act (GPRA) to measure project results. These 
         The number of refugees who entered employment.
         Cash assistance terminations due to earnings.
         Average hourly wage at placement.
         Employment retention.
         Employment with health benefits.
        The Office of Refugee Resettlement is particularly interested in 
    the following: Numbers, types and average salaries of refugees to be 
    employed in community service employment positions; the degree to which 
    employee benefits, including medical coverage, are available for these 
    jobs; expectations for job or employment retention after one year; 
    expected average earnings one year
    [[Page 34670]]
    after placement into subsidized employment; cost per placement into 
    subsidized community service employment.
        The application may include other performance outcomes, as 
    D. Organization Profiles
        Provide information on the applicant organization(s) and 
    cooperating partners such as organizational charts, financial 
    statements, audit reports or statements from CPAs/Licensed Public 
    Accountants, Employer Identification Numbers, names of bond carriers, 
    contact persons and telephone numbers, child care licenses and other 
    documentation of professional accreditation, information on compliance 
    with Federal/State/local government standards, documentation of 
    experience in the program area, and other pertinent information. Any 
    non-profit organization submitting an application must submit proof of 
    its non-profit status in its application at the time of submission. The 
    non-profit agency can accomplish this by providing a copy of the 
    applicant's listing in the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) most recent 
    list of tax-exempt organizations described in Section 
    501 (3) of the IRS code, or by providing a copy of 
    the articles of incorporation bearing the seal of the State in which 
    the corporation or association is domiciled.
        Describe the staff and systems capacity for managing the project, 
    to include: key staff resumes or position descriptions; a project 
    organizational chart identifying all agencies involved in the project 
    and their respective roles and responsibilities; Identify the critical 
    activities, time frames, and responsibilities for implementing the 
    Local Collaboration and Sustainability
        Identify a coalition of key agencies, respective roles and 
    responsibilities, and agreements. Describe the local partnerships and 
    each member's contribution to the project; the extent to which the 
    project is coordinated with key community activities; the commitment 
    and integration of other community resources; any involvement of, or 
    participation by, local employers; and the extent to which the 
    community and the coalition have developed plans to maintain and expand 
    the capacity to serve the targeted refugee population.
    Identify and Submit Position Descriptions or Resumes for Advisory Board 
        The Office of Refugee Resettlement is particularly interested in 
    the following: Evidence of the applicant's ability and experience to 
    administer an employment program and to manage a community service 
    employment program. Include a discussion of any proposed changes and 
    improvements in program management.
        A description of the applicant's experience in management of 
    employment services for refugees who have had a protracted history of 
    unemployment. A description of the applicant's experience in management 
    of community, State and Federal partnerships. A description of the 
    applicant's history and relationship with the target community. Include 
    a complete discussion of the program's financial status and program 
    operations. Include an organizational chart of the program.
    A Description of the Mechanisms for Recruiting and Hiring Well-Trained 
    and Appropriately Credentialed staff Members
        A discussion of all proposed key staff or managerial positions, 
    their proposed salary rates, the length of time they would be employed 
    each year and the applicant's plans for ongoing monitoring and 
    supervision of other staff including refugees employed under the 
    community employment service program if appropriate. Applicants who are 
    electing to create partnerships with other agencies, providers, or 
    funding sources should provide: letters of commitment from partner 
    agencies and providers, including documentation of any additional 
    resources such as child care, health care or transportation subsidies, 
    etc. that will enhance the program. Explain and itemize these resources 
    or services, and state whether or not these costs are included as part 
    of the non-Federal share. Plans for managing, coordinating or 
    monitoring, and assisting the efforts of partnering agencies and other 
    forms of collaborative arrangements in meeting the goals of the 
        A description of the experience of the applicant and the proposed 
    partnering agencies in collaborating to deliver effective employment 
    services and in managing multiple sources of funding.
        A description of how the applicant will track, manage and account 
    for refugee employment costs and, if applicable, the availability of 
    other funding sources.
    E. Budget and Budget Justification
        Provide line items and detailed calculations for each budget object 
    class identified on the Budget Information form. Detailed calculations 
    must include estimation methods, quantities, unit costs, and other 
    similar quantitative detail sufficient for the calculation to be 
    duplicated. The detailed budget must also include a breakout by the 
    funding sources identified in Block 15 of the SF-424. Provide a 
    narrative budget justification that describes how the categorical costs 
    are derived. Discuss the necessity, reasonableness, and allocability of 
    the proposed costs.
        The Office of Refugee Resettlement is particularly interested in 
    the following:
        A description of how your proposed budget is reasonable, 
    appropriate and cost effective in view of the proposed services, 
    strategies and anticipated outcomes.
        A description of the extent to which your proposal includes 
    significant other resources to complement the ORR funds.
    General Instructions
        ORR is particularly interested in specific factual information and 
    statements of measurable goals in quantitative terms. Project 
    descriptions are evaluated on the basis of substance, not length. 
    Extensive exhibits are not required. (Supporting information concerning 
    activities that will not be directly funded by the grant or information 
    that does not directly pertain to an integral part of the grant funded 
    activity should be placed in an appendix.) Pages should be numbered and 
    a Table of Contents should be included for easy reference.
        The Office of Refugee Resettlement is also requesting that 
    applicants provide a summary of the project description which includes:
        The name and address of the applicant agency.
        The total number of employment placements when the program is 
        The total ORR funds requested for a 12 month period.
        The amount and source of any additional funding that will help 
    support the project (i.e., funds that are in addition to Federal ORR 
        The community to be served (name of town(s), city(ies) and 
    county(ies) and the targeted refugee groups.
        The proposed type of jobs, hours per week and wages.
        The target date for beginning full services to refugees.
    Additional Information
        Following is a description of additional information that should be 
    placed in the appendix of the application.
        1. Staff and Position Data: Provide a biographical sketch for each 
    key person
    [[Page 34671]]
    appointed and a job description for each vacant position. A 
    biographical sketch will also be required for new key staff as 
        2. Organizational Profile: Provide information on the applicant 
    organization and cooperating partners such as organizational charts, 
    financial statements, audit reports or statements from CPAs/Licensed 
    Public Accountants, Employer Identification Numbers, contact persons 
    and telephone numbers, documentation of experience in the program area, 
    and other pertinent information. Any non-profit organization submitting 
    an application must submit proof of its non-profit status in its 
    application at the time of submission. The nonprofit agency can 
    accomplish this by providing a copy of the applicant's listing in the 
    Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) most recent list of tax-exempt 
    organizations described in section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code, or by 
    providing a copy of the currently valid IRS tax exemption certificate, 
    or by providing a copy of the articles of incorporation bearing the 
    seal of the State in which the corporation or association is domiciled.
    Part III. The Review Process
    A. Intergovernmental Review
        This program is covered under Executive Order 12372, 
    ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs,'' and 45 CFR part 100, 
    ``Intergovernmental Review of Department of Health and Human Services 
    Programs and Activities.'' Under the Order, States may design their own 
    processes for reviewing and commenting on proposed Federal assistance 
    under covered programs.
        All States and territories except Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, 
    Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, 
    Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, 
    Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, 
    American Samoa, and Palau have elected to participate in the Executive 
    Order process and have established Single Points of Contact (SPOCs). 
    Applicants from these twenty-four jurisdictions need not take action 
    regarding Executive Order 12372. Applicants should contact their SPOC 
    as soon as possible to alert them to the prospective application and to 
    receive any necessary instructions. Applicants must submit any required 
    material to the SPOC as early as possible so that the program office 
    can obtain and review SPOC comments as part of the award process. It is 
    imperative that the applicant submit all required materials, if any, to 
    the SPOC and indicate the date of this submittal (or date of contact if 
    no submittal is required) on the Standard Form 424, item 16a. Under 45 
    CFR 100.8(a)(2), a SPOC has 60 days from the application deadline to 
    comment on proposed new or competing continuation awards. SPOCs are 
    encouraged to eliminate the submission of routine endorsements as 
    official recommendations. Additionally, SPOCs are requested to clearly 
    differentiate between mere advisory comments and those official State 
    process recommendations which may trigger the ``accommodate or 
    explain'' rule. When comments are submitted directly to the ORR, they 
    should be addressed to: Department of Health and Human Services, 
    Administration for Children and Families, Office of Refugee 
    Resettlement, 6th Floor East, Aerospace Building, 370 L'Enfant 
    Promenade, SW., Washington, DC 20447.
    B. Competitive Review and Evaluation Criteria
        Information provided in response to this announcement will be used 
    to review and evaluation applications using the following criteria:
    a. Need for Assistance To Increase Assimilation (20 points)
        Quality of description and documentation with regard to the target 
    refugee groups and their needs.
    Program Design and Approach (15 points)
        Soundness of and innovation in program design and methodology for 
    securing community service employment for refugees, including evidence 
    of prospects for placement and permanent employment opportunities.
    Results and Benefits (30 points)
        Employment results which are timely, appropriate, and measurable 
    using ORR standards for outcome performance under GPRA.
    Project Management and Implementation (15 points)
        The extent of demonstrated capacity of the applicant organization, 
    key leaders and managers and, where appropriate, proposed partnering 
    organizations in managing the proposed community employment services in 
    a timely, cost effective manner. Evidence of successful partnership 
    with the targeted refugee communities, families, and other community 
    organizations, institutions and agencies.
    Cost Effectiveness and Budget Appropriateness (20 points)
        The extent to which the project's costs are reasonable and cost-
    effective in view of the activities to be carried out and the 
    anticipated outcomes. The extent to which proposed salaries and fringe 
    benefits reflect appropriate levels of compensation for the 
    responsibilities of staff and the Advisory Board (if compensation is 
    necessary). The extent to which costs for refugee wages in community 
    service employment are reasonable and equitable.
    Part IV: The Application
    A. Required Forms
        Applicants interested in applying for funds must submit a complete 
    application including the required forms--Standard Form 424 and 
    attachments. In order to be considered for a grant under this 
    announcement, an application must be submitted on the Standard Form 424 
    (approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under Control 
    Number 0348-0043), a copy of which is available through the 
    Administration for Children and Families/ORR website at: http://
    www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/orr (at ``Informational Materials'' choose 
    HHS application forms). Each application must be signed by an 
    individual authorized to act for the applicant and to assume 
    responsibility for the obligations imposed by the terms and conditions 
    of the grant award. Applicants requesting financial assistance for non-
    construction projects must file the Standard Form 424B, Assurances: 
    Non-Construction Programs (approved by the Office of Management and 
    Budget under Control Number 0348-0040). Applicants must sign and return 
    the Standard Form 424B with their application. Applicants must provide 
    a certification concerning lobbying. Applicants must provide 
    information consistent with ACF's approved Uniform Project Description 
    (OMB # 0970-0139), as found in Part II of this Program Announcement. 
    Prior to receiving an award in excess of $100,000, applicants shall 
    furnish an executed copy of the lobbying certification (approved by the 
    Office of Management and Budget under Control Number 0348-0046). 
    Applicants must sign and return the certification with their 
    application. Applicants must make the appropriate certification of 
    their compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. By signing 
    and submitting the application, applicants are providing the 
    certification and need not mail back the certification with the 
    application. Applicants must make the
    [[Page 34672]]
    appropriate certification that they are not presently debarred, 
    suspended or otherwise ineligible for award. By signing and submitting 
    the application, applicants are providing the certification and need 
    not mail back the certification with the application. Applicants must 
    also understand that they will be held accountable for the smoking 
    prohibition included within Public Law 103-227, Part C Environmental 
    Tobacco Smoke (also known as Pro-Children's Act of 1994). A copy of the 
    Federal Register notice which implements the smoking prohibition is 
    included with the forms. By signing and submitting the application, 
    applicants are providing the certification and need not mail back the 
    certification with the application.
    B. Application Submission
        One signed original and two complete copies of the grant 
    application, including all attachments, are required. Each application 
    must be limited to no more than 20 double-spaced pages of program 
    narrative (not including the Project Summary and the forms which make 
    up the SF-424A and Budget Justification).
        If the narrative portion of the application is more than 20 double-
    spaced pages, the other pages will be removed from the application and 
    not considered by the reviewers. The attachments/appendices to each 
    application must be limited to no more than 15 pages, (in addition to 
    the 20 pages permitted for the narrative portion of the application). 
    If the attachments/appendices to each application are more than 15 
    pages, the other pages will be removed from the application and not 
    considered by the reviewers.
    C. Application Considerations
        Applicants will be scored against the evaluation criteria described 
    above. The review will be conducted by a panel consisting of experts in 
    the areas of refugee and employment services. The results of the 
    competitive review will be taken into consideration by the Director, 
    Office of Refugee Resettlement, in determining the projects to be 
    funded. The Director of ORR will make the final selection of the 
    applicants to be funded. An application may be funded in whole or in 
    part, depending on the relative need for services, applicant ranking, 
    geographic location, proposed costs, and funds available.
        Successful applicants will be notified through the issuance of a 
    Financial Assistance Award which sets forth the amount of funds 
    granted, the terms and conditions of the grant, the effective date of 
    the grant, the budget period for which support is given, and the total 
    project period for which support is provided.
    D. Checklist for a Complete Application
        A complete application consists of the following items in this 
        Introductory Material:
         Cover letter.
         Table of Contents.
         Project Description Summary.
        (1) Application for Federal Assistance (SF424).
        (2) Budget Information--Non-Construction Programs (SF 424 A and B).
        (3) Budget Justification.
        (4) Project Description and Appendices.
        (5) Proof of non-profit status as appropriate.
        (6) Assurances Non-Construction Programs.
        (7) Certification Regarding Lobbying.
        (8) Where appropriate, a completed SPOC certification with the date 
    of SPOC contact entered in line 16, page 1 of the SF 424.
        Applicants are reminded that the narrative portion of the 
    application cannot exceed 20 double-spaced pages in a 12-pitch font 
    with 1\1/2\ inch margins at the top and 1 inch at the bottom and both 
    sides and that attachments/Appendices to the application can not exceed 
    15 pages. Attachments and appendices should be used only to provide 
    supporting documentation such as maps, administration charts, position 
    descriptions, resumes, and letters of intent/agreement. Please do not 
    include books or videotapes as they are not easily reproduced and are, 
    therefore, not accessible to the reviewers. Each page should be 
    numbered sequentially.
        The following guidelines are for preparing the budget and budget 
    justification. Both Federal and non-Federal resources shall be detailed 
    and justified in the budget and narrative justification. According to 
    the instructions for completing the SF-424A and the preparation of the 
    budget and budget justification, ``Federal resources'' refers only to 
    the ACF grant for which you are applying. Non-Federal resources are all 
    other Federal and non-Federal resources. It is suggested that budget 
    amounts and computations be presented in a columnar format: first 
    column, object class categories; second column, Federal budget; next 
    column(s), non-Federal budget(s), and last column, total budget. The 
    budget justification should be a narrative.
        Personnel: Costs of employee salaries and wages. Justification--
    Identify the project director and for each staff person, provide the 
    title, time commitment to the project (in months), time commitment to 
    the project (as a percentage or full-time equivalent), annual salary, 
    grant salary, wage rates, etc. Do not include the costs of consultants 
    or personnel costs of delegate agencies.
        Fringe Benefits: Costs of employee fringe benefits unless treated 
    as part of approved indirect cost rate. Justification--Provide a 
    breakdown of the amounts and percentages that comprise fringe benefit 
    costs such as health insurance, FICA, retirement insurance, taxes, etc.
        Travel: Costs of project-related travel by employees of the 
    applicant organization (does not include costs of consultant travel). 
    Justification--For each trip, show the total number of traveler(s), 
    travel destination, duration of trip, per diem, mileage allowances, if 
    privately owned vehicles will be used, and other transportation costs 
    and subsistence allowances. Travel costs for key staff to attend ACF/
    ORR-sponsored meetings should be detailed in the budget.
        Equipment: Costs of tangible, non-expendable, personal property, 
    having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of 
    $5,000 or more per unit. Justification--For each type of equipment 
    requested, provide a description of the equipment, the cost per unit, 
    the number of units, the total cost, and a plan for use on the project, 
    as well as use or disposal of the equipment after the project ends.
        Supplies: Costs of all tangible personal property other than that 
    included under the Equipment category. Justification--Specify general 
    categories of supplies and their costs. Show computations and provide 
    other information which supports the amount requested.
        Contractual: Costs of all contracts for services and goods except 
    for those which belong under other categories such as equipment, 
    supplies, etc. Contracts with secondary recipient organizations, 
    including delegate agencies (if applicable), should be included under 
    this category. Justification--All procurement transactions shall be 
    conducted in a manner to provide, to the maximum extent practical, open 
    and free competition. If procurement competitions were held or if 
    procurement without competition is being proposed, attach a list of 
    proposed contractors, indicating the names of the organizations, the 
    purposes of the contracts, the estimated dollar amounts, and the award 
    selection process. Justify
    [[Page 34673]]
    any anticipated procurement action that is expected to be awarded 
    without competition and to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold 
    fixed at 41 USC 403(11). Recipients might be required to make available 
    to ACF pre-award review and procurement documents, such as requests for 
    proposal or invitations for bids, independent cost estimates, etc.
        Note: Whenever the applicant intends to delegate part of the 
    project to another agency, the applicant must provide a detailed 
    budget and budget narrative for each delegate agency, by agency 
    title, along with the required supporting information referred to in 
    these instructions.
        Other: Enter the total of all other costs. Such costs, where 
    applicable and appropriate, may include but are not limited to 
    insurance, professional services costs, space and equipment rentals, 
    printing and publication, computer use, training costs, such as tuition 
    and stipends, staff development, and administrative costs. 
    Justification--Provide computations, a narrative description and a 
    justification for each cost under this category.
        Indirect Costs: This category should be used only when the 
    applicant currently has an indirect cost rate approved by the 
    Department of Health and Human Services or another cognizant Federal 
    agency. Justification--An applicant proposing to charge indirect costs 
    to the grant must enclose a copy of the current rate agreement. If the 
    applicant organization is in the process of initially developing or 
    renegotiating a rate, it should immediately upon notification that an 
    award will be made, develop a tentative indirect cost rate proposal 
    based on its most recently completed fiscal year in accordance with the 
    principles set forth in the cognizant agency's guidelines for 
    establishing indirect cost rates, and submit it to the cognizant 
    agency. Applicants awaiting approval of their indirect cost proposals 
    may also request indirect costs. It should be noted that when an 
    indirect cost rate is requested, those costs included in the indirect 
    cost pool should not also be charged as direct costs to the grant. 
    Also, if the applicant is requesting a rate which is less than what is 
    allowed under the agreement, the authorized representative of the 
    applicant organization must submit a signed acknowledgement that the 
    applicant is accepting a lower rate than allowed.
        Program Income: The estimated amount of income, if any, expected to 
    be generated from this project. Justification--Describe the nature, 
    source and anticipated use of program income in the budget or refer to 
    the pages in the application which contain this information.
        Non-Federal Resources: Amounts of non-Federal resources that will 
    be used to support the project as identified in Block 15 of the SF-424. 
    Justification--The firm commitment of these resources must be 
    documented and submitted with the application in order to be given 
    credit in the review process.
    E. Due Date for the Receipt of Applications
        Deadlines: The closing date for submission of applications is 4:30 
    p.m. (EDT) on July 30, 1999. Mailed applications shall be considered as 
    meeting the deadline if they are either received on or before the 
    deadline date or sent on or before the deadline date and received by 
    ORR in time for the independent review. Applications should be mailed 
    to: Ms. Shirley B. Parker, Grant Officer, Office of Refugee 
    Resettlement, 6th Floor East, Aerospace Building 370 L'Enfant 
    Promenade, SW., Washington, DC 20447.
        Applicants are cautioned to request a legibly dated U.S. Postal 
    Service postmark or to obtain a legibly dated receipt from a commercial 
    carrier or U.S. Postal Service. Private metered postmarks shall not be 
    acceptable as proof of timely mailing.
        Applications hand carried by applicants, courier services, or by 
    overnight/express mail couriers shall be considered as meeting the 
    announced deadline if they are received on or before the deadline date, 
    between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., at the above stated address, 
    between Monday and Friday (excluding Federal holidays). (Applicants are 
    cautioned that express/overnight mail services may not always deliver 
    as agreed. In addition, some non-postal service carriers will only 
    deliver to ORR's street address which is 901 D Street SW. instead of 
    370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW.) ORR cannot accommodate transmission of 
    applications by fax or through other electronic media. Therefore, 
    applications transmitted to ORR electronically will not be accepted 
    regardless of date or time of submission and time of receipt.
        Late applications: Applications which do not meet the criteria 
    above are considered late applications. ORR shall notify each late 
    applicant that its application will not be considered.
        Extension of deadlines: ORR may extend the deadline for all 
    applicants because of acts of God such as floods, hurricanes, etc., or 
    when there is a widespread disruption of the mails. However, if ORR 
    does not extend the deadline for all applicants, it may not waive or 
    extend the deadline for any applicants. A determination to waive or 
    extend deadline requirements rests with the Chief Grants Management 
        Reporting Requirements--Grantees are required to file the Financial 
    Status Report (SF-269) semi-annually and Program Progress Reports on a 
    quarterly basis. Although ORR does not expect the proposed components/
    projects to include evaluation activities, it does expect grantees to 
    maintain adequate records to track and report on expenditures by budget 
    line item, project outcomes and participant demographics information 
    which may include but is not limited to: date of birth, sex, country of 
    birth, date of entry, education, employment history, marital status and 
    number of children.
        The official receipt point for all reports and correspondence is 
    the Grant Officer, Office of the Director. An original and one copy of 
    each report shall be submitted within 30 days of the end of each 
    reporting period. The mailing address is: Office of Refugee 
    Resettlement, Sixth Floor East, Aerospace Building, 370 L'Enfant 
    Promenade, SW., Washington, DC 20447. A final Financial and Program 
    Report shall be due 90 days after the budget expiration date or 
    termination of grant support.
        Dated: June 15, 1999.
    Lavinia Limon,
    Director, Office of Refugee Resettlement.
    [FR Doc. 99-16337 Filed 6-25-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4184-01-P

Document Information

Health and Human Services Department
Entry Type:
Notice of Availability of FY 1999 discretionary funds to provide Community Service Employment opportunities for refugees \1\ who have experienced long-term difficulties with assimilation.
Document Number:
The closing date for applications is July 30, 1999.
34667-34673 (7 pages)
PDF File: