94-13253. Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve System  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 106 (Friday, June 3, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-13253]
    Federal Register / Vol. 59, No. 106 / Friday, June 3, 1994 /
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: June 3, 1994]
                                                       VOL. 59, NO. 106
                                                   Friday, June 3, 1994
    12 CFR Part 208
    [Regulation H; Docket No. R-0773]
    Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve 
    AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Board is amending Regulation H to allow a state member 
    bank that meets certain conditions to invest in its premises in an 
    amount up to 50 percent of its Tier 1 capital without obtaining 
    specific approval. The Board believes that a general approval for a 
    state member bank to invest an amount not exceeding 50 percent of its 
    Tier 1 capital is appropriate for a bank that meets those conditions. 
    This action will significantly reduce the number of applications to 
    invest in bank premises that are filed with the Board and will thereby 
    reduce regulatory burden.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: July 5, 1994.
    Manley Williams, Attorney (202/736-5565), Legal Division; Richard 
    Fabrizio, Senior Financial Analyst (202/452-3423); Beverly Evans, 
    Supervisory Financial Analyst (202/452-2573); John Russell, Manager 
    (202/452-2466), Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation, Board 
    of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. For the hearing impaired 
    only, Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD), Dorothea Thompson 
    (202/452-3544), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th 
    and C Street NW., Washington, DC 20551.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 24A of the Federal Reserve Act, 12 
    U.S.C. 371d, requires a state member bank to obtain the approval of the 
    Board to invest in the bank's premises if the aggregate level of direct 
    and indirect investment in its premises will exceed the bank's capital 
    stock account. Section 24A applies
        (1) To investments in bank premises and to investments in the 
    stock, bonds, debentures, or other such obligations of any corporation 
    holding the premises of such bank,
        (2) To the making of loans to or upon the security of the stock of 
    any such corporation; and
        (3) To the indebtedness incurred by any corporation that is an 
    affiliate of the bank.
        The Board is amending Regulation H to allow a state member board 
    that meets certain conditions to invest in bank premises in an amount 
    that exceeds its capital stock account but not exceeding 50 percent of 
    its Tier 1 capital without obtaining specific approval for the 
    investment. Prior to this amendment, a state member bank was required 
    to obtain Board approval for each investment in bank premises if the 
    aggregate investment exceeded, or would exceed, the capital stock 
    account of the state member bank.
        The Board believes that investments by a state member bank in bank 
    premises in an amount in excess of its stock account but not exceeding 
    50 percent of the bank's Tier 1 capital generally do not present any 
    significant risks to the bank if the bank is well capitalized, is rated 
    CAMEL ``1'' or ``2'', and is not subject to any written agreement, 
    cease and desist order, capital directive. The Board believes that a 
    general approval for a state member bank to invest an amount not exceed 
    50 percent of its Tier 1 capital its appropriate for a bank that meets 
    those conditions. This action will significantly reduce the number of 
    applications to invest in bank premises that are filed with the Board 
    and will thereby reduce regulatory burden. The amendment does not 
    affect state member banks' ability to invest in bank premises, without 
    conditions, up to the amount of their capital stock account.
    Notice and Public Participation
        The provisions of 5 U.S.C. 553(b) relating to notice and public 
    participation have not been followed in connection with the adoption of 
    this amendment because the changes relate to rules of agency 
    organization, procedure, or practice.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
        Pursuant to section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 
    U.S.C. 601 et seq.), the Board certifies that the proposed amendment 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities. The proposed amendment will reduce the regulatory 
    burden for many small depository institutions by relieving them of the 
    requirement to file an application in certain cases, and will have no 
    effect in other cases.
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 208
        Accounting, Agriculture, Banks, Banking, Confidential business 
    information, Currency, Federal Reserve System, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Securities.
    RESERVE SYSTEM (Regulation H)
        1. The authority citation for part 208 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 36, 248(a), 248(c), 321-338a, 371d, 461, 
    481-486, 601, 611, 1814, 1823(j), 1828(o), 1831o, 1831p-1, 3105, 
    3310, 3331-3351, and 3906-3909; 15 U.S.C. 1(b), 1(g), 1(i), 78b, 
    78o-4(c)(5), 78q, 78q-1, and 78w; 31 U.S.C. 5318.
        2. Section 208.22 is added to subpart A read as follows:
    Sec. 208.22  Investment in bank premises.
        (a) Under Section 24A of the Federal Reserve Act, state member bank 
    investments in bank premises or in the stock, bonds, debentures, or 
    other such obligations of any corporation holding the premises of the 
    bank, and loans on the security of the stock of such corporation, do 
    not require the approval of the Board if the aggregate of all such 
    investments and loans, together with the indebtedness incurred by any 
    such corporation that is an affiliate of the bank (as defined in 
    section 2 of the Banking Act of 1933, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 221a):
        (1) Does not exceed the capital stock account of the bank; or
        (2) Does not exceed 50 percent of the bank's Tier 1 capital and the 
        (i) Is well capitalized as defined in Sec. 208.33(b)(1) of this 
        (ii) Received a composite CAMEL rating of ``1'' or ``2'' as of its 
    most recent examination by the relevant Federal Reserve Bank or state 
    regulatory authority; and
        (iii) Is not subject to any written agreement, cease and desist 
    order, capital directive, or prompt corrective action directive issued 
    by the Board or a Federal Reserve Bank.
        By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, May 25, 1994.
    William W. Wiles,
    Secretary of the Board.
    [FR Doc. 94-13253 Filed 6-2-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-M

Document Information

Federal Reserve System
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
July 5, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 3, 1994, Regulation H, Docket No. R-0773
CFR: (1)
12 CFR 208.22