94-13503. Kansas Permanent Regulatory Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 106 (Friday, June 3, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-13503]
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    [Federal Register: June 3, 1994]
    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    30 CFR Part 916
    Kansas Permanent Regulatory Program
    AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), 
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: OSM is announcing the approval, with two exceptions, of a 
    program amendment submitted by Kansas as a modification to the State's 
    permanent regulatory program (hereinafter referred to as the Kansas 
    program) under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 
    (SMCRA). The amendment pertains to definitions, administrative hearing 
    procedure, civil penalties, use of explosives, standards for 
    revegetation success, postmining land use, and inspection and 
        The amendment is intended to revise the State program to be 
    consistent with the corresponding Federal standards, to clarify 
    ambiguities, and to improve operational efficiency.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: June 3, 1994.
    Michael C. Wolfrom, Telephone: (816) 374-6405.
    I. Background on the Kansas Program
        On January 21, 1981, the Secretary of the Interior conditionally 
    approved the Kansas program. General background information on the 
    Kansas program, including the Secretary's findings, the disposition of 
    comments, and the conditions of approval of the Kansas program can be 
    found in the January 21, 1981, Federal Register (46 FR 5892). 
    Subsequent actions concerning Kansas's program and program amendments 
    can be found at 30 CFR 916.12, 916.15, and 916.16.
    II. Submission of Amendment
        By letter dated September 14, 1993 (Administrative Record No. KS-
    567), Kansas submitted a proposed amendment to its program pursuant to 
    SMCRA. Kansas submitted the proposed amendment with the intent of 
    satisfying, in part, required program amendments at 30 CFR 916.16 (a), 
    (b) and (c) that were placed on the Kansas program on October 7, 1988 
    (53 FR 39467, 39470), September 13, 1991 (56 FR 46548), and June 14, 
    1993 (58 FR 32847, 32855).
        OSM published a notice in the September 27, 1993, Federal Register 
    announcing receipt of the amendment and inviting public comment on the 
    adequacy of the proposed amendment (58 FR 50302). The public comment 
    period ended October 27, 1993. The public hearing scheduled for October 
    22, 1993, was not held because no one requested an opportunity to 
        During its review of the amendment, OSM identified concerns related 
    to the Kansas Administrative Regulations (K.A.R.) 47-4-14a(c)(7), 
    regarding intervention, K.A.R. 47-4-14a (d)(10)(D) and (d)(5)(B)(vi) 
    regarding public hearings, K.A.R. 47-5-5a (a) and (b) regarding civil 
    penalties, K.A.R. 47-5-5a(b)(14) regarding the definition of 
    ``violation, failure or refusal,'' and K.A.R. 47-15-1a(b)(21) regarding 
    inspection and enforcement, substitution of terms.
        OSM notified Kansas of these concerns by letter dated January 26, 
    1994 (Administrative Record No. KS-574). Kansas responded in a letter 
    dated March 9, 1994 (Administrative Record No. KS-575), by submitting 
    further revisions to Articles 4, 5, 6, 9, and 15 of the Kansas 
    Administrative Regulations. On March 10, 1994 (Administrative Record 
    No. KS-581), Kansas requested further information from OSM regarding 
    its proposed amendment. Subsequently, Kansas again, in a letter dated 
    March 10, 1994 (Administrative Record No. KS-576), revised its proposed 
    amendment. OSM reopened the public comment period on March 30, 1994 (59 
    FR 14811). The public comment period closed on April 14, 1994.
    III. Director's Findings
        After a thorough review, pursuant to SMCRA and the Federal 
    regulations at 30 CFR 732.15 and 732.17, the Director finds, with two 
    exceptions, that the proposed amendment as submitted by Kansas on 
    September 14, 1993, meets the requirements of SMCRA and 30 CFR chapter 
    1. Provisions Not Discussed
        Kansas proposes certain revisions to its rules that involve minor 
    typographical corrections and recodification. The Director finds that 
    these proposed revisions, unless specifically discussed below, are no 
    less effective in meeting SMCRA's requirements than the Federal 
    regulations and is approving them.
    2. Required Program Amendments
        Kansas submitted proposed revisions in response to required program 
    amendments that the Director placed on the Kansas program, codified in 
    the Federal regulations at 30 CFR 916.16 (a), (b) and (c). The Director 
    finds that the following proposed State regulations satisfy the 
    required program amendments, are no less effective in meeting SMCRA's 
    requirements than the Federal regulations indicated in each required 
    program amendment, and is approving them (the codified required 
    amendments at 30 CFR 916.16 are indicated in brackets): K.A.R. 47-4-
    14a(c)(7) by requiring that a person petitioning for leave to intervene 
    in a proceeding need only show why his interest is or may be adversely 
    affected rather than why his interest would be adversely affected and 
    by requiring the presiding officer to make a decision to grant 
    intervention based on factors listed at K.A.R. 47-4-14a(c)(7)(B)(i)-
    (iv) in the event subsection (7)(A)(i) or (7)(A)(ii) are not applicable 
    [30 CFR 916.16(b)(8)]; K.A.R. 47-4-14a(c)(11) by providing that any 
    person that fails to file a responsive pleading by the required time 
    may be deemed to have waived his right to a hearing [30 CFR 
    916.16(b)(10)]; K.A.R. 47-4-14a (b), (d), and (d)(2)(F) by replacing 
    the phrase ``this act'' with the phrase ``these rules and 
    regulations,'' [30 CFR 916.16(c)(2)]; K.A.R. 47-5-5a (a) and (b), 
    (a)(8), (a)(10) and (b)(14)-(20) by replacing the identified Federal 
    terms and citations with the appropriate State terms and citations and 
    by providing the State address where an individual may file a petition 
    for review [30 CFR 916.16(b)(24)]; K.A.R. 47-5-5a(b)(14) by replacing 
    Federal terms and citations with the appropriate State terms and 
    citations [30 CFR 916.16(b)(24)]; K.A.R. 47-5-5a(c)(7)(C) by imposing a 
    30-day time limit within which the Surface Mining Section must remit a 
    refund [30 CFR 916.16(c)(3)]; K.A.R. 47-6-7(h)(2) by correcting an 
    improper reference from K.A.R. 47-4-14a(d)(14) to K.A.R. 47-4-
    14a(d)(14) [30 CFR 916.16(b)(30)]; K.A.R. 47-9-1 (c)(17) and (d)(17) by 
    modifying the adoption by reference of the Federal regulations at 30 
    CFR 816.61 by deleting from its adoption by reference of 30 CFR 816-
    817.61(c)(1) everything but the statement ``all blasting operations 
    shall be conducted under the direction of a certified blaster,'' [30 
    CFR 916.16(c)(4)]; K.A.R. 47-9-1 (c)(46) and (d)(44) by deleting 
    paragraph (d), concerning variances for steep slope mining, from its 
    adoption by reference of 30 CFR 816-817.133 [30 CFR 916.16(a)]; K.A.R. 
    47-15-1a by removing the incorrect reference to K.A.R. 47-15-5a from 
    the section heading for K.A.R. 47-15-1a [30 CFR 916.16(c)(5)]; K.A.R. 
    47-15-1a(b) (6) and (9) by providing the correct counterpart State 
    citations for the terms ``43 CFR Part 4'' and ``43 CFR 4.1281,'' [30 
    CFR 916.16(c)(7)]; and K.A.R. 47-47-15-1a(b)(21) by requiring that 
    informal public hearings be conducted in accordance with K.A.R. 47-4-
    14a [30 CFR 916.16(c)(6)].
        Accordingly, the Director is removing the required program 
    amendments as identified above from the Kansas program and as codified 
    at 30 CFR 916.16.
    3. K.A.R. 47-2-75(e)(6), Definitions
        Kansas proposes to revise K.A.R. 47-2-75(e)(6) to replace the 
    reference in the Federal regulations at 30 CFR 846.5 to section 703 of 
    SMCRA which deals with employee protection, with a reference to Kansas 
    Statute Annotated (K.S.A.) 75-2973 which also deals with employee 
    protection. Kansas is submitting this revision in response to a 
    required program amendment placed on the Kansas program at 30 CFR 
        The Director finds that Kansas' proposed amendment does not render 
    the State provision at K.A.R. 47-2-75(e)(6) less effective in meeting 
    SMCRA's requirements than the Federal provision at 30 CFR 846.5 and is 
    approving it. Accordingly, the Director is removing the required 
    program amendment at 30 CFR 916.16(c)(1).
    4. K.A.R. 47-4-14a(d)(6)(E) (iii) and (iv), Notice of Administrative 
        Kansas proposes to revise K.A.R. 47-4-14a(d)(6)(E)(iii) and add 
    K.A.R. 47-4-14a(d)(6)(E)(iv) so that the rules would read as follows:
        (E) The state agency shall cause notice to be given to any other 
    person entitled to notice under any other provisions of law, who has 
    not been given notice under section (d)(6)(A), as follows:
        (iii) Notice under this subsection may include all types of 
    information provided in sections (d)(6) (A) through (D) or may 
    consist of a brief statement indicating the subject matter, parties, 
    time, place where the hearing will be held, locations where the 
    general public may meet for hearings which are conducted 
    electronically, nature of the hearing, manner in which copies of the 
    notice to the parties may be inspected and copied, and the name and 
    telephone number of the presiding officer.
        (iv) The surface mining section shall also post notice of the 
    hearing at their office and, where practicable, publish it in a 
    newspaper of general circulation in the area of the mine at least 
    seven (7) days prior to the hearing.
        Kansas proposes these revisions in response to a required 
    program amendment placed on the Kansas program at 30 CFR 
    916.16(b)(17) that instructed Kansas to remove the provisions that 
    allowed for the holding of hearings by telephone or other electronic 
    means. The required program amendment resulted from a finding 
    published in a Federal Register notice dated September 13, 1991 (56 
    FR 46531, 46538). The finding concluded that the proposal to conduct 
    hearings by telephone or other electronic means conflicted with 
    existing SMCRA and State requirements for public hearings. Id. See 
    also 58 FR 32850-32851 (June 14, 1993).
        The proposed revision at K.A.R. 47-4-14a(d)(6)(E)(iii) insures, 
    among other things, that the notice of an administrative hearing 
    provided to non-parties will notify members of the general public where 
    they may go to participate in an electronically conducted hearing. 
    Moreover, the proposed language at K.A.R. 47-4-14a(d)(6)(E)(iv) 
    requires the Surface Mining Section to post such notices at its office, 
    so that members of the general public have access to one central 
    location where they can always obtain information about upcoming 
        The proposed language at K.A.R. 47-4-14a(d)(6)(E)(iv) also provides 
    that, ``where practicable,'' the Surface Mining Section will publish 
    the notice in a newspaper or general circulation in the area of the 
    mine at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing. As a general rule 
    this proposed 7-day publication notice is not inconsistent with SMCRA 
    or the Federal rules because SMCRA does not uniformly require 
    regulatory authorities to publish advance notice of all hearings. 
    However, there are instances where SMCRA and other provisions of the 
    Kansas program specifically require the regulatory authority to publish 
    advance notice of a hearing. Moreover, in those specific instances, the 
    regulatory authority is required to publish such notice more than seven 
    days in advance of the hearing date. See section 513(b) of SMCRA; 30 
    CFR 773.13(c)(2)(ii). See also K.A.R. 47-3-42(a)(43) (incorporating by 
    reference 30 CFR 773.13).
        The Director is approving the proposed rule at K.A.R. 47-4-
    14a(d)(6)(E)(iv) with the understanding that it is a general rule and 
    that in any particular instance where a more specific rule of the 
    Kansas program requires publication of advance notice of an 
    administrative hearing, the more specific rule must take precedence 
    over this proposed general rule.
        The Director finds that the proposed rules at K.A.R. 47-4-
    14a(d)(6)(E) (iii) and (vi) are not inconsistent with SMCRA and the 
    Federal program and is approving them. Accordingly, the Director is 
    removing the required program amendment from the Kansas program and as 
    codified at 30 CFR 916.16(b)(17).
    5. K.A.R. 47-6-2(d) and (d)(3), Permit Revisions
        Kansas proposes to modify K.A.R. 47-6-2(d) and (d)(3) by adding the 
    word ``significant'' so that the rules would read:
        (d) No application for a signficant revision shall be approved 
    unless the applicant demonstrates and the regulatory authority finds 
        (1) the reclamation required by the state act and the regulatory 
    program can be accomplished;
        (2) applicable requirements under K.A.R. 47-3-42(a)(43) 
    pertinent to the revision are met; and
        (3) the application for a significant revision complies with all 
    requirements of the state act and the regulatory program.
        Prior to the proposed amendments, the State provisions at K.A.R. 
    47-6-2(d) and (d)(3) were substantively similar to the counterpart 
    Federal regulation at 30 CFR 774.13(c).
        The proposed revisions at K.A.R. 47-6-2-(d) and (d)(3) render the 
    State provisions less effective in meeting SMCRA's requirements than 
    the Federal regulation at 30 CFR 774.13(c) because, as revised, the 
    State provisions would apply the approval criteria of K.A.R. 47-6-2(d) 
    only to significant permit revisions. In contrast, the Federal 
    regulations require that such approval criteria apply to all permit 
    revisions. Therefore, the Director finds Kansas' proposed revisions at 
    K.A.R. 47-6-2(d) and (d)(3) to be less effective in meeting SMCRA's 
    requirements than the Federal regulation at 30 CFR 774.13(c) and is not 
    approving it.
    6. K.A.R. 47-9-1(c)(43) Revegetation: Standards for Success, Surface 
    Mining Activities, and K.A.R. 47-9-1(d)(39) Revegetation: Standards for 
    Success, Underground Mining Activities
        Kansas proposes to add a subsection (3) to 30 CFR 816/817.116(A) 
    that would read:
        (3) Data being used for bond release will be submitted to the 
    surface mining section annually. This includes data for the last 
    augmented seeding which will start the extended liability period. 
    The following timetable for submissions shall be followed: (i) The 
    planting reports including soil tests shall be submitted by March 31 
    of the year following the year in which they were performed. (ii) 
    The production and ground cover data shall be submitted within 30 
    days of the date they were sampled. Ground cover must include 
    species identification. Raw field data may be submitted at this time 
    to fulfill this requirement. The tabulated results will then be 
    submitted by March 31 of the following year. (iii) All data must be 
    clearly identified as to the bond release management area that it 
        While the Federal regulations do not provide similar detailed 
    requirements regarding submission of data used for bond release, as the 
    above-quoted proposed Kansas provision, in accordance with section 
    505(b) of SMCRA and 30 CFR 730.11(b), the State regulatory authority 
    has the discretion to impose land use and environmental controls and 
    regulations on surface coal mining and reclamation operations that are 
    more stringent than those imposed under SMCRA and the Federal 
    regulations. Moreover, the State regulatory authority has the 
    discretion to impose land use and environmental controls and 
    regulations on surface coal mining and reclamation operations for which 
    no Federal counterpart exists. Section 505(b) of SMCRA and 30 CFR 
    730.11 dictate that such State provisions shall not be construed to be 
    inconsistent with the Federal program.
        Therefore, the Director is approving Kansas' proposed revisions at 
    K.A.R. 47-9-1(c)(43) and 47-9-1(d)(39).
    7. K.A.R. 47-9-1(f)(2). Special Permanent Program Performance 
    Standards--Operations on Prime Farmlands
        Kansas proposes to adopt by reference the Federal regulations at 30 
    CFR 823.11, including 30 CFR 823.11(a) that addresses exemptions to 
    prime farmland performance standards and which was previously deleted 
    from the Kansas program. Kansas expressed its desire to readopt 30 CFR 
    823.11(a) in its letter dated March 10, 1994.
        The Federal provision at 30 CFR 823.11(a) applies to surface and 
    underground mines alike and exempts from compliance with the special 
    prime farmland performance standards ``[c]oal preparation plants, 
    support facilities, and roads * * * that are actively used over 
    extended periods of time * * * where such uses affect a minimal amount 
    of land.'' On October 1, 1984, the United States District Court for the 
    District of Columbia remanded 30 CFR 823.11(a) in In re: Permanent 
    Surface Mining Regulation Litigation, 21 ERC 1724, 15 ELR 20481 (D.D.C. 
    1984), for two reasons. First, the Court found that OSM had failed to 
    adequately consider and discuss the basic differences between 
    underground and surface mining operations when it applied the exemption 
    at 30 CFR 823.11(a) to surface, as well as underground, mines. Id., 21 
    ERC at 1734-1735. Second, the Court found that OSM had not provided 
    enough guidance regarding the scope of the exemption:
        The Secretary has provided no indication of what he considers an 
    extended period of time or a minimum amount of land.
    Id., 21 ERC at 1735.
        On February 21, 1985, in response to the Court's October 1, 1984, 
    decision, OSM suspended 30 CFR 823.11(a) insofar as the exemption 
    therein relates to facilities used in surface, as opposed to 
    underground, mining (50 FR 7274, 7277). With regard to facilities used 
    in underground mining, OSM stated that the exemption at 30 CFR 
    823.11(a) remained applicable, but that OSM intended to propose rules 
    to clarify the scope of the exemption. OSM did propose such rules on 
    March 25, 1987 (52 FR 9644). However, after considering comments 
    regarding the proposed rules, OSM determined that it lacked sufficient 
    data to support the promulgation of a specific spatial limitation on 
    the exemption (53 FR 40828, 40835 (October 18, 1988)). Therefore, OSM 
    postponed rulemaking pending further study. Id. OSM stated that 
    existing 30 CFR 823.11(a), as modified by the February 21, 1985, 
    suspension notice, was to be retained in the interim. Id. Between the 
    time OSM published proposed rules and later determined that final 
    rulemaking had to be postponed to allow further study, the Court of 
    Appeals for the District of Columbia, on January 29, 1988, affirmed the 
    ruling of the District Court concerning the remand of 30 CFR 823.11(a). 
    National Wildlife Federation v. Hodel, 839 F.2d 694, 722-723 (D.C. Cir. 
        At the present time then, 30 CFR 823.11(a) is suspended insofar as 
    it relates to surface, as opposed to underground, mining. Therefore, 
    Kansas' proposal to adopt 30 CFR 823.11(a), as applied to surface 
    mining, is inconsistent with SMCRA, as interpreted by court decisions. 
    Moreover, with regard to underground mining, the Kansas proposal is 
    inconsistent with SMCRA, as interpreted by court decisions, because it 
    fails to adequately explain what is an extended period of time or a 
    minimal amount of land. Accordingly, the Director cannot approve the 
    proposed adoption of 30 CFR 823.11(a) at K.A.R. 47-9-1(f)(2).
    IV. Public and Agency Comments
    Public Comments
        For a complete history of the opportunity provided for public 
    comment on the proposed amendment, please refer to ``Submission of 
    Amendment.'' No public comments were received.
    Agency Comments
        Pursuant to 30 CFR 732.17(h)(11)(i), comments were solicited from 
    the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and 
    various other Federal agencies with an actual or potential interest in 
    the Kansas program.
        By letter dated April 8, 1994 (Administrative Record No. KS-579), 
    the Soil Conservation Service responded that it had no comment.
        By letter dated April 12, 1994 (Administrative Record No. KS-580), 
    the Fish and Wildlife Service responded that it had no comment.
        Comments were also solicited from various State agencies but none 
    elected to comment.
    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Concurrence
        Pursuant to 30 CFR 732.17(h)(11)(ii), concurrence was solicited 
    from the EPA for those aspects of the proposed amendment that relate to 
    air or water quality standards promulgated under the authority of the 
    Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act.
        By letter dated November 2, 1993 (Administrative Record No. KS-
    571), the EPA regional office in Kansas City, Kansas responded that it 
    did not have any comments regarding the proposed revisions.
    State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Advisory Council on 
    Historic Preservation Comments (ACHP)
        30 CFR 732.17(h)(4) requires that all amendments that may have an 
    effect on historic properties be provided to the SHPO and ACHP for 
    comment. Comments were solicited from these offices. No comments were 
    received from either SHPO or ACHP.
    V. Director's Decision
        Based on the above findings, the Director is approving the proposed 
    amendment submitted by Kansas on September 14, 1993, as modified on 
    March 9, and March 10, 1994, with two exceptions.
        The Director is not approving proposed rules K.A.R. 47-6-2(d) and 
    (d)(3), Permit revisions, as discussed in finding No. 5 and K.A.R. 47-
    9-1(f)(2), Special permanent program performance standards--operations 
    on prime farmlands--applicability, as discussed in finding No. 7.
        Except as noted above, the Director is approving the Kansas 
    regulations with the provision that they be fully promulgated in 
    identical form to the rules submitted to and reviewed by OSM and the 
        The Federal regulations at 30 CFR part 916 codifying decisions 
    concerning the Kansas program are being amended to implement this 
    decision. This final rule is being made effective immediately to 
    expedite the State program amendment process and to encourage States to 
    bring their programs into conformity with the Federal standards without 
    undue delay. Consistency of State and Federal standards is required by 
    VI. Effect of Director's Decision
        Section 503 of SMCRA provides that a State may not exercise 
    jurisdiction under SMCRA unless the State program is approved by the 
    Secretary. Similarly, 30 CFR 732.17(a) requires that any alteration of 
    an approved State program be submitted to OSM for review as a program 
    amendment. Thus, any changes to the State program are not enforceable 
    until approved by OSM. The Federal regulations at 732.17(g) prohibit 
    any unilateral changes to approved State programs. In the oversight of 
    the Kansas program, the Director will recognize only the statutes, 
    regulations, and other materials approved by OSM, together with any 
    consistent implementing policies, directives, and other materials, and 
    will require the enforcement by Kansas of only such provisions.
    VII. Procedural Determinations
    Compliance With Executive Order 12778
        The Department of the Interior has conducted the reviews required 
    by section 2 of Executive Order 12778 (Civil Justice Reform) and has 
    determined that this rule meets the applicable standards of subsections 
    (a) and (b) of that section. However, these standards are not 
    applicable to the actual language of State regulatory programs and 
    program amendments since each such program is drafted and promulgated 
    by a specific State, not by OSM. Under sections 503 and 505 of SMCRA 
    (30 U.S.C. 1253 and 12550) and the Federal regulations at 30 CFR 
    730.11, 732.15, and 732.17(h)(10), decisions on proposed State 
    regulatory programs and program amendments submitted by the States must 
    be based solely on a determination of whether the submittal is 
    consistent with SMCRA and its implementing Federal regulations and 
    whether the other requirements of 30 CFR parts 730, 731, and 732 have 
    been met.
    Compliance With Executive Order 12866
        This final rule is exempted from review by the Office of Management 
    and Budget under Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and 
    Compliance With the National Environmental Policy Act
        No environmental impact statement is required for this rule since 
    section 702(d) of SMCRA (30 U.S.C. 1292(d)) provides that agency 
    decisions on proposed State regulatory program provisions do not 
    constitute major Federal actions within the meaning of section 
    102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule does not contain information collection requirements that 
    require approval by the Office of Management and Budget under the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3507 et seq.
    Compliance With the Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of the Interior has determined that this rule will 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. et seq.). The 
    State submittal which is the subject of this rule is based upon 
    counterpart Federal regulations for which an economic analysis was 
    prepared and certification made that such regulations would not have a 
    significant economic effect upon a substantial number of small 
    entities. Hence, this rule will ensure that existing requirements 
    previously promulgated by OSM will be implemented by the State. In 
    making the determination as to whether this rule would have a 
    significant economic impact, the Department relied upon the data and 
    assumptions for the counterpart Federal regulations.
    List of Subjects in 30 CFR Part 916
        Intergovernmental relations, Surface mining, Underground mining.
        Dated: May 27, 1994.
    Russell F. Price,
    Acting Assistant Director, Western Support Center.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, Title 30, Chapter VII, 
    subchapter T, of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as set 
    forth below:
    PART 916--KANSAS
        1. The authority citation for part 916 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        2. Section 916.15 is amended by adding paragraph (o) as follows:
    Sec. 916.15  Approval of regulatory program amendments.
    * * * * *
        (o) With the exceptions of K.A.R. 47-6-2 (d) and (d)(3), Permit 
    revisions and K.A.R. 47-9-1(f)(2), Special permanent program 
    performance standards--operations on prime farmlands--applicability, 
    the following revisions to the Kansas Administrative Regulations 
    (K.A.R.) submitted to OSM on September 14, 1993, are approved effective 
    June 3, 1994: K.A.R. 47-2-75(e)(6), State employee protection; K.A.R. 
    47-4-14a(c)(7), Intervention; K.A.R. 47-4-14a(c)(11), Waiver of 
    hearing; K.A.R. 47-4-14a (b), (d), and (d)(2)(F), Definitions, formal 
    hearings; K.A.R. 47-4-14a(d)(6)(E) (iii) and (iv), Public hearings; 
    K.A.R. 47-5-5a(a)(10), Individual civil penalties; K.A.R. 47-5-5a(b), 
    (14), (15), (16), (19), and (20), Civil penalties--substitution of 
    terms; K.A.R. 47-5-5a(c)(7)(C), Initial order of the presiding officer; 
    K.A.R. 47-6-7(h)(2), Appeals; K.A.R. 47-9-1 (c)(17) and (d)(17), 
    Blasting; K.A.R. 47-9-1 (c)(43) and (d)(39), Revegetation: standards 
    for success; K.A.R. 47-9-1 (c)(46) and (d)(44), Steep slope mining; 
    K.A.R. 47-15-1a, Inspection and enforcement, general citation; and 
    K.A.R. 47-15-1a(b) (6), (9), and (21), Inspection and enforcement--
    substitution of terms.
        3. Section 916.16 is amended by removing the text and revising the 
    heading to read as follows:
    Sec. 916.16  Required regulatory program amendments. [Reserved]
    [FR Doc. 94-13503 Filed 6-2-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-05-M

Document Information

Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
June 3, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 3, 1994
CFR: (2)
30 CFR 916.15
30 CFR 916.16