94-15850. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Extension of Comment Period and Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Threatened Status for the Virgin Spinedace (Lepidomeda Mollispinis Mollispinis)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 125 (Thursday, June 30, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-15850]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: June 30, 1994]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AC53
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Extension of 
    Comment Period and Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Threatened 
    Status for the Virgin Spinedace (Lepidomeda Mollispinis Mollispinis)
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule; notice of public hearing and extension of 
    comment period.
    SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) provides notice that a 
    public hearing will be held on the proposed determination of threatened 
    status for the Virgin spinedace (Lepidomeda mollispinis mollispinis) 
    and that the comment period on the proposal is extended. This small 
    fish in the minnow family (Cyprinidae) is endemic to the Virgin River 
    drainage, a tributary to the Colorado River of southwestern Utah, 
    northwestern Arizona, and southeastern Nevada.
        All interested parties are invited to submit comments on this 
    DATES: The public hearing will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. 
    to 9 p.m., with registration beginning at 3:30 p.m., on Wednesday, July 
    13, 1994. The comment period, which originally closed on July 18, 1994, 
    now closes on August 17, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: The public hearing will be held at the St. George Hilton 
    Inn, 1450 South Hilton Drive, St. George, Utah. The hearing will be 
    held in the Garden Room of the hotel. Written comments and materials 
    should be sent to the Field Supervisor, Fish and Wildlife Service, 
    Suite 404, Lincoln Plaza, 145 East 1300 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 
    84115. Comments and materials received will be available for public 
    inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours, at the above 
    Robert D. Williams, Assistant Field Supervisor, telephone 801/524-5001 
    (See ADDRESSES Section).
        The Virgin spinedace (Lepidomeda mollispinis mollispinis) is 
    endemic to the Virgin River drainage, a tributary to the Colorado River 
    of southwestern Utah, northwestern Arizona, and southeastern Nevada. 
    Approximately 40 percent of the historical habitat of the Virgin 
    spinedace has been lost due to human impacts, which include habitat 
    fragmentation; introduction of nonnative fishes; and dewatering due to 
    agriculture, mining, and urbanization. These impacts continue to 
    threaten the Virgin spinedace. Listing this species as threatened would 
    afford the Virgin spinedace protection under the Endangered Species Act 
    (Act) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
        On May 18, 1994, the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) published 
    a proposed rule (59 FR 25875) to list the Virgin spinedace as 
    threatened under the Act. Section 4(b)(5)(E) of the Act requires that a 
    public hearing be held if requested within 45 days of publication of 
    the proposal in the Federal Register. A public hearing request was 
    received within the allotted time period from Ronald W. Thompson, 
    District Manager, St. George, Utah, representing the Washington County 
    Water Conservancy District.
        The Service has scheduled this hearing on Wednesday, July 13, 1994, 
    from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., with registration beginning 
    at 3:30 p.m. mountain daylight time (see ADDRESSES above). Anyone 
    wishing to make an oral statement for the record is encouraged to 
    provide a written copy of their statement to be presented to the 
    Service at the start of the hearing. In the event there is a large 
    attendance, the time allotted for oral statements may have to be 
    limited. An adjacent room also will be provided for those who wish to 
    ask questions and to obtain additional information during and after the 
    formal hearing.
        Oral and written statements concerning the proposed rule that are 
    presented at the hearing will receive equal consideration by the 
    Service. There are no limits to the length of written comments 
    presented at this hearing or mailed to the service. Comments 
    particularly are sought concerning:
        (1) Biological, commercial trade, or other relevant data concerning 
    any threat (or lack thereof) to this species;
        (2) The location of any additional populations of this species and 
    the reasons why any habitat should or should not be determined to be 
    critical habitat as provided by section 4 of the Act;
        (3) Additional information concerning the range, distribution, and 
    population size of this species; and
        (4) Current or planned activities in the subject area and their 
    possible impacts on this species.
        Legal notices and news releases announcing the date, time, and 
    location of the hearing are being published in newspapers concurrently 
    with this Federal Register notice.
        The comment period on the proposal originally closed on July 18, 
    1994. In order to accommodate the hearing, the Service hereby extends 
    the comment period until August 17, 1994. Written comments may now be 
    submitted to the Service office identified in the ADDRESSES section, 
    however, all comments must be received before the close of the comment 
    period to be considered.
        The Service stated in the proposed rule (59 FR 25875) that critical 
    habitat will be proposed for the Virgin spinedace and the other listed 
    Virgin River species before publishing a final determination to list 
    the Virgin spinedace only, this could have a negative impact on the 
    Virgin spinedace. Section 7 of the Act requires that: ``Each Federal 
    agency shall * * * insure that any action authorized, funded, or 
    carried out by such agency * * * is not likely to jeopardize the 
    continued existence of any endangered species or result in the 
    destruction or adverse modification of habitat of such species which is 
    determined * * * to be critical, unless such agency has been granted an 
    exemption for such action * * *.'' The Virgin spinedace presently 
    occupies areas of the Virgin River drainage that overlap or are 
    upstream of areas occupied by the endangered Virgin River chub (Gila 
    robusta seminuda) and woundfin (Plagopterus argentissimus). Because 
    these species occur in such close proximity and they, in part, share 
    common resources, the Service finds that critical habitat must be 
    determined only on a multispecies level using an ecosystem approach. If 
    critical habitat and its constituent elements were determined for the 
    Virgin spinedace only, this could have a negative impact on the Virgin 
    River chub and woundfin minnow. Therefore, in the case of the Virgin 
    River fishes, it would not be prudent to designate critical habitat for 
    a single species.
        At this time, the Service is seeking comments related to the 
    proposed listing of the Virgin spinedace. At a later date, the Service 
    will publish a proposed rule for determining critical habitat for the 
    Virgin River fishes, and additional comments concerning its 
    multispecies approach to endangered species conservation for the Virgin 
    River will be sought. After the proposed rule for critical habitat is 
    published in the Federal Register, the Service will open a public 
    comment period, hold public hearings, and request comments from all 
    interested parties on the proposed critical habitat designation. After 
    the public comment period has expired, the Service will review the 
    public input, consider any areas recommended for exclusion, make a 
    final critical habitat designation, and publish the critical habitat 
        The primary authors of the notice are Janet Mizzi, Utah Field 
    Office (see ADDRESSES above), telephone 801/524-5001, and Harold Tyus, 
    Denver Regional Office.
        Authority for this action is the Endangered species Act of 1973 (16 
    U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
        Dated: June 20, 1994.
    Robert D. Jacobsen,
    Acting Regional Director, Region 6, Denver, Colorado.
    [FR Doc. 94-15850 Filed 6-29-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-M

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed rule; notice of public hearing and extension of comment period.
Document Number:
The public hearing will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., with registration beginning at 3:30 p.m., on Wednesday, July 13, 1994. The comment period, which originally closed on July 18, 1994, now closes on August 17, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 30, 1994
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 17