95-16064. Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Wisconsin  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 126 (Friday, June 30, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 34170-34172]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-16064]
    40 CFR Part 52
    [WI50-01-6739a; FRL-5219-7]
    Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Wisconsin
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Direct final rule.
    SUMMARY: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 
    approves a revision to Wisconsin's State Implementation Plan (SIP) for 
    ozone which was submitted to the USEPA on June 30, 1994 and 
    supplemented on July 15, 1994. This revision consists of volatile 
    organic compound (VOC) regulations which establish reasonably available 
    control technology (RACT) for yeast manufacturing, molded wood parts or 
    products coating, and wood door finishing. These regulations were 
    submitted to address, in part, the requirement of section 182(b)(2)(C) 
    of the Clean Air Act (Act) that States revise their SIPs to establish 
    RACT regulations for major sources of VOCs for which the USEPA has not 
    issued a control technology guidelines (CTG) document. In the proposed 
    rules section of this Federal Register, the USEPA is proposing approval 
    of and soliciting public comment on this requested SIP revision. If 
    adverse comments are received on this action, the USEPA will withdraw 
    this final rule and address the comments received in response to this 
    action in a final rule on the related proposed rule which is being 
    published in the proposed rules section of this Federal Register. A 
    second public comment period will not be held. 
    [[Page 34171]]
    Parties interested in commenting on this action should do so at this 
    DATES: This action will be effective August 29, 1995, unless an adverse 
    comment is received by July 31, 1995. If the effective date of this 
    action is delayed due to adverse comments, timely notice will be 
    published in the Federal Register.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments should be sent to: Carlton T. Nash, Chief, 
    Regulation Development Section, Air Toxics and Radiation Branch (AT-
    18J), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, 
    Chicago, Illinois 60604. Copies of the State submittal are available 
    for public review during normal business hours at the above address. 
    (It is recommended that you telephone Kathleen D'Agostino at (312) 886-
    1767 before visiting the Region 5 office.)
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kathleen D'Agostino, Regulation 
    Development Section, Air Toxics and Radiation Branch (AT-18J), U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 
    Illinois 60604. Telephone: (312) 886-1767.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 182(b)(2) of the Act requires States 
    to adopt VOC RACT rules for all areas designated nonattainment for 
    ozone and classified as moderate or above. Section 182(b)(2)(C) 
    specifically requires that States submit revisions to the SIP for major 
    sources of VOCs for which the USEPA has not issued a CTG document. The 
    counties of Kewaunee, Manitowoc, and Sheboygan and the Milwaukee area 
    (including Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington, and 
    Waukesha) are the only areas in Wisconsin designated nonattainment and 
    classified as moderate or above. Therefore, these are the areas in 
    Wisconsin subject to the RACT catch-up requirements of section 
    182(b)(2) of the Act.
        Because the USEPA has not issued a CTG for yeast manufacturing, 
    molded wood parts or products coating, or wood door finishing, the 
    State of Wisconsin developed non-CTG regulations for these categories. 
    These regulations were submitted to the USEPA by the State on June 30, 
    1994 and supplemented on July 15, 1994.
    Yeast Manufacturing
        Because each fermentation stage has a specific function in the 
    manufacturing of yeast, the State's regulation limits the VOC 
    concentration of the exhaust of each fermentation stage differently. 
    The State's regulation limits average VOC concentrations in the exhaust 
    gas stream to 100, 150, and 300 ppm for trade, first generation, and 
    stock fermenters, respectively. An exemption is allowed for the 
    fermentation of any yeast varieties which amount to less than 1 percent 
    by weight of the facility's total annual liquid yeast production.
    Molded Wood Parts or Products Coating
        For sources using flow coating, the State's regulation sets the 
    following limits beginning on May 30, 1995: 2.5 lbs VOC/gallon for 
    white pigmented prime coatings, 2.75 lbs VOC/gal for tinted pigmented 
    prime coatings, and 5.3 lbs VOC/gal for topcoats. The State further 
    tightens the limit for topcoats to 3.5 lbs VOC/gal beginning on May 1, 
    1997. For sources using any other application method the state sets the 
    following limits beginning on May 30, 1995: 5.9 lbs VOC/gal for prime 
    coatings and 3.5 lbs VOC/gal for topcoats. The State further tightens 
    the limit for prime coats to 2.5 lbs VOC/gal beginning on November 15, 
    1996. An exemption is granted for the use of topcoats that are applied 
    as a stripe not more than 1/2 inch in width to croquet balls and whose 
    use in aggregate never exceeds 500 gallons per year, as applied.
    Wood Door Finishing
        The State's regulations set the following limits: 6.9 lbs VOC/gal 
    on or after May 31, 1995 but before May 1, 1997 and 5.7 lbs VOC/gal on 
    or after May 1, 1997. Additionally, it is required that coatings only 
    be applied using electrostatic application, flow coating, dip coating, 
    low-pressure spray methods, paint brush, hand roller or roll coater.
        To determine the approvability of a VOC rule, USEPA must evaluate 
    the rule for consistency with the requirements of section 110 and part 
    D of the Act. In addition, USEPA has reviewed the Wisconsin rule in 
    accordance with USEPA policy guidance documents and regulations, 
    including ``Issues Relating to VOC Regulation Cutpoints, Deficiencies, 
    and Deviations, Clarification to Appendix D of November 24, 1987 
    Federal Register Notice,'' Model VOC RACT Rules as attached to the June 
    24, 1992 memorandum entitled ``Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Rules 
    for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT),'' and the Chicago 
    Federal Implementation Plan as published in the Federal Register on 
    June 29, 1990 (55 FR 26814), codified at 40 CFR Sec. 52.741. The USEPA 
    has found that the rules meet the requirements applicable to ozone and 
    are, therefore, approvable for incorporation into the State's ozone 
    SIP. A more complete discussion of the USEPA's review of the State's 
    regulations is contained in technical support documents dated December 
    21, 1994, and April 18, 1995. The USEPA is approving this revision as 
    meeting, in part, the RACT catch-up requirements of section 182(b)(2) 
    of the Act.
        The USEPA is publishing this action without prior proposal because 
    USEPA views this action as a noncontroversial revision and anticipates 
    no adverse comments. However, USEPA is publishing a separate document 
    in this Federal Register publication, which constitutes a ``proposed 
    approval'' of the requested SIP revision and clarifies that the 
    rulemaking will not be deemed final if timely adverse or critical 
    comments are filed. The ``direct final'' approval shall be effective on 
    August 29, 1995, unless USEPA receives adverse or critical comments by 
    July 31, 1995.
        If the USEPA receives comments adverse to or critical of the 
    approval discussed above, USEPA will withdraw this approval before its 
    effective date, and publish a subsequent Federal Register document 
    which withdraws this final action. All public comments received will 
    then be addressed in a subsequent document. Any parties interested in 
    commenting on this action should do so at this time. If no such 
    comments are received, USEPA hereby advises the public that this action 
    will be effective on August 29, 1995.
        This action has been classified as a Table 2 action by the Regional 
    Administrator under the procedures published in the Federal Register on 
    January 19, 1989 (54 FR 2214-2225), as revised by an October 4, 1993 
    memorandum from Michael H. Shapiro, Acting Assistant Administrator for 
    Air and Radiation. The Office of Management and Budget has exempted 
    this regulatory action from Executive Order 12866 review.
        Nothing in this action should be construed as permitting or 
    allowing or establishing a precedent for any future request for 
    revision to any SIP. Each request for revision to any SIP shall be 
    considered separately in light of specific technical, economic, and 
    environmental factors and in relation to relevant statutory and 
    regulatory requirements.
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 600 et seq., the 
    USEPA must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the 
    impact of any proposed or final rule on small entities. 5 U.S.C. 603 
    and 604. Alternatively, the USEPA may certify that the rule will not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. Small entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit 
    enterprises, and 
    [[Page 34172]]
    government entities with jurisdiction over populations of less than 
        The SIP approvals under section 110 and subchapter I, part D, of 
    the Act do not create any new requirements, but simply approve 
    requirements that the State is already imposing. Therefore, because the 
    Federal SIP approval does not impose any new requirements, I certify 
    that it does not have a significant impact on small entities. Moreover, 
    due to the nature of the Federal-State relationship under the Act, 
    preparation of a regulatory flexibility analysis would constitute 
    Federal inquiry into the economic reasonableness of State action. The 
    Act forbids the USEPA to base its actions concerning SIPs on such 
    grounds. Union Electric Co. v. U.S. E.P.A., 427 U.S. 246, 256-66 
        Under section 307(b)(1) of the Act, petitions for judicial review 
    of this action must be filed in the United States Court of Appeals for 
    the appropriate circuit by August 29, 1995. Filing a petition for 
    reconsideration by the Administrator of this final rule does not affect 
    the finality of this rule for the purpose of judicial review nor does 
    it extend the time within which a petition for judicial review may be 
    filed, and shall not postpone the effectiveness of such rule or action. 
    This action may not be challenged later in proceedings to enforce its 
    requirements (see section 307(b)(2)).
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hydrocarbons, 
    Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Ozone, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: May 31, 1995.
    David A. Ullrich,
    Acting Regional Administrator.
        40 CFR part 52, is amended as follows:
    Subpart YY--Wisconsin
    PART 52--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
        2. Section 52.2570 is amended by adding paragraph (c)(81) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 52.2570  Identification of Plan.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (81) A revision to the ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP) was 
    submitted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources on June 30, 
    1994, and supplemented on July 15, 1994. This revision consists of 
    volatile organic compound regulations which establish reasonably 
    available control technology for yeast manufacturing, molded wood parts 
    or products coating, and wood door finishing.
        (i) Incorporation by reference. The following sections of the 
    Wisconsin Administrative Code are incorporated by reference.
        (A) NR 422.02(7), (34) as amended and published in the (Wisconsin) 
    Register, August, 1994, No. 464, effective September 1, 1994. NR 
    422.02(12e), (18m), (24s), (27m), (33d), (34m), (46m), and (51) as 
    created and published in the (Wisconsin) Register, August, 1994, No. 
    464, effective September 1, 1994.
        (B) NR 422.03(intro.) as amended and published in the (Wisconsin) 
    Register, August, 1994, No. 464, effective September 1, 1994. NR 422.03 
    (8) and (9) as created and published in the (Wisconsin) Register, 
    August, 1994, No. 464, effective September 1, 1994.
        (C) NR 422.04(1)(a) as amended and published in the (Wisconsin) 
    Register, August, 1994, No. 464, effective September 1, 1994.
        (D) NR 422.132 as created and published in the (Wisconsin) 
    Register, August, 1994, No. 464, effective September 1, 1994.
        (E) NR 422.135 as created and published in the (Wisconsin) 
    Register, August, 1994, No. 464, effective September 1, 1994.
        (F) NR 424.02 (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) as created and published 
    in the (Wisconsin) Register, June, 1994, No. 462, effective July 1, 
        (G) NR 424.05 as created and published in the (Wisconsin) Register, 
    June, 1994, No. 462, effective July 1, 1994.
        (H) NR 439.04(5)(a)(intro.) as amended and published in the 
    (Wisconsin) Register, August, 1994, No. 464, effective September 1, 
        (I) NR 439.075(2)(a)4. as amended and published in the (Wisconsin) 
    Register, June, 1994, No. 462, effective July 1, 1994.
        (J) NR 439.09(7m) as created and published in the (Wisconsin) 
    Register, June, 1994, No. 462, effective July 1, 1994. NR 439.09(9)(b) 
    as amended and published in the (Wisconsin) Register, June, 1994, No. 
    462, effective July 1, 1994.
        (K) NR 439.095 (1)(e) and (5)(e) as created and published in the 
    (Wisconsin) Register, June, 1994, No. 462, effective July 1, 1994.
        (L) NR 484.05(9) as renumbered from NR 484.05(2), amended and 
    published in the (Wisconsin) Register, August, 1994, No. 464, effective 
    September 1, 1994.
    [FR Doc. 95-16064 Filed 6-29-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Direct final rule.
Document Number:
This action will be effective August 29, 1995, unless an adverse comment is received by July 31, 1995. If the effective date of this action is delayed due to adverse comments, timely notice will be published in the Federal Register.
34170-34172 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
WI50-01-6739a, FRL-5219-7
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 52.2570