96-13946. Airworthiness Standards; Continued Rotation and Rotor Locking Tests, and Vibration and Vibration Tests  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 108 (Tuesday, June 4, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 28430-28433]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-13946]
    [[Page 28429]]
    Part V
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Part 33
    Airworthiness Standards; Continued Rotation and Rotor Locking Tests, 
    and Vibration and Vibration Tests; Final Rule
    Federal Register  / Vol. 61, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 1996 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 28430]]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Part 33
    [Docket No. 28107; Amendment No. 33-17]
    RIN 2120-AF57
    Airworthiness Standards; Continued Rotation and Rotor Locking 
    Tests, and Vibration and Vibration Tests
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This amendment revises the Federal Aviation Administration's 
    (FAA's) continued rotation and vibration certification standards for 
    the issuance of original and amended type certificates for aircraft 
    engines. This amendment is the result of an effort to harmonize the 
    Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR's) with European requirements being 
    drafted by the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA). This amendment will 
    provide nearly uniform requirements that will simplify international 
    airworthiness approval, while maintaining a level of safety equivalent 
    to that established by the current standards.
    DATES: Effective July 5, 1996.
    Marc Bouthillier, or Thomas Boudreau, Engine and Propeller Standards 
    Staff, ANE-110, Engine and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft 
    Certification Service, FAA, New England Region, 12 New England 
    Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803-5299; telephone (617) 238-7111; 
    fax (617) 238-7199.
        Part 33 of title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR part 
    33) prescribes certification standards for the issuance of original and 
    amended type certificates for aircraft engines. Part E of the Joint 
    Aviation Requirements (JAR-E) prescribes the corresponding 
    certification standards of the JAA. While part 33 and JAR-E are 
    similar, they differ in several respects. Non-uniform standards impose 
    a regulatory burden on applicants seeking certification under both sets 
    of standards in the form of additional costs and delays in the time 
    required for certification.
        As part of its commitment to promote harmonization of part 33 and 
    JAR-E, the FAA, with the cooperation of the JAA, established the part 
    33/JAR-E Authorities Engine Group to compare part 33 and JAR-E. This 
    group included regulatory representatives from France, Canada, Germany, 
    the United Kingdom, and the United States. The basis for the comparison 
    was part 33, as amended through Amendment 11, and JAR-E, as amended 
    through Change 7. As its initial effort, the study group focused on gas 
    turbine engines and concentrated on JAR-E items that appeared to be 
    more stringent than part 33. The continued rotation and rotor locking 
    test requirements, and vibration and vibration test requirements, were 
    identified as differences sufficiently significant to cause the JAA to 
    apply additional conditions to U.S. manufacturers seeking JAA 
    certification. The FAA requested the ARAC to further evaluate these 
    initiatives and ARAC assigned the task to the Propulsion Harmonization 
    Working Group. The task resulted in an ARAC recommendation to the FAA 
    to proceed with rulemaking. The FAA issued a Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking (NPRM), No. 95-3, published in the Federal Register (60 FR 
    12360, dated March 6, 1995). The proposal reflected the ARAC 
    Discussion of Comments
        All interested persons have been afforded an opportunity to 
    participate in this rulemaking, and due consideration has been given to 
    all comments received. The commenters represent domestic industry and 
    foreign airworthiness authorities. Six commenters provided the FAA with 
    comments to NPRM 95-3. Two of these six commenters expressed no 
    objection to the proposals. The comments are grouped according to the 
    applicable revised and new sections of part 33.
    Section 33.74  Continued Rotation
        Two commenters state that the term ``windmilling'' should be 
    changed to ``continued rotation,'' to be consistent with the existing 
    wording of part 23 and part 25, and to encompass mechanical as well as 
    aerodynamic effects.
        The FAA agrees. The FAA has changed the term ``windmilling'' to 
    ``continued rotation,'' wherever it appears.
        One commenter states that the wording of proposed 33.74 in the NPRM 
    is awkward, and should be revised for clarity.
        The FAA agrees. The FAA has rewritten this section to more clearly 
    state the requirement. The phrase ``any of the engine main rotating 
    systems'' replaces ``engine'', and the revised section now specifies 
    that the standard does not apply when rotor locking systems are in 
    place. In addition the phrase ``and in the flight conditions expected 
    to occur'' replaces the phrase ``likely to occur''. The FAA has also 
    made additional changes to revised Sec. 33.74 as noted in response to 
    other comments.
        One commenter states that the term ``typical installation'' should 
    be deleted, because the rule applies to all installations.
        The FAA agrees. This term has been deleted from this section.
        One commenter states that the term ``for any reason'' be either 
    deleted or clarified, because this wording will require compliance for 
    the case of a failed rotor locking devices, if installed.
        The FAA agrees. The rule does not intend to consider a failed rotor 
    locking device. The FAA has, therefore, added a clarifying statement to 
    this effect. However, the term ``for any reason'' has been retained to 
    cover all other reasons for an engine shutdown.
        One commenter states that the term ``flight conditions expected to 
    occur'' be included in the text of the rule.
        The FAA agrees. The FAA has included this term in the rule.
        Two commenters state that the term ``hazard to the aircraft'' 
    should be deleted, and replaced by more definitive criteria.
        The FAA agrees. The FAA has replaced this term with a more 
    definitive criteria by referencing Sec. 33.75. That criteria can be 
    evaluated at the engine level, without the need for an aircraft 
    installation assessment.
        One commenter states that the proposed rule should also require 
    determination of aircraft/engine interface loads associated with 
    continued rotation with rotor unbalance, and submittal of these for 
    engine certification.
        The FAA disagrees. The FAA considers this comment to be beyond the 
    scope of this rulemaking, because the proposal addresses only the 
    continued rotation characteristics of the engine; it did not address 
    aircraft structural requirements for various engine load conditions. 
    Also, the commenter does not specify any criteria for evaluating 
    aircraft/engine interface loads, which can only be evaluated when 
    considering an entire airplane.
    Section 33.63  Vibration
        One commenter expressed concern with the apparent inference to 
    structural assessments of the aircraft due to engine dynamic loads. The 
    commenter suggests that this part of the proposal not be issued and 
    that the appropriate ARAC Structures and Propulsion working groups be 
    tasked to work the issue.
        The FAA disagrees. The FAA considers this comment is beyond the 
    scope of this rulemaking. The revision
    [[Page 28431]]
    to Sec. 33.63 clarifies, but does not alter, the original intent of a 
    requirement that was promulgated as a Civil Air Regulation on June 15, 
    1956. The practical application of this requirement is to demonstrate 
    those peak vibratory stresses of engine components do not exceed the 
    material endurance limit for all normal engine operation (i.e., does 
    not consider engine failure conditions that would be evident to the 
    crew). The requirement of parts 23.939, 25.939, 27.939, and 29.939 
    further ensures that the installation of the engine to the aircraft 
    will not result in excessive vibratory stresses of engine components 
    for all normal engine operation. Additionally, the combined 
    requirements of paragraphs 33.63 and 33.29(b) require that an 
    indication of excessive vibration (rotor unbalance) be provided to the 
    installer. These indications are provided to the crew to alert them of 
    conditions beyond what is considered normal engine operation so that 
    immediate corrective actions can be taken. It has never been the intent 
    of this requirement nor is it the intent of the revised requirement to 
    establish the abnormal engine environment for designing aircraft 
    structures. In a separate and unrelated task, the FAA has chartered the 
    ARAC Loads and Dynamic Harmonization Working Group to assess whether 
    the current aircraft structural requirements adequately address the 
    engine dynamic loads resulting from turbine engine failures.
    Section 33.83  Vibration test
    Section 33.83(a)
        One commenter states that additional clarification be provided on 
    the intended means of measuring vibration stresses. The commenter 
    states that the requirements infer direct measurements of vibratory 
    stresses can only be measured using strain gauges.
        The FAA disagrees. Typically, vibration stresses are measured 
    directly. However, in certain instances, indirect measurements of blade 
    deflections can supplement direct measurements of vibratory stresses. 
    Further clarification of the intended measurements is not needed as the 
    regulation retains language that is understood by engine manufacturers 
    and is basically unchanged since its inception as a Civil Air 
    Regulation on June 15, 1956.
    Section 33.83(b)
        One commenter suggested editorial changes to emphasize that the 
    vibration surveys cover the ranges of physical and corrected rotation 
        The FAA agrees. The paragraph has been revised to better define the 
    intent of the harmonized vibration requirements.
        One commenter states the phrase ``throughout the declared flight 
    envelope'' was used redundantly in proposed paragraphs 33.83(a) and 
        The FAA disagrees. Revised paragraph 33.83(a) contains general 
    vibration test requirements while revised paragraph 33.83(b) contains 
    more specific test requirements. The defining term ``throughout the 
    declared flight envelope'' is needed in both paragraphs.
        One commenter states that alternative wording is needed to the 
    speed extension requirements of proposed paragraph 33.83(b). The 
    commenter further states that the surveys should be extended 
    sufficiently to reveal the maximum stress value but limiting the 
    rotational speed extension to no more than an additional 2 percentage 
        The FAA agrees. The FAA will incorporate the wording recommended by 
    the commenter to better define the intent of the speed extension 
    Section 33.83(c)
        One commenter states that the proposal eliminates those 
    requirements specific to accessory drives and mounting attachments, and 
    also asks whether the FAA is still concerned about accessory drives and 
    mounting attachments.
        The FAA disagrees. The FAA still has concerns on the integration 
    requirements of accessory drives and mounting attachments and specific 
    reference to accessory loading is retained in revised paragraph 
    33.83(c). New paragraph 33.83(f) provides for a more complete and 
    thorough integration of the engine to the aircraft, including accessory 
    drives and mounting attachments.
        One commenter states that an additional subparagraph to paragraph 
    33.83(c) is needed to emphasize the requirement to evaluate factors 
    that might induce or influence flutter vibration.
        The FAA agrees. Flutter vibration was included in the discussion of 
    proposed 33.83(b) in the NPRM. Revised 33.83(c) contains a new 
    paragraph (c)(2) that defines the intent of the harmonized vibration 
    Section 33.83(d)
        Two commenters state that proposed paragraphs 33.83 (d) and (e) 
    need clarification to distinguish between the standard that applies to 
    normal operation from that applicable to likely fault conditions. One 
    suggests that the order of proposed paragraphs 33.83 (d) and (e) needs 
    to be reversed.
        The FAA agrees. The FAA has reversed order of new paragraphs 33.83 
    (d) and (e) and has added additional words to clarify which criterion 
    applies in each condition.
        One commenter suggested editorial changes to clarify that vibratory 
    stresses are combined with steady stresses when comparing to the 
    material's endurance limit.
        The FAA agrees. The paragraph has been revised to better define the 
    intent of the harmonized vibration requirements. The phrase ``when 
    combined with the appropriate steady state stresses'' has been added to 
    new paragraph 33.83(d).
        One commenter states that proposed paragraph 33.83(e) appears to be 
    a design not a performance requirement, and therefore, infers that this 
    proposed paragraph is inappropriately included in the vibration test 
        The FAA disagrees. New paragraph 33.83(d) is the primary criterion 
    for evaluating the results of tests and analyses conducted in 
    accordance with revised paragraphs 33.83 (a), (b), and (c).
        One commenter states that the standard requiring vibration stresses 
    to be less than the endurance limits of the materials concerned should 
    be relaxed to assess the vibration stresses against the endurance 
    limits of the materials concerned.
        The FAA does not agree. The commenter's suggestion allows for 
    acceptance of vibration stresses greater than the endurance limits 
    without any definitive limitation. All engines on an aircraft are 
    subject to the same environmental and operating conditions. The 
    standard requiring vibratory stresses of less than the endurance limit 
    is necessary, therefore, to minimize the likelihood of having multiple 
    engines on the same aircraft fail for the same root cause. The FAA 
    recognizes that there may be instances where a particular vibration 
    failure mode does not result in engine anomalies (such as, power loss, 
    high vibrations sensed by the flight crew, limit exceeded) that could 
    cascade into a hazardous condition. The FAA has determined that such 
    instances are rare. The FAA can evaluate the merit of these instances 
    on a case by case basis.
    Section 33.83(e)
        One commenter suggested editorial changes to clarify the assessment 
    of fault conditions.
        The FAA agrees. The paragraph has been revised to better define the 
    intent of the harmonized vibration requirements. The phrase ``of likely
    [[Page 28432]]
    fault conditions'' has been replaced by the phrase ``of excitation 
    forces caused by fault conditions'', and the phrase ``on vibration 
    characteristics'' has been moved to the beginning of the paragraph.
        One commenter states that the requirement to assess vibrations 
    should not apply throughout the declared flight envelope for failure 
    conditions. The commenter further states that it is excessive to 
    require assessments throughout the declared flight envelope for failure 
        The FAA does not agree. The FAA does not intend that the 
    requirements apply to all failure conditions. No assessments are 
    required, for example, where the condition will quickly result in an 
    engine shutdown or result in immediate symptoms that will necessitate 
    flight crew actions. The FAA does intend, however, that assessments be 
    made of typical fault conditions (such as, turbine nozzle guide vane 
    burn-throughs, fuel nozzle blockage, minor foreign object damage) that 
    may not be immediately detectable by the flight crew and that could 
    cascade into a hazardous condition. Requiring assessments of typical 
    fault conditions throughout the declared flight envelope is not 
    considered excessive. The assessment criterion for fault conditions is 
    to show only that no hazardous condition is created, where the stricter 
    assessment criterion for normal operation requires that assessed 
    vibratory stresses do not exceed the material's endurance limit.
    Section 33.83(f)
        One commenter suggested changing ``installation documents'' to read 
    ``installation instructions'' to be consistent with Sec. 33.5.
        The FAA agrees. The noted editorial change has been incorporated.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act on 1990 (44 U.S.C. 
    3501 et seq.), there are no requirements for information collection 
    associated with this rule.
    Regulatory Evaluation, Regulatory Flexibility Determination, and 
    Trade Impact Assessment
        Proposed changes to Federal regulations must undergo several 
    economic analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 directs that each 
    Federal agency shall propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned 
    determination that the benefits of the intended regulation justify its 
    costs. Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires agencies 
    to analyze the economic effect of regulatory changes on small entities. 
    Third, the Office of Management and Budget directs agencies to assess 
    the effect of regulatory changes on international trade. In conducting 
    these analyses, the FAA has determined that this rule: (1) will 
    generate benefits outweighing its costs; (2) is not a ``significant 
    regulatory action'' as defined in the Executive Order; (3) is not 
    ``significant'' as defined by DOT's policies and procedures; (4) will 
    not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities; and (5) will not constitute a barrier to international trade. 
    These analyses, available in the docket, are summarized below.
    Regulatory Evaluation Summary
        Of the several amendments, only one might result in additional 
    cost. The FAA has identified the requirements in revised Sec. 33.83(b) 
    as the only amendment that could require minor additional engine 
    testing and engineering analysis, resulting in minor additional 
    compliance costs. The revised engine continued rotation requirements of 
    new Sec. 33.74 and the amendments to Sec. 33.92(a) could potentially 
    result in cost savings to engine and transport airplane manufacturers.
        The primary benefits of the rule will be harmonization of 
    airworthiness standards with the European Joint Aviation Requirements 
    and clarification of existing standards. The resulting increased 
    uniformity of standards will simplify airworthiness approval for import 
    and export purposes and will avoid some of the costs that can result 
    when manufacturers seek type certification under both sets of 
    standards. While not readily quantifiable, the cost economies of 
    harmonization will far exceed the minor incremental cost of the rule.
    Regulatory Flexibility Determination
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) of 1980 was enacted by 
    Congress to ensure that small entities are not unnecessarily or 
    disproportionately burdened by Federal Regulations. The RFA requires a 
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis if a proposed rule will have a 
    significant economic impact, either detrimental or beneficial, on a 
    substantial number of small entities. Based on FAA Order 2100.14A 
    (Regulatory Flexibility Criteria and Guidance), which outlines 
    procedures and criteria for implementing the RFA, the FAA has 
    determined that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on 
    a substantial number of small entities.
    International Trade Impact Assessment
        The rule will not constitute a barrier to international trade, 
    including the export of U.S. aircraft engines to foreign countries and 
    the import of foreign aircraft engines into the U.S. Instead, the 
    revised standards will harmonize with existing and proposed standards 
    of foreign aviation authorities, thereby lessening restraints on trade.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1990 (44 U.S.C. 
    3501 et Seq.), there are no requirements for information collection 
    associated with this rule.
    International Compatibility
        The FAA has reviewed corresponding International Civil Aviation 
    Organization international standards and recommended practices and 
    Joint Aviation Authorities requirements and has identified no 
    difference in these amendments and the foreign regulations.
    Federalism Implications
        The regulations adopted herein will not have substantial direct 
    effects on the States, on the relationship between the national 
    government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
    responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, in 
    accordance with Executive Order 12612, it is determined that this 
    regulation will not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant 
    the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
        For the reasons discussed above, the FAA has determined that this 
    regulation (1) is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under 
    Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant rule'' under DOT 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); 
    (3) will not have a significant economic impact, positive or negative, 
    on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the 
    RFA; and (4) will not substantially impact on international trade. A 
    final regulatory evaluation of the regulation, including a final 
    Regulatory Flexibility Determination and International Trade Impact 
    Assessment, has been placed in the docket. A copy may be obtained by 
    contacting the person identified under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 33
        Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety.
    [[Page 28433]]
    Adoption of the Amendment
        Accordingly, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) amends 14 
    CFR part 33 as follows.
        1. The authority citation for part 33 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704.
        2. Section 33.63 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 33.63  Vibration.
        Each engine must be designed and constructed to function throughout 
    its declared flight envelope and operating range of rotational speeds 
    and power/thrust, without inducing excessive stress in any engine part 
    because of vibration and without imparting excessive vibration forces 
    to the aircraft structure.
        3. A new section 33.74 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 33.74  Continued rotation.
        If any of the engine main rotating systems will continue to rotate 
    after the engine is shutdown for any reason while in flight, and where 
    means to prevent that continued rotation are not provided; then any 
    continued rotation during the maximum period of flight, and in the 
    flight conditions expected to occur with that engine inoperative, must 
    not result in any condition described in Sec. 33.75 (a) through (c).
        4. Section 33.83 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 33.83  Vibration test.
        (a) Each engine must undergo vibration surveys to establish that 
    the vibration characteristics of those components that may be subject 
    to mechanically or aerodynamically induced vibratory excitations are 
    acceptable throughout the declared flight envelope. The engine surveys 
    shall be based upon an appropriate combination of experience, analysis, 
    and component test and shall address, as a minimum, blades, vanes, 
    rotor discs, spacers, and rotor shafts.
        (b) The surveys shall cover the ranges of power or thrust, and both 
    the physical and corrected rotational speeds for each rotor system, 
    corresponding to operations throughout the range of ambient conditions 
    in the declared flight envelope, from the minimum rotational speed up 
    to 103 percent of the maximum physical and corrected rotational speed 
    permitted for rating periods of two minutes or longer, and up to 100 
    percent of all other permitted physical and corrected rotational 
    speeds, including those that are overspeeds. If there is any indication 
    of a stress peak arising at the highest of those required physical or 
    corrected rotational speeds, the surveys shall be extended sufficiently 
    to reveal the maximum stress values present, except that the extension 
    need not cover more than a further 2 percentage points increase beyond 
    those speeds.
        (c) Evaluations shall be made of the following:
        (1) The effects on vibration characteristics of operating with 
    scheduled changes (including tolerances) to variable vane angles, 
    compressor bleeds, accessory loading, the most adverse inlet air flow 
    distortion pattern declared by the manufacturer, and the most adverse 
    conditions in the exhaust duct(s); and
        (2) The aerodynamic and aeromechanical factors which might induce 
    or influence flutter in those systems susceptible to that form of 
        (d) Except as provided by paragraph (e) of this section, the 
    vibration stresses associated with the vibration characteristics 
    determined under this section, when combined with the appropriate 
    steady stresses, must be less than the endurance limits of the 
    materials concerned, after making due allowances for operating 
    conditions for the permitted variations in properties of the materials. 
    The suitability of these stress margins must be justified for each part 
    evaluated. If it is determined that certain operating conditions, or 
    ranges, need to be limited, operating and installation limitations 
    shall be established.
        (e) The effects on vibration characteristics of excitation forces 
    caused by fault conditions (such as, but not limited to, out-of 
    balance, local blockage or enlargement of stator vane passages, fuel 
    nozzle blockage, incorrectly schedule compressor variables, etc.) shall 
    be evaluated by test or analysis, or by reference to previous 
    experience and shall be shown not to create a hazardous condition.
        (f) Compliance with this section shall be substantiated for each 
    specific installation configuration that can affect the vibration 
    characteristics of the engine. If these vibration effects cannot be 
    fully investigated during engine certification, the methods by which 
    they can be evaluated and methods by which compliance can be shown 
    shall be substantiated and defined in the installation instructions 
    required by Sec. 33.5.
        5. Section 33.92 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 33.92  Rotor locking tests.
        If continued rotation is prevented by a means to lock the rotor(s), 
    the engine must be subjected to a test that includes 25 operations of 
    this means under the following conditions:
        (a) The engine must be shut down from rated maximum continuous 
    thrust or power; and
        (b) The means for stopping and locking the rotor(s) must be 
    operated as specified in the engine operating instructions while being 
    subjected to the maximum torque that could result from continued flight 
    in this condition; and
        (c) Following rotor locking, the rotor(s) must be held stationary 
    under these conditions for five minutes for each of the 25 operations.
        Issued in Washington, DC, on May 29, 1996.
    David R. Hinson,
    [FR Doc. 96-13946 Filed 6-3-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective July 5, 1996.
28430-28433 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 28107, Amendment No. 33-17
2120-AF57: Windmilling and Rotor Blocking Tests; and Vibration Tests
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (4)
14 CFR 33.63
14 CFR 33.74
14 CFR 33.83
14 CFR 33.92