97-14600. Draft Guidance on Equivalence Criteria for Food  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 107 (Wednesday, June 4, 1997)]
    [Pages 30593-30600]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-14600]
    [[Page 30593]]
    Food and Drug Administration
    [Docket No. 97D-0202]
    Draft Guidance on Equivalence Criteria for Food
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is publishing for 
    public comment the criteria that the agency intends to use in 
    evaluating whether the regulatory systems used by foreign countries to 
    ensure the safety of foods exported to the United States for human 
    consumption are equivalent to the regulatory system of the United 
    States. Based on its evaluation, FDA will decide whether to institute 
    the proceedings necessary to enter into an equivalence agreement with 
    the foreign country.
    DATES: Submit written comments by August 4, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Submit written comments to the Dockets Management Branch 
    (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 12420 Parklawn Dr., rm. 1-23, 
    Rockville, MD 20857. Comments are to be identified with the docket 
    number found in brackets in the heading of this document. Received 
    comments are available for public examination in the Dockets Management 
    Branch between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mary I. Snyder, Center for Food Safety 
    and Applied Nutrition (HFS-415), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C 
    St. SW., Washington, DC 20204, 202-418-3152.
    I. The SPS Agreement
        Under Article 4 of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on 
    the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) (the SPS 
    Agreement), each member nation of the WTO, including the United States, 
    is obligated to accept as equivalent a food regulatory system of 
    another country if it provides the same level of health protection as 
    is provided to consumers by its own system.
        Equivalent regulatory systems need not be identical. Under the 
    concept of equivalence, the ``sanitary or phytosanitary measures'' used 
    by an exporting country may differ from the measures applied 
    domestically by an importing country so long as these measures 
    ``achieve the importing Member's appropriate level of sanitary or 
    phytosanitary protection.'' According to the SPS Agreement, ``sanitary 
    or phytosanitary measures'' include all relevant laws, decrees, and 
    regulations; as well as procedures relating to end-product criteria, 
    processes and production methods, testing, and inspection. Essentially, 
    SPS measures include virtually any measure to protect human health 
    arising from risks in food.
        Under the SPS Agreement, the burden of demonstrating that 
    equivalence exists rests with the exporting country. The importing 
    country has the right to decide for itself whether the regulatory 
    system of the exporting country is equivalent to its own or is 
    inadequate to achieve ``the importing Member's appropriate level of 
    sanitary or phytosanitary protection,'' or that inadequate evidence has 
    been provided to demonstrate equivalence. The SPS Agreement specifies 
    that exporting countries allow ``reasonable access'' to the importing 
    country to inspect or carry out other procedures for evaluating 
    equivalence. If the exporting country can demonstrate equivalence, the 
    importing country ``shall accept'' the exporting country's system as 
        Additionally, each member country is obligated to ``enter into 
    consultations'' with a requesting country ``with the aim of achieving 
    bilateral and multilateral agreements on recognition of the equivalence 
    of specified sanitary or phytosanitary measures.'' Although the SPS 
    Agreement does not require that every finding of equivalence of a 
    measure or system of measures between countries should result in a 
    bilateral or multilateral agreement, the SPS Agreement does require 
    that members consult, if requested, with that potential goal.
        A number of exporting nations have requested that the United States 
    enter into consultations with them for the purpose of developing 
    equivalence agreements for seafood. One reason for these requests is 
    that FDA regulations for seafood (part 123 (21 CFR part 123)) mandate 
    responsibilities for importers that are deemed to be met whenever an 
    equivalence agreement exists that covers the seafood products being 
    imported into the United States. These regulations become effective 
    December 18, 1997 (60 FR 65096 to 65202, December 18, 1995).
        Equivalence for other types of products is being discussed with 
    exporting countries at their request. Similarly, the United States is 
    seeking equivalence determinations from certain countries to which it 
    exports food products.
        It would be useful, therefore, for FDA to articulate how it intends 
    to carry out equivalence determinations. FDA has decided that the best 
    way to do so is by developing and publishing criteria that the agency 
    intends to apply in determining whether equivalence exists between the 
    U.S. food regulatory system and that of an international trading 
    partner whose regulatory system is not essentially identical to the 
    U.S. system.
        FDA intends these criteria as guidelines that represent the 
    agency's current thinking on equivalence for the SPS Agreement. The 
    guidelines do not create or confer any rights for or on any person and 
    do not operate to bind FDA or the public.
    II. Potential for Public Health and Other Benefits From Equivalence
        FDA takes the view that equivalence in food safety measures between 
    the United States and its international trading partners can be 
    beneficial and should be fostered for its own sake. As countries 
    achieve equivalence with the U.S. advanced regulatory system, consumers 
    in this country will have greater assurance that imported foods are as 
    safe and wholesome as domestically produced foods.
        The situation with food imports into the United States provides an 
    excellent example of the desirability of achieving equivalence between 
    the United States and its trading partners. Food is imported into the 
    United States from around the world and the number of formal customs 
    entries every year is about 1.5 million.
        For the most part, FDA's inspections of food processing facilities 
    in other countries can occur only on a limited basis. Foreign 
    inspections are extremely costly and usually are not undertaken without 
    an invitation from the foreign country. FDA does make a consistent 
    effort to inspect the foreign processors of some types of products, 
    such as infant formula, but the number of such processors--and thus the 
    number of such inspections--is relatively low.
        FDA's traditional surveillance system for food imports has largely 
    consisted of reviewing customs entries, engaging in field examinations 
    and collecting samples for laboratory analysis, and placing products 
    with a history of problems on detention without physical examination. 
    While FDA performs either an electronic screening or a documentary 
    review of virtually all customs entries with the help of automated 
    systems, the agency can physically examine only a very small percentage 
    of these entries. Huge sums of money would be needed to enable
    [[Page 30594]]
    FDA to increase its physical examination and sampling program.
        Where equivalence has been determined to exist, however, the work 
    of the foreign regulatory authority should serve to help ensure the 
    safety of imports for U.S. consumers. Since the foreign inspection 
    system will have been found to be equivalent to FDA's inspection 
    system, FDA will be able to rely on the results of the foreign 
    inspection system.
        The possibility of equivalence agreements between and among 
    international trading partners, with rights and benefits that accrue to 
    the parties involved, provides an incentive for countries to improve 
    their regulatory systems and the public health of their food exports as 
    a means of achieving equivalence with more advanced regulatory systems. 
    As equivalence is achieved, and agreements are reached recognizing the 
    achievement of equivalence, trade is likely to flow more freely because 
    of the reduced need by importing countries to engage in resource-
    intensive sampling and examination of products being offered for entry 
    from countries with equivalent systems. For the United States, 
    equivalence agreements will also mean that FDA will be able to target 
    the limited resources it has for imports toward products from countries 
    that have not been determined to be equivalent. Thus, FDA will be able 
    to use its resources more efficiently and effectively. U.S. industry 
    can also benefit from these agreements because in those cases where the 
    U.S. system is found to be equivalent to that of its trading partners, 
    acceptance of U.S. products by those countries is assured. The purposes 
    and types of equivalence agreements are described later in this notice.
        Finally, where equivalence exists and is acknowledged in an 
    agreement, there will be no need under many circumstances for importing 
    nations to continue to require certificates from the competent 
    regulatory authority of the exporting country to accompany each 
    shipment. (FDA does not generally require that imported products be 
    accompanied by certificates; however, there is an increasing trend for 
    foreign countries to require such certificates.) Where there is 
    recognition that the exporting country's system provides an appropriate 
    level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection, the issuance of 
    certificates for specific products would represent a needless 
    expenditure of public health resources with no obvious advantage to 
    consumers or to industry. Adequate assurances may be achieved by 
    providing lists of food processors that are in good standing with the 
    regulatory authority of the exporting country or similar information.
    III. Problem Solving Agreements vs. Equivalence Agreements
        FDA has experience developing and entering into bilateral 
    agreements with trading partners for the purpose of providing assurance 
    that food from those countries will be safe for U.S. consumers. 
    However, these agreements have focused on assuring compliance with U.S. 
    requirements by the foreign regulatory authority for foods that present 
    high risks or that have had persistent compliance problems, rather than 
    on whether the regulatory systems were equivalent. Such agreements 
    involve the application of virtually identical measures by the 
    exporting and importing country to the subject commodity or compliance 
    with specific end-product criteria to address a food safety problem.
        For example, FDA has several longstanding Memoranda of 
    Understanding (MOU's) with nations that export raw molluscan shellfish 
    to the United States. Under these MOU's, each country has agreed to 
    abide by the same detailed standards for regulating the growing and 
    harvesting of raw molluscan shellfish that U.S. States have agreed to 
    follow. These countries have entered into such MOU's in order to have 
    access to the U.S. market. Under a Federal-State cooperative 
    arrangement for raw molluscan shellfish, the National Shellfish 
    Sanitation Program (NSSP), FDA lists the processors who have been found 
    to be in compliance by States and countries that have a shellfish 
    program that meets the NSSP standards. States decide what shipments of 
    shellfish they will act against based on whether the processor of the 
    shellfish is included on FDA's list. Recently, some of the countries 
    with MOU's have expressed an interest in converting their MOU's from 
    compliance-type agreements to equivalence agreements to permit some 
    variations from the details of the U.S. program.
        FDA has also periodically entered into MOU's or other less formal 
    agreements with countries that have a significant volume of trade with 
    the United States in certain products but have developed chronic, 
    safety-related problems with these products. In these cases, the 
    agreement is intended to correct these problems. Examples include 
    agreements aimed at the control of excessive levels of lead and cadmium 
    leaching from ceramicware for food use, the control of pesticide 
    residues in certain types of fruits, and the control of pathogenic 
    microorganisms in soft ripened cheese and certain dried milk products.
        Traditionally, FDA has assigned a higher priority to agreements 
    targeted toward solving specific problems than it has to recognizing 
    foreign food control systems as providing the same level of protection 
    as those in the United States. This policy of favoring problem solving 
    agreements over others is set forth in FDA's Compliance Policy Guide 
    (CPG) section 100.900, Attachment A, which contains the agency's 
    criteria for how it will prioritize international MOU's.
        In December 1995, FDA entered into a compliance-based Cooperative 
    Arrangement with the New Zealand Ministries of Agriculture and Health 
    for the purpose of ensuring the safety of fish and fishery products 
    traded between the two countries. Significantly, it was not a problem 
    solving agreement. Rather, it recognized that the strong regulatory 
    systems in the United States and New Zealand enhanced the likelihood 
    that products from each country would comply with the regulatory 
    requirements of the other. The participants agreed to take this 
    recognition into account in determining the frequency of border checks 
    for fish and fishery products traded between the United States and New 
    Zealand. While this arrangement was not intended to be an equivalence 
    agreement, it does reflect the principle that the employment of 
    comparable, high-standard regulatory systems by international trading 
    partners can enable each nation to enhance the public health protection 
    of its consumers and shift inspectional resources to other, more risky, 
        Although FDA continues to see merit in narrowly focused, problem 
    solving MOU's, the agency also sees value in pursuing equivalence 
    agreements. Therefore, FDA is considering revising CPG section 100.900, 
    Attachment A, ``Food and Drug Administration Criteria for Memoranda of 
    Understanding'' to add recognition of equivalence as a basis for 
    entering into agreements with foreign governments. Should the agency 
    choose to do so, it will issue a separate notice to that effect, with 
    an opportunity for public comment.
    IV. Possible Forms that Equivalence Agreements Could Take
        There are several possible forms that equivalence agreements could 
    take, depending upon the relevant circumstances.
    [[Page 30595]]
    A. ``One-Way'' Agreements vs. ``Two-Way'' Agreements
        Equivalence agreements can involve simultaneous determinations by 
    two countries that their regulatory systems are equivalent to one 
    another (``two-way'' agreements). This is the favored type of agreement 
    from FDA's standpoint. A determination that a trading partner's 
    regulatory system is equivalent to the U.S. system means that imports 
    from that country have been produced under circumstances that provide 
    U.S. consumers with the same level of protection as domestic products. 
    A determination by the trading partner that the U.S. system is 
    equivalent to its system helps ensure that exports from the United 
    States will flow freely to the country in question. It will be FDA's 
    policy to negotiate ``two-way'' agreements whenever practicable.
        FDA may, however, enter into ``one-way'' agreements as appropriate. 
    A ``one-way'' agreement would involve a finding by only one country 
    that the regulatory system of a foreign government was equivalent to 
    its own. A ``one-way'' agreement would be appropriate where there 
    existed, essentially, a one way flow of trade in the commodities that 
    were subject to the agreement. A ``one-way'' agreement might also be 
    entered into as a temporary measure when one country was prepared to 
    find a trading partner's system equivalent to its own, but the other 
    country was not yet able to make a similar determination. Instead of 
    delaying the agreement until a ``two-way'' agreement could be 
    completed, the two countries could decide to agree in ``one-way'' 
    B. All Products or Processors vs. Some Products or Processors
        FDA may negotiate equivalence agreements that encompass some or all 
    foods being exported to the United States from a foreign country, but 
    will generally focus on agreements that cover one or two food 
    categories with a high trade volume. As indicated earlier, FDA expects 
    that many of the initial food-related equivalence evaluations will 
    involve fish and fishery products. (The U.S. imports about 55 percent 
    of the seafood it consumes.) Such evaluations will not consider whether 
    the regulatory system of the foreign country is equivalent for other 
        Even within the category of products being considered for an 
    agreement (e.g., fish and fishery products), equivalence may exist for 
    some of those products but not for others. In those cases, FDA would 
    enter into equivalence agreements that cover only those products. An 
    agreement of this nature would not preclude trade in the remaining 
    products, but such trade would be outside the scope of the agreement 
    and thus likely subject to more intense scrutiny at ports of entry. The 
    two most predictable situations in which a limited equivalence 
    determination is likely are: (1) Where the regulatory system of the 
    foreign country is designed to achieve, or is only capable of 
    achieving, equivalence for some products but not for others; and (2) 
    where U.S. standards for certain products are more stringent than those 
    of the foreign country so as to rule out equivalence for those 
        The same principle should hold true for processors as well as for 
    products. Some countries have a mix of modern, relatively advanced 
    processing operations and other operations that are much less so, and a 
    regulatory structure capable of achieving equivalence only with regard 
    to the advanced processors. Other countries differentiate between food 
    processors that are licensed to export, and processors that are not so 
    licensed. In any case, it is important to remember that the agreement 
    is between the United States and the government of the foreign country 
    and not with individual processors or other private entities.
    C. ``Piggy Back'' (``Triangular'') Agreements
        FDA is interested in exploring the concept of ``piggy back'' 
    equivalence agreements (also referred to as ``triangular'' agreements). 
    Under this concept, two countries that have established an equivalence 
    agreement would agree that additional agreements between either of the 
    countries and a third country would be recognized by both countries. 
    Thus, if FDA had both an equivalence agreement with Country ``A'' and a 
    ``piggy back'' arrangement with Country ``A,'' and Country ``A'' had an 
    equivalence agreement with Country ``B,'' FDA would recognize that 
    Country ``B'' is equivalent to the United States in part on the basis 
    of Country ``A's'' finding.
        For such a system to work, a basis must exist for FDA to have found 
    on its own that Country ``B's'' system was equivalent to the U.S. 
    system. Among other things, FDA would have to have a high level of 
    confidence in Country ``A's'' ability to make an equivalence 
    determination, based on a detailed knowledge of Country ``A's'' 
    verification and audit capabilities. This knowledge and confidence 
    could be acquired through a mutual undertaking of audit 
    responsibilities and a sharing of the results of audits. There would 
    always have to be some form of confirmation by FDA that equivalence 
    exists along with an adequate administrative record to support a 
    finding of equivalence.
        If such an arrangement could be established, it would provide 
    enhanced incentives for countries to achieve equivalence with the most 
    advanced regulatory systems because a finding of equivalence with one 
    advanced country could hasten equivalence with other advanced 
    countries. Obviously, a ``piggy back'' system would also permit a 
    significant public health gains and resource savings for countries in 
    negotiating equivalence agreements.
        Some experience with equivalence agreements will be needed before 
    FDA could enter into ``piggy back'' agreements. The agency invites 
    public comment on this issue.
    V. The Equivalence Agreement Process
        FDA contemplates a process that will involve a paper review, an on-
    site verification review, and public notice and comment in making a 
    determination that a foreign country's regulatory system is equivalent. 
    The paper review would compare the U.S. system of laws, regulations, 
    standards, regulatory practices and procedures, and all other relevant 
    matters with those of the foreign country based on information provided 
    by the foreign government. The review, which would be carried out by 
    FDA in the United States, is expected to consist in part of a side-by-
    side comparison of the elements of the U.S. system and the elements of 
    the foreign system to determine what similarities and differences exist 
    between the two systems and to provide the basis for an assessment of 
    the significance of the differences. This paper review will cover both 
    the foreign country's requirements for industry and its inspection 
        If the paper review shows that the two systems may be equivalent, 
    the results of this paper review will form the basis for one or more 
    on-site visits to verify the results of the paper review and to obtain 
    whatever additional information may be necessary. The purpose of an on-
    site visit would not be to inspect the processors in that country, 
    although it is expected to include visits to some processors, but 
    rather to verify that the foreign regulatory system, including its 
    plant inspection system, is functioning as indicated in the paper 
    review. The on-site visit is an audit of the system, not an audit of 
    foreign processors.
        FDA would then make a preliminary determination of whether 
    equivalence exists and would publish this preliminary determination in 
    a notice
    [[Page 30596]]
    for public comment in the Federal Register. FDA is under an obligation 
    to do so in accordance with Pub. L. 103-465, the implementing 
    legislation for U.S. participation in WTO agreements. This law states:
        If the Commissioner [of Food and Drugs] proposes to issue a 
    determination of the equivalency of a sanitary or phytosanitary 
    measure of a foreign country to a sanitary or phytosanitary measure 
    of the Food and Drug Administration that is not required to be 
    promulgated as a rule under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 
    or other statute administered by the Food and Drug Administration, 
    the Commissioner shall publish a notice in the Federal Register that 
    identifies the basis for the determination that the measure provides 
    at least the same level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection as 
    the comparable Federal sanitary or phytosanitary measure. The 
    Commissioner shall provide opportunity for interested persons to 
    comment on the notice. The Commissioner shall not issue a final 
    determination on the issue of equivalency without taking into 
    account the comments received.
        FDA is committed to this public process and intends that Federal 
    Register notices published in accordance with this requirement will 
    provide the public with a full explanation of why FDA has tentatively 
    concluded that equivalence exists in a given situation. This 
    explanation should cover, at a minimum, both the results of the paper 
    review and a summary of the on-site visit. The final determination will 
    take into account the comments received.
    VI. Fundamental Principles
        In determining whether equivalence exists and in entering into any 
    agreements on equivalence, FDA intends to be guided by several basic 
    principles. These include the following:
    A. Transparency of Process and Reasoning
        As indicated above, the factual basis for a determination of 
    equivalence must be publicly available and clearly understood. To the 
    extent that FDA is looking to foreign regulatory authorities to help to 
    ensure the safety of food for U.S. consumers, the public has a right to 
    review and understand the basis for FDA's action. Consumer confidence 
    in food depends in large measure on the confidence it has in the 
    regulatory safeguards that exist for that food.
    B. No Loosening of Standards
        U.S. standards will not be relaxed to facilitate a finding of 
    equivalence. For example, products that contain unapproved additives or 
    that contain poisonous or deleterious substances in amounts sufficient 
    to render them adulterated under Federal law will be adulterated even 
    if an equivalence agreement exists. Unless the foreign country can 
    provide reasonable assurance that its products will meet these 
    standards (i.e., will not be adulterated), equivalence will not be 
    possible, at least for those products.
    C. Fundamental Fairness and Consistency
        Processing requirements that are essential for the production of 
    safe food are germane to both domestic products and products that are 
    imported into the United States, although, as discussed later, 
    equivalence may permit appropriate latitude regarding the details.
    D. Adequate Verification
        If FDA has entered into an equivalence agreement, the agency must 
    engage in adequate ongoing verification, including appropriate checking 
    of imports, to ensure that equivalence continues to exist. FDA cannot 
    rely solely on foreign regulatory authorities to ensure that 
    equivalence is maintained. Presumably this principle will hold true for 
    the foreign regulatory authority as well.
    VII. What Is Equivalence?
    A. United States Levels of Protection
        As stated in section I of this document, according to the SPS 
    Agreement, equivalence is achieved when an exporting country's measures 
    meet an importing country's ``appropriate level of sanitary or 
    phytosanitary protection,'' even though those measures are not the same 
    as those of the importing country. A level of protection can be viewed 
    in terms of the limitation on risk that a society requires relative to 
    a particular hazard or hazards.
        In the United States, the appropriate levels of sanitary or 
    phytosanitary protection for the foods regulated by FDA are governed by 
    the very broad, qualitative provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and 
    Cosmetic Act (the act), and the regulations issued under it, which 
    state the circumstances in which a product will be deemed to present an 
    unacceptable risk to U.S. consumers, i.e., will be deemed to be 
    ``adulterated.'' For example, a food additive will be deemed to 
    adulterate a food unless it is approved for use in that food (section 
    402(a)(2)(C) of the act (21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)(c))) based on a showing 
    that there is a ``reasonable certainty'' that no harm will result from 
    its becoming a component of the food (section 409(a) of the act (21 
    U.S.C. 348(a)) and Sec. 170.3(i) (21 CFR 170.3(i))). Food is also 
    adulterated if it is contaminated with an added poisonous or 
    deleterious substance ``which may render it injurious to health'' 
    (section 402(a)(1) of the act). The act has several other adulteration 
    provisions, including provisions that apply in specific situations, 
    such as in the preparation of infant formula and the use of color 
    additives. Sometimes, as with food additives, the act (a food additive 
    must be ``safe'' under section 409) and the regulations (definition of 
    ``safe'' in Sec. 170.3(i)) must be read together.
        These governing provisions express levels of protection in terms of 
    overarching public health standards. However, in considering a 
    particular risk or types of risks, these broadly stated standards need 
    further elaboration to provide understanding of how they apply. For 
    example, a determination of whether there is a reasonable certainty of 
    no harm from the use of a food additive is dependant on an operational 
    definition of that standard that facilitates its application to a 
    specific food use of a substance. Operational definitions can be found 
    in various places, ranging from the explanatory materials that are 
    developed in rulemaking (i.e., preambles) to the codified text of a 
    rule (see Secs. 170.3, 170.20, and 170.22 (21 CFR 170.20 and 170.22)), 
    to guidance materials, and even to judicial decisions.
        For example, the operational definition for ``reasonable certainty 
    of no harm'' from the use of a food additive involves determining the 
    exposure to that additive that will not produce adverse effects in 
    humans. This level is obtained through the application of an 
    appropriate, scientifically based, safety factor (e.g., 100-fold, as 
    provided in Sec. 170.22) to the lowest no-effect level observed in a 
    toxicological study in animals. As can be seen from this example, the 
    level of protection afforded by the law of the United States is the 
    protection that emerges when a broad, statutory public health standard 
    is applied, through an operational definition, to a particular risk.
        Operational definitions serve as a bridge between the underlying 
    standard and the measures that are developed to achieve the desired 
    level of protection. In the above example, the primary measure that the 
    United States uses to achieve its level of protection for food 
    additives is an approved level of the additive that is permissible in a 
    particular food.
        Quantification is not the only way to provide a level of 
    protection, and in many situations quantification is not practical. An 
    excellent example of a
    [[Page 30597]]
    level of protection that is qualitative rather than quantitative is 
    that provided by the food safety processing system known as Hazard 
    Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), which FDA has mandated for the 
    processing of seafood. The statutory standard from which this 
    protection derives states that food should not be prepared, packed, or 
    held under conditions ``whereby it may have been rendered injurious to 
    health'' (section 402(a)(4) of the act). Concerns about the conditions 
    under which seafood is processed led FDA to conclude that to give this 
    standard meaning in the circumstances under which seafood is processed, 
    it would be necessary to impose a prevention-oriented system of food 
    safety controls which would operate to define the statutory standard by 
    ensuring that hazards are identified in advance and then prevented or 
    reduced to an acceptable level through the application of several 
    specific principles (see the preamble to FDA's seafood regulations (60 
    FR 65096). The primary measure by which this level of protection is 
    achieved is a regulation that requires that food processors establish 
    and operate under such a system (21 CFR part 123).
    B. Measures for Achieving U.S. Levels of Protection
        As the previous examples demonstrate, the United States provides 
    protections both through outcome (whether the food contains an 
    unapproved substance or an undesirable substance in sufficient quantity 
    to adulterate it) and method of production (i.e., whether the 
    conditions under which a food is prepared, packed, or held are 
    conducive to producing a safe product). It is important to recognize 
    that food is adulterated under U.S. law unless there is adherence to 
    all applicable protections. A food might be free of contaminants, and 
    thus be consistent with the protections extended by law in that 
    respect, but still be adulterated under section 402(A)(4) of the act 
    because it was processed under insanitary conditions whereby it may 
    have become contaminated.
        Thus, the U.S. regulatory system for food addresses both outcome 
    and processing. As a practical matter, therefore, FDA would expect that 
    another country's SPS measures must also address both outcome and 
    processing if those measures are to provide assurance that food offered 
    for export to the United States meets the U.S. level of protection.
    1. Outcome
        In establishing and enforcing tolerances, or maximum residue levels 
    (MRL's), for food contaminants or residues of pesticides or veterinary 
    drugs in foods as risk management measures, the United States ensures 
    that its levels of protection are met. MRL's are based on assessments 
    of the risks to human health and specifically to the health of U.S. 
    consumers. These assessments take into account factors such as 
    toxicity, expected residue levels based on labeled use of the product, 
    and expected dietary exposures based on the U.S. diet.
        As these factors suggest, the U.S. MRL's are based in part on 
    domestic circumstances. It is not clear how a less stringent MRL could, 
    alone, address these factors in a way that achieves the same level of 
    protection for U.S. consumers as the U.S. MRL. Further, food containing 
    contaminants or residues in excess of U.S. MRL's are deemed to be 
    adulterated under U.S. law. Therefore, as a practical matter, as part 
    of evaluating whether a foreign regulatory system can be judged 
    equivalent, the agency would expect adequate assurances that U.S. MRL's 
    will not be exceeded in those foods being exported to the United 
        It may be possible for a country with a less stringent MRL, or no 
    MRL, to achieve equivalence, however, if it can demonstrate that the 
    products that it exports to the U.S. will not contain contaminants in 
    excess of the U.S. MRL. If, for example, the United States has 
    established level ``L'' for a particular contaminant in a food, an 
    exporting country could demonstrate that the food that it exports to 
    the United States will not contain the contaminant because conditions 
    do not exist there whereby the food would be exposed to the contaminant 
    or contain levels in excess of the U.S. MRL.
        An exporting country could also seek to present scientific evidence 
    to demonstrate that the United States could meet its own level of 
    protection with a less stringent MRL. While importing countries may 
    occasionally revise older MRL's on the basis of such demonstrations, 
    FDA expects that these revisions will occur only in limited situations 
    if the importing country already bases its SPS measures on science, as 
    does the United States.
        In addition to tolerances, or MRL's, which are considered binding 
    under U.S. law, FDA has provided ``action levels'' for contaminants as 
    nonbinding guidance for FDA, industry, and the public about the level 
    at which the contaminants in question may pose a health risk, based on 
    available science. In providing nonbinding regulatory guidance, FDA may 
    choose to take regulatory action when it finds that an action level has 
    been exceeded or decide to exercise discretion based on the 
    circumstances and risks posed by the particular case. Nevertheless, the 
    manner in which the action level is applied to domestic products and to 
    imports should be the same, and action levels should be taken into 
    account when determining equivalence.
    2. Conditions of Production
        How a product is prepared, packed, or held can be of great 
    importance to the safety of the product. As with the issuance of 
    tolerances or MRL's, FDA periodically issues regulations on how certain 
    foods must be processed to ensure that the foods are safe, and that 
    U.S. levels of protection are met. The agency engages in inspections of 
    processing establishments to determine whether these processing 
    requirements are being carried out.
        Attention to processing helps ensure that food is safe by 
    preventing potential food safety problems and by ensuring that 
    processors are aware of problems that may develop, and that they 
    address those problems when they do occur. Sanitary and phytosanitary 
    measures are credible to the extent that they decrease the likelihood 
    that problems will occur, or increase the likelihood that problems will 
    be discovered and corrected quickly, even when the regulatory inspector 
    is not present.
        End-product testing, which measures outcome, cannot generally be 
    relied upon exclusively to provide an adequate level of protection 
    because it only tests for a specific risk or group of risks on a 
    particular day. The results of end-product sampling may or may not be 
    representative of the actual, continuing risk, depending upon product 
    uniformity, the amount of sampling, and other factors. Processing 
    controls coupled with adequate verification by a regulatory authority 
    provide an essential assurance that food will not present unacceptable 
    risks. Processing controls can assure that the level of protection is 
    met in many circumstances where end-product testing alone realistically 
        FDA, therefore, has issued several regulations that focus on how 
    food is to be processed. The overall purpose of these regulations is to 
    require that processing methods and equipment be appropriate to control 
    potential risks. The regulations take into account available scientific 
    evidence on food safety hazards and controls, relevant processes and 
    production methods, and relevant economic factors, including costs and 
    benefits. One of these regulations establishes basic sanitation 
    principles and good manufacturing practices for all foods (``Current 
    [[Page 30598]]
    Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Food,'' 
    (part 110 (21 CFR part 110)). Others require a specific processing 
    regimen to control a particular problem or problems in certain types of 
    foods. These regulations are key elements in FDA's regulatory system.
        For purposes of equivalence, therefore, FDA will be looking for SPS 
    measures established by an exporting country that fully address the 
    objectives and purposes of applicable FDA regulations. FDA's 
    examination may occur on a provision-by-provision basis, or on some 
    other basis, as the agency deems necessary. To the extent possible, for 
    example, differences in requirements affecting the actual physical 
    dimensions or components of equipment (e.g., hand washing equipment for 
    employees) will generally be less important than whether the broader 
    public health purposes or objectives to which the equipment relates 
    (i.e., personnel hygiene) are being adequately addressed. In any event, 
    FDA will be prepared to articulate the objectives or purposes of its 
    regulatory provisions during consultations on equivalence with foreign 
    3. Labeling and Other Special Considerations
        FDA notes that the SPS Agreement includes labeling within its 
    definition of sanitary or phytosanitary measures. Not all labeling 
    falls within this definition, however. Regarding labeling that does 
    meet the definition, it is not clear to FDA how labeling that fails to 
    meet U.S. requirements could be equivalent to these requirements. 
    Therefore, the agency is not offering criteria at this time on how such 
    labeling could be found to be equivalent and invites comment on whether 
    differing SPS labeling requirements can be equivalent, and how 
    determinations of equivalence should be made.
        Similar difficulties may be presented by particular types of foods 
    (e.g., infant formula and medical foods), which are subject to special 
    statutory requirements (see section 412 of the act (21 U.S.C. 350a)). 
    Therefore, FDA also requests comment about how it should handle 
    equivalence determinations for those types of products.
    4. Elements of the U.S. Regulatory System
        As indicated previously, SPS measures include laws, decrees, 
    regulations, and related matters. Clearly, the operations and functions 
    of a country's regulatory system, which implements laws and issues 
    decrees and regulations, constitute SPS measures. It is thus necessary 
    to identify the elements of the U.S. regulatory system and the purposes 
    that these elements serve in order that foreign regulatory systems can 
    be compared against these measures and purposes.
        For foods regulated by FDA, there are essentially two layers of 
    regulatory authority: Federal or national authority, represented 
    primarily by FDA, with regulatory jurisdiction over food in interstate 
    commerce, as broadly defined in relevant case law, and individual State 
    and local regulatory systems, with regulatory jurisdiction over food 
    within their boundaries. The State systems are germane for purposes of 
    ``two way'' equivalence primarily because States engage in regulatory 
    inspections of food processors in addition to those conducted by FDA. 
    Inspections, as discussed below, are a key element of the U.S. 
    regulatory system.
        The elements of the U.S. regulatory system may be thought of as 
    falling into two broad categories. The first is infrastructure, which 
    includes applicable law and the government bodies charged with 
    implementing the law. The second category is implementation, or 
    performance, which relates to how the infrastructure actually operates 
    to prevent and control food-related risks. It is worth pointing out 
    that, under the U.S. system, private food producers are responsible for 
    producing safe food, while government is essentially responsible for 
    verifying that producers are meeting their obligations and for taking 
    remedial action when they fail to do so.
        a. Infrastructure.
        1. Law. The United States has national law that includes the 
    following purposes:
         To prohibit the introduction of adulterated or misbranded 
    food into commerce;
         To broadly establish what constitutes adulteration and 
         To authorize national regulatory agencies with the power 
    to establish standards for foods (including how it is prepared, packed, 
    and held), to conduct mandatory inspections of food processors, to 
    issue processing requirements for food, and to take enforcement action 
    to prevent adulterated or misbranded food from entering commerce and to 
    remove it from any stage of interstate commerce if found.
        In order for equivalence to be achieved, a foreign country needs to 
    have laws applicable to food to be exported to the United States that 
    achieve essentially the same objectives and will meet U.S. levels of 
    protection. In addition, as discussed below, the foreign country must 
    have the authority to implement the law in an appropriate way and must 
    be, in fact, doing so.
        2. Regulatory authority. The United States has national regulatory 
    agencies that implement Federal food safety law applicable to all food 
    in interstate commerce in the United States, including food to be 
    exported. Essential characteristics of these agencies include, but are 
    not limited to, the following:
           A regulatory infrastructure capable of, and engaged in, 
    identifying existing and potential public health problems associated 
    with food and capable of establishing appropriate regulatory policy 
    with regard to such problems, including, but not limited to, the 
    establishment of scientifically-based regulatory standards, processing 
    requirements, and guidelines. This capability includes the ability, 
    either within the agency or through contact with other agencies, to 
    determine the causes of illness from foods that may be consumed 
    domestically or shipped for export.
          An inspection infrastructure capable of, through 
    appropriate training and experience, and engaged in conducting 
    mandatory inspections of commercial entities that prepare, pack, and 
    handle food to determine whether these entities are meeting their 
    responsibility to produce food that is not adulterated. Inspections 
    should include both observation and the taking of product samples for 
    laboratory or organoleptic examination.
          A laboratory infrastructure that is capable of, and 
    engaged in, analyzing samples to determine the presence and quantity of 
    adulterants that are reasonably likely to affect food, including but 
    not limited to pathogens, chemicals, toxins, and parasites. The 
    methodologies used should have, in most cases, been approved or 
    validated by recognized entities that are competent to evaluate such 
    methods. The competency of the laboratories to use these methods has 
    been appropriately evaluated and maintained through extensive quality 
    assurance programs.
          An enforcement infrastructure that is capable of, and 
    engaged in, reviewing the findings from inspections and making rapid 
    determinations as to whether regulatory action is necessary to resolve 
    existing or potential public health problems. Where regulatory action 
    is necessary, the enforcement infrastructure has available to it a 
    range of actions designed to remove violative product from distribution 
    and prevent a recurrence of the problem.
          An internal monitoring infrastructure to preserve the 
    integrity and credibility of the agency's food
    [[Page 30599]]
    protection system. The infrastructure must be able to issue and enforce 
    rules and procedures to promote ethical behavior, and to protect 
    against conflict of interest, among its employees.
        In order to be equivalent to the United States, a foreign country 
    should have a regulatory infrastructure with jurisdiction over food to 
    be exported to the United States that, at a minimum, possesses these 
    characteristics. It is not necessary that these characteristics reside 
    solely within a single government agency. They may be performed by 
    multiple agencies at a national level or, under a Federal-type system, 
    by a combination of national and local government agencies, as long as 
    there is adequate assurance that the functions are being carried out 
    adequately and in a reasonably consistent and coordinated manner.
        Also, FDA does not rule out the possibility that nongovernment 
    entities might be able to perform some regulatory functions under 
    strictly controlled circumstances. When any function is performed by a 
    nongovernment entity, such as a private inspection organization, there 
    must be sufficient government oversight of the private organization to 
    ensure that the relevant regulatory functions are being carried out 
    adequately and in a manner that preserves the integrity and credibility 
    of the functions. Ultimate regulatory responsibility must continue to 
    rest with the government. In determining whether equivalence exists 
    under such circumstances, FDA would expect the foreign government to be 
    engaged in rigorous oversight over the nongovernment entity.
        b. Implementation.
        Equivalent implementation is achieved when the foreign regulatory 
    infrastructure is carrying out its functions in a manner that provides 
    a reasonable assurance that the products being offered for import into 
    the United States meet our country's levels of protection and thus are 
    not adulterated under U.S. law. While FDA will examine each function 
    separately, the decision as to whether equivalence exists will be based 
    on a consideration of whether the foreign country's system as a whole 
    in some way provides the assurances that are provided by the U.S. 
    system. As indicated previously, the whole system must be able to 
    provide assurances beyond those that would be provided solely through 
    end-product testing.
        This examination may also take into account relevant conditions in 
    the foreign country. For example, in considering whether inspections 
    occur with sufficient frequency, FDA may consider sanitary and other 
    conditions in that country, and particularly in processing plants, that 
    bear on how much on-site presence and intervention by regulatory 
    authorities is necessary to provide adequate assurance that adulterated 
    products are not being exported. Furthermore, the degree to which 
    industry uses appropriate processing controls can influence the methods 
    and procedures by which government verifies compliance.
        When considering the performance of the country's regulatory 
    infrastructure, FDA intends to take into account experience already 
    acquired with that country, including historical data from FDA 
    monitoring of its products that are exported to the United States.
    Equivalence for Seafood
        Because FDA has already received requests for consultations on 
    seafood from a number of countries, the agency is including in this 
    Appendix specific guidance on determining equivalence with its seafood 
    HACCP regulations and with other features of its regulatory program for 
    seafood. FDA may choose to issue specific additional guidance for other 
    types of food at a later date.
    A. HACCP and the Prerequisites
        FDA's seafood HACCP regulations declare that fish and fishery 
    products in interstate commerce are adulterated if they are not 
    processed in accordance with the principles of HACCP and prerequisite 
    requirements for sanitation provided for therein (Sec. 123.6(g)), 
    regardless of whether the products may be otherwise adulterated. As 
    with other regulations, the FDA seafood HACCP regulations have the 
    force and effect of law. The regulations apply to imports into the 
    United States as well as to products produced domestically.
        In the absence of a determination of equivalence, imports must be 
    processed in compliance with the regulations. In any consultations 
    relating to equivalence, an exporting nation will be given the 
    opportunity to demonstrate that its own measures for the seafood that 
    is being exported from it to the United States are adequate to ensure 
    that the objectives and purposes of each provision of the U.S. 
    regulations will be met.
        The seafood HACCP regulations require that fish and fishery 
    products be processed under a system of preventive controls to ensure 
    the safety of the food for human consumption. As part of this system, 
    commercial processors must demonstrate the following: (1) A knowledge 
    of safety hazards to which their products are subject; and (2) the 
    ability to identify and apply controls that eliminate or minimize the 
    likelihood of the occurrence of those hazards in the products. HACCP is 
    essentially the opposite of end-product testing, which attempts to 
    detect problems after they have occurred. As a scientifically-based 
    processing control system, HACCP is able to achieve the level of 
    protection deemed appropriate for the risks posed by seafood. End-
    product testing or other types of process controls that do not involve 
    systematic, daily monitoring in conjunction with hazard analysis, 
    cannot achieve this level of protection.
        The preventive controls of HACCP are applied through the 
    application of seven internationally recognized principles, all of 
    which are required of seafood processors in the FDA regulations. These 
        (1) Conduct a hazard analysis.
        (2) Identify the critical control points (CCP) in the process. A 
    CCP is a point, step, or procedure in a food process at which control 
    can be applied, and a food safety hazard can, as a result, be 
    prevented, eliminated, or reduced to acceptable levels.
        (3) Establish critical limits for preventive measures associated 
    with each identified CCP. A critical limit is the maximum or minimum 
    value to which a physical, biological, or chemical parameter must be 
    controlled at a CCP to prevent, eliminate, or reduce to an acceptable 
    level the occurrence of the identified food safety hazard.
        (4) Establish CCP monitoring requirements.
        (5) Establish corrective action to be taken when monitoring 
    indicates that there is a deviation from an established critical limit.
        (6) Establish effective recordkeeping procedures that document the 
    HACCP system.
        (7) Establish procedures for verification that the HACCP system is 
    working correctly.
        These principles have been recognized in a Codex Alimentarious Code 
    of Practice for Food Hygiene guide. Countries seeking a determination 
    of equivalence regarding seafood should have measures involving a 
    system of preventive controls that honors these seven principles. There 
    is latitude regarding how countries mandate and operate such a system. 
    For example, FDA regulations contemplate a mix of processor and 
    government activities to fulfill the seventh principle, verification. 
    Hypothetically, however, a country electing to have its regulatory 
    agency conduct all verification activities would be given the 
    opportunity to
    [[Page 30600]]
    demonstrate that its verification procedures meet the purposes and 
    objectives of the U.S. requirement. It is worth noting that the 
    purposes and objectives of each provision of the seafood HACCP 
    regulations are addressed in the preambles to the regulations when 
    issued as a proposal (59 FR 4142, January 28, 1994) and as a final rule 
    (December 18, 1995).
        FDA's seafood HACCP requirements do not replace or supersede the 
    Good Manufacturing Practices regulations for all foods in part 110 (see 
    section VII.B.2 of this document). These provisions provide basic good 
    manufacturing practices for all foods. Countries seeking a 
    determination of equivalence must always demonstrate SPS measures that 
    meet the objectives and purposes of part 110, regardless of the types 
    of food that are to be the subject of the equivalence determination.
        In addition to the seven principles cited above, FDA's seafood 
    HACCP regulations require processors to engage in a sanitation program 
    as a prerequisite to HACCP (Sec. 123.11). The importance of good 
    sanitation as a prerequisite to HACCP is internationally recognized, as 
    exemplified by the discussions on this subject at the most recent 
    meeting of the Codex Alimentarious Committee on Fish and Fishery 
    Products. The FDA prerequisite program requires processors to monitor 
    and keep records of how, on a daily basis, they are meeting the 
    conditions and practices specified in part 110 relating to eight 
    fundamental areas of sanitation. Countries seeking equivalence should 
    have in place measures that meet the purposes and objectives of the 
    U.S. prerequisite requirements for sanitation.
    B. FDA's Seafood HACCP Guidelines
        FDA's seafood HACCP regulations provide the basic ground rules and 
    principles for establishing HACCP systems. For example, processors must 
    conduct a hazard analysis to determine what hazards must be controlled 
    through the seven principles of HACCP. The regulations themselves 
    contain little detailed guidance, however, regarding what the result of 
    that hazard analysis should be in a given situation.
        It would not be sufficient for a seafood processor to implement a 
    HACCP system that failed to properly identify all specific hazards that 
    should be identified during the hazard analysis process or that failed 
    to establish appropriate controls for those hazards. Therefore, to 
    provide guidance on what FDA would consider adequate in implementing 
    the regulations, FDA has issued guidelines entitled the ``Fish and 
    Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guide.''
        A country seeking a determination of equivalence for seafood should 
    be able to demonstrate that hazards identified by its system, and the 
    controls applied to those hazards, are appropriate to the purposes and 
    objectives of the seven principles of HACCP. When making the 
    determination for seafood, FDA will use the ``Fish and Fishery Products 
    Hazards and Controls Guide'' in evaluating the exporting country's 
    measures relating to the identification of hazards and the 
    implementation of controls for those hazards.
        As with a domestic processor, the exporting country has the 
    opportunity to demonstrate that hazards are being adequately addressed 
    through controls other than those described in the guidelines. 
    Moreover, during consultations with that country, FDA would be willing 
    to consider arguments that it is mistaken in its judgment regarding 
    hazards and controls (just as FDA is willing to listen to arguments of 
    this nature from domestic processors). In any event, there must 
    ultimately be agreement between the two countries on the outcome of 
    hazard analysis as well as on appropriateness of the other elements of 
    the program (e.g., the adequacy of controls for the identified 
        At the outset, FDA plans to conduct its reviews on a product-by-
    product basis, until such time as the agency has sufficient confidence 
    that it is no longer necessary to demonstrate adequate hazard analysis 
    and controls for each product to be exported from a particular country.
    C. Raw Molluscan Shellfish
        The safety of molluscan shellfish for human consumption raw or 
    partially cooked involves special considerations that must be taken 
    into account when determining equivalence. Because they are sedentary, 
    filter-feeding animals, molluscan shellfish can accumulate pathogens 
    and other types of contaminants that are harmful to humans. For 
    example, the positive relationship between harvesting areas 
    contaminated by sewage pollution and shellfish-borne enteric disease is 
    well established. Consequently, the condition of the water from which 
    they are harvested is critical to the safety of molluscan shellfish, 
    especially those that are intended to be consumed raw or partially 
        The U.S. program to ensure the safety of raw molluscan shellfish 
    centers around a classification system for opening and closing 
    molluscan shellfish harvesting waters. This aspect of the program is 
    run by the governments of U.S. States that possess shellfish harvesting 
    waters. FDA audits and evaluates these State programs. The procedures 
    and standards for classifying waters, and for conducting other aspects 
    of the program, are in a document known as the Manual of Operations of 
    the National Shellfish Sanitation Program. From FDA's perspective, the 
    Manual of Operations has the status of a guideline. Each State in the 
    program, however, has agreed to strictly adhere to it. Moreover, each 
    State in the program has agreed to reject shellfish that have not been 
    grown, harvested, or otherwise processed in accordance with the Manual 
    of Operations.
        Several countries have entered into MOU's with FDA for the export 
    of raw molluscan shellfish to the United States. (See FDA, 
    International Cooperative Agreements (November 1996); available from 
    National Technical Information Service.) Under these MOU's, the 
    exporting countries have agreed to comply with the Manual of 
    Operations, as if each were a U.S. State. Some of these countries have 
    expressed an interest in renegotiating these agreements as equivalence 
    agreements rather than compliance agreements.
        The Manual of Operations is comprehensive and highly detailed. 
    Where differences exist between an exporting country's program and 
    details in the Manual of Operations, judgments must be made about the 
    significance of the differences. Equivalence determinations should 
    focus on matters of significance. A country seeking a determination of 
    equivalence with the United States for raw molluscan shellfish needs to 
    demonstrate that its program meets the purposes and objectives of the 
    Manual of Operations wherever a significant difference exists between 
    its program and the provisions of the Manual.
        Dated: May 27, 1997.
    William B. Schultz,
    Deputy Commissioner for Policy.
    [FR Doc. 97-14600 Filed 6-3-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Comments Received:
Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Submit written comments by August 4, 1997.
30593-30600 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 97D-0202
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