97-14714. Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, Alcoholism Prevalence and Gene/Environment Interactions in Native American Tribes (a 10 Tribe Study)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 108 (Thursday, June 5, 1997)]
    [Pages 30871-30872]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-14714]
    National Institutes of Health
    Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, Alcoholism Prevalence 
    and Gene/Environment Interactions in Native American Tribes (a 10 Tribe 
    SUMMARY: Under the provisions of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and 
    Alcoholism (NIAAA), National Institutes of Health (NIH) has submitted 
    to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a request to review and 
    approve the information collection listed below. This proposed 
    information collection was previously in the Federal Register on July 
    1, 1996, and allowed 60 days for public comment. There were no requests 
    for additional information about this data collection activity, no 
    public comments were received. The purpose of this notice is to allow 
    an additional 30 days for public comment.
        The NIH may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not 
    required to respond to, an information collection that has been 
    extended, revised, or implemented on or after June 30, 1999, unless it 
    displays a currently valid OMB control number.
    Proposed Collection
        Title: Alcoholism Prevalence and Gene/Environment Interactions in 
    Native American Tribes (a 10 tribe study). Type of Information 
    Collection request: New. Need and Use of Information Collection: The 
    information proposed for collection in this study will be used by the 
    NIAAA to define the prevalence in alcoholism and associated problems in 
    tribes in which the rates of alcoholism have been reported to be widely 
    divergent. Additional information will be collected on severe trauma 
    and stress, alcohol availability and socioeconomic factors to identify 
    how these variables interact with hereditary factors in the development 
    of alcoholism and related problems.
        Frequency of Response: On Occasion. Affected Public: Individuals. 
    Type of Respondents: Native American adults. Estimated Number of 
    Respondents: 1000. Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 1. 
    Average Burden
    [[Page 30872]]
    Hours per Response: 6. And Estimated total Annual Burden Hours 
    Requested: 6000. There are no Capital Costs to report. There are no 
    Operating or Maintenance Costs to report.
        The annual burden estimates are as follows:
                                                   Responses per                                                    
           Type and  number of respondents           respondent    Total responses       Hours         Total hours  
    Clients--1000...............................               1             1000              6.0             6000 
    Total Number of Respondents--3000 (1000 per year)
    Total Number of Responses--3000 (1000 per year)
    Totals Hours--18000 (6000 per year)
    Request For Comments
        Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection is 
    necessary, including whether the information has practical use; (b) 
    ways to enhance the clarity, quality, and use of the information to be 
    collected; (c) the accuracy of the agency estimate of burden of the 
    proposed collection; and (d) ways to minimize the collection burden of 
    the respondents. Send written comments to Ms. Ronni Nelson, Laboratory 
    of Neurogenetics, Division of Intramural Clinical and Biological 
    Research, NIAAA, NIH, DANAC4 (Flow Labs), 12501 Washington Ave., 
    Rockville, Maryland 20852.
    Direct Comments to OMB
        Written comments and/or suggestions regarding the item(s) contained 
    in this notice, especially regarding the estimated public burden and 
    associated response time should be directed to the Office of Management 
    and Budget, Office of Regulatory Affairs, New Executive Office 
    Building, Room 10235, Washington, DC 20503, Attention: Desk Officer for 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: To request more information on the proposed 
    project or to obtain a copy of the data collection plans, contact Ms. 
    Ronni Nelson, Laboratory of Nuerogenetics, Division of Division of 
    Intramural Clinical and Biological Research (DICBR), NIAAA, DANAC4 
    (Flow Labs), 12501 Washington Ave., Rockville, Maryland 20852, or call 
    non-toll-free number (301) 443-5781.
    COMMENTS DUE DATE: Comments regarding this information collection are 
    best assured of having their full effect if received on or before July 
    7, 1997.
        Dated: May 21, 1997.
    Martin K. Trusty,
    Executive Officer, NIAAA.
    [FR Doc. 97-14714 Filed 6-4-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4140-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Institutes of Health
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Comments regarding this information collection are best assured of having their full effect if received on or before July 7, 1997.
30871-30872 (2 pages)
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