97-14717. Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; 15% Plan for Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Area  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 108 (Thursday, June 5, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 30821-30829]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-14717]
    [[Page 30821]]
    40 CFR Part 52
    [MD 053-3013; FRL-5835-6]
    Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; 
    Maryland; 15% Plan for Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Area
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: EPA is proposing conditional approval of the State 
    Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the State of Maryland 
    for the Maryland portion of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. serious 
    ozone nonattainment area to meet the 15 percent rate-of-progress (ROP) 
    requirements (also known as the 15% plan) of the Clean Air Act (the 
    Act). EPA is proposing conditional approval because the 15% plan 
    submitted by the State of Maryland will result in significant emission 
    reductions from the 1990 baseline emissions of volatile organic 
    compounds (VOCs) which contribute to the formation of ground level 
    ozone, and, thus, will improve air quality. This action is being taken 
    under section 110 of the Act.
    DATES: Comments on this proposed action for the 15% plan must be 
    postmarked by July 7, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments may be mailed to David L. Arnold, Chief, 
    Ozone/Carbon Monoxide, and Mobile Sources Section, Mailcode 3AT21, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency--Region III, 841 Chestnut Building, 
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19107. Copies of the documents relevant to 
    this action are available for public inspection during normal business 
    hours at the Air, Radiation, and Toxics Division, U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, Region III, 841 Chestnut Building, Philadelphia, 
    Pennsylvania, 19107. Persons interested in examining these documents 
    should schedule an appointment with the contact person (listed below) 
    at least 24 hours before the visiting day. Copies of the documents 
    relevant to this action are also available at the Maryland Department 
    of the Environment, 2500 Broening Highway, Baltimore, Maryland, 21224.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carolyn M. Donahue, Ozone/Carbon 
    Monoxide, and Mobile Sources Section (3AT21), USEPA--Region III, 841 
    Chestnut Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19107, or by telephone 
    at (215) 566-2095. Questions may also be addressed via e-mail at 
    donahue.carolyn@epamail.epa.gov. Please note that only written comments 
    can be accepted for inclusion in the docket.
    I. Background
        Section 182(b)(1) of the Act, as amended in 1990, requires ozone 
    nonattainment areas classified as moderate or above to develop plans to 
    reduce VOC emissions by 15% from 1990 baseline levels in the area 
    accounting for growth from 1990 to 1996. VOCs emitted during the summer 
    months contribute significantly to the formation of ground level ozone.
        The Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area is classified as a serious 
    ozone nonattainment area and is subject to the 15% requirement. The 
    Metropolitan Washington, D.C. ozone nonattainment area consists of the 
    entire District of Columbia (``the District''), five counties in the 
    Northern Virginia area and five counties in Maryland. The Maryland 
    portion of the nonattainment area consists of the Counties of Calvert, 
    Charles, Frederick, Montgomery, and Prince George's. These areas are 
    subject to Maryland's 15% plan.
        The Act sets limitations on the creditability of certain control 
    measures towards reasonable further progress. Specifically, States 
    cannot take credit for reductions achieved by Federal Motor Vehicle 
    Control Program (FMVCP) measures (e.g., new car emissions standards) 
    promulgated prior to 1990; or for reductions stemming from regulations 
    promulgated prior to 1990 to lower the volatility [i.e., Reid Vapor 
    Pressure (RVP)] of gasoline. Furthermore, the Act does not allow credit 
    towards reasonable further progress (RFP) for post-1990 corrections to 
    existing motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs or 
    corrections to reasonably available control technology (RACT) rules, 
    since these programs were required to be in-place prior to 1990. In 
    addition to these restrictions, a creditable measure must be either in 
    the approved SIP, result from a national rule promulgated by EPA or be 
    contained in a permit issued under Title V of the Act. Any measure must 
    result in real, permanent, quantifiable, and enforceable emission 
    reductions to be creditable toward the 15% goal.
        Virginia, Maryland and the District all must demonstrate reasonable 
    further progress for the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. nonattainment 
    area. The Commonwealth of Virginia, State of Maryland, and the District 
    of Columbia, in conjunction with municipal planning organizations, 
    collaborated on a coordinated 15% plan for the Metropolitan Washington, 
    D.C. nonattainment area (regional 15% plan). This was done with the 
    assistance of the regional air quality planning committee, the 
    Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee (MWAQC), and the local 
    municipal planning organization, the Metropolitan Washington Council of 
    Governments (MWCOG), to ensure coordination of air quality and 
    transportation planning. The Act provides for interstate coordination 
    for multi-state nonattainment areas. Because the interstate municipal 
    planning organization involved, MWCOG, meets the requirements of 
    section 174(c) of the Act, EPA has determined that the relevant 
    interstate coordination requirements have been fulfilled. In the 
    absence of an agreement to prepare a nonattainment area-wide plan, each 
    state could have developed and submitted a SIP revision to obtain the 
    15% ROP requirement independently of the others.
        Although the plan was developed by a regional approach, each 
    jurisdiction is required to submit its portion of the 15% plan to EPA 
    as a revision to its SIP. The 15% plan for the Maryland portion of the 
    nonattainment area was submitted as a SIP revision by the Maryland 
    Department of the Environment (MDE) on July 12, 1995. Because ROP 
    requirements such as the 15% plan affect transportation improvement 
    plans, municipal planning organizations have historically been involved 
    in air quality planning in the Metropolitan Washington, DC area. As 
    explained in further detail below, the regional 15% plan determined the 
    regional target level, regional projections of growth and finally the 
    total amount of creditable reductions required under the 15% 
    requirement in the entire Metropolitan Washington, DC ozone 
    nonattainment area. The three jurisdictions, Maryland, Virginia, and 
    the District, all agreed to apportion this total amount of required 
    creditable reductions among themselves. EPA is taking action today on 
    Maryland's 15% plan submittal, which addresses only Maryland's 
    responsibility for the 15% ROP plan in the Metropolitan Washington, DC 
        On March 4, 1997, Maryland submitted a draft revised regional 15% 
    plan for its portion of the Metropolitan Washington, DC nonattainment 
    area. Maryland scheduled a public hearing on the proposed revisions to 
    its 15% plan for March 3, 1997. EPA is taking action today on 
    Maryland's July 12, 1995 15% plan submittal with the knowledge that
    [[Page 30822]]
    Maryland will be making a formal SIP revision revising its 15% plan.
        EPA has reviewed Maryland's July 12, 1995 15% plan submittal and 
    has identified several deficiencies, which prohibit its full approval. 
    A detailed discussion of these deficiencies is included below in the 
    Analysis portion of this rulemaking action, and also in the Technical 
    Support Document (TSD) prepared by EPA for this action. Copies of the 
    TSD are available, upon request, from the EPA Regional Office listed in 
    the ADDRESSES section of this notice. Due to these deficiencies, it 
    cannot be affirmatively determined that the State's plan achieves the 
    15% ROP target for reduction in VOCs. Therefore, EPA is proposing 
    conditional approval of this 15% plan.
    II. Analysis of the SIP Revision
    A. Base Year Emission Inventory
        The baseline from which states must determine the required 
    reductions for 15% planning is the 1990 VOC base year emissions 
    inventory. The inventory is broken down into several emissions source 
    categories: stationary, area, on-road mobile, and off-road mobile. 
    Maryland submitted formal SIP revisions containing their 1990 VOC base 
    year inventory for the Maryland portion of the Metropolitan Washington, 
    DC area on July 12, 1995.
    B. Growth in Emissions Between 1990 and 1996
        EPA has interpreted the Act to require that reasonable further 
    progress towards attainment of the ozone standard must be obtained 
    after offsetting any growth expected to occur over that period. 
    Therefore, to meet the 15% ROP requirement, a state must enact measures 
    achieving sufficient emissions reductions to offset projected growth in 
    emissions, in addition to achieving a 15% reduction of VOC emissions 
    from baseline levels. Thus, an estimate of VOC emissions growth from 
    1990 to 1996 is necessary for determining whether the 15% reduction 
    target has been achieved. Growth is calculated by multiplying the 1990 
    base year inventory by acceptable forecasting indicators. Growth must 
    be determined separately for each source or source category, since 
    sources typically grow at different rates. EPA's inventory preparation 
    guidance recommends the following indicators, as applied to emission 
    units in the case of stationary sources or to a source category in the 
    case of area sources, in order of preference: Product output, value 
    added, earnings, and employment. Population can also serve as a 
    surrogate indicator.
        Maryland's 15% plan for the Maryland portion contains growth 
    projections for stationary, area, on-road motor vehicle, and non-road 
    vehicle source categories. For a detailed description of the growth 
    methodologies used by the State, please refer to the TSD for this 
        To estimate growth for area sources and non-road mobile sources, 
    Maryland used acceptable growth factor surrogates such as population, 
    employment and vehicle miles traveled (VMT). The travel demand computer 
    model, MOBILE5a, was used to project growth for on-road sources. The 
    State's methodology for selecting growth factors and applying them to 
    the 1990 base year emissions inventory to estimate growth in emissions 
    in area, on-road mobile, and off-road mobile sources from 1990 to 1996 
    is approvable.
        EPA, however, disagrees with the growth projections for the point 
    source category. Maryland's 15% plan projected that point source 
    emissions would remain constant for the period 1990 to 1996 because 
    Maryland assumes new source review (NSR) offsets and special rules for 
    modifications of sections 182(c) (6), (7), (8), and (10) of the Act 
    would prevent an increase in point source emissions. EPA does not agree 
    with this assumption for the following reasons:
        1. The revised NSR rules for source modifications were not 
    effective until November 15, 1992. Therefore, there may have been 
    modifications of sources of less than the significance level of 40 tons 
    per year (TPY) from 1990 to 1992. A potential 40 TPY increase could 
    represent a 0.1 to 0.15 tons per season day (TPD) potential increase 
    which is significant compared to the 1990 area-wide ROP (i.e., 1990 
    base year) inventory point source emissions of 18 TPD.
        2. The revised NSR rules do not apply to cumulative modifications 
    at a source of less than 25 TPY (de minimis modifications) nor to 
    construction of new sources of less than 25 TPY potential emissions. 
    For inventory purposes, point sources are defined as stationary sources 
    with the potential to emit 10 TPY or more.
        3. The NSR offset-related assumption does not address increases in 
    emissions from sources that operated at less than 100% capacity during 
    1990 that can legally increase their typical ozone season day emissions 
    by increasing the average daily production without triggering NSR 
    offset requirements.
        EPA cannot fully approve Maryland's point source growth projection 
    based upon the assumption that the NSR program would hold point source 
    emissions constant. As a condition of final approval, Maryland will 
    have to remedy this deficiency and revise the 15% plan to:
        1. Project growth in point source emissions between 1990 and 1996 
    using growth factors based upon an adequate surrogate in accordance 
    with the applicable EPA guidance documents. Such a projection may be 
    based upon more recent emissions data than 1990, e.g., from current 
    emission statements where available; and
        2. Adopt and implement, if necessary, additional creditable 
    measures to ensure that growth in point source emissions from 1990 to 
    1996 is offset.
        It is relevant to note that Maryland has included growth in point 
    sources, based on actual growth between 1990 and 1996, in the March 4, 
    1997 revised draft regional 15% plan subject to public hearing 
    scheduled for March 3, 1997.
    C. Calculation of Target Level Emissions
        The regional 15% plan calculates a target level of emissions to 
    meet the 15% ROP requirement over the entire nonattainment area. The 
    regional 15% plan projects emissions growth from 1990 to 1996 and 
    apportions among the three jurisdictions the amount of creditable 
    emission reductions that each jurisdiction must achieve in order for 
    the entire nonattainment area to achieve a 15% reduction in VOCs net of 
    growth. Each jurisdiction adopted the regional plan, which identified 
    the amount of creditable emission reductions which that jurisdiction 
    must achieve for the regional plan to get 15%, accounting for any 
    growth. The regional plan calculated the ``target level'' of 1996 VOC 
    emissions in accordance with EPA guidance.
        EPA has interpreted section 182(b) of the Act to require that the 
    base year VOC emission inventory be adjusted to account for reductions 
    that would occur from the pre-1990 FMVCP and RVP programs. First, the 
    regional plan calculated the non-creditable reductions from the pre-
    1990 FMVCP and RVP programs and subtracted those emissions from the 
    1990 ROP inventory. This yields the 1990 ``adjusted base year 
    inventory''. The target level is the 1990 ROP inventory less the sum of 
    the following:
        1. 15% of the adjusted base year inventory,
        2. The sum of the non-creditable reductions from the pre-1990 FMVCP 
    and RVP programs, and
        3. Any reductions resulting from post-1990 corrections to existing 
    [[Page 30823]]
    vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs or corrections to 
    RACT rules.
        There were no post-1990 emission reductions attributed to RACT 
    corrections or I/M corrections in the Metropolitan Washington, DC 
    nonattainment area, and the regional plan correctly claimed zero 
    reductions in the target level calculation. Table 1 summarizes the 
    calculations for the 1996 VOC target level for the entire Metropolitan 
    Washington, DC nonattainment area.
             Table 1.--Calculation of Required Reductions for the Washington, DC Nonattainment Area 15% Plan        
                                                                       District                           Washington
                                                                          of       Maryland    Virginia    D.C. area
                                                                       Columbia                             totals  
    1  1990 ROP Inventory...........................................       65.9       249.9       222.8       538.6 
    2  1990 Adjusted Base Year Inventory............................       56.3       216.9       190.7       463.9 
    3  FMVCP/RVP Adjustment (Line 1 less Line 2)....................        9.60       33.00       32.10       74.70
    4  15% Reduction Requirement = 15% of Adjusted Base Year (0.15                                                  
     x  Line 2).....................................................        8.45       32.54       28.61       69.6 
    5  RACT Corrections.............................................        0.00        0.00        0.00        0   
    6  I/M Corrections..............................................        0.00        0.00        0.00        0   
    7  Total 15% & Non-creditable Reductions (Sum of lines 3, 4, 5 &                                                
     6).............................................................       18.05       65.54       60.71      144.30
    8  Projected Growth 1990 to 1996................................        5.20       29.10       29.00       63.30
    9  1996 Regional Target Level (line 1 less line 7)..............  ..........  ..........  ..........      394.30
    10 Apportioned State Emission Reduction and Regional Total......       12.3        60.7        59.9       132.90
    11 Total Reductions Claimed in 15% Plan.........................       12.7        62.7        61.8       137.20
        The emission reduction required to meet the 15% ROP requirement 
    equals the sum of 15% of the adjusted base year inventory and any 
    reductions necessary to offset emissions growth projected to occur 
    between 1990 and 1996, plus reductions that resulted from corrections 
    to the I/M or VOC RACT rules that were required to be in-place before 
    1990. The target level, Line 9 of the table, is the 1990 ROP inventory 
    less the base 15% reduction (Line 4 of the table) and less all non-
    creditable emission reductions (Lines 3, 5 and 6 of the table). The 
    Metropolitan Washington, DC nonattainment area regional target level is 
    394.3 TPD. EPA has determined that the regional target level for the 
    Metropolitan Washington, DC nonattainment area has been properly 
    calculated in accordance with EPA guidance.
        The Maryland portion of the total 15% and non-creditable reductions 
    is 65.54 TPD. Thus, the target level for Maryland is 184.4 TPD. EPA has 
    determined that the target level for Maryland was also properly 
    calculated in accordance with EPA guidance.
    D. Creditable Emission Control Strategies in the 15% Plan
        The specific measures adopted (either through state or federal 
    rules) are addressed, in detail, in Maryland's 15% plan. The following 
    is a brief description of each control measure Maryland has claimed 
    credit for in the submitted 15% plan, as well as the results of EPA's 
    review of the use of that strategy towards the Act's ROP requirement.
    Reformulated Gasoline (RFG)
        Section 211(k) of the Act requires that, beginning January 1, 1995, 
    only RFG be sold or dispensed in ozone nonattainment areas classified 
    as severe or above. Gasoline is reformulated to reduce combustion by-
    products and to produce fewer evaporative emissions. Section 211(k)(6) 
    allows other nonattainment areas to ``opt in'' to the program. EPA 
    approved the request by Maryland to opt in to the RFG program. The 
    State claims a reduction of 9.2 TPD from its 1996 projected 
    uncontrolled on-road mobile source emissions using the MOBILE5a model 
    to determine the emission benefit. EPA has reviewed the Maryland 
    submittal's calculation of the benefits for this measure and finds that 
    the amount of reduction Maryland claims is creditable, but has not been 
    documented as required by the Act.
        In order to address these documentation and modeling issues, as 
    well as the requirements of the National Highway Systems Designation 
    Act (NHSDA), EPA is requiring Maryland to recalculate the mobile source 
    credits for enhanced I/M program, RFG and FMVCP (Tier I). The benefits 
    from RFG and Tier I must not be separated out on a tons per day basis 
    for each control measure, but rather all mobile source measures must be 
    included in the 1999 target level calculation run. This remodeling 
    assessment will therefore remove any potential for ``double-counting'' 
    the credit accorded to individual mobile source measures. The 
    requirement for a remodeling assessment is discussed below in the 
    section addressing credits for Maryland's enhanced I/M program. While 
    EPA will require Maryland to document and remodel the credits derived 
    from RFG under the remodeling condition cited in the enhanced I/M 
    section of this rule, EPA has no reason to dispute at this time that 
    the 9.2 TPD emission benefit claimed in Maryland's 15% plan from the 
    RFG program is creditable.
    Off-Road Use of Reformulated Gasoline
        The use of RFG will also result in reduced emissions from off-road 
    engines such as motors for recreational boats and lawn mower engines, 
    commonly used in summer months. Maryland claims a reduction of 1.2 TPD 
    from its 1996 projected uncontrolled off-road mobile source emissions. 
    Maryland used guidance provided on August 18, 1993 by EPA's Office of 
    Mobile Sources on the VOC emission benefits for non-road equipment 
    which are in a nonattainment area that uses Federal Phase I RFG. 
    Maryland has correctly used the guidance to quantify the VOC emission 
    reductions for this measure. EPA had determined that the 1.2 TPD 
    emission benefit claimed in Maryland's 15% plan is creditable.
    Post 1990 Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program (Tier I)
        EPA promulgated a national rule establishing ``new car'' standards 
    for 1994 and newer model year light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks 
    on June 5, 1991 (56 FR 25724). Since the standards were adopted after 
    the Act was amended in 1990, the resulting emission reductions are 
    creditable toward the 15% reduction goal. Due to the three-year phase-
    in period for this program and the associated benefits stemming from 
    fleet turnover, the reductions prior to 1996 are somewhat limited. 
    Maryland claimed a reduction of 1.0 TPD from the
    [[Page 30824]]
    Tier I using the MOBILE5a model to determine the emission benefits. EPA 
    has reviewed the methodology used by Maryland in calculating the 
    benefits for this measure and finds that the amount of reduction 
    Maryland claims is creditable, but has not been documented as required 
    by the Act.
        As described above, in order to address these documentation and 
    modeling issues, as well as the requirements of the NHSDA, EPA is 
    requiring Maryland to recalculate the mobile source credits for 
    enhanced I/M, RFG, and Tier I. While EPA will require Maryland to 
    remodel the credits derived from Tier I under the remodeling condition 
    cited in the enhanced I/M section of this rule, EPA has no reason to 
    dispute at this time that the 1.0 TPD emission benefit claimed by 
    Maryland in its 15% plan from Tier I is creditable.
    Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings (AIM)
        In EPA's most recent policy memorandum on AIM credits, ``Update on 
    the Credit for the 15 Percent Rate-of-Progress Plans for Reductions 
    from the Architectural and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings 
    Rule,'' dated March 7, 1996, EPA allowed states to claim a 20% 
    reduction of total AIM emissions from the national rule. Maryland 
    claimed a 20% reduction in AIM emissions under its 15% plan, which is a 
    reduction of 4.9 TPD from their 1996 projected uncontrolled AIM coating 
    emissions. In the March 7, 1996 memorandum, EPA allowed states to 
    continue to claim a 20% reduction of total AIM emissions from the 
    national rule in their 15% plans although the emission reductions are 
    not expected to occur until April 1997. As a result of legal challenges 
    to the proposed national rule, EPA has negotiated a compliance date of 
    no earlier than January 1, 1998. Even though the promulgation date for 
    this rule is now months beyond the end of 1996, it is EPA's intention 
    to still allow the amount of credit specified for the AIM rule in the 
    memorandum in states' 15% plans. EPA believes this is justified in 
    light of the significant delays in proposing the rule. Furthermore, EPA 
    believes the State has a significantly limited ability to effectuate 
    reductions from this measure through the state adoption process any 
    sooner than EPA's rulemaking schedule. If this final rule does not 
    provide the amount of credit that Maryland claims in its 15% plan, the 
    State is responsible for developing measures to make up the shortfall.
        Use of emissions reductions from EPA's expected national AIM rule 
    is acceptable towards the 15% plan target. Therefore, the 4.9 TPD in 
    Maryland's 15% plan are creditable.
    Consumer and Commercial Products
        Section 183(e) of the Act required EPA to conduct a study of VOC 
    emissions from consumer and commercial products and to compile a 
    regulatory priority list. EPA is then required to regulate those 
    categories that account for 80% of the consumer product emissions in 
    ozone nonattainment areas. Group I of EPA's regulatory schedule lists 
    24 categories of consumer products to be regulated by national rule, 
    including personal, household, and automotive products. EPA intends to 
    issue a final rule covering these products in the near future. EPA 
    policy allows states to claim up to a 20% reduction of total consumer 
    product emissions towards the ROP requirement. Maryland claimed a 20% 
    reduction or the equivalent reduction of 1.7 TPD from their 1996 
    projected uncontrolled consumer and commercial products emissions in 
    its 15% plan. For the reasons discussed above under the AIM rule 
    regarding delayed implementation of national rules, the EPA believes 
    the 1.7 TPD projected reduction in Maryland's 15% plan is creditable. 
    If this final rule does not provide the amount of credit that Maryland 
    claims in its 15% plan, the State is responsible for developing 
    measures to make up the shortfall.
    Autobody Refinishing
        In a November 29, 1994 memorandum, ``Credit for the 15 Percent 
    Rate-of-Progress Plans for Reductions from the Architectural and 
    Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coating Rule and the Autobody Refinishing 
    Rule,'' EPA set forth policy on the creditable reductions to be assumed 
    from the national rule for autobody refinishing. That memorandum 
    allowed for a 37% reduction from current emissions with an assumption 
    of 100% rule effectiveness (presuming the coating application 
    instructions were being followed). Maryland followed EPA's guidance to 
    determine the creditable emissions from this rule and claimed a 
    reduction of 2.5 TPD from their 1996 projected uncontrolled autobody 
    refinishing emissions in its 15% plan. For the reasons discussed above 
    under the AIM rule regarding delayed implementation of national rules, 
    EPA believes the 2.5 TPD projected reduction in Maryland's 15% plan is 
    creditable. If this final rule does not provide the amount of credit 
    that Maryland claims in its 15% plan, the State is responsible for 
    developing measures to make up the shortfall.
    Stage I Vapor Recovery
        Stage I vapor recovery is a control measure which substantially 
    reduces VOC emissions during the process of filling gasoline storage 
    tanks at gasoline stations. This measure can be applied in newly 
    designated nonattainment areas after the 1990 Amendments to the Act. In 
    the Maryland portion of the Metropolitan Washington, DC nonattainment 
    area, Stage I is a creditable measure in Calvert, Charles, and 
    Frederick Counties in Maryland because Stage I was not required in 
    these counties before 1990. The measure requires ``balanced submerged'' 
    filling of gasoline storage tanks at gasoline service stations.
        EPA policy allows emission reduction credits achieved in areas 
    implementing Stage I control measures after 1990 to be creditable 
    toward the 15% plan. Maryland estimates that this rule would result in 
    a reduction of 0.9 TPD from Stage I in Calvert, Charles, and Frederick 
    Counties. The 0.9 TPD projected reduction in Maryland's 15% plan is 
    Stage II Vapor Recovery
        Section 182(b)(3) of the Act requires all owners and operators of 
    gasoline dispensing systems in moderate and above ozone nonattainment 
    areas to install and operate a system for gasoline vapor recovery 
    (known as Stage II) of emissions from the fueling of motor vehicles. 
    Stage II vapor recovery is a control measure which substantially 
    reduces the VOC emissions during the refueling of motor vehicles at 
    gasoline service stations. The Stage II vapor recovery nozzles at 
    gasoline pumps capture the gasoline-rich vapors displaced by liquid 
    fuel during the refueling process. On November 15, 1992, Maryland 
    submitted a revision to its SIP to require the Stage II controls in all 
    counties of the Maryland portion of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. 
    ozone nonattainment area.
        Maryland had no pre-1990 Stage II controls in its portion of the 
    Metropolitan Washington, DC nonattainment area. Stage II is a 
    creditable measure in counties where these controls were not required 
    before 1990. Maryland estimates that the control measure will result in 
    a reduction of 7.9 TPD from the 1996 projected baseline of 11.7 TPD. 
    The Maryland 15% plan states that Maryland used the MOBILE5a model in 
    conjunction with gasoline throughput to determine the creditable 
    emission reduction. For this mobile source measure, the State submitted 
    limited documentation with regard to the
    [[Page 30825]]
    MOBILE5a runs and calculations done to determine credit. However, EPA 
    has no reason to dispute Maryland's methodology. This measure and the 
    7.9 TPD is creditable toward the 15% requirement of Maryland's 15% 
    Transportation Control Measures (TCMs)
        TCMs are strategies to both reduce VMT and decrease the amount of 
    emissions per VMT. TCMs are considered an essential element of control 
    strategies for nonattainment areas. Section 108(f)(1)(A) of the Act 
    classifies TCMs as programs for improved transit, traffic flow, fringe 
    parking facilities for multiple occupancy transit programs, high 
    occupancy or share-ride programs, and support for bicycle and other 
    non-automobile transit. Maryland's measures include TCM projects 
    programmed between fiscal years 1994-1999 in the transportation 
    improvement plan (TIP) under the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality 
    (CMAQ) Improvement Program and funded for implementation by 1996 in the 
    Metropolitan Washington, DC region. CMAQ provides funding for 
    transportation related projects and programs designed to contribute to 
    the attainment of air quality standards. TCMs are considered acceptable 
    measures for states to use to achieve 15% reductions. EPA guidance 
    requires that TCMs meet the following conditions to be creditable for 
    the 15% plans: (1) A description of the measure; (2) evidence that the 
    measure was adopted by the jurisdictions with legal authority to 
    execute the measure; (3) evidence that funding is available to 
    implement the measure; (4) evidence that all approvals have been 
    obtained; (5) evidence that a complete schedule to plan, implement and 
    enforce the measure has been adopted by the implementing agencies; and 
    (6) a description of any monitoring program to evaluate the measure's 
        Maryland provided the required evidence in the plan submittal for a 
    total emissions benefit of 0.2 TPD. Maryland used acceptable 
    methodology for calculating the emissions benefit for the TCMs. The 
    TCMs were all programmed and funded in the Washington Metropolitan 
    Region's Fiscal Year 1994-1999 TIP. EPA has determined that the 0.2 TPD 
    are creditable.
    Seasonal Restrictions on Open Burning
        Maryland has amended COMAR 26.11.07 to institute a ban on open 
    burning during the peak ozone season in Maryland's severe and serious 
    ozone nonattainment areas. Maryland considers the months of June, July, 
    and August the peak ozone season, because that is when ambient levels 
    of ozone in Maryland are usually the highest.
        This ban on open burning affecting the Maryland portion of the 
    Metropolitan Washington, DC serious ozone nonattainment area is a 
    measure to reduce VOC emissions. During the peak ozone season, the 
    practice of burning for the disposal of brush and yard waste as a 
    method of land clearing will be banned. These revisions were adopted on 
    May 1, 1995, and effective on May 22, 1995. Maryland submitted these 
    revisions to EPA as a SIP revision on July 12, 1995. EPA's direct final 
    approval of these revisions into the Maryland SIP was signed on January 
    31, 1997.
        The following open fires are not prohibited, as long as all 
    reasonable means are used to minimize smoke:
        1. For cooking of food on noncommercial property (cook outs);
        2. For recreational purposes (camp fires);
        3. For prevention of fire hazards that cannot be abated by any 
    other means;
        4. For the instruction of fire fighters or the testing of fire 
    fighter training systems fueled by propane or natural gas;
        5. For protection of health and safety when disposal of hazardous 
    waste is not possible by any other means;
        6. For burning pest infested crops or agricultural burning for 
    animal disease control;
        7. For good forest resource management practices;
        8. For the burning of excessive lodging for the purpose of re-
    cropping; and
        9. For testing fire fighting training systems.
        This ban is in effect during the ``peak ozone season''. During the 
    remainder of the year (September 1-May 31) Maryland's existing open 
    fire regulations apply. Current regulations require that a permit be 
    obtained before open burning can take place.
        The State of Maryland claims 3.7 TPD emissions reductions from the 
    seasonal open burning ban. EPA has determined that this emission 
    benefit is creditable to the Maryland portion of the Metropolitan 
    Washington, DC nonattainment area.
    Enhanced Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program
        Most of the 15% SIPs originally submitted to the EPA contained 
    enhanced I/M programs because this program achieves more VOC emission 
    reductions than most, if not all other, control strategies. However, 
    because most states experienced substantial difficulties with these 
    enhanced I/M programs, only a few states are currently actually testing 
    cars using their original enhanced I/M protocols.
        In the case of the Maryland portion of the Metropolitan Washington, 
    DC nonattainment area, Maryland has submitted a 15% SIP that would 
    achieve the amount of reductions needed from I/M by November 1999. On 
    March 27, 1996, Maryland submitted an enhanced I/M SIP revision that 
    calls for I/M program implementation in counties in the Metropolitan 
    Washington, DC nonattainment area and Washington County. The Maryland 
    enhanced I/M program is a biennial program with implementation required 
    to begin no later than November 15, 1997. The enhanced I/M submittal 
    consists of it's enabling legislation, a description of the I/M 
    program, proposed regulations, and a good faith estimate that includes 
    the State's basis in fact for emission reductions claimed from the I/M 
    program. On October 31, 1996, EPA proposed conditional approval of the 
    March 27, 1996 enhanced I/M SIP revision (61 FR 56183). The proposed 
    conditional approval listed numerous minor and major deficiencies, and 
    required Maryland to submit a letter within 30 days committing to 
    correct the deficiencies. Maryland received an extension and submitted 
    a letter dated December 23, 1996 committing to meet the requirements of 
    full approval outlined in the October 31, 1996 proposed rulemaking. 
    Full approval of Maryland's 15% plan is contingent on Maryland 
    satisfying the conditions of the conditional approval of its enhanced 
    I/M SIP by a date certain within one year of final conditional 
    approval, and receiving final full EPA approval of its enhanced I/M 
    program. If Maryland corrects the deficiencies by that date and submits 
    a new enhanced I/M SIP revision, EPA will conduct rulemaking to approve 
    that revision. If Maryland fails to fulfill a condition required for 
    approval, and its I/M program converts to a disapproval, then the 
    conditional approval of Maryland's 15% plan would also convert to a 
        In September 1995, EPA finalized revisions to its enhanced I/M rule 
    allowing states significant flexibility in designing I/M programs 
    appropriate for their needs (60 FR 48029). Subsequently, Congress 
    enacted the NHSDA, which provides states with additional flexibility in 
    determining the design of enhanced I/M programs. The substantial amount 
    of time needed by states to re-design enhanced I/M programs in 
    accordance with the guidance contained within the NHSDA, secure state 
    legislative approval when
    [[Page 30826]]
    necessary, and set up the infrastructure to perform the testing program 
    has precluded states that revise their enhanced I/M programs from 
    obtaining emission reductions from such revised programs by November 
    15, 1996.
        The heavy reliance by many states upon enhanced I/M programs to 
    help achieve the 15% VOC emissions reduction required under section 
    182(b)(1) of the Act, coupled with the recent NHSDA and regulatory 
    changes regarding enhanced I/M programs, rendered it impracticable for 
    many states to achieve the portion of the 15% reductions that are 
    attributed to I/M by November 15, 1996.
        Under these circumstances, disapproval of the 15% SIPs would serve 
    no purpose. Consequently, under certain circumstances, EPA will propose 
    to allow states that pursue re-design of enhanced I/M programs to 
    receive emission reduction credit from these programs within their 15% 
    plans, even though the emissions reductions from the I/M program will 
    occur after November 15, 1996. The provisions for crediting reductions 
    for enhanced I/M programs is contained in two documents: ``Date by 
    which States Need to Achieve all the Reductions Needed for the 15 
    Percent Plan from I/M and Guidance for Recalculation,'' note from John 
    Seitz and Margo Oge, dated August 13, 1996, and ``Modelling 15 Percent 
    VOC Reductions from I/M in 1999--Supplemental Guidance,'' memorandum 
    from Gay MacGregor and Sally Shaver, dated December 23, 1996.
        Specifically, EPA is proposing approval of 15% SIPs if the 
    emissions reductions from the revised, enhanced I/M programs, as well 
    as from the other 15% SIP measures, will achieve the 15% level as soon 
    after November 15, 1996 as practicable, pursuant to a February 12, 1997 
    memorandum from John Seitz and Richard Ossias entitled, ``15 Percent 
    VOC SIP Approvals and the ``As Soon As Practicable' Test.'' To make 
    this ``as soon as practicable'' determination, EPA must determine that 
    the SIP contains all VOC control strategies that are practicable for 
    the nonattainment area in question and that meaningfully accelerate the 
    date by which the 15% level is achieved. EPA does not believe that 
    measures meaningfully accelerate the 15% date if they provide only an 
    insignificant amount of reductions.
        EPA has examined other potentially available SIP measures to 
    determine if they are practicable for Maryland's portion of the 
    Metropolitan Washington, DC area and if they would meaningfully 
    accelerate the date by which the area reaches the 15% level of 
    reductions. The EPA proposes to determine that the SIP does contain the 
    appropriate measures. The TSD for this action contains a discussion of 
    other measures available for 15% plans. Maryland has taken credit for 
    several of these measures (or essentially similar measures), such as 
    reformulated gasoline, revised surface cleaning rules, etc., in the 15% 
    plan; and taken credit for measures that EPA must promulgate under 
    section 183(e) such as AIM coatings, consumer and commercial products 
    rule, and autobody refinishing. Provided below is a tabular summary of 
    this analysis. Measures for which Maryland took credit in the 15% ROP 
    plan are identified in the table below as ``In 15% Plan'' and are not 
    available as a possible alternative to I/M. The other programs that 
    Maryland included in the 15% ROP plan result in only a possible 2.28 
    TPD reduction and do not deliver in the aggregate, anything close to 
    the reductions achieved by enhanced I/M.
         Maryland 15% Plan Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Area Potential     
                                             Potential VOC reduction  (tons/
              Measures considered                          day)             
    Area Source Measures:                                                   
    AIM Coatings--Federal Rule.............  In 15% Plan.                   
    Consumer Products--Federal Rule........  In 15% Plan.                   
    Solvent Cleaning--Substitution/          In 15% Plan.                   
    Graphic Arts--Web Offset Control.......  1.44                           
    Autobody Refinishing--ACT control......  In 15% Plan.                   
    Landfills--Federal Rule................  In 15% Plan.                   
    Other Dry Cleaning--SCAQMD 1102........  0.81                           
    Stage I Enhancement--P/V Vents.........  In 15% Plan.                   
    Stage II--Vapor Recovery...............  In 15% Plan.                   
    Nonroad Gasoline--Reformulated Gasoline  In 15% Plan.                   
    Point Source Measures:                                                  
    Other Dry Cleaning--SCAQMD 1102........  0.02                           
    Stage I--P/V Vents.....................  In 15% Plan.                   
    Flexographic Printing--MACT early        In 15% Plan.                   
    Gravure Printing--MACT early             0.01                           
    Web Offset Lithography--ACT control....  In 15% Plan.                   
    Non-mandated On-Road Mobile Measures:                                   
    Reformulated Gasoline..................  In 15% Plan.                   
    I/M Reductions:                                                         
    High Enhanced in 15% Plan..............  In 15% Plan.                   
        EPA has determined that the enhanced I/M program is the only 
    measure that will significantly accelerate the date by which the 15% 
    requirement will be achieved. EPA proposes to determine that Maryland's 
    15% plan does contain all measures, including enhanced I/M, that 
    achieve reductions as soon as practicable. EPA proposes to allow 
    enhanced I/M reductions occurring until November 15, 1999 to count 
    toward the 15% emission reduction level for the 15% plan, since in 
    doing so, the state will reach a 15% VOC reduction as soon as 
        Maryland claimed a total of 23.2 TPD credit for this measure. In 
    its July 12, 1995 15% plan submittal, Maryland evaluated the I/M 
    program using EPA's MOBILE5a model with assumptions that called for 
    implementation of a centralized, IM240 test with pressure and purge 
    testing, and a program start date of January 1, 1995. Since the time of 
    the July 12, 1995 submittal, Maryland has revised its enhanced I/M 
    program and submitted the redesigned program to EPA.
        Maryland's I/M program is a biennial, centralized program network 
    using IM240 testing equipment scheduled to begin testing by November 
    1997. Maryland has designed its centralized network of testing stations 
    to accommodate biennial testing. EPA has determined that Maryland 
    cannot accelerate the reductions by initially requiring annual testing 
        1. Without additional testing stations other requirements of the 
    enhanced I/M rule relating to motorist convenience would suffer. 
    Motorist convenience is one important aspect that affects public 
    acceptance and effectiveness of the I/M program.
        2. Additional infrastructure changes (e.g. more testing equipment, 
    enlarging or building new testing stations, and the hiring and training 
    of additional inspectors) to the enhanced I/M program would not come 
    on-line in time to afford a substantial increase the amount of 
    reductions realized before November 15, 1999.
        3. The cost effectiveness of the program would be adversely 
    affected because the additional costs would not result in a 
    corresponding amount of reductions.
        EPA proposes to determine that the I/M program for Maryland's 
    portion of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area does achieve 
    reductions from enhanced I/M as soon as practicable.
        Because Maryland's revised I/M program is designed to meet EPA's 
    high-enhanced performance standard and will achieve essentially the 
    same number of testing cycles between start-up and November 1999 as 
    that modeled
    [[Page 30827]]
    in the regional 15% plan, EPA believes that Maryland's program will 
    achieve 23.2 TPD of reductions by 1999. However, EPA believes that 
    Maryland (with MWCOG) is best able to perform the definitive 
    determination because Maryland will use the same highway network model 
    that was used to determine the 1990 base year inventory and the 1996 
    on-road VOC emissions budget used for transportation conformity 
    purposes (The same highway network model is also used for conformity 
    determinations). EPA believes it would be appropriate to condition 
    approval of the 15% ROP upon Maryland remodeling the I/M benefits to 
    reflect all relevant parameters (start date, network type, test types 
    for exhaust and purge/pressure testing, waiver rates, cut points, etc.) 
    of the revised, enhanced I/M program and show the I/M reductions needed 
    to make the 15% reduction are achieved by no later than November 15, 
    1999. In performing this demonstration, the State should ensure that 
    Tier I and RFG benefits are considered. Benefits should not be 
    separated out on a tons per day basis for each control measure, but 
    rather all mobile source measures should be evaluated in the 1999 
    ``target level,'' as defined in the December 23, 1996 memorandum, 
    calculation run. EPA would further condition that such modeling would 
    be done in accordance with EPA guidance. EPA's guidance for remodeling 
    I/M for 15% plans includes: (1) A note to the Regional Division 
    Directors from John Seitz and Margo Oge dated August 13, 1996 entitled 
    ``Date by which States Need to Achieve all the Reductions Needed for 
    the 15% Plan from I/M Guidance for Recalculation,'' and (2) a joint 
    memorandum from Gay MacGregor and Sally Shaver dated December 23, 1996 
    entitled ``Modeling 15% VOC Reduction(s) from I/M in 1999--Supplemental 
        As it relates to Maryland's I/M program, EPA proposes a conditional 
    approval of the 23.2 TPD reduction from enhanced I/M in the 
    nonattainment area and Washington County, provided Maryland meets the 
    conditions of the October 31, 1996 conditional approval of the enhanced 
    I/M program; receives full EPA approval of its enhanced I/M program; 
    and remodels its enhanced I/M program using the appropriate, updated 
    parameters (e.g. appropriate start date, etc.).
        Further, EPA makes this conditional approval of the 15% plan 
    contingent upon Maryland maintaining a mandatory I/M program. EPA will 
    not credit any reductions toward the 15% ROP requirement from a 
    voluntary enhanced I/M program. Since the State's 15% plan claims 23.2 
    TPD from the implementation of a mandatory, centralized, IM240 plan, 
    any changes to I/M which would render the program voluntary or 
    discontinued would cause a shortfall of credits in the 15% reduction 
    goal. EPA is, therefore, proposing in the alternative to convert this 
    action automatically to a proposed disapproval should the State make 
    the I/M a voluntary measure.
    E. Emission Control Measures Not Evaluated
        EPA is not taking action at this time on the following control 
    measures contained in the Maryland 15% Plan submitted July 12, 1995:
    Graphic Arts
        This measure regulates emissions from formerly uncontrolled small 
    lithographic printing operations, such as heatset web, non-heatset web, 
    non-heatset sheet-fed, and newspaper non-heatset web operations. VOCs 
    are emitted from the inks, fountain solutions and solvents used to 
    clean the printing presses. This measure is modeled on EPA's draft 
    documents ``Offset Lithographic Printing Control Techniques Guideline'' 
    and ``Alternative Control Techniques Document: Offset Lithographic 
    Printing'' announced in the Federal Register, November 8, 1993. 
    Maryland claims 1.0 TPD in emission benefits from the 1996 projected 
    year inventory of lithographic printing sources. EPA is not taking 
    action on this control strategy in the July 12, 1995 Maryland 15% plan 
    submittal, nor crediting the 1.0 TPD reduction toward the 15% ROP 
    requirement in this rulemaking.
    Surface Cleaning Operations
        This measure amends the Maryland regulation for surface cleaning 
    (also called cold cleaning and degreasing) devices and operations for 
    area sources and requires more stringent emission control requirements 
    and enlarges the field of applicable sources. Maryland's 1996 
    projection year inventory in this source category is 3.7 TPD. Maryland 
    estimates that this measure would result in a 10% reduction of 
    emissions and with 80% rule compliance resulting in 1.5 TPD reduction 
    credits. EPA is not taking action on this control strategy in the July 
    12, 1995 Maryland 15% plan submittal, nor crediting the 1.5 TPD 
    reduction toward the 15% ROP requirement in this rulemaking.
    Municipal Landfill Emissions
        This control measure is a state control program regulating VOC 
    emissions from municipal landfills, utilizing landfill gas capture and 
    destruction systems. Maryland estimated that this rule would result in 
    a reduction of 0.7 TPD. EPA is not taking action on this control 
    strategy in the July 12, 1995 Maryland 15% plan submittal, nor 
    crediting the 0.7 TPD reduction toward the 15% ROP requirement in this 
    Pesticide Reformulation
        This measure requires the use of low-VOC content pesticides for 
    consumer, commercial and/or agricultural use. Maryland claims that this 
    measure results in a reduction of 2.5 TPD by applying a 40% overall 
    reduction to the 1996 base year projection emissions for pesticide 
    application. EPA is not taking action on this control strategy in the 
    July 12, 1995 Maryland 15% plan submittal, nor crediting the 2.5 TPD 
    reduction toward the 15% ROP requirement in this rulemaking.
    Non-CTG RACT to 50 TPY
        Section 182(b)(2)(B) of the Act requires that serious ozone 
    nonattainment areas adopt rules to require RACT for all VOC sources in 
    the nonattainment area not already covered by any Control Technique 
    Guideline (CTG) issued by EPA that has potential emissions of greater 
    than or equal to 50 TPY. Maryland revised its existing RACT regulations 
    to lower the major source threshold to include sources with allowable 
    emissions of 50 TPY or more, and to extend the geographic applicability 
    of the regulation statewide, which required RACT in Calvert, Charles, 
    and Frederick Counties for the first time.
        The State of Maryland requires the use of RACT coatings with 
    emission limits of 3.5 pounds per gallon for Miscellaneous Metal 
    Coatings. Also, Maryland will require controls on the oven vents of 
    bakeries, but this rule has yet to be approved into Maryland's SIP. EPA 
    is currently reviewing the bakery rule submitted by the State of 
    Maryland. EPA is not taking action on this control strategy in the July 
    12, 1995 Maryland 15% plan submittal, nor crediting the 0.3 TPD 
    reduction toward the 15% ROP requirement in this rulemaking.
    Non-CTG RACT to 25 TPY
        This measure involves expanding the required RACT standards to 
    point sources with the potential to emit in excess of 25 TPY of VOC. 
    States would be required to develop and implement new RACT regulations 
    for all non-CTG point sources with the potential to emit between 25 and 
    50 TPY not already regulated or required to be regulated under the 
    major source definition.
    [[Page 30828]]
    Maryland claims 0.3 TPD emission reduction from two sources: Andrews 
    Air Force Base and Stone Industrial. EPA is not taking action on this 
    control strategy in the July 12, 1995 Maryland 15% plan submittal, nor 
    crediting the 0.3 TPD emission reduction toward the 15% ROP requirement 
    in this rulemaking.
    F. Reasonable Further Progress
        The table below summarizes the proposed creditable measures and 
    those measures which EPA is not taking action on in this rulemaking 
    from Maryland's 15% plan for the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area.
    Summary of Creditable Emission Reductions in the State of Maryland's 15%
     Plan for the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Serious Ozone Nonattainment 
    Creditable Reductions:                                                  
    FMVCP Tier I....................................................     1.0
    Reformulated Gasoline                                                   
      On-Road.......................................................     9.2
      Off-Road......................................................     1.2
    Autobody Refinishing............................................     2.5
    AIM.............................................................     4.9
    Consumer/Commercial Products....................................     1.7
    TCMs............................................................     0.2
    Seasonal Open Burning Restrictions..............................     3.7
    Stage II Vapor Recovery Nozzles.................................     7.9
    Stage I Enhancement.............................................     0.9
    Enhanced Inspection & Maintenance \1\...........................    21.1
    Washington County...............................................     2.1
      Total Creditable..............................................    56.4
    Measures EPA is not Taking Action on in This Rulemaking:                
    Graphic Arts--Offset lithography................................     1.0
    Surface Cleaning and Degreasing.................................     1.5
    Non-CTG RACT to 50 TPY..........................................     0.3
    Non-CTG RACT to 25 TPY..........................................     0.3
    Municipal Landfills.............................................     0.7
    Pesticide Reformulation.........................................     2.5
      Total No Action...............................................    6.3 
    \1\ To conform with EPA's proposal of conditional approval of Maryland's
      I/M plan, EPA is proposing conditional approval of the reduction      
      credits from Maryland's I/M program claimed in Maryland's 15% plan.   
        EPA has evaluated the July 12, 1995 Maryland submittal for 
    consistency with the Act, applicable EPA regulations, and EPA policy. 
    On its face, Maryland's 15% plan achieves the required 15% VOC emission 
    reduction to meet Maryland's portion of the regional multi-state plan 
    to achieve the 15% ROP requirements of section 182(b)(1) of the Act. 
    However, there are measures included in the Maryland 15% plan, which 
    may be creditable towards the Act requirement but which are 
    insufficiently documented for EPA to take action on at this time. While 
    the amount of creditable reductions for certain control measures has 
    not been adequately documented to qualify for Clean Air Act full 
    approval, EPA has determined that the submittal for Maryland contains 
    enough of the required structure to warrant conditional approval. 
    Furthermore, the July 12, 1995 submittal strengthens the SIP.
        Based on EPA's preliminary review of the draft revised regional 15% 
    plan for the Metropolitan Washington, DC nonattainment area, sent to 
    EPA for comment by the State on March 4, 1997, EPA believes that the 
    amount of VOC reduction that Maryland needs to satisfy the 15% ROP 
    requirement in the Metropolitan Washington, DC area may be lower than 
    the 56.4 TPD accounted for with creditable measures in the July 12, 
    1995 submittal. The draft revised plan includes revised information for 
    the 1990 base year inventory and actual growth between 1990 and 1996, 
    as opposed to projected growth. The effect of these revisions may lower 
    the amount of creditable emission reductions Maryland needs to achieve 
    the 15% ROP requirement.
    III. Proposed Action
        In light of the above deficiencies and to conform with EPA's 
    proposed conditional approval of Maryland's I/M program, EPA is 
    proposing conditional approval of this SIP revision under section 
    110(k)(4) of the Act.
        EPA is proposing conditional approval of the Maryland 15% plan for 
    the Maryland portion of the Metropolitan Washington, DC nonattainment 
    area if Maryland commits, in writing, within 30 days of EPA's proposal 
    to correct the deficiencies identified in this rulemaking. These 
    conditions are described below. If the State does not make the required 
    written commitment to EPA within 30 days, EPA is proposing in the 
    alternative to disapprove the 15% plan SIP revision. If the State does 
    make a timely commitment, but the conditions are not met by the 
    specified date within one year, EPA is proposing that the rulemaking 
    will convert to a final disapproval. EPA would notify Maryland by 
    letter that the conditions have not been met and that the conditional 
    approval of the 15% plan has converted to a disapproval. Each of the 
    conditions must be fulfilled by Maryland and submitted to EPA as an 
    amendment to the SIP. If Maryland corrects the deficiencies within one 
    year of conditional approval, and submits a revised 15% plan as a SIP 
    revision, EPA will conduct rulemaking to fully approve the revision. In 
    order to make this 15% plan approvable, Maryland must fulfill the 
    following conditions by no later than 12 months after EPA's final 
    conditional approval:
        1. Maryland's plan must account for growth in point sources.
        2. Maryland must meet the conditions listed in the October 31, 1996 
    conditional I/M rulemaking notice, including its commitment to remodel 
    the I/M reductions using the following two EPA guidance memos: ``Date 
    by which States Need to Achieve all the Reductions Needed for the 15 
    Percent Plan from I/M and Guidance for Recalculation,'' note from John 
    Seitz and Margo Oge dated August 13, 1996, and ``Modeling 15% VOC 
    Reductions from I/M in 1999--Supplemental Guidance,'' from Gay 
    MacGregor and Sally Shaver dated December 23, 1996.
        3. Maryland must remodel to determine affirmatively the creditable 
    reductions from RFG and Tier I in accordance with EPA guidance.
        4. Maryland must submit a SIP revision amending the 15% plan with a 
    determination using appropriate documentation methodologies and credit 
    calculations that the 56.4 TPD reduction, supported through creditable 
    emission measures in the submittal, satisfies Maryland's 15% ROP 
    requirement for the Metropolitan Washington, DC area.
        After making all the necessary corrections to establish the 
    creditability of chosen control measures, Maryland must demonstrate 
    that 15% emission reduction is obtained in the Washington, DC 
    nonattainment area as required by section 182(b)(1) of the Act and in 
    accordance with EPA's policies and guidance.
        Further, EPA makes this conditional approval of the 15% plan 
    contingent upon Maryland maintaining a mandatory I/M program. EPA will 
    not credit any reductions toward the 15% ROP requirement from a 
    voluntary enhanced I/M program. Since the State's 15% plan claims 23.2 
    TPD from the implementation of a mandatory, centralized, IM240 plan, 
    any changes to I/M which would render the program voluntary or 
    discontinued would cause a shortfall of credits in the 15% reduction 
    goal. EPA is, therefore, proposing in the alternative to convert this 
    action automatically to a proposed disapproval should the State make 
    the enhanced I/M program a voluntary measure.
        EPA and the Maryland Department of the Environment have worked 
    [[Page 30829]]
    since the July 1995 submittal to resolve all the issues necessary to 
    fully approve the 15% plan. Maryland is aware of the above deficiencies 
    and has addressed many of the above-named deficiencies in the draft 
    revised plan. Maryland has stated that it intends to submit additional 
    information to address all deficiencies within the 15% plan. Therefore, 
    while some deficiencies currently remain in the 15% plan, EPA believes 
    that these issues will be resolved no later than 12 months after EPA's 
    final conditional approval. EPA will consider all information submitted 
    as a supplement or amendment to the July 1995 submittal prior to any 
    final rulemaking action.
        Nothing in this action should be construed as permitting or 
    allowing or establishing a precedent for any future request for 
    revision to any state implementation plan. Each request for revision to 
    the state implementation plan shall be considered separately in light 
    of specific technical, economic, and environmental factors and in 
    relation to relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
    IV. Administrative Requirements
        This action has been classified as a Table 3 action for signature 
    by the Regional Administrator under the procedures published in the 
    Federal Register on January 19, 1989 (54 FR 2214-2225), as revised by a 
    July 10, 1995 memorandum from Mary Nichols, Assistant Administrator for 
    Air and Radiation. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has 
    exempted this regulatory action from E.O. 12866 review.
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 600 et seq., 
    EPA must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the impact 
    of any proposed or final rule on small entities. 5 U.S.C. Secs. 603 and 
    604. Alternatively, EPA may certify that the rule will not have a 
    significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Small 
    entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises, 
    and government entities with jurisdiction over populations of less than 
        Conditional approvals of SIP submittals under section 110 and 
    subchapter I, part D of the CAA do not create any new requirements but 
    simply approve requirements that the State is already imposing. 
    Therefore, because the Federal SIP approval does not impose any new 
    requirements, EPA certifies that it does not have a significant impact 
    on any small entities affected.
        Moreover, due to the nature of the Federal-State relationship under 
    the Act, preparation of a flexibility analysis would constitute Federal 
    inquiry into the economic reasonableness of state action. The Clean Air 
    Act forbids EPA to base its actions concerning SIPs on such grounds. 
    Union Electric Co. v. U.S. EPA, 427 U.S. 246, 255-66 (1976); 42 U.S.C. 
        If the conditional approval is converted to a disapproval under 
    section 110(k), based on the State's failure to meet the commitment, it 
    will not affect any existing State requirements applicable to small 
    entities. Federal disapproval of the State submittal does not affect 
    its state-enforceability. Moreover, EPA's disapproval of the submittal 
    does not impose a new Federal requirement. Therefore, EPA certifies 
    that this disapproval action would not have a significant impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities because it does not remove 
    existing requirements nor does it substitute a new federal requirement.
        Under section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
    (``Unfunded Mandates Act''), signed into law on March 22, 1995, EPA 
    must prepare a budgetary impact statement to accompany any proposed or 
    final rule that includes a Federal mandate that may result in estimated 
    costs to State, local, or tribal governments in the aggregate; or to 
    private sector, of $100 million or more.
        Under section 205, EPA must select the most cost-effective and 
    least burdensome alternative that achieves the objectives of the rule 
    and is consistent with statutory requirements. Section 203 requires EPA 
    to establish a plan for informing and advising any small governments 
    that may be significantly or uniquely impacted by the rule.
        EPA has determined that the approval action proposed does not 
    include a Federal mandate that may result in estimated costs of $100 
    million or more to either State, local, or tribal governments in the 
    aggregate, or to the private sector. This Federal action approves pre-
    existing requirements under State or local law, and imposes no new 
    requirements. Accordingly, no additional costs to State, local, or 
    tribal governments, or to the private sector, result from this action.
        Under section 801(a)(1)(a) of the Administrative Procedures Act 
    (APA) as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
    Act of 1996, EPA submitted a report containing this rule and other 
    required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
    Representatives and the Comptroller General of the General Accounting 
    Office prior to publication of the rule in today's Federal Register. 
    This rule is not a ``major rule'' as defined by section 804(2) of the 
    APA as amended.
        The Regional Administrator's decision to approve or disapprove the 
    SIP revision pertaining to the Maryland 15% plan for the Metropolitan 
    Washington, DC area will be based on whether it meets the requirements 
    of section 110(a)(2)(a)-(K) and part D of the Clean Air Act, as 
    amended, and EPA regulations in 40 CFR part 51.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hydrocarbons, 
    Intergovernmental regulations, Reporting and recordkeeping, Ozone, 
    Volatile organic compounds.
        Dated: May 28, 1997.
    W. Michael McCabe,
    Regional Administrator, Region III.
    [FR Doc. 97-14717 Filed 6-4-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments on this proposed action for the 15% plan must be postmarked by July 7, 1997.
30821-30829 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
MD 053-3013, FRL-5835-6
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 52