96-14395. Exemption  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 111 (Friday, June 7, 1996)]
    [Pages 29142-29144]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-14395]
    [Docket No. 50-244]
        In the Matter of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation, R.E. 
    Ginna Nuclear Power Plant)
        On December 10, 1984, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued 
    Facility Operating License No. DPR-18 to Rochester Gas and Electric 
    Corporation (RG&E) for the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant (Ginna). The 
    license stipulated, among other things, that the facility is subject to 
    all rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission.
        The Code of Federal Regulations, Paragraph I.D.3, ``Calculation of 
    Reflood Rate for Pressurized Water Reactors [PWRs],'' of Appendix K to 
    Part 50 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 
    requires that the refilling of the reactor vessel and the time and rate 
    of reflooding of the core be calculated by an acceptable model that 
    considers the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of the core and of 
    the reactor system. In particular, Paragraph I.D.3 requires, in part, 
    that, ``The ratio of the total fluid flow at the core exit plane to the 
    total flow at the core inlet plane (carryover fraction) shall be used 
    to determine the core exit flow and shall be determined in accordance 
    with applicable experimental data.'' The purpose of this requirement is 
    to assure that the core exit flow during the post-loss-of-coolant 
    accident (LOCA) refill/reflood phase is determined using a model that 
    accounts for appropriate experimental data.
        Paragraph I.D.5, ``Refill and Reflood Heat Transfer for Pressurized 
    Reactors,'' of Appendix K to 10 CFR Part 50 requires that for (1) 
    reflood rates of 1 inch per second or higher, the reflood heat transfer 
    coefficients be based on applicable experimental data for unblocked 
    cores, and (2) reflood rates less than 1 inch per second during refill 
    and reflood, heat transfer calculations be based on the assumption that 
    cooling is only by steam.
        License Condition 2.D provided an exemption from 10 CFR 50.46(a)(1) 
    that the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) performance be calculated 
    in accordance with an acceptable calculational model which conforms to 
    the provisions of Appendix K (SER dated April 18, 1978). The exemption 
    will expire upon receipt and approval of revised ECCS calculations.
        By letter dated November 5, 1992, as supplemented on June 19, 1995, 
    RG&E (the licensee) requested an exemption from 10 CFR Part 50, 
    Appendix K, Paragraphs I.D.3 and I.D.5 based on revised ECCS 
        The November 5, 1992, exemption request was supported first by a 
    plant specific ECCS evaluation model (EM) using a methodology not yet 
    approved by NRC (WCAP-10924-P, Volume 2, Revision 2, Addendum 3). The 
    proposed EM would have supported the May 1993, 1994, and 1995 core 
    reloads. However, the WCAP-10924-P, Revision 2, Volume 2, Addendum 3 
    methodology has not yet been approved by NRC. On June 19, 1995, the 
    licensee supported the November 5, 1992, exemption request by an 
    updated plant specific EM using a methodology approved by NRC (WCAP-
    10924-P, Volume 1, Revision 1, Addendum 4). The proposed June 19, 1995, 
    EM includes larger peaking factors necessary to support conversion to 
    an 18-month fuel-cycle reload to begin in May 1996.
        The specific provision of Paragraph I.D.3 from which the licensee 
    requested an exemption, is the calculation of core exit flow based on 
    carryover fraction. The licensee stated that the prescriptions for this 
    calculation given in Paragraph I.D.3 were based on data for a bottom-
    flooding configuration design. The Ginna design relies on upper plenum 
    injection (UPI) for the ECCS injection during the reflood phase of a 
    large-break LOCA. UPI is not a ``lower flooding design;'' its ECCS flow 
    patterns, flow magnitudes, core cooling mechanisms, and, in fact, the 
    meanings and impacts of the terms ``inlet'' and ``exit'' are different 
    than those of bottom flooding plants. This EM described in WCAP 10924-
    P, Volume 1, Revision 2, Addendum 4, ``Westinghouse UPI Model 
    Improvements,'' dated August 1990, which has been generically approved 
    in a staff SER of February 8, 1991, determines core flow, including 
    flow ``exiting'' the core, flow ``entering'' the core, and flow within 
    the core and elsewhere within the reactor coolant system (RCS) in 
    accordance with applicable experimental data. The data are different 
    than that referenced in paragraph I.D.3, however, they were found 
    acceptable because they are specifically applicable to UPI designs. 
    Because of the differences between UPI design considerations and those 
    for bottom flooding designs mentioned above, the ``carryover fraction'' 
    as defined in paragraph I.D.3 is not calculated in the approved EM and 
    would not have the same technical significance if it were. The 
    licensee, therefore, concludes that, in using the approved UPI model 
    with its technical improvements for Ginna, it will not comply with 
    Paragraph I.D.3. The staff SER of February 8, 1991, finds WCAP-10924-P 
    EM contains an empirically verified model more directly applicable to 
    top flooding situations to calculate core exit flow, which satisfies 
    the technical purpose of this Appendix K, paragraph I.D.3 requirement 
    to determine the core exit flow, but does not comply with the letter of 
    the requirement.
        In more detail, the intent of the Appendix K, paragraph I.D.3, is 
    to assure that the calculation of core exit flow is performed using an 
    EM code model which has been verified against appropriate experimental 
    data for LOCA accident analyses. The Westinghouse COBRA/TRAC code 
    (WCOBRA/TRAC) consists of (1) Westinghouse Large-Break LOCA Best 
    Estimate Methodology, Volume 1: Model
    [[Page 29143]]
    Description and Validation, WCAP-10924-P, April 1986, and (2) a 
    Westinghouse Large-Break LOCA Best Estimate Methodology, Volume 2: 
    Application to Two-Loop PWRs Equipped with Upper Plenum Injection, 
    WCAP-10924, Volume 2, Revision 1, April 1988.
        To assess WCOBRA/TRAC's capability for predicting the correct 
    thermal-hydraulic behavior for upper plenum injection situations, 
    WCOBRA/TRAC has been compared to the Japanese Cylindrical Core Test 
    Facility data which models the interaction effects of upper plenum 
    injection in a large scale test facility. WCOBRA/TRAC predicts the 
    thermal-hydraulic effects of the upper plenum injection such that the 
    carryover of steam and water into the hot legs is more realistically 
        The staff finds that the exemption from Paragraph I.D.3 requirement 
    is acceptable because the licensee has provided an acceptable method to 
    satisfy the underlying purpose of the requirement that appropriately 
    models heat transfer mechanisms in UPI designs and application of the 
    regulation is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the 
        Paragraph I.D.5, dealing with refill and reflood heat transfer for 
    PWRs, provides heat transfer prescriptions for refill, reflood with a 
    flooding rate of less than 1 inch per second, and reflood with a 
    flooding rate of more than 1 inch per second for bottom-flooding PWRs. 
    The purpose of the paragraph is to assure that heat transfer in the 
    core is appropriately calculated in the refill and reflood phases of 
    post-LOCA recovery.
        Paragraph I.D.5.a requires that ``New correlations or modifications 
    to the FLECHT heat transfer correlations are acceptable only after they 
    are demonstrated to be conservative, by comparison with FLECHT data, 
    for a range of parameters consistent with the transient to which they 
    are applied.'' The licensee requested an exemption from the 
    prescriptions of this paragraph because the FLECHT data do not portray 
    UPI core heat transfer mechanisms as realistically as the more recent 
    data upon which the models in WCAP-10924 were based. The licensee also 
    indicates that the Ginna design is not lower flooding, and that 
    technical considerations are different between bottom flooding designs 
    and UPI design similar to those discussed above for paragraph I.D.3. 
    The licensee identified that the WCAP-10924-P EM contains an 
    empirically verified model which accounts for refill and reflood heat 
    transfer, which satisfies the purpose of the paragraph I.D.5.a 
    requirement. The heat transfer models in the approved UPI EM are based 
    on comparisons to data other than the FLECHT data cited in Paragraph 
    I.D.5.a, and comparisons to the applicable data demonstrate acceptable 
    conservatism (as identified in the staff SER of February 8, 1991). 
    Because of the differences in bases, it is not clear that the licensee 
    can demonstrate monotonic conservatism with respect to FLECHT data.
        Further, to meet the intent of Appendix K, paragraph I.D.5, which 
    is to use the most applicable data for LOCA accident analyses to 
    appropriately calculate heat transfer during the refill and reflood 
    phases; the WCOBRA/TRAC code has been verified against two independent 
    sets of experimental data which model the upper plenum injection flow 
    and heat transfer situation.
        The first series of tests which have been modeled by WCOBRA/TRAC 
    are the Westinghouse G-2 refill downflow and counterflow rod bundle 
    film boiling experiments (Westinghouse G-2, 17 x 17 Refill Heat 
    Transfer Tests and Analysis, WCAP-8793, August 1976).
        These experiments were performed as a full length 17 x 17 
    Westinghouse rod bundle array which had a total of 336 heated rods. The 
    injection flow was from the top of the bundle and is scalable to the 
    UPI injection flows. The pressures varied between 20-100 psia which is 
    the typical range for UPI top flooding situations. Both concurrent 
    downflow film boiling and countercurrent film boiling experiments were 
    modeled using WCOBRA/TRAC. Both these flow situations are found in the 
    calculated core response for a PWR with UPI.
        In addition to modeling these separate effects tests, WCOBRA/TRAC 
    has been used to model the Japanese Cylindrical Core Test Facility 
    experiments with upper plenum injection. The tests which have been 
    modeled included: (1) A symmetrical UPI injection with maximum 
    injection flow, (2) minimum injection flows with a nearly symmetrical 
    injection pattern, (3) a minimum UPI injection flow with a skewed UPI 
    injection, and (4) a cold leg injection reference test for the UPI 
        The results of these comparisons are documented and show that 
    WCOBRA/TRAC does predict heat transfer behavior for these complex film 
    boiling situations as well as the system response for upper plenum 
    injection situations.
        The effect of flow blockage due to cladding burst is explicitly 
    accounted for in WCOBRA/TRAC with models which calculate cladding 
    swelling, burst, and area reduction due to blockage. These models are 
    based on previously approved models used in current evaluation models 
    and on flow blockage models determined to be acceptable by the staff. 
    The effect of flow blockage is accounted for from the time burst is 
    calculated to occur. The fluid models in WCAP/TRAC calculate flow 
    diversion as a result of the blockage and take into account of the 
    blockage from the time the cladding burst is calculated to occur. Thus, 
    the heat transfer behavior is predicted for these complex film boiling 
    situations and, thus, the intent of Appendix K, paragraph I.D.5, which 
    requires flow blockage effects be taken into account, is met.
        The staff finds that the exemption from the paragraph I.D.5.a 
    requirement is acceptable based on the provision of an acceptable 
    method to satisfy the purpose of the paragraph and the application of 
    the regulation to calculate core reflood rates and heat transfer during 
    a LB LOCA.
        Paragraph I.D.5.b requires that ``During refill and during reflood 
    when reflood rates are less than one inch per second, heat transfer 
    calculations shall be based on the assumption that cooling is only by 
    steam, and shall take into account any flow blockage calculated to 
    occur as a result of cladding swelling or rupture as such blockage 
    might affect both local steam flow and heat transfer.'' The EM approved 
    for UPI plants which the licensee proposes to reference does base heat 
    transfer on cooling other than steam if other regimes are calculated to 
    occur. The bases of acceptability, including data comparisons, for this 
    are discussed in the generic SER for the EM. By using this methodology, 
    the licensee does not comply with this requirement, since the 
    methodology recognizes that for a top flooding design, the 
    preponderance of cooling water falls down into the core from above and 
    may or may not be vaporized. Because the licensee's model does not meet 
    the ``steam cooling only'' requirement of I.D.5.b, but provides an 
    approved alternate methodology (which does consider the thermal and 
    hydraulic effects of cladding swelling and rupture, as also required in 
    paragraph I.D.5.b) for calculating heat transfer, the staff finds the 
    exemption from the requirement of I.D.5.b acceptable, as compliance is 
    demonstrated not to be necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of 
    the rule.
        Section 50.12 of 10 CFR permits the granting of an exemption from 
    the regulations under special circumstances. According to 10 CFR
    [[Page 29144]]
    50.12(a)(2)(ii), special circumstances are present whenever application 
    of the regulation in question is not necessary to achieve the 
    underlying purpose of the rule.
        The staff finds that the requested exemptions for Ginna are 
    acceptable, since compliance with the literal requirements of the 
    paragraphs cited is not necessary given that the approved EM is based 
    upon appropriate experimental data, the approved EM satisfactorily 
    accounts for the cooling mechanisms in the Ginna UPI design for 
    calculations of core reflood rates and heat transfer during a LB LOCA, 
    and that the approved EM satisfies the purpose of the exempted 
        Thus, using the best-estimate thermal-hydraulic approved LBLOCA EM, 
    the underlying purpose of the Appendix K, paragraphs I.D.3 and I.D.5 
    requirements can be achieved.
        Accordingly, the Commission has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR 
    50.12, this exemption is authorized by law, will not present an undue 
    risk to the public health and safety, and is consistent with the common 
    defense and security.
        Accordingly, the Commission hereby grants an exemption from 10 CFR 
    Part 50, Appendix K, paragraphs I.D.3 and I.D.5. The staff also finds 
    that the LB LOCA EM described in any approved version of WCAP-10924-P 
    incorporated in the Ginna Technical Specifications may be used in core 
    operating report, and licensing analyses, and that further exemptions 
    will not be necessary unless the updated approved versions of the EM do 
    not meet other requirements of 10 CFR 50.46 and/or Appendix K.
        Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the Commission has determined that the 
    granting of the exemption will have no significant impact on the 
    quality of the human environment (61 FR 13891).
        This exemption is effective upon issuance.
        For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
        Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 31st day of May 1996.
    Steven A. Varga,
    Director, Division of Reactor Projects--I/II 1Office of Nuclear Reactor 
    [FR Doc. 96-14395 Filed 6-6-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
29142-29144 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 50-244
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