2021-11862. Notice of Action in the Section 301 Investigation of the United Kingdom's Digital Services Tax  

  • Start Preamble


    Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).




    On January 14, 2021, the U.S. Trade Representative announced a determination that the United Kingdom's Digital Services Tax (DST) is unreasonable or discriminatory and burdens or restricts U.S. commerce. This notice announces the U.S. Trade Representative's determination to take action in the form of additional duties of 25 percent on the products of the United Kingdom specified in Annex A to this notice. The U.S. Trade Representative has further determined to suspend application of the additional duties for a period of up to 180 days.


    June 2, 2021: The U.S. Trade Representative determined to take action in the form of additional duties of 25 percent on products of the United Kingdom specified in Annex A.

    November 29, 2021: The end of the 180-day suspension period for the additional duties.

    Start Further Info


    For questions concerning the investigation, please contact Benjamin Allen, Thomas Au, or Patrick Childress, Assistant General Counsels at: (202) 395-9439, (202) 395-0380, and (202) 385-9531, respectively; Robert Tanner, Director, Services and Investment at (202) 395-6125; or Michael Rogers, Director for Europe and the Middle East at (202) 395-2684. For specific questions on customs classification or implementation of additional duties on products, contact traderemedy@cbp.gov.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    I. Proceedings in the Investigation

    The United Kingdom has adopted a DST that applies a two percent tax on the revenues of certain search engines, social media platforms and online marketplaces. The United Kingdom's DST applies only to companies with digital services revenues exceeding £500 million and United Kingdom digital services revenues exceeding £25 million. On June 2, 2020, the U.S. Trade Representative initiated an investigation of the United Kingdom's DST pursuant to section 302(b)(1)(A) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (Trade Act). See 85 FR 34709 (June 5, 2020) (notice of initiation). The notice of initiation solicited written comments on, inter alia, the following aspects of the United Kingdom's DST: Discrimination against U.S. companies; retroactivity; and possibly unreasonable tax policy. With respect to tax policy, USTR solicited comments on, inter alia, whether the DST diverged from principles reflected in the U.S. and international tax systems including extraterritoriality; taxing revenue not income; and a purpose of penalizing particular technology companies for their commercial success. Interested persons filed over 380 written submissions in response. The public submissions are available on www.regulations.gov in docket number USTR-2020-0022.

    Under section 303 of the Trade Act, the U.S. Trade Representative requested consultations with the government of the United Kingdom regarding the issues involved in the investigation. Consultations were held on December 4, 2020. Based on information obtained during the investigation, USTR prepared a comprehensive report on the United Kingdom's DST, which is posted on the USTR website at https://ustr.gov/​issue-areas/​enforcement/​section-301-investigations/​section-301-digitalservices-taxes. The report includes a full description of the United Kingdom's DST, and supports findings that the United Kingdom's DST is unreasonable and discriminatory and burdens or restricts U.S commerce. On January 14, 2021, based on the information obtained during the investigation and the advice of the Section 301 Committee, the U.S. Trade Representative determined that the United Kingdom's DST is unreasonable or discriminatory and burdens or restricts U.S. commerce, and therefore is actionable under sections 301(b) and 304(a) of the Trade Act. See 86 FR 6406 (January 21, 2021).

    On March 31, 2021, USTR issued a notice proposing that appropriate action would include additional ad valorem duties of up to 25 percent on products of the United Kingdom to be drawn from a list of 69 tariff subheadings of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) included in the annex to that notice. The March 31, 2021 notice requested comments on the proposed action as well as on other potential actions in the investigation. Witnesses provided testimony at public hearings on May 3 and May 6, 2021, and interested persons filed written comments. Transcripts from the hearings are available on the USTR website at: https://ustr.gov/​issue-areas/​enforcement/​section-301-investigations/​section-301-digital-services-taxes. The written public submissions are available at: https://comments.ustr.gov/​s/​docket?​docketNumber=​USTR-2021-0007 and https://comments.ustr.gov/​s/​docket?​docketNumber=​USTR-2021-0008.

    II. Determination of Action To Be Taken in the Investigation

    In accordance with section 301(b) of the Trade Act, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that action is appropriate in this investigation. Section 301(b) provides Start Printed Page 30365that upon determining that the acts, policies, and practices under investigation are actionable and that action is appropriate, the U.S. Trade Representative shall take all appropriate and feasible action authorized under section 301(c) of the Trade Act, subject to the specific direction, if any, of the President regarding such action, and all other appropriate and feasible action within the power of the President that the President may direct the U.S. Trade Representative to take under section 301(b), to obtain the elimination of that act, policy, or practice. Section 304(a)(2)(B) provides that the U.S. Trade Representative shall make the determination of what action to take on or before the date that is 12 months after the date on which the investigation was initiated, or in this case, by June 2, 2021.

    Pursuant to sections 301(b) and (c) of the Trade Act, and in accordance with the advice of the Section 301 Committee, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that appropriate action is the imposition of ad valorem duties of 25 percent on products of the United Kingdom specified in Annex A to this notice. Annex A contains a list of 67 tariff subheadings, with an estimated trade value for calendar year 2019 of approximately $887 million. In making this determination, the U.S. Trade Representative considered the public comments submitted in the investigation, as well as advice of advisory committees. In determining the level of trade covered by the additional duties, the U.S. Trade Representative considered the value of digital transactions covered by the United Kingdom's DST and the amount of taxes assessed by the United Kingdom on U.S. companies. Estimates indicate that the value of the DST payable by U.S.-based company groups to the United Kingdom will be up to approximately $325 million per year. The level of trade covered by the action takes into account estimates of the amount of tariffs to be collected on goods of the United Kingdom and the estimates of the amount of taxes to be assessed by the United Kingdom.

    Section 305(a) of the Trade Act provides, in pertinent part, that the U.S. Trade Representative may delay implementation of the action to be taken for up to 180 days “if the Trade Representative determines . . . that a delay is necessary or desirable . . . to obtain . . . [a] satisfactory solution with respect to the acts, policies, or practices that are the subject of the action.” Pursuant to section 305(a), the U.S. Trade Representative has determined to suspend the additional duties for up to 180 days (that is, up to November 29, 2021) to allow additional time for multilateral and bilateral discussions that could lead to a satisfactory resolution of this matter.

    In order to implement this determination, subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS is modified by Annex A of this notice. Annex A is an effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on November 29, 2021, which is 180 days after the determination of action. In the event the U.S. Trade Representative determines that the suspension of the additional duties should be for less than a period of 180 days, USTR will issue a subsequent notice amending the effective date. For informational purposes, Annex B contains a list of the tariff subheadings covered by the tariff action along with short product descriptions. In all cases, the formal language in Annex A governs the tariff treatment of products covered by the action. As specified in Annex A, products provided for in new HTSUS heading 9903.90.07 will be subject to an additional ad valorem duty of 25 percent. The additional duties provided for in the new HTSUS heading established by Annex A apply in addition to all other applicable duties, fees, exactions, and charges.

    Any product listed in Annex A, except any product that is eligible for admission under `domestic status' as defined in 19 CFR 146.43, which is subject to the additional duty imposed by this determination, and is admitted into a U.S. foreign trade zone on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on November 29, 2021, only may be admitted as `privileged foreign status' as defined in 19 CFR 146.41. Such products will be subject upon entry for consumption to any ad valorem rates of duty or quantitative limitations related to the classification under the applicable HTSUS subheading.

    The U.S. Trade Representative will continue to monitor the effect of the trade action, the progress of discussions in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and G20, the progress of discussions with the United Kingdom, and may adopt appropriate modifications. If a modification to the action may be appropriate, the U.S. Trade Representative will consider the comments received in response to the March 31, 2021 notice.

    Start Signature

    Greta Peisch,

    General Counsel, Office of the United States Trade Representative.

    End Signature

    Annex A

    Effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on November 29, 2021, subchapter III of chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) is modified:

    1. By inserting the following new U.S. notes 28(a) and 28(b) to subchapter III of chapter 99 in numerical sequence:

    “28 (a) For the purposes of heading 9903.90.07, products of the United Kingdom, as specified in this note, shall be subject to additional duties as provided herein. All products of the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in this note are subject to the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.90.07. The duties imposed by heading 9903.90.07 shall be in addition to the general duty rates provided for in the applicable provisions of the tariff schedule.

    Products of the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in this note and that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99 shall be subject to the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.90.07, and any such duty exemption or reduction shall apply only to the permanent general rate prescribed in provisions of chapters 1 through 97 of the tariff schedule.

    The additional duties imposed by heading 9903.90.07 do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50 and 9802.00.60 and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50 and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations or processing performed in the United Kingdom and as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.

    Products of the United Kingdom that are provided for in heading 9903.90.07 and classified in one of the subheadings enumerated in note 28(b) to this subchapter shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing or other duties (including duties imposed by Start Printed Page 30366other provisions of subchapter III of this chapter and safeguard duties set forth in provisions of subchapter IV of this chapter), fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the additional duties imposed herein.

    (b) Heading 9903.90.07 shall apply to all products of the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated below:




































































    2. by inserting the following new heading 9903.90.07 in numerical sequence, with the material in the new heading inserted in the columns of the HTSUS labeled “Heading/Subheading”, “Article Description”, and “Rates of Duty 1-General”, respectively:

    Heading/subheadingArticle descriptionRates of duty
    “9903.90.07“Articles the product of the United Kingdom, as provided for in U.S. note 28(a) to this subchapter and as provided for in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 28(b) to this subchapterThe duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%”

    Annex B

    Note: The product descriptions that are contained in this Annex are provided for informational purposes only, and are not intended to delimit in any way the scope of the action. In all cases, the formal language in Annex A governs the tariff treatment of products covered by the action. Any questions regarding the scope of particular HTSUS subheadings should be referred to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. In the product descriptions, the abbreviation “nesoi” means “not elsewhere specified or included”.

    HTSUS subheadingProduct description
    3213.90.00Artists', students' or signboard painters' colors, in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles, pans or in similar packings, not in sets.
    3303.00.10Floral or flower waters, not containing alcohol.
    3303.00.20Perfumes and toilet waters, other than floral or flower waters, not containing alcohol.
    3303.00.30Perfumes and toilet waters, containing alcohol.
    3304.10.00Lip make-up preparations.
    3304.20.00Eye make-up preparations.
    3304.30.00Manicure or pedicure preparations.
    3304.91.00Beauty or make-up powders, whether or not compressed.
    3304.99.10Petroleum jelly put up for retail sale.
    3304.99.50Beauty or make-up preparations & preparations for the care of the skin, excl. medicaments but incl. sunscreen or sun tan preparations, nesoi.
    3305.20.00Preparations for permanent waving or straightening the hair.
    3305.30.00Hair lacquers.
    3305.90.00Preparations for use on the hair, nesoi.
    3306.90.00Preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders, excluding dentifrices and yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss).
    3307.10.10Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations, not containing alcohol.
    3307.10.20Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations, containing alcohol.
    3307.30.10Bath salts, whether or not perfumed.
    Start Printed Page 30367
    3307.30.50Bath preparations, other than bath salts.
    3307.49.00Preparations for perfuming or deodorizing rooms, including odoriferous preparations used during religious rites, nesoi.
    3307.90.00Depilatories and other perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations. Nesoi.
    4201.00.60Saddlery and harnesses for animals nesoi, (incl. traces, leads, knee pads, muzzles, saddle cloths and bags and the like), of any material.
    6104.43.20Women's or girls' dresses, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers, nesoi.
    6201.12.20Men's or boys' overcoats, carcoats, capes, & similar coats of cotton, not knit or crocheted, not containing 15% or more by wt of down, etc.
    6201.92.45Men's or boys' anoraks, windbreakers & sim articles nesoi, not knit/crochet, cotton, not cont. 15% or more by wt of down, etc, o/than rec perf outwear.
    6202.12.20Women's or girls' overcoats, carcoats, etc, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, not containing 15% or more by weight of down, etc.
    6202.13.40Women's or girls' overcoats, carcoats, capes, cloaks and similar articles, not knitted or crocheted, of man-made fibers, nesoi.
    6202.92.90Women's/girls' anoraks, windbreakers & similar articles, nt knit/crochet, cotton, nt cont. 15% or more by wt of down, etc, o/than rec perf outwear.
    6204.43.40Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers, nesoi.
    6204.44.40Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, of artificial fibers, nesoi.
    6204.49.10Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, containing 70% or more by weight of silk or silk waste.
    6205.20.20Men's or boys' shirts, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, nesoi.
    6215.10.00Ties, bow ties and cravats, not knitted or crocheted, of silk or silk waste.
    6403.59.30Footwear w/outer soles and uppers of leather, not covering the ankle, welt, nesoi.
    6403.59.90Footwear w/outer soles and uppers of leather, not cov. ankle, n/welt, for persons other than men, youths and boys.
    6403.91.30Footwear w/outer soles of rubber/plastics/composition leather & uppers of leather, covering the ankle, welt.
    6403.99.60Footwear w/outer soles of rubber/plastics/comp. leather & uppers of leather, n/cov. ankle, n/welt, for men, youths and boys, nesoi.
    6404.20.40Footwear w/outer soles of leather/comp. leath., n/o 50% by wt. rub./plast. or rub./plast./text. & 10%+ by wt. rub./plast., val. o/$2.50/pr.
    6903.90.00Refractory ceramic goods (o/than of siliceous fossil meals or earths), nesoi.
    6907.23.90Glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth, or wall tiles, o/t subheading 6907.30 and 6907.40, of a H2O absorp coeff by wt >10%, nesoi.
    6907.30.90Glazed ceramic mosaic cubes nesoi, o/t subheading 6907.40.
    6910.90.00Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) sinks, washbasins, baths, bidets, water closet bowls, urinals & siml. sanitary fixtures.
    7113.11.50Silver articles of jewelry and parts thereof, nesoi, valued over $18 per dozen pieces or parts.
    7113.19.29Gold necklaces and neck chains (o/than of rope or mixed links).
    7113.19.50Precious metal (o/than silver) articles of jewelry and parts thereo, whether or not plated or clad with precious metal,nesoi.
    7116.20.50Precious stone articles,nesoi.
    7117.19.90Imitation jewelry (o/than toy jewelry valued not over 8 cents per piece & rope, curb, cable, chain, and similar articles produced in continuous lengths), of base metal (wheth. or n/plated w/prec.metal), nesoi.
    8415.82.01Air conditioning machines incorporating a refrigerating unit, nesoi.
    8418.40.00Freezers of the upright type, not exceeding 900 liters capacity, electric or other.
    8418.50.00Refrigerating or freezing display counters, cabinets, showcases and similar refrigerating or freezing furniture.
    8418.69.01Refrigerating or freezing equipment nesoi.
    8532.24.00Ceramic dielectric fixed capacitors, multilayer.
    9001.10.00Optical fibers, optical fiber bundles and cables, other than those of heading 8544.
    9401.71.00Seats nesoi, w/metal frame (o/than of heading 9402), upholstered.
    9403.10.00Furniture (o/than 9401 or 9402) of metal nesoi, of a kind used in offices.
    9403.20.00Furniture (o/than 9401 or 9402) of metal nesoi, o/than of a kind used in offices.
    9403.40.90Furniture (o/than 9401 or 9402) of wood (o/than bentwood) nesoi, of a kind used in the kitchen & not designed for motor vehicl. Use.
    9403.60.80Furniture (o/than 9401 or 9402) of wood (o/than bentwood) nesoi.
    9403.89.60Furniture (o/than 9401 or 9402) of materials nesoi.
    9503.00.00Toys, including riding toys o/than bicycles, puzzles, reduced scale models.
    9504.50.00Video game consoles and machines, other than those of heading 9504.30.
    9504.90.40Game machines (o/than coin- or token-operated) and parts and accessories thereof.
    9504.90.60Chess, checkers, backgammon, darts and o/table and parlor games played on boards of a special design and parts thereof; poker chips and dice.
    9504.90.90Articles nesoi for arcade, table or parlor games & parts & access.; automatic bowling alley equipment & parts and accessories thereof.
    9508.10.00Traveling circuses and traveling menageries; parts and accessories thereof.
    9508.90.00Merry-go-rounds, boat-swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements; traveling theaters; parts and accessories thereof.
    9603.29.80Shaving brushes, hair brushes, nail brushes, eyelash and other toilet brushes for use on the person (o/than tooth brushes), valued o/40 cents each.
    End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2021-11862 Filed 6-4-21; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 3290-F1-P

Document Information

Trade Representative, Office of United States
Entry Type:
Document Number:
June 2, 2021: The U.S. Trade Representative determined to take action in the form of additional duties of 25 percent on products of the United Kingdom specified in Annex A.
30364-30367 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket Number USTR-2021-0007
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» Amendment to Product Exclusion and Product Exclusion Extension: China's Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation
» Determination Pursuant to Section 301: India's Digital Services Tax
» Product Exclusion Extensions and Additional Modifications: China's Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation
» Extension of Particular Exclusions Granted Under the $300 Billion Action Pursuant to Section 301: China's Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation
» Product Exclusions: China's Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation
» Product Exclusion Extensions: China's Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation
» Hearings: Trade Distorting Policies That May Be Affecting Seasonal and Perishable Products in U.S. Commerce
» Product Exclusion Amendments: China's Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation
» Review of Action: Enforcement of U.S. WTO Rights in Large Civil Aircraft Dispute; Amendment
» Extension of Particular Exclusions: China's Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation